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The present shift in the center of world Christianity from
the global North to the south has set the stage for
dynamic Christian activity in the 21st
Century where
Africans are called to take their place in their respective
fields of callings and vocation.
Diplomats Seminar
 A person accredited as an AMBASSADOR to
officially represent a government( the government of
Heaven On Earth Deut 11:21) in relations with other
governments (Government of the devil)
 It is synonymous with the words, Representative,
Prince, Regent, Envoys, amongst others
 2 Corinthians 5:20 says;
“NOW then we are AMBASSADORS for Christ, as though
God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s
STEAD, be ye RECONCILED to God.” The stretching forth
of the hand by Egypt and Ethiopia connotes
reconciliations. In the our dialect it says when a child
stretches forth his hand then he is carried.
Why Psalm 68:31
‘Princes Shall Come Out of Egypt;
Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her
hands unto God. Ps 68:31
 This text inspired Africans and black people in USA,
Carribean and South Africa to assert and claim their
dignity in the face of colonial and racial oppression. It
inspired the rise of the Ethiopian ideology, political
resistance and rise of African Instituted Churches
The 12 stages(Historical &Logical
Divisions of the Books of the Bible
 9 in the Old Testament
 Creation stage: Gen 1-11, Adam, Abel, Enoch
 Patriarchial stage: Abraham, Isaac
 Exodus stage: Moses Aaron etc*
Deliverance from Egypt.
 Conquest stage: Joshua, Caleb etc
 Judges stage: Gideon, Deborah, Ruth
 United Kingdom stage: Saul, David, Solomon
 Chaotic Kingdom stage: Northern and
Southern Kingdom
The 12 stages(Historical &Logical
 Captivity stage: Daniel, Nebuchadnezzar
 Return stage: Ezra, Nehemiah
 3 in the NEW TESTAMENT:
 Gospel stage: Matthew,Mark, Luke, John
 Early Church stage: Acts. Peter, Phililp,
Stephen.* Conversion of Ethiopian Eunuch.
 Epistle stage: James, Jude.
9 Old and New Testament Nations
 These played a historical role in the development of the nation
of Israel.
 1. The Canaanites
 2.Sumerians
 3.Philistines
 4.Egyptians
 5.Assyrians
 6. Babylonians
 7.Persians
 8.Greeks(Socrates, Plato, Aristotle)
 9.Romans
My Project Essay for My Masters
 Dedicated to:
 ‘Becoming a WORD Addict Seminar Team
Members and Partners Worldwide’ and the Next
Generation of African Christian Scholars around
the world, who have God’s calling upon their lives
for Mission in the West.
‘Princes shall come out of Egypt; Ethiopia shall
soon stretch out her hands unto God’.
Ps. 68:31
A Hint From the Old Testament
 Our Patriarch Abraham Sojourned in the literal land of
Egypt during a season of severe famine: Gen. 12:10
 The Land of Egypt is akin to the Garden of the Lord;
Gen. 13:10.
 God told Isaac not to go to Egypt but should rather
dwell in the land he tells him. Gen. 26:2
 Joseph the dreamer was sold into Egypt as a slave.
Gen. 37:36
A Hint From the Old Testament
 Joseph was 30yrs old when he begun to rise into
prominence in Egypt. Gen 41:46
 In Egypt we understand the descendants of Jacob
(Israel) were made to serve with Rigour. Exodus 1:13.
 Moses was called to deliver the children of Israel out of
Egypt. Exodus 3:10
 Through Moses several signs and wonders were
performed in the land of Egypt until Pharaoh gave up
on the Ninth attempt by the blood. (See p.23 of
Becoming a word addict). God put a clear difference
between the children of Israel and that of Egyptians
A Hint from the New Testament (NT)
 When Jesus was born in the days of Herod, He was
taken to Egypt by Joseph and Mary so it might be
fulfilled that ‘Out of Egypt I called my son’ Matt 2:13-15*.
Prov. 29:21.
 The special place of Africa in redemption is hinted at in
the NT in the story of the Ethiopian Eunuch in Acts 8:
 This story interrupts the flow of the narrative by look
from the early chapters (Acts 1-7) that talk about the
development of the Jewish Church, Martyrdom of
Stephen and the birth of the Hellenistic Christianity in
Antioch. Acts 11:19-22.
A Hint from the NT Cond.
 The westward progress of the message about Jesus
across Asia Minor and South Eastern Europe to
Rome took the efforts from the unknown people in
Acts 11.
 Whilst the progress into Africa took the meeting of the
government official from the Sudan(btn Egypt and
Ethiopia) with Stephen’s colleague-Philip.
 The whole way the story is framed is a reminder that
Africa, the lands beyond the NILE( at the bounds of
Egypt) will have a Christian history too!!
A Hint from the NT Contd.
 What happened to the Ethiopian Eunuch we like Luke
do not know but it is clear that by the 2nd
there were old churches there that were established
and were part of the Roman Empire province that the
romans called ‘Africa’ and were therefore part of the
representative Christianity of the early centuries of
the faith.
A Hint from the NT
 Most of the seminal theologians of the early centuries
belonged to the African continent. First, ORIGEN-
systematic theology and three African lawyers;
Tertullian, Cyprian and Augustine…laid the foundation
of western theology with ‘Roman law as the cement”.
KEY FACTS For Diplomats
 Western theology was first made in Africa because
the North African church pioneered the vernacular
use of Latin at a time the Church in Rome was using
Greek-the language of Paul. Translation came from
the Sahidic of lower Egypt.
 The first Bishop of Rome who wrote his letters in
Latin is Victor who himself came from Africa.
 St. Antony of Egypt founded the monastic movement
and reputed as the first evangelical
 Tertullian-the first theologian of Pentecostalism.
Donatus-first liberation theologian.
KEY FACTS For Diplomats Contd.
 Whichever dimension we take Egypt and Roman
Africa must be counted among the most fully
developed centres of the Christian faith in the ancient
 Two young Syrian Christians settled in Axum and
founded a church in Ethiopia.
 Upper Nile now sudan(Nubians) were reached by
various missions perhaps forgotten by the
representative Christians to the North. In other words
there were churches in Sudan.
 By the time the Arabs arrived in Africa bearing Islam
Christianity was already established and deeply
rooted there….the event that brought Islam across the
Sahara was the Camel and Christianity was Eclipsed
in Egypt.
 Christianity is not an import from the west.
 Ethiopia represents Africa indigenously Christian…all
over the continent you find churches that with the
word ‘Ethiopian’ in their title assert the fact that
Christianity was established in Africa before the white
men came and also before Islam.
KEY FACTS For Diplomats Contd.
 So Africans can assert their right to the whole history
of Christianity in Africa stretching back almost to the
apostolic age.
 Africa must recover its place in the margins of
Christian thought and not be treated as a colonial
leftover. African Christians should not be satisfied with
a place that reduces it to resolving local difficulties but
must look at becoming solution bearers globally.
KEY FACTS For Diplomats Contd.
Signs and Symptoms of the
Manifestation of Egypt.
 Burdens, cultural erosion, dehumanization, corruption,
bondage, black sheep syndrome, Afflictions,
dictatorship, destruction of a sense of significance /
identity / direction, forced labor,
 Genocide, Hitlerism, economic hardship, dominance,
economic impotence, Gross darkness (Isaiah 60:1)
through you, Africa is coming out, frustration, master-
slave relationships,
 Miseducation, oppression, learned helplessness,
injustice, poverty, political disenfranchisement, survival
skills, wars, underemployment.
Contemporary Times
 In the 21st
Century, the Two largest Churches in
Europe (East and West) are led by Africans
 Matthew Ashimolo (10,000) and Sunday Adelaja
(25,000 adults, >90% Ukrainians)
 Church buildings in the west are being converted into
Museums, Brothels,, Mosques and restaurants in
Europe the same are being turned into churches in
Africa/sourthern continents. Therefore;
 Africa is emerging as an important flag-bearer of
Christianity in the 21st
The 7 Mountain Prophesy of Our
Time: Jonny (see p.25 of Becoming a word addict)
1. Media
2. Government
3. Education
4. Economy
5. Religion
6. Celebration/Arts
7. Family
Deut 7:1, Is 2;2, Rev. 5:10-12.
Helpful Statistics
 According to world Christian Encyclopaedia (2001).
2.7 Million church attendees in Europe and North
America cease to be practicing Christians every year.
 That is an average loss of 7,600 members every day.
 On the other hand, massive adherents are joining the
church or renewing their commitments to Christianity
in the south and in Africa. Net increase is estimated
at 23,000 believers per day.
 At present 60% of the world Christians live in the
Southern Continents, especially in Africa, and the
number is rising.
An Exciting Period for Africans
 From the vantage point of view of Christian mission
history, we are living in a most exciting period.
 The vital centres of Christian life are no longer in the
West and the dynamic Christian theology that has
relevance for mission and the life of the church is
coming from the South.
 In western nations increasingly, it is the communities
of non-Western peoples who are making significant
Christian impact
An Exciting Period!
 Non Western, and especially African , Christianity is
becoming the ‘representative Christianity’ of the 21st
 This is why you need to take your place very fast in
God’s scheme.
 Join the African Renaissance! Its our Kairos Time!
Century Issues For Our Times
 3 June disaster/catastrophe/holocaust.
 ‘Until the lions have their own historians, the tale of
hunting will always glorify the hunter’ JOYFM
 There was not one single measure to minimize the
effect of the rain…after the rain! To control the flow
into the Odo river from Aburi. 1963 Kwame Nkrumah.
Total failure, people are busy building in water ways.
Where is the Ghanaian spirit of NEVER AGAIN after
the holocaust. The next rain may be someone next to
you. We don’t even have the capacity to clean up our
city. Dangers that lie ahead.
Century Issues For Our Times
 15-24. 5.2% unemployed in Ghana. no social
support system. Windscreen cleaner, seller etc…are
not captured.
 Middle sector, unemployed graduate…middle
bracket, SHS, vocational schools. The numbers we
are churning out daily….soon the bubble will burst.
Huge unemployment.
 Work and earn my keep…like in Egypt where there
was so much unemployment that the people rose up
to overthrow the government.
 Nana ANSAH
Century Issues For Our Times
 River Nile known well of Egypt. Symbol of Egypt is a
lion with a flag in the middle of their national flag.
 Psalm 45:16-17.
 You shall make them princes in all the earth…I will
cause your name to be remembered in all the earth.
 Lam 5:21.
Century Issues For Our Times
There is no nation in all the world that a suburb is
named Sodom and Gomorrah
The Kind of Muslims we are dealing with are the most
radical. Iran/Turks so we have to be careful as a nation.
Islamic University, Huge Mosque at Kawukudi.
In Ghana there is white sugar…In Kenya there is no
white sugar. People import all kind of things into the
In Kenyan Children don’t sell on the streets but in
Ghana hmmm.
Our leaders going to Benin for Voodoo powers. Snake
How Do I key Into This Kairos Time?
 Become a Word addict.
 See. p.149 chapter on ‘Building A Legacy As A
Word Addict’.
 9th
 Recognize your Kairos moment. God is raising the
next set of giants from Africa.
Why Must I Take My Place as an
Emerging Diplomat?
 When there is a RELEASE what happens?
 The hand of God, divine visitations, God’s mercy, the
arrows of God, righteousness to be exalted.
 National revival, soul-winning, the spirit of Elijah, the
spirit of truth, the fear of Jehovah, salvation and
deliverance, prophetic and apostolic anointing,
reason for the multiplicity of churches, the fear of the
Lord, boldness,
 Jer. 50:17 In the bible, lions represent oppressive
kings and their kingdoms link to Rev 11:15
When Do I Respond To This Call?
What Must I Be Doing In
This Season?
 A lot of Prayer To Overcome The Spirit of Egypt
 There is a generation called the REMNANT!
 The expansion of the Christian faith has not always
been accompanied by the necessary expansion of
African’s awareness of the Kairos of our times. To
bridge the gap left unattended to by western
theology, African Christians are called to recover
their place in prophesy in their respective fields of
endeavour as exemplified by our forefathers in
Biblical times,in North Africa and contemporary
Prayer For Ghana and Africa.
 Rev 12:11, John 19;30, Zech 9;11, I John 5:9
 Three things that bear record, word, spirit, blood, Heb.
12:22-29. Say with me am a diplomat!
 Most scholars, diplomats are not praying and fasting. I
was in a memorial lecture organized by my school on
the story of St. Anthony, a north African Christian
scholar where the most Rev Dr. Robert Mensah
encouraged African Christians to be prayerful
because demons are real. At the British council.
Prayer For Ghana and Africa.
 My own revelation in preparation for this seminar on
the Lion. Ps 35:17, Ps 5;6, Isaiah 30;1-10, Isaiah
31:1-3. Isaiah 43:3, Psalm 81:10. Egypt is also called
the house of bondage.(Exodus 13:14, Exodus 20:2).
Prayer For Yourself!
 I Kings 19:1-4, Jer 51;36, Isaiah 61;1-2, Job 23:8-9,
2Thes 1:6. Isaiah 63:4. Deut 9:1
 We must never forget that we have an enemy-the devil,
satan himself.
 The problems of Africa are not political or even
economic. They are demonic. There are forces seating
on the rising of Africans. Today that stigma is removed.
 Pray a lot in the spirit….to be empowered.
 Ethiopia, used to be called Abyssinia, in east central
Prayer For Yourself!
 Boarded On the west by Sudan, east by Somalia and
Djibouti, the south by Kenya, and the northeast by
 Ps. 68;31, 2 Cor. 5:20. Now then we are
AMBASSADORS for Christ, as though God did
beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be
ye reconciled to God. Reconciliation rhymes on both
Ps. 68;31 and 2 Cor. 5;20.
 Add parts of WHY LEADERS EAT LAST? Highlight 3
June disaster/catastrophe/holocaust.
 ‘Until the lions have their own historians, the tale of
hunting will always glorify the hunter’
Map of some Islamic Areas
World Map

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Powerpoint Presetation for 1st July(FINAL PRESENTATION AS AT 30 JUNE, 2015)

  • 1. DIPLOMATS SHALL COME OUT OF AFRICA INTRODUCTION The present shift in the center of world Christianity from the global North to the south has set the stage for dynamic Christian activity in the 21st Century where Africans are called to take their place in their respective fields of callings and vocation.
  • 3. Who Is a DIPLOMAT?  A person accredited as an AMBASSADOR to officially represent a government( the government of Heaven On Earth Deut 11:21) in relations with other governments (Government of the devil)  It is synonymous with the words, Representative, Prince, Regent, Envoys, amongst others  2 Corinthians 5:20 says; “NOW then we are AMBASSADORS for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s STEAD, be ye RECONCILED to God.” The stretching forth of the hand by Egypt and Ethiopia connotes reconciliations. In the our dialect it says when a child stretches forth his hand then he is carried.
  • 4. Why Psalm 68:31 Welcome! DIPLOMATS SHALL COME OUT OF AFRICA!!
  • 5. ‘Princes Shall Come Out of Egypt; Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hands unto God. Ps 68:31  This text inspired Africans and black people in USA, Carribean and South Africa to assert and claim their dignity in the face of colonial and racial oppression. It inspired the rise of the Ethiopian ideology, political resistance and rise of African Instituted Churches (AICs).
  • 6. The 12 stages(Historical &Logical Divisions of the Books of the Bible  9 in the Old Testament  Creation stage: Gen 1-11, Adam, Abel, Enoch  Patriarchial stage: Abraham, Isaac  Exodus stage: Moses Aaron etc* Deliverance from Egypt.  Conquest stage: Joshua, Caleb etc  Judges stage: Gideon, Deborah, Ruth  United Kingdom stage: Saul, David, Solomon  Chaotic Kingdom stage: Northern and Southern Kingdom
  • 7. The 12 stages(Historical &Logical Cont’d)  Captivity stage: Daniel, Nebuchadnezzar  Return stage: Ezra, Nehemiah  3 in the NEW TESTAMENT:  Gospel stage: Matthew,Mark, Luke, John  Early Church stage: Acts. Peter, Phililp, Stephen.* Conversion of Ethiopian Eunuch.  Epistle stage: James, Jude.
  • 8. 9 Old and New Testament Nations  These played a historical role in the development of the nation of Israel.  1. The Canaanites  2.Sumerians  3.Philistines  4.Egyptians  5.Assyrians  6. Babylonians  7.Persians  8.Greeks(Socrates, Plato, Aristotle)  9.Romans
  • 9. My Project Essay for My Masters  Dedicated to:  ‘Becoming a WORD Addict Seminar Team Members and Partners Worldwide’ and the Next Generation of African Christian Scholars around the world, who have God’s calling upon their lives for Mission in the West. ‘Princes shall come out of Egypt; Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hands unto God’. Ps. 68:31
  • 10. A Hint From the Old Testament  Our Patriarch Abraham Sojourned in the literal land of Egypt during a season of severe famine: Gen. 12:10  The Land of Egypt is akin to the Garden of the Lord; Gen. 13:10.  God told Isaac not to go to Egypt but should rather dwell in the land he tells him. Gen. 26:2  Joseph the dreamer was sold into Egypt as a slave. Gen. 37:36
  • 11. A Hint From the Old Testament  Joseph was 30yrs old when he begun to rise into prominence in Egypt. Gen 41:46  In Egypt we understand the descendants of Jacob (Israel) were made to serve with Rigour. Exodus 1:13.  Moses was called to deliver the children of Israel out of Egypt. Exodus 3:10  Through Moses several signs and wonders were performed in the land of Egypt until Pharaoh gave up on the Ninth attempt by the blood. (See p.23 of Becoming a word addict). God put a clear difference between the children of Israel and that of Egyptians
  • 12. A Hint from the New Testament (NT)  When Jesus was born in the days of Herod, He was taken to Egypt by Joseph and Mary so it might be fulfilled that ‘Out of Egypt I called my son’ Matt 2:13-15*. Prov. 29:21.  The special place of Africa in redemption is hinted at in the NT in the story of the Ethiopian Eunuch in Acts 8: 26-40.  This story interrupts the flow of the narrative by look from the early chapters (Acts 1-7) that talk about the development of the Jewish Church, Martyrdom of Stephen and the birth of the Hellenistic Christianity in Antioch. Acts 11:19-22.
  • 13. A Hint from the NT Cond.  The westward progress of the message about Jesus across Asia Minor and South Eastern Europe to Rome took the efforts from the unknown people in Acts 11.  Whilst the progress into Africa took the meeting of the government official from the Sudan(btn Egypt and Ethiopia) with Stephen’s colleague-Philip.  The whole way the story is framed is a reminder that Africa, the lands beyond the NILE( at the bounds of Egypt) will have a Christian history too!!
  • 14. A Hint from the NT Contd.  What happened to the Ethiopian Eunuch we like Luke do not know but it is clear that by the 2nd Century there were old churches there that were established and were part of the Roman Empire province that the romans called ‘Africa’ and were therefore part of the representative Christianity of the early centuries of the faith.
  • 15. A Hint from the NT  Most of the seminal theologians of the early centuries belonged to the African continent. First, ORIGEN- systematic theology and three African lawyers; Tertullian, Cyprian and Augustine…laid the foundation of western theology with ‘Roman law as the cement”.
  • 16. KEY FACTS For Diplomats  Western theology was first made in Africa because the North African church pioneered the vernacular use of Latin at a time the Church in Rome was using Greek-the language of Paul. Translation came from the Sahidic of lower Egypt.  The first Bishop of Rome who wrote his letters in Latin is Victor who himself came from Africa.  St. Antony of Egypt founded the monastic movement and reputed as the first evangelical  Tertullian-the first theologian of Pentecostalism. Donatus-first liberation theologian.
  • 17. KEY FACTS For Diplomats Contd.  Whichever dimension we take Egypt and Roman Africa must be counted among the most fully developed centres of the Christian faith in the ancient world.  Two young Syrian Christians settled in Axum and founded a church in Ethiopia.  Upper Nile now sudan(Nubians) were reached by various missions perhaps forgotten by the representative Christians to the North. In other words there were churches in Sudan.
  • 18.  By the time the Arabs arrived in Africa bearing Islam Christianity was already established and deeply rooted there….the event that brought Islam across the Sahara was the Camel and Christianity was Eclipsed in Egypt.  Christianity is not an import from the west.  Ethiopia represents Africa indigenously Christian…all over the continent you find churches that with the word ‘Ethiopian’ in their title assert the fact that Christianity was established in Africa before the white men came and also before Islam. KEY FACTS For Diplomats Contd.
  • 19.  So Africans can assert their right to the whole history of Christianity in Africa stretching back almost to the apostolic age.  Africa must recover its place in the margins of Christian thought and not be treated as a colonial leftover. African Christians should not be satisfied with a place that reduces it to resolving local difficulties but must look at becoming solution bearers globally. KEY FACTS For Diplomats Contd.
  • 20. Signs and Symptoms of the Manifestation of Egypt.  Burdens, cultural erosion, dehumanization, corruption, bondage, black sheep syndrome, Afflictions, dictatorship, destruction of a sense of significance / identity / direction, forced labor,  Genocide, Hitlerism, economic hardship, dominance, economic impotence, Gross darkness (Isaiah 60:1) through you, Africa is coming out, frustration, master- slave relationships,  Miseducation, oppression, learned helplessness, injustice, poverty, political disenfranchisement, survival skills, wars, underemployment.
  • 21. Contemporary Times  In the 21st Century, the Two largest Churches in Europe (East and West) are led by Africans  Matthew Ashimolo (10,000) and Sunday Adelaja (25,000 adults, >90% Ukrainians)  Church buildings in the west are being converted into Museums, Brothels,, Mosques and restaurants in Europe the same are being turned into churches in Africa/sourthern continents. Therefore;  Africa is emerging as an important flag-bearer of Christianity in the 21st Century.
  • 22. The 7 Mountain Prophesy of Our Time: Jonny (see p.25 of Becoming a word addict) 1. Media 2. Government 3. Education 4. Economy 5. Religion 6. Celebration/Arts 7. Family Deut 7:1, Is 2;2, Rev. 5:10-12.
  • 23. Helpful Statistics  According to world Christian Encyclopaedia (2001). 2.7 Million church attendees in Europe and North America cease to be practicing Christians every year.  That is an average loss of 7,600 members every day.  On the other hand, massive adherents are joining the church or renewing their commitments to Christianity in the south and in Africa. Net increase is estimated at 23,000 believers per day.  At present 60% of the world Christians live in the Southern Continents, especially in Africa, and the number is rising.
  • 24. An Exciting Period for Africans  From the vantage point of view of Christian mission history, we are living in a most exciting period.  The vital centres of Christian life are no longer in the West and the dynamic Christian theology that has relevance for mission and the life of the church is coming from the South.  In western nations increasingly, it is the communities of non-Western peoples who are making significant Christian impact
  • 25. An Exciting Period!  Non Western, and especially African , Christianity is becoming the ‘representative Christianity’ of the 21st Century.  This is why you need to take your place very fast in God’s scheme.  Join the African Renaissance! Its our Kairos Time!
  • 26. 21st Century Issues For Our Times  3 June disaster/catastrophe/holocaust.  ‘Until the lions have their own historians, the tale of hunting will always glorify the hunter’ JOYFM  There was not one single measure to minimize the effect of the rain…after the rain! To control the flow into the Odo river from Aburi. 1963 Kwame Nkrumah. Total failure, people are busy building in water ways. Where is the Ghanaian spirit of NEVER AGAIN after the holocaust. The next rain may be someone next to you. We don’t even have the capacity to clean up our city. Dangers that lie ahead.
  • 27. 21st Century Issues For Our Times  15-24. 5.2% unemployed in Ghana. no social support system. Windscreen cleaner, seller etc…are not captured.  Middle sector, unemployed graduate…middle bracket, SHS, vocational schools. The numbers we are churning out daily….soon the bubble will burst. Huge unemployment.  Work and earn my keep…like in Egypt where there was so much unemployment that the people rose up to overthrow the government.  Nana ANSAH
  • 28. 21st Century Issues For Our Times  River Nile known well of Egypt. Symbol of Egypt is a lion with a flag in the middle of their national flag.  Psalm 45:16-17.  You shall make them princes in all the earth…I will cause your name to be remembered in all the earth.  Lam 5:21.
  • 29. 21st Century Issues For Our Times There is no nation in all the world that a suburb is named Sodom and Gomorrah The Kind of Muslims we are dealing with are the most radical. Iran/Turks so we have to be careful as a nation. Islamic University, Huge Mosque at Kawukudi. In Ghana there is white sugar…In Kenya there is no white sugar. People import all kind of things into the nation. In Kenyan Children don’t sell on the streets but in Ghana hmmm. Our leaders going to Benin for Voodoo powers. Snake worship/Python.
  • 30. How Do I key Into This Kairos Time?  Become a Word addict.  See. p.149 chapter on ‘Building A Legacy As A Word Addict’.  9th point.  Recognize your Kairos moment. God is raising the next set of giants from Africa.
  • 31. Why Must I Take My Place as an Emerging Diplomat?  When there is a RELEASE what happens?  The hand of God, divine visitations, God’s mercy, the arrows of God, righteousness to be exalted.  National revival, soul-winning, the spirit of Elijah, the spirit of truth, the fear of Jehovah, salvation and deliverance, prophetic and apostolic anointing, reason for the multiplicity of churches, the fear of the Lord, boldness,  Jer. 50:17 In the bible, lions represent oppressive kings and their kingdoms link to Rev 11:15
  • 32. When Do I Respond To This Call? Now!!
  • 33. What Must I Be Doing In This Season?  A lot of Prayer To Overcome The Spirit of Egypt  There is a generation called the REMNANT!
  • 34. Conclusion  The expansion of the Christian faith has not always been accompanied by the necessary expansion of African’s awareness of the Kairos of our times. To bridge the gap left unattended to by western theology, African Christians are called to recover their place in prophesy in their respective fields of endeavour as exemplified by our forefathers in Biblical times,in North Africa and contemporary times.
  • 35. Prayer For Ghana and Africa.  Rev 12:11, John 19;30, Zech 9;11, I John 5:9  Three things that bear record, word, spirit, blood, Heb. 12:22-29. Say with me am a diplomat!  Most scholars, diplomats are not praying and fasting. I was in a memorial lecture organized by my school on the story of St. Anthony, a north African Christian scholar where the most Rev Dr. Robert Mensah encouraged African Christians to be prayerful because demons are real. At the British council.
  • 36. Prayer For Ghana and Africa.  My own revelation in preparation for this seminar on the Lion. Ps 35:17, Ps 5;6, Isaiah 30;1-10, Isaiah 31:1-3. Isaiah 43:3, Psalm 81:10. Egypt is also called the house of bondage.(Exodus 13:14, Exodus 20:2).
  • 37. Prayer For Yourself!  I Kings 19:1-4, Jer 51;36, Isaiah 61;1-2, Job 23:8-9, 2Thes 1:6. Isaiah 63:4. Deut 9:1  We must never forget that we have an enemy-the devil, satan himself.  The problems of Africa are not political or even economic. They are demonic. There are forces seating on the rising of Africans. Today that stigma is removed.  Pray a lot in the spirit….to be empowered.  Ethiopia, used to be called Abyssinia, in east central Africa.
  • 38. Prayer For Yourself!  Boarded On the west by Sudan, east by Somalia and Djibouti, the south by Kenya, and the northeast by Eritrea.  Ps. 68;31, 2 Cor. 5:20. Now then we are AMBASSADORS for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God. Reconciliation rhymes on both Ps. 68;31 and 2 Cor. 5;20.  Add parts of WHY LEADERS EAT LAST? Highlight 3 June disaster/catastrophe/holocaust.  ‘Until the lions have their own historians, the tale of hunting will always glorify the hunter’
  • 39. Map of some Islamic Areas