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Converging worlds
                                 Five management principles from
                                 companies modernizing our vehicles,
                                 buildings, and electric grids

April 2012

At a glance
Industry is radically
reframing how it can
increase productivity and
improve the efficiency and
stability of our vehicles,
buildings, and electric grids.

Cities, campuses, and
corporations need to
manage energy use more
actively and in a more
aggregated way.

The first step in navigating
the opportunities—for
both buyers and sellers of
products and services—is
to start from within.
New products, services—even business models—are                                                              It’s no small task to save oil and
                                                                                                             energy—for the most part it requires
emerging from companies working to modernize our                                                             making vehicles and buildings
vehicles, buildings, and electric grids. These companies are                                                 far more efficient than what we
envisioning new ways to create value for their customers                                                     know today. Together, vehicles
                                                                                                             and buildings are among the most
by looking at problems in a more aggregated way. In this                                                     significant users of oil and energy
report, they tell how they need to work differently with their                                               in the United States: Transportation
customers, suppliers, and others to shape their futures as                                                   is responsible for 70% of petroleum
                                                                                                             consumption,2 and buildings account
market conditions evolve.                                                                                    for 75% of electricity consumption.3

                                                                                                             Growing concern about energy as a
                                                                                                             long-term business risk is why most
                                                      Nearly half of CEOs who participated in
                                                                                                             companies want to take a more active
                                                      PwC’s 15th Annual Global CEO Survey
                                                                                                             role in managing their own energy use.
                                                      are concerned about rising energy
                                                                                                             Globally, about 70% of companies have
                                                      costs.1 With good reason: Price forecasts
                                                                                                             sustainability initiatives of varying
                                                      for all commodities are heading up,
                                                                                                             scopes in place, many with a conviction
                                                      and energy prices top the charts (see
                                                                                                             that managing energy use is necessary
                                                      Figure A). Energy—whether in the
                                                                                                             to remain competitive.4 For companies,
                                                      form of electricity, gas, oil, or fuel—is
                                                                                                             the task of becoming more energy
                                                      connected to a broad spectrum of other
                                                                                                             efficient is also tied to productivity
                                                      business issues, too, including climate
                                                                                                             and environmental benefits—but
                                                      change, natural resource constraints,
                                                                                                             the energy efficiency is the easiest to
                                                      food prices, water availability, political
                                                                                                             quantify. An income-producing office
                                                      risk, and transportation challenges.
                                                                                                             for an average company, for example,
                                                                                                             spends about 30% of its operating
                                                                                                             costs on energy, but a third of that cost
                                                                                                             could be trimmed with commercially
                                                                                                             available technologies and active
                                                                                                             management. If that same company
                                                                                                             delivers goods in an urban area, it’s
                                                                                                             wasting an average of 22 days a year in
                                                                                                             traffic congestion, part of a total of $2.3
                                                                                                             billion a year in unwanted congestion
                                                                                                             costs for US trucks.5 Technologies that
                                                                                                             help avoid congestion, then, not only
                                                                                                             make employees more efficient but can
                                                                                                             have other economic benefits too.

1	PwC, PwC’s 15th Annual Global CEO Survey, January 2012.
2	 US Department of Energy, Transportation Energy Data Book 2011, June 2011.
3	 US Department of Energy, Buildings Energy Data Book 2010, March 2011.
4	 MIT Sloan Management Review and Boston Consulting Group, Sustainability Nears a Tipping Point, January 2012.
5	 Texas Transportation Institute, Urban Mobility Report 2011, September 2011.

2   Converging worlds
Progressive companies are looking for                                  •	 Identifying which facilities should
gains by tackling their transportation                                    produce their own energy supply
and building energy use as one                                            or manage their own water use
larger issue rather than separate
                                                                       •	 Tailoring logistics and fleet
ones. They’re using technology
                                                                          management to match the
in a broad range of activities to
                                                                          needs of each type of route
find the best ways to reduce cost,
                                                                          and geographic region
improve productivity, and minimize
environmental impacts, including:                                      •	 Examining use of office space,
                                                                          fleets, and other assets to eliminate
•	 Analyzing energy use for pricing and
                                                                          waste and maximize utilization
   sourcing options with the lowest cost
   and the least environmental damage

World commodity prices are forecast to ride
Figure A. Key commodity prices are forecast to rise
Index, 2005 = 100





























             Energy prices
             Food prices
             Metals prices
             Raw materials prices

Source: Oxford Economics

                                                                                                                                           Converging worlds   3
While innovation means new possibilities, it also
means increased complexity for building and
vehicle fleet owners and operators who will find
themselves faced with successive waves of innovation.
They will need to sort through products, services,
and business models they’ve never seen before.

Their providers—those who are             precision energy-management tools
modernizing the electric system and       that analyze the energy use of each
making cars, trucks, and buildings        building system and notify a control
several times more efficient than         center when HVAC, lighting, and data
they are today—see the common             centers aren’t working optimally.
goal. They see far greater potential
                                          And it’s not just the technologies
for lower costs, greater productivity,
                                          that are changing; business models
and greater environmental benefits
                                          are, too. Some solar companies, for
by completely redesigning solutions.
                                          example, are challenging conventional
They’re reframing their partnership
                                          business models by leasing arrays
networks and extending the roles
                                          rather than selling them, as a way
they’ve traditionally played. When
                                          to help customers manage up-front
it makes sense, they’re partnering,
                                          capital requirements. Transportation
mashing up technologies, and forming
                                          providers are investing in technologies
new business models. What’s emerging
                                          that promote car sharing—targeting
is an entirely new ecosystem where
                                          the market segments that can’t or
energy, information, building, and
                                          won’t buy cars or those who realize
transportation technologies converge.
                                          their fleets are sorely underutilized.
Technological evolution is at the heart   Such innovations reframe choices for
of this change. For example, to work      customers and, as a result, reframe
optimally, smart grids need smart         the competition, leading companies
buildings, but the legacy systems in      to anticipate new types of threats.
most buildings aren’t up for the task.
                                          While innovation means new
They simply weren’t designed for it.
                                          possibilities, it also means increased
Now, cheap sensors that are making
                                          complexity for building and vehicle fleet
these building systems smarter can
                                          owners and operators who will find
also connect building systems to
                                          themselves faced with successive waves
each other and to other buildings—
                                          of innovation. They will need to sort
somewhat like nodes in a network.
                                          through products, services, and business
Tech-savvy providers are using
                                          models they’ve never seen before.
these sensors to create things like

4   Converging worlds
There’s an entire ecosystem coming together around
the promise of lower costs, greater productivity,
and greater environmental benefits

What’s changing?
                                                  evolution                           1. Cheap and ubiquitous computing and
                                                                                         communications enable convergences
                                                                                         across energy, IT, building, and
                                           Deployment                                    transportation systems.
4.	Innovations add greater                  and use
   benefits—but also far greater
   complexity—to building and
   fleet energy management.                                         Market
                                                                     conditions              2.	Markets drive adoption, and
                                                                                                combinations of solutions are
                                                                                                tailored to unique settings.
    3.	Industry provides the tools       and business
        o manage complex systems        model
       and link them together. When      innovation
       synergies exist, companies
       partner for greater benefits,
       mash up technologies, and form
       new business models.

                                        What are customers looking for?
                                        Customers are looking for a new type of value creation where solutions 	
                                        can be customized, linked together, or combined for greater results.

                                           Energy                                    Building
                                           •	Renewable energy                        •	Certified green buildings
                                           •	Distributed energy                      •	Building energy management
                                           •	Smart grid technologies                 •	Demand response and real-time
                                           •	Demand response and real-time            electricity pricing
                                             electricity pricing	                    •	Space utilization and sharing	

                                           Information                               Transportation
                                           •	Processors and sensors in meters,       •	Intelligent transportation systems
                                             cars, roads, and buildings             •	Congestion and road-charging 
                                           •	Big Data storage, analytics, and          systems
                                             management                              •	Smart and connected vehicles
                                           •	Automation capabilities built on the   •	Alternative-fuel vehicles
                                             Internet of Things                     •	Car sharing

                                                                                                             Converging worlds   5
“I look at some of the innovations out there, and I
     just think it’s kind of mind-boggling what’s going
     to happen. The possibilities are vast, and the
     combinations, exponential.”
                                            —Carl Bass, Autodesk

                               Technological evolution is changing the    As a result, both the nature of the
                               very nature of how energy, information,    products and services companies
                               buildings, and transportation are          offer and how they operate and
                               procured and managed. For example:         interact with suppliers, customers,
                                                                          and others will need to evolve.
                               •	 Distributed energy generation is
                                  becoming cheaper and cleaner.           How quickly will companies and
                                  Smart grids enable two-way              their customers see real implications
                                  conversations with companies            from these trends? “If you’re trying
                                  and their utilities for real-time       to replace the volume of coal-fired
                                  pricing. And energy will become         power plants and natural-gas-fired
                                  easier to store, which may also         power plants, you’re talking about long
                                  change how it’s bought and sold.        time frames,” says Stephan Dolezalek,
                                                                          managing director of CleanTech at
                               •	 Vehicles and buildings are
                                                                          VantagePoint Capital Partners. “But
                                  becoming part of a vast Internet of
                                                                          if you’re talking about using existing
                                  Things, in which any device can be
                                                                          systems to manage energy more
                                  addressed, monitored, controlled,
                                                                          efficiently, you may move much more
                                  and optimized. Data can be opened
                                                                          rapidly than people would think.”
                                  to third parties, allowing for
                                  aggregation, analysis, and reuse.       As with previous convergences
                                                                          enabled by technology, this one
                               •	 Building operators are able to
                                                                          will require making organizational
                                  harness rich data streams that
                                                                          changes, bridging functional silos,
                                  help them optimize energy
                                                                          and adopting different ways of
                                  and resource use, enhance
                                                                          thinking. “We need to think about
                                  comfort and productivity, and
                                                                          organizational structure if we’re really
                                  improve utilization rates.
                                                                          going to embrace transformation,”
                               •	 Smart and connected vehicles know       says David Bartlett, vice president of
                                  where they can park, avoid traffic      industry solutions at IBM. “It’s never
                                  jams, or rent themselves out to other   just about the technology; it’s about
                                  drivers or riders. Electric vehicles    how we can step up to adopting it.”
                                  connect to the grid or to buildings—
                                  either of which could be designed
                                  to draw on a vehicle’s battery in
                                  ways that improve distribution
                                  and management of power.

6   Converging worlds
“Increasingly, the marketplace and the customers are
 looking for a new type of value creation, which is ‘I’d
 prefer not to deal with the complications of all those
 elements of the ecosystem. Help me string it together.
 Optimize it for me, and make it easier for me to access
 that value.’”
                                                      —Mark Vachon, GE

Customers are                          3.	 Widen the circle of innovation
                                           and speed up the cycles
looking for a                          4.	 Look for opportunity in
new type of value                          underutilized assets
creation                               5.	 Harness the value of Big Data
To find out more about how
                                       Their goal is to build organizational
companies are working differently
                                       capabilities that bring returns to
to understand and shape their
                                       the business no matter how (or how
futures, PwC and GreenBiz selected
                                       quickly) technologies evolve.
a panel of leaders from 15 companies
with a stake in the four domains       We believe their insights should be of
showing the greatest potential for     interest to any business leader who
convergences: energy, information,     wants to reduce costs, mitigate risks,
buildings, and transportation.         or contribute to overall profitability
                                       of the business—all while improving
We found common insights from
                                       environmental outcomes. For those
our panel that we believe are useful
                                       focused on mitigating risks or reducing
to all companies as they work to
                                       costs in company operations, we
understand their opportunities.
                                       hope you’ll see new ways of thinking
The panel told us how today’s          about your business, assets, and
circumstances are accelerating         partnerships. For those seeking to
change and requiring them to work      create new revenue opportunities, we
differently. These companies           hope you’ll be inspired as you envision
                                       your future and the capabilities you’ll
1.	 Think systemically to capture      need to achieve your objectives.
    technology and market shifts
                                       The sections that follow summarize
2.	 Set a clear vision but prepare     our panels’ insights.
    for multiple futures

                                                              Converging worlds   7
1.            Think systemically to   Whether your company is building            was to engage new actors in the city
              capture technology      a new city, creating a transportation       planning process from the get-go,”
              and market shifts       network, or changing your operations        says Gordon Feller, Internet Business
                                      to reduce energy and waste, an              Solutions Group at Cisco. “This included
                                      integrative view can help you ensure        national government, local government,
                                      you’re actually solving a problem,          citizen organizations, technology
                                      not creating a new or bigger one.           companies, private developers, and
                                                                                  public agencies that were established
                                      All of our panelists are working on
                                                                                  in the economic free zone. So we
                                      innovative technologies, such as
                                                                                  expanded the circle of partners and,
                                      electric-vehicle charging systems,
                                                                                  in the process, were able to identify
                                      building analytics systems, or
                                                                                  some breakthrough innovations.”
                                      intelligent energy metering devices. But
                                      they’re also working on large cross-        Cisco has staked its role in this
                                      sector issues like modernizing the          ecosystem on owning the “urban
                                      electric grid, tackling traffic gridlock,   operating system.” This assumes the
                                      or building sustainable megacities,         growing viability of a cities-as-a-
                                      thinking that is supported by a market      service approach, which is maturing
                                      demand for smarter infrastructures          alongside mobility-as-a-service and
                                      (see Figure C). Taking an integrative       other business models that monetize
                                      approach allows them to move beyond         service delivery alongside product
                                      individual products and services            sales. It also depends on integrating the
                                      and to examine how a system’s parts         products and services and know-how
                                      influence one another and the whole.        of a wide range of partners. It’s a
                                                                                  radically new model for city managers
                                      Cisco explains how this way of thinking
                                                                                  and the companies (like Cisco) that
                                      led to a co-creation process in the
                                                                                  sell to them. But it also forms the
                                      development of a Korean greenfield city,
                                                                                  basis of Cisco’s strategy; it’s this kind
                                      New Songdo City. One of the project’s
                                                                                  of repositioning that is helping Cisco
                                      requirements was that the city produce
                                                                                  understand its role and define it further.
                                      one-third less greenhouse gas emissions
                                      than a typical city its size. “The idea

8   Converging worlds
“We see convergence as being literally the starting point and the end point,
 primarily because we think that’s where our customers are headed, and we want
 to be as responsive as possible to their demands. And one of their demands is:
 Break down the silos; bust the barriers.”
                                                                                                    —Gordon Feller, Cisco

Figure B. A market shift toward smart infrastructure development
Smart city smart infrastructure investment by industry, world markets: 2010-2020,
in $ Billions
Smart Cities




US $ Billions






                  2010    2011      2012    2013   2014   2015   2016   2017   2018   2019   2020

                         Smart utilities
                         Smart transport
                         Smart building
                         Smart government

  Source: Pike Research
Source: Pike Research

                                                                                                           Converging worlds   9
             Set a clear vision   In addition to thinking more              fixed military bases and in the field.
             but prepare for      systemically, companies are taking        “We crafted a strategy focused on
             multiple futures     a longer-term view, creating one or       leveraging things we do and things
                                  more scenarios about where and how        we own—particularly approaches
                                  markets will change and about the         that provide command and control
                                  opportunities. “Without a long-term       to lots of objects inside a large
                                  view of where things are going and        network, like a smart grid,” says Tim
                                  where you want them to go, I think        Noonan of Phantom Works Ventures
                                  it’s going to be very hard to end up      and Boeing Energy at Boeing.
                                  really playing a central role in any
                                                                            Through a series of grants from the
                                  of this,” says Bill Weihl, manager of
                                                                            American Recovery and Reinvestment
                                  energy efficiency and sustainability at
                                                                            Act of 2009 (ARRA), as well as related
                                  Facebook. The social media company
                                                                            projects and company investment,
                                  has been a leader in data center energy
                                                                            Boeing slowly began to develop an
                                  efficiency as well as in encouraging
                                                                            energy strategy that it is working to
                                  collaboration and transparency around
                                                                            implement today. “We’ve explored a
                                  solutions for data center energy use.
                                                                            number of areas that we think have
                                  Once companies have a vision in           a lot of potential,” Noonan says. “Not
                                  mind, the business case for taking        all of them are going to pay off, but
                                  innovations to scale or to maturity       I think we placed some good bets
                                  becomes clearer. Boeing, for example,     across generation, transmission,
                                  sees an opportunity to play a role in     distribution, storage, and carbon
                                  the utility space by working with the     capture that have strong upside for us
                                  US Department of Defense to address       both strategically and financially.”
                                  its growing energy concerns both in

10 Converging worlds
“When you look at what Henry Ford did with the Model
                                                 T, it opened up the highways for people. But our new
                                                 model has to be a different model, and that different
                                                 model has to address mobility challenges.”
                                                                                                               —John Viera, Ford

What’s your company’s role and the vision
for your future?

Facilities and fleets                Institutional and                 Cities and public works           Business customers, partners,
                                    commercial campuses                                                 and suppliers along the value

   Command  control center

Whether it’s residential or         Corporate campuses, colleges      Cities and regions are forming    Large corporations and their
commercial, there’s a               and military bases will gain      public-private organizations to   network of suppliers already
constellation of new                more by taking a holistic view    manage entire portfolios of       manage fleets and facilities in a
technologies for energy             of possible technologies to       projects, many of which tackle    range of operating
efficiency, generation, and          connect and control critical      traffic congestion, reliable and   environments. What’s new here
demand response ready to            systems. While a facility-        affordable electricity, and a     is learning how data can
connect systems like HVAC           by-facility approach could        smarter, greener urban living     accelerate innovation cycles.
and lighting to the energy grid     make sense, portfolio             experience.
and communications network.         management can present more
The second piece is connecting      options for successive waves of
grid appliances, like the           innovation.
electric vehicle to the facility.

                                                                                                                     Converging worlds 11
             Widen the circle      As part of their growth strategies,             tailored solutions can overcome
             of innovation and     companies are identifying new                   such obstacles. “I think there’s
                                   opportunities to take advantage of              nothing that our clients distrust
             speed up the cycles
                                   their existing assets and expertise for         more than someone coming to them
                                   innovation; but they’re also looking            with ‘the solution,’ because we don’t
                                   to nontraditional and unexpected                know what the solution is going
                                   sources to enhance what they already            to be,” says David Pogue, national
                                   have to offer. “You’ve got to make              director of sustainability at CBRE.
                                   money at the end of the day,” says Mark         “We need to work with them on the
                                   Vann of the Advanced Technology                 opportunities, and together we need
                                   Government Business Development                 to determine the best solutions.”
                                   group at General Motors. “You need
                                                                                •	 Internal. Second, they’re
                                   to find partners where there are
                                                                                   encouraging internal cross-
                                   synergies, where a group of us together
                                                                                   functional collaborations to find
                                   can cost-justify making a leap in
                                                                                   fresh perspectives. Sometimes
                                   an investment or a technology.”
                                                                                   it involves technological cross-
                                   Companies we spoke with identify                pollination. General Electric, for
                                   three types of collaboration that               example, leveraged aerospace
                                   are fostering their innovation. The             engineering from its aviation
                                   collaborations could be to build or             business, as well as materials
                                   manage electric grids, construct or             science and mechanical engineering
                                   operate smart buildings, design or              expertise from across the company
                                   manage cities’ infrastructures, provide         to become the leading US wind
                                   integrated and adaptive transportation          turbine manufacturer. But
                                   services, manage distributed and                technology solutions alone aren’t
                                   diverse energy systems, or more.                always sufficient, so companies
                                                                                   are reaching into other parts of
                                   •	 Customers. First, companies are
                                                                                   their businesses to find expertise
                                      working more closely than ever
                                                                                   on such things as customer service
                                      with their customers to identify new
                                                                                   or marketing. “What we’re doing,
                                      opportunities to address their needs
                                                                                   of course, is expanding the circle
                                      over the short and medium terms.
                                                                                   beyond the engineers to people
                                      While customers are looking for
                                                                                   who are trained in other fields
                                      ways to succeed in an increasingly
                                                                                   and who are also great sources of
                                      dynamic marketplace, they’re wary
                                                                                   innovation,” says Cisco’s Feller.
                                      of companies that bring a one-size-
                                      fits-all, plug-and-play solution to the
                                      table. Forming close partnerships
                                      to seek innovative, flexible, yet

12 Converging worlds
•	 External. Finally, they’re looking
   to other players in their industries
   or in adjacent industries to take      Where have we seen
   a broader, multidisciplinary
   approach to specific customer          convergences like this before?
   issues. At Microsoft, for example,
   this is creating new opportunities     We have seen technology convergences before, and those that have preceded
   to work with utility and energy        may be instructive to understanding the business implications of today’s
   industry partners. “All of these       convergence. VantagePoint Capital Partners’ Stephan Dolezalek provides
   folks are really deep energy experts   this perspective.
   who are now finding themselves
                                          In the development of information technologies, we started with a
   in the software solution business
                                          mainframe computer that pushed information to a dumb terminal. We then
   at a level they never have been
                                          migrated to ever-smaller, more-powerful microcomputing platforms that
   in before,” says Rob Bernard,
                                          distributed computing power, reducing the need for those mainframes. But
   chief environmental strategist at
                                          then we discovered that we wanted to reconnect things, which ultimately
   Microsoft. “And that’s where the
                                          led to the development of the Internet. Now, we’ve come full circle, with
   partnership and the synergy come
                                          massive numbers of devices talking to central computers in the cloud.
   in—because we’re not a solutions
   company in the energy space. So
                                          That piece, I think, represents the ultimate possibility for our physical
   it creates the opportunity and the
                                          infrastructure. As cities and companies start thinking about managing
   conditions for a partnership.”
                                          complex systems and acquire the tools that connect the systems together
                                          and manage distribution of power, they can do it on a building level or a
                                          community level and suddenly they’re efficiently managing electron flows,
                                          temperature, comfort levels, lighting—basically, the human experience.

                                          Information technology continues to get bound ever more deeply into
                                          the Internet of Things. Today we have one Internet where we want very
                                          active involvement, control, and constant interaction. There will be a
                                          second layered Internet, where we want to minimize our interaction, as
                                          systems handle things automatically and provide us with the best user
                                          experience but do so in the background. The management of lighting,
                                          transport, and energy will be background managed through business
                                          services. If it can do what I need it to, without my having to interfere,
                                          that’s ultimately how energy and transport will be delivered to us.

                                          As big incumbents try to move into that future, some of them will
                                          be able to capture the new technology and integrate it and others
                                          will be left behind. The only possible way that an incumbent can
                                          deal with this is to change from within by embracing it or just
                                          acknowledge that failure to change is, in almost every part of the
                                          global economy today, something that’s sure to lead to certain death.

                                                                                                         Converging worlds 13
“We see this process of opening the system as actually
 accelerating the path to innovation.”
                                                                —Gordon Feller, Cisco

                                                   Across the board, companies are            have more groups working faster on
                                                   seeing their need for partnerships         advanced-technology collaboration
                                                   swell. “The larger the scale of these      so we can get to the market quickly.
                                                   kinds of projects, the greater the         If you look at the Chevy Volt timing
                                                   number of players,” says Clay Nesler,      from inception to launch, it was
                                                   vice president of Global Energy           probably one of the fastest vehicle
                                                   Sustainability at Johnson Controls.        launches we’ve ever done.”

                                                   But a larger network of partners doesn’t   Conditions are driving companies
                                                   have to mean the process slows down.       to look for opportunities to join
                                                   In fact, many companies say they’re able   together—to go to market with arms
                                                   to accelerate the process of innovation    linked. It’s about companies’ using
                                                   through collaborations that leverage       their combined capabilities to provide
                                                   partners’ expertise efficiently.           greater benefits for their customers
                                                                                              than if each went it alone. This is a
                                                   “I would say the velocity of work
                                                                                              broad trend seen across all industries
                                                   has increased quite a bit,” says Mary
                                                                                              and echoed in other research. Forty
                                                   Beth Stanek, director of Federal
                                                                                              percent of global CEOs now expect the
                                                   Environmental  Energy Regulatory
                                                                                              majority of innovation in the future
                                                   Affairs at General Motors. “You
                                                                                              will be co-developed in collaborative
                                                                                              networks outside their organizations.6

                                                                                              Our panelists said that both internal
                                                                                              and external stakeholders are
                                                                                              important partners in designing new
                                                                                              strategies and ensuring their success.
                                                                                              “You have to be flexible with regard to
                                                                                              these types of partnership structures,”
                                                       of global CEOs now expect the          says Mark Vachon, vice president of
                                                       majority of innovation in the          ecomagination at GE. “We’ve focused
                                                       future will be co-developed            not only on expanding the sources of
                                                       in collaborative networks              innovation and technology but also
                                                       outside their organizations.           on how we scale and commercialize
                                                                                              the ideas we’ve partnered on.”

6	PwC, PwC’s 14th Annual Global CEO Survey, January 2011.

14 Converging worlds
Market acceleration led
by governments
Business expects governments

to be among the largest
customers for clean,
smart, and green solutions
because of the need for
infrastructure improvements.
The world’s infrastructure                  Investment needed to
investment needs for energy,                improve basic infrastructure
road and rail transport,                    through 2030
and water are likely to
average 3.5% of world
gross domestic product
through 2030, or about US$71 trillion, OECD says.7 In some cases, the
private sector will lead infrastructure projects, through public and
private partnerships, as it has in the buildout of telecommunications
networks in both developed and developing countries.

Around the world, government-supported drives are laying the
groundwork for smart infrastructures, with investments in the
modernization of electricity grids. Smart-grid investment in
China will reach at least US$96 billion by 2020, as part of that
country’s long-term stimulus plan.8 In the United States, US$4.5
billion was allocated to smart-grid initiatives under ARRA.

Large stimulus efforts have been accompanied by an array of
federal and subnational government programs providing incentives
designed to promote market acceleration, including:

•	 Production tax credits

•	 Cash grants and loans in lieu of tax credits

•	 Renewable-energy standards

•	 Regional cap-and-trade programs

•	 Feed-in tariffs

•	 Fuel efficiency standards

•	 Commercial benchmarking laws for energy use

•	 Guidelines that allow interval data from utilities to be open source and
   available to third parties

•	 Guidelines for privacy and data security of interval data

To accelerate change, industry working groups are working closely
with government agencies on a wide range of industry standards
that define the boundaries for collaboration and competition.

7	OECD, Infrastructure To 2030: Telecom, Land Transport, Water and Electricity, Volume 2, August 2007
   and PwC, 10Minutes on Global Infrastructure, March 2010.
8	 International Energy Agency, Technology Roadmap: Smart Grids, 2011.

                                                                                Converging worlds 15
              Look for opportunity                    Entrepreneurs in both incumbent          In another example, the city of
              in underutilized                        and start-up companies are looking       Amsterdam reduced the physical
              assets                                  for opportunities to identify and        amount of office space it leases by 40%
                                                      manage underutilized assets or to        through a partnership with Cisco. The
                                                      create products and services that        city now boasts modern and up-to-date
                                                      optimize others’ underutilized assets.   work solutions, such as encouraging
                                                                                               and enabling telecommuting, and
                                                      Over the past few decades,
                                                                                               creating flexible, shared workspaces.
                                                      information technology companies
                                                                                               All told, the initiative is saving
                                                      have turned to utilization to boost
                                                                                               the city €10 million annually.10
                                                      data center efficiency, create faster
                                                      processors, and more. Today’s            Vehicle-sharing models take asset
                                                      innovators look for opportunities        utilization to another level. Fleets
                                                      where utilization can either reduce      of cars, bicycles, trucks, and other
                                                      cost, increase revenue or both.          vehicles are available by the hour for
                                                                                               individual use and are conveniently
                                                      For example, in 2010, unused capacity
                                                                                               located throughout a community,
                                                      on Amazon’s servers led the company
                                                                                               campus, or city. While car sharing
                                                      to introduce its popular EC2 cloud
                                                                                               started with community member-
                                                      offering, turning underutilized
                                                                                               based services, the concept has broad
                                                      assets into a new revenue stream.
                                                                                               potential to change how cities, colleges,
                                                      Since EC2’s release, revenue jumped
                                                                                               and corporations manage and maintain
                                                      from $240 million in the third
                                                                                               fleets. Vehicle owners see radically
                                                      quarter of 2010 to $470 million
                                                                                               higher utilization and potential
                                                      in the third quarter of 2011.9
                                                                                               revenue, and users have new choices
                                                                                               for how they use transportation.

9 Andrew Hickey, “Amazon’s Q3 Cloud Revenue Skyrockets,” CNN, October 2011.
10 Cisco, European City Connects Citizens and Businesses for Economic Growth, October 2011.

16 Converging worlds
Market barriers mean no easy entry
Finding the right economic model has been elusive in            and rate structures typically discourage power providers
many smart, clean, and green ventures. Even when the            from supporting energy-efficiency efforts—at least
economics make sense on paper, there is a mentality             on any meaningful scale. In other cases—e.g., vehicle
that needs to change, and it’s often hard to convince           efficiency standards or pricing and policies for on-site
buyers that they should be the ones to go first.                solar—technology has also changed faster than policy.

Existing public policies and market structures can act as       The picture is slowly changing, as companies seek
disincentives for change: most policies were designed for       opportunities to work with regulators and competitors
systems to work as they do now, not how they could in the       to craft policies that support innovation and incentivize
future. We found broad recognition among our panelists          efficiency industrywide. For example, when FedEx wanted
that the right market incentives are                                                       to spur the development of
critical to reducing commercial risk                                                       electric-vehicle technologies for
so they can take new ideas to scale.            Existing public                            the tens of thousands of trucks
                                                                                           it runs every day, it lobbied
For example, US commercial                      policies and market                        to raise federal fuel economy
buildings waste about a third of                structures can                             standards. By doing so, it gave
the energy they consume, but there                                                         technology and manufacturing
are few incentives for building                 act as disincentives                       companies a stronger incentive
owners to improve them. Typically,              for change.                                to develop and deploy efficient,
leases are written so that tenants                                                         electric-vehicle technologies.
are responsible for utility costs,                                                         And when FedEx worked with
while landlords are responsible                                                            Environmental Defense Fund
for capital costs related to energy                                                        on hybrid-electric vehicle
systems, such as HVAC maintenance or on-site generation.        development for commercial trucks, it made the
Because, in effect, the landlord pays for the project but the   project non-proprietary to promote innovation and
tenants receive the benefits, the landlord has no financial     collaboration among manufacturers and operators to
incentive for making efficiency improvements. “That’s           encourage widespread adoption. Using hybrid-electric
one of the countertrends right now to buildings becoming        and all-electric vehicles for light delivery is just one
smarter and more energy efficient—the investment                component of FedEx’s corporate strategy to reduce the
realities in the marketplace aren’t supporting it,” says Bob    use of petroleum; there’s another strategy for its heavy
Best, executive vice president of Jones Lang LaSalle.           trucks and a third for its 700 planes. The company
                                                                has improved energy efficiency every year since 2005,
The commercial building market isn’t the only place these       with a 15.1% improvement through fiscal year 2010.
problems exist. In the utility business, existing policies

                                                                                                             Converging worlds 17
5.           Harness the         One of the natural consequences of          “We provided the IT constructs, but
             value of Big Data   placing sensors throughout buildings,       the facilities team was key in providing
                                 in vehicles, and within energy systems      the experience and what type of rules
                                 is the very large amounts of detailed       made sense,” says IBM’s Bartlett. “I
                                 data theses sensors generate. But           guess what they didn’t realize was
                                 we’re only beginning to see how this        the capability of IT to give them a
                                 tsunami of data fosters new innovation.     command view, to give them visibility
                                 Saul Zambrano of Pacific Gas and            and automation that they hadn’t had
                                 Electric Company’s Customer Energy          before. So, they’re seeing the potential
                                 Solutions group sees potential. “The        for new energy savings as a result.”
                                 enhanced capability and the data sets
                                                                             Data analytics can also provide
                                 that underlie it really are creating this
                                                                             insight into new products and services
                                 new innovation cycle around smarter
                                                                             customers need. For CBRE, the
                                 grids and smarter buildings,” he says.
                                                                             opportunity lies in tapping into large
                                 This explosion of information,              data sets across its customers. “If I
                                 commonly referred to as “Big Data,”         have all of the data for one client who
                                 is ushering in a new type of analytics      owns 30 buildings in a portfolio, maybe
                                 that enables management to make             then I can do a commodity buy for the
                                 decisions with a precision comparable       energy for those buildings,” says Pogue
                                 to scientific insight. The newest           of CBRE. “Right now, owners think of
                                 analytic methods use rigorous scientific    individual buildings, but what we want
                                 techniques, including hypothesis            to do is begin to view the management
                                 formation and testing, statistical          and benefits in a more aggregated way.”
                                 sampling, and visualization tools.
                                                                             The potential for companies to use
                                 Data analytics can turn the invisible       data more effectively can transform
                                 into the visible when partners come         not only the products and services
                                 together to make sense of the data.         companies provide, but also how those
                                 IBM talks about an early facilities         companies organize to respond to
                                 management implementation, which            business goals and customer need. As
                                 made use of 10,000 data sources to          Zambrano says, “Historically, utilities
                                 provide a robust picture of a facility’s    were very silo structured. Analysis of
                                 operations. The value, however,             the data that’s coming in is effectively
                                 came from applying the customer’s           going to require a shift in capability
                                 knowledge about priorities and needs        around horizontal management, and
                                 alongside IBM’s analysis tools to provide   so, it’s part of the business change.”
                                 actionable information about how to
                                 optimize the facility’s operations.

18 Converging worlds
“If I have all of the data for one client who owns 30 buildings in a portfolio, maybe
then I can do a commodity buy for the energy for those buildings. Right now,
owners think of individual buildings, but what we want to do is begin to view the
management and benefits in a more aggregated way.”
                                                                                                                                        —David Pogue, CBRE

Is your strategy                                         Figure C. Radical ideas rely on a combination of technology
                                                         change and business model innovation
fit for the future?
At the heart of convergences among
energy, information, building, and
transportation technologies is the
potential for far greater economic and                                                        Breakthrough ideas          Radical ideas

environmental benefits than we’ve                                                             Game changers               New businesses
seen before. Convergence represents
                                                      Technology change

an opportunity to define the direction
of industry by harnessing the power of
both technology change and business
model innovation. In fact, innovation
does not focus exclusively on new
                                                                          Close to existing

technology. Developing new business                                                           Incremental ideas          Breakthrough ideas
models and new strategies is every                                                            Protect/improve            Game changers
bit as important—sometimes more.                                                              existing

GM is just one company embracing
the idea that both technology change
and business model innovation must
work side by side to create the future                                                         Close to existing                  New
of the organization. Today, GM is—
first and foremost—in the business of                                                                     Business model change
selling as many cars as it can. But it is
also testing a car-sharing model that                   Source: Davila, Epstein, and Shelton, Making Innovation Work: How to Manage It,
leverages its existing OnStar system;                   Measure It, and Profit from It, August 2005.
GM vehicle owners will soon be able
to use OnStar to rent out their cars.11

11 Marc Gunther, “Why GM is working with car-sharing firm RelayRides,”, March 2012.

                                                                                                                                              Converging worlds 19
Taking action
We see very different opportunities for buyers and sellers
of energy, building, transportation, and information
technology solutions. Here are some things to think about,
based on where you think your biggest opportunities are.

                                               For companies that buy, own, or
                                               operate buildings and fleets
                                               Nearly every company has at least one facility, with
                                               its attendant energy, water, and resource needs. And
                                               most depend on transportation networks to deliver
                                               employees to their offices, if not also to deliver products
                                               and services to the market. Therefore, companies’
                                               ability to function—and to do so profitably—depends
                                               on these systems and how efficiently they run.

                                               What should you do now?
                                               Determine the level of significance energy spending is to
                                               your business and whether your organization is prepared
                                               to see the larger potential benefits for your specific needs
                                               and circumstances. Buyers, owners, and operators of
                                               buildings and fleets can consider the following questions:

                                               •	 Are the people who perform transportation, IT, and
                                                  facilities management functions at your company
                                                  up-to-date on these trends? What opportunities
                                                  do they have to reduce business costs or improve
                                                  efficiency in light of new developments?

                                               •	 Have you considered what types of new skills your
                                                  company will need? Are you supporting growth for
                                                  your people in roles (such as building engineers or
                                                  energy managers) that need to evolve or expand?

                                               •	 How well do space planning and utilization
                                                  metrics match your talent strategies? You might
                                                  be sitting on space you don’t really need.

                                               •	 Have you evaluated options to buy energy in different
                                                  ways? Are you talking to current and potential
                                                  new service providers about those options?

20 Converging worlds
For providers, incumbents,                                                            Feller, puts it: “Simply because you see the convergence
and new market players                                                                doesn’t mean you’re equipped and capable to deal with it.”

Customers will help drive your new view of value creation,                            Indeed, every company—no matter the motivation to
if you’re prepared to listen. Mark Vachon of GE put it this                           act—should be looking beyond the technology changes
way: “It’s about listening to what trends are out there,                              and preparing itself organizationally to stay fit for
and reverse engineering that capability back into the                                 the future, ready to adapt as conditions change.
business. And so if you’re really listening these days,
you’re hearing a lot more around ‘I need a solution. I
need you to be part of solving my broader problem.’”

Meeting customer demands to solve broader problems
and bring innovative solutions to the table requires
companies to engage simultaneously in collaboration
and competition—what some call “co-opetition.”12

In highly fragmented or immature markets, innovation                                      Get more in person
skills and entry points will sort out who does what best—not                              and online
unlike what we’ve seen in other sectors where digital and
mobile technologies have initiated structural change.
                                                                                          GreenBiz Group is engaging the business
What should you do now?                                                                   community on ways to accelerate convergence
                                                                                          and reduce commercial risk for both users
A structured approach to identifying and capturing value                                  and providers of clean, smart, and green
for your company begins with a few simple questions:                                      technologies. Join us in a series of GreenBiz
•	 What is your corporate view of this landscape—how                                      VERGE events and online discussions.
   energy, information, buildings, and transportation services                            To participate, see:
   are meshing together? What’s your company’s role in it all?

•	 Do you feel your organization’s innovation capabilities
   are a match for the nature of change in this space?

•	 Do you feel your marketing and sales approach is
   succeeding where smart, clean or green attributes
   should be part of the sales process?

•	 Are you comfortable that you are collaborating with the
   right network and identifying the right future partners?

Providers have phenomenal opportunities ahead as they come
to understand and then shape their futures. Yet as Cisco’s

12 Eric Bloom, “In Smart Buildings, Co-opetition Is on the Rise,” Pike Research Blog, February 2012.

                                                                                                                                 Converging worlds 21
During the preparation of this publication, we benefited greatly from
interviews and conversations with the following executives.

David Bartlett                                         Clay Nesler                               Mark Vann
Vice President of Industry Solutions                   Vice President, Global Energy             Manager of Advanced Technology
IBM                                                     Sustainability                          Government Business Development
                                                       Johnson Controls                          General Motors
Carl Bass
President and CEO                                      Tim Noonan                                John Viera
Autodesk                                               Vice President, Phantom Works             Global Director, Sustainability and
                                                       Ventures and Boeing Energy                Vehicle Environmental Matters
Rob Bernard                                            Boeing                                    Ford Motor Company
Chief Environmental Strategist
Microsoft Corporation                                  David Pogue                               Bill Weihl*
                                                       National Director of Sustainability       Manager of Energy Efficiency
Bob Best                                               CBRE                                      and Sustainability
Executive Vice President, Energy                                                                 Facebook
 Sustainability Services                              Mary Beth Stanek
Jones Lang LaSalle                                     Director of Federal Environmental         Saul Zambrano
                                                        Energy Regulatory Affairs               Senior Director, Products, Customer
Stephan Dolezalek                                      General Motors                            Energy Solutions
Managing Director, CleanTech                                                                     Pacific Gas and Electric Company
VantagePoint Capital Partners                          Mark Vachon
                                                       Vice President, ecomagination
Gordon Feller                                          General Electric
Internet Business Solutions Group
Public Sector Practice
Cisco Systems

Dave Gralnik                                                PwC and GreenBiz Group
Senior Vice President, Renewable
Energy Services                                             Advisory
Jones Lang LaSalle
                                                            Joel Makower, Chairman and Executive Editor, GreenBiz Group
Mitch Jackson                                               Clinton Moloney, US Sustainable Business Solutions, PwC
Vice President                                              Don Reed, US Sustainable Business Solutions, PwC
Environmental Affairs  Sustainability                      Rob Shelton, US Growth  Innovation, PwC
                                                            Editorial, writing, design, and production
Joe Mercurio
Manager of Government  Military Fuel                       Eric Faurot, President and Chief Strategist, GreenBiz Group
Cells  Electric Vehicle Programs                           Peggy Fresenburg and Judy Traveny, US Studio, PwC
General Motors                                              Dee Hildy, US Thought Leadership, PwC
                                                            Celeste LeCompte, Contributor
                                                            Derek Top, Senior Editor and Program Director for VERGE, GreenBiz Group

*This interview was conducted in December 2011, before Bill joined Facebook.

22 Converging worlds
Converging worlds 23

To have a conversation
about how we can help your
company increase revenue,
reduce cost, or manage risk
through effective sustainability
strategies, contact:

Kathy Nieland
Sustainable Business Solutions,
Practice Leader
(504) 558 8228

Brian Carey
US Advisory Cleantech Leader
(408) 817 7807

Clinton Moloney
US Sustainable Business Solutions
(415) 498 8442

Don Reed
US Sustainable Business Solutions
(617) 530 4403

Rob Shelton
US Growth  Innovation
(408) 817 4251

This publication is printed on Mohawk Options
100PC. It is a Forest Stewardship Council™
(FSC®) certified stock using 100% post
consumer waste (PCW) fiber and manufactured
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©2012 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership. All rights reserved.

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Converging Worlds

  • 1. Converging worlds Five management principles from companies modernizing our vehicles, buildings, and electric grids April 2012 At a glance Industry is radically reframing how it can increase productivity and improve the efficiency and stability of our vehicles, buildings, and electric grids. Cities, campuses, and corporations need to manage energy use more actively and in a more aggregated way. The first step in navigating the opportunities—for both buyers and sellers of products and services—is to start from within.
  • 2. New products, services—even business models—are It’s no small task to save oil and energy—for the most part it requires emerging from companies working to modernize our making vehicles and buildings vehicles, buildings, and electric grids. These companies are far more efficient than what we envisioning new ways to create value for their customers know today. Together, vehicles and buildings are among the most by looking at problems in a more aggregated way. In this significant users of oil and energy report, they tell how they need to work differently with their in the United States: Transportation customers, suppliers, and others to shape their futures as is responsible for 70% of petroleum consumption,2 and buildings account market conditions evolve. for 75% of electricity consumption.3 Growing concern about energy as a long-term business risk is why most Nearly half of CEOs who participated in companies want to take a more active PwC’s 15th Annual Global CEO Survey role in managing their own energy use. are concerned about rising energy Globally, about 70% of companies have costs.1 With good reason: Price forecasts sustainability initiatives of varying for all commodities are heading up, scopes in place, many with a conviction and energy prices top the charts (see that managing energy use is necessary Figure A). Energy—whether in the to remain competitive.4 For companies, form of electricity, gas, oil, or fuel—is the task of becoming more energy connected to a broad spectrum of other efficient is also tied to productivity business issues, too, including climate and environmental benefits—but change, natural resource constraints, the energy efficiency is the easiest to food prices, water availability, political quantify. An income-producing office risk, and transportation challenges. for an average company, for example, spends about 30% of its operating costs on energy, but a third of that cost could be trimmed with commercially available technologies and active management. If that same company delivers goods in an urban area, it’s wasting an average of 22 days a year in traffic congestion, part of a total of $2.3 billion a year in unwanted congestion costs for US trucks.5 Technologies that help avoid congestion, then, not only make employees more efficient but can have other economic benefits too. 1 PwC, PwC’s 15th Annual Global CEO Survey, January 2012. 2 US Department of Energy, Transportation Energy Data Book 2011, June 2011. 3 US Department of Energy, Buildings Energy Data Book 2010, March 2011. 4 MIT Sloan Management Review and Boston Consulting Group, Sustainability Nears a Tipping Point, January 2012. 5 Texas Transportation Institute, Urban Mobility Report 2011, September 2011. 2 Converging worlds
  • 3. Progressive companies are looking for • Identifying which facilities should gains by tackling their transportation produce their own energy supply and building energy use as one or manage their own water use larger issue rather than separate • Tailoring logistics and fleet ones. They’re using technology management to match the in a broad range of activities to needs of each type of route find the best ways to reduce cost, and geographic region improve productivity, and minimize environmental impacts, including: • Examining use of office space, fleets, and other assets to eliminate • Analyzing energy use for pricing and waste and maximize utilization sourcing options with the lowest cost and the least environmental damage World commodity prices are forecast to ride Figure A. Key commodity prices are forecast to rise Index, 2005 = 100 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1980 1983 1986 1989 1992 1995 1998 2001 2004 2007 2010 2013 2016 2019 2022 2025 2028 2031 2034 Energy prices Food prices Metals prices Raw materials prices Source: Oxford Economics Converging worlds 3
  • 4. While innovation means new possibilities, it also means increased complexity for building and vehicle fleet owners and operators who will find themselves faced with successive waves of innovation. They will need to sort through products, services, and business models they’ve never seen before. Their providers—those who are precision energy-management tools modernizing the electric system and that analyze the energy use of each making cars, trucks, and buildings building system and notify a control several times more efficient than center when HVAC, lighting, and data they are today—see the common centers aren’t working optimally. goal. They see far greater potential And it’s not just the technologies for lower costs, greater productivity, that are changing; business models and greater environmental benefits are, too. Some solar companies, for by completely redesigning solutions. example, are challenging conventional They’re reframing their partnership business models by leasing arrays networks and extending the roles rather than selling them, as a way they’ve traditionally played. When to help customers manage up-front it makes sense, they’re partnering, capital requirements. Transportation mashing up technologies, and forming providers are investing in technologies new business models. What’s emerging that promote car sharing—targeting is an entirely new ecosystem where the market segments that can’t or energy, information, building, and won’t buy cars or those who realize transportation technologies converge. their fleets are sorely underutilized. Technological evolution is at the heart Such innovations reframe choices for of this change. For example, to work customers and, as a result, reframe optimally, smart grids need smart the competition, leading companies buildings, but the legacy systems in to anticipate new types of threats. most buildings aren’t up for the task. While innovation means new They simply weren’t designed for it. possibilities, it also means increased Now, cheap sensors that are making complexity for building and vehicle fleet these building systems smarter can owners and operators who will find also connect building systems to themselves faced with successive waves each other and to other buildings— of innovation. They will need to sort somewhat like nodes in a network. through products, services, and business Tech-savvy providers are using models they’ve never seen before. these sensors to create things like 4 Converging worlds
  • 5. There’s an entire ecosystem coming together around the promise of lower costs, greater productivity, and greater environmental benefits What’s changing? Technological evolution 1. Cheap and ubiquitous computing and communications enable convergences across energy, IT, building, and Deployment transportation systems. 4. Innovations add greater and use benefits—but also far greater complexity—to building and fleet energy management. Market conditions 2. Markets drive adoption, and combinations of solutions are tailored to unique settings. Technology 3. Industry provides the tools and business t o manage complex systems model and link them together. When innovation synergies exist, companies partner for greater benefits, mash up technologies, and form new business models. What are customers looking for? Customers are looking for a new type of value creation where solutions can be customized, linked together, or combined for greater results. Energy Building • Renewable energy • Certified green buildings • Distributed energy • Building energy management • Smart grid technologies • Demand response and real-time • Demand response and real-time electricity pricing electricity pricing • Space utilization and sharing Information Transportation • Processors and sensors in meters, • Intelligent transportation systems cars, roads, and buildings • Congestion and road-charging • Big Data storage, analytics, and systems management • Smart and connected vehicles • Automation capabilities built on the • Alternative-fuel vehicles Internet of Things • Car sharing Converging worlds 5
  • 6. “I look at some of the innovations out there, and I just think it’s kind of mind-boggling what’s going to happen. The possibilities are vast, and the combinations, exponential.” —Carl Bass, Autodesk Technological evolution is changing the As a result, both the nature of the very nature of how energy, information, products and services companies buildings, and transportation are offer and how they operate and procured and managed. For example: interact with suppliers, customers, and others will need to evolve. • Distributed energy generation is becoming cheaper and cleaner. How quickly will companies and Smart grids enable two-way their customers see real implications conversations with companies from these trends? “If you’re trying and their utilities for real-time to replace the volume of coal-fired pricing. And energy will become power plants and natural-gas-fired easier to store, which may also power plants, you’re talking about long change how it’s bought and sold. time frames,” says Stephan Dolezalek, managing director of CleanTech at • Vehicles and buildings are VantagePoint Capital Partners. “But becoming part of a vast Internet of if you’re talking about using existing Things, in which any device can be systems to manage energy more addressed, monitored, controlled, efficiently, you may move much more and optimized. Data can be opened rapidly than people would think.” to third parties, allowing for aggregation, analysis, and reuse. As with previous convergences enabled by technology, this one • Building operators are able to will require making organizational harness rich data streams that changes, bridging functional silos, help them optimize energy and adopting different ways of and resource use, enhance thinking. “We need to think about comfort and productivity, and organizational structure if we’re really improve utilization rates. going to embrace transformation,” • Smart and connected vehicles know says David Bartlett, vice president of where they can park, avoid traffic industry solutions at IBM. “It’s never jams, or rent themselves out to other just about the technology; it’s about drivers or riders. Electric vehicles how we can step up to adopting it.” connect to the grid or to buildings— either of which could be designed to draw on a vehicle’s battery in ways that improve distribution and management of power. 6 Converging worlds
  • 7. “Increasingly, the marketplace and the customers are looking for a new type of value creation, which is ‘I’d prefer not to deal with the complications of all those elements of the ecosystem. Help me string it together. Optimize it for me, and make it easier for me to access that value.’” —Mark Vachon, GE Customers are 3. Widen the circle of innovation and speed up the cycles looking for a 4. Look for opportunity in new type of value underutilized assets creation 5. Harness the value of Big Data To find out more about how Their goal is to build organizational companies are working differently capabilities that bring returns to to understand and shape their the business no matter how (or how futures, PwC and GreenBiz selected quickly) technologies evolve. a panel of leaders from 15 companies with a stake in the four domains We believe their insights should be of showing the greatest potential for interest to any business leader who convergences: energy, information, wants to reduce costs, mitigate risks, buildings, and transportation. or contribute to overall profitability of the business—all while improving We found common insights from environmental outcomes. For those our panel that we believe are useful focused on mitigating risks or reducing to all companies as they work to costs in company operations, we understand their opportunities. hope you’ll see new ways of thinking The panel told us how today’s about your business, assets, and circumstances are accelerating partnerships. For those seeking to change and requiring them to work create new revenue opportunities, we differently. These companies hope you’ll be inspired as you envision your future and the capabilities you’ll 1. Think systemically to capture need to achieve your objectives. technology and market shifts The sections that follow summarize 2. Set a clear vision but prepare our panels’ insights. for multiple futures Converging worlds 7
  • 8. 1. Think systemically to Whether your company is building was to engage new actors in the city capture technology a new city, creating a transportation planning process from the get-go,” and market shifts network, or changing your operations says Gordon Feller, Internet Business to reduce energy and waste, an Solutions Group at Cisco. “This included integrative view can help you ensure national government, local government, you’re actually solving a problem, citizen organizations, technology not creating a new or bigger one. companies, private developers, and public agencies that were established All of our panelists are working on in the economic free zone. So we innovative technologies, such as expanded the circle of partners and, electric-vehicle charging systems, in the process, were able to identify building analytics systems, or some breakthrough innovations.” intelligent energy metering devices. But they’re also working on large cross- Cisco has staked its role in this sector issues like modernizing the ecosystem on owning the “urban electric grid, tackling traffic gridlock, operating system.” This assumes the or building sustainable megacities, growing viability of a cities-as-a- thinking that is supported by a market service approach, which is maturing demand for smarter infrastructures alongside mobility-as-a-service and (see Figure C). Taking an integrative other business models that monetize approach allows them to move beyond service delivery alongside product individual products and services sales. It also depends on integrating the and to examine how a system’s parts products and services and know-how influence one another and the whole. of a wide range of partners. It’s a radically new model for city managers Cisco explains how this way of thinking and the companies (like Cisco) that led to a co-creation process in the sell to them. But it also forms the development of a Korean greenfield city, basis of Cisco’s strategy; it’s this kind New Songdo City. One of the project’s of repositioning that is helping Cisco requirements was that the city produce understand its role and define it further. one-third less greenhouse gas emissions than a typical city its size. “The idea 8 Converging worlds
  • 9. “We see convergence as being literally the starting point and the end point, primarily because we think that’s where our customers are headed, and we want to be as responsive as possible to their demands. And one of their demands is: Break down the silos; bust the barriers.” —Gordon Feller, Cisco Figure B. A market shift toward smart infrastructure development Smart city smart infrastructure investment by industry, world markets: 2010-2020, in $ Billions Smart Cities $18 $16 $14 $12 US $ Billions $10 $8 $6 $4 $2 $0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Smart utilities Smart transport Smart building Smart government Source: Pike Research Source: Pike Research Converging worlds 9
  • 10. 2. Set a clear vision In addition to thinking more fixed military bases and in the field. but prepare for systemically, companies are taking “We crafted a strategy focused on multiple futures a longer-term view, creating one or leveraging things we do and things more scenarios about where and how we own—particularly approaches markets will change and about the that provide command and control opportunities. “Without a long-term to lots of objects inside a large view of where things are going and network, like a smart grid,” says Tim where you want them to go, I think Noonan of Phantom Works Ventures it’s going to be very hard to end up and Boeing Energy at Boeing. really playing a central role in any Through a series of grants from the of this,” says Bill Weihl, manager of American Recovery and Reinvestment energy efficiency and sustainability at Act of 2009 (ARRA), as well as related Facebook. The social media company projects and company investment, has been a leader in data center energy Boeing slowly began to develop an efficiency as well as in encouraging energy strategy that it is working to collaboration and transparency around implement today. “We’ve explored a solutions for data center energy use. number of areas that we think have Once companies have a vision in a lot of potential,” Noonan says. “Not mind, the business case for taking all of them are going to pay off, but innovations to scale or to maturity I think we placed some good bets becomes clearer. Boeing, for example, across generation, transmission, sees an opportunity to play a role in distribution, storage, and carbon the utility space by working with the capture that have strong upside for us US Department of Defense to address both strategically and financially.” its growing energy concerns both in 10 Converging worlds
  • 11. “When you look at what Henry Ford did with the Model T, it opened up the highways for people. But our new model has to be a different model, and that different model has to address mobility challenges.” —John Viera, Ford What’s your company’s role and the vision for your future? Facilities and fleets Institutional and Cities and public works Business customers, partners, commercial campuses and suppliers along the value chain Command control center Whether it’s residential or Corporate campuses, colleges Cities and regions are forming Large corporations and their commercial, there’s a and military bases will gain public-private organizations to network of suppliers already constellation of new more by taking a holistic view manage entire portfolios of manage fleets and facilities in a technologies for energy of possible technologies to projects, many of which tackle range of operating efficiency, generation, and connect and control critical traffic congestion, reliable and environments. What’s new here demand response ready to systems. While a facility- affordable electricity, and a is learning how data can connect systems like HVAC by-facility approach could smarter, greener urban living accelerate innovation cycles. and lighting to the energy grid make sense, portfolio experience. and communications network. management can present more The second piece is connecting options for successive waves of grid appliances, like the innovation. electric vehicle to the facility. Converging worlds 11
  • 12. 3. Widen the circle As part of their growth strategies, tailored solutions can overcome of innovation and companies are identifying new such obstacles. “I think there’s opportunities to take advantage of nothing that our clients distrust speed up the cycles their existing assets and expertise for more than someone coming to them innovation; but they’re also looking with ‘the solution,’ because we don’t to nontraditional and unexpected know what the solution is going sources to enhance what they already to be,” says David Pogue, national have to offer. “You’ve got to make director of sustainability at CBRE. money at the end of the day,” says Mark “We need to work with them on the Vann of the Advanced Technology opportunities, and together we need Government Business Development to determine the best solutions.” group at General Motors. “You need • Internal. Second, they’re to find partners where there are encouraging internal cross- synergies, where a group of us together functional collaborations to find can cost-justify making a leap in fresh perspectives. Sometimes an investment or a technology.” it involves technological cross- Companies we spoke with identify pollination. General Electric, for three types of collaboration that example, leveraged aerospace are fostering their innovation. The engineering from its aviation collaborations could be to build or business, as well as materials manage electric grids, construct or science and mechanical engineering operate smart buildings, design or expertise from across the company manage cities’ infrastructures, provide to become the leading US wind integrated and adaptive transportation turbine manufacturer. But services, manage distributed and technology solutions alone aren’t diverse energy systems, or more. always sufficient, so companies are reaching into other parts of • Customers. First, companies are their businesses to find expertise working more closely than ever on such things as customer service with their customers to identify new or marketing. “What we’re doing, opportunities to address their needs of course, is expanding the circle over the short and medium terms. beyond the engineers to people While customers are looking for who are trained in other fields ways to succeed in an increasingly and who are also great sources of dynamic marketplace, they’re wary innovation,” says Cisco’s Feller. of companies that bring a one-size- fits-all, plug-and-play solution to the table. Forming close partnerships to seek innovative, flexible, yet 12 Converging worlds
  • 13. • External. Finally, they’re looking to other players in their industries or in adjacent industries to take Where have we seen a broader, multidisciplinary approach to specific customer convergences like this before? issues. At Microsoft, for example, this is creating new opportunities We have seen technology convergences before, and those that have preceded to work with utility and energy may be instructive to understanding the business implications of today’s industry partners. “All of these convergence. VantagePoint Capital Partners’ Stephan Dolezalek provides folks are really deep energy experts this perspective. who are now finding themselves In the development of information technologies, we started with a in the software solution business mainframe computer that pushed information to a dumb terminal. We then at a level they never have been migrated to ever-smaller, more-powerful microcomputing platforms that in before,” says Rob Bernard, distributed computing power, reducing the need for those mainframes. But chief environmental strategist at then we discovered that we wanted to reconnect things, which ultimately Microsoft. “And that’s where the led to the development of the Internet. Now, we’ve come full circle, with partnership and the synergy come massive numbers of devices talking to central computers in the cloud. in—because we’re not a solutions company in the energy space. So That piece, I think, represents the ultimate possibility for our physical it creates the opportunity and the infrastructure. As cities and companies start thinking about managing conditions for a partnership.” complex systems and acquire the tools that connect the systems together and manage distribution of power, they can do it on a building level or a community level and suddenly they’re efficiently managing electron flows, temperature, comfort levels, lighting—basically, the human experience. Information technology continues to get bound ever more deeply into the Internet of Things. Today we have one Internet where we want very active involvement, control, and constant interaction. There will be a second layered Internet, where we want to minimize our interaction, as systems handle things automatically and provide us with the best user experience but do so in the background. The management of lighting, transport, and energy will be background managed through business services. If it can do what I need it to, without my having to interfere, that’s ultimately how energy and transport will be delivered to us. As big incumbents try to move into that future, some of them will be able to capture the new technology and integrate it and others will be left behind. The only possible way that an incumbent can deal with this is to change from within by embracing it or just acknowledge that failure to change is, in almost every part of the global economy today, something that’s sure to lead to certain death. Converging worlds 13
  • 14. “We see this process of opening the system as actually accelerating the path to innovation.” —Gordon Feller, Cisco Across the board, companies are have more groups working faster on seeing their need for partnerships advanced-technology collaboration swell. “The larger the scale of these so we can get to the market quickly. kinds of projects, the greater the If you look at the Chevy Volt timing number of players,” says Clay Nesler, from inception to launch, it was vice president of Global Energy probably one of the fastest vehicle Sustainability at Johnson Controls. launches we’ve ever done.” But a larger network of partners doesn’t Conditions are driving companies have to mean the process slows down. to look for opportunities to join In fact, many companies say they’re able together—to go to market with arms to accelerate the process of innovation linked. It’s about companies’ using through collaborations that leverage their combined capabilities to provide partners’ expertise efficiently. greater benefits for their customers than if each went it alone. This is a “I would say the velocity of work broad trend seen across all industries has increased quite a bit,” says Mary and echoed in other research. Forty Beth Stanek, director of Federal percent of global CEOs now expect the Environmental Energy Regulatory majority of innovation in the future Affairs at General Motors. “You will be co-developed in collaborative networks outside their organizations.6 40% Our panelists said that both internal and external stakeholders are important partners in designing new strategies and ensuring their success. “You have to be flexible with regard to these types of partnership structures,” of global CEOs now expect the says Mark Vachon, vice president of majority of innovation in the ecomagination at GE. “We’ve focused future will be co-developed not only on expanding the sources of in collaborative networks innovation and technology but also outside their organizations. on how we scale and commercialize the ideas we’ve partnered on.” 6 PwC, PwC’s 14th Annual Global CEO Survey, January 2011. 14 Converging worlds
  • 15. Market acceleration led by governments Business expects governments $71T to be among the largest customers for clean, smart, and green solutions because of the need for infrastructure improvements. The world’s infrastructure Investment needed to investment needs for energy, improve basic infrastructure road and rail transport, through 2030 telecommunications, and water are likely to average 3.5% of world gross domestic product through 2030, or about US$71 trillion, OECD says.7 In some cases, the private sector will lead infrastructure projects, through public and private partnerships, as it has in the buildout of telecommunications networks in both developed and developing countries. Around the world, government-supported drives are laying the groundwork for smart infrastructures, with investments in the modernization of electricity grids. Smart-grid investment in China will reach at least US$96 billion by 2020, as part of that country’s long-term stimulus plan.8 In the United States, US$4.5 billion was allocated to smart-grid initiatives under ARRA. Large stimulus efforts have been accompanied by an array of federal and subnational government programs providing incentives designed to promote market acceleration, including: • Production tax credits • Cash grants and loans in lieu of tax credits • Renewable-energy standards • Regional cap-and-trade programs • Feed-in tariffs • Fuel efficiency standards • Commercial benchmarking laws for energy use • Guidelines that allow interval data from utilities to be open source and available to third parties • Guidelines for privacy and data security of interval data To accelerate change, industry working groups are working closely with government agencies on a wide range of industry standards that define the boundaries for collaboration and competition. 7 OECD, Infrastructure To 2030: Telecom, Land Transport, Water and Electricity, Volume 2, August 2007 and PwC, 10Minutes on Global Infrastructure, March 2010. 8 International Energy Agency, Technology Roadmap: Smart Grids, 2011. Converging worlds 15
  • 16. 4. Look for opportunity Entrepreneurs in both incumbent In another example, the city of in underutilized and start-up companies are looking Amsterdam reduced the physical assets for opportunities to identify and amount of office space it leases by 40% manage underutilized assets or to through a partnership with Cisco. The create products and services that city now boasts modern and up-to-date optimize others’ underutilized assets. work solutions, such as encouraging and enabling telecommuting, and Over the past few decades, creating flexible, shared workspaces. information technology companies All told, the initiative is saving have turned to utilization to boost the city €10 million annually.10 data center efficiency, create faster processors, and more. Today’s Vehicle-sharing models take asset innovators look for opportunities utilization to another level. Fleets where utilization can either reduce of cars, bicycles, trucks, and other cost, increase revenue or both. vehicles are available by the hour for individual use and are conveniently For example, in 2010, unused capacity located throughout a community, on Amazon’s servers led the company campus, or city. While car sharing to introduce its popular EC2 cloud started with community member- offering, turning underutilized based services, the concept has broad assets into a new revenue stream. potential to change how cities, colleges, Since EC2’s release, revenue jumped and corporations manage and maintain from $240 million in the third fleets. Vehicle owners see radically quarter of 2010 to $470 million higher utilization and potential in the third quarter of 2011.9 revenue, and users have new choices for how they use transportation. 9 Andrew Hickey, “Amazon’s Q3 Cloud Revenue Skyrockets,” CNN, October 2011. 10 Cisco, European City Connects Citizens and Businesses for Economic Growth, October 2011. 16 Converging worlds
  • 17. Market barriers mean no easy entry Finding the right economic model has been elusive in and rate structures typically discourage power providers many smart, clean, and green ventures. Even when the from supporting energy-efficiency efforts—at least economics make sense on paper, there is a mentality on any meaningful scale. In other cases—e.g., vehicle that needs to change, and it’s often hard to convince efficiency standards or pricing and policies for on-site buyers that they should be the ones to go first. solar—technology has also changed faster than policy. Existing public policies and market structures can act as The picture is slowly changing, as companies seek disincentives for change: most policies were designed for opportunities to work with regulators and competitors systems to work as they do now, not how they could in the to craft policies that support innovation and incentivize future. We found broad recognition among our panelists efficiency industrywide. For example, when FedEx wanted that the right market incentives are to spur the development of critical to reducing commercial risk electric-vehicle technologies for so they can take new ideas to scale. Existing public the tens of thousands of trucks it runs every day, it lobbied For example, US commercial policies and market to raise federal fuel economy buildings waste about a third of structures can standards. By doing so, it gave the energy they consume, but there technology and manufacturing are few incentives for building act as disincentives companies a stronger incentive owners to improve them. Typically, for change. to develop and deploy efficient, leases are written so that tenants electric-vehicle technologies. are responsible for utility costs, And when FedEx worked with while landlords are responsible Environmental Defense Fund for capital costs related to energy on hybrid-electric vehicle systems, such as HVAC maintenance or on-site generation. development for commercial trucks, it made the Because, in effect, the landlord pays for the project but the project non-proprietary to promote innovation and tenants receive the benefits, the landlord has no financial collaboration among manufacturers and operators to incentive for making efficiency improvements. “That’s encourage widespread adoption. Using hybrid-electric one of the countertrends right now to buildings becoming and all-electric vehicles for light delivery is just one smarter and more energy efficient—the investment component of FedEx’s corporate strategy to reduce the realities in the marketplace aren’t supporting it,” says Bob use of petroleum; there’s another strategy for its heavy Best, executive vice president of Jones Lang LaSalle. trucks and a third for its 700 planes. The company has improved energy efficiency every year since 2005, The commercial building market isn’t the only place these with a 15.1% improvement through fiscal year 2010. problems exist. In the utility business, existing policies Converging worlds 17
  • 18. 5. Harness the One of the natural consequences of “We provided the IT constructs, but value of Big Data placing sensors throughout buildings, the facilities team was key in providing in vehicles, and within energy systems the experience and what type of rules is the very large amounts of detailed made sense,” says IBM’s Bartlett. “I data theses sensors generate. But guess what they didn’t realize was we’re only beginning to see how this the capability of IT to give them a tsunami of data fosters new innovation. command view, to give them visibility Saul Zambrano of Pacific Gas and and automation that they hadn’t had Electric Company’s Customer Energy before. So, they’re seeing the potential Solutions group sees potential. “The for new energy savings as a result.” enhanced capability and the data sets Data analytics can also provide that underlie it really are creating this insight into new products and services new innovation cycle around smarter customers need. For CBRE, the grids and smarter buildings,” he says. opportunity lies in tapping into large This explosion of information, data sets across its customers. “If I commonly referred to as “Big Data,” have all of the data for one client who is ushering in a new type of analytics owns 30 buildings in a portfolio, maybe that enables management to make then I can do a commodity buy for the decisions with a precision comparable energy for those buildings,” says Pogue to scientific insight. The newest of CBRE. “Right now, owners think of analytic methods use rigorous scientific individual buildings, but what we want techniques, including hypothesis to do is begin to view the management formation and testing, statistical and benefits in a more aggregated way.” sampling, and visualization tools. The potential for companies to use Data analytics can turn the invisible data more effectively can transform into the visible when partners come not only the products and services together to make sense of the data. companies provide, but also how those IBM talks about an early facilities companies organize to respond to management implementation, which business goals and customer need. As made use of 10,000 data sources to Zambrano says, “Historically, utilities provide a robust picture of a facility’s were very silo structured. Analysis of operations. The value, however, the data that’s coming in is effectively came from applying the customer’s going to require a shift in capability knowledge about priorities and needs around horizontal management, and alongside IBM’s analysis tools to provide so, it’s part of the business change.” actionable information about how to optimize the facility’s operations. 18 Converging worlds
  • 19. “If I have all of the data for one client who owns 30 buildings in a portfolio, maybe then I can do a commodity buy for the energy for those buildings. Right now, owners think of individual buildings, but what we want to do is begin to view the management and benefits in a more aggregated way.” —David Pogue, CBRE Is your strategy Figure C. Radical ideas rely on a combination of technology change and business model innovation fit for the future? At the heart of convergences among energy, information, building, and transportation technologies is the potential for far greater economic and Breakthrough ideas Radical ideas New environmental benefits than we’ve Game changers New businesses seen before. Convergence represents Technology change an opportunity to define the direction of industry by harnessing the power of both technology change and business model innovation. In fact, innovation does not focus exclusively on new Close to existing technology. Developing new business Incremental ideas Breakthrough ideas models and new strategies is every Protect/improve Game changers bit as important—sometimes more. existing GM is just one company embracing the idea that both technology change and business model innovation must work side by side to create the future Close to existing New of the organization. Today, GM is— first and foremost—in the business of Business model change selling as many cars as it can. But it is also testing a car-sharing model that Source: Davila, Epstein, and Shelton, Making Innovation Work: How to Manage It, leverages its existing OnStar system; Measure It, and Profit from It, August 2005. GM vehicle owners will soon be able to use OnStar to rent out their cars.11 11 Marc Gunther, “Why GM is working with car-sharing firm RelayRides,”, March 2012. Converging worlds 19
  • 20. Taking action We see very different opportunities for buyers and sellers of energy, building, transportation, and information technology solutions. Here are some things to think about, based on where you think your biggest opportunities are. For companies that buy, own, or operate buildings and fleets Nearly every company has at least one facility, with its attendant energy, water, and resource needs. And most depend on transportation networks to deliver employees to their offices, if not also to deliver products and services to the market. Therefore, companies’ ability to function—and to do so profitably—depends on these systems and how efficiently they run. What should you do now? Determine the level of significance energy spending is to your business and whether your organization is prepared to see the larger potential benefits for your specific needs and circumstances. Buyers, owners, and operators of buildings and fleets can consider the following questions: • Are the people who perform transportation, IT, and facilities management functions at your company up-to-date on these trends? What opportunities do they have to reduce business costs or improve efficiency in light of new developments? • Have you considered what types of new skills your company will need? Are you supporting growth for your people in roles (such as building engineers or energy managers) that need to evolve or expand? • How well do space planning and utilization metrics match your talent strategies? You might be sitting on space you don’t really need. • Have you evaluated options to buy energy in different ways? Are you talking to current and potential new service providers about those options? 20 Converging worlds
  • 21. For providers, incumbents, Feller, puts it: “Simply because you see the convergence and new market players doesn’t mean you’re equipped and capable to deal with it.” Customers will help drive your new view of value creation, Indeed, every company—no matter the motivation to if you’re prepared to listen. Mark Vachon of GE put it this act—should be looking beyond the technology changes way: “It’s about listening to what trends are out there, and preparing itself organizationally to stay fit for and reverse engineering that capability back into the the future, ready to adapt as conditions change. business. And so if you’re really listening these days, you’re hearing a lot more around ‘I need a solution. I need you to be part of solving my broader problem.’” Meeting customer demands to solve broader problems and bring innovative solutions to the table requires companies to engage simultaneously in collaboration and competition—what some call “co-opetition.”12 In highly fragmented or immature markets, innovation Get more in person skills and entry points will sort out who does what best—not and online unlike what we’ve seen in other sectors where digital and mobile technologies have initiated structural change. GreenBiz Group is engaging the business What should you do now? community on ways to accelerate convergence and reduce commercial risk for both users A structured approach to identifying and capturing value and providers of clean, smart, and green for your company begins with a few simple questions: technologies. Join us in a series of GreenBiz • What is your corporate view of this landscape—how VERGE events and online discussions. energy, information, buildings, and transportation services To participate, see: are meshing together? What’s your company’s role in it all? • Do you feel your organization’s innovation capabilities are a match for the nature of change in this space? • Do you feel your marketing and sales approach is succeeding where smart, clean or green attributes should be part of the sales process? • Are you comfortable that you are collaborating with the right network and identifying the right future partners? Providers have phenomenal opportunities ahead as they come to understand and then shape their futures. Yet as Cisco’s 12 Eric Bloom, “In Smart Buildings, Co-opetition Is on the Rise,” Pike Research Blog, February 2012. Converging worlds 21
  • 22. Acknowledgments During the preparation of this publication, we benefited greatly from interviews and conversations with the following executives. David Bartlett Clay Nesler Mark Vann Vice President of Industry Solutions Vice President, Global Energy Manager of Advanced Technology IBM Sustainability Government Business Development Johnson Controls General Motors Carl Bass President and CEO Tim Noonan John Viera Autodesk Vice President, Phantom Works Global Director, Sustainability and Ventures and Boeing Energy Vehicle Environmental Matters Rob Bernard Boeing Ford Motor Company Chief Environmental Strategist Microsoft Corporation David Pogue Bill Weihl* National Director of Sustainability Manager of Energy Efficiency Bob Best CBRE and Sustainability Executive Vice President, Energy Facebook Sustainability Services Mary Beth Stanek Jones Lang LaSalle Director of Federal Environmental Saul Zambrano Energy Regulatory Affairs Senior Director, Products, Customer Stephan Dolezalek General Motors Energy Solutions Managing Director, CleanTech Pacific Gas and Electric Company VantagePoint Capital Partners Mark Vachon Vice President, ecomagination Gordon Feller General Electric Internet Business Solutions Group Public Sector Practice Cisco Systems Dave Gralnik PwC and GreenBiz Group Senior Vice President, Renewable Energy Services Advisory Jones Lang LaSalle Joel Makower, Chairman and Executive Editor, GreenBiz Group Mitch Jackson Clinton Moloney, US Sustainable Business Solutions, PwC Vice President Don Reed, US Sustainable Business Solutions, PwC Environmental Affairs Sustainability Rob Shelton, US Growth Innovation, PwC FedEx Editorial, writing, design, and production Joe Mercurio Manager of Government Military Fuel Eric Faurot, President and Chief Strategist, GreenBiz Group Cells Electric Vehicle Programs Peggy Fresenburg and Judy Traveny, US Studio, PwC General Motors Dee Hildy, US Thought Leadership, PwC Celeste LeCompte, Contributor Derek Top, Senior Editor and Program Director for VERGE, GreenBiz Group *This interview was conducted in December 2011, before Bill joined Facebook. 22 Converging worlds
  • 24. To have a conversation about how we can help your company increase revenue, reduce cost, or manage risk through effective sustainability strategies, contact: Kathy Nieland Sustainable Business Solutions, Practice Leader (504) 558 8228 Brian Carey US Advisory Cleantech Leader (408) 817 7807 Clinton Moloney US Sustainable Business Solutions (415) 498 8442 Don Reed US Sustainable Business Solutions (617) 530 4403 Rob Shelton US Growth Innovation (408) 817 4251 This publication is printed on Mohawk Options 100PC. It is a Forest Stewardship Council™ (FSC®) certified stock using 100% post consumer waste (PCW) fiber and manufactured with renewable, non-polluting, wind-generated electricity. ©2012 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership. All rights reserved. PwC refers to the United States member firm, and may sometimes refer to the PwC network. Each member firm is a separate legal entity. Please see for further details. PwC United States helps organizations and individuals create the value they’re looking for. We’re a member of the PwC network of firms in 158 countries with close to 169,000 people. We’re committed to delivering quality in assurance, tax and advisory services. Tell us what matters to you and find out more by visiting us at This content is for general information purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for consultation with professional advisors. MW-12-0285