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– Krishnamurti often stated that the purpose of
education is to bring about freedom, love, “the
flowering of goodness” and the complete
transformation of society. ... Rather he is interested
in the deeper freedom of the psyche and the spirit,
the inner liberation that he felt was both the means
and the ends of education.
• According to J.K ,
“Freedom in learning means
that the learner has got the
capacity to independently
observe everything around
him, and examine all ideas
without any pressure or
–education should aim at imparting
knowledge, skill, and information to the pupils
in order to make them self-reliant; not to be a
drag or parasite upon others. As such,
vocational bias in education is absolutely
necessary for enabling pupils to be productive
members in the society.
Derived from two Latin words
Educare (Educere) - to train or mould.
“Educatum” - act of teaching
In Hindi, the term “Siksha” derived from Sanskrit
Shash- to discipline, to control, to order, to direct, to
rule etc.
Education in the traditional sense means controlling
or disciplining the behaviour of an individual.
– Education is a systematic process through which a
child or an adult acquires knowledge, experience, skill
and sound attitude. It makes an individual civilized,
refined, cultured and educated.
– Aims of education are determined by aim of life
or philosophy of life.
– Philosophy formulates the ends of life, and
education offers suggestions how these ends
are to be achieved.
– Aims of education change with the changing
philosophy of life.
– The aims and objectives of education must be a real one that
makes every child to be unique in nature.
– It must create in a child enthusiasm that inspires the child to
learn more for life.
– When we go into the core of life style of the society today,
often we get a different picture altogether about education.
– We live in a world where the relevance and practicality of
morals is often questioned.
– Where honesty and sincerity are seen in many instances as
aspects of overlooking the right and the just and weakness.
– Where the right path is often regarded as the longest path to
instant success, in a such world stands.
– The education institutions must take a lead ,to imbibe in the
young minds that true education will take place steady in its
growth and attainment of the goal.
– That includes not only academic excellence but also the
development of the complete personality.
– Every educational institution must cater service to the young
minds with the promises to carry forward with much vigor
and fervor that every child is a best citizen in making.
– It also must keep in mind its aims and objectives to scale
greater heights in providing and nurturing the whole child.
– With the right mixture of academics and personal care to
give a sure footing for a great future.
– The child’s future depends on the education that they
receive during their younger age.
– So the aim of education must prepare every child to face
the challenges of the world in a positive manner.
– Education has a very wide connotation.
– The educations organizations, therefore, not only caters to
the educational needs of children and youth.
– In normal academic schools but also imparts technical
education, education to the deaf and the blind, the
differentlyabled and engages in village upliftment and social
work among the downtrodden and the marginalized which
makes them realize that life can be lived meaningfully
– Today the education seeks to total development of the
– They are helped to discover their God given talents and
work towards their fullest development.
– In order to place them at the service of the society.
It seeks to enable the young to search for the truth
by training them to analyze reality, form critical
judgments, search for solutions and work out a
It is concerned with forming a moral conscience
that is capable of discerning what is good and
choosing it.
– It imparts an appreciation of the ones own
countries culture, heritage and enables the
students to imbibe its culture and ethos for
building a harmonious society.
– Irrespective of difference of faith, language, caste
and class and at the same time to remain open to
the positive elements of other cultures.
It instills in the pupils the values of
love, freedom, forgiveness, honesty
and justice.
– ‘Total Education’ which implies a holistic approach
to education and which is concerned with the
total development of an individual as a person, is
the quintessence of education. It aims at
developing the body, mind and spirit to the
greatest extent.
– The rote method and memorization and the
strong thirst for marks must be reduced and more
focus on life skills should be encouraged.
– The main focus of education must address several
academic issues to empower the schools and
institutions enabling the students to realize their
holistic learning.
– Every school must make it a point that learning becomes a
joyful experience for the child.
– This will help the child to discover the hidden oceans of
knowledge and nurture creative potential in them which will
make them to be greater wealth for the nations.
– It must make a way for the child to boom into the world of
wonders that he/she can face it and be a successful
Aims of education
• Physical development aim
• Mental development aim
• Moral and spiritual development aim
• Development of all the faculities
• Development of international attitude aim
Activity centered
Co curricular
Vocational subjects
– individual develops his individuality and fulfills his possibility by
the help of knowledge.
– Knowledge is considered as power by which things are done. So,
“Knowledge is power” was said by Bacon. It is knowledge that has
enabled humanity to make progress.
– Man becomes resourceful through knowledge. Socrates said that
“one who had true knowledge could not be other than virtuous”.
Knowledge is sine qua non for every spheres of human life—
physical, social, moral, spiritual and economic. Great philosophers
Socrates, Aristotle, Dante, Comenim, Bacon have propounded
knowledge as an important aim of education.
– In the narrow sense, knowledge aim implies “Knowledge for the
sake of knowledge”. In its wider sense, it means development of
mental powers-thinking, reasoning, discrimination, judgement,
memory, problem solving, imagination, intelligence etc. True
knowledge consists in possessing ideas of universal validity and
universal relevance.
– In other words, knowledge and wisdom must be for the good of
the greatest number. Further, knowledge acquisition should not
be considered as an end in itself. Rather it should be a means to
other ends—individual development, civil efficiency, economic
competency, living a richer and healthy life, welfare of the
humanity, etc.
– In the modern times, it is felt that education should have its
preparatory value to enable individuals to earn his livelihood or
to make both ends meet in order to live happily and
successfully. It is the economic self-sufficiency of a person
which makes him a worthy and contributing citizen.
– The advocates of this aim say that all the knowledge that the
child has gained, all the culture the child has acquired in the
school will be of no use, if he cannot make both ends meet as
an adult member of the community. Therefore, education
should aim at imparting knowledge, skill, and information to
the pupils in order to make them self-reliant; not to be a drag
or parasite upon others.
“True education ought to be for the boys
and girls a kind of insurance against
– As such, vocational bias in education is absolutely necessary
for enabling pupils to be productive members in the society.
– Education with the vocational aim will prepare each
individual for an occupation which will suit to his needs,
abilities, interests and attitudes. Vocational aim of education
is also superscripted as ‘Bread and Butter, aim’, ‘Blue Jacket
Aim’ and ‘White collar Aim’. M. K. Gandhi says,
– Character is a mental quality and it should be built very
cautiously by education. T. Raymond opines, “Education finds its
real meaning and value when its aim is character-building”.
Bertrand Russel emphasizes that the formation of character is
the chief aim of education. Herbart, the great educator of
nineteenth century says, the whole work of education may be
summing up the concept of “morality”.
– M.K.Gandhi viewed, “Character building is the aim in education I
would try to develop courage, strength, virtue, the ability to
forget oneself in working towards great aims. I should feel that if
we succeed in building the character of the individual, society
will take care of itself”.
– Swami Vivekananda, Dayanand Saraswati and all other
philosophers of the east also emphasized the development of
character as the aim of education. Character, essentially,
includes all the best and noble qualities which can be better
cultivated by education. Morality or moral qualities include
tolerance, truthfulness, honesty, courtesy, loyalty, justice,
sincerity, endurance, courage or fortitude, fellow feeling,
freedom, self-control, non-violence, forgiveness, will power,
conviction, temperance, etc.
– These should be fostered by a suitable programme of
education. Therefore, S. Radhakrishnan says, “The troubles of
the whole world including India are due to the fact that
education has become a mere intellectual exercise and not the
acquisition of moral and spiritual values”.
– It is education for character which will enable a man to rise above
narrow mindedness, self interest, anger, fear, miserliness and to utilize
his knowledge for the betterment of humanity rather than for its
destruction and dilapidation. As such, the aim of education should be
the development of character or building of character for the larger
interest of the community and humanity as a whole.
– Culture is defined as complex whole which includes knowledge,
belief, art, morals, law, custom, tradition, folk ways, religion,
literature and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man
as a member of society. M.K. Gandhi attaches his importance
upon this cultural aspect more than the literary aspect when he
said, “culture is the foundation, the primary thing………………. It
should show itself in the smallest details of your conduct and
personal behaviour, how you sit, how you walk, how you dress,
etc. Inner culture must be reflected in your speech, the way in
which you treat visitors and guests, and behave towards are
another and towards your teachers and elders”.
– Culture comprises vast array of inter-related knowledge, skills,
values and goals. A cultured person is he whose personality is
refined, whose aesthetic tastes are developed, who lives a
socially Useful life, who is socially efficient, who appreciates
ideas and values, who understands the best thought of the
community and who not only assimilates the rich experiences
of the race but also utilize these experiences in a meaningful
way for the development of the society.
– Culture is essential for refinement of physical, intellectual,
moral and aesthetic parts of personality of an individual.
Culture also expands one’s outlook, sharpens one’s interest and
fosters an acceptable behaviour of the individual.
– Therefore, the aim of education is to help the
individuals to inherit rich cultural heritage of past,
to preserve and enrich it through activities and
transmit it to the rising generation in a fruitful and
meaningful way. Moreover, education should cater
to the development of all attributes essential for
evolution of a cultured personality, for a cultured
person is an invaluable asset in a society.
All-round Development
– It is also known as harmonious development aim of education.
It refers to harmonious development of the physical,
intellectual, emotional, spiritual, moral and aesthetic sides of
human personality. It is with this harmonious development of
all aspects of human nature that he will be able to play his part
well in life and achieve success in all fields of human life.
– This aim was first advocated by Rousseau who said education as
“the process of development into an enjoyable, rational,
harmoniously balanced, useful and hence natural life”. Other
important supporters of this aim are Pestalozzi, Ross and M.K.
Gandhi. Pestalozzi regards, “Education is natural, harmonious
and progressive development of man’s innate powers”.
– By harmonious development he means the education of 3
H’s—Head, Heart and Hand. Ross views, “Harmonious
development means the intellectual, religious, moral and
aesthetic development of the child”.
– M.K. Gandhi, the father of our nation says, “Man is neither
mere intellect, nor the gross animal, nor the heart and soul
alone. A proper and harmonious combination of all the
three is required for making the whole man and constitutes
the true economics of education”.
Complete Living
– The eminent naturalistic philosopher, educationist and biologist of the
nineteenth century Herbert Spencer expounded complete living aim of
education. He said that education should bring about the whole-some
development which enables an individual to face all problems of life in
all spheres and solve them with great courage and conviction.
– He asserted that the chief task of education is to enable the individuals
to prepare for life and the art of life consists of right ruling of conduct in
all directions under all circumstances. In this connection he says that
education must tell us “in what way to treat the body; in what way to
manage out affairs; in what way to bring up our family; in what way to
behave as a citizen; in what way to utilize those sources of happiness
which nature supplies— how to use all facilities to the greatest
advantage of ourselves and others”.
– So, education should acquaint us with the laws and
ways of complete living. He writes in his treatise “on
Education”, “To prepare us for complete living is the
function which education has to discharge, and the
only mode of judging any educational course is to
judge in what degree it discharges such function”.
He identified certain activities which have bearing
upon complete living according to their respective
values in order of priority.
– The idealistic philosophers contend that the chief aim of
education is to develop the spiritual side of an individual. The
sole aim of education should be the maximum development of
spiritual potentialities of the individual. In turn, this
development gives the real strength to human soul and mind.
Regarding the importance of education for spiritual side of the
– Dr. S. Radhakrishnan says, “The aim of education is neither
national efficiency nor world solidarity, but making the
individual feel that he has within himself something deeper
than intellect, call it spirit if you like”.
– Shri Aurobindo views, “The chief aim of education should be
to help the growing soul to draw out that in itself which is
best and make it perfect for a noble cause”. Thus, the central
aim of education should be the development of spirituality
in men.
– Inculcation of spiritual values in the minds of individuals by
the programme of education is the need of the hour to save
the humanity from plunging into the morass of hat redness,
selfishness, corruption, aggression, violence, chaos, disorder,
narrow-mindedness, malevolent spirit, tensions, fears,
conflicts, brutality, suspicion, destruction and disaster.
– Pristine glory and pride of the nation can be brought back by
education, by inculcating the spiritual values or truths in
children and by propelling them to practice in their day to
day lives. Because it is said that the taste of pudding lies in
eating it In short, spiritual education will bring happiness,
order and contentment in the world by cultivating spiritual
faiths in the minds of the individuals.
– Therefore, it is through the aim of education that awakening
of self can be done and development of spirituality should
be the be-all and end-all of human life.
– It is admitted that a good citizen is an asset for the nation.
The development of nation depends upon the nature of the
citizens and in order to be a good citizen, certain qualities are
essential ingredients—a sense of social responsibility and
social duty, a love for freedom, power of independent
thinking, a spirit of national service, a sense of sacrificing
one’s personal interest for the larger interests of the
community and nation, courage to express freely, free from
fear, and a knowledge of socio-political system i.e. socio-
political consciousness.
– Therefore, these values should be fostered in the minds of
children and individuals through the planned and organised
system of education. Plato, the author of the treatise on the
system of government, “The Republic’ writes, “Education for
citizenship is the only education which deserves the name;
that other sort of training, which aims at the acquisition of
wealth or bodily strength, or mere cleverness apart from
intelligence and justice, is mean and illiberal and is not worth
to be called education at all.”
– It is accepted that education should aim at the promotion of
democratic values which are necessary for the success of a
democracy. These values are the pre-requisites for the
successful living in a democratic nation wedded to democratic
cult and principles.
– The aim of education in the democratic countries in the world
should be the cultivation of democratic values in the minds of
the children and individuals—faith in democratic way of living,
respect for dignity of other persons, freedom, equality of
opportunity, justice, faith in tolerance, faith in change, and
peaceful methods and faith in co-operative living and above all

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The basics of sentences session 6pptx.pptx


  • 2. – Krishnamurti often stated that the purpose of education is to bring about freedom, love, “the flowering of goodness” and the complete transformation of society. ... Rather he is interested in the deeper freedom of the psyche and the spirit, the inner liberation that he felt was both the means and the ends of education.
  • 3. • According to J.K , “Freedom in learning means that the learner has got the capacity to independently observe everything around him, and examine all ideas without any pressure or compulsion”
  • 4. AIM OF EDUCATION –education should aim at imparting knowledge, skill, and information to the pupils in order to make them self-reliant; not to be a drag or parasite upon others. As such, vocational bias in education is absolutely necessary for enabling pupils to be productive members in the society.
  • 5. Derived from two Latin words Educare (Educere) - to train or mould. “Educatum” - act of teaching In Hindi, the term “Siksha” derived from Sanskrit word Shash- to discipline, to control, to order, to direct, to rule etc. Education in the traditional sense means controlling or disciplining the behaviour of an individual. – Education is a systematic process through which a child or an adult acquires knowledge, experience, skill and sound attitude. It makes an individual civilized, refined, cultured and educated.
  • 6. – Aims of education are determined by aim of life or philosophy of life. – Philosophy formulates the ends of life, and education offers suggestions how these ends are to be achieved. – Aims of education change with the changing philosophy of life.
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  • 8. – The aims and objectives of education must be a real one that makes every child to be unique in nature. – It must create in a child enthusiasm that inspires the child to learn more for life. – When we go into the core of life style of the society today, often we get a different picture altogether about education. – We live in a world where the relevance and practicality of morals is often questioned. – Where honesty and sincerity are seen in many instances as aspects of overlooking the right and the just and weakness.
  • 9. – Where the right path is often regarded as the longest path to instant success, in a such world stands. – The education institutions must take a lead ,to imbibe in the young minds that true education will take place steady in its growth and attainment of the goal. – That includes not only academic excellence but also the development of the complete personality. – Every educational institution must cater service to the young minds with the promises to carry forward with much vigor and fervor that every child is a best citizen in making.
  • 10. – It also must keep in mind its aims and objectives to scale greater heights in providing and nurturing the whole child. – With the right mixture of academics and personal care to give a sure footing for a great future. – The child’s future depends on the education that they receive during their younger age. – So the aim of education must prepare every child to face the challenges of the world in a positive manner.
  • 11. – Education has a very wide connotation. – The educations organizations, therefore, not only caters to the educational needs of children and youth. – In normal academic schools but also imparts technical education, education to the deaf and the blind, the differentlyabled and engages in village upliftment and social work among the downtrodden and the marginalized which makes them realize that life can be lived meaningfully
  • 12. – Today the education seeks to total development of the young. – They are helped to discover their God given talents and work towards their fullest development. – In order to place them at the service of the society.
  • 13. It seeks to enable the young to search for the truth by training them to analyze reality, form critical judgments, search for solutions and work out a synthesis.
  • 14. It is concerned with forming a moral conscience that is capable of discerning what is good and choosing it.
  • 15. – It imparts an appreciation of the ones own countries culture, heritage and enables the students to imbibe its culture and ethos for building a harmonious society. – Irrespective of difference of faith, language, caste and class and at the same time to remain open to the positive elements of other cultures.
  • 16. It instills in the pupils the values of love, freedom, forgiveness, honesty and justice.
  • 17. – ‘Total Education’ which implies a holistic approach to education and which is concerned with the total development of an individual as a person, is the quintessence of education. It aims at developing the body, mind and spirit to the greatest extent.
  • 18. – The rote method and memorization and the strong thirst for marks must be reduced and more focus on life skills should be encouraged. – The main focus of education must address several academic issues to empower the schools and institutions enabling the students to realize their holistic learning.
  • 19. – Every school must make it a point that learning becomes a joyful experience for the child. – This will help the child to discover the hidden oceans of knowledge and nurture creative potential in them which will make them to be greater wealth for the nations. – It must make a way for the child to boom into the world of wonders that he/she can face it and be a successful personalities.
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  • 24. Aims of education • Physical development aim • Mental development aim • Moral and spiritual development aim • Development of all the faculities • Development of international attitude aim
  • 26. Knowledge – individual develops his individuality and fulfills his possibility by the help of knowledge. – Knowledge is considered as power by which things are done. So, “Knowledge is power” was said by Bacon. It is knowledge that has enabled humanity to make progress. – Man becomes resourceful through knowledge. Socrates said that “one who had true knowledge could not be other than virtuous”. Knowledge is sine qua non for every spheres of human life— physical, social, moral, spiritual and economic. Great philosophers Socrates, Aristotle, Dante, Comenim, Bacon have propounded knowledge as an important aim of education.
  • 27. – In the narrow sense, knowledge aim implies “Knowledge for the sake of knowledge”. In its wider sense, it means development of mental powers-thinking, reasoning, discrimination, judgement, memory, problem solving, imagination, intelligence etc. True knowledge consists in possessing ideas of universal validity and universal relevance. – In other words, knowledge and wisdom must be for the good of the greatest number. Further, knowledge acquisition should not be considered as an end in itself. Rather it should be a means to other ends—individual development, civil efficiency, economic competency, living a richer and healthy life, welfare of the humanity, etc.
  • 28. Vocational – In the modern times, it is felt that education should have its preparatory value to enable individuals to earn his livelihood or to make both ends meet in order to live happily and successfully. It is the economic self-sufficiency of a person which makes him a worthy and contributing citizen. – The advocates of this aim say that all the knowledge that the child has gained, all the culture the child has acquired in the school will be of no use, if he cannot make both ends meet as an adult member of the community. Therefore, education should aim at imparting knowledge, skill, and information to the pupils in order to make them self-reliant; not to be a drag or parasite upon others.
  • 29. “True education ought to be for the boys and girls a kind of insurance against unemployment”. – As such, vocational bias in education is absolutely necessary for enabling pupils to be productive members in the society. – Education with the vocational aim will prepare each individual for an occupation which will suit to his needs, abilities, interests and attitudes. Vocational aim of education is also superscripted as ‘Bread and Butter, aim’, ‘Blue Jacket Aim’ and ‘White collar Aim’. M. K. Gandhi says,
  • 30. Character – Character is a mental quality and it should be built very cautiously by education. T. Raymond opines, “Education finds its real meaning and value when its aim is character-building”. Bertrand Russel emphasizes that the formation of character is the chief aim of education. Herbart, the great educator of nineteenth century says, the whole work of education may be summing up the concept of “morality”. – M.K.Gandhi viewed, “Character building is the aim in education I would try to develop courage, strength, virtue, the ability to forget oneself in working towards great aims. I should feel that if we succeed in building the character of the individual, society will take care of itself”.
  • 31. – Swami Vivekananda, Dayanand Saraswati and all other philosophers of the east also emphasized the development of character as the aim of education. Character, essentially, includes all the best and noble qualities which can be better cultivated by education. Morality or moral qualities include tolerance, truthfulness, honesty, courtesy, loyalty, justice, sincerity, endurance, courage or fortitude, fellow feeling, freedom, self-control, non-violence, forgiveness, will power, conviction, temperance, etc. – These should be fostered by a suitable programme of education. Therefore, S. Radhakrishnan says, “The troubles of the whole world including India are due to the fact that education has become a mere intellectual exercise and not the acquisition of moral and spiritual values”.
  • 32. – It is education for character which will enable a man to rise above narrow mindedness, self interest, anger, fear, miserliness and to utilize his knowledge for the betterment of humanity rather than for its destruction and dilapidation. As such, the aim of education should be the development of character or building of character for the larger interest of the community and humanity as a whole.
  • 33. Cultural – Culture is defined as complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, tradition, folk ways, religion, literature and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. M.K. Gandhi attaches his importance upon this cultural aspect more than the literary aspect when he said, “culture is the foundation, the primary thing………………. It should show itself in the smallest details of your conduct and personal behaviour, how you sit, how you walk, how you dress, etc. Inner culture must be reflected in your speech, the way in which you treat visitors and guests, and behave towards are another and towards your teachers and elders”.
  • 34. – Culture comprises vast array of inter-related knowledge, skills, values and goals. A cultured person is he whose personality is refined, whose aesthetic tastes are developed, who lives a socially Useful life, who is socially efficient, who appreciates ideas and values, who understands the best thought of the community and who not only assimilates the rich experiences of the race but also utilize these experiences in a meaningful way for the development of the society. – Culture is essential for refinement of physical, intellectual, moral and aesthetic parts of personality of an individual. Culture also expands one’s outlook, sharpens one’s interest and fosters an acceptable behaviour of the individual.
  • 35. – Therefore, the aim of education is to help the individuals to inherit rich cultural heritage of past, to preserve and enrich it through activities and transmit it to the rising generation in a fruitful and meaningful way. Moreover, education should cater to the development of all attributes essential for evolution of a cultured personality, for a cultured person is an invaluable asset in a society.
  • 36. All-round Development – It is also known as harmonious development aim of education. It refers to harmonious development of the physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, moral and aesthetic sides of human personality. It is with this harmonious development of all aspects of human nature that he will be able to play his part well in life and achieve success in all fields of human life. – This aim was first advocated by Rousseau who said education as “the process of development into an enjoyable, rational, harmoniously balanced, useful and hence natural life”. Other important supporters of this aim are Pestalozzi, Ross and M.K. Gandhi. Pestalozzi regards, “Education is natural, harmonious and progressive development of man’s innate powers”.
  • 37. – By harmonious development he means the education of 3 H’s—Head, Heart and Hand. Ross views, “Harmonious development means the intellectual, religious, moral and aesthetic development of the child”. – M.K. Gandhi, the father of our nation says, “Man is neither mere intellect, nor the gross animal, nor the heart and soul alone. A proper and harmonious combination of all the three is required for making the whole man and constitutes the true economics of education”.
  • 38. Complete Living – The eminent naturalistic philosopher, educationist and biologist of the nineteenth century Herbert Spencer expounded complete living aim of education. He said that education should bring about the whole-some development which enables an individual to face all problems of life in all spheres and solve them with great courage and conviction. – He asserted that the chief task of education is to enable the individuals to prepare for life and the art of life consists of right ruling of conduct in all directions under all circumstances. In this connection he says that education must tell us “in what way to treat the body; in what way to manage out affairs; in what way to bring up our family; in what way to behave as a citizen; in what way to utilize those sources of happiness which nature supplies— how to use all facilities to the greatest advantage of ourselves and others”.
  • 39. – So, education should acquaint us with the laws and ways of complete living. He writes in his treatise “on Education”, “To prepare us for complete living is the function which education has to discharge, and the only mode of judging any educational course is to judge in what degree it discharges such function”. He identified certain activities which have bearing upon complete living according to their respective values in order of priority.
  • 40. Spiritual – The idealistic philosophers contend that the chief aim of education is to develop the spiritual side of an individual. The sole aim of education should be the maximum development of spiritual potentialities of the individual. In turn, this development gives the real strength to human soul and mind. Regarding the importance of education for spiritual side of the individual. – Dr. S. Radhakrishnan says, “The aim of education is neither national efficiency nor world solidarity, but making the individual feel that he has within himself something deeper than intellect, call it spirit if you like”.
  • 41. – Shri Aurobindo views, “The chief aim of education should be to help the growing soul to draw out that in itself which is best and make it perfect for a noble cause”. Thus, the central aim of education should be the development of spirituality in men. – Inculcation of spiritual values in the minds of individuals by the programme of education is the need of the hour to save the humanity from plunging into the morass of hat redness, selfishness, corruption, aggression, violence, chaos, disorder, narrow-mindedness, malevolent spirit, tensions, fears, conflicts, brutality, suspicion, destruction and disaster.
  • 42. – Pristine glory and pride of the nation can be brought back by education, by inculcating the spiritual values or truths in children and by propelling them to practice in their day to day lives. Because it is said that the taste of pudding lies in eating it In short, spiritual education will bring happiness, order and contentment in the world by cultivating spiritual faiths in the minds of the individuals. – Therefore, it is through the aim of education that awakening of self can be done and development of spirituality should be the be-all and end-all of human life.
  • 43. Citizenship – It is admitted that a good citizen is an asset for the nation. The development of nation depends upon the nature of the citizens and in order to be a good citizen, certain qualities are essential ingredients—a sense of social responsibility and social duty, a love for freedom, power of independent thinking, a spirit of national service, a sense of sacrificing one’s personal interest for the larger interests of the community and nation, courage to express freely, free from fear, and a knowledge of socio-political system i.e. socio- political consciousness.
  • 44. – Therefore, these values should be fostered in the minds of children and individuals through the planned and organised system of education. Plato, the author of the treatise on the system of government, “The Republic’ writes, “Education for citizenship is the only education which deserves the name; that other sort of training, which aims at the acquisition of wealth or bodily strength, or mere cleverness apart from intelligence and justice, is mean and illiberal and is not worth to be called education at all.”
  • 45. Democratic – It is accepted that education should aim at the promotion of democratic values which are necessary for the success of a democracy. These values are the pre-requisites for the successful living in a democratic nation wedded to democratic cult and principles. – The aim of education in the democratic countries in the world should be the cultivation of democratic values in the minds of the children and individuals—faith in democratic way of living, respect for dignity of other persons, freedom, equality of opportunity, justice, faith in tolerance, faith in change, and peaceful methods and faith in co-operative living and above all fellow-feelingness.