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public class Polygon {
private int numSides;
private double sideLength;
private double xCoord;
private double yCoord;
private double apothem;
private double perimeter;
private double area;
public Polygon (double xCentCoord, double yCentCoord, int countSides, double measLength,
double measApothem, double measPerimeter) {
xCoord = xCentCoord;
yCoord = yCentCoord;
numSides = countSides;
sideLength = measLength;
apothem = measApothem;
perimeter = measPerimeter;
//No argument constructor
public Polygon () {
xCoord = 0.0;
yCoord = 0.0;
numSides = 4;
sideLength = 10.0;
apothem = 5.0;
perimeter = 20.0;
//Setter Methods
public void setXCoord(double xCentCoord) {
xCoord = xCentCoord;
public void setYCoord(double yCentCoord) {
yCoord = yCentCoord;
public void setNumSides(int countSides) {
numSides = countSides;
public void setSideLength(double measLength) {
sideLength = measLength;
public void setApothem(double measApothem) {
apothem = measApothem;
//Getter methods
public double getXCoord() {
return xCoord;
public double getYCoord() {
return yCoord;
public int getNumSides() {
return numSides;
public double getSideLength() {
return sideLength;
public double getApothem() {
return apothem;
public double getPerimeter() {
return perimeter;
public double getArea() {
return area;
//Calculate for perimeter
public double getPerimeter(Polygon multiple){
double perimeter = multiple.getNumSides() * multiple.getSideLength();
return perimeter;
//Calculate for area
public double getArea(Polygon multiple) {
double area = 0.5 * multiple.getApothem() * multiple.getPerimeter();
return area;
//toString method
public String toString() {
String str = "numsides= " + numSides + ", sideLength= " + sideLength;
return str;
//import Scanner
import java.util.Scanner;
public class TestPolygon {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Construct a point with x = 1.0, y = 1.0
Polygon multiple = new Polygon();
//Display the values using toString
System.out.println("toString() results: " + multiple.toString());
//Call the getter methods
double xCoord2 = multiple.getXCoord();
double yCoord2 = multiple.getYCoord();
int numSides2 = multiple.getNumSides();
double sideLength2 = multiple.getSideLength();
double apothem2 = multiple.getApothem();
double perimeter2 = multiple.getPerimeter();
double area2 = multiple.getArea();
//Print results
System.out.println("xCoord= " + xCoord2 + ", yCoord= " + yCoord2 + ", apothem= "
System.out.println("getNumsides() results: " + numSides2);
System.out.println("getSideLength() results: " + sideLength2);
System.out.println("getXCoord() results: " + xCoord2);
System.out.println("getYCoord() results: " + yCoord2);
System.out.println("getApothem() results: " + apothem2);
System.out.println("getPerimeter() results: " +perimeter2);
System.out.println("getArea() results: " + area2);
//Setter methods for numSides
int newNumSides = 4;
//Print newNumSides
System.out.println("setNumSides(4) results: " + newNumSides);
//Setter methods for sideLength
double newSideLength = 3;
//Print newSideLength
System.out.println("setSideLength(3) results: " + newSideLength);
//Setter methods for xCoord
double newXCoord = 2.0;
//Print newXCoord
System.out.println("setXCoord(2.0) results: " + newXCoord);
//Setter methods for yCoord
double newYCoord = 2.0;
//Print newXCoord
System.out.println("setYCoord(2.0) results: " + newYCoord);
//Setter methods for apothem
double newApothem = 2.0;
//Print newApothem
System.out.println("setApothem(2.0) results: " + newApothem);
Scanner scannerIn=new Scanner(;
//Set up to create 5 different polygons with new inputs by user
//Repeat 5 times with for loop
int userNumSides = 0;
double userSideLength = 0.0;
double userXCoord = 0.0;
double userYCoord = 0.0;
double userApothem = 0.0;
//input the x & y coordinate, numSide, sideLength, and apothem
for (int i = 0; i<5; i++) {
System.out.print("Enter the number of polygon sides (ex 5): ");
userNumSides = scannerIn.nextInt();
System.out.print("Enter the length of the polygon sides (ex 6.8): ");
userSideLength = scannerIn.nextDouble();
System.out.print("Enter the x coordinate (ex 1.2): ");
userXCoord = scannerIn.nextDouble();
System.out.print("Enter the y coordinate (ex 3.4): ");
userYCoord = scannerIn.nextDouble();
System.out.print("Enter the length of apothem (ex 0.8): ");
userApothem = scannerIn.nextDouble();
double userPerimeter = userNumSides * userSideLength;
double userArea = 0.5 * userApothem * userPerimeter;
//print results
System.out.print("userNumSides() results: " + userNumSides);
System.out.print("userSideLength() results: " + userSideLength);
System.out.print("userXCoord() results: " + userXCoord);
System.out.print("userYCoord() results: " + userYCoord);
System.out.print("userApothem() results: " + userApothem);
System.out.print("Perimeter of polygon is: " + userPerimeter);
System.out.print("Area of polygon is: " + userArea);
System.out.println("setNumSides(4) results: " + newNumSides);
System.out.println("setSideLength(3) results: " + newSideLength);
System.out.println("setXCoord(2.0) results: " + newXCoord);
System.out.println("setYCoord(2.0) results: " + newYCoord);
System.out.println("setApothem(2.0) results: " + newApothem);
toString() results: numsides= 4, sideLength= 10.0
xCoord= 0.0, yCoord= 0.0, apothem= 5.0
getNumsides() results: 4
getSideLength() results: 10.0
getXCoord() results: 0.0
getYCoord() results: 0.0
getApothem() results: 5.0
getPerimeter() results: 20.0
getArea() results: 0.0
setNumSides(4) results: 4
setSideLength(3) results: 3.0
setXCoord(2.0) results: 2.0
setYCoord(2.0) results: 2.0
setApothem(2.0) results: 2.0
Enter the number of polygon sides (ex 5): 3
Enter the length of the polygon sides (ex 6.8): 4
Enter the x coordinate (ex 1.2): 1.2
Enter the y coordinate (ex 3.4): 3.4
Enter the length of apothem (ex 0.8): 0.5
userNumSides() results: 3userSideLength() results: 4.0userXCoord() results: 1.2userYCoord()
results: 3.4userApothem() results: 0.5Perimeter of polygon is: 12.0Area of polygon is:
3.0setNumSides(4) results: 4
setSideLength(3) results: 3.0
setXCoord(2.0) results: 2.0
setYCoord(2.0) results: 2.0
setApothem(2.0) results: 2.0
Enter the number of polygon sides (ex 5):
public class Polygon {
private int numSides;
private double sideLength;
private double xCoord;
private double yCoord;
private double apothem;
private double perimeter;
private double area;
public Polygon (double xCentCoord, double yCentCoord, int countSides, double measLength,
double measApothem, double measPerimeter) {
xCoord = xCentCoord;
yCoord = yCentCoord;
numSides = countSides;
sideLength = measLength;
apothem = measApothem;
perimeter = measPerimeter;
//No argument constructor
public Polygon () {
xCoord = 0.0;
yCoord = 0.0;
numSides = 4;
sideLength = 10.0;
apothem = 5.0;
perimeter = 20.0;
//Setter Methods
public void setXCoord(double xCentCoord) {
xCoord = xCentCoord;
public void setYCoord(double yCentCoord) {
yCoord = yCentCoord;
public void setNumSides(int countSides) {
numSides = countSides;
public void setSideLength(double measLength) {
sideLength = measLength;
public void setApothem(double measApothem) {
apothem = measApothem;
//Getter methods
public double getXCoord() {
return xCoord;
public double getYCoord() {
return yCoord;
public int getNumSides() {
return numSides;
public double getSideLength() {
return sideLength;
public double getApothem() {
return apothem;
public double getPerimeter() {
return perimeter;
public double getArea() {
return area;
//Calculate for perimeter
public double getPerimeter(Polygon multiple){
double perimeter = multiple.getNumSides() * multiple.getSideLength();
return perimeter;
//Calculate for area
public double getArea(Polygon multiple) {
double area = 0.5 * multiple.getApothem() * multiple.getPerimeter();
return area;
//toString method
public String toString() {
String str = "numsides= " + numSides + ", sideLength= " + sideLength;
return str;
//import Scanner
import java.util.Scanner;
public class TestPolygon {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Construct a point with x = 1.0, y = 1.0
Polygon multiple = new Polygon();
//Display the values using toString
System.out.println("toString() results: " + multiple.toString());
//Call the getter methods
double xCoord2 = multiple.getXCoord();
double yCoord2 = multiple.getYCoord();
int numSides2 = multiple.getNumSides();
double sideLength2 = multiple.getSideLength();
double apothem2 = multiple.getApothem();
double perimeter2 = multiple.getPerimeter();
double area2 = multiple.getArea();
//Print results
System.out.println("xCoord= " + xCoord2 + ", yCoord= " + yCoord2 + ", apothem= "
System.out.println("getNumsides() results: " + numSides2);
System.out.println("getSideLength() results: " + sideLength2);
System.out.println("getXCoord() results: " + xCoord2);
System.out.println("getYCoord() results: " + yCoord2);
System.out.println("getApothem() results: " + apothem2);
System.out.println("getPerimeter() results: " +perimeter2);
System.out.println("getArea() results: " + area2);
//Setter methods for numSides
int newNumSides = 4;
//Print newNumSides
System.out.println("setNumSides(4) results: " + newNumSides);
//Setter methods for sideLength
double newSideLength = 3;
//Print newSideLength
System.out.println("setSideLength(3) results: " + newSideLength);
//Setter methods for xCoord
double newXCoord = 2.0;
//Print newXCoord
System.out.println("setXCoord(2.0) results: " + newXCoord);
//Setter methods for yCoord
double newYCoord = 2.0;
//Print newXCoord
System.out.println("setYCoord(2.0) results: " + newYCoord);
//Setter methods for apothem
double newApothem = 2.0;
//Print newApothem
System.out.println("setApothem(2.0) results: " + newApothem);
Scanner scannerIn=new Scanner(;
//Set up to create 5 different polygons with new inputs by user
//Repeat 5 times with for loop
int userNumSides = 0;
double userSideLength = 0.0;
double userXCoord = 0.0;
double userYCoord = 0.0;
double userApothem = 0.0;
//input the x & y coordinate, numSide, sideLength, and apothem
for (int i = 0; i<5; i++) {
System.out.print("Enter the number of polygon sides (ex 5): ");
userNumSides = scannerIn.nextInt();
System.out.print("Enter the length of the polygon sides (ex 6.8): ");
userSideLength = scannerIn.nextDouble();
System.out.print("Enter the x coordinate (ex 1.2): ");
userXCoord = scannerIn.nextDouble();
System.out.print("Enter the y coordinate (ex 3.4): ");
userYCoord = scannerIn.nextDouble();
System.out.print("Enter the length of apothem (ex 0.8): ");
userApothem = scannerIn.nextDouble();
double userPerimeter = userNumSides * userSideLength;
double userArea = 0.5 * userApothem * userPerimeter;
//print results
System.out.print("userNumSides() results: " + userNumSides);
System.out.print("userSideLength() results: " + userSideLength);
System.out.print("userXCoord() results: " + userXCoord);
System.out.print("userYCoord() results: " + userYCoord);
System.out.print("userApothem() results: " + userApothem);
System.out.print("Perimeter of polygon is: " + userPerimeter);
System.out.print("Area of polygon is: " + userArea);
System.out.println("setNumSides(4) results: " + newNumSides);
System.out.println("setSideLength(3) results: " + newSideLength);
System.out.println("setXCoord(2.0) results: " + newXCoord);
System.out.println("setYCoord(2.0) results: " + newYCoord);
System.out.println("setApothem(2.0) results: " + newApothem);
toString() results: numsides= 4, sideLength= 10.0
xCoord= 0.0, yCoord= 0.0, apothem= 5.0
getNumsides() results: 4
getSideLength() results: 10.0
getXCoord() results: 0.0
getYCoord() results: 0.0
getApothem() results: 5.0
getPerimeter() results: 20.0
getArea() results: 0.0
setNumSides(4) results: 4
setSideLength(3) results: 3.0
setXCoord(2.0) results: 2.0
setYCoord(2.0) results: 2.0
setApothem(2.0) results: 2.0
Enter the number of polygon sides (ex 5): 3
Enter the length of the polygon sides (ex 6.8): 4
Enter the x coordinate (ex 1.2): 1.2
Enter the y coordinate (ex 3.4): 3.4
Enter the length of apothem (ex 0.8): 0.5
userNumSides() results: 3userSideLength() results: 4.0userXCoord() results: 1.2userYCoord()
results: 3.4userApothem() results: 0.5Perimeter of polygon is: 12.0Area of polygon is:
3.0setNumSides(4) results: 4
setSideLength(3) results: 3.0
setXCoord(2.0) results: 2.0
setYCoord(2.0) results: 2.0
setApothem(2.0) results: 2.0
Enter the number of polygon sides (ex 5):

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Polygon.javapublic class Polygon { private int numSides; priva.pdf

  • 1. public class Polygon { private int numSides; private double sideLength; private double xCoord; private double yCoord; private double apothem; private double perimeter; private double area; //Constructor public Polygon (double xCentCoord, double yCentCoord, int countSides, double measLength, double measApothem, double measPerimeter) { xCoord = xCentCoord; yCoord = yCentCoord; numSides = countSides; sideLength = measLength; apothem = measApothem; perimeter = measPerimeter; } //No argument constructor public Polygon () { xCoord = 0.0; yCoord = 0.0; numSides = 4; sideLength = 10.0; apothem = 5.0; perimeter = 20.0; } //Setter Methods //setX() public void setXCoord(double xCentCoord) { xCoord = xCentCoord; } //setY() public void setYCoord(double yCentCoord) {
  • 2. yCoord = yCentCoord; } //setNumSides() public void setNumSides(int countSides) { numSides = countSides; } //setSideLength() public void setSideLength(double measLength) { sideLength = measLength; } //setApothem() public void setApothem(double measApothem) { apothem = measApothem; } //Getter methods //getXCoord public double getXCoord() { return xCoord; } //getYCoord public double getYCoord() { return yCoord; } //getNumSides public int getNumSides() { return numSides; } //getSideLength() public double getSideLength() { return sideLength; } //getApothem() public double getApothem() { return apothem; }
  • 3. //getPerimeter() public double getPerimeter() { return perimeter; } //getArea() public double getArea() { return area; } //Calculate for perimeter public double getPerimeter(Polygon multiple){ double perimeter = multiple.getNumSides() * multiple.getSideLength(); return perimeter; } //Calculate for area public double getArea(Polygon multiple) { double area = 0.5 * multiple.getApothem() * multiple.getPerimeter(); return area; } //toString method public String toString() { String str = "numsides= " + numSides + ", sideLength= " + sideLength; return str; } } //import Scanner import java.util.Scanner; public class TestPolygon { public static void main(String[] args) { //Construct a point with x = 1.0, y = 1.0 Polygon multiple = new Polygon(); //Display the values using toString System.out.println("toString() results: " + multiple.toString());
  • 4. //Call the getter methods double xCoord2 = multiple.getXCoord(); double yCoord2 = multiple.getYCoord(); int numSides2 = multiple.getNumSides(); double sideLength2 = multiple.getSideLength(); double apothem2 = multiple.getApothem(); double perimeter2 = multiple.getPerimeter(); double area2 = multiple.getArea(); //Print results System.out.println("xCoord= " + xCoord2 + ", yCoord= " + yCoord2 + ", apothem= " +apothem2); System.out.println("getNumsides() results: " + numSides2); System.out.println("getSideLength() results: " + sideLength2); System.out.println("getXCoord() results: " + xCoord2); System.out.println("getYCoord() results: " + yCoord2); System.out.println("getApothem() results: " + apothem2); System.out.println("getPerimeter() results: " +perimeter2); System.out.println("getArea() results: " + area2); //Setter methods for numSides int newNumSides = 4; multiple.setNumSides(newNumSides); //Print newNumSides System.out.println("setNumSides(4) results: " + newNumSides); //Setter methods for sideLength double newSideLength = 3; multiple.setSideLength(newSideLength); //Print newSideLength System.out.println("setSideLength(3) results: " + newSideLength); //Setter methods for xCoord double newXCoord = 2.0; multiple.setXCoord(newXCoord); //Print newXCoord System.out.println("setXCoord(2.0) results: " + newXCoord); //Setter methods for yCoord
  • 5. double newYCoord = 2.0; multiple.setYCoord(newYCoord); //Print newXCoord System.out.println("setYCoord(2.0) results: " + newYCoord); //Setter methods for apothem double newApothem = 2.0; multiple.setApothem(newApothem); //Print newApothem System.out.println("setApothem(2.0) results: " + newApothem); Scanner scannerIn=new Scanner(; //Set up to create 5 different polygons with new inputs by user //Repeat 5 times with for loop int userNumSides = 0; double userSideLength = 0.0; double userXCoord = 0.0; double userYCoord = 0.0; double userApothem = 0.0; //input the x & y coordinate, numSide, sideLength, and apothem for (int i = 0; i<5; i++) { System.out.print("Enter the number of polygon sides (ex 5): "); userNumSides = scannerIn.nextInt(); System.out.print("Enter the length of the polygon sides (ex 6.8): "); userSideLength = scannerIn.nextDouble(); System.out.print("Enter the x coordinate (ex 1.2): "); userXCoord = scannerIn.nextDouble(); System.out.print("Enter the y coordinate (ex 3.4): "); userYCoord = scannerIn.nextDouble(); System.out.print("Enter the length of apothem (ex 0.8): "); userApothem = scannerIn.nextDouble(); double userPerimeter = userNumSides * userSideLength; double userArea = 0.5 * userApothem * userPerimeter;
  • 6. //print results System.out.print("userNumSides() results: " + userNumSides); System.out.print("userSideLength() results: " + userSideLength); System.out.print("userXCoord() results: " + userXCoord); System.out.print("userYCoord() results: " + userYCoord); System.out.print("userApothem() results: " + userApothem); System.out.print("Perimeter of polygon is: " + userPerimeter); System.out.print("Area of polygon is: " + userArea); System.out.println("setNumSides(4) results: " + newNumSides); System.out.println("setSideLength(3) results: " + newSideLength); System.out.println("setXCoord(2.0) results: " + newXCoord); System.out.println("setYCoord(2.0) results: " + newYCoord); System.out.println("setApothem(2.0) results: " + newApothem); } } } Output: toString() results: numsides= 4, sideLength= 10.0 xCoord= 0.0, yCoord= 0.0, apothem= 5.0 getNumsides() results: 4 getSideLength() results: 10.0 getXCoord() results: 0.0 getYCoord() results: 0.0 getApothem() results: 5.0 getPerimeter() results: 20.0 getArea() results: 0.0 setNumSides(4) results: 4 setSideLength(3) results: 3.0 setXCoord(2.0) results: 2.0 setYCoord(2.0) results: 2.0 setApothem(2.0) results: 2.0 Enter the number of polygon sides (ex 5): 3 Enter the length of the polygon sides (ex 6.8): 4 Enter the x coordinate (ex 1.2): 1.2 Enter the y coordinate (ex 3.4): 3.4
  • 7. Enter the length of apothem (ex 0.8): 0.5 userNumSides() results: 3userSideLength() results: 4.0userXCoord() results: 1.2userYCoord() results: 3.4userApothem() results: 0.5Perimeter of polygon is: 12.0Area of polygon is: 3.0setNumSides(4) results: 4 setSideLength(3) results: 3.0 setXCoord(2.0) results: 2.0 setYCoord(2.0) results: 2.0 setApothem(2.0) results: 2.0 Enter the number of polygon sides (ex 5): Solution public class Polygon { private int numSides; private double sideLength; private double xCoord; private double yCoord; private double apothem; private double perimeter; private double area; //Constructor public Polygon (double xCentCoord, double yCentCoord, int countSides, double measLength, double measApothem, double measPerimeter) { xCoord = xCentCoord; yCoord = yCentCoord; numSides = countSides; sideLength = measLength; apothem = measApothem; perimeter = measPerimeter; } //No argument constructor public Polygon () { xCoord = 0.0; yCoord = 0.0; numSides = 4;
  • 8. sideLength = 10.0; apothem = 5.0; perimeter = 20.0; } //Setter Methods //setX() public void setXCoord(double xCentCoord) { xCoord = xCentCoord; } //setY() public void setYCoord(double yCentCoord) { yCoord = yCentCoord; } //setNumSides() public void setNumSides(int countSides) { numSides = countSides; } //setSideLength() public void setSideLength(double measLength) { sideLength = measLength; } //setApothem() public void setApothem(double measApothem) { apothem = measApothem; } //Getter methods //getXCoord public double getXCoord() { return xCoord; } //getYCoord public double getYCoord() { return yCoord; } //getNumSides public int getNumSides() {
  • 9. return numSides; } //getSideLength() public double getSideLength() { return sideLength; } //getApothem() public double getApothem() { return apothem; } //getPerimeter() public double getPerimeter() { return perimeter; } //getArea() public double getArea() { return area; } //Calculate for perimeter public double getPerimeter(Polygon multiple){ double perimeter = multiple.getNumSides() * multiple.getSideLength(); return perimeter; } //Calculate for area public double getArea(Polygon multiple) { double area = 0.5 * multiple.getApothem() * multiple.getPerimeter(); return area; } //toString method public String toString() { String str = "numsides= " + numSides + ", sideLength= " + sideLength; return str; }
  • 10. } //import Scanner import java.util.Scanner; public class TestPolygon { public static void main(String[] args) { //Construct a point with x = 1.0, y = 1.0 Polygon multiple = new Polygon(); //Display the values using toString System.out.println("toString() results: " + multiple.toString()); //Call the getter methods double xCoord2 = multiple.getXCoord(); double yCoord2 = multiple.getYCoord(); int numSides2 = multiple.getNumSides(); double sideLength2 = multiple.getSideLength(); double apothem2 = multiple.getApothem(); double perimeter2 = multiple.getPerimeter(); double area2 = multiple.getArea(); //Print results System.out.println("xCoord= " + xCoord2 + ", yCoord= " + yCoord2 + ", apothem= " +apothem2); System.out.println("getNumsides() results: " + numSides2); System.out.println("getSideLength() results: " + sideLength2); System.out.println("getXCoord() results: " + xCoord2); System.out.println("getYCoord() results: " + yCoord2); System.out.println("getApothem() results: " + apothem2); System.out.println("getPerimeter() results: " +perimeter2); System.out.println("getArea() results: " + area2); //Setter methods for numSides int newNumSides = 4; multiple.setNumSides(newNumSides); //Print newNumSides System.out.println("setNumSides(4) results: " + newNumSides);
  • 11. //Setter methods for sideLength double newSideLength = 3; multiple.setSideLength(newSideLength); //Print newSideLength System.out.println("setSideLength(3) results: " + newSideLength); //Setter methods for xCoord double newXCoord = 2.0; multiple.setXCoord(newXCoord); //Print newXCoord System.out.println("setXCoord(2.0) results: " + newXCoord); //Setter methods for yCoord double newYCoord = 2.0; multiple.setYCoord(newYCoord); //Print newXCoord System.out.println("setYCoord(2.0) results: " + newYCoord); //Setter methods for apothem double newApothem = 2.0; multiple.setApothem(newApothem); //Print newApothem System.out.println("setApothem(2.0) results: " + newApothem); Scanner scannerIn=new Scanner(; //Set up to create 5 different polygons with new inputs by user //Repeat 5 times with for loop int userNumSides = 0; double userSideLength = 0.0; double userXCoord = 0.0; double userYCoord = 0.0; double userApothem = 0.0; //input the x & y coordinate, numSide, sideLength, and apothem for (int i = 0; i<5; i++) { System.out.print("Enter the number of polygon sides (ex 5): ");
  • 12. userNumSides = scannerIn.nextInt(); System.out.print("Enter the length of the polygon sides (ex 6.8): "); userSideLength = scannerIn.nextDouble(); System.out.print("Enter the x coordinate (ex 1.2): "); userXCoord = scannerIn.nextDouble(); System.out.print("Enter the y coordinate (ex 3.4): "); userYCoord = scannerIn.nextDouble(); System.out.print("Enter the length of apothem (ex 0.8): "); userApothem = scannerIn.nextDouble(); double userPerimeter = userNumSides * userSideLength; double userArea = 0.5 * userApothem * userPerimeter; //print results System.out.print("userNumSides() results: " + userNumSides); System.out.print("userSideLength() results: " + userSideLength); System.out.print("userXCoord() results: " + userXCoord); System.out.print("userYCoord() results: " + userYCoord); System.out.print("userApothem() results: " + userApothem); System.out.print("Perimeter of polygon is: " + userPerimeter); System.out.print("Area of polygon is: " + userArea); System.out.println("setNumSides(4) results: " + newNumSides); System.out.println("setSideLength(3) results: " + newSideLength); System.out.println("setXCoord(2.0) results: " + newXCoord); System.out.println("setYCoord(2.0) results: " + newYCoord); System.out.println("setApothem(2.0) results: " + newApothem); } } } Output: toString() results: numsides= 4, sideLength= 10.0 xCoord= 0.0, yCoord= 0.0, apothem= 5.0 getNumsides() results: 4 getSideLength() results: 10.0 getXCoord() results: 0.0 getYCoord() results: 0.0 getApothem() results: 5.0
  • 13. getPerimeter() results: 20.0 getArea() results: 0.0 setNumSides(4) results: 4 setSideLength(3) results: 3.0 setXCoord(2.0) results: 2.0 setYCoord(2.0) results: 2.0 setApothem(2.0) results: 2.0 Enter the number of polygon sides (ex 5): 3 Enter the length of the polygon sides (ex 6.8): 4 Enter the x coordinate (ex 1.2): 1.2 Enter the y coordinate (ex 3.4): 3.4 Enter the length of apothem (ex 0.8): 0.5 userNumSides() results: 3userSideLength() results: 4.0userXCoord() results: 1.2userYCoord() results: 3.4userApothem() results: 0.5Perimeter of polygon is: 12.0Area of polygon is: 3.0setNumSides(4) results: 4 setSideLength(3) results: 3.0 setXCoord(2.0) results: 2.0 setYCoord(2.0) results: 2.0 setApothem(2.0) results: 2.0 Enter the number of polygon sides (ex 5):