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Problems and Challenges Faced by Multinational...
A multinational corporation (MNC) is a corporation that operating in two or more countries, known
as host countries but managed from one country, known as home country. Multinational Corporation
is also known as international corporation (Wikipedia, 2011). Besides that, MNC can be defined as a
corporation that derives revenues from operations in countries other than home country
(BusinessDictionary, 2011).
The objective of MNC to operate in other countries is to gain competitive advantage through several
ways. Firstly, MNC is able to take advantage of difference in country–specific circumstances. For
example, MNC may choose to locate its productions in less developed country like Vietnam to gain
cheap labor cost. Secondly, ... Show more content on ...
There is a very good example which can reflect the situation perfectly is the case happened at
Argentina in 2001, where the country has changed the government for three times in just two weeks
time due to the financial crisis that lead to collapse of the economy. Then, foreign investors faced
problems like utilities and energy as there was a new legislation against them issued by the new
government (Alvaro & Mehmet, 2007).
3) Government effectiveness
According to World Bank, government effectiveness is referring to captures perceptions of the
quality of public services, the quality of the civil service and the degree of its independence from
political pressures, the quality of policy formulation and implementation, and the credibility of the
government's commitment to such policies. This is important for foreign investors because they do
not wish to pay for the deficiencies in the provision of public goods by government.
Developing country MNCs may have more experience as they used to doing so at home where home
governments do not supply them goods. Therefore, MNCs may suffer for the ineffectiveness of the
government which can lead to unexpected cost and also size of the operations being limited in the
country. LDCs have lower government effectiveness which causes the government systems and
establishments are slow and politically dependant, thus lead to lack of high quality of public goods.
4) Regulatory quality
According to World Bank, regulatory
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Distinguish Between Developed and Developing Countries
3a) What distinguishes a developing country from a developed country (10mks)
ADVICE: All the indicators are examined here with supporting statistics. There won't be time to
include statistics for all the indicators, so you'll include those that you most easily remember).
Countries can be classified as developed or developing according to the value of the gross national
product (GNP) per capita. A developing country can be distinguished from a developed country by
examining indicators such as the size of GDP per capita, economic structure, population growth,
population structure, distribution of income, employment, trading position, urbanization, technology
and provision of infrastructure.
Low income and ... Show more content on ...
Developing countries are very reliant on the export of primary produce whereas developed countries
export more capital and consumer goods. Developing countries are vulnerable in their trading
relationships because fluctuations in price can destabilize their economies. Zimbabwe's main exports
are cotton and tobacco while that of the USA includes telecommunications, equipment, automobiles
and medicine.
Urbanisation is another indicator of development. Developed countries already have a high
proportion of the population living in urban areas. The developing countries however still have a
high proportion of the population living in rural areas, but there are rapid rates of rural to urban
migration in those economies. In Zimbabwe 38% of the population live in urban areas and the rate
of urbanization is 3.4%. In the USA however 82% of the population live in the urban areas and the
rate of urbanization is much lower at 1.2%.
They can be distinguished by the provision of infrastructure. Infrastructure includes health education
and housing. The developed countries have better infrastructure than the developed country. The
Human Development Index combines elements of health as measured by life expectancy, education
and income to assess development. Life expectancy in Zimbabwe is 51 years whereas it is 78 years
in the USA.
Access to technology also differs between the two. 5% of the world's computers are located in
developing countries.
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Developing A Economically Developed Countries
More economically developed countries (MEDC) – Countries with sovereign states and that has a
highly developed economy with advanced technological industries as compared to other countries.
The Human Development index, standard of living as well as the Gross national product of these
economies is on the upper level of every chart. According to the International Monetary Fund,
advanced economies comprise 60.8% of global nominal GDP and 42.9% of global GDP (PPP) in
IRELAND 91.30 0.899 34.3
NETHERLANDS 91.24 0.915 30.9
BELGIUM 91.00 0.881 33.0
UNITED KINGDOM 82.96 0.892 36.0
These countries exhibited an increase ... Show more content on ...
According to The Economist, on 28th June, 2014, Netherlands has been fighting against inequality
for the past few years owing to the differential taxation system. Researchers say that the wealth
distribution of Netherlands is one of the most unequal in Europe. Quoting the OECD report on
Inequality within countries, of 21st May, 2015, 'Inequality is high in the Netherlands: the top 10%
owns 60% of all net wealth, while the bottom three quintiles own almost no wealth.' Belgium has
not seen a drop in inequality levels in the past 25 years. According to the EU Statistics on Income
and Living Conditions (EU–SILC), 2010 survey, 30% of Belgium's poorest calculated a fall in their
net taxable incomes from 11.2% to 8.3%. While the richest calculated an increase from 27.3% to
31.9% in their shares.
Referring to the US Census Bureau. (2001). Historical Income Tables – Income Equality, U.S.
income inequality has been rising ever since the 1970s. The statistics from "Income Inequality
Generation to Generation" by Robert Lenzner, Forbes (March 26, 2012) show that the recession in
2008 affected the income inequality greatly. The share of pre–tax incomes received by the top 1%
wealthiest rose from 13.3% in 2009 to 14.6% in 2011. In 2012, the same rose by 20%, as compared
to the remaining 99% rose only by 1%.
The OECD Income inequality data update and policies impacting income distribution: United
Kingdom (February 2015), broadcasts that in the UK, the income of the richest 10% is
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Climate Change Summit
The Unites States of America is currently working to combat climate change in order to protect
people from its effects. By combatting climate change, the USA hopes to prevent its effects from
becoming worse in the future because the USA cares for its citizens and doesn't want them to keep
experiencing the consequences of climate change. The USA is putting great effort into dealing with
climate change and also hopes that other businesses, organization, and individuals will join them in
their effort (Environmental News Service). One concern the USA has towards climate change is its
cause of natural disasters. Climate change is bringing more natural disasters by making weather
patterns stronger, and weather patterns are becoming stronger as climate change grows which is
bringing more natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and drought to the USA
(Rice). One example of a natural disaster that occurred in the USA as a result of climate change is
the tornado in Moore, Oklahoma. In this event, a tornado rated 5 on the Enhanced Fuijta scale hit
Oklahoma and had a negative impact on this city by destroying many of its houses and buildings
also resulting in the destruction of businesses such as schools (Cable News Network). Another
major concern of the USA towards climate change is that it will cause a rise in the global sea level
which will result in many of its coastal cities to be submerged underwater. There will be a
permanent 4 feet rise in the global sea level
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Death And The Maiden Play Essay
In the play Death and the Maiden, written by Ariel Dorfman, Paulina goes through a deterioration of
character. She steadily becomes more and more unstable, and her actions become alarmingly
irrational. The events that took place in her captivation are gradually revealed as the play progresses,
yet much is left unsaid, leaving it up to the reader's interpretation. There is no specific context to
time and place as no historical events are introduced, however, it is revealed that the country is
moving from a harrowing dictatorship to a democracy. The traumatic events Paulina experienced
can be perceived differently by each reader through her reliance on a safe haven, the structure and
techniques used in the play and the universal setting and time permitting alternate nations with
varying social norms to differ the reader's perception of Paulina. Dorfman's undefined setting grants
the play Death and the Maiden to be universal, thereby altering how each reader perceives Paulina's
The author of Death and the Maiden chooses to have both a universal setting and personal setting.
This decision enables the reader to perceive the events however they desire to do so, however, the
personal setting underlines Paulina's reliance on a safe place. Paulina's personal setting, her home, is
where she can feel secure and has the possibility to control what happens, contrary to when she was
held in captivity. Her safe haven, however, is destroyed when Dr. Miranda intrudes her home. This
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Declining Birth Rates Developed Countries
Declining Birth rates in developed countries Developed countries in the last few decades have
encountered a new problem. As their population ages and leaves the workforce, less are replacing
them to enter. In fact, for most of human history, the elderly (those over 65) have never exceeded
3% or 4% of a country's population. In today's developed world, they comprise roughly 15% of the
population. By 2050, this could reach 25% on average (Chand & Tung, 2014).
The trend of decreasing fertility, accompanied with an aging population, has been an alarming
statistic for three different countries, including Japan, France and the United States. If the issue is
not remedied, these countries could see some pressing economic problems. No other country has
had such a sudden dramatic change in its population as Japan. In fact, according to Kumagai, (2010)
Japan experienced a doubling of its population over the age of 65 between 1970 and 1994. And as
the island nation's elderly population increases, their population entering the workforce seesaws
towards the polar opposite – less and less are there to replace them. Clark, Ogawa, & Kondo (2010)
further expand on the matter with the following: Unless demographic trends are reversed, the
Japanese population will decline in absolute size throughout the twenty–first century. Over the next
10 years, the decline will be relatively small but then the population will begin to shrink more
This decline is the direct result of
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The Hardships Hitting Least Developed Countries
Introduction: Developed countries are countries which obtain a great level of income and are also
referred to as industrialised countries. Developed countries are in support of free market principals,
are very advanced in their education levels, technology. They also have high standard of living, and
also have a declining rate of population. Least developed countries are not economically stable, their
development process is very slow and are known to be very poverty stricken. These LDCs standard
of living is very poor thus they are exposed to many economic and social problems. A clear
description of least developed countries would be low economic growth, huge problem in
unemployment, institution capacity is very vulnerable, poverty stricken, and have poor infustructure,
inadequate education, climate implications, lower income as well as per capita income. LCDs have
minimal savings and investment opportunities. Emerging countries are nations that are not
extremely poor but have low or medium per capita income, these countries are very capable of
having great economic growth but are still referred to risk economies, where they are classifies as
nations that are not yet fully stable to invest in or do other kinds of trading with. Least developed
countries encounters different problems such as: Lower per capita The instability of socio and
politics Inequality or widening gap between the wealthy citizens and the poorer citizens The
infustructure development is slow and
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Developed and Developing Countries
Have you ever heard of developed countries and developing countries, or first world and third world
countries? Just a basic overview before I go into detail, developed countries have a matured
financial system, this includes the US and Canada, Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Japan
and South Korea. Developing countries are emerging markets across Asia, Latin America and
Africa. And undeveloped countries are mainly African nations which remain vastly poor, such as
Mali and Somalia. Before I go on about the BRICS countries of the future, I will start with today's
BRICS nations why they are in BRICS. First, the B, Brazil. Brazil has sustained a high GDP growth
rate as its Gross Domestic Product has passed the United Kingdom, but this is a small part of the
equation. Brazil contains many minor oilfields, but this is still not the big picture. Although services
makes up most of Brazil's economy, agricultural products like coffee, bananas and sugarcane have
driven Brazil's growth. Plus, Brazil doesn't have an overpopulation problem, so they can export
coffee, bananas and sugarcane, in fact Brazil is the number one producer of coffee in the world. The
main drawbacks are the extensive crime combined with a corrupt political system.
Next, the R, Russia. Russia is easily the odd one out of the BRICS countries. It doesn't currently
sustain growth at any level even close to the other BRICS nations. But Russia contains huge coal
mines and even more crude oil and natural gas
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Mexico has experienced many reforms economically,...
Mexico has experienced many reforms economically, socially, and politically in recent history
leading itself into becoming a more well developed country. Typically, when people think of Mexico
they think of the corruption in the government, the violent drug cartels, the widespread poverty, and
the long time one party dominance of the government. Although these are major problems, they are
not problems that are impossible to fix, or are currently being fixed. They are not persistent all
throughout Mexico either, there are places where poverty, violent drug cartels, and corruption is non
existent. Mexico is often misunderstood and generalized for a few flaws and characteristics it
possesses. By the previously accepted definition, ... Show more content on ...
On September 19th, 1985 at 7:19 in the morning a 8.0 magnitude earthquake shook Mexico city
lasting three to five minutes.2 During the few minutes it lasted it managed to topple hundreds of
buildings and kill over 10,000 people and injure plenty more. The next day at 7:38 in the afternoon a
second earthquake hit the city with a magnitude of 7.3 causing even more damage and chaos. It was
neither Mexico's liability or fault that it happened, but it was how the Mexican government reacted
to the situation that was. The government reacted as poorly as they possibly could. Mexico's
president at the time Miguel de la Madrid rejected offers of international aid to try and under
evaluate the damage caused by the earthquake. People were forced to take matters into their own
hands because the government was very slow to react, the government wasn't prepared whatsoever.
The government took over 39 hours to merely recognize the situation. Citizens searched through
rubble, rescued trapped people, provided aid, and gathered supplies with no support from the
government. When Madrid finally accepted supplies corrupt government officials hoarded them for
their own use when they had arrived. Many power generators, drinking water, clothing, housing
tents, and necessities never actually saw earthquake victims. With such an unacceptable response
from the government, middle and upper class families saw the city as crippled and migrated to
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Poverty in Less Developed Countries Essay
Poverty in Developing and Less Developed Countries
The world includes less developed countries and developing countries. Less developed countries are
countries considered to be poor and often contain many people who are in absolute poverty.
Developing countries are countries like India, which are gaining in wealth.
There are two types of poverty within the world. Absolute poverty is where people don't have
enough money to provide standard living conditions for themselves and characteristics of
substandard lives are disease, malnutrition, and low–life expectancy. Relative poverty is where a
person is considered poor in relation to the average wealth held in their society.
Poverty is a ... Show more content on ...
The disasters cause poverty because these countries are often weak financially and cannot afford to
restore their country after extensive damage. Therefore due to lack of resources the situation gets
worse. It affects their inhabitant's lives causing a lack of production leading to being unable to
provide for citizens. In turn leading to poverty, as they cannot even provide substances to trade and
lose money. Other factors that affect the lives of citizens are lack of clean water and standard
education. Lack of medical aid also affects the country badly. An ill and uneducated workforce
forms the basis of a weak, demoralised nation. These factors also lead to poverty.
Frequently, when a country in the developing world is struggling economically they appeal for aid
from organisations like the international monetary fund or the World Bank. They are issued loans
from developed countries like the USA and England at a high rate of interest. They are required to
pay over time, but the interest rates are so high that the country often finds itself in further debt than
before the loan. This problem is defined as world debt. Suggestions made recently have been that all
debt to be paid by the developing world should be written off and a fresh start made. However the
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Economics Of Less Developed Countries
Patrick Hughes
Prof. Lazonick
Economics of Less Developed Countries
December 12, 2015
Final Research Paper
When you go to use your Keurig machine in the morning, chances are that you have some pods
filled with grounds that were grown in Colombia. Their highly coveted coffee bean is sought after
by coffee enthusiasts and in turn the work force is willingly to harvest and process the bean. Next to
Brazil and Vietnam, Colombia is the third highest producer of coffee in the world. Since this
commodity is popular, Colombia takes advantage of the global commodity and its demand for what
they have to sell. We also are going to take on the county of Vietnam Both and Brazil are the top
profomers in. As of 2014, Columbia is the third highest producer of coffee only matched by Vietnam
and Brazil at #1.
Columbia is on their way to being a fully developed country despite the social ills of their society
mainly being drug trade. Being in South America the climate is ideal for the cultivation of crops as
exports This climate, however is starting to have negative effects on the cultivation of the crop as
temperatures have risen and precipitation is threatening the delicate soil needed to harvest the bean.
Some other commodities produced in Columbia are petroleum, coal, emeralds, coffee, nickel, cut
flowers, bananas, and apparel. I hope to tie my entire research back into the concept of fair trade.
This provides livable wages to workers/ farmers of the crop at a fair price per lb.
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Difference Between Developed And Developed Countries
In the last century, incomes in the "less developed" (or euphemistically, the "developing") countries
have fallen far behind those in the "developed" countries, both proportionately and absolutely. I
estimate that from 1870 to 1990 the ratio of per capita incomes between the richest and the poorest
countries increased by roughly a factor of five and that the difference in income between the richest
country and all others has increased by an order of magnitude.1 This divergence is the result of the
very different patterns in the long–run economic performance of two sets of countries. One set of
countries–call them the "developed" or the "advanced capitalist" (Maddison, 1995) or the "high
income OECD" (World Bank, 1995)–is easily, if awkwardly, identified as European countries and
their offshoots plus Japan. Since 1870, the long–run growth rates of these countries have been rapid
(by previous historical standards), their growth rates have been remarkably similar, and the poorer
members of the group grew sufficiently faster to produce considerable convergence in absolute
income levels. The other set of countries, called the "developing" or "less developed" or
"nonindustrialized," can be easily, if still awkwardly, defined only as "the other set of countries," as
they have nothing else in common. The growth rates of this set of countries have been, on average,
slower than the richer countries, producing divergence in relative incomes. But amongst this set of
countries there have
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Why are some countries more developed than others?
Topic: Why are some countries more developed than others? Explain why uneven development
exists between countries (developed countries and less developed countries). Use specific reasons
and examples to support your answer.
Each other country is running in a rat race to make its ration one of the most developed country in
the world. China, Japan and Korea are seen to lead the other nations in Asia, where as England the
united study and other European countries are leading the headline of the world's most developed
countries. At the meantime, some countries in South–East Asia, apart from Singapore and Malaysia,
appear for less developed such as Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar. The uneven development exist
between nations are mainly believed ... Show more content on ...
Hence, millions of dollars earned from export enable the country to develop on a large school. For
example, eighty percent of china's income from its expected to the rest of the world benefits the
country with its expected development such infrastructure with technology and medical
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The Role Of Pharmacists
The profession of Pharmacy is not only the science of practicing of preparation and dispensing of
medicinal drugs but also providing quality of life to the individuals/patients.pharmacists are one of
the health care providers who act as mediators between physicians and the patients. The profession
of pharmacy is well managed globally specially in the developed countries. Since the pharmacists
are the only professionals who manufacture the medicines and have an in–depth knowledge about
the drugs, they should be given treatment rights on par with the physicians. The careers of
pharmacists are diverse if they are well recognized. Hence the government of India should take
proper steps to manage the pharmaceutical industry and show them better career prospects. In India,
the profession of pharmacy is not well recognized due to illiteracy and poverty. But this can be
overcome, if the pharmacists put on proper efforts to make their profession magnified by gaining
adequate knowledge in their areas of said the pharmacists act as mediators, they play a key
role in the therapeutic outcome of the patients. Henceforth, if the pharmacists show empathy, care
and have proper attitude, the ... Show more content on ...
The students who are willing to become a part of it are moving backwards and few students who are
into the profession are moving overseas due to lack of recognition. If this is the case when will India
turn into a developed nation? It is a heart throbbing situation when all the scientists, researchers and
empathetic caregivers who are the life savers of our nation migrate to save the lives of other nations.
Then what is the condition of the patients and individuals of our nation? These aspects will
overcome only if the government of India makes proper attempts to enlighten the profession of
pharmacy. Once the pharmacists are well recognized, the career prospects starts building and we can
see a developed
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Foreign Investment And Removal Of Trade Barrier Essay
Trade plays a key role in stimulating economies. It promotes sustainable economic growth and
development. However, for this to happen there needs to be openness. This paper is going to discuss
how increasing the level of openness of developing nations can lead to increased economic growth.
The paper will also review some of the dynamic gains that can be made from trade before
concluding with a discussion of the roles of global trade organizations in promoting economic
development. These discussions will be supported with examples of nations that have excelled in the
various aspects that will be discussed. How will increasing level of openness lead to economic
growth? Our research shows that openness leads to technological advancement, foreign investment
and removal of trade barrier. These factors can all contribute to economic growth. First of all, if a
country opens up its door and welcome foreign investors, this is a beginning to future growth.
Foreign investors bring in capital and advanced production technology in developed countries.
China is a great example of this. Former country chief Deng Xiaoping established a couple of
special economic development areas in coastal China cities in 1997. These economic development
zones had favorable tax and land policy in order to attract foreign investors. When foreign investors
established factories, capital investment and new technology were brought in. Capital investment
and advanced manufacture ring technology were
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The Impacts ofTransnational Corporations on Less...
The issue of the impacts transnational corporations have on less developed countries has been a
controversial and much disputed subject within the field of economics and development studies.
Researchers using various models such as the Rostow Development model, Harrod Domar model
and the Neoclassical Theory Model, have studied these impacts and have tried to come to a
conclusion to this issue. Researchers have also conducted many case studies in order to investigate
in depth factors contributing to impacts and whether there are differences due to external factors.
The issue has grown in importance over the last decade and this paper attempts to discover whether
the impacts are beneficial enough in order to uphold transnational corporation ... Show more content
on ...
Literature Review
In order to examine whether economic development can be accelerated in low developed countries it
important to define and identify the characteristics of Economic Development. Economic
development is significantly more advanced than economic growth. It is more relevant to measuring
improvements in the quality of life in developing nations. Economic development is also concerned
with literacy rates, life expectancy, poverty rates and structural changes in the economy.
According to Todaro & Smith 2011, Economic Development can be specified into three objectives
of development. The first is 'Sustaining Goods and Services'; this objective is the increase in supply
of goods and services, which also widens the distribution of basic needs such as food shelter, health
and protection. The second is 'An Increase in Income'; this objective is to increase the standard of
living, jobs, improved education and better attention to cultural values. All these factors enhance
material well being, individual and national self–esteem. The third and final is the 'Freedom to Make
Economic and Social Choices', this objective is to increase the range of economic opportunities
available to a society.
There has been Dispute on the most reliable way to measure Economic development. In this paper
the measurement of Economic Development is the Human Development index (HDI), which is
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The Pros And Cons Of Foreign Aid
To Aid or Not to Aid
Foreign aid has played an enormous role in the United States government policy, especially since
the mid–twentieth century, following World War II. At that time, the U.S. began providing financial
aid, through the Marshall Plan, to help rebuild Europe (Williams, 2015). Today, foreign aid has
evolved to mean a variety of things. Foreign aid is not strictly financial assistance. According to
Williams in the Encyclopedia Britannica (2015), foreign assistance can include military assistance
or equipment, medical assistance or equipment, or technical assistance and training. However, the
most common foreign aid is official development assistance, which is organized through
international organizations such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund or UNICEF and
used to address poverty and promote development (Williams 2015). Many people feel in the United
States feel that it is necessary to provide foreign assistance to the world. It is thought that helping
less developed economies improves the market for everyone. Others feel that many people are in
need here in the United States and that it does not make sense to send aid to other countries when
people need right in their own city, state, or country. Most people think that a large portion of the
U.S. budget is devoted to foreign aid. In contrast, according to Rutsch (2015), "the U.S. spends less
than 1 percent of the federal budget on foreign aid". With the state of the world today,
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The Paradigm Shift in Consumption
The Paradigm Shift in Consumption: The New Food Equation Consumer behaviors are constantly
changing, as can be seen with the recent trends of obesity in the global north and hunger and
malnutrition in the global south. Understanding global food systems is very important as it helps
explain opportunities and well as problems that exist in the current global food system. In 1950's
and 60's an industrial food formula, was created in order to take strides towards delivering ample,
affordable, healthy and safe food in the global North (Roberts, 2013). This Industrial formula has
not lived up to its standards however and has caused some disappointment. As new generations
emerge, so do aspirations that "food should taste real, provide fulfilling careers, support health,
contribute to local communities, honor the environment and enhance global sustainability" (Roberts,
2013: 11). This new trend has been termed the 'New Food Equation' by Kevin Morgan and is a way
to present the food problem as a challenge and urge people to solve the problem by making good
food choices (Rogers, 2013). They are multiple pillars to implementing this new food movement,
but food sovereignty and organic foods are the area of focus today. Members of La Via Campania
coined the term food sovereignty. This was an organization formed in 1992 that represents "some
200 million peasants, small farmers, agricultural workers and indigenous people from seventy
different countries" (Rogers, 2013: 88). They
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Essay On How The Paris Agreement Without The Usa Impact On...
Paris Agreement without the United States of America: Impact on Indonesia
Paris Agreement as the successor of climate change agreement after Kyoto Protocol is a milestone
of a significant coordination between developed and developing countries in anticipating the threat
of climate change. However, the withdrawal of the United States from this treaty after signing and
ratifying it in 2016 could impact the implementation of the agreement, particularly on the process of
in developing countries, one of which is Indonesia, to fulfill the commitment to reduce gas
emissions with assistance from developed countries.
This research have a purpose to solve this main question:
In what ways ... Show more content on ...
Until August 2017, 159 parties of 195 countries that adopt the Paris Agreement have ratify this
agreement, including United States of America and Indonesia.
The United States of America as a developed country and also the second most polluter country
have sign the Paris Agreement on 22 April 2016 and ratify it on 3 September 2016. Since the United
States of America join the Paris Agreement, its Nationally Determined Contribution has a target to
reduce greenhouse gas emission by 26–28% below the emission level on 2005 in 2025. As a
developed country, based on Article 9 of the Paris Agreement that mention the developed countries
should provide financial resources to assist the developing countries to meet their goals in
countering the climate change, the United States of America also submitted a commitment of
US$3000 million as part of the Green Climate Fund. Indonesia is an archipelago state with the
second longest and low beach in the world and also a tropical country with vast forest and peatlands,
thus make Indonesia vulnerable to climate change. Regarding these circumstances, Indonesia has a
high concern on climate change agreement such as the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement.
Therefore Indonesia signed the Paris Agreement on 22 April 2016 and ratify it on 24 October 2016.
To support the Paris Agreement goals, Indonesia submitted the Intended Nationally Determined
Contribution which mention the commitment of the Government of
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Countries and their Level of Development: Least...
Countries throughout the world differ in their level of development; they are classified within a
range of the two extremes as either LEDC (Least Economically Developed Countries) or MEDC
(More Economically Developed Countries). The Variety of economies, cultures and people make it
impossible to use a single indicator of development. Geographers use diverse Development
Indicators to compare regions against each other, such indicators include:
LEDCs exhibit the lowest socioeconomic indicators and meet the criteria of poverty, human
resource weakness (nutrition, health, literacy and education) and economic vulnerability.
On the other hand, MEDCs, also known as Developed or Industrialized countries, have high
economic levels and advanced ... Show more content on ...
Bad Climate can limit people's engagement in wealth generating activities such as agricultural
practices. LEDCs spend much time, effort and resources in providing food supplies, which does not
help in advancing the development of the country.
Lack of resources and access to safe drinking water are another factors that hinder the development
of countries. The Presence of oil in many of the Gulf countries has pushed their economy despite the
bad climate. Often any resources are sold abroad as cash crops, for instance in Kenya tea and coffee
is grown on the best farmland. Kenya has to spend valuable wealth on importing food.
Additionally, War and political instability in countries (such as Rwanda and Somalia) impedes
development. International companies will most likely avoid investing and expanding their markets
towards countries that are not politically stable. Countries that were once or still conquered by
another country will often have their resources abused without having much of it deployed into their
infrastructure. It can be seen that the developed counties were the first to have a strong army and to
develop weapons and tactics with which they have conquered other civilizations. The undeveloped
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Healthcare in Under-Developed Countries
Healthcare in Under–Developed Countries
The author of this response is asked to answer for and to a series of questions related to healthcare
providing and availability in under–developed countries. The author will explain, in order, responses
to the question of what the challenges are in under–developed countries, will speak to research–
generated strategies about how to address those challenges, and will offer strategies for how a nurse
can advocate for health care at the global level. The assignment asks whether one nurse can make a
difference and the answer to that is certainly in the affirmative.
Challenges in Under–Developed Nations
There are number of factors that make healthcare in certain nations difficult to impossible to keep
fluid and proper for the citizenry involved. There are obvious examples like locations and amounts
hospitals and doctor offices but there are also other major examples that some people gloss over or
miss entirely. One example is countries or area that are lacking in infrastructure including roads,
plumbing and supply delivery lifelines. Another example would be a dearth in qualified nurses and
doctors due to circumstances like sub–standard schools and colleges, presuming they are even
present in the first place. Yet another example would be government graft and incompetence further
bungling or sabotaging the process whereby the government should be helping the healthcare
system of their people rather than harming it based on corruption or
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Lesser Developed Countries
Paul Collier is the author of The Bottom Billion a 2007 book about Lesser Developed Countries
(LDCs) and why they struggle to progress despite vast amounts of foreign aid. Collier makes the
argument that while much of LDCs are becoming wealthier, this isn't the case in Africa and Central
Asia who is stuck due to four development traps. Seventy percent of the bottom billion is in Africa.
According to Collier, the first trap is the conflict trap. He claims that 73% in the bottom billion are
in or have been in a war like conflict, almost always an internal civil war. Countries with high rates
of poverty are more likely to break out in civil war and the war itself lowers incomes, therefore
perpetuating the problem. This is partly due to the large amount of available young men who are out
of work and ready for a rebellion and due to the weakness of the state, this becomes quite easy. The
longer a country is at war, more actors become involved due to the potential of profiting of it. A civil
war also increases the risk of future conflicts and according to Collier it is development in reverse.
Economic loss and disease do not stop when the fighting does. Furthermore, during conflict,
political rights disappear and almost all of the world's hard drugs come from these areas due to little
law enforcement. Low income, slow growth, and commodity export dependence make up the top
three attributes of a high civil war risk country, which is hard to live down after it begins, since
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The Correlation Between Economic Growth And The...
One of the most highly controversial topics of our time has been about the environment, whose
quality is not indicated in the measure of GDP. Some scholars say that there is nothing wrong with
our current natural ecosystem and that we should not worry, other scholars say that we should be
more concerned about our environment today than we ever were. Many studies were done to
validate both these hypotheses which left people divided, but it is always better to be safe than sorry.
Economists have found the correlation between economic growth and the deterioration of our
environment: "In the quest for high rates of GDP, the human cost of producing goods and services is
not set against the market value of those items." (Mahadea and Rawat, 2008). In other words, there
is a constant trade–off between sustaining economic growth and maintaining the natural ecosystem.
As stated earlier, producers are unwilling to give up their opportunity to gain more profits for the
sake of sustainability. We should understand the insignificance of overproducing and having a high
GDP if in actuality the living conditions are not as good as the GDP depicts it.
Economists D. Mahadea and T. Rawat investigated the relationship between economic growth and
happiness in which they found that although being rich does make an individual happy, this extra
income would not have the ability to purchase happiness once an income threshold is reached,
especially in developed countries. They concluded that
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Cultural Differences Between Developing Countries (China/...
globalization is prevalent in the world business. Developing countries such as China and India have
therefore, become appealing markets to foreign investors. It is anticipated that China and India will
soon be the world's biggest economies. Presently, eighty percent of the electronic goods globally are
manufactured in china. This has resulted to more western companies wanting to invest in china as
opposed to other countries. Unfortunately, there is intercultural management problem with the
unprecedented increase in cooperation between the developing nations and the western counterparts
which are culturally different.
Cultural differences between developing countries (China/ India) and developed countries (UK)
Obviously, the ... Show more content on ...
United Kingdom has adopted a cultural marketing philosophy that emphasizes on high service, high
image and high quality. Local subsidiaries can be found globally, having come from Shiseido
Deutschland, Shiseido Australia and Shiseido France. In every case, Shiseido works to incorporate
itself in the local community, contribute to the community's wellbeing and localize its operations. To
guide its fragrance business globally, Beauté Prestige International (BPI) was established in 1990 in
Paris. BPI worked with globally–famous designers and soon created highly successful fragrances. In
1991, Shiseido established the first European factory in France, Gien. Fragrances and skin care
products were produced. In all its planning, the facility had a desire to sponsor local social and
cultural events. There is an emphasis on growing community and adding on god corporate
citizenship (Ganesh, Kumar and Kotabe, 1996). Shiseido has been able to sell its products in UK,
Sweden, France and Italy. Shiseido is an apt example of how companies intending be global should
act. Before marketing their products in foreign countries, there is a need to do comprehensive
studies and understand cultural differences that exist. Failure to do this, a company might be
criticized and incur sizeable loses. In addition, working with the local community is particularly
beneficial in ensuring stability in the foreign country.
Reasons why there are cultural differences
People who
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Disadvantages Of Globalization
Globalization is the spread of political, social, and economic, ideas worldwide, creating a standard
across countries. Globalization, while it has its faults has been able to propel developing countries
into prosperous world powers, especially economically. Globalization allows for the spread of ideas
throughout the whole world and creates a sense of interconnectedness among countries. There are
three main categories of globalization, political, social, and economic. While there are faults with
globalization relating to the social and political repercussions on developing countries, economically
it allows for developing countries to flourish. This allows for developed countries to reap the same
benefits as developed world powers. Through ... Show more content on ...
Their motives vary, however, they are able to spread their ideals through globalization. Terrorism
spreads easier in areas with little stability, developing countries are a haven for recruiters.
Developing countries are typically rampant with political unrest and limited economic abilities
allowing for terrorist organizations to offer a future to those who may not have many options.
Furthermore, social globalization allows for developing countries to advance, however, detrimental
to the advancement of their culture. Globalization is the spread and integration of ideas. In reference
to countries with their distinct cultures and traditions, globalization is not beneficial to developing
countries. Through integrating cultures and traditions, the significance can be lost or minimized.
Although, social globalization can lead to the spread of technology. Technology can be a huge asset
to developing countries. Countries are no longer isolated to the people within their society. The
internet and technology allow for people to connect with people across time and the world.
Economic globalization opens up the world market allowing for developing countries to be able to
work with and compete with large, wealthy countries leading to their development and eventual
prosperity. Following the economic disaster of The Great Depression, representatives from forty–
five countries met
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The Asian Development Bank ( Adb ) For The Reconstruction...
After the World War II, the United States led the European countries to establish the World Bank
(IBRD), which helped the reconstruction of Europe. And in the meanwhile, the United States led
Japan, China and some other Asian countries to establish the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for
the reconstruction of Asia after the war. IBRD, ADB and IMF (International Monetary Fund), etc.
occupy the monopolistic and predominant status all around the world for several decades. In the
other words, they dedicate the economic and the political tendency all over the world. However,
there are many problems and unreasonable terms for the debit and credit, investment, financing and
so on, which are related to the political reasons, exist in IBRD, ADB and IMF. These restricts
influence the development of those Third World countries severely. Along with some other reasons
and details, in October 2013, China put forward suggestions to establish Asian Infrastructure
Investment Bank (AIIB), a multilateral development organization with 100 billion authorized
capital, which supports the infrastructure development for Asian countries especially, and the
headquarter is set up in Beijing, China. This initiative bring huge competitions among the United
States, China and Japan. After October 2014, the competitions spread and expand, in which some
European countries are involved as well. The establishment of AIIB is not only the economic
development and breakthrough, but also related to the political
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Lesser Developed Countries : Poverty And Developed Countries
Lesser developed countries have an issue where they are behind on technology. In today world most
develop countries have enter an era where technology has been one of the primary focus on there
agendas. Technology has found it way to daily life of people with the use of smartphones and
computer and to more important aspect like toward the economy growth, educational and health.
lesser develop countries lack certain aspect to acquire these technology to better improver their
countries. Therefore, I see that if technology could be acquiring on these lesser developed countries
it could contribute to their health, economy growth and education.
Lesser develop countries are known for have a largest poverty in their country and to lack on
technology advancement. Therefore, one solution that has come up from the United Nation has be
an economy focus plan toward poverty and push technology as a non–concern to them. In do so
most lesser developed countries will get official development assistance where development
partners will help them by solely making foreign direct investment and liberalizing their trade and
fiscal policies but this is not good enough as the article, Break the Vicious Circle, goes to state that
"solely focusing on the economic dimension does not suffice in order to achieve sustainable
development" (Sütçü); therefore, this official development assistance should make more of a
balance between economic and technology to better assist lesser develop countries and
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Why Is Iceland A Developed Country
There are many factors that contribute to showing that Iceland is a developed country. Everything
must be taken into account when deciding whether or not Iceland is a developed country due to the
fact that just one set of information does not say everything. Because this is the case one must view
all sets of data in the demographic, infrastructure and economic sections in order to be able to
determine where Iceland stands. Iceland is a unique country that has good standards of living,
healthcare and sanitation which will soon be evident after one reads about the data that was
collected. After all of the statistics are viewed in the three sections, one will know that Iceland is a
developed country. Demographics plays a large role in demonstrating ... Show more content on ...
Now that all of the sets of data have been viewed together has a whole there is no doubt that Iceland
could be anything but a developed country. Iceland is a country with good sanitation, health care and
standards of living as seen by all of the data. The demographic, infrastructure and economic sections
have all shown that Iceland is not only developed but it is also extremely put together. Iceland is
able to provide a great deal of things for the people living there by also creating a safe, active
environment. One can now evidently see that Iceland is a developed
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India: Dumping Ground for Developed Countries?
India: Dumping Ground For Developed Countries? By Chaitanya Gaikwad M.Sc. Environmental
Paper presented at Vasantdada Sugar Institute (VSI), Pune, India
Basel Convention
Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous wastes and their Disposal
In the late 1980s, a tightening of environmental regulations in industrialized countries led to a
dramatic rise in the cost of hazardous waste disposal. Searching for cheaper ways to get rid of the
wastes, "toxic traders" began shipping hazardous waste to developing countries and to Eastern
Europe. When this activity was revealed, international outrage led to the drafting and adoption of the
Basel Convention. During its first Decade (1989–1999), the ... Show more content on ...
Why India?
The reasons why India continues to draw in the waste of developed countries are not difficult to
find. High profit margins, owing to poor environmental regulation is a major factor. In developed
countries, it is extremely expensive to get rid of such waste. Most lead smelters in the U.S. have
been shut down, and those that remain can spend more than $10 million per year on pollution
control alone. In India's unregulated backyard smelter industry, there are very high profit margins.
Indian traders thus outbid their European counterparts for such wastes in the international markets,
paying almost 30 percent more for waste like zinc ash. Many other developing nations in Africa and
Southeast Asia have stopped buying these hazardous wastes. According to Greenpeace, an
international environmental organization, more than 100,000 tons of potentially toxic waste entered
India in 1998–1999. Greenpeace has documented imports of more than 100,887 tons of hazardous
and potentially hazardous wastes into India between 1998–1999. These include zinc ash and
residues, used batteries, brass dross, copper cables possibly coated with PVC, and wastes of toxic
metals like lead, chromium, cadmium and thallium. And this quantity is just the veritable tip of the
iceberg, it would seem, for these figures do not take into account the import of deadly toxins like
asbestos, mercury or recycled plastic resins. Also recycling of ships is a big
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Personal Statement Of Environmentalism In An Equivalent To...
In my opinion 'Environmentalism' in many ways is equivalent to 'Feminism'. Both the subjects have
been overlooked in the past by policy makers and corporations, have suffered injustice and are
fighting for their rights. Just as the world cannot progress entirely and achieve its true potential by
leaving one gender behind, in the same way we cannot achieve sustainable development by ignoring
our environment. As a young kid I didn't know what I and billion other Indians were missing in life
until I visited Singapore. I was awe–struck by the efficient public transport, less reliance on private
cars for movement, vertical development, cleanliness and high quality of life. One of the starkest
differences that I noticed was how I could not tell the rich from the poor which is so evident in
India. Other thing that I observed was how the entire city was connected seamlessly. Print media and
internet have been a great influence in my life since my childhood. Since childhood my habit of
reading newspaper and magazines have widened my world from the small space of my room. The
second page of the daily newspaper highlighted the ... Show more content on ...
To achieve provide sustainable growth and development to the have not's of the society. To move
closer to my goal, I joined Manipal Institute of Technology in 2011 to study Civil Engineering.
During the first year, I studied Environmental Sciences which explained the different eco–systems in
the planet. During 5th and 7th semester, my subjects Environmental Engineering (1&2) gave me in–
depth information about different pollutants in the environment. Moreover, my elective
Environmental Impact Assessment imparted me knowledge about the fundamentals of this field.
Furthermore, my elective 'Networks and Project Management' taught efficient management of
resources and projects. Industrial Psychology taught me how humans function, their thoughts behind
their choices, how we can attempt to change their behaviour,
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Sweatshops : Sweatshops And Sweatshops
Inexpensive clothing has been the major trend thanks to the cheap laboring in Asia. Though we take
granted for inexpensive clothes, we know little about how those clothes are made. In the
manufacturing process, sometimes people die in the working environments because of the
companies' neglects on maintaining buildings, providing equipment for better production and
improving the working environment. Some factories use children because they can cut more wages.
Manufacturing factories with low wage, long working hours and poor conditions that violate human
rights are called sweatshops. Since sweatshops violate human rights, they are unethical. Knowing
this fact, should companies stop laboring in developing countries? The answer is no. In short,
sweatshops are necessity parts of supply chain that fulfill demands and job supplies. Nonetheless,
because sweatshops play vital role on offering jobs and inexpensive fashion products, those
companies should take responsibilities. Simultaneously, the local government should make strict
regulations on child labor and severe working circumstances to protect the citizens and labor rights.
We will examine how companies and governments can make improvements on sweatshops
controversy with hypothetical analysis on two outcomes of ending and continuing sweatshops.
When we consider ending sweatshops, what would be the outcome? The workers no longer have to
suffer from the degraded treatment and any mental or physical damages from the works. On
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Foreign Countries Should Not Help Out A Less Developed...
Throughout history, many have debated about whether a wealthier country (developed) should help
out a poor, less developed countries. "The U.S. disbursed $33.2 billion–$19 billion in economic
assistance to 184 countries and $14.2 billion in military assistance to 142 countries."(Forbes) Is it
beneficial for a more developed nations to help out a less developed country?
There are billions of dollars that developed countries give to the developing countries to say that
they are helping the poor and that they are bring the poor countries up out of the dirt. But studies
have shown that giving money alone does not help, it could actually make the country worse off.
Foreign countries should not give money to developing nations because the developing countries
become too reliant on the developed countries, it does not help the developing countries, and with
money, comes corruption. The better way for foreign aid to work which is to give technological aid.
A quote from Maimonides, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and
you feed him for a lifetime." This quote tells a tale of how society works and the importance of
learning. This can be applied to a multiple of things like how a developed country needs to teach
another country how to survive. The developed countries are just giving money and food instead of
teaching the public about how to grow food and how to have a stable economy. Countries around the
world that depend on foreign aid are now
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'What Factors Contribute to Infant Mortality in Developed...
"What factors contribute to infant mortality in developed and less developed countries?"
"Infant mortality is the number of deaths among live–born infants from birth to under age one"
(, n.d.). According to a National Vital Statistics Report in 2006, the leading causes of
Infant Mortality in the U.S. were deformities, low birth weight, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome,
maternal complications, unintentional injuries, respiratory distress of the newborn, bacterial sepsis,
neonatal haemorrhage and diseases of the circulatory system (Heron, M.P., Murphy, S.L., Xu, J.Q.,
Kochanek, K.D., & Tejada–Vera, B., 2006). Studies show that in less developed countries around
the world some factors contributing to infant mortality ... Show more content on ...
Unlike in underdeveloped countries, lack of education and poverty is not as much of a prevalent
cause for the death of infants, developed countries also have less exposure to diseases, especially
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Persuasive Essay On Child Welfare
Imagine you and your siblings living in a house where your father is violent and your mother is
struggling to protect herself and her seven children. Imagine these people come to your house and
take you and your siblings away from your parents, split you up, and send you to different houses,
hours away from each other. Imagine later on finding out your mother is dead and your father does
not want to take you back. Imaging moving again, and again, and again. Imaging being in abusive
households, houses in areas so rural there is no internet, moving schools over and over again.
Imaging going to five different primary schools. Imagine being a teenager and not being able to tell
anyone, lying about the number of siblings you have, lying through your teeth day after day because
you cannot pick up the courage to tell anyone. Imagine if this was you.
When I say the words 'poor child welfare' you may think of the children who are living in poverty or
the children who are employed in child labour, or children who live in the middle of war zones.
What you might not think of is the children struggling right beneath our noses – the homeless
children, children in foster care, or children in abusive households. There are several reasons why I
have chosen to focus on children, rather than all 7.5 billion people globally. This is because children
keep the human race going, and children should not go through what some do.
Do you know where your chocolate comes from? Or your
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Abolishment Of Slavery In The USA
i. In most cases, the more educated a country is, the more developed the country is. The concept is
easier to understand on a smaller scale. Imagine two people, Person A and Person B. Both Person A
and B are extremely intelligent and hardworking; the difference between them is their opportunities.
They both have access to primary school, and do very well. Person A goes on to graduate from a
secondary education, but Person B cannot because he does not have access to it. Person B gets an
unspecialized job, where he cannot utilize his brainpower. His potential is wasted. After graduating
from his secondary education, Person A goes for a tertiary education, where he gets a degree in
engineering. He uses his degree to help his country develop. Now, imagine a country primarily
populated with people like Person A. The country would develop rapidly. A country primarily
populated with people like Person B, however would hardly develop.

ii. Oftentimes, the higher the literacy rate is in a country, the more developed the country is. Literate
people can get ... Show more content on ...
Slavery prevented African Americans from reaching their full potential. Just like women in India,
African American's potential contribution to development was untouched. Unfortunately, racial
inequality between African Americans and Caucasians in America went further than the abolishment
of slavery. After the abolishment of slavery, most places were segregated. African Americans were
isolated from opportunity. Fortunately, places are no longer segregated. Unfortunately, though, this
does not make up for everything. As a whole, the African American population is not as developed.
In fact, a significant majority of people living in ghettos are African American. This is because they
had a late start to contributing to development. If it were not for slavery and segregation, African
Americans would be just as developed as any other American
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Looking at Least Developed Countries
The Least Developed Countries represent the poorest and weakest segment of the world. They own
more than 880 million people (about 12 per cent of world population), but account for less than 2 %
of world GDP and about 1 % of global trade in goods (About LDCs, 2014).
Their low level of socio–economic development is characterized by weak human and institutional
dimensions, low and unequally income and shortage of domestic financial resources. They often
suffer from political instability, a problematic government and internal and external conflicts (such
as war). Their economies are affected by a cycle of low productivity and low investment. They rely
on the export of few primary commodities as major source of export and fiscal earnings, which
makes them highly vulnerable to external trade shocks. LLDC's raise concerns all over the world
when their challenges that lay ahead and their future part in global economics are concerned (Least
deveLoped countries series, 2011). UNCTAD believes that the major challenge will be an
employment challenge, and the central policy issues relate to how to address this in a global
environment considered by accelerating globalization and climate change and with governance
deficits at national and global levels. The employment challenge in LDCs is to create productive
jobs and livelihoods for the millions of young people who are entering the labour force each year.
The scale of this challenge will be greater in the coming years than in the past.
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Impacts Of E-Commerce On Developed And Developing Countries.
Impacts of E–commerce on developed and developing countries Chahat Singla NAIT Bachelor of
Technology in technology management Applied Research Methods (RSCH3000) Contact: Introduction E–Commerce is a method for working together exchanges
by means of the web. It deals with establishing customer to buyer relations, business to business
(B2B) purchasing and offering. It involves exchanging items or administration using computers.
There are many advantages and disadvantages for both consumer and economies. In developed
countries like U.S., it has helped in the growth of business knowingly. It helps in expansion of client
base with the ability to market products online worldwide. It functions day in day ... Show more
content on ...
Business–to–business electronic information exchange, promoting to imminent and set up clients by
email or fax (for instance, with pamphlets), participating in retail for dispatching additional items
and administrations. Different other forms: The contemporary electronic business includes
everything from requesting "computerized" content for prompt online utilization to requesting
routine products and administrations, to "meta" administrations to encourage different sorts of
electronic trade. On the institutional level, enormous organizations and money related foundations
utilize the web to trade budgetary information to encourage residential and worldwide business.
Information trustworthiness and security are squeezing issues for electronic trade. Beside customary
e–Commerce, the terms m–Commerce (portable business) and t–Commerce have likewise been
utilized. E–commerce and developing countries: Impacts on profitability: Electronic business will
create efficiency picks up by diminishing exchange costs. The fast scattering of data, the substitution
of computerized for paper record keeping, furthermore, the systems administration abilities of the
Web will enhance adaptability and responsiveness, support new and more productive middle people,
build the utilization of outsourcing, lessen the time to advertise by connecting requests to
generation, and enhance coordination. In spite of the fact that the impact of
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Essay on Low Healthy Life Expectancy
What are the main factors contributing to low healthy life expectancy in the developed world?
Investigate possible solutions to these problems.
Low healthy life expectancy is the imprecise number of years an individual or group of persons in a
country is expected to live, staying healthy and free from disabilities. The World Health
Organisation (WHO) defines healthy life expectancy as the "average number of years that a person
is expected to live in full health, subtracting full health due to diseases and injury". Low healthy life
expectancy in the developed world is caused by several factors such as, life styles, climate, diet and
the environment. These are problems because they reduce healthy life expectancy, and to solve this
problem, ... Show more content on ...
Smoking does not have effect only on the person smoking but on the society at large. Furthermore,
people perception towards health has caused a main impasse. Most individuals and countries are
ostensibly careless about their health. In the developed world today, it is said that health is about
physical appearance. Kaplan (2010) states that "an individual's health links to a person's well being
and poor health turns it negative". When a person is not concerned about his or her health, it leads to
low healthy life expectancy and carrying out activities becomes very difficult. A possible solution to
these problems is to raise the awareness of the government. The government should make a way for
people to have regular check–up, keeping them aware of their health status. In addition the
government should formulate bye–laws restricting smoking in public places.
Secondly, another factor contributing to low healthy life expectancy is the climate of a country.
Vardavas and Taylor (2007) define climate as "the mean of state of the atmosphere, averaged over
several years and all season with particular emphasis on those that affect the temperature of the earth
surface in both logical and global mean sense". In most developed countries, climate has always
been a major concern. The effect of climate could have a positive or a negative effect on an
individual. Climate varies among developed countries.
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Industrialising Less Developed Countries Essay examples
This essay intends to address the argument that Less Developed Countries (LDCs) cannot achieve
the level of development of the Developed Countries (DCs) unless they undergo a process of
industrialisation. In proposing a case in favour of this argument the industrialisation experiences of
the Latin American and Asian regions will be investigated, with specific regard to the role of state
intervention throughout this process. Conclusions will be drawn from these cases, specifically that
through the process of industrialisation LDCs can achieve the levels of development of the DCs and
this inference will be supported through the analysis of Human Development Index (HDI) rankings
and scores for 2010.
The focus of this essay will be on ... Show more content on ...
Thus within the context of this developing international division of labour it was the Developed
Countries (DCs), the core states and first capitalists, who gained the development upper hand,
beginning their process of industrialisation during the mercantile period of European expansion. The
endeavour to embark on industrialisation for the LDCs however did not progress sufficiently until
after the end of the Second World War, a period in which dependency theorists argued the case that
the cause of underdevelopment within these LDCs was a consequence of the colonial capitalist
legacy of a distorted structure of economy and society, that is the peripheral economy and society
which was theorised to produce overall economic stagnation and mass poverty (Hoogvelt 1997, p.
The two processes of industrialisation that this essay will address are Import–Substitution
Industrialisation (IS) and Export–Orientated Industrialisation (EOI). For advocates of ISI, the
industrialisation process will occur when "given the existence of already industrialised and highly
productive economies (the North [DCs]), the
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Problems And Challenges Faced By Multinational...

  • 1. Problems and Challenges Faced by Multinational... Introductions A multinational corporation (MNC) is a corporation that operating in two or more countries, known as host countries but managed from one country, known as home country. Multinational Corporation is also known as international corporation (Wikipedia, 2011). Besides that, MNC can be defined as a corporation that derives revenues from operations in countries other than home country (BusinessDictionary, 2011). The objective of MNC to operate in other countries is to gain competitive advantage through several ways. Firstly, MNC is able to take advantage of difference in country–specific circumstances. For example, MNC may choose to locate its productions in less developed country like Vietnam to gain cheap labor cost. Secondly, ... Show more content on ... There is a very good example which can reflect the situation perfectly is the case happened at Argentina in 2001, where the country has changed the government for three times in just two weeks time due to the financial crisis that lead to collapse of the economy. Then, foreign investors faced problems like utilities and energy as there was a new legislation against them issued by the new government (Alvaro & Mehmet, 2007). 3) Government effectiveness According to World Bank, government effectiveness is referring to captures perceptions of the quality of public services, the quality of the civil service and the degree of its independence from political pressures, the quality of policy formulation and implementation, and the credibility of the government's commitment to such policies. This is important for foreign investors because they do not wish to pay for the deficiencies in the provision of public goods by government. Developing country MNCs may have more experience as they used to doing so at home where home governments do not supply them goods. Therefore, MNCs may suffer for the ineffectiveness of the government which can lead to unexpected cost and also size of the operations being limited in the country. LDCs have lower government effectiveness which causes the government systems and establishments are slow and politically dependant, thus lead to lack of high quality of public goods. 4) Regulatory quality According to World Bank, regulatory ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Distinguish Between Developed and Developing Countries Di 3a) What distinguishes a developing country from a developed country (10mks) ADVICE: All the indicators are examined here with supporting statistics. There won't be time to include statistics for all the indicators, so you'll include those that you most easily remember). Countries can be classified as developed or developing according to the value of the gross national product (GNP) per capita. A developing country can be distinguished from a developed country by examining indicators such as the size of GDP per capita, economic structure, population growth, population structure, distribution of income, employment, trading position, urbanization, technology and provision of infrastructure. Low income and ... Show more content on ... Developing countries are very reliant on the export of primary produce whereas developed countries export more capital and consumer goods. Developing countries are vulnerable in their trading relationships because fluctuations in price can destabilize their economies. Zimbabwe's main exports are cotton and tobacco while that of the USA includes telecommunications, equipment, automobiles and medicine. Urbanisation is another indicator of development. Developed countries already have a high proportion of the population living in urban areas. The developing countries however still have a high proportion of the population living in rural areas, but there are rapid rates of rural to urban migration in those economies. In Zimbabwe 38% of the population live in urban areas and the rate of urbanization is 3.4%. In the USA however 82% of the population live in the urban areas and the rate of urbanization is much lower at 1.2%. They can be distinguished by the provision of infrastructure. Infrastructure includes health education and housing. The developed countries have better infrastructure than the developed country. The Human Development Index combines elements of health as measured by life expectancy, education and income to assess development. Life expectancy in Zimbabwe is 51 years whereas it is 78 years in the USA. Access to technology also differs between the two. 5% of the world's computers are located in developing countries.
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  • 10. Developing A Economically Developed Countries More economically developed countries (MEDC) – Countries with sovereign states and that has a highly developed economy with advanced technological industries as compared to other countries. The Human Development index, standard of living as well as the Gross national product of these economies is on the upper level of every chart. According to the International Monetary Fund, advanced economies comprise 60.8% of global nominal GDP and 42.9% of global GDP (PPP) in 2014. COUNTRY KOF INDEX OF GLOBALIZATION HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX GINI COEFFICIENT IRELAND 91.30 0.899 34.3 NETHERLANDS 91.24 0.915 30.9 BELGIUM 91.00 0.881 33.0 UNITED KINGDOM 82.96 0.892 36.0 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 74.81 0.914 40.8 These countries exhibited an increase ... Show more content on ... According to The Economist, on 28th June, 2014, Netherlands has been fighting against inequality for the past few years owing to the differential taxation system. Researchers say that the wealth distribution of Netherlands is one of the most unequal in Europe. Quoting the OECD report on Inequality within countries, of 21st May, 2015, 'Inequality is high in the Netherlands: the top 10% owns 60% of all net wealth, while the bottom three quintiles own almost no wealth.' Belgium has not seen a drop in inequality levels in the past 25 years. According to the EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU–SILC), 2010 survey, 30% of Belgium's poorest calculated a fall in their net taxable incomes from 11.2% to 8.3%. While the richest calculated an increase from 27.3% to 31.9% in their shares. Referring to the US Census Bureau. (2001). Historical Income Tables – Income Equality, U.S. income inequality has been rising ever since the 1970s. The statistics from "Income Inequality Generation to Generation" by Robert Lenzner, Forbes (March 26, 2012) show that the recession in 2008 affected the income inequality greatly. The share of pre–tax incomes received by the top 1% wealthiest rose from 13.3% in 2009 to 14.6% in 2011. In 2012, the same rose by 20%, as compared to the remaining 99% rose only by 1%. The OECD Income inequality data update and policies impacting income distribution: United Kingdom (February 2015), broadcasts that in the UK, the income of the richest 10% is ... Get more on ...
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  • 14. Climate Change Summit The Unites States of America is currently working to combat climate change in order to protect people from its effects. By combatting climate change, the USA hopes to prevent its effects from becoming worse in the future because the USA cares for its citizens and doesn't want them to keep experiencing the consequences of climate change. The USA is putting great effort into dealing with climate change and also hopes that other businesses, organization, and individuals will join them in their effort (Environmental News Service). One concern the USA has towards climate change is its cause of natural disasters. Climate change is bringing more natural disasters by making weather patterns stronger, and weather patterns are becoming stronger as climate change grows which is bringing more natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and drought to the USA (Rice). One example of a natural disaster that occurred in the USA as a result of climate change is the tornado in Moore, Oklahoma. In this event, a tornado rated 5 on the Enhanced Fuijta scale hit Oklahoma and had a negative impact on this city by destroying many of its houses and buildings also resulting in the destruction of businesses such as schools (Cable News Network). Another major concern of the USA towards climate change is that it will cause a rise in the global sea level which will result in many of its coastal cities to be submerged underwater. There will be a permanent 4 feet rise in the global sea level ... Get more on ...
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  • 18. Death And The Maiden Play Essay In the play Death and the Maiden, written by Ariel Dorfman, Paulina goes through a deterioration of character. She steadily becomes more and more unstable, and her actions become alarmingly irrational. The events that took place in her captivation are gradually revealed as the play progresses, yet much is left unsaid, leaving it up to the reader's interpretation. There is no specific context to time and place as no historical events are introduced, however, it is revealed that the country is moving from a harrowing dictatorship to a democracy. The traumatic events Paulina experienced can be perceived differently by each reader through her reliance on a safe haven, the structure and techniques used in the play and the universal setting and time permitting alternate nations with varying social norms to differ the reader's perception of Paulina. Dorfman's undefined setting grants the play Death and the Maiden to be universal, thereby altering how each reader perceives Paulina's trauma. The author of Death and the Maiden chooses to have both a universal setting and personal setting. This decision enables the reader to perceive the events however they desire to do so, however, the personal setting underlines Paulina's reliance on a safe place. Paulina's personal setting, her home, is where she can feel secure and has the possibility to control what happens, contrary to when she was held in captivity. Her safe haven, however, is destroyed when Dr. Miranda intrudes her home. This ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. Declining Birth Rates Developed Countries Declining Birth rates in developed countries Developed countries in the last few decades have encountered a new problem. As their population ages and leaves the workforce, less are replacing them to enter. In fact, for most of human history, the elderly (those over 65) have never exceeded 3% or 4% of a country's population. In today's developed world, they comprise roughly 15% of the population. By 2050, this could reach 25% on average (Chand & Tung, 2014). The trend of decreasing fertility, accompanied with an aging population, has been an alarming statistic for three different countries, including Japan, France and the United States. If the issue is not remedied, these countries could see some pressing economic problems. No other country has had such a sudden dramatic change in its population as Japan. In fact, according to Kumagai, (2010) Japan experienced a doubling of its population over the age of 65 between 1970 and 1994. And as the island nation's elderly population increases, their population entering the workforce seesaws towards the polar opposite – less and less are there to replace them. Clark, Ogawa, & Kondo (2010) further expand on the matter with the following: Unless demographic trends are reversed, the Japanese population will decline in absolute size throughout the twenty–first century. Over the next 10 years, the decline will be relatively small but then the population will begin to shrink more rapidly. This decline is the direct result of ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. The Hardships Hitting Least Developed Countries Introduction: Developed countries are countries which obtain a great level of income and are also referred to as industrialised countries. Developed countries are in support of free market principals, are very advanced in their education levels, technology. They also have high standard of living, and also have a declining rate of population. Least developed countries are not economically stable, their development process is very slow and are known to be very poverty stricken. These LDCs standard of living is very poor thus they are exposed to many economic and social problems. A clear description of least developed countries would be low economic growth, huge problem in unemployment, institution capacity is very vulnerable, poverty stricken, and have poor infustructure, inadequate education, climate implications, lower income as well as per capita income. LCDs have minimal savings and investment opportunities. Emerging countries are nations that are not extremely poor but have low or medium per capita income, these countries are very capable of having great economic growth but are still referred to risk economies, where they are classifies as nations that are not yet fully stable to invest in or do other kinds of trading with. Least developed countries encounters different problems such as: Lower per capita The instability of socio and politics Inequality or widening gap between the wealthy citizens and the poorer citizens The infustructure development is slow and ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. Developed and Developing Countries Have you ever heard of developed countries and developing countries, or first world and third world countries? Just a basic overview before I go into detail, developed countries have a matured financial system, this includes the US and Canada, Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and South Korea. Developing countries are emerging markets across Asia, Latin America and Africa. And undeveloped countries are mainly African nations which remain vastly poor, such as Mali and Somalia. Before I go on about the BRICS countries of the future, I will start with today's BRICS nations why they are in BRICS. First, the B, Brazil. Brazil has sustained a high GDP growth rate as its Gross Domestic Product has passed the United Kingdom, but this is a small part of the equation. Brazil contains many minor oilfields, but this is still not the big picture. Although services makes up most of Brazil's economy, agricultural products like coffee, bananas and sugarcane have driven Brazil's growth. Plus, Brazil doesn't have an overpopulation problem, so they can export coffee, bananas and sugarcane, in fact Brazil is the number one producer of coffee in the world. The main drawbacks are the extensive crime combined with a corrupt political system. Next, the R, Russia. Russia is easily the odd one out of the BRICS countries. It doesn't currently sustain growth at any level even close to the other BRICS nations. But Russia contains huge coal mines and even more crude oil and natural gas ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Mexico has experienced many reforms economically,... Mexico has experienced many reforms economically, socially, and politically in recent history leading itself into becoming a more well developed country. Typically, when people think of Mexico they think of the corruption in the government, the violent drug cartels, the widespread poverty, and the long time one party dominance of the government. Although these are major problems, they are not problems that are impossible to fix, or are currently being fixed. They are not persistent all throughout Mexico either, there are places where poverty, violent drug cartels, and corruption is non existent. Mexico is often misunderstood and generalized for a few flaws and characteristics it possesses. By the previously accepted definition, ... Show more content on ... On September 19th, 1985 at 7:19 in the morning a 8.0 magnitude earthquake shook Mexico city lasting three to five minutes.2 During the few minutes it lasted it managed to topple hundreds of buildings and kill over 10,000 people and injure plenty more. The next day at 7:38 in the afternoon a second earthquake hit the city with a magnitude of 7.3 causing even more damage and chaos. It was neither Mexico's liability or fault that it happened, but it was how the Mexican government reacted to the situation that was. The government reacted as poorly as they possibly could. Mexico's president at the time Miguel de la Madrid rejected offers of international aid to try and under evaluate the damage caused by the earthquake. People were forced to take matters into their own hands because the government was very slow to react, the government wasn't prepared whatsoever. The government took over 39 hours to merely recognize the situation. Citizens searched through rubble, rescued trapped people, provided aid, and gathered supplies with no support from the government. When Madrid finally accepted supplies corrupt government officials hoarded them for their own use when they had arrived. Many power generators, drinking water, clothing, housing tents, and necessities never actually saw earthquake victims. With such an unacceptable response from the government, middle and upper class families saw the city as crippled and migrated to surrounding ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Poverty in Less Developed Countries Essay Poverty in Developing and Less Developed Countries The world includes less developed countries and developing countries. Less developed countries are countries considered to be poor and often contain many people who are in absolute poverty. Developing countries are countries like India, which are gaining in wealth. There are two types of poverty within the world. Absolute poverty is where people don't have enough money to provide standard living conditions for themselves and characteristics of substandard lives are disease, malnutrition, and low–life expectancy. Relative poverty is where a person is considered poor in relation to the average wealth held in their society. Poverty is a ... Show more content on ... The disasters cause poverty because these countries are often weak financially and cannot afford to restore their country after extensive damage. Therefore due to lack of resources the situation gets worse. It affects their inhabitant's lives causing a lack of production leading to being unable to provide for citizens. In turn leading to poverty, as they cannot even provide substances to trade and lose money. Other factors that affect the lives of citizens are lack of clean water and standard education. Lack of medical aid also affects the country badly. An ill and uneducated workforce forms the basis of a weak, demoralised nation. These factors also lead to poverty. Frequently, when a country in the developing world is struggling economically they appeal for aid from organisations like the international monetary fund or the World Bank. They are issued loans from developed countries like the USA and England at a high rate of interest. They are required to pay over time, but the interest rates are so high that the country often finds itself in further debt than before the loan. This problem is defined as world debt. Suggestions made recently have been that all debt to be paid by the developing world should be written off and a fresh start made. However the problem ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Economics Of Less Developed Countries Patrick Hughes Prof. Lazonick Economics of Less Developed Countries December 12, 2015 Final Research Paper When you go to use your Keurig machine in the morning, chances are that you have some pods filled with grounds that were grown in Colombia. Their highly coveted coffee bean is sought after by coffee enthusiasts and in turn the work force is willingly to harvest and process the bean. Next to Brazil and Vietnam, Colombia is the third highest producer of coffee in the world. Since this commodity is popular, Colombia takes advantage of the global commodity and its demand for what they have to sell. We also are going to take on the county of Vietnam Both and Brazil are the top profomers in. As of 2014, Columbia is the third highest producer of coffee only matched by Vietnam and Brazil at #1. Columbia is on their way to being a fully developed country despite the social ills of their society mainly being drug trade. Being in South America the climate is ideal for the cultivation of crops as exports This climate, however is starting to have negative effects on the cultivation of the crop as temperatures have risen and precipitation is threatening the delicate soil needed to harvest the bean. Some other commodities produced in Columbia are petroleum, coal, emeralds, coffee, nickel, cut flowers, bananas, and apparel. I hope to tie my entire research back into the concept of fair trade. This provides livable wages to workers/ farmers of the crop at a fair price per lb. ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Difference Between Developed And Developed Countries In the last century, incomes in the "less developed" (or euphemistically, the "developing") countries have fallen far behind those in the "developed" countries, both proportionately and absolutely. I estimate that from 1870 to 1990 the ratio of per capita incomes between the richest and the poorest countries increased by roughly a factor of five and that the difference in income between the richest country and all others has increased by an order of magnitude.1 This divergence is the result of the very different patterns in the long–run economic performance of two sets of countries. One set of countries–call them the "developed" or the "advanced capitalist" (Maddison, 1995) or the "high income OECD" (World Bank, 1995)–is easily, if awkwardly, identified as European countries and their offshoots plus Japan. Since 1870, the long–run growth rates of these countries have been rapid (by previous historical standards), their growth rates have been remarkably similar, and the poorer members of the group grew sufficiently faster to produce considerable convergence in absolute income levels. The other set of countries, called the "developing" or "less developed" or "nonindustrialized," can be easily, if still awkwardly, defined only as "the other set of countries," as they have nothing else in common. The growth rates of this set of countries have been, on average, slower than the richer countries, producing divergence in relative incomes. But amongst this set of countries there have ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Why are some countries more developed than others? Topic: Why are some countries more developed than others? Explain why uneven development exists between countries (developed countries and less developed countries). Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Each other country is running in a rat race to make its ration one of the most developed country in the world. China, Japan and Korea are seen to lead the other nations in Asia, where as England the united study and other European countries are leading the headline of the world's most developed countries. At the meantime, some countries in South–East Asia, apart from Singapore and Malaysia, appear for less developed such as Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar. The uneven development exist between nations are mainly believed ... Show more content on ... Hence, millions of dollars earned from export enable the country to develop on a large school. For example, eighty percent of china's income from its expected to the rest of the world benefits the country with its expected development such infrastructure with technology and medical ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. The Role Of Pharmacists The profession of Pharmacy is not only the science of practicing of preparation and dispensing of medicinal drugs but also providing quality of life to the individuals/patients.pharmacists are one of the health care providers who act as mediators between physicians and the patients. The profession of pharmacy is well managed globally specially in the developed countries. Since the pharmacists are the only professionals who manufacture the medicines and have an in–depth knowledge about the drugs, they should be given treatment rights on par with the physicians. The careers of pharmacists are diverse if they are well recognized. Hence the government of India should take proper steps to manage the pharmaceutical industry and show them better career prospects. In India, the profession of pharmacy is not well recognized due to illiteracy and poverty. But this can be overcome, if the pharmacists put on proper efforts to make their profession magnified by gaining adequate knowledge in their areas of said the pharmacists act as mediators, they play a key role in the therapeutic outcome of the patients. Henceforth, if the pharmacists show empathy, care and have proper attitude, the ... Show more content on ... The students who are willing to become a part of it are moving backwards and few students who are into the profession are moving overseas due to lack of recognition. If this is the case when will India turn into a developed nation? It is a heart throbbing situation when all the scientists, researchers and empathetic caregivers who are the life savers of our nation migrate to save the lives of other nations. Then what is the condition of the patients and individuals of our nation? These aspects will overcome only if the government of India makes proper attempts to enlighten the profession of pharmacy. Once the pharmacists are well recognized, the career prospects starts building and we can see a developed ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Foreign Investment And Removal Of Trade Barrier Essay Trade plays a key role in stimulating economies. It promotes sustainable economic growth and development. However, for this to happen there needs to be openness. This paper is going to discuss how increasing the level of openness of developing nations can lead to increased economic growth. The paper will also review some of the dynamic gains that can be made from trade before concluding with a discussion of the roles of global trade organizations in promoting economic development. These discussions will be supported with examples of nations that have excelled in the various aspects that will be discussed. How will increasing level of openness lead to economic growth? Our research shows that openness leads to technological advancement, foreign investment and removal of trade barrier. These factors can all contribute to economic growth. First of all, if a country opens up its door and welcome foreign investors, this is a beginning to future growth. Foreign investors bring in capital and advanced production technology in developed countries. China is a great example of this. Former country chief Deng Xiaoping established a couple of special economic development areas in coastal China cities in 1997. These economic development zones had favorable tax and land policy in order to attract foreign investors. When foreign investors established factories, capital investment and new technology were brought in. Capital investment and advanced manufacture ring technology were ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. The Impacts ofTransnational Corporations on Less... The issue of the impacts transnational corporations have on less developed countries has been a controversial and much disputed subject within the field of economics and development studies. Researchers using various models such as the Rostow Development model, Harrod Domar model and the Neoclassical Theory Model, have studied these impacts and have tried to come to a conclusion to this issue. Researchers have also conducted many case studies in order to investigate in depth factors contributing to impacts and whether there are differences due to external factors. The issue has grown in importance over the last decade and this paper attempts to discover whether the impacts are beneficial enough in order to uphold transnational corporation ... Show more content on ... Literature Review In order to examine whether economic development can be accelerated in low developed countries it important to define and identify the characteristics of Economic Development. Economic development is significantly more advanced than economic growth. It is more relevant to measuring improvements in the quality of life in developing nations. Economic development is also concerned with literacy rates, life expectancy, poverty rates and structural changes in the economy. According to Todaro & Smith 2011, Economic Development can be specified into three objectives of development. The first is 'Sustaining Goods and Services'; this objective is the increase in supply of goods and services, which also widens the distribution of basic needs such as food shelter, health and protection. The second is 'An Increase in Income'; this objective is to increase the standard of living, jobs, improved education and better attention to cultural values. All these factors enhance material well being, individual and national self–esteem. The third and final is the 'Freedom to Make Economic and Social Choices', this objective is to increase the range of economic opportunities available to a society. There has been Dispute on the most reliable way to measure Economic development. In this paper the measurement of Economic Development is the Human Development index (HDI), which is ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. The Pros And Cons Of Foreign Aid To Aid or Not to Aid Foreign aid has played an enormous role in the United States government policy, especially since the mid–twentieth century, following World War II. At that time, the U.S. began providing financial aid, through the Marshall Plan, to help rebuild Europe (Williams, 2015). Today, foreign aid has evolved to mean a variety of things. Foreign aid is not strictly financial assistance. According to Williams in the Encyclopedia Britannica (2015), foreign assistance can include military assistance or equipment, medical assistance or equipment, or technical assistance and training. However, the most common foreign aid is official development assistance, which is organized through international organizations such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund or UNICEF and used to address poverty and promote development (Williams 2015). Many people feel in the United States feel that it is necessary to provide foreign assistance to the world. It is thought that helping less developed economies improves the market for everyone. Others feel that many people are in need here in the United States and that it does not make sense to send aid to other countries when people need right in their own city, state, or country. Most people think that a large portion of the U.S. budget is devoted to foreign aid. In contrast, according to Rutsch (2015), "the U.S. spends less than 1 percent of the federal budget on foreign aid". With the state of the world today, ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. The Paradigm Shift in Consumption The Paradigm Shift in Consumption: The New Food Equation Consumer behaviors are constantly changing, as can be seen with the recent trends of obesity in the global north and hunger and malnutrition in the global south. Understanding global food systems is very important as it helps explain opportunities and well as problems that exist in the current global food system. In 1950's and 60's an industrial food formula, was created in order to take strides towards delivering ample, affordable, healthy and safe food in the global North (Roberts, 2013). This Industrial formula has not lived up to its standards however and has caused some disappointment. As new generations emerge, so do aspirations that "food should taste real, provide fulfilling careers, support health, contribute to local communities, honor the environment and enhance global sustainability" (Roberts, 2013: 11). This new trend has been termed the 'New Food Equation' by Kevin Morgan and is a way to present the food problem as a challenge and urge people to solve the problem by making good food choices (Rogers, 2013). They are multiple pillars to implementing this new food movement, but food sovereignty and organic foods are the area of focus today. Members of La Via Campania coined the term food sovereignty. This was an organization formed in 1992 that represents "some 200 million peasants, small farmers, agricultural workers and indigenous people from seventy different countries" (Rogers, 2013: 88). They ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Essay On How The Paris Agreement Without The Usa Impact On... TITLE: Paris Agreement without the United States of America: Impact on Indonesia STATEMENT OF RESEARCH PROBLEM: Paris Agreement as the successor of climate change agreement after Kyoto Protocol is a milestone of a significant coordination between developed and developing countries in anticipating the threat of climate change. However, the withdrawal of the United States from this treaty after signing and ratifying it in 2016 could impact the implementation of the agreement, particularly on the process of in developing countries, one of which is Indonesia, to fulfill the commitment to reduce gas emissions with assistance from developed countries. RESEARCH QUESTIONS This research have a purpose to solve this main question: In what ways ... Show more content on ... Until August 2017, 159 parties of 195 countries that adopt the Paris Agreement have ratify this agreement, including United States of America and Indonesia. The United States of America as a developed country and also the second most polluter country have sign the Paris Agreement on 22 April 2016 and ratify it on 3 September 2016. Since the United States of America join the Paris Agreement, its Nationally Determined Contribution has a target to reduce greenhouse gas emission by 26–28% below the emission level on 2005 in 2025. As a developed country, based on Article 9 of the Paris Agreement that mention the developed countries should provide financial resources to assist the developing countries to meet their goals in countering the climate change, the United States of America also submitted a commitment of US$3000 million as part of the Green Climate Fund. Indonesia is an archipelago state with the second longest and low beach in the world and also a tropical country with vast forest and peatlands, thus make Indonesia vulnerable to climate change. Regarding these circumstances, Indonesia has a high concern on climate change agreement such as the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement. Therefore Indonesia signed the Paris Agreement on 22 April 2016 and ratify it on 24 October 2016. To support the Paris Agreement goals, Indonesia submitted the Intended Nationally Determined Contribution which mention the commitment of the Government of ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Countries and their Level of Development: Least... Countries throughout the world differ in their level of development; they are classified within a range of the two extremes as either LEDC (Least Economically Developed Countries) or MEDC (More Economically Developed Countries). The Variety of economies, cultures and people make it impossible to use a single indicator of development. Geographers use diverse Development Indicators to compare regions against each other, such indicators include: LEDCs exhibit the lowest socioeconomic indicators and meet the criteria of poverty, human resource weakness (nutrition, health, literacy and education) and economic vulnerability. On the other hand, MEDCs, also known as Developed or Industrialized countries, have high economic levels and advanced ... Show more content on ... Bad Climate can limit people's engagement in wealth generating activities such as agricultural practices. LEDCs spend much time, effort and resources in providing food supplies, which does not help in advancing the development of the country. Lack of resources and access to safe drinking water are another factors that hinder the development of countries. The Presence of oil in many of the Gulf countries has pushed their economy despite the bad climate. Often any resources are sold abroad as cash crops, for instance in Kenya tea and coffee is grown on the best farmland. Kenya has to spend valuable wealth on importing food. Additionally, War and political instability in countries (such as Rwanda and Somalia) impedes development. International companies will most likely avoid investing and expanding their markets towards countries that are not politically stable. Countries that were once or still conquered by another country will often have their resources abused without having much of it deployed into their infrastructure. It can be seen that the developed counties were the first to have a strong army and to develop weapons and tactics with which they have conquered other civilizations. The undeveloped ... Get more on ...
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  • 82. Healthcare in Under-Developed Countries Healthcare in Under–Developed Countries The author of this response is asked to answer for and to a series of questions related to healthcare providing and availability in under–developed countries. The author will explain, in order, responses to the question of what the challenges are in under–developed countries, will speak to research– generated strategies about how to address those challenges, and will offer strategies for how a nurse can advocate for health care at the global level. The assignment asks whether one nurse can make a difference and the answer to that is certainly in the affirmative. Challenges in Under–Developed Nations There are number of factors that make healthcare in certain nations difficult to impossible to keep fluid and proper for the citizenry involved. There are obvious examples like locations and amounts hospitals and doctor offices but there are also other major examples that some people gloss over or miss entirely. One example is countries or area that are lacking in infrastructure including roads, plumbing and supply delivery lifelines. Another example would be a dearth in qualified nurses and doctors due to circumstances like sub–standard schools and colleges, presuming they are even present in the first place. Yet another example would be government graft and incompetence further bungling or sabotaging the process whereby the government should be helping the healthcare system of their people rather than harming it based on corruption or ... Get more on ...
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  • 86. Lesser Developed Countries Paul Collier is the author of The Bottom Billion a 2007 book about Lesser Developed Countries (LDCs) and why they struggle to progress despite vast amounts of foreign aid. Collier makes the argument that while much of LDCs are becoming wealthier, this isn't the case in Africa and Central Asia who is stuck due to four development traps. Seventy percent of the bottom billion is in Africa. According to Collier, the first trap is the conflict trap. He claims that 73% in the bottom billion are in or have been in a war like conflict, almost always an internal civil war. Countries with high rates of poverty are more likely to break out in civil war and the war itself lowers incomes, therefore perpetuating the problem. This is partly due to the large amount of available young men who are out of work and ready for a rebellion and due to the weakness of the state, this becomes quite easy. The longer a country is at war, more actors become involved due to the potential of profiting of it. A civil war also increases the risk of future conflicts and according to Collier it is development in reverse. Economic loss and disease do not stop when the fighting does. Furthermore, during conflict, political rights disappear and almost all of the world's hard drugs come from these areas due to little law enforcement. Low income, slow growth, and commodity export dependence make up the top three attributes of a high civil war risk country, which is hard to live down after it begins, since ... Get more on ...
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  • 90. The Correlation Between Economic Growth And The... One of the most highly controversial topics of our time has been about the environment, whose quality is not indicated in the measure of GDP. Some scholars say that there is nothing wrong with our current natural ecosystem and that we should not worry, other scholars say that we should be more concerned about our environment today than we ever were. Many studies were done to validate both these hypotheses which left people divided, but it is always better to be safe than sorry. Economists have found the correlation between economic growth and the deterioration of our environment: "In the quest for high rates of GDP, the human cost of producing goods and services is not set against the market value of those items." (Mahadea and Rawat, 2008). In other words, there is a constant trade–off between sustaining economic growth and maintaining the natural ecosystem. As stated earlier, producers are unwilling to give up their opportunity to gain more profits for the sake of sustainability. We should understand the insignificance of overproducing and having a high GDP if in actuality the living conditions are not as good as the GDP depicts it. Economists D. Mahadea and T. Rawat investigated the relationship between economic growth and happiness in which they found that although being rich does make an individual happy, this extra income would not have the ability to purchase happiness once an income threshold is reached, especially in developed countries. They concluded that ... Get more on ...
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  • 94. Cultural Differences Between Developing Countries (China/... Introduction globalization is prevalent in the world business. Developing countries such as China and India have therefore, become appealing markets to foreign investors. It is anticipated that China and India will soon be the world's biggest economies. Presently, eighty percent of the electronic goods globally are manufactured in china. This has resulted to more western companies wanting to invest in china as opposed to other countries. Unfortunately, there is intercultural management problem with the unprecedented increase in cooperation between the developing nations and the western counterparts which are culturally different. Cultural differences between developing countries (China/ India) and developed countries (UK) Obviously, the ... Show more content on ... United Kingdom has adopted a cultural marketing philosophy that emphasizes on high service, high image and high quality. Local subsidiaries can be found globally, having come from Shiseido Deutschland, Shiseido Australia and Shiseido France. In every case, Shiseido works to incorporate itself in the local community, contribute to the community's wellbeing and localize its operations. To guide its fragrance business globally, Beauté Prestige International (BPI) was established in 1990 in Paris. BPI worked with globally–famous designers and soon created highly successful fragrances. In 1991, Shiseido established the first European factory in France, Gien. Fragrances and skin care products were produced. In all its planning, the facility had a desire to sponsor local social and cultural events. There is an emphasis on growing community and adding on god corporate citizenship (Ganesh, Kumar and Kotabe, 1996). Shiseido has been able to sell its products in UK, Sweden, France and Italy. Shiseido is an apt example of how companies intending be global should act. Before marketing their products in foreign countries, there is a need to do comprehensive studies and understand cultural differences that exist. Failure to do this, a company might be criticized and incur sizeable loses. In addition, working with the local community is particularly beneficial in ensuring stability in the foreign country. Reasons why there are cultural differences People who ... Get more on ...
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  • 98. Disadvantages Of Globalization Globalization is the spread of political, social, and economic, ideas worldwide, creating a standard across countries. Globalization, while it has its faults has been able to propel developing countries into prosperous world powers, especially economically. Globalization allows for the spread of ideas throughout the whole world and creates a sense of interconnectedness among countries. There are three main categories of globalization, political, social, and economic. While there are faults with globalization relating to the social and political repercussions on developing countries, economically it allows for developing countries to flourish. This allows for developed countries to reap the same benefits as developed world powers. Through ... Show more content on ... Their motives vary, however, they are able to spread their ideals through globalization. Terrorism spreads easier in areas with little stability, developing countries are a haven for recruiters. Developing countries are typically rampant with political unrest and limited economic abilities allowing for terrorist organizations to offer a future to those who may not have many options. Furthermore, social globalization allows for developing countries to advance, however, detrimental to the advancement of their culture. Globalization is the spread and integration of ideas. In reference to countries with their distinct cultures and traditions, globalization is not beneficial to developing countries. Through integrating cultures and traditions, the significance can be lost or minimized. Although, social globalization can lead to the spread of technology. Technology can be a huge asset to developing countries. Countries are no longer isolated to the people within their society. The internet and technology allow for people to connect with people across time and the world. Economic globalization opens up the world market allowing for developing countries to be able to work with and compete with large, wealthy countries leading to their development and eventual prosperity. Following the economic disaster of The Great Depression, representatives from forty– five countries met ... Get more on ...
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  • 102. The Asian Development Bank ( Adb ) For The Reconstruction... After the World War II, the United States led the European countries to establish the World Bank (IBRD), which helped the reconstruction of Europe. And in the meanwhile, the United States led Japan, China and some other Asian countries to establish the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for the reconstruction of Asia after the war. IBRD, ADB and IMF (International Monetary Fund), etc. occupy the monopolistic and predominant status all around the world for several decades. In the other words, they dedicate the economic and the political tendency all over the world. However, there are many problems and unreasonable terms for the debit and credit, investment, financing and so on, which are related to the political reasons, exist in IBRD, ADB and IMF. These restricts influence the development of those Third World countries severely. Along with some other reasons and details, in October 2013, China put forward suggestions to establish Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), a multilateral development organization with 100 billion authorized capital, which supports the infrastructure development for Asian countries especially, and the headquarter is set up in Beijing, China. This initiative bring huge competitions among the United States, China and Japan. After October 2014, the competitions spread and expand, in which some European countries are involved as well. The establishment of AIIB is not only the economic development and breakthrough, but also related to the political ... Get more on ...
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  • 106. Lesser Developed Countries : Poverty And Developed Countries Lesser developed countries have an issue where they are behind on technology. In today world most develop countries have enter an era where technology has been one of the primary focus on there agendas. Technology has found it way to daily life of people with the use of smartphones and computer and to more important aspect like toward the economy growth, educational and health. lesser develop countries lack certain aspect to acquire these technology to better improver their countries. Therefore, I see that if technology could be acquiring on these lesser developed countries it could contribute to their health, economy growth and education. Lesser develop countries are known for have a largest poverty in their country and to lack on technology advancement. Therefore, one solution that has come up from the United Nation has be an economy focus plan toward poverty and push technology as a non–concern to them. In do so most lesser developed countries will get official development assistance where development partners will help them by solely making foreign direct investment and liberalizing their trade and fiscal policies but this is not good enough as the article, Break the Vicious Circle, goes to state that "solely focusing on the economic dimension does not suffice in order to achieve sustainable development" (Sütçü); therefore, this official development assistance should make more of a balance between economic and technology to better assist lesser develop countries and ... Get more on ...
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  • 110. Why Is Iceland A Developed Country There are many factors that contribute to showing that Iceland is a developed country. Everything must be taken into account when deciding whether or not Iceland is a developed country due to the fact that just one set of information does not say everything. Because this is the case one must view all sets of data in the demographic, infrastructure and economic sections in order to be able to determine where Iceland stands. Iceland is a unique country that has good standards of living, healthcare and sanitation which will soon be evident after one reads about the data that was collected. After all of the statistics are viewed in the three sections, one will know that Iceland is a developed country. Demographics plays a large role in demonstrating ... Show more content on ... Now that all of the sets of data have been viewed together has a whole there is no doubt that Iceland could be anything but a developed country. Iceland is a country with good sanitation, health care and standards of living as seen by all of the data. The demographic, infrastructure and economic sections have all shown that Iceland is not only developed but it is also extremely put together. Iceland is able to provide a great deal of things for the people living there by also creating a safe, active environment. One can now evidently see that Iceland is a developed ... Get more on ...
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  • 114. India: Dumping Ground for Developed Countries? India: Dumping Ground For Developed Countries? By Chaitanya Gaikwad M.Sc. Environmental Science Paper presented at Vasantdada Sugar Institute (VSI), Pune, India Basel Convention Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous wastes and their Disposal In the late 1980s, a tightening of environmental regulations in industrialized countries led to a dramatic rise in the cost of hazardous waste disposal. Searching for cheaper ways to get rid of the wastes, "toxic traders" began shipping hazardous waste to developing countries and to Eastern Europe. When this activity was revealed, international outrage led to the drafting and adoption of the Basel Convention. During its first Decade (1989–1999), the ... Show more content on ... Why India? The reasons why India continues to draw in the waste of developed countries are not difficult to find. High profit margins, owing to poor environmental regulation is a major factor. In developed countries, it is extremely expensive to get rid of such waste. Most lead smelters in the U.S. have been shut down, and those that remain can spend more than $10 million per year on pollution control alone. In India's unregulated backyard smelter industry, there are very high profit margins. Indian traders thus outbid their European counterparts for such wastes in the international markets, paying almost 30 percent more for waste like zinc ash. Many other developing nations in Africa and Southeast Asia have stopped buying these hazardous wastes. According to Greenpeace, an international environmental organization, more than 100,000 tons of potentially toxic waste entered India in 1998–1999. Greenpeace has documented imports of more than 100,887 tons of hazardous and potentially hazardous wastes into India between 1998–1999. These include zinc ash and residues, used batteries, brass dross, copper cables possibly coated with PVC, and wastes of toxic metals like lead, chromium, cadmium and thallium. And this quantity is just the veritable tip of the iceberg, it would seem, for these figures do not take into account the import of deadly toxins like asbestos, mercury or recycled plastic resins. Also recycling of ships is a big ... Get more on ...
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  • 118. Personal Statement Of Environmentalism In An Equivalent To... In my opinion 'Environmentalism' in many ways is equivalent to 'Feminism'. Both the subjects have been overlooked in the past by policy makers and corporations, have suffered injustice and are fighting for their rights. Just as the world cannot progress entirely and achieve its true potential by leaving one gender behind, in the same way we cannot achieve sustainable development by ignoring our environment. As a young kid I didn't know what I and billion other Indians were missing in life until I visited Singapore. I was awe–struck by the efficient public transport, less reliance on private cars for movement, vertical development, cleanliness and high quality of life. One of the starkest differences that I noticed was how I could not tell the rich from the poor which is so evident in India. Other thing that I observed was how the entire city was connected seamlessly. Print media and internet have been a great influence in my life since my childhood. Since childhood my habit of reading newspaper and magazines have widened my world from the small space of my room. The second page of the daily newspaper highlighted the ... Show more content on ... To achieve provide sustainable growth and development to the have not's of the society. To move closer to my goal, I joined Manipal Institute of Technology in 2011 to study Civil Engineering. During the first year, I studied Environmental Sciences which explained the different eco–systems in the planet. During 5th and 7th semester, my subjects Environmental Engineering (1&2) gave me in– depth information about different pollutants in the environment. Moreover, my elective Environmental Impact Assessment imparted me knowledge about the fundamentals of this field. Furthermore, my elective 'Networks and Project Management' taught efficient management of resources and projects. Industrial Psychology taught me how humans function, their thoughts behind their choices, how we can attempt to change their behaviour, ... Get more on ...
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  • 122. Sweatshops : Sweatshops And Sweatshops Inexpensive clothing has been the major trend thanks to the cheap laboring in Asia. Though we take granted for inexpensive clothes, we know little about how those clothes are made. In the manufacturing process, sometimes people die in the working environments because of the companies' neglects on maintaining buildings, providing equipment for better production and improving the working environment. Some factories use children because they can cut more wages. Manufacturing factories with low wage, long working hours and poor conditions that violate human rights are called sweatshops. Since sweatshops violate human rights, they are unethical. Knowing this fact, should companies stop laboring in developing countries? The answer is no. In short, sweatshops are necessity parts of supply chain that fulfill demands and job supplies. Nonetheless, because sweatshops play vital role on offering jobs and inexpensive fashion products, those companies should take responsibilities. Simultaneously, the local government should make strict regulations on child labor and severe working circumstances to protect the citizens and labor rights. We will examine how companies and governments can make improvements on sweatshops controversy with hypothetical analysis on two outcomes of ending and continuing sweatshops. When we consider ending sweatshops, what would be the outcome? The workers no longer have to suffer from the degraded treatment and any mental or physical damages from the works. On ... Get more on ...
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  • 126. Foreign Countries Should Not Help Out A Less Developed... Throughout history, many have debated about whether a wealthier country (developed) should help out a poor, less developed countries. "The U.S. disbursed $33.2 billion–$19 billion in economic assistance to 184 countries and $14.2 billion in military assistance to 142 countries."(Forbes) Is it beneficial for a more developed nations to help out a less developed country? There are billions of dollars that developed countries give to the developing countries to say that they are helping the poor and that they are bring the poor countries up out of the dirt. But studies have shown that giving money alone does not help, it could actually make the country worse off. Foreign countries should not give money to developing nations because the developing countries become too reliant on the developed countries, it does not help the developing countries, and with money, comes corruption. The better way for foreign aid to work which is to give technological aid. A quote from Maimonides, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." This quote tells a tale of how society works and the importance of learning. This can be applied to a multiple of things like how a developed country needs to teach another country how to survive. The developed countries are just giving money and food instead of teaching the public about how to grow food and how to have a stable economy. Countries around the world that depend on foreign aid are now ... Get more on ...
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  • 130. 'What Factors Contribute to Infant Mortality in Developed... "What factors contribute to infant mortality in developed and less developed countries?" "Infant mortality is the number of deaths among live–born infants from birth to under age one" (, n.d.). According to a National Vital Statistics Report in 2006, the leading causes of Infant Mortality in the U.S. were deformities, low birth weight, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, maternal complications, unintentional injuries, respiratory distress of the newborn, bacterial sepsis, neonatal haemorrhage and diseases of the circulatory system (Heron, M.P., Murphy, S.L., Xu, J.Q., Kochanek, K.D., & Tejada–Vera, B., 2006). Studies show that in less developed countries around the world some factors contributing to infant mortality ... Show more content on ... Unlike in underdeveloped countries, lack of education and poverty is not as much of a prevalent cause for the death of infants, developed countries also have less exposure to diseases, especially ones ... Get more on ...
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  • 134. Persuasive Essay On Child Welfare Imagine you and your siblings living in a house where your father is violent and your mother is struggling to protect herself and her seven children. Imagine these people come to your house and take you and your siblings away from your parents, split you up, and send you to different houses, hours away from each other. Imagine later on finding out your mother is dead and your father does not want to take you back. Imaging moving again, and again, and again. Imaging being in abusive households, houses in areas so rural there is no internet, moving schools over and over again. Imaging going to five different primary schools. Imagine being a teenager and not being able to tell anyone, lying about the number of siblings you have, lying through your teeth day after day because you cannot pick up the courage to tell anyone. Imagine if this was you. When I say the words 'poor child welfare' you may think of the children who are living in poverty or the children who are employed in child labour, or children who live in the middle of war zones. What you might not think of is the children struggling right beneath our noses – the homeless children, children in foster care, or children in abusive households. There are several reasons why I have chosen to focus on children, rather than all 7.5 billion people globally. This is because children keep the human race going, and children should not go through what some do. CHILD LABOUR Do you know where your chocolate comes from? Or your ... Get more on ...
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  • 138. Abolishment Of Slavery In The USA A. i. In most cases, the more educated a country is, the more developed the country is. The concept is easier to understand on a smaller scale. Imagine two people, Person A and Person B. Both Person A and B are extremely intelligent and hardworking; the difference between them is their opportunities. They both have access to primary school, and do very well. Person A goes on to graduate from a secondary education, but Person B cannot because he does not have access to it. Person B gets an unspecialized job, where he cannot utilize his brainpower. His potential is wasted. After graduating from his secondary education, Person A goes for a tertiary education, where he gets a degree in engineering. He uses his degree to help his country develop. Now, imagine a country primarily populated with people like Person A. The country would develop rapidly. A country primarily populated with people like Person B, however would hardly develop.  ii. Oftentimes, the higher the literacy rate is in a country, the more developed the country is. Literate people can get ... Show more content on ... Slavery prevented African Americans from reaching their full potential. Just like women in India, African American's potential contribution to development was untouched. Unfortunately, racial inequality between African Americans and Caucasians in America went further than the abolishment of slavery. After the abolishment of slavery, most places were segregated. African Americans were isolated from opportunity. Fortunately, places are no longer segregated. Unfortunately, though, this does not make up for everything. As a whole, the African American population is not as developed. In fact, a significant majority of people living in ghettos are African American. This is because they had a late start to contributing to development. If it were not for slavery and segregation, African Americans would be just as developed as any other American ... Get more on ...
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  • 142. Looking at Least Developed Countries The Least Developed Countries represent the poorest and weakest segment of the world. They own more than 880 million people (about 12 per cent of world population), but account for less than 2 % of world GDP and about 1 % of global trade in goods (About LDCs, 2014). Their low level of socio–economic development is characterized by weak human and institutional dimensions, low and unequally income and shortage of domestic financial resources. They often suffer from political instability, a problematic government and internal and external conflicts (such as war). Their economies are affected by a cycle of low productivity and low investment. They rely on the export of few primary commodities as major source of export and fiscal earnings, which makes them highly vulnerable to external trade shocks. LLDC's raise concerns all over the world when their challenges that lay ahead and their future part in global economics are concerned (Least deveLoped countries series, 2011). UNCTAD believes that the major challenge will be an employment challenge, and the central policy issues relate to how to address this in a global environment considered by accelerating globalization and climate change and with governance deficits at national and global levels. The employment challenge in LDCs is to create productive jobs and livelihoods for the millions of young people who are entering the labour force each year. The scale of this challenge will be greater in the coming years than in the past. ... Get more on ...
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  • 146. Impacts Of E-Commerce On Developed And Developing Countries. Impacts of E–commerce on developed and developing countries Chahat Singla NAIT Bachelor of Technology in technology management Applied Research Methods (RSCH3000) Contact: Introduction E–Commerce is a method for working together exchanges by means of the web. It deals with establishing customer to buyer relations, business to business (B2B) purchasing and offering. It involves exchanging items or administration using computers. There are many advantages and disadvantages for both consumer and economies. In developed countries like U.S., it has helped in the growth of business knowingly. It helps in expansion of client base with the ability to market products online worldwide. It functions day in day ... Show more content on ... Business–to–business electronic information exchange, promoting to imminent and set up clients by email or fax (for instance, with pamphlets), participating in retail for dispatching additional items and administrations. Different other forms: The contemporary electronic business includes everything from requesting "computerized" content for prompt online utilization to requesting routine products and administrations, to "meta" administrations to encourage different sorts of electronic trade. On the institutional level, enormous organizations and money related foundations utilize the web to trade budgetary information to encourage residential and worldwide business. Information trustworthiness and security are squeezing issues for electronic trade. Beside customary e–Commerce, the terms m–Commerce (portable business) and t–Commerce have likewise been utilized. E–commerce and developing countries: Impacts on profitability: Electronic business will create efficiency picks up by diminishing exchange costs. The fast scattering of data, the substitution of computerized for paper record keeping, furthermore, the systems administration abilities of the Web will enhance adaptability and responsiveness, support new and more productive middle people, build the utilization of outsourcing, lessen the time to advertise by connecting requests to generation, and enhance coordination. In spite of the fact that the impact of ... Get more on ...
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  • 150. Essay on Low Healthy Life Expectancy What are the main factors contributing to low healthy life expectancy in the developed world? Investigate possible solutions to these problems. Low healthy life expectancy is the imprecise number of years an individual or group of persons in a country is expected to live, staying healthy and free from disabilities. The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines healthy life expectancy as the "average number of years that a person is expected to live in full health, subtracting full health due to diseases and injury". Low healthy life expectancy in the developed world is caused by several factors such as, life styles, climate, diet and the environment. These are problems because they reduce healthy life expectancy, and to solve this problem, ... Show more content on ... Smoking does not have effect only on the person smoking but on the society at large. Furthermore, people perception towards health has caused a main impasse. Most individuals and countries are ostensibly careless about their health. In the developed world today, it is said that health is about physical appearance. Kaplan (2010) states that "an individual's health links to a person's well being and poor health turns it negative". When a person is not concerned about his or her health, it leads to low healthy life expectancy and carrying out activities becomes very difficult. A possible solution to these problems is to raise the awareness of the government. The government should make a way for people to have regular check–up, keeping them aware of their health status. In addition the government should formulate bye–laws restricting smoking in public places. Secondly, another factor contributing to low healthy life expectancy is the climate of a country. Vardavas and Taylor (2007) define climate as "the mean of state of the atmosphere, averaged over several years and all season with particular emphasis on those that affect the temperature of the earth surface in both logical and global mean sense". In most developed countries, climate has always been a major concern. The effect of climate could have a positive or a negative effect on an individual. Climate varies among developed countries. ... Get more on ...
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  • 154. Industrialising Less Developed Countries Essay examples This essay intends to address the argument that Less Developed Countries (LDCs) cannot achieve the level of development of the Developed Countries (DCs) unless they undergo a process of industrialisation. In proposing a case in favour of this argument the industrialisation experiences of the Latin American and Asian regions will be investigated, with specific regard to the role of state intervention throughout this process. Conclusions will be drawn from these cases, specifically that through the process of industrialisation LDCs can achieve the levels of development of the DCs and this inference will be supported through the analysis of Human Development Index (HDI) rankings and scores for 2010. The focus of this essay will be on ... Show more content on ... Thus within the context of this developing international division of labour it was the Developed Countries (DCs), the core states and first capitalists, who gained the development upper hand, beginning their process of industrialisation during the mercantile period of European expansion. The endeavour to embark on industrialisation for the LDCs however did not progress sufficiently until after the end of the Second World War, a period in which dependency theorists argued the case that the cause of underdevelopment within these LDCs was a consequence of the colonial capitalist legacy of a distorted structure of economy and society, that is the peripheral economy and society which was theorised to produce overall economic stagnation and mass poverty (Hoogvelt 1997, p. 38–40). The two processes of industrialisation that this essay will address are Import–Substitution Industrialisation (IS) and Export–Orientated Industrialisation (EOI). For advocates of ISI, the industrialisation process will occur when "given the existence of already industrialised and highly productive economies (the North [DCs]), the ... Get more on ...