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Production diary: 
Date: Props/equipment 
What was filmed: People in filming: Individual 
Tuesday 21st October 
Camera to film 
Rocking chair (prop) 
Old clock (prop) 
Photograph (prop) 
A panning camera 
movement from one 
part of the room (main 
location) to the other, to 
show various objects 
mysteriously moving by 
themselves, such as 
rocking chairs swinging 
and a photograph falling 
None of the actors can 
actually be seen in the 
footage that was filmed, 
but Libby and James did 
move various objects out 
of shot, to create the 
effect that they were 
moving on their own. 
My individual 
contribution to this 
footage was filming the 
second panning 
movement of the 
photograph falling over; 
I also made sure the 
rocking chair was 
swinging before filming 
took place. 
I set up the location so it 
was appropriate for 
filming (moving away 
unrelated props) 
Tuesday 28th October 
Camera to film 
Door (prop) 
A mid shot was filmed of 
the door slamming. This 
was made to look like 
the door was slamming 
on its own, thus creating 
a conventional scary 
Once again, none of the 
actors could be seen in 
this footage as the scene 
was to show mysterious 
things going on within 
the house, therefore we 
made the door look like 
My individual 
contribution to this 
footage was filming the 
scene. I filmed this 
several times to make 
sure that the end result 
was conventional. I also
it was slamming on its 
own. However, James 
was stood behind the 
door out of shot to slam 
it shut. 
had the assistance of 
Libby to help, with both 
of us deciding on 
conventional camera 
shots and effects. 
Tuesday 28th October 
Camera to film 
Make-up to make the 
character look 
possessed/in distress. 
A mid shot/high angle 
was filmed of James’ 
character shaking 
nervously in the corner. 
This scene was a flash 
forward to show the 
audience that something 
is going to change. 
The only person that 
could be seen in this shot 
was James, this was so 
he looked vulnerable and 
distressed thus hinting 
to the target audience 
that something bad is 
going to happen within 
the film. 
My individual 
contribution to this 
scene was setting up the 
area to make sure it was 
safe. I also made the 
room have a use of low 
key lighting. 
Tuesday 28th October 
Camera to film 
A mid shot/close-up of 
Libby’s character was 
filmed for this footage, 
this showed her 
screaming at something 
that cannot be seen, 
therefore foreshadowing 
and suggesting that 
there is a demon 
presence around her. 
The only person seen 
within this footage was 
Libby. This is because 
she is supposed to be on 
her own in a room, 
perhaps hiding from the 
‘demon’, and therefore 
shows the target 
audience her 
vulnerability (which is 
My individual 
contribution to this 
scene was simply setting 
up the location so it 
looked appropriate, I 
also provided ideas on 
how the footage should 
be shot (camera angles, 
lighting, composition…)
Tuesday 28th October 
Camera to film 
Blanket (prop) 
This footage was of 
Michaela’s and James’ 
characters. It showed 
Michaela asleep in a 
wide shot at night time 
with James then 
entering the room and 
standing in a still 
position watching her. 
This suggests that he has 
now become possessed 
and Michaela may be a 
future potential target 
within the film. 
The actors within this 
scene were Michaela and 
James. Michaela is the 
main protagonist within 
the film and James is the 
antagonist. This is 
contrasting between the 
two characters and 
shows that Michaela is 
the most vulnerable 
within the scene, which 
is conventionally found 
in horror films. 
My only individual 
contribution to this 
footage was acting in the 
Tuesday 28th October 
Camera to film 
The scene was a mid 
shot/close-up of 
Michaela’s character 
screaming whilst sat 
huddled up in her room. 
This helps to tell the 
target audience that 
perhaps her house is 
haunted and she has 
now seen a 
demon/demon activity. 
The only personnel that 
could be seen within this 
footage was Michaela, 
this was done because it 
implies that the 
character is scared and 
lonely (further conveyed 
through her screaming). 
My individual 
contribution to this 
footage was acting in the 
scene. I also helped to 
set up the location such 
as the low key lighting 
and camera position.
Tuesday 28th October 
Camera to film 
Door (prop) 
Door handle (prop) 
This footage was of two 
short takes that would 
be put together to make 
one scene. This was of 
Michaela’s character 
trying but failing to get 
out of the house (Shown 
through banging and 
shaking the door), and 
the other short take was 
filmed from the other 
side of the door to show 
the door handle rattling, 
creating a scare factor 
for the target audience. 
The first short take 
shown within this scene 
only had Michaela in it, 
this is because she is 
seen to be the last 
surviving character and 
is trying to get out of the 
house (showing isolation 
and fear, which is 
conventional). The other 
short take did not 
feature any of the actors 
but was instead a 
recording of the door 
from the other side, 
showing the door handle 
rattling but failing to 
My individual 
contribution to this 
footage was acting in the 
first short take whilst 
also deciding the 
composition of the shot. 
I also helped to set up 
the scene to make it look 
conventional and 
Wednesday 29th October 
Camera to film 
Two panning 
movements of the 
setting to show that 
nothing within the 
house was moving or 
None of the actors were 
in this scene as it was 
just footage of the setting 
that was being filmed. 
My individual 
contribution to this 
piece of footage was the 
panning movement to 
show the setting. I also 
made the room have a 
use of low key lighting 
by closing the curtains 
and setting the scene up.
Wednesday 29th October 
Camera to film 
Camera (prop) 
A wide shot was used for 
this scene to show 
Lauren’s character 
setting up one of the 
cameras one the window 
sill that the group of 
friends used to record 
the any haunted activity 
in Michaela’s house. 
Lauren was the only 
person shown in this 
footage. She was shown 
to be setting up the 
cameras around the 
room to capture any 
activity. (This is often 
conventional for found 
horror films) 
My individual 
contribution to this 
footage was helping to 
direct the scene, in the 
sense of camera position 
and acting. 
Wednesday 29th October 
Camera to film 
Camera (prop) 
A wide shot was used for 
this scene to show 
Lauren’s character 
setting up one of the 
cameras one the 
television that the group 
of friends used to record 
the any haunted activity 
in Michaela’s house. 
Lauren was the only 
person shown in this 
footage. She was shown 
to be setting up the 
cameras around the 
room to capture any 
activity. (This is often 
conventional for found 
horror films) 
My individual 
contribution to this 
footage was helping to 
direct the scene, in the 
sense of camera position 
and acting. I also helped 
to set up the setting to 
look suitable and 
Wednesday 29th October 
Camera to film 
Laptop (prop) 
An over the shoulder 
shot and then a wide 
shot was used for this 
footage. The scene 
showed the whole group 
All four of the actors 
could be seen in this 
scene, which shows that 
they had come together 
as a group and nothing 
My only individual 
contribution to this 
scene was the acting.
of friends watching the 
footage that they had 
recorded the night 
before to see whether 
any strange happened or 
not. (in this footage 
nothing did happen) 
horrifying or distressing 
had happened to anyone 
Wednesday 29th October 
Camera to film 
Laptop (prop) 
An over the shoulder 
shot and then a wide 
shot was used for this 
footage. The scene 
showed the whole group 
of friends watching the 
footage that they had 
recorded the night 
before to see whether 
any strange happened or 
not. (in this footage 
mysterious things did 
Lauren, Libby and 
Michaela were the main 
actors within this scene 
with James walking in 
later asking what had 
happened on the footage 
(the group saw things 
moving and James 
watching Michaela 
whilst she slept) this 
tells the target audience 
that James is now singled 
out from the group and 
has taken the form of the 
antagonist although he 
does not know this 
My individual 
contribution to this 
scene was acting and 
also helping to direct 
and set up the location, 
such as low key lighting 
and camera positioning.
Wednesday 29th October 
Camera to film 
Stairs/rail (prop) 
Make-up to make the 
character look possessed 
A wide shot was used for 
this scene to show 
Lauren’s character 
running down the stairs 
whilst James’ character 
was stood behind her at 
the top of the stairs 
looking over her (he has 
now become possessed) 
as Lauren’s character is 
running away the gets 
closer to the camera to 
show her fear and 
The two actors within 
this footage was James, 
as the antagonist, and 
Lauren as the 
protagonist. This shows 
a conventional contrast 
between the characters 
and implies that James’ 
character is the one with 
dominance and strength 
within this scene. 
My individual 
contribution to this 
footage was recording 
the scene and directing. I 
decided on the use of 
low key lighting with a 
small light at the very 
top of the stairs and the 
composition of the 
Wednesday 29th October 
Camera to film 
Make-up to make the 
character look possessed 
Make-up to show that 
the character is 
dead/had been in 
This scene was a wide 
shot/tilt and showed 
Libby’s character to be 
dead on the floor with 
James’ character 
standing over her, 
suggesting that he is the 
one that killed her due 
to him becoming 
possessed by the demon 
presence in Michaela’s 
Libby and James were 
the two people that were 
acting within this scene. 
This was to show the 
conventional contrast 
between the protagonist 
and antagonist whilst 
also hinting towards the 
fact that James’ character 
had caused harm to 
My individual 
contribution to this 
footage was recording 
the scene and directing 
with some guidance 
from Libby and Sophie.
Wednesday 29th October 
Camera to film 
Phone (prop) 
Make-up to make the 
character look possessed 
A mid shot/wide shot 
was used for this footage 
to show a phone ringing 
in the house. Michaela’s 
character goes to slowly 
answer to phone 
(showing she’s the last 
surviving protagonist) 
James’ character then 
suddenly appears and 
grabs her by the 
shoulder, thus 
foreshadowing to future 
The main actor shown 
within this film was 
Michaela as she went to 
answer the film and ask 
in worry what’s 
happening to everyone. 
James later on appears in 
this scene too, still 
controlled by the demon 
and is seen grabbing 
My individual 
contribution to this 
scene was the acting. 
Wednesday 29th October 
Camera to film 
Make-up to show that 
the character is in 
distress and close to 
This scene was a close-up 
on Lauren’s character 
to express her 
vulnerability due to the 
fact that she is very close 
to death, this is 
conventional for horror 
films and suggests that 
James’ demonic control 
has played a part in this. 
Lauren is the only 
person to be shown in 
this scene as she is very 
close to death and 
therefore in a 
position. The fact that 
she is also on her own 
shows the target 
audience that she has 
been left for dead. 
(presumably by James’ 
My individual 
contribution to this 
scene was making sure 
that the lighting and 
camera angle used was 
Wednesday 29th October 
Camera to film 
Make-up to make the 
character look possessed 
This footage was a short 
take of a close-up on 
James’s character to 
show he was possessed 
and a dominant 
character within the film 
compared to all of the 
other characters (who 
are now dead or trying 
to escape) this is 
conventional for a 
horror film. 
James is the only actor 
that can be seen in this 
piece of footage. He is 
seen to be covered in 
dark make-up and pale 
skin which shows that he 
is possessed and has 
become a dangerous 
My individual 
contribution to this 
scene was setting up the 
location so it was 
Wednesday 12th 
November 2014 
Camera to film 
This scene was a wide 
shot of all the characters 
walking home, 
discussing the idea that 
Michaela’s house may 
possibly be haunted. The 
scene ends in the group 
deciding to stay round 
Michaela’s house for the 
weekend to see whether 
anything does actually 
All four actors can be 
seen within this footage 
as it is the first scene 
that shows them all 
within the trailer. 
(therefore before 
anything dangerous 
happens to any of them) 
My individual 
contribution to this 
scene was the acting. 
Wednesday 12th 
November 2014 
Camera to film 
An establishing shot and 
panning movement was 
used for this footage for 
the opening scene 
within the trailer. This is 
No one was shown 
within this footage as it 
was an establishing shot 
of the location for the 
My individual 
contribution to this 
scene was helping to 
direct to ensure that we 
all chose a conventional
to show the main 
location for the film and 
set the story for the 
target audience. 
location and camera 
Wednesday 29th October – I took pictures for both of my ancillary products on this day because all of the actors were already dressed 
conventionally with make-up used so they would look either possessed or in danger. Once I had taken these pictures I decided on which 
would be best for my poster (I decided on Lauren’s character covered in blood as this offers continuity between the trailer a nd the 
poster) and an image of James’ character as the antagonist for my magazine cover. 
Monday 10th November – I began to make my poster, editing my image to make it look more conventional for the horror genre (a black 
and white effect with a slight ‘fuzzy’ detail to it, relating to the found footage/home recording effect of my production). I then found 
fonts that I wanted to use on my poster, from previous planning and audience research, and added this in appropriately to my poster. 
Wednesday 12th November – I began to edit my footage in preparation for my final production, this including cutting out any extra 
scenes that I did not need/feel were conventional for the horror genre, and cropping clips to make them an appropriate length for 
production for my trailer. I also carried on with the production of my film poster, creating a conventional layout and adding in all of the 
extra details such as release date and billing block. 
Friday 14th November – I finished the production of my trailer, adding in various transition and titles and now just need to add in the 
music at a later date when I have decided on the most conventional sound track that could be used. 
Tuesday 18th November – I began the production of my magazine cover, creating a name for my magazine (I decided on ‘EXTREME’ as I 
feel like this is conventional for the horror genre but also acceptable for the form of a normal/film magazine). I also edited my image to 
make it look more conventional for the genre and form.
Wednesday 19th November – I finished the production of my poster, adding final details to make it look more conventional, of form and 
genre, and appealing to my target audience. I also finished production of my magazine cover, adding in cover lines and extra deta ils such 
as price, date, and the main cover story. 
Friday 21st November – James made our studio logo that will be used to create our brand identity and continuity between the 
productions products. Throughout this process me and Libby offered ideas on what would look conventional and professional.

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Production diary

  • 1. Production diary: Date: Props/equipment used: What was filmed: People in filming: Individual contribution: Tuesday 21st October 2014 Camera to film Tripod Rocking chair (prop) Old clock (prop) Photograph (prop) A panning camera movement from one part of the room (main location) to the other, to show various objects mysteriously moving by themselves, such as rocking chairs swinging and a photograph falling over. None of the actors can actually be seen in the footage that was filmed, but Libby and James did move various objects out of shot, to create the effect that they were moving on their own. My individual contribution to this footage was filming the second panning movement of the photograph falling over; I also made sure the rocking chair was swinging before filming took place. I set up the location so it was appropriate for filming (moving away unrelated props) Tuesday 28th October 2014 Camera to film Tripod Door (prop) A mid shot was filmed of the door slamming. This was made to look like the door was slamming on its own, thus creating a conventional scary effect. Once again, none of the actors could be seen in this footage as the scene was to show mysterious things going on within the house, therefore we made the door look like My individual contribution to this footage was filming the scene. I filmed this several times to make sure that the end result was conventional. I also
  • 2. it was slamming on its own. However, James was stood behind the door out of shot to slam it shut. had the assistance of Libby to help, with both of us deciding on conventional camera shots and effects. Tuesday 28th October 2014 Camera to film Tripod Make-up to make the character look possessed/in distress. A mid shot/high angle was filmed of James’ character shaking nervously in the corner. This scene was a flash forward to show the audience that something is going to change. The only person that could be seen in this shot was James, this was so he looked vulnerable and distressed thus hinting to the target audience that something bad is going to happen within the film. My individual contribution to this scene was setting up the area to make sure it was safe. I also made the room have a use of low key lighting. Tuesday 28th October 2014 Camera to film Tripod A mid shot/close-up of Libby’s character was filmed for this footage, this showed her screaming at something that cannot be seen, therefore foreshadowing and suggesting that there is a demon presence around her. The only person seen within this footage was Libby. This is because she is supposed to be on her own in a room, perhaps hiding from the ‘demon’, and therefore shows the target audience her vulnerability (which is conventional) My individual contribution to this scene was simply setting up the location so it looked appropriate, I also provided ideas on how the footage should be shot (camera angles, lighting, composition…)
  • 3. Tuesday 28th October 2014 Camera to film Tripod Blanket (prop) This footage was of Michaela’s and James’ characters. It showed Michaela asleep in a wide shot at night time with James then entering the room and standing in a still position watching her. This suggests that he has now become possessed and Michaela may be a future potential target within the film. The actors within this scene were Michaela and James. Michaela is the main protagonist within the film and James is the antagonist. This is contrasting between the two characters and shows that Michaela is the most vulnerable within the scene, which is conventionally found in horror films. My only individual contribution to this footage was acting in the scene. Tuesday 28th October 2014 Camera to film Tripod The scene was a mid shot/close-up of Michaela’s character screaming whilst sat huddled up in her room. This helps to tell the target audience that perhaps her house is haunted and she has now seen a demon/demon activity. The only personnel that could be seen within this footage was Michaela, this was done because it implies that the character is scared and lonely (further conveyed through her screaming). My individual contribution to this footage was acting in the scene. I also helped to set up the location such as the low key lighting and camera position.
  • 4. Tuesday 28th October 2014 Camera to film Tripod Door (prop) Door handle (prop) This footage was of two short takes that would be put together to make one scene. This was of Michaela’s character trying but failing to get out of the house (Shown through banging and shaking the door), and the other short take was filmed from the other side of the door to show the door handle rattling, creating a scare factor for the target audience. The first short take shown within this scene only had Michaela in it, this is because she is seen to be the last surviving character and is trying to get out of the house (showing isolation and fear, which is conventional). The other short take did not feature any of the actors but was instead a recording of the door from the other side, showing the door handle rattling but failing to open. My individual contribution to this footage was acting in the first short take whilst also deciding the composition of the shot. I also helped to set up the scene to make it look conventional and appealing. Wednesday 29th October 2014 Camera to film Tripod Two panning movements of the setting to show that nothing within the house was moving or haunted. None of the actors were in this scene as it was just footage of the setting that was being filmed. My individual contribution to this piece of footage was the panning movement to show the setting. I also made the room have a use of low key lighting by closing the curtains and setting the scene up.
  • 5. Wednesday 29th October 2014 Camera to film Tripod Camera (prop) A wide shot was used for this scene to show Lauren’s character setting up one of the cameras one the window sill that the group of friends used to record the any haunted activity in Michaela’s house. Lauren was the only person shown in this footage. She was shown to be setting up the cameras around the room to capture any demonic/haunted activity. (This is often conventional for found footage/paranormal horror films) My individual contribution to this footage was helping to direct the scene, in the sense of camera position and acting. Wednesday 29th October 2014 Camera to film Tripod Camera (prop) A wide shot was used for this scene to show Lauren’s character setting up one of the cameras one the television that the group of friends used to record the any haunted activity in Michaela’s house. Lauren was the only person shown in this footage. She was shown to be setting up the cameras around the room to capture any demonic/haunted activity. (This is often conventional for found footage/paranormal horror films) My individual contribution to this footage was helping to direct the scene, in the sense of camera position and acting. I also helped to set up the setting to look suitable and appealing. Wednesday 29th October 2014 Camera to film Tripod Laptop (prop) An over the shoulder shot and then a wide shot was used for this footage. The scene showed the whole group All four of the actors could be seen in this scene, which shows that they had come together as a group and nothing My only individual contribution to this scene was the acting.
  • 6. of friends watching the footage that they had recorded the night before to see whether any strange happened or not. (in this footage nothing did happen) horrifying or distressing had happened to anyone yet. Wednesday 29th October 2014 Camera to film Tripod Laptop (prop) An over the shoulder shot and then a wide shot was used for this footage. The scene showed the whole group of friends watching the footage that they had recorded the night before to see whether any strange happened or not. (in this footage mysterious things did happen) Lauren, Libby and Michaela were the main actors within this scene with James walking in later asking what had happened on the footage (the group saw things moving and James watching Michaela whilst she slept) this tells the target audience that James is now singled out from the group and has taken the form of the antagonist although he does not know this himself. My individual contribution to this scene was acting and also helping to direct and set up the location, such as low key lighting and camera positioning.
  • 7. Wednesday 29th October 2014 Camera to film Tripod Stairs/rail (prop) Make-up to make the character look possessed A wide shot was used for this scene to show Lauren’s character running down the stairs whilst James’ character was stood behind her at the top of the stairs looking over her (he has now become possessed) as Lauren’s character is running away the gets closer to the camera to show her fear and vulnerability. The two actors within this footage was James, as the antagonist, and Lauren as the protagonist. This shows a conventional contrast between the characters and implies that James’ character is the one with dominance and strength within this scene. My individual contribution to this footage was recording the scene and directing. I decided on the use of low key lighting with a small light at the very top of the stairs and the composition of the scene. Wednesday 29th October 2014 Camera to film Tripod Make-up to make the character look possessed Make-up to show that the character is dead/had been in distress This scene was a wide shot/tilt and showed Libby’s character to be dead on the floor with James’ character standing over her, suggesting that he is the one that killed her due to him becoming possessed by the demon presence in Michaela’s house. Libby and James were the two people that were acting within this scene. This was to show the conventional contrast between the protagonist and antagonist whilst also hinting towards the fact that James’ character had caused harm to Libby’s. My individual contribution to this footage was recording the scene and directing with some guidance from Libby and Sophie.
  • 8. Wednesday 29th October 2014 Camera to film Tripod Phone (prop) Make-up to make the character look possessed A mid shot/wide shot was used for this footage to show a phone ringing in the house. Michaela’s character goes to slowly answer to phone (showing she’s the last surviving protagonist) James’ character then suddenly appears and grabs her by the shoulder, thus foreshadowing to future events. The main actor shown within this film was Michaela as she went to answer the film and ask in worry what’s happening to everyone. James later on appears in this scene too, still controlled by the demon and is seen grabbing Michaela. My individual contribution to this scene was the acting. Wednesday 29th October 2014 Camera to film Tripod Make-up to show that the character is in distress and close to death This scene was a close-up on Lauren’s character to express her vulnerability due to the fact that she is very close to death, this is conventional for horror films and suggests that James’ demonic control has played a part in this. Lauren is the only person to be shown in this scene as she is very close to death and therefore in a distressed/isolated position. The fact that she is also on her own shows the target audience that she has been left for dead. (presumably by James’ character) My individual contribution to this scene was making sure that the lighting and camera angle used was conventional.
  • 9. Wednesday 29th October 2014 Camera to film Tripod Make-up to make the character look possessed This footage was a short take of a close-up on James’s character to show he was possessed and a dominant character within the film compared to all of the other characters (who are now dead or trying to escape) this is conventional for a horror film. James is the only actor that can be seen in this piece of footage. He is seen to be covered in dark make-up and pale skin which shows that he is possessed and has become a dangerous character. My individual contribution to this scene was setting up the location so it was appropriate Wednesday 12th November 2014 Camera to film Tripod This scene was a wide shot of all the characters walking home, discussing the idea that Michaela’s house may possibly be haunted. The scene ends in the group deciding to stay round Michaela’s house for the weekend to see whether anything does actually happen. All four actors can be seen within this footage as it is the first scene that shows them all within the trailer. (therefore before anything dangerous happens to any of them) My individual contribution to this scene was the acting. Wednesday 12th November 2014 Camera to film Tripod An establishing shot and panning movement was used for this footage for the opening scene within the trailer. This is No one was shown within this footage as it was an establishing shot of the location for the film. My individual contribution to this scene was helping to direct to ensure that we all chose a conventional
  • 10. to show the main location for the film and set the story for the target audience. location and camera work. Wednesday 29th October – I took pictures for both of my ancillary products on this day because all of the actors were already dressed conventionally with make-up used so they would look either possessed or in danger. Once I had taken these pictures I decided on which would be best for my poster (I decided on Lauren’s character covered in blood as this offers continuity between the trailer a nd the poster) and an image of James’ character as the antagonist for my magazine cover. Monday 10th November – I began to make my poster, editing my image to make it look more conventional for the horror genre (a black and white effect with a slight ‘fuzzy’ detail to it, relating to the found footage/home recording effect of my production). I then found fonts that I wanted to use on my poster, from previous planning and audience research, and added this in appropriately to my poster. Wednesday 12th November – I began to edit my footage in preparation for my final production, this including cutting out any extra scenes that I did not need/feel were conventional for the horror genre, and cropping clips to make them an appropriate length for production for my trailer. I also carried on with the production of my film poster, creating a conventional layout and adding in all of the extra details such as release date and billing block. Friday 14th November – I finished the production of my trailer, adding in various transition and titles and now just need to add in the music at a later date when I have decided on the most conventional sound track that could be used. Tuesday 18th November – I began the production of my magazine cover, creating a name for my magazine (I decided on ‘EXTREME’ as I feel like this is conventional for the horror genre but also acceptable for the form of a normal/film magazine). I also edited my image to make it look more conventional for the genre and form.
  • 11. Wednesday 19th November – I finished the production of my poster, adding final details to make it look more conventional, of form and genre, and appealing to my target audience. I also finished production of my magazine cover, adding in cover lines and extra deta ils such as price, date, and the main cover story. Friday 21st November – James made our studio logo that will be used to create our brand identity and continuity between the productions products. Throughout this process me and Libby offered ideas on what would look conventional and professional.