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Though talked about for years,
                                                         it’s a long, slow road to become
                                                                    truly resource-efficient.
                                                               Legislation may ultimately
                                                              drive the process, but in the
                                                               meantime, forward-looking
                                                                   companies are getting a
                                                             head start by understanding
                                                                          the energy they use
                                                                   and making responsible
                                                                              usage decisions.

                            Preparing For A
                          Clean-Energy Future

                      Given recent developments in both
                      technology capabilities and govern-
                      ment incentive programs, it’s an ex-
                      citing time to build an organization’s
                      sustainability strategy by exploring
                      alternative energy solutions. There are
                      many things that can be done within
                      a company to prepare for
                      a sustainable clean en-
                      ergy future and the in-
                                                                Energy Costs of the Future
                                                                Many companies track energy costs
                                                                closely. In light of recent energy rate
                                                                fluctuations as well as current legis-
                                                                lation, this becomes an even more
                                                                important aspect to consider in busi-
                                                                ness operations. The price of energy
                                                                          will undoubtedly continue
                                                     By Mike Tobin to rise due to increased
                                                            and           global demand, regulation
                      creased influence of alter- George Boyadjis of greenhouse gas (GHG)
                      native energy.                                      emissions and the imple-
                          By understanding the energy cur-      mentation of Renewable Energy
                      rently used and new technologies, as      Standard (RES) requirements. The

                      well as the myriad of local, state and    cost to clean up dirty fuels in order

                      federal incentives, initiatives and       to meet regulations related to GHG
                      regulations, a business can create a      emissions will increase business and
                      successful strategic plan to capitalize   consumer costs.
                      on the available opportunities.               Renewable energy requirements

                                                                     march 2010 | financial executive   47
Glossary of
     Alternative Energy
                                               may also increase the short-term cost       started, the more options and oppor-
                                               of energy in some locations and not         tunities exist for the company to con-
                                               significantly affect the cost in other      sider, particularly if relocation is the
     Alternative Energy                        areas. Over the long-term, however,         preferred action.
      An umbrella term that refers to any
                                               it is expected that renewable sources
      source of usable energy intended
                                               will provide energy at lower costs          Maximize Exposure to
      to replace fuel sources without the
      undesired consequences of the            with less variability.                      Renewable Energy
      replaced fuels. In general, alterna-         Translating these changes into          Another issue to investigate is the
      tive energy is that which is pro-        strategic business opportunities re-        feasibility of sustainable alternative
      duced without the undesired conse-       quires discussion and analysis around       energy sources in a geographic area.
      quences of the burning of fossil         minimizing energy rate risk. The dis-       Certain areas of the country are sim-
      fuels, such as high carbon dioxide       cussion may include hedging and en-         ply better suited than others to
      emissions.                               ergy purchasing strategies that are be-     implement renewable energy sys-
                                               coming more common. The discussion          tems. In essence, there are some areas
     Biomass                                   should also include more in-depth           that will get more return out of an
       Organic non-fossil material of bio-
                                               considerations about strategic facility     investment in renewable energy than
       logical origin constituting a renew-
                                               location and its relation to energy         others. Thus, the cost in some areas
       able energy source.
                                               sources.                                    will be less to produce the same ener-
     Cogeneration                                                                          gy from renewable energy systems.
      The production of electrical energy      Know Thy Energy                                For example, areas with more
      and another form of useful energy        To better understand the true cost of       intense sunlight are better suited for
      (such as heat or steam) through the      energy, a company must begin to             optimizing solar energy systems and
      sequential use of energy.                question the source of its energy as        certain areas of the country (or off-
                                               well as its associated future issues.       shore) have greater prevailing wind
     Emissions Trading                         For example, coal is a relatively           levels.
      With an emissions-trading system, a
                                               abundant fuel source in the United             In analyzing the fuel source
      regulatory agency specifies an over-
                                               States, but is considered rather            options in a given location, one
      all level of pollution that will be
                                               “dirty” compared with other fuel            should also question the feasibility of
      tolerated (a cap) and then uses
      allowances to develop a market to        sources. In addition, coal from one         renewable energy in the area. Those
      allocate the pollution among             area can be “dirtier” than coal from        areas with greater capacity for
      sources of pollution under the cap.      another area.                               renewable energy could arguably
      Emissions permits or allowances             Thus, as local coal plants adjust to     have a lower and more predictable
      become the currency of the market,       proposed regulations, those plants in       energy rate in the future.
      as pollution sources are free to buy,    the area with the dirtier coal may             For a company’s existing facilities,
      sell or otherwise trade permits          incur higher costs to meet emission         this information can be used to help
      based on their own marginal costs        standards, which, in turn, will result      assess opportunities to encourage the
      of control and the price of the per-
                                               in higher costs to energy consumers.        development of a different mix of
      mits. In no case can total emissions
                                               Extrapolate from this simple example        fuel sources for its energy needs.
      exceed the cap.
                                               the impact the anticipated regulations         For instance, if a facility is accessi-
     Geothermal Energy                         could have on the cost of our nation’s      ble by multiple utilities, the company
      As used at electric utilities, hot       different fuel sources.                     may choose to purchase power from
      water or steam extracted from               Questioning the cleanliness of the       the one with a higher renewable
      geothermal reservoirs in the Earth’s     local fuel source and the utilities’ cost   energy mix. For areas without a
      crust that is supplied to steam tur-     to comply with anticipated emission         renewable energy alternative, a com-
      bines at electric utilities that drive   regulation will provide invaluable in-      pany can become part of the early
      generators to produce electricity.       sight into the future of a company’s        conversations surrounding the devel-
                                               energy costs.                               opment of appropriate solutions.
     Geothermal Heat Pump
                                                  It’s important to start asking these        There also might be times when a
      A central heating and/or cooling
                                               questions now so that a comprehen-          company may desire to use renew-
      system that pumps heat to or from
      the ground. It uses the earth as a       sive plan can be developed to identify      able energy and yet have no option
      heat source (in the winter) or a         issues and opportunities before rate        to directly connect with renewable
      heat sink (in the summer). This          changes catch companies off guard.          energy sources.
      design takes advantage of the            The result may be that a company ne-           In these instances, a company can
      moderate temperatures in the             gotiates a long-term energy rate, de-       evaluate the purchase of green power
      ground to boost efficiency and           cides to purchase from a different en-      offsets through Renewable Energy
                                               ergy source or decides to relocate.         Credits (RECs) that allow a company
                                                  The earlier such conversations are       to ostensibly use renewable energy

48   financial executive | march 2010                                                          
sources from elsewhere on the                with the earth and reduce energy
national grid. These offsets allow a         costs for heating and cooling. Waste-
                                                                                        reduce the operational costs of
company to confidently advertise             to-energy systems, like Biomass            heating and cooling systems, and
support of renewable energy sources          Combustion, also make more sense           may be combined with solar heat-
in order to meet its sustainability          in certain locations over others,          ing to form a geosolar system with
objectives.                                  depending on access to biomass             even greater efficiency. Geother-
   For those companies that are look-        inputs and local regulations.              mal heat pumps are known by oth-
ing for a new facility location, energy         In some circumstances, the best         er names, including ground source
cost and supply source information           alternative energy solution is to sim-     heat pump, geoexchange, earth-
should be considered in the strategic        ply use less energy or capture wasted      coupled, earth energy or water-
                                                                                        source heat pumps.
facility planning process. The compa-        energy. Some technologies that do
ny’s location search can include alter-      this include new ways to better har-
                                                                                       Greenhouse Gas (GHG)
native energy criteria that will help        ness sunlight and push it deeper into      That portion of the total change in
identify geographic areas with the           the building space to offset electric      the mean global surface tempera-
best potential for optimal renewable         lighting loads — solar tubes and light     ture of the Earth that is caused by
energy sources.                              benders, for example.                      gases in the atmosphere (including
                                                There are also options to better        carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous
Harnessing Opportunities                     harness the thermal properties of the      oxide, ozone and chlorofluorocar-
Discussions of renewable energy fea-         sun to reduce heating, cooling and         bons). The GHG effect allows solar
sibility in a geographic area can also       ventilation costs, such as a solar wall    radiation to penetrate the Earth’s
impact decisions to incorporate facili-      or white roof. Additionally, cogenera-     atmosphere but absorbs the
                                                                                        infrared radiation returning to
ty-specific renewable energy systems         tion systems, such as fuel cells or
as part of a company’s overall sus-          microturbines, can be added to exist-
tainability strategy.                        ing mechanical systems to enhance         Groundwater
   These are systems that are either         their efficiency in a clean manner.        Water occurring in the subsurface
owned by the facility or structured             As facility-based capital expendi-      zone where all spaces are filled
through a mechanism that allows the          tures associated with retrofits or         with water under pressure greater
system to be located in or under the         upgrades are considered, these tech-       than that of the atmosphere.
facility in order to provide renewable       nologies can provide measurable
energy to the facility, as well as to sell   returns. An energy audit or a build-      Passive Solar
excess energy to the local grid.             ing commissioning study are valu-          A system in which solar energy
   There have been major technologi-         able services to identify and priori-      alone is used for the transfer of
                                                                                        thermal energy. Pumps, blowers or
cal advances to accommodate small-           tize opportunities to incorporate
                                                                                        other heat transfer devices that use
er-scale renewable energy systems            these technologies.
                                                                                        energy other than solar are not
with aesthetic design options to fit                                                    used.
within the physical parameters of a          Initiatives, Programs, Incentives
facility. These technologies include         A discussion of available alternative     Photovoltaic Cell
solar electric photovoltaic (PV) sys-        energy sources would not be com-           An electronic device consisting of
tems of varying costs and efficiencies       plete if it did not address the initia-    layers of semiconductor materials
that fit on rooftops.                        tives, programs and incentives asso-       fabricated to form a junction (adja-
   There are also building-integrated        ciated with a company’s sustainabili-      cent layers of materials with differ-
photovoltaics (BIPV) that are actually       ty strategy. Currently, there are many     ent electronic characteristics) and
                                                                                        electrical contacts and being capa-
incorporated into building materials —       incentive programs to encourage the
                                                                                        ble of converting incident light
windows, skylights or solar canopies.        adoption of alternative energy solu-
                                                                                        directly into electricity (direct cur-
Wind turbines also range from large-         tions.
scale, pole-mounted versions to small-          These exist on local, state and fed-
                                                                                       Renewable Energy Resource
er building-integrated options that          eral levels as well as from private
                                                                                        An energy resource that is regener-
mount on the rooftop ledges.                 entities. They take the form of tax
                                                                                        ative or virtually inexhaustible.
   Other renewable technologies              incentives, rebates, grants and low-       Typical examples are wind, solar,
gaining appeal in the market that            interest loans.                            geothermal and water power.
depend upon site characteristics for            There are also a host of initiatives
optimal performance are geoex-               and programs to assist and encourage      Solar Energy
change and waste-to-energy systems.          the adoption of alternative and clean      The radiant energy of the sun,
   Geoexchange technology, or geot-          energy solutions. These initiatives and    which can be converted into other
hermal heat pumps, can be optimally          programs give the participant benefits     forms of energy, such as heat or
employed given the right site condi-         that are not easily measured, including    electricity.
tions so that heat can be exchanged          advertising and marketing opportuni-                                                                    march 2010 | financial executive   49
ties, brand value and the retention of       hermal, hydropower, landfill gas, ma-
                                    tenants or employees.                        rine renewable and trash combustion.
                                        The sheer number of these initia-            In addition, Qualified Energy Con-
                                    tives, programs and incentives is            servation Bonds can provide up to
                                    daunting. At the same time, there are        $2.3 billion for qualifying conserva-
  Renewable energy                  opportunities to find the right mix tai-     tion purposes. This program focuses
                                    lored to any given situation. Sustain-       on reducing energy consumption in
  initiatives may be                ability consultants can be helpful in        public buildings, rural development
                                    identifying and prioritizing them to         involving renewable energy and other
  among the greatest                determine if they fit a company’s spe-       initiatives.
                                    cific facts and circumstances.
  beneficiaries of recent               Renewable energy initiatives may         What Should You Do Now?
                                    be among the greatest beneficiaries of       Leading-edge companies have
  federal stimulus                  recent federal stimulus programs.            already begun to address these sus-
                                    Government policies behind certain           tainability issues in more depth as
  programs.                         provisions of the American Recovery          they consider the intricate effect of
                                    and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and              alternative energy on their overall
  Government                        other legislation include new goals,         business strategy and more specifical-
                                    such as doubling the amount of               ly on their real estate portfolio. All
  programs offer                    renewable energy produced over the           companies could benefit substantially
                                    next few years, creating incentives for      from developing an alternative ener-
  significant resources,
                                    job creation in clean energy economic        gy strategy as part of their sustain-
  including new categories          development and incentives to bring          ability planning.
                                    about an 80-percent reduction in                 With the myriad of options and
  of advanced-energy                GHG emissions by 2050.                       complexity associated with the choic-
                                        The stimulus programs offer sig-         es, however, the first step is to ask the
  project credits,                  nificant resources, including new cat-       right questions to get the right
                                    egories of advanced-energy project           answers. The clean energy future is on
  expansion of existing             credits, expansion of existing produc-       the horizon and those who start tak-
                                    tion tax credits and investment tax          ing steps toward strategically address-
  production tax credits            credits, as well as new direct grant         ing alternative energy now will be the
                                    programs. In addition, ARRA author-          first to develop a sustainable competi-
  and investment tax                izes loan guarantees for select renew-       tive advantage in this area.
                                    able energy projects if construction
  credits, as well as new           begins before Sept. 30, 2011.                MIKE TOBIN, LEED AP, is national director
                                        Two new bonding programs are also        for Sustainability Services and G EORGE
  direct grant programs.            authorized under ARRA. The first is the      BOYADJIS, MBA, CPA, is executive director.
                                    Clean Renewable Energy Bond program,         Both are with CresaPartners, a corporate
                                    which offers up to $1.6 billion in funding   real estate advisory firm. Boyadjis is also a
                                    to finance the construction of a wide va-    member of the Twin Cities Chapter of FEI
                                    riety of qualifying renewable energy fa-     and vice president at large and a member of
                                    cilities, including wind, bio-mass, geot-    FEI’s Office of the Chair.

                               In one year since launching its “Living Green” program, KPMG
           has reduced its overall carbon footprint by 7%, electricity consumption by 3% and
           recycling activity increased 13%, as non-recycled waste dropped 54% — meaning that
           KPMG now recycles more than it sends to landfills.                                                                march 2010 | financial executive      51

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Preparing For A Clean Energy Future

  • 1. Though talked about for years, it’s a long, slow road to become truly resource-efficient. Legislation may ultimately drive the process, but in the meantime, forward-looking companies are getting a head start by understanding the energy they use and making responsible usage decisions. Preparing For A Clean-Energy Future G Given recent developments in both technology capabilities and govern- ment incentive programs, it’s an ex- citing time to build an organization’s sustainability strategy by exploring alternative energy solutions. There are many things that can be done within a company to prepare for a sustainable clean en- ergy future and the in- Energy Costs of the Future Many companies track energy costs closely. In light of recent energy rate fluctuations as well as current legis- lation, this becomes an even more important aspect to consider in busi- ness operations. The price of energy will undoubtedly continue By Mike Tobin to rise due to increased and global demand, regulation creased influence of alter- George Boyadjis of greenhouse gas (GHG) native energy. emissions and the imple- By understanding the energy cur- mentation of Renewable Energy rently used and new technologies, as Standard (RES) requirements. The © JUPITER UNLIMITED well as the myriad of local, state and cost to clean up dirty fuels in order ENERGY federal incentives, initiatives and to meet regulations related to GHG regulations, a business can create a emissions will increase business and successful strategic plan to capitalize consumer costs. on the available opportunities. Renewable energy requirements march 2010 | financial executive 47
  • 2. Glossary of Alternative Energy may also increase the short-term cost started, the more options and oppor- Terms of energy in some locations and not tunities exist for the company to con- significantly affect the cost in other sider, particularly if relocation is the Alternative Energy areas. Over the long-term, however, preferred action. An umbrella term that refers to any it is expected that renewable sources source of usable energy intended will provide energy at lower costs Maximize Exposure to to replace fuel sources without the undesired consequences of the with less variability. Renewable Energy replaced fuels. In general, alterna- Translating these changes into Another issue to investigate is the tive energy is that which is pro- strategic business opportunities re- feasibility of sustainable alternative duced without the undesired conse- quires discussion and analysis around energy sources in a geographic area. quences of the burning of fossil minimizing energy rate risk. The dis- Certain areas of the country are sim- fuels, such as high carbon dioxide cussion may include hedging and en- ply better suited than others to emissions. ergy purchasing strategies that are be- implement renewable energy sys- coming more common. The discussion tems. In essence, there are some areas Biomass should also include more in-depth that will get more return out of an Organic non-fossil material of bio- considerations about strategic facility investment in renewable energy than logical origin constituting a renew- location and its relation to energy others. Thus, the cost in some areas able energy source. sources. will be less to produce the same ener- Cogeneration gy from renewable energy systems. The production of electrical energy Know Thy Energy For example, areas with more and another form of useful energy To better understand the true cost of intense sunlight are better suited for (such as heat or steam) through the energy, a company must begin to optimizing solar energy systems and sequential use of energy. question the source of its energy as certain areas of the country (or off- well as its associated future issues. shore) have greater prevailing wind Emissions Trading For example, coal is a relatively levels. With an emissions-trading system, a abundant fuel source in the United In analyzing the fuel source regulatory agency specifies an over- States, but is considered rather options in a given location, one all level of pollution that will be “dirty” compared with other fuel should also question the feasibility of tolerated (a cap) and then uses allowances to develop a market to sources. In addition, coal from one renewable energy in the area. Those allocate the pollution among area can be “dirtier” than coal from areas with greater capacity for sources of pollution under the cap. another area. renewable energy could arguably Emissions permits or allowances Thus, as local coal plants adjust to have a lower and more predictable become the currency of the market, proposed regulations, those plants in energy rate in the future. as pollution sources are free to buy, the area with the dirtier coal may For a company’s existing facilities, sell or otherwise trade permits incur higher costs to meet emission this information can be used to help based on their own marginal costs standards, which, in turn, will result assess opportunities to encourage the of control and the price of the per- in higher costs to energy consumers. development of a different mix of mits. In no case can total emissions Extrapolate from this simple example fuel sources for its energy needs. exceed the cap. the impact the anticipated regulations For instance, if a facility is accessi- Geothermal Energy could have on the cost of our nation’s ble by multiple utilities, the company As used at electric utilities, hot different fuel sources. may choose to purchase power from water or steam extracted from Questioning the cleanliness of the the one with a higher renewable geothermal reservoirs in the Earth’s local fuel source and the utilities’ cost energy mix. For areas without a crust that is supplied to steam tur- to comply with anticipated emission renewable energy alternative, a com- bines at electric utilities that drive regulation will provide invaluable in- pany can become part of the early generators to produce electricity. sight into the future of a company’s conversations surrounding the devel- energy costs. opment of appropriate solutions. Geothermal Heat Pump It’s important to start asking these There also might be times when a A central heating and/or cooling questions now so that a comprehen- company may desire to use renew- system that pumps heat to or from the ground. It uses the earth as a sive plan can be developed to identify able energy and yet have no option heat source (in the winter) or a issues and opportunities before rate to directly connect with renewable heat sink (in the summer). This changes catch companies off guard. energy sources. design takes advantage of the The result may be that a company ne- In these instances, a company can moderate temperatures in the gotiates a long-term energy rate, de- evaluate the purchase of green power ground to boost efficiency and cides to purchase from a different en- offsets through Renewable Energy ergy source or decides to relocate. Credits (RECs) that allow a company The earlier such conversations are to ostensibly use renewable energy 48 financial executive | march 2010
  • 3. sources from elsewhere on the with the earth and reduce energy national grid. These offsets allow a costs for heating and cooling. Waste- reduce the operational costs of company to confidently advertise to-energy systems, like Biomass heating and cooling systems, and support of renewable energy sources Combustion, also make more sense may be combined with solar heat- in order to meet its sustainability in certain locations over others, ing to form a geosolar system with objectives. depending on access to biomass even greater efficiency. Geother- For those companies that are look- inputs and local regulations. mal heat pumps are known by oth- ing for a new facility location, energy In some circumstances, the best er names, including ground source cost and supply source information alternative energy solution is to sim- heat pump, geoexchange, earth- should be considered in the strategic ply use less energy or capture wasted coupled, earth energy or water- source heat pumps. facility planning process. The compa- energy. Some technologies that do ny’s location search can include alter- this include new ways to better har- Greenhouse Gas (GHG) native energy criteria that will help ness sunlight and push it deeper into That portion of the total change in identify geographic areas with the the building space to offset electric the mean global surface tempera- best potential for optimal renewable lighting loads — solar tubes and light ture of the Earth that is caused by energy sources. benders, for example. gases in the atmosphere (including There are also options to better carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous Harnessing Opportunities harness the thermal properties of the oxide, ozone and chlorofluorocar- Discussions of renewable energy fea- sun to reduce heating, cooling and bons). The GHG effect allows solar sibility in a geographic area can also ventilation costs, such as a solar wall radiation to penetrate the Earth’s impact decisions to incorporate facili- or white roof. Additionally, cogenera- atmosphere but absorbs the infrared radiation returning to ty-specific renewable energy systems tion systems, such as fuel cells or space. as part of a company’s overall sus- microturbines, can be added to exist- tainability strategy. ing mechanical systems to enhance Groundwater These are systems that are either their efficiency in a clean manner. Water occurring in the subsurface owned by the facility or structured As facility-based capital expendi- zone where all spaces are filled through a mechanism that allows the tures associated with retrofits or with water under pressure greater system to be located in or under the upgrades are considered, these tech- than that of the atmosphere. facility in order to provide renewable nologies can provide measurable energy to the facility, as well as to sell returns. An energy audit or a build- Passive Solar excess energy to the local grid. ing commissioning study are valu- A system in which solar energy There have been major technologi- able services to identify and priori- alone is used for the transfer of thermal energy. Pumps, blowers or cal advances to accommodate small- tize opportunities to incorporate other heat transfer devices that use er-scale renewable energy systems these technologies. energy other than solar are not with aesthetic design options to fit used. within the physical parameters of a Initiatives, Programs, Incentives facility. These technologies include A discussion of available alternative Photovoltaic Cell solar electric photovoltaic (PV) sys- energy sources would not be com- An electronic device consisting of tems of varying costs and efficiencies plete if it did not address the initia- layers of semiconductor materials that fit on rooftops. tives, programs and incentives asso- fabricated to form a junction (adja- There are also building-integrated ciated with a company’s sustainabili- cent layers of materials with differ- photovoltaics (BIPV) that are actually ty strategy. Currently, there are many ent electronic characteristics) and electrical contacts and being capa- incorporated into building materials — incentive programs to encourage the ble of converting incident light windows, skylights or solar canopies. adoption of alternative energy solu- directly into electricity (direct cur- Wind turbines also range from large- tions. rent). scale, pole-mounted versions to small- These exist on local, state and fed- Renewable Energy Resource er building-integrated options that eral levels as well as from private An energy resource that is regener- mount on the rooftop ledges. entities. They take the form of tax ative or virtually inexhaustible. Other renewable technologies incentives, rebates, grants and low- Typical examples are wind, solar, gaining appeal in the market that interest loans. geothermal and water power. depend upon site characteristics for There are also a host of initiatives optimal performance are geoex- and programs to assist and encourage Solar Energy change and waste-to-energy systems. the adoption of alternative and clean The radiant energy of the sun, Geoexchange technology, or geot- energy solutions. These initiatives and which can be converted into other hermal heat pumps, can be optimally programs give the participant benefits forms of energy, such as heat or employed given the right site condi- that are not easily measured, including electricity. tions so that heat can be exchanged advertising and marketing opportuni- march 2010 | financial executive 49
  • 4. ties, brand value and the retention of hermal, hydropower, landfill gas, ma- tenants or employees. rine renewable and trash combustion. The sheer number of these initia- In addition, Qualified Energy Con- tives, programs and incentives is servation Bonds can provide up to daunting. At the same time, there are $2.3 billion for qualifying conserva- Renewable energy opportunities to find the right mix tai- tion purposes. This program focuses lored to any given situation. Sustain- on reducing energy consumption in initiatives may be ability consultants can be helpful in public buildings, rural development identifying and prioritizing them to involving renewable energy and other among the greatest determine if they fit a company’s spe- initiatives. cific facts and circumstances. beneficiaries of recent Renewable energy initiatives may What Should You Do Now? be among the greatest beneficiaries of Leading-edge companies have federal stimulus recent federal stimulus programs. already begun to address these sus- Government policies behind certain tainability issues in more depth as programs. provisions of the American Recovery they consider the intricate effect of and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and alternative energy on their overall Government other legislation include new goals, business strategy and more specifical- such as doubling the amount of ly on their real estate portfolio. All programs offer renewable energy produced over the companies could benefit substantially next few years, creating incentives for from developing an alternative ener- significant resources, job creation in clean energy economic gy strategy as part of their sustain- including new categories development and incentives to bring ability planning. about an 80-percent reduction in With the myriad of options and of advanced-energy GHG emissions by 2050. complexity associated with the choic- The stimulus programs offer sig- es, however, the first step is to ask the project credits, nificant resources, including new cat- right questions to get the right egories of advanced-energy project answers. The clean energy future is on expansion of existing credits, expansion of existing produc- the horizon and those who start tak- tion tax credits and investment tax ing steps toward strategically address- production tax credits credits, as well as new direct grant ing alternative energy now will be the programs. In addition, ARRA author- first to develop a sustainable competi- and investment tax izes loan guarantees for select renew- tive advantage in this area. able energy projects if construction credits, as well as new begins before Sept. 30, 2011. MIKE TOBIN, LEED AP, is national director Two new bonding programs are also for Sustainability Services and G EORGE direct grant programs. authorized under ARRA. The first is the BOYADJIS, MBA, CPA, is executive director. Clean Renewable Energy Bond program, Both are with CresaPartners, a corporate which offers up to $1.6 billion in funding real estate advisory firm. Boyadjis is also a to finance the construction of a wide va- member of the Twin Cities Chapter of FEI riety of qualifying renewable energy fa- and vice president at large and a member of cilities, including wind, bio-mass, geot- FEI’s Office of the Chair. In one year since launching its “Living Green” program, KPMG has reduced its overall carbon footprint by 7%, electricity consumption by 3% and recycling activity increased 13%, as non-recycled waste dropped 54% — meaning that KPMG now recycles more than it sends to landfills. march 2010 | financial executive 51