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          ISSUE 6, SPRING 2011
Jaime Stein


    n a conversation at our 2010 Holi-      students, faculty and community have
    day party, Water Quality Systems        collaborated on adaptation and resil-
    professor, Paul Mankiewicz, and I       iency plans for our most vulnerable wa-
were enjoying the excitement of the end     terfront communities. Studios tackled
of semester and discussing the stellar      rising tide in Red Hook, economic and
company that we share within PSPD’s         social resiliency on the Sunset Park wa-
faculty. “Guild” was the descriptor Paul    terfront, and sustainability planning for
used. A fitting name for the concentra-     a coastal community near Goa, India.
tion of practicing architects, designers,   A Friday evening lecture series has
planners, advocates and scientists we       been initiated focused on the sustain-
represent. All unified in our belief in     able waterfront; I hope you will join us.
social justice and our pursuits of inno-
vation within our respective fields.        Indeed, our most recent curricular
                                            innovations are centered within the
It is in this spirit that I write the       science, design and policy of “green
introduction to our PSPD Spring 2011        infrastructure.” Green infrastructure
Newsletter, focusing on and illustrat-      represents the hybridization of our
ing faculty and student interests in and    buildings and sidewalks to enable
innovation with regard to water. From       stormwater capture, mitigate combined
comprehensive watershed and                 sewer outfalls, increase biodiversity,
waterfront planning to grass-roots water    and cool our cities. In addition to
quality advocacy and green                  hosting the Department of Environmen-
infrastructure design, our faculty and      tal Protection’s Green Infrastructure
student pursuits are having a major         Community Grant workshop February
impact on both the City and State’s         28th, we are developing, along with the
management of one of our most               Institute’s Center for Continuing and
precious natural resources, water.          Professional Studies, a professional               Spring 2011
                                            certificate in green infrastructure. We
The program I direct, Urban Environ-        will continue to explore research grants        CONTRIBUTORS
mental Systems Management, explores         for interested faculty and students. I                          Carter Craft
the nexus of environmental science,         encourage you to follow our research                           Toby Snyder
design and policy within our City’s         and progress toward innovative solu-                           Jaime Stein
management of solid waste, energy and       tions related to water management.                                 Ira Stern
water. Our faculty is leading the charge    • Jaime Stein is the Academic Coordinator for                 Laura Stinger
on water-related issues that are further    Urban Environmental Systems Management.                        Meg Walker
exacerbated by the impacts of climate                                                                        Kate Zidar
change. We do so with an unwavering
                                                                                             Cover Photo: Carter Craft
intent on addressing the challenges of
Climate Change. For over a year now
                                                                                                         PROGRAMS for
                                                                                                SUSTAINABLE PLANNING
 2                                                                                                   and DEVELOPMENT
Ira Stern

The Green Infrastructure of the
NYC Water Suppy

The Ridgewood Reservoir on the border between Queens and Brooklyn near Bushwick has been a contentious site between the community, who largely wants it pre-
served and trails restored, and the Parks Department, who has plans to fill it in and turn it into ballparks. For more info on the community preservation effort visit: Photo: dogtooth77 (Flickr)

        sually, when the NYC Water                       components to enhance supply’s stabil-                    in lost communities include a host of
        Supply is described, there tends                 ity, performance, and longevity. While                    stormwater swales and vegetated buffer
        to be a focus on the thousands                   it is well understood that the water-                     zones that require constant upkeep.
of miles of water mains, hundreds of                     shed itself is comprised of natural and                   Hydropower facilities were constructed
miles of tunnels, stone waterworks                       managed areas that produce the clean                      at the outlet of tunnels that move water
buildings, dams and spillways, and                       water that New York City is known for,                    from one reservoir to another.
industrial-sized treatment facilities.                   there are significant City owned assets
This ‘grey’ infrastructure is critical to                of green infrastructure that are operated                 A major component of the 1997
delivering water to half of NY State’s                   and maintained on a daily, albeit quiet,                  Watershed Agreement was to increase
population and is the target of a sig-                   basis.                                                    the original buffer lands through land
nificant proportion of the City’s capital                                                                          acquisition into the watersheds them-
budget.                                                  This green infrastructure includes                        selves. Protecting land permanently
                                                         reservoir buffer lands that include                       and keeping it in its natural state is
However, the water supply is as de-                      forestland, fields, wetlands, and                         a more reliable strategy than control-
pendent on its ‘green’ infrastructure                    riparian areas along streams. Large                       ling pollution on developed areas. In
components as it is its vital pipes and                  earthen dams that create the reservoirs                   addition, although forestland in any
valves. Besides the land acquired for                    need to be maintained in grass cover,                     state is better for water quality than
the reservoirs themselves, the engi-                     burrowing animals need to be con-                         developed land, research has shown
neers that designed the water supply                     trolled and drainage systems main-                        that vigorously growing forests provide
system, beginning in the mid 1800’s,                     tained. The roads and bridges that                        better nutrient uptake than a mature
incorporated a variety of critical green                 the City built to replace infrastructure                  forest. Diversity of species and age of

(Continued from previous page)              design of City engineers. It would take    passion I have for the environment
                                            the basic elements of good land use        and the creativity it takes to work with
the forest protect against pestilence and   planning and a ‘roll up your sleeves and   communities on difficult situations. I
extreme weather. These factors lead to      get to know your neighbors approach’ to    want the students to be prepared for
planning and management strategies to       implement an effective program. While      this challenge, as my professors at Pratt
‘maintain’ this critical piece of green     some may call this is an                   did for me, and, as a result, I enjoy
infrastructure.                             oversimplification, as a person who was    seeing them develop their own careers
                                            ‘on the ground’, I can say that until      and bring Pratt values to their work. •
On a landscape level, the ecosystem         relationships were developed between       Ira Stern is a Regional Manager at the NYCDEP
                                                                                       Bureau of Water Supply, a PSPD alumni and
function of natural and managed lands       upstate and downstate people, the
                                                                                       member of the faculty.
are dependent on the actions and be-        beginning of trust and cooperation (that
havior of people since all land is owned    has lasted 15 years so far) would not
by some entity – public or private – and    have occurred.
all land is classified for tax purposes
one way or another. This means that         I was lucky enough to lead a watershed
green infrastructure is dependent           planning division in NYC Depart-                               Project for
on people and communities and the
dynamic relationships and motivations
                                            ment of Environmental Protection that
                                            was given responsibility to protect the
                                                                                                       Public Spaces
of the individual and the collective.       watershed through the development and                     Spring Training
Protecting land permanently and keeping it in its natural state is a more                                Hosted by the PSPD
reliable strategy than controlling pollution on developed areas.
                                                                                         April 28-29
Learning about watersheds and the           implementation of voluntary water-           Streets As Places
rivers and landscape they depend on is      shed programs to purchase priority
fascinating, but it pales in comparison     lands, develop stream management
to the people and community dynam-          plans and restoration projects, pro-         May 5-6
ics that determination the form and         duce infrastructure plans and build          How to Turn a Place Around
function of the landscape. Facilitation,    wastewater treatment plants and
compromise, listening to all perspec-       stormwater projects, work with farm-
tives, getting the right stakeholders       ers and forest landowners to do pollu-       May 20-11
together, and dealing honestly and          tion prevention plans and implement          How to Create
openly were key to making progress on       best management practices. We relied         Successful Markets
protecting what is essentially a shared     on local capacity building and imple-
resource. While the watershed supplies      mentation, peer to peer education,
the lifeblood to a great City, 75% of       focused on multiple objectives, and          June 9-10
the watershed land is owned by private      created local non-profit organizations       Placemaking:
individuals. Whose rights are more          (funded by the City) to deliver many         Making It Happen
important?                                  of these programs. Pratt taught me to
                                            trust the power of good process and to
My experiential education at Pratt (MS      rely on the inherent ability of people       All courses will take place at
CRP ’85) prepared me well for the chal-     to work out solutions when recogniz-         the Pratt Manhattan Campus
lenge of working for NYC beginning          ing the benefit of mutual objectives.
                                                                                         at 144 West 14th Street
in 1995 just when the City needed to
settle lawsuits with watershed commu-       Teaching at Pratt has enabled me to          (between 6th and 7th Aves)
nities and develop a watershed protec-      reach a cherished level of profes-           in New York City.
tion plan that met the requirements         sional development since I benefit
of the EPA for Filtration Avoidance.        greatly from the energy, knowledge,
The green infrastructure was in place       and experience of my students. It
                                                                                         For questions, please contact
thanks to the stewardship of watershed      motivates me to keep current in my           Dana Kitzes at
residents, farmers, forest landowners,      field and provides an outlet for the
60 towns and 8 counties, as well as the
                                                                                                                         PROGRAMS for
                                                                                                                SUSTAINABLE PLANNING
 4                                                                                                                   and DEVELOPMENT
Meg Walker                                                                                 well-known Rock and Roll Hall of
                                                                                           Fame, the Cleveland Browns Stadium
Planning for Diversity on the                                                              and the Great Lakes Science Center,
                                                                                           and a smattering of boats around the

Waterfront: The PPS Experience
                                                                                           underused Voinovich Park, the water-
                                                                                           front is dominated by port uses. The
                                                                                           Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Port

                                                                                           Authority is planning to move its port
        he world’s most appealing urban        Makai waterfront, a 200-acre state-
                                                                                           activities east of the downtown so that it
        waterfronts, from the Coney            owned property near the downtown that
                                                                                           can develop its extraordinary 100 acre
        Island Boardwalk to Sydney Har-        formerly housed light industry. To kick
                                                                                           property. PPS worked with Ehrenkranz
bor and Vancouver’s Granville Island,          off the process, an advisory council was
                                                                                           Eckstut and Kuhn Architects on the
are truly accessible, public environ-          created from among the many cultures
                                                                                           master plan for the site, developing a
ments that attract a broad cross section       that make up the local community, with
                                                                                           program of uses for its new public
of people, diverse in age, race and cul-       native Hawaiians taking the lead, to
tural background. Yet, new waterfront          formulate guiding principles for the
developments and parks in many cities,         project. The group’s #1 principle states
                                                                                           In reaching out to dozens of stakeholder
including New York, too often appeal           that Kaka’ako should be a Community
                                                                                           organizations, including a variety of
to only one age group or socioeco-             Cultural Gathering Place that will
                                                                                           cultural arts entities and immigrant
nomic sector, or worse, become private         “celebrate the intertwined cultures of
                                                                                           groups, we learned that Cleveland-
enclaves that serve only the people who        the community by ensuring a welcom-
                                                                                           ers identify with their neighborhoods
live there. How can we avoid the pit-          ing gathering place for a broad cross-
                                                                                           -- separate villages that house homo-
falls of exclusivity, particularly in a city   section of people diverse in age, income
                                                                                           geneous populations --and rarely with
that already struggles with social and         and ethnicity.” Consistent with this
                                                                                           the city at large. Furthermore, the
ethnic tensions, and cultural insularity?      goal, participants in the planning pro-
                                                                                           city functions like a donut with noth-
Project for Public Spaces (PPS) helped         cess recommended that the waterfront
                                                                                           ing in the middle, since the downtown
to plan a number of urban waterfronts          include an outdoor multi-cultural festi-
                                                                                           – although blessed with magnificent
recently where the communities’ goals          val space for Honolulu’s diverse ethnic
                                                                                           architecture -- has lost much of its
included putting the public first and          communities, educational facilities that
                                                                                           strength as a retail and cultural cen-
celebrating pluralism. Here are some           communicate the cultural history of
                                                                                           ter. The lakefront suffers from the
principles we have gleaned from these          the area, and a local food and cultural
                                                                                           same fate: tourists may go to the Rock
experiences.                                   market place stocked by local farmers,
                                                                                           and Roll Hall of Fame, but rarely do
                                               fishers and traditional craftmakers.
                                                                                           residents venture down there. Out of
                                                                                           our interviews and public brainstorm-
                                                                                           ing workshops emerged a new vision
Honolulu’s Kaka’ako Makai Waterfront           COMMUNITY VISION
                                                                                           for the waterfront: flexible plazas, parks
Urban waterfronts are too valuable to          Cleveland’s Downtown Lakefront
                                                                                           and esplanades where all Cleveland-
become the domain solely of a private          Unlike a master plan, a community
                                                                                           ers can mingle, and where different
developer or a single user group; they         visioning process does not lock a proj-
                                                                                           cultures can share their foods, music,
belong to all the people. Private devel-       ect into a prescribed solution. It is a
                                                                                           dances and performances throughout
opment is not unwelcome, but the best          citizen-driven initiative that outlines
                                                                                           the year, indoors and out. And we
solutions for revamping waterfronts put        a set of goals–ideals to strive for–that
                                                                                           challenged the City to start achieving
public goals first. Community engage-          set the stage for people to think boldly,
                                                                                           this dream immediately, with program-
ment – and, ultimately, local owner-           make breakthroughs, and achieve new
                                                                                           ming and partnerships that activate the
ship and pride – depend on this basic          possibilities. Because a vision is adapt-
                                                                                           underused piers and parking lots right
premise.                                       able and can be implemented gradually,
                                                                                           away, even before the planning for the
                                               starting with small experiments, it often
                                                                                           new district is completed, in order to
Hawaiians are ensuring that this prin-         becomes more powerful through time
                                                                                           build excitement for the shared vision
ciple is born out in practice on their         as public enthusiasm for making bold
                                                                                           of a waterfront where everyone feels
Honolulu waterfront. PPS is part of            changes gains support.
a team of planners and designers that
is working with the Honolulu commu-            Cleveland’s Lake Erie waterfront lies
nity on a master plan for the Kaka’ako         at the heart of the city. Except for its

(Continued from previous page)                       serve the broadly diverse population to         son River waterfront may do more to
                                                     identify ten different public destina-          economically revive the city than just
CREATE MULTIPLE MULTI-USE                            tions that they would like to see on the        building luxury residential towers.
DESTINTIONS                                          waterfront and how they could assist in
Yonkers Hudson River Waterfront                      programming them to serve their needs.          In his 2007 report, entitled “E Pluribus
PPS has found that an effective way to               Local theater and music groups that             Unum: Diversity and Community in the
propel a visioning process is to set a               lack space saw the potential of flexible        Twenty-First Century,” Robert Putnam,
goal of creating ten great destinations              outdoor performance areas; the Parks            the author of Bowling Alone, writes:
along a waterfront, an idea we call the              Department would like an outdoor skat-          “Tolerance for difference is but a first
“Power of Ten.” This focus on des-                   ing rink; a canoeing club identified a          step. To strengthen shared identities,
tinations, rather than “open space” or               safe harbor for educational programs;           we need more opportunities for mean-
parks, enables a genuine community-                  the African-American youth center               ingful interaction across ethnic lines
led process to take root. Residents,                 wanted to run recreational programs for         where Americans (new and old) work,
businesses, community organizations                  its kids around a Great Lawn; the Hud-          learn, recreate, and live.”
and other stakeholders identify the                  son River Museum envisions galleries
key public destinations. The same                    exhibiting local artists on the ground          Water, like food, is a magnet for ev-
principle is applied at each destination             floors of residential buildings; and, the       eryone, a social leveler. The natural
to come up with a list of ten activities             Bezak Environmental Center wants                attraction of being near the water, of
resulting in a wealth of things to do that           more shoreline space for its ecological         touching it and, even better, of get-
broadens the appeal of the destination,              studies. By constantly emphasizing              ting onto it draws young and old, of
encouraging round-the-clock use.                     that riverfront public spaces are for ev-       all races and cultures. Our waterfront
                                                     eryone in Yonkers, not just the people          public spaces offer one of the best
In our work on Yonkers’ Hudson River                 who live in the new condo towers, and           opportunities for the “meaningful
waterfront (for the Point Street Landing             that they could be flexibly-designed so         interaction across ethnic lines” that
project with Perkins Eastman Archi-                  that they can be shared by a number             Putnam describes if we plan for it from
tects), we stressed the need to create a             of local partners, we helped the City           the beginning and sustain it over time
wide range of public destinations on the             understand what a tremendous commu-             through the continuing involvement of
waterfront to counter the privatization              nity-building asset its waterfront could        a wide range of partners.• Meg Walker is
that could potentially result from the               be. Increased tax revenues are not              a Vice President at the Project for Public Spaces.
large amount of residential develop-                 the only benefits that can be reaped.           For more information, go to
ment planned. We asked community                     Rebuilding the pride and identity of the
groups and non-profit organizations that             Yonkers around its spectacular Hud-

A sketch of the envisioned Cleveland Lakefront Promenade by Ehrenkranz Eckstut and Kuhn Architects

                                                                                                                                          PROGRAMS for
  6                                                                                                                              SUSTAINABLE PLANNING
                                                                                                                                      and DEVELOPMENT
Kate Zidar

Minds in the Gutter

                          Newtown Creek, which borders Queens and Brooklyn, was the site of the Design/Build ESM course. Photo: Verbunkos (Flickr)

         ombined Sewer Overflow is            is a looming problem, extremely dif-               opportunities in the gutter, coming from
         everybody and nobody’s               ficult to solve through “conventional”             a diverse array of sources. Minds in the
         problem. During a rainstorm          means, that requires and expansion of              Gutter launched on Earth Day, April
in New York City, the storm drains in         their current skill set.                           22, 2010 at the Museum of the City of
the street essentially shunt the total                                                           New York with a viewing of the designs
volume of local weather into the same         Where all of these viewpoints have                 and a panel discussion about the proj-
set of pipes as our toilets. When the         an opportunity to come together is                 ect, featuring some of the competition’s
combined system fills up with rain, the       the Stormwater Infrastructure Matters              jurors, exhibiting designers and repre-
overage – a frothy mix of human waste,        (S.W.I.M.) Coalition, an alliance of over          sentatives of the S.W.I.M. Coalition.
runoff from roadways and any form of          70 groups dedicated to ensuring swim-              In the year since its launch, Minds
litter imaginable - is released directly      mable waters around New York City                  in the Gutter has traveled to multiple
to local water bodies, without treatment.     through natural, sustainable stormwater            professional conferences and served as
This is happening almost every time it        management practices. Through policy,              a curriculum for formal and informal
rains at the waterfronts New Yorkers          education, outreach, implementation                educational events, including Pratt
utilize for employment and recreation.        and monitoring, S.W.I.M. members con-              Institute. Minds in the Gutter inspired
We might see (or smell) some evi-             tribute to the collective understanding            a 2010 summer design/build course on
dence of a CSO overflow where float-          of how CSO pollution can be reduced                stormwater in the Urban Environmental
able garbage collects via currents or         while providing environmental benefits             Systems Management program. Using
is quarantined behind floating booms,         upland through Green Infrastructure.               the city and campus as a classroom,
but you basically need to be peering                                                             this course explored stormwater man-
over the bulkhead at a known outfall (in      Last year, the S.W.I.M. Coalition                  agement as a planning, policy, design
the rain, at low tide) to know for sure if    launched Minds in the Gutter, a call for           and social justice issue. Students
CSO overflows are happening.                  submissions to anyone — professionals,             gained exposure to local current events
                                              students, the general public — with                involving stormwater management, the
From a planning perspective, this is an       ideas for managing stormwater run-                 broader Green Infrastructure move-
elegant (yet completely gross) illustra-      off from New York City roadways and                ment, and hands-on experience with
tion of infrastructure carrying capac-        sidewalks, and an exploration into how             planning and implementation of proj-
ity. From the perspective of boaters,         agencies, communities and individuals              ects currently underway. For their final
open water swimmers and fishermen,            are working on these issues. The jury              projects, students created concepts for
it’s a stinky mess they might witness         brought leaders from city government,              stormwater management interventions
up close, raising serious public heath        academia, urban pedagogy and state-                on multiple sites within the Newtown
concerns. For community gardeners             level green infrastructure planning to             Creek sewershed. • Minds in the Gutter lives
and urban farmers, rain is a cherished        the table to consider the submissions.             online at, and was
                                                                                                 created with the support of NYC Environmental
resource to be carefully stored, not          The 15 designs that were selected for
                                                                                                 Fund. Kate Zidar is a PSPD graduate and mem-
squandered down a drain. For policy           the exhibit showcase a broad range of              ber of the faculty.
makers, regulators and engineers – this       physical and environmental
Toby Snyder, LEED

Building the Ground                                                                                  it proposed reclamation of approximate-
                                                                                                     ly 150,000 square meters of land.
                                                                                                     Thomas McKnight, Senior Vice
                                                                                                     President of Development at the NYC
                                                                                                     Economic Development Corporation,
                                                                                                     recently took note of the project and
                                                                                                     asked, “If they can do all of that land
                                                                                                     reclamation in Copenhagen, why can’t

          ark Twain once advised, “Buy              A case in point is FXFOWLE’s award               we do it here in New York?” Puzzled,
          land, they’re not making it               winning entry, City Regenerative, in             I began researching land reclamation,
          anymore.” No doubt he was                 an international competition for the             which has been practiced around the
aware of the sky-rocketing cost of land             Nordhavnen district, currently a con-            world for centuries, from the creation of
in the rapidly urbanizing world of the              tainer port and cruise ship terminal, in         farm land in Holland and of city neigh-
Industrial Revolution. Although well-               Copenhagen, Denmark. Our vision for              borhoods in Miami to airports around
traveled, perhaps he was not familiar               the 200-hectare waterfront site con-             the world. Recently, however, the U.S.
with the practice of land reclamation, in           nects urban infrastructure, extends the          has viewed it with greater suspicion
which shallow bodies of water are filled            existing waterway, weaves open space             than Denmark has. I found that physi-
in to create developable and/or arable              through a series of neighborhoods and            cal geography, economy, history, and
land. Essentially, they are still making            commercial nodes, and sets a new stan-           culture contribute to the differences in
it.                                                 dard for low-carbon consumption. And,            shaping our respective policies.

City Regenerative - FXFOWLE’s vision for urban planning and innovative architectural strategies to
house 40,000 residents, create 40,000 jobs, and provide access for 40,000 bicycles.
                                                                                                                                    PROGRAMS for
  8                                                                                                                        SUSTAINABLE PLANNING
                                                                                                                                and DEVELOPMENT
The Nordhavnen peninsula today, with the city center of Copenhagen in the distance.

                                            to land reclamation. Both the U.S. and           competition site. The Danes discovered
UNEQUAL GEOGRAPHY                           Denmark protect wildlife habitat with            that a large population of green toads
Physically, one of the greatest threats     regulations that limit or prevent land           (bufo viridis), protected by the Euro-
to reclaimed land is the water around       reclamation, dredging, pier construc-            pean Economic Community Habitats
it. In general, areas with dramatic         tion, and shoreline reconstruction.              Directive, had established themselves
tidal changes, such as the northeastern     Since enacting the Endangered Species            in the shallow ponds at the end of the
United States, are more vulnerable to       Act in 1970, many U.S. construction              Nordhavnen peninsula. Essentially, as
inundation and erosion than areas with      projects have been stopped or delayed.           long as sufficient measures were taken
small fluctuation, such as the Oresund,     The most famous case is perhaps in               to create new habitats elsewhere on
the strait that separates Denmark from      protecting the snail darter fish (percina        site, the toads and their ponds could be
Sweden. Furthermore, climate induced        tanasi) from the Tennessee Valley Au-            moved.
sea level rises are predicted to increase   thority’s construction of the Tellico Dam
non-uniformly around the globe; the         (constructed only after being delayed            ECONOMIC REALITY
Oresund should experience less in-          through injunctions that were argued             Few development authorities can gen-
crease than the U.S. Atlantic coast. The    before the Supreme Court). Such mea-             erate the funds to reclaim land. In most
threat of inundation is greater here as     sures are not uniformly applied—much             U.S. cash-strapped municipalities, pri-
well, which, due to its particular ocean    depends on the specifics of each spe-            vate entities with small capital reserves
and wind currents, suffers hurricanes,      cies and habitat. A new pier in the East         own the majority of land. Conversely, in
storm surges, and floods more frequent-     River at the Northside Piers project in          Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Dubai, South
ly than the well-protected Oresund.         Williamsburg was stymied following a             Korea, and Hong Kong, each govern-
In fact, in 500-years of practicing         moratorium that prohibited disrupting            ment owns a majority of the land—pri-
land reclamation Copenhagen has not         the river bed and shoreline during the           vate property is often held in 99-year
recorded a single flood.                    fish mating season.                              land leases. While these well-financed
                                                                                             cities draw on national capital reserves
Approaches to indigenous wildlife also      Contrast our approach with the Danes’            for urban projects, the resulting re-
differentiate our respective approaches     treatment of the species found on the            claimed land represents a

(Continued from previous page)

smaller share of the government’s total
property portfolio. In recent years, land
reclamation projects have occurred
where low-cost flat land is scarce—
Foster + Partners’ Hong Kong Inter-
national Airport (9.4 km2 reclaimed),
Renzo Piano’s Kansai International Air-
port (10 km2) in Osaka, most of Tokyo
Bay (249 km2) or Bahrain (410 km2), for
that matter, all the Palm developments
in Dubai—and the resulting land value
would be profitable.

Historically, the United States prac-                                           A park created from reclaimed land in “City Regenerative.”
ticed land reclamation more often than      take place where enough “cutting”            preserved as pure and untouched.
it does today, examples include: the        balances it. This was the case in the
Back Bay and Logan Airport in Boston        1970s when 1.2 million cubic yards           Copenhagen’s population is very
(1,800 acres reclaimed); much of the        were excavated from the World Trade          conscious of its role in constructing
San Francisco harbor; the Port of           Center site and ’dumped’ at the Battery      the landscape. A much longer shared
Providence and East Providence,             Park City site in the Hudson River. The      civic history dates as far back as the
Rhode Island; and the 92-acre Battery       Nordhavnen project in Copenhagen can         Vikings and Romans. Copenhagen has
Park City in New York; as well as much      only now be realized as a result of the      built up its harbor over time, from the
of Lower Manhattan. The post-war            increased construction activity taking       construction of the Citadel at the city’s
period of suburban sprawl, which            place around the city, most notably the      heart and the fortification of Slotshol-
greatly spared Copenhagen, has done         massive highway tunneling under the          men to the creation and expansion of
more to proportionally reduce the           Oresund harbor.                              the Nordhavnen Peninsula itself. With
value of U.S. waterfront sites, making                                                   such a long history of continuously set-
it unlikely that any reclamation proj-      CULTURAL SPECULATIONS                        tling the land, it is nearly impossible to
ect could generate comparative value.       Stating that all reclamation projects        conceive of “pure” land in Denmark or
When high-value land does warrant           get a green light in Copenhagen and          consider the forces of development as

                                                                                         Perhaps the U.S., with its sprawling
                                                                                         metropolitan regions, labyrinthine
                                                                                         property laws, infrastructural fragmen-
                                                                                         tation, and jurisdictional redundancy,
                                                                                         can shift its policies to a simpler, yet
                                                                                         more nuanced, understanding of how
Historical growth of the Nordhavnen peninsula over the last 400 years, with the          best to fit into the American landscape.
“City Regenerative” proposal for the next 45 years.                                      Not that we should simply adopt Danish
                                                                                         practices, but we should take a more
added expense, the common practice is       a red light in the U.S. oversimplifies       holistic approach towards deciding
to build up rather than out. Skyscrapers    it. Americans often regard their cities      where to develop land and where to
are not common at all in Copenhagen;        as constructed out of a wilderness on        preserve it. The value of Twain’s quote
rather, the Danes developed a high-         “virgin” soil from an often mysterious       may yet prove to be prescient advice,
density mid-rise urbanism.                  and unknown natural world. This has          not as a rapacious investment strategy,
                                            led our development to assume either a       but as a reminder of the scarce and pre-
The soil and fill needed for reclamation    frontiersman-like “battle against            cious resource we should not squander
projects, depending on their scale, is      nature” or its inverse corollary,            or exhaust. • Toby Snyder is a designer for
enormous, and “filling” can only            deference to sacred land to be               FXFOWLE and a PSPD faculty member.

                                                                                                                            PROGRAMS for
                                                                                                                   SUSTAINABLE PLANNING
                                                                                                                        and DEVELOPMENT
Carter Craft                                                                                          often side-by-side. In many ways these

Break Through the Surface,
                                                                                                      activities complemented each other,
                                                                                                      and they may yet again.

Here’s How                                                                                            When faced with your next waterfront
                                                                                                      design or development opportunity,
                                                                                                      think about the following aspects of
                                                                                                      your site: bottom condition, water
                                                                                                      depth, water quality, movement, and the
                                                                                                      water’s edge. Historic maps will give
                                                                                                      you some ideas, but in an estuary so
                                                                                                      dramatically altered by human ingenu-
                                                                                                      ity and intervention, there is no sub-

                                                                                                      stitute for doing your own investigating
        hink about any new waterfront              What most of today’s waterfront devel-
                                                                                                      firsthand – or at least up to your knees.
        development you’ve seen re-                opments seem to do best is to keep peo-
        cently. There was probably a lot           ple from making contact with the actual
                                                                                                      BOTTOM CONDITION
of glass, carefully selected to accentu-           water. This is unfortunate and unneces-
                                                                                                      The condition of the bay-, creek- or
ate the reflections off the water or catch         sary. Unfortunate mainly because water
                                                                                                      river bottom will show you a number
the color of the sky. An interesting light         quality in urban rivers, harbors and
                                                                                                      of useful things. Rocky bottoms will
fixture, reminding you that modern                 bays has improved so dramatically in
                                                                                                      tell you there’s probably a lot of wave
aesthetics almost always change – or at            the last four decades since the passage
                                                                                                      and wake action there. The finer grain
least our tastes do. Nearest the water’s           of the Clean Water Act. It’s unnecessary
                                                                                                      silts get washed away by the currents. 
edge there was a railing, finished in              because with a little more consideration
                                                                                                      If there’s silt or even muck there then
brushed metal and likely topped by                 of the natural characteristics of the
                                                                                                      you might have some options. Calm
a dense hardwood not native to North               water, and just a touch of imagination,
                                                                                                      waters are ripe for some human connec-
America. It may even have won some                 every new waterfront development can
                                                                                                      tion. The finer silts here can help hold
award, but it’s relationship to the water          help us all reconnect to what historical-
                                                                                                      roots for submerged plants or inter-
is probably nothing more than a visual             ly was the most vibrant harbor and port
                                                                                                      tidal grasses. Muck can swallow your
connection. That’s not just unfortunate,           in the western hemisphere. This harbor
                                                                                                      shoe, but at the same time not provide
it’s wrong.                                        is historically a place where recreation
                                                                                                      enough structure for plantlife to take
                                                   and commerce have long coexisted, and
                                                                                                      hold. The best of all worlds is sand, it
                                                                                                      provides some structure, it’s uniform
                                                                                                      and easy to handle, it’s generally clean,
                                                                                                      and it’s easy on the feet.

                                                                                                      As you head farther away from the
                                                                                                      shoreline, you’ll start to find a different
                                                                                                      bottom condition at different distances.
                                                                                                      For instance, at East River State Park
                                                                                                      in Williamsburg you can see the sand
                                                                                                      up near the high water line, and heavier
                                                                                                      rocks farther. Depending on the size
                                                                                                      of your site you may be able to create
                                                                                                      different zones of water-related activ-
                                                                                                      ity: a mooring area there for sailboats, a
                                                                                                      kayak launch here, even some spar-
                                                                                                      tina marsh along the edge if it can be
                                                                                                      protected both from wave action and
                                                                                                      human interference. Pay close attention
                                                                                                      to the slope of the bottom – along the
                                                                                                      many shipping channels in and around
You CAN Get There From Here: Each year NYC Swim hosts the Brooklyn Bridge swim, where hundreds
of swimmers negotiate the tides and currents for 1 kilometer in the East River. Photo: Carter Craft
(Continued from previous page)               matter of hours. Unless you know the          the Port. Add to this amount the almost
                                             tide cycle quite well it can be hard to       5-foot tidal variation and suddenly its
New York it is not unusual to find some      even plan an activity in certain areas.       clear why boating doesn’t always work
steep drop-off not at all far from shore.    For boats, water depth is also very           everywhere we might hope.
No one likes to get in over their head if    important. Every vessel has a dimen-
they’re not ready for it.                    sion known as “draft.” This is the depth      Sailboats deserve a special mention.
                                             of the boat’s hull or structure below the     Many have a fixed, often deep keel.
WATER DEPTH                                  water line.  For something lightweight        This is the part of the hull which ex-
 At waterfront sites in New York City,       like a kayak, the draft can be just a few     tends deep down into the water to help
the most important thing to keep in          inches.  For a small motor boat plan on       maintain the boat’s stability while in
mind about water depth is that it            1-2 feet.  For a water taxi it might be       rough seas or heavy wind. If your sail-
                                                                                           boat has a centerboard - a removable
                                                                                           or pivoting part of the keel that can be
When faced with your next waterfront design or development opportunity,                    raised up or removed in shallow waters
think about the following aspects of your site: bottom condition, water depth,             –it can dock just about anywhere in
water quality, movement, and the water’s edge.                                             the harbor. However, if your sailboat
                                                                                           has a fixed keel then you’ll have to be
changes: the ocean’s tides have a dra-       3-5 feet, depending on the design of          much more careful. If you are at the
matic influence throughout the water-        the boat. For many of the larger dinner       dock at low tide and the bottom condi-
front zone. As the North Atlantic Ocean      and party boats the draft could be 7-10       tions are fine grain silts, you might have
sloshes back and forth between North         feet and for working tugs plan on 8-15        some scuffing or minor damage to the
America on the east and Europe on the        feet. If the vessel is ocean going then       keel.  But if that bottom condition at
west, the level and the height of the        the draft can be much larger. Surging         low tide is rock or stone, or the water is
water rises and falls almost 5 feet every    and stormy seas demand a deeper keel          just too shallow, it’s possible that your
six hours throughout much of NYC. But        to help keep the ship upright. Large          keel could get wedged, and function
in places like the Upper East River,         commercial ships are in a league of           like a pry bar pushing your sailboat up
along the south Bronx, northern Queens       their own. Most of the modern con-            against or away from the dock. This can
and western Long Island Sound, where         tainer ships have a draft of 45-50 feet       be very dangerous- both for the struc-
the tidal influence is more complex, the     or more. This issue of draft is what is       tural integrity of the vessel as well as
level of the water can rise and fall close   driving the largest dredging project          anyone trying to get on or off the boat.
to eight feet with every cycle. This         ever in this Port; the US Army Corps of        
variation happens because when the           Engineers is now in its 2nd decade of a
tide is coming in ocean water first starts   $1.3 billion plus project to deepen all
pushing westward through Long Island         of the primary shipping channels into
Sound, along the coast of New England.
Soon the High Tide reaches the area                                       The Water Beckons: the Harlem River has a number of opportunities
around the Throgs Neck and Whit-                                              to better connect land and water activities. Photo: Carter Craft
estone Bridges. Meanwhile, the same
surge of the Atlantic has also been
pushing in along the south shore of
Long Island and enters the Narrows. As
the tide moves up through the Harbor,
it can enter into the Kills around Staten
Island, go up the Hudson, or up the
East River Thus, along the Upper East
River for much of the day the tide is
pushing in from both directions.

Water depth is critical for two reasons. 
For human use, what may look like an
attractive wading beach in the Inner
Harbor at low tide will disappear in a

                                                                                                                                PROGRAMS for
 12                                                                                                                    SUSTAINABLE PLANNING
                                                                                                                            and DEVELOPMENT
Oyster Cove at Pier 101 on Governors Island is home to many water-based programs, including those of the Downtown Boathouse and the Urban Assembly
New York Harbor School. The NYC School Construction Authority is renovating an adjacent building to become an oyster hatchery, boat maintenance shop,
and SCUBA program support space for the School. Photo: Carter Craft

MOVEMENT                                          wedge beneath the Hudson’s salt-free       Looking at all these factors above: 
Most importantly, keep in mind the                water flowing out on top. The water’s      bottom condition, water depth, water
Harbor’s water is almost always moving.           particular movement in any location        quality, movement and wind it is clear
Just the wind can have such a dramatic            therefore isn’t just influenced by the     that planning for the waterfront is just
influence on the water’s flow speed and           tide, but also it’s temperature and salt   as complex as planning for the land. 
direction that it alone warrants a much           content.  Thus a ship that has a draft of  Just as important but not discussed in
longer article. But basic geography               20 or 30 feet may actually be dealing      this article is the issue of water quality
and physical form play large roles too.           with a current pushing them along 25       – the physical, biological and chemical
Where the river or bay is broad like a            feet below, while at the surface of the    makeup of the water itself. It’s a very
wide pool the rate is slower. Where the           water the tide is working against their    dynamic environment and our vision
waterway is constricted and narrow the            vessel. Think for a minute what these      for it ought to be as well. As our water
pace is much more rapid. The efforts              conflicting forces might do if you were    quality continues to improve its impor-
to capture tidal energy in the estuary            trying to move sideways, which you         tant to remember we must try also to
are concentrated along the East River             often need to when docking a boat.         find the balance between human use
where the water is the fastest-moving                                                        and enjoyment and the ecological func-
current anywhere in or near New York                                                         tions needed to support the biodiversity
City.   But just as the tide rises, so            THE WATERS EDGE                            that defines any healthy environment,
the currents speed up and then slow                If you ever find yourself in a situation  particularly an urban one. Though our
before the tide starts to fall. That period       where you can’t make headway against       nation’s politics offer us little hope that
when the current seems to stop – when             the wind or the tide, chances are you      such a balance exists, the fact that this
the tide is turning – is called “slack”           will look for some place to wait for       estuary remains home to virtually all
tide.  Slack tide is when many sensi-             conditions to change, or to tie up, go     the native species of fish that dwelled
tive in-water activities get scheduled.           get coffee or even come back tomorrow.  here before European settlement make
The annual swim under the Brooklyn                This is when the unfortunate reality       it clear we are blessed with a biologi-
Bridge and the docking of many cruise             of our inflexible edges will strike you.   cally rich environment. We owe it to
or container ships are all scheduled at           There just aren’t many places to get out.  ourselves and future generations to
or near slack tide so as to minimize the          It’s hard with a boat – but even harder    create new connections to and into the
potential influence of the tide on the            if you ever find yourself in the water     water that can help us create syn-
activity that needs to happen.                    looking for a place to get out.  The best  ergy between human use and natural
                                                  models for today are probably the ones     function, or at least a better balance
Ask any Harbor Pilot about the move-              used here years ago:  staircases, ramps, than the industrial revolution has yet
ment of the water and he or she may               and floating docks or barges.  Ladders     achieved. • Carter Craft teaches Waterfront
give you a long treatise reminding you            are needed at regular intervals to help    Planning in the PSPD. He is USCG-licenced
                                                                                             Captain and principal of Outside New York, a
that colder water coming in from the              swimmers and scuba divers to get in
                                                                                             consulting firm specializing in programming,
ocean sinks below warmer water flowing            and out, in areas where those activities   education, infrastructure design, and events.
down the river.  Ocean water is saltier           are taking place.
as well, causing it to come in like a

Laura Stinger

Improving the Resiliency of
Coastal Communities

       unset Park, a community-of-
       color on the waterfront is par-
       ticularly vulnerable to the effects
of climate change. A recent editorial
published in the journal, Environmental
Justice, explained the uneven impacts
of climate change this way, “Climate
researchers report that vulnerable com-
munities, even in the most prosperous
nations, will be the first and worst hit.
In this country, the most impacted areas
will be communities-of-color, Indig-
enous Peoples, and low-income com-
munities that are socio-economically
disadvantaged, disproportionately
burdened by poor environmental qual-
ity, and least able to adapt. They will
be the first to experience extreme heat
events, respiratory illness, vector-borne
infectious diseases, food insecurity, and
natural disasters.”

In the Sunset Park studio led by Ron
Shiffman, Mercedes Narciso, Ellen            could not only weather the effects of        polluting infrastructure to be sited near
Neises, Eddie Bautista, and Stuart           climate change but slow them and help        the water and homes with little or no
Pertz, our client, the environmental         protect the community from them.             environmental review. As the residents
justice community organization                                                            of the community are already burdened
UPROSE (United Puerto Rican                  Sunset Park is a coastal neighbor-           by the Gowanus Expressway, a freeway-
Organization of Sunset Park), posed to       hood in Brooklyn, south of Red Hook          like Fourth Avenue that cuts them off
us the mandate to create a holistic plan     and north of Bay Ridge. The diverse          from the waterfront, a waste transfer
to create community resilience in the        community of, among others, Puerto           station, multiple brownfields, and a
face of climate change. Our approach         Rican, Mexican, Chinese, and Pales-          severe lack of public space,
to resilience was broad, and neces-          tinian residents runs upland from the        environmental justice is of the utmost
sarily so, encompassing urban design,        waterfront to the park that carries its      concern.
community capacity building, land-           namesake. The waterfront is a working
scape design, economic development,          waterfront and is a source of employ-        Sunset Park has been the subject of
affordable housing, disaster planning,       ment for residents, 20% of Sunset Park       many planning endeavors. There is a
and city and regional policy. We looked      residents walk to work. The waterfront       197-A plan, a Greenway plan, a Vision
into ways to foster economic resilience,     is a significant maritime industrial area,   Plan from the Economic Development
resilience of the built form, tenure and     an SMIA, and as such has special zon-        Corporation, and the new Waterfront
security for long term residents, a resil-   ing that is meant to keep manufactur-        Revitalization Plan. All these plans
ient culture, and a diverse and healthy      ing in the area but has the unfortunate      vary in their commitment and innova-
waterfront and open space network that       and dangerous side effect of allowing        tion to raising the quality of life for
                                                                                                                         PROGRAMS for
 14                                                                                                             SUSTAINABLE PLANNING
                                                                                                                     and DEVELOPMENT
Sunset Park residents, but they share
one thing in common, they were made
before it was clear that the effects of
climate change must be a main thread
woven through any look at a waterfront
community, especially one with pollut-
ing infrastructure in a storm surge zone.

We knew that any initiative must be
led by the community and therefore
empower and strengthen the commu-
nity, as UPROSE has been doing for
decades. After a disaster, it has been
shown again and again that an affected
community that had a strong and well-
established social network recovered
faster, with more residents returning,
crucial services up and running again
in a shorter time, and in some cases,
improved facilities compared to pre-
disaster. Thus many of our recom-
mendations went beyond land-use and
looked to build and support the vibrant
networks that already exist in the area;
an informed group of activist youth, a         Previous Page and Above: Images from the final presentation and report by the Sunset Park Studio
lively tradition of street vending and
entrepreneurship, strong community          with programming and events.                      the industrial sector
organizations, and an active street life.   D Innovative ways to help small, green            B Making sure the new park at bush
Taken as a whole, we knew that our          manufacturing thrive on the waterfront:           terminal uses local vendors.
recommendations must simultaneously         E A community kitchen for vendors                 3 Support for continuing environmental
raise the economic capital, the social      to develop ideas, upscale production,             health and justice:
capital, and the built capital while hav-   and cut down on sanitation violations.            A Using the bay ridge salt flats which
ing a strong framework for ensuring that    Designed as a closed-loop system, the             lie just off the coast of Sunset Park as a
long-term residents are not displaced       building would also house large-scale             wave attenuation buffer, utilizing ecol-
by gentrification.                          composting, a wholesale produce dis-              ogy restoration and oyster reefs.
                                            tributor sourcing from upstate farmers            B Building a ecology center for youth
Our recommendations laid out a              and transported via the Hudson to the             environmental education on the wa-
greener and stronger Sunset Park and        waterfront rail barge connection, a roof-         terfront; including oyster cultivation,
included:                                   top farm, and a wash cut and bag facil-           wetland construction, water testing, soil
1 Innovative ways to create more open       ity, providing jobs and fresh produce for         testing, urban agriculture.
space and manage storm water:               the NYC school system.                            4 Housing and rights of tenure:
A A backyard farming network with           2 Innovative ways to build capacity and           A Using the TIL program, convert
resource and knowledge sharing, work-       social capacity:                                  foreclosed properties into affordable
days, all connected to emergency food       A A foreign language teaching coopera-            housing co-ops.
distribution.                               tive.                                             B Collaborate with local community de-
B Raised bed food production and a lo-      B A mobile health clinic.                         velopment corporations and innovative
cal vendors market on a former brown-       C Connecting the elderly population               design-build firms to create housing
field.                                      with the rest of the community through            where the future residents participate
C Green waterfront connector streets        an intergenerational video project                in the design, building, and mainte-
running upland all the way to the water     documenting their history and stories.            nance of the buildings. • Laura Stinger
and featuring bio-swales, extended tree     3 Innovative economic development:                is a second year student in City and Regional
pits, and pedestrian-only weekends                                                            Planning.
                                            A Sustainable materials management in

                                           about the landmark with just a single          agriculture, then mechanized it and
                                           tap. It’s designed for students doing          added fertilizers and chemicals, we are
                                           field work, architects, historic preser-       now on the cusp of the third agricul-

West (and East,                            vationists, urban planners, and even
                                           tourists and anyone else curious about
                                                                                          tural revolution: growing food in urban
                                                                                          areas, using less land, water and fossil
                                           New York’s rich architectural history.         fuels, while applying fewer chemicals.
North, South)                              The app has been featured on the New
                                           York Times’ City Room Blog as well             After a fascinating time travel through
                                           as He has also created            the invention of primitive and modern
                                           versions for Boston and San Francisco.         agriculture–with all their advantages
                                           Currently, it is built for the Palm Pre or     and problems–Dr. Despommier, a
                                           Pixi, but an iPhone version is coming          microbiologist, lifts us into the coming
                                           soon. • Learn more at   world of high-rise farming. In new or
                                                                                          refurbished buildings, farmers of tomor-
                                                                                          row will grow all kinds of food that we
                                           Gelvin Stevenson                               can be eating the next day.
                                           Book review of The Vertical Farm
                                           by Dr. Dickson Despommier                      The illustrations are lively and infor-
                                           2010, Thomas Dunne Books                       mative; the style is easy and friendly;
                                           $25.99, 320 pages
                                                                                          and the message is compelling: we eat
                                                                                          better and the eco-sphere can heal
                                           Future Farming                                 itself and once again provide all those
                                                                                          wonderful services–carbon
                                                                                          sequestration and clean water, to
                                                                                          mention two–that it used to do. So while
                                                                                          you’re reading “The Vertical Farm”-
                                                                                          and it is truly a must-read–contemplate
                                                                                          all those advantages, and taste that

       he ubiquity of smartphones has                                                     fresh food. • Gelvin Stevenson teaches Envi-
                                                                                          ronmental Economics in the PSPD.
       begun to start to weave their way
       into the urban fabric, and a new,

readily accessible layer of an
“augmented reality” is beginning to
emerge. Prior to the development of
these devices, history was marked
geographically by staid plaques hiding                                                              Facilities
roadside and in the bushes. Now we                ooking for a solution to food scar-
are able to tune into the wavelengths
of history as easy as pressing a few
                                                  city, excessive chemicals on our
                                                  foods, too much energy used in                 Management
buttons on the devices already in our      growing and transporting food, nutrient
pockets.                                   runoff, the disappearance of low skilled
                                           jobs in urban areas, and food that just
PSPD GIS instructor Steven                 plain doesn’t taste very good? Then
Romalewski has developed a mobile          welcome to the vertical farm revolution,       Thursday, April 14, 2011
                                                                                          Development as a Contact Sport
app called Landmarks: New York. It         and the foundational book on Vertical          Robert Sanna, Exec VP & Director,
lists the official landmarked buildings    Farming by the movement’s leading              Forest City Ratner Companies
near you anywhere in the 5 boroughs,       light, Columbia University Professor           Atlantic Yards as a development scenario has all
providing details such as when the         Emeritus Dickson Daniel Despommier.            the hallmarks and the travails of current property
                                                                                          issues. Anecdotes about policy, costs, procedures,
landmark was designated, if it’s in a
                                                                                          marketing and the ultimate goals will elucidate
Historic District, thumbnail photos, and   “The Vertical Farm” is a tour de force         the story of this new Brooklyn landmark. 6:30 PM,
Wikipedia links. You can view each         of the promise of this latest agricultural     Room 213, Pratt Manhattan.
location on a map, and email details       revolution. Just as humans developed

                                                                                                                               PROGRAMS for
 16                                                                                                                   SUSTAINABLE PLANNING
                                                                                                                           and DEVELOPMENT
Nancy Campbell and Anna Peccianti            as usual, was engaged in the planning           Redemption with Carsten Paludan-
                                             of the event and had volunteered to co-         Müller
Alumni Updates                               chair the newly reformed PPAA. In the
                                             last 10 months, she has had a remark-
                                                                                             April 15: Redefining Artistic Advocacy
                                                                                             with Aaron Levy
                                             able recovery that has her speaking and         April 29: New York State Climate Ac-
                                             writing more clearly every day.                 tion Plan with Alan Belensz
                                             An event will be held in Alison’s honor,
                                             helping to raise funds for Trinity Hu-          CONNECT WITH PPAA ONLINE
                                             man Services Center (140 Montrose Av-           Pratt Institute Alumni Association has
                                             enue, Brooklyn, NY 11206) on Sunday,            recently launched it’s new and
                                             April 3rd at 2pm. A raffle will be held         enhanced website:
                                             to help support Alison’s family with the        The new site features an online direc-
                                             medical costs they have incurred. For           tory, alumni news and networking
                                             more information contact Yadhira Deras          groups. The site will also help alumni
                                             (THSC) at 718-388-3176 or Rolando               take advantage of benefits including
                                             Guzman (St. Nicks) at                           discounted membership to Pratt’s ath-
                                                       letic facility and free entry to some city
                                             PSPD SPRING LECTURE SERIES
                                             Last month, Programs for Sustainable            To make this experience valuable, we
                                             Planning and Development launched               need your help. Please visit to alumni.
                                             its Spring Lecture Series. This compel- to log into Pratt’s online
                                             ling series features local leaders and          alumni database and make sure that
Allison Cordero leading a public workshop.
Photo: PPAA                                  internationally renowned practitioners          the Institute has your most current
                                             discussing and debating current plan-           contact information, preferred email ad-
                                             ning, preservation and environmental            dress and any personal or professional
Alison Cordero (Class of 1991) has a
                                             topics. Lectures have been contempo-            accomplishments you’d like to share.
long history in serving the communi-
                                             rary and compelling and audience dis-           Once you’ve logged-in to the site,
ties of North Brooklyn. Starting at
                                             cussion has been lively and engaging.           please find the Pratt Planning Alumni
St. Nick’s Alliance in 1984 as a Pratt
                                             Please mark the series in your calendar         Association (search “Groups” on the
Institute intern, Alison has served as
                                             and be sure to share it with friends and        left hand side), created just for PSPD
the Deputy Director for Community
                                             colleagues in New York City.                    alumni. PPAA will disseminate as all
Preservation since 1997. Her nearly
                                             We look forward to seeing you there!            relevant news for PSPD alumni through
30 years of service to the Greenpoint-
                                             Reception 5:30;                                 this group.
Williamsburg community is undeterred.
                                             Lecture 6:00;
As Frank Lang, Housing Director at St.
                                             Q+A 7:00                                        We would also encourage you to con-
Nick Alliance attests, “Alison’s big-
                                                                                             nect with PPAA on our LinkedIn page.
gest strength is her consistent desire to
                                             Pratt Manhattan Campus                          Our group name is “Pratt Planning”.
work in a collaborative manner with all
                                             144 West 14th Street, New York                  We look forward to seeing you online!
facets of the neighborhood to coordinate
                                             Room 213 (Unless otherwise noted)
and build consensus toward an advo-
cacy agenda.”
                                             April 1: Vision 2020 Comprehensive
As some of you may know, Alison                                                                   Click here to visit our LinkedIn page.
                                             Waterfront Plan with Mike Marrella
experienced a stroke in May 2010 just
                                             April 8: Cultural Heritage: Roots,
as the department was preparing to
                                             Relations, Rationales, Rights and
celebrate its 50th Anniversary. Alison,

                                              What is PPAA? The Pratt Planning Alumni Association (PPAA) aims to invigorate our dynamic
                                              alumni network to bring the benefits, resources and expertise to alumni and to current
                                              students. To provide PPAA with financial contributions or volunteer time, please email PPAA
                                              Co-Chairs Nancy Campbell and Anna Peccianti at

AAKRITI, the journal of the Goa College for
                                                                                                            Architecture, wrote an article about the experience

Accomplishments                                                                                             of Pratt’s studio on the coast of India. The studio wil
                                                                                                            be covered in full in the summer issue of
                                                                                                            Multiplicity. Click here to read the article.

In December, Eddie Bautista was a part of             Lee Miller, ‘13, a joint-degree student at the        craft Requests for Proposals to redevelop to the
the White House’s first panel on Environmental        Pratt Institute and Brooklyn Law School was           area, while continuing to consult with the Com-
Justice. He spoke on the Healthy Communities          awarded the American Planning Association’s           munity Board.
and Place-based Initiatives panel and requested       (APA) Daniel J. Curtin, Jr., Planning Law Fel-
federal assistance to support local efforts by City   lowship. The APA’s Planning Law Division              Eric Allison spoke at the Neighborhood Pres-
officials and NYC-EJA members to reform the           awards the Fellowship to one student annually         ervation Center co-sponsored by the Historic
Significant Maritime Industrial Area’s designa-       to foster greater interest in the study of land use   Districts Council, discussing the new book
tion found in the NYC Waterfront Revitalization       planning and its interrelationship with the law.      he co-authored with Lauren Peters, Historic
Program.                                              The recipient advocates for thoughtful planning       Preservation and the Livable City. The book
                                                      by preparing articles on land use for publication,    serves as “a guide to how historic preservation
Joan Byron was a part of a panel discussion,          assisting in the APA’s educational programs and       can enhance the economic and environmental
Roads to Nowhere: Public Works in a Time of           the solicitation and review of session proposals      sustainability of cities and towns.
Crisis. The panel was co-sponsored by the Pratt       submitted by Planning Law Division members
Center and the Regional Plan Association as           for the annual National APA Conference.               Sciame Construction sponsored this se-
a part of the Musuem of the City of New York’s                                                              mester’s OSHA-10 certification classes. This
on going Urban Forum series on New York               Adedayo Ologundudu put together a forum at            event was held at the Sciame offices in Lower
Infrastructure.                                       Columbia University as a kick off event for the       Manhattan.
                                                      non-profit he has founded, the Global Environ-
Steve Jones from McGraw-Hill construction             mental Management Foundation. Additionally            A book that included a contribution from Ron
shared research findings with Construction and        he serves as Associate Lecturer and Research          Shiffman, What We See: Advancing the Observa-
Facilities Management students on how BIM is          Fellow within the Department of Quantity Sur-         tions of Jane Jacobs, has been named one of the
transforming building design, construction and        veying, School of Environmental Technology at         top books of 2010 by re:place Magazine. It was
operation, with profound implications for future      Federal University of Technology in Akure, Ni-        also recently listed as one of the ten best books
Construction Managers.                                geria, and is Chief Priest of the Yoruba culture.     of 2010 in urban planning, design, and develop-
                                                                                                            ment by Planetizen.
Ned Kaufman will give the keynote speech
at the Looking Forward Symposium being put            Nadine Post, Editor at ENR, lead a discussion         Jaime Stein was a speaker at the second instal-
together by Historic New England and Roger            in project delivery systems and BIM at Pratt          lation of the NYC Future Metropolis events
Williams University. The event is to take place       Manhattan in January, as well as other forms of       put on by Solar One, a Green Energy, Arts,
on the 1st of October, 2011.                          collaborative delivery. The “lean” construction       and Education Center located in Stuyvesant
                                                      initiative, specifically the Lean Construction        Cove Park. She spoke on the subject of Green
                                                      Institute, was reviewed.                              Infrastructure.

                                                      In January, Manhattan’s Community Board 3             PSPD and the Consulate General of the Federal
                                                      approved a set of guidelines to redevelop six         Republic of Germany co-sponsored a discussion
                                                      acres of largely vacant City-owned property on        at the Center for Architecture in December with
                                                      the Lower East Side – one of the largest tracts       Englebert Daldrup and Peter Zionicky, authors
                                                      of such land remaining in Manhattan – collec-         of the book, Large Scale Project in German
                                                      tively known as the Seward Park Urban Renewal         Cities: Urban Development 1990-2010. In this
                                                      Area. Over the past 40 years, efforts to rebuild      work, the authors examine nineteen large-scale
                                                      on the sites, which were originally raised as         projects that have been undertaken over the past
                                                      part of an urban renewal scheme, have been            twenty years. They discussed a few of these proj-
                                                      immobilized by strong community disagreement          ects, focusing on Hamburg and Stuttgart, and
                                                      over what should be built there, and for whom.        whether these efforts have indeed contributed to
                                                      Since April 2010, the City has been working           the ‘renaissance of the European city.’ The book
                                                      with a designated CB3 committee to create a           is available for order on Amazon.
                                                      plan that represents a good compromise between
                                                      divergent community voices. The meetings have
                                                      been facilitated (and the guidelines drafted) by
                                                      PSPD’s Chair John Shapiro, PSPD Professor
                                                                                                                                              William Calabrese
                                                      Eve Baron, and Simon Kawitzky, a recent                                                      Geoffrey Dyck
SAVE THE DATE!                                        graduate. As approved, the guidelines call for
Saturday, April 16                11am - 6pm          more than 800 units of housing, approximately
Re:Construction: Rebuilding Dialogues, a sym-         half of which will be affordable. Also called for                                                CHAIR
posium on diversity sponsored by PIPSA and            are substantial amounts of retail, commercial,                                                John Shapiro
                                                      and community space, as well as public open
LEAP will be taking place in Higgins Hall.            space. The City intends to use the guidelines to

                                                                                                                                                   PROGRAMS for
  18                                                                                                                                      SUSTAINABLE PLANNING
                                                                                                                                               and DEVELOPMENT

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PSPD Newletter Spring 2011

  • 2. Jaime Stein Introduction I n a conversation at our 2010 Holi- students, faculty and community have day party, Water Quality Systems collaborated on adaptation and resil- professor, Paul Mankiewicz, and I iency plans for our most vulnerable wa- were enjoying the excitement of the end terfront communities. Studios tackled of semester and discussing the stellar rising tide in Red Hook, economic and company that we share within PSPD’s social resiliency on the Sunset Park wa- faculty. “Guild” was the descriptor Paul terfront, and sustainability planning for used. A fitting name for the concentra- a coastal community near Goa, India. tion of practicing architects, designers, A Friday evening lecture series has planners, advocates and scientists we been initiated focused on the sustain- represent. All unified in our belief in able waterfront; I hope you will join us. social justice and our pursuits of inno- vation within our respective fields. Indeed, our most recent curricular innovations are centered within the It is in this spirit that I write the science, design and policy of “green introduction to our PSPD Spring 2011 infrastructure.” Green infrastructure Newsletter, focusing on and illustrat- represents the hybridization of our ing faculty and student interests in and buildings and sidewalks to enable innovation with regard to water. From stormwater capture, mitigate combined comprehensive watershed and sewer outfalls, increase biodiversity, waterfront planning to grass-roots water and cool our cities. In addition to quality advocacy and green hosting the Department of Environmen- infrastructure design, our faculty and tal Protection’s Green Infrastructure student pursuits are having a major Community Grant workshop February impact on both the City and State’s 28th, we are developing, along with the management of one of our most Institute’s Center for Continuing and precious natural resources, water. Professional Studies, a professional Spring 2011 certificate in green infrastructure. We The program I direct, Urban Environ- will continue to explore research grants CONTRIBUTORS mental Systems Management, explores for interested faculty and students. I Carter Craft the nexus of environmental science, encourage you to follow our research Toby Snyder design and policy within our City’s and progress toward innovative solu- Jaime Stein management of solid waste, energy and tions related to water management. Ira Stern water. Our faculty is leading the charge • Jaime Stein is the Academic Coordinator for Laura Stinger on water-related issues that are further Urban Environmental Systems Management. Meg Walker exacerbated by the impacts of climate Kate Zidar change. We do so with an unwavering Cover Photo: Carter Craft intent on addressing the challenges of Climate Change. For over a year now PROGRAMS for SUSTAINABLE PLANNING 2 and DEVELOPMENT
  • 3. Ira Stern The Green Infrastructure of the NYC Water Suppy The Ridgewood Reservoir on the border between Queens and Brooklyn near Bushwick has been a contentious site between the community, who largely wants it pre- served and trails restored, and the Parks Department, who has plans to fill it in and turn it into ballparks. For more info on the community preservation effort visit: Photo: dogtooth77 (Flickr) U sually, when the NYC Water components to enhance supply’s stabil- in lost communities include a host of Supply is described, there tends ity, performance, and longevity. While stormwater swales and vegetated buffer to be a focus on the thousands it is well understood that the water- zones that require constant upkeep. of miles of water mains, hundreds of shed itself is comprised of natural and Hydropower facilities were constructed miles of tunnels, stone waterworks managed areas that produce the clean at the outlet of tunnels that move water buildings, dams and spillways, and water that New York City is known for, from one reservoir to another. industrial-sized treatment facilities. there are significant City owned assets This ‘grey’ infrastructure is critical to of green infrastructure that are operated A major component of the 1997 delivering water to half of NY State’s and maintained on a daily, albeit quiet, Watershed Agreement was to increase population and is the target of a sig- basis. the original buffer lands through land nificant proportion of the City’s capital acquisition into the watersheds them- budget. This green infrastructure includes selves. Protecting land permanently reservoir buffer lands that include and keeping it in its natural state is However, the water supply is as de- forestland, fields, wetlands, and a more reliable strategy than control- pendent on its ‘green’ infrastructure riparian areas along streams. Large ling pollution on developed areas. In components as it is its vital pipes and earthen dams that create the reservoirs addition, although forestland in any valves. Besides the land acquired for need to be maintained in grass cover, state is better for water quality than the reservoirs themselves, the engi- burrowing animals need to be con- developed land, research has shown neers that designed the water supply trolled and drainage systems main- that vigorously growing forests provide system, beginning in the mid 1800’s, tained. The roads and bridges that better nutrient uptake than a mature incorporated a variety of critical green the City built to replace infrastructure forest. Diversity of species and age of 3
  • 4. (Continued from previous page) design of City engineers. It would take passion I have for the environment the basic elements of good land use and the creativity it takes to work with the forest protect against pestilence and planning and a ‘roll up your sleeves and communities on difficult situations. I extreme weather. These factors lead to get to know your neighbors approach’ to want the students to be prepared for planning and management strategies to implement an effective program. While this challenge, as my professors at Pratt ‘maintain’ this critical piece of green some may call this is an did for me, and, as a result, I enjoy infrastructure. oversimplification, as a person who was seeing them develop their own careers ‘on the ground’, I can say that until and bring Pratt values to their work. • On a landscape level, the ecosystem relationships were developed between Ira Stern is a Regional Manager at the NYCDEP Bureau of Water Supply, a PSPD alumni and function of natural and managed lands upstate and downstate people, the member of the faculty. are dependent on the actions and be- beginning of trust and cooperation (that havior of people since all land is owned has lasted 15 years so far) would not by some entity – public or private – and have occurred. all land is classified for tax purposes one way or another. This means that I was lucky enough to lead a watershed green infrastructure is dependent planning division in NYC Depart- Project for on people and communities and the dynamic relationships and motivations ment of Environmental Protection that was given responsibility to protect the Public Spaces of the individual and the collective. watershed through the development and Spring Training Protecting land permanently and keeping it in its natural state is a more Hosted by the PSPD reliable strategy than controlling pollution on developed areas. April 28-29 Learning about watersheds and the implementation of voluntary water- Streets As Places rivers and landscape they depend on is shed programs to purchase priority fascinating, but it pales in comparison lands, develop stream management to the people and community dynam- plans and restoration projects, pro- May 5-6 ics that determination the form and duce infrastructure plans and build How to Turn a Place Around function of the landscape. Facilitation, wastewater treatment plants and compromise, listening to all perspec- stormwater projects, work with farm- tives, getting the right stakeholders ers and forest landowners to do pollu- May 20-11 together, and dealing honestly and tion prevention plans and implement How to Create openly were key to making progress on best management practices. We relied Successful Markets protecting what is essentially a shared on local capacity building and imple- resource. While the watershed supplies mentation, peer to peer education, the lifeblood to a great City, 75% of focused on multiple objectives, and June 9-10 the watershed land is owned by private created local non-profit organizations Placemaking: individuals. Whose rights are more (funded by the City) to deliver many Making It Happen important? of these programs. Pratt taught me to trust the power of good process and to My experiential education at Pratt (MS rely on the inherent ability of people All courses will take place at CRP ’85) prepared me well for the chal- to work out solutions when recogniz- the Pratt Manhattan Campus lenge of working for NYC beginning ing the benefit of mutual objectives. at 144 West 14th Street in 1995 just when the City needed to settle lawsuits with watershed commu- Teaching at Pratt has enabled me to (between 6th and 7th Aves) nities and develop a watershed protec- reach a cherished level of profes- in New York City. tion plan that met the requirements sional development since I benefit of the EPA for Filtration Avoidance. greatly from the energy, knowledge, The green infrastructure was in place and experience of my students. It For questions, please contact thanks to the stewardship of watershed motivates me to keep current in my Dana Kitzes at residents, farmers, forest landowners, field and provides an outlet for the 60 towns and 8 counties, as well as the PROGRAMS for SUSTAINABLE PLANNING 4 and DEVELOPMENT
  • 5. Meg Walker well-known Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, the Cleveland Browns Stadium Planning for Diversity on the and the Great Lakes Science Center, and a smattering of boats around the Waterfront: The PPS Experience underused Voinovich Park, the water- front is dominated by port uses. The Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Port T Authority is planning to move its port he world’s most appealing urban Makai waterfront, a 200-acre state- activities east of the downtown so that it waterfronts, from the Coney owned property near the downtown that can develop its extraordinary 100 acre Island Boardwalk to Sydney Har- formerly housed light industry. To kick property. PPS worked with Ehrenkranz bor and Vancouver’s Granville Island, off the process, an advisory council was Eckstut and Kuhn Architects on the are truly accessible, public environ- created from among the many cultures master plan for the site, developing a ments that attract a broad cross section that make up the local community, with program of uses for its new public of people, diverse in age, race and cul- native Hawaiians taking the lead, to spaces. tural background. Yet, new waterfront formulate guiding principles for the developments and parks in many cities, project. The group’s #1 principle states In reaching out to dozens of stakeholder including New York, too often appeal that Kaka’ako should be a Community organizations, including a variety of to only one age group or socioeco- Cultural Gathering Place that will cultural arts entities and immigrant nomic sector, or worse, become private “celebrate the intertwined cultures of groups, we learned that Cleveland- enclaves that serve only the people who the community by ensuring a welcom- ers identify with their neighborhoods live there. How can we avoid the pit- ing gathering place for a broad cross- -- separate villages that house homo- falls of exclusivity, particularly in a city section of people diverse in age, income geneous populations --and rarely with that already struggles with social and and ethnicity.” Consistent with this the city at large. Furthermore, the ethnic tensions, and cultural insularity? goal, participants in the planning pro- city functions like a donut with noth- Project for Public Spaces (PPS) helped cess recommended that the waterfront ing in the middle, since the downtown to plan a number of urban waterfronts include an outdoor multi-cultural festi- – although blessed with magnificent recently where the communities’ goals val space for Honolulu’s diverse ethnic architecture -- has lost much of its included putting the public first and communities, educational facilities that strength as a retail and cultural cen- celebrating pluralism. Here are some communicate the cultural history of ter. The lakefront suffers from the principles we have gleaned from these the area, and a local food and cultural same fate: tourists may go to the Rock experiences. market place stocked by local farmers, and Roll Hall of Fame, but rarely do fishers and traditional craftmakers. residents venture down there. Out of MAKE PUBLIC GOALS our interviews and public brainstorm- THE PRIMARY OBJECTIVE CREATE A SHARED ing workshops emerged a new vision Honolulu’s Kaka’ako Makai Waterfront COMMUNITY VISION for the waterfront: flexible plazas, parks Urban waterfronts are too valuable to Cleveland’s Downtown Lakefront and esplanades where all Cleveland- become the domain solely of a private Unlike a master plan, a community ers can mingle, and where different developer or a single user group; they visioning process does not lock a proj- cultures can share their foods, music, belong to all the people. Private devel- ect into a prescribed solution. It is a dances and performances throughout opment is not unwelcome, but the best citizen-driven initiative that outlines the year, indoors and out. And we solutions for revamping waterfronts put a set of goals–ideals to strive for–that challenged the City to start achieving public goals first. Community engage- set the stage for people to think boldly, this dream immediately, with program- ment – and, ultimately, local owner- make breakthroughs, and achieve new ming and partnerships that activate the ship and pride – depend on this basic possibilities. Because a vision is adapt- underused piers and parking lots right premise. able and can be implemented gradually, away, even before the planning for the starting with small experiments, it often new district is completed, in order to Hawaiians are ensuring that this prin- becomes more powerful through time build excitement for the shared vision ciple is born out in practice on their as public enthusiasm for making bold of a waterfront where everyone feels Honolulu waterfront. PPS is part of changes gains support. welcome. a team of planners and designers that is working with the Honolulu commu- Cleveland’s Lake Erie waterfront lies nity on a master plan for the Kaka’ako at the heart of the city. Except for its 5
  • 6. (Continued from previous page) serve the broadly diverse population to son River waterfront may do more to identify ten different public destina- economically revive the city than just CREATE MULTIPLE MULTI-USE tions that they would like to see on the building luxury residential towers. DESTINTIONS waterfront and how they could assist in Yonkers Hudson River Waterfront programming them to serve their needs. In his 2007 report, entitled “E Pluribus PPS has found that an effective way to Local theater and music groups that Unum: Diversity and Community in the propel a visioning process is to set a lack space saw the potential of flexible Twenty-First Century,” Robert Putnam, goal of creating ten great destinations outdoor performance areas; the Parks the author of Bowling Alone, writes: along a waterfront, an idea we call the Department would like an outdoor skat- “Tolerance for difference is but a first “Power of Ten.” This focus on des- ing rink; a canoeing club identified a step. To strengthen shared identities, tinations, rather than “open space” or safe harbor for educational programs; we need more opportunities for mean- parks, enables a genuine community- the African-American youth center ingful interaction across ethnic lines led process to take root. Residents, wanted to run recreational programs for where Americans (new and old) work, businesses, community organizations its kids around a Great Lawn; the Hud- learn, recreate, and live.” and other stakeholders identify the son River Museum envisions galleries key public destinations. The same exhibiting local artists on the ground Water, like food, is a magnet for ev- principle is applied at each destination floors of residential buildings; and, the eryone, a social leveler. The natural to come up with a list of ten activities Bezak Environmental Center wants attraction of being near the water, of resulting in a wealth of things to do that more shoreline space for its ecological touching it and, even better, of get- broadens the appeal of the destination, studies. By constantly emphasizing ting onto it draws young and old, of encouraging round-the-clock use. that riverfront public spaces are for ev- all races and cultures. Our waterfront eryone in Yonkers, not just the people public spaces offer one of the best In our work on Yonkers’ Hudson River who live in the new condo towers, and opportunities for the “meaningful waterfront (for the Point Street Landing that they could be flexibly-designed so interaction across ethnic lines” that project with Perkins Eastman Archi- that they can be shared by a number Putnam describes if we plan for it from tects), we stressed the need to create a of local partners, we helped the City the beginning and sustain it over time wide range of public destinations on the understand what a tremendous commu- through the continuing involvement of waterfront to counter the privatization nity-building asset its waterfront could a wide range of partners.• Meg Walker is that could potentially result from the be. Increased tax revenues are not a Vice President at the Project for Public Spaces. large amount of residential develop- the only benefits that can be reaped. For more information, go to ment planned. We asked community Rebuilding the pride and identity of the groups and non-profit organizations that Yonkers around its spectacular Hud- A sketch of the envisioned Cleveland Lakefront Promenade by Ehrenkranz Eckstut and Kuhn Architects PROGRAMS for 6 SUSTAINABLE PLANNING and DEVELOPMENT
  • 7. Kate Zidar Minds in the Gutter Newtown Creek, which borders Queens and Brooklyn, was the site of the Design/Build ESM course. Photo: Verbunkos (Flickr) C ombined Sewer Overflow is is a looming problem, extremely dif- opportunities in the gutter, coming from everybody and nobody’s ficult to solve through “conventional” a diverse array of sources. Minds in the problem. During a rainstorm means, that requires and expansion of Gutter launched on Earth Day, April in New York City, the storm drains in their current skill set. 22, 2010 at the Museum of the City of the street essentially shunt the total New York with a viewing of the designs volume of local weather into the same Where all of these viewpoints have and a panel discussion about the proj- set of pipes as our toilets. When the an opportunity to come together is ect, featuring some of the competition’s combined system fills up with rain, the the Stormwater Infrastructure Matters jurors, exhibiting designers and repre- overage – a frothy mix of human waste, (S.W.I.M.) Coalition, an alliance of over sentatives of the S.W.I.M. Coalition. runoff from roadways and any form of 70 groups dedicated to ensuring swim- In the year since its launch, Minds litter imaginable - is released directly mable waters around New York City in the Gutter has traveled to multiple to local water bodies, without treatment. through natural, sustainable stormwater professional conferences and served as This is happening almost every time it management practices. Through policy, a curriculum for formal and informal rains at the waterfronts New Yorkers education, outreach, implementation educational events, including Pratt utilize for employment and recreation. and monitoring, S.W.I.M. members con- Institute. Minds in the Gutter inspired We might see (or smell) some evi- tribute to the collective understanding a 2010 summer design/build course on dence of a CSO overflow where float- of how CSO pollution can be reduced stormwater in the Urban Environmental able garbage collects via currents or while providing environmental benefits Systems Management program. Using is quarantined behind floating booms, upland through Green Infrastructure. the city and campus as a classroom, but you basically need to be peering this course explored stormwater man- over the bulkhead at a known outfall (in Last year, the S.W.I.M. Coalition agement as a planning, policy, design the rain, at low tide) to know for sure if launched Minds in the Gutter, a call for and social justice issue. Students CSO overflows are happening. submissions to anyone — professionals, gained exposure to local current events students, the general public — with involving stormwater management, the From a planning perspective, this is an ideas for managing stormwater run- broader Green Infrastructure move- elegant (yet completely gross) illustra- off from New York City roadways and ment, and hands-on experience with tion of infrastructure carrying capac- sidewalks, and an exploration into how planning and implementation of proj- ity. From the perspective of boaters, agencies, communities and individuals ects currently underway. For their final open water swimmers and fishermen, are working on these issues. The jury projects, students created concepts for it’s a stinky mess they might witness brought leaders from city government, stormwater management interventions up close, raising serious public heath academia, urban pedagogy and state- on multiple sites within the Newtown concerns. For community gardeners level green infrastructure planning to Creek sewershed. • Minds in the Gutter lives and urban farmers, rain is a cherished the table to consider the submissions. online at, and was created with the support of NYC Environmental resource to be carefully stored, not The 15 designs that were selected for Fund. Kate Zidar is a PSPD graduate and mem- squandered down a drain. For policy the exhibit showcase a broad range of ber of the faculty. makers, regulators and engineers – this physical and environmental 7
  • 8. Toby Snyder, LEED Building the Ground it proposed reclamation of approximate- ly 150,000 square meters of land. Thomas McKnight, Senior Vice President of Development at the NYC Economic Development Corporation, recently took note of the project and asked, “If they can do all of that land reclamation in Copenhagen, why can’t M ark Twain once advised, “Buy A case in point is FXFOWLE’s award we do it here in New York?” Puzzled, land, they’re not making it winning entry, City Regenerative, in I began researching land reclamation, anymore.” No doubt he was an international competition for the which has been practiced around the aware of the sky-rocketing cost of land Nordhavnen district, currently a con- world for centuries, from the creation of in the rapidly urbanizing world of the tainer port and cruise ship terminal, in farm land in Holland and of city neigh- Industrial Revolution. Although well- Copenhagen, Denmark. Our vision for borhoods in Miami to airports around traveled, perhaps he was not familiar the 200-hectare waterfront site con- the world. Recently, however, the U.S. with the practice of land reclamation, in nects urban infrastructure, extends the has viewed it with greater suspicion which shallow bodies of water are filled existing waterway, weaves open space than Denmark has. I found that physi- in to create developable and/or arable through a series of neighborhoods and cal geography, economy, history, and land. Essentially, they are still making commercial nodes, and sets a new stan- culture contribute to the differences in it. dard for low-carbon consumption. And, shaping our respective policies. City Regenerative - FXFOWLE’s vision for urban planning and innovative architectural strategies to house 40,000 residents, create 40,000 jobs, and provide access for 40,000 bicycles. PROGRAMS for 8 SUSTAINABLE PLANNING and DEVELOPMENT
  • 9. The Nordhavnen peninsula today, with the city center of Copenhagen in the distance. to land reclamation. Both the U.S. and competition site. The Danes discovered UNEQUAL GEOGRAPHY Denmark protect wildlife habitat with that a large population of green toads Physically, one of the greatest threats regulations that limit or prevent land (bufo viridis), protected by the Euro- to reclaimed land is the water around reclamation, dredging, pier construc- pean Economic Community Habitats it. In general, areas with dramatic tion, and shoreline reconstruction. Directive, had established themselves tidal changes, such as the northeastern Since enacting the Endangered Species in the shallow ponds at the end of the United States, are more vulnerable to Act in 1970, many U.S. construction Nordhavnen peninsula. Essentially, as inundation and erosion than areas with projects have been stopped or delayed. long as sufficient measures were taken small fluctuation, such as the Oresund, The most famous case is perhaps in to create new habitats elsewhere on the strait that separates Denmark from protecting the snail darter fish (percina site, the toads and their ponds could be Sweden. Furthermore, climate induced tanasi) from the Tennessee Valley Au- moved. sea level rises are predicted to increase thority’s construction of the Tellico Dam non-uniformly around the globe; the (constructed only after being delayed ECONOMIC REALITY Oresund should experience less in- through injunctions that were argued Few development authorities can gen- crease than the U.S. Atlantic coast. The before the Supreme Court). Such mea- erate the funds to reclaim land. In most threat of inundation is greater here as sures are not uniformly applied—much U.S. cash-strapped municipalities, pri- well, which, due to its particular ocean depends on the specifics of each spe- vate entities with small capital reserves and wind currents, suffers hurricanes, cies and habitat. A new pier in the East own the majority of land. Conversely, in storm surges, and floods more frequent- River at the Northside Piers project in Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Dubai, South ly than the well-protected Oresund. Williamsburg was stymied following a Korea, and Hong Kong, each govern- In fact, in 500-years of practicing moratorium that prohibited disrupting ment owns a majority of the land—pri- land reclamation Copenhagen has not the river bed and shoreline during the vate property is often held in 99-year recorded a single flood.  fish mating season.  land leases. While these well-financed cities draw on national capital reserves Approaches to indigenous wildlife also Contrast our approach with the Danes’ for urban projects, the resulting re- differentiate our respective approaches treatment of the species found on the claimed land represents a 9
  • 10. (Continued from previous page) smaller share of the government’s total property portfolio. In recent years, land reclamation projects have occurred where low-cost flat land is scarce— Foster + Partners’ Hong Kong Inter- national Airport (9.4 km2 reclaimed), Renzo Piano’s Kansai International Air- port (10 km2) in Osaka, most of Tokyo Bay (249 km2) or Bahrain (410 km2), for that matter, all the Palm developments in Dubai—and the resulting land value would be profitable. Historically, the United States prac- A park created from reclaimed land in “City Regenerative.” ticed land reclamation more often than take place where enough “cutting” preserved as pure and untouched. it does today, examples include: the balances it. This was the case in the Back Bay and Logan Airport in Boston 1970s when 1.2 million cubic yards Copenhagen’s population is very (1,800 acres reclaimed); much of the were excavated from the World Trade conscious of its role in constructing San Francisco harbor; the Port of Center site and ’dumped’ at the Battery the landscape. A much longer shared Providence and East Providence, Park City site in the Hudson River. The civic history dates as far back as the Rhode Island; and the 92-acre Battery Nordhavnen project in Copenhagen can Vikings and Romans. Copenhagen has Park City in New York; as well as much only now be realized as a result of the built up its harbor over time, from the of Lower Manhattan. The post-war increased construction activity taking construction of the Citadel at the city’s period of suburban sprawl, which place around the city, most notably the heart and the fortification of Slotshol- greatly spared Copenhagen, has done massive highway tunneling under the men to the creation and expansion of more to proportionally reduce the Oresund harbor. the Nordhavnen Peninsula itself. With value of U.S. waterfront sites, making such a long history of continuously set- it unlikely that any reclamation proj- CULTURAL SPECULATIONS tling the land, it is nearly impossible to ect could generate comparative value. Stating that all reclamation projects conceive of “pure” land in Denmark or When high-value land does warrant get a green light in Copenhagen and consider the forces of development as threatening. Perhaps the U.S., with its sprawling metropolitan regions, labyrinthine property laws, infrastructural fragmen- tation, and jurisdictional redundancy, can shift its policies to a simpler, yet more nuanced, understanding of how Historical growth of the Nordhavnen peninsula over the last 400 years, with the best to fit into the American landscape. “City Regenerative” proposal for the next 45 years. Not that we should simply adopt Danish practices, but we should take a more added expense, the common practice is a red light in the U.S. oversimplifies holistic approach towards deciding to build up rather than out. Skyscrapers it. Americans often regard their cities where to develop land and where to are not common at all in Copenhagen; as constructed out of a wilderness on preserve it. The value of Twain’s quote rather, the Danes developed a high- “virgin” soil from an often mysterious may yet prove to be prescient advice, density mid-rise urbanism. and unknown natural world. This has not as a rapacious investment strategy, led our development to assume either a but as a reminder of the scarce and pre- The soil and fill needed for reclamation frontiersman-like “battle against cious resource we should not squander projects, depending on their scale, is nature” or its inverse corollary, or exhaust. • Toby Snyder is a designer for enormous, and “filling” can only deference to sacred land to be FXFOWLE and a PSPD faculty member. PROGRAMS for SUSTAINABLE PLANNING and DEVELOPMENT
  • 11. Carter Craft often side-by-side. In many ways these Break Through the Surface, activities complemented each other, and they may yet again. Here’s How When faced with your next waterfront design or development opportunity, think about the following aspects of your site: bottom condition, water depth, water quality, movement, and the water’s edge. Historic maps will give you some ideas, but in an estuary so dramatically altered by human ingenu- ity and intervention, there is no sub- T stitute for doing your own investigating hink about any new waterfront What most of today’s waterfront devel- firsthand – or at least up to your knees. development you’ve seen re- opments seem to do best is to keep peo- cently. There was probably a lot ple from making contact with the actual BOTTOM CONDITION of glass, carefully selected to accentu- water. This is unfortunate and unneces- The condition of the bay-, creek- or ate the reflections off the water or catch sary. Unfortunate mainly because water river bottom will show you a number the color of the sky. An interesting light quality in urban rivers, harbors and of useful things. Rocky bottoms will fixture, reminding you that modern bays has improved so dramatically in tell you there’s probably a lot of wave aesthetics almost always change – or at the last four decades since the passage and wake action there. The finer grain least our tastes do. Nearest the water’s of the Clean Water Act. It’s unnecessary silts get washed away by the currents.  edge there was a railing, finished in because with a little more consideration If there’s silt or even muck there then brushed metal and likely topped by of the natural characteristics of the you might have some options. Calm a dense hardwood not native to North water, and just a touch of imagination, waters are ripe for some human connec- America. It may even have won some every new waterfront development can tion. The finer silts here can help hold award, but it’s relationship to the water help us all reconnect to what historical- roots for submerged plants or inter- is probably nothing more than a visual ly was the most vibrant harbor and port tidal grasses. Muck can swallow your connection. That’s not just unfortunate, in the western hemisphere. This harbor shoe, but at the same time not provide it’s wrong. is historically a place where recreation enough structure for plantlife to take and commerce have long coexisted, and hold. The best of all worlds is sand, it provides some structure, it’s uniform and easy to handle, it’s generally clean, and it’s easy on the feet. As you head farther away from the shoreline, you’ll start to find a different bottom condition at different distances. For instance, at East River State Park in Williamsburg you can see the sand up near the high water line, and heavier rocks farther. Depending on the size of your site you may be able to create different zones of water-related activ- ity: a mooring area there for sailboats, a kayak launch here, even some spar- tina marsh along the edge if it can be protected both from wave action and human interference. Pay close attention to the slope of the bottom – along the many shipping channels in and around You CAN Get There From Here: Each year NYC Swim hosts the Brooklyn Bridge swim, where hundreds of swimmers negotiate the tides and currents for 1 kilometer in the East River. Photo: Carter Craft
  • 12. (Continued from previous page) matter of hours. Unless you know the the Port. Add to this amount the almost tide cycle quite well it can be hard to 5-foot tidal variation and suddenly its New York it is not unusual to find some even plan an activity in certain areas.  clear why boating doesn’t always work steep drop-off not at all far from shore. For boats, water depth is also very everywhere we might hope. No one likes to get in over their head if important. Every vessel has a dimen- they’re not ready for it. sion known as “draft.” This is the depth Sailboats deserve a special mention.    of the boat’s hull or structure below the Many have a fixed, often deep keel. WATER DEPTH water line.  For something lightweight This is the part of the hull which ex-  At waterfront sites in New York City, like a kayak, the draft can be just a few tends deep down into the water to help the most important thing to keep in inches.  For a small motor boat plan on maintain the boat’s stability while in mind about water depth is that it 1-2 feet.  For a water taxi it might be rough seas or heavy wind. If your sail- boat has a centerboard - a removable or pivoting part of the keel that can be When faced with your next waterfront design or development opportunity, raised up or removed in shallow waters think about the following aspects of your site: bottom condition, water depth, –it can dock just about anywhere in water quality, movement, and the water’s edge.  the harbor. However, if your sailboat has a fixed keel then you’ll have to be changes: the ocean’s tides have a dra- 3-5 feet, depending on the design of much more careful. If you are at the matic influence throughout the water- the boat. For many of the larger dinner dock at low tide and the bottom condi- front zone. As the North Atlantic Ocean and party boats the draft could be 7-10 tions are fine grain silts, you might have sloshes back and forth between North feet and for working tugs plan on 8-15 some scuffing or minor damage to the America on the east and Europe on the feet. If the vessel is ocean going then keel.  But if that bottom condition at west, the level and the height of the the draft can be much larger. Surging low tide is rock or stone, or the water is water rises and falls almost 5 feet every and stormy seas demand a deeper keel just too shallow, it’s possible that your six hours throughout much of NYC. But to help keep the ship upright. Large keel could get wedged, and function in places like the Upper East River, commercial ships are in a league of like a pry bar pushing your sailboat up along the south Bronx, northern Queens their own. Most of the modern con- against or away from the dock. This can and western Long Island Sound, where tainer ships have a draft of 45-50 feet be very dangerous- both for the struc- the tidal influence is more complex, the or more. This issue of draft is what is tural integrity of the vessel as well as level of the water can rise and fall close driving the largest dredging project anyone trying to get on or off the boat. to eight feet with every cycle. This ever in this Port; the US Army Corps of   variation happens because when the Engineers is now in its 2nd decade of a tide is coming in ocean water first starts $1.3 billion plus project to deepen all pushing westward through Long Island of the primary shipping channels into Sound, along the coast of New England. Soon the High Tide reaches the area The Water Beckons: the Harlem River has a number of opportunities around the Throgs Neck and Whit- to better connect land and water activities. Photo: Carter Craft estone Bridges. Meanwhile, the same surge of the Atlantic has also been pushing in along the south shore of Long Island and enters the Narrows. As the tide moves up through the Harbor, it can enter into the Kills around Staten Island, go up the Hudson, or up the East River Thus, along the Upper East River for much of the day the tide is pushing in from both directions. Water depth is critical for two reasons.  For human use, what may look like an attractive wading beach in the Inner Harbor at low tide will disappear in a PROGRAMS for 12 SUSTAINABLE PLANNING and DEVELOPMENT
  • 13. Oyster Cove at Pier 101 on Governors Island is home to many water-based programs, including those of the Downtown Boathouse and the Urban Assembly New York Harbor School. The NYC School Construction Authority is renovating an adjacent building to become an oyster hatchery, boat maintenance shop, and SCUBA program support space for the School. Photo: Carter Craft MOVEMENT wedge beneath the Hudson’s salt-free Looking at all these factors above:  Most importantly, keep in mind the water flowing out on top. The water’s bottom condition, water depth, water Harbor’s water is almost always moving.  particular movement in any location quality, movement and wind it is clear Just the wind can have such a dramatic therefore isn’t just influenced by the that planning for the waterfront is just influence on the water’s flow speed and tide, but also it’s temperature and salt as complex as planning for the land.  direction that it alone warrants a much content.  Thus a ship that has a draft of Just as important but not discussed in longer article. But basic geography 20 or 30 feet may actually be dealing this article is the issue of water quality and physical form play large roles too. with a current pushing them along 25 – the physical, biological and chemical Where the river or bay is broad like a feet below, while at the surface of the makeup of the water itself. It’s a very wide pool the rate is slower. Where the water the tide is working against their dynamic environment and our vision waterway is constricted and narrow the vessel. Think for a minute what these for it ought to be as well. As our water pace is much more rapid. The efforts conflicting forces might do if you were quality continues to improve its impor- to capture tidal energy in the estuary trying to move sideways, which you tant to remember we must try also to are concentrated along the East River often need to when docking a boat. find the balance between human use where the water is the fastest-moving   and enjoyment and the ecological func- current anywhere in or near New York tions needed to support the biodiversity City.   But just as the tide rises, so THE WATERS EDGE that defines any healthy environment, the currents speed up and then slow  If you ever find yourself in a situation particularly an urban one. Though our before the tide starts to fall. That period where you can’t make headway against nation’s politics offer us little hope that when the current seems to stop – when the wind or the tide, chances are you such a balance exists, the fact that this the tide is turning – is called “slack” will look for some place to wait for estuary remains home to virtually all tide.  Slack tide is when many sensi- conditions to change, or to tie up, go the native species of fish that dwelled tive in-water activities get scheduled.  get coffee or even come back tomorrow.  here before European settlement make The annual swim under the Brooklyn This is when the unfortunate reality it clear we are blessed with a biologi- Bridge and the docking of many cruise of our inflexible edges will strike you.  cally rich environment. We owe it to or container ships are all scheduled at There just aren’t many places to get out.  ourselves and future generations to or near slack tide so as to minimize the It’s hard with a boat – but even harder create new connections to and into the potential influence of the tide on the if you ever find yourself in the water water that can help us create syn- activity that needs to happen.   looking for a place to get out.  The best ergy between human use and natural models for today are probably the ones function, or at least a better balance Ask any Harbor Pilot about the move- used here years ago:  staircases, ramps, than the industrial revolution has yet ment of the water and he or she may and floating docks or barges.  Ladders achieved. • Carter Craft teaches Waterfront give you a long treatise reminding you are needed at regular intervals to help Planning in the PSPD. He is USCG-licenced Captain and principal of Outside New York, a that colder water coming in from the swimmers and scuba divers to get in consulting firm specializing in programming, ocean sinks below warmer water flowing and out, in areas where those activities education, infrastructure design, and events. down the river.  Ocean water is saltier are taking place. as well, causing it to come in like a 13
  • 14. Laura Stinger Improving the Resiliency of Coastal Communities S unset Park, a community-of- color on the waterfront is par- ticularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. A recent editorial published in the journal, Environmental Justice, explained the uneven impacts of climate change this way, “Climate researchers report that vulnerable com- munities, even in the most prosperous nations, will be the first and worst hit. In this country, the most impacted areas will be communities-of-color, Indig- enous Peoples, and low-income com- munities that are socio-economically disadvantaged, disproportionately burdened by poor environmental qual- ity, and least able to adapt. They will be the first to experience extreme heat events, respiratory illness, vector-borne infectious diseases, food insecurity, and natural disasters.” In the Sunset Park studio led by Ron Shiffman, Mercedes Narciso, Ellen could not only weather the effects of polluting infrastructure to be sited near Neises, Eddie Bautista, and Stuart climate change but slow them and help the water and homes with little or no Pertz, our client, the environmental protect the community from them. environmental review. As the residents justice community organization of the community are already burdened UPROSE (United Puerto Rican Sunset Park is a coastal neighbor- by the Gowanus Expressway, a freeway- Organization of Sunset Park), posed to hood in Brooklyn, south of Red Hook like Fourth Avenue that cuts them off us the mandate to create a holistic plan and north of Bay Ridge. The diverse from the waterfront, a waste transfer to create community resilience in the community of, among others, Puerto station, multiple brownfields, and a face of climate change. Our approach Rican, Mexican, Chinese, and Pales- severe lack of public space, to resilience was broad, and neces- tinian residents runs upland from the environmental justice is of the utmost sarily so, encompassing urban design, waterfront to the park that carries its concern. community capacity building, land- namesake. The waterfront is a working scape design, economic development, waterfront and is a source of employ- Sunset Park has been the subject of affordable housing, disaster planning, ment for residents, 20% of Sunset Park many planning endeavors. There is a and city and regional policy. We looked residents walk to work. The waterfront 197-A plan, a Greenway plan, a Vision into ways to foster economic resilience, is a significant maritime industrial area, Plan from the Economic Development resilience of the built form, tenure and an SMIA, and as such has special zon- Corporation, and the new Waterfront security for long term residents, a resil- ing that is meant to keep manufactur- Revitalization Plan. All these plans ient culture, and a diverse and healthy ing in the area but has the unfortunate vary in their commitment and innova- waterfront and open space network that and dangerous side effect of allowing tion to raising the quality of life for PROGRAMS for 14 SUSTAINABLE PLANNING and DEVELOPMENT
  • 15. Sunset Park residents, but they share one thing in common, they were made before it was clear that the effects of climate change must be a main thread woven through any look at a waterfront community, especially one with pollut- ing infrastructure in a storm surge zone. We knew that any initiative must be led by the community and therefore empower and strengthen the commu- nity, as UPROSE has been doing for decades. After a disaster, it has been shown again and again that an affected community that had a strong and well- established social network recovered faster, with more residents returning, crucial services up and running again in a shorter time, and in some cases, improved facilities compared to pre- disaster. Thus many of our recom- mendations went beyond land-use and looked to build and support the vibrant networks that already exist in the area; an informed group of activist youth, a Previous Page and Above: Images from the final presentation and report by the Sunset Park Studio lively tradition of street vending and entrepreneurship, strong community with programming and events. the industrial sector organizations, and an active street life. D Innovative ways to help small, green B Making sure the new park at bush Taken as a whole, we knew that our manufacturing thrive on the waterfront: terminal uses local vendors. recommendations must simultaneously E A community kitchen for vendors 3 Support for continuing environmental raise the economic capital, the social to develop ideas, upscale production, health and justice: capital, and the built capital while hav- and cut down on sanitation violations. A Using the bay ridge salt flats which ing a strong framework for ensuring that Designed as a closed-loop system, the lie just off the coast of Sunset Park as a long-term residents are not displaced building would also house large-scale wave attenuation buffer, utilizing ecol- by gentrification. composting, a wholesale produce dis- ogy restoration and oyster reefs. tributor sourcing from upstate farmers B Building a ecology center for youth Our recommendations laid out a and transported via the Hudson to the environmental education on the wa- greener and stronger Sunset Park and waterfront rail barge connection, a roof- terfront; including oyster cultivation, included: top farm, and a wash cut and bag facil- wetland construction, water testing, soil 1 Innovative ways to create more open ity, providing jobs and fresh produce for testing, urban agriculture. space and manage storm water: the NYC school system. 4 Housing and rights of tenure: A A backyard farming network with 2 Innovative ways to build capacity and A Using the TIL program, convert resource and knowledge sharing, work- social capacity: foreclosed properties into affordable days, all connected to emergency food A A foreign language teaching coopera- housing co-ops. distribution. tive. B Collaborate with local community de- B Raised bed food production and a lo- B A mobile health clinic. velopment corporations and innovative cal vendors market on a former brown- C Connecting the elderly population design-build firms to create housing field. with the rest of the community through where the future residents participate C Green waterfront connector streets an intergenerational video project in the design, building, and mainte- running upland all the way to the water documenting their history and stories. nance of the buildings. • Laura Stinger and featuring bio-swales, extended tree 3 Innovative economic development: is a second year student in City and Regional pits, and pedestrian-only weekends Planning. A Sustainable materials management in 15
  • 16. Landmarks about the landmark with just a single agriculture, then mechanized it and tap. It’s designed for students doing added fertilizers and chemicals, we are field work, architects, historic preser- now on the cusp of the third agricul- West (and East, vationists, urban planners, and even tourists and anyone else curious about tural revolution: growing food in urban areas, using less land, water and fossil New York’s rich architectural history. fuels, while applying fewer chemicals. North, South) The app has been featured on the New York Times’ City Room Blog as well After a fascinating time travel through as He has also created the invention of primitive and modern versions for Boston and San Francisco. agriculture–with all their advantages Currently, it is built for the Palm Pre or and problems–Dr. Despommier, a Pixi, but an iPhone version is coming microbiologist, lifts us into the coming soon. • Learn more at world of high-rise farming. In new or refurbished buildings, farmers of tomor- row will grow all kinds of food that we Gelvin Stevenson can be eating the next day. Book review of The Vertical Farm by Dr. Dickson Despommier The illustrations are lively and infor- 2010, Thomas Dunne Books mative; the style is easy and friendly; $25.99, 320 pages and the message is compelling: we eat better and the eco-sphere can heal Future Farming itself and once again provide all those wonderful services–carbon sequestration and clean water, to mention two–that it used to do. So while you’re reading “The Vertical Farm”- and it is truly a must-read–contemplate all those advantages, and taste that T he ubiquity of smartphones has fresh food. • Gelvin Stevenson teaches Envi- ronmental Economics in the PSPD. begun to start to weave their way into the urban fabric, and a new, Upcoming readily accessible layer of an “augmented reality” is beginning to emerge. Prior to the development of these devices, history was marked geographically by staid plaques hiding Facilities L roadside and in the bushes. Now we ooking for a solution to food scar- are able to tune into the wavelengths of history as easy as pressing a few city, excessive chemicals on our foods, too much energy used in Management Program buttons on the devices already in our growing and transporting food, nutrient pockets. runoff, the disappearance of low skilled jobs in urban areas, and food that just PSPD GIS instructor Steven plain doesn’t taste very good? Then Romalewski has developed a mobile welcome to the vertical farm revolution, Thursday, April 14, 2011 Development as a Contact Sport app called Landmarks: New York. It and the foundational book on Vertical Robert Sanna, Exec VP & Director, lists the official landmarked buildings Farming by the movement’s leading Forest City Ratner Companies near you anywhere in the 5 boroughs, light, Columbia University Professor Atlantic Yards as a development scenario has all providing details such as when the Emeritus Dickson Daniel Despommier. the hallmarks and the travails of current property issues. Anecdotes about policy, costs, procedures, landmark was designated, if it’s in a marketing and the ultimate goals will elucidate Historic District, thumbnail photos, and “The Vertical Farm” is a tour de force the story of this new Brooklyn landmark. 6:30 PM, Wikipedia links. You can view each of the promise of this latest agricultural Room 213, Pratt Manhattan. location on a map, and email details revolution. Just as humans developed PROGRAMS for 16 SUSTAINABLE PLANNING and DEVELOPMENT
  • 17. Nancy Campbell and Anna Peccianti as usual, was engaged in the planning Redemption with Carsten Paludan- of the event and had volunteered to co- Müller Alumni Updates chair the newly reformed PPAA. In the last 10 months, she has had a remark- April 15: Redefining Artistic Advocacy with Aaron Levy able recovery that has her speaking and April 29: New York State Climate Ac- writing more clearly every day. tion Plan with Alan Belensz An event will be held in Alison’s honor, helping to raise funds for Trinity Hu- CONNECT WITH PPAA ONLINE man Services Center (140 Montrose Av- Pratt Institute Alumni Association has enue, Brooklyn, NY 11206) on Sunday, recently launched it’s new and April 3rd at 2pm. A raffle will be held enhanced website: to help support Alison’s family with the The new site features an online direc- medical costs they have incurred. For tory, alumni news and networking more information contact Yadhira Deras groups. The site will also help alumni (THSC) at 718-388-3176 or Rolando take advantage of benefits including Guzman (St. Nicks) at discounted membership to Pratt’s ath- letic facility and free entry to some city museums. PSPD SPRING LECTURE SERIES Last month, Programs for Sustainable To make this experience valuable, we Planning and Development launched need your help. Please visit to alumni. its Spring Lecture Series. This compel- to log into Pratt’s online ling series features local leaders and alumni database and make sure that Allison Cordero leading a public workshop. Photo: PPAA internationally renowned practitioners the Institute has your most current discussing and debating current plan- contact information, preferred email ad- ALUMNI INFO ning, preservation and environmental dress and any personal or professional Alison Cordero (Class of 1991) has a topics. Lectures have been contempo- accomplishments you’d like to share. long history in serving the communi- rary and compelling and audience dis- Once you’ve logged-in to the site, ties of North Brooklyn. Starting at cussion has been lively and engaging. please find the Pratt Planning Alumni St. Nick’s Alliance in 1984 as a Pratt Please mark the series in your calendar Association (search “Groups” on the Institute intern, Alison has served as and be sure to share it with friends and left hand side), created just for PSPD the Deputy Director for Community colleagues in New York City. alumni. PPAA will disseminate as all Preservation since 1997. Her nearly We look forward to seeing you there! relevant news for PSPD alumni through 30 years of service to the Greenpoint- Reception 5:30; this group. Williamsburg community is undeterred. Lecture 6:00; As Frank Lang, Housing Director at St. Q+A 7:00 We would also encourage you to con- Nick Alliance attests, “Alison’s big- nect with PPAA on our LinkedIn page. gest strength is her consistent desire to Pratt Manhattan Campus Our group name is “Pratt Planning”. work in a collaborative manner with all 144 West 14th Street, New York We look forward to seeing you online! facets of the neighborhood to coordinate Room 213 (Unless otherwise noted) and build consensus toward an advo- RSVP cacy agenda.” April 1: Vision 2020 Comprehensive As some of you may know, Alison Click here to visit our LinkedIn page. Waterfront Plan with Mike Marrella experienced a stroke in May 2010 just April 8: Cultural Heritage: Roots, as the department was preparing to Relations, Rationales, Rights and celebrate its 50th Anniversary. Alison, What is PPAA? The Pratt Planning Alumni Association (PPAA) aims to invigorate our dynamic alumni network to bring the benefits, resources and expertise to alumni and to current students. To provide PPAA with financial contributions or volunteer time, please email PPAA Co-Chairs Nancy Campbell and Anna Peccianti at 17
  • 18. AAKRITI, the journal of the Goa College for Architecture, wrote an article about the experience Accomplishments of Pratt’s studio on the coast of India. The studio wil be covered in full in the summer issue of Multiplicity. Click here to read the article. In December, Eddie Bautista was a part of Lee Miller, ‘13, a joint-degree student at the craft Requests for Proposals to redevelop to the the White House’s first panel on Environmental Pratt Institute and Brooklyn Law School was area, while continuing to consult with the Com- Justice. He spoke on the Healthy Communities awarded the American Planning Association’s munity Board. and Place-based Initiatives panel and requested (APA) Daniel J. Curtin, Jr., Planning Law Fel- federal assistance to support local efforts by City lowship. The APA’s Planning Law Division Eric Allison spoke at the Neighborhood Pres- officials and NYC-EJA members to reform the awards the Fellowship to one student annually ervation Center co-sponsored by the Historic Significant Maritime Industrial Area’s designa- to foster greater interest in the study of land use Districts Council, discussing the new book tion found in the NYC Waterfront Revitalization planning and its interrelationship with the law. he co-authored with Lauren Peters, Historic Program. The recipient advocates for thoughtful planning Preservation and the Livable City. The book by preparing articles on land use for publication, serves as “a guide to how historic preservation Joan Byron was a part of a panel discussion, assisting in the APA’s educational programs and can enhance the economic and environmental Roads to Nowhere: Public Works in a Time of the solicitation and review of session proposals sustainability of cities and towns. Crisis. The panel was co-sponsored by the Pratt submitted by Planning Law Division members Center and the Regional Plan Association as for the annual National APA Conference. Sciame Construction sponsored this se- a part of the Musuem of the City of New York’s mester’s OSHA-10 certification classes. This on going Urban Forum series on New York Adedayo Ologundudu put together a forum at event was held at the Sciame offices in Lower Infrastructure. Columbia University as a kick off event for the Manhattan. non-profit he has founded, the Global Environ- Steve Jones from McGraw-Hill construction mental Management Foundation. Additionally A book that included a contribution from Ron shared research findings with Construction and he serves as Associate Lecturer and Research Shiffman, What We See: Advancing the Observa- Facilities Management students on how BIM is Fellow within the Department of Quantity Sur- tions of Jane Jacobs, has been named one of the transforming building design, construction and veying, School of Environmental Technology at top books of 2010 by re:place Magazine. It was operation, with profound implications for future Federal University of Technology in Akure, Ni- also recently listed as one of the ten best books Construction Managers. geria, and is Chief Priest of the Yoruba culture. of 2010 in urban planning, design, and develop- ment by Planetizen. Ned Kaufman will give the keynote speech at the Looking Forward Symposium being put Nadine Post, Editor at ENR, lead a discussion Jaime Stein was a speaker at the second instal- together by Historic New England and Roger in project delivery systems and BIM at Pratt lation of the NYC Future Metropolis events Williams University. The event is to take place Manhattan in January, as well as other forms of put on by Solar One, a Green Energy, Arts, on the 1st of October, 2011. collaborative delivery. The “lean” construction and Education Center located in Stuyvesant initiative, specifically the Lean Construction Cove Park. She spoke on the subject of Green Institute, was reviewed. Infrastructure. In January, Manhattan’s Community Board 3 PSPD and the Consulate General of the Federal approved a set of guidelines to redevelop six Republic of Germany co-sponsored a discussion acres of largely vacant City-owned property on at the Center for Architecture in December with the Lower East Side – one of the largest tracts Englebert Daldrup and Peter Zionicky, authors of such land remaining in Manhattan – collec- of the book, Large Scale Project in German tively known as the Seward Park Urban Renewal Cities: Urban Development 1990-2010. In this Area. Over the past 40 years, efforts to rebuild work, the authors examine nineteen large-scale on the sites, which were originally raised as projects that have been undertaken over the past part of an urban renewal scheme, have been twenty years. They discussed a few of these proj- immobilized by strong community disagreement ects, focusing on Hamburg and Stuttgart, and over what should be built there, and for whom. whether these efforts have indeed contributed to Since April 2010, the City has been working the ‘renaissance of the European city.’ The book with a designated CB3 committee to create a is available for order on Amazon. plan that represents a good compromise between divergent community voices. The meetings have been facilitated (and the guidelines drafted) by PSPD’s Chair John Shapiro, PSPD Professor EDITORIAL William Calabrese Eve Baron, and Simon Kawitzky, a recent Geoffrey Dyck SAVE THE DATE! graduate. As approved, the guidelines call for Saturday, April 16 11am - 6pm more than 800 units of housing, approximately Re:Construction: Rebuilding Dialogues, a sym- half of which will be affordable. Also called for CHAIR posium on diversity sponsored by PIPSA and are substantial amounts of retail, commercial, John Shapiro and community space, as well as public open LEAP will be taking place in Higgins Hall. space. The City intends to use the guidelines to PROGRAMS for 18 SUSTAINABLE PLANNING and DEVELOPMENT