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Process Recording
SummerLove Holcomb
Walden University
SOCW 6520
Instructor: Wanda Davidson
Client information/ presenting issue and any relevant
information about setting and demographics.
Agency: Sound Options
Client: Mrs. M (for confidentiality)
Date: 04/07/2021
Presenting issues and purpose of contact: This is the first
meeting with Mrs. M we were contacted by the facility because
Mrs. M’s health is declining, she has not let anyone in the
duplex that she lives alone since before COVID. Maintenance
had scheduled an appointment to enter the home to fix
something. When they got there at first, she refused, and the
maintenance crew said they barley recognized her. They
convinced her they had to come in she finally agreed. The
report was that the client has been hoarding and it is not safe,
we have been asked to come and assess her and see if we can
get her to go to the care facility long enough to get her back on
her feet and so that they can fix all the issues with the home. If
not, they will have to all involved will have to look at their
contract and prove she is not capable of taking care of herself,
her home or making her own decisions. Since the call to use she
had an incident where she was stuck and could not get up. She
did call for help agreed at the time yes, she needs help and
needs to get her CHF under control but refused to leave. We
have called and she has agreed to meet.
Identify skills , techniques and theories,
Analysis/assessment of dialogue
Personal reactions and self-reflection to the interaction
S) Hello Mrs. M. My name is SummerLove we talked on the
phone a couple days ago. How are you feeling today?
Eye contact, probing open ended question, reaching for feelings
and watching her body language
I am trying to get the conversation going and get some kind of
I am trying to see where she is at today because report says if
she doesn’t want to talk she will just stand there and scream
M) Yes I remember talking to you on the phone I remember
thinking is that her real name. I am having a lot of emotions
right now I don’t like people in my business or in my home and
telling me what to do!
Skills I am using is active listening, paying attention to my own
expressions and body language
Client is making sure I know she does not want to do this.
I am happy she is at least communicating with me now I just
have to not upset her and keep her engaged
S) Yes that is truly my first name! I can understand that you are
having a lot of feelings about people in your business and in
your home and I like getting at least some option not being told
what to do like I have no choices. Please talk to me about some
of these feelings and what is bothering you specifically. Take
all the time you need!
Eye contact, probing question, empathy, paraphrasing,
exploration of feelings, normalizing
It is important here that the client sees that her feelings are
normal and that I understand
I want to help her and make her feel comfortable enough to talk
to me I do not want to rush her. However I do want her to know
we will be discussing options for the issues.
M) Thank you, the people, here are trying to rush me so that
makes me angry but mostly I am angry and scared about my
situation. I am scared I will lose this home and have to stay in
the nursing home.
Active listening,
We are starting to get her to open up more and take a look at
what is really upsetting her
It is important for me to acknowledge these fears that are very
normal, and this will open up the conversation more to talk
about the health issues and the hoarding
S) Feeling angry and scared when you are in a situation like this
is normal but ignoring the situation can be very unhealthy for
you and I am sorry you feel rushed by the staff. Can you tell me
what your understanding is of the situation with your health and
Eye contact, probing question, normalizing, sustaining,
exploration of thought, sustaining
Getting deeper into the situation
I really need to see what her understanding is of the situation
M) Well at first I didn’t think my health was that bad I know
my legs are swollen but I was still able to get around a couple
days ago but then I had an episode were I couldn’t get up and
had to call for help. Know I have had this before and was able
to bounce back. Plus it is getting harder for me to keep up with
the house cleaning.
Active listening
Open dialogue
I am glad we are on the main topic now and she is still open to
talking I feel like addressing her health first is most important
S) So let’s start by having a care conference with the staff here,
your doctor on teleconference you and me this Friday so that we
can talk about options to help you get back on your feet. Once
we hear what the options are you and I can talk about those
options and which one you think is best and how we make it
Encouraging problem solving, empowering, providing feedback,
anticipatory planning,
Getting her to see this is serious and needs to be addressed
I am hoping by involving her in all the steps she will feel better
about some of the things needed
M) That sounds more like I will be given the chance to voice
what I need then just being told what they think I need more of
a team this way. Thank you see you on Friday
I am glad we came to an agreement and she feels good about it
and so do I
S) I am glad that we talked and we will figure this out together
see you Friday
Student Self Assessment: I feel like this went very well there
was no yelling from her and I made some progress but yes there
is a lot more that needs to be done but I think that we have a
good foundation of trust and understanding.
Plan for next Interview: Next interview is Friday and we are
having a care conference then I will meet with her one on one to
talk about some of the options and what the plan will be.
Journal Entry 500 words (2 pages)
Learning From Experiences
1 Revisit the goals and objectives from your Practicum
Experience Plan. Explain the degree to which you achieved each
during the practicum experience.
2 Reflect on the three (3) most challenging patients you
encountered during the practicum experience. What was most
challenging about each?
3 What did you learn from this experience?
4 What resources were available?
5 What evidence-based practice did you use for the patients?
6 What would you do differently?
7 How are you managing patient flow and volume?
8 How can you apply your growing skillset to be a social change
agent within your community?
Communicating and Feedback
· Reflect on how you might improve your skills and knowledge,
and communicate those efforts to your Preceptor.
· Answer the questions: How am I doing? What is missing?
· Reflect on the formal and informal feedback you received
from your Preceptor.
***My goals and objectives from past Practicum Experience
Plan below: Explain the degree to which you achieved each
during the practicum experience.
1. Goal: To acquire excellent skills from onsite preceptor at the
end this clinical rotation
a. Objective: To seek for details regarding patient presenting
b. Objective: To actively get involve and participate in all
patient/clinical activities
c. Objective: To seek for clarification when necessary
2. Goal: To independently perform clinical task by the end of
the clinical rotation
a. Objective: Get client assessment done
b. Objective: Initiate and participate in planning
c. Objective: maintain client integrity and document accurately
3. Goal: To independently provide patient education and
adequate coping skills by the end of the clinical rotation.
a. Objective: Share skills to help improve coping skills
b. Objective: Encourage and promote self-care and
c. Objective: Promote community integration and engage in
healthy relationship
4. Goal: To be knowledgeable with treatment recommendation,
diagnosis and medication prescriptions by the end of this
clinical rotation.
a. Objective: Identity areas of need and make appropriate
b. Objective: Diagnosing effectively using clinical tools
c. Objective: Accurately prescribe medication safely
***My three (3) most challenging clients
Client 1
The client is 35 years old with a history of Bipolar. He Feels his
mood stabilizers are not doing enough. He still feels highs and
lows. Feels he has high anxiety throughout the day. Anxiety
8/10 most days. Currently of Alprazolam 0.5 mg BID helps with
anxiety, Quetiapine 100mg BID, Fluoxetine. Not on any
medication for mood. Will start client on Lithium 250 mg BID
and clonidine 0.1 mg, increase Alprazolam to 1mg BID. Will
see the client in two weeks for a follow-up.
Client 2
The client is 19 years old with a current diagnosis of MDD,
GAD, and insomnia, previously diagnosed with ADHD at age
10, was on Vyvanse. The patient reports sadness, loss of
interest, guilt, low energy, poor concentration, loss of appetite,
passive Si, some excessive worrying, lack of sleep. The client
meets the criteria for Depression and GAD. Currently does not
have a therapist. The plan is to refer the client to a therapist,
start Prozac 10 mg for two weeks then increase to 20mg daily in
the morning. Clonidine ER 0.1 mg for sleep at night, obtain
baseline labs, start the exercise. Will see the client in two
weeks. Medication sent to the pharmacy of choice.
Client 3
The client is 19 years old Hispanic female with history of MDD
and GAD, came with mom and dad for follow-up visit. The
client reports racing thoughts, lack of sleep, very low energy,
appetite has been so poor. She endorsed suicidal ideation stating
that she wishes to be dead. Mom and dad confirmed that she has
been isolative mostly in bed, not engaging with anyone at home.
Got a job and has no interest in starting the job. Mom states
client had mentioned severely that she wishes to be dead and
that she does not sees herself a living dead. On this encounter,
plans had to be made immediately to send patient for a higher
level of care. Patient were instructed to send patient to the
emergency room for inpatient psychiatric admission. Patient
will benefit from group therapy and medication adjustment in
inpatient setting. Will call parents in two days to follow up.
SummerLove Holcomb
Walden University
SOCW 6520
Instructor: Wanda Davidson
Process Recording 2
Client information/ presenting issue and any relevant
information about setting and demographics.
Agency: Sound options
Client: Mrs. M
Date: 07/09/2021
Presenting issue and purpose of contact: This is the continuation
of the first meeting with Mrs. M, and the session is between
Mrs. M, her doctor, me, and Sound Option's staff. The meeting's
goal is to provide a way forward to deal with the situation that
is facing Mrs. M. The doctor and staff members are present via
teleconferencing while I am physically available for the patient.
The staff members aim to convince her to get to the facility and
receive care until she can take care of herself once again. The
doctor has the task of explaining the solution at hand while the
staff member addresses any questions concerning the facility
and its activities.
Identify skills, techniques, and theories,
Analysis/assessment of dialogue
Personal reactions and self-reflection to the interaction
S) Hello, Mrs. M. I am glad you agreed to attend this session.
How are you feeling today?
Eye contact, reaching for feelings
I am trying to create rapport and start the conversation. I am
also trying to understand the client's physical situation.
I am trying to make her talk since I notice she is anxious, and it
may affect her cooperation
M) I still have my leg pains, and as you can see (pointing to her
legs), they are still swollen. Though today they have become
more painful lately.
Active listening and empathetic listening; I show empathy and
interest in the client's talk ( Kee et al., 2018).
The client is making her problems known so that the session is
more objective.
I am glad she accepts her condition and acknowledges a
problem. I am also sympathetic to M's situation
S) I am sorry for your pains. So today was about providing a
plan and solution for your situation. And with me today is Dr. Z
and a member of our nursing team at Sound options, Mrs. K.
(pointing to the screen, and they wave at each other through the
Empathy expression; I show that I understand the client's
Remorseful; I am sorry fr the client's suffering
I am trying to make the patient understand that I have her
interests at heart. I am also trying to create rapport between the
client and other new members.
I have hopes that the client will cooperate reasonably with my
colleagues and will be receptive to the solution provided
Z) Hello, Mrs. M. I read the report about your situation, and I
was tasked with getting a solution that would represent your
interests and those that would be more comfortable for you.
Perhaps I would have wished to hear from you about your
interests regarding the problem and what type of solution you
would want.
Sustaining; I ask about the client's wishes regarding the
Z is trying to get the client's preferences concerning the
solution for her problem
I am eager to know her preferences on how we should address
her problem. I also hope that her preferences match the
organization's recommendation.
M) At this moment, I am open to any solution that would help
with the pain faster. Every passing day it's like the pain
multiplies, and I would wish to get rid of it as soon as possible.
Ventilation; client expresses their urge to deal with the problem
Active listening
The client expresses that she requires a fast intervention
method to help her relieve the situation.
I feel that the client is tired of her situation and is also in deep
Z) In that case, I would recommend that you are admitted to our
facility to get primary care and all the help you may need. I
understand that you have been living alone, which is risky
considering your health condition.
Satisfaction; Z offers a solution for the problem
(HealthKnowledge, n.d.)
Z is trying to make the client accept the admission by stating
the importance and stating that it is risky not to do so.
I am optimistic that the client will positively take to the
recommendation and is receptive to the plan.
M) I am not very comfortable with being admitted to the facility
Active listening
The client is still expressing her concerns regarding the solution
presented, and maybe she is prompting a better explanation
The client must explain her concerns, and we should understand
them to tailor the solution to meet her demands and needs.
K) Mrs. M, you say that you don't like the idea of being
admitted to the facility. Why is it so?
Paraphrasing; K uses the client's words
Clarification; K seeks more understanding of the client's stand
K is tactical and prompts the client to state her concerns so that
there is some objectivity established in addressing her concerns
We must understand the client's needs and concerns to tailor the
solution to meet her demands and requirements.
M) I am just concerned about my privacy and the security of my
home when I am away.
Active listening
The client expresses her concerns, and she expects that
clarification is made regarding the same.
I am happy that the client has opened up and clarified the matter
again. I am also glad that the concerns raised are manageable
and the organization can attain her bare minimum requirements.
K) If I assured you that your privacy would be maintained even
if you are admitted to the facility, would you accept the
admission? Your home will be safe as we will provide one of
our staff members to help out with the home management even
after you recover and leave the facility.
Probing; K asks a general question.
K is trying to make the client more comfortable with the
solution as she wishes. She further gives reassurance to clarify
the client's doubts and uncertainties.
K was tactical and left no room for reservations on the client's
side concerning the facility activities.
M) In that case, I accept the admission, and I hope you will
keep your word. We can find another solution once I can walk
again and the pain dies away.
Active listening
The client clearly expresses that she is taking the therapy only
for a while until things get better.
The client is still reserved about the plan she is offered and
would like to get done with it soonest possible.
S) I assure you that we will implement all that we have
discussed here. I would like to that you for trusting us and
showing cooperation. You will be well taken care of at the
facility by our staff members.
Reassurance; the client is encouraged to remove fear.
I am trying to remove doubts and fear of the client regarding
her choice made.
I am glad that the client has accepted the solution regardless of
how long it may live.
Student Self-Assessment: I consider this session a success as we
were able to get Mrs. M to accept admission into the facility,
which was the primary goal. However, I feel that there is a need
to be more sessions to help her appreciate the importance of the
admission and follow up on her progress.
Plan for next Interview: The next interview is scheduled for
Wednesday to understand how well she has adapted to the new
conditions and monitor her progress. Consequent interviews
would also aim to make her stay at the facility more as long as
she still has not fully recovered.
HealthKnowledge (n.d.). Principles, theories and methods of
effective communication (written and oral) in general, and in a
management context.
Kee, J. W., Khoo, H. S., Lim, I., & Koh, M. Y. (2018).
Communication skills in patient-doctor interactions: learning
from patient complaints. Health Professions Education, 4(2),
SummerLove Holcomb
Walden University
SOCW 6520
Instructor: Wanda Davidson
Process Recording 3
Client information/ presenting issue and any relevant
information about setting and demographics.
Agency: Sound Options
Client: Mrs. M
Date: 4/14/2021
Presenting issue and purpose of contact: this is a follow -up
meeting after the intervention of Mrs. M has been started and is
in continuation. People present are Dr. Z, Mrs. K, and me. This
meeting aims to know how the client is taking to the admission
and get any concerns she might raise regarding the admission
into the facility. The meeting will also help the intervention
team identify the areas of the client's care that need
improvement. The meeting is held at the facility, where the
client is admitted, and the doctor is physically present to see the
client's progress concerning her physical health while Mrs. K is
on teleconferencing.
Identify skills, techniques, and theories,
Analysis/assessment of dialogue
Personal reactions and self-reflection to the interaction
S) Hello, Mrs. M. I am glad that we are here again for this
session. How are you feeling today?
Reaching for feelings and eye contact; I make eye contact as I
ask the client about her health.
I am trying to create rapport with the client and understand her
situation when asking the question.
I am starting a conversation and attracting the client's attention
who seems lost in thought and distraught.
M) Better, my leg is not as swollen as it was, and there is still
some pain, although it is now bearable.
Active listening ( Rivier University, 2017); I listen attentively
and keen on the body language of the client.
The client is explaining her situation, and she makes known that
her pain is not completely gone.
I observe that the patient is pleased with her situation because
she has started recovering.
S) I am happy to hear about your progress. Today with me is Dr.
Z and Mrs. K (while pointing to the two).
Nonverbal communication; I smile and use pointing gestures.
I introduce the other members in the session to invite them into
the conversation.
I hope that the session will be productive, given the client's
cheerful mood.
Z) Hello, Mrs. M; we talked last week over teleconference, and
I am happy to be here today. I have been monitoring your
physical health reports, and I must appreciate that you respond
pretty well to treatment. I would wish to know if you have any
concerns regarding the drugs or the therapy
Assertive communication; Z uses 'I' statements and uses
meaningful eye contact ( Carer Gateway, n.d.).
Sustaining; Z engages the client to get more information
regarding the session's objectives.
Z is trying to give hope to the client regarding her progress and
probing the client to gauge her feelings and reservations about
the medical intervention.
I hope that the client will be open and address any concerns to
modify her treatment to match her tastes and preferences.
M) The drugs make me feel very drowsy. Should they elicit
such reactions?
Active listening
The client expresses that she is worried about the drugs
administered to her.
I could observe that the client feels worried about the drugs
Z) Drowsiness is a normal occurrence with the use of the drugs,
so it's no cause for alarm. I apologize if nobody talked to you
about the side effects they cause.
Normalizing; Z ensures that the client knows the drowsiness
does not only happen to the client.
It is important to clarify the drug effects to make the client
understand her situation.
I am optimistic that the client understands and will tolerate the
situation until she can safely get off the drug therapy.
S) Reports show that more often, you seem lost in thoughts and
distraught. Are there concerns that you need to be addressed
about your admission and care?
Probing, I ask the client a general question about her admission.
It is essential to understand the client's mental health and her
concerns after the observations being noted in the report.
I hope that the client's mental health is good and the situation is
manageable without the need for more time in admission.
M) It's only the physical therapy sessions that are very tiring. I
get really exhausted, and I feel that they take too long.
Ventilation; the client shares her feelings, and from her face,
she seems stressed.
The client is open and expresses her feelings about the physical
therapy sessions.
The client seems displeased with the lengths of the therapy
K) The therapy sessions are essential to ensure proper blood
circulation to your legs and also to train and enable you to
regain your mobility. But if you feel it is too tiresome, we can
change to shorter sessions and increase the length of the
sessions progressively as you get more used to it. Would that be
appropriate for you?
Providing feedback; K responds to the client's concerns
K emphasizes the importance of physical therapy to make the
client understand. It is also vital to try to provide an alternative,
and the therapist observes its effectiveness or searches for a
better solution
K provides a practical solution for the client's concern, and I
hope that she will find it effective so that there will be no need
for another intervention to enhance her mobility.
M) It sounds okay, and I don't mind trying your method
Active listening
The client accepts to try the solution, but she doesn't seem
convinced about the suggestion yet.
I feel that the client is not very satisfied with the solution that
has been proposed though she accepts it anyway. I hope that she
will find the suggestion as a perfect solution.
S) I am appreciative that you are cooperating well. And from
your progress report, if your condition improves consistently,
you may be released earlier to continue with home recovery
under care from our staff. Your home is also under the care of
one of our staff nurses and should not worry you. I assure you
that your concerns will be addressed, and you are free to raise
more concerns you may wish to be addressed.
Giving hope, I assure the client of discharge if her conditions
become better with consideration to her progress rate, which
makes the assurance realistic.
I provide more information about how her concern about her
house, raised in the previous session, has been addressed even
though she does not ask about it.
I am glad that the session has addressed the meeting agenda and
that the client is recovering at a fast rate.
Student Self-Assessment: I feel that we have made progress
considering that the client responds well to the treatment and is
cooperative. The meeting's agenda to get the client's concerns
have also been achieved as she opens up and expresses them.
Plan for the next Interview: The next interview is scheduled for
Monday to assess the client's medical progress and mobility.
Any concerns that might still be there can be expressed in the
meeting for action.
Carer Gateway (n.d.). Module 2 – Effective communication
Rivier University (2017). 17 Therapeutic Communication
Client information/ presenting issue and any relevant
information about setting and demographics.
Identify skills , techniques and theories,
Analysis/assessment of dialogue
Personal reactions and self-reflection to the interaction
Student Self Assessment:
Plan for next Interview:
Feedback from instructor of week 10 process recording
Your process recording provided a very clear transcript of the
dialog with the client. You also identified tools and skills
utilized during dialog, but no mention of theory. You provided a
good explanation of personal reactions to interaction with
Rubric Detail
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Show Descriptions Show Feedback
Levels of Achievement:
Excellent 28.35 (31.50%) - 31.5 (35.00%)
The written transcript provides a thorough explanation of what
happened and a detailed account of the dialogue between the
client and social worker.
Good 25.2 (28.00%) - 28.3185 (31.465%)
The written transcript provides a moderately thorough
explanation of what happened and a detailed account of the
dialogue between the client and social worker.
Fair 22.05 (24.50%) - 25.1685 (27.965%)
The written transcript provides a fair explanation of what
happened and a detailed account of the dialogue between the
client and social worker.
Poor 0 (0.00%) - 22.0185 (24.465%)
The written transcript provides a poor explanation of what
happened and a detailed account of the dialogue between the
client and social worker.
Levels of Achievement:
Excellent 36.45 (40.50%) - 40.5 (45.00%)
The interpretation demonstrates excellent insight to the
situation, utilizing social work theories and concepts as support.
The student thoroughly describes their reactions and issues
related to the interaction. Student explains how social work
skills were used in the situation.
Good 32.4 (36.00%) - 36.4095 (40.455%)
The interpretation demonstrates moderate insight to the
situation, utilizing social work theories and concepts as support.
The student moderately describes their reactions and issues
related to the interaction. Student explains how social work
skills were used in the situation.
Fair 28.35 (31.50%) - 32.3595 (35.955%)
The interpretation demonstrates fair insight to the situation,
utilizing social work theories and concepts as support. The
student minimally describes their reactions and issues related to
the interaction. Student explains how social work skills were
used in the situation.
Poor 0 (0.00%) - 28.3095 (31.455%)
Content does not include answers specific toThe interpretation
demonstrates poor insight to the situation, utilizing social work
theories and concepts as support. The student doesn’t
adequately describe their reactions and issues related to the
interaction. Student explains how social work skills were used
in the situation. the questions asked and issues presented or
additional overview information on the topic. Reflection and
examples are missing.
Levels of Achievement:
Excellent 16.2 (18.00%) - 18 (20.00%)
Paper is well organized, uses scholarly tone, follows APA style,
uses original writing and proper paraphrasing, contains very few
or no writing and/or spelling errors, and is fully consistent with
graduate-level writing style. Paper contains multiple,
appropriate and exemplary sources expected/required for the
Good 14.4 (16.00%) - 16.182 (17.98%)
Paper is mostly consistent with graduate-level writing style.
Paper may have some small or infrequent organization,
scholarly tone, or APA style issues, and/or may contain a few
writing and spelling errors, and/or somewhat less than the
expected number of or type of sources.
Fair 12.6 (14.00%) - 14.382 (15.98%)
Paper is somewhat below graduate-level writing style, with
multiple smaller or a few major problems. Paper may be lacking
in organization, scholarly tone, APA style, and/or contain many
writing and/or spelling errors, or shows moderate reliance on
quoting vs. original writing and paraphrasing. Paper may
contain inferior resources (number or quality).
Poor 0 (0.00%) - 12.582 (13.98%)
Paper is well below graduate-level writing style expectations
for organization, scholarly tone, APA style, and writing, or
relies excessively on quoting. Paper may contain few or no
quality resources.

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Process RecordingSummerLove HolcombWalden University

  • 1. Process Recording SummerLove Holcomb Walden University SOCW 6520 Instructor: Wanda Davidson 04/08/2021 Client information/ presenting issue and any relevant information about setting and demographics. Agency: Sound Options Client: Mrs. M (for confidentiality) Date: 04/07/2021 Presenting issues and purpose of contact: This is the first meeting with Mrs. M we were contacted by the facility because Mrs. M’s health is declining, she has not let anyone in the duplex that she lives alone since before COVID. Maintenance had scheduled an appointment to enter the home to fix something. When they got there at first, she refused, and the maintenance crew said they barley recognized her. They convinced her they had to come in she finally agreed. The report was that the client has been hoarding and it is not safe, we have been asked to come and assess her and see if we can get her to go to the care facility long enough to get her back on her feet and so that they can fix all the issues with the home. If
  • 2. not, they will have to all involved will have to look at their contract and prove she is not capable of taking care of herself, her home or making her own decisions. Since the call to use she had an incident where she was stuck and could not get up. She did call for help agreed at the time yes, she needs help and needs to get her CHF under control but refused to leave. We have called and she has agreed to meet. Dialogue Identify skills , techniques and theories, Analysis/assessment of dialogue Personal reactions and self-reflection to the interaction S) Hello Mrs. M. My name is SummerLove we talked on the phone a couple days ago. How are you feeling today?
  • 3. Eye contact, probing open ended question, reaching for feelings and watching her body language I am trying to get the conversation going and get some kind of rapport I am trying to see where she is at today because report says if she doesn’t want to talk she will just stand there and scream M) Yes I remember talking to you on the phone I remember thinking is that her real name. I am having a lot of emotions right now I don’t like people in my business or in my home and telling me what to do! Skills I am using is active listening, paying attention to my own expressions and body language Client is making sure I know she does not want to do this. I am happy she is at least communicating with me now I just have to not upset her and keep her engaged S) Yes that is truly my first name! I can understand that you are having a lot of feelings about people in your business and in your home and I like getting at least some option not being told what to do like I have no choices. Please talk to me about some of these feelings and what is bothering you specifically. Take all the time you need! Eye contact, probing question, empathy, paraphrasing, exploration of feelings, normalizing It is important here that the client sees that her feelings are normal and that I understand I want to help her and make her feel comfortable enough to talk to me I do not want to rush her. However I do want her to know we will be discussing options for the issues. M) Thank you, the people, here are trying to rush me so that makes me angry but mostly I am angry and scared about my situation. I am scared I will lose this home and have to stay in
  • 4. the nursing home. Active listening, We are starting to get her to open up more and take a look at what is really upsetting her It is important for me to acknowledge these fears that are very normal, and this will open up the conversation more to talk about the health issues and the hoarding S) Feeling angry and scared when you are in a situation like this is normal but ignoring the situation can be very unhealthy for you and I am sorry you feel rushed by the staff. Can you tell me what your understanding is of the situation with your health and home? Eye contact, probing question, normalizing, sustaining, exploration of thought, sustaining Getting deeper into the situation I really need to see what her understanding is of the situation M) Well at first I didn’t think my health was that bad I know my legs are swollen but I was still able to get around a couple days ago but then I had an episode were I couldn’t get up and had to call for help. Know I have had this before and was able to bounce back. Plus it is getting harder for me to keep up with the house cleaning. Active listening Open dialogue I am glad we are on the main topic now and she is still open to talking I feel like addressing her health first is most important S) So let’s start by having a care conference with the staff here, your doctor on teleconference you and me this Friday so that we can talk about options to help you get back on your feet. Once we hear what the options are you and I can talk about those
  • 5. options and which one you think is best and how we make it happen. Encouraging problem solving, empowering, providing feedback, anticipatory planning, Getting her to see this is serious and needs to be addressed I am hoping by involving her in all the steps she will feel better about some of the things needed M) That sounds more like I will be given the chance to voice what I need then just being told what they think I need more of a team this way. Thank you see you on Friday I am glad we came to an agreement and she feels good about it and so do I S) I am glad that we talked and we will figure this out together see you Friday
  • 6. Student Self Assessment: I feel like this went very well there was no yelling from her and I made some progress but yes there is a lot more that needs to be done but I think that we have a good foundation of trust and understanding. Plan for next Interview: Next interview is Friday and we are having a care conference then I will meet with her one on one to talk about some of the options and what the plan will be. Journal Entry 500 words (2 pages) Learning From Experiences
  • 7. 1 Revisit the goals and objectives from your Practicum Experience Plan. Explain the degree to which you achieved each during the practicum experience. 2 Reflect on the three (3) most challenging patients you encountered during the practicum experience. What was most challenging about each? 3 What did you learn from this experience? 4 What resources were available? 5 What evidence-based practice did you use for the patients? 6 What would you do differently? 7 How are you managing patient flow and volume? 8 How can you apply your growing skillset to be a social change agent within your community? Communicating and Feedback · Reflect on how you might improve your skills and knowledge, and communicate those efforts to your Preceptor. · Answer the questions: How am I doing? What is missing? · Reflect on the formal and informal feedback you received from your Preceptor. ***My goals and objectives from past Practicum Experience Plan below: Explain the degree to which you achieved each during the practicum experience. 1. Goal: To acquire excellent skills from onsite preceptor at the end this clinical rotation a. Objective: To seek for details regarding patient presenting problems b. Objective: To actively get involve and participate in all patient/clinical activities c. Objective: To seek for clarification when necessary 2. Goal: To independently perform clinical task by the end of the clinical rotation a. Objective: Get client assessment done b. Objective: Initiate and participate in planning
  • 8. c. Objective: maintain client integrity and document accurately 3. Goal: To independently provide patient education and adequate coping skills by the end of the clinical rotation. a. Objective: Share skills to help improve coping skills b. Objective: Encourage and promote self-care and independence c. Objective: Promote community integration and engage in healthy relationship 4. Goal: To be knowledgeable with treatment recommendation, diagnosis and medication prescriptions by the end of this clinical rotation. a. Objective: Identity areas of need and make appropriate recommendation/referrals. b. Objective: Diagnosing effectively using clinical tools c. Objective: Accurately prescribe medication safely ***My three (3) most challenging clients Client 1 The client is 35 years old with a history of Bipolar. He Feels his mood stabilizers are not doing enough. He still feels highs and lows. Feels he has high anxiety throughout the day. Anxiety 8/10 most days. Currently of Alprazolam 0.5 mg BID helps with anxiety, Quetiapine 100mg BID, Fluoxetine. Not on any medication for mood. Will start client on Lithium 250 mg BID and clonidine 0.1 mg, increase Alprazolam to 1mg BID. Will see the client in two weeks for a follow-up.
  • 9. Client 2 The client is 19 years old with a current diagnosis of MDD, GAD, and insomnia, previously diagnosed with ADHD at age 10, was on Vyvanse. The patient reports sadness, loss of interest, guilt, low energy, poor concentration, loss of appetite, passive Si, some excessive worrying, lack of sleep. The client meets the criteria for Depression and GAD. Currently does not have a therapist. The plan is to refer the client to a therapist, start Prozac 10 mg for two weeks then increase to 20mg daily in the morning. Clonidine ER 0.1 mg for sleep at night, obtain baseline labs, start the exercise. Will see the client in two weeks. Medication sent to the pharmacy of choice. Client 3 The client is 19 years old Hispanic female with history of MDD and GAD, came with mom and dad for follow-up visit. The client reports racing thoughts, lack of sleep, very low energy, appetite has been so poor. She endorsed suicidal ideation stating that she wishes to be dead. Mom and dad confirmed that she has been isolative mostly in bed, not engaging with anyone at home. Got a job and has no interest in starting the job. Mom states client had mentioned severely that she wishes to be dead and that she does not sees herself a living dead. On this encounter, plans had to be made immediately to send patient for a higher level of care. Patient were instructed to send patient to the emergency room for inpatient psychiatric admission. Patient will benefit from group therapy and medication adjustment in inpatient setting. Will call parents in two days to follow up. PROCESS RECORDING 2
  • 10. SummerLove Holcomb Walden University SOCW 6520 Instructor: Wanda Davidson 04/23/2021 Process Recording 2 Client information/ presenting issue and any relevant information about setting and demographics. Agency: Sound options Client: Mrs. M Date: 07/09/2021 Presenting issue and purpose of contact: This is the continuation of the first meeting with Mrs. M, and the session is between Mrs. M, her doctor, me, and Sound Option's staff. The meeting's goal is to provide a way forward to deal with the situation that is facing Mrs. M. The doctor and staff members are present via teleconferencing while I am physically available for the patient. The staff members aim to convince her to get to the facility and receive care until she can take care of herself once again. The doctor has the task of explaining the solution at hand while the staff member addresses any questions concerning the facility and its activities.
  • 11. Dialogue Identify skills, techniques, and theories, Analysis/assessment of dialogue Personal reactions and self-reflection to the interaction S) Hello, Mrs. M. I am glad you agreed to attend this session. How are you feeling today? Eye contact, reaching for feelings I am trying to create rapport and start the conversation. I am also trying to understand the client's physical situation. I am trying to make her talk since I notice she is anxious, and it may affect her cooperation M) I still have my leg pains, and as you can see (pointing to her legs), they are still swollen. Though today they have become more painful lately. Active listening and empathetic listening; I show empathy and interest in the client's talk ( Kee et al., 2018). The client is making her problems known so that the session is more objective. I am glad she accepts her condition and acknowledges a problem. I am also sympathetic to M's situation S) I am sorry for your pains. So today was about providing a
  • 12. plan and solution for your situation. And with me today is Dr. Z and a member of our nursing team at Sound options, Mrs. K. (pointing to the screen, and they wave at each other through the cameras) Empathy expression; I show that I understand the client's situation. Remorseful; I am sorry fr the client's suffering I am trying to make the patient understand that I have her interests at heart. I am also trying to create rapport between the client and other new members. I have hopes that the client will cooperate reasonably with my colleagues and will be receptive to the solution provided Z) Hello, Mrs. M. I read the report about your situation, and I was tasked with getting a solution that would represent your interests and those that would be more comfortable for you. Perhaps I would have wished to hear from you about your interests regarding the problem and what type of solution you would want. Sustaining; I ask about the client's wishes regarding the situation. Z is trying to get the client's preferences concerning the solution for her problem I am eager to know her preferences on how we should address her problem. I also hope that her preferences match the organization's recommendation. M) At this moment, I am open to any solution that would help
  • 13. with the pain faster. Every passing day it's like the pain multiplies, and I would wish to get rid of it as soon as possible. Ventilation; client expresses their urge to deal with the problem hastily Active listening The client expresses that she requires a fast intervention method to help her relieve the situation. I feel that the client is tired of her situation and is also in deep suffering. Z) In that case, I would recommend that you are admitted to our facility to get primary care and all the help you may need. I understand that you have been living alone, which is risky considering your health condition. Satisfaction; Z offers a solution for the problem (HealthKnowledge, n.d.) Z is trying to make the client accept the admission by stating the importance and stating that it is risky not to do so. I am optimistic that the client will positively take to the recommendation and is receptive to the plan. M) I am not very comfortable with being admitted to the facility Active listening The client is still expressing her concerns regarding the solution
  • 14. presented, and maybe she is prompting a better explanation The client must explain her concerns, and we should understand them to tailor the solution to meet her demands and needs. K) Mrs. M, you say that you don't like the idea of being admitted to the facility. Why is it so? Paraphrasing; K uses the client's words Clarification; K seeks more understanding of the client's stand K is tactical and prompts the client to state her concerns so that there is some objectivity established in addressing her concerns We must understand the client's needs and concerns to tailor the solution to meet her demands and requirements. M) I am just concerned about my privacy and the security of my home when I am away. Active listening The client expresses her concerns, and she expects that clarification is made regarding the same. I am happy that the client has opened up and clarified the matter again. I am also glad that the concerns raised are manageable and the organization can attain her bare minimum requirements.
  • 15. K) If I assured you that your privacy would be maintained even if you are admitted to the facility, would you accept the admission? Your home will be safe as we will provide one of our staff members to help out with the home management even after you recover and leave the facility. Probing; K asks a general question. K is trying to make the client more comfortable with the solution as she wishes. She further gives reassurance to clarify the client's doubts and uncertainties. K was tactical and left no room for reservations on the client's side concerning the facility activities. M) In that case, I accept the admission, and I hope you will keep your word. We can find another solution once I can walk again and the pain dies away. Active listening The client clearly expresses that she is taking the therapy only for a while until things get better. The client is still reserved about the plan she is offered and would like to get done with it soonest possible. S) I assure you that we will implement all that we have discussed here. I would like to that you for trusting us and showing cooperation. You will be well taken care of at the facility by our staff members.
  • 16. Reassurance; the client is encouraged to remove fear. I am trying to remove doubts and fear of the client regarding her choice made. I am glad that the client has accepted the solution regardless of how long it may live. Student Self-Assessment: I consider this session a success as we were able to get Mrs. M to accept admission into the facility, which was the primary goal. However, I feel that there is a need to be more sessions to help her appreciate the importance of the admission and follow up on her progress. Plan for next Interview: The next interview is scheduled for Wednesday to understand how well she has adapted to the new conditions and monitor her progress. Consequent interviews would also aim to make her stay at the facility more as long as she still has not fully recovered. References HealthKnowledge (n.d.). Principles, theories and methods of effective communication (written and oral) in general, and in a management context. textbook/organisation-management/5a-understanding- itd/effective-communication Kee, J. W., Khoo, H. S., Lim, I., & Koh, M. Y. (2018). Communication skills in patient-doctor interactions: learning from patient complaints. Health Professions Education, 4(2), 97-106.
  • 17. PROCESS RECORDING 3 SummerLove Holcomb Walden University SOCW 6520 Instructor: Wanda Davidson 04/27/2021 Process Recording 3 Client information/ presenting issue and any relevant information about setting and demographics. Agency: Sound Options Client: Mrs. M Date: 4/14/2021 Presenting issue and purpose of contact: this is a follow -up meeting after the intervention of Mrs. M has been started and is in continuation. People present are Dr. Z, Mrs. K, and me. This meeting aims to know how the client is taking to the admission and get any concerns she might raise regarding the admission into the facility. The meeting will also help the intervention team identify the areas of the client's care that need improvement. The meeting is held at the facility, where the client is admitted, and the doctor is physically present to see the
  • 18. client's progress concerning her physical health while Mrs. K is on teleconferencing. Dialogue Identify skills, techniques, and theories, Analysis/assessment of dialogue Personal reactions and self-reflection to the interaction S) Hello, Mrs. M. I am glad that we are here again for this session. How are you feeling today? Reaching for feelings and eye contact; I make eye contact as I ask the client about her health. I am trying to create rapport with the client and understand her situation when asking the question. I am starting a conversation and attracting the client's attention who seems lost in thought and distraught.
  • 19. M) Better, my leg is not as swollen as it was, and there is still some pain, although it is now bearable. Active listening ( Rivier University, 2017); I listen attentively and keen on the body language of the client. The client is explaining her situation, and she makes known that her pain is not completely gone. I observe that the patient is pleased with her situation because she has started recovering. S) I am happy to hear about your progress. Today with me is Dr. Z and Mrs. K (while pointing to the two). Nonverbal communication; I smile and use pointing gestures. I introduce the other members in the session to invite them into the conversation. I hope that the session will be productive, given the client's cheerful mood. Z) Hello, Mrs. M; we talked last week over teleconference, and I am happy to be here today. I have been monitoring your physical health reports, and I must appreciate that you respond pretty well to treatment. I would wish to know if you have any concerns regarding the drugs or the therapy Assertive communication; Z uses 'I' statements and uses meaningful eye contact ( Carer Gateway, n.d.). Sustaining; Z engages the client to get more information
  • 20. regarding the session's objectives. Z is trying to give hope to the client regarding her progress and probing the client to gauge her feelings and reservations about the medical intervention. I hope that the client will be open and address any concerns to modify her treatment to match her tastes and preferences. M) The drugs make me feel very drowsy. Should they elicit such reactions? Active listening The client expresses that she is worried about the drugs administered to her. I could observe that the client feels worried about the drugs Z) Drowsiness is a normal occurrence with the use of the drugs, so it's no cause for alarm. I apologize if nobody talked to you about the side effects they cause. Normalizing; Z ensures that the client knows the drowsiness does not only happen to the client. It is important to clarify the drug effects to make the client understand her situation. I am optimistic that the client understands and will tolerate the situation until she can safely get off the drug therapy.
  • 21. S) Reports show that more often, you seem lost in thoughts and distraught. Are there concerns that you need to be addressed about your admission and care? Probing, I ask the client a general question about her admission. It is essential to understand the client's mental health and her concerns after the observations being noted in the report. I hope that the client's mental health is good and the situation is manageable without the need for more time in admission. M) It's only the physical therapy sessions that are very tiring. I get really exhausted, and I feel that they take too long. Ventilation; the client shares her feelings, and from her face, she seems stressed. The client is open and expresses her feelings about the physical therapy sessions. The client seems displeased with the lengths of the therapy sessions K) The therapy sessions are essential to ensure proper blood circulation to your legs and also to train and enable you to regain your mobility. But if you feel it is too tiresome, we can change to shorter sessions and increase the length of the sessions progressively as you get more used to it. Would that be appropriate for you?
  • 22. Providing feedback; K responds to the client's concerns honestly. K emphasizes the importance of physical therapy to make the client understand. It is also vital to try to provide an alternative, and the therapist observes its effectiveness or searches for a better solution K provides a practical solution for the client's concern, and I hope that she will find it effective so that there will be no need for another intervention to enhance her mobility. M) It sounds okay, and I don't mind trying your method Active listening The client accepts to try the solution, but she doesn't seem convinced about the suggestion yet. I feel that the client is not very satisfied with the solution that has been proposed though she accepts it anyway. I hope that she will find the suggestion as a perfect solution. S) I am appreciative that you are cooperating well. And from your progress report, if your condition improves consistently, you may be released earlier to continue with home recovery under care from our staff. Your home is also under the care of one of our staff nurses and should not worry you. I assure you that your concerns will be addressed, and you are free to raise more concerns you may wish to be addressed.
  • 23. Giving hope, I assure the client of discharge if her conditions become better with consideration to her progress rate, which makes the assurance realistic. I provide more information about how her concern about her house, raised in the previous session, has been addressed even though she does not ask about it. I am glad that the session has addressed the meeting agenda and that the client is recovering at a fast rate. Student Self-Assessment: I feel that we have made progress considering that the client responds well to the treatment and is cooperative. The meeting's agenda to get the client's concerns have also been achieved as she opens up and expresses them. Plan for the next Interview: The next interview is scheduled for Monday to assess the client's medical progress and mobility. Any concerns that might still be there can be expressed in the meeting for action. References
  • 24. Carer Gateway (n.d.). Module 2 – Effective communication techniques. source_02_Effective_communication_techniques_v03.pdf Rivier University (2017). 17 Therapeutic Communication Techniques. therapeutic-communication-techniques/ Template Client information/ presenting issue and any relevant information about setting and demographics.
  • 25. Dialogue Identify skills , techniques and theories, Analysis/assessment of dialogue Personal reactions and self-reflection to the interaction
  • 26.
  • 27. Student Self Assessment: Plan for next Interview: Feedback from instructor of week 10 process recording Your process recording provided a very clear transcript of the dialog with the client. You also identified tools and skills utilized during dialog, but no mention of theory. You provided a good explanation of personal reactions to interaction with client. Rubric Detail A rubric lists grading criteria that instructors use to evaluate student work. Your instructor linked a rubric to this item and made it available to you. Select Grid View or List View to change the rubric's layout. Content Top of Form
  • 28. Name: SOCW_6520_Week8_Assignment2_Rubric · Grid View · List View Show Descriptions Show Feedback Transcript-- Levels of Achievement: Excellent 28.35 (31.50%) - 31.5 (35.00%) The written transcript provides a thorough explanation of what happened and a detailed account of the dialogue between the client and social worker. Good 25.2 (28.00%) - 28.3185 (31.465%) The written transcript provides a moderately thorough explanation of what happened and a detailed account of the dialogue between the client and social worker. Fair 22.05 (24.50%) - 25.1685 (27.965%) The written transcript provides a fair explanation of what happened and a detailed account of the dialogue between the client and social worker. Poor 0 (0.00%) - 22.0185 (24.465%) The written transcript provides a poor explanation of what happened and a detailed account of the dialogue between the client and social worker. Feedback: Interpretation-- Levels of Achievement: Excellent 36.45 (40.50%) - 40.5 (45.00%) The interpretation demonstrates excellent insight to the situation, utilizing social work theories and concepts as support. The student thoroughly describes their reactions and issues related to the interaction. Student explains how social work skills were used in the situation. Good 32.4 (36.00%) - 36.4095 (40.455%) The interpretation demonstrates moderate insight to the situation, utilizing social work theories and concepts as support. The student moderately describes their reactions and issues
  • 29. related to the interaction. Student explains how social work skills were used in the situation. Fair 28.35 (31.50%) - 32.3595 (35.955%) The interpretation demonstrates fair insight to the situation, utilizing social work theories and concepts as support. The student minimally describes their reactions and issues related to the interaction. Student explains how social work skills were used in the situation. Poor 0 (0.00%) - 28.3095 (31.455%) Content does not include answers specific toThe interpretation demonstrates poor insight to the situation, utilizing social work theories and concepts as support. The student doesn’t adequately describe their reactions and issues related to the interaction. Student explains how social work skills were used in the situation. the questions asked and issues presented or additional overview information on the topic. Reflection and examples are missing. Feedback: Writing-- Levels of Achievement: Excellent 16.2 (18.00%) - 18 (20.00%) Paper is well organized, uses scholarly tone, follows APA style, uses original writing and proper paraphrasing, contains very few or no writing and/or spelling errors, and is fully consistent with graduate-level writing style. Paper contains multiple, appropriate and exemplary sources expected/required for the assignment. Good 14.4 (16.00%) - 16.182 (17.98%) Paper is mostly consistent with graduate-level writing style. Paper may have some small or infrequent organization, scholarly tone, or APA style issues, and/or may contain a few writing and spelling errors, and/or somewhat less than the expected number of or type of sources. Fair 12.6 (14.00%) - 14.382 (15.98%) Paper is somewhat below graduate-level writing style, with multiple smaller or a few major problems. Paper may be lacking
  • 30. in organization, scholarly tone, APA style, and/or contain many writing and/or spelling errors, or shows moderate reliance on quoting vs. original writing and paraphrasing. Paper may contain inferior resources (number or quality). Poor 0 (0.00%) - 12.582 (13.98%) Paper is well below graduate-level writing style expectations for organization, scholarly tone, APA style, and writing, or relies excessively on quoting. Paper may contain few or no quality resources. Feedback: Name:SOCW_6520_Week8_Assignment2_Rubric Exit