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Propaganda During World War Two Essay
Propaganda During World War Two During World War II propaganda was ubiquitous. It consisted of a wide range of carriers including leaflets,
radio, television, and most importantly posters. Posters were used based on their appeal: they were colorful, creative, concise, and mentally
stimulating. Posters often portrayed the artist's views on the war. They demonstrated the artist concern for the war, their hopes for the war, and
reflected the way enemies were envisioned. Posters also show a nations political status: they reflect a nations allies and enemies, how the nation saw
itself, and its greatest hopes and fears of the war. Posters were mainly used to sway public opinion. They were aimed at brainwashing society to think
and act more content...
The second type of poster was the "Victory" poster. In this type of poster, the United States flag and a solider in uniform were shown to give off a
patriotic feeling and accompanied by words such as " America, Now and Forever". These posters also used symbols such as Uncle Sam, the
American Eagle, and most of all the Stars and Stripes. The third type of posters, "Careless Talk" posters, were in contrast to "Victory" posters. These
posters were designed to keep Americans from talking about the war. Talking may seem as harmless, however American authorities feared that spies
would overhear American plans of attack and would relay this information to Axis powers. Although not using nation symbols, symbols such as were
death, such as a paratrooper and others with cemetery crosses. These posters commonly used the cause–and–effect idea. An example of this is
represented in a poster showing a spaniel gazing over his dead owner's naval collar with the words "...because someone talked" underneath. According
to Photoworld, "Because someone talked, the spaniel has lost his master, and it conveys a sense of loss." By perceiving this sense of loss, Americans
would give their sympathy to the war and to the men and women who were fighting. To attract public compassion for
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World War Two and the Atomic Bomb Essay
World War Two and the Atomic Bomb World War II is one of the most historic points in the history of the world. The war was by far the most
devastating in the history of the world. There were many controversial actions during the war, but one of the biggest was the decision by the United
States to drop atomic bombs. The atomic bomb should have been used to end the war because it saved more lives than continuing the war. The
official bombing order was signed on July 25, 1945, by Thos. T. Handy and sent to General Carl Spaatz. The bombing order called for additional
bombs for the targets in Japan when called on by the project staff. The bomb was set to be dropped the first time the weather permitted after August 3, more content...
In the 1960s the public saw the bomb only as an action to gain an upper hand with Russia (Goodman, screen 2). Also, on a more tragic note, by
1946, 240,000 Japanese had died from the two bombs (screen 1). Even now people are still dying from the effects of the Atomic Bomb(Why,
screen 1). One aspect that is under big concern is whether dropping the bomb or an invasion would have taken more lives. One source that gave
estimates of an invasion stated, "In a meeting on 18 June the Joint War Plans Committee gave Truman projected death rates ranging from a low of
31,000 to a high of 50,000" (Goodman, screen 6). This number was much lower than predictions from other sources. A.C. Snow, a News and
Observer editor, wrote, "The invasion was expected to be the Armageddon of World War II some historians project that a million or more lives would
have been lost" (screen 1). President Truman and Secretary of War, Henry Stimson, said that dropping the bomb was a military action that avoided the
loss of many lives in the upcoming invasion of Kyushu (Goodman, screens 1–2). During the war the Japanese were killed twenty–two to every one
American, so if the invasion would have taken place with these numbers the bomb saved many lives (screen 6), On the side of President Truman's
decision to use the bomb to end the war was the fact that far, far more people, civilians and military would have been killed on
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World War II in Europe
World War II was after the war that was supposed to be "the war to end all wars", but World War II started just over a couple decades later. World
War II started because of Germany and Japan's greedy wants of more land, and they were willing to use force to acquire it, spiraling many countries
of the world into war. The total aftermath of this war ended up being 60 million people or 2.5 percent of the world's population at the time. The
people who said WWI was the war to end all wars could not have had nightmares about the horrifying events of WWII. World War II was a massive
conflict across continents that ultimately caused by one man, this man being Adolf Hitler. Hitler's rise to power began when he joined the Nazi political
party more content...
Before his speeches Hitler would let the crowd wait building tension and anxiety while military music and when Hitler finally came out there would
be shouts of "Heil" to show worship to Hitler and the Nazis.(The Rise of Hitler) Germany had become the Nazi Germany that Hitler had wanted it to
become. On September 14,1930, election day, the Germans voted the Nazi party into 107 seats of the German government, and thus making the Nazi
party the second largest party in German politics.(Weinberg, Gerhard L.) In celebration of the victory the SS decided to smash all the glass of jewish
stores in Germany, foreshadowing events to come under Nazi Germany. Even with the large support for the Nazi party, Hitler lost in the elections to
become prime minister of Germany because many people thought he would become dictator and start a reign of terror. Hitler did eventually gain the
prime minister position he so badly needed for his plans, and set the wheels of WWII and the Holocaust into motion. When Hitler took control of
Germany he changed the prime minister position into a dictator position, so he could control everything that went on around Germany. Hitler wanted
to regain land lost at the end of WWII, so he annexed Austria back into Germany. Hitler then started urging the Sudetenland, a part of Czechoslovakia
that was mostly German, to rejoin Germany. This forced
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Persuasive Essay On Ww2
We are told that this war wasn't about killing; but about serving and honoring your country. However, one question always stirred up, but can
never be answered. What did cause the most horrifying war to ever take place on the battlefield? Nothing. One word could describe World War I:
stupid. WWI did not have to happen; there was no explicit reason and was an absolute mistake. To think that during every battle about 19,000
soldiers were killed all for nothing. But there was no legitimate reason to why everyday people were 'serving' and 'honoring' their country, only to
die. People had the choice of peace or war, and yet, time after time, they chose war. After WWI ended a treaty was made, this was called theTreaty of
Versailles. Anybody at the time knew that this treaty was the start of another war, of another way thousands of lives would end. This treaty disallowed
German military to have a diversity of different weapons. Because of this, the Germans felt that they were not being treated fairly and they wanted
revenge. Although, the Treaty of Versailles was the gunpoint of World War II, there were also other things that really encouraged the Germans to start
another battle. One person started World War II, and he went by the nameAdolf Hitler. When Hitler came to power, he gathered followers and promised more content...
It took the lives of millions, but then improved lives for decades more. People during the war thought that they were transforming the world into
what we live in now: a new age, a new era. The war is thought to create the world where airplanes are real, where medicine is advanced to the point
people didn't think was possible, where you can build buildings all at the hands of a machine. We call itWorld War Iand World War II, but it's really
just one global conflict in the stages of many battles and
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How Did Ww2 Affect The American Couture
Paragraph 1 Topic Sentence: WW2 affected the American couture in many ways
Evidence: World War II (1939
–1945) was the largest armed conflict in human history. Through this many people had to migrate to different places and
this caused many problems.
Analysis: As an example kids had to change schools often and in some places, they would have to miss school. Even if, people would want to go back
to their houses that part of the land could possibly be owned by another country.
Paragraph 2 Topic Sentences: There were many countries who were involved in WW2.
Evidence: More than 50 countries took part in the war, and the whole world felt its effects. Men fought in almost every part of the world, on every
continent except Antarctica. more content...
On December 7, 1941, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. It was an American Navy base inHawaii. This caused many problems Analysis: The attack
destroyed 20 ships and 300 airplanes. It killed more than 2,000 soldiers and sailors. A few days later, theUnited States joined World War II. It declared
war against Japan. Most countries in the world fought during the second world war.
There were many countries who were involved in WW2. More than 50 countries took part in the war, and the whole world felt its effects. Men fought
in almost every part of the world, on every continent except Antarctica. So countries included in WW2 were Italy and Japan. Britain, France, Australia,
Canada, New Zealand, India, the Soviet Union, China and the United States of America.
WW2 affected the American couture in many ways. World War II (1939
–1945) was the largest armed conflict in human history. Through this many
people had to migrate to different places and this caused many problems. As an example kids had to change schools often and in some places, they
would have to miss school. Even if, people would want to go back to their houses that part of the land could possibly be owned by another
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Essay on Weapons Used in World War II
World War II is one of the most recognized battles in the history of the world. The battle originated with Germany's invasion of Poland. This sparked
the beginning of the war, though the United States was not yet involved. The U.S. came into the picture after the attack on Pearl Harbor on the
morning of December 7, 1941. Though Japan was the more "direct opponent", the United States Army Rangers, Marine Corps., and every other branch
of military took on Japan and Germany.
Fighting on the Frontlines One of the more famous battles in the war was the Invasion of Normandy, France by the Allied forces, also known as
"Operation Overlord". The arriving troops came ashore to heavy gun fire that wiped out a good portion of the soldiers more content...
This weapon was typically on a tripod to steady the bouncing that came with automatic fire. One of the more unpredictable attacks came from the
Arisaka Bolt–Action Rifle. Rifles were recognized in WWII for their long range and accuracy. This gun could be used with or without a scope. When
scoped, range was greatly increased, as the shooter could see farther distances and put a round down range with precision. Though this wasn't the
primary weapon for most of the soldiers, it was favored by snipers for its precision at long ranges.
Weapons of Destruction
American soldiers were using fairly new weapons compared to previous conflicts. The fully automatic assault rifle was new addition to the American
arsenal. A prime example of the sheer power and deadliness of an automatic rifle is the M1918BAR (Browning Automatic Rifle). This gun was the
first of it's kind for American forces. Though it was a bit heavy, it had stopping power. It blasted the .30–06 Springfield round down range at 2,822 f/s.
Although the iron sights weren't all that great, the aperture view did the job quite well for targets that were a little ways out. Due to the success of
this weapon, Browning set out to create a better, stronger version of it for heavier combat. The M1919 Browning Heavy Machinegun was deployed.
This monster of a gun was usable without a bipod, but heavy and hard to aim without. With a 600 round per minute rate of fire from a direct feed belt,
the Browning was one of the
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Origins Of Ww2 Essay
The Origins behind WWI and WWII As the twentieth century dawned across the world, a new threat was posed across the nations. As World War
One, and subsequently World War Two dawned in the earliest part of the twentieth century; the world suddenly knew a different reality. These two
wars thrust the world, into a reality, of pain and death, something they had not had to face before. New weapons were invented, the population of
mainland Europe was desecrated, and many tears were shed. Two wars that terrorized the world into their "new normal", that is known to the present
day today. With many possible, underlying causes to these two wars; the causes can be categorized into three main sections. A growing sense of
Imperialism among the "white countries" of Europe, revolutions and the budding sense of Nationalism afterwards, and the growing sense of resentment
(on Germany's part). During the latter part of the nineteenth century, the roots of the modern race for power were established. TheUnited States was still
working out the kinks as a more content...
The "White Mans Burden"; according to this philosophy, " since European society is superior, therefore they are the superior society. The white
man has a burden to 'change' the inferior societies of Asia and Africa into something more civilized" (Garcia 3/38/16). That was the main driving
force behind European Imperialism. There is an economic undertone, however. According to Spielvogel, " There was a great demand for natural
resources and products not found in Western countries such as, rubber, oil, and tin. Instead of trading for these products, European investors
advocated for direct control of the areas where the raw materials were found" (Spielvogel 747). So, in part, European ideals soon spread across Africa
and Asia, as much of Africa and Asia was conquered. However Imperialism, took more of a back seat as time went on in the European
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The Causes and Effects of World War II Essay
World War II was fought between two main opposing forces, the Allies and the Axis forces. The Axis powers consisted of Germany, Italy, and Japan
being the most dominant. On the other hand, some of the countries in the Allied powers were Great Britain, the United States, France, Australia, New
Zealand, India, the Soviet Union, Canada, and Greece. Adolph Hitler became head of Germany's National Socialists Party in July of 1921. By 1933
the once unknown Hitler was given dictatorial power. As his power grew the new dictator grew more restrictive and power hungry. Books were
burned, Jewish–owned businesses were boycotted, the Nazi Party was made the only party, and concentration camps were opened, all in the first year
of Hitler' more content...
In 1940 Italy declared war on France and Britain, the first air raids took place, and many countries were invaded and alliances were formed. The
first gas chambers were used at Auschwitz, and 33,771 Jews were killed at Kiev in 1941("World War II in Europe"). On December 7, 1941 the
Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, and the next day the United States entered the war; Britain joined the U.S. in declaring war on Japan. By the 11th,
Germany declared war on the United States. The Declaration of the United Nations was signed by the 26 Allied nations on the first day of 1942.
Also in 1942, mass murder began happening at Auschwitz. In 1943 Germany was defeated at Stalingrad, and Italy surrendered during invasion,
although Germany then took control of the battle. Throughout 1944 Germany began retreating and surrendering from many stands and battles. The
Allies invaded France on June 6, 1944 and Paris was liberated by August. The last gas chambers at Auschwitz were used in late October. Hitler
committed suicide on May 7, 1945 and German forces surrendered to the Allies. An atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, and a
second was dropped on Nagasaki on the 9th. Japan agreed to surrender on August 14th. In October of 1945, the United Nations was officially created.
Due the scale of World War II, each country that fought had a large amount of men who were in battle. This, of course, included the
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Essay on WWII
Junior English WWII "The world must know what happened, and never forget." (World War 2) General Eisenhower reflecting upon the world war
II, and acknowledging it as a pertinent event in the history of the United States of America. War is war, it is not pretty or humane, but what it is, is a
diplomatic way in which to settle disputes and aggressions between countries. By analyzing these wars of the past, the people of the country can learn
many things, be it mistakes made by one side, strategy from someone else or battle field etiquette. And it is through this analysis that the human race is
able to further itself to not repeat the mistakes made by their ancestors. There are many lessons to be learned from looking at more content...
Conversely around this same time period a man named Adolf Hitler rose to popularity within the weakened empire of Germany. Oddly enough at
the same time as the Americans were working through their depression, the Germans were also dealing with the trying threat of their own
depression. But what set the difference between Hitler in Germany and FDR in America was the methodology and approach to the presented
problem. Where FDR formulated the New Deal and his revitalization of American banking, Hitler used Fascism and Militaristic dictatorship to not
lead but force his country out of the depression and into the well oiled military machine that it would soon be known as. The big lesson to be
learned here is that a good leader is a leader who understands the problems of the country and listens to the plights of his people, wether you people
call for a military uprising or just the return of jobs to the common folk. Both of these men given above were great leaders for the time and were able
to lead their country effectively into the super powers in which they became during the beginning of the war. Before the war with America, the
Japanese economy was going in the opposite of the American. This meaning that during this time the Japanese economy was becoming so powerful
that it needed to expand onto the mainland of Asia just to meet
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Faced with the Great Depression and World War II, Franklin D Roosevelt, or "FDR", brought America through its hardest times. Franklin Roosevelt
was brought into to office during one of America's greatest domestic crisis's, The Great Depression, this was a time when America's economy had a
rigorous decline. Roosevelt acted swiftly during these times, and did what he believed was best for America. The United States changed during
Franklin Roosevelt's presidency by the creation of a new role for the government in the economy, the nature of presidency changing, and the
establishment of the social security act, which is an act that set up a pension system for people who have retired, established unemployment insurance,
and created insurance for victims who were involved in work related accidents. This act also provided aid for mothers and children who were in
poverty, the blind, and the disabled.
During Roosevelt's presidency he more content...
Franklin roosevelt's contributions to life during his presidency were huge, and had great effects on the people, and the nation itself. Although his new
deal didn't end the depression it made things better and his presidency during these times gave America hope and confidence throughout it. Franklin D.
Roosevelt marked a substantial turning point in the nations political, economic, social, and cultural life during his presidency. The United States
changed in many ways during his presidency by the creation of a new role for the government in the economy, the nature of presidency, and the
establishment of the social security act, which is an act that set up a pension system for people who have retired, established unemployment insurance,
and created insurance for victims who were involved in work related accidents. This act also provided aid for mothers and children who were in
poverty, the blind, and the
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Essay On Ww2 Propaganda
During World War II, governments would create propaganda in hopes of inspiring or convincing citizens in their country to make a contribution to
the war effort. Most of the propaganda was related to the need of the factory workers in the factories and the factories needed as many people as
possible to help make materials necessary for the war. Therefore, the techniques used to persuade their citizens to join the war movement was through
different fonts, pop of colors, and images to catch the reader's eyes. The government used different fonts in attempt to give a slogan that would resonate
with any citizen that read the propaganda. Even though slogans are useful, different fonts allows an attraction to what the words say on the
propaganda. This allows the citizens to read the words and more content...
This enables the audience to look at the colors, then realize the words and comprehend their meaning. The government intended to make certain
words stand out as their citizens read the propaganda so they could look at the vibrant colored words to convince them to take action. Then, citizens
would consider helping their country during the war and actually go work in the factories to make necessities for the war. While citizens think the
government appreciates their efforts, the materials given during war are important to win the war. Lastly, when images are used in the propaganda, it
helps the audience understand what the government needs from their citizens to be part of the war effort. While vibrant colored words emphasize
specific words, images present concepts that can not be told in a few words. These images can inspire citizens through the use of colors or making
certain objects bigger than it really is in real life. Therefore, it would bring emphasis on who is needed or what is need from the citizens that the
government is attempting to recruit to take part of the war
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Dbq Essay On Ww2
1945 was a period of alleviation for America and its kin. That year was the finish of World War II. Germany had lost and the ideal opportunity for
reconstructing was close. However, the peace did not keep going long between the U.S.S.R and the United States. The Soviet Union had an
arrangement of government called socialism. This distinction brought on terrible strain between the two countries and turned into a Cold War. The
Soviet Union trusted that socialism would beat free enterprise and that they will win the Cold War. America's countering to the U.S.S.R's spreading of
socialism was uncontrollable. The Cold War split the countries into two substantial groups , the individuals who were under socialist lead and the
individuals who were against it. The United States was devoted in their battle against socialism with occasions like the Truman Doctrine, which
promised to bolster any individual who was being undermined by comrade lead, and The Marshall Plan, which gave more than 10 billion dollars to
European nations in the push to revamp the harm more content...
With an end goal to test the United States' dedication to control Joseph Stalin chose to set up a bar around West Germany. (Doc B) The bar kept all
provisions, including sustenance, from being brought into Western Berlin. Since the U.S. was at that point sending billions of dollars into Europe the
Soviet Union felt that they wouldn't get included in the little encounter going on. Be that as it may, the United States regarded their dedication to the
Truman Doctrine and alongside assistance from their partners; America flew in provisions and sustenance to West Berliners for over a year. The
Berlin Airlift was a win and on May 12, 1949, Stalin evacuated the barricade(Doc B). This demonstration of regulation demonstrated that the States kept
their oath when it came to keeping the spread of
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World War II Essay example
The Second World War began in September of 1939 and was between the Allies and the Axis. It began with Germany's unprovoked attack and
conquest of Poland, and involved Britain and France from the beginning. Its origins lay in German resentment at the terms of the Treaty of Versailles
(1919), the economic crisis of 1929–30, which favored the rise to power of Fascist dictators, the failure of the League of Nations to gain international
acceptance for disarmament, and the policy of imperialism adopted by Germany, Italy and Japan as a means of acquiring raw materials and markets.
As a part of the Treaty of Versailles, Germany had to accept full responsibility for the FirstWorld War, which then led up to the outbreak of the Second. more content...
However, France remained passive without Britain's support. Britain was sympathetic towards Germany and even signed an Anglo–German naval
Treaty (June 1935) allowing Germany's navy to be 35% of the size of the Royal Navy.
In 1936, defying the Treaty of Versailles (1919), Hitler remilitarized the Rhineland. He marched 30,000 troops into Cologne on March 7, 1936.
France, with 250,000 troops mobilized, remained passive because Britain would not support her. Britain took the view that Germany was 'marching
into her own back yard.' To show that his remilitarization was popular, Hitler held a plebiscite, which showed that 98% were in favor. He went on to
build his own defensive fortification, the Siegfried Line.
Britain's policy of Appeasement (May/June 1937 – March 1939) was also a cause of World War Two. Neville Chamberlain became the British Prime
Minister on May 28, 1937, and followed the policy of appeasing Germany, believing that all Hitler wanted to do was unite German–speaking people. In
doing so, Hitler would break the Treaty of Versailles but Chamberlain did not believe Hitler would cause war. Churchill disagreed, citing Mein Kampf
(1924) where Hitler has written that Germany must regain lands 'in the East... by the power of the sword.' Little did Chamberlain know that he had
misinterpreted Hitler's aims.
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Ww2 Case Study
he effort on the Canadian government and civilians did lead towards the allied victory of WW2 by the control of financial. In World War 2, paying
for the war and waging the war were expensive, so the king figured out ways to pay it all, by raising income tax and selling Victory Bonds. The
way of selling the Victory bonds is to sell it to people and a few years later, they would get their money plus the interest back. Meanwhile, the
government could use this money to pay for the war effort. The Chinese Canadians raised $4 million in the relief funds and send $5 million to support
the effort in China. The total expenses that the federal government spending on the War effort were $21 786 077 519 from 1939–1950. At the end of
the war, the victory
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Essay On World War Vs Ww2
Both World War I and World War II were horrible periods of our recent history, and to this day these two wars serve as a warning to the rest of the
world about the horrors of war. Although war's history is told by the victor who enjoys the "spoils of war," much can be learned as well from the
loser. As the age old saying goes, "those who fail to pay attention to history, are doomed to repeat it." BothWorld War Iand World War II were crucial
to the development of modern war tactics and strategies. These wars shaped the future of modern combat with their new gains in technology, weapons,
communications, and medicine. World War I, was a devastating conflict and still affects the world today, both ideologically and technologically. World
War I involved two factions –the Central Powers and the Allies. The Central Powers consisted of Germany, Austria
–Hungary, and Turkey, and the
Allies were composed of France, Great Britain, Russia, Italy, Japan, more content...
The main reason they didn't succeed is because of a lack of funding. That doesn't mean it was easy for the US to make the bomb, in fact, the US
made two types of them to increase its chances if one bomb failed. The two types of bombs include; a Uranium type bomb or a Plutonium type
bomb. Both were used in Japan to end the pacific war in 1945. Germany continued to use the blitzkrieg tactics in World War II, and blitzkrieg tactics
were the use of extreme mobility to prevent a massive front such as the western front in World War I. So, using these tactics Germany managed to
conquer France, Belgium the Netherlands and Poland, and with this tactic trying to invade Russia in only six weeks the German army had reached
Moscow. Even though the German army was eventually defeated because of a massive winter in Russia, the blitzkrieg tactics are extremely effective
during this war and could have won Germany the
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Realist Viewpoint of World War II Essay
The realist school of thought stands for anarchy and fighting for its own selfish reasons to preserve the nation's interest. Back in December 7th, 1941
after the Japanese air force attack to Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, America's military was caught by surprise bringing out the attention of the whole nation
against Japan. President Harry S. Truman, made the decision in 1945 to attack Japan with nuclear bombs first to Hiroshima and then three day later to
Nagasaki. Days later, Japan surrender, and World War II was drawn into a close. Realist scholars say that the decision made was unnecessary. The
death among the two cities were around 200,000, in Hiroshima there were 90,000 deaths, and Nagasaki had 37,000 death this is without counting the more content...
Generals of War at that time were classical realism oriented, which stands for the principle of national interest and main role is to achieve and preserve
power. General Dwight Eisenhower, that later became the thirty–fourth president of the United States knew and understood the awful things the U.S
should declare itself guilt of. Prisoners of war from Japan that were in different courts around the world, many, were discharged of them, nothing was
comparable to the mass murder of children, women, and families the barbarous genocide war crime the U.S. should be blame for.
World War II end it, while theCold War just started. As an old realist like NiccolГІ Machiavelli would say "the end justifies the means." The thinker
would had agree with President's Truman decision if only Japan would had been stronger and ready to keep on fighting and a an outcome of
understanding would had come out. The poor excused, if payed attention, if Japan does not provide absolute surrender, although its people have sworn
loyalty to the Emperor at that time, they would be attack. United States officials Byrnes and Baruh influenced Truman in using Japan, although he
denies it, as an experiment arena for the atomic bombs. David McCullough wrote a biography of Truman and he mention how the Secretary of State,
Stettinius was truly not an expert of foreign policy and did not know what he was doing. Not only Machiavelli, but a realist scholar of the time of the
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Informative Essay On Ww2
September 31, 1939 marks the start of a 7 year long war that lasted for a total of 2149 days, this war was to be known to many as World War 2.
Throughout the war, more than 6 million deaths were recorded, not including the hundreds of thousands deaths that went unrecorded. World War 2's
official end was on September 2nd, 1945 when Japan had agreed upon an unconditional surrender to the Allied Powers on August 14th 1945. Japan had
officially and formally surrendered about half of a month later on September 2nd, 1945, on the USS Missouri.
To popular belief, it is believed that the reason for Japans surrender was because of the atomic bombs theUnited States dropped on Hiroshima and
Nagasaki, known as Little Boy and Fat man. Was the atomic more content...
After scavenging for useful information to aid the answer to my questions, I was able to construct a timeline of events that occurred from 1 month
before Japans surrender to 1 month after Japans Surrender. Upon analyzing the timeline of events, I noticed that the time period of August 6th to
August 9th stood out like a sore thumb. These are the events I have found and gathered up. Before the bomb was dropped, Japan had no intentions of
surrendering. On August 6th, the first atomic bomb, Little Boy, was dropped on Hiroshima. After the bomb was dropped, Japan still had no intentions
of surrendering. Suddenly, in the early morning of August 9th, the Supreme Council met up to discuss the unconditional surrender to the Allied
Powers. During the councils meeting, they received word of the bomb dropped on Nagasaki which occurred after the meeting started. What seems
odd about this string of events is the sudden decision to consider surrender that had not happened before. Because Nagasaki happened after the
meeting, it can be ruled out. Hiroshima can also be ruled out because of Japan not skipping a beat and not acting for several days after the
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Essay about World War II as a Good War
World War II as a Good War
The vast majority of Americans supported World War II (WWII) after Pearl Harbor was bombed, recognizing a fascist threat to Western democracy.
WWII was a good war. It had the ability to unite America. They united against Nazism and fascism. But even a good War has its bad times. If you
look behind what you think happened at what really happened in WWII it becomes clear that the U.S. has nothing to be proud about. WWII evolved
the entire globe, putting the world's largest economic and military powers against each other: the AXIS powers Germany, Japan and Italy against the
ALLIED powers Russia, Britain and the U.S. There were some 27,372,900 civilians and 20,858,800 military personnel killed in more
In August 1942, a prominent German industrialist contacted the president of the World Jewish Congress in Geneva Dr. Gerhart Reigner, and warned
of Hitler's plans for the "final solution." Reigner then cabled the plans to the U.S. where the State Department disregarded the cable; and even as more
information came in, the U.S. delayed any response. To save Jews or stop the Holocaust. One
of the most well known attacks on the Jews was known as Night of Broken Glass. On the November 9, 1938, violence against Jews broke out
across Germany. The Germanys tried to make it appeared like the violence was an unplanned attack, set off by the assassination of a German official
in Paris at the hands of a Jewish teenager. In two days, over 1,000 synagogues were burned, 7,000 Jewish businesses were trashed and looted, dozens
of Jewish people were killed, and Jewish cemeteries, hospitals, schools, and homes were looted while police and fire brigades stood by. http:/
/ President Roosevelt, and Secretary of State Cordell Hull blocked several attempt to let Jewish refugees, to
inter the U.S. They appointed Breckinridge Long, as the U.S. State Department official in charge of matters concerning European refugees.
Breckinridge Long was an extremely nerves person with a particular suspicion of Eastern Europeans. He suspected Jewish immigrants of being either
communists or German
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World War 2 : Argumentative Essay
World War 2 Argumentative Essay
World War 2 was a massive war which engulfed the whole world from 1939– 1935. There were 2 different sides in the war. These two sides were the
Allies and the axis. At the start of the war, the Allies consisted of Great Britain and all of its colonies (such as Australia) and France. The Axis
consisted of Germany, Italy, Japan and the Soviet Union. At the start of the war theaxis powers were dominating. Germany used "Blitzkrieg"
(Lighting war) tactics very successfully and overran many countries using it. But some major events occurred and turned the tide of the war to the
favour of the Allies. However two of these major events are most often talked about to be the reason that the axis powers eventually lost. One of
these events includes the Japanese attack on pearl harbour. This brought America into the war and onto the side of the Allies. The other of the two
events was instigated by Germany itself. Germany decided to attack one of their allies. This ally was the Soviet Union. There is often a lot of debate
about which of these events is greatest, that is to have had the biggest effect in the war. So the question has to be asked, was it the US entrance into the
war that made the defeat of Germany inevitable, or it caused by the German attack of the Soviet Union. In my opinion it was not the US entrance to the
war, but the German invasion of the Soviet Union that made the ultimate defeat of Germany inevitable. This is because they put
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  • 1. Propaganda During World War Two Essay Propaganda During World War Two During World War II propaganda was ubiquitous. It consisted of a wide range of carriers including leaflets, radio, television, and most importantly posters. Posters were used based on their appeal: they were colorful, creative, concise, and mentally stimulating. Posters often portrayed the artist's views on the war. They demonstrated the artist concern for the war, their hopes for the war, and reflected the way enemies were envisioned. Posters also show a nations political status: they reflect a nations allies and enemies, how the nation saw itself, and its greatest hopes and fears of the war. Posters were mainly used to sway public opinion. They were aimed at brainwashing society to think and act more content... The second type of poster was the "Victory" poster. In this type of poster, the United States flag and a solider in uniform were shown to give off a patriotic feeling and accompanied by words such as " America, Now and Forever". These posters also used symbols such as Uncle Sam, the American Eagle, and most of all the Stars and Stripes. The third type of posters, "Careless Talk" posters, were in contrast to "Victory" posters. These posters were designed to keep Americans from talking about the war. Talking may seem as harmless, however American authorities feared that spies would overhear American plans of attack and would relay this information to Axis powers. Although not using nation symbols, symbols such as were death, such as a paratrooper and others with cemetery crosses. These posters commonly used the cause–and–effect idea. An example of this is represented in a poster showing a spaniel gazing over his dead owner's naval collar with the words "...because someone talked" underneath. According to Photoworld, "Because someone talked, the spaniel has lost his master, and it conveys a sense of loss." By perceiving this sense of loss, Americans would give their sympathy to the war and to the men and women who were fighting. To attract public compassion for Get more content on
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  • 3. World War II in Europe World War II was after the war that was supposed to be "the war to end all wars", but World War II started just over a couple decades later. World War II started because of Germany and Japan's greedy wants of more land, and they were willing to use force to acquire it, spiraling many countries of the world into war. The total aftermath of this war ended up being 60 million people or 2.5 percent of the world's population at the time. The people who said WWI was the war to end all wars could not have had nightmares about the horrifying events of WWII. World War II was a massive conflict across continents that ultimately caused by one man, this man being Adolf Hitler. Hitler's rise to power began when he joined the Nazi political party more content... Before his speeches Hitler would let the crowd wait building tension and anxiety while military music and when Hitler finally came out there would be shouts of "Heil" to show worship to Hitler and the Nazis.(The Rise of Hitler) Germany had become the Nazi Germany that Hitler had wanted it to become. On September 14,1930, election day, the Germans voted the Nazi party into 107 seats of the German government, and thus making the Nazi party the second largest party in German politics.(Weinberg, Gerhard L.) In celebration of the victory the SS decided to smash all the glass of jewish stores in Germany, foreshadowing events to come under Nazi Germany. Even with the large support for the Nazi party, Hitler lost in the elections to become prime minister of Germany because many people thought he would become dictator and start a reign of terror. Hitler did eventually gain the prime minister position he so badly needed for his plans, and set the wheels of WWII and the Holocaust into motion. When Hitler took control of Germany he changed the prime minister position into a dictator position, so he could control everything that went on around Germany. Hitler wanted to regain land lost at the end of WWII, so he annexed Austria back into Germany. Hitler then started urging the Sudetenland, a part of Czechoslovakia that was mostly German, to rejoin Germany. This forced Get more content on
  • 4. Persuasive Essay On Ww2 We are told that this war wasn't about killing; but about serving and honoring your country. However, one question always stirred up, but can never be answered. What did cause the most horrifying war to ever take place on the battlefield? Nothing. One word could describe World War I: stupid. WWI did not have to happen; there was no explicit reason and was an absolute mistake. To think that during every battle about 19,000 soldiers were killed all for nothing. But there was no legitimate reason to why everyday people were 'serving' and 'honoring' their country, only to die. People had the choice of peace or war, and yet, time after time, they chose war. After WWI ended a treaty was made, this was called theTreaty of Versailles. Anybody at the time knew that this treaty was the start of another war, of another way thousands of lives would end. This treaty disallowed German military to have a diversity of different weapons. Because of this, the Germans felt that they were not being treated fairly and they wanted revenge. Although, the Treaty of Versailles was the gunpoint of World War II, there were also other things that really encouraged the Germans to start another battle. One person started World War II, and he went by the nameAdolf Hitler. When Hitler came to power, he gathered followers and promised more content... It took the lives of millions, but then improved lives for decades more. People during the war thought that they were transforming the world into what we live in now: a new age, a new era. The war is thought to create the world where airplanes are real, where medicine is advanced to the point people didn't think was possible, where you can build buildings all at the hands of a machine. We call itWorld War Iand World War II, but it's really just one global conflict in the stages of many battles and Get more content on
  • 5. How Did Ww2 Affect The American Couture Paragraph 1 Topic Sentence: WW2 affected the American couture in many ways Evidence: World War II (1939 –1945) was the largest armed conflict in human history. Through this many people had to migrate to different places and this caused many problems. Analysis: As an example kids had to change schools often and in some places, they would have to miss school. Even if, people would want to go back to their houses that part of the land could possibly be owned by another country. Paragraph 2 Topic Sentences: There were many countries who were involved in WW2. Evidence: More than 50 countries took part in the war, and the whole world felt its effects. Men fought in almost every part of the world, on every continent except Antarctica. more content... On December 7, 1941, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. It was an American Navy base inHawaii. This caused many problems Analysis: The attack destroyed 20 ships and 300 airplanes. It killed more than 2,000 soldiers and sailors. A few days later, theUnited States joined World War II. It declared war against Japan. Most countries in the world fought during the second world war. There were many countries who were involved in WW2. More than 50 countries took part in the war, and the whole world felt its effects. Men fought in almost every part of the world, on every continent except Antarctica. So countries included in WW2 were Italy and Japan. Britain, France, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, India, the Soviet Union, China and the United States of America. WW2 affected the American couture in many ways. World War II (1939 –1945) was the largest armed conflict in human history. Through this many people had to migrate to different places and this caused many problems. As an example kids had to change schools often and in some places, they would have to miss school. Even if, people would want to go back to their houses that part of the land could possibly be owned by another Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on Weapons Used in World War II World War II is one of the most recognized battles in the history of the world. The battle originated with Germany's invasion of Poland. This sparked the beginning of the war, though the United States was not yet involved. The U.S. came into the picture after the attack on Pearl Harbor on the morning of December 7, 1941. Though Japan was the more "direct opponent", the United States Army Rangers, Marine Corps., and every other branch of military took on Japan and Germany. Fighting on the Frontlines One of the more famous battles in the war was the Invasion of Normandy, France by the Allied forces, also known as "Operation Overlord". The arriving troops came ashore to heavy gun fire that wiped out a good portion of the soldiers more content... This weapon was typically on a tripod to steady the bouncing that came with automatic fire. One of the more unpredictable attacks came from the Arisaka Bolt–Action Rifle. Rifles were recognized in WWII for their long range and accuracy. This gun could be used with or without a scope. When scoped, range was greatly increased, as the shooter could see farther distances and put a round down range with precision. Though this wasn't the primary weapon for most of the soldiers, it was favored by snipers for its precision at long ranges. Weapons of Destruction American soldiers were using fairly new weapons compared to previous conflicts. The fully automatic assault rifle was new addition to the American arsenal. A prime example of the sheer power and deadliness of an automatic rifle is the M1918BAR (Browning Automatic Rifle). This gun was the first of it's kind for American forces. Though it was a bit heavy, it had stopping power. It blasted the .30–06 Springfield round down range at 2,822 f/s. Although the iron sights weren't all that great, the aperture view did the job quite well for targets that were a little ways out. Due to the success of this weapon, Browning set out to create a better, stronger version of it for heavier combat. The M1919 Browning Heavy Machinegun was deployed. This monster of a gun was usable without a bipod, but heavy and hard to aim without. With a 600 round per minute rate of fire from a direct feed belt, the Browning was one of the Get more content on
  • 7. Origins Of Ww2 Essay The Origins behind WWI and WWII As the twentieth century dawned across the world, a new threat was posed across the nations. As World War One, and subsequently World War Two dawned in the earliest part of the twentieth century; the world suddenly knew a different reality. These two wars thrust the world, into a reality, of pain and death, something they had not had to face before. New weapons were invented, the population of mainland Europe was desecrated, and many tears were shed. Two wars that terrorized the world into their "new normal", that is known to the present day today. With many possible, underlying causes to these two wars; the causes can be categorized into three main sections. A growing sense of Imperialism among the "white countries" of Europe, revolutions and the budding sense of Nationalism afterwards, and the growing sense of resentment (on Germany's part). During the latter part of the nineteenth century, the roots of the modern race for power were established. TheUnited States was still working out the kinks as a more content... The "White Mans Burden"; according to this philosophy, " since European society is superior, therefore they are the superior society. The white man has a burden to 'change' the inferior societies of Asia and Africa into something more civilized" (Garcia 3/38/16). That was the main driving force behind European Imperialism. There is an economic undertone, however. According to Spielvogel, " There was a great demand for natural resources and products not found in Western countries such as, rubber, oil, and tin. Instead of trading for these products, European investors advocated for direct control of the areas where the raw materials were found" (Spielvogel 747). So, in part, European ideals soon spread across Africa and Asia, as much of Africa and Asia was conquered. However Imperialism, took more of a back seat as time went on in the European Get more content on
  • 8. The Causes and Effects of World War II Essay World War II was fought between two main opposing forces, the Allies and the Axis forces. The Axis powers consisted of Germany, Italy, and Japan being the most dominant. On the other hand, some of the countries in the Allied powers were Great Britain, the United States, France, Australia, New Zealand, India, the Soviet Union, Canada, and Greece. Adolph Hitler became head of Germany's National Socialists Party in July of 1921. By 1933 the once unknown Hitler was given dictatorial power. As his power grew the new dictator grew more restrictive and power hungry. Books were burned, Jewish–owned businesses were boycotted, the Nazi Party was made the only party, and concentration camps were opened, all in the first year of Hitler' more content... In 1940 Italy declared war on France and Britain, the first air raids took place, and many countries were invaded and alliances were formed. The first gas chambers were used at Auschwitz, and 33,771 Jews were killed at Kiev in 1941("World War II in Europe"). On December 7, 1941 the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, and the next day the United States entered the war; Britain joined the U.S. in declaring war on Japan. By the 11th, Germany declared war on the United States. The Declaration of the United Nations was signed by the 26 Allied nations on the first day of 1942. Also in 1942, mass murder began happening at Auschwitz. In 1943 Germany was defeated at Stalingrad, and Italy surrendered during invasion, although Germany then took control of the battle. Throughout 1944 Germany began retreating and surrendering from many stands and battles. The Allies invaded France on June 6, 1944 and Paris was liberated by August. The last gas chambers at Auschwitz were used in late October. Hitler committed suicide on May 7, 1945 and German forces surrendered to the Allies. An atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, and a second was dropped on Nagasaki on the 9th. Japan agreed to surrender on August 14th. In October of 1945, the United Nations was officially created. Due the scale of World War II, each country that fought had a large amount of men who were in battle. This, of course, included the Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on WWII Junior English WWII "The world must know what happened, and never forget." (World War 2) General Eisenhower reflecting upon the world war II, and acknowledging it as a pertinent event in the history of the United States of America. War is war, it is not pretty or humane, but what it is, is a diplomatic way in which to settle disputes and aggressions between countries. By analyzing these wars of the past, the people of the country can learn many things, be it mistakes made by one side, strategy from someone else or battle field etiquette. And it is through this analysis that the human race is able to further itself to not repeat the mistakes made by their ancestors. There are many lessons to be learned from looking at more content... Conversely around this same time period a man named Adolf Hitler rose to popularity within the weakened empire of Germany. Oddly enough at the same time as the Americans were working through their depression, the Germans were also dealing with the trying threat of their own depression. But what set the difference between Hitler in Germany and FDR in America was the methodology and approach to the presented problem. Where FDR formulated the New Deal and his revitalization of American banking, Hitler used Fascism and Militaristic dictatorship to not lead but force his country out of the depression and into the well oiled military machine that it would soon be known as. The big lesson to be learned here is that a good leader is a leader who understands the problems of the country and listens to the plights of his people, wether you people call for a military uprising or just the return of jobs to the common folk. Both of these men given above were great leaders for the time and were able to lead their country effectively into the super powers in which they became during the beginning of the war. Before the war with America, the Japanese economy was going in the opposite of the American. This meaning that during this time the Japanese economy was becoming so powerful that it needed to expand onto the mainland of Asia just to meet Get more content on
  • 10. Faced with the Great Depression and World War II, Franklin D Roosevelt, or "FDR", brought America through its hardest times. Franklin Roosevelt was brought into to office during one of America's greatest domestic crisis's, The Great Depression, this was a time when America's economy had a rigorous decline. Roosevelt acted swiftly during these times, and did what he believed was best for America. The United States changed during Franklin Roosevelt's presidency by the creation of a new role for the government in the economy, the nature of presidency changing, and the establishment of the social security act, which is an act that set up a pension system for people who have retired, established unemployment insurance, and created insurance for victims who were involved in work related accidents. This act also provided aid for mothers and children who were in poverty, the blind, and the disabled. During Roosevelt's presidency he more content... Franklin roosevelt's contributions to life during his presidency were huge, and had great effects on the people, and the nation itself. Although his new deal didn't end the depression it made things better and his presidency during these times gave America hope and confidence throughout it. Franklin D. Roosevelt marked a substantial turning point in the nations political, economic, social, and cultural life during his presidency. The United States changed in many ways during his presidency by the creation of a new role for the government in the economy, the nature of presidency, and the establishment of the social security act, which is an act that set up a pension system for people who have retired, established unemployment insurance, and created insurance for victims who were involved in work related accidents. This act also provided aid for mothers and children who were in poverty, the blind, and the Get more content on
  • 11. Essay On Ww2 Propaganda During World War II, governments would create propaganda in hopes of inspiring or convincing citizens in their country to make a contribution to the war effort. Most of the propaganda was related to the need of the factory workers in the factories and the factories needed as many people as possible to help make materials necessary for the war. Therefore, the techniques used to persuade their citizens to join the war movement was through different fonts, pop of colors, and images to catch the reader's eyes. The government used different fonts in attempt to give a slogan that would resonate with any citizen that read the propaganda. Even though slogans are useful, different fonts allows an attraction to what the words say on the propaganda. This allows the citizens to read the words and more content... This enables the audience to look at the colors, then realize the words and comprehend their meaning. The government intended to make certain words stand out as their citizens read the propaganda so they could look at the vibrant colored words to convince them to take action. Then, citizens would consider helping their country during the war and actually go work in the factories to make necessities for the war. While citizens think the government appreciates their efforts, the materials given during war are important to win the war. Lastly, when images are used in the propaganda, it helps the audience understand what the government needs from their citizens to be part of the war effort. While vibrant colored words emphasize specific words, images present concepts that can not be told in a few words. These images can inspire citizens through the use of colors or making certain objects bigger than it really is in real life. Therefore, it would bring emphasis on who is needed or what is need from the citizens that the government is attempting to recruit to take part of the war Get more content on
  • 12. Dbq Essay On Ww2 1945 was a period of alleviation for America and its kin. That year was the finish of World War II. Germany had lost and the ideal opportunity for reconstructing was close. However, the peace did not keep going long between the U.S.S.R and the United States. The Soviet Union had an arrangement of government called socialism. This distinction brought on terrible strain between the two countries and turned into a Cold War. The Soviet Union trusted that socialism would beat free enterprise and that they will win the Cold War. America's countering to the U.S.S.R's spreading of socialism was uncontrollable. The Cold War split the countries into two substantial groups , the individuals who were under socialist lead and the individuals who were against it. The United States was devoted in their battle against socialism with occasions like the Truman Doctrine, which promised to bolster any individual who was being undermined by comrade lead, and The Marshall Plan, which gave more than 10 billion dollars to European nations in the push to revamp the harm more content... With an end goal to test the United States' dedication to control Joseph Stalin chose to set up a bar around West Germany. (Doc B) The bar kept all provisions, including sustenance, from being brought into Western Berlin. Since the U.S. was at that point sending billions of dollars into Europe the Soviet Union felt that they wouldn't get included in the little encounter going on. Be that as it may, the United States regarded their dedication to the Truman Doctrine and alongside assistance from their partners; America flew in provisions and sustenance to West Berliners for over a year. The Berlin Airlift was a win and on May 12, 1949, Stalin evacuated the barricade(Doc B). This demonstration of regulation demonstrated that the States kept their oath when it came to keeping the spread of Get more content on
  • 13. World War II Essay example The Second World War began in September of 1939 and was between the Allies and the Axis. It began with Germany's unprovoked attack and conquest of Poland, and involved Britain and France from the beginning. Its origins lay in German resentment at the terms of the Treaty of Versailles (1919), the economic crisis of 1929–30, which favored the rise to power of Fascist dictators, the failure of the League of Nations to gain international acceptance for disarmament, and the policy of imperialism adopted by Germany, Italy and Japan as a means of acquiring raw materials and markets. As a part of the Treaty of Versailles, Germany had to accept full responsibility for the FirstWorld War, which then led up to the outbreak of the Second. more content... However, France remained passive without Britain's support. Britain was sympathetic towards Germany and even signed an Anglo–German naval Treaty (June 1935) allowing Germany's navy to be 35% of the size of the Royal Navy. In 1936, defying the Treaty of Versailles (1919), Hitler remilitarized the Rhineland. He marched 30,000 troops into Cologne on March 7, 1936. France, with 250,000 troops mobilized, remained passive because Britain would not support her. Britain took the view that Germany was 'marching into her own back yard.' To show that his remilitarization was popular, Hitler held a plebiscite, which showed that 98% were in favor. He went on to build his own defensive fortification, the Siegfried Line. Britain's policy of Appeasement (May/June 1937 – March 1939) was also a cause of World War Two. Neville Chamberlain became the British Prime Minister on May 28, 1937, and followed the policy of appeasing Germany, believing that all Hitler wanted to do was unite German–speaking people. In doing so, Hitler would break the Treaty of Versailles but Chamberlain did not believe Hitler would cause war. Churchill disagreed, citing Mein Kampf (1924) where Hitler has written that Germany must regain lands 'in the East... by the power of the sword.' Little did Chamberlain know that he had misinterpreted Hitler's aims. Get more content on
  • 14. Ww2 Case Study he effort on the Canadian government and civilians did lead towards the allied victory of WW2 by the control of financial. In World War 2, paying for the war and waging the war were expensive, so the king figured out ways to pay it all, by raising income tax and selling Victory Bonds. The way of selling the Victory bonds is to sell it to people and a few years later, they would get their money plus the interest back. Meanwhile, the government could use this money to pay for the war effort. The Chinese Canadians raised $4 million in the relief funds and send $5 million to support the effort in China. The total expenses that the federal government spending on the War effort were $21 786 077 519 from 1939–1950. At the end of the war, the victory Get more content on
  • 15. Essay On World War Vs Ww2 Both World War I and World War II were horrible periods of our recent history, and to this day these two wars serve as a warning to the rest of the world about the horrors of war. Although war's history is told by the victor who enjoys the "spoils of war," much can be learned as well from the loser. As the age old saying goes, "those who fail to pay attention to history, are doomed to repeat it." BothWorld War Iand World War II were crucial to the development of modern war tactics and strategies. These wars shaped the future of modern combat with their new gains in technology, weapons, communications, and medicine. World War I, was a devastating conflict and still affects the world today, both ideologically and technologically. World War I involved two factions –the Central Powers and the Allies. The Central Powers consisted of Germany, Austria –Hungary, and Turkey, and the Allies were composed of France, Great Britain, Russia, Italy, Japan, more content... The main reason they didn't succeed is because of a lack of funding. That doesn't mean it was easy for the US to make the bomb, in fact, the US made two types of them to increase its chances if one bomb failed. The two types of bombs include; a Uranium type bomb or a Plutonium type bomb. Both were used in Japan to end the pacific war in 1945. Germany continued to use the blitzkrieg tactics in World War II, and blitzkrieg tactics were the use of extreme mobility to prevent a massive front such as the western front in World War I. So, using these tactics Germany managed to conquer France, Belgium the Netherlands and Poland, and with this tactic trying to invade Russia in only six weeks the German army had reached Moscow. Even though the German army was eventually defeated because of a massive winter in Russia, the blitzkrieg tactics are extremely effective during this war and could have won Germany the Get more content on
  • 16. Realist Viewpoint of World War II Essay The realist school of thought stands for anarchy and fighting for its own selfish reasons to preserve the nation's interest. Back in December 7th, 1941 after the Japanese air force attack to Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, America's military was caught by surprise bringing out the attention of the whole nation against Japan. President Harry S. Truman, made the decision in 1945 to attack Japan with nuclear bombs first to Hiroshima and then three day later to Nagasaki. Days later, Japan surrender, and World War II was drawn into a close. Realist scholars say that the decision made was unnecessary. The death among the two cities were around 200,000, in Hiroshima there were 90,000 deaths, and Nagasaki had 37,000 death this is without counting the more content... Generals of War at that time were classical realism oriented, which stands for the principle of national interest and main role is to achieve and preserve power. General Dwight Eisenhower, that later became the thirty–fourth president of the United States knew and understood the awful things the U.S should declare itself guilt of. Prisoners of war from Japan that were in different courts around the world, many, were discharged of them, nothing was comparable to the mass murder of children, women, and families the barbarous genocide war crime the U.S. should be blame for. World War II end it, while theCold War just started. As an old realist like NiccolГІ Machiavelli would say "the end justifies the means." The thinker would had agree with President's Truman decision if only Japan would had been stronger and ready to keep on fighting and a an outcome of understanding would had come out. The poor excused, if payed attention, if Japan does not provide absolute surrender, although its people have sworn loyalty to the Emperor at that time, they would be attack. United States officials Byrnes and Baruh influenced Truman in using Japan, although he denies it, as an experiment arena for the atomic bombs. David McCullough wrote a biography of Truman and he mention how the Secretary of State, Stettinius was truly not an expert of foreign policy and did not know what he was doing. Not only Machiavelli, but a realist scholar of the time of the Soviet Get more content on
  • 17. Informative Essay On Ww2 September 31, 1939 marks the start of a 7 year long war that lasted for a total of 2149 days, this war was to be known to many as World War 2. Throughout the war, more than 6 million deaths were recorded, not including the hundreds of thousands deaths that went unrecorded. World War 2's official end was on September 2nd, 1945 when Japan had agreed upon an unconditional surrender to the Allied Powers on August 14th 1945. Japan had officially and formally surrendered about half of a month later on September 2nd, 1945, on the USS Missouri. To popular belief, it is believed that the reason for Japans surrender was because of the atomic bombs theUnited States dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, known as Little Boy and Fat man. Was the atomic more content... After scavenging for useful information to aid the answer to my questions, I was able to construct a timeline of events that occurred from 1 month before Japans surrender to 1 month after Japans Surrender. Upon analyzing the timeline of events, I noticed that the time period of August 6th to August 9th stood out like a sore thumb. These are the events I have found and gathered up. Before the bomb was dropped, Japan had no intentions of surrendering. On August 6th, the first atomic bomb, Little Boy, was dropped on Hiroshima. After the bomb was dropped, Japan still had no intentions of surrendering. Suddenly, in the early morning of August 9th, the Supreme Council met up to discuss the unconditional surrender to the Allied Powers. During the councils meeting, they received word of the bomb dropped on Nagasaki which occurred after the meeting started. What seems odd about this string of events is the sudden decision to consider surrender that had not happened before. Because Nagasaki happened after the meeting, it can be ruled out. Hiroshima can also be ruled out because of Japan not skipping a beat and not acting for several days after the Get more content on
  • 18. Essay about World War II as a Good War World War II as a Good War The vast majority of Americans supported World War II (WWII) after Pearl Harbor was bombed, recognizing a fascist threat to Western democracy. WWII was a good war. It had the ability to unite America. They united against Nazism and fascism. But even a good War has its bad times. If you look behind what you think happened at what really happened in WWII it becomes clear that the U.S. has nothing to be proud about. WWII evolved the entire globe, putting the world's largest economic and military powers against each other: the AXIS powers Germany, Japan and Italy against the ALLIED powers Russia, Britain and the U.S. There were some 27,372,900 civilians and 20,858,800 military personnel killed in more content... In August 1942, a prominent German industrialist contacted the president of the World Jewish Congress in Geneva Dr. Gerhart Reigner, and warned of Hitler's plans for the "final solution." Reigner then cabled the plans to the U.S. where the State Department disregarded the cable; and even as more information came in, the U.S. delayed any response. To save Jews or stop the Holocaust. One of the most well known attacks on the Jews was known as Night of Broken Glass. On the November 9, 1938, violence against Jews broke out across Germany. The Germanys tried to make it appeared like the violence was an unplanned attack, set off by the assassination of a German official in Paris at the hands of a Jewish teenager. In two days, over 1,000 synagogues were burned, 7,000 Jewish businesses were trashed and looted, dozens of Jewish people were killed, and Jewish cemeteries, hospitals, schools, and homes were looted while police and fire brigades stood by. http:/ / President Roosevelt, and Secretary of State Cordell Hull blocked several attempt to let Jewish refugees, to inter the U.S. They appointed Breckinridge Long, as the U.S. State Department official in charge of matters concerning European refugees. Breckinridge Long was an extremely nerves person with a particular suspicion of Eastern Europeans. He suspected Jewish immigrants of being either communists or German Get more content on
  • 19. World War 2 : Argumentative Essay World War 2 Argumentative Essay World War 2 was a massive war which engulfed the whole world from 1939– 1935. There were 2 different sides in the war. These two sides were the Allies and the axis. At the start of the war, the Allies consisted of Great Britain and all of its colonies (such as Australia) and France. The Axis consisted of Germany, Italy, Japan and the Soviet Union. At the start of the war theaxis powers were dominating. Germany used "Blitzkrieg" (Lighting war) tactics very successfully and overran many countries using it. But some major events occurred and turned the tide of the war to the favour of the Allies. However two of these major events are most often talked about to be the reason that the axis powers eventually lost. One of these events includes the Japanese attack on pearl harbour. This brought America into the war and onto the side of the Allies. The other of the two events was instigated by Germany itself. Germany decided to attack one of their allies. This ally was the Soviet Union. There is often a lot of debate about which of these events is greatest, that is to have had the biggest effect in the war. So the question has to be asked, was it the US entrance into the war that made the defeat of Germany inevitable, or it caused by the German attack of the Soviet Union. In my opinion it was not the US entrance to the war, but the German invasion of the Soviet Union that made the ultimate defeat of Germany inevitable. This is because they put Get more content on