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Practical Applications of

           Rowan Merewood
Who is this?


 Software Engineer
 Team Lead

Why do this?

 So you don't have to.

 Problems encountered,
 solutions discovered,
 lessons learned.

What do you want?

 More concept?

  - or -

 More code?

What does this solve?

  The “Gold Standard” for

Gold Standard

           Au thentication


           Au thorisation


           Au diting

B.W. Lampson. Computer Security in the Real World. Computer, 37(6):37–46, 2004

Gold Standard

           Au thentication


           Au thorisation

                                                     You are here.

           Au diting

B.W. Lampson. Computer Security in the Real World. Computer, 37(6):37–46, 2004

Role-based Access Control

                     Oh my!


 There is no right answer


• A named group of privileges for a

• A role may inherit from many parent roles

• Build the tree from leaf to root


• A user is a leaf node              Client Contact


                    Lead Developer



• A user is a leaf node              Client Contact


                    Lead Developer                Sales


                    Rowan                Rowan


• Use inheritance sparingly

• Avoid circular dependencies

• Over-complicated relationships

• Difficult to configure


• Objects with which users can interact

• A resource may have one parent

• Build the tree from root to leaf



                              Federation          Klingon

               Galaxy class

  NCC-1701-D              NCC-1701-E



                              Federation            Klingon

               Galaxy class            Allow “bridge crew” role
                                    the “activate cloak” privilege

  NCC-1701-D              NCC-1701-E


              Allow “*” role
     the “self destruct” privilege
         asserting “is captain”               Ship

                                 Federation          Klingon

                Galaxy class

  NCC-1701-D                 NCC-1701-E


• Simple – just strings

• Qualifies the operation a role may
  perform against a resource

• Shared vocabulary: CRUD


• An arbitrary condition attached to the ACL
  returning true or false

• Has access to the role, resource, privilege
  and ACL

• Power and flexibility open to abuse


• "user" can "view" a "group photo" if "user is
  a member of the group"

• "user" can "create" an "comment" if "the user
  has submitted less than 5 comments in
  the last hour"

• "job scheduler" may "schedule" a "task" if
  "no instances of the task are running"


• "user" can "view" a "group photo" if "user is
  a member of the group"

• "user" can "create" an "comment" if "the user
  hasDirect relationshipless than 5 and the resource.
       submitted between the role comments in
                 All dependencies are passed in.
  the last hour"
        “Visibility” is a good concept to keep in the ACL

• "job scheduler" may "schedule" a "task" if
  "no instances of the task are running"


• "user" can "view" a "group photo" if "user is
  a member of the group"

• "user" can "create" an "comment" if "the user
  has submitted less than 5 comments in
  the last hour"

          Border-line – most dependencies contained
•   "job scheduler" may "schedule" a "task" if
          Does the time-based system state count as
    "no instances of the task are running"


• "user" can "view" a "group photo" if "user is
  a member of the group"

• "user" can "create" an "comment" if "the user
  has submitted less thanoutside the scope in
    Advanced dependencies definitely
          This is a “pre-add” check for the model
  the last hour"

• "job scheduler" may "schedule" a "task" if
  "no instances of the task are running"

Let's see some code





Simple, Static ACL

$acl = new Zend_Acl();
$eng = new Zend_Acl_Role('engineering');
$scotty = new Zend_Acl_Role('scotty');
$kirk = new Zend_Acl_Role('kirk');
$dilCrys = new Zend_Acl_Resource('dilithium crystals');

$acl->addRole($scotty, $eng);

$acl->allow($eng, $dilCrys);

Simple, Static ACL

echo "Can Scotty replace the dilithium crystals?n";
echo ($acl->isAllowed('scotty', 'dilithium crystals', 'replace')) ?
"Can don" : "Cannae don";
echo "Can Kirk seduce the dilithium crystals?n";
echo ($acl->isAllowed('kirk', 'dilithium crystals', 'seduce')) ?
"Really cann" : "Obviously notn";

rowan@swordbean:~$ php test01.php
Can Scotty replace the dilithium crystals?
Can do
Can Kirk seduce the dilithium crystals?
Obviously not

Implementing Resource

    Any entity in your system:
•   Controllers
•   Models
•   Users
•   Files
•   Processes

Implementing Resource
class Ship implements Zend_Acl_Resource_Interface
     public $captain;

     public $registry;

     public function getResourceId()
          return $this->registry;

$acl = new Zend_Acl();
$kirk = new Zend_Acl_Role('kirk');

$ship = new Ship();
$ship->captain = 'kirk';
$ship->registry = 'ncc-1701';
Adding an Assertion
class IsCaptainOf implements Zend_Acl_Assert_Interface
    public function assert(Zend_Acl $acl, Zend_Acl_Role_Interface $role = null,
        Zend_Acl_Resource_Interface $resource = null, $privilege = null) {
        if ( !($resource instanceof Ship) ) {
            throw new   Zend_Acl_Exception(
               'IsCaptainOf assertion only valid on Ships' );
        return ($role->getRoleId() == $resource->captain);

$assert = new IsCaptainOf();
$acl->allow('kirk', 'ncc-1701', 'destruct', $assert);

echo "Can Kirk order self-destruct?n";
echo ($acl->isAllowed('kirk', 'ncc-1701', 'destruct')) ?
    "Star Trek III: The Search for Spockn" : "Non";

Adding an Assertion
class IsCaptainOf implements Zend_Acl_Assert_Interface
    public function assert(Zend_Acl $acl, Zend_Acl_Role_Interface $role = null,
        Zend_Acl_Resource_Interface $resource = null, $privilege = null) {
        if ( !($resource instanceof Ship) ) {
            throw new   Zend_Acl_Exception(
                'IsCaptainOf assertion only valid on Ships' );
        return ($role->getRoleId() == $resource->captain);
                                     Increasing complexity
                               Introducing extra points of failure
$assert = new IsCaptainOf();
$acl->allow('kirk', 'ncc-1701', 'destruct', $assert);

echo "Can Kirk order self-destruct?n";
echo ($acl->isAllowed('kirk', 'ncc-1701', 'destruct')) ?
    "Star Trek III: The Search for Spockn" : "Non";

Dynamic ACL

 Store config. in the DB

 Build on the fly

 One size does not fit all

Database structure

Database structure
                  Users not given
                permissions directly

Database structure

                Role hierarchy restricted
                    to Group → User

Database structure

                     Permissions assigned
                         to 1 Group

Database structure

                 Resource is free text
                 Does not need DB link
                   e.g. Controllers

Database structure

                     Same for privilege

Database structure

                     Class name fragment

DB Classes
class Users extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract
    protected $_name = 'users';
    protected $_primary = 'user_id';
    protected $_dependentTables = array('UserGroups');
    protected $_rowClass = 'User';

class Groups extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract
    protected $_name = 'groups';
    protected $_primary = 'group_id';
    protected $_dependentTables = array('UserGroups');
    protected $_rowClass = 'Group';

DB Classes
class UserGroups extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract
    protected $_name = 'user_groups';
    protected $_primary = array('user_id', 'group_id');
    protected $_referenceMap = array(
         'User' => array(
              'columns'         => array('user_id'),
              'refTableClass'   => 'Users',
              'refColumns'      => array('user_id'),
         'Group' => array(
              'columns'         => array('group_id'),
              'refTableClass'   => 'Groups',
              'refColumns'      => array('group_id'),

DB Classes

class Permissions extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract
    protected $_name = 'permissions';
    protected $_primary = 'permission_id';
    protected $_referenceMap = array(
         'Group' => array(
              'columns'         => array('group_id'),
              'refTableClass'   => 'Groups',
              'refColumns'      => array('group_id'),

Implementing Role
interface Role_Interface extends Zend_Acl_Role_Interface {
    public function getType();
class User extends Zend_Db_Table_Row_Abstract implements Role_Interface {
    public function getType() {
        return 'User';
    public function getRoleId() {
        return $this->getType().':'.$this->user_id;
class Group extends Zend_Db_Table_Row_Abstract implements Role_Interface {
    public function getType() {
        return 'Group';
    public function getRoleId() {
        return $this->getType().':'.$this->group_id;

What do we
want to enforce?

Users in the “command” group
 may issue orders to users
    subordinate to them

Implementing Resource

Implementing Resource
interface Resource_Interface extends Zend_Acl_Role_Interface {
    public function getType();
class Order extends Zend_Db_Table_Row_Abstract implements Resource_Interface
    public function getType() {
        return 'Order';
    public function getResourceId() {
        $id = $this->getType();
        if   ($this->order_id) {
             $id .= ':'.$this->order_id;
        return $id;

Populate the DB
mysql> select * from groups;
| group_id | name        |
|       1 | command      |
|       2 | bridge crew |
mysql> select * from permissions;
| permission_id | type   | group_id | resource | privilege | assert    |
|            1 | allow |         1 | Order    | read      | NULL       |
|            2 | allow |         1 | Order    | create    | IsSuperior |
|            3 | allow |       NULL | Order   | belay     | IsIssuer   |
|            4 | allow |         2 | Order    | read      | NULL       |

Populate the DB

mysql> select, as `group`, as `rank` from users u
      inner join user_groups ug on u.user_id = ug.user_id
      inner join groups g on ug.group_id = g.group_id
      inner join user_ranks ur on u.user_id = ur.user_id
      inner join ranks r on ur.rank_id = r.rank_id;
| name | group      | rank      |
| kirk | command    | captain |
| rand | bridge crew | yeoman   |

Issuing an order

$issuer = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity();
$u = new Users();
$subord = $u->find(2)->current();

$order = new Order();
$order->superior_user_id = $issuer->user_id;
$order->subordinate_user_id = $subord->user_id;
$order->detail = "Get your red shirt, it's time for an away mission.";

$acl = new AclWrapper();
if (!$acl->isAllowed($issuer, $order, 'create')) {
    throw new Zend_Controller_Action_Exception(
       'Not allowed to create order!' , 403);

Issuing an order

$issuer = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity();
$u = new Users();
$subord = $u->find(2)->current();

$order = new Order();
$order->superior_user_id = $issuer->user_id;
                                 You could move
$order->subordinate_user_id = $subord->user_id;       this check
$order->detail = "Get your red shirt,    onto the model
                                        it's time for an away mission.";

$acl = new AclWrapper();
if (!$acl->isAllowed($issuer, $order, 'create')) {
    throw new Zend_Controller_Action_Exception(
       'Not allowed to create order!' , 403);

Building the ACL
class AclWrapper
    public function isAllowed(User $role = null,
        Resource_Interface $resource = null, $privilege = null) {
        $acl = new Zend_Acl();
        $groups = $user->findGroups();
        foreach ($groups as $group) {
        $acl->addRole($user, $groups);
        if (strpos($resource->getResourceId(), ':')) {
            $parent = new Zend_Acl_Resource($resource->getType());
            $acl->addResource($resource, $parent);
        } else {
Building the ACL
class AclWrapper
    public function isAllowed(User $role = null,
        Resource_Interface $resource = null, $privilege = null) {
        $acl = new Zend_Acl();
        $groups = $user->findGroups();
                                               Add Group roles
        foreach ($groups as $group) {
                                               Add the User role
        $acl->addRole($user, $groups);
        if (strpos($resource->getResourceId(), ':')) {
            $parent = new Zend_Acl_Resource($resource->getType());
            $acl->addResource($resource, $parent);
        } else {
Building the ACL
class AclWrapper
    public function isAllowed(User $role = null,
        Resource_Interface $resource = null, $privilege = null) {
        $acl = new Zend_Acl();
        $groups = $user->findGroups();
        foreach ($groups as $group) {
        $acl->addRole($user, $groups);
        if (strpos($resource->getResourceId(), ':')) {
            $parent = new Zend_Acl_Resource($resource->getType());
            $acl->addResource($resource, $parent);
        } else {
            $acl->addResource($resource);   ':' means adding an instance
        }                                          and its parent
Building the ACL
foreach ($groups as $group) {
            foreach ($groups->findPermissions as $permission) {
                $assert = null;
                $classname = $permission->assert;
                if (
                      $classname && class_exists($classname)
                      && is_subclass_of($classname, 'Zend_Acl_Assert_Interface')
                ) {
                      $assert = new $classname();

                $op = ($permission->type == 'allow') ? 'allow' : 'deny';
                $acl->$op($group, $resource, $permission->privilege, $assert);

        return $acl->isAllowed($role, $resource, $privilege);
Building the ACL
foreach ($groups as $group) {
            foreach ($groups->findPermissions as $permission) {
                $assert = null;
                $classname = $permission->assert;
                if (
                      $classname && class_exists($classname)
                      && is_subclass_of($classname, 'Zend_Acl_Assert_Interface')
                ) {
                      $assert = new $classname();
                }                                   Validate as much as possible!

                $op = ($permission->type == 'allow') ? 'allow' : 'deny';
                $acl->$op($group, $resource, $permission->privilege, $assert);

        return $acl->isAllowed($role, $resource, $privilege);
Asserting Superiority
class IsSuperior implements Zend_Acl_Assert_Interface
    public function assert(
        Zend_Acl $acl, Zend_Acl_Role_Interface $role = null,
        Zend_Acl_Resource_Interface $resource = null, $privilege = null)
        if (!$role instanceof User) {
            throw new Zend_Acl_Exception('Assertion only applies to Users');
        if (!$resource instanceof Order) {
            throw new Zend_Acl_Exception('Assertion only applies to Orders');
        $supRank = $role->findRanks()->current();
        $subRank = $resource->findUsersBySubordinate()->current();
        return ($supRank->rank_id > $subRank->rank_id);

Issuing an order

$issuer = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity();
$u = new Users();
$subord = $u->find(2)->current();

$order = new Order();
$order->superior_user_id = $issuer->user_id;
$order->subordinate_user_id = $subord->user_id;
$order->detail = "Get your red shirt, it's time for an away mission.";

$acl = new AclWrapper();
if (!$acl->isAllowed($issuer, $order, 'create')) {
    throw new Zend_Controller_Action_Exception(
       'Not allowed to create order!' , 403);


  Is this the right way?

Attaching the ACL

• Controller and Action?

• Model and Method?

• Business object and Action?

• All of the above?

Unit testing

• Pass the Zend_Acl into your wrapper

• Use a factory

Caching the ACL

• Build everything for the User?

• Build everything for the Resource?

• Build everything for everything!


• Think about what you want to protect

• Test your solution with realistic data

• Assume that you are wrong



“...even a well presented talk by a charismatic speaker upset me.”



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Practical Applications of Zend_Acl

  • 1. Practical Applications of Zend_Acl Rowan Merewood
  • 2. Who is this? @rowan_m Software Engineer Team Lead 2
  • 3. Why do this? So you don't have to. Problems encountered, solutions discovered, lessons learned. 3
  • 4. What do you want? More concept? - or - More code? 4
  • 5. What does this solve? The “Gold Standard” for security. 5
  • 6. Gold Standard Gold 79 Au thentication 196.97 Gold 79 Au thorisation 196.97 Gold 79 Au diting 196.97 B.W. Lampson. Computer Security in the Real World. Computer, 37(6):37–46, 2004 6
  • 7. Gold Standard Gold 79 Au thentication 196.97 Gold 79 Au thorisation 196.97 You are here. Gold 79 Au diting 196.97 B.W. Lampson. Computer Security in the Real World. Computer, 37(6):37–46, 2004 7
  • 9. Warning! There is no right answer 9
  • 10. Roles • A named group of privileges for a resource. • A role may inherit from many parent roles • Build the tree from leaf to root 10
  • 11. Roles • A user is a leaf node Client Contact Developer Lead Developer Employee Rowan 11
  • 12. Roles • A user is a leaf node Client Contact Developer Lead Developer Sales Employee Evil Rowan Rowan 12
  • 13. Roles • Use inheritance sparingly • Avoid circular dependencies • Over-complicated relationships • Difficult to configure 13
  • 14. Resources • Objects with which users can interact • A resource may have one parent • Build the tree from root to leaf 14
  • 15. Resources Ship Federation Klingon Galaxy class NCC-1701-D NCC-1701-E 15
  • 16. Resources Ship Federation Klingon Galaxy class Allow “bridge crew” role the “activate cloak” privilege NCC-1701-D NCC-1701-E 16
  • 17. Resources Allow “*” role the “self destruct” privilege asserting “is captain” Ship Federation Klingon Galaxy class NCC-1701-D NCC-1701-E 17
  • 18. Privileges • Simple – just strings • Qualifies the operation a role may perform against a resource • Shared vocabulary: CRUD 18
  • 19. Assertions • An arbitrary condition attached to the ACL returning true or false • Has access to the role, resource, privilege and ACL • Power and flexibility open to abuse 19
  • 20. Assertions • "user" can "view" a "group photo" if "user is a member of the group" • "user" can "create" an "comment" if "the user has submitted less than 5 comments in the last hour" • "job scheduler" may "schedule" a "task" if "no instances of the task are running" 20
  • 21. Assertions • "user" can "view" a "group photo" if "user is a member of the group" • "user" can "create" an "comment" if "the user hasDirect relationshipless than 5 and the resource. submitted between the role comments in All dependencies are passed in. the last hour" “Visibility” is a good concept to keep in the ACL • "job scheduler" may "schedule" a "task" if "no instances of the task are running" 21
  • 22. Assertions • "user" can "view" a "group photo" if "user is a member of the group" • "user" can "create" an "comment" if "the user has submitted less than 5 comments in the last hour" Border-line – most dependencies contained • "job scheduler" may "schedule" a "task" if Does the time-based system state count as “authorisation”? "no instances of the task are running" 22
  • 23. Assertions • "user" can "view" a "group photo" if "user is a member of the group" • "user" can "create" an "comment" if "the user has submitted less thanoutside the scope in Advanced dependencies definitely 5 comments This is a “pre-add” check for the model the last hour" • "job scheduler" may "schedule" a "task" if "no instances of the task are running" 23
  • 24. Let's see some code Zend_Acl Zend_Acl_Role_Interface Zend_Acl_Resource_Interface Zend_Acl_Assert_Interface 24
  • 25. Simple, Static ACL $acl = new Zend_Acl(); $eng = new Zend_Acl_Role('engineering'); $scotty = new Zend_Acl_Role('scotty'); $kirk = new Zend_Acl_Role('kirk'); $dilCrys = new Zend_Acl_Resource('dilithium crystals'); $acl->addRole($eng); $acl->addRole($scotty, $eng); $acl->addRole($kirk); $acl->addResource($dilCrys); $acl->allow($eng, $dilCrys); 25
  • 26. Simple, Static ACL echo "Can Scotty replace the dilithium crystals?n"; echo ($acl->isAllowed('scotty', 'dilithium crystals', 'replace')) ? "Can don" : "Cannae don"; echo "Can Kirk seduce the dilithium crystals?n"; echo ($acl->isAllowed('kirk', 'dilithium crystals', 'seduce')) ? "Really cann" : "Obviously notn"; rowan@swordbean:~$ php test01.php Can Scotty replace the dilithium crystals? Can do Can Kirk seduce the dilithium crystals? Obviously not 26
  • 27. Implementing Resource Any entity in your system: • Controllers • Models • Users • Files • Processes 27
  • 28. Implementing Resource class Ship implements Zend_Acl_Resource_Interface { public $captain; public $registry; public function getResourceId() { return $this->registry; } } $acl = new Zend_Acl(); $kirk = new Zend_Acl_Role('kirk'); $acl->addRole($kirk); $ship = new Ship(); $ship->captain = 'kirk'; $ship->registry = 'ncc-1701'; $acl->addResource($ship); 28
  • 29. Adding an Assertion class IsCaptainOf implements Zend_Acl_Assert_Interface { public function assert(Zend_Acl $acl, Zend_Acl_Role_Interface $role = null, Zend_Acl_Resource_Interface $resource = null, $privilege = null) { if ( !($resource instanceof Ship) ) { throw new Zend_Acl_Exception( 'IsCaptainOf assertion only valid on Ships' ); } return ($role->getRoleId() == $resource->captain); } } $assert = new IsCaptainOf(); $acl->allow('kirk', 'ncc-1701', 'destruct', $assert); echo "Can Kirk order self-destruct?n"; echo ($acl->isAllowed('kirk', 'ncc-1701', 'destruct')) ? "Star Trek III: The Search for Spockn" : "Non"; 29
  • 30. Adding an Assertion class IsCaptainOf implements Zend_Acl_Assert_Interface { public function assert(Zend_Acl $acl, Zend_Acl_Role_Interface $role = null, Zend_Acl_Resource_Interface $resource = null, $privilege = null) { if ( !($resource instanceof Ship) ) { throw new Zend_Acl_Exception( 'IsCaptainOf assertion only valid on Ships' ); } return ($role->getRoleId() == $resource->captain); } Increasing complexity } Introducing extra points of failure $assert = new IsCaptainOf(); $acl->allow('kirk', 'ncc-1701', 'destruct', $assert); echo "Can Kirk order self-destruct?n"; echo ($acl->isAllowed('kirk', 'ncc-1701', 'destruct')) ? "Star Trek III: The Search for Spockn" : "Non"; 30
  • 31. Dynamic ACL Store config. in the DB Build on the fly One size does not fit all 31
  • 33. Database structure Users not given permissions directly 33
  • 34. Database structure Role hierarchy restricted to Group → User 34
  • 35. Database structure Permissions assigned to 1 Group 35
  • 36. Database structure Resource is free text Does not need DB link e.g. Controllers 36
  • 37. Database structure Same for privilege 37
  • 38. Database structure Class name fragment 38
  • 39. DB Classes class Users extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract { protected $_name = 'users'; protected $_primary = 'user_id'; protected $_dependentTables = array('UserGroups'); protected $_rowClass = 'User'; } class Groups extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract { protected $_name = 'groups'; protected $_primary = 'group_id'; protected $_dependentTables = array('UserGroups'); protected $_rowClass = 'Group'; } 39
  • 40. DB Classes class UserGroups extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract { protected $_name = 'user_groups'; protected $_primary = array('user_id', 'group_id'); protected $_referenceMap = array( 'User' => array( 'columns' => array('user_id'), 'refTableClass' => 'Users', 'refColumns' => array('user_id'), ), 'Group' => array( 'columns' => array('group_id'), 'refTableClass' => 'Groups', 'refColumns' => array('group_id'), ), ); } 40
  • 41. DB Classes class Permissions extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract { protected $_name = 'permissions'; protected $_primary = 'permission_id'; protected $_referenceMap = array( 'Group' => array( 'columns' => array('group_id'), 'refTableClass' => 'Groups', 'refColumns' => array('group_id'), ), ); } 41
  • 42. Implementing Role interface Role_Interface extends Zend_Acl_Role_Interface { public function getType(); } class User extends Zend_Db_Table_Row_Abstract implements Role_Interface { public function getType() { return 'User'; } public function getRoleId() { return $this->getType().':'.$this->user_id; } } class Group extends Zend_Db_Table_Row_Abstract implements Role_Interface { public function getType() { return 'Group'; } public function getRoleId() { return $this->getType().':'.$this->group_id; } } 42
  • 43. What do we want to enforce? Users in the “command” group may issue orders to users subordinate to them 43
  • 45. Implementing Resource interface Resource_Interface extends Zend_Acl_Role_Interface { public function getType(); } class Order extends Zend_Db_Table_Row_Abstract implements Resource_Interface { public function getType() { return 'Order'; } public function getResourceId() { $id = $this->getType(); if ($this->order_id) { $id .= ':'.$this->order_id; } return $id; } } 45
  • 46. Populate the DB mysql> select * from groups; +----------+-------------+ | group_id | name | +----------+-------------+ | 1 | command | | 2 | bridge crew | +----------+-------------+ mysql> select * from permissions; +---------------+-------+----------+----------+-----------+------------+ | permission_id | type | group_id | resource | privilege | assert | +---------------+-------+----------+----------+-----------+------------+ | 1 | allow | 1 | Order | read | NULL | | 2 | allow | 1 | Order | create | IsSuperior | | 3 | allow | NULL | Order | belay | IsIssuer | | 4 | allow | 2 | Order | read | NULL | +---------------+-------+----------+----------+-----------+------------+ 46
  • 47. Populate the DB mysql> select, as `group`, as `rank` from users u inner join user_groups ug on u.user_id = ug.user_id inner join groups g on ug.group_id = g.group_id inner join user_ranks ur on u.user_id = ur.user_id inner join ranks r on ur.rank_id = r.rank_id; +------+-------------+---------+ | name | group | rank | +------+-------------+---------+ | kirk | command | captain | | rand | bridge crew | yeoman | +------+-------------+---------+ 47
  • 48. Issuing an order $issuer = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity(); $u = new Users(); $subord = $u->find(2)->current(); $order = new Order(); $order->superior_user_id = $issuer->user_id; $order->subordinate_user_id = $subord->user_id; $order->detail = "Get your red shirt, it's time for an away mission."; $acl = new AclWrapper(); if (!$acl->isAllowed($issuer, $order, 'create')) { throw new Zend_Controller_Action_Exception( 'Not allowed to create order!' , 403); } $order->save(); 48
  • 49. Issuing an order $issuer = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity(); $u = new Users(); $subord = $u->find(2)->current(); $order = new Order(); $order->superior_user_id = $issuer->user_id; You could move $order->subordinate_user_id = $subord->user_id; this check $order->detail = "Get your red shirt, onto the model it's time for an away mission."; $acl = new AclWrapper(); if (!$acl->isAllowed($issuer, $order, 'create')) { throw new Zend_Controller_Action_Exception( 'Not allowed to create order!' , 403); } $order->save(); 49
  • 50. Building the ACL class AclWrapper { public function isAllowed(User $role = null, Resource_Interface $resource = null, $privilege = null) { $acl = new Zend_Acl(); $groups = $user->findGroups(); foreach ($groups as $group) { $acl->addRole($group); } $acl->addRole($user, $groups); if (strpos($resource->getResourceId(), ':')) { $parent = new Zend_Acl_Resource($resource->getType()); $acl->addResource($parent); $acl->addResource($resource, $parent); } else { $acl->addResource($resource); } [...] 50
  • 51. Building the ACL class AclWrapper { public function isAllowed(User $role = null, Resource_Interface $resource = null, $privilege = null) { $acl = new Zend_Acl(); $groups = $user->findGroups(); Add Group roles foreach ($groups as $group) { Add the User role $acl->addRole($group); } $acl->addRole($user, $groups); if (strpos($resource->getResourceId(), ':')) { $parent = new Zend_Acl_Resource($resource->getType()); $acl->addResource($parent); $acl->addResource($resource, $parent); } else { $acl->addResource($resource); } [...] 51
  • 52. Building the ACL class AclWrapper { public function isAllowed(User $role = null, Resource_Interface $resource = null, $privilege = null) { $acl = new Zend_Acl(); $groups = $user->findGroups(); foreach ($groups as $group) { $acl->addRole($group); } $acl->addRole($user, $groups); if (strpos($resource->getResourceId(), ':')) { $parent = new Zend_Acl_Resource($resource->getType()); $acl->addResource($parent); $acl->addResource($resource, $parent); } else { $acl->addResource($resource); ':' means adding an instance } and its parent [...] 52
  • 53. Building the ACL foreach ($groups as $group) { foreach ($groups->findPermissions as $permission) { $assert = null; $classname = $permission->assert; if ( $classname && class_exists($classname) && is_subclass_of($classname, 'Zend_Acl_Assert_Interface') ) { $assert = new $classname(); } $op = ($permission->type == 'allow') ? 'allow' : 'deny'; $acl->$op($group, $resource, $permission->privilege, $assert); } } return $acl->isAllowed($role, $resource, $privilege); } } 53
  • 54. Building the ACL foreach ($groups as $group) { foreach ($groups->findPermissions as $permission) { $assert = null; $classname = $permission->assert; if ( $classname && class_exists($classname) && is_subclass_of($classname, 'Zend_Acl_Assert_Interface') ) { $assert = new $classname(); } Validate as much as possible! $op = ($permission->type == 'allow') ? 'allow' : 'deny'; $acl->$op($group, $resource, $permission->privilege, $assert); } } return $acl->isAllowed($role, $resource, $privilege); } } 54
  • 55. Asserting Superiority class IsSuperior implements Zend_Acl_Assert_Interface { public function assert( Zend_Acl $acl, Zend_Acl_Role_Interface $role = null, Zend_Acl_Resource_Interface $resource = null, $privilege = null) { if (!$role instanceof User) { throw new Zend_Acl_Exception('Assertion only applies to Users'); } if (!$resource instanceof Order) { throw new Zend_Acl_Exception('Assertion only applies to Orders'); } $supRank = $role->findRanks()->current(); $subRank = $resource->findUsersBySubordinate()->current(); return ($supRank->rank_id > $subRank->rank_id); } } 55
  • 56. Issuing an order $issuer = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity(); $u = new Users(); $subord = $u->find(2)->current(); $order = new Order(); $order->superior_user_id = $issuer->user_id; $order->subordinate_user_id = $subord->user_id; $order->detail = "Get your red shirt, it's time for an away mission."; $acl = new AclWrapper(); if (!$acl->isAllowed($issuer, $order, 'create')) { throw new Zend_Controller_Action_Exception( 'Not allowed to create order!' , 403); } $order->save(); 56
  • 57. Conclusions Is this the right way? 57
  • 58. Attaching the ACL • Controller and Action? • Model and Method? • Business object and Action? • All of the above? 58
  • 59. Unit testing • Pass the Zend_Acl into your wrapper • Use a factory 59
  • 60. Caching the ACL • Build everything for the User? • Build everything for the Resource? • Build everything for everything! 60
  • 61. Advice • Think about what you want to protect • Test your solution with realistic data • Assume that you are wrong 61
  • 63. Feedback “...even a well presented talk by a charismatic speaker upset me.” 63