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Course Material
Advertising and Public Relations
Prepared by
Ahmed Sabbir
Prepared as per Curriculum of
Evening MBA Program,
Patuakhali Science & Technology University, Dumki, Patuakhali
Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 2
Subjects Page
Chapter-01 Introduction 01
Chapter-02 Overview of Economic Social aspects of Advertising 14
Chapter-03 Demand Stipulation 20
Chapter-04 Development of an Advertising Program 24
Chapter-05 The Creative Brief 31
Chapter-06 Message Execution 33
Chapter-07 Headlines 36
Chapter-08 Color in Advertising 39
Chapter-09 Layout in Advertising 45
Chapter-10 Media Selection in Advertising 49
Chapter-11 Planning an advertising campaign 56
Chapter-12 Public Relations 62
Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 3
Advertising: Definition
Advertising is one of the most common tools companies use to direct persuasive communications
to target buyers and public. Advertising is defined as commercial message to the public designed
to inform potential and established customers and to encourage sales for the advertiser.
According to American Marketing Association “AMA”, advertising is defined as defined as-
“Any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods and services by an identified
Advertising is uses as a weapon by the marketer to give communication to the consumers and
customers and to influence their mind to purchase the products which were being advertised.
Features of Advertising:
Some features of advertising are-
 A mode of Communication: An advertisement helps in creating communication between
the consumer of the product and the company which produces the product.
 Inform and persuade: Advertising usually informs the potential consumer about
products and services, their benefits and utilities. It also persuades the consumers to
purchase such products and services.
 It is non-personal. They are directed at a mass audience and nor at the individual as is in
the case of personal selling.
 Advertising is a paid form of publicity.
 It is directed towards increasing the sales of business.
 It acts as a valuable marketing tool for presentation and promotion of ideas, goods and
 Advertisements are identifiable with their sponsor of originator which is not always the
case with publicity or propaganda.
Why advertising?
There are several reason for advertising, some of which are as follows:
 Increasing the sales of the product/service
 Creating and maintaining a brand identity or brand image
 Communicating a change in the existing product line
 Introduction of new product or service
 Increasing the buzz-value of the brand or company
 Provide information about products or services to prospective customers.
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 Advertising helps creating goodwill for the company and gains customer loyalty after
reaching a mature age.
 Advertising helps to make consumers aware of a product and aims to build preference
for that product over its competitors.
Public Relations (PR)
It is a major promotion tool, consists of activities designed to engage and build good relations
with the company’s various publics.
Public relations involves building good relations with the company’s various publics by obtaining
favorable publicity, building up a good corporate image, and handling or heading off unfavorable rumors,
stories, and events
The main objective of public relations is to maintain a positive reputation of the brand and
maintain a strategic relationship with the public, prospective customers, partners, investors,
employees and other stakeholders which leads to a positive image of the brand and makes it seem
honest, successful, important, and relevant. PR can have a strong impact on public awareness at
a much lower cost than advertising can, and PR results can sometimes be spectacular.
Types/classification of Advertising
Product/service experienced based:
Informative advertising:
 Advertising simply provides basic information about a product.
 Informative advertising is used heavily when introducing a new product category. In this
case, the objective is to build primary demand.
 For example, early producers of big-screen HDTVs first had to inform consumers of the
image quality and size benefits of the new product.
Objectives of Informative advertising
 Communicating customer value
 Building a brand and company image
 Telling the market about a new product
 Suggesting new uses for a product
 Describing available services and support
 Informing the market of a price change
 Explaining how a product works
 Correcting false impressions
Persuasive advertising:
 Advertising tries to convince customers to purchase a product.
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 Persuasive Advertising is a type of product promotion that aims to persuade a consumer
for buying a particular product, especially in the presence of several similar products in
the same category.
 Testimonials by experts, opinion leaders and famous celebrities can be used for the
purpose. For example, Toothpaste ads by Colgate and Pepsodent often use dentists to
project the product to be recommended by experts.
Persuasive Advertising Objectives
 Building brand preference
 Encouraging switching to a brand
 Changing customer perceptions of product value
 Persuading customers to purchase now
 Building brand community
 Creating customer engagement
Comparative advertising:
 Advertising that may include direct comparisons between the marketer’s product and its
competitor’s offerings.
 For example, Pepsi has long fielded comparative ads that take direct aim at rival Coca-
Reminder advertising:
 Reminder advertising is important for mature products; it helps to maintain customer
relationships and keep consumers thinking about the product.
 Expensive Coca-Cola television ads primarily build and maintain the Coca-Cola brand
relationship rather than inform consumers or persuade them to buy it in the short run.
Based on media
Print advertising:
 Advertising products via paper form is called print advertising.
 Forms of print advertising:
 Newspaper
 Magazines
 Brochures
 Outdoors
Newspaper Advertising:
 Advertising products via newspapers or magazines is called newspaper/ magazine
 The newspapers/ magazines sell the advertising space according to:
 the area occupied by the advertisement
 the position of the advertisement (front page/middle page), as well as
 the readership of the publications.
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 For instance an advertisement in a relatively new and less popular newspaper would cost
far less than placing an advertisement in a popular newspaper with a high readership.
 Firms can advertise in newspapers distributed locally, regionally, nationally, or
 The life span of newspaper is very short since readers usually discard them quickly,
although readers can clip or refer back to ads if they wish.
 The main drawback is the quality of paper is generally low, and the use of color is limited.
Outdoor Advertising
 Basically the out-door-media is known as posters, bill boards, hoardings, road side sign,
highway advertising and transit advertising etc. These are used for movies and consumer
items like toothpaste and soaps.
 The most common forms of outdoor advertisement
 Billboards- Billboard advertisements are large advertisements displayed on structures
in public places. Most commonly, billboards are located along the highways to target
the passing motorists.
 Kiosks-In the form of small outlet for the company product.
 Events-Company sometimes arranging several programs or sponsoring those makes
for excellent advertising opportunity. For instance, Walton sponsored Tri-Nation
Cricket Tournament held in Ireland few days ago.
 Tradeshows-The Company can organize trade fairs, or even exhibitions for
advertising their products.
Bill board Events
Broadcasting Advertising
Advertising by using broadcast or electronic media. It is the most popular form of advertising
where company can get larger coverage and to reach all types of people.
Popular form of broadcast advertising media are:
 Radio
 Television
 Internet
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 Flier etc.
 The radio might have lost its charm owing to the new age media however the radio
remains to be the choice of small-scale advertisers.
 About 7 percent of all money spent on advertising goes for radio ads.
 Radio serves a large and varied audience.
 Spending on radio advertising has grown significantly because of its low cost and its
ability to reach precisely defined target audiences. Listeners may keep radios turned on
for background music or mere noise and ignore the advertisements.
 The main disadvantage of radio advertising is extremely short life.
 TV advertising is a popular way to mass-market messages to large audiences. Although
this medium has the ability to reach a high number of potential buyers, it is also one of
the most costly forms of advertising.
 The main drawback of network TV commercial is the high cost. To keep costs down,
many advertisers now use 15 seconds ads instead of 30 second.
 Television advertisers face difficulty in determining the audience that actually sees the
 The cost of television advertising depends on:
 the duration of the advertisement
 The time of broadcast (prime time/peak time) and
 Popularity of the channel.
Digital advertising
 Online advertising has become a major promotional medium.
 Digital advertising, also known as online advertising or Internet advertising, is essentially
using the online opportunity to communicate marketing messages to consumers or
 There are many new and emerging formats for digital advertising, although it is
commonly accepted that it would include e-mail marketing, search engine marketing,
social media marketing, more general types of display advertising, and mobile
 The main forms of online advertising are display advertising and search advertising
 Online display ads might appear anywhere on an internet user’s screen and are often
related to the information being viewed. There are many forms of online
advertising such as :
 web banner advertising i.e. a banner across the top of the page
 pop-ups i.e. adverts that pop up when you open the page, which are less
popular due to the annoyance factor
 floating ads which appear and then disappear after a period of time
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 text ads which are simple text boxes e.g. Google
 Search advertising is a method of placing online advertisements on web pages that
show results from search engine queries. Search engine advertising is a type of paid
advertising, also known as pay-per-click advertising or PPC. Search advertising is
based on “Key words”. The user interested in the product or service searches using
a specific keyword or search term which lets them interact with advertiser's
website. The most popular platform for search advertising is Google AdWords,
Bing Ads etc.
The results in red are examples of search advertisements
 A Flyer is usually a single, unfolded printed sheet that is used to draw attention to an
event, service, product or idea.
 A flyer usually contains a very simple message that can be conveyed quickly.
 A flyer is generally printed on the 8.5” x 11” paper size to keep its cost low, though flyers
can be created in any size that is easy to handle.
 Flyers are most often used for:
 Event announcements
 Advertising openings for new clubs, bars, restaurants, etc
 Fact sheets handed out at trade shows or conferences.
 As handouts and newspaper/magazine inserts
 As information sheets, as part of a promotional campaign
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Covert Advertising-Advertising in Movies
 Covert advertising is a unique kind of advertising in which a product or a
particular brand is incorporated in some entertainment and media channels like
movies, television shows or even sports.
 There is no commercial in the entertainment but the brand or product is subtly (or
sometimes evidently) showcased in the entertainment show.
 Example:
 Nokia which is displayed on Tom Cruise’s phone in the movie Minority
Report, or
 the use of Cadillac cars in the movie Matrix Reloaded.
Kodak-Camera and Nokia Used-by-Tom-Cruise-in-Mission-Impossible-3
Surrogate Advertising:
 Surrogate advertising is prominently seen in cases where advertising a particular product
is banned by law.
 Advertisement for products like cigarettes or alcohol which are injurious to heath are
prohibited by law in several countries and hence these companies have to come up with
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several other products that might have the same brand name and indirectly remind
people of the cigarettes or beer bottles of the same brand.
 Example, Fosters and Kingfisher beer brand.
Public Service Advertising:
 Public Service Advertising is a technique that makes use of advertising as an effective
communication medium to convey socially relevant message about important matters
and social causes.
 The main purpose use to inform, educate and motivate the public about non-commercial
issues such as HIV/AIDS, Political ideology and Energy conservation.
Celebrities Advertisement
 Using celebrities for advertising involves signing up celebrities for advertising campaigns,
which consist of all sorts of advertising including television ads or even print
 For example, Sakib Al Hasan engaging in the advertisement of Lifebouy.
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Classification on the basis of region
 Global advertising: Multinational firms treat the world as their market. Firms such as
National, IBM or Sony or Ford advertise globally, e.g., in periodicals like Times, Reader‘s
 National advertising: It is done to increase the demand of its products and services
throughout the country. Examples, BPL (Believe in the best), Whirlpool Refrigerator (Fast
Forward Ice Simple) etc.
 Regional advertising: Small firms may line to restrict their business to Sate or regional
 Local advertising: When advertising is done only for one area or city, it is called Local
Advertising. Some professionals also call it Retail Advertising.
Advertising Appeals
Advertising appeals are used to attract the customers about a product. Advertising appeals are
communication strategies that marketing and advertising professionals use to grab attention and
persuade people to buy or act.
Seven appeals are used:
1. Fear- the fear appeal specifically appeals to a person’s fears in order to encourage them to
buy or act. The goal of the fear appeal is to cause someone to fear an outcome or response if
they don’t buy a product or act in such a way as to reduce risk. For example, AIDS,
Pepsodent, Lifebuoy Hand wash, anti-smoking ads etc.
2. Humor: This type of appeal uses some fun to sell a product. This technique is used here to
watch-laugh-remember. Ex: Magic tooth powder, Aktel easy load, Nokia etc. The goal with
humor is to help build a positive association with a product, service, or idea.
3. Sex- Sexuality, sexual suggestiveness, over sexuality or sensuality raises curiosity of the
audience and can result in strong feelings about the advertisement. The goal of the sex
appeal is to grab and increase attention toward a product or service by making people feel
attracted to or desirous of the people using the product. For example, Lux, set wet etc.
4. Emotional- use emotional motion to sell the product. For example, Grameenphone.
5. Music-use some music or song for getting the attention of listeners. Music appeals work
well to keep attention focused on brands and products, helping consumers remember
product and company information. Ex: Tiger, Pran Frooto etc.;
6. Rational -use more information to sell the product. Ex: IBN Sina, Mina Bazar etc.
7. Scarcity -When there is a limited supply of a product, the value of that product increases.
So, this appeal is used in occasionally. Ex: REHAB
Creating the Sales Presentation
Six step presentation plan are as below:
1. Approach
- Initial Contact with the customer/prospect
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- Must completely understand the decision-making process and the roles of each
2. Presentation
- Prospect’s needs are assessed and matched to the company’s products
- The style and message of the presentation must be tailored to the audience
3. Demonstration
- Salesperson has the opportunity to tailor the communication effort to the customer
- Can show how the product can meet the customer’s needs
4. Negotiation
- Ensures that both the customer and the salesperson come away from the presentation
5. Closing
- Ask for the Sale
- Must be culturally sensitive
6. Servicing the Sale
- To ensure Customer Satisfaction
- Implementation process must be outlined
- Customer service program established
Hierarchy of Effects of advertising
The hierarchy of effects model helps to clarify the objectives of an advertising campaign. The job
of the advertiser is to encourage the customer to go through the six steps and purchase the
1. Awareness
2. Knowledge
3. Liking
4. Preference
5. Conviction
6. The actual purchase
These steps are sequential. The model suggests that a consumer spends a period of time at each
one before moving to the next. Thus, before a person develops a liking for a product, she must
first know about it. Once the individual has the knowledge and develops liking for the product,
the advertiser tries to influence the consumer to favor a particular brand or company.
The hierarchy of effects approach enjoys the benefit of allowing marketers to identify common
steps consumers and businesses take when making purchases. Building brand loyalty requires
all six steps. A customer cannot be loyal to a brand without first being aware of it. The customer
typically will not develop loyalty to a brand without sufficient knowledge.
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Then, the person must like the brand and build a strong preference for it. Finally, the customer
experiences the conviction that the particular brand is superior to the others. The components of
the hierarchy of effects approach highlight the responses that advertising or marketing
communications should stimulate in both consumers and business-to business customers.
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Overview of Economic Social aspects of Advertising
The role of Advertising in business
Advertisements play a major role in business.
 The business world is competitive and advertising is vital to the competitive business
atmosphere and to the producer as well as traders, customers and advertising agencies
 Advertising helps customers to gather information, as this enables such customer to select
the right product with the right price and quality.
 It also helps producers and sellers to increase sales and understand competitors to plan to
competency level, for instance, a prospective customer who may need a particular goods
or services may be ignorance of where and how to get it as well as the price, such prospect
depends on advertisement to provide the necessary information needed for the customer
to get the product, whereby there is no advertisement for such prospect, the product
cannot be reached.
 It helps to inform the general public about the availability of a product, where and how
to get it, its uses and brand.
 It plays a major roles in increasing sales volume and achieving revenue in business. The
only primary role is to bring revenue.
 Advertising keeps your business at the top of your consumer’s mind– With so many
options available to consumers oftentimes they will want to shop around and compare
different products. Advertising ensures that your company is always at the front of a
consumer’s mind reminding them why they should choose you.
Functions of Advertising
1. To identify products and differentiate them from others
2. To communicate information about the product, its features and its place of sale.
3. To induce consumers to try new products and to suggest reuse.
4. To stimulate distribution of the product.
5. To increase product use
6. To build value, brand preference and loyalty
7. To lower the overall cost of sales.
The Economic impact of Advertising:
• “The economic effect of advertising is like the break shot in billiards or pool”.
• The moment a company begins to advertise, it sets off a chain reaction of economic events.
The extent of a chain reaction, although hard to predict, is related to the force of the shot
and economic environment.
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Types of Economic Effects:
1. Effect on the Value of the Products
2. Effect on Prices
3. Effect on Competition
4. Effect on Consumer Demand
5. Effect on Consumer Choice
6. Effect on Business Cycle
Effect on Value:
In a free-market society, consumers can choose the values they want in the products they buy.
 Advertising can add value to a product in the consumer’s mind by communicating the
bran’s image.
 Advertising creates added value by educating customers on new uses for the product. For
example, Kleenex was originally advertised as a makeup remover but later as a disposable
handkerchief (tissue).
 By associating the product with a desirable image, advertising offers people the
opportunity to satisfy those psychological, symbolic wants and needs. By adding value,
advertising contributes to the self-interest of the manufacturer, consumer, and the
advertiser. It also contributes to the number of sellers. That increases competition, which
also serves the consumer’s self-interest.
Effect on Prices:
 What happens to prices if the advertising cost is too high?
 Important points on advertising costs & pricing
 Advertising is a small part of a product’s cost.
 Advertising enables mass-production, which lowers the cost per unit of products.
 Regulated industries see no price increase associated with advertising. When
deregulated, advertising often causes lower prices.
Effect on Competition:
 Large companies out-spend small companies when it comes to advertising. In addition,
many companies go out of business because they served customers less effectively or
because they are consumed in a merger.
 High costs inhibit the entry of new competitors in industries that spend heavily on
advertising. In some markets, original brands can benefit from this barrier. However,
capital investment needed for plants, machinery, and labor is of far greater importance.
 Advertising by big business typically has a limited effect on small businesses because big
businesses cannot dominate the entire country; local and regional businesses can advertise
more heavily in select, localized market areas. The freedom to advertise encourages more
sellers to enter the market. Example: store brands competing with national brands at
grocery stores.
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Effect on Consumer Demand and Choice:
 Increase amount of “complete information” and thereby stimulate primary demand for a
product category.
 In declining markets where people only want price information, advertising can affect
selective demand—demand for a particular brand. But the only effect it will have on
primary demand is to slow the rate of decline.
 In growing markets, advertisers generally compete for a share of the growth.
 In mature, static, or declining markets, they compete for each other’s share of the market,
making “conquest sales.”
Effect on Business Cycle
This may take place during phases of business boom and bust. It may also occur during the 4
stages of a business life cycle: introduction, growth, maturity and post maturity.
The Social Impact of Advertising:
Criticisms of advertising can often be categorized as style arguments (deceptive ads, for example)
or social or environmental impact arguments (pointing out social or environmental effects). The
Social impact of Advertising is discussed as under:
 Deception in Advertising
 The Subliminal Advertising Myth
 The Effect of Advertising on Our Value System
 The Proliferation of Advertising
 The Use of Stereotypes in Advertising
 Offensiveness in Advertising
Deception in Advertising:
When a company promotes its products with help of confusing, misleading or untrue statements,
it is called deceptive or false advertising. This type of advertising is dangerous for consumers as
they are intentionally misled by the misrepresentation of nature, characteristics or quality of the
goods and services offered by various companies.
Various tricks are used by advertisers to deceive the customers and make their products look a
lot different than reality:
 Using hairspray on fruits and vegetables so that they appear to be fresh
 Using Brown show polish to color hamburger
 Using shampoo as milk in cereals
 Using Motor oil as syrup or honey
For example, Horlicks advertisement of “Taller, Stronger and sharper” or Fair & Lovely is for
beautification by changing skin color.
– Puffery: refers to advertising tactics that cannot be labeled as true or false such as “best”
“premier”. E.g., Tabaco Sauce
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The Subliminal Advertising Myth
Subliminal advertising is practice of using words or images that consumers don’t consciously
detect. Subliminal messages in advertising are designed to engage people subconsciously.
Subliminal advertising conveys hidden messages of which viewers are not consciously aware.
This ad strategy poses serious ethical issues, particularly because subliminal ads can manipulate
consumer behavior even when consumers aren't making a conscious choice and aren't aware of
what they've seen. The ads are made in such a way that the consumers don’t even realizes that
the ad has made an impact on their minds and this results in buying the product which they don’t
even need.
The Effect of Advertising on Our Value System
 Degrades people’s value systems by promoting a hedonistic, materialistic way of life,
encouraging the purchase of things people really do not need.
 Manipulates people by playing on emotions, promising status, social acceptance, and
sex appeal.
The Proliferation of Advertising
A social impact criticism is that there is just too much advertising. Too much advertising creates
an externality not only for customers (nuisance), but for the advertisers as well. The more
advertisements that hit customers’ brains, the less effective paid advertising becomes. It’s not just
TV—Web sites are also cluttered with advertising banners, and our e-mail boxes are flooded with
Use of Stereotypes in Advertising
Advertising has long been criticized for not being more sensitive to the concerns of minorities,
women, immigrants, the disabled, and myriad other groups.
Problems still exist, especially in local and regional advertising and in promoting certain product
categories (beer and sports, for example).
a. Many advertisers are not aware of the externalities their ads can create, and that they may
be perpetuating male and female stereotypes.
b. Inaccurate portrayals of women and minimalist depiction of minorities in mainstream ads
still smacks of tokenism.
For example Intel launched a national campaign in 2007 that was almost unbelievable in its
symbolism - but it was most definitely real. A white manager (master?) stands over six black
athletes who bow in perfect symmetry before him. Though Intel claims 100% innocence, it’s
baffling why the company’s advertising direction would include such powerful slave imagery.
Offensive Advertising
Offensiveness is a style argument that refers to unwanted externalities—the perceived unwanted
social cost of some styles of advertising.
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Taste is highly suggestive and it changes. When the first underarm deodorant ad appeared in
Ladies Home Journal in 1927, people were outraged. Today, we accept these ads without a thought
(even some with nudity).
When nudity is relevant to the product, people are less likely to regard it as offensive or obscene.
Social Responsibility & Advertising Ethics
Ethics and social responsibility means that businesses show concern for the people as well the
environment in which they transact their businesses. It also means that the business organization
communicates and enforces the values to everyone including the organizational practices as well
as to the partners of the organization.
The main aim of social responsibilities as an obligation on the part of a business should be to
maximize its positive outcomes while minimizing the negative outcomes on the society.
Corporate Social Responsibility: states that it is the “continuing commitment by business to
behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of
the workforce, their families and the local community and society at large.
Advertisers’ Social Responsibility
1. Advertising promotes harmony within a society (societies without harmony collapse), a
responsibility all institutions share.
2. Advertising plays an important role in developed countries. It influences the society’s
stability and growth.
3. It helps secure large armies, creates entertainment events attracting hundreds of
thousands of fans, and often influences the outcome of political elections.
4. Promotes social responsibility by advertising messages on “green advertising,” education,
safety, health, self-fulfillment, etc., and by being a good neighbor via pro bono work
Ethics of Advertising
Ethics means a set of moral principles which govern a person’s behavior or how the activity is
conducted. The U.S. Federal Trade Commission defines ethical advertising as truthful, not
deceptive, is backed by evidence, and fair.
Advertising ethics means a set of specific principles that regulate the methods of communication
between the buyer and the seller. In additions, advertising ethics covers ethical concerns about
the advertising message, the consumers targeted by the advert, advertising of controversial
products and services and the effects of advertising on social values.
There are three levels of ethical responsibility:
1. At the first level, ethics are evaluated according to the traditional actions and rules
followed by a society or community and the philosophical rules that society establishes to
justify its past actions and decree future actions.
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2. At the second level, the individual evaluates the meaning and nature of ethical issues via
his or her attitude, feelings, and beliefs, in order to arrive at a personal value system.
3. When neither the group (first level) nor the individual (second level) can effectively decide
what to do ethically, then the definition of the ethic (third level), becomes the focus of
activity. Here, a group or the individual must take time to create a definition for the ethical
behavior required. Often, a third party may referee or even bias the nature of the newly
defined ethical solution.
What is the difference between an advertiser’s ethics and its social responsibility?
Ethics in advertising means doing what the advertiser and the advertiser’s peers believe is
morally right in a given situation. Social responsibility refers to doing what society views as best
for the welfare of people in general or for a specific community of people.
Government Restraints on International Advertisers
1. Advertisers need to keep up with the changing legal environments of the countries in
which they advertise.
a. Some advertising is highly restricted or even prohibited, depending on the product or
b. Many countries prohibit puffery.
c. Many European countries ban coupons, premiums, free tie-in offers, etc. Product
placement is typically prohibited.
d. In Europe, TV ads must be kept completely separate from the programs and be clearly
recognizable as such.
2. Some foreign governments are more authoritarian. Some restrict or ban ads for specific
a. Tobacco Advertising
b. “Hard” alcohol advertising
c. Alcoholic energy drink advertising
d. Condom advertising
3. Advertising to Children
a. Various countries are far stricter about advertising to children. In Scandinavia, no ads
are allowed during children’s programs, and no TV ads are allowed directed to kids
under 12. Sweden and Norway prohibit ads directed to children under 12; and
Australia prohibits ads directed to preschoolers.
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Demand Stipulation
Definition of Need & Want
- Needs are states of felt deprivation.
- They include basic physical needs for food, clothing, warmth, and safety; social needs for
belonging and affection; and individual needs for knowledge and self-expression.
- Ex: When a man /woman feels hungry then he/she needs food.
- When needs are backed by society then these are called wants.
- Ex: All foods are not acceptable by our society i.e. heroine, beer etc.
- Wants are describes in terms of objects that will satisfy needs.
Human wants and needs are countless in number and are derived from many complex forces.
Habit, custom, conformity, and distinctiveness are among these sources.
Nature of Habits
Habit is a quality in a person that helps him to perform an act well or poorly in relation to his
nature or actions. It is acquired by repetition, and shows itself in facility of performance or in
decreased power of resistance.
In deciding on the marketing mix, it is important to know what the buying habits of the
consumers are:
1. Why do they buy a product?
2. Where do they purchase it?
3. How do they want to buy it?
4. Do they want to pay cash, or do they have the habit of buying on credit?
5. Do they want a 30-day open credit account, or do they want to buy it on an installment
6. Are they willing to make a substantial down payment?
7. Do they want to buy the product in a drugstore or a supermarket?
8. Will they see our advertisement on television?
9. Do they read the daily newspaper?
10. Will they see the advertisement in the morning or afternoon newspaper?
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Definition of Market Demand
Market demand is the whole schedule of the quantities of any product which consumers will
purchase at different prices during a stated time period.
Or in other words, market demand is the aggregate demand of all customers for a particular
product in a market over a specific time period.
The two components which make up this demand are:
 Desire and
 Purchasing power
Demand Stipulation
Advertising has generally thought of the consumer in terms of who buys what, for what purpose, at
what price, and at what store.
While a company devotes a portion of its advertising budget to educate the public about its labor
policy or to encourage people to give to the Agriculture Fund, the principal objective of most
advertising programs is:
 to develop,
 to maintain, and
 to increase the demand ( or potential demand) for the product (s) involved.
Advertising may be used to stimulate either the primary demand or the selective demand.
Types of Market Demand
Depending on the conditions surrounding the product, the consumer and the market, there are
two broad types of consumer demand that advertising attempts to stimulate. These are:
 primary demand and
 Selective demand.
Primary Demand:
When Advertising designed to create demand for a type of product then it is called primary
demand. This type of demand tells the potential customer how basic needs can be satisfied by
For example, advertising explains the comfort of cool air during the hot summer months by:
 how much healthier the consumer will be if s/he has cool air in his/her home
 how much more work members of the family will be able to produce
Here the advertisement is attempting to show the want-satisfying qualities.
Therefore, Primary demand stimulation refers to advertising messages that promote the merits
of a product category rather than a particular brand. The major purpose of primary demand is
either to inform customers about a brand new product or technology that they are unfamiliar
with, or to persuade customers that they haven't recognized the benefits of a given product.
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Primary demand is typically used in one of two scenarios:
 to launch a completely new product category or
 to garner more attention to an under-appreciated category.
Selective demand:
This demand for a particular brand or style or model of a type of product. The advertising usually
would do this by pointing out those features of the brand that enable to fulfill the customers’
desires or needs better than any others on the market.
This term is so-named because each advertiser tries to present brand benefits that cause customers
to selectively choose its product over that offered by a competing brand. Selective demand ads
typically identify the brand through name mention verbally or in written copy, or show the
brand's product clearly. For example, advertisement of Surf Excel tells us that it is a detergent,
which brand name is “Surf Excel”.
Inherent Drives and Impulses
Our wants are inherent and deep-seated. They can be either positive or negative. They may lead
on the one hand to the motivation to buy a product, while, at the same time, be the reason for our
not buying the product. They may lead to the motive to be first, or provide the reason why we
refuse to be an innovator.
The following drives can be considered for making a purchase:
1. Necessities
2. Happiness
3. Sex
4. Security
5. Recognition and
6. Emulation.
To sustain, life is the first or the basic stimuli, because man must satisfy his needs for food,
clothing, shelter, and health in order to exist.
Needs and tastes may differ between people in the same social stratum, but the drive for
minimum necessities is so great that man generally will give up other demands in order to get
these essentials.
It is an inherent drive with which each of us is endowed. Every perfectly designed item of nature
strains for this fulfillment. It is the common ground on which all human desires, all human
ambitions meet.
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The salesman trying to meet his quota, the engineer building a bridge, the baseball player hoping
to improve his batting average, the wife preparing the meal for her family - all are seeking
The transitions from birth through the various age cycles characterized by departure from
organized school life, home protection, and adolescent friendships into the adult world of life
influence the individual’s response to this drive.
During the first phases of the adult cycle, the focus of the drive will be on marriage and family
life in which there will take place vivid changes.
Security will differ by the degree to which a particular person may think he needs it. Some men
are more temperate than others.
Some interpret:
- security on the basis of an abundance of money.
- It is the essence of an intellectual independence that can be achieved only by the spirit.
This drive is for recognition because people are very much alike and desire to be recognized for
what they have accomplished.
- They want to be given credit for their good ideas, and
- They are disturbed when the ideas are ignored.
Emulation is one usually classified as the desire to equal or excel others. Generally, the others
whom we wish to equal or excel are those in our own group.
In fact, some men even dissipate personal fortunes in an attempt to gain the esteem of their fellow
A picture in a newspaper of a person who is taking a trip of some kind.
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Development of an Advertising Program
The 5 Ms of Advertising
The decision making in advertising is a five-step process. It is called ‘Five M's of Advertising.’ It
consists of:
1. Mission: What are our advertising objectives?
2. Money: How much can we spend and how do we allocate our spending across media
3. Message: What should the ad campaign say?
4. Media: What media should we use?
5. Measurement: How should we evaluate the results?
Figure-Five M's of Advertising
1. Mission- Mission is said to be the long term goal for which the advertising is prepared for the
products or services. The mission includes two main goals which include sales goals,
advertising objectives. Advertising Objectives can be-
 To inform: This aim of Advertising is generally true during the pioneering stage of a
product category, where the objective is building a primary demand.
 To persuade: Most advertisements are made with the aim of persuasion. Such
advertisements aim at building selective brand.
 To remind: Such advertisements are highly effective in the maturity stage of the
product. The aim is to keep the consumer thinking about the product.
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2. Money- This refers to the finance provided for advertising purpose (advertising budget). The
advertising budget can be allocated based on:
 Departments or product groups
 The calendar
 Media used
 Specific geographic market areas
There are five specific factors to be considered when setting the Advertising budget.
i. Stage in PLC: New products typically receive large advertising budgets to build
awareness and to gain consumer trial. Established brands are usually supported
with lower advertising budgets as a ratio to sales.
ii. Market Share and Consumer base: high-market-share brands usually require less
advertising expenditure as a percentage of sales to maintain their share. To build
share by increasing market size requires larger advertising expenditures.
Additionally, on a cost-per-impressions basis, it is less expensive to reach consumers
of a widely used brand them to reach consumers of low-share brands.
iii. Competition and clutter: In a market with a large number of competitors and high
advertising spending, a brand must advertise more heavily to be heard above the
noise in the market. Even simple clutter from advertisements not directly
competitive to the brand creates the need for heavier advertising.
iv. Advertising frequency: the number of repetitions needed to put across the brands
message to consumers has an important impact on the advertising budget.
v. Product substitutability: brands in the commodity class (example cigarettes, beer,
soft drinks) require heavy advertising to establish a different image. Advertising is
also important when a brand can offer unique physical benefits or features.
3. Message: Factors to be considered in this message are:
 message generation,
 message evaluation and selection,
 message execution,
 Social-responsibility review. (AIDA) (Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action)
Message generation can be done in the following ways:
A. Inductive: By talking to consumers, dealers, experts and competitors. Consumers are the major
source of good ideas. Their feeling about the product, its strengths, and weaknesses gives enough
information that could aid the Message generation process.
B. Deductive: John C. Meloney proposed a framework for generating Advertising Messages.
According to him, a buyer expects four types of rewards from a product:
• Rational
• Sensory
• Social
• Ego Satisfaction.
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4. Media:
The next M to be considered while making an Advertisement Program is the Media through
which to communicate the Message generated during the previous stage.
In media, the following factors are to be considered. They are:
 Reach,
 frequency,
 impact;
 Major media types,
 Specific Media vehicles,
 Media timing,
 Geographical media allocation.
5. Measurement.
Evaluating the effectiveness of the Advertisement Program is very important as it helps prevent
further wastage of money and helps make corrections that are important for further
advertisement campaigns.
The measurement includes:
 Communication impact-Is the Ad Communicating Well?
 Sales impact-Is the Ad Increasing Sales?
Setting Advertising Objectives
An advertising objective is a specific communication task and achievement level to be
accomplished with a specific audience in a specific period of time.
The overall advertising goal is to build customer relationships by communicating customer value.
Advertising objectives can be classified by primary purpose as:
 Informative advertising is used to provide information. It is used heavily when introducing a
new product.
 Persuasive advertising seeks to persuade consumers as competition increases. Here, a company’s
objective is to build selective demand. One common form is Comparative advertising.
o Comparative advertising is directly or indirectly comparing one brand with
 Reminder advertising is important for mature products. It helps maintain customer
relationships and keep consumers thinking about the product.
Setting Advertising Budget
Advertising Budget Methods
Several methods are used for setting advertising budget.
Percentage of Sales Method
 The percentage‑of‑sales method is setting the promotion budget at a certain percentage of
current or forecasted sales.
 It is simple to use
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 It helps management think about the relationships between promotion spending, selling
price, and profit per unit.
 For example, the last year sales were Tk. 3 crore and the company spent Tk. 300000 for
advertising. It is clear that the company has spent 1% of sales in the last year. Based upon
the past, the current and the expected sales, amount for advertising budget is determined.
Objectives and Task Method:
 Objective‑and‑task method is setting the promotion budget based on what the company
wants to accomplish with promotion.
 This budgeting method helps the company to:
 Define specific promotion objectives,
 Determine the tasks needed to achieve these objectives, and
 Estimate the costs of performing these tasks.
 One advantage of this method is that it forces management to spell out its assumptions
about the relationship between spending and promotion results.
 It is the most logical budget-setting method. Yet, it is the most difficult method to use.
 This is the most appropriate ad budget method for any company.
Competitive Parity Method:
 Competitive‑parity is setting the promotion budgets to match competitors’ spending.
 For example, if the close competitors spend 3% of net sales, the company will spend, more
or less, the same per cent for advertising.
 Here it is assumed that “competitors or leaders are always right.”
 The method is followed only when there are dominant competitors. In absence of
competition, the method cannot be used.
Affordable or Fund Available Method:
 The affordable method is setting the promotion budget at the level the company can
 Small businesses often use this method.
 Under this method, budgetary allocation is made only after meeting all the expenses.
Advertising budget is treated as the residual decision. If fund is available, the company
spends; otherwise the company has to manage without advertising. Thus, a company’s
capacity to afford is the main criterion.
Developing advertising strategy
Advertising strategy consists of two major elements:
1. Creating advertising message (message decisions).
2. Selecting advertising media (media decisions).
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Creating advertising messages
 Message Strategy. The first step in creating effective advertising messages is to plan a
message strategy (deciding what general message will be communicated to consumers).
Developing an effective message strategy begins with identifying customer benefits that
can be used as advertising appeals.
 The advertiser must next develop a creative concept — or “big idea”—that will bring the
message strategy to life in a distinctive and memorable way.
 Advertising appeals should have three characteristics:
 They should be meaningful.
 Appeals must be believable.
 Appeals should be distinctive.
Message Execution is turning the Creative Concept (big idea) into an actual ad to capture a target
market’s attention and interest.
Execution styles:
 Slice of life: Shows “typical” people using the product in a normal setting.
 Lifestyle: Shows how a product fits in with a particular lifestyle.
 Fantasy: Creates a fantasy around the product or its use.
 Mood or image: Builds a mood or image around the product or service, such as beauty, love, fun,
peace... Etc.
 Music: Using music - singing about the product.
 Personality symbol: Creates a character that represents the product.
 Technical expertise: Shows a company’s expertise in making the product.
 Scientific evidence: Presents a scientific evidence showing the brand’ superiority.
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 Testimonial evidence or endorsement: Features a highly believable, credible, or likable source
endorsing the product.
Selecting advertising media
The major steps (decisions) in advertising media selection are:
1. Deciding on reach, frequency, impact.
2. Choosing among major media types.
3. Selecting specific media vehicles.
4. Deciding on media timing
5. Deciding on geographical Media allocation
Deciding on reach, frequency, impact
 Reach: Percentage of people exposed to ad campaign in a given time period.
 Frequency: Number of times a person is exposed to advertisement.
 Media Impact: The qualitative value of a message exposure through a given medium.
Choosing among major media types
 Each media type has specific advantages and disadvantages.
 Choosing among media types requires consideration of the:
 Medium’s impact
 Message effectiveness
 Cost
 The media mix should be regularly reexamined.
 The major media types are:
• Television,
• Internet,
• Newspapers,
• Direct mail,
• Magazines,
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• Radio,
• Outdoor.
Selecting specific media vehicles
 Media vehicles are specific media within each general media type.
 choosing a specific channel or program in Television
 choosing a specific a type of magazine in Magazines
 Choosing a specific location for outdoor advertising.
 Media planners must compute the cost per thousand persons reached by a
vehicle, and also consider the costs of producing ads for different media.
 The media planner must balance media costs against several media effectiveness
factors, which include:
 Audience quality.
 Audience engagement.
 Editorial quality.
Deciding on media timing
• Marketers must also decide on media timing- how to schedule the advertising over the
course of a year.
• The advertiser chooses a pattern of ads:
1. Continuous schedule: means scheduling ads evenly throughout a given period
(Same coverage all year)
2. Pulsing schedule: means scheduling ads unevenly over a given time period, but
never reaching zero.
3. Seasonal schedule: Follow a seasonal pattern
Deciding on geographical Media allocation
 The company makes “national buys “when it placed advertising on national TV net or in
nationally circulated magazines.
 The company makes “local buys “when it placed advertising on local newspapers, radio,
or outdoor site.
Evaluating Advertising and Return on Advertising Investment
Evaluating advertising involves:
 Communication effects indicate whether the ad and media are communicating the ad
message well and should be tested before or after the ad runs
 Sales and profit effects compare past sales and profits with past expenditures or through
Return on advertising investment is the net return on advertising investment divided by the
costs of the advertising investment.
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The Creative Brief
What is “Creative Brief”
 The document with Creative work is called creative brief.
 Through the creative brief an advertisement communicate with the people positively
 This is the desired message of the potential customers
 The creative brief is the foundation of any successful creative campaign.
 It is a blue print, a guide, even a source of inspiration.
When an advertising agency prepares a document to guide in the production of an advertising campaign
or for a specific commercial, the document is a creative strategy or creative brief.
A quality creative brief, when prepared properly, saves the agency considerable time and effort and results
in a stronger advertising campaign for the client.
Components of a creative brief:
 The Objectives
 The Target Audiences
 The Message Theme
 The Support
 The Constraints
The Objectives
 Identify the objective of the advertisement.
 Possible objectives include:
1) Provide Information
2) Increase brand awareness
3) Build brand image
4) Increase customer traffic
5) Increase retailer/ wholesaler orders
6) Increase inquiries from end users and channel members
The objectives guide the advertising design and the choice of execution.
The Target Audiences
 The creatives need an understanding of the target audience.
 The more detail that is known about the target audience, the easier it is for a creative to
design an effective advertisement.
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 Overly general target market profiles do not help. Rather than specifying “males, ages 20
to 35,” more specific information will be needed, such as “males, ages 20 to 35, college
educated, and professionals.” Other information, including hobbies, interests, opinions,
and lifestyles, make it possible to more precisely develop an advertisement.
The Message Theme
 The Message Theme The message theme outlines the key idea(s) the advertising program
conveys. The message theme is the benefit or promise (unique selling point) the advertiser
wants to use to reach consumers or businesses. The promise or unique selling point should
describe the major benefits the good or service offers customers.
 Message themes can be oriented toward either rational or emotional processes.
 A message theme for an automobile might emphasize toward luxury, safety, fun, fuel
efficiency, or driving excitement.
The Support
 Support takes the form of facts that substantiate the message theme.
 When Aveeno products won “Best of Beauty” awards from Allure magazine, its “Best of
Beauty” seal was placed on the company’s products. Company advertising mentioned the
award to support Aveeno’s claims of superiority.
The Constraints
 Constraints are the legal and mandatory restrictions placed on an advertisement.
 Constraints spell out legal protections for trademarks, logos, and copy registrations.
 They also specify all disclaimers about warranties, offers, and claims.
 Disclaimer warranties notify consumers of potential hazards associated with products.
 Tobacco advertisements contain statements and images regarding the dangers of smoking
and chewing tobacco.
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Message Execution
Definition and Stages of Message Execution
 The ways to which the message is developed is called message execution.
 5 stages to be considered:
1. Message Storytelling
a. I have a cow, the cow has a buffalo, it is to be feed in the field daily etc………..
b. In the 1
day of my University life nobody looks at me, but in the 2
everybody is close to me because…..
2. Tone & Style
3. Words (copywriting)
4. Pictures (Art direction)
5. Consistency
Message execution can be for:
1) Print Advertising
 Display (ex: Banner, Billboard, Electric Board)
 Body Copy (ex: Newspapers, Books, Magazines, Brochures, Direct mail pieces)
2) Electronic Advertising
 Radio
 Television
 Internet
Print Advertising (Display):
Purposes of print advertising:
 Attracting attention
 Explain the visual
 Keep audiences engage
 Cue the selling message
The text that are used in the display, are larger font size than body copy. This type of advertising
are mainly produced for easily reading the whole text.
There are 3 steps to be considered:
 Headline: Normally readers read the headline 3 to 5 times rather than the body copy.
That’s why, it should be short and succinct. It should be one line with 8 words. But in
some cases, it may be 2 lines.
 Tagline: Tagline is the slogan that serves as a reminder of a brand or a company or a
campaign theme. It may be a phrase or a proverb or a sentence.
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 Photo (from camera / computer generated or by developed by artist)
Body copy: Body copy means the texts that describe the brand messages.
Print Advertising (Body Copy):
Body copy are the texts that describe the brand message to attract the consumers easily and
keep the message for a long time.
7 steps to be considered:
1. Head line
2. Sub headline, Underline, Over line
3. Captions for the pictures (verbal explanations of the visuals)
4. Call outs (mini captions/ explanations are used to describe all the possible benefits of the
5. Tagline
6. Signature/ Logo (a distinctive way of printing the brand name)
7. Photo (from camera/ computer generated or by developed by artist)
The information needed to develop in a body copy products are:
 The people
 The name of the product
 Date of production
 Writer’s name
 Length of the segment
 Date of expire
Electronic Advertising
3 types of Electronic Advertising:
1. Radio or Audio Advertising
2. Television/ Video Advertising
3. Internet/ Online Advertising
Radio or Audio Advertising
Radio provides entertainment and news to listeners who are generally busy doing something else
– driving, washing dishes, reading papers or even studying etc.
Radio listeners usually decide within seconds if they are going to pay their attention or not. To
attract and hold listeners attention, radio copy must be designed to break through the clutter of
the environmental stimuli.
Radio Advertising needs:
 Sound (not irritating i.e. car horns, alarm clocks etc.)
 Count Lines (not more than 80 character line)
 Time Period ( 5 seconds per 80 character with not more than 30 seconds)
 Music (traditional not boom basting or may be jingles)
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Television/ Video Advertising
This type of advertising uses action, music setting, casting, special effects.
 Pictures (live action film/ still photo/ animation). The film will be casting by celebrities
 Scenery
 Props
 Lighting
 Camera Angle
 Sound
 Time Period
Internet/ Online Advertising
 Users are most likely to stay with those sites which contain high-quality contents, are easy
to use, are quick to download, and are updated frequently.
 In the online design, all the photographs, type, film, sound, and games can be combined
to each other.
 There are 2 basic types of online advertising:
 Online advertising (usually presented as a banner)
 Website (usually as a brochure)
Online Advertising (Banner)
 This is a small ad on some other company’s web page.
 In this type of advertising, normally used:
 A headline (to catch the attention)
 Slogan (convey an interesting idea)
 Body copy (if possible)
Website Design (Brochure)
 An online brochure that gives the information about a company, as well as its products,
brands, services and contact information.
 Normally 3 things to be considered:
 Design an outline of the contents
 A flow of chart that shows how the site will be navigated
 How the links will perform
The following list contains the guidelines for a website design:
1. Make the homepage work hard to establish your identity and tell what you to do?
2. Make the interface intuitive. People shouldn’t need training in order to use the site
3. Make contents prominent not complicated
4. Make navigation user-friendly
5. Don’t create too many levels
6. Make sure menu options are complete
7. Give users a way to return to the main menu using hyperlink
8. Use links rather than long periods of scrolling
9. Put navigation aids at both the top and the bottom of the page
10. Provide a site map
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What Is a Headline in Advertising?
 A headline in advertising grabs the attention much like a newspaper's headline. An
advertising headline is designed to be the first copy the potential customer reads.
 Bold text, large font size, and various colors are some of the methods used to make the
 It must get reader’s attention, and it must pull them into your ad.
Purposes of Headlines
The purpose of a headline is to attract attention and usually to encourage the reading of the
following copy.
Your headline must be so irresistible that your reader has to find out more.
It doesn't make a difference how good your product or service is or how good your advertising
copy is, if your headline isn't any good, your ad or sales letter won't get read.
Qualities of a Good Headline
Four qualities of a good headline:
1. Self-Interest – A self-interest headline is one that grabs the reader’s attention because it
relates to their needs rather than yours, the business.
Ex: “You Can Win Groceries For A Year!”
2. News – It is mainly based on the front page headline.
Ex: “Famine Sweeps Across America, Many Starve.”
3. Curiosity –While curiosity is an important quality of headlines, when used alone as a
Ex: “Seven Reasons Why People Fail At Business.”
4. Quick and Easy Way – We live in a fast paced society where we expect everything RIGHT
NOW! Headlines that demonstrate something is quick and simple or easy will also pick
your readers interests.
Ex: Give us 10 minutes of your time and we’ll show you how to make extra income in 3 easy steps.”
Types of Headlines
1. The News Headline:
If your product or service offers something newsworthy, announce it in your headline.
You would normally use this to introduce a new product or the improvement of an
existing product.
Here are some words you can use in your News Headlines.
New, Announcing, Introducing, Finally, Just released, Now, At last.
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“At last! A Tooth Paste Kids Will Love”
“Introducing a new toothpaste.”
“Announcing... LaZer Runner Introduces Fiber-Optic Technology for Strength and
2. The Guarantee Headline:
Guarantee Headlines state a desirable benefit, and guarantee results or other benefits. If
you offer a powerful guarantee, let your prospects know by stating it in the headline.
These state a desirable benefit and guarantee results or other benefits. If you offer a
powerful guarantee . . . let your prospects know by stating it in the headline.
“It’s FREE Under my 100%, Unconditional Money Back Guarantee”
3. The How To Headline:
How To Headlines promise your prospect a source for information, advice, and solutions
to their problems. If you ever get stumped for a headline, use the How To Headline -- it
works!. Over 7,000 book titles start out with How to Headline.
“How To Win Friends And Influence People”
“How To Avoid Snake-Oil Selling Scumbags On The Internet”
4. The Benefit Headline:
The key to a winning Benefit Headline is to know your market so well you can offer them
a powerful, compelling benefit they can’t easily get somewhere else.
“Dry Up Your hay fever In 15 Minutes”
“It Cleans Your Breath While It Cleans Your Teeth”
5. The Question Headline:
Here again, to use this headline, you must really know your market. You need to know
what your prospect is thinking, what their anxieties are, and what they’re hoping to
accomplish. The Question Headline should focus on your prospect’s self-interest and ask
a question they want to know the answer to. The best type of questions to ask questions
that get your prospect involved.
“Do You Make These Mistakes In Marriage?”
“Do You Make These Mistakes In English?
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6. The “Reason Why” Headline:
With the “Reason Why” headline, you give your prospect specific reasons why they
should read your ad. “Reasons Why” headlines don’t need to include the words “reason
why”. (i.e., You can use “161 New Ways”, “7 Steps”, “5 Secrets”, etc.)
“6 Important Points That You MUST Pay Attention To When Choosing Laser Tag
“7 Reasons Why LaZer Runner Provides You with a More Reliable System”
7. The Testimonial Headline:
The Testimonial Headline is just what is says -- it uses a customer testimonial for a
headline. With this headline, you get your customers to sell for you by talking about the
benefits they received.
“How I Make $557.63 per Week in My Sleep”
8. The Command Headline:
The Command Headline tells your customer what to do. Your command should
encourage action by offering your prospect a benefit that will help them. Effective
Command Headlines start out with action verbs.
For example,
“Read This Before You Buy an Old-Style Laser Tag System”
“Call NOW to Get the LaZer Runner FREE FACT KIT”
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Color in Advertising
The Importance of Color in Advertising
In the advertising and marketing world, it is crucial to understand how colors affect our moods, in
order to get the correct reaction from the audience. Color is powerful because it can change our
mood – the mood of potential customers. All the different colors create a reaction to individuals,
even those who are colorblind.
Colors speak a language words just can’t replicate. That is, they communicate with us on an
emotional level and are thus more effective at persuasion. A product’s color can convince us that
it tastes fresher than the same product with a different color.
Since color can have a tremendous psychological impact on people, so the usage of color in
advertising is often a very important choice. The national origin of potential buyers, for example,
can influence their preference for color. The Chinese tend to like metallic golds and reds. Lifestyle
preferences can also influence which colors are favored.
Choosing the most effective colors for your advertising campaign requires understanding the
effects various colors have on your potential customers. The best color for your advertising
depends on what you’re selling and how you want your product or service, as well as your business,
to be perceived. Understanding the effect color has in your advertising is key to picking the best
shades to help you meet your marketing goals.
Basic Color
Basic Colors are the three colors that make all other colors. They are red, blue, and yellow.
They also called primary colors.
 fiery strength
 dynamic force
 revolution
 relaxation
 submissive faith
 stability
 understanding
 warm
 knowledge and
Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 40
 intelligence.
Why Study Color?
 Intuition in strong moments.
 Doctrines are for weaker moments. If one is unable to create masterpieces in color out of
one’s acknowledge, then one ought to look for knowledge.
 All great master colorists possessed a science of color.
 Personal expression with color supported by adequate knowledge
Types of Color:
 Hot colors:
 Hot colors are some of the best colors for advertising when it comes to products
like fast food.
 Bright red and yellow are hot colors, indicative of fire, and they stimulate
 Cool colors:
 Cool colors are green and blue. They are best colors for advertising of medicines
and other health products.
 Certain shades of blue indicate dependability, making it a good color for business
ads. Darker blue uniforms are usually worn by more authoritative figures, such as
police officers.
 According to research, black and white can be two of the best colors for advertising.
They are used to signify power and create a sense that the company is highly
Color Expression
The following colors evoke certain meanings in this culture. These subconscious perceptions,
intuitive thought and positive knowledge should always function together. They bear some
general truth, but may vary in different societies. They are related to the psychological realm,
mental and emotional experience of the viewer.
1. Red is an attention-grabbing, vibrant, hot color. Red signifies primitive & fiery strength,
inner warmth, active, vivacity, passionate, dynamic force, danger, love, emotional and
active, mars, and revolution.
Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 41
2. Orange express radiant activity, communication, active energy, self-respect and generosity.
It could be lightened to beige for a quiet and intimate interior space. Orange is a friendly and
cheerful color, also associated with Youth, Affordability and Vitality.
3. Yellow is most luminous & bright color with the sense of radiant, weightless & pure
vibration. It symbolizes understanding, warm, knowledge and intelligence. It is most
aggressive and luminous on black. Yellow is the color of sunshine. It also signifies
playfulness, amusement, curiosity and happiness making it an ideal color choice for
advertising children’s activities.
4. Green symbolizes growth, hope, tranquility, sympathy & compassion. It is the fusion &
interpenetration of knowledge and faith. Yellow-greens are joyful, young and sunny; while
blue-green are cold, pensive and vigorous.
5. Blue express relaxation, passive, submissive faith, stability, grief & associated with nervous
system. It symbolizes inner spiritual life, immortality and transcendental. Blue is a color
which arouses trust in the viewer. Blue has a lot of significance in formality and elegance,
especially in its deeper shades. Banks, financial institutions and medical companies can
always rely on blue in their advertising campaigns to sendout the message that the consumer
can trust them implicitly.
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6. Violet is a mysterious, meditative, emotional, piety color and the color of dignity. Its tints
symbolize the brighter aspects of life, whereas shades represent the dark, negative forces and
7. Gray is a neutral and the color of inertia. It symbolizes indecision, monotony and depression
in dark tones.
Usages of Color
 Yellow symbolizes joy. It exudes energy and happiness, and is associated with being welcoming
and homey. Ex: if you own a gift shop, you would want to work with a lot of yellows, including
coral, orange, amber and gold.
 Red which includes mauve, magenta, crimson, and scarlet, is the color of power, romance, and
vitality. It’s an eye catcher, and makes us sit up and take notice. That’s why it’s so often used in
the financial arena when the numbers are going in the wrong direction. Red can also have a
physical effect, even raising blood pressure! Use red in your ad when you want people to take
 Green is used in a very friendly, non-threatening campaign. Green and its shades, including lime,
leaf green, sea green, emerald, teal and sage, symbolize life and nature. It’s good for us, and your
reader will receive that impression about what you are selling as well. In contrast to red, in the
business world, green symbolizes growth and prosperity.
 Blue and Purple palette is used in a more serious, classic look that conveys law and order,
dependability, and trustworthiness. This includes sky blue, ultramarine, violet, purple and azure.
These colors work great in certain markets, specifically for older, more mature audiences. It’s
common in financial institutions, hospitals, and the legal and medical professions.
Color Process:
Primary Color of Pigment + Primary = Secondary
Cyanine (Blue) + Magenta = Violet
Magenta (Red) + Yellow = Orange
Yellow + Cyanine = Green
Red + Green = Yellow
Green + Blue = Cyanine
Blue + Red = Magenta
Yellow, Red + Blue = Yellow, Violet
Blue, Yellow + Red = Blue, Orange
Red, Yellow + Blue = Red, Green
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Principles of Color:
 Primary Principles
 Secondary/ Complementary Principles
 Tertiary Principles
Primary Principles
Primary colors are the 3 pigment colors red, blue and yellow that cannot be mixed or formed by
any combination of other colors.
Secondary Principles
When any one primary color is mixed with another a secondary color effect is produced. 3
secondary colors are produced from the mixing of one primary color with another. These colors
are orange-green-violet.
Tertiary Principles
Tertiary Colors are the colors formed by mixing a primary and a secondary color. That's why the
hue is a two word name, such as blue-green, red-violet, and yellow-orange.
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Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 45
Layout in Advertising
Definition of Layout
 It lays out the arrangement of its different graphic elements such as body copy, colors,
headlines, illustrations & scale etc.
 It establishes the overall appearance, relative importance, and relationships between the
graphic elements to achieve a smooth flow of information (message) and eye movement
for maximum effectiveness or impact.
 It is also named design composition.
 It is the master plan or blueprint of an advertisement.
 Layout is the logical arrangement of components of an advertisement in the copy. It refers
to the overall structure, the position assigned to the various elements of the advertisement.
 In the creation of television commercials the layout is known as a ‘Storyboard’ which a
series of pictures is of frames that coincides with the audio or sound script.
Pre-requisitions of Layout
 Emphasis –It is referred to as the focal point and is the center of interest in your layout. It
is dominant and influences the relationships between all the elements that form the
composition. Emphasis can be created through scale, positive and negative spatial
relationships and placement with in the overall layout. For example a designer may place
an element slightly center and larger, then balance that elements with another to maintain
our interest.
 Unity - When nothing distracts from the whole design you have unity. These principles
are often employed when creating patterns or textures.
 Contrast – Contrast can be created using scale, color, shape and placement. Contrast also
helps to create a focal point in your design.
 Balance – Balance is the consideration of visual weight and importance. It is a way to
compare the right and left side of a composition
Elements of Layout
Style Sheet Method:
The style sheet is one of the best features of electronic publishing. Attributes such as typeface,
type size, and leading can be predefined, making the job of formatting your project quick and
Once styles are defined, you can instantly apply different attributes to a single word, several
paragraphs, or an entire publication. Defining your style sheet in advance saves you time and
effort later.
The style sheet has many advantages. If, for example, the body text of your newsletter is laid out
in Helvetica, you can change it to Times Roman with a single mouse click.
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It involves-
 Paper Selection
 Font Selection
 Font Size Selection
 Determine font size for headline & sub-headline
Grid Method:
Margins and columns form the base of the grid, but you can intersect an unlimited number of
vertical and horizontal blue lines across the columns to align headings, text, rules, and graphics
with precision. To drag and drop a blue line, just click on the ruler surrounding the page.
Use the grid to organize the elements of your layout and unify the appearance of your
 2 columns: Type size & Graphics will be larger
 4 columns: more design (photo, headline, subheads, quotes etc)
 Should be within 8 words with one line
 Sometimes it may be 2 lines
Body Copy
Would be written normally with Times New Roman font
Subheads should always be larger and darker than the body text and in the same typeface as the
headline, only smaller
A kicker is a line or two of text printed above the headline
Principles of Layout
1. Purpose & Audience
Three tasks to be performed:
 determine your audience
 define your purpose and
 communicate your message
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2. Organizing Information
 Photographs, pull-quotes, decks, and headlines help you tell the story.
 Other elements such as subheads, boxes, rules, and white space help you organize the story.
3. Getting their attention
 grab their attention first, and then keep them reading
 Readers often look through magazines from back to front (and newsletters are specialized
magazines), so you should use a hook to capture people's attention. A hook is anything that
contrasts against the uniformity of the text such as a photo, graphic, masthead, or a pull-
quote hanging in a column of white space.
4. Alignment
 Choosing different alignment for the customers
 Unify the appearance of your publication by aligning the elements on individual pages
and creating strong page-to-page alignments, as well.
 justifying to emphasize key points-Left, right, center, top, bottom, flush (text to picture)
5. Emphasis:
 Emphasis is a strategy that aims to draw the viewer’s attention to a specific design element.
That could be to an area of content, to an image, to a link, or to a button, etc.
 The aim is to create a focal point in the design: an eye-catching part that stands out, distinct
from the rest of the design elements. You can use lines, shapes, colors, textures, size, etc.,
as well as many other elements to create emphasis.
6. Proximity
Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 48
 Place related information in proximity, and separate unrelated information with white
space, rules, and borders.
In the below example, the first two blocks of information both have subheadings in 18-
point Helvetica, making them of equal importance, but the white space between the blocks
makes it obvious that they're unrelated.
Bullet items appear beneath each subheading, calling attention to the individual points, and
their proximity shows that they're closely related.
Suggestions for Layout Design
 Place it between two columns, wrapping text around both sides.
 Place it in a column by itself and surround it with white space.
 Right justify it in the last column.
 Place it beneath the headline as a deck.
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Media Selection in Advertising
Definition of Media
The way through which an advertisement is placed or represented is called media.
It comes from the singular word ‘Medium’ which refers to each specific way. Ex: Television is a
The collection of all medium is called media. Ex: Collection of print, broadcast, out-of-home &
interactive communication.
An Advertising media is the means through which advertisements are delivered to the target
Media include broadcast media, print media, cinema, hoardings and outdoor media. It may be
considered as the carrier of the information to be advertised. Modern advertising requires a
highly complex thoroughly integrated communication system, extending from the initiating firm
to the customer.
Forms of Media
1. Television
2. Radio
3. Outdoor
4. Internet
5. Magazines
6. Newspapers
7. Direct Mail
8. Telemarketing
9. Others
Television is generally acknowledged as the most powerful advertising medium and reaches a
broad spectrum of consumers at low cost per exposure. 22 percent of advertising expenditures
accounts for television media. Ad with television is a catchy musical tune, sexy content or motion
that grab the viewers' attention. With this form, it is possible to incorporate images and sounds
to persuade the viewers.
 It allows creative use of action, color and sound to an extent not possible in any other
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 Capability of reaching vast audiences because most of the people see television in the
urban areas.
 Firms can advertise nationally on a major network, regionally through cable networks, or
locally through local stations.
 The use of special effects, unusual sounds, music, humor and distinctive characters to
encourage viewers to remember advertisements and products.
 The main drawback of network TV commercial is the high cost. To keep costs down, many
advertisers now use 15 seconds ads instead of 30 second.
 So many airs during a program, TV commercials may not have much impact on viewers;
they have extremely short life.
 High reach
 Mass Coverage
 High frequency potential
 Low cost per contact
 High intrusion value (motion, sound)
 Quality creative opportunities
 Short lead time
 Impact of sight, sound, and motion
 Greater clutter
 Low recall due to clutter
 Channel surfing during commercials
 Short amount of copy
 High cost per ad
 Low selectivity
 Short message life
 High production cost
Radio is a pervasive medium:. About 7 percent of all money spent on advertising goes for radio
ads. Radio serves a large and varied audience. Ad through this media is low cost option. The key
is to be careful selection, time selection and construction of the ad.
 Because of the wide variety of programming that caters to numerous interests-such as talk
shows, all news, hard rock, classical music, jazz, oldies, easy listening, or other language
broadcasts advertisers can easily pinpoint target audiences.
 Spending on radio advertising because of its low cost and its ability to reach precisely
defined target audiences.
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 Listeners may keep radios turned on for background music or mere noise and ignore the
 The main disadvantage of radio advertising is extremely short life.
 It has no visual component. Messages are limited because radio relies only on the sense
of hearing.
 Advertisers must buy multiple stations and formats to accumulate audience reach
 Local coverage
 Low cost
 High frequency
 Low production cost
 Recall promoted
 Narrower target markets
 Ad music can match station’s programming
 High segmentation potential
 Flexibility in making new ads
 Able to modify ads to fit local conditions
 Intimacy (with DJs and radio personalities)
 Mobile people carry radios everywhere
 Creative opportunities with music and other sounds
 Short exposure time
 Low attention
 Few chances to reach national audience
 Overload
 Target duplication when several stations use the same format
 Billboards along major roads are the most common form of outdoor advertising.
 Signs on Cabs, buses, park benches and fences of sports arenas are also types of outdoor
 Flexibility
 Able to select key geographic areas
 Accessible for local ads
 Low cost per impression
 Broad reach
 High frequency on major commuter routes
 Large, spectacular ads possible
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 Short exposure time
 Brief messages
 Little segmentation possible
 Cluttered travel routes
 Ad with internet is today much more popular to the target markets because of
downloading feature.
 Evidence shows that television audiences are migrating to the internet.
 Creative possibilities
 Short lead time to send ad
 Simplicity of segmentation
 Easier to measure responses directly
 High audience interest on each web site
 High coverage but limited reach.
 Clutter on each site
 Difficult procedures to place ads and buy time
 Only for computer owners
 Short life span
 Low intrusion value
 Hard to retain interest of surfers
For many years, magazines have always been a second choice. Magazines advertising is three
times more cost effective than television. They now account for about 6 percent of total
advertising value.
The top five world-class magazines, by total advertising revenues, are Time, People, Sports
Illustrated, TV guide and Parade.
 Publications with huge circulations (Reader’s Digest, Anandaloke, Anandbazar etc) allow
advertising to reach huge general audiences
 Magazines provide a more permanent message than do the other media
 Subscribers often keep their favorites in their homes or workplaces for weeks or months
and pass them along to friends.
 Magazine ads are not suited for immediate message; they take a long time to produce and
my be dated by printing time.
 Also, advertising in a widely circulated publication can be quite expensive
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 High market segmentation
 High color quality
 Long life
 Targeted audience interest by magazine
 Direct response techniques (e.g. coupons, web-addresses, toll-free numbers)
 Availability of special features (i.e. scratch and sniff)
 Read during leisure time (longer attention to ad)
 High cost
 Little flexibility
 High level of clutter
 Long lead time to ad showing
 Declining readership (some magazines)
Newspapers make up the largest category of the advertising media. Firms can advertise in
newspapers distributed locally, regionally, nationally, or internationally.
Newspapers can be distributed daily, weekly or in partial form as the advertising supplements
found in the front sections of many grocery stores and retail outlets.
 Newspaper offer good coverage for firms of any size, because there is at least one
newspaper in every local market and many people read the newspaper every day. Since
they can run advertising with little lead time.
 Advertiser can choose ads of any size, from a few lines in the classified section to full
pages or separate supplements.
 Because they reach diverse audiences, newspapers do not always allow advertisers to
target their audience precisely.
 The life span of newspaper is very short since readers usually discard them quickly,
although readers can clip or refer back to ads if they wish.
 The main drawback is the quality of paper is generally low, and the use of color is limited
 Priority for local ads
 High flexibility
 High credibility
 Strong audience interest
 Longer copy-message possible
 Cumulative volume discounts
 Coupons & special-response features
Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 54
 High coverage
 Low cost
 Timely or current ads
 Short lead time for placing ads
 Short life
 Only visual
 Clutter
 Poor reproduction quality
 Selective reader exposure
 Low attention getting capability
Direct mail
 Companies send ad directly to target markets of customers through mailing lists.
 These firms mail free samples, coupons, and other special features to potential
customers on a daily basis.
 Example like Wal-Mart, KFC, Pizza Hut etc.
 Lands in the hands of the target person
 Offers direct-response programs
 Targeted to geographic market segments
 More Expensive for color brochure
 Highly cluttered
 Annoyed by nuisance
 Telemarketing means contacting people - usually by phone - in order to sell a product or
service, gather information, or persuade people to do something.
 Advertising goes through the telephone or mobile phone is called telemarketing
 Example like broadband connection or public service advertising.
 Personalized
 Real-time interaction
 Attention getting
 Measurable results
 Costly
 Ugly image
 intrusive
Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 55
Directories: This type of advertising is mainly used by B2B companies or retailers. Ex: Yellow
Infomercials-This is generally a 30-minutes commercial program that demonstrate a product,
presents testimonials from satisfied users, and offers viewers one or more ways to buy the
product direct.
Interactive TV: The convergence of computer, television and the internet is referred to interactive
TV. This type of technology allows viewers to respond directly to TV commercials with a click of
the remote control or a remote keyboard. Viewers can order movies instantly rather than making
a phone call.
Cinema & Video: The advertisement which is shown before starting a movie or after the interval
of the movie then it is called cinema advertising. The advertisement which is shown in a compact
disc along with the movie then it is called Video advertising.
Nontraditional Media: This type of advertising reaches people in unintentional ways – in the
streets or unexpected place. Ex: Hot-air balloons, side-walk painting, toilet-stall doors, mouse-
pad, ATM screens, race cars, coffee cup/ mugs etc.
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Planning an advertising campaign
Planning an Advertising Campaign
An advertising campaign is a systematic effort to achieve some predetermined objectives. It may
be political campaign for election or a social campaign or a systematic effort to promote a product
or service.
According to Dunn and Barban, “An advertising campaign includes series of ads placed in various
media that are designed to meet objectives and are based on an analysis of marketing and communication
A company undertakes an advertising campaign in order to rationally analyse the advertising
opportunities and communication issues to achieve its sales and profit objectives. An ad
campaign is usually guided by the promotion and advertising plans, which evolve from its
marketing objectives and strategy.
Steps of Advertising Campaign Planning
Planning an advertising campaign or Structuring the communication mix include 6 steps:
1. Identify the target audience- This means “Decide whom the message is for.”
2. Determine the response sought- What would the marketer like the audience to do after
they get the message?
3. Choose the message- Write the copy, or produce the appropriate image.
4. Choose the channel- Decide the most appropriate medium (i.e. TV, radio, or other
medium) is most appealing to the audience.
5. Select the source’s attributes.-Decide what it is about the product or company that needs
to be communicated.
6. Collect feedback.- Carry out market research to monitor how effective the promotion
Campaign Management
Marketing campaign management is the planning, executing, tracking and analysis of direct
marketing campaigns. These tasks span the entire lifecycle of a marketing campaign, from
inception to launch to evaluation of result.
There are 5 steps to manage the advertising campaign:
1. Communication Market Analysis
2. Communication Objectives
3. Communication Budget
4. Media Selection
5. Creative Brief
Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 57
Communication Market Analysis
 Competitive Analysis
 Opportunity Analysis
 Target Market Analysis (proposed client base)
 Customer Analysis (current client base)
 Positioning Analysis (current and intended perception review)
 Media Usage Analysis (target market and related competitive media employed)
Communication Objectives
 Define Advertising Goals
 Building Brand Image
 Informing
 Persuading
 Encourage Action
 Integration of other marketing efforts
Communication Budget
 The advertising budget is basically a plan to allocate financial resources to an advertising
campaign for future operations and is reviewed constantly keeping in mind the changing
marketing condition. The budget controls the expenditure by fixing a limit.
 Budget Allocation based on objectives
 Looking at Reach/Frequency and Timing
Media Selection
 Strategic and Tactical decisions:
 Message refinement
 Advert design & development (can be long process)
 Media tools and Media spot buys
Creative Brief
 The document with Creative work is called creative brief.
 Objective
 Target Audience
 Message Theme
 Support (evidence)
 Constraints (legal, regulatory, physics-reality)
Types of Advertising Campaign:
By Target Audience
 Trade Advertising
 Consumer Advertising
Trade Advertising
 The trade consist of enterprising business people
Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 58
 For distributor, wholesaler and retailer
 They are concerned only to know if these qualities will make the product saleable to their
end-customers and earn themselves income and profit
 Contents of trade advertising are the promotional support that is planned in terms of
launch advertising
 Include planned sales promotion schemes to encourage customers and consumers to try
and buy the product
 Incentives for the retailers might also be included
 Trade advertising also states the point-of-sale (POS) and display material available as well
as any in-store demonstration that are planned
Consumer Advertising
Consumer advertising is messages paid for by companies and delivered through mass media.
The objective is to inform or persuade consumers of the merits of your brand and products.
Consumers are a large and common target of ads presented through several traditional types of
media. Consumer advertising is distinct from trade market or business-to-business ads presented
to business buyers.
It is classified as:
1. Generic Advertising
2. Product Advertising
3. Brand Advertising
4. Range Advertising
5. Corporate Advertising
6. Retail Advertising
7. Co-operative Advertising
8. Direct-Response Advertising
9. Public-Service Advertising
Generic Advertising
 Generic advertising means advertising a product type rather than a brand and is usually
undertaken by a trade association or consortium of manufacturers and supplier.
 Does not promote a particular supplier but promotes the overall benefits and
advantages of the product type.
 Ex: Got Milk?
Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 59
Product Advertising
 Product advertising is the art of building and maintaining product awareness with
potential buyers.
 Concentrates on promoting the benefits and advantages of the product, such as the
price, value and performance
 Ex: Watch, Telcom Powder, etc
Brand Advertising
 The emphasis of brand advertising is on the brand name, with sometimes little or no
reference to the product.
 The essence of brand advertising is usually image building for the total product offering-
developing that feeling of goodwill between the branded product or brand name and the
 Ex: Nike, Pepsi.
Range Advertising
 Promote complete range of products
 Range are frequently promoted in a single commercial or advertisement
 Eg: Akij Group, Unilever, Rackiit Bankitzer.
Corporate Advertising
 Promotes the company not the individual products
 Also used for financial advertising to re-assure existing shareholders, launch a company
on the stock exchange or attract new investors
 Ex: Warid Telecom.
Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 60
Retail Advertising
 The message may be based on what brands and products they have or the range of goods
that they can offer, though it may also include additional benefits like a convenient
location, free parking, late-night opening or even a restaurant/coffee shop
 Ex: Carrefour, Electronic city, etc
Co-operative Advertising
 The message is relative simple-for a limited period, this brand/ product/ model pack is
available only at this outlet at a special offer price or with a gift
 Eg: Credit card BCA-Starbucks, XL-Blackberry, etc
Direct-Response Advertising
 Direct advertising is advertising to customer who deal with the manufacturer or
supplier without intermediate wholesalers and retailers
 Ex: TV Media
Public-Service Advertising
 A public service Advertising (PSA) or community service announcement (CSA) is a
non-commercial advertisement, typically on radio or television, broadcast for the public.
 The main concept is to modify public attitudes by raising awareness about specific
 Ex: Smoking, AIDS etc.
Advertising and sales promotion
Advertising and sales promotion
Advertising and sales promotion
Advertising and sales promotion
Advertising and sales promotion
Advertising and sales promotion

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Advertising and sales promotion

  • 1. Course Material Advertising and Public Relations Prepared by Ahmed Sabbir Prepared as per Curriculum of Evening MBA Program, Patuakhali Science & Technology University, Dumki, Patuakhali
  • 2. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 2 Contents Subjects Page Chapter-01 Introduction 01 Chapter-02 Overview of Economic Social aspects of Advertising 14 Chapter-03 Demand Stipulation 20 Chapter-04 Development of an Advertising Program 24 Chapter-05 The Creative Brief 31 Chapter-06 Message Execution 33 Chapter-07 Headlines 36 Chapter-08 Color in Advertising 39 Chapter-09 Layout in Advertising 45 Chapter-10 Media Selection in Advertising 49 Chapter-11 Planning an advertising campaign 56 Chapter-12 Public Relations 62
  • 3. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 3 Chapter-01 Introduction Advertising: Definition Advertising is one of the most common tools companies use to direct persuasive communications to target buyers and public. Advertising is defined as commercial message to the public designed to inform potential and established customers and to encourage sales for the advertiser. According to American Marketing Association “AMA”, advertising is defined as defined as- “Any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods and services by an identified sponsor" Advertising is uses as a weapon by the marketer to give communication to the consumers and customers and to influence their mind to purchase the products which were being advertised. Features of Advertising: Some features of advertising are-  A mode of Communication: An advertisement helps in creating communication between the consumer of the product and the company which produces the product.  Inform and persuade: Advertising usually informs the potential consumer about products and services, their benefits and utilities. It also persuades the consumers to purchase such products and services.  It is non-personal. They are directed at a mass audience and nor at the individual as is in the case of personal selling.  Advertising is a paid form of publicity.  It is directed towards increasing the sales of business.  It acts as a valuable marketing tool for presentation and promotion of ideas, goods and services.  Advertisements are identifiable with their sponsor of originator which is not always the case with publicity or propaganda. Why advertising? There are several reason for advertising, some of which are as follows:  Increasing the sales of the product/service  Creating and maintaining a brand identity or brand image  Communicating a change in the existing product line  Introduction of new product or service  Increasing the buzz-value of the brand or company  Provide information about products or services to prospective customers.
  • 4. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 4  Advertising helps creating goodwill for the company and gains customer loyalty after reaching a mature age.  Advertising helps to make consumers aware of a product and aims to build preference for that product over its competitors. Public Relations (PR) It is a major promotion tool, consists of activities designed to engage and build good relations with the company’s various publics. Public relations involves building good relations with the company’s various publics by obtaining favorable publicity, building up a good corporate image, and handling or heading off unfavorable rumors, stories, and events The main objective of public relations is to maintain a positive reputation of the brand and maintain a strategic relationship with the public, prospective customers, partners, investors, employees and other stakeholders which leads to a positive image of the brand and makes it seem honest, successful, important, and relevant. PR can have a strong impact on public awareness at a much lower cost than advertising can, and PR results can sometimes be spectacular. Types/classification of Advertising Product/service experienced based: Informative advertising:  Advertising simply provides basic information about a product.  Informative advertising is used heavily when introducing a new product category. In this case, the objective is to build primary demand.  For example, early producers of big-screen HDTVs first had to inform consumers of the image quality and size benefits of the new product. Objectives of Informative advertising  Communicating customer value  Building a brand and company image  Telling the market about a new product  Suggesting new uses for a product  Describing available services and support  Informing the market of a price change  Explaining how a product works  Correcting false impressions Persuasive advertising:  Advertising tries to convince customers to purchase a product.
  • 5. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 5  Persuasive Advertising is a type of product promotion that aims to persuade a consumer for buying a particular product, especially in the presence of several similar products in the same category.  Testimonials by experts, opinion leaders and famous celebrities can be used for the purpose. For example, Toothpaste ads by Colgate and Pepsodent often use dentists to project the product to be recommended by experts. Persuasive Advertising Objectives  Building brand preference  Encouraging switching to a brand  Changing customer perceptions of product value  Persuading customers to purchase now  Building brand community  Creating customer engagement Comparative advertising:  Advertising that may include direct comparisons between the marketer’s product and its competitor’s offerings.  For example, Pepsi has long fielded comparative ads that take direct aim at rival Coca- Cola. Reminder advertising:  Reminder advertising is important for mature products; it helps to maintain customer relationships and keep consumers thinking about the product.  Expensive Coca-Cola television ads primarily build and maintain the Coca-Cola brand relationship rather than inform consumers or persuade them to buy it in the short run. Based on media Print advertising:  Advertising products via paper form is called print advertising.  Forms of print advertising:  Newspaper  Magazines  Brochures  Outdoors Newspaper Advertising:  Advertising products via newspapers or magazines is called newspaper/ magazine advertising.  The newspapers/ magazines sell the advertising space according to:  the area occupied by the advertisement  the position of the advertisement (front page/middle page), as well as  the readership of the publications.
  • 6. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 6  For instance an advertisement in a relatively new and less popular newspaper would cost far less than placing an advertisement in a popular newspaper with a high readership.  Firms can advertise in newspapers distributed locally, regionally, nationally, or internationally.  The life span of newspaper is very short since readers usually discard them quickly, although readers can clip or refer back to ads if they wish.  The main drawback is the quality of paper is generally low, and the use of color is limited. Outdoor Advertising  Basically the out-door-media is known as posters, bill boards, hoardings, road side sign, highway advertising and transit advertising etc. These are used for movies and consumer items like toothpaste and soaps.  The most common forms of outdoor advertisement  Billboards- Billboard advertisements are large advertisements displayed on structures in public places. Most commonly, billboards are located along the highways to target the passing motorists.  Kiosks-In the form of small outlet for the company product.  Events-Company sometimes arranging several programs or sponsoring those makes for excellent advertising opportunity. For instance, Walton sponsored Tri-Nation Cricket Tournament held in Ireland few days ago.  Tradeshows-The Company can organize trade fairs, or even exhibitions for advertising their products. Bill board Events Broadcasting Advertising Advertising by using broadcast or electronic media. It is the most popular form of advertising where company can get larger coverage and to reach all types of people. Popular form of broadcast advertising media are:  Radio  Television  Internet
  • 7. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 7  Flier etc. Radio:  The radio might have lost its charm owing to the new age media however the radio remains to be the choice of small-scale advertisers.  About 7 percent of all money spent on advertising goes for radio ads.  Radio serves a large and varied audience.  Spending on radio advertising has grown significantly because of its low cost and its ability to reach precisely defined target audiences. Listeners may keep radios turned on for background music or mere noise and ignore the advertisements.  The main disadvantage of radio advertising is extremely short life. Television:  TV advertising is a popular way to mass-market messages to large audiences. Although this medium has the ability to reach a high number of potential buyers, it is also one of the most costly forms of advertising.  The main drawback of network TV commercial is the high cost. To keep costs down, many advertisers now use 15 seconds ads instead of 30 second.  Television advertisers face difficulty in determining the audience that actually sees the commercials.  The cost of television advertising depends on:  the duration of the advertisement  The time of broadcast (prime time/peak time) and  Popularity of the channel. Digital advertising  Online advertising has become a major promotional medium.  Digital advertising, also known as online advertising or Internet advertising, is essentially using the online opportunity to communicate marketing messages to consumers or visitors.  There are many new and emerging formats for digital advertising, although it is commonly accepted that it would include e-mail marketing, search engine marketing, social media marketing, more general types of display advertising, and mobile advertising.  The main forms of online advertising are display advertising and search advertising  Online display ads might appear anywhere on an internet user’s screen and are often related to the information being viewed. There are many forms of online advertising such as :  web banner advertising i.e. a banner across the top of the page  pop-ups i.e. adverts that pop up when you open the page, which are less popular due to the annoyance factor  floating ads which appear and then disappear after a period of time
  • 8. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 8  text ads which are simple text boxes e.g. Google  Search advertising is a method of placing online advertisements on web pages that show results from search engine queries. Search engine advertising is a type of paid advertising, also known as pay-per-click advertising or PPC. Search advertising is based on “Key words”. The user interested in the product or service searches using a specific keyword or search term which lets them interact with advertiser's website. The most popular platform for search advertising is Google AdWords, Bing Ads etc. The results in red are examples of search advertisements Flyer  A Flyer is usually a single, unfolded printed sheet that is used to draw attention to an event, service, product or idea.  A flyer usually contains a very simple message that can be conveyed quickly.  A flyer is generally printed on the 8.5” x 11” paper size to keep its cost low, though flyers can be created in any size that is easy to handle.  Flyers are most often used for:  Event announcements  Advertising openings for new clubs, bars, restaurants, etc  Fact sheets handed out at trade shows or conferences.  As handouts and newspaper/magazine inserts  As information sheets, as part of a promotional campaign
  • 9. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 9 Covert Advertising-Advertising in Movies  Covert advertising is a unique kind of advertising in which a product or a particular brand is incorporated in some entertainment and media channels like movies, television shows or even sports.  There is no commercial in the entertainment but the brand or product is subtly (or sometimes evidently) showcased in the entertainment show.  Example:  Nokia which is displayed on Tom Cruise’s phone in the movie Minority Report, or  the use of Cadillac cars in the movie Matrix Reloaded. Kodak-Camera and Nokia Used-by-Tom-Cruise-in-Mission-Impossible-3 Surrogate Advertising:  Surrogate advertising is prominently seen in cases where advertising a particular product is banned by law.  Advertisement for products like cigarettes or alcohol which are injurious to heath are prohibited by law in several countries and hence these companies have to come up with
  • 10. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 10 several other products that might have the same brand name and indirectly remind people of the cigarettes or beer bottles of the same brand.  Example, Fosters and Kingfisher beer brand. Public Service Advertising:  Public Service Advertising is a technique that makes use of advertising as an effective communication medium to convey socially relevant message about important matters and social causes.  The main purpose use to inform, educate and motivate the public about non-commercial issues such as HIV/AIDS, Political ideology and Energy conservation. Celebrities Advertisement  Using celebrities for advertising involves signing up celebrities for advertising campaigns, which consist of all sorts of advertising including television ads or even print advertisements.  For example, Sakib Al Hasan engaging in the advertisement of Lifebouy.
  • 11. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 11 Classification on the basis of region  Global advertising: Multinational firms treat the world as their market. Firms such as National, IBM or Sony or Ford advertise globally, e.g., in periodicals like Times, Reader‘s Digest.  National advertising: It is done to increase the demand of its products and services throughout the country. Examples, BPL (Believe in the best), Whirlpool Refrigerator (Fast Forward Ice Simple) etc.  Regional advertising: Small firms may line to restrict their business to Sate or regional level.  Local advertising: When advertising is done only for one area or city, it is called Local Advertising. Some professionals also call it Retail Advertising. Advertising Appeals Advertising appeals are used to attract the customers about a product. Advertising appeals are communication strategies that marketing and advertising professionals use to grab attention and persuade people to buy or act. Seven appeals are used: 1. Fear- the fear appeal specifically appeals to a person’s fears in order to encourage them to buy or act. The goal of the fear appeal is to cause someone to fear an outcome or response if they don’t buy a product or act in such a way as to reduce risk. For example, AIDS, Pepsodent, Lifebuoy Hand wash, anti-smoking ads etc. 2. Humor: This type of appeal uses some fun to sell a product. This technique is used here to watch-laugh-remember. Ex: Magic tooth powder, Aktel easy load, Nokia etc. The goal with humor is to help build a positive association with a product, service, or idea. 3. Sex- Sexuality, sexual suggestiveness, over sexuality or sensuality raises curiosity of the audience and can result in strong feelings about the advertisement. The goal of the sex appeal is to grab and increase attention toward a product or service by making people feel attracted to or desirous of the people using the product. For example, Lux, set wet etc. 4. Emotional- use emotional motion to sell the product. For example, Grameenphone. 5. Music-use some music or song for getting the attention of listeners. Music appeals work well to keep attention focused on brands and products, helping consumers remember product and company information. Ex: Tiger, Pran Frooto etc.; 6. Rational -use more information to sell the product. Ex: IBN Sina, Mina Bazar etc. 7. Scarcity -When there is a limited supply of a product, the value of that product increases. So, this appeal is used in occasionally. Ex: REHAB Creating the Sales Presentation Six step presentation plan are as below: 1. Approach - Initial Contact with the customer/prospect
  • 12. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 12 - Must completely understand the decision-making process and the roles of each participant 2. Presentation - Prospect’s needs are assessed and matched to the company’s products - The style and message of the presentation must be tailored to the audience 3. Demonstration - Salesperson has the opportunity to tailor the communication effort to the customer - Can show how the product can meet the customer’s needs 4. Negotiation - Ensures that both the customer and the salesperson come away from the presentation winners 5. Closing - Ask for the Sale - Must be culturally sensitive 6. Servicing the Sale - To ensure Customer Satisfaction - Implementation process must be outlined - Customer service program established Hierarchy of Effects of advertising The hierarchy of effects model helps to clarify the objectives of an advertising campaign. The job of the advertiser is to encourage the customer to go through the six steps and purchase the product. 1. Awareness 2. Knowledge 3. Liking 4. Preference 5. Conviction 6. The actual purchase These steps are sequential. The model suggests that a consumer spends a period of time at each one before moving to the next. Thus, before a person develops a liking for a product, she must first know about it. Once the individual has the knowledge and develops liking for the product, the advertiser tries to influence the consumer to favor a particular brand or company. The hierarchy of effects approach enjoys the benefit of allowing marketers to identify common steps consumers and businesses take when making purchases. Building brand loyalty requires all six steps. A customer cannot be loyal to a brand without first being aware of it. The customer typically will not develop loyalty to a brand without sufficient knowledge.
  • 13. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 13 Then, the person must like the brand and build a strong preference for it. Finally, the customer experiences the conviction that the particular brand is superior to the others. The components of the hierarchy of effects approach highlight the responses that advertising or marketing communications should stimulate in both consumers and business-to business customers.
  • 14. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 14 Chapter-02 Overview of Economic Social aspects of Advertising The role of Advertising in business Advertisements play a major role in business.  The business world is competitive and advertising is vital to the competitive business atmosphere and to the producer as well as traders, customers and advertising agencies involved.  Advertising helps customers to gather information, as this enables such customer to select the right product with the right price and quality.  It also helps producers and sellers to increase sales and understand competitors to plan to competency level, for instance, a prospective customer who may need a particular goods or services may be ignorance of where and how to get it as well as the price, such prospect depends on advertisement to provide the necessary information needed for the customer to get the product, whereby there is no advertisement for such prospect, the product cannot be reached.  It helps to inform the general public about the availability of a product, where and how to get it, its uses and brand.  It plays a major roles in increasing sales volume and achieving revenue in business. The only primary role is to bring revenue.  Advertising keeps your business at the top of your consumer’s mind– With so many options available to consumers oftentimes they will want to shop around and compare different products. Advertising ensures that your company is always at the front of a consumer’s mind reminding them why they should choose you. Functions of Advertising 1. To identify products and differentiate them from others 2. To communicate information about the product, its features and its place of sale. 3. To induce consumers to try new products and to suggest reuse. 4. To stimulate distribution of the product. 5. To increase product use 6. To build value, brand preference and loyalty 7. To lower the overall cost of sales. The Economic impact of Advertising: • “The economic effect of advertising is like the break shot in billiards or pool”. • The moment a company begins to advertise, it sets off a chain reaction of economic events. The extent of a chain reaction, although hard to predict, is related to the force of the shot and economic environment.
  • 15. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 15 Types of Economic Effects: 1. Effect on the Value of the Products 2. Effect on Prices 3. Effect on Competition 4. Effect on Consumer Demand 5. Effect on Consumer Choice 6. Effect on Business Cycle Effect on Value: In a free-market society, consumers can choose the values they want in the products they buy.  Advertising can add value to a product in the consumer’s mind by communicating the bran’s image.  Advertising creates added value by educating customers on new uses for the product. For example, Kleenex was originally advertised as a makeup remover but later as a disposable handkerchief (tissue).  By associating the product with a desirable image, advertising offers people the opportunity to satisfy those psychological, symbolic wants and needs. By adding value, advertising contributes to the self-interest of the manufacturer, consumer, and the advertiser. It also contributes to the number of sellers. That increases competition, which also serves the consumer’s self-interest. Effect on Prices:  What happens to prices if the advertising cost is too high?  Important points on advertising costs & pricing  Advertising is a small part of a product’s cost.  Advertising enables mass-production, which lowers the cost per unit of products.  Regulated industries see no price increase associated with advertising. When deregulated, advertising often causes lower prices. Effect on Competition:  Large companies out-spend small companies when it comes to advertising. In addition, many companies go out of business because they served customers less effectively or because they are consumed in a merger.  High costs inhibit the entry of new competitors in industries that spend heavily on advertising. In some markets, original brands can benefit from this barrier. However, capital investment needed for plants, machinery, and labor is of far greater importance.  Advertising by big business typically has a limited effect on small businesses because big businesses cannot dominate the entire country; local and regional businesses can advertise more heavily in select, localized market areas. The freedom to advertise encourages more sellers to enter the market. Example: store brands competing with national brands at grocery stores.
  • 16. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 16 Effect on Consumer Demand and Choice:  Increase amount of “complete information” and thereby stimulate primary demand for a product category.  In declining markets where people only want price information, advertising can affect selective demand—demand for a particular brand. But the only effect it will have on primary demand is to slow the rate of decline.  In growing markets, advertisers generally compete for a share of the growth.  In mature, static, or declining markets, they compete for each other’s share of the market, making “conquest sales.” Effect on Business Cycle This may take place during phases of business boom and bust. It may also occur during the 4 stages of a business life cycle: introduction, growth, maturity and post maturity. The Social Impact of Advertising: Criticisms of advertising can often be categorized as style arguments (deceptive ads, for example) or social or environmental impact arguments (pointing out social or environmental effects). The Social impact of Advertising is discussed as under:  Deception in Advertising  The Subliminal Advertising Myth  The Effect of Advertising on Our Value System  The Proliferation of Advertising  The Use of Stereotypes in Advertising  Offensiveness in Advertising Deception in Advertising: When a company promotes its products with help of confusing, misleading or untrue statements, it is called deceptive or false advertising. This type of advertising is dangerous for consumers as they are intentionally misled by the misrepresentation of nature, characteristics or quality of the goods and services offered by various companies. Various tricks are used by advertisers to deceive the customers and make their products look a lot different than reality:  Using hairspray on fruits and vegetables so that they appear to be fresh  Using Brown show polish to color hamburger  Using shampoo as milk in cereals  Using Motor oil as syrup or honey For example, Horlicks advertisement of “Taller, Stronger and sharper” or Fair & Lovely is for beautification by changing skin color. – Puffery: refers to advertising tactics that cannot be labeled as true or false such as “best” “premier”. E.g., Tabaco Sauce
  • 17. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 17 The Subliminal Advertising Myth Subliminal advertising is practice of using words or images that consumers don’t consciously detect. Subliminal messages in advertising are designed to engage people subconsciously. Subliminal advertising conveys hidden messages of which viewers are not consciously aware. This ad strategy poses serious ethical issues, particularly because subliminal ads can manipulate consumer behavior even when consumers aren't making a conscious choice and aren't aware of what they've seen. The ads are made in such a way that the consumers don’t even realizes that the ad has made an impact on their minds and this results in buying the product which they don’t even need. The Effect of Advertising on Our Value System  Degrades people’s value systems by promoting a hedonistic, materialistic way of life, encouraging the purchase of things people really do not need.  Manipulates people by playing on emotions, promising status, social acceptance, and sex appeal. The Proliferation of Advertising A social impact criticism is that there is just too much advertising. Too much advertising creates an externality not only for customers (nuisance), but for the advertisers as well. The more advertisements that hit customers’ brains, the less effective paid advertising becomes. It’s not just TV—Web sites are also cluttered with advertising banners, and our e-mail boxes are flooded with advertising. Use of Stereotypes in Advertising Advertising has long been criticized for not being more sensitive to the concerns of minorities, women, immigrants, the disabled, and myriad other groups. Problems still exist, especially in local and regional advertising and in promoting certain product categories (beer and sports, for example). a. Many advertisers are not aware of the externalities their ads can create, and that they may be perpetuating male and female stereotypes. b. Inaccurate portrayals of women and minimalist depiction of minorities in mainstream ads still smacks of tokenism. For example Intel launched a national campaign in 2007 that was almost unbelievable in its symbolism - but it was most definitely real. A white manager (master?) stands over six black athletes who bow in perfect symmetry before him. Though Intel claims 100% innocence, it’s baffling why the company’s advertising direction would include such powerful slave imagery. Offensive Advertising Offensiveness is a style argument that refers to unwanted externalities—the perceived unwanted social cost of some styles of advertising.
  • 18. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 18 Taste is highly suggestive and it changes. When the first underarm deodorant ad appeared in Ladies Home Journal in 1927, people were outraged. Today, we accept these ads without a thought (even some with nudity). When nudity is relevant to the product, people are less likely to regard it as offensive or obscene. Social Responsibility & Advertising Ethics Ethics and social responsibility means that businesses show concern for the people as well the environment in which they transact their businesses. It also means that the business organization communicates and enforces the values to everyone including the organizational practices as well as to the partners of the organization. The main aim of social responsibilities as an obligation on the part of a business should be to maximize its positive outcomes while minimizing the negative outcomes on the society. Corporate Social Responsibility: states that it is the “continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce, their families and the local community and society at large. Advertisers’ Social Responsibility 1. Advertising promotes harmony within a society (societies without harmony collapse), a responsibility all institutions share. 2. Advertising plays an important role in developed countries. It influences the society’s stability and growth. 3. It helps secure large armies, creates entertainment events attracting hundreds of thousands of fans, and often influences the outcome of political elections. 4. Promotes social responsibility by advertising messages on “green advertising,” education, safety, health, self-fulfillment, etc., and by being a good neighbor via pro bono work Ethics of Advertising Ethics means a set of moral principles which govern a person’s behavior or how the activity is conducted. The U.S. Federal Trade Commission defines ethical advertising as truthful, not deceptive, is backed by evidence, and fair. Advertising ethics means a set of specific principles that regulate the methods of communication between the buyer and the seller. In additions, advertising ethics covers ethical concerns about the advertising message, the consumers targeted by the advert, advertising of controversial products and services and the effects of advertising on social values. There are three levels of ethical responsibility: 1. At the first level, ethics are evaluated according to the traditional actions and rules followed by a society or community and the philosophical rules that society establishes to justify its past actions and decree future actions.
  • 19. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 19 2. At the second level, the individual evaluates the meaning and nature of ethical issues via his or her attitude, feelings, and beliefs, in order to arrive at a personal value system. 3. When neither the group (first level) nor the individual (second level) can effectively decide what to do ethically, then the definition of the ethic (third level), becomes the focus of activity. Here, a group or the individual must take time to create a definition for the ethical behavior required. Often, a third party may referee or even bias the nature of the newly defined ethical solution. What is the difference between an advertiser’s ethics and its social responsibility? Ethics in advertising means doing what the advertiser and the advertiser’s peers believe is morally right in a given situation. Social responsibility refers to doing what society views as best for the welfare of people in general or for a specific community of people. Government Restraints on International Advertisers 1. Advertisers need to keep up with the changing legal environments of the countries in which they advertise. a. Some advertising is highly restricted or even prohibited, depending on the product or service. b. Many countries prohibit puffery. c. Many European countries ban coupons, premiums, free tie-in offers, etc. Product placement is typically prohibited. d. In Europe, TV ads must be kept completely separate from the programs and be clearly recognizable as such. 2. Some foreign governments are more authoritarian. Some restrict or ban ads for specific products a. Tobacco Advertising b. “Hard” alcohol advertising c. Alcoholic energy drink advertising d. Condom advertising 3. Advertising to Children a. Various countries are far stricter about advertising to children. In Scandinavia, no ads are allowed during children’s programs, and no TV ads are allowed directed to kids under 12. Sweden and Norway prohibit ads directed to children under 12; and Australia prohibits ads directed to preschoolers. ----
  • 20. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 20 Chapter-03 Demand Stipulation Definition of Need & Want Needs: - Needs are states of felt deprivation. - They include basic physical needs for food, clothing, warmth, and safety; social needs for belonging and affection; and individual needs for knowledge and self-expression. - Ex: When a man /woman feels hungry then he/she needs food. Wants: - When needs are backed by society then these are called wants. - Ex: All foods are not acceptable by our society i.e. heroine, beer etc. - Wants are describes in terms of objects that will satisfy needs. Human wants and needs are countless in number and are derived from many complex forces. Habit, custom, conformity, and distinctiveness are among these sources. Nature of Habits Habit is a quality in a person that helps him to perform an act well or poorly in relation to his nature or actions. It is acquired by repetition, and shows itself in facility of performance or in decreased power of resistance. In deciding on the marketing mix, it is important to know what the buying habits of the consumers are: 1. Why do they buy a product? 2. Where do they purchase it? 3. How do they want to buy it? 4. Do they want to pay cash, or do they have the habit of buying on credit? 5. Do they want a 30-day open credit account, or do they want to buy it on an installment basis? 6. Are they willing to make a substantial down payment? 7. Do they want to buy the product in a drugstore or a supermarket? 8. Will they see our advertisement on television? 9. Do they read the daily newspaper? 10. Will they see the advertisement in the morning or afternoon newspaper?
  • 21. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 21 Definition of Market Demand Market demand is the whole schedule of the quantities of any product which consumers will purchase at different prices during a stated time period. Or in other words, market demand is the aggregate demand of all customers for a particular product in a market over a specific time period. The two components which make up this demand are:  Desire and  Purchasing power Demand Stipulation Advertising has generally thought of the consumer in terms of who buys what, for what purpose, at what price, and at what store. While a company devotes a portion of its advertising budget to educate the public about its labor policy or to encourage people to give to the Agriculture Fund, the principal objective of most advertising programs is:  to develop,  to maintain, and  to increase the demand ( or potential demand) for the product (s) involved. Advertising may be used to stimulate either the primary demand or the selective demand. Types of Market Demand Depending on the conditions surrounding the product, the consumer and the market, there are two broad types of consumer demand that advertising attempts to stimulate. These are:  primary demand and  Selective demand. Primary Demand: When Advertising designed to create demand for a type of product then it is called primary demand. This type of demand tells the potential customer how basic needs can be satisfied by advertising. For example, advertising explains the comfort of cool air during the hot summer months by:  how much healthier the consumer will be if s/he has cool air in his/her home  how much more work members of the family will be able to produce Here the advertisement is attempting to show the want-satisfying qualities. Therefore, Primary demand stimulation refers to advertising messages that promote the merits of a product category rather than a particular brand. The major purpose of primary demand is either to inform customers about a brand new product or technology that they are unfamiliar with, or to persuade customers that they haven't recognized the benefits of a given product.
  • 22. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 22 Primary demand is typically used in one of two scenarios:  to launch a completely new product category or  to garner more attention to an under-appreciated category. Selective demand: This demand for a particular brand or style or model of a type of product. The advertising usually would do this by pointing out those features of the brand that enable to fulfill the customers’ desires or needs better than any others on the market. This term is so-named because each advertiser tries to present brand benefits that cause customers to selectively choose its product over that offered by a competing brand. Selective demand ads typically identify the brand through name mention verbally or in written copy, or show the brand's product clearly. For example, advertisement of Surf Excel tells us that it is a detergent, which brand name is “Surf Excel”. Inherent Drives and Impulses Our wants are inherent and deep-seated. They can be either positive or negative. They may lead on the one hand to the motivation to buy a product, while, at the same time, be the reason for our not buying the product. They may lead to the motive to be first, or provide the reason why we refuse to be an innovator. The following drives can be considered for making a purchase: 1. Necessities 2. Happiness 3. Sex 4. Security 5. Recognition and 6. Emulation. Necessities: To sustain, life is the first or the basic stimuli, because man must satisfy his needs for food, clothing, shelter, and health in order to exist. Needs and tastes may differ between people in the same social stratum, but the drive for minimum necessities is so great that man generally will give up other demands in order to get these essentials. Happiness: It is an inherent drive with which each of us is endowed. Every perfectly designed item of nature strains for this fulfillment. It is the common ground on which all human desires, all human ambitions meet.
  • 23. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 23 The salesman trying to meet his quota, the engineer building a bridge, the baseball player hoping to improve his batting average, the wife preparing the meal for her family - all are seeking happiness. Sex The transitions from birth through the various age cycles characterized by departure from organized school life, home protection, and adolescent friendships into the adult world of life influence the individual’s response to this drive. During the first phases of the adult cycle, the focus of the drive will be on marriage and family life in which there will take place vivid changes. Security Security will differ by the degree to which a particular person may think he needs it. Some men are more temperate than others. Some interpret: - security on the basis of an abundance of money. - It is the essence of an intellectual independence that can be achieved only by the spirit. - Recognition This drive is for recognition because people are very much alike and desire to be recognized for what they have accomplished. - They want to be given credit for their good ideas, and - They are disturbed when the ideas are ignored. Emulation Emulation is one usually classified as the desire to equal or excel others. Generally, the others whom we wish to equal or excel are those in our own group. In fact, some men even dissipate personal fortunes in an attempt to gain the esteem of their fellow man. A picture in a newspaper of a person who is taking a trip of some kind.
  • 24. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 24 Chapter-04 Development of an Advertising Program The 5 Ms of Advertising The decision making in advertising is a five-step process. It is called ‘Five M's of Advertising.’ It consists of: 1. Mission: What are our advertising objectives? 2. Money: How much can we spend and how do we allocate our spending across media types? 3. Message: What should the ad campaign say? 4. Media: What media should we use? 5. Measurement: How should we evaluate the results? Figure-Five M's of Advertising 1. Mission- Mission is said to be the long term goal for which the advertising is prepared for the products or services. The mission includes two main goals which include sales goals, advertising objectives. Advertising Objectives can be-  To inform: This aim of Advertising is generally true during the pioneering stage of a product category, where the objective is building a primary demand.  To persuade: Most advertisements are made with the aim of persuasion. Such advertisements aim at building selective brand.  To remind: Such advertisements are highly effective in the maturity stage of the product. The aim is to keep the consumer thinking about the product.
  • 25. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 25 2. Money- This refers to the finance provided for advertising purpose (advertising budget). The advertising budget can be allocated based on:  Departments or product groups  The calendar  Media used  Specific geographic market areas There are five specific factors to be considered when setting the Advertising budget. i. Stage in PLC: New products typically receive large advertising budgets to build awareness and to gain consumer trial. Established brands are usually supported with lower advertising budgets as a ratio to sales. ii. Market Share and Consumer base: high-market-share brands usually require less advertising expenditure as a percentage of sales to maintain their share. To build share by increasing market size requires larger advertising expenditures. Additionally, on a cost-per-impressions basis, it is less expensive to reach consumers of a widely used brand them to reach consumers of low-share brands. iii. Competition and clutter: In a market with a large number of competitors and high advertising spending, a brand must advertise more heavily to be heard above the noise in the market. Even simple clutter from advertisements not directly competitive to the brand creates the need for heavier advertising. iv. Advertising frequency: the number of repetitions needed to put across the brands message to consumers has an important impact on the advertising budget. v. Product substitutability: brands in the commodity class (example cigarettes, beer, soft drinks) require heavy advertising to establish a different image. Advertising is also important when a brand can offer unique physical benefits or features. 3. Message: Factors to be considered in this message are:  message generation,  message evaluation and selection,  message execution,  Social-responsibility review. (AIDA) (Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action) Message generation can be done in the following ways: A. Inductive: By talking to consumers, dealers, experts and competitors. Consumers are the major source of good ideas. Their feeling about the product, its strengths, and weaknesses gives enough information that could aid the Message generation process. B. Deductive: John C. Meloney proposed a framework for generating Advertising Messages. According to him, a buyer expects four types of rewards from a product: • Rational • Sensory • Social • Ego Satisfaction.
  • 26. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 26 4. Media: The next M to be considered while making an Advertisement Program is the Media through which to communicate the Message generated during the previous stage. In media, the following factors are to be considered. They are:  Reach,  frequency,  impact;  Major media types,  Specific Media vehicles,  Media timing,  Geographical media allocation. 5. Measurement. Evaluating the effectiveness of the Advertisement Program is very important as it helps prevent further wastage of money and helps make corrections that are important for further advertisement campaigns. The measurement includes:  Communication impact-Is the Ad Communicating Well?  Sales impact-Is the Ad Increasing Sales? Setting Advertising Objectives An advertising objective is a specific communication task and achievement level to be accomplished with a specific audience in a specific period of time. The overall advertising goal is to build customer relationships by communicating customer value. Advertising objectives can be classified by primary purpose as:  Informative advertising is used to provide information. It is used heavily when introducing a new product.  Persuasive advertising seeks to persuade consumers as competition increases. Here, a company’s objective is to build selective demand. One common form is Comparative advertising. o Comparative advertising is directly or indirectly comparing one brand with another.  Reminder advertising is important for mature products. It helps maintain customer relationships and keep consumers thinking about the product. Setting Advertising Budget Advertising Budget Methods Several methods are used for setting advertising budget. Percentage of Sales Method  The percentage‑of‑sales method is setting the promotion budget at a certain percentage of current or forecasted sales.  It is simple to use
  • 27. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 27  It helps management think about the relationships between promotion spending, selling price, and profit per unit.  For example, the last year sales were Tk. 3 crore and the company spent Tk. 300000 for advertising. It is clear that the company has spent 1% of sales in the last year. Based upon the past, the current and the expected sales, amount for advertising budget is determined. Objectives and Task Method:  Objective‑and‑task method is setting the promotion budget based on what the company wants to accomplish with promotion.  This budgeting method helps the company to:  Define specific promotion objectives,  Determine the tasks needed to achieve these objectives, and  Estimate the costs of performing these tasks.  One advantage of this method is that it forces management to spell out its assumptions about the relationship between spending and promotion results.  It is the most logical budget-setting method. Yet, it is the most difficult method to use.  This is the most appropriate ad budget method for any company. Competitive Parity Method:  Competitive‑parity is setting the promotion budgets to match competitors’ spending.  For example, if the close competitors spend 3% of net sales, the company will spend, more or less, the same per cent for advertising.  Here it is assumed that “competitors or leaders are always right.”  The method is followed only when there are dominant competitors. In absence of competition, the method cannot be used. Affordable or Fund Available Method:  The affordable method is setting the promotion budget at the level the company can afford.  Small businesses often use this method.  Under this method, budgetary allocation is made only after meeting all the expenses. Advertising budget is treated as the residual decision. If fund is available, the company spends; otherwise the company has to manage without advertising. Thus, a company’s capacity to afford is the main criterion. Developing advertising strategy Advertising strategy consists of two major elements: 1. Creating advertising message (message decisions). 2. Selecting advertising media (media decisions).
  • 28. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 28 Creating advertising messages  Message Strategy. The first step in creating effective advertising messages is to plan a message strategy (deciding what general message will be communicated to consumers). Developing an effective message strategy begins with identifying customer benefits that can be used as advertising appeals.  The advertiser must next develop a creative concept — or “big idea”—that will bring the message strategy to life in a distinctive and memorable way.  Advertising appeals should have three characteristics:  They should be meaningful.  Appeals must be believable.  Appeals should be distinctive. Message Execution is turning the Creative Concept (big idea) into an actual ad to capture a target market’s attention and interest. Execution styles:  Slice of life: Shows “typical” people using the product in a normal setting.  Lifestyle: Shows how a product fits in with a particular lifestyle.  Fantasy: Creates a fantasy around the product or its use.  Mood or image: Builds a mood or image around the product or service, such as beauty, love, fun, peace... Etc.  Music: Using music - singing about the product.  Personality symbol: Creates a character that represents the product.  Technical expertise: Shows a company’s expertise in making the product.  Scientific evidence: Presents a scientific evidence showing the brand’ superiority.
  • 29. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 29  Testimonial evidence or endorsement: Features a highly believable, credible, or likable source endorsing the product. Selecting advertising media The major steps (decisions) in advertising media selection are: 1. Deciding on reach, frequency, impact. 2. Choosing among major media types. 3. Selecting specific media vehicles. 4. Deciding on media timing 5. Deciding on geographical Media allocation Deciding on reach, frequency, impact  Reach: Percentage of people exposed to ad campaign in a given time period.  Frequency: Number of times a person is exposed to advertisement.  Media Impact: The qualitative value of a message exposure through a given medium. Choosing among major media types  Each media type has specific advantages and disadvantages.  Choosing among media types requires consideration of the:  Medium’s impact  Message effectiveness  Cost  The media mix should be regularly reexamined.  The major media types are: • Television, • Internet, • Newspapers, • Direct mail, • Magazines,
  • 30. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 30 • Radio, • Outdoor. Selecting specific media vehicles  Media vehicles are specific media within each general media type. Examples:  choosing a specific channel or program in Television  choosing a specific a type of magazine in Magazines  Choosing a specific location for outdoor advertising.  Media planners must compute the cost per thousand persons reached by a vehicle, and also consider the costs of producing ads for different media.  The media planner must balance media costs against several media effectiveness factors, which include:  Audience quality.  Audience engagement.  Editorial quality. Deciding on media timing • Marketers must also decide on media timing- how to schedule the advertising over the course of a year. • The advertiser chooses a pattern of ads: 1. Continuous schedule: means scheduling ads evenly throughout a given period (Same coverage all year) 2. Pulsing schedule: means scheduling ads unevenly over a given time period, but never reaching zero. 3. Seasonal schedule: Follow a seasonal pattern Deciding on geographical Media allocation  The company makes “national buys “when it placed advertising on national TV net or in nationally circulated magazines.  The company makes “local buys “when it placed advertising on local newspapers, radio, or outdoor site. Evaluating Advertising and Return on Advertising Investment Evaluating advertising involves:  Communication effects indicate whether the ad and media are communicating the ad message well and should be tested before or after the ad runs  Sales and profit effects compare past sales and profits with past expenditures or through experiments. Return on advertising investment is the net return on advertising investment divided by the costs of the advertising investment. ---
  • 31. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 31 Chapter-05 The Creative Brief What is “Creative Brief”  The document with Creative work is called creative brief.  Through the creative brief an advertisement communicate with the people positively  This is the desired message of the potential customers  The creative brief is the foundation of any successful creative campaign.  It is a blue print, a guide, even a source of inspiration. When an advertising agency prepares a document to guide in the production of an advertising campaign or for a specific commercial, the document is a creative strategy or creative brief. A quality creative brief, when prepared properly, saves the agency considerable time and effort and results in a stronger advertising campaign for the client. Components of a creative brief:  The Objectives  The Target Audiences  The Message Theme  The Support  The Constraints The Objectives  Identify the objective of the advertisement.  Possible objectives include: 1) Provide Information 2) Increase brand awareness 3) Build brand image 4) Increase customer traffic 5) Increase retailer/ wholesaler orders 6) Increase inquiries from end users and channel members The objectives guide the advertising design and the choice of execution. The Target Audiences  The creatives need an understanding of the target audience.  The more detail that is known about the target audience, the easier it is for a creative to design an effective advertisement.
  • 32. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 32  Overly general target market profiles do not help. Rather than specifying “males, ages 20 to 35,” more specific information will be needed, such as “males, ages 20 to 35, college educated, and professionals.” Other information, including hobbies, interests, opinions, and lifestyles, make it possible to more precisely develop an advertisement. The Message Theme  The Message Theme The message theme outlines the key idea(s) the advertising program conveys. The message theme is the benefit or promise (unique selling point) the advertiser wants to use to reach consumers or businesses. The promise or unique selling point should describe the major benefits the good or service offers customers.  Message themes can be oriented toward either rational or emotional processes.  A message theme for an automobile might emphasize toward luxury, safety, fun, fuel efficiency, or driving excitement. The Support  Support takes the form of facts that substantiate the message theme.  When Aveeno products won “Best of Beauty” awards from Allure magazine, its “Best of Beauty” seal was placed on the company’s products. Company advertising mentioned the award to support Aveeno’s claims of superiority. The Constraints  Constraints are the legal and mandatory restrictions placed on an advertisement.  Constraints spell out legal protections for trademarks, logos, and copy registrations.  They also specify all disclaimers about warranties, offers, and claims.  Disclaimer warranties notify consumers of potential hazards associated with products.  Tobacco advertisements contain statements and images regarding the dangers of smoking and chewing tobacco.
  • 33. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 33 Chapter-06 Message Execution Definition and Stages of Message Execution  The ways to which the message is developed is called message execution.  5 stages to be considered: 1. Message Storytelling a. I have a cow, the cow has a buffalo, it is to be feed in the field daily etc……….. b. In the 1 st day of my University life nobody looks at me, but in the 2 nd day everybody is close to me because….. 2. Tone & Style 3. Words (copywriting) 4. Pictures (Art direction) 5. Consistency Message execution can be for: 1) Print Advertising  Display (ex: Banner, Billboard, Electric Board)  Body Copy (ex: Newspapers, Books, Magazines, Brochures, Direct mail pieces) 2) Electronic Advertising  Radio  Television  Internet Print Advertising (Display): Purposes of print advertising:  Attracting attention  Explain the visual  Keep audiences engage  Cue the selling message The text that are used in the display, are larger font size than body copy. This type of advertising are mainly produced for easily reading the whole text. There are 3 steps to be considered:  Headline: Normally readers read the headline 3 to 5 times rather than the body copy. That’s why, it should be short and succinct. It should be one line with 8 words. But in some cases, it may be 2 lines.  Tagline: Tagline is the slogan that serves as a reminder of a brand or a company or a campaign theme. It may be a phrase or a proverb or a sentence.
  • 34. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 34  Photo (from camera / computer generated or by developed by artist) Body copy: Body copy means the texts that describe the brand messages. Print Advertising (Body Copy): Body copy are the texts that describe the brand message to attract the consumers easily and keep the message for a long time. 7 steps to be considered: 1. Head line 2. Sub headline, Underline, Over line 3. Captions for the pictures (verbal explanations of the visuals) 4. Call outs (mini captions/ explanations are used to describe all the possible benefits of the product) 5. Tagline 6. Signature/ Logo (a distinctive way of printing the brand name) 7. Photo (from camera/ computer generated or by developed by artist) The information needed to develop in a body copy products are:  The people  The name of the product  Date of production  Writer’s name  Length of the segment  Date of expire Electronic Advertising 3 types of Electronic Advertising: 1. Radio or Audio Advertising 2. Television/ Video Advertising 3. Internet/ Online Advertising Radio or Audio Advertising Radio provides entertainment and news to listeners who are generally busy doing something else – driving, washing dishes, reading papers or even studying etc. Radio listeners usually decide within seconds if they are going to pay their attention or not. To attract and hold listeners attention, radio copy must be designed to break through the clutter of the environmental stimuli. Radio Advertising needs:  Sound (not irritating i.e. car horns, alarm clocks etc.)  Count Lines (not more than 80 character line)  Time Period ( 5 seconds per 80 character with not more than 30 seconds)  Music (traditional not boom basting or may be jingles)
  • 35. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 35 Television/ Video Advertising This type of advertising uses action, music setting, casting, special effects.  Pictures (live action film/ still photo/ animation). The film will be casting by celebrities  Scenery  Props  Lighting  Camera Angle  Sound  Time Period Internet/ Online Advertising  Users are most likely to stay with those sites which contain high-quality contents, are easy to use, are quick to download, and are updated frequently.  In the online design, all the photographs, type, film, sound, and games can be combined to each other.  There are 2 basic types of online advertising:  Online advertising (usually presented as a banner)  Website (usually as a brochure) Online Advertising (Banner)  This is a small ad on some other company’s web page.  In this type of advertising, normally used:  A headline (to catch the attention)  Slogan (convey an interesting idea)  Body copy (if possible) Website Design (Brochure)  An online brochure that gives the information about a company, as well as its products, brands, services and contact information.  Normally 3 things to be considered:  Design an outline of the contents  A flow of chart that shows how the site will be navigated  How the links will perform The following list contains the guidelines for a website design: 1. Make the homepage work hard to establish your identity and tell what you to do? 2. Make the interface intuitive. People shouldn’t need training in order to use the site 3. Make contents prominent not complicated 4. Make navigation user-friendly 5. Don’t create too many levels 6. Make sure menu options are complete 7. Give users a way to return to the main menu using hyperlink 8. Use links rather than long periods of scrolling 9. Put navigation aids at both the top and the bottom of the page 10. Provide a site map
  • 36. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 36 Chapter-07 Headlines What Is a Headline in Advertising?  A headline in advertising grabs the attention much like a newspaper's headline. An advertising headline is designed to be the first copy the potential customer reads.  Bold text, large font size, and various colors are some of the methods used to make the headline  It must get reader’s attention, and it must pull them into your ad. Purposes of Headlines The purpose of a headline is to attract attention and usually to encourage the reading of the following copy. Your headline must be so irresistible that your reader has to find out more. It doesn't make a difference how good your product or service is or how good your advertising copy is, if your headline isn't any good, your ad or sales letter won't get read. Qualities of a Good Headline Four qualities of a good headline: 1. Self-Interest – A self-interest headline is one that grabs the reader’s attention because it relates to their needs rather than yours, the business. Ex: “You Can Win Groceries For A Year!” 2. News – It is mainly based on the front page headline. Ex: “Famine Sweeps Across America, Many Starve.” 3. Curiosity –While curiosity is an important quality of headlines, when used alone as a headline. Ex: “Seven Reasons Why People Fail At Business.” 4. Quick and Easy Way – We live in a fast paced society where we expect everything RIGHT NOW! Headlines that demonstrate something is quick and simple or easy will also pick your readers interests. Ex: Give us 10 minutes of your time and we’ll show you how to make extra income in 3 easy steps.” Types of Headlines 1. The News Headline: If your product or service offers something newsworthy, announce it in your headline. You would normally use this to introduce a new product or the improvement of an existing product. Here are some words you can use in your News Headlines. New, Announcing, Introducing, Finally, Just released, Now, At last.
  • 37. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 37 Examples: “At last! A Tooth Paste Kids Will Love” “Introducing a new toothpaste.” “Announcing... LaZer Runner Introduces Fiber-Optic Technology for Strength and Durability” 2. The Guarantee Headline: Guarantee Headlines state a desirable benefit, and guarantee results or other benefits. If you offer a powerful guarantee, let your prospects know by stating it in the headline. These state a desirable benefit and guarantee results or other benefits. If you offer a powerful guarantee . . . let your prospects know by stating it in the headline. Examples: “It’s FREE Under my 100%, Unconditional Money Back Guarantee” 3. The How To Headline: How To Headlines promise your prospect a source for information, advice, and solutions to their problems. If you ever get stumped for a headline, use the How To Headline -- it works!. Over 7,000 book titles start out with How to Headline. Example: “How To Win Friends And Influence People” “How To Avoid Snake-Oil Selling Scumbags On The Internet” 4. The Benefit Headline: The key to a winning Benefit Headline is to know your market so well you can offer them a powerful, compelling benefit they can’t easily get somewhere else. Examples: “Dry Up Your hay fever In 15 Minutes” “It Cleans Your Breath While It Cleans Your Teeth” 5. The Question Headline: Here again, to use this headline, you must really know your market. You need to know what your prospect is thinking, what their anxieties are, and what they’re hoping to accomplish. The Question Headline should focus on your prospect’s self-interest and ask a question they want to know the answer to. The best type of questions to ask questions that get your prospect involved. Examples: “Do You Make These Mistakes In Marriage?” “Do You Make These Mistakes In English?
  • 38. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 38 6. The “Reason Why” Headline: With the “Reason Why” headline, you give your prospect specific reasons why they should read your ad. “Reasons Why” headlines don’t need to include the words “reason why”. (i.e., You can use “161 New Ways”, “7 Steps”, “5 Secrets”, etc.) Examples: “6 Important Points That You MUST Pay Attention To When Choosing Laser Tag Equipment” “7 Reasons Why LaZer Runner Provides You with a More Reliable System” 7. The Testimonial Headline: The Testimonial Headline is just what is says -- it uses a customer testimonial for a headline. With this headline, you get your customers to sell for you by talking about the benefits they received. Examples: “How I Make $557.63 per Week in My Sleep” 8. The Command Headline: The Command Headline tells your customer what to do. Your command should encourage action by offering your prospect a benefit that will help them. Effective Command Headlines start out with action verbs. For example, “Read This Before You Buy an Old-Style Laser Tag System” “Call NOW to Get the LaZer Runner FREE FACT KIT”
  • 39. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 39 Chapter-08 Color in Advertising The Importance of Color in Advertising In the advertising and marketing world, it is crucial to understand how colors affect our moods, in order to get the correct reaction from the audience. Color is powerful because it can change our mood – the mood of potential customers. All the different colors create a reaction to individuals, even those who are colorblind. Colors speak a language words just can’t replicate. That is, they communicate with us on an emotional level and are thus more effective at persuasion. A product’s color can convince us that it tastes fresher than the same product with a different color. Since color can have a tremendous psychological impact on people, so the usage of color in advertising is often a very important choice. The national origin of potential buyers, for example, can influence their preference for color. The Chinese tend to like metallic golds and reds. Lifestyle preferences can also influence which colors are favored. Choosing the most effective colors for your advertising campaign requires understanding the effects various colors have on your potential customers. The best color for your advertising depends on what you’re selling and how you want your product or service, as well as your business, to be perceived. Understanding the effect color has in your advertising is key to picking the best shades to help you meet your marketing goals. Basic Color Basic Colors are the three colors that make all other colors. They are red, blue, and yellow. They also called primary colors. Red  fiery strength  dynamic force  revolution Blue  relaxation  submissive faith  stability Yellow  understanding  warm  knowledge and
  • 40. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 40  intelligence. Why Study Color?  Intuition in strong moments.  Doctrines are for weaker moments. If one is unable to create masterpieces in color out of one’s acknowledge, then one ought to look for knowledge.  All great master colorists possessed a science of color.  Personal expression with color supported by adequate knowledge Types of Color:  Hot colors:  Hot colors are some of the best colors for advertising when it comes to products like fast food.  Bright red and yellow are hot colors, indicative of fire, and they stimulate excitement.  Cool colors:  Cool colors are green and blue. They are best colors for advertising of medicines and other health products.  Certain shades of blue indicate dependability, making it a good color for business ads. Darker blue uniforms are usually worn by more authoritative figures, such as police officers.  According to research, black and white can be two of the best colors for advertising. They are used to signify power and create a sense that the company is highly professional. Color Expression The following colors evoke certain meanings in this culture. These subconscious perceptions, intuitive thought and positive knowledge should always function together. They bear some general truth, but may vary in different societies. They are related to the psychological realm, mental and emotional experience of the viewer. 1. Red is an attention-grabbing, vibrant, hot color. Red signifies primitive & fiery strength, inner warmth, active, vivacity, passionate, dynamic force, danger, love, emotional and active, mars, and revolution.
  • 41. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 41 2. Orange express radiant activity, communication, active energy, self-respect and generosity. It could be lightened to beige for a quiet and intimate interior space. Orange is a friendly and cheerful color, also associated with Youth, Affordability and Vitality. 3. Yellow is most luminous & bright color with the sense of radiant, weightless & pure vibration. It symbolizes understanding, warm, knowledge and intelligence. It is most aggressive and luminous on black. Yellow is the color of sunshine. It also signifies playfulness, amusement, curiosity and happiness making it an ideal color choice for advertising children’s activities. 4. Green symbolizes growth, hope, tranquility, sympathy & compassion. It is the fusion & interpenetration of knowledge and faith. Yellow-greens are joyful, young and sunny; while blue-green are cold, pensive and vigorous. 5. Blue express relaxation, passive, submissive faith, stability, grief & associated with nervous system. It symbolizes inner spiritual life, immortality and transcendental. Blue is a color which arouses trust in the viewer. Blue has a lot of significance in formality and elegance, especially in its deeper shades. Banks, financial institutions and medical companies can always rely on blue in their advertising campaigns to sendout the message that the consumer can trust them implicitly.
  • 42. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 42 6. Violet is a mysterious, meditative, emotional, piety color and the color of dignity. Its tints symbolize the brighter aspects of life, whereas shades represent the dark, negative forces and terrors. 7. Gray is a neutral and the color of inertia. It symbolizes indecision, monotony and depression in dark tones. Usages of Color  Yellow symbolizes joy. It exudes energy and happiness, and is associated with being welcoming and homey. Ex: if you own a gift shop, you would want to work with a lot of yellows, including coral, orange, amber and gold.  Red which includes mauve, magenta, crimson, and scarlet, is the color of power, romance, and vitality. It’s an eye catcher, and makes us sit up and take notice. That’s why it’s so often used in the financial arena when the numbers are going in the wrong direction. Red can also have a physical effect, even raising blood pressure! Use red in your ad when you want people to take action.  Green is used in a very friendly, non-threatening campaign. Green and its shades, including lime, leaf green, sea green, emerald, teal and sage, symbolize life and nature. It’s good for us, and your reader will receive that impression about what you are selling as well. In contrast to red, in the business world, green symbolizes growth and prosperity.  Blue and Purple palette is used in a more serious, classic look that conveys law and order, dependability, and trustworthiness. This includes sky blue, ultramarine, violet, purple and azure. These colors work great in certain markets, specifically for older, more mature audiences. It’s common in financial institutions, hospitals, and the legal and medical professions. Color Process: Primary Color of Pigment + Primary = Secondary Cyanine (Blue) + Magenta = Violet Magenta (Red) + Yellow = Orange Yellow + Cyanine = Green Red + Green = Yellow Green + Blue = Cyanine Blue + Red = Magenta Yellow, Red + Blue = Yellow, Violet Blue, Yellow + Red = Blue, Orange Red, Yellow + Blue = Red, Green
  • 43. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 43 Principles of Color:  Primary Principles  Secondary/ Complementary Principles  Tertiary Principles Primary Principles Primary colors are the 3 pigment colors red, blue and yellow that cannot be mixed or formed by any combination of other colors. Secondary Principles When any one primary color is mixed with another a secondary color effect is produced. 3 secondary colors are produced from the mixing of one primary color with another. These colors are orange-green-violet. Tertiary Principles Tertiary Colors are the colors formed by mixing a primary and a secondary color. That's why the hue is a two word name, such as blue-green, red-violet, and yellow-orange.
  • 44. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 44
  • 45. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 45 Chapter-09 Layout in Advertising Definition of Layout  It lays out the arrangement of its different graphic elements such as body copy, colors, headlines, illustrations & scale etc.  It establishes the overall appearance, relative importance, and relationships between the graphic elements to achieve a smooth flow of information (message) and eye movement for maximum effectiveness or impact.  It is also named design composition.  It is the master plan or blueprint of an advertisement.  Layout is the logical arrangement of components of an advertisement in the copy. It refers to the overall structure, the position assigned to the various elements of the advertisement.  In the creation of television commercials the layout is known as a ‘Storyboard’ which a series of pictures is of frames that coincides with the audio or sound script. Pre-requisitions of Layout  Emphasis –It is referred to as the focal point and is the center of interest in your layout. It is dominant and influences the relationships between all the elements that form the composition. Emphasis can be created through scale, positive and negative spatial relationships and placement with in the overall layout. For example a designer may place an element slightly center and larger, then balance that elements with another to maintain our interest.  Unity - When nothing distracts from the whole design you have unity. These principles are often employed when creating patterns or textures.  Contrast – Contrast can be created using scale, color, shape and placement. Contrast also helps to create a focal point in your design.  Balance – Balance is the consideration of visual weight and importance. It is a way to compare the right and left side of a composition Elements of Layout Style Sheet Method: The style sheet is one of the best features of electronic publishing. Attributes such as typeface, type size, and leading can be predefined, making the job of formatting your project quick and easy. Once styles are defined, you can instantly apply different attributes to a single word, several paragraphs, or an entire publication. Defining your style sheet in advance saves you time and effort later. The style sheet has many advantages. If, for example, the body text of your newsletter is laid out in Helvetica, you can change it to Times Roman with a single mouse click.
  • 46. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 46 It involves-  Paper Selection  Font Selection  Font Size Selection  Determine font size for headline & sub-headline Grid Method: Margins and columns form the base of the grid, but you can intersect an unlimited number of vertical and horizontal blue lines across the columns to align headings, text, rules, and graphics with precision. To drag and drop a blue line, just click on the ruler surrounding the page. Use the grid to organize the elements of your layout and unify the appearance of your publication. Column  2 columns: Type size & Graphics will be larger  4 columns: more design (photo, headline, subheads, quotes etc) Headline  Should be within 8 words with one line  Sometimes it may be 2 lines Body Copy Would be written normally with Times New Roman font Subheads Subheads should always be larger and darker than the body text and in the same typeface as the headline, only smaller Kicker A kicker is a line or two of text printed above the headline Principles of Layout 1. Purpose & Audience Three tasks to be performed:  determine your audience  define your purpose and  communicate your message
  • 47. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 47 2. Organizing Information  Photographs, pull-quotes, decks, and headlines help you tell the story.  Other elements such as subheads, boxes, rules, and white space help you organize the story. 3. Getting their attention  grab their attention first, and then keep them reading  Readers often look through magazines from back to front (and newsletters are specialized magazines), so you should use a hook to capture people's attention. A hook is anything that contrasts against the uniformity of the text such as a photo, graphic, masthead, or a pull- quote hanging in a column of white space. 4. Alignment  Choosing different alignment for the customers  Unify the appearance of your publication by aligning the elements on individual pages and creating strong page-to-page alignments, as well.  justifying to emphasize key points-Left, right, center, top, bottom, flush (text to picture) 5. Emphasis:  Emphasis is a strategy that aims to draw the viewer’s attention to a specific design element. That could be to an area of content, to an image, to a link, or to a button, etc.  The aim is to create a focal point in the design: an eye-catching part that stands out, distinct from the rest of the design elements. You can use lines, shapes, colors, textures, size, etc., as well as many other elements to create emphasis. 6. Proximity
  • 48. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 48  Place related information in proximity, and separate unrelated information with white space, rules, and borders. In the below example, the first two blocks of information both have subheadings in 18- point Helvetica, making them of equal importance, but the white space between the blocks makes it obvious that they're unrelated. Bullet items appear beneath each subheading, calling attention to the individual points, and their proximity shows that they're closely related. Suggestions for Layout Design  Place it between two columns, wrapping text around both sides.  Place it in a column by itself and surround it with white space.  Right justify it in the last column.  Place it beneath the headline as a deck.
  • 49. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 49 Chapter-11 Media Selection in Advertising Definition of Media The way through which an advertisement is placed or represented is called media. It comes from the singular word ‘Medium’ which refers to each specific way. Ex: Television is a medium. The collection of all medium is called media. Ex: Collection of print, broadcast, out-of-home & interactive communication. An Advertising media is the means through which advertisements are delivered to the target audience. Media include broadcast media, print media, cinema, hoardings and outdoor media. It may be considered as the carrier of the information to be advertised. Modern advertising requires a highly complex thoroughly integrated communication system, extending from the initiating firm to the customer. Forms of Media 1. Television 2. Radio 3. Outdoor 4. Internet 5. Magazines 6. Newspapers 7. Direct Mail 8. Telemarketing 9. Others Television: Television is generally acknowledged as the most powerful advertising medium and reaches a broad spectrum of consumers at low cost per exposure. 22 percent of advertising expenditures accounts for television media. Ad with television is a catchy musical tune, sexy content or motion that grab the viewers' attention. With this form, it is possible to incorporate images and sounds to persuade the viewers.  It allows creative use of action, color and sound to an extent not possible in any other medium.
  • 50. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 50  Capability of reaching vast audiences because most of the people see television in the urban areas.  Firms can advertise nationally on a major network, regionally through cable networks, or locally through local stations.  The use of special effects, unusual sounds, music, humor and distinctive characters to encourage viewers to remember advertisements and products.  The main drawback of network TV commercial is the high cost. To keep costs down, many advertisers now use 15 seconds ads instead of 30 second.  So many airs during a program, TV commercials may not have much impact on viewers; they have extremely short life. Advantages:  High reach  Mass Coverage  High frequency potential  Low cost per contact  High intrusion value (motion, sound)  Quality creative opportunities  Short lead time  Impact of sight, sound, and motion Disadvantages:  Greater clutter  Low recall due to clutter  Channel surfing during commercials  Short amount of copy  High cost per ad  Low selectivity  Short message life  High production cost Radio: Radio is a pervasive medium:. About 7 percent of all money spent on advertising goes for radio ads. Radio serves a large and varied audience. Ad through this media is low cost option. The key is to be careful selection, time selection and construction of the ad.  Because of the wide variety of programming that caters to numerous interests-such as talk shows, all news, hard rock, classical music, jazz, oldies, easy listening, or other language broadcasts advertisers can easily pinpoint target audiences.  Spending on radio advertising because of its low cost and its ability to reach precisely defined target audiences.
  • 51. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 51  Listeners may keep radios turned on for background music or mere noise and ignore the advertisements  The main disadvantage of radio advertising is extremely short life.  It has no visual component. Messages are limited because radio relies only on the sense of hearing.  Advertisers must buy multiple stations and formats to accumulate audience reach Advantages:  Local coverage  Low cost  High frequency  Low production cost  Recall promoted  Narrower target markets  Ad music can match station’s programming  High segmentation potential  Flexibility in making new ads  Able to modify ads to fit local conditions  Intimacy (with DJs and radio personalities)  Mobile people carry radios everywhere  Creative opportunities with music and other sounds Disadvantages:  Short exposure time  Low attention  Few chances to reach national audience  Overload  Target duplication when several stations use the same format Outdoor  Billboards along major roads are the most common form of outdoor advertising.  Signs on Cabs, buses, park benches and fences of sports arenas are also types of outdoor advertising. Advantages:  Flexibility  Able to select key geographic areas  Accessible for local ads  Low cost per impression  Broad reach  High frequency on major commuter routes  Large, spectacular ads possible
  • 52. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 52 Disadvantages:  Short exposure time  Brief messages  Little segmentation possible  Cluttered travel routes Internet  Ad with internet is today much more popular to the target markets because of downloading feature.  Evidence shows that television audiences are migrating to the internet. Advantages:  Creative possibilities  Short lead time to send ad  Simplicity of segmentation  Easier to measure responses directly  High audience interest on each web site  High coverage but limited reach. Disadvantages:  Clutter on each site  Difficult procedures to place ads and buy time  Only for computer owners  Short life span  Low intrusion value  Hard to retain interest of surfers Magazines For many years, magazines have always been a second choice. Magazines advertising is three times more cost effective than television. They now account for about 6 percent of total advertising value. The top five world-class magazines, by total advertising revenues, are Time, People, Sports Illustrated, TV guide and Parade.  Publications with huge circulations (Reader’s Digest, Anandaloke, Anandbazar etc) allow advertising to reach huge general audiences  Magazines provide a more permanent message than do the other media  Subscribers often keep their favorites in their homes or workplaces for weeks or months and pass them along to friends.  Magazine ads are not suited for immediate message; they take a long time to produce and my be dated by printing time.  Also, advertising in a widely circulated publication can be quite expensive
  • 53. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 53 Advantages:  High market segmentation  High color quality  Long life  Targeted audience interest by magazine  Direct response techniques (e.g. coupons, web-addresses, toll-free numbers)  Availability of special features (i.e. scratch and sniff)  Read during leisure time (longer attention to ad) Disadvantages:  High cost  Little flexibility  High level of clutter  Long lead time to ad showing  Declining readership (some magazines) Newspaper: Newspapers make up the largest category of the advertising media. Firms can advertise in newspapers distributed locally, regionally, nationally, or internationally. Newspapers can be distributed daily, weekly or in partial form as the advertising supplements found in the front sections of many grocery stores and retail outlets.  Newspaper offer good coverage for firms of any size, because there is at least one newspaper in every local market and many people read the newspaper every day. Since they can run advertising with little lead time.  Advertiser can choose ads of any size, from a few lines in the classified section to full pages or separate supplements.  Because they reach diverse audiences, newspapers do not always allow advertisers to target their audience precisely.  The life span of newspaper is very short since readers usually discard them quickly, although readers can clip or refer back to ads if they wish.  The main drawback is the quality of paper is generally low, and the use of color is limited Advantages:  Priority for local ads  High flexibility  High credibility  Strong audience interest  Longer copy-message possible  Cumulative volume discounts  Coupons & special-response features
  • 54. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 54  High coverage  Low cost  Timely or current ads  Short lead time for placing ads Disadvantages:  Short life  Only visual  Clutter  Poor reproduction quality  Selective reader exposure  Low attention getting capability Direct mail  Companies send ad directly to target markets of customers through mailing lists.  These firms mail free samples, coupons, and other special features to potential customers on a daily basis.  Example like Wal-Mart, KFC, Pizza Hut etc. Advantages:  Lands in the hands of the target person  Offers direct-response programs  Targeted to geographic market segments Disadvantages:  More Expensive for color brochure  Highly cluttered  Annoyed by nuisance Telemarketing  Telemarketing means contacting people - usually by phone - in order to sell a product or service, gather information, or persuade people to do something.  Advertising goes through the telephone or mobile phone is called telemarketing advertising.  Example like broadband connection or public service advertising. Advantages:  Personalized  Real-time interaction  Attention getting  Measurable results Disadvantages:  Costly  Ugly image  intrusive
  • 55. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 55 Others Directories: This type of advertising is mainly used by B2B companies or retailers. Ex: Yellow pages. Infomercials-This is generally a 30-minutes commercial program that demonstrate a product, presents testimonials from satisfied users, and offers viewers one or more ways to buy the product direct. Interactive TV: The convergence of computer, television and the internet is referred to interactive TV. This type of technology allows viewers to respond directly to TV commercials with a click of the remote control or a remote keyboard. Viewers can order movies instantly rather than making a phone call. Cinema & Video: The advertisement which is shown before starting a movie or after the interval of the movie then it is called cinema advertising. The advertisement which is shown in a compact disc along with the movie then it is called Video advertising. Nontraditional Media: This type of advertising reaches people in unintentional ways – in the streets or unexpected place. Ex: Hot-air balloons, side-walk painting, toilet-stall doors, mouse- pad, ATM screens, race cars, coffee cup/ mugs etc.
  • 56. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 56 Chapter-11 Planning an advertising campaign Planning an Advertising Campaign An advertising campaign is a systematic effort to achieve some predetermined objectives. It may be political campaign for election or a social campaign or a systematic effort to promote a product or service. According to Dunn and Barban, “An advertising campaign includes series of ads placed in various media that are designed to meet objectives and are based on an analysis of marketing and communication situation.” A company undertakes an advertising campaign in order to rationally analyse the advertising opportunities and communication issues to achieve its sales and profit objectives. An ad campaign is usually guided by the promotion and advertising plans, which evolve from its marketing objectives and strategy. Steps of Advertising Campaign Planning Planning an advertising campaign or Structuring the communication mix include 6 steps: 1. Identify the target audience- This means “Decide whom the message is for.” 2. Determine the response sought- What would the marketer like the audience to do after they get the message? 3. Choose the message- Write the copy, or produce the appropriate image. 4. Choose the channel- Decide the most appropriate medium (i.e. TV, radio, or other medium) is most appealing to the audience. 5. Select the source’s attributes.-Decide what it is about the product or company that needs to be communicated. 6. Collect feedback.- Carry out market research to monitor how effective the promotion was. Campaign Management Marketing campaign management is the planning, executing, tracking and analysis of direct marketing campaigns. These tasks span the entire lifecycle of a marketing campaign, from inception to launch to evaluation of result. There are 5 steps to manage the advertising campaign: 1. Communication Market Analysis 2. Communication Objectives 3. Communication Budget 4. Media Selection 5. Creative Brief
  • 57. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 57 Communication Market Analysis  Competitive Analysis  Opportunity Analysis  Target Market Analysis (proposed client base)  Customer Analysis (current client base)  Positioning Analysis (current and intended perception review)  Media Usage Analysis (target market and related competitive media employed) Communication Objectives  Define Advertising Goals E.g.:  Building Brand Image  Informing  Persuading  Encourage Action  Integration of other marketing efforts Communication Budget  The advertising budget is basically a plan to allocate financial resources to an advertising campaign for future operations and is reviewed constantly keeping in mind the changing marketing condition. The budget controls the expenditure by fixing a limit.  Budget Allocation based on objectives  Looking at Reach/Frequency and Timing Media Selection  Strategic and Tactical decisions:  Message refinement  Advert design & development (can be long process)  Media tools and Media spot buys Creative Brief  The document with Creative work is called creative brief.  Objective  Target Audience  Message Theme  Support (evidence)  Constraints (legal, regulatory, physics-reality) Types of Advertising Campaign: By Target Audience  Trade Advertising  Consumer Advertising Trade Advertising  The trade consist of enterprising business people
  • 58. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 58  For distributor, wholesaler and retailer  They are concerned only to know if these qualities will make the product saleable to their end-customers and earn themselves income and profit  Contents of trade advertising are the promotional support that is planned in terms of launch advertising  Include planned sales promotion schemes to encourage customers and consumers to try and buy the product  Incentives for the retailers might also be included  Trade advertising also states the point-of-sale (POS) and display material available as well as any in-store demonstration that are planned Consumer Advertising Consumer advertising is messages paid for by companies and delivered through mass media. The objective is to inform or persuade consumers of the merits of your brand and products. Consumers are a large and common target of ads presented through several traditional types of media. Consumer advertising is distinct from trade market or business-to-business ads presented to business buyers. It is classified as: 1. Generic Advertising 2. Product Advertising 3. Brand Advertising 4. Range Advertising 5. Corporate Advertising 6. Retail Advertising 7. Co-operative Advertising 8. Direct-Response Advertising 9. Public-Service Advertising Generic Advertising  Generic advertising means advertising a product type rather than a brand and is usually undertaken by a trade association or consortium of manufacturers and supplier.  Does not promote a particular supplier but promotes the overall benefits and advantages of the product type.  Ex: Got Milk?
  • 59. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 59 Product Advertising  Product advertising is the art of building and maintaining product awareness with potential buyers.  Concentrates on promoting the benefits and advantages of the product, such as the price, value and performance  Ex: Watch, Telcom Powder, etc Brand Advertising  The emphasis of brand advertising is on the brand name, with sometimes little or no reference to the product.  The essence of brand advertising is usually image building for the total product offering- developing that feeling of goodwill between the branded product or brand name and the customer.  Ex: Nike, Pepsi. Range Advertising  Promote complete range of products  Range are frequently promoted in a single commercial or advertisement  Eg: Akij Group, Unilever, Rackiit Bankitzer. Corporate Advertising  Promotes the company not the individual products  Also used for financial advertising to re-assure existing shareholders, launch a company on the stock exchange or attract new investors  Ex: Warid Telecom.
  • 60. Advertising & Public Relations Note for EMBA Program, PSTU, Bangladesh 60 Retail Advertising  The message may be based on what brands and products they have or the range of goods that they can offer, though it may also include additional benefits like a convenient location, free parking, late-night opening or even a restaurant/coffee shop  Ex: Carrefour, Electronic city, etc Co-operative Advertising  The message is relative simple-for a limited period, this brand/ product/ model pack is available only at this outlet at a special offer price or with a gift  Eg: Credit card BCA-Starbucks, XL-Blackberry, etc Direct-Response Advertising  Direct advertising is advertising to customer who deal with the manufacturer or supplier without intermediate wholesalers and retailers  Ex: TV Media Public-Service Advertising  A public service Advertising (PSA) or community service announcement (CSA) is a non-commercial advertisement, typically on radio or television, broadcast for the public.  The main concept is to modify public attitudes by raising awareness about specific issues.  Ex: Smoking, AIDS etc.