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Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting
“New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion
ດຣ ຄຳພອນ ນັ ນທະວົ ງ
25 September 2015
The Second Stakeholder workshop
Sokpaluang campus, Faculty of Engineering, National University of Laos
Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting
“New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion
 MECON
Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting
“New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion
ຄະນະວິ ສະວະກຳສຳດ, ມະຫຳວິ ທະຍຳໄລແຫ່ ງຊຳດ
Dr. Milou Beerepoot
MECON project initiator
Joint Graduate School of Energy and
Environment/KMUTT, Bangkok
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Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting
“New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion
• ກຳນປະຢັ ດພະລັ ງງຳນເປັ ນວິ ທີ ທີ່ ມີ ກຳນລົ ງທຶ ນຕ່ ຳສຸ ດ ເພ່ ອ
ຫຸ ດຜ່ ອນກຳນປ່ ອຍ CO2 ແລະ ຄວຳມປອດໄພດ້ ຳນພະລັ ງງຳນ
ກຳນປະຢັ ດພະລັ ງງຳນ: ສິ່ ງໃດແດ່ ທີ່ ຈະໄດ້
World energy-related CO2 emissions abatement in the 450 Scenario relative to
the New Policies Scenario (WEO, 2012)
IEA World Energy Outlook, 2012
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Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting
“New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion
ຄວຳມປອດໄພດ້ ຳນພະລັ ງງຳນ: ກຳນເພີ່ ມຂຶ ້ ນໃນຄວຳມຕ້ ອງກຳນ
ດ້ ຳນພະລັ ງງຳນ ເນ່ ອງຈຳກກຳນເພີ່ ມຂຶ ້ ນຂອງຄົ ວເຮອນຄົ ນຊັ້ ນ
• ຄົ ນຊັ້ ນກຳງໃໝ່ – ແມ່ ນປະຊຳກອນ ທີ່ ຫຸ ດພົ້ ນຈຳກຄວຳມທຸ ກຍຳກແລ້ ວ ແຕ່ ຍັ ງມີ
ລຳຍໄດ້ ຂ້ ອນຂ້ ຳງຕ່ ຳ - ທີ່ ພົ້ ນເດັ່ ນຂຶ ້ ນໃໝ່ , ໂດຍສະເພຳະ ຢ່ ທະວີ ບເອເຊຍ: ມີ ສ່ ວນ
ແບ່ ງໃຫຍ່ ໃນກຳນເພີ່ ມຂຶ ້ ນຂອງຄວຳມຕ້ ອງກຳນດ້ ຳນພະລັ ງງຳນ
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Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting
“New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion
ຈຸ ດປະສົ ງຂອງໂຄງກຳນ MECON
• ຄົ້ ນຫຳໂອກຳດ ແລະ ກຳນົ ດອຸ ປະສັ ກ ໃນກຳນ
ສົ່ ງເສີ ມເຕັ ກໂນໂລຊີ EE ສຳລັ ບກຸ່ ມຄົ ວເຮອນ ທີ່ ມີ
ລຳຍໄດ້ ຕ່ ຳ: “new Modern Energy CONsumers” ໃນພຳກ
ພ້ ນ GMS (MECON)
• ປະຊຳກອນໃນກຸ່ ມ MECON ມີ ລຳຍໄດ້ ໃນລະຫວ່ ຳງ
2 - 5 USD ຕ່ ຄົ ນ ຕ່ ມ້
• (ຂີ ດຄວຳມທຸ ກຍຳກຢ່ ລຳວ: 1.5 USD ຕ່ ຄົ ນ ຕ່ ມ້ )
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Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting
“New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion
ຜ້ ເຂົ້ ຳຮ່ ວມໂຄງກຳນ MECON
University College
London - UCL
Society- MES
Joint Graduate
School of
Engineering &
Environment -
Hanoi University
of Science and
University of
Laos - NUOL
Royal University
of Agriculture -
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Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting
“New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion
ວິ ທີ ກຳນຄົ້ ນຄ້ ວຳ ຂອງ MECON
ໄລຍະ 1: ຂ້ ມນພ້ ນຖຳນ
ໄລຍະ 3: ເຜີ ຍແຜ່ ຜົ ນ
ພວກເຮົ ຳໄດ້ ຮ້ ຫຍັ ງແດ່ ແລ້ ວ?
(ກຳນສຶ ກສຳເອກະສຳນ)
ເງ່ ອນໄຂທຳງເຕັ ກໂນໂລຊີ ມີ ຫຍັ ງ
ແດ່ ? (ຄົ້ ນຄ້ ວຳເອກະສຳນ/ສຳຫວດ
ເງ່ ອນໄຂທຳງເສດຖະກິ ດ-ສົ ງຄົ ມ
ມີ ຄແນວໃດ? (ກຳນສຳຫວດຄົ ວ
ອີ ງໃສ່ ຂ້ ມນພ້ ນ
ຖຳນທີ່ ມີ : ຊອກ
ຫຳວິ ທີ ແກ້ ໄຂ
ແລະຫຳລກັ ບ
ຜ້ ກ່ ຽວຂ້ ອງ
ຄິ ດໄລ່ ຄວຳມກຸ້ ມຄ່ ຳ
ໄຂທີ່ ສະເໜີ ມຳ
ເງ່ ອນໄຂທຳງດ້ ຳນ
ສະຖຳບັ ນ?
ເຜີ ຍແຜ່ ຜົ ນໄດ້ ຮັ ບ
ໄລຍະ 2: ກຳນພັ ດທະນຳ ແລະ ປຶ ກສຳຫຳລ
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Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting
“New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion
Economics of Energy Efficiency Improvements
Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting
“New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion
Dr. Gabrial Anandarajah
Senior Lecturer
UCL Energy Institute
University College London, United Kingdom
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ນຳສະເໜີ ໂດຍ: ດຣ ຄຳພອນ ນັ ນທະວົ ງ
ຄະນະວິ ສະວະກຳສຳດ, ມະຫຳວິ ທະຍຳໄລແຫ່ ງຊຳດ
Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting
“New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion
ຜ້ ໃຊ້ ພະລັ ງງຳນໃໝ່ (MECON)
Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting
“New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion
• ໃນປີ 2008, ຜ້ ໃຊ້ ພະລັ ງງຳນໃໝ່ ກວມເອົ ຳ 45.4% ຂອງປະຊຳກອນ ຢ່ ປະເທດໄທ.
• ສ່ ວນແບ່ ງຂອງ MECON ຢ່ ໄທໄດ້ ຜ່ ຳນຈຸ ດສງສຸ ດແລ້ ວ; ພວມສງສຸ ດຢ່ ຫວຽດນຳມ; ແລະ ຍັ ງຈະ
ເຖິ ງຈຸ ດສງສຸ ດ ຢ່ ກຳປເຈຍ, ລຳວ ແລະ ມຽນມ້ ຳ
• ຢ່ ໄທ ຈະຫຸ ດລົ ງເຖິ ງ 24% ໃນປີ 2030.
• ຢ່ ລຳວ, ກຳປະເຈຍ ແລະ ມຽນມ້ ຳ, ສ່ ວນແບ່ ງຂອງ MECON ຄຳດວ່ ຳຈະຕົ ກຢ່ ລະຫວ່ ຳງ 40-50% ໃນປີ
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030
2-5$ share (%) -Thailand
Actual (%)
Projec on (%)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
2-5$ SHARE (%)
Es mated (General)
Actual-Thai (%)
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Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting
“New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion
ກຳນຊົ ມໃຊ້ ພະລັ ງງຳນໃນກຸ່ ມ MECON
Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting
“New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion
• ໄດ້ ພັ ດທະນຳສຳມສະຖຳນະກຳນ (scenarios) ສຳລັ ບແຕ່ ລະ
ປະເທດ (ພຳກຄົ ວເຮອນເທົ່ ຳນັ້ ນ) ໂດຍນຳໃຊ້ LEAP model
• ສະຖຳນະກຳນຕຳມປົ ກກະຕິ (BAU)
• ປະຢັ ດພະລັ ງງຳນສງ (HEE)
• ປະຢັ ດພະລັ ງງຳນ ປຳນກຳງ (MEE)
• ຄຳດຄະເນກຳນໃຊ້ ພະລັ ງງຳນໂດຍຄົ ວເຮອນ MECON ສຳລັ ບ
• ກຳນສົ ມມຸ ດຖຳນກ່ ຽວກັ ບສ່ ວນແບ່ ງອຸ ປະກອນ EE 2030 ໃນ
ປະເທດ ແລະ ເຕັ ກໂນໂລຊີ ສະເພຳະ
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Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting
“New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion
ກຳນຊົ ມໃຊ້ ພະລັ ງງຳນພຳຍໃຕ້ ສະຖຳນະ
ກຳນຕ່ ຳງໆ ໃນບັ ນດຳປະເທດ GMS
Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting
“New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion
• ໃນປີ 2030, EE ສຳມຳດຫຸ ດຜ່ ອນກຳນຊົ ມໃຊ້ ພະລັ ງງຳນຂອງພຳກຄົ ວ
ເຮອນ (MECON) ແຕ່ 2% (ໄທ) - 20% (ມຽນມ້ ຳ) ໃນກລະນີ MEE ແລະ 16% (ໄທ) -
38% (ມຽນມ້ ຳ) ໃນກລະນີ HEE ທຽບກັ ບກລະນີ BAU
• ທ່ ຳແຮງສງສຸ ດແມ່ ນ ກຳນຫຸ ດຜ່ ອນໃນກຳນໃຊ້ ດອກໄຟປ້ ອມ
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Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting
“New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion
ມີ ຄວຳມຄຸ້ ມຄ່ ຳບ?
Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting
“New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion
 ໄດ້ ຄິ ດໄລ່ ຄວຳມຄຸ້ ມຄ່ ຳຂອງບຳງອຸ ປະກອນເຄ່ ອງໃຊ້ (5
ຊະ ນິ ດຢ່ ຳງຕ່ ຳໃນແຕ່ ລະປະເທດ): ດອກໄຟປ້ ອມ, ໝ້ ຫຸ ງ
ເຂົ້ ຳໄຟຟ້ ຳ, AC, TV, ພັ ດລົ ມ ແລະ ຕ້ ເຢັ ນ.
 ເງ່ ອນໄຂກຳນເລອກອຸ ປະກອນສຳລັ ບ CBA ແມ່ ນ: ກຳນ
ຊົ ມໃຊ້ ພະລັ ງງຳນ, ກຳນຄອບຄອງ ແລະ ທ່ ຳແຮງໃນຕ່
ໜ້ ຳ
 ໄດ້ ວິ ເຄຳະຄວຳມອ່ ອນໄຫວ ໂດຍໃສ່ ອັ ດຕຳກີ ດກັ້ ນລົ ງໄປ
(hurdle rate - ຄ່ ຳຜົ ນຕອບແທນຕ່ ຳສຸ ດ ທີ່ ຍັ ງຮັ ບໄດ້ )
 (ຜົ ນກຳນຄິ ດໄລ່ ສຳລັ ບ ລຳວ: ດຣ ກິ ນນະເລດຈະສະເໜີ ຕຳມຫັ ງ)
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Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting
“New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion
ຜົ ນກະທົ ບສະທ້ ອນກັ ບ (Rebound Effect)
Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting
“New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion
• ກຳນສອບຖຳມແບບງ່ ຳຍໆ ສຳລັ ບ 120 ຄົ ວເຮອນ
ກ່ ຽວກັ ບຄວຳມເຂົ້ ຳໃຈກ່ ຽວກັ ບຄວຳມມຸ່ ງຫວັ ງ
ຂອງຄົ ວເຮອນ ຖ້ ຳຫຳກມີ ເງິ ນເຫອຈຳກກຳນ
ປະຢັ ດພະລັ ງງຳນ
• ແບບສອບຖຳມແນໃສ່ :
ຂ້ ມນທົ່ ວໄປກ່ ຽວກັ ບຄອບຄົ ວ
ກຳນຊົ ມໃຊ້ ພະລັ ງງຳນຂອງຄົ ວເຮອນ
ຜົ ນກະທົ ບສະທ້ ອນກັ ບ
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Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting
“New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion
ບລິ ມະສິ ດໃນກຳນຈ່ ຳຍ
• ບລິ ມະສິ ດກຳນຈ່ ຳຍ ແຕກຕ່ ຳງກັ ນໄປຕຳມແຕ່ ລະປະເທດ ແຕ່ ສິ່ ງເ
ໝອນກັ ນແມ່ ນ:
– ຄ່ ຳອຳຫຳນ ເປັ ນບລິ ມະສິ ດສງສຸ ດ (Food is a priority)
– ຊ້ ອຸ ປະກອນເຄ່ ອງໃຊ້ ໄຟຟ້ ຳ ຈັ ດໃນລຳດັ ບ 4-6 ໃນເກອບທຸ ກປະເທດ
– ກຳນຈ່ ຳຍຄ່ ຳເຊ້ ອໄຟສຳລັ ບຫຸ ງຕົ້ ມ ຈັ ດໃນອັ ນດັ ບສງ ພຽງແຕ່ ຢ່ ປະເທດໄທ
– ຈ່ ຳຍຄ່ ຳປິ່ ນປົ ວສຸ ຂະພຳບ ມີ ຄວຳມສຳຄັ ນ ຢ່ ກຳປເຈຍ, ມຽນມ້ ຳ ແລະ
– ກຳນສຶ ກສຳ ສຳຄັ ນຢ່ ລຳວ ມຽນມ້ ຳ ແລະ ຫວຽດນຳມ
• ກຳນຈ່ ຳຍຄ່ ຳພະລັ ງງຳນຍັ ງບ່ ຖເປັ ນບລິ ມະສິ ດສງສຸ ດ ສຳລັ ບຄົ ວ
ເຮອນ MECON, ແຕ່ ຈະປ່ ຽນແປງໄປ ເມ່ ອມີ ລຳຍໄດ້ ສງຂຶ ້ ນ
• ເມ່ ອມີ ລຳຍໄດ້ ສງຂຶ ້ ນ ຄົ ວເຮອນ MECON ອຳດຊົ ມໃຊ້ ພະລັ ງງຳນຫຳຍ
ກວ່ ຳ ຍ້ ອນເຊ້ ອໄຟຫຸ ງຕົ້ ມ, ຊ້ ອຸ ປະກອນໃໝ່ ແລະ ນຳໃຊ້ ສິ່ ງທີ່ ມີ ຫຳຍ
ຂຶ ້ ນ16:43:23 16
Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting
“New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion
ຂ້ ສະຫຸ ບ
Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting
“New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion
 ປະຊຳກອນກຸ່ ມ MECON ມີ ຫຳຍສົ ມຄວນ, 25-50% ໃນປີ 2030
 ໃນປີ 2030, EE ສຳມຳດ ຫຸ ດຜ່ ອນ ກຳນຊົ ມໃຊ້ ພະລັ ງງຳນໃນພຳກ
ຄົ ວເຮອນ (MECON) ລົ ງ 2%-20% ໃນກລະນີ MEE ແລະ 16%-38% ໃນ HEE
ທຽບກັ ບ BAU.
 ກຳນຄິ ດໄລ່ CBA ຊີ ້ ໃຫ້ ເຫັ ນວ່ ຳ ອຸ ປະກອນ EE ສ່ ວນຫຳຍ ມີ
ທ່ ຳແຮງສຳລັ ບຫຸ ດຄ່ ຳພະລັ ງງຳນຂອງຄົ ວເຮອນລົ ງ
 ທ່ ຳແຮງກຳນປະຢັ ດ ຂຶ ້ ນກັ ບຕົ້ ນທຶ ນ, ຄ່ ຳໄຟຟ້ ຳ ແລະ ຄວຳມ
ພ້ ອມດ້ ຳນກຳນເງິ ນ
 ຄ່ ຳໃຊ້ ຈ່ ຳຍໃສ່ ພະລັ ງງຳນ ໃນປັ ດຈຸ ບັ ນບ່ ທັ ນເປັ ນບລິ ມະສິ ດສງ
ສຸ ດ ສຳລັ ບຄົ ວເຮອນ MECON, ແຕ່ ຈະຄ່ ອຍປ່ ຽນໄປ ເມ່ ອລຳຍໄດ້
ສງຂຶ ້ ນ
16:43:23 17
Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting
“New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion
ຜົ ນໄດ້ ຮັ ບສຳຄັ ນຂອງໂຄງກຳນ MECON
Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting
“New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion
Mr. Pan Piyasil
MECON project coordinator
Joint Graduate School of Energy and
Environment/KMUTT, Bangkok
16:43:23 18
ນຳສະເໜີ ໂດຍ: ດຣ ຄຳພອນ ນັ ນທະວົ ງ
ຄະນະວິ ສະວະກຳສຳດ, ມະຫຳວິ ທະຍຳໄລແຫ່ ງຊຳດ
Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting
“New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion
ຜົ ນໄດ້ ຮັ ບຂອງໂຄງກຳນ MECON
Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting
“New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion
ອົ ງປະກອບສຳຄັ ນໃນບົ ດນີ ້ :
1. ສຳລວດຄົ ວເຮອນ ທີ່ ມີ ລຳຍໄດ້ ຕ່ ຳ
ສຳພຳດແບບເຊິ່ ງໜ້ ຳ 1,660 ຄົ ວເຮອນ
2. ສຳຫວດຕະຫຳດຜ້ ຂຳຍຍ່ ອຍ
ສຳພຳດ 348 ຜ້ ຄ້ ຳຂຳຍຍ່ ອຍ
3. ທົ ບທວນນະໂນຍຳຍ ແລະ ປຶ ກສຳຫຳລກັ ບຜ້ ກ່ ຽວຂ້ ອງ
ຈັ ດຂຶ ້ ນຢ່ 5 ປະເທດ ໃນປີ 2014
16:43:23 19
Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting
“New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion
ກຳນສຳຫວດຄົ ວເຮອນ
Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting
“New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion
2517 2634
ກຳນຊົ ມໃຊ້ ໄຟຟ້ ຳຕ່ ຄົ ວເຮອນ ອຸ ປະກອນພົ ບທົ່ ວໄປ
• ແສງສະຫວ່ ຳງ (ຫອດນິ ອອນ)
• ໝ້ ຫຸ ງເຂົ້ ຳໄຟຟ້ ຳ
• ຕ້ ເຢັ ນ
• ພັ ດລົ ມໄຟຟ້ ຳ
• TV
ຜ້ ວຳງນະໂຍບຳຍບ່ ຄວນຫົ ງລມ
ອຸ ປະກອນເຄຶ່ ອງໃຊ້ ຂະໜຳດນ້ ອຍ
ສຳລັ ບຄົ ວເຮອນລຳຍໄດ້ ຕ່ ຳ, ອຸ ປະ
ກອນເຄ່ ອງໃຊ້ ຂະໜຳດນ້ ອຍ (ໝ້
ຫຸ ງເຂົ້ ຳ ແລະ ພັ ດລົ ມໄຟຟ້ ຳ)
ສຳມຳດຊົ ມໃຊ້ ໄຟຟ້ ຳ ຫຳຍກວ່ ຳ
ອຸ ປະກອນເຄ່ ອງໃຊ້ ໃຫຍ່ ໆ (AC ແລະ
ຈັ ກຊັ ກ ເຄ່ ອງ) ຍ້ ອນວ່ ຳ ເວລຳນຳ
ໃຊ້ ຍຳວນຳນ ແລະ ມີ ຈຳນວນຫຳຍ
ກວ່ ຳ
16:43:23 20
Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting
“New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion
ກຳນສຳຫວດຄົ ວເຮອນ: ອຸ ປະກອນໃຫ້ ແສງ
ສະຫວ່ ຳງ
Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting
“New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion
100% Cambodia
Candles Batteries Incandescent Fluorescent CFL LED
16:43:23 21
Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting
“New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion
ກຳນສຳຫວດຕະຫຳດ: ກຳໝຳຍພະລັ ງງຳນ
ຢ່ ໃນ GMS
Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting
“New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion
• ມີ ແຕ່ ໄທ ແລະ ຫວຽດນຳມ ທີ່ ມີ ກຳໝຳຍກຳນ
ປະຢັ ດພະລັ ງງຳນສຳລັ ບເຄ່ ອງໃຊ້ ໃນເຮອນ
• ສ່ ວນຫຳຍຜະລິ ດຕະພັ ນ EE ໃນຂົ ງເຂດ GMS ແມ່ ນ
ນຳເຂົ້ ຳຈຳກໄທ ແລະມີ ກຳໝຳຍເບີ 5 ຂອງ ໄທ Energy
Label No.5.
16:43:23 22
Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting
“New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion
ກລະນີ ຂອງປະເທດໄທ:
ອຸ ປະກອນເຄ່ ອງໃຊ້ ທີ່ ມີ ກຳນໝຳຍເບີ 5
ອັ ດຕຳກຳນໃຊ້ ອຸ ປະກອນ ທີ່ ມີ ກຳໝຳຍເບີ 5 ແມ່ ນ
ຂ້ ອນຂ້ ຳງຕ່ ຳ ໃນກຸ່ ມຄົ ວເຮອນລຳຍໄດ້ ຕ່ ຳ
*EWH = electric water heater
% of appliances found in Thailand’s survey on low-income households
16:43:23 23
Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting
“New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion
ກຳນສຳຫວດຄົ ວເຮອນ:
ຄວຳມຮັ ບຮ້ ກັ ບ ລຳຄຳ
Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting
“New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion
• ຄວຳມຕ່ ນຕົ ວ ແລະ ຄວຳມເຂົ້ ຳໃຈສງ
ຂອງຄົ ວເຮອນລຳຍໄດ້ ຕ່ ຳກ່ ຽວກັ ບ ກຳ
ໝຳຍເບີ 5 ແມ່ ນ ຂ້ ອນຂ້ ຳງສງ ຢ່ ໄທ
ແລະ ລຳວ
• ກຳໝຳຍເບີ 5 ຂອງໄທ ຖກຮັ ບຮ້ ຢ່
ກຳປເຈຍ, ມຽນມ້ ຳ ແລະ ຫວຽດນຳມ
ແຕ່ ຄວຳມຮ້ ດ້ ຳນພຳສຳເປັ ນອຸ ປະສັ ກ
ໃນກຳນນຳໃຊ້ ຢ່ ຳງມີ ປະສິ ດທິ ຜົ ນ
• ລຳຄຳຊ້ ທຳອິ ດ ມີ ບົ ດບຳດສຳຄັ ນໃນ
ກຳນຕັ ດສິ ນໃຈຊ້ ເຄ່ ອງ
• ອຸ ປະສັ ກທຳງກຳນເງິ ນ ສຳລັ ບຄົ ວເຮອນ
ລຳຍໄດ້ ຕ່ ຳ
• ກຳນເຂົ້ ຳເຖິ ງແຫ່ ງເງິ ນທຶ ນຕ່ ຳສຳມຳດ
ເປັ ນທຳງແກ້ ໄຂໂດຍກຳນນຳໃຊ້ ຮບ
ແບບທຳງກຳນເງິ ນແບບໃໝ່ ເຊັ່ ນ,
“ຈ່ ຳຍຕຳມບິ ນ” ຫ “ກຳນເງິ ນຈຸ ລະພຳກ”.
16:43:23 24
Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting
“New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion
ຄວນຕ້ ອງສຸ ມໃສ່ ລະບົ ບກຳນສະໜອງໃຫ້ ຫຳຍຂຶ ້ ນ
Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting
“New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion
• 
• ,
• 
ຝ່ ຳຍຜ້ ຊົ ມໃຊ້
• ຄວຳມເຄີ ຍຊິ ນໃນກຳນຊ້
• ຂ້ ຈຳກັ ດໃນກຳນເຂົ້ ຳເຖິ ງຜະລິ ດຕະພັ ນ
ຝ່ ຳຍຜ້ ສະໜອງ
• ຄວຳມອຳດສຳມຳດໃນກຳນຊ້ ອຸ ປະກອນ
EE ແຮໄວ້ ຍັ ງຕ່ ຳ
• ຄວຳມຕ່ ນຕົ ວ ແລະ ຄວຳມຮ້ ກ່ ຽວກັ ບ
ເຕັ ກໂນໂລຊີ ຂອງຜ້ ຈ່ ຳໜ່ ຳຍລຳຍຍ່ ອຍ
ຍັ ງຕ່ ຳ
ຄວຳມພ້ ອມໃນກຳນມີ ຂຳຍຜະລິ ດຕະພັ ນ EE ຍັ ງຕ່ ຳ
16:43:23 25
Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting
“New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion
ສິ່ ງທ້ ຳທຳຍແກ່ ກຳນວຳງນະໂຍບຳຍ EE ໃນ
ບັ ນດຳປະເທດ GMS
Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting
“New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion
• 
• 
• 
• 
16:43:23 26
Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting
“New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion
ໂອກຳດ ສຳລັ ບ ນະໂຍບຳຍ EE:
ຊຸ ດນະໂຍບຳຍ
Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting
“New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion
• 
• 
 (MEPS)
• 
• 
• 
• 
• 
• 
16:43:23 27
Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting
“New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion
Thank you for listening
Please visit our website at
or contact us at
ດຣ. ຄຳພອນ ນັ ນທະວົ ງ:
16:43:23 28

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[Task 4 2] Analysis of Challenges and Best Practices for better Design of EE ...
[Task 3 2] Socio-Economic Perspective on Energy Efficiency for MECON Househol...
[Task 3 2] Socio-Economic Perspective on Energy Efficiency for MECON Househol...[Task 3 2] Socio-Economic Perspective on Energy Efficiency for MECON Househol...
[Task 3 2] Socio-Economic Perspective on Energy Efficiency for MECON Househol...
[Task 3 1] Energy use amongst 'new Modern Energy CONsumers' in the GMS
[Task 3 1] Energy use amongst 'new Modern Energy CONsumers' in the GMS[Task 3 1] Energy use amongst 'new Modern Energy CONsumers' in the GMS
[Task 3 1] Energy use amongst 'new Modern Energy CONsumers' in the GMS
[Task 2 2] Current Situation and Possible ways to improve EE household applia...
[Task 2 2] Current Situation and Possible ways to improve EE household applia...[Task 2 2] Current Situation and Possible ways to improve EE household applia...
[Task 2 2] Current Situation and Possible ways to improve EE household applia...
[Task 2 1] Availability and market barriers to energy efficient technologies ...
[Task 2 1] Availability and market barriers to energy efficient technologies ...[Task 2 1] Availability and market barriers to energy efficient technologies ...
[Task 2 1] Availability and market barriers to energy efficient technologies ...
[Task 1 2] Final energy consumption and reduction scenarios for lao's mecon h...
[Task 1 2] Final energy consumption and reduction scenarios for lao's mecon h...[Task 1 2] Final energy consumption and reduction scenarios for lao's mecon h...
[Task 1 2] Final energy consumption and reduction scenarios for lao's mecon h...
[Task 1 1] analysis of the current energy situation in the gms countries
[Task 1 1] analysis of the current energy situation in the gms countries[Task 1 1] analysis of the current energy situation in the gms countries
[Task 1 1] analysis of the current energy situation in the gms countries
[2] Keynote presentation
[2] Keynote presentation[2] Keynote presentation
[2] Keynote presentation
[1] Project overview and key results
[1] Project overview and key results[1] Project overview and key results
[1] Project overview and key results
Introduction session 1 - Thailand
Introduction session 1 - ThailandIntroduction session 1 - Thailand
Introduction session 1 - Thailand
Introduction session 1 - Vietnam
Introduction session 1 - VietnamIntroduction session 1 - Vietnam
Introduction session 1 - Vietnam
Introduction section 1 - UCL
Introduction section 1 - UCLIntroduction section 1 - UCL
Introduction section 1 - UCL

Project Overview and Key Results Lao

  • 1. Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting “New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion ດຣ ຄຳພອນ ນັ ນທະວົ ງ 25 September 2015 The Second Stakeholder workshop Sokpaluang campus, Faculty of Engineering, National University of Laos  MECON  16:43:23 1
  • 2. TOPIC 1 Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting “New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion   MECON Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting “New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion :  ຄະນະວິ ສະວະກຳສຳດ, ມະຫຳວິ ທະຍຳໄລແຫ່ ງຊຳດ Dr. Milou Beerepoot MECON project initiator Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment/KMUTT, Bangkok 16:43:23 2
  • 3. TOPIC 1 Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting “New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion • ກຳນປະຢັ ດພະລັ ງງຳນເປັ ນວິ ທີ ທີ່ ມີ ກຳນລົ ງທຶ ນຕ່ ຳສຸ ດ ເພ່ ອ ຫຸ ດຜ່ ອນກຳນປ່ ອຍ CO2 ແລະ ຄວຳມປອດໄພດ້ ຳນພະລັ ງງຳນ ກຳນປະຢັ ດພະລັ ງງຳນ: ສິ່ ງໃດແດ່ ທີ່ ຈະໄດ້ World energy-related CO2 emissions abatement in the 450 Scenario relative to the New Policies Scenario (WEO, 2012) IEA World Energy Outlook, 2012 16:43:23 3
  • 4. TOPIC 1 Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting “New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion ຄວຳມປອດໄພດ້ ຳນພະລັ ງງຳນ: ກຳນເພີ່ ມຂຶ ້ ນໃນຄວຳມຕ້ ອງກຳນ ດ້ ຳນພະລັ ງງຳນ ເນ່ ອງຈຳກກຳນເພີ່ ມຂຶ ້ ນຂອງຄົ ວເຮອນຄົ ນຊັ້ ນ ກຳງ • ຄົ ນຊັ້ ນກຳງໃໝ່ – ແມ່ ນປະຊຳກອນ ທີ່ ຫຸ ດພົ້ ນຈຳກຄວຳມທຸ ກຍຳກແລ້ ວ ແຕ່ ຍັ ງມີ ລຳຍໄດ້ ຂ້ ອນຂ້ ຳງຕ່ ຳ - ທີ່ ພົ້ ນເດັ່ ນຂຶ ້ ນໃໝ່ , ໂດຍສະເພຳະ ຢ່ ທະວີ ບເອເຊຍ: ມີ ສ່ ວນ ແບ່ ງໃຫຍ່ ໃນກຳນເພີ່ ມຂຶ ້ ນຂອງຄວຳມຕ້ ອງກຳນດ້ ຳນພະລັ ງງຳນ 16:43:23 4
  • 5. TOPIC 1 Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting “New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion ຈຸ ດປະສົ ງຂອງໂຄງກຳນ MECON • ຄົ້ ນຫຳໂອກຳດ ແລະ ກຳນົ ດອຸ ປະສັ ກ ໃນກຳນ ສົ່ ງເສີ ມເຕັ ກໂນໂລຊີ EE ສຳລັ ບກຸ່ ມຄົ ວເຮອນ ທີ່ ມີ ລຳຍໄດ້ ຕ່ ຳ: “new Modern Energy CONsumers” ໃນພຳກ ພ້ ນ GMS (MECON) • ປະຊຳກອນໃນກຸ່ ມ MECON ມີ ລຳຍໄດ້ ໃນລະຫວ່ ຳງ 2 - 5 USD ຕ່ ຄົ ນ ຕ່ ມ້ • (ຂີ ດຄວຳມທຸ ກຍຳກຢ່ ລຳວ: 1.5 USD ຕ່ ຄົ ນ ຕ່ ມ້ ) 16:43:23 5
  • 6. TOPIC 1 Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting “New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion ຜ້ ເຂົ້ ຳຮ່ ວມໂຄງກຳນ MECON University College London - UCL Myanmar Engineering Society- MES Joint Graduate School of Engineering & Environment - JGSEE Hanoi University of Science and technology- HUST National University of Laos - NUOL Royal University of Agriculture - RUA 16:43:23 6
  • 7. TOPIC 1 Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting “New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion ວິ ທີ ກຳນຄົ້ ນຄ້ ວຳ ຂອງ MECON ໄລຍະ 1: ຂ້ ມນພ້ ນຖຳນ ໄລຍະ 3: ເຜີ ຍແຜ່ ຜົ ນ ພວກເຮົ ຳໄດ້ ຮ້ ຫຍັ ງແດ່ ແລ້ ວ? (ກຳນສຶ ກສຳເອກະສຳນ) ເງ່ ອນໄຂທຳງເຕັ ກໂນໂລຊີ ມີ ຫຍັ ງ ແດ່ ? (ຄົ້ ນຄ້ ວຳເອກະສຳນ/ສຳຫວດ ຕະຫຳດ/ສຳພຳດ) ເງ່ ອນໄຂທຳງເສດຖະກິ ດ-ສົ ງຄົ ມ ມີ ຄແນວໃດ? (ກຳນສຳຫວດຄົ ວ ເຮອນ) ອີ ງໃສ່ ຂ້ ມນພ້ ນ ຖຳນທີ່ ມີ : ຊອກ ຫຳວິ ທີ ແກ້ ໄຂ ແລະຫຳລກັ ບ ຜ້ ກ່ ຽວຂ້ ອງ ຄິ ດໄລ່ ຄວຳມກຸ້ ມຄ່ ຳ ຂອງແນວທຳງແກ້ ໄຂທີ່ ສະເໜີ ມຳ ເງ່ ອນໄຂທຳງດ້ ຳນ ສະຖຳບັ ນ? ເຜີ ຍແຜ່ ຜົ ນໄດ້ ຮັ ບ ໄລຍະ 2: ກຳນພັ ດທະນຳ ແລະ ປຶ ກສຳຫຳລ 16:43:23 7
  • 8. TOPIC 1 Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting “New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion Economics of Energy Efficiency Improvements Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting “New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion Dr. Gabrial Anandarajah Senior Lecturer UCL Energy Institute University College London, United Kingdom 16:43:23 8 ນຳສະເໜີ ໂດຍ: ດຣ ຄຳພອນ ນັ ນທະວົ ງ ຄະນະວິ ສະວະກຳສຳດ, ມະຫຳວິ ທະຍຳໄລແຫ່ ງຊຳດ
  • 9. TOPIC 1 Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting “New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion ຜ້ ໃຊ້ ພະລັ ງງຳນໃໝ່ (MECON) Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting “New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion • ໃນປີ 2008, ຜ້ ໃຊ້ ພະລັ ງງຳນໃໝ່ ກວມເອົ ຳ 45.4% ຂອງປະຊຳກອນ ຢ່ ປະເທດໄທ. • ສ່ ວນແບ່ ງຂອງ MECON ຢ່ ໄທໄດ້ ຜ່ ຳນຈຸ ດສງສຸ ດແລ້ ວ; ພວມສງສຸ ດຢ່ ຫວຽດນຳມ; ແລະ ຍັ ງຈະ ເຖິ ງຈຸ ດສງສຸ ດ ຢ່ ກຳປເຈຍ, ລຳວ ແລະ ມຽນມ້ ຳ • ຢ່ ໄທ ຈະຫຸ ດລົ ງເຖິ ງ 24% ໃນປີ 2030. • ຢ່ ລຳວ, ກຳປະເຈຍ ແລະ ມຽນມ້ ຳ, ສ່ ວນແບ່ ງຂອງ MECON ຄຳດວ່ ຳຈະຕົ ກຢ່ ລະຫວ່ ຳງ 40-50% ໃນປີ 2030 - 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 18,000 20,000 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2-5$ share (%) -Thailand Actual (%) Projec on (%) GDPP 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 2-5$ SHARE (%) Es mated (General) Actual-Thai (%) Vietnam 16:43:23 9
  • 10. TOPIC 1 Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting “New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion ກຳນຊົ ມໃຊ້ ພະລັ ງງຳນໃນກຸ່ ມ MECON Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting “New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion • ໄດ້ ພັ ດທະນຳສຳມສະຖຳນະກຳນ (scenarios) ສຳລັ ບແຕ່ ລະ ປະເທດ (ພຳກຄົ ວເຮອນເທົ່ ຳນັ້ ນ) ໂດຍນຳໃຊ້ LEAP model • ສະຖຳນະກຳນຕຳມປົ ກກະຕິ (BAU) • ປະຢັ ດພະລັ ງງຳນສງ (HEE) • ປະຢັ ດພະລັ ງງຳນ ປຳນກຳງ (MEE) • ຄຳດຄະເນກຳນໃຊ້ ພະລັ ງງຳນໂດຍຄົ ວເຮອນ MECON ສຳລັ ບ 2013-2030 • ກຳນສົ ມມຸ ດຖຳນກ່ ຽວກັ ບສ່ ວນແບ່ ງອຸ ປະກອນ EE 2030 ໃນ ປະເທດ ແລະ ເຕັ ກໂນໂລຊີ ສະເພຳະ 16:43:23 10
  • 11. TOPIC 1 Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting “New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion ກຳນຊົ ມໃຊ້ ພະລັ ງງຳນພຳຍໃຕ້ ສະຖຳນະ ກຳນຕ່ ຳງໆ ໃນບັ ນດຳປະເທດ GMS Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting “New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion • ໃນປີ 2030, EE ສຳມຳດຫຸ ດຜ່ ອນກຳນຊົ ມໃຊ້ ພະລັ ງງຳນຂອງພຳກຄົ ວ ເຮອນ (MECON) ແຕ່ 2% (ໄທ) - 20% (ມຽນມ້ ຳ) ໃນກລະນີ MEE ແລະ 16% (ໄທ) - 38% (ມຽນມ້ ຳ) ໃນກລະນີ HEE ທຽບກັ ບກລະນີ BAU • ທ່ ຳແຮງສງສຸ ດແມ່ ນ ກຳນຫຸ ດຜ່ ອນໃນກຳນໃຊ້ ດອກໄຟປ້ ອມ 16:43:23 11
  • 12. TOPIC 1 Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting “New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion ມີ ຄວຳມຄຸ້ ມຄ່ ຳບ? Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting “New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion  ໄດ້ ຄິ ດໄລ່ ຄວຳມຄຸ້ ມຄ່ ຳຂອງບຳງອຸ ປະກອນເຄ່ ອງໃຊ້ (5 ຊະ ນິ ດຢ່ ຳງຕ່ ຳໃນແຕ່ ລະປະເທດ): ດອກໄຟປ້ ອມ, ໝ້ ຫຸ ງ ເຂົ້ ຳໄຟຟ້ ຳ, AC, TV, ພັ ດລົ ມ ແລະ ຕ້ ເຢັ ນ.  ເງ່ ອນໄຂກຳນເລອກອຸ ປະກອນສຳລັ ບ CBA ແມ່ ນ: ກຳນ ຊົ ມໃຊ້ ພະລັ ງງຳນ, ກຳນຄອບຄອງ ແລະ ທ່ ຳແຮງໃນຕ່ ໜ້ ຳ  ໄດ້ ວິ ເຄຳະຄວຳມອ່ ອນໄຫວ ໂດຍໃສ່ ອັ ດຕຳກີ ດກັ້ ນລົ ງໄປ (hurdle rate - ຄ່ ຳຜົ ນຕອບແທນຕ່ ຳສຸ ດ ທີ່ ຍັ ງຮັ ບໄດ້ )  (ຜົ ນກຳນຄິ ດໄລ່ ສຳລັ ບ ລຳວ: ດຣ ກິ ນນະເລດຈະສະເໜີ ຕຳມຫັ ງ) 16:43:23 12
  • 13. TOPIC 1 Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting “New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion ຜົ ນກະທົ ບສະທ້ ອນກັ ບ (Rebound Effect) Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting “New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion • ກຳນສອບຖຳມແບບງ່ ຳຍໆ ສຳລັ ບ 120 ຄົ ວເຮອນ ກ່ ຽວກັ ບຄວຳມເຂົ້ ຳໃຈກ່ ຽວກັ ບຄວຳມມຸ່ ງຫວັ ງ ຂອງຄົ ວເຮອນ ຖ້ ຳຫຳກມີ ເງິ ນເຫອຈຳກກຳນ ປະຢັ ດພະລັ ງງຳນ • ແບບສອບຖຳມແນໃສ່ : ຂ້ ມນທົ່ ວໄປກ່ ຽວກັ ບຄອບຄົ ວ ກຳນຊົ ມໃຊ້ ພະລັ ງງຳນຂອງຄົ ວເຮອນ ຜົ ນກະທົ ບສະທ້ ອນກັ ບ 16:43:23 15
  • 14. TOPIC 1 Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting “New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion ບລິ ມະສິ ດໃນກຳນຈ່ ຳຍ • ບລິ ມະສິ ດກຳນຈ່ ຳຍ ແຕກຕ່ ຳງກັ ນໄປຕຳມແຕ່ ລະປະເທດ ແຕ່ ສິ່ ງເ ໝອນກັ ນແມ່ ນ: – ຄ່ ຳອຳຫຳນ ເປັ ນບລິ ມະສິ ດສງສຸ ດ (Food is a priority) – ຊ້ ອຸ ປະກອນເຄ່ ອງໃຊ້ ໄຟຟ້ ຳ ຈັ ດໃນລຳດັ ບ 4-6 ໃນເກອບທຸ ກປະເທດ – ກຳນຈ່ ຳຍຄ່ ຳເຊ້ ອໄຟສຳລັ ບຫຸ ງຕົ້ ມ ຈັ ດໃນອັ ນດັ ບສງ ພຽງແຕ່ ຢ່ ປະເທດໄທ – ຈ່ ຳຍຄ່ ຳປິ່ ນປົ ວສຸ ຂະພຳບ ມີ ຄວຳມສຳຄັ ນ ຢ່ ກຳປເຈຍ, ມຽນມ້ ຳ ແລະ ຫວຽດນຳມ – ກຳນສຶ ກສຳ ສຳຄັ ນຢ່ ລຳວ ມຽນມ້ ຳ ແລະ ຫວຽດນຳມ • ກຳນຈ່ ຳຍຄ່ ຳພະລັ ງງຳນຍັ ງບ່ ຖເປັ ນບລິ ມະສິ ດສງສຸ ດ ສຳລັ ບຄົ ວ ເຮອນ MECON, ແຕ່ ຈະປ່ ຽນແປງໄປ ເມ່ ອມີ ລຳຍໄດ້ ສງຂຶ ້ ນ • ເມ່ ອມີ ລຳຍໄດ້ ສງຂຶ ້ ນ ຄົ ວເຮອນ MECON ອຳດຊົ ມໃຊ້ ພະລັ ງງຳນຫຳຍ ກວ່ ຳ ຍ້ ອນເຊ້ ອໄຟຫຸ ງຕົ້ ມ, ຊ້ ອຸ ປະກອນໃໝ່ ແລະ ນຳໃຊ້ ສິ່ ງທີ່ ມີ ຫຳຍ ຂຶ ້ ນ16:43:23 16
  • 15. TOPIC 1 Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting “New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion ຂ້ ສະຫຸ ບ Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting “New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion  ປະຊຳກອນກຸ່ ມ MECON ມີ ຫຳຍສົ ມຄວນ, 25-50% ໃນປີ 2030  ໃນປີ 2030, EE ສຳມຳດ ຫຸ ດຜ່ ອນ ກຳນຊົ ມໃຊ້ ພະລັ ງງຳນໃນພຳກ ຄົ ວເຮອນ (MECON) ລົ ງ 2%-20% ໃນກລະນີ MEE ແລະ 16%-38% ໃນ HEE ທຽບກັ ບ BAU.  ກຳນຄິ ດໄລ່ CBA ຊີ ້ ໃຫ້ ເຫັ ນວ່ ຳ ອຸ ປະກອນ EE ສ່ ວນຫຳຍ ມີ ທ່ ຳແຮງສຳລັ ບຫຸ ດຄ່ ຳພະລັ ງງຳນຂອງຄົ ວເຮອນລົ ງ  ທ່ ຳແຮງກຳນປະຢັ ດ ຂຶ ້ ນກັ ບຕົ້ ນທຶ ນ, ຄ່ ຳໄຟຟ້ ຳ ແລະ ຄວຳມ ພ້ ອມດ້ ຳນກຳນເງິ ນ  ຄ່ ຳໃຊ້ ຈ່ ຳຍໃສ່ ພະລັ ງງຳນ ໃນປັ ດຈຸ ບັ ນບ່ ທັ ນເປັ ນບລິ ມະສິ ດສງ ສຸ ດ ສຳລັ ບຄົ ວເຮອນ MECON, ແຕ່ ຈະຄ່ ອຍປ່ ຽນໄປ ເມ່ ອລຳຍໄດ້ ສງຂຶ ້ ນ 16:43:23 17
  • 16. TOPIC 1 Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting “New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion ຜົ ນໄດ້ ຮັ ບສຳຄັ ນຂອງໂຄງກຳນ MECON Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting “New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion Mr. Pan Piyasil MECON project coordinator Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment/KMUTT, Bangkok 16:43:23 18 ນຳສະເໜີ ໂດຍ: ດຣ ຄຳພອນ ນັ ນທະວົ ງ ຄະນະວິ ສະວະກຳສຳດ, ມະຫຳວິ ທະຍຳໄລແຫ່ ງຊຳດ
  • 17. TOPIC 1 Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting “New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion ຜົ ນໄດ້ ຮັ ບຂອງໂຄງກຳນ MECON Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting “New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion ອົ ງປະກອບສຳຄັ ນໃນບົ ດນີ ້ : 1. ສຳລວດຄົ ວເຮອນ ທີ່ ມີ ລຳຍໄດ້ ຕ່ ຳ ສຳພຳດແບບເຊິ່ ງໜ້ ຳ 1,660 ຄົ ວເຮອນ 2. ສຳຫວດຕະຫຳດຜ້ ຂຳຍຍ່ ອຍ ສຳພຳດ 348 ຜ້ ຄ້ ຳຂຳຍຍ່ ອຍ 3. ທົ ບທວນນະໂນຍຳຍ ແລະ ປຶ ກສຳຫຳລກັ ບຜ້ ກ່ ຽວຂ້ ອງ ຈັ ດຂຶ ້ ນຢ່ 5 ປະເທດ ໃນປີ 2014 16:43:23 19
  • 18. TOPIC 1 Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting “New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion ກຳນສຳຫວດຄົ ວເຮອນ Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting “New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion 2517 2634 1664 3251 3037 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 kWh/year ກຳນຊົ ມໃຊ້ ໄຟຟ້ ຳຕ່ ຄົ ວເຮອນ ອຸ ປະກອນພົ ບທົ່ ວໄປ • ແສງສະຫວ່ ຳງ (ຫອດນິ ອອນ) • ໝ້ ຫຸ ງເຂົ້ ຳໄຟຟ້ ຳ • ຕ້ ເຢັ ນ • ພັ ດລົ ມໄຟຟ້ ຳ • TV ຜ້ ວຳງນະໂຍບຳຍບ່ ຄວນຫົ ງລມ ອຸ ປະກອນເຄຶ່ ອງໃຊ້ ຂະໜຳດນ້ ອຍ ສຳລັ ບຄົ ວເຮອນລຳຍໄດ້ ຕ່ ຳ, ອຸ ປະ ກອນເຄ່ ອງໃຊ້ ຂະໜຳດນ້ ອຍ (ໝ້ ຫຸ ງເຂົ້ ຳ ແລະ ພັ ດລົ ມໄຟຟ້ ຳ) ສຳມຳດຊົ ມໃຊ້ ໄຟຟ້ ຳ ຫຳຍກວ່ ຳ ອຸ ປະກອນເຄ່ ອງໃຊ້ ໃຫຍ່ ໆ (AC ແລະ ຈັ ກຊັ ກ ເຄ່ ອງ) ຍ້ ອນວ່ ຳ ເວລຳນຳ ໃຊ້ ຍຳວນຳນ ແລະ ມີ ຈຳນວນຫຳຍ ກວ່ ຳ 16:43:23 20
  • 19. TOPIC 1 Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting “New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion ກຳນສຳຫວດຄົ ວເຮອນ: ອຸ ປະກອນໃຫ້ ແສງ ສະຫວ່ ຳງ Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting “New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Cambodia LaoPDR Myanmar Thailand Vietnam Cambodia LaoPDR Myanmar Thailand Vietnam Cambodia LaoPDR Myanmar Thailand Vietnam Cambodia LaoPDR Myanmar Thailand Vietnam Cambodia LaoPDR Myanmar Thailand Vietnam Cambodia LaoPDR Myanmar Thailand Vietnam Candles Batteries Incandescent Fluorescent CFL LED Typeoflightingusedbyhouseholds(%) 16:43:23 21
  • 20. TOPIC 1 Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting “New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion ກຳນສຳຫວດຕະຫຳດ: ກຳໝຳຍພະລັ ງງຳນ ຢ່ ໃນ GMS Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting “New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion • ມີ ແຕ່ ໄທ ແລະ ຫວຽດນຳມ ທີ່ ມີ ກຳໝຳຍກຳນ ປະຢັ ດພະລັ ງງຳນສຳລັ ບເຄ່ ອງໃຊ້ ໃນເຮອນ • ສ່ ວນຫຳຍຜະລິ ດຕະພັ ນ EE ໃນຂົ ງເຂດ GMS ແມ່ ນ ນຳເຂົ້ ຳຈຳກໄທ ແລະມີ ກຳໝຳຍເບີ 5 ຂອງ ໄທ Energy Label No.5. 16:43:23 22
  • 21. TOPIC 1 Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting “New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion ກລະນີ ຂອງປະເທດໄທ: ອຸ ປະກອນເຄ່ ອງໃຊ້ ທີ່ ມີ ກຳນໝຳຍເບີ 5 ອັ ດຕຳກຳນໃຊ້ ອຸ ປະກອນ ທີ່ ມີ ກຳໝຳຍເບີ 5 ແມ່ ນ ຂ້ ອນຂ້ ຳງຕ່ ຳ ໃນກຸ່ ມຄົ ວເຮອນລຳຍໄດ້ ຕ່ ຳ *EWH = electric water heater % of appliances found in Thailand’s survey on low-income households 16:43:23 23
  • 22. TOPIC 1 Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting “New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion ກຳນສຳຫວດຄົ ວເຮອນ: ຄວຳມຮັ ບຮ້ ກັ ບ ລຳຄຳ Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting “New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion • ຄວຳມຕ່ ນຕົ ວ ແລະ ຄວຳມເຂົ້ ຳໃຈສງ ຂອງຄົ ວເຮອນລຳຍໄດ້ ຕ່ ຳກ່ ຽວກັ ບ ກຳ ໝຳຍເບີ 5 ແມ່ ນ ຂ້ ອນຂ້ ຳງສງ ຢ່ ໄທ ແລະ ລຳວ • ກຳໝຳຍເບີ 5 ຂອງໄທ ຖກຮັ ບຮ້ ຢ່ ກຳປເຈຍ, ມຽນມ້ ຳ ແລະ ຫວຽດນຳມ ແຕ່ ຄວຳມຮ້ ດ້ ຳນພຳສຳເປັ ນອຸ ປະສັ ກ ໃນກຳນນຳໃຊ້ ຢ່ ຳງມີ ປະສິ ດທິ ຜົ ນ • ລຳຄຳຊ້ ທຳອິ ດ ມີ ບົ ດບຳດສຳຄັ ນໃນ ກຳນຕັ ດສິ ນໃຈຊ້ ເຄ່ ອງ • ອຸ ປະສັ ກທຳງກຳນເງິ ນ ສຳລັ ບຄົ ວເຮອນ ລຳຍໄດ້ ຕ່ ຳ • ກຳນເຂົ້ ຳເຖິ ງແຫ່ ງເງິ ນທຶ ນຕ່ ຳສຳມຳດ ເປັ ນທຳງແກ້ ໄຂໂດຍກຳນນຳໃຊ້ ຮບ ແບບທຳງກຳນເງິ ນແບບໃໝ່ ເຊັ່ ນ, “ຈ່ ຳຍຕຳມບິ ນ” ຫ “ກຳນເງິ ນຈຸ ລະພຳກ”. 16:43:23 24
  • 23. TOPIC 1 Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting “New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion ກຳນສຳຫວດຕະຫຳດ: ຄວນຕ້ ອງສຸ ມໃສ່ ລະບົ ບກຳນສະໜອງໃຫ້ ຫຳຍຂຶ ້ ນ Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting “New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion •  EE. • ,  . •   EE ຝ່ ຳຍຜ້ ຊົ ມໃຊ້ • ຄວຳມເຄີ ຍຊິ ນໃນກຳນຊ້ • ຂ້ ຈຳກັ ດໃນກຳນເຂົ້ ຳເຖິ ງຜະລິ ດຕະພັ ນ EE ຝ່ ຳຍຜ້ ສະໜອງ • ຄວຳມອຳດສຳມຳດໃນກຳນຊ້ ອຸ ປະກອນ EE ແຮໄວ້ ຍັ ງຕ່ ຳ • ຄວຳມຕ່ ນຕົ ວ ແລະ ຄວຳມຮ້ ກ່ ຽວກັ ບ ເຕັ ກໂນໂລຊີ ຂອງຜ້ ຈ່ ຳໜ່ ຳຍລຳຍຍ່ ອຍ ຍັ ງຕ່ ຳ ຄວຳມພ້ ອມໃນກຳນມີ ຂຳຍຜະລິ ດຕະພັ ນ EE ຍັ ງຕ່ ຳ 16:43:23 25
  • 24. TOPIC 1 Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting “New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion ສິ່ ງທ້ ຳທຳຍແກ່ ກຳນວຳງນະໂຍບຳຍ EE ໃນ ບັ ນດຳປະເທດ GMS Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting “New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion   •   :   ? •        •  :  EE •  :    16:43:23 26
  • 25. TOPIC 1 Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting “New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion ໂອກຳດ ສຳລັ ບ ນະໂຍບຳຍ EE: ຊຸ ດນະໂຍບຳຍ Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting “New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion   •   LED •    (MEPS)  ,   •   •      •      •      •   ,   •  16:43:23 27
  • 26. Effective energy efficiency policy implementation targeting “New Modern Energy CONsumers” in the Greater Mekong Subregion Thank you for listening Please visit our website at or contact us at ດຣ. ຄຳພອນ ນັ ນທະວົ ງ: 16:43:23 28

Editor's Notes

  1. ผ้เข้าร่วม หน้าเด่ว สปอนเซอ ไทย participant
  2. 450 ppm[edit] The BLUE scenarios in the IEA's Energy Technology Perspectives publication of 2008 describe pathways to a long-range concentration of 450 ppm. Joseph Romm has sketched how to achieve this target through the application of 14 wedges.[16] World Energy Outlook 2008, mentioned above, also describes a "450 Policy Scenario", in which extra energy investments to 2030 amount to $9.3 trillion over the Reference Scenario. The scenario also features, after 2020, the participation of major economies such as China and India in a global cap-and-trade scheme initially operating in OECD andEuropean Union countries. Also the less conservative 450 ppm scenario calls for extensive deployment of negative emissions, i.e. the removal of CO2 from the atmosphere. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA) and OECD, "Achieving lower concentration targets (450 ppm) depends significantly on the use of BECCS".[17]
  3. The developing world’s “emerging middle class” is a critical economic and social actor because of its potential as an engine of growth, but it will also be responsible for a large share of increasing energy demand. It is well known that realising energy efficiency is obstructed by a number of challenges related to the visibility of energy efficiency and the higher upfront capital investment. A very important factor in realising energy efficiency is that investment often has to come from end-users such as industries or households. Although many scholars looked into barriers to energy efficiency deployment in developed countries, far less research looked into barriers to energy efficiency deployment in developing countries. More specifically, the emerging middle class, that will be responsible for a large share of the increase in energy demand, will have to be convinced that they will have to invest in energy efficient buildings, appliances and consumer goods, even though this may be the first time that they are able to make such investments. The fall in levels of absolute poverty suggests that a new middle class is emerging, consisting of the part of population that is neither rich nor poor by national standards. The size of the “global middle class” will increase from 1.8 billion in 2009 to 3.2 billion by 2020 and 4.9 billion by 2030. The bulk of this growth will come from Asia: by 2030 Asia will represent 66% of the global middle-class population and 59% of middle-class consumption, compared to 28% and 23%, respectively in 2009, according to the figure above (OECD, 2012).
  4. ผ้เข้าร่วม หน้าเด่ว สปอนเซอ ไทย participant