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Practically Functional
Daniel Spiewak
 Author of Scala for Java Refugees
  and other articles on Scala and FP
 Former editor Javalobby / EclipseZone
 Engaged in academic research
  involving Scala DSLs and text parsing
  (ScalaBison, GLL
  Combinators, ScalaQL)
 Define “functional programming” (sort
 See some common elements of FP
 Motivate why this stuff is useful in the
  real world (hopefully)
 Show practical functional techniques
  and design patterns
 Explain monads!
 Hopefully pique your interest in
  learning and applying more of this
   Q: What is “functional programming”?
   Q: What is “functional programming”?
    ◦ A: Nobody knows!
   Q: What is “purely-functional”?
   Q: What is “purely-functional”?
    ◦ Everything is immutable (no variables)
   Q: What is “purely-functional”?
    ◦ Everything is immutable (no variables)
    ◦ Absolutely no side-effects

     println(quot;Hello, World!quot;)
   Q: What is “purely-functional”?
    ◦ Everything is immutable (no variables)
    ◦ Absolutely no side-effects
    ◦ Referential transparency
   Q: What is “purely-functional”?
    ◦   Everything is immutable (no variables)
    ◦   Absolutely no side-effects
    ◦   Referential transparency
    ◦   Bondage discipline?
   Scala is not purely-functional
    ◦ vars
    ◦ Mutable collections
    ◦ Uncontrolled side-effects (println)
   Scala is not purely-functional
    ◦ vars
    ◦ Mutable collections
    ◦ Uncontrolled side-effects (println)
   Is Scala a “functional language”?
Functional Trademarks
   Higher-order functions

    def foreach(f: String=>Unit) {
Functional Trademarks
   Higher-order functions

    foreach { s => println(s) }
Functional Trademarks
 Higher-order functions
 Closures are anonymous functions
    ◦ Ruby, Groovy, Python; none of these

Functional Trademarks
 Higher-order functions
 Closures are anonymous functions
    ◦ Ruby, Groovy, Python; none of these
   Singly-linked immutable lists (cons

    val names = quot;Chrisquot; :: quot;Joequot; :: Nil
    val names2 = quot;Danielquot; :: names
Functional Trademarks
 Higher-order functions
 Closures are anonymous functions
    ◦ Ruby, Groovy, Python; none of these
 Singly-linked immutable lists (cons
 Usually some form of type-inference

    val me = quot;Danielquot;
    // equivalent to...
    val me: String = quot;Danielquot;
Functional Trademarks
 Higher-order functions
 Closures are anonymous functions
    ◦ Ruby, Groovy, Python; none of these
 Singly-linked immutable lists (cons
 Usually some form of type-inference

    foreach { s => println(s) }
Functional Trademarks
 Higher-order functions
 Closures are anonymous functions
    ◦ Ruby, Groovy, Python; none of these
 Singly-linked immutable lists (cons
 Usually some form of type-inference
 Immutable by default (or encouraged)

    val me = quot;Danielquot;
    var me = quot;Danielquot;
What does this buy you?
 Modularity (separation of concerns)
 Understandability
 No more “spooky action at a distance”
What does this buy you?
public class Company {
    private List<Person> employees;

    public List<Person> getEmployees() {
        return employees;

    public void addEmployee(Person p) {
        if (p.isAlive()) {
What does this buy you?
 Modularity (separation of concerns)
 Understandability
 No more “spooky action at a distance”
 Flexible libraries (more on this later)
 Syntactic power (internal DSLs)
What does this buy you?
quot;vectorquot; should {
    quot;store a single elementquot; in {
        val prop = forAll { (i: Int, e: Int) =>
            i >= 0 ==> { (vector(0) = e)(0) mustEqual e }

        prop must pass

    quot;implement lengthquot; in {
        val prop = forAll { list: List[Int] =>
            val vec = Vector(list:_*)
            vec.length mustEqual list.length

        prop must pass
Functional Idioms
   Recursion instead of loops
    ◦ Scala helps with this by allowing methods
      within methods
Functional Idioms
   Recursion instead of loops
    ◦ Scala helps with this by allowing methods
      within methods
    def factorial(n: Int) = {
      var back = 1
      for (i <- 1 to n) {
        back *= i
Functional Idioms
   Recursion instead of loops
    ◦ Scala helps with this by allowing methods
      within methods
    def factorial(n: Int): Int = {
      if (n == 1)
        n * factorial(n - 1)
Functional Idioms
   Recursion instead of loops
    ◦ Scala helps with this by allowing methods
      within methods
    def factorial(n: Int) = {
      def loop(n: Int, acc: Int): Int = {
        if (n == 1)
          loop(n - 1, acc * n)

        loop(n, 1)
Functional Idioms
   Recursion instead of loops
    ◦ Scala helps with this by allowing methods
      within methods
   Higher-order functions instead of
Functional Idioms
   Recursion instead of loops
    ◦ Scala helps with this by allowing methods
      within methods
 Higher-order functions instead of
 Combinators instead of higher-order
Functional Idioms
   Recursion instead of loops
    ◦ Scala helps with this by allowing methods
      within methods
 Higher-order functions instead of
 Combinators instead of higher-order
 Monads!
Example #1
Retrieve structured, formatted data from
 across multiple .properties files
 and multiple keys within those files.

#   #

name.first = Daniel   name.first = Timothy
name.last = Spiewak   name.last = Olmsted
age = 21              age = 22
Example #1
   Using loops
def toInt(s: String) = try {
} catch {
  case _ => null

// uninteresting and ugly
def readFile(file: String): Map[String, String] = {
  import collection.jcl.Hashtable

    try {
      val is = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file))

     val p = new Properties


      new Hashtable(p).asInstanceOf[Hashtable[String, String]]
    } catch {
      case _ => null
import collection.mutable.ListBuffer

def readPeople(files: List[String]): List[Person] = {
  val back = new ListBuffer[Person]

    for (file <- files) {
      val props = readFile(file)

        if (props != null) {
          if (props.contains(quot;name.firstquot;) &&
              props.contains(quot;name.lastquot;) &&
              props.contains(quot;agequot;)) {
            val age = toInt(props(quot;agequot;))

                if (age != null)
                  back += new Person(props(quot;name.firstquot;),
                                     props(quot;name.lastquot;), age)

Example #1
 Using loops
 Recursive
def readPeople(files: List[String]): List[Person] = files match {
  case file :: tail => {
    val props = readFile(file)

        val back = if (props != null) {
          if (props.contains(quot;name.firstquot;) &&
              props.contains(quot;name.lastquot;) &&
              props.contains(quot;agequot;)) {
            val age = toInt(props(quot;agequot;))

            if (age != null)
              new Person(props(quot;name.firstquot;), props(quot;name.lastquot;), age)
          } else null
        } else null

        if (back != null)
          back :: readPeople(tail)

    case Nil => Nil
Example #1
 Loops
 Recursion
 Higher-order functions
def readPeople(files: List[String]): List[Person] = {
  files.foldRight(List[String]()) { (file, people) =>
    val props = readFile(file)

        val back = if (props != null) {
          if (props.contains(quot;name.firstquot;) &&
              props.contains(quot;name.lastquot;) &&
              props.contains(quot;agequot;)) {
            val age = toInt(props(quot;agequot;))

            if (age != null)
              new Person(props(quot;name.firstquot;), props(quot;name.lastquot;), age)
          } else null
        } else null

        if (back != null)
          back :: people
Example #1
 Loops
 Recursion
 Higher-order functions
 Monads!
def toInt(s: String) = try {
} catch {
  case _ => None

// uninteresting and ugly
def readFile(file: String): Option[Map[String, String]] = {
  import collection.jcl.Hashtable

    try {
      val is = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file))

     val p = new Properties


      Some(new Hashtable(p).asInstanceOf[Hashtable[String, String]])
    } catch {
      case _ => None
def readPeople(files: List[String]): List[Person] = {
    for {
     file <- files
     props <- readFile(file)

     firstName <- props get quot;name.firstquot;
     lastName <- props get quot;name.lastquot;

     ageString <- props get quot;agequot;
     age <- toInt(ageString)
    } yield new Person(firstName, lastName, age)
Example #1
 Loops
 Recursion
 Higher-order functions
 Combinators
 Monads!
def readPeople(files: List[String]) = {
    import Function._

    files flatMap readFile flatMap { props =>
        val fNames = props get quot;name.firstquot;
        val names = fNames flatMap {
            (_, props get quot;name.lastquot;)

        val data = names flatMap {
            case (fn, ln) =>
             (fn, ln, props get quot;agequot; map toInt)

        data map tupled(new Person _)
What did we just see?
   foldLeft / foldRight
    ◦ Catamorphisms
    ◦ Use when you want to reduce all of the
      elements of a collection into a single
    ◦ Capable of almost anything!
What did we just see?
   foldLeft / foldRight

    def sum(nums: List[Int]) = {
      nums.foldLeft(0) { (x, y) =>
        x + y
What did we just see?
   foldLeft / foldRight

    def sum(nums: List[Int]) = {
      nums.foldLeft(0) { _ + _ }
What did we just see?
   foldLeft / foldRight

    def sum(nums: List[Int]) = {
      (0 /: nums) { _ + _ }
What did we just see?
 foldLeft / foldRight
 map
    ◦ Use when you want to transform every
      element of a collection, leaving the results
      in the corresponding location within a new
What did we just see?
 foldLeft / foldRight
 map

    val nums = List(quot;1quot;, quot;2quot;, quot;3quot;, quot;4quot;, quot;5quot;)
    nums map { str => str.toInt }
What did we just see?
 foldLeft / foldRight
 map

    val nums = List(quot;1quot;, quot;2quot;, quot;3quot;, quot;4quot;, quot;5quot;)
    nums map { _.toInt }
What did we just see?
 foldLeft / foldRight
 map
 flatMap (has two meanings)
    ◦ Collections: Use when you want to
      transform every element optionally
    ◦ Monads: Should have really been called
      “bind” (or >>=). More later…
What did we just see?
 foldLeft / foldRight
 map
 flatMap (has two meanings)

    def toCharArray(arr: Array[String]) = {
      arr flatMap { _.toCharArray }

    toCharArray(Array(quot;Danielquot;, quot;Spiewakquot;))
    // =>
    Array('D', 'a', 'n', 'i', 'e', 'l',
          'S', 'p', 'i', 'e', 'w', 'a', 'k')
Other Common Util Methods
   filter (used in for-comprehensions)

    val nums = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    nums filter { _ % 2 == 0 }
Other Common Util Methods
   filter (used in for-comprehensions)

    val nums = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    nums filter (0 == 2 %)
Other Common Util Methods
 filter (used in for-comprehensions)
 zip / zipWithIndex
    ◦ zipWith (not available pre-2.8.0)

    val evens = List(2, 4, 6)
    val odds = List(1, 3, 5)

    evens zip odds
    // =>
    List((1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6))
Other Common Util Methods
 filter (used in for-comprehensions)
 zip / zipWithIndex
    ◦ zipWith (not available pre-2.8.0)
   forall and exists

    val nums = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    nums forall { _ % 2 == 0 }       // => false
Other Common Util Methods
 filter (used in for-comprehensions)
 zip / zipWithIndex
    ◦ zipWith (not available pre-2.8.0)
   forall and exists

    val nums = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    nums exists { _ % 2 == 0 }       // => true
Other Common Util Methods
 filter (used in for-comprehensions)
 zip / zipWithIndex
    ◦ zipWith (not available pre-2.8.0)
 forall and exists
 take and drop

    val nums = List(5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
    nums take 2
    // =>
    List(5, 4)
Other Common Util Methods
 filter (used in for-comprehensions)
 zip / zipWithIndex
    ◦ zipWith (not available pre-2.8.0)
 forall and exists
 take and drop

    val nums = List(5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
    nums drop 2
    // =>
    List(3, 2, 1)
Other Common Util Methods
 filter (used in for-comprehensions)
 zip / zipWithIndex
    ◦ zipWith (not available pre-2.8.0)
 forall and exists
 take and drop
 foreach

    val names = List(quot;Danielquot;, quot;Chrisquot;)
    names foreach println
Example #2
Comparing the prefix of a List[Char]
 to a given string.

List[Char]                           String      Result
List('d', 'a', 'n', 'i', 'e', 'l')   quot;danquot;       true
List('d', 'a', 'n', 'i', 'e', 'l')   quot;ielquot;       false
List('t', 'e', 's', 't')             quot;testingquot;   false
List('t', 'e', 's', 't')             quot;testquot;      true
def isPrefix(chars: List[Char], str: String) = {
  if (chars.lengthCompare(str.length) < 0) {
  } else {
    val trunc = chars take str.length

        trunc.zipWithIndex forall {
          case (c, i) => c == str(i)
More About Combinators
 The “Essence of Functional
 Combine simple things to solve
  complex problems
 Very high level
 Think about Lego™ bricks
More About Combinators
   The best example: Parser
    def expr: Parser[Int] = (
         num ~ quot;+quot; ~ expr    ^^ { case (x, _, y) => x + y }
        | num ~ quot;-quot; ~ expr   ^^ { case (x, _, y) => x - y }
        | num

    def num = quot;quot;quot;d+quot;quot;quot;.r ^^ { _.toInt }
More About Combinators
   The best example: Parser
    def expr: Parser[Int] = (
         num ~ quot;+quot; ~ expr    ^^ { case (x, _, y) => x + y }
        | num ~ quot;-quot; ~ expr   ^^ { case (x, _, y) => x - y }
        | num

    def num = quot;quot;quot;d+quot;quot;quot;.r ^^ { _.toInt }

    expr(quot;12 + 7 - 4quot;)         // => Success(15)
    expr(quot;42quot;)                 // => Success(42)
More About Combinators
   Three Types of Combinators
    ◦ Sequential (first a, then b)

     a ~ b
More About Combinators
   Three Types of Combinators
    ◦ Sequential (first a, then b)
    ◦ Disjunctive (either a, or b)

     a | b
More About Combinators
   Three Types of Combinators
    ◦ Sequential (first a, then b)
    ◦ Disjunctive (either a, or b)
    ◦ Literal (exactly foo)

More About Combinators
   Three Types of Combinators
    ◦ Sequential (first a, then b)
    ◦ Disjunctive (either a, or b)
    ◦ Literal (exactly foo)
   Note: Our example uses a regular
    expression parser, but that is only a
    generalization of the literal parser
More About Combinators
 Seldom created, often used
 Good for problems which split into
  smaller sub-problems
March of the Monads
   Monads are not scary
March of the Monads
 Monads are not scary
 Monad explanations are scary
March of the Monads
   Monads are little containers for
    encapsulating something
    ◦ What the “something” is depends on the
 An instance of a monad can be
  “bound” together with another instance
  of that monad
 Most combinators are monads
March of the Monads
   All monads have
    ◦ A type constructor
       class Option[A] { … }

    ◦ A single-argument constructor
       new Some(quot;one to watch over mequot;)

    ◦ A flatMap method which behaves
       a flatMap { v => }
March of the Monads
March of the Monads
   Option
    ◦ This is what the Groovy folks really wanted
      when they designed the “Elvis Operator”
   Parser
    ◦ Sequential parser is really two bound
    ◦ Disjunctive parser uses an optional
      monadic function: orElse
    ◦ Literal parser is the one-argument
   Function1 (sort of)
    ◦ We could say that function composition is
Learn More
   Read my blog! :-)
   Some better sources…
   A really good paper…
    ◦ Monadic Parser Combinators
      (1996; Hutton, Meijer)

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Practically Functional

  • 2. whoami  Author of Scala for Java Refugees and other articles on Scala and FP  Former editor Javalobby / EclipseZone  Engaged in academic research involving Scala DSLs and text parsing (ScalaBison, GLL Combinators, ScalaQL)
  • 3. Agenda  Define “functional programming” (sort of)  See some common elements of FP  Motivate why this stuff is useful in the real world (hopefully)  Show practical functional techniques and design patterns  Explain monads!  Hopefully pique your interest in learning and applying more of this
  • 4. Definitions  Q: What is “functional programming”?
  • 5. Definitions  Q: What is “functional programming”? ◦ A: Nobody knows!
  • 6. Definitions  Q: What is “purely-functional”?
  • 7. Definitions  Q: What is “purely-functional”? ◦ Everything is immutable (no variables)
  • 8. Definitions  Q: What is “purely-functional”? ◦ Everything is immutable (no variables) ◦ Absolutely no side-effects println(quot;Hello, World!quot;)
  • 9. Definitions  Q: What is “purely-functional”? ◦ Everything is immutable (no variables) ◦ Absolutely no side-effects ◦ Referential transparency
  • 10. Definitions  Q: What is “purely-functional”? ◦ Everything is immutable (no variables) ◦ Absolutely no side-effects ◦ Referential transparency ◦ Bondage discipline?
  • 11. Definitions  Scala is not purely-functional ◦ vars ◦ Mutable collections ◦ Uncontrolled side-effects (println)
  • 12. Definitions  Scala is not purely-functional ◦ vars ◦ Mutable collections ◦ Uncontrolled side-effects (println)  Is Scala a “functional language”?
  • 13. Functional Trademarks  Higher-order functions def foreach(f: String=>Unit) { f(quot;Whatquot;) f(quot;isquot;) f(quot;goingquot;) f(quot;on?quot;) }
  • 14. Functional Trademarks  Higher-order functions foreach { s => println(s) }
  • 15. Functional Trademarks  Higher-order functions  Closures are anonymous functions ◦ Ruby, Groovy, Python; none of these count! foreach(println)
  • 16. Functional Trademarks  Higher-order functions  Closures are anonymous functions ◦ Ruby, Groovy, Python; none of these count!  Singly-linked immutable lists (cons cells) val names = quot;Chrisquot; :: quot;Joequot; :: Nil val names2 = quot;Danielquot; :: names
  • 17. Functional Trademarks  Higher-order functions  Closures are anonymous functions ◦ Ruby, Groovy, Python; none of these count!  Singly-linked immutable lists (cons cells)  Usually some form of type-inference val me = quot;Danielquot; // equivalent to... val me: String = quot;Danielquot;
  • 18. Functional Trademarks  Higher-order functions  Closures are anonymous functions ◦ Ruby, Groovy, Python; none of these count!  Singly-linked immutable lists (cons cells)  Usually some form of type-inference foreach { s => println(s) }
  • 19. Functional Trademarks  Higher-order functions  Closures are anonymous functions ◦ Ruby, Groovy, Python; none of these count!  Singly-linked immutable lists (cons cells)  Usually some form of type-inference  Immutable by default (or encouraged) val me = quot;Danielquot; var me = quot;Danielquot;
  • 20. What does this buy you?  Modularity (separation of concerns)  Understandability  No more “spooky action at a distance” …
  • 21. What does this buy you? public class Company { private List<Person> employees; public List<Person> getEmployees() { return employees; } public void addEmployee(Person p) { if (p.isAlive()) { employees.add(p); } } }
  • 22. What does this buy you?  Modularity (separation of concerns)  Understandability  No more “spooky action at a distance”  Flexible libraries (more on this later)  Syntactic power (internal DSLs)
  • 23. What does this buy you? quot;vectorquot; should { quot;store a single elementquot; in { val prop = forAll { (i: Int, e: Int) => i >= 0 ==> { (vector(0) = e)(0) mustEqual e } } prop must pass } quot;implement lengthquot; in { val prop = forAll { list: List[Int] => val vec = Vector(list:_*) vec.length mustEqual list.length } prop must pass } }
  • 24. Functional Idioms  Recursion instead of loops ◦ Scala helps with this by allowing methods within methods
  • 25. Functional Idioms  Recursion instead of loops ◦ Scala helps with this by allowing methods within methods def factorial(n: Int) = { var back = 1 for (i <- 1 to n) { back *= i } back }
  • 26. Functional Idioms  Recursion instead of loops ◦ Scala helps with this by allowing methods within methods def factorial(n: Int): Int = { if (n == 1) 1 else n * factorial(n - 1) }
  • 27. Functional Idioms  Recursion instead of loops ◦ Scala helps with this by allowing methods within methods def factorial(n: Int) = { def loop(n: Int, acc: Int): Int = { if (n == 1) acc else loop(n - 1, acc * n) } loop(n, 1) }
  • 28. Functional Idioms  Recursion instead of loops ◦ Scala helps with this by allowing methods within methods  Higher-order functions instead of recursion
  • 29. Functional Idioms  Recursion instead of loops ◦ Scala helps with this by allowing methods within methods  Higher-order functions instead of recursion  Combinators instead of higher-order functions
  • 30. Functional Idioms  Recursion instead of loops ◦ Scala helps with this by allowing methods within methods  Higher-order functions instead of recursion  Combinators instead of higher-order functions  Monads!
  • 31. Example #1 Retrieve structured, formatted data from across multiple .properties files and multiple keys within those files. # # name.first = Daniel name.first = Timothy name.last = Spiewak name.last = Olmsted age = 21 age = 22
  • 32. Example #1  Using loops
  • 33. def toInt(s: String) = try { s.toInt } catch { case _ => null } // uninteresting and ugly def readFile(file: String): Map[String, String] = { import collection.jcl.Hashtable try { val is = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)) val p = new Properties p.load(is) is.close() new Hashtable(p).asInstanceOf[Hashtable[String, String]] } catch { case _ => null } }
  • 34. import collection.mutable.ListBuffer def readPeople(files: List[String]): List[Person] = { val back = new ListBuffer[Person] for (file <- files) { val props = readFile(file) if (props != null) { if (props.contains(quot;name.firstquot;) && props.contains(quot;name.lastquot;) && props.contains(quot;agequot;)) { val age = toInt(props(quot;agequot;)) if (age != null) back += new Person(props(quot;name.firstquot;), props(quot;name.lastquot;), age) } } } back.toList }
  • 35. Example #1  Using loops  Recursive
  • 36. def readPeople(files: List[String]): List[Person] = files match { case file :: tail => { val props = readFile(file) val back = if (props != null) { if (props.contains(quot;name.firstquot;) && props.contains(quot;name.lastquot;) && props.contains(quot;agequot;)) { val age = toInt(props(quot;agequot;)) if (age != null) new Person(props(quot;name.firstquot;), props(quot;name.lastquot;), age) else null } else null } else null if (back != null) back :: readPeople(tail) else readPeople(tail) } case Nil => Nil }
  • 37. Example #1  Loops  Recursion  Higher-order functions
  • 38. def readPeople(files: List[String]): List[Person] = { files.foldRight(List[String]()) { (file, people) => val props = readFile(file) val back = if (props != null) { if (props.contains(quot;name.firstquot;) && props.contains(quot;name.lastquot;) && props.contains(quot;agequot;)) { val age = toInt(props(quot;agequot;)) if (age != null) new Person(props(quot;name.firstquot;), props(quot;name.lastquot;), age) else null } else null } else null if (back != null) back :: people else people } }
  • 39. Example #1  Loops  Recursion  Higher-order functions …  Monads!
  • 40. def toInt(s: String) = try { Some(s.toInt) } catch { case _ => None } // uninteresting and ugly def readFile(file: String): Option[Map[String, String]] = { import collection.jcl.Hashtable try { val is = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)) val p = new Properties p.load(is) is.close() Some(new Hashtable(p).asInstanceOf[Hashtable[String, String]]) } catch { case _ => None } }
  • 41. def readPeople(files: List[String]): List[Person] = { for { file <- files props <- readFile(file) firstName <- props get quot;name.firstquot; lastName <- props get quot;name.lastquot; ageString <- props get quot;agequot; age <- toInt(ageString) } yield new Person(firstName, lastName, age) }
  • 42. Example #1  Loops  Recursion  Higher-order functions  Combinators  Monads!
  • 43. def readPeople(files: List[String]) = { import Function._ files flatMap readFile flatMap { props => val fNames = props get quot;name.firstquot; val names = fNames flatMap { (_, props get quot;name.lastquot;) } val data = names flatMap { case (fn, ln) => (fn, ln, props get quot;agequot; map toInt) } data map tupled(new Person _) } }
  • 44. What did we just see?  foldLeft / foldRight ◦ Catamorphisms ◦ Use when you want to reduce all of the elements of a collection into a single result ◦ Capable of almost anything!
  • 45. What did we just see?  foldLeft / foldRight def sum(nums: List[Int]) = { nums.foldLeft(0) { (x, y) => x + y } }
  • 46. What did we just see?  foldLeft / foldRight def sum(nums: List[Int]) = { nums.foldLeft(0) { _ + _ } }
  • 47. What did we just see?  foldLeft / foldRight def sum(nums: List[Int]) = { (0 /: nums) { _ + _ } }
  • 48. What did we just see?  foldLeft / foldRight  map ◦ Use when you want to transform every element of a collection, leaving the results in the corresponding location within a new collection
  • 49. What did we just see?  foldLeft / foldRight  map val nums = List(quot;1quot;, quot;2quot;, quot;3quot;, quot;4quot;, quot;5quot;) nums map { str => str.toInt }
  • 50. What did we just see?  foldLeft / foldRight  map val nums = List(quot;1quot;, quot;2quot;, quot;3quot;, quot;4quot;, quot;5quot;) nums map { _.toInt }
  • 51. What did we just see?  foldLeft / foldRight  map  flatMap (has two meanings) ◦ Collections: Use when you want to transform every element optionally ◦ Monads: Should have really been called “bind” (or >>=). More later…
  • 52. What did we just see?  foldLeft / foldRight  map  flatMap (has two meanings) def toCharArray(arr: Array[String]) = { arr flatMap { _.toCharArray } } toCharArray(Array(quot;Danielquot;, quot;Spiewakquot;)) // => Array('D', 'a', 'n', 'i', 'e', 'l', 'S', 'p', 'i', 'e', 'w', 'a', 'k')
  • 53. Other Common Util Methods  filter (used in for-comprehensions) val nums = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) nums filter { _ % 2 == 0 }
  • 54. Other Common Util Methods  filter (used in for-comprehensions) val nums = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) nums filter (0 == 2 %)
  • 55. Other Common Util Methods  filter (used in for-comprehensions)  zip / zipWithIndex ◦ zipWith (not available pre-2.8.0) val evens = List(2, 4, 6) val odds = List(1, 3, 5) evens zip odds // => List((1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6))
  • 56. Other Common Util Methods  filter (used in for-comprehensions)  zip / zipWithIndex ◦ zipWith (not available pre-2.8.0)  forall and exists val nums = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) nums forall { _ % 2 == 0 } // => false
  • 57. Other Common Util Methods  filter (used in for-comprehensions)  zip / zipWithIndex ◦ zipWith (not available pre-2.8.0)  forall and exists val nums = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) nums exists { _ % 2 == 0 } // => true
  • 58. Other Common Util Methods  filter (used in for-comprehensions)  zip / zipWithIndex ◦ zipWith (not available pre-2.8.0)  forall and exists  take and drop val nums = List(5, 4, 3, 2, 1) nums take 2 // => List(5, 4)
  • 59. Other Common Util Methods  filter (used in for-comprehensions)  zip / zipWithIndex ◦ zipWith (not available pre-2.8.0)  forall and exists  take and drop val nums = List(5, 4, 3, 2, 1) nums drop 2 // => List(3, 2, 1)
  • 60. Other Common Util Methods  filter (used in for-comprehensions)  zip / zipWithIndex ◦ zipWith (not available pre-2.8.0)  forall and exists  take and drop  foreach val names = List(quot;Danielquot;, quot;Chrisquot;) names foreach println
  • 61. Example #2 Comparing the prefix of a List[Char] to a given string. List[Char] String Result List('d', 'a', 'n', 'i', 'e', 'l') quot;danquot; true List('d', 'a', 'n', 'i', 'e', 'l') quot;ielquot; false List('t', 'e', 's', 't') quot;testingquot; false List('t', 'e', 's', 't') quot;testquot; true
  • 62. def isPrefix(chars: List[Char], str: String) = { if (chars.lengthCompare(str.length) < 0) { false } else { val trunc = chars take str.length trunc.zipWithIndex forall { case (c, i) => c == str(i) } } }
  • 63. More About Combinators  The “Essence of Functional Programming”  Combine simple things to solve complex problems  Very high level  Think about Lego™ bricks
  • 64. More About Combinators  The best example: Parser Combinators def expr: Parser[Int] = ( num ~ quot;+quot; ~ expr ^^ { case (x, _, y) => x + y } | num ~ quot;-quot; ~ expr ^^ { case (x, _, y) => x - y } | num ) def num = quot;quot;quot;d+quot;quot;quot;.r ^^ { _.toInt }
  • 65. More About Combinators  The best example: Parser Combinators def expr: Parser[Int] = ( num ~ quot;+quot; ~ expr ^^ { case (x, _, y) => x + y } | num ~ quot;-quot; ~ expr ^^ { case (x, _, y) => x - y } | num ) def num = quot;quot;quot;d+quot;quot;quot;.r ^^ { _.toInt } expr(quot;12 + 7 - 4quot;) // => Success(15) expr(quot;42quot;) // => Success(42)
  • 66. More About Combinators  Three Types of Combinators ◦ Sequential (first a, then b) a ~ b
  • 67. More About Combinators  Three Types of Combinators ◦ Sequential (first a, then b) ◦ Disjunctive (either a, or b) a | b
  • 68. More About Combinators  Three Types of Combinators ◦ Sequential (first a, then b) ◦ Disjunctive (either a, or b) ◦ Literal (exactly foo) quot;fooquot;
  • 69. More About Combinators  Three Types of Combinators ◦ Sequential (first a, then b) ◦ Disjunctive (either a, or b) ◦ Literal (exactly foo)  Note: Our example uses a regular expression parser, but that is only a generalization of the literal parser
  • 70. More About Combinators  Seldom created, often used  Good for problems which split into smaller sub-problems
  • 71. March of the Monads  Monads are not scary
  • 72. March of the Monads  Monads are not scary  Monad explanations are scary
  • 73. March of the Monads  Monads are little containers for encapsulating something ◦ What the “something” is depends on the monad  An instance of a monad can be “bound” together with another instance of that monad  Most combinators are monads
  • 74. March of the Monads  All monads have ◦ A type constructor class Option[A] { … } ◦ A single-argument constructor new Some(quot;one to watch over mequot;) ◦ A flatMap method which behaves properly a flatMap { v => }
  • 75. March of the Monads
  • 76. March of the Monads  Option ◦ This is what the Groovy folks really wanted when they designed the “Elvis Operator”  Parser ◦ Sequential parser is really two bound parsers ◦ Disjunctive parser uses an optional monadic function: orElse ◦ Literal parser is the one-argument constructor  Function1 (sort of) ◦ We could say that function composition is
  • 77. Learn More  Read my blog! :-) ◦  Some better sources… ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦  A really good paper… ◦ Monadic Parser Combinators (1996; Hutton, Meijer)