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Principles of Marketing
Chapter 19
Advertising, Public
Relations, and Sales
Patricia Knowles, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Clemson University 1
Principles of Marketing
Advertising, Public Relations, and Sales
These are the learning objectives guiding the chapter and will be explored in more detail in the
following slides.
Describe the steps in designing and executing an advertising
Identify three objectives of advertising.
Describe the different ways that advertisers appeal to consumers.
Identify the various types of media.
Identify agencies that regulate advertising.
Describe the elements of a public relations toolkit.
Identify the various types of sales promotions.
PepsiCo’s Tropicana dominates the domestic orange juice market with approximately $1 billion
in annual sales. Tropicana wanted to consolidate its market lead by unleashing a new wave of
advertising, with costs of $500–$600 million, in a vigorous attempt to gain even more market
Principles of Marketing
Courtesy Tropicana Products, Inc.
Steps in Planning and Executing an Ad
Principles of Marketing
Identify target audience
Set advertising objectives
Determine the advertising Budget
Convey the message
Evaluate and select media
Create advertisements
Assess impact
Identify Target Audience
Principles of Marketing
The success of an advertising program depends on how well the advertiser can identify its
target audience. Firms conduct research to identify their target audience, then use the
information they gain to set the tone for the advertising program and help them select the media
they will use to deliver the message to that audience.
Conduct research
Use the information to set the tone
Select the media Getty Images/Comstock Images
Set Advertising Objectives
Principles of Marketing
The advertising plan must be specific to the identified target audience and include the strategic
objectives and tactics to be used. Think about developing an advertising plan for a product you
like. What are the objectives of the campaign? How are you going to accomplish those
objectives? How will you measure the campaign’s success?
Push StrategyPull Strategy
©Brand X Pictures/PunchStock
Advertising Objectives
Principles of Marketing
An advertising campaign has three broad objectives: inform, persuade, or remind the target
Advertising Objectives
Principles of Marketing
This is a good ad to help the mother and parent feel more “normal” about their older child’s
bedwetting issue and persuade them to purchase this product for their child.
Designing an ad for a delicate
topic for parents and kids
Courtesy The Procter & Gamble Company
Principles of Marketing
Iams Pet
This ad reminds students about the benefits of Iams. Reminder advertising is used to remind or
prompt repurchases, especially for products that have gained market acceptance and are in the
maturity stage of their life cycle.
How does this ad inform,
persuade, and remind?
©Procter & Gamble.
Principles of Marketing
Informative Advertising
What brands would benefit from focusing on informative, persuasive, and reminder advertising?
List several brands that enjoy top-of-mind awareness for you (e.g., when you think of a cola,
does Coke pop into your head unprompted?).
©TJX Companies, Inc.
• Create and build brand awareness
• Push the consumer through the buying cycle
• Inform customers about upcoming sales
events or arrival of new merchandise
Persuasive Advertising
Principles of Marketing
When a product has gained a certain level of brand awareness, firms use persuasive
advertising to motivate consumers to take action.
©The Procter & Gamble Company Used by permission
• Generally occurs in the growth and
early maturity stages of the PLC when
competition is most intense
• May be used to reposition an
established brand in the later stage of
the PLC
Reminder Advertising
Principles of Marketing
Reminder advertising is communication used to remind or prompt repurchases, especially for
products that have gained market acceptance and are in the maturity stage of their life cycle.
Used by Permission of Deutsch Inc as Agent for
National Fluid Milk Processor Promotion Board
• Communication used to remind or prompt
• Occurs after the products have gained
market acceptance
Principles of Marketing
Focus of Advertisements
Most advertising is product focused. However, companies like Exxon-Mobile advertise their
commitment to the environment, not their products, to inform, persuade, and remind consumers
of positive thoughts about the company, which can prompt the purchase of products and
Exxon might be particularly interested in institutional advertising because oil and gas companies
are often accused of engaging in practices that are harmful to the environment. Therefore it is
important for the firm to stress that they are an environmentally responsible firm to negate some
of this criticism.
Social Marketing
Principles of Marketing
Public service advertisements are designed to raise awareness of public welfare issues and
receive free airtime, as required by the FCC.
Courtesy of the National Crime Prevention
Public Service
Advertising (PSA)
Under Federal
Communication Commission
rules, broadcasters must
devote a specific amount of
free airtime to PSAs
Principles of Marketing
The AdCouncil
What issues have you seen “advertised” in PSAs? Are they effective? The AdCouncil creates
and distributes most PSAs. This slide shows a campaign for the United Negro College Fund and
an anti-bullying initiative.
Courtesy The Advertising Council, Inc. Courtesy The Advertising Council, Inc.
The TRUTH Takes Hold
Principles of Marketing
As part of the historic tobacco settlement, a fund was created to decrease the incidence of
smoking among children and teens. Do the shocking images and text used by the TRUTH
campaign work? If you think it does not, why do observers consider the overall campaign a
Courtesy American Legacy Foundation
• How to get young consumers to quit
• Part of the tobacco settlement: “raising
generation that would be smoke free”
• TRUTH uses a hard-hitting media campaign
• In your face ads
Principles of Marketing
Determining Advertising Budget
Setting the promotional budget is not easy, and advertising often is the largest single
expenditure in the promotional budget. Thus, firms must carefully weigh the benefits of
advertising versus other communications when deciding how much to allocate.
Role that advertising plays in their attempt to meet their overall
promotional objectives
Expenditures vary over the course of the Product Life Cycle
Nature of the market and the product influence the size of the
Convey the Message
Principles of Marketing
The USP (unique selling proposition) concept conveys core benefits to the target audience. The
best USPs stand the test of time; consider examples such as those on the slide. Nokia has been
using “connecting people” for a long time; however Verizon tends to change and is currently
using “It’s Powerful.”
Unique selling
proposition (USP)
Red Bull . . . Gives You Wings
United Negro College Fund . . . A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Nike . . . Just Do It.
State Farm Insurance . . . Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there
TNT . . . We know drama
Principles of Marketing
The Message
This is a good example of bringing a very mature product category to life with a creative ad.
CLOROX® is a registered trademark of The Clorox
Company. Used with permission.
Principles of Marketing
The Appeal
Appeals depend on the target audience, chosen media, and type of product/service. Each
appeal persuades in different ways. Whereas informational appeals are more cognitive and
persuade using rational thought, emotional appeals persuade by triggering an emotional
response rather than offering rational arguments. How do the two Febreeze ads vary in their
type of appeal and how well does each match the product? Which would make you purchase
Febreeze? Why?
Emotional appeal
Informational appeal
Principles of Marketing
Emotional Appeals in Advertising
These appeals therefore focus on feelings about the self. The key to a successful emotional
appeal is the use of emotion to create a bond between the consumer and the brand.
Principles of Marketing
Symbols Help to Convey Messages
What other symbols do you know for brands? Mr. Clean? Others?
Courtesy Con Agra Foods, Inc.
Principles of Marketing
Evaluate and Select Media
The ability of any one media outlet to reach a mass audience is declining due to the
fragmentation of media and the proliferation of new media outlets. This trend represents a
double-edged sword, because fragmenting media have also allowed for very fine targeting in
media buys.
Media Planning
Media Mix
Media Buy
©Photodisc/Getty Images The McGraw-Hill Companies,
Inc/John Flournoy, photographer
Ryan McVay/Getty Images Photodisc/Getty Images
Principles of Marketing
Mass and Niche Media
Often firms will use mass media to reach a broad audience with a product message and then
choose specific niche media to customize that same message for various audiences. In the
McDonald’s Case in Point in chapter 17 we discussed how McDonald’s is using both mass and
niche media.
Mass media reach large anonymous
Niche media reach a smaller more
targeted audience
©Digital Vision/PunchStock
©Digital Vision/PunchStock
Principles of Marketing
Choosing the Right Medium
What media do you use and under what circumstances do you use them? For example, do you
listen to the radio while driving in your car or watch television when you get home at night?
The usage context of each
medium affects how marketers
design messages for them. For
example most people listen to
radio in their cars, often by
Radio is considered a more
personal medium, thus marketers
often use ads that employ
This allows the person to place
themselves in the conversation.
This same technique cannot be
used in print.
Principles of Marketing
Viral Marketing Campaign
Many of you will be familiar with the Dove campaign from earlier chapters. If it is near the
holiday season – OfficeMax might be running this campaign again. If so, see if you can load up
some pictures of people at your university and play it for the students. They will find it very
Courtesy Office Max
Principles of Marketing
Determine the Advertising Schedule
Every advertising campaign has a set duration, and during that period, marketers must
determine how often and when to show the ads. For a frequently purchased good such as soda,
most firms use a continuous strategy. A flighting schedule is often used for seasonal goods
since they are only advertised during certain times of the year. A pulsing schedule is used by
firms who have certain fluctuations in their demand and need to increase advertising during the
periods of high or low demand.
©Procter & Gamble
Principles of Marketing
Create Advertisements
Ads attempt to make maximum use of the medium’s ability to deliver the message. There are
benefits and limitations for each of the various media. For example, television enables
advertisers to combine imagery, movement, and music, whereas radio must rely solely on sound
to deliver the message.
The type of
determines the
execution style
Creativity plays a
major role in the
execution stage
Creativity should
not overshadow
the message
The execution
style must match
the medium and
Principles of Marketing
Eukanuba Ad
This print Ad for Eukanuba is using humor to deliver the selling message. The text copy “Feeling
& Looking This Good Outside Starts On The Inside” informs consumers of the benefits of
©Procter & Gamble
What appeal is being used in this
Is this ad effective in delivering the
selling message?
Principles of Marketing
Assess Impact Using Marketing Metrics
Say that you have been assigned to assess the impact of a campaign for a new perfume. The
goal of the campaign is to increase awareness of the brand within a chosen target market by
20% over the campaign. What measures would you need to take to ensure that the campaign is
remaining on track? You could design a tracking study that measures sales, website visits and
sample requests generated over the course of the campaign. You also might measure
awareness levels of the target market at various stages of the campaign.
Principles of Marketing
Check Yourself
1. What are the steps involved in planning an ad
2. What are the differences between
informational, persuasive, and reminder
3. What are the pros and cons of the different
media types?
4. How can the effectiveness of advertising be
Principles of Marketing
Regulatory and Ethical Issues in Advertising
Advertising regulation exists on federal, state, and local levels and a host of self-regulatory
agencies oversee various forms of advertising. Unlike in many European countries, puffery is
legal in the United States. Generally these claims are so outrageous that no rational consumer
would believe them.
Principles of Marketing
Could puffery ever be considered deceptive? If so, how should we draw the line between puffery
and deception? The line between puffery and deception is a fine one. Obvious exaggerations
are not the problem it is the more subtle issues that create the problem. The line is currently
drawn by the FTC which determines how many individuals hold a false belief as a result of an
advertising. It is a very gray area of advertising law.
Principles of Marketing
Public Relations
Companies involved with cause related marketing often generate a lot of PR.
Principles of Marketing
Check Yourself
1. Why do companies utilize public relations as
part of their IMC strategy?
2. What are the elements of a public relations
Principles of Marketing
Sales Promotions
Remind students that as advertising has decreased as a portion of total marketing
communications budgets, sales promotions have increased. Promotions can be used to
stimulate sales by either the end user consumers or to stimulate channel members to sell more
of a given product/service. If focused on the end user, the promotion is using a “pull strategy.” If
focused on channel members, it is using a “push strategy.”
Courtesy Payless Shoe Source, Inc.
• Can be targeted at either the end user
consumers or channel members
• Can be used in either push or pull strategies
Principles of Marketing
Types of Sales Promotion
Sales promotions occur either in conjunction with an advertising campaign or as a stand-alone
component of a marketing communications plan. In either case, they must be consistent with
the brand image. Which ones do you think are the most effective and why? Which ones have
you used in the past week? Month?
Promotion Advantages Disadvantages
• Stimulates demand.
• Allows for direct tracing of sales.
• Has low redemption rates.
• Has high cost.
• Encourages trial.
• Reduces consumer risk.
• May reduce perception of value.
• Builds goodwill.
• Increases perception of value.
• Consumers buy for premium, not product.
• Has to be carefully managed.
• Increases consumer involvement.
• Generates excitement.
• Requires creativity.
• Must be monitored.
Sweepstakes • Increases involvement with the product. • Sales often decline after the sweepstakes is over.
• Encourages trial.
• Offers direct involvement.
• Has high cost to the firm.
Loyalty Programs
• Creates loyalty.
• Encourages repurchase.
• Has high cost to the firm.
POP Displays
• Provides high visibility.
• Encourages brand trial.
• Is difficult to get a good location in the store.
• Can be costly to the firm.
• Stimulates demand.
• Increases value perception.
• Is easily copied by competitors.
• May just advance future sales.
Product Placement
• Displays products nontraditionally.
• Demonstrates product uses.
• Firm often has little control over display.
• Product can be overshadowed.
Principles of Marketing
Sales Promotion
This ad represents a demonstration. The promotion encourages consumers to increase their
level of interest by offering demonstration of the coffee maker.
• What form of sales promotion
is represented in this ad?
• Do you feel it is an effective
Courtesy Nestlé SA
Principles of Marketing
Using Sales Promotion Tools
In recent years, firms have become more creative in the types of promotions used. As a child,
did you collect promotions in Happy Meals or other children’s products? The Happy Meal for
years was McDonald’s most successful product, primarily driven by the children’s desire for the
toy inside. Many of the happy meal toys have become sought after collectibles. The Beanie
Baby promotions a number of years ago was so successful that McDonald’s literally ran out of
the featured item for the week within hours of its initial distribution.
The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc./ Ken Karp, photographer
Principles of Marketing
Cross Promotion
An ad for IAMS and a coupon for Petsmart – an good example of co-marketing.
Courtesy PetSmart, Inc
Principles of Marketing
Evaluated Sales Promotions Using Marketing
Many sales promotion opportunities undertaken by retailers are initiated by manufacturers.
Realized margin
Cost of additional inventory
Potential increase in sales
Long-term impact
Potential loss from switches from more profitable items
Additional sales by customers
Principles of Marketing
Check Yourself
1. What are various forms of sales promotions?
2. What factors should a firm consider when
evaluating a sales promotion?
Principles of Marketing
An advertising plan is a subsection of the firm’s overall marketing plan that explicitly analyzes
the marketing and advertising situation, identifies the objectives of the advertising campaign,
clarifies a specific strategy for accomplishing those objectives, and indicates how the firm can
determine whether the campaign was successful.
A continuous advertising schedule runs steadily throughout the year and therefore is suited
to products and services that are consumed continually at relatively steady rates and that
require a steady level of persuasive and/or reminder advertising.
A flighting advertising schedule is implemented in spurts, with periods of heavy advertising
followed by periods of no advertising.
Institutional advertisements inform, persuade, and remind consumers about issues related to
places, politics, an industry, or a particular corporation.
Media buy is the actual purchase of airtime or print pages.
The media mix is the combination of the media used and the frequency of advertising in each
Principles of Marketing
Media planning is the process of evaluating and selecting the media mix that will deliver a
clear, consistent, compelling message to the intended audience.
Product-focused advertisements focus on informing, persuading, or reminding customers
about a specific product or service.
Public service advertising (PSA) focuses on public welfare and generally is sponsored by
nonprofit institutions, civic groups, religious organizations, trade associations, or political groups.
A pull strategy is a strategy in which the goal is to get consumers to pull the product into the
supply chain by demanding it.
A pulsing advertising schedule combines the continuous and flighting schedules by
maintaining a base level of advertising but increasing advertising intensity during certain
A push strategy is designed to increase demand by focusing on wholesalers, distributors, or
sales people.

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Ppt Chapter 19

  • 1. Principles of Marketing MKT3010 Chapter 19 Advertising, Public Relations, and Sales Promotions Patricia Knowles, Ph.D. Associate Professor Clemson University 1
  • 2. 2 Principles of Marketing MKT3010 2 Advertising, Public Relations, and Sales Promotions These are the learning objectives guiding the chapter and will be explored in more detail in the following slides. Describe the steps in designing and executing an advertising campaign. Identify three objectives of advertising. Describe the different ways that advertisers appeal to consumers. Identify the various types of media. Identify agencies that regulate advertising. Describe the elements of a public relations toolkit. Identify the various types of sales promotions. LO1 LO2 LO3 LO4 LO5 LO6 LO7
  • 3. 33 Tropicana PepsiCo’s Tropicana dominates the domestic orange juice market with approximately $1 billion in annual sales. Tropicana wanted to consolidate its market lead by unleashing a new wave of advertising, with costs of $500–$600 million, in a vigorous attempt to gain even more market share. Principles of Marketing MKT3010 Courtesy Tropicana Products, Inc.
  • 4. 44 Steps in Planning and Executing an Ad Campaign Principles of Marketing MKT3010 Identify target audience Set advertising objectives Determine the advertising Budget Convey the message Evaluate and select media Create advertisements Assess impact
  • 5. 55 Identify Target Audience Principles of Marketing MKT3010 The success of an advertising program depends on how well the advertiser can identify its target audience. Firms conduct research to identify their target audience, then use the information they gain to set the tone for the advertising program and help them select the media they will use to deliver the message to that audience. Conduct research Use the information to set the tone Select the media Getty Images/Comstock Images
  • 6. 66 Set Advertising Objectives Principles of Marketing MKT3010 The advertising plan must be specific to the identified target audience and include the strategic objectives and tactics to be used. Think about developing an advertising plan for a product you like. What are the objectives of the campaign? How are you going to accomplish those objectives? How will you measure the campaign’s success? Push StrategyPull Strategy ©Brand X Pictures/PunchStock ©Comstock/PunchStock
  • 7. 77 Advertising Objectives Principles of Marketing MKT3010 An advertising campaign has three broad objectives: inform, persuade, or remind the target audience. Inform Persuade Remind
  • 8. 88 Advertising Objectives Principles of Marketing MKT3010 This is a good ad to help the mother and parent feel more “normal” about their older child’s bedwetting issue and persuade them to purchase this product for their child. Designing an ad for a delicate topic for parents and kids Courtesy The Procter & Gamble Company
  • 9. 99 Principles of Marketing MKT3010 Iams Pet This ad reminds students about the benefits of Iams. Reminder advertising is used to remind or prompt repurchases, especially for products that have gained market acceptance and are in the maturity stage of their life cycle. How does this ad inform, persuade, and remind? ©Procter & Gamble.
  • 10. 1010 Principles of Marketing MKT3010 Informative Advertising What brands would benefit from focusing on informative, persuasive, and reminder advertising? List several brands that enjoy top-of-mind awareness for you (e.g., when you think of a cola, does Coke pop into your head unprompted?). ©TJX Companies, Inc. • Create and build brand awareness • Push the consumer through the buying cycle • Inform customers about upcoming sales events or arrival of new merchandise
  • 11. 1111 Persuasive Advertising Principles of Marketing MKT3010 When a product has gained a certain level of brand awareness, firms use persuasive advertising to motivate consumers to take action. ©The Procter & Gamble Company Used by permission • Generally occurs in the growth and early maturity stages of the PLC when competition is most intense • May be used to reposition an established brand in the later stage of the PLC
  • 12. 1212 Reminder Advertising Principles of Marketing MKT3010 Reminder advertising is communication used to remind or prompt repurchases, especially for products that have gained market acceptance and are in the maturity stage of their life cycle. Used by Permission of Deutsch Inc as Agent for National Fluid Milk Processor Promotion Board • Communication used to remind or prompt repurchases • Occurs after the products have gained market acceptance
  • 13. 1313 Principles of Marketing MKT3010 Focus of Advertisements Most advertising is product focused. However, companies like Exxon-Mobile advertise their commitment to the environment, not their products, to inform, persuade, and remind consumers of positive thoughts about the company, which can prompt the purchase of products and services. Exxon might be particularly interested in institutional advertising because oil and gas companies are often accused of engaging in practices that are harmful to the environment. Therefore it is important for the firm to stress that they are an environmentally responsible firm to negate some of this criticism. ©2000Image100Ltd Product-Focused Advertisements Institutional Advertisements
  • 14. 1414 Social Marketing Principles of Marketing MKT3010 Public service advertisements are designed to raise awareness of public welfare issues and receive free airtime, as required by the FCC. Courtesy of the National Crime Prevention Council, Public Service Advertising (PSA) Under Federal Communication Commission rules, broadcasters must devote a specific amount of free airtime to PSAs
  • 15. 1515 Principles of Marketing MKT3010 The AdCouncil What issues have you seen “advertised” in PSAs? Are they effective? The AdCouncil creates and distributes most PSAs. This slide shows a campaign for the United Negro College Fund and an anti-bullying initiative. Courtesy The Advertising Council, Inc. Courtesy The Advertising Council, Inc.
  • 16. 1616 The TRUTH Takes Hold Principles of Marketing MKT3010 As part of the historic tobacco settlement, a fund was created to decrease the incidence of smoking among children and teens. Do the shocking images and text used by the TRUTH campaign work? If you think it does not, why do observers consider the overall campaign a success? Courtesy American Legacy Foundation • How to get young consumers to quit smoking? • Part of the tobacco settlement: “raising generation that would be smoke free” • TRUTH uses a hard-hitting media campaign • In your face ads
  • 17. 1717 Principles of Marketing MKT3010 Determining Advertising Budget Setting the promotional budget is not easy, and advertising often is the largest single expenditure in the promotional budget. Thus, firms must carefully weigh the benefits of advertising versus other communications when deciding how much to allocate. Considerations Role that advertising plays in their attempt to meet their overall promotional objectives Expenditures vary over the course of the Product Life Cycle Nature of the market and the product influence the size of the budget
  • 18. 1818 Convey the Message Principles of Marketing MKT3010 The USP (unique selling proposition) concept conveys core benefits to the target audience. The best USPs stand the test of time; consider examples such as those on the slide. Nokia has been using “connecting people” for a long time; however Verizon tends to change and is currently using “It’s Powerful.” Unique selling proposition (USP) Red Bull . . . Gives You Wings United Negro College Fund . . . A mind is a terrible thing to waste. Nike . . . Just Do It. State Farm Insurance . . . Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there TNT . . . We know drama
  • 19. 1919 Principles of Marketing MKT3010 The Message This is a good example of bringing a very mature product category to life with a creative ad. CLOROX® is a registered trademark of The Clorox Company. Used with permission.
  • 20. 2020 Principles of Marketing MKT3010 The Appeal Appeals depend on the target audience, chosen media, and type of product/service. Each appeal persuades in different ways. Whereas informational appeals are more cognitive and persuade using rational thought, emotional appeals persuade by triggering an emotional response rather than offering rational arguments. How do the two Febreeze ads vary in their type of appeal and how well does each match the product? Which would make you purchase Febreeze? Why? Emotional appeal Informational appeal ©Procter&Gamble ©Procter&Gamble
  • 21. 2121 Principles of Marketing MKT3010 Emotional Appeals in Advertising These appeals therefore focus on feelings about the self. The key to a successful emotional appeal is the use of emotion to create a bond between the consumer and the brand.
  • 22. 2222 Principles of Marketing MKT3010 Symbols Help to Convey Messages What other symbols do you know for brands? Mr. Clean? Others? Courtesy Con Agra Foods, Inc.
  • 23. 2323 Principles of Marketing MKT3010 Evaluate and Select Media The ability of any one media outlet to reach a mass audience is declining due to the fragmentation of media and the proliferation of new media outlets. This trend represents a double-edged sword, because fragmenting media have also allowed for very fine targeting in media buys. Media Planning Media Mix Media Buy ©Photodisc/Getty Images The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc/John Flournoy, photographer Ryan McVay/Getty Images Photodisc/Getty Images
  • 24. 2424 Principles of Marketing MKT3010 Mass and Niche Media Often firms will use mass media to reach a broad audience with a product message and then choose specific niche media to customize that same message for various audiences. In the McDonald’s Case in Point in chapter 17 we discussed how McDonald’s is using both mass and niche media. Mass media reach large anonymous audience Niche media reach a smaller more targeted audience ©Digital Vision/PunchStock ©Digital Vision/PunchStock
  • 25. 2525 Principles of Marketing MKT3010 Choosing the Right Medium What media do you use and under what circumstances do you use them? For example, do you listen to the radio while driving in your car or watch television when you get home at night? The usage context of each medium affects how marketers design messages for them. For example most people listen to radio in their cars, often by themselves. Radio is considered a more personal medium, thus marketers often use ads that employ dialogues. This allows the person to place themselves in the conversation. This same technique cannot be used in print.
  • 26. 2626 Principles of Marketing MKT3010 Viral Marketing Campaign Many of you will be familiar with the Dove campaign from earlier chapters. If it is near the holiday season – OfficeMax might be running this campaign again. If so, see if you can load up some pictures of people at your university and play it for the students. They will find it very entertaining Courtesy Office Max
  • 27. 2727 Principles of Marketing MKT3010 Determine the Advertising Schedule Every advertising campaign has a set duration, and during that period, marketers must determine how often and when to show the ads. For a frequently purchased good such as soda, most firms use a continuous strategy. A flighting schedule is often used for seasonal goods since they are only advertised during certain times of the year. A pulsing schedule is used by firms who have certain fluctuations in their demand and need to increase advertising during the periods of high or low demand. ©Procter & Gamble Continuous Pulsing Flighting
  • 28. 2828 Principles of Marketing MKT3010 Create Advertisements Ads attempt to make maximum use of the medium’s ability to deliver the message. There are benefits and limitations for each of the various media. For example, television enables advertisers to combine imagery, movement, and music, whereas radio must rely solely on sound to deliver the message. Ads The type of medium determines the execution style Creativity plays a major role in the execution stage Creativity should not overshadow the message The execution style must match the medium and objectives
  • 29. 2929 Principles of Marketing MKT3010 Eukanuba Ad This print Ad for Eukanuba is using humor to deliver the selling message. The text copy “Feeling & Looking This Good Outside Starts On The Inside” informs consumers of the benefits of Eukanuba. ©Procter & Gamble What appeal is being used in this advertisement? Is this ad effective in delivering the selling message?
  • 30. 3030 Principles of Marketing MKT3010 Assess Impact Using Marketing Metrics Say that you have been assigned to assess the impact of a campaign for a new perfume. The goal of the campaign is to increase awareness of the brand within a chosen target market by 20% over the campaign. What measures would you need to take to ensure that the campaign is remaining on track? You could design a tracking study that measures sales, website visits and sample requests generated over the course of the campaign. You also might measure awareness levels of the target market at various stages of the campaign. Pretesting Tracking Protesting
  • 31. 3131 Principles of Marketing MKT3010 Check Yourself 1. What are the steps involved in planning an ad campaign? 2. What are the differences between informational, persuasive, and reminder advertising? 3. What are the pros and cons of the different media types? 4. How can the effectiveness of advertising be evaluated?
  • 32. 3232 Principles of Marketing MKT3010 Regulatory and Ethical Issues in Advertising Advertising regulation exists on federal, state, and local levels and a host of self-regulatory agencies oversee various forms of advertising. Unlike in many European countries, puffery is legal in the United States. Generally these claims are so outrageous that no rational consumer would believe them.
  • 33. 3333 Principles of Marketing MKT3010 Puffery Could puffery ever be considered deceptive? If so, how should we draw the line between puffery and deception? The line between puffery and deception is a fine one. Obvious exaggerations are not the problem it is the more subtle issues that create the problem. The line is currently drawn by the FTC which determines how many individuals hold a false belief as a result of an advertising. It is a very gray area of advertising law. ©BillAron/PhotoEdit
  • 34. 3434 Principles of Marketing MKT3010 Public Relations Companies involved with cause related marketing often generate a lot of PR.
  • 35. 3535 Principles of Marketing MKT3010 Check Yourself 1. Why do companies utilize public relations as part of their IMC strategy? 2. What are the elements of a public relations toolkit?
  • 36. 3636 Principles of Marketing MKT3010 Sales Promotions Remind students that as advertising has decreased as a portion of total marketing communications budgets, sales promotions have increased. Promotions can be used to stimulate sales by either the end user consumers or to stimulate channel members to sell more of a given product/service. If focused on the end user, the promotion is using a “pull strategy.” If focused on channel members, it is using a “push strategy.” Courtesy Payless Shoe Source, Inc. • Can be targeted at either the end user consumers or channel members • Can be used in either push or pull strategies
  • 37. 3737 Principles of Marketing MKT3010 Types of Sales Promotion Sales promotions occur either in conjunction with an advertising campaign or as a stand-alone component of a marketing communications plan. In either case, they must be consistent with the brand image. Which ones do you think are the most effective and why? Which ones have you used in the past week? Month? Promotion Advantages Disadvantages Coupons • Stimulates demand. • Allows for direct tracing of sales. • Has low redemption rates. • Has high cost. Deals • Encourages trial. • Reduces consumer risk. • May reduce perception of value. Premiums • Builds goodwill. • Increases perception of value. • Consumers buy for premium, not product. • Has to be carefully managed. Contests • Increases consumer involvement. • Generates excitement. • Requires creativity. • Must be monitored. Sweepstakes • Increases involvement with the product. • Sales often decline after the sweepstakes is over. Samples • Encourages trial. • Offers direct involvement. • Has high cost to the firm. Loyalty Programs • Creates loyalty. • Encourages repurchase. • Has high cost to the firm. POP Displays • Provides high visibility. • Encourages brand trial. • Is difficult to get a good location in the store. • Can be costly to the firm. Rebates • Stimulates demand. • Increases value perception. • Is easily copied by competitors. • May just advance future sales. Product Placement • Displays products nontraditionally. • Demonstrates product uses. • Firm often has little control over display. • Product can be overshadowed.
  • 38. 3838 Principles of Marketing MKT3010 Sales Promotion This ad represents a demonstration. The promotion encourages consumers to increase their level of interest by offering demonstration of the coffee maker. • What form of sales promotion is represented in this ad? • Do you feel it is an effective promotion? Courtesy Nestlé SA
  • 39. 3939 Principles of Marketing MKT3010 Using Sales Promotion Tools In recent years, firms have become more creative in the types of promotions used. As a child, did you collect promotions in Happy Meals or other children’s products? The Happy Meal for years was McDonald’s most successful product, primarily driven by the children’s desire for the toy inside. Many of the happy meal toys have become sought after collectibles. The Beanie Baby promotions a number of years ago was so successful that McDonald’s literally ran out of the featured item for the week within hours of its initial distribution. Cross-promoting TheMcGraw-HillCompanies,Inc./ JohnFlournoy,photographer The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc./ Ken Karp, photographer
  • 40. 4040 Principles of Marketing MKT3010 Cross Promotion An ad for IAMS and a coupon for Petsmart – an good example of co-marketing. Courtesy PetSmart, Inc
  • 41. 4141 Principles of Marketing MKT3010 Evaluated Sales Promotions Using Marketing Metrics Many sales promotion opportunities undertaken by retailers are initiated by manufacturers. Realized margin Cost of additional inventory Potential increase in sales Long-term impact Potential loss from switches from more profitable items Additional sales by customers
  • 42. 4242 Principles of Marketing MKT3010 Check Yourself 1. What are various forms of sales promotions? 2. What factors should a firm consider when evaluating a sales promotion?
  • 43. 4343 Glossary Principles of Marketing MKT3010 An advertising plan is a subsection of the firm’s overall marketing plan that explicitly analyzes the marketing and advertising situation, identifies the objectives of the advertising campaign, clarifies a specific strategy for accomplishing those objectives, and indicates how the firm can determine whether the campaign was successful. A continuous advertising schedule runs steadily throughout the year and therefore is suited to products and services that are consumed continually at relatively steady rates and that require a steady level of persuasive and/or reminder advertising. A flighting advertising schedule is implemented in spurts, with periods of heavy advertising followed by periods of no advertising. Institutional advertisements inform, persuade, and remind consumers about issues related to places, politics, an industry, or a particular corporation. Media buy is the actual purchase of airtime or print pages. The media mix is the combination of the media used and the frequency of advertising in each medium.
  • 44. 4444 Glossary Principles of Marketing MKT3010 Media planning is the process of evaluating and selecting the media mix that will deliver a clear, consistent, compelling message to the intended audience. Product-focused advertisements focus on informing, persuading, or reminding customers about a specific product or service. Public service advertising (PSA) focuses on public welfare and generally is sponsored by nonprofit institutions, civic groups, religious organizations, trade associations, or political groups. A pull strategy is a strategy in which the goal is to get consumers to pull the product into the supply chain by demanding it. A pulsing advertising schedule combines the continuous and flighting schedules by maintaining a base level of advertising but increasing advertising intensity during certain periods. A push strategy is designed to increase demand by focusing on wholesalers, distributors, or sales people.