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Political Framework Analysis
Frameworks are the vehicles for which help shape the understandings of how educational leaders and administrators make informed decisions that
permeate through the operational structure within their institutions. The purpose of this essay is to unpack the political framework, as described by
Bolman and Deal (2013) and to also demonstrate how this particular framework manifests in the exploitation, marginalization and harrowingly
criminalization of young people of color from impoverished backgrounds, all while deceptively masked with the intent creating a greater good entity
for the communities of which are vastly under resourced and desperate for renewal. It is vital, to internalize the political framework as a foundational
pillar in most education institutions that determines the overall success or failure of the organization (Bolman and Deal, 2013). Additionally,Bolman
and Deal(2013) continue to describe the political framework's perspective as that of a "rolling arena that facilitate contests of individual and group
interests" They argue that these individual and group interests collectively garner the ability to influence state and federal legislators to enact policy
that reflects the interests of more content...
Lipman argues that these constructs are those of the systemic regimen called "neoliberalism" which is the privatization of public goods and
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Peeel Framework Of Politics And Epidemiology
Thank you for sharing your exciting internship experience. The PEEEL framework of politics and epidemiology significantly impacts ethic aspect
for Men who have Sex with Men (MSM). However, to incorporate all the framework into your prospective projects may not be necessary. Ethic,
alone, in the ability to advocate public health awareness along with one more framework may be the net to address your advocacy project.
In respect to MSM, the need to address safe sexual behaviors is indeed a focal point in ethics conducts. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
committed to the expansion of preventative programs for MSM. However, health promotion education most desire sexual risk reductions interventions
among MSM (Vanable et al.,
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Ethical Framework Paper
I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving hliday.
Research Article 1: MT490–3: Synthesize appropriate principles, concepts, and frameworks for making ethical decisions.
Journal Of Social Work Education, 48(4), 817–836.
This article is based upon the ethical framework and concept of collectivism and its application to increase the cultural competencies of intern students.
This particular ethical framework was used to address the "issues of confidentiality, autonomy, and self–determination. According to Corbin, some of
the factors contributing to ethical dilemmas are culture and socioeconomic factors based upon "culturally based more content...
Shin, Y., Sung, S., Choi, J., & Kim, M. (2015). Top Management Ethical Leadership and Firm Performance: Mediating Role of Ethical and Procedural
Justice Climate. Journal Of Business Ethics, 129(1), 43–57. doi:10.1007/s10551–014–2144–5
In this article, the journalists propose that the ethical leadership of top management contributes to organizational performance through the promotion of
ethical procedures. This theory was tested using the data of 147 Korean companies. The analysis shows that top management's ethical leadership
significantly predicts ethical climate organizational outcomes, namely, firm level organizational citizenship behavior and firm financial performance.
They also state that "the mediating roles of ethical and procedural justice climate are only partial rather than complete". In addition, they also point out
how the organizational structure influences the "collective perceptions of organizational member's outcomes". Therefore, "the ethical dimension of top
management's leadership should be considered as a critical factor that affects organizational
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My Ethical Framework ( Ef )
Some call is morality some just say it is doing what is right. No matter what you call it everyone has a set of principles they follow to guide them
through life. Here we will call it an Ethical Framework. It can be religious based or secular based, but an Ethical Framework (EF) is a set of values,
principles, and standards someone uses to guide their behavior and guide them in making decisions.
Here I will describe my ethical framework, its makeup and how I use it solve difficult and challenges problems. In our literature, there are examples of
EF such as Servant Leadership where the tenets of the management system include 10 principles that shape the think of the manager. A few of these
tenets are to serve those who they lead to build their capacity (Greenleaf, xxxx). Also, serve their greater community as well by doing little or no
harm. This view allows a leader to base their decision on for the benefit of their followers and for their community. One of the most important traits of
a servant leader is to listen. As servant leader listens to their followers needs, they listen to themselves to gain a better understand themselves to grow,
so they can better assist their followers. The servant leader is not necessarily concerned with the organization?s goals; those will be met as people grow
their capacity.
Another form of ethical leadership is the Transformational Leader. A transformational leader a powerful and inspirational leader who, like a character
out of central
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Early Years Framework Essay
The overall health in Scotland has massively made a huge difference and is still continuing to improve their health care and reduce health inequalities.
The death rate has declined since recent years but there is still the problem between who can get the help they need and who can't, And how can
children get the best start to life when living in poorer conditions. Two government frameworks that have helped the lives of children and familes are
The better health, Better care and The early Years Framework.
Better health better care.
Better health better care is a government programme that helps provide families/people in poverty and disadvantaged communities by having access to
better and faster health care and overall providing Scotland more content...
The framework recognises that all children have the right to relationships, and environements to help children meet their needs, the framework
particularly benefits chidren and families who tries to deal with children's whose needs are affected by unemployment, poverty and poor health which
can effect a child's experience and development. Framework also helps children and young people become confident individuals and successful
learners which can lead to improved life. The Early Years Framework makes it important to understand that all national and local agencies working
together can help children's outcomes in life. The framework focuses on childrens interests from pre–conception to support them and their families with
what they need to succeed in life and live a happy and healthy one. One of the priorities of the Early Years Framework is the need for play areas and
greenspace this will help improve the health of children and encourage children to exercise by offering them more play opportunities around their
area. The framework still has some work to do but they will continue to develop and collect data to ensure that its all facts and gives an un–biased
representation of how the framework are delivering for children and their
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Ethical Framework Essay
Ethical Framework
Fall 2007 Creating and defining my own ethical framework is essential in future success as a businessman, a leader, and a team player. As a business
student, I have learned that it can be a very cut throat industry and in order to get ahead, at some point and ethical dilemma will undoubtedly be an
obstacle I have to overcome. The way I handle these dilemmas can make or break my career; business ethics are a key part of earning and sustaining
respect, trust, and a good rapport with both clients and competitors in your industry. Therefore a solid ethical framework is an important tool for me to
have as a standard for handling these types of dilemmas so that I can grow successfully while staying true to myself and more content...
Since I value equality as well as respect for all human beings, essential to my framework is how I can act in a way that is most fair to all parties.
Which decision will be fair and unbiased to all parties? In evaluating alternatives, I would assess the benefit and harm to each party involved and
decide which I believed was fair across the board and served as the most wholly just action. Another essential aspect of my ethical framework is
whether or not I, as a leader, would be forced to lie or deceive in order to go forward with the action. As a person I value trust and honesty, but
moreover, as a young twenty–something with my eye on corporate America, I believe trust and honesty are absolutely essential to uphold your
integrity and credibility as an organization. With so many stories of fraud, betrayal, theft, embezzlement, dishonest business transactions and so forth
apparent in current US corporate society, I strive to uphold my belief in the truth as a foundation for any situation; even if some may consider a
"small white lie" absolutely necessary in the matter, I vowel to never lie or be dishonest for any type of gain or protection. This can go hand in hand
with how I value confidence and its role in my framework, which I elaborate on below.
And lastly, a central part of my ethical framework is how my decision will be judged under the public eye. As confidence and competence being two
self–motivating values that
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Evaluation Framework
Problem/solution framework does fit well as the initial choice. However, did you think about evaluation framework? Your threats and issues can be
discussed in evaluation framework "... evaluation involves determining the worth, importance, or impact of something and often implies an ethical
connotation" (Ackerman, 2010). Evaluation, could provide you with the ability for different criteria, results and analysis of evaluation along with
recommendation for OCS in different military operations. As you pointed out case study doesn't fit.
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Social Work Practice Framework
1.Working in the human services field, it is important to understand one's own practice framework.
2.A practice framework helps the worker articulate which theories or lenses they use in practice, in order to better understand how they interpret
information and make decisions.
3.Elements such as values, ideologies, theories, human rights & social justice issues can all be incorporated into a worker's personal practice framework.
4.In this paper I will explore each of these areas in order to define my own personal practice framework, as well as looking at how the elements I have
chosen fit within the social work field.
5.I will then list areas I have identified as my own personal weak points for further development.
6. more content...
Values are often influenced by different ideologies, so it is important to look at these also.
1.De St. Aubin (1996) defines personal ideology as "an individual's unique philosophy of how life should be lived and of what forces influence human
2.Our Ideologies influence our thinking which then influences our behaviour (Connolly & Harms, 2013), so it is important to understand our
ideological positioning.
3.A person's ideology is influenced by their socialisation, mine was heavily influenced by my family.
4.While I was brought up by a strict Christian mother, and still carry many of the values and beliefs from that religion, I have learnt from my father to
me more of an omnist.
5.While he is a Christian also, he has never talked down another religion, he has taught me that all religions have worth and that mots share similar
values, such as treating others the way that you would like them to treat you.
6.I think that the majority of my values, such as respect, compassion, empathy etc. have been influenced and came about from these religious ideologies.
7.Ideologies not only influence our values, but also "our interpretation of the world and how people interact" (Connolly & Harms, 2013, p.8).
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The Framework for Teaching by Charlotte Danielson has been developed through research as a guideline for current and future teacher's professional
responsibilities in and out of the classroom. Districts throughout the country are using this framework to assess and guide their teachers to build
successful methods of planning and preparations, setting up the classroom environment, instruction and professional responsibilities. Each of these
domains builds off of each other to form a successful learning environment. Domain 3 focuses more specifically on instruction using communication,
discussions, engagement, assessments and flexibility. The first indicator, 3a, in Domain 3 is communicating with students. This includes clear
expectations for learning, directions and procedures, explanations of content and use or oral and written language. To break it down even more,
communicating expectations for learning means making sure your students know what their learning. By the end of a math lesson using the make a
10 addition strategy, the students should know that was the goal even if it was not specifically said to add by making 10 first. The teacher may
encourage the use of manipulatives to find a way to add (groups of 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s) but when the lesson is finished, students will understand the goal
was to learn to add by making a 10. Establishing expectations and procedures in a classroom is important in the effectiveness of a learning community
according to Putnam (Putnam,
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Sustainability Framework
For: Deryk Stec
By: Shyam Maheshwari (3461529)
This paper explains the sustainability strategies of Adidas and Nike and then compares itself with the sustainable value framework of Hart's.
What is Sustainability?
As defined by Environment Canadai, Sustainable development is the process of developing land, cities, businesses and communities so that our current
needs are met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Competitors for Sustainability Framework
Strategies for Sustainability Development:
Environmental Sustainability
Social Compliance in Supply
Sustainable more content...
Pollution Prevention
Their Aim is to achieve 20% reduction in co2 emission per unit of the product. By 2006, they have reduced their overall percentage in the
Carbon dioxide footprint by 80%. Nike is currently working in finding renewable energy sources which will help in finding ways to scale energy
'Hot spot' approach to reduce the carbon footprint in all the sit es by reducing the energy consumption and using energy with a lower
carbon footprint.
Design for Environment (DfE) is a systematic application developed by
Adidas which focuses on the design stage of the product, avoiding and minimizing environmental impacts and increasing resource efficiency at all
stages of the product.
Product Stewardship:
Nike has build tools to assess environmental impacts of their products like water and land use, chemicals and waste. These tools also help in assessing
material s that are used to make the products and the overall product design. They upgraded the Nike MSI to increase the use of environmentally
preferred materials.
The Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC) is a group of 40+ leading apparel and footwear brands. SAC follows the Sustainable Product
Index (SPI) which accurately assesses the social and environmental impacts of apparels across their whole life cycle.
An Environmental Assessment Tool (EAT) was
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Eyfs A Statutory Framework Analysis
Policies have a big importance in the setting and as practitioners we are required to adhere to these as they meet the needs of children and families.
Healthy eating policy ensures children are getting all the nutrition their body needs; by having a nutritionally balanced menu children will be
encouraged to try new things, this will ensure they are eating healthy at nursery if not at home as they have their five a day fruit and vegetables and
plenty of water and milk. (Lewis, 2013) Partnership with parents is essential when working with children, the setting comply with the EYFS a
statutory framework used as a guidance. The EYFS requires settings to work co–operatively with partners and build relationships not only to support
the children
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A Summary For Laravel PHP Framework
Looking for Laravel PHP framework assignment help and tutor service? Laravel is most recommended PHP framework which is widely used in
laravel application Development Company. It is preferable in Enterprise websites
PHP is one the widely used open source programming language which is most demandable in development Industry. There are so many frameworks
used for PHP that are used by enterprises for efficient programming within quick time. Laravel is a latest developed framework that has been
decorated with great features. It is introduced in year 2011 and now a day it is one the widely used framework among Enterprises and IT industries for
web applications and app developments.
Now a question arises why does IT industry need for more content...
The Laravel framework offers advancement in process of web development by eliminating the complex code.
Let's discuss few advanced features of Laravel PHP Framework
Dynamic Features: – There are so many dynamic features that are introduced in Laravel. The reason behind the excessive use of this framework is that
It reduces the effort of programming and web application can be developed within quick time with less effort.
Free Templates:– Laravel offers free and amazing lightweight layouts which are easy created within application. With decorating of more effective
widgets for example CSS code and JS code, it produces solid structure of web design process.
Support MVC architecture:– As discussed earlier, Laravel supports MVC architecture. It produces a transparency between presentation and logic. The
MVC architecture improves the performance of an application and it introduces pre–built functions that can be used quickly while developing an
Built–in Libraries: – Laravel manages with so many development environments and it is decorated with integrated libraries that are authorized and
occupied auto complete features. This is unique feature that makes it popular among other PHP frameworks.
Modularity: – The framework is decorated with more than 20 libraries that are categorized into separate single modules. It allows producing
responsive and effective web applications. It also allows developer to create modular packages.
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The Framework of Human Resource Management
The essay will introduce the reader to the framework of Human Resource Management (HRM) practices that can help companies deal with
sustainability, globalization and technology challenges. The essay is divided into 4 broad sections which are the four dimensions that form the
framework of HRM practices. In each of the sections, there will be examples of HRM practices within each area.
Managing the Human Resource Environment
Noe et al (2010) mention that managing internal and external environment factors allow employees to make the greatest possible contribution to
company productivity and competitiveness. This area of human resource management involves
Strategic HRM
Strategic HRM (SHRM) bridges business strategy and more content...
Recruiting and Selection
Stone (2008) mention that recruitment is the process of seeking and attracting a pool of qualified candidates for job vacancy. According to Ulrich and
Brockbank (2005), in order to expand the candidate pool, the company has to build an internet hiring strategy, target potential employees and use
referral hiring.
Training is a planned effort to facilitate learning of job–related knowledge, skills and behaviours needed to carry out their jobs with a present or
near–future time–frame.
Assessment and Development of Human Resources
To ensure employees equips with the required skill to perform current and future work roles, an effective line manager have to be aware of issues
involved in determining best methods. A good manager also needs to be able to motivates, providing performance feedback to employee as well as
take action based on causes of poor performance. This area of human resource is
Performance Management
Performance Management operates on strategic and administrative function. Through performance measurement system, managers ensure that
employee activities and outputs are congruent with the organizational goals.
Acquisition of knowledge, skills and behaviours that improve an employee's ability
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The Moral Framework I Disagree
The moral framework I tend to personally abide by is act utilitarianism. Utilitarianism is the ethical concept that the actions that lead to the most
pleasure are moral and good, whereas those that lead to pain are an immoral evil (Boss 23). When making decisions, I contemplate the advantages and
disadvantages of each option presented before acting upon it. In addition, I consider those who would possibly be affected by my decision both
positively and negatively. Like utilitarianism, I choose the option with the least amount of negative consequences. I am typically inclined to follow a
selfless framework, however, occasionally I must put myself before others depending on the situation. For example, school is always top priority over
my social life. When I choose my social life over school the consequences are profound. Usually this increases my work load and then leads to painful
amounts of stress.
Capital punishment is an important social justice issue because the United States is the only remaining Western democracy that actively uses it as a
punishment method, and two–thirds of the countries have realized it is immoral (Boss 223). The constitutionality of this issue was questioned in the
Furman v. Georgia Supreme Court case in 1972. The case determined that it was indeed unconstitutional because it contradicts the United States' values
declared in the Constitution by denying civil liberties that are stated in the Eighth and the Fourteenth amendments (ACLU). The Eighth
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Ethical Framework
Puffery is often described as meaningless or legal form of deceptive advertising that uses exaggerated or subjective claims that cannot be proven true
or even false. Such as "The best" or "premier". For example Pizza chain papa John's had the slogan "Better Ingredients."
The is a difference between an advertiser's ethics and social responsibility. For example the ethics of of an advertiser's is a set of principles that justify
actions that are acceptable in society or a Community. This ethical framework includes principles and customs of society and individual's, the attitudes
feelings and beliefs of a personal value system and determining what's is right or wrong.
However an advertisers social responsibility is their duty to conduct
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Early Years Learning Framework Essay
avoiding eye contact, touching using sign language and direct questioning use of computer technology and digital media such as emails use resource to
facilitate effective communication, such as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander health workers, interpreters and liaison officers... correct
pronunciation of names and the naming of ceremonies and so on ensure that the program interconnects the richness of indigenous and the outcomes of
the Early Years Learning Framework. focusing on relationship with family community and nature helps children to be connected with and to contribute
to their world. invite a local Aboriginal Elder to share stories with the children and the families. displaying signs that reflect traditional
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The BACP ) Ethical Framework
The British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) Ethical Framework for the Counselling Professions provides the foundations and
guidelines for ethical understanding and good practice in counselling work. This enables a counsellor to practice safely in private practice or within an
agency. Different agencies may work with other frameworks, for instance the National Counselling Society (NCS), who support counselling and related
therapies, and are closely linked with the NHS. ( The BACP framework can't inform a counsellor of specific rights or
wrongs, but outlines the values, principles and moral qualities that a counsellor should adhere to, which helps with guidance and ethical decision
making and safeguarding client and counsellor. (BACP, 2015) Considering the ethical and legal issues within the therapeutic relationship, specifically
concerning the case study to follow, a six–step ethical problem–solving model that Bond describes, derived from American sources (Paradise and
Siegelwaks, 1982; Austin et al., 1990), cited in Bond (2015) would help a counsellor to think clearly and carefully towards managing difficult choices
within dilemmas. Bond quotes: "Sometimes doing this reduces our confusion so effectively that the problem disappears. On the other hand, if the
problem still remains we then have a good starting point from which to seek assistance and clarify the main issues to be considered". (2015, p. 279)
This would suggest
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The Danielson Framework Is A Tool
The Danielson framework is a tool that is used to evaluate teachers' performance in the classroom. The framework is based on educational researches
that have identified several responsibilities that are essential for student to learn in the classroom. Therefore, these responsibilities are required and are
things that teachers should be aware of and should be able to do as a teacher. The framework is also aligned with the Common Core Standards
philosophy. As a result, the framework emphasizes critical thinking and active participation by students. The framework is composed of 4 domains and
22 components. Each component has a level of performance; unsatisfactory, basic, proficient and distinguished. The lowest score is unsatisfactory and
the highest level is distinguished. The framework makes it easy for teachers to be evaluated and understand their score because it describes the
performance for each component and provides possible examples for the levels of performance in all of the components. The examples show how a
particular skill of teaching might look like in the classroom. The first domain is planning and preparation. The six components within this domain are
about how teachers should plan and prepare their lesson for their students to have the most impact. Teachers that have a positive impact on student
performance is knowledgeable about their subject matter, know their students, set appropriate outcomes for students, use appropriate resources for
instruction, have
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Political Framework Analysis

  • 1. Political Framework Analysis Frameworks are the vehicles for which help shape the understandings of how educational leaders and administrators make informed decisions that permeate through the operational structure within their institutions. The purpose of this essay is to unpack the political framework, as described by Bolman and Deal (2013) and to also demonstrate how this particular framework manifests in the exploitation, marginalization and harrowingly criminalization of young people of color from impoverished backgrounds, all while deceptively masked with the intent creating a greater good entity for the communities of which are vastly under resourced and desperate for renewal. It is vital, to internalize the political framework as a foundational pillar in most education institutions that determines the overall success or failure of the organization (Bolman and Deal, 2013). Additionally,Bolman and Deal(2013) continue to describe the political framework's perspective as that of a "rolling arena that facilitate contests of individual and group interests" They argue that these individual and group interests collectively garner the ability to influence state and federal legislators to enact policy that reflects the interests of more content... Lipman argues that these constructs are those of the systemic regimen called "neoliberalism" which is the privatization of public goods and Get more content on
  • 2. Peeel Framework Of Politics And Epidemiology Thank you for sharing your exciting internship experience. The PEEEL framework of politics and epidemiology significantly impacts ethic aspect for Men who have Sex with Men (MSM). However, to incorporate all the framework into your prospective projects may not be necessary. Ethic, alone, in the ability to advocate public health awareness along with one more framework may be the net to address your advocacy project. In respect to MSM, the need to address safe sexual behaviors is indeed a focal point in ethics conducts. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention committed to the expansion of preventative programs for MSM. However, health promotion education most desire sexual risk reductions interventions among MSM (Vanable et al., Get more content on
  • 3. Ethical Framework Paper I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving hliday. Research Article 1: MT490–3: Synthesize appropriate principles, concepts, and frameworks for making ethical decisions. Corbin, J. (2012). ETHICAL TENSIONS AND DILEMMAS EXPERIENCED IN A NORTHERN UGANDAN SOCIAL WORK INTERNSHIP. Journal Of Social Work Education, 48(4), 817–836. This article is based upon the ethical framework and concept of collectivism and its application to increase the cultural competencies of intern students. This particular ethical framework was used to address the "issues of confidentiality, autonomy, and self–determination. According to Corbin, some of the factors contributing to ethical dilemmas are culture and socioeconomic factors based upon "culturally based more content... Shin, Y., Sung, S., Choi, J., & Kim, M. (2015). Top Management Ethical Leadership and Firm Performance: Mediating Role of Ethical and Procedural Justice Climate. Journal Of Business Ethics, 129(1), 43–57. doi:10.1007/s10551–014–2144–5 In this article, the journalists propose that the ethical leadership of top management contributes to organizational performance through the promotion of ethical procedures. This theory was tested using the data of 147 Korean companies. The analysis shows that top management's ethical leadership significantly predicts ethical climate organizational outcomes, namely, firm level organizational citizenship behavior and firm financial performance. They also state that "the mediating roles of ethical and procedural justice climate are only partial rather than complete". In addition, they also point out how the organizational structure influences the "collective perceptions of organizational member's outcomes". Therefore, "the ethical dimension of top management's leadership should be considered as a critical factor that affects organizational Get more content on
  • 4. My Ethical Framework ( Ef ) Some call is morality some just say it is doing what is right. No matter what you call it everyone has a set of principles they follow to guide them through life. Here we will call it an Ethical Framework. It can be religious based or secular based, but an Ethical Framework (EF) is a set of values, principles, and standards someone uses to guide their behavior and guide them in making decisions. Here I will describe my ethical framework, its makeup and how I use it solve difficult and challenges problems. In our literature, there are examples of EF such as Servant Leadership where the tenets of the management system include 10 principles that shape the think of the manager. A few of these tenets are to serve those who they lead to build their capacity (Greenleaf, xxxx). Also, serve their greater community as well by doing little or no harm. This view allows a leader to base their decision on for the benefit of their followers and for their community. One of the most important traits of a servant leader is to listen. As servant leader listens to their followers needs, they listen to themselves to gain a better understand themselves to grow, so they can better assist their followers. The servant leader is not necessarily concerned with the organization?s goals; those will be met as people grow their capacity. Another form of ethical leadership is the Transformational Leader. A transformational leader a powerful and inspirational leader who, like a character out of central Get more content on
  • 5. Early Years Framework Essay The overall health in Scotland has massively made a huge difference and is still continuing to improve their health care and reduce health inequalities. The death rate has declined since recent years but there is still the problem between who can get the help they need and who can't, And how can children get the best start to life when living in poorer conditions. Two government frameworks that have helped the lives of children and familes are The better health, Better care and The early Years Framework. Better health better care. Better health better care is a government programme that helps provide families/people in poverty and disadvantaged communities by having access to better and faster health care and overall providing Scotland more content... The framework recognises that all children have the right to relationships, and environements to help children meet their needs, the framework particularly benefits chidren and families who tries to deal with children's whose needs are affected by unemployment, poverty and poor health which can effect a child's experience and development. Framework also helps children and young people become confident individuals and successful learners which can lead to improved life. The Early Years Framework makes it important to understand that all national and local agencies working together can help children's outcomes in life. The framework focuses on childrens interests from pre–conception to support them and their families with what they need to succeed in life and live a happy and healthy one. One of the priorities of the Early Years Framework is the need for play areas and greenspace this will help improve the health of children and encourage children to exercise by offering them more play opportunities around their area. The framework still has some work to do but they will continue to develop and collect data to ensure that its all facts and gives an un–biased representation of how the framework are delivering for children and their Get more content on
  • 6. Ethical Framework Essay Ethical Framework Fall 2007 Creating and defining my own ethical framework is essential in future success as a businessman, a leader, and a team player. As a business student, I have learned that it can be a very cut throat industry and in order to get ahead, at some point and ethical dilemma will undoubtedly be an obstacle I have to overcome. The way I handle these dilemmas can make or break my career; business ethics are a key part of earning and sustaining respect, trust, and a good rapport with both clients and competitors in your industry. Therefore a solid ethical framework is an important tool for me to have as a standard for handling these types of dilemmas so that I can grow successfully while staying true to myself and more content... Since I value equality as well as respect for all human beings, essential to my framework is how I can act in a way that is most fair to all parties. Which decision will be fair and unbiased to all parties? In evaluating alternatives, I would assess the benefit and harm to each party involved and decide which I believed was fair across the board and served as the most wholly just action. Another essential aspect of my ethical framework is whether or not I, as a leader, would be forced to lie or deceive in order to go forward with the action. As a person I value trust and honesty, but moreover, as a young twenty–something with my eye on corporate America, I believe trust and honesty are absolutely essential to uphold your integrity and credibility as an organization. With so many stories of fraud, betrayal, theft, embezzlement, dishonest business transactions and so forth apparent in current US corporate society, I strive to uphold my belief in the truth as a foundation for any situation; even if some may consider a "small white lie" absolutely necessary in the matter, I vowel to never lie or be dishonest for any type of gain or protection. This can go hand in hand with how I value confidence and its role in my framework, which I elaborate on below. And lastly, a central part of my ethical framework is how my decision will be judged under the public eye. As confidence and competence being two self–motivating values that Get more content on
  • 7. Evaluation Framework Problem/solution framework does fit well as the initial choice. However, did you think about evaluation framework? Your threats and issues can be discussed in evaluation framework "... evaluation involves determining the worth, importance, or impact of something and often implies an ethical connotation" (Ackerman, 2010). Evaluation, could provide you with the ability for different criteria, results and analysis of evaluation along with recommendation for OCS in different military operations. As you pointed out case study doesn't fit. Get more content on
  • 8. Social Work Practice Framework Intro 1.Working in the human services field, it is important to understand one's own practice framework. 2.A practice framework helps the worker articulate which theories or lenses they use in practice, in order to better understand how they interpret information and make decisions. 3.Elements such as values, ideologies, theories, human rights & social justice issues can all be incorporated into a worker's personal practice framework. 4.In this paper I will explore each of these areas in order to define my own personal practice framework, as well as looking at how the elements I have chosen fit within the social work field. 5.I will then list areas I have identified as my own personal weak points for further development. 6. more content... Values are often influenced by different ideologies, so it is important to look at these also. Ideology 1.De St. Aubin (1996) defines personal ideology as "an individual's unique philosophy of how life should be lived and of what forces influence human living". 2.Our Ideologies influence our thinking which then influences our behaviour (Connolly & Harms, 2013), so it is important to understand our ideological positioning. 3.A person's ideology is influenced by their socialisation, mine was heavily influenced by my family. 4.While I was brought up by a strict Christian mother, and still carry many of the values and beliefs from that religion, I have learnt from my father to me more of an omnist. 5.While he is a Christian also, he has never talked down another religion, he has taught me that all religions have worth and that mots share similar values, such as treating others the way that you would like them to treat you. 6.I think that the majority of my values, such as respect, compassion, empathy etc. have been influenced and came about from these religious ideologies. 7.Ideologies not only influence our values, but also "our interpretation of the world and how people interact" (Connolly & Harms, 2013, p.8).
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  • 10. The Framework for Teaching by Charlotte Danielson has been developed through research as a guideline for current and future teacher's professional responsibilities in and out of the classroom. Districts throughout the country are using this framework to assess and guide their teachers to build successful methods of planning and preparations, setting up the classroom environment, instruction and professional responsibilities. Each of these domains builds off of each other to form a successful learning environment. Domain 3 focuses more specifically on instruction using communication, discussions, engagement, assessments and flexibility. The first indicator, 3a, in Domain 3 is communicating with students. This includes clear expectations for learning, directions and procedures, explanations of content and use or oral and written language. To break it down even more, communicating expectations for learning means making sure your students know what their learning. By the end of a math lesson using the make a 10 addition strategy, the students should know that was the goal even if it was not specifically said to add by making 10 first. The teacher may encourage the use of manipulatives to find a way to add (groups of 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s) but when the lesson is finished, students will understand the goal was to learn to add by making a 10. Establishing expectations and procedures in a classroom is important in the effectiveness of a learning community according to Putnam (Putnam, Get more content on
  • 11. Sustainability Framework BUSINESS, GOVERNMENT AND SOCIETY Sustainability Framework For: Deryk Stec By: Shyam Maheshwari (3461529) 2/4/2013 This paper explains the sustainability strategies of Adidas and Nike and then compares itself with the sustainable value framework of Hart's. What is Sustainability? As defined by Environment Canadai, Sustainable development is the process of developing land, cities, businesses and communities so that our current needs are met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Competitors for Sustainability Framework Strategies for Sustainability Development: Adidasii Nikeiii Environmental Sustainability Social Compliance in Supply Chain Sustainable more content...
  • 12. Pollution Prevention Nikevi: Their Aim is to achieve 20% reduction in co2 emission per unit of the product. By 2006, they have reduced their overall percentage in the Carbon dioxide footprint by 80%. Nike is currently working in finding renewable energy sources which will help in finding ways to scale energy efficiency. Adidasvii: 'Hot spot' approach to reduce the carbon footprint in all the sit es by reducing the energy consumption and using energy with a lower carbon footprint. Design for Environment (DfE) is a systematic application developed by Adidas which focuses on the design stage of the product, avoiding and minimizing environmental impacts and increasing resource efficiency at all stages of the product. Product Stewardship: Nike: Nike has build tools to assess environmental impacts of their products like water and land use, chemicals and waste. These tools also help in assessing material s that are used to make the products and the overall product design. They upgraded the Nike MSI to increase the use of environmentally preferred materials. Adidas: The Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC) is a group of 40+ leading apparel and footwear brands. SAC follows the Sustainable Product Index (SPI) which accurately assesses the social and environmental impacts of apparels across their whole life cycle. An Environmental Assessment Tool (EAT) was Get more content on
  • 13. Eyfs A Statutory Framework Analysis Policies have a big importance in the setting and as practitioners we are required to adhere to these as they meet the needs of children and families. Healthy eating policy ensures children are getting all the nutrition their body needs; by having a nutritionally balanced menu children will be encouraged to try new things, this will ensure they are eating healthy at nursery if not at home as they have their five a day fruit and vegetables and plenty of water and milk. (Lewis, 2013) Partnership with parents is essential when working with children, the setting comply with the EYFS a statutory framework used as a guidance. The EYFS requires settings to work co–operatively with partners and build relationships not only to support the children Get more content on
  • 14. A Summary For Laravel PHP Framework Looking for Laravel PHP framework assignment help and tutor service? Laravel is most recommended PHP framework which is widely used in laravel application Development Company. It is preferable in Enterprise websites PHP is one the widely used open source programming language which is most demandable in development Industry. There are so many frameworks used for PHP that are used by enterprises for efficient programming within quick time. Laravel is a latest developed framework that has been decorated with great features. It is introduced in year 2011 and now a day it is one the widely used framework among Enterprises and IT industries for web applications and app developments. Now a question arises why does IT industry need for more content... The Laravel framework offers advancement in process of web development by eliminating the complex code. Let's discuss few advanced features of Laravel PHP Framework Dynamic Features: – There are so many dynamic features that are introduced in Laravel. The reason behind the excessive use of this framework is that It reduces the effort of programming and web application can be developed within quick time with less effort. Free Templates:– Laravel offers free and amazing lightweight layouts which are easy created within application. With decorating of more effective widgets for example CSS code and JS code, it produces solid structure of web design process. Support MVC architecture:– As discussed earlier, Laravel supports MVC architecture. It produces a transparency between presentation and logic. The MVC architecture improves the performance of an application and it introduces pre–built functions that can be used quickly while developing an application Built–in Libraries: – Laravel manages with so many development environments and it is decorated with integrated libraries that are authorized and occupied auto complete features. This is unique feature that makes it popular among other PHP frameworks. Modularity: – The framework is decorated with more than 20 libraries that are categorized into separate single modules. It allows producing responsive and effective web applications. It also allows developer to create modular packages. Security
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  • 16. The Framework of Human Resource Management Introduction The essay will introduce the reader to the framework of Human Resource Management (HRM) practices that can help companies deal with sustainability, globalization and technology challenges. The essay is divided into 4 broad sections which are the four dimensions that form the framework of HRM practices. In each of the sections, there will be examples of HRM practices within each area. Managing the Human Resource Environment Noe et al (2010) mention that managing internal and external environment factors allow employees to make the greatest possible contribution to company productivity and competitiveness. This area of human resource management involves Strategic HRM Strategic HRM (SHRM) bridges business strategy and more content... Recruiting and Selection Stone (2008) mention that recruitment is the process of seeking and attracting a pool of qualified candidates for job vacancy. According to Ulrich and Brockbank (2005), in order to expand the candidate pool, the company has to build an internet hiring strategy, target potential employees and use referral hiring. Training Training is a planned effort to facilitate learning of job–related knowledge, skills and behaviours needed to carry out their jobs with a present or near–future time–frame. Assessment and Development of Human Resources To ensure employees equips with the required skill to perform current and future work roles, an effective line manager have to be aware of issues involved in determining best methods. A good manager also needs to be able to motivates, providing performance feedback to employee as well as take action based on causes of poor performance. This area of human resource is Performance Management Performance Management operates on strategic and administrative function. Through performance measurement system, managers ensure that employee activities and outputs are congruent with the organizational goals.
  • 17. Development Acquisition of knowledge, skills and behaviours that improve an employee's ability Get more content on
  • 18. The Moral Framework I Disagree The moral framework I tend to personally abide by is act utilitarianism. Utilitarianism is the ethical concept that the actions that lead to the most pleasure are moral and good, whereas those that lead to pain are an immoral evil (Boss 23). When making decisions, I contemplate the advantages and disadvantages of each option presented before acting upon it. In addition, I consider those who would possibly be affected by my decision both positively and negatively. Like utilitarianism, I choose the option with the least amount of negative consequences. I am typically inclined to follow a selfless framework, however, occasionally I must put myself before others depending on the situation. For example, school is always top priority over my social life. When I choose my social life over school the consequences are profound. Usually this increases my work load and then leads to painful amounts of stress. Capital punishment is an important social justice issue because the United States is the only remaining Western democracy that actively uses it as a punishment method, and two–thirds of the countries have realized it is immoral (Boss 223). The constitutionality of this issue was questioned in the Furman v. Georgia Supreme Court case in 1972. The case determined that it was indeed unconstitutional because it contradicts the United States' values declared in the Constitution by denying civil liberties that are stated in the Eighth and the Fourteenth amendments (ACLU). The Eighth Get more content on
  • 19. Ethical Framework 3 Puffery is often described as meaningless or legal form of deceptive advertising that uses exaggerated or subjective claims that cannot be proven true or even false. Such as "The best" or "premier". For example Pizza chain papa John's had the slogan "Better Ingredients." 5. The is a difference between an advertiser's ethics and social responsibility. For example the ethics of of an advertiser's is a set of principles that justify actions that are acceptable in society or a Community. This ethical framework includes principles and customs of society and individual's, the attitudes feelings and beliefs of a personal value system and determining what's is right or wrong. However an advertisers social responsibility is their duty to conduct Get more content on
  • 20. Early Years Learning Framework Essay avoiding eye contact, touching using sign language and direct questioning use of computer technology and digital media such as emails use resource to facilitate effective communication, such as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander health workers, interpreters and liaison officers... correct pronunciation of names and the naming of ceremonies and so on ensure that the program interconnects the richness of indigenous and the outcomes of the Early Years Learning Framework. focusing on relationship with family community and nature helps children to be connected with and to contribute to their world. invite a local Aboriginal Elder to share stories with the children and the families. displaying signs that reflect traditional Get more content on
  • 21. The BACP ) Ethical Framework The British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) Ethical Framework for the Counselling Professions provides the foundations and guidelines for ethical understanding and good practice in counselling work. This enables a counsellor to practice safely in private practice or within an agency. Different agencies may work with other frameworks, for instance the National Counselling Society (NCS), who support counselling and related therapies, and are closely linked with the NHS. ( The BACP framework can't inform a counsellor of specific rights or wrongs, but outlines the values, principles and moral qualities that a counsellor should adhere to, which helps with guidance and ethical decision making and safeguarding client and counsellor. (BACP, 2015) Considering the ethical and legal issues within the therapeutic relationship, specifically concerning the case study to follow, a six–step ethical problem–solving model that Bond describes, derived from American sources (Paradise and Siegelwaks, 1982; Austin et al., 1990), cited in Bond (2015) would help a counsellor to think clearly and carefully towards managing difficult choices within dilemmas. Bond quotes: "Sometimes doing this reduces our confusion so effectively that the problem disappears. On the other hand, if the problem still remains we then have a good starting point from which to seek assistance and clarify the main issues to be considered". (2015, p. 279) This would suggest Get more content on
  • 22. The Danielson Framework Is A Tool The Danielson framework is a tool that is used to evaluate teachers' performance in the classroom. The framework is based on educational researches that have identified several responsibilities that are essential for student to learn in the classroom. Therefore, these responsibilities are required and are things that teachers should be aware of and should be able to do as a teacher. The framework is also aligned with the Common Core Standards philosophy. As a result, the framework emphasizes critical thinking and active participation by students. The framework is composed of 4 domains and 22 components. Each component has a level of performance; unsatisfactory, basic, proficient and distinguished. The lowest score is unsatisfactory and the highest level is distinguished. The framework makes it easy for teachers to be evaluated and understand their score because it describes the performance for each component and provides possible examples for the levels of performance in all of the components. The examples show how a particular skill of teaching might look like in the classroom. The first domain is planning and preparation. The six components within this domain are about how teachers should plan and prepare their lesson for their students to have the most impact. Teachers that have a positive impact on student performance is knowledgeable about their subject matter, know their students, set appropriate outcomes for students, use appropriate resources for instruction, have Get more content on