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Dcflnatlon : The way in which a
language is spoken.
«rf%&t WC I 1 STPTTWa t
Gjl l t S ' fe BTCfla
CS H pptf | 5
frsBTCO International Phoenetic
Association rf s C m « 4. «aT.
f lt 5 t%«fH acl Pronunciation
Pronunciation ( 3 ) >»T-
i ft I "TW Pronunciation -I WMfl
WHV4 Tlf sT H4w C H ft ; W'i'il,
nt 5J 3f 8R f 5 I ( IPA )
tusa mm <j< *rwii T?r<t ftf%
I British « America t ste 1
«i lf v4, 51 "51 3 English
Pronouncing Dictionary I IW pRP TW
?lfw I "'l jf <HIWi1 'Srfltovol « S inc <?i ii
to aw f pn t d pac*! nf prra
Consonant : d 4 *il l*iJ HST
"bll Vi TT "5 5 .H, Consonant
<n nu, TCf Consonant " PII
b, c, d, f, g.
Vowel : Gl 1 (B lftvfi 1
5 .fid, n 5 Vowel I
TC Vowel 11
a, e, i. o, u.
Rule : I
U + Consonant + Vowe, Q sKS -
word tfos u -43 §Wt mStt u Sm
Tube - flfc ( )
Mute - ft C (fMRP)
University - SfaflPfa ( W iTm )
Molecule - iPift I ( )
Rule : 2
LMj* TO Consonant + R / L rm
£ U- T?Iet tMlb l -" "fc" «a3I 1 I
Fluent - Spm ( Pf tt f5 )
Flute --Jg (tlft )
Flu(e) - (.
Fluid - 1$S ()
. Brute - (f , tm.)
Rule : 3
U + TO Consonant t R fL 1
Clue - ( 31) '
Hue-t <?R)
Glue -
Sue - ( m s «rf%$i 'wn)
Rule : 4
1 u- r t l wto *tm? .iw' e
31 Consonant + E / L TPPt ®blM41
fc" (<,
) I (?PR -
Nude - ffi&S ( 5}, TI T)
Humid - f 5l 5 rsjtj, fe, Bfl,
Rue - ( .
S )
Rule - 1 (fare )
Ludd - »prg (foyi)
Luminous - TPJ ( tf TH, )
Mule - ft&l ( "l a )
Rude - f5 ( TSJ, "5?, )
Rufc : 5 http://fb.cbm/tanbir.ebooks
U-4?I .RI Consonant T P
syllable cm TJ ««r3l IW W IW tU
syllable ) Consonant-
E / I /A TC Q U-«fl«I 13 Wt " ff- ?!
Incumbent - WCT3 (WTfFf, tM )
Number - ()
Consume - "JP jf { m ll PI *5I) .
Innumerable - t W I ( H, MII
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Rule : 6
O + Consonant + U + Consonant + A
/ E / I ««P5ffl?r word Iffo Wt» m .,
t B i cm -
Innocuous - ft ui pffe H iflPH)
Monument - sif OfjU ( fwfa )
Document - cl lJPjU (Wl)
Procurement - smf m (crtRHHtlWSl)
Rule : 7
Consonant + U + Consonant - Q SKX
word *tfrs pf "fTCTOr.
/u' "OJ H Brt
Null - ( T)
Husk -
But - ft> (f% )
Shut - ( t.
Hut - ( fss )
Rule : 8
UI + Consonant- *f?I C H /
( vowel) tmsr, UI- OTt f$ "t"
(e) I CW -
Guilty - ( «i*Bn , Cflft)
. Circuit - im$$ ( )
G(u)iid - fipys ( mm 9m m,
TOt Wl blWl)
Guilt - ( wm, cmT«J)
Rule : 9
UI + Consonant + I l t t Consonant + L
/ R + UI - word tf o T, UI-
Perpetuity - .Bl Plf W (f RTlfl )
Ingenuity - RtlerPi5 n> ( U l)
Inquisitive - J fD* ( T tfas?!,
Fluid - 1E 5( fTfn )
Intuition - fDiB " ( szt sh " T
Rule : IO
UI + Consonant + A / E / O «fl tW
word yas OT 3T5?nRI UI- IW4! $<Blft
tt"- 51 -
Guide - ft B ( .M-tPFfa,
Guile -fTt5! ( WT, SR1 ,
Guise - ()
Rule : II
fjR 4I Pl word-4 Conscxiant + + E
- I <5i<3 ct m6! " nt" i
Mice -" .(t )
.vice - ( Tfpfej, th. wm,
Rice - { yt T, v5M )
Nice -'JTt { yi, fb<M, )
Vile - 5J(%, ) ..
Rul- : 12
Word- ?I y- Consonant +
O / U / I / E «rtre, T 5! 15915?!
Isometric - H CTICTtfa ( 'f n9! f f5 )
ibis - f j (.nt )
Iceberg - «n Bfl ( ftvt'll)
Ice - T J () '
idea-iroin ( )
icon - «n 5j (afofe)
Idenitify - J CBJjffi ( I jJI )
Ideal - ( )
idle-«n$ (wf, fro, ncr , fsw)
Indentity - I HJ ( TOm, f§f ,
nto)- - -
Idolator - l ulwlii (Slfwi BRt, pJPFlil)
: idol- rt i (srf n)
Isolate - I JtW C ( xjtCT Kt) .
Ibex - Itt W ( WOTI)
Rule : 13
Consonant + IA + Consonant -
t s w, ia- t m«r "sn sijr i -
Diamond - ©I WUF ( )
Dialogue - B EFW ( , )
Diameter -Jfel Jlfvffld ( JPT)
Dialect -gfcqi (Tufl fa )
Liable -J iyi i m }
. Fiat- ifl JllJ (Vtwt)
Vaiand - St jpfS ( impllt) t Ttf I .
Viable - l jm ( to «?rm wsi) .
Vial - Bj Jtaj ( ftft, 0 CTI )
Via - ( *M SI, .« )
Rule : 14
IO" 43 §Wf "s " 331 -
Violet - Cl R?! ( CUffi ?R)
Biology - fewftl ( #<rfwi)
Ionic - 11 ( Qf n- ?a )
ion-qffipi / (t T m- f
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Rule : 15.
Consonant- f?I AI- ?I STiH T Tt
<mtn i cro -
Gait - 0$ ("51 - t)
Fairy - c*m(Q ('tft, < T5 rtf T)
.Jail - (C TRt, <>Iill*1M )
Rail - (at5! ('l f, CJ IT )
Dairy - CSIflfo ( W vtmBJ 1 JWW
*rm sf H)
p ily _ ( f»r ( f s)
Fail - ( )
Bait - Ot$> { Cl?l*f)
Tail - d 5! ( CK )
Trait - datt> (t CR T t, Wt j j
Rule : 16
Consonant + I + Consonant + E / ER /
RE / U - tftolH W A OT1-431 IRItRI
tt" r -
Dilute - vbl WC ( 791)
Diluvium - ( JIWI)
Dilate - (f TS )
Rule : 17
e / er / r-4? fw i f ri-dra .«
Consonant s?rm9I, 1- Wra 5? "f-
Immature - *ijiI&5s ( sprflH , t- H )
Illegal - frfHgtgt. cm t)
Immutable - Wftt I {'rtfirt H )
Illusion - jT S ( R®*)
Immolate - CTfPI$$ ()
Illude - tt s ( srsra fi w)
Rule : 18
... I + R + CFCB tWt
word- CHt I- Ta
Bnam cm -
Dire -r (HBH F* )
Mire - ( )
Desire - t nm { PRt W )
Satire - UftfoJfil ( m, 1 «f)
Aspire - Ul tUBBi (tW 'WWL l, 4<R H)
Rule : 19
AI + R «rm , <flW R word- (?m T,
ai- ra r"4wtw i cm
Rl jr -' xwi (<?ram )
D onair - CMJIWJUlfl ( « 5 ;
Hair - tf unHTifTT
Chair - (MTT ( CFm )
Fair -. (?RITm ( CPTT; )
Rule : SO
Nigh- ( FCP )
Sigh -'TTt ( WlP! (W?r WW )
Fight- . ( W )
Night- H S ( 3 )
Bright -gi ( T)
Right -( ff s, )
Fright - ( )
Tight - ( Wf, frRtH )
Slight - -bt ( qiret-nrem,
,#t<M ,
Sight - ( *ffa. ipj)
Rule : SI
IGH-43 m.n e fm5! eigh- &m<
Height- W) ..
Freight - GPtl? (v5l t)
Sleight - CSt5 (Fl tt)
Rule : SS
JGN - word- Cf *rft T5CT
H't ji " j* 1 toi G- mef «nc71
Design - ( Pt)
Resign - Q I ( Wjtt )
Benign -f T% ( sf , Wm, ShWCb f)
Sign -(it t)
Align - ymSri I )
Assign - BffW ( TOOT W)
Rule : S3
word- C"fW EIGN «rR I RI " T
l <?m -
Reign - G&[ ( *rPH t.?n ?n )
Deign - CS$r[ ( QTIT)
Feign - ( 731, 'S MH WT)
Rule : S4
I + R + Consonant ( vowel ) vSTR
First -"91? (Jm, }, ')
Bird - T )W ( *nR J
Firth - VBp| ( Plffil)
Firm-JFti( ( )
Flirt - "JPHife (WPH, CSTO <n )
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Rule V 25
EA' + R - T © <£KX R -
word- Cm T, EA 49 fr BW I "Wf I
Gear - jtottjjqspttft, ifiNf)
Smear - 'TOI C'J'R II, re, tflt)
Fear-itett («a )
Hear - $i<{ ( CTRt)
Near - %1T (f FCl?)"
Tear - nn { cS T)
Ear - { )
Rule : 26
EI / IE + Consonant- 1 5 EI /
IE- frm "5" l word- C"fCT IE
Tie - ( PtWOTai)
Conceive - " 5 {1 1 Tl, *! I t '5 T).
Lie - ( IH iJT)
Conceit - plfl? (/ )
Vie - ( aW* l )
Deceit - 1 f5 ( JTSHHt Wf)
Forefeit - ( TOniWIRIt) '
Deceive - fb )* ( 5T?l<tT W )
Lien - PpuI (1 1wt?J)
Veil -C U t) !:
Believe - (W)
Magpie - "sm5 ( sRsfa *nt ;
Rule : 27
mf "OE"-«fl?i = cw -
Phoenix - lfH4 ( R5«rra )
Amoeba -WtftpTf ( % Sfflt)
Dirrhoea - st Ulf n ( WTt TflKHI)
Rule : S8
f sps EE + R - <sm R-
word- T SPf. EE ? frsm T,
Peer - { / ?r $ )
Steer - P&UHl ( )
Rule : 29
Coincide - ' pnt - ( .BTO Qlft ?It
Coin - ( T, SRR " IT)
Consonant- OI- frpt?l«f Ji "g " i
cw? -
Foist -'W&Z ( tf& mt T)
Foible - ( 31? WT, 8 5»l 1
Foil--j? (
Join - (c lWih )
Joist -( fe )
Moist - > (t Wt, )
Moil -( fa tfiyi Wl, ftPTt)
Hoist- 5 (Swi*! ?rr, csm)
Rule : 30
"EA + R + Consonant" - 4 t <i< i>
w, ea- ra«t "?m*, -
Heard - fj s ( .JtwR*!, "jprf lW )
Heart - ( , ) "
Beard - fwl 5 ( ff >
Bear - $mti[ i ?ri )
Rule : 31
( Consonant + R) + EA + Rf RT
Consonant - <u<i ftf, EA-4sI Bjet
Bread - (lf&)
Spread - ("Itc )
: Thread - eg® ()
Threat-C .
. Dread - ( 31)
Rule : 38
Consonant + EA + Consonant ( R )
<£R5rCT ea a&gm w pi cro -
Weather -( TOQTIt)
Feather - CWf (tPR*)
Tread - di®, ( .PwPI )
Treat - (HRrt RTf)
Real - ftTDT5! ()
Read - %5 ( ):
Zeal- # 1 ( <!? )
Lead - % ( *l bMHI )
Rule : 33
EE + R - Consonant -
>sm?t p s pi EE "
t'' i -
Meek - (f Tg, f %5 )
Steel - (t7 )
Leech - % (C&Vf, f&O )
Leek - (fP o TO f nCCRJ 5! vrffy
Peel -( cm, m )
Rule : 3A
e + r - tii iw <i< dRr.
vowel rt t r, E- iRnra " m"
1 E + R + E j © pr w m*t?j
«na 4 nro.
w e- frh
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& + Consonant + E + Consonant tW J s
tmm 1t; e / - r
Ferret - (TF S (/ ffft )
Ferric - (TPf? (tm"5 )
Amber- imt {)
Cater -< ( > f5 ?ni )
Heretic- WWlH t&X&S R l l)
Here - %g ( f WCT )
.Heredity - feafeft (Wtf% )
There - f nn (wmr, tmm >
Mere(CWl, m?i)
Rule : 35
t T© OA + Consonant <ij "
2 1
Toad - C C Tte)
Loaf - C F ( Cfiift, MlS TD )
Load - <?{te ( C RTf )
Loan-.PT {,Vct)
Loathe - C i ( )
Coal - C y ( Wn )
Coat - ( ftJ ( l?! , otfft fk5! WTO )
Rule : 36
*t&Av> 1 oa + r «fm»T oa- ji frm
. 1 -
Roar - W{ ( *t& )
Hoard - ("s pf w )
Hoar -
Boar - ()
Board - C tfS ( T, OTCT 1 ,
Rule : 37
E + Consonant ( R ) + E - *il TW
sj- mjn«rm«T-aemE
- H f,,, fwt? e - tf 5
Complete - (
Compete - ( zlFowlPl l )
Concrete - Ib ( )
Obsolete - <{wi ( 05 5)
Mete - fft? ( CWl)
Deplete-fefft (tft i, %pn gl)
Rule ; 3B
mf r E + Rl «RJ Consonant *i3 K
Rent - {)
Collet - ( t, 31 )
Comet - ( )
Get -c (*nwy
Interpret- Jl fsft ( JNIIM)
Sentinel - OT} ( sm, cblft W )
Service- T f m f )
Set- CT ( I R ICTt)
Session - C Pfl ( Rc R, )
Rule : 39
JV s STL- J i4 ',,
Bustle - ( ps t)
Trestle - cSR*[ (t5P! Tft ct r
Rustle - fTPpi ( "hf)
Wrestle - ( f )
Hustle- pfi (*n i ftra c nn) *
Rule : 40
Wry- (*rm , C«)
Wrest - (31 5 ( CTT S <M)
Wrick - f P ( Ib lMl >
Wrench - (*{) froi Wjfo T>Ht)
Wretch - ()
Wriggle -#5pJ {OTTO f*taj - 1)
Write -?n (m)
Wring(CVIb lWI)
Wrinkle - (C lb lWl CM )
Writhe - 3#I (OT J )
Wrist - jT .- n fe) .
Wrought- 33rf5p )
Wrong - m ( PJ% )
Rule : 41
vowel twt, Bgggf?re ttpf i cw? -
Benumb - TW TWt W )
Bomb - ( C TO) .
Comb - ()
Dumb - ( C RI, )
Thumb - ( fUoW " ST sn fl)
Tomb'- 1 ( 'TOt )
Numb (wn$t *m)
Rule : 45
L + M nPff Tpt «rm vowel
T T I t 1 -
Alms - fPTBj ()
Balm - ) -'
Calm -(n , )
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piam-ntn ( mm)
Palm - .IPJ ( TSW
Psam - ( Wte, )
Qualm - C iWH ('pfM #5] ai IMIf)
Embalm (W®** )
Rule : 43
JL±-S '*ff"II*llf-l MI W P-4j3 fRf C IWl
vowel TT l TWfi_p_
lE 5 51 i CPH -
Psyche - TT ft {SfT T, "SR )
Psychology - ft WJlftf (TOtf BT)
Pseudonym - syit j ()
Psephology - wnfti (Vtfm cstm
Psora - cfo® i rtW-lfc t, . wrtf )
Psilosis - T fPP| ( (Tim O STH
Psittacine - ftfejpn (CSTSNlft W%
c0i9t*nR )
Pshaw - ( est t sRsm <s )
Rule : 44
LM-4i* vowel 'Sfo M .' H
Elm - ((Tf Tt TftU )
Film - ( ttZ f J, t>*lfedj)
Realm - GPR { It t)
Rule : 45
R + Vowel + CH timx R o w,
ta't .v i cro-*
Crunch - ((B IWI, TPH )
Trenchant - drj ft ( hp, )
Trench - dr{5 (*ft t, )
French - (*M1 ) it )
or, France - 2Flf ( W t SPIT)
Branch - *fWT, tfft)
Wrench - ( CHIb lWI)
Rule : 46
C H word- ? CTCT gh -"WW,
flafSTf 'n' 'm' «fTW, 'gh' I
7PR -
Tough - iJt ( ffo, )
Rough - sH ( a-S -l , )
Laugh - ("OT )
Cough - ()
Clough - sPt ( M i)
"ttw gh bbtftfi
Bough - («toS3 )
Bright - ()
Caught- («St)
Drought - ( VinRJ)
Dough - CE1 ( ?I Plcfsm JRPfRPSR )
Draught - UjRFS ( oj p a>T 3 , H 'T)
Thorough - tBUT, «tn ()
Thought-«lt?(t r)
Thigh-«n ( [)
Through - (W te )
Might - "511 5 ( )k
Si it -IT ( t%, " tl)
Sleight - GH5$ (5! , WJt)
Slight-flrtStf , «n)
Sigh -wrn.w)
Fight - ( W)
Freight - OF B (TOtW?J "sflf, "STIW?? 5!)
Flight-" ( str)
Fright - (m, W <M)
Naughty - ().
Nigh- (l rt)
Naught - 'ftn ft )
High (5?>
Height - ( 5T)
Haughty - ( , tf )
Plough - ( fWl, IW! TO! T?1? )
Rule : 47
fi rsJ c*tW MN-«fl?11?I C4IWI vowel fTWf
mt M* N .W-UI- WR !BIW,
Solemn - ( .Pftu, <I 4<1?IH )
Hymn -1 (Mf , 2M# i'tR)
Condemn- CbH (fflTOOM TOW )
Column - Tl («rm, } . ;
Contemn -" pp (/ «rT at)
Damn - (if*ih )
Rule : 48
Batch - TIF ("" g )
Bitch - (f ft)
Clutch - ( "OTI)
Catch - n5(
Stretch - ( sfnf o )
Stitch - ((TFTtt RIT)
Hatch- ()
Match - (W¥, 1 )
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Rule : 49
Wftrs "igh'-dHI fcwr i "augh"
BH ** *, l j heig;ht-
Dight - (UTOn)
Deign - cst ( sp Qin ) [ "eign"
Regin - GI } (in . fPR)
Benign - () [ "ign" Bfl 1
Feign - {vSiMH JIT)
Rule : 50
CIW vii w, l j <JfT i f - Mgn"*fl?l *0 vowel
Resign - f Tt ( T, CTin )
Resignation - Grf H ( fWl) .
Design-t WTt (' T, 3JT)
f ?. Designation - C6ft*|CTft m,
Benignant - ft pTPfi (sp )
Rul€ : 51
Consonant- .fa "BT"-4ii &m< M -, B
«rtc i cm -
Doubt - (7311)
Debt - csl? ()
Indebted - t sUjrs (1 )
Rule : 52
PT" iffi word- OTI TSI
l?!6! P I -CWf -
Pterodactyl - ctwiwlfy ( m TOI
fdfpp TO)
Ptomaine - ctDw t ( PTn )
Ptosis - cftf (CE»tW?l 'tl T [OT )
Ptyalin - tl Vlft ( a TGlS «n«ie(I H )
opt - «r#, optical - nt lT
STTte PT .- word-4* «rm?I p
Rule : 53
f , lk-v e u <*m»i l-
i am -
Bulky - i R* (frrpu rtt)
Bulk - P l ( 5lft CTWT ; nreR )
Elk - 'PP ()
Hulk - ( C mw WOT ; ivtMiva
tstfsi ?m (Tft? |)
Skulk - PFP ( T5f vij H ; ft*fC
Whelk - «J4»I ( ctem C TTT J )
Rule : 54
Vowel- RI "DJ", "DG" lan.
D- «RJ "
V BI*! va(|*iw I am -
Adjust - (jj'R'iJ** m. f ? )
Adjunct - TWI f f )
Adjudge - mm fimm va, *nf 5 crot)
Adjacent - «0Rnc ( ft < ,
Adjudicate V Tt C tj (ftl>IiJ 4 51? )
Adjoin - ,ouief«i (1 JT)
Adjourn - l *i ( TsfiHII 1 55111)
Adjure - ( M I, f t am,
jSqgw wr)
Adjective - 'fflftpflfca (f W't *m )
Badge - ( a#pf 51*1? , )
Rule : 55
Word-dil 8n?lt 5?p Consonant-* GUE-«fl?l
Boutique - fl> ( ran fa WH-TmSt
Critique - fefcf (iTOnffi? )
Rogue - ( 1 ( .fift, wn,1, €,,,f )
Vogue - CsH ( st R)
Vague - CS [ ( T J, 1<IT)
Prologue - csifat ( HlwU / UM KHI)
Pedagogue - CTOTTt (fi Pfspp,
Tl jRjJh-
Fatigue"- CPf (jPl1%, <P1 )
Intrigue - t jOft ( p5-53sra )
Epilogue - ( /sfesfe S'PKSRI)
Demagogue - C UTtl ( VFlftH OPS] ;
5,1 1 ai am i t T?n ej ic c#roi o t ) .
Drogue - Ggtt ( I PTil TI, TJCJ WRWC5?
Rule : 56 .
Tffm QUE" T?l<t "V* j CTO -
Baroque - Jlfl ( blS MM, Pr .)
Clique - ft (ri Fl, )
Cheque - CF* (C , t>W? ?3T5 ftw t , )
Torque -1 (*1WWI te )
Toque - c5t ("fg Jt )
Oblique - srcfto (fcfa)
Opaque - vin ( W l )
Rule : 57
LK"- toi E n u n mww,.
; l-
t 4!.
! «nw i am -
Balk -( afow*," )
Chalk-(arm nfl>)
Folk - atP? {ap?, «R7n«n?i<t)
Talk - ()-
Walk - {tlft )
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ইংররজী যয যকোন লরের বোনোন প্রোয়ই কতকগুর঱ো ননয়ম আনু঴োরর গনিত ঵য়। অনিকোংল ছোত্র/ছোত্রীরো এই ননয়ম গুর঱ো গুরুত্ব
঴঵কোরর অনু঴রণ করর নো বর঱ তোরো প্রোয়ই বোনোন ভু ঱ করর । ইংররজী যযর঵তু নবরেনল ভো঳ো , এজনয এই ভো঳োর নবনভন্ন লরের
বোনোরন আমোরের ভু র঱র ঴ংখ্যো যবনল ঵য়।তোই দ্ধভাভোরব ইংররনজ বোনোন নলখ্রত ঵র঱ ননর র প্রনতনন ননয়ম এ এর ােো঵রন খ্ুব ভোর঱ো
ভোরব পড়রত ঵রব । ইংররজী লরের বোনোন যয ঴ব ননয়ম দ্বোরো পনর োন঱ত ঵য় তোরের প্রিোন প্রিোনগুর঱ো ননর যেয়ো ঵঱ ।
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Pronunciation & spelling rules by tanbircox

  • 1. Web: Email: Pronunciation Dcflnatlon : The way in which a language is spoken. «rf%&t WC I 1 STPTTWa t ' Gjl l t S ' fe BTCfla ' CS H pptf | 5 frsBTCO International Phoenetic Association rf s C m « 4. «aT. f lt 5 t%«fH acl Pronunciation Pronunciation ( 3 ) >»T- i ft I "TW Pronunciation -I WMfl WHV4 Tlf sT H4w C H ft ; W'i'il, * nt 5J 3f 8R f 5 I ( IPA ) tusa mm <j< *rwii T?r<t ftf% I British « America t ste 1 «i lf v4, 51 "51 3 English Pronouncing Dictionary I IW pRP TW ?lfw I "'l jf <HIWi1 'Srfltovol « S inc <?i ii to aw f pn t d pac*! nf prra Consonant : d 4 *il l*iJ HST "bll Vi TT "5 5 .H, Consonant " <n nu, TCf Consonant " PII b, c, d, f, g. Vowel : Gl 1 (B lftvfi 1 5 .fid, n 5 Vowel I TC Vowel 11 a, e, i. o, u. Rule : I ... U + Consonant + Vowe, Q sKS - word tfos u -43 §Wt mStt u Sm . 11 CTO - Tube - flfc ( ) Mute - ft C (fMRP) University - SfaflPfa ( W iTm ) Molecule - iPift I ( ) Rule : 2 LMj* TO Consonant + R / L rm £ U- T?Iet tMlb l -" "fc" «a3I 1 I OTR - Fluent - Spm ( Pf tt f5 ) Flute --Jg (tlft ) Flu(e) - (. JtCW) Fluid - 1$S () . Brute - (f , tm.) Rule : 3 U + TO Consonant t R fL 1 Clue - ( 31) ' Hue-t <?R) Glue - Sue - ( m s «rf%$i 'wn) Rule : 4 1 u- r t l wto *tm? .iw' e 31 Consonant + E / L TPPt ®blM41 " fc" (<, ) I (?PR - Nude - ffi&S ( 5}, TI T) Humid - f 5l 5 rsjtj, fe, Bfl, Rue - ( . S ) Rule - 1 (fare ) Ludd - »prg (foyi) Luminous - TPJ ( tf TH, ) Mule - ft&l ( "l a ) Rude - f5 ( TSJ, "5?, ) Rufc : 5 http://fb.cbm/tanbir.ebooks U-4?I .RI Consonant T P syllable cm TJ ««r3l IW W IW tU syllable ) Consonant- E / I /A TC Q U-«fl«I 13 Wt " ff- ?! Incumbent - WCT3 (WTfFf, tM ) Number - () Consume - "JP jf { m ll PI *5I) . Innumerable - t W I ( H, MII
  • 2. Web: Email: Rule : 6 ... O + Consonant + U + Consonant + A / E / I ««P5ffl?r word Iffo Wt» m ., " t B i cm - Innocuous - ft ui pffe H iflPH) Monument - sif OfjU ( fwfa ) Document - cl lJPjU (Wl) Procurement - smf m (crtRHHtlWSl) Rule : 7 Consonant + U + Consonant - Q SKX word *tfrs pf "fTCTOr. /u' "OJ H Brt Null - ( T) Husk - But - ft> (f% ) Shut - ( t. ) Hut - ( fss ) Rule : 8 UI + Consonant- *f?I C H / ( vowel) tmsr, UI- OTt f$ "t" (e) I CW - . Guilty - ( «i*Bn , Cflft) . Circuit - im$$ ( ) G(u)iid - fipys ( mm 9m m, TOt Wl blWl) Guilt - ( wm, cmT«J) Rule : 9 UI + Consonant + I l t t Consonant + L / R + UI - word tf o T, UI- Perpetuity - .Bl Plf W (f RTlfl ) Ingenuity - RtlerPi5 n> ( U l) Inquisitive - J fD* ( T tfas?!, Fluid - 1E 5( fTfn ) Intuition - fDiB " ( szt sh " T Rule : IO UI + Consonant + A / E / O «fl tW word yas OT 3T5?nRI UI- IW4! $<Blft " tt"- 51 - Guide - ft B ( .M-tPFfa, *r%m, ) Guile -fTt5! ( WT, SR1 , ) Guise - () Rule : II fjR 4I Pl word-4 Conscxiant + + E - I <5i<3 ct m6! " nt" i Mice -" .(t ) .vice - ( Tfpfej, th. wm, Rice - { yt T, v5M ) Nice -'JTt { yi, fb<M, ) Vile - 5J(%, ) .. Rul- : 12 Word- ?I y- Consonant + O / U / I / E «rtre, T 5! 15915?! Isometric - H CTICTtfa ( 'f n9! f f5 ) ibis - f j (.nt ) Iceberg - «n Bfl ( ftvt'll) Ice - T J () ' . idea-iroin ( ) icon - «n 5j (afofe) Idenitify - J CBJjffi ( I jJI ) Ideal - ( ) idle-«n$ (wf, fro, ncr , fsw) Indentity - I HJ ( TOm, f§f , ' nto)- - - Idolator - l ulwlii (Slfwi BRt, pJPFlil) : idol- rt i (srf n) Isolate - I JtW C ( xjtCT Kt) . Ibex - Itt W ( WOTI) Rule : 13 Consonant + IA + Consonant - t s w, ia- t m«r "sn sijr i - . Diamond - ©I WUF ( ) Dialogue - B EFW ( , ) . Diameter -Jfel Jlfvffld ( JPT) Dialect -gfcqi (Tufl fa ) Liable -J iyi i m } . Fiat- ifl JllJ (Vtwt) Vaiand - St jpfS ( impllt) t Ttf I . . Viable - l jm ( to «?rm wsi) . Vial - Bj Jtaj ( ftft, 0 CTI ) Via - ( *M SI, .« ) Rule : 14 IO" 43 §Wf "s " 331 - Violet - Cl R?! ( CUffi ?R) Biology - fewftl ( #<rfwi) Ionic - 11 ( Qf n- ?a ) ion-qffipi / (t T m- f
  • 3. Web: Email: Rule : 15. Consonant- f?I AI- ?I STiH T Tt " <mtn i cro - Gait - 0$ ("51 - t) Fairy - c*m(Q ('tft, < T5 rtf T) .Jail - (C TRt, <>Iill*1M ) - Rail - (at5! ('l f, CJ IT ) Dairy - CSIflfo ( W vtmBJ 1 JWW *rm sf H) p ily _ ( f»r ( f s) Fail - ( ) Bait - Ot$> { Cl?l*f) Tail - d 5! ( CK ) Trait - datt> (t CR T t, Wt j j Rule : 16 Consonant + I + Consonant + E / ER / RE / U - tftolH W A OT1-431 IRItRI " tt" r - Dilute - vbl WC ( 791) Diluvium - ( JIWI) Dilate - (f TS ) Rule : 17 e / er / r-4? fw i f ri-dra .« Consonant s?rm9I, 1- Wra 5? "f- Immature - *ijiI&5s ( sprflH , t- H ) Illegal - frfHgtgt. cm t) Immutable - Wftt I {'rtfirt H ) Illusion - jT S ( R®*) Immolate - CTfPI$$ () ' Illude - tt s ( srsra fi w) Rule : 18 ... I + R + CFCB tWt word- CHt I- Ta Bnam cm - Dire -r (HBH F* ) Mire - ( ) Desire - t nm { PRt W ) Satire - UftfoJfil ( m, 1 «f) Aspire - Ul tUBBi (tW 'WWL l, 4<R H) Rule : 19 AI + R «rm , <flW R word- (?m T, ai- ra r"4wtw i cm Rl jr -' xwi (<?ram ) D onair - CMJIWJUlfl ( « 5 ; Hair - tf unHTifTT Chair - (MTT ( CFm ) Fair -. (?RITm ( CPTT; ) Rule : SO Nigh- ( FCP ) Sigh -'TTt ( WlP! (W?r WW ) Fight- . ( W ) Night- H S ( 3 ) Bright -gi ( T) Right -( ff s, ) Fright - ( ) Tight - ( Wf, frRtH ) Slight - -bt ( qiret-nrem, ,#t<M , Sight - ( *ffa. ipj) Rule : SI IGH-43 m.n e fm5! eigh- &m< Height- W) .. Freight - GPtl? (v5l t) Sleight - CSt5 (Fl tt) Rule : SS JGN - word- Cf *rft T5CT H't ji " j* 1 toi G- mef «nc71 CWT- Design - ( Pt) Resign - Q I ( Wjtt ) Benign -f T% ( sf , Wm, ShWCb f) Sign -(it t) Align - ymSri I ) Assign - BffW ( TOOT W) Rule : S3 word- C"fW EIGN «rR I RI " T l <?m - Reign - G&[ ( *rPH t.?n ?n ) Deign - CS$r[ ( QTIT) Feign - ( 731, 'S MH WT) Rule : S4 I + R + Consonant ( vowel ) vSTR - First -"91? (Jm, }, ') Bird - T )W ( *nR J Firth - VBp| ( Plffil) Firm-JFti( ( ) Flirt - "JPHife (WPH, CSTO <n )
  • 4. Web: Email: Rule V 25 ' EA' + R - T © <£KX R - word- Cm T, EA 49 fr BW I "Wf I Gear - jtottjjqspttft, ifiNf) Smear - 'TOI C'J'R II, re, tflt) Fear-itett («a ) Hear - $i<{ ( CTRt) Near - %1T (f FCl?)" Tear - nn { cS T) Ear - { ) Rule : 26 EI / IE + Consonant- 1 5 EI / IE- frm "5" l word- C"fCT IE - Tie - ( PtWOTai) Conceive - " 5 {1 1 Tl, *! I t '5 T). Lie - ( IH iJT) Conceit - plfl? (/ ) Vie - ( aW* l ) Deceit - 1 f5 ( JTSHHt Wf) Forefeit - ( TOniWIRIt) ' Deceive - fb )* ( 5T?l<tT W ) Lien - PpuI (1 1wt?J) Veil -C U t) !: Believe - (W) Magpie - "sm5 ( sRsfa *nt ; Rule : 27 * mf "OE"-«fl?i = cw - Phoenix - lfH4 ( R5«rra ) Amoeba -WtftpTf ( % Sfflt) Dirrhoea - st Ulf n ( WTt TflKHI) Rule : S8 f sps EE + R - <sm R- word- T SPf. EE ? frsm T, Peer - { / ?r $ ) Steer - P&UHl ( ) Rule : 29 Coincide - ' pnt - ( .BTO Qlft ?It Coin - ( T, SRR " IT) Consonant- OI- frpt?l«f Ji "g " i cw? - Foist -'W&Z ( tf& mt T) Foible - ( 31? WT, 8 5»l 1 Foil--j? ( Join - (c lWih ) Joist -( fe ) Moist - > (t Wt, ) Moil -( fa tfiyi Wl, ftPTt) Hoist- 5 (Swi*! ?rr, csm) Rule : 30 - "EA + R + Consonant" - 4 t <i< i> w, ea- ra«t "?m*, - Heard - fj s ( .JtwR*!, "jprf lW ) Heart - ( , ) " Beard - fwl 5 ( ff > Bear - $mti[ i ?ri ) Rule : 31 ( Consonant + R) + EA + Rf RT Consonant - <u<i ftf, EA-4sI Bjet Bread - (lf&) Spread - ("Itc ) : Thread - eg® () Threat-C . ( CWTT) . Dread - ( 31) Rule : 38 Consonant + EA + Consonant ( R ) <£R5rCT ea a&gm w pi cro - Weather -( TOQTIt) Feather - CWf (tPR*) Tread - di®, ( .PwPI ) Treat - (HRrt RTf) Real - ftTDT5! () Read - %5 ( ): Zeal- # 1 ( <!? ) Lead - % ( *l bMHI ) Rule : 33 EE + R - Consonant - >sm?t p s pi EE " t'' i - Meek - (f Tg, f %5 ) Steel - (t7 ) Leech - % (C&Vf, f&O ) Leek - (fP o TO f nCCRJ 5! vrffy Peel -( cm, m ) Rule : 3A e + r - tii iw <i< dRr. (?tot. vowel rt t r, E- iRnra " m" 1 E + R + E j © pr w m*t?j «na 4 nro. w e- frh
  • 5. Web: Email: & + Consonant + E + Consonant tW J s tmm 1t; e / - r Ferret - (TF S (/ ffft ) Ferric - (TPf? (tm"5 ) Amber- imt {) Cater -< ( > f5 ?ni ) Heretic- WWlH t&X&S R l l) Here - %g ( f WCT ) .Heredity - feafeft (Wtf% ) There - f nn (wmr, tmm > Mere(CWl, m?i) Rule : 35 t T© OA + Consonant <ij " 2 1 Toad - C C Tte) Loaf - C F ( Cfiift, MlS TD ) Load - <?{te ( C RTf ) Loan-.PT {,Vct) Loathe - C i ( ) Coal - C y ( Wn ) Coat - ( ftJ ( l?! , otfft fk5! WTO ) Rule : 36 * *t&Av> 1 oa + r «fm»T oa- ji frm . 1 - Roar - W{ ( *t& ) Hoard - ("s pf w ) Hoar - Boar - () Board - C tfS ( T, OTCT 1 , ) Rule : 37 E + Consonant ( R ) + E - *il TW sj- mjn«rm«T-aemE - H f,,, fwt? e - tf 5 Complete - ( Compete - ( zlFowlPl l ) Concrete - Ib ( ) Obsolete - <{wi ( 05 5) Mete - fft? ( CWl) Deplete-fefft (tft i, %pn gl) Rule ; 3B _ * mf r E + Rl «RJ Consonant *i3 K Rent - {) Collet - ( t, 31 ) Comet - ( ) Get -c (*nwy Interpret- Jl fsft ( JNIIM) Sentinel - OT} ( sm, cblft W ) Service- T f m f ) Set- CT ( I R ICTt) Session - C Pfl ( Rc R, ) Rule : 39 " JV s STL- J i4 ',, T Bustle - ( ps t) Trestle - cSR*[ (t5P! Tft ct r Rustle - fTPpi ( "hf) Wrestle - ( f ) Hustle- pfi (*n i ftra c nn) * Rule : 40 Wry- (*rm , C«) Wrest - (31 5 ( CTT S <M) Wrick - f P ( Ib lMl > Wrench - (*{) froi Wjfo T>Ht) Wretch - () Wriggle -#5pJ {OTTO f*taj - 1) Write -?n (m) Wring(CVIb lWI) Wrinkle - (C lb lWl CM ) Writhe - 3#I (OT J ) Wrist - jT .- n fe) . Wrought- 33rf5p ) Wrong - m ( PJ% ) Rule : 41 M + B TWI B- W C IWI vowel twt, Bgggf?re ttpf i cw? - Benumb - TW TWt W ) Bomb - ( C TO) . Comb - () Dumb - ( C RI, ) Thumb - ( fUoW " ST sn fl) Tomb'- 1 ( 'TOt ) Numb (wn$t *m) Rule : 45 L + M nPff Tpt «rm vowel T T I t 1 - Alms - fPTBj () Balm - ) -' Calm -(n , )
  • 6. Web: Email: piam-ntn ( mm) Palm - .IPJ ( TSW Psam - ( Wte, ) Qualm - C iWH ('pfM #5] ai IMIf) Embalm (W®** ) Rule : 43 JL±-S '*ff"II*llf-l MI W P-4j3 fRf C IWl vowel TT l TWfi_p_ lE 5 51 i CPH - Psyche - TT ft {SfT T, "SR ) Psychology - ft WJlftf (TOtf BT) Pseudonym - syit j () Psephology - wnfti (Vtfm cstm Psora - cfo® i rtW-lfc t, . wrtf ) Psilosis - T fPP| ( (Tim O STH Psittacine - ftfejpn (CSTSNlft W% c0i9t*nR ) Pshaw - ( est t sRsm <s ) Rule : 44 LM-4i* vowel 'Sfo M .' H Elm - ((Tf Tt TftU ) Film - ( ttZ f J, t>*lfedj) Realm - GPR { It t) Rule : 45 R + Vowel + CH timx R o w, "CH"- ta't .v i cro-* Crunch - ((B IWI, TPH ) Trenchant - drj ft ( hp, ) Trench - dr{5 (*ft t, ) French - (*M1 ) it ) or, France - 2Flf ( W t SPIT) Branch - *fWT, tfft) Wrench - ( CHIb lWI) Rule : 46 C H word- ? CTCT gh -"WW, flafSTf 'n' 'm' «fTW, 'gh' I 7PR - Tough - iJt ( ffo, ) Rough - sH ( a-S -l , ) Laugh - ("OT ) Cough - () Clough - sPt ( M i) "ttw gh bbtftfi Bough - («toS3 ) Bright - () Caught- («St) Drought - ( VinRJ) Dough - CE1 ( ?I Plcfsm JRPfRPSR ) Draught - UjRFS ( oj p a>T 3 , H 'T) Thorough - tBUT, «tn () Thought-«lt?(t r) Thigh-«n ( [) Through - (W te ) Might - "511 5 ( )k Si it -IT ( t%, " tl) Sleight - GH5$ (5! , WJt) Slight-flrtStf , «n) Sigh -wrn.w) Fight - ( W) Freight - OF B (TOtW?J "sflf, "STIW?? 5!) Flight-" ( str) Fright - (m, W <M) Naughty - (). Nigh- (l rt) Naught - 'ftn ft ) High (5?> ) Height - ( 5T) Haughty - ( , tf ) Plough - ( fWl, IW! TO! T?1? ) Rule : 47 " fi rsJ c*tW MN-«fl?11?I C4IWI vowel fTWf mt M* N .W-UI- WR !BIW, N Solemn - ( .Pftu, <I 4<1?IH ) Hymn -1 (Mf , 2M# i'tR) Condemn- CbH (fflTOOM TOW ) Column - Tl («rm, } . ; Contemn -" pp (/ «rT at) Damn - (if*ih ) Rule : 48 Batch - TIF ("" g ) Bitch - (f ft) Clutch - ( "OTI) Catch - n5( Stretch - ( sfnf o ) Stitch - ((TFTtt RIT) Hatch- () Match - (W¥, 1 )
  • 7. Web: Email: Rule : 49 " Wftrs "igh'-dHI fcwr i "augh" " ejgh " - BH ** *, l j heig;ht- Dight - (UTOn) Deign - cst ( sp Qin ) [ "eign" Regin - GI } (in . fPR) Benign - () [ "ign" Bfl 1 Feign - {vSiMH JIT) Rule : 50 CIW vii w, l j <JfT i f - Mgn"*fl?l *0 vowel Resign - f Tt ( T, CTin ) Resignation - Grf H ( fWl) . Design-t WTt (' T, 3JT) f ?. Designation - C6ft*|CTft m, mft) Benignant - ft pTPfi (sp ) Rul€ : 51 Consonant- .fa "BT"-4ii &m< M -, B «rtc i cm - Doubt - (7311) Debt - csl? () Indebted - t sUjrs (1 ) Rule : 52 " PT" iffi word- OTI TSI l?!6! P I -CWf - Pterodactyl - ctwiwlfy ( m TOI fdfpp TO) ' Ptomaine - ctDw t ( PTn ) Ptosis - cftf (CE»tW?l 'tl T [OT ) Ptyalin - tl Vlft ( a TGlS «n«ie(I H ) opt - «r#, optical - nt lT STTte PT .- word-4* «rm?I p Rule : 53 f , lk-v e u <*m»i l- i am - Bulky - i R* (frrpu rtt) Bulk - P l ( 5lft CTWT ; nreR ) Elk - 'PP () Hulk - ( C mw WOT ; ivtMiva tstfsi ?m (Tft? |) Skulk - PFP ( T5f vij H ; ft*fC Whelk - «J4»I ( ctem C TTT J ) Rule : 54 Vowel- RI "DJ", "DG" lan. - R*; D- «RJ " V BI*! va(|*iw I am - Adjust - (jj'R'iJ** m. f ? ) Adjunct - TWI f f ) Adjudge - mm fimm va, *nf 5 crot) Adjacent - «0Rnc ( ft < , Adjudicate V Tt C tj (ftl>IiJ 4 51? ) Adjoin - ,ouief«i (1 JT) Adjourn - l *i ( TsfiHII 1 55111) Adjure - ( M I, f t am, jSqgw wr) Adjective - 'fflftpflfca (f W't *m ) Badge - ( a#pf 51*1? , ) Rule : 55 Word-dil 8n?lt 5?p Consonant-* GUE-«fl?l Boutique - fl> ( ran fa WH-TmSt C lU OTPPH) Critique - fefcf (iTOnffi? ) Rogue - ( 1 ( .fift, wn,1, €,,,f ) . Vogue - CsH ( st R) Vague - CS [ ( T J, 1<IT) Prologue - csifat ( HlwU / UM KHI) Pedagogue - CTOTTt (fi Pfspp, Tl jRjJh- Fatigue"- CPf (jPl1%, <P1 ) Intrigue - t jOft ( p5-53sra ) Epilogue - ( /sfesfe S'PKSRI) Demagogue - C UTtl ( VFlftH OPS] ; 5,1 1 ai am i t T?n ej ic c#roi o t ) . Drogue - Ggtt ( I PTil TI, TJCJ WRWC5? Rule : 56 . Tffm QUE" T?l<t "V* j CTO - Baroque - Jlfl ( blS MM, Pr .) Clique - ft (ri Fl, ) Cheque - CF* (C , t>W? ?3T5 ftw t , ) Torque -1 (*1WWI te ) Toque - c5t ("fg Jt ) Oblique - srcfto (fcfa) Opaque - vin ( W l ) Rule : 57 " LK"- toi E n u n mww,. ; l- t 4!. ! «nw i am - Balk -( afow*," ) Chalk-(arm nfl>) Folk - atP? {ap?, «R7n«n?i<t) Talk - ()- Walk - {tlft )
  • 13. Web: Email: ইংররজী যয যকোন লরের বোনোন প্রোয়ই কতকগুর঱ো ননয়ম আনু঴োরর গনিত ঵য়। অনিকোংল ছোত্র/ছোত্রীরো এই ননয়ম গুর঱ো গুরুত্ব ঴঵কোরর অনু঴রণ করর নো বর঱ তোরো প্রোয়ই বোনোন ভু ঱ করর । ইংররজী যযর঵তু নবরেনল ভো঳ো , এজনয এই ভো঳োর নবনভন্ন লরের বোনোরন আমোরের ভু র঱র ঴ংখ্যো যবনল ঵য়।তোই দ্ধভাভোরব ইংররনজ বোনোন নলখ্রত ঵র঱ ননর র প্রনতনন ননয়ম এ এর ােো঵রন খ্ুব ভোর঱ো ভোরব পড়রত ঵রব । ইংররজী লরের বোনোন যয ঴ব ননয়ম দ্বোরো পনর োন঱ত ঵য় তোরের প্রিোন প্রিোনগুর঱ো ননর যেয়ো ঵঱ ।
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