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Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014
Swarm Intelligence
Ants, Birds, Wolves and .... Bees
Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 2
Particle Swarm Optimisation (PSO)
PSO is an optimisation procedure based on the
social behaviour of groups of organisations (for
example the flocking of birds and the schooling of
Individual solutions in a population are viewed as
“particles” that evolve or change their positions
with time
Each particle modifies its position in search space
according to its own experience and also that of a
neighbouring particle by remembering that best
position visited by itself and its neighbours
(combining local and global search methods)
Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 3
PSO update equations
Grey Wolves
Based on the hunting behavior of
canis lupis
Grey wolves
are considered as apex predators,
meaning that they are at the top
of the food chain. Grey wolves
mostly prefer to live in a pack. The
group size is 5–12 on average. Of
particular interest is that they
have a very strict social dominant
The leaders are a male and a female, called alphas.
The alpha is mostly responsible for making decisions
about hunting, sleeping place, time to wake, and so on.
The alpha’s decisions are dictated to the pack. -
the alpha is not necessarily the strongest member of the
pack but the best in terms of managing the pack.
The second level in the hierarchy of grey wolves is beta.
The betas are subordinate wolves that help the alpha in
decision-making or other pack activities.
and he/she is probably the best candidate to be the
alpha in caseone of the alpha wolves passes away or
becomes very old (i.e. non global optima follower). The
beta wolf should respect the alpha, but commands the
other lower-level wolves as well. It plays the role of an
advisor to the alpha and discipliner for the pack. The
beta reinforces the alpha’s commands throughout the
pack and gives feedback to the alpha.
Omega responsible for keeping structure
Delta are ranomd sample points akin to scout bees
Initialize the grey wolf population Xi (i = 1, 2, ..., n)
Initialize a, A, and C
Calculate the fitness of each search agent
X_{alpha} =the best search agent
X_{beta} =the second best search agent
X_{delta} =the third best search agent
while (t < Max number of iterations)
for each search agent
Update the position of the current search agent by
above equations
end for
Update a, A, and C C
Calculate the fitness of all search agents
Update X_alpha, X_beta, and X_delta
end while
return X_alpha
Circling the prey – local search
Where components of vec{a} are linearly
decreased from 2 to 0 over the course of iterations
and r_1, r_2 are random vectors in [0,1].
A grey wolf in the position of (X,Y) can update its
position according to the position of the prey
(X*,Y*). Different places around the best agent can
be reached with respect to the current position by
adjusting the value of vec{A} and vec{C} vectors.
For instance, (X*-X,Y*) can be reached by setting
vec{a}=(1,0) and vec{C}=(1,1). Note that the
random vectors r_1 and r_2 allow wolves to reach
any position between the two particular points. So a
grey wolf can update its position inside the space
around the prey in any random location by the
above-mentioned equations.
The same concept can be extended to a search
space with n dimensions, and the grey wolves will
move in hyper-cubes (or hyper-spheres) around the
best solution obtained so far.
(X*,Y*,Z*-Z) (X,Y*,Z*-Z)
(X*,Y,Z*-Z) (X,Y,Z*-Z)
On some indication of convergence we start an
exploitation mode. Mathematically the value of
vec{decrease}. Note that the fluctuation range
of vec{A} is also decreased by vec{a}. In other
words vec{A} is a random value in the interval
[-2a,2a] where a is decreased from 2 to 0 over the
course of iterations. When random values of
vec{A} are in [-1,1], the next position of a search
agent can be in any position between its current
position and the position of the prey.
With the operators proposed so far, the GWO
algorithm allows its search agents to update their
position based on the location of the alpha, beta,
and delta; and attack towards the prey. However,
the GWO algorithm is prone to stagnation in local
solutions with these operators. Hence the
alogithm's performance is sub optimal in areas of
high variance. The circling mechanism itself is not
sufficient, however it interesting component to
local search
Grey wolves have the ability to recognize the
location of prey and encircle them. The hunt
is usually guided by the alpha. The beta and
delta might also participate in hunting
occasionally. However, in an abstract search
space we have no idea about the location of
the optimum (prey). In order to
mathematically simulate the hunting behavior
of grey wolves, we suppose that the alpha
(best candidate solution) beta, and delta
have better knowledge about the potential
location of prey. Therefore, we save the first
three best solutions obtained so far and
oblige the other search agents (including the
omegas) to update their positions according
to the position of the best search agent
A alternating divergence and convergence is require to
prevent premature convergence. To measure
convergence/divergence criteria we use vec{c} and
Note that C>1 and convergence is indicated by A<1
The C vector can be also considered as the effect of
obstacles to approaching prey in nature. Generally
speaking, the obstacles in nature appear in the hunting
paths of wolves and in fact prevent them from quickly
and conveniently approaching prey. This is exactly
what the vector C does. Depending on the position of a
wolf, it can randomly give the prey a weight and make
it harder and farther to reach for wolves, or vice versa.
To sum up, the search process starts with creating a
random population of grey wolves (candidate solutions)
in the GWO algorithm. Over the course of iterations,
alpha, beta, and delta wolves estimate the probable
position of the prey. Each candidate solution updates
its distance from the prey. The parameter a is
decreased from 2 to 0 in order to emphasize
exploration and exploitation, respectively. Candidate
solutions tend to diverge from the prey when
|vec{A}|>1 and converge towards the prey when
|vec{A}|<1. Finally, the GWO algorithm is terminated
by the satisfaction of an end criterion.
Works, but not a real hierarchy
Since average is eqully weighted across all
named samples. Nothing seperates an
alpha from a beta
Highly senistive.(Problem dependent) to
hieararchy depth
Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 14
Bees in Nature
1- Bee colonies can span huge distances. They
are able to accurately search large spaces.
Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 15
Bees in Nature
Flower patches with plentiful amounts of nectar or
pollen that can be collected with less effort should
be visited by more bees, whereas patches with
less nectar or pollen should receive fewer bees.
This is equivalent to saying areas of high fitness
have a high density of updates.
Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 16
Bees in Nature
2- Scout bees search randomly from food source
to food source
Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 17
Bees in Nature
3- The bees who return to the hive, evaluate the
different patches depending on certain quality
threshold (measured as a combination of some
elements, such as sugar content)
Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 18
Bees in Nature
4- After depositing the nector or pollen the “dance
floor” to perform a “waggle dance”
Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 19
Bees in Nature
4- After depositing the nector or pollen the “dance
floor” to perform a “waggle dance”
Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 20
Bees in Nature
5- Bees communicate through this waggle dance
which contains the following information:
1. The direction of flower patches (angle
between the sun and the patch)
2. The distance from the hive (duration
of the dance)
3. The quality rating (fitness) (frequency
of the dance)
Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 21
Bees in Nature
These information helps the colony to send its
bees precisely
6- Follower bees go after the dancer bee to the
patch to gather food efficiently and quickly
Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 22
Bees in Nature
7- The same patch will be advertised in the
waggle dance again when returning to the hive is it
still good enough as a food source (depending on
the food level) and more bees will be recruited to
that source
8- More bees visit flower patches with a (fitness)
amount of food
Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 23
Bees in Nature
Depending on the fitness, a solution or food
source may be abandoned or may become
Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 24
Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm (ABC)
Initialization Phase
Employed Bees Phase
Onlooker Bees Phase
Scout Bees Phase
Memorize the best solution achieved so far
Until(Cycle=Maximum Cycle Number)
Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 25
Employed bees:
– Perform a local search to improve the existing solution
– When a solution point cannot be improved further the bee is
reassigned as a scout bee – after a certain threshold limit
Onlooker bees:
– Are probabalistically added to the neighborhoods of existing sample
– Thus better sources/samples attract more bees in their
neighborhood (positive feedback)
– using the expression given in equation :
Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 26
Scout Phase
Purely random
Population fixed i.e. number of scouts are fixed -
Most unemployed bees are allocated to the onlooker worker
Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 27
Swarm Criteria – What makes a smart
The swarm should be able to do simple space and time computations (the proximity
The swarm should be able to respond to quality factors in the environment (the quality
The swarm should not commit its activities along excessively narrow channels (the principle
of diverse response).
The swarm should not change its mode of behavior upon every fluctuation of the environment
(the stability principle).
The swarm must be able to change behavior mode when needed (the adaptability principle).
Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 28
Variation - the cause
Employed bees that cannot locally improve their sources are
The reassignment is independent of where the particle used to be.
Thus leading to large jumps. And hence abrupt changes in the
Leads to large improvements very quickly. But...
Leads to high variations in the perfomance,
Centalizes the algorithm -> something sarm intelligence tries to
Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 29
Allows a popuation to improve itself quickly (since information can be
lost or deleted between generations)
– No control over information lost
– No information gained
Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 30
Where genetic Algs Come in
Framework built around the generational concept
Allows information transfer between generations:
Genetic operators like crossover can be modified to favor specific
types of information transferr
e.g. diemensional bias
This reduces the variation without icreasing centralization
Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 31
Genetic Operators
Cross over:
– Single point
– Multi point
– Arithmetic
– Heuristic
– One-way
Crossover probability parameter should be reduced as the algorithm
– Since after initial area allocation is done; conserving generational
information loses priority
Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 32
Support: Experiments and Results
Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 33
Proposed Algorithmic Improvement
Initialization Phase
Context Sensitive parameters
Employed Bees Phase
Crossover Phase
Onlooker Bees Phase
Scout Bees Phase
Memorize the best solution achieved so far
Mutation Phase
Until(Cycle=Maximum Cycle Number)
The Crossover ensures that
information is carried from one
generation to the next
Crossover also dampens the
variations effects
Muatation allows more effective
local searching
Context senitive parameters allow
a more efficient algorithm
Why is the operator inserted in this
order? - the answer is not trivial.
Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 34
GA – results of experiments
Several Xover operators were tried
Single pt
Uniform – best results
We even made our own operator
Single dir Xover – leads to
a better general population
but hits thrashing problems
Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 35
Clearly leads to a more
montonica decrease in error
A smoother curve
Less varitaion –
uniformity and
Behavior near higher iterations
show definite improvement
Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 36
Effectiveness contd.
● Offers better performance in
higher dimensional problems
● The graph shows the the
performace of ABC vs GA across
30 runs
● Run paramters:
● Low mutation
● Low crossover
● For rastrigin(100)
Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 37
PSO type falloff
Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 38
Rosenbrock Greiwank
Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 39
Experimental Results
Function ABC - mean(across30runs)
minimum error
ABCwith proposed modi-
fications - mean(across 30
runs) minimum error
ABC std ABC withproposed
modifications std
i 562.55 541.36 39.343 31.394
Griewank 1 + 1
x i√
0.1497 0.1376 0.008757 0.0086948
Rastrigin An+
− Acos(2πx i ) 1348.84 1307.85 64.885 60.479
[(1 − x
− 100(x i+1 −
767751.64 729240.13 9.54E+004 8.24E+004
Ackley − ae
− b
x 2
cos (cx i )
+a +e
9.1524613695 9.0952396525 0.045036 0.03556
cos (x i )e
(x i
− π)
0 0 0 0
Schwefel 418.9829D −
x i sin( |x i |)
41389.9780380048 41371.3919573781 195.8 156.84
ix i
ix i
7.85E+002 7.91E+002 2.51E+003 3.95E+003
Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 40
Proposed Modifications to the ABC:
The Proposed algorithm show significantly lower variation in runs and
a steadier monotonic decrease in error
The probability of premature convergence is mch lower
– Due to underlying ABC structure
– Control of information flow between generation
Proposed modifications are Local
Enables a high degree of distributiveness and parallizability
Relatively Cheap O(1) – O(n) [depending on option opted for]
Minimizes variance
Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 41
No known accurate models for algorithm
Original model very complex uses tensors... really doesn't give too much insight
– Tensor construct grows expoentially ... not computationaly feasible
2 phase model
– Local phase
– Non local phase
Pumping model
– Uses modified voroni diagram (may not use euclidean distance metric)
– Scales with number of extreama
Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 42
Pumping model
Create a cover of the space
Cover must centre aound
Each set has a fixed search
time associated with it
Can be based on saddle
points/extreamas, contours,
voronoi diagram with any metric
The search time depends on
Area of the cover
Magnitude of extrema (relative
depth of minima and relative
height for maxima)
Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 43
Pumping Model 2: update equations
Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 44
Projection into subspace leads to loss information;
we need to minimize it
Users preferr:
Linear projection easier to corelate
Limited or no change in basis
This implies:
Use linear embedding (eigen vector based,
LDA, etc) no non linear (kohonen maps, etc)
Cannot use PCA, etc at each instant of time
instead rotate the axis by certain amount
Amount calculated is theta. Have found an
equation forit
How to rotate is still a big question
Fraction of population at maximum extrema
An Intelligent System:
from Birds, Bees, Genes and
Wolves to...
The swarm
Context sensitive parameters
Intra generation information passing
Inter generationimformation passing
global local
Finite lifespan
Multiple sample points
What does this remind you off?
Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 47
Future work
Context sensitive parameters: we have just scratached the surface
Layered models
– Hierarchy based GWO is not a true hierarchy based
Semi localized models – control degree of localization
Memtic search – type1,2,3
Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 48
[1]Hagan, Martin T., Howard B. Demuth, and Mark H. Beale. Neural network design. Boston: Pws Pub., 1996.
[2]Brownlee, Jason. Clever algorithms: nature-inspired programming recipes. Jason Brownlee, 2011.
[3]Kollar, Daphne, and Nir Friedman. Probabilistic graphical models: principles and techniques. The MIT Press, 2009.
[4]Pham, D. T., et al. "The bees algorithm–a novel tool for complex optimisation problems." Proceedings of the 2nd Virtual International Conference on
Intelligent Production Machines and Systems (IPROMS 2006). 2006.
[5]The article describes the Bees Algorithm. It first describes existing swarm/evolutionary approaches pointing out that these require a number of
parameters. It then details the behavior of bees in nature.
[6]Karaboga, Dervis, and Bahriye Akay. "A comparative study of artificial bee colony algorithm." Applied Mathematics and Computation 214.1 (2009):
Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 49
[7]Larrañaga, Pedro, et al. "A review on evolutionary algorithms in Bayesian network learning and inference tasks."
Information Sciences (2013).
[8]Zitzler, Eckart, Kalyanmoy Deb, and Lothar Thiele. "Comparison of multiobjective evolutionary algorithms: Empirical
results. (revised version)" Evolutionary computation 8.2 (2000): 173-195.
[9]Shah, Sameena, Ravi Kothari, and Suresh Chandra. "Trail formation in ants. A generalized Polya urn process." Swarm
Intelligence 4.2 (2010): 145-171.
[10]Shah, Sameena, et al. "Mathematical Modeling and Convergence Analysis of Trail Formation." AAAI. 2008.
[11]Mitchell, Melanie. "An introduction to genetic algorithms (complex adaptive systems)." (1998).
Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 50
[12]Pham, D. T., et al. "The bees algorithm–a novel tool for complex optimisation problems." Proceedings of the 2nd Virtual International
Conference on Intelligent Production Machines and Systems (IPROMS 2006). 2006.
[13]Goldberg, David E., and John H. Holland. "Genetic algorithms and machine learning." Machine learning 3.2 (1988).
Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 51
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  • 1. Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 Swarm Intelligence Ants, Birds, Wolves and .... Bees
  • 2. Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 2 Particle Swarm Optimisation (PSO) PSO is an optimisation procedure based on the social behaviour of groups of organisations (for example the flocking of birds and the schooling of fish) Individual solutions in a population are viewed as “particles” that evolve or change their positions with time Each particle modifies its position in search space according to its own experience and also that of a neighbouring particle by remembering that best position visited by itself and its neighbours (combining local and global search methods)
  • 3. Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 3 PSO update equations
  • 5. Inspiration Based on the hunting behavior of canis lupis Grey wolves are considered as apex predators, meaning that they are at the top of the food chain. Grey wolves mostly prefer to live in a pack. The group size is 5–12 on average. Of particular interest is that they have a very strict social dominant hierarchy.
  • 6. Concept ● The leaders are a male and a female, called alphas. The alpha is mostly responsible for making decisions about hunting, sleeping place, time to wake, and so on. The alpha’s decisions are dictated to the pack. - Interestingly, ● the alpha is not necessarily the strongest member of the pack but the best in terms of managing the pack. ● The second level in the hierarchy of grey wolves is beta. The betas are subordinate wolves that help the alpha in decision-making or other pack activities. ● and he/she is probably the best candidate to be the alpha in caseone of the alpha wolves passes away or becomes very old (i.e. non global optima follower). The beta wolf should respect the alpha, but commands the other lower-level wolves as well. It plays the role of an advisor to the alpha and discipliner for the pack. The beta reinforces the alpha’s commands throughout the pack and gives feedback to the alpha. ● Omega responsible for keeping structure ● Delta are ranomd sample points akin to scout bees
  • 7. Algorithm ● Initialize the grey wolf population Xi (i = 1, 2, ..., n) ● Initialize a, A, and C ● Calculate the fitness of each search agent ● X_{alpha} =the best search agent ● X_{beta} =the second best search agent ● X_{delta} =the third best search agent ● while (t < Max number of iterations) ● for each search agent ● Update the position of the current search agent by above equations ● end for ● Update a, A, and C C ● Calculate the fitness of all search agents ● Update X_alpha, X_beta, and X_delta ● t=t+1 ● end while ● return X_alpha
  • 8. Algorithm ● Circling the prey – local search ● Where components of vec{a} are linearly decreased from 2 to 0 over the course of iterations and r_1, r_2 are random vectors in [0,1]. ● A grey wolf in the position of (X,Y) can update its position according to the position of the prey (X*,Y*). Different places around the best agent can be reached with respect to the current position by adjusting the value of vec{A} and vec{C} vectors. For instance, (X*-X,Y*) can be reached by setting vec{a}=(1,0) and vec{C}=(1,1). Note that the random vectors r_1 and r_2 allow wolves to reach any position between the two particular points. So a grey wolf can update its position inside the space around the prey in any random location by the above-mentioned equations. ● The same concept can be extended to a search space with n dimensions, and the grey wolves will move in hyper-cubes (or hyper-spheres) around the best solution obtained so far.
  • 10. Algorithm ● On some indication of convergence we start an exploitation mode. Mathematically the value of vec{decrease}. Note that the fluctuation range of vec{A} is also decreased by vec{a}. In other words vec{A} is a random value in the interval [-2a,2a] where a is decreased from 2 to 0 over the course of iterations. When random values of vec{A} are in [-1,1], the next position of a search agent can be in any position between its current position and the position of the prey. ● With the operators proposed so far, the GWO algorithm allows its search agents to update their position based on the location of the alpha, beta, and delta; and attack towards the prey. However, the GWO algorithm is prone to stagnation in local solutions with these operators. Hence the alogithm's performance is sub optimal in areas of high variance. The circling mechanism itself is not sufficient, however it interesting component to local search
  • 11. Algorithm ● Hunting: ● Grey wolves have the ability to recognize the location of prey and encircle them. The hunt is usually guided by the alpha. The beta and delta might also participate in hunting occasionally. However, in an abstract search space we have no idea about the location of the optimum (prey). In order to mathematically simulate the hunting behavior of grey wolves, we suppose that the alpha (best candidate solution) beta, and delta have better knowledge about the potential location of prey. Therefore, we save the first three best solutions obtained so far and oblige the other search agents (including the omegas) to update their positions according to the position of the best search agent
  • 12. Algorithm ● A alternating divergence and convergence is require to prevent premature convergence. To measure convergence/divergence criteria we use vec{c} and vec{A} ● Note that C>1 and convergence is indicated by A<1 ● The C vector can be also considered as the effect of obstacles to approaching prey in nature. Generally speaking, the obstacles in nature appear in the hunting paths of wolves and in fact prevent them from quickly and conveniently approaching prey. This is exactly what the vector C does. Depending on the position of a wolf, it can randomly give the prey a weight and make it harder and farther to reach for wolves, or vice versa. ● To sum up, the search process starts with creating a random population of grey wolves (candidate solutions) in the GWO algorithm. Over the course of iterations, alpha, beta, and delta wolves estimate the probable position of the prey. Each candidate solution updates its distance from the prey. The parameter a is decreased from 2 to 0 in order to emphasize exploration and exploitation, respectively. Candidate solutions tend to diverge from the prey when |vec{A}|>1 and converge towards the prey when |vec{A}|<1. Finally, the GWO algorithm is terminated by the satisfaction of an end criterion.
  • 13. Critique ➔ Works, but not a real hierarchy ➔ Since average is eqully weighted across all named samples. Nothing seperates an alpha from a beta ➔ Highly senistive.(Problem dependent) to hieararchy depth
  • 14. Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 14 Bees in Nature 1- Bee colonies can span huge distances. They are able to accurately search large spaces.
  • 15. Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 15 Bees in Nature Flower patches with plentiful amounts of nectar or pollen that can be collected with less effort should be visited by more bees, whereas patches with less nectar or pollen should receive fewer bees. This is equivalent to saying areas of high fitness have a high density of updates.
  • 16. Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 16 Bees in Nature 2- Scout bees search randomly from food source to food source
  • 17. Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 17 Bees in Nature 3- The bees who return to the hive, evaluate the different patches depending on certain quality threshold (measured as a combination of some elements, such as sugar content)
  • 18. Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 18 Bees in Nature 4- After depositing the nector or pollen the “dance floor” to perform a “waggle dance”
  • 19. Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 19 Bees in Nature 4- After depositing the nector or pollen the “dance floor” to perform a “waggle dance”
  • 20. Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 20 Bees in Nature 5- Bees communicate through this waggle dance which contains the following information: 1. The direction of flower patches (angle between the sun and the patch) 2. The distance from the hive (duration of the dance) 3. The quality rating (fitness) (frequency of the dance)
  • 21. Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 21 Bees in Nature These information helps the colony to send its bees precisely 6- Follower bees go after the dancer bee to the patch to gather food efficiently and quickly
  • 22. Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 22 Bees in Nature 7- The same patch will be advertised in the waggle dance again when returning to the hive is it still good enough as a food source (depending on the food level) and more bees will be recruited to that source 8- More bees visit flower patches with a (fitness) amount of food
  • 23. Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 23 Bees in Nature Depending on the fitness, a solution or food source may be abandoned or may become popular
  • 24. Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 24 Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm (ABC) Initialization Phase Repeat Employed Bees Phase Onlooker Bees Phase Scout Bees Phase Memorize the best solution achieved so far Until(Cycle=Maximum Cycle Number)
  • 25. Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 25 Phases ● Employed bees: – Perform a local search to improve the existing solution – When a solution point cannot be improved further the bee is reassigned as a scout bee – after a certain threshold limit ● Onlooker bees: – Are probabalistically added to the neighborhoods of existing sample points – Thus better sources/samples attract more bees in their neighborhood (positive feedback) – using the expression given in equation :
  • 26. Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 26 Phases ● Scout Phase ― Purely random ― Population fixed i.e. number of scouts are fixed - ― Most unemployed bees are allocated to the onlooker worker base
  • 27. Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 27 Swarm Criteria – What makes a smart swarm? The swarm should be able to do simple space and time computations (the proximity principle). The swarm should be able to respond to quality factors in the environment (the quality principle). The swarm should not commit its activities along excessively narrow channels (the principle of diverse response). The swarm should not change its mode of behavior upon every fluctuation of the environment (the stability principle). The swarm must be able to change behavior mode when needed (the adaptability principle).
  • 28. Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 28 Variation - the cause ● Employed bees that cannot locally improve their sources are re-assigned. ● The reassignment is independent of where the particle used to be. ● Thus leading to large jumps. And hence abrupt changes in the fitness/error. ● Leads to large improvements very quickly. But... ● Leads to high variations in the perfomance, ● Centalizes the algorithm -> something sarm intelligence tries to prevent
  • 29. Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 29 Lifespan ● Allows a popuation to improve itself quickly (since information can be lost or deleted between generations) ● However, – No control over information lost – No information gained
  • 30. Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 30 Where genetic Algs Come in ● Framework built around the generational concept ● Allows information transfer between generations: ● Genetic operators like crossover can be modified to favor specific types of information transferr ● e.g. diemensional bias ● This reduces the variation without icreasing centralization
  • 31. Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 31 Genetic Operators ● Cross over: – Single point – Multi point – Arithmetic – Heuristic – One-way ● Crossover probability parameter should be reduced as the algorithm progresses – Since after initial area allocation is done; conserving generational information loses priority ● Mutation
  • 32. Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 32 Support: Experiments and Results
  • 33. Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 33 Proposed Algorithmic Improvement Initialization Phase Repeat ● Context Sensitive parameters Employed Bees Phase ● Crossover Phase Onlooker Bees Phase Scout Bees Phase Memorize the best solution achieved so far ● Mutation Phase Until(Cycle=Maximum Cycle Number) • The Crossover ensures that information is carried from one generation to the next • Crossover also dampens the variations effects • Muatation allows more effective local searching • Context senitive parameters allow a more efficient algorithm • Why is the operator inserted in this order? - the answer is not trivial.
  • 34. Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 34 GA – results of experiments ● Several Xover operators were tried e.g. ● Single pt ● Uniform – best results ● We even made our own operator ● Single dir Xover – leads to a better general population but hits thrashing problems
  • 35. Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 35 Effectiveness ● Clearly leads to a more montonica decrease in error ● A smoother curve ● Less varitaion – uniformity and consistancy ● Behavior near higher iterations show definite improvement
  • 36. Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 36 Effectiveness contd. ● Offers better performance in higher dimensional problems ● The graph shows the the performace of ABC vs GA across 30 runs ● Run paramters: ● Low mutation ● Low crossover ● For rastrigin(100)
  • 37. Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 37 PSO type falloff
  • 38. Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 38 Rosenbrock Greiwank
  • 39. Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 39 Experimental Results Function ABC - mean(across30runs) minimum error ABCwith proposed modi- fications - mean(across 30 runs) minimum error ABC std ABC withproposed modifications std Sphere n i=1 x 2 i 562.55 541.36 39.343 31.394 Griewank 1 + 1 4000 n i=1 x 2 i − n i=1 cos( x i√ i ) 0.1497 0.1376 0.008757 0.0086948 Rastrigin An+ n i=1 x 2 i − Acos(2πx i ) 1348.84 1307.85 64.885 60.479 Rosenbrock n i=1 [(1 − x 2 i ) 2 − 100(x i+1 − x 2 i ) 2 ] 767751.64 729240.13 9.54E+004 8.24E+004 Ackley − ae − b i=D i=1 x 2 i D − e i=D i=1 cos (cx i ) D +a +e 9.1524613695 9.0952396525 0.045036 0.03556 Multi Dimensional Easom i=D i=1 cos (x i )e − i=D i=1 (x i − π) 2 0 0 0 0 Schwefel 418.9829D − D 1 x i sin( |x i |) 41389.9780380048 41371.3919573781 195.8 156.84 Zakharov i=D i=1 x 2 i + 0.5 i=D i=1 ix i 2 + 0.5 i=D i=1 ix i 4 7.85E+002 7.91E+002 2.51E+003 3.95E+003
  • 40. Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 40 Proposed Modifications to the ABC: Analysis ● The Proposed algorithm show significantly lower variation in runs and a steadier monotonic decrease in error ● The probability of premature convergence is mch lower – Due to underlying ABC structure – Control of information flow between generation ● Proposed modifications are Local ● Enables a high degree of distributiveness and parallizability ― Relatively Cheap O(1) – O(n) [depending on option opted for] ― Minimizes variance
  • 41. Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 41 Models ● No known accurate models for algorithm ● Original model very complex uses tensors... really doesn't give too much insight – Tensor construct grows expoentially ... not computationaly feasible ● 2 phase model – Local phase – Non local phase ● Pumping model – Uses modified voroni diagram (may not use euclidean distance metric) – Scales with number of extreama
  • 42. Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 42 Pumping model ● Create a cover of the space ● Cover must centre aound extremas ● Each set has a fixed search time associated with it ● Can be based on saddle points/extreamas, contours, voronoi diagram with any metric ● The search time depends on ● Area of the cover ● Magnitude of extrema (relative depth of minima and relative height for maxima)
  • 43. Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 43 Pumping Model 2: update equations
  • 44. Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 44 Visualization Projection into subspace leads to loss information; we need to minimize it Users preferr: ● Linear projection easier to corelate ● Limited or no change in basis This implies: ● Use linear embedding (eigen vector based, LDA, etc) no non linear (kohonen maps, etc) ● Cannot use PCA, etc at each instant of time instead rotate the axis by certain amount ● Amount calculated is theta. Have found an equation forit ● How to rotate is still a big question Fraction of population at maximum extrema
  • 45. An Intelligent System: from Birds, Bees, Genes and Wolves to... The swarm Context sensitive parameters Intra generation information passing Inter generationimformation passing Hirarchies global local Finite lifespan PSO GA ABC Multiple sample points GWO
  • 46. What does this remind you off? humans
  • 47. Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 47 Future work Context sensitive parameters: we have just scratached the surface Layered models – Hierarchy based GWO is not a true hierarchy based Semi localized models – control degree of localization Memtic search – type1,2,3
  • 48. Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 48 Bibliography [1]Hagan, Martin T., Howard B. Demuth, and Mark H. Beale. Neural network design. Boston: Pws Pub., 1996. [2]Brownlee, Jason. Clever algorithms: nature-inspired programming recipes. Jason Brownlee, 2011. [3]Kollar, Daphne, and Nir Friedman. Probabilistic graphical models: principles and techniques. The MIT Press, 2009. [4]Pham, D. T., et al. "The bees algorithm–a novel tool for complex optimisation problems." Proceedings of the 2nd Virtual International Conference on Intelligent Production Machines and Systems (IPROMS 2006). 2006. [5]The article describes the Bees Algorithm. It first describes existing swarm/evolutionary approaches pointing out that these require a number of parameters. It then details the behavior of bees in nature. [6]Karaboga, Dervis, and Bahriye Akay. "A comparative study of artificial bee colony algorithm." Applied Mathematics and Computation 214.1 (2009): 108-132.
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  • 51. Major Defence 2014Major Defence 2014 51 Thank You