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Scala for Java Developers © 2011 SpringOne 2GX. All rights reserved. Do not distribute without permission.
What is Scala “ a  general purpose  programming language designed to express common programming patterns in a  concise ,  elegant , and  type-safe  way. It smoothly integrates features of  object-oriented  and  functional  languages, enabling Java and other programmers to be more  productive .”
Object-oriented ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Statically typed ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Functional Programming ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Java Interoperability ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Hello World: Scripting Style $ scala hello-script.scala Hello World No compilation
Hello World: Porting of Java Code $ scalac hello-java.scala $ scala example.Main Hello World ‘ static’ Inferred semicolons
Hello World: Using the App trait $ scalac hello-app.scala $ scala example.Main Hello World
Simple Class class  Person val  p =  new  Person Type Inferred Default access: public No curly braces needed (but allowed)
Simple Class class  Person val  p: Person =  new  Person Explicit type specification
Class with constructor class  Person(firstName: String,  lastName: String) val  p =  new  Person( "Ramnivas" ,  "Laddad" ) println(p.firstName) // Error Primary constructor Fields – accessible in class body
Class with “getters” class  Person( val  firstName: String,  val  lastName: String) val  p =  new  Person( "Ramnivas" ,  "Laddad" ) println(p.firstName) Value  (Java ‘final’)
Class with “getters” and “setters” class  Person( var  firstName: String,  var  lastName: String) val  p =  new  Person( "Ramnivas" ,  "Laddad" ) println(p.firstName) p.firstName =  "Ramnivas2” Variable (Java non-final)
Extending a class val  s =  new  Student( "Ramnivas" ,  "Laddad" , 1) println(s.firstName) println(s.grade)
Defining methods class  Person( val  firstName: String,  val  lastName: String) { def  name = firstName +  " "  + lastName override   def  toString = name  } val  p =  new  Person( "Ramnivas" ,  "Laddad" ) println(  // Ramnivas Laddad println(p)  // Ramnivas Laddad Not optional
Uniform access principle class  Person( val  firstName: String,  val  lastName: String) { val   name = firstName +  " "  + lastName override   def  toString = name  } val  p =  new  Person( "Ramnivas" ,  "Laddad" ) println(  // Ramnivas Laddad println(p)  // Ramnivas Laddad
Names in Scala ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
More about methods and fields ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Finer access control levels ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Traits: Interfaces done right trait  PartyGoer { val  age: Int val  yearsUntilLegalDrinking =  if  (age >= 18) 0  else  18-age }
Collections val  people = List( "John" ,  "Jacob" ,  "Mike" )
Collections val  people = Array( "John" ,  "Jacob" ,  "Mike" )
Working with collections: for comprehension for  (person <- people) { println(person) }
Working with collections: for comprehension for  (person <- people  if  person startsWith  &quot;J&quot; ) { println( &quot;&quot;&quot;Lucky one to start name in &quot;J&quot; &quot;&quot;&quot;  + person) } // You are lucky one to start name in &quot;J&quot; John // You are lucky one to start name in &quot;J&quot;  Jacob
Working with collections: filter val  student1 =  new  Student( &quot;first1&quot; ,  &quot;last1&quot; , 1) val  student2 =  new  Student( &quot;first2&quot; ,  &quot;last2&quot; , 1) val  student3 =  new  Student( &quot;first3&quot; ,  &quot;last3&quot; , 2) val  student4 =  new  Student( &quot;first4&quot; ,  &quot;last4&quot; , 6) val  students = List(student1, student2,  student3, student4)
Working with collections: filter val  student1 =  new  Student( &quot;first1&quot; ,  &quot;last1&quot; , 1) val  student2 =  new  Student( &quot;first2&quot; ,  &quot;last2&quot; , 1) val  student3 =  new  Student( &quot;first3&quot; ,  &quot;last3&quot; , 2) val  student4 =  new  Student( &quot;first4&quot; ,  &quot;last4&quot; , 6) val  students = List(student1, student2,  student3, student4)
Working with collections: using _ val  student1 =  new  Student( &quot;first1&quot; ,  &quot;last1&quot; , 1) val  student2 =  new  Student( &quot;first2&quot; ,  &quot;last2&quot; , 1) val  student3 =  new  Student( &quot;first3&quot; ,  &quot;last3&quot; , 2) val  student4 =  new  Student( &quot;first4&quot; ,  &quot;last4&quot; , 6) val  students = List(student1, student2,  student3, student4)
Working with collections: passing method as function val  student1 =  new  Student( &quot;first1&quot; ,  &quot;last1&quot; , 1) val  student2 =  new  Student( &quot;first2&quot; ,  &quot;last2&quot; , 1) val  student3 =  new  Student( &quot;first3&quot; ,  &quot;last3&quot; , 2) val  student4 =  new  Student( &quot;first4&quot; ,  &quot;last4&quot; , 6) val  students = List(student1, student2,  student3, student4)
Working with collections: partition val  student1 =  new  Student( &quot;first1&quot; ,  &quot;last1&quot; , 1) val  student2 =  new  Student( &quot;first2&quot; ,  &quot;last2&quot; , 1) val  student3 =  new  Student( &quot;first3&quot; ,  &quot;last3&quot; , 2) val  student4 =  new  Student( &quot;first4&quot; ,  &quot;last4&quot; , 6) val  students = List(student1, student2,  student3, student4) val  (elementarySchoolers, middleSchoolers)  =  students .partition(_.grade < 6) println( elementarySchoolers ) println( middleSchoolers ) //List(first1 last1, first2 last2, first3 last3) //List(first4 last4) Tuple
Working with collections: transforming val  student1 =  new  Student( &quot;first1&quot; ,  &quot;last1&quot; , 1) val  student2 =  new  Student( &quot;first2&quot; ,  &quot;last2&quot; , 1) val  student3 =  new  Student( &quot;first3&quot; ,  &quot;last3&quot; , 2) val  student4 =  new  Student( &quot;first4&quot; ,  &quot;last4&quot; , 6) val  students = List(student1, student2,  student3, student4)
Map println(studentSchools(student1))  // Miller
More collections ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Putting it together: Quicksort def  quicksort[T](input: Traversable[T]) (ordering: Ordering[T]) : Traversable[T] =  if  (input.isEmpty) { input }  else  { val  (low, high)  = input.tail.partition(, input.head)) quicksort(low)(ordering) ++ List(input.head)  ++ quicksort(high)(ordering) } println(quicksort(List(1, 3, 4, 5, 1))(Ordering.Int))
Putting it together: Quicksort println(quicksort(List(1, 3, 4, 5, 1)))
Pattern matching: Basics val  a:Any =  &quot;foo&quot; a  match  { case  str: String => println( &quot;A string: &quot;  + str) case  i: Int => println( &quot;An int: &quot;  + i) case  _ => println( &quot;Something else&quot; ) }
Pattern matching: with collections val  l = List( &quot;a&quot; ,  &quot;b&quot; ,  &quot;c&quot; ) l  match  { case  Nil => println( &quot;Empty!&quot; ) case  head :: Nil =>  println( &quot;Only one item &quot;  + head) case  head :: tail =>  println( &quot;Item &quot;  + head +  &quot; followed by &quot;  + tail) }
Quicksort with pattern matching def  quicksort[T](input: Traversable[T]) ( implicit  ordering: Ordering[T]) : Traversable[T] =  input  match  { case  head :: tail =>  val  (low, high) = tail.partition(, head)) quicksort(low) ++ List(head) ++ quicksort(high) case  _ => input } println(quicksort(List(1, 3, 4, 5, 1)))
Destutter using Pattern matching def  destutter[A](lst: List[A]): List[A] = lst  match  { case  h1 :: h2 :: tail  if  (h1 == h2)  => destutter(h2 :: tail) case  h1 :: h2 :: tail  => h1 :: destutter(h2 :: tail) case  _  => lst } // destutter(List(1,1,1,1,1,1)) => List(1) // destutter(List(1,1,4,3,3,2)) => List(1,4,3,2) // destutter(List() )=> List()
Case classes ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Case classes case   class  Human(name: String) case   class  SuperHero(name: String, power: String) val  characters = List(Human( &quot;Programmer&quot; ),  SuperHero( &quot;Customer&quot; ,  &quot;money&quot; ),  SuperHero( &quot;QA&quot; ,  &quot;testing&quot; ))
Case classes and pattern matching val  actions =  for  (character <- characters)  yield  character  match  { case  Human(name) =>  name +  &quot; needs to be saved&quot; case  SuperHero(name, power) =>  name +  &quot; will save using &quot;  + power } actions.foreach(println)
Pattern matching and extracting just enough val  actions =  for  (character <- characters)  yield  character  match  { case  Human(name) =>  name +  &quot; needs to be saved&quot; case  SuperHero(_, power) =>  &quot;Could be saved using &quot;  + power } actions.foreach(println) // Programmer needs to be saved // Could be saved using money // Could be saved using testing
Regular expressions val  text =  &quot;Ramnivas Laddad&quot;   val  Name =  &quot;&quot;&quot;(+)+(+)&quot;&quot;&quot; .r val  person = text  match  { case  Name(first, last) =>  Some( new  Person(first, last)) case  _ =>  None } println(person)  // Some(Ramnivas Laddad)
Options val  texts =  List( &quot;Ramnivas Laddad&quot; ,  &quot;foo&quot; ,  &quot;Scott Andrews&quot; ) val  peopleOptions = { _  match  { case  Name(first, last) =>  Some( new  Person(first, last)) case  _ => None } } println(peopleOptions) // List(Some(Ramnivas Laddad),  None,  Some(Scott Andrews))
Options: flattening val  texts =  List( &quot;Ramnivas Laddad&quot; ,  &quot;foo&quot; ,  &quot;Scott Andrews&quot; ) val  peopleOptions = { _  match  { case  Name(first, last) =>  Some( new  Person(first, last)) case  _ => None } } println(peopleOptions.flatten) // List(Ramnivas Laddad, Scott Andrews)
Options: flatMap val  texts =  List( &quot;Ramnivas Laddad&quot; ,  &quot;foo&quot; ,  &quot;Scott Andrews&quot; ) val  people = texts.flatMap { _  match  { case  Name(first, last) =>  Some( new  Person(first, last)) case  _ => None } } println(people) // List(Ramnivas Laddad, Scott Andrews)
Higher order functions def  process() : Unit = { retry(5)  { ... } } def  retry[T](maxRetry: Int)(thunk: => T) = { def  retry(thunk: => T, attempt: Int): T = { try  { thunk }  catch  { case  ex  if  (attempt < maxRetry) => retry(thunk, attempt + 1) } } retry(thunk, 0) } Thunk
Caching using Scala  ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Caching higher-order function ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Transaction management ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Transaction management function ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Transaction management implementation ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
There is more… a lot more ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Learning Scala ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Be ready to be humbled
Scala for Java Developers © 2011 SpringOne 2GX. All rights reserved. Do not distribute without permission.

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Scala for Java Developers

  • 1. Scala for Java Developers © 2011 SpringOne 2GX. All rights reserved. Do not distribute without permission.
  • 2. What is Scala “ a general purpose programming language designed to express common programming patterns in a concise , elegant , and type-safe way. It smoothly integrates features of object-oriented and functional languages, enabling Java and other programmers to be more productive .”
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7. Hello World: Scripting Style $ scala hello-script.scala Hello World No compilation
  • 8. Hello World: Porting of Java Code $ scalac hello-java.scala $ scala example.Main Hello World ‘ static’ Inferred semicolons
  • 9. Hello World: Using the App trait $ scalac hello-app.scala $ scala example.Main Hello World
  • 10. Simple Class class Person val p = new Person Type Inferred Default access: public No curly braces needed (but allowed)
  • 11. Simple Class class Person val p: Person = new Person Explicit type specification
  • 12. Class with constructor class Person(firstName: String, lastName: String) val p = new Person( &quot;Ramnivas&quot; , &quot;Laddad&quot; ) println(p.firstName) // Error Primary constructor Fields – accessible in class body
  • 13. Class with “getters” class Person( val firstName: String, val lastName: String) val p = new Person( &quot;Ramnivas&quot; , &quot;Laddad&quot; ) println(p.firstName) Value (Java ‘final’)
  • 14. Class with “getters” and “setters” class Person( var firstName: String, var lastName: String) val p = new Person( &quot;Ramnivas&quot; , &quot;Laddad&quot; ) println(p.firstName) p.firstName = &quot;Ramnivas2” Variable (Java non-final)
  • 15. Extending a class val s = new Student( &quot;Ramnivas&quot; , &quot;Laddad&quot; , 1) println(s.firstName) println(s.grade)
  • 16. Defining methods class Person( val firstName: String, val lastName: String) { def name = firstName + &quot; &quot; + lastName override def toString = name } val p = new Person( &quot;Ramnivas&quot; , &quot;Laddad&quot; ) println( // Ramnivas Laddad println(p) // Ramnivas Laddad Not optional
  • 17. Uniform access principle class Person( val firstName: String, val lastName: String) { val name = firstName + &quot; &quot; + lastName override def toString = name } val p = new Person( &quot;Ramnivas&quot; , &quot;Laddad&quot; ) println( // Ramnivas Laddad println(p) // Ramnivas Laddad
  • 18.
  • 19.
  • 20.
  • 21. Traits: Interfaces done right trait PartyGoer { val age: Int val yearsUntilLegalDrinking = if (age >= 18) 0 else 18-age }
  • 22. Collections val people = List( &quot;John&quot; , &quot;Jacob&quot; , &quot;Mike&quot; )
  • 23. Collections val people = Array( &quot;John&quot; , &quot;Jacob&quot; , &quot;Mike&quot; )
  • 24. Working with collections: for comprehension for (person <- people) { println(person) }
  • 25. Working with collections: for comprehension for (person <- people if person startsWith &quot;J&quot; ) { println( &quot;&quot;&quot;Lucky one to start name in &quot;J&quot; &quot;&quot;&quot; + person) } // You are lucky one to start name in &quot;J&quot; John // You are lucky one to start name in &quot;J&quot; Jacob
  • 26. Working with collections: filter val student1 = new Student( &quot;first1&quot; , &quot;last1&quot; , 1) val student2 = new Student( &quot;first2&quot; , &quot;last2&quot; , 1) val student3 = new Student( &quot;first3&quot; , &quot;last3&quot; , 2) val student4 = new Student( &quot;first4&quot; , &quot;last4&quot; , 6) val students = List(student1, student2, student3, student4)
  • 27. Working with collections: filter val student1 = new Student( &quot;first1&quot; , &quot;last1&quot; , 1) val student2 = new Student( &quot;first2&quot; , &quot;last2&quot; , 1) val student3 = new Student( &quot;first3&quot; , &quot;last3&quot; , 2) val student4 = new Student( &quot;first4&quot; , &quot;last4&quot; , 6) val students = List(student1, student2, student3, student4)
  • 28. Working with collections: using _ val student1 = new Student( &quot;first1&quot; , &quot;last1&quot; , 1) val student2 = new Student( &quot;first2&quot; , &quot;last2&quot; , 1) val student3 = new Student( &quot;first3&quot; , &quot;last3&quot; , 2) val student4 = new Student( &quot;first4&quot; , &quot;last4&quot; , 6) val students = List(student1, student2, student3, student4)
  • 29. Working with collections: passing method as function val student1 = new Student( &quot;first1&quot; , &quot;last1&quot; , 1) val student2 = new Student( &quot;first2&quot; , &quot;last2&quot; , 1) val student3 = new Student( &quot;first3&quot; , &quot;last3&quot; , 2) val student4 = new Student( &quot;first4&quot; , &quot;last4&quot; , 6) val students = List(student1, student2, student3, student4)
  • 30. Working with collections: partition val student1 = new Student( &quot;first1&quot; , &quot;last1&quot; , 1) val student2 = new Student( &quot;first2&quot; , &quot;last2&quot; , 1) val student3 = new Student( &quot;first3&quot; , &quot;last3&quot; , 2) val student4 = new Student( &quot;first4&quot; , &quot;last4&quot; , 6) val students = List(student1, student2, student3, student4) val (elementarySchoolers, middleSchoolers) = students .partition(_.grade < 6) println( elementarySchoolers ) println( middleSchoolers ) //List(first1 last1, first2 last2, first3 last3) //List(first4 last4) Tuple
  • 31. Working with collections: transforming val student1 = new Student( &quot;first1&quot; , &quot;last1&quot; , 1) val student2 = new Student( &quot;first2&quot; , &quot;last2&quot; , 1) val student3 = new Student( &quot;first3&quot; , &quot;last3&quot; , 2) val student4 = new Student( &quot;first4&quot; , &quot;last4&quot; , 6) val students = List(student1, student2, student3, student4)
  • 33.
  • 34. Putting it together: Quicksort def quicksort[T](input: Traversable[T]) (ordering: Ordering[T]) : Traversable[T] = if (input.isEmpty) { input } else { val (low, high) = input.tail.partition(, input.head)) quicksort(low)(ordering) ++ List(input.head) ++ quicksort(high)(ordering) } println(quicksort(List(1, 3, 4, 5, 1))(Ordering.Int))
  • 35. Putting it together: Quicksort println(quicksort(List(1, 3, 4, 5, 1)))
  • 36. Pattern matching: Basics val a:Any = &quot;foo&quot; a match { case str: String => println( &quot;A string: &quot; + str) case i: Int => println( &quot;An int: &quot; + i) case _ => println( &quot;Something else&quot; ) }
  • 37. Pattern matching: with collections val l = List( &quot;a&quot; , &quot;b&quot; , &quot;c&quot; ) l match { case Nil => println( &quot;Empty!&quot; ) case head :: Nil => println( &quot;Only one item &quot; + head) case head :: tail => println( &quot;Item &quot; + head + &quot; followed by &quot; + tail) }
  • 38. Quicksort with pattern matching def quicksort[T](input: Traversable[T]) ( implicit ordering: Ordering[T]) : Traversable[T] = input match { case head :: tail => val (low, high) = tail.partition(, head)) quicksort(low) ++ List(head) ++ quicksort(high) case _ => input } println(quicksort(List(1, 3, 4, 5, 1)))
  • 39. Destutter using Pattern matching def destutter[A](lst: List[A]): List[A] = lst match { case h1 :: h2 :: tail if (h1 == h2) => destutter(h2 :: tail) case h1 :: h2 :: tail => h1 :: destutter(h2 :: tail) case _ => lst } // destutter(List(1,1,1,1,1,1)) => List(1) // destutter(List(1,1,4,3,3,2)) => List(1,4,3,2) // destutter(List() )=> List()
  • 40.
  • 41. Case classes case class Human(name: String) case class SuperHero(name: String, power: String) val characters = List(Human( &quot;Programmer&quot; ), SuperHero( &quot;Customer&quot; , &quot;money&quot; ), SuperHero( &quot;QA&quot; , &quot;testing&quot; ))
  • 42. Case classes and pattern matching val actions = for (character <- characters) yield character match { case Human(name) => name + &quot; needs to be saved&quot; case SuperHero(name, power) => name + &quot; will save using &quot; + power } actions.foreach(println)
  • 43. Pattern matching and extracting just enough val actions = for (character <- characters) yield character match { case Human(name) => name + &quot; needs to be saved&quot; case SuperHero(_, power) => &quot;Could be saved using &quot; + power } actions.foreach(println) // Programmer needs to be saved // Could be saved using money // Could be saved using testing
  • 44. Regular expressions val text = &quot;Ramnivas Laddad&quot; val Name = &quot;&quot;&quot;(+)+(+)&quot;&quot;&quot; .r val person = text match { case Name(first, last) => Some( new Person(first, last)) case _ => None } println(person) // Some(Ramnivas Laddad)
  • 45. Options val texts = List( &quot;Ramnivas Laddad&quot; , &quot;foo&quot; , &quot;Scott Andrews&quot; ) val peopleOptions = { _ match { case Name(first, last) => Some( new Person(first, last)) case _ => None } } println(peopleOptions) // List(Some(Ramnivas Laddad), None, Some(Scott Andrews))
  • 46. Options: flattening val texts = List( &quot;Ramnivas Laddad&quot; , &quot;foo&quot; , &quot;Scott Andrews&quot; ) val peopleOptions = { _ match { case Name(first, last) => Some( new Person(first, last)) case _ => None } } println(peopleOptions.flatten) // List(Ramnivas Laddad, Scott Andrews)
  • 47. Options: flatMap val texts = List( &quot;Ramnivas Laddad&quot; , &quot;foo&quot; , &quot;Scott Andrews&quot; ) val people = texts.flatMap { _ match { case Name(first, last) => Some( new Person(first, last)) case _ => None } } println(people) // List(Ramnivas Laddad, Scott Andrews)
  • 48. Higher order functions def process() : Unit = { retry(5) { ... } } def retry[T](maxRetry: Int)(thunk: => T) = { def retry(thunk: => T, attempt: Int): T = { try { thunk } catch { case ex if (attempt < maxRetry) => retry(thunk, attempt + 1) } } retry(thunk, 0) } Thunk
  • 49.
  • 50.
  • 51.
  • 52.
  • 53.
  • 54.
  • 55.
  • 56. Scala for Java Developers © 2011 SpringOne 2GX. All rights reserved. Do not distribute without permission.

Editor's Notes

  1. No access spec (default: public), no parentheses, type inference
  2. How constructor params can be used in body