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PostgreSQL 13 New Features
Speaker: 林宗禧 @ COSCUP 2020
Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group
• PostgreSQL愛好者、推廣者
• 以前: 開發FDW套件 (C, Python都有)
• 後來: 到處整合PG的應用
• 推 Industry 4.0,讓業主不經意的導入 PG
• 推 Smart City Solutions ,拿PG做基礎
• 業主反饋都很OK…
• 因為PG本來就穩定好用
• 資料庫技術總是那在後面默默支持各系統 (但卻非常關鍵!!)
2020/8/3 2Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group
01. Overview
02. Architecture
1) Deduplication in B-Tree Indexes
2) Logical Replication Partitioning
3) Incremental Sort
4) Parallel vacuum
03. SQL Statement
04. Utilities
2020/8/3 3Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group
01. Overview
Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 42020/8/3
Release timeline
PostgreSQL 13 Beta 1 Released @ 2020-05-21
PostgreSQL 13 Beta 2 Released @ 2020-06-25
自PG 10開始,每年一次大版號更新:
Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 52020/8/3
Amazon RDS 開始提供 PostgreSQL 13 Beta 1
Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 62020/8/3
Amazon RDS 開始提供 PostgreSQL 13 Beta 1
Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 72020/8/3
Amazon RDS 描述 PG 13
• PostgreSQL 13 擁有改善的功能和效能,例如
• 由 B 型樹狀結構索引更好地處理重複資料
• 新增分區功能的改善
• 加速資料排序的增量排序
• 使用 VACUUM 命令平行處理索引
• 更多監控 PostgreSQL 資料庫活動的方法
• 新的安全功能
Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 82020/8/3
EDB 13 Agenda
• Performance benchmarking: Four years of going faster
• Logical subscription for partitioned tables
• Partition wise joins
• Before row-level triggers
• Parallel vacuum for indexes
• Corruption checking: pg_catcheck
• Improved security: libpq w. channel binding
9Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group2020/8/3
HPE 新機能檢証結果(1/3)
• HPE Noriyoshi Shinoda
Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 102020/8/3
HPE 新機能檢証結果(2/3)
Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 112020/8/3
3.1. Architecture
3.1.1. Modified catalogs
3.1.2. Data types
3.1.3. Disk based hash aggregation
3.1.4. Incremental sort
3.1.5. Backup manifests
3.1.6. Partitioned table
3.1.7. Log output for Autovacuum
3.1.8. Wait events
3.1.9. libpq connection string
3.1.10. libpq functions
3.1.11. Hook
3.1.12. Column trigger
3.1.13. Local connection key
3.1.14. Trusted Extension
3.1.15. Replication slot
3.1.16. Text search
3.2. SQL statement
3.2.12. INSERT
3.2.13. JSON
3.2.14. MAX/MIN pg_lsn
3.2.15. ROW
3.2.18. Operator <->
3.2.19. Functions
HPE 新機能檢証結果(3/3)
Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 122020/8/3
3.4. Utilities
3.4.1. dropdb
3.4.2. pg_basebackup
3.4.3. pg_dump
3.4.4. pg_rewind
3.4.5. pg_verifybackup
3.4.6. pg_waldump
3.4.7. psql
3.4.8. reindexdb
3.4.9. vacuumdb
3.4.10. Other
3.5. Contrib modules
3.5.1. adminpack
3.5.2. auto_explain
3.5.3. dict_int
3.5.4. ltree
3.5.5. pageinspect
3.5.6. pg_stat_statements
3.5.7. postgres_fdw
3.5.8. bool_plperl
02. Architecture
Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 132020/8/3
1) Deduplication in B-Tree Indexes
Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 142020/8/3
Deduplication Implement Concept (general for files)
1) Deduplication in B-Tree Indexes
實測 (create table、insert 100萬筆、 create index)
Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 152020/8/3
postgres=# CREATE TABLE btree_dups AS (SELECT GENERATE_SERIES(1, 1000000)::BIGINT
AS val);
SELECT 1000000
postgres=# CREATE INDEX btree_idx ON btree_dups(val);
postgres=# SELECT c.relname , c.relkind, pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(c.oid))
FROM pg_class c
WHERE c.relname = 'btree_dups'
OR c.oid IN (
SELECT i.indexrelid FROM pg_index i WHERE i.indrelid =
'btree_dups'::regclass );
relname | relkind | pg_size_pretty
btree_dups | r | 35 MB
btree_idx | i | 21 MB
(2 rows)
postgres=# UPDATE btree_dups SET val = val + 1;
UPDATE 1000000
1) Deduplication in B-Tree Indexes
差異比較 (效能)
Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 162020/8/3
-- 12.2
postgres=# EXPLAIN SELECT val FROM
Seq Scan on btree_dups
(cost=0.00..23275.00 rows=1000000
(1 row)
Time: 2.415 ms
postgres=# DO
postgres-# $$BEGIN
postgres$# PERFORM * FROM btree_dups;
postgres$# END;
postgres$# $$;
Time: 190.101 ms
-- 13 Beta 2
postgres=# EXPLAIN SELECT val FROM
Seq Scan on btree_dups
(cost=0.00..23274.00 rows=1000000
(1 row)
Time: 2.221 ms
postgres=# DO
postgres-# $$BEGIN
postgres$# PERFORM * FROM btree_dups;
postgres$# END;
postgres$# $$;
Time: 174.843 ms
1) Deduplication in B-Tree Indexes
差異比較 (空間)
Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 172020/8/3
-- 12.2
relname | relkind | pg_size_pretty
btree_dups | r | 104 MB
btree_idx | i | 86 MB
(2 rows)
-- 13 Beta 2
relname | relkind | pg_size_pretty
btree_dups | r | 104 MB
btree_idx | i | 62 MB
(2 rows)
2) Logical Replication Partitioning
Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 182020/8/3
No Partitioning Partitioned
新增 Partitioned Table 的 Logical Replication 功能
2) Logical Replication Partitioning
Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 192020/8/3
2) Logical Replication Partitioning
差異比較 (SQL)
Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 202020/8/3
-- 12.2
TABLE stock_sales
WITH (publish_via_partition_root);
ERROR: "stock_sales" is a partitioned
DETAIL: Adding partitioned tables to
publications is not supported.
HINT: You can add the table
partitions individually.
-- 13 Beta 2
TABLE stock_sales
WITH (publish_via_partition_root);
port=5432 user=rep_usr
password=rep_pwd dbname=postgres'
PUBLICATION rep_part_pub;
3) Incremental sort
Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 212020/8/3
新增 enable_incrementalsort 參數
-- 13 Beta, enable_incrementalsort=on
postgres=# set enable_incrementalsort=on ;
postgres=# SHOW enable_incrementalsort ;
(1 row)
3) Incremental sort
實測 (建 Table, data, index)
Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 222020/8/3
CREATE TABLE t_is(a int4,b
int4,ctime timestamp(6) without
time zone);
-- INSERT 2 times
INSERT INTO t_is(a,b,ctime) SELECT
clock_timestamp() FROM
generate_series(1,1000000) n;
INSERT INTO t_is(a,b,ctime) SELECT
clock_timestamp() FROM
generate_series(1,1000000) n;
CREATE INDEX idx_t_is_a ON t_is
-- Check
postgres=# SELECT * FROM t_is ORDER BY a,b
a | b | ctime
1 | 60379526 | 2020-07-21 16:28:42.034869
1 | 73197294 | 2020-07-21 16:28:45.496297
2 | 943408 | 2020-07-21 16:28:45.496346
2 | 27584454 | 2020-07-21 16:28:42.036121
3 | 31616182 | 2020-07-21 16:28:45.496348
3 | 88997913 | 2020-07-21 16:28:42.036134
4 | 21557231 | 2020-07-21 16:28:45.49635
4 | 23206459 | 2020-07-21 16:28:42.036136
5 | 13268559 | 2020-07-21 16:28:45.496351
5 | 33672766 | 2020-07-21 16:28:42.036137
(10 rows)
3) Incremental sort
差異比較 (13版, 啟用incrementalsort)
Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 232020/8/3
-- 13 Beta, enable_incrementalsort=on
Limit (cost=0.51..1.16 rows=10 width=16) (actual time=0.042..0.044 rows=10
-> Incremental Sort (cost=0.51..130115.72 rows=2000000 width=16)
(actual time=0.041..0.042 rows=10 loops=1)
Sort Key: a, b
Presorted Key: a
Full-sort Groups: 1 Sort Method: quicksort Average Memory: 25kB
Peak Memory: 25kB
-> Index Scan using idx_t_is_a on t_is (cost=0.43..58848.31
rows=2000000 width=16) (actual time=0.021..0.027 rows=11 loops=1)
Planning Time: 0.106 ms
Execution Time: 0.064 ms
(8 rows)
3. Incremental sort
差異比較 (13版, 關閉incrementalsort)
Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 242020/8/3
-- 13 Beta, enable_incrementalsort=off
Limit (cost=38152.38..38153.55 rows=10 width=16) (actual time=157.108..157.112 rows=10
-> Gather Merge (cost=38152.38..232610.33 rows=1666666 width=16) (actual
time=157.106..159.975 rows=10 loops=1)
Workers Planned: 2
Workers Launched: 2
-> Sort (cost=37152.36..39235.69 rows=833333 width=16) (actual
time=145.993..145.993 rows=10 loops=3)
Sort Key: a, b
Sort Method: top-N heapsort Memory: 25kB
Worker 0: Sort Method: top-N heapsort Memory: 25kB
Worker 1: Sort Method: top-N heapsort Memory: 25kB
-> Parallel Seq Scan on t_is (cost=0.00..19144.33 rows=833333 width=16)
(actual time=0.067..68.815 rows=666667 loops=3)
Planning Time: 0.144 ms
Execution Time: 160.027 ms
(12 rows)
3. Incremental sort
差異比較 (12版, 無incrementalsort功能)
Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 252020/8/3
-- 12
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Limit
(cost=38152.38..38153.55 rows=10 width=16) (actual time=144.892..144.896 rows=10
-> Gather Merge (cost=38152.38..232610.33 rows=1666666 width=16) (actual
time=144.891..147.211 rows=10 loops=1)
Workers Planned: 2
Workers Launched: 2
-> Sort (cost=37152.36..39235.69 rows=833333 width=16) (actual
time=141.592..141.593 rows=8 loops=3)
Sort Key: a, b
Sort Method: top-N heapsort Memory: 25kB
Worker 0: Sort Method: top-N heapsort Memory: 25kB
Worker 1: Sort Method: top-N heapsort Memory: 25kB
-> Parallel Seq Scan on t_is (cost=0.00..19144.33 rows=833333
width=16) (actual time=0.016..72.129 rows=666667 loops=3)
Planning Time: 0.087 ms
Execution Time: 147.247 ms
(12 rows)
3. Incremental sort
Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 262020/8/3
-- 13 Beta, enable_incrementalsort=on
Execution Time: 0.064 ms
-- 13 Beta, enable_incrementalsort=off
Execution Time: 160.027 ms
-- 12 no enable_incrementalsort parameter
Execution Time: 147.247 ms
4. parallel vacuum performance
For testing the parallel vacuum performance we have constructed a scenario where vacuum is at
the verge of freezing by executing 50 million (vacuum_freeze_min_age) transactions. We
executed non-in place updates which will create huge bloat in the table as well as
indexes . After this point, we have maintained the copy of the database and executed the
vacuum with different numbers of workers on the same state of database and measured the
execution time.
We have observed that when the database is in dire need of completing the vacuum the non-
parallel vacuum took more than an hour to execute which we are able to complete in just 16 mins
with parallel vacuum which is nearly 4 times faster.
Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 272020/8/3
4. parallel vacuum performance
Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 282020/8/3
Parameters for parallel vacuum
Min_parallel_index_scan_size 512kB
Max_parallel_maintenance_workers 8
Other Performance Parameters
Shared_buffers 128GB
Maintenance_work_mem 1GB
參數設定 建立Table
CREATE TABLE pgbench_accounts (
aid bigint,
bid bigint,
abalance bigint,
filler1 text DEFAULT md5(random()::text),
filler2 text DEFAULT md5(random()::text),
filler3 text DEFAULT md5(random()::text),
filler4 text DEFAULT md5(random()::text),
filler5 text DEFAULT md5(random()::text),
filler6 text DEFAULT md5(random()::text),
filler7 text DEFAULT md5(random()::text),
filler8 text DEFAULT md5(random()::text),
filler9 text DEFAULT md5(random()::text),
filler10 text DEFAULT md5(random()::text),
filler11 text DEFAULT md5(random()::text),
filler12 text DEFAULT md5(random()::text)
4. parallel vacuum performance
Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 292020/8/3
INSERT INTO pgbench_accounts select i,i%10,0 FROM
generate_series(1,100000000) as i;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX pgb_a_aid ON pgbench_accounts(aid);
CREATE INDEX pgb_a_bid ON pgbench_accounts(bid);
CREATE INDEX pgb_a_abalance ON pgbench_accounts(abalance);
CREATE INDEX pgb_a_filler1 ON pgbench_accounts(filler1);
CREATE INDEX pgb_a_filler2 ON pgbench_accounts(filler2);
CREATE INDEX pgb_a_filler3 ON pgbench_accounts(filler3);
CREATE INDEX pgb_a_filler4 ON pgbench_accounts(filler4);
CREATE INDEX pgb_a_filler5 ON pgbench_accounts(filler5);
CREATE INDEX pgb_a_filler6 ON pgbench_accounts(filler6);
CREATE INDEX pgb_a_filler7 ON pgbench_accounts(filler7);
CREATE INDEX pgb_a_filler8 ON pgbench_accounts(filler8);
CREATE INDEX pgb_a_filler9 ON pgbench_accounts(filler9);
CREATE INDEX pgb_a_filler10 ON pgbench_accounts(filler10);
CREATE INDEX pgb_a_filler11 ON pgbench_accounts(filler11);
CREATE INDEX pgb_a_filler12 ON pgbench_accounts(filler12);
4). parallel vacuum performance
Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 302020/8/3
./pgbench -c32 -j32 -t15000000 -M prepared -f script.sql postgres
set aid random(1, 100000000)
set bid random(1, 100000000)
set delta random(-5000, 5000)
UPDATE pgbench_accounts SET bid=:bid WHERE aid = :aid;
4). parallel vacuum performance
Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 312020/8/3
postgres=# VACUUM (PARALLEL 4, VERBOSE) pgbench_accounts;
INFO: vacuuming "public.pgbench_accounts"
INFO: launched 2 parallel vacuum workers for index vacuuming
(planned: 2)
5. Others
a) Modified catalogs: 13 Added, 5 Dropped, 3 changed
b) Data types: 64-bit transaction IDs…
c) Disk based hash aggregation
d) Backup manifests:with consistency checks.
e) libpq connection string:ssl_min_protocol_version, ssl_max_protocol_versionparameter
f) Column trigger:now executed on the subscription side.
Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 322020/8/3
PostgreSQL 13 performs storage based hash aggregation if the hash table cannot be stored in work memory.
This feature can be controlled by the parameter enable_hashagg_disk (default ‘on’) and the hashagg_disk
(default ‘on’) and the parameter enable_groupingsets_hash_disk (default 'off') used in the GROUPING SETS
clause. In parameter enable_groupingsets_hash_disk (default 'off') used in the GROUPING SETS clause.
03. SQL Statement
Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 332020/8/3
03. SQL Statement (1/3)
a) ALTER NO DEPENDS ON (for functions, indexes, materialized views, and triggers)
Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 342020/8/3
ALTER VIEW view_name RENAME COLUMN old_name TO new_name ;
CREATE DATABASE database_name [[WITH] LOCALE [=] locale_name
CREA TE INDEX idx2_dedup ON data1(c3) WITH (deduplicate_items = on) ;
03. SQL Statement (2/3)
f) CREATE TABLE (added parameters)
Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 352020/8/3
ALTER TABLE data1 SET (toast.vacuum_index_cleanup = OFF) ;
ALTER TABLE data1 SET (autovacuum_vacuum_insert_threshold = 10000) ;
03. SQL Statement (3/3)
• Allow Unicode escape
• Datetime method of jsonpath
i) MAX/MIN pg_lsn
j) ROW expressions
k) Distance operators (<->)
l) gen_random_uuid() ;
Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 362020/8/3
04. Utilities
Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 372020/8/3
04. Utilities (1/2)
a) dropdb
b) pg_basebackup
a) added manifest related parameters
b) added checksum related parameters
c) pg_dump
d) pg_verifybackup
• Manifest file version
• The checksum of the manifest file itself
• File size
• File checksum
• WAL file integrityWAL file integrity
Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 382020/8/3
$ dropdb --force --echo demodb
$pg_dump –d demodb –-include-foreign-data=svr1
04. Utilities (2/2)
e) reindexdb
f) vacuumdb
Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 392020/8/3
$ reindexdb --concurrently --jobs 2 postgres
reindexdb: warning: cannot reindex system catalogs concurrently,
skipping all
$vacuumdb --parallel=4 postgres
vacuumdb: vacuuming database "postgres"
• HPE Noriyoshi Shinoda
• EnterpriseDB
• HighGo
• Severalnines
Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 402020/8/3
Thank you.
PostgreSQL 13 New Features
@ COSCUP 2020
Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group
歡迎聯絡下方Mail !!
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PostgreSQL 13 New Features

  • 1. PostgreSQL 13 New Features Speaker: 林宗禧 @ COSCUP 2020 Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 1
  • 2. About 林宗禧 • PostgreSQL愛好者、推廣者 • 以前: 開發FDW套件 (C, Python都有) • 後來: 到處整合PG的應用 • 推 Industry 4.0,讓業主不經意的導入 PG • 推 Smart City Solutions ,拿PG做基礎 • 業主反饋都很OK… • 因為PG本來就穩定好用 • 資料庫技術總是那在後面默默支持各系統 (但卻非常關鍵!!) 2020/8/3 2Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group
  • 3. Agenda 01. Overview 02. Architecture 1) Deduplication in B-Tree Indexes 2) Logical Replication Partitioning 3) Incremental Sort 4) Parallel vacuum 03. SQL Statement 04. Utilities 2020/8/3 3Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group
  • 4. 01. Overview Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 42020/8/3 pg13
  • 5. Release timeline PostgreSQL 13 Beta 1 Released @ 2020-05-21 PostgreSQL 13 Beta 2 Released @ 2020-06-25 自PG 10開始,每年一次大版號更新: Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 52020/8/3
  • 6. Amazon RDS 開始提供 PostgreSQL 13 Beta 1 Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 62020/8/3
  • 7. Amazon RDS 開始提供 PostgreSQL 13 Beta 1 Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 72020/8/3
  • 8. Amazon RDS 描述 PG 13 • PostgreSQL 13 擁有改善的功能和效能,例如 • 由 B 型樹狀結構索引更好地處理重複資料 • 新增分區功能的改善 • 加速資料排序的增量排序 • 使用 VACUUM 命令平行處理索引 • 更多監控 PostgreSQL 資料庫活動的方法 • 新的安全功能 Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 82020/8/3
  • 9. EDB 13 Agenda • Performance benchmarking: Four years of going faster • Logical subscription for partitioned tables • Partition wise joins • Before row-level triggers • Parallel vacuum for indexes • Corruption checking: pg_catcheck • Improved security: libpq w. channel binding 9Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group2020/8/3
  • 10. HPE 新機能檢証結果(1/3) • HPE Noriyoshi Shinoda Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 102020/8/3
  • 11. HPE 新機能檢証結果(2/3) Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 112020/8/3 3.1. Architecture 3.1.1. Modified catalogs 3.1.2. Data types 3.1.3. Disk based hash aggregation 3.1.4. Incremental sort 3.1.5. Backup manifests 3.1.6. Partitioned table 3.1.7. Log output for Autovacuum 3.1.8. Wait events 3.1.9. libpq connection string 3.1.10. libpq functions 3.1.11. Hook 3.1.12. Column trigger 3.1.13. Local connection key 3.1.14. Trusted Extension 3.1.15. Replication slot 3.1.16. Text search 3.2. SQL statement 3.2.1. ALTER NO DEPENDS ON 3.2.2. ALTER STATISTICS SET STATISTICS 3.2.3. ALTER TABLE 3.2.4. ALTER TYPE 3.2.5. ALTER VIEW 3.2.6. CREATE DATABASE 3.2.7. CREATE INDEX 3.2.8. CREATE TABLE 3.2.9. CREATE TABLESPACE 3.2.10. DROP DATABASE FORCE 3.2.11. EXPLAIN ANALYZE 3.2.12. INSERT 3.2.13. JSON 3.2.14. MAX/MIN pg_lsn 3.2.15. ROW 3.2.16. SELECT FETCH FIRST WITH TIES 3.2.17. VACUUM PARALLEL 3.2.18. Operator <-> 3.2.19. Functions
  • 12. HPE 新機能檢証結果(3/3) Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 122020/8/3 3.4. Utilities 3.4.1. dropdb 3.4.2. pg_basebackup 3.4.3. pg_dump 3.4.4. pg_rewind 3.4.5. pg_verifybackup 3.4.6. pg_waldump 3.4.7. psql 3.4.8. reindexdb 3.4.9. vacuumdb 3.4.10. Other 3.5. Contrib modules 3.5.1. adminpack 3.5.2. auto_explain 3.5.3. dict_int 3.5.4. ltree 3.5.5. pageinspect 3.5.6. pg_stat_statements 3.5.7. postgres_fdw 3.5.8. bool_plperl
  • 13. 02. Architecture Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 132020/8/3 pg13
  • 14. 1) Deduplication in B-Tree Indexes Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 142020/8/3 Deduplication Implement Concept (general for files)
  • 15. 1) Deduplication in B-Tree Indexes 實測 (create table、insert 100萬筆、 create index) Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 152020/8/3 postgres=# CREATE TABLE btree_dups AS (SELECT GENERATE_SERIES(1, 1000000)::BIGINT AS val); SELECT 1000000 postgres=# CREATE INDEX btree_idx ON btree_dups(val); CREATE INDEX postgres=# SELECT c.relname , c.relkind, pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(c.oid)) FROM pg_class c WHERE c.relname = 'btree_dups' OR c.oid IN ( SELECT i.indexrelid FROM pg_index i WHERE i.indrelid = 'btree_dups'::regclass ); relname | relkind | pg_size_pretty ------------+---------+---------------- btree_dups | r | 35 MB btree_idx | i | 21 MB (2 rows) postgres=# UPDATE btree_dups SET val = val + 1; UPDATE 1000000
  • 16. 1) Deduplication in B-Tree Indexes 差異比較 (效能) Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 162020/8/3 -- 12.2 postgres=# EXPLAIN SELECT val FROM btree_dups; QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------- Seq Scan on btree_dups (cost=0.00..23275.00 rows=1000000 width=8) (1 row) Time: 2.415 ms postgres=# DO postgres-# $$BEGIN postgres$# PERFORM * FROM btree_dups; postgres$# END; postgres$# $$; DO Time: 190.101 ms -- 13 Beta 2 postgres=# EXPLAIN SELECT val FROM btree_dups; QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------- Seq Scan on btree_dups (cost=0.00..23274.00 rows=1000000 width=8) (1 row) Time: 2.221 ms postgres=# DO postgres-# $$BEGIN postgres$# PERFORM * FROM btree_dups; postgres$# END; postgres$# $$; DO Time: 174.843 ms
  • 17. 1) Deduplication in B-Tree Indexes 差異比較 (空間) Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 172020/8/3 -- 12.2 relname | relkind | pg_size_pretty ------------+---------+--------------- - btree_dups | r | 104 MB btree_idx | i | 86 MB (2 rows) -- 13 Beta 2 relname | relkind | pg_size_pretty ------------+---------+--------------- - btree_dups | r | 104 MB btree_idx | i | 62 MB (2 rows)
  • 18. 2) Logical Replication Partitioning Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 182020/8/3 No Partitioning Partitioned 新增 Partitioned Table 的 Logical Replication 功能
  • 19. 2) Logical Replication Partitioning Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 192020/8/3 Now 支援Partitioning Past
  • 20. 2) Logical Replication Partitioning 差異比較 (SQL) Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 202020/8/3 -- 12.2 CREATE PUBLICATION rep_part_pub FOR TABLE stock_sales WITH (publish_via_partition_root); ERROR: "stock_sales" is a partitioned table DETAIL: Adding partitioned tables to publications is not supported. HINT: You can add the table partitions individually. -- 13 Beta 2 CREATE PUBLICATION rep_part_pub FOR TABLE stock_sales WITH (publish_via_partition_root); CREATE SUBSCRIPTION rep_part_sub CONNECTION 'host= port=5432 user=rep_usr password=rep_pwd dbname=postgres' PUBLICATION rep_part_pub;
  • 21. 3) Incremental sort Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 212020/8/3 新增 enable_incrementalsort 參數 -- 13 Beta, enable_incrementalsort=on postgres=# set enable_incrementalsort=on ; SET postgres=# SHOW enable_incrementalsort ; enable_incrementalsort ------------------------ on (1 row)
  • 22. 3) Incremental sort 實測 (建 Table, data, index) Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 222020/8/3 -- CREATE CREATE TABLE t_is(a int4,b int4,ctime timestamp(6) without time zone); -- INSERT 2 times INSERT INTO t_is(a,b,ctime) SELECT n,round(random()*100000000), clock_timestamp() FROM generate_series(1,1000000) n; INSERT INTO t_is(a,b,ctime) SELECT n,round(random()*100000000), clock_timestamp() FROM generate_series(1,1000000) n; -- CREATE INDEX CREATE INDEX idx_t_is_a ON t_is USING BTREE(a); -- Check postgres=# SELECT * FROM t_is ORDER BY a,b LIMIT 10; a | b | ctime ---+----------+---------------------------- 1 | 60379526 | 2020-07-21 16:28:42.034869 1 | 73197294 | 2020-07-21 16:28:45.496297 2 | 943408 | 2020-07-21 16:28:45.496346 2 | 27584454 | 2020-07-21 16:28:42.036121 3 | 31616182 | 2020-07-21 16:28:45.496348 3 | 88997913 | 2020-07-21 16:28:42.036134 4 | 21557231 | 2020-07-21 16:28:45.49635 4 | 23206459 | 2020-07-21 16:28:42.036136 5 | 13268559 | 2020-07-21 16:28:45.496351 5 | 33672766 | 2020-07-21 16:28:42.036137 (10 rows)
  • 23. 3) Incremental sort 差異比較 (13版, 啟用incrementalsort) Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 232020/8/3 -- 13 Beta, enable_incrementalsort=on postgres=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM t_is ORDER BY a,b LIMIT 10; QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- Limit (cost=0.51..1.16 rows=10 width=16) (actual time=0.042..0.044 rows=10 loops=1) -> Incremental Sort (cost=0.51..130115.72 rows=2000000 width=16) (actual time=0.041..0.042 rows=10 loops=1) Sort Key: a, b Presorted Key: a Full-sort Groups: 1 Sort Method: quicksort Average Memory: 25kB Peak Memory: 25kB -> Index Scan using idx_t_is_a on t_is (cost=0.43..58848.31 rows=2000000 width=16) (actual time=0.021..0.027 rows=11 loops=1) Planning Time: 0.106 ms Execution Time: 0.064 ms (8 rows)
  • 24. 3. Incremental sort 差異比較 (13版, 關閉incrementalsort) Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 242020/8/3 -- 13 Beta, enable_incrementalsort=off postgres=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM t_is ORDER BY a,b LIMIT 10; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Limit (cost=38152.38..38153.55 rows=10 width=16) (actual time=157.108..157.112 rows=10 loops=1) -> Gather Merge (cost=38152.38..232610.33 rows=1666666 width=16) (actual time=157.106..159.975 rows=10 loops=1) Workers Planned: 2 Workers Launched: 2 -> Sort (cost=37152.36..39235.69 rows=833333 width=16) (actual time=145.993..145.993 rows=10 loops=3) Sort Key: a, b Sort Method: top-N heapsort Memory: 25kB Worker 0: Sort Method: top-N heapsort Memory: 25kB Worker 1: Sort Method: top-N heapsort Memory: 25kB -> Parallel Seq Scan on t_is (cost=0.00..19144.33 rows=833333 width=16) (actual time=0.067..68.815 rows=666667 loops=3) Planning Time: 0.144 ms Execution Time: 160.027 ms (12 rows)
  • 25. 3. Incremental sort 差異比較 (12版, 無incrementalsort功能) Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 252020/8/3 -- 12 postgres=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM t_is ORDER BY a,b LIMIT 10; QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Limit (cost=38152.38..38153.55 rows=10 width=16) (actual time=144.892..144.896 rows=10 loops=1) -> Gather Merge (cost=38152.38..232610.33 rows=1666666 width=16) (actual time=144.891..147.211 rows=10 loops=1) Workers Planned: 2 Workers Launched: 2 -> Sort (cost=37152.36..39235.69 rows=833333 width=16) (actual time=141.592..141.593 rows=8 loops=3) Sort Key: a, b Sort Method: top-N heapsort Memory: 25kB Worker 0: Sort Method: top-N heapsort Memory: 25kB Worker 1: Sort Method: top-N heapsort Memory: 25kB -> Parallel Seq Scan on t_is (cost=0.00..19144.33 rows=833333 width=16) (actual time=0.016..72.129 rows=666667 loops=3) Planning Time: 0.087 ms Execution Time: 147.247 ms (12 rows)
  • 26. 3. Incremental sort Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 262020/8/3 差異比較 -- 13 Beta, enable_incrementalsort=on Execution Time: 0.064 ms -- 13 Beta, enable_incrementalsort=off Execution Time: 160.027 ms -- 12 no enable_incrementalsort parameter Execution Time: 147.247 ms
  • 27. 4. parallel vacuum performance 實測說明 BACKGROUND For testing the parallel vacuum performance we have constructed a scenario where vacuum is at the verge of freezing by executing 50 million (vacuum_freeze_min_age) transactions. We executed non-in place updates which will create huge bloat in the table as well as indexes . After this point, we have maintained the copy of the database and executed the vacuum with different numbers of workers on the same state of database and measured the execution time. OBSERVATION We have observed that when the database is in dire need of completing the vacuum the non- parallel vacuum took more than an hour to execute which we are able to complete in just 16 mins with parallel vacuum which is nearly 4 times faster. Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 272020/8/3
  • 28. 4. parallel vacuum performance Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 282020/8/3 Parameters for parallel vacuum Min_parallel_index_scan_size 512kB Max_parallel_maintenance_workers 8 Other Performance Parameters Shared_buffers 128GB Maintenance_work_mem 1GB 參數設定 建立Table CREATE TABLE pgbench_accounts ( aid bigint, bid bigint, abalance bigint, filler1 text DEFAULT md5(random()::text), filler2 text DEFAULT md5(random()::text), filler3 text DEFAULT md5(random()::text), filler4 text DEFAULT md5(random()::text), filler5 text DEFAULT md5(random()::text), filler6 text DEFAULT md5(random()::text), filler7 text DEFAULT md5(random()::text), filler8 text DEFAULT md5(random()::text), filler9 text DEFAULT md5(random()::text), filler10 text DEFAULT md5(random()::text), filler11 text DEFAULT md5(random()::text), filler12 text DEFAULT md5(random()::text) );
  • 29. 4. parallel vacuum performance 建立 DATA & INDEXES Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 292020/8/3 INSERT INTO pgbench_accounts select i,i%10,0 FROM generate_series(1,100000000) as i; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX pgb_a_aid ON pgbench_accounts(aid); CREATE INDEX pgb_a_bid ON pgbench_accounts(bid); CREATE INDEX pgb_a_abalance ON pgbench_accounts(abalance); CREATE INDEX pgb_a_filler1 ON pgbench_accounts(filler1); CREATE INDEX pgb_a_filler2 ON pgbench_accounts(filler2); CREATE INDEX pgb_a_filler3 ON pgbench_accounts(filler3); CREATE INDEX pgb_a_filler4 ON pgbench_accounts(filler4); CREATE INDEX pgb_a_filler5 ON pgbench_accounts(filler5); CREATE INDEX pgb_a_filler6 ON pgbench_accounts(filler6); CREATE INDEX pgb_a_filler7 ON pgbench_accounts(filler7); CREATE INDEX pgb_a_filler8 ON pgbench_accounts(filler8); CREATE INDEX pgb_a_filler9 ON pgbench_accounts(filler9); CREATE INDEX pgb_a_filler10 ON pgbench_accounts(filler10); CREATE INDEX pgb_a_filler11 ON pgbench_accounts(filler11); CREATE INDEX pgb_a_filler12 ON pgbench_accounts(filler12);
  • 30. 4). parallel vacuum performance WORKLOAD Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 302020/8/3 ./pgbench -c32 -j32 -t15000000 -M prepared -f script.sql postgres set aid random(1, 100000000) set bid random(1, 100000000) set delta random(-5000, 5000) BEGIN; UPDATE pgbench_accounts SET bid=:bid WHERE aid = :aid; END; SCRIPT
  • 31. 4). parallel vacuum performance Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 312020/8/3 postgres=# VACUUM (PARALLEL 4, VERBOSE) pgbench_accounts; INFO: vacuuming "public.pgbench_accounts" INFO: launched 2 parallel vacuum workers for index vacuuming (planned: 2) ... ... VACUUM
  • 32. 5. Others a) Modified catalogs: 13 Added, 5 Dropped, 3 changed b) Data types: 64-bit transaction IDs… c) Disk based hash aggregation d) Backup manifests:with consistency checks. e) libpq connection string:ssl_min_protocol_version, ssl_max_protocol_versionparameter f) Column trigger:now executed on the subscription side. Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 322020/8/3 PostgreSQL 13 performs storage based hash aggregation if the hash table cannot be stored in work memory. This feature can be controlled by the parameter enable_hashagg_disk (default ‘on’) and the hashagg_disk (default ‘on’) and the parameter enable_groupingsets_hash_disk (default 'off') used in the GROUPING SETS clause. In parameter enable_groupingsets_hash_disk (default 'off') used in the GROUPING SETS clause.
  • 33. 03. SQL Statement Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 332020/8/3 pg13
  • 34. 03. SQL Statement (1/3) a) ALTER NO DEPENDS ON (for functions, indexes, materialized views, and triggers) b) ALTER TABLE DROP EXPRESSION statement c) ALTER VIEW d) CREATE DATABASE e) CREATE INDEX Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 342020/8/3 ALTER FUNCTION func1 DEPENDS ON EXTENSION cube ; ALTER FUNCTION func1 NO DEPENDS ON EXTENSION cube ; CREATE TABLE gen1(c1 INT, c2 INT, c3 INT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (c1 + c2) STORED) ; ALTER TABLE gen1 ALTER COLUMN c3 DROP EXPRESSION IF EXISTS ; ALTER VIEW view_name RENAME COLUMN old_name TO new_name ; CREATE DATABASE database_name [[WITH] LOCALE [=] locale_name CREA TE INDEX idx2_dedup ON data1(c3) WITH (deduplicate_items = on) ;
  • 35. 03. SQL Statement (2/3) f) CREATE TABLE (added parameters) Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 352020/8/3 ALTER TABLE data1 SET (toast.vacuum_index_cleanup = OFF) ; ALTER TABLE data1 SET (autovacuum_vacuum_insert_threshold = 10000) ;
  • 36. 03. SQL Statement (3/3) g) INSERT OVERRIDING USER VALUE h) JSON • Allow Unicode escape • Datetime method of jsonpath i) MAX/MIN pg_lsn j) ROW expressions k) Distance operators (<->) l) gen_random_uuid() ; Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 362020/8/3
  • 37. 04. Utilities Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 372020/8/3 pg13
  • 38. 04. Utilities (1/2) a) dropdb b) pg_basebackup a) added manifest related parameters b) added checksum related parameters c) pg_dump d) pg_verifybackup • Manifest file version • The checksum of the manifest file itself • File size • File checksum • WAL file integrityWAL file integrity Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 382020/8/3 $ dropdb --force --echo demodb $pg_dump –d demodb –-include-foreign-data=svr1
  • 39. 04. Utilities (2/2) e) reindexdb f) vacuumdb Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 392020/8/3 $ reindexdb --concurrently --jobs 2 postgres reindexdb: warning: cannot reindex system catalogs concurrently, skipping all $vacuumdb --parallel=4 postgres vacuumdb: vacuuming database "postgres"
  • 40. Reference • HPE Noriyoshi Shinoda • EnterpriseDB • HighGo • Severalnines Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 402020/8/3
  • 41. Thank you. PostgreSQL 13 New Features @ COSCUP 2020 Taiwan PostgreSQL User Group 林宗禧 41 若有任何問題 歡迎聯絡下方Mail !! 歡迎加入台灣PostgreSQL使用者社群 FB 社團 :PostgreSQL.TW FB 粉絲頁 : @pgsqlTaiwan Website :

Editor's Notes

  1. 2. New Features Summary 2.1. Improve analytic query performance 2.2. Improve reliability 2.3. Improved maintainability 2.4. Preparing for future new features 2.5. Incompatibility 2.5.1. configure 2.5.2. createuser 2.5.3. CSV log format 2.5.4. Extension 2.5.5. opaque 2.5.6. Require version of OpenSSL 2.5.7. pg_regress 2.5.8. psql default prompt 2.5.9. to_date/to_timestamp 2.5.10. Promotion during recovery 2.5.11. Partition key 2.5.12. Wait Event 2.5.13. SIMILAR TO ESCAPE 3.3. Configuration parameters 3.3.1. Added parameters 3.3.2. Changed parameters 3.3.3. Parameters with default values changed 3.3.4. Removed parameter