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Project Deliverable 1
This assignment consists of two (2) sections: a project
introduction and a project plan. You must submit both sections
as separate files for the completion of this assignment.
Label each file name according to the section of the assignment
it is written for.
Additionally, you may create and/or assume all necessary
assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment.
Section 1: Project Introduction
Write a four to six (4-6) page project introduction that
documents the current state of the organization, expands upon
the information given above, and includes the following:
Background information of the company.
Details regarding the type of business that the company is
engaged in.
A description of current outsourcing and off shoring activities.
Identification of current skilled information systems personnel
in position and responsibilities.
The specific types of data that the company collects.
A description of the information systems that the company
currently has to support the business. The description at a
minimum should include the following:
Operational Systems and Databases
Analytics and Interfaces
Infrastructure and Security
The use of at least two (2) quality resources in this assignment.
Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality
Use a title page, abstract, in-text citations and references
Section 2: Project Plan
Use Microsoft Project to:
Create a project plan (summary and detailed) using Microsoft
Office Project. The project plan should:
Record all tasks, subtasks, resources, and time-related to the
Outline the planning, analysis, design, and implementation
Develop in accordance with the systems
development lifecycle (SDLC).
See below on how to setup up your Project Plan using the
Project Management Phases
For this assignment, we will we use at least four of the PMI
Initiating or Initiation, Planning, Executing and Closing
See the Video below on how to incorporate this requirement.
Microsoft Project for Software Developers Tutorial | Adding
The Phase And Section Headings. (2014, February 28).
Retrieved from
See below the details on the SDLC
1. Planning
This is the first phase of the systems development process.
Identify whether or not there is the need for a new system to
achieve the business"s strategic objectives.
2. Systems Analysis and Requirements
The second phase is where businesses will work on the source
of their problem or the need for a change. In the event of a
problem, possible solutions are submitted and analyzed to
identify the best fit for the ultimate goal(s) of the project.
Systems analysis is vital in determining what a business"s needs
are, as well as how they can be met, who will be responsible for
individual pieces of the project, and what sort
of timeline should be expected
3. Systems Design
The third phase describes, in detail, the necessary
specifications, features, and operations that will satisfy the
functional requirements of the proposed system which will be in
place. It"s during this phase that they will consider the
essential components (hardware and/or software) structure
(networking capabilities), processing and procedures for the
system to accomplish its objectives.
4. Development
The fourth phase is when the real work begins particular, when
a programmer, network engineer and/or database developer are
brought on to do the major work on the project. This work
includes using a flow chart to ensure that the process of the
system is properly organized. The development stage is also
characterized by installation and change. Focusing on training
can be a huge benefit during this phase.
5. Integration and Testing
The fifth phase involves systems integration and system testing
(of programs and procedures)—normally carried out by a
Quality Assurance (QA) professional — to determine if the
proposed design meets the initial set of business goals. Testing
may be repeated, specifically to check for errors,
bugs, and interoperability. This testing will be performed until
the end user finds it acceptable. Another part of this phase is
verification and validation, both of which will help ensure the
program"s successful completion.
6. Implementation
The sixth phase is when the majority of the program is written.
Additionally, this phase involves the actual installation of the
newly-developed system. This step puts the project into
production by moving the data and components from the old
system and placing them in the new system via a direct cutover.
While this can be a risky (and complicated) move,
the cutover typically happens during off-peak hours, thus
minimizing the risk. Both system analysts and end-users should
now see the realization of the project that has implemented
7. Operations and Maintenance
The seventh and final phase involves maintenance and regular
required updates. This step is when end users can fine-tune the
system, if they wish, to boost performance, add new capabilities
or meet additional user requirements.
Comments: This is a proposal the topic is fine ( add 10 two
pages on this topic by choosing one state) you also may wish to
stay with one state to make the project more doable since policy
is different in every state. However, the topic is fine.
Gun control issue has attracted mixed reactions from the
American citizens and also legislatures. Stirred by a continuous
of mass killings by gunmen in civilian settings, the debate over
gun control in America has been waxing and waning over the
years (Lee, 2016). There have been increased deaths of innocent
people and the more they take place the high the issue intensity,
and on the evening news violence is frequently in the lead.
Attributing it variously to talk radio impacts, sole issue politics,
a loss of society, the faith erosion, or just plain bad manners,
many people today point to a general fall in the level of our
civil discourse. Its solution can be located in the middle of the
dilemma regardless of whatever its causes; the talks cannot stop
just because they are rude and pathetic in a way and such
translates motive. The issue of gun control is rich in content and
is connected to other disciplines.
Gun control is problem in the United States and as a result, it is
no longer about liking or not liking guns neither is it about
liking or not liking power (Gabor, 2016). It needs to be about
control effectiveness judgment and to be appropriate state
control as implemented and exercised through regulation. It is a
problem because in America gun ownership surpasses other
nations, and the current mass killings, particularly have
increased comparison with laws and regulations abroad. The
assassinations of prominent and famous individuals in America
led to the response and recent federal policy in this context is
marked by Gun Control Act of 1968. There are those people
who oppose gun control measures and present the argument that
there exist about twenty thousand gun regulations in America,
and that, as there is the passage of more laws, increased gun
violence takes place. But it is important to look at the issue
from a positive side since these are high state and domestic
legislation with limited effect, and that with their absence the
incidents level would even be greater.
The use of guns in self-defense is another area of dispute. It
means that gun control opponents relate to research that state
guns are in use up to 2.4 million times annually for protection
(Wilson, 2016). However, those who support the concept argue
that the number might be overrated. It is hard to implement the
gun control while the United States keeps on granting gun
ownership to the people. Homes get broken into, and when the
criminals get hold of the weapon, they will use it to benefit
themselves with no probable cause. It means that the gun
control need to start with gun regulation and control and this
will be achieved through banning ownership and reclaiming
already distributed back.
According to Swiss-based small army research report, America
with less than five percent of the global population bears about
thirty to fifty percent of the global citizens owned guns.
Analysts have argued that the statistics present do not primarily
take a cause-and-impact correlation; America tops the list of
countries with the greatest homicide-by-weapon rate among the
global developed countries (Karimu, 2015). Gun control issue is
of great significance because its discussion and focus will
determine the best way set targets can be met and how the
initiatives need to be developed and implemented. In that case,
gun control is a topic with relevance and requires in-depth
analysis to determine the strategies, recommendations, pros and
cons among others.
Karimu, O. O. (2015). The two sides of gun legislation and
control debate in United States of America. European Scientific
Journal, 400.
Gabor, T. (2016). Confronting Gun Violence in America.
Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
Wilson, H. L. (2016). Gun Politics in America: Historical and
Modern Documents in Context [2 Volumes]: Historical and
Modern Documents in Context. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO.
Lee, M. A. (2016). Gun Control: Overview. Salem Press
Response one pol-02
this week’s lesson was discussing the many categories scholars
and historians may use to classify the type of President or level
of successes a President may or may not have while in office.
The lesson presented Paul Quirk’s model for measuring
Presidential success which contain three categories; the self-
reliant, the minimalist, and the strategic competence model1.
The self-reliant president is described as one that owns the
majority of the responsibility solely, involved in almost every
decision, little to no delegation1. This model of presidency, in
my opinion, would be more likely to succeed in the early years
of our nation, when things were not as complicated and fast
paced as today. Today there are so many things in motion, from
domestic to foreign policy, national security and defense,
national economic and global economics, it would be impossible
to be successful if a President did not delegate these tasks out
and reserve the most sensitive and important topics to a more
“hands on approach”. To me this model would fit a Presidency
like FDR, as pointed out in our lesson. FDR was personally
invested in almost every major event during his Presidency,
from the War to the New Deal. The second model illustrated in
our lesson this week is the minimalist model; in contrast with
the self-reliant model, a more “hands off” and delegating role1.
This is an interesting model category because it makes it seem
as though the President has a care free attitude. In my opinion it
all depends on the maturity and capabilities of the team you
have around you if you can delegate a majority of the
responsibility. If you have a young, inexperienced team
delegating much of the work with no guidance or coaching
could spell a disaster. On the other hand, if you have a
seasoned, well credentialed and respected team, the
consequences of not delegating responsibility may lead to
morale issues as the President (or leader/boss) may be casted as
a micro-manager. So for me it all comes down to the makeup of
your team, the strengths and weaknesses. The lesson offers that
this model is reflective of Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush,
but I also think an argument could be made to place Barack
Obama in this model as well as the next the model, the strategic
competence model. This model is characterized as relying on a
team around you to be advisors and assisting with making
intelligent choices1. I also think this model applies to Barack
Obama since he was characterized as being a transactional
leader2 which helped him mitigate through the economic crisis
and the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Obama clearly relied on
advisement and gathered information and data before making
informed decisions. After looking at all three models, I believe
to be a successful President the person must have a little bit of
all three and the ability to adapt to the situation and team
around you. The other factor that was mentioned in this week’s
lesson is the political atmosphere at the time of a Presidency;
which party has control of the Congress. That alone can make or
break a Presidency.
1. Eric Grulke, “Week 2: Models of Presidential Leadership.”
American Military Uniiversity, Accessed January 8, 2018.
2. Joseph S. Nye, Jr., "Presidential Leadership and U.S. Foreign
Policy," Brown Journal of World Affairs 20, no. 1 (November
2013): ,
Grulke, Eric, “Week 2: Models of Presidential Leadership,”
American Military University, accessed January 8,
Response two-po2-02
The qualities and characteristics which determine the
effectiveness of presidential leadership have been evaluated by
a large number of scholars throughout history, yet there are still
no specific variables which indicate how effective a president
will be. Rating a president has become an extremely
complicated process, various scholars all presenting different
tools and criteria which they believe is the best measure of
judgment. Presidents bring a wide variety of experience and
intellect, making it incredibly important to understand the
evaluation process.
Quirk (1990) depicts three models which help to
determine presidential success: the self-reliant presidency, the
minimalist presidency, and the strategic competence model.
Jimmy Carter was considered to be a self-reliant president, he
wanted to be thoroughly involved in every aspect of the
presidency, even going as far as to check the arithmetic in
budget documents (Quirk 1990, 166). Unfortunately Carter’s
attention to detail only contributed to the quality of his
administration at a very marginal level, taking his attention
away from much more essential tasks (Quirk 1990, 166). This
type of presidency “can lead to an obsessive narrowness, and it
is too far removed from reality to offer concrete guidance”
(Quirk 1990, 166).
Quirk’s (1990) minimalist presidency model depicts a
president which has very little understanding of political issues
or problems and relies heavily on subordinates, the most recent
president being Ronald Reagan (Quirk 1990, 167). Reagan’s
presidency was very similar to the chairman of the board, in
which he would develop overall guidelines which would be
accomplished by like-minded, elected individuals (Quirk 1990,
167). This model of presidency holds an exorbitant amount of
issues, the president’s cabinet can never make up for the
deficiencies of the president and the president is constantly
unable to meet the demands of a dynamic political system.
Quirk’s (1990, 170) third model, strategic
competence, lies between the two extremes of a self-reliant
presidency and a minimalist presidency. A president does not
need to know everything, yet must be able to make positive,
effective decisions and delegate efficiently (Quirk 1990, 170).
A president’s time and attention is a scarce resource which must
be allocated appropriately in order to create the best possible
outcome. George Bush was considered to be a president that
encompassed the strategic competence model, he was vastly
educated in political policy and was able to make important
decisions without the help of subordinates or cues (Quirk 1990,
The three models presented by Quirk indicate a
variety of positive and negative qualities which can lead to a
successful presidency, yet there is no perfect model and
therefore no specific way of identifying the best form of
evaluation. “It must be acknowledged that judging the most
effective or successful presidents is a daunting task”, there are
no key variables which point to presidential success (Goethals
2005, 566). Success is different to various individuals or
political scholars and can be considered to be in the “eye of the
beholder”, each person judging different qualities or
characteristics and considering them to be most important or
holding the most weight (Goethals 2005, 566).
Individual presidents can be very influential, yet
much of what they do and how they approach the presidency
depends on the political climate during the historical time which
they are serving. A variety of strategies are at a president’s
disposal, some of which help to address specific issues and
others that are used to create a distraction from key issues.
Furthermore, “leaders may perceive the same structural
environment in very different ways and differ in their attitudes
towards risks and potential payoffs” (Keller and Foster 2012,
594). There is no perfect way to establish what makes a
president successful or how he/she will make decisions on
important issues, the best remedy seems to be evaluating past
presidents to create a better template for future candidates.
Works Cited
Goethals, George R. “Presidential Leadership”. Annual Review
of Psychology 56 (2005): 545-570. Accessed January 11,
Keller, Jonathan and Dennis Foster. “Presidential Leadership
Style and the Political Use of Force”. Political Psychology 33,
no. 5 (2012): 581-598. Accessed January 11, 2018.
ogin.aspx?direct=true&db=tsh&AN=80125511 &site=ehost-
Quirk, Paul J. “Presidential Competence”. In The Presidency
and the Political System, edited by Michael Nelson, 163-187.
Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Inc., 1990.
Accessed January 11,
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Project Deliverable 1: Project Plan Inception
Due Week 2 and worth 110 points
This assignment consists of two (2) sections: a project
introduction and a project plan. You must submit both sections
as separate files for the completion of this assignment. Label
each file name according to the section of the assignment it is
written for. Additionally, you may create and / or assume all
necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this
You are a newly appointed Chief Information Officer (CIO) of a
$25 million dollar data collection and analysis company that has
been operating less than two (2) years. It is expected to grow by
60% over the next eighteen (18) months. Your company
currently collects data using Web analytics and combines it with
operational systems data. Web analytics is an increasingly
important part of most business marketing plans. Your company
is looking for ways to leverage the collected data but wants to
ensure that the information technology infrastructure will
support the expected growth that the company is anticipating.
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) has given you sixty (60)
days to deliver a comprehensive information systems project
plan to address the organizational growth that the company is
experiencing. The company will be expanding from one (1)
floor to three (3) floors within six (6) months. Since this is a
relatively new company, there is currently limited technology
infrastructure to support the business. All information
technology (hardware and software) must be redesigned to meet
organizational needs. The solution should be implemented in
either a hosted solution, on-site solution, or a hybrid model.
The CEO is expecting you to integrate different technologies
from different partners and incorporate industry best practices
and cost-effective solutions in connection with the development
of technological systems. In addition, the CEO is extremely
interested in cloud computing technologies and Software-as-a-
Service (SaaS) but is leery of security issues that may be
associated. However, he is sure that you will implement proper
security protocols. The company currently consists of twenty
(20) employees of which four (4), including yourself, are
dedicated to the IT organization.
Section 1: Project Introduction
1. Write a four to six (4-6) page project introduction that
documents the current state of the organization, expands upon
the information given above, and includes the following:
. Background information of the company.
. Details regarding the type of business that the company is
engaged in.
. A description of current outsourcing and offshoring activities.
. Identification of current skilled information systems personnel
in position and responsibilities.
. The specific types of data that the company collects.
. A description of the information systems that the company
currently has to support the business. The description at a
minimum should include the following:
. Operational Systems and Databases
. Analytics and Interfaces
. Infrastructure and Security
· The use of at least two (2) quality resources in this
assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not
qualify as quality resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
· Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size
12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references
must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your
professor for any additional instructions.
· Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the
student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the
date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in
the required assignment page length.
Section 2: Project Plan
Use Microsoft Project to:
2. Create a project plan (summary and detailed) using Microsoft
Office Project. The project plan should:
. Record all tasks, subtasks, resources, and time related to the
. Outline the planning, analysis, design, and implementation
. Develop in accordance with the systems development life
cycle (SDLC).
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this
assignment are:
· Describe the various functions and activities within the
information systems area, including the role of IT management
and the CIO, structuring of IS management within an
organization, and managing IS professionals within the firm.
· Use technology and information resources to research issues in
information systems.
· Write clearly and concisely about strategic issues and
practices in the information systems domain using proper
writing mechanics and technical style conventions.
· Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality,
logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing
skills, using the following rubric.
Points: 110
Project Deliverable 1: Project Plan Inception
UnacceptableBelow 60% F
Meets Minimum Expectations60-69% D
Fair70-79% C
Proficient80-89% B
Exemplary90-100% A
Section 1: Project Introduction
1a. Include background information of the company.
Weight: 10%
Did not submit or incompletely included background
information of the company.
Insufficiently included background information of the company.
Partially included background information of the company.
Satisfactorily included background information of the company.
Thoroughly included background information of the company.
1b. Include details regarding the type of business that the
company is engaged in.
Weight: 10%
Did not submit or incompletely included details regarding the
type of business that the company is engaged in.
Insufficiently included details regarding the type of business
that the company is engaged in.
Partially included details regarding the type of business that the
company is engaged in.
Satisfactorily included details regarding the type of business
that the company is engaged in.
Thoroughly included details regarding the type of business that
the company is engaged in.
1c. Include a description of current outsourcing and offshoring
Weight: 5%
Did not submit or incompletely included a description of
current outsourcing and offshoring activities.
Insufficiently included a description of current outsourcing and
offshoring activities.
Partially included a description of current outsourcing and
offshoring activities.
Satisfactorily included a description of current outsourcing and
offshoring activities.
Thoroughly included a description of current outsourcing and
offshoring activities.
1d. Include identification of current skilled information systems
personnel in position and responsibilities.
Weight: 5%
Did not submit or incompletely included identification of
current skilled information systems personnel in position and
Insufficiently included identification of current skilled
information systems personnel in position and responsibilities.
Partially included identification of current skilled information
systems personnel in position and responsibilities.
Satisfactorily included identification of current skilled
information systems personnel in position and responsibilities.
Thoroughly included identification of current skilled
information systems personnel in position and responsibilities.
1e. Include the specific types of data that the company collects.
Weight: 5%
Did not submit or incompletely included the specific types of
data that the company collects.
Insufficiently included the specific types of data that the
company collects.
Partially included the specific types of data that the company
Satisfactorily included the specific types of data that the
company collects.
Thoroughly included the specific types of data that the company
1fi. Include a description of the information systems that the
company currently has to support the business, including
operational systems and databases.
Weight: 10%
Did not submit or incompletely included a description of the
information systems that the company currently has to support
the business, including operational systems and databases.
Insufficiently included a description of the information systems
that the company currently has to support the business,
including operational systems and databases.
Partially included a description of the information systems that
the company currently has to support the business, including
operational systems and databases.
Satisfactorily included a description of the information systems
that the company currently has to support the business,
including operational systems and databases.
Thoroughly included a description of the information systems
that the company currently has to support the business,
including operational systems and databases.
1fii. Include a description of the information systems that the
company currently has to support the business, including
analytics and interfaces.
Weight: 5%
Did not submit or incompletely included a description of the
information systems that the company currently has to support
the business, including analytics and interfaces.
Insufficiently included a description of the information systems
that the company currently has to support the business,
including analytics and interfaces.
Partially included a description of the information systems that
the company currently has to support the business, including
analytics and interfaces.
Satisfactorily included a description of the information systems
that the company currently has to support the business,
including analytics and interfaces.
Thoroughly included a description of the information systems
that the company currently has to support the business,
including analytics and interfaces.
1fiii. Include a description of the information systems that the
company currently has to support the business, including
infrastructure and security.
Weight: 5%
Did not submit or incompletely included a description of the
information systems that the company currently has to support
the business, including infrastructure and security.
Insufficiently included a description of the information systems
that the company currently has to support the business,
including infrastructure and security.
Partially included a description of the information systems that
the company currently has to support the business, including
infrastructure and security.
Satisfactorily included a description of the information systems
that the company currently has to support the business,
including infrastructure and security.
Thoroughly included a description of the information systems
that the company currently has to support the business,
including infrastructure and security.
1g. 2 references
Weight: 5%
No references provided
Does not meet the required number of references; all references
poor quality choices.
Does not meet the required number of references; some
references poor quality choices.
Meets number of required references; all references high quality
Exceeds number of required references; all references high
quality choices.
Section 2: Project Plan
2a. Create a project plan (summary and detailed) using
Microsoft Office Project, recording all tasks, subtasks,
resources, and time related to the project.
Weight: 10%
Did not submit or incompletely created a project plan (summary
and detailed) using Microsoft Office Project, recording all
tasks, subtasks, resources, and time related to the project.
Insufficiently created a project plan (summary and detailed)
using Microsoft Office Project, recording all tasks, subtasks,
resources, and time related to the project.
Partially created a project plan (summary and detailed) using
Microsoft Office Project, recording all tasks, subtasks,
resources, and time related to the project.
Satisfactorily created a project plan (summary and detailed)
using Microsoft Office Project, recording all tasks, subtasks,
resources, and time related to the project.
Thoroughly created a project plan (summary and detailed) using
Microsoft Office Project, recording all tasks, subtasks,
resources, and time related to the project.
2b. Create a project plan (summary and detailed) using
Microsoft Office Project, outlining the planning, analysis,
design, and implementation phases.
Weight: 10%
Did not submit or incompletely created a project plan (summary
and detailed) using Microsoft Office Project, outlining the
planning, analysis, design, and implementation phases.
Insufficiently created a project plan (summary and detailed)
using Microsoft Office Project, outlining the planning, analysis,
design, and implementation phases.
Partially created a project plan (summary and detailed) using
Microsoft Office Project, outlining the planning, analysis,
design, and implementation phases.
Satisfactorily created a project plan (summary and detailed)
using Microsoft Office Project, outlining the planning, analysis,
design, and implementation phases.
Thoroughly created a project plan (summary and detailed) using
Microsoft Office Project, outlining the planning, analysis,
design, and implementation phases.
2c. Create a project plan (summary and detailed) using
Microsoft Office Project developed in accordance with the
systems development life cycle (SDLC).
Weight: 10%
Did not submit or incompletely created a project plan (summary
and detailed) using Microsoft Office Project developed in
accordance with the systems development life cycle (SDLC).
Insufficiently created a project plan (summary and detailed)
using Microsoft Office Project developed in accordance with the
systems development life cycle (SDLC).
Partially created a project plan (summary and detailed) using
Microsoft Office Project developed in accordance with the
systems development life cycle (SDLC).
Satisfactorily created a project plan (summary and detailed)
using Microsoft Office Project developed in accordance with the
systems development life cycle (SDLC).
Thoroughly created a project plan (summary and detailed) using
Microsoft Office Project developed in accordance with the
systems development life cycle (SDLC).
3. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements
Weight: 10%
More than 8 errors present
7-8 errors present
5-6 errors present
3-4 errors present
0-2 errors present
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  • 1. Project Deliverable 1 This assignment consists of two (2) sections: a project introduction and a project plan. You must submit both sections as separate files for the completion of this assignment. Label each file name according to the section of the assignment it is written for. Additionally, you may create and/or assume all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment. -------------------------------------/ Section 1: Project Introduction Write a four to six (4-6) page project introduction that documents the current state of the organization, expands upon the information given above, and includes the following: Background information of the company. Details regarding the type of business that the company is engaged in. A description of current outsourcing and off shoring activities. Identification of current skilled information systems personnel in position and responsibilities. The specific types of data that the company collects. A description of the information systems that the company currently has to support the business. The description at a minimum should include the following: Operational Systems and Databases Analytics and Interfaces Infrastructure and Security The use of at least two (2) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources. Use a title page, abstract, in-text citations and references --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ Section 2: Project Plan
  • 2. Use Microsoft Project to: Create a project plan (summary and detailed) using Microsoft Office Project. The project plan should: Record all tasks, subtasks, resources, and time-related to the project. Outline the planning, analysis, design, and implementation phases. Develop in accordance with the systems development lifecycle (SDLC). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ See below on how to setup up your Project Plan using the Project Management Phases For this assignment, we will we use at least four of the PMI Phases. Initiating or Initiation, Planning, Executing and Closing See the Video below on how to incorporate this requirement. Reference Microsoft Project for Software Developers Tutorial | Adding The Phase And Section Headings. (2014, February 28). Retrieved from --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- See below the details on the SDLC 1. Planning This is the first phase of the systems development process. Identify whether or not there is the need for a new system to achieve the business"s strategic objectives. 2. Systems Analysis and Requirements The second phase is where businesses will work on the source of their problem or the need for a change. In the event of a
  • 3. problem, possible solutions are submitted and analyzed to identify the best fit for the ultimate goal(s) of the project. Systems analysis is vital in determining what a business"s needs are, as well as how they can be met, who will be responsible for individual pieces of the project, and what sort of timeline should be expected 3. Systems Design The third phase describes, in detail, the necessary specifications, features, and operations that will satisfy the functional requirements of the proposed system which will be in place. It"s during this phase that they will consider the essential components (hardware and/or software) structure (networking capabilities), processing and procedures for the system to accomplish its objectives. 4. Development The fourth phase is when the real work begins particular, when a programmer, network engineer and/or database developer are brought on to do the major work on the project. This work includes using a flow chart to ensure that the process of the system is properly organized. The development stage is also characterized by installation and change. Focusing on training can be a huge benefit during this phase. 5. Integration and Testing The fifth phase involves systems integration and system testing (of programs and procedures)—normally carried out by a Quality Assurance (QA) professional — to determine if the proposed design meets the initial set of business goals. Testing may be repeated, specifically to check for errors, bugs, and interoperability. This testing will be performed until the end user finds it acceptable. Another part of this phase is verification and validation, both of which will help ensure the program"s successful completion. 6. Implementation The sixth phase is when the majority of the program is written. Additionally, this phase involves the actual installation of the newly-developed system. This step puts the project into
  • 4. production by moving the data and components from the old system and placing them in the new system via a direct cutover. While this can be a risky (and complicated) move, the cutover typically happens during off-peak hours, thus minimizing the risk. Both system analysts and end-users should now see the realization of the project that has implemented changes. 7. Operations and Maintenance The seventh and final phase involves maintenance and regular required updates. This step is when end users can fine-tune the system, if they wish, to boost performance, add new capabilities or meet additional user requirements. Comments: This is a proposal the topic is fine ( add 10 two pages on this topic by choosing one state) you also may wish to stay with one state to make the project more doable since policy is different in every state. However, the topic is fine. GUN CONTROL IN AMERICA Gun control issue has attracted mixed reactions from the American citizens and also legislatures. Stirred by a continuous of mass killings by gunmen in civilian settings, the debate over gun control in America has been waxing and waning over the years (Lee, 2016). There have been increased deaths of innocent people and the more they take place the high the issue intensity, and on the evening news violence is frequently in the lead. Attributing it variously to talk radio impacts, sole issue politics, a loss of society, the faith erosion, or just plain bad manners, many people today point to a general fall in the level of our civil discourse. Its solution can be located in the middle of the dilemma regardless of whatever its causes; the talks cannot stop just because they are rude and pathetic in a way and such translates motive. The issue of gun control is rich in content and is connected to other disciplines.
  • 5. Gun control is problem in the United States and as a result, it is no longer about liking or not liking guns neither is it about liking or not liking power (Gabor, 2016). It needs to be about control effectiveness judgment and to be appropriate state control as implemented and exercised through regulation. It is a problem because in America gun ownership surpasses other nations, and the current mass killings, particularly have increased comparison with laws and regulations abroad. The assassinations of prominent and famous individuals in America led to the response and recent federal policy in this context is marked by Gun Control Act of 1968. There are those people who oppose gun control measures and present the argument that there exist about twenty thousand gun regulations in America, and that, as there is the passage of more laws, increased gun violence takes place. But it is important to look at the issue from a positive side since these are high state and domestic legislation with limited effect, and that with their absence the incidents level would even be greater. The use of guns in self-defense is another area of dispute. It means that gun control opponents relate to research that state guns are in use up to 2.4 million times annually for protection (Wilson, 2016). However, those who support the concept argue that the number might be overrated. It is hard to implement the gun control while the United States keeps on granting gun ownership to the people. Homes get broken into, and when the criminals get hold of the weapon, they will use it to benefit themselves with no probable cause. It means that the gun control need to start with gun regulation and control and this will be achieved through banning ownership and reclaiming already distributed back. According to Swiss-based small army research report, America with less than five percent of the global population bears about thirty to fifty percent of the global citizens owned guns. Analysts have argued that the statistics present do not primarily take a cause-and-impact correlation; America tops the list of countries with the greatest homicide-by-weapon rate among the
  • 6. global developed countries (Karimu, 2015). Gun control issue is of great significance because its discussion and focus will determine the best way set targets can be met and how the initiatives need to be developed and implemented. In that case, gun control is a topic with relevance and requires in-depth analysis to determine the strategies, recommendations, pros and cons among others. References Karimu, O. O. (2015). The two sides of gun legislation and control debate in United States of America. European Scientific Journal, 400. Gabor, T. (2016). Confronting Gun Violence in America. Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. Wilson, H. L. (2016). Gun Politics in America: Historical and Modern Documents in Context [2 Volumes]: Historical and Modern Documents in Context. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO. Lee, M. A. (2016). Gun Control: Overview. Salem Press Encyclopedia, Response one pol-02 this week’s lesson was discussing the many categories scholars and historians may use to classify the type of President or level of successes a President may or may not have while in office. The lesson presented Paul Quirk’s model for measuring Presidential success which contain three categories; the self- reliant, the minimalist, and the strategic competence model1. The self-reliant president is described as one that owns the majority of the responsibility solely, involved in almost every decision, little to no delegation1. This model of presidency, in my opinion, would be more likely to succeed in the early years of our nation, when things were not as complicated and fast paced as today. Today there are so many things in motion, from domestic to foreign policy, national security and defense, national economic and global economics, it would be impossible to be successful if a President did not delegate these tasks out
  • 7. and reserve the most sensitive and important topics to a more “hands on approach”. To me this model would fit a Presidency like FDR, as pointed out in our lesson. FDR was personally invested in almost every major event during his Presidency, from the War to the New Deal. The second model illustrated in our lesson this week is the minimalist model; in contrast with the self-reliant model, a more “hands off” and delegating role1. This is an interesting model category because it makes it seem as though the President has a care free attitude. In my opinion it all depends on the maturity and capabilities of the team you have around you if you can delegate a majority of the responsibility. If you have a young, inexperienced team delegating much of the work with no guidance or coaching could spell a disaster. On the other hand, if you have a seasoned, well credentialed and respected team, the consequences of not delegating responsibility may lead to morale issues as the President (or leader/boss) may be casted as a micro-manager. So for me it all comes down to the makeup of your team, the strengths and weaknesses. The lesson offers that this model is reflective of Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush, but I also think an argument could be made to place Barack Obama in this model as well as the next the model, the strategic competence model. This model is characterized as relying on a team around you to be advisors and assisting with making intelligent choices1. I also think this model applies to Barack Obama since he was characterized as being a transactional leader2 which helped him mitigate through the economic crisis and the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Obama clearly relied on advisement and gathered information and data before making informed decisions. After looking at all three models, I believe to be a successful President the person must have a little bit of all three and the ability to adapt to the situation and team around you. The other factor that was mentioned in this week’s lesson is the political atmosphere at the time of a Presidency; which party has control of the Congress. That alone can make or break a Presidency.
  • 8. 1. Eric Grulke, “Week 2: Models of Presidential Leadership.” American Military Uniiversity, Accessed January 8, 2018. 492d-8e6e- b208146732e9/ShowPage?returnView=&studentItemId=0&back Path=&errorMessage=&clearAttr=&source=&title=&sendingPag e=1493983&newTopLevel=false&postedComment=false&addBe fore=&itemId=4284550&path=push&addTool=- 1&recheck=&id= 2. Joseph S. Nye, Jr., "Presidential Leadership and U.S. Foreign Policy," Brown Journal of World Affairs 20, no. 1 (November 2013): , ocview/1513212155?accountid=8289. References Grulke, Eric, “Week 2: Models of Presidential Leadership,” American Military University, accessed January 8, 2018, 37b2-492d-8e6e- b208146732e9/ShowPage?returnView=&studentItemId=0&back Path=&errorMessage=&clearAttr=&source=&title=&sendingPag e=1493983&newTopLevel=false&postedComment=false&addBe fore=&itemId=4284550&path=push&addTool=- 1&recheck=&id= Response two-po2-02 The qualities and characteristics which determine the effectiveness of presidential leadership have been evaluated by a large number of scholars throughout history, yet there are still no specific variables which indicate how effective a president will be. Rating a president has become an extremely complicated process, various scholars all presenting different tools and criteria which they believe is the best measure of judgment. Presidents bring a wide variety of experience and
  • 9. intellect, making it incredibly important to understand the evaluation process. Quirk (1990) depicts three models which help to determine presidential success: the self-reliant presidency, the minimalist presidency, and the strategic competence model. Jimmy Carter was considered to be a self-reliant president, he wanted to be thoroughly involved in every aspect of the presidency, even going as far as to check the arithmetic in budget documents (Quirk 1990, 166). Unfortunately Carter’s attention to detail only contributed to the quality of his administration at a very marginal level, taking his attention away from much more essential tasks (Quirk 1990, 166). This type of presidency “can lead to an obsessive narrowness, and it is too far removed from reality to offer concrete guidance” (Quirk 1990, 166). Quirk’s (1990) minimalist presidency model depicts a president which has very little understanding of political issues or problems and relies heavily on subordinates, the most recent president being Ronald Reagan (Quirk 1990, 167). Reagan’s presidency was very similar to the chairman of the board, in which he would develop overall guidelines which would be accomplished by like-minded, elected individuals (Quirk 1990, 167). This model of presidency holds an exorbitant amount of issues, the president’s cabinet can never make up for the deficiencies of the president and the president is constantly unable to meet the demands of a dynamic political system. Quirk’s (1990, 170) third model, strategic competence, lies between the two extremes of a self-reliant presidency and a minimalist presidency. A president does not need to know everything, yet must be able to make positive, effective decisions and delegate efficiently (Quirk 1990, 170). A president’s time and attention is a scarce resource which must be allocated appropriately in order to create the best possible outcome. George Bush was considered to be a president that encompassed the strategic competence model, he was vastly educated in political policy and was able to make important
  • 10. decisions without the help of subordinates or cues (Quirk 1990, 181). The three models presented by Quirk indicate a variety of positive and negative qualities which can lead to a successful presidency, yet there is no perfect model and therefore no specific way of identifying the best form of evaluation. “It must be acknowledged that judging the most effective or successful presidents is a daunting task”, there are no key variables which point to presidential success (Goethals 2005, 566). Success is different to various individuals or political scholars and can be considered to be in the “eye of the beholder”, each person judging different qualities or characteristics and considering them to be most important or holding the most weight (Goethals 2005, 566). Individual presidents can be very influential, yet much of what they do and how they approach the presidency depends on the political climate during the historical time which they are serving. A variety of strategies are at a president’s disposal, some of which help to address specific issues and others that are used to create a distraction from key issues. Furthermore, “leaders may perceive the same structural environment in very different ways and differ in their attitudes towards risks and potential payoffs” (Keller and Foster 2012, 594). There is no perfect way to establish what makes a president successful or how he/she will make decisions on important issues, the best remedy seems to be evaluating past presidents to create a better template for future candidates. Works Cited Goethals, George R. “Presidential Leadership”. Annual Review of Psychology 56 (2005): 545-570. Accessed January 11, 2018. com/docview/205849702?accountid=8289. Keller, Jonathan and Dennis Foster. “Presidential Leadership Style and the Political Use of Force”. Political Psychology 33, no. 5 (2012): 581-598. Accessed January 11, 2018.
  • 11. ogin.aspx?direct=true&db=tsh&AN=80125511 &site=ehost- live&scope=site. Quirk, Paul J. “Presidential Competence”. In The Presidency and the Political System, edited by Michael Nelson, 163-187. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Inc., 1990. Accessed January 11, 2018. mode/2up. Click the link above to submit your assignment. Students, please view the "Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment" in the Student Center. Instructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center. Project Deliverable 1: Project Plan Inception Due Week 2 and worth 110 points This assignment consists of two (2) sections: a project introduction and a project plan. You must submit both sections as separate files for the completion of this assignment. Label each file name according to the section of the assignment it is written for. Additionally, you may create and / or assume all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment. You are a newly appointed Chief Information Officer (CIO) of a $25 million dollar data collection and analysis company that has been operating less than two (2) years. It is expected to grow by 60% over the next eighteen (18) months. Your company currently collects data using Web analytics and combines it with operational systems data. Web analytics is an increasingly important part of most business marketing plans. Your company
  • 12. is looking for ways to leverage the collected data but wants to ensure that the information technology infrastructure will support the expected growth that the company is anticipating. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) has given you sixty (60) days to deliver a comprehensive information systems project plan to address the organizational growth that the company is experiencing. The company will be expanding from one (1) floor to three (3) floors within six (6) months. Since this is a relatively new company, there is currently limited technology infrastructure to support the business. All information technology (hardware and software) must be redesigned to meet organizational needs. The solution should be implemented in either a hosted solution, on-site solution, or a hybrid model. The CEO is expecting you to integrate different technologies from different partners and incorporate industry best practices and cost-effective solutions in connection with the development of technological systems. In addition, the CEO is extremely interested in cloud computing technologies and Software-as-a- Service (SaaS) but is leery of security issues that may be associated. However, he is sure that you will implement proper security protocols. The company currently consists of twenty (20) employees of which four (4), including yourself, are dedicated to the IT organization. Section 1: Project Introduction 1. Write a four to six (4-6) page project introduction that documents the current state of the organization, expands upon the information given above, and includes the following: . Background information of the company. . Details regarding the type of business that the company is engaged in. . A description of current outsourcing and offshoring activities. . Identification of current skilled information systems personnel in position and responsibilities. . The specific types of data that the company collects. . A description of the information systems that the company
  • 13. currently has to support the business. The description at a minimum should include the following: . Operational Systems and Databases . Analytics and Interfaces . Infrastructure and Security · The use of at least two (2) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: · Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. · Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. Section 2: Project Plan Use Microsoft Project to: 2. Create a project plan (summary and detailed) using Microsoft Office Project. The project plan should: . Record all tasks, subtasks, resources, and time related to the project. . Outline the planning, analysis, design, and implementation phases. . Develop in accordance with the systems development life cycle (SDLC). The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: · Describe the various functions and activities within the information systems area, including the role of IT management and the CIO, structuring of IS management within an organization, and managing IS professionals within the firm. · Use technology and information resources to research issues in information systems.
  • 14. · Write clearly and concisely about strategic issues and practices in the information systems domain using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions. · Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric. Points: 110 Project Deliverable 1: Project Plan Inception Criteria UnacceptableBelow 60% F Meets Minimum Expectations60-69% D Fair70-79% C Proficient80-89% B Exemplary90-100% A Section 1: Project Introduction 1a. Include background information of the company. Weight: 10% Did not submit or incompletely included background information of the company. Insufficiently included background information of the company. Partially included background information of the company. Satisfactorily included background information of the company. Thoroughly included background information of the company. 1b. Include details regarding the type of business that the company is engaged in. Weight: 10% Did not submit or incompletely included details regarding the type of business that the company is engaged in. Insufficiently included details regarding the type of business that the company is engaged in. Partially included details regarding the type of business that the company is engaged in.
  • 15. Satisfactorily included details regarding the type of business that the company is engaged in. Thoroughly included details regarding the type of business that the company is engaged in. 1c. Include a description of current outsourcing and offshoring activities. Weight: 5% Did not submit or incompletely included a description of current outsourcing and offshoring activities. Insufficiently included a description of current outsourcing and offshoring activities. Partially included a description of current outsourcing and offshoring activities. Satisfactorily included a description of current outsourcing and offshoring activities. Thoroughly included a description of current outsourcing and offshoring activities. 1d. Include identification of current skilled information systems personnel in position and responsibilities. Weight: 5% Did not submit or incompletely included identification of current skilled information systems personnel in position and responsibilities. Insufficiently included identification of current skilled information systems personnel in position and responsibilities. Partially included identification of current skilled information systems personnel in position and responsibilities. Satisfactorily included identification of current skilled information systems personnel in position and responsibilities. Thoroughly included identification of current skilled information systems personnel in position and responsibilities. 1e. Include the specific types of data that the company collects. Weight: 5% Did not submit or incompletely included the specific types of data that the company collects. Insufficiently included the specific types of data that the
  • 16. company collects. Partially included the specific types of data that the company collects. Satisfactorily included the specific types of data that the company collects. Thoroughly included the specific types of data that the company collects. 1fi. Include a description of the information systems that the company currently has to support the business, including operational systems and databases. Weight: 10% Did not submit or incompletely included a description of the information systems that the company currently has to support the business, including operational systems and databases. Insufficiently included a description of the information systems that the company currently has to support the business, including operational systems and databases. Partially included a description of the information systems that the company currently has to support the business, including operational systems and databases. Satisfactorily included a description of the information systems that the company currently has to support the business, including operational systems and databases. Thoroughly included a description of the information systems that the company currently has to support the business, including operational systems and databases. 1fii. Include a description of the information systems that the company currently has to support the business, including analytics and interfaces. Weight: 5% Did not submit or incompletely included a description of the information systems that the company currently has to support the business, including analytics and interfaces. Insufficiently included a description of the information systems that the company currently has to support the business, including analytics and interfaces.
  • 17. Partially included a description of the information systems that the company currently has to support the business, including analytics and interfaces. Satisfactorily included a description of the information systems that the company currently has to support the business, including analytics and interfaces. Thoroughly included a description of the information systems that the company currently has to support the business, including analytics and interfaces. 1fiii. Include a description of the information systems that the company currently has to support the business, including infrastructure and security. Weight: 5% Did not submit or incompletely included a description of the information systems that the company currently has to support the business, including infrastructure and security. Insufficiently included a description of the information systems that the company currently has to support the business, including infrastructure and security. Partially included a description of the information systems that the company currently has to support the business, including infrastructure and security. Satisfactorily included a description of the information systems that the company currently has to support the business, including infrastructure and security. Thoroughly included a description of the information systems that the company currently has to support the business, including infrastructure and security. 1g. 2 references Weight: 5% No references provided Does not meet the required number of references; all references poor quality choices. Does not meet the required number of references; some references poor quality choices. Meets number of required references; all references high quality
  • 18. choices. Exceeds number of required references; all references high quality choices. Section 2: Project Plan 2a. Create a project plan (summary and detailed) using Microsoft Office Project, recording all tasks, subtasks, resources, and time related to the project. Weight: 10% Did not submit or incompletely created a project plan (summary and detailed) using Microsoft Office Project, recording all tasks, subtasks, resources, and time related to the project. Insufficiently created a project plan (summary and detailed) using Microsoft Office Project, recording all tasks, subtasks, resources, and time related to the project. Partially created a project plan (summary and detailed) using Microsoft Office Project, recording all tasks, subtasks, resources, and time related to the project. Satisfactorily created a project plan (summary and detailed) using Microsoft Office Project, recording all tasks, subtasks, resources, and time related to the project. Thoroughly created a project plan (summary and detailed) using Microsoft Office Project, recording all tasks, subtasks, resources, and time related to the project. 2b. Create a project plan (summary and detailed) using Microsoft Office Project, outlining the planning, analysis, design, and implementation phases. Weight: 10% Did not submit or incompletely created a project plan (summary and detailed) using Microsoft Office Project, outlining the planning, analysis, design, and implementation phases. Insufficiently created a project plan (summary and detailed) using Microsoft Office Project, outlining the planning, analysis, design, and implementation phases. Partially created a project plan (summary and detailed) using Microsoft Office Project, outlining the planning, analysis, design, and implementation phases.
  • 19. Satisfactorily created a project plan (summary and detailed) using Microsoft Office Project, outlining the planning, analysis, design, and implementation phases. Thoroughly created a project plan (summary and detailed) using Microsoft Office Project, outlining the planning, analysis, design, and implementation phases. 2c. Create a project plan (summary and detailed) using Microsoft Office Project developed in accordance with the systems development life cycle (SDLC). Weight: 10% Did not submit or incompletely created a project plan (summary and detailed) using Microsoft Office Project developed in accordance with the systems development life cycle (SDLC). Insufficiently created a project plan (summary and detailed) using Microsoft Office Project developed in accordance with the systems development life cycle (SDLC). Partially created a project plan (summary and detailed) using Microsoft Office Project developed in accordance with the systems development life cycle (SDLC). Satisfactorily created a project plan (summary and detailed) using Microsoft Office Project developed in accordance with the systems development life cycle (SDLC). Thoroughly created a project plan (summary and detailed) using Microsoft Office Project developed in accordance with the systems development life cycle (SDLC). 3. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements Weight: 10% More than 8 errors present 7-8 errors present 5-6 errors present 3-4 errors present 0-2 errors present