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From Flash to HTML5

Wolfram Kriesing
pixelplant / uxebu

Donnerstag, 21. November 13
Donnerstag, 21. November 13
uxebu / pixelplant

since 2008
Donnerstag, 21. November 13

• Bonsai inside
• SWF (Flash) file anatomy
• ActionScript2+3
• ByteCode - VM or ?
• ActionScript2 => JavaScript
• ActionScript API
• Editor with Live Preview

Donnerstag, 21. November 13
Bonsai - Inside

Donnerstag, 21. November 13
Donnerstag, 21. November 13
... Bonsai Demos ...

Donnerstag, 21. November 13
Content creation


















greyscale saturate
Filter blur

dropShadow sepia

Donnerstag, 21. November 13




mouseup mousedown
Events keyup
emit keydown touch









Single Threaded, almost

Donnerstag, 21. November 13

Heavy Lifting
Decoupled from UI
Runs in nodejs

Bonsai Script
Client Setup
Bonsai Script

UI Thread

Donnerstag, 21. November 13
Donnerstag, 21. November 13
Client Setup
Bonsai Script

UI Thread

Bonsai Script

UI Thread

Donnerstag, 21. November 13
Client/Server Setup

Bonsai Script



Donnerstag, 21. November 13



Donnerstag, 21. November 13

SWF File Anatomy

Donnerstag, 21. November 13
Donnerstag, 21. November 13
Donnerstag, 21. November 13
Tools help!

Donnerstag, 21. November 13
Donnerstag, 21. November 13
> swfdump -D ikea-lady.swf



File version: 6
File size: 29640
Frame rate: 30.000000
Frame count: 1
Movie width: 209.00
Movie height: 242.00


0 bytes) action: Stop
0 bytes) action: End





Donnerstag, 21. November 13

30 DEFINESHAPE defines id 0001
| fillstyles(01)
| 1 ) SOLID ffffffff
| fill: 00/01 line:00 - moveTo -23.25 -23.25
| fill: 00/01 line:00 - lineTo 23.25 -23.25
| fill: 00/01 line:00 - lineTo 23.25 23.25
| fill: 00/01 line:00 - lineTo -23.25 23.25
| fill: 00/01 line:00 - lineTo -23.25 -23.25
4 DEFINESPRITE defines id 0002
PLACEOBJECT2 places id 0001 at depth 0001
| Matrix
| 1.000 0.000
| 0.000 1.000
SHOWFRAME 1 (00:00:00,000)
26 PLACEOBJECT2 places id 0002 at depth 0001
| Matrix
| CXForm
| 4.495 0.000 104.50 | mul
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
| 0.000 5.204 121.00 | add
174 225 255
8043 DEFINEBITSJPEG3 defines id 0003
54 DEFINESHAPE defines id 0004
| fillstyles(02)
| 1 ) BITMAPc 65535
| 2 ) BITMAPc 3
| fill: 00/02 line:00 - moveTo 137.50 71.00
| fill: 00/02 line:00 - lineTo -137.50 71.00
| fill: 00/02 line:00 - lineTo -137.50 -65.00

Donnerstag, 21. November 13


Donnerstag, 21. November 13

( 229 bytes) action: Constantpool(28 entries) String:"handle" St
String:"ball" String:"hitTest" String:"bounceBall" String:"numPoints" String:"ball
String:"Date" String:"startTime" String:"gameEnd" String:"_width" String:"directio
String:"Stage" String:"height" String:"width" String:"runInterval" String:"clearIn
String:"interval" String:"maxBallSpeed" String:"run" String:"setInterval" String:"
11 bytes) action: unknown[8e] (remainder of 11 bytes:"run00
2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:0 ("handle")
0 bytes) action: GetVariable
6 bytes) action: Push Lookup:1 ("_x") register:1 Lookup:2 ("
0 bytes) action: GetMember
0 bytes) action: SetMember
2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:0 ("handle")
0 bytes) action: GetVariable
7 bytes) action: Push int:1 Lookup:3 ("ball")
0 bytes) action: GetVariable
2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:4 ("hitTest")
0 bytes) action: CallMethod
0 bytes) action: Not
2 bytes) action: If 78
2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:0 ("handle")
0 bytes) action: GetVariable
2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:3 ("ball")
0 bytes) action: GetVariable
7 bytes) action: Push int:2 Lookup:5 ("bounceBall")
0 bytes) action: CallFunction
0 bytes) action: Pop
4 bytes) action: Push Lookup:6 ("numPoints") Lookup:6 ("numP
0 bytes) action: GetVariable
0 bytes) action: Increment
0 bytes) action: SetVariable
2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:6 ("numPoints")
0 bytes) action: GetVariable
5 bytes) action: Push int:5
0 bytes) action: Modulo
9 bytes) action: Push double:0.000000
0 bytes) action: Equals2
0 bytes) action: Not
2 bytes) action: If 10
4 bytes) action: Push Lookup:7 ("ballSpeed") Lookup:7 ("ball
0 bytes) action: GetVariable
0 bytes) action: Increment
0 bytes) action: SetVariable
2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:8 ("gameTime")
0 bytes) action: GetVariable
11 bytes) action: Push double:0.000000 Lookup:9 ("Date")

( 229 bytes) action: Constantpool(28 entries) String:"handle" St
String:"ball" String:"hitTest" String:"bounceBall" String:"numPoints" String:"ball
String:"Date" String:"startTime" String:"gameEnd" String:"_width" String:"directio
String:"Stage" String:"height" String:"width" String:"runInterval" String:"clearIn
String:"interval" String:"maxBallSpeed" String:"run" String:"setInterval" String:"
11 bytes) action: unknown[8e] (remainder of 11 bytes:"run00
2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:0 ("handle")
//Frame 0
0 bytes) action: GetVariable
// Action tag #0
6 bytes) action: Push Lookup:1 ("_x") register:1 Lookup:2 ("
0 bytes) action: GetMember
function run()
0 bytes) action: SetMember
2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:0 ("handle")
handle._x = _root._xmouse;
0 bytes) action: GetVariable
if (ball.hitTest(handle))
7 bytes) action: Push int:1 Lookup:3 ("ball")
0 bytes) action: GetVariable
bounceBall(ball, handle);
2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:4 ("hitTest")
0 bytes) action: CallMethod
if (numPoints % 5 == 0)
0 bytes) action: Not
2 bytes) action: If 78
2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:0 ("handle")
0 bytes) action: GetVariable
var __reg2 = gameTime - (new Date() - startTime) / 1000; 2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:3 ("ball")
0 bytes) action: GetVariable
if (__reg2 <= 0)
7 bytes) action: Push int:2 Lookup:5 ("bounceBall")
0 bytes) action: CallFunction
0 bytes) action: Pop
4 bytes) action: Push Lookup:6 ("numPoints") Lookup:6 ("numP
0 bytes) action: GetVariable
function bounceBall(ball, handle)
0 bytes) action: Increment
0 bytes) action: SetVariable
var __reg1 = handle._width / 2 + handle._x;
2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:6 ("numPoints")
var __reg2 = ball._x;
0 bytes) action: GetVariable
direction.y = direction.y * -1;
5 bytes) action: Push int:5
if (__reg2 == __reg1)
0 bytes) action: Modulo
9 bytes) action: Push double:0.000000
direction.x = 0;
0 bytes) action: Equals2
0 bytes) action: Not
2 bytes) action: If 10
4 bytes) action: Push Lookup:7 ("ballSpeed") Lookup:7 ("ball
0 bytes) action: GetVariable
0 bytes) action: Increment
0 bytes) action: SetVariable
2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:8 ("gameTime")
0 bytes) action: GetVariable
11 bytes) action: Push double:0.000000 Lookup:9 ("Date")
Donnerstag, 21. November 13

slot 0: var <q>[public]::x6y6q5:<q>[public]flash.display::Movie
slot 0: var <q>[public]::x3y3q5:<q>[public]flash.display::Movie
slot 0: var <q>[public]::x15y15q5:<q>[public]flash.display::Mov
slot 0: var <q>[public]::x12y12q5:<q>[public]flash.display::Mov
method * <q>[packageinternal]filter_fla::frame1=()(0 params, 0
[stack:5 locals:1 scope:10-11 flags:] slot:0
//ActionScript 3.0
// package filter_fla
class MainTimeline
00000) + 0:0 getlocal_0
package filter_fla
00001) + 1:0 pushscope
00002) + 0:1 getlocal_0
import flash.display.*;
00003) + 1:1 getproperty <q>[public]::x1y1q5
import flash.filters.*;
00004) + 1:1 findpropstrict <q>[public]flash.filters::BlurF
public dynamic class MainTimeline extends flash.display.MovieClip
00005) + 2:1 pushbyte 1
00006) + 3:1 dup
public function MainTimeline()
00007) + 4:1 pushbyte 5
00008) + 5:1 constructprop <q>[public]flash.filters::BlurFi
00009) + 2:1 newarray 1 params
addFrameScript(0, this.frame1);
00010) + 2:1 setproperty <q>[public]::filters
00011) + 0:1 getlocal_0
00012) + 1:1 getproperty <q>[public]::x3y3q5
function frame1():*
00013) + 1:1 findpropstrict <q>[public]flash.filters::BlurF
this.x1y1q5.filters = [new flash.filters.BlurFilter(1, 1, 5)];
00014) + 2:1 pushbyte 3
this.x3y3q5.filters = [new flash.filters.BlurFilter(3, 3, 5)];
00015) + 3:1 dup
this.x6y6q5.filters = [new flash.filters.BlurFilter(6, 6, 5)];
00016) + 4:1 pushbyte 5
this.x9y9q5.filters = [new flash.filters.BlurFilter(9, 9, 5)];
this.x12y12q5.filters = [new flash.filters.BlurFilter(12, 12,00017) + 5:1 constructprop <q>[public]flash.filters::BlurFi
this.x15y15q5.filters = [new flash.filters.BlurFilter(15, 15,00018) + 2:1 newarray 1 params
00019) + 2:1 setproperty <q>[public]::filters
00020) + 0:1 getlocal_0
00021) + 1:1 getproperty <q>[public]::x6y6q5
public var x9y9q5:flash.display.MovieClip;
00022) + 1:1 findpropstrict <q>[public]flash.filters::BlurF
00023) + 2:1 pushbyte 6
public var x1y1q5:flash.display.MovieClip;
00024) + 3:1 dup
public var x6y6q5:flash.display.MovieClip;
00025) + 4:1 pushbyte 5
00026) + 5:1 constructprop <q>[public]flash.filters::BlurFi
public var x3y3q5:flash.display.MovieClip;
00027) + 2:1 newarray 1 params
public var x15y15q5:flash.display.MovieClip;
00028) + 2:1 setproperty <q>[public]::filters
00029) + 0:1 getlocal_0
public var x12y12q5:flash.display.MovieClip;
00030) + 1:1 getproperty <q>[public]::x9y9q5
00031) + 1:1 findpropstrict <q>[public]flash.filters::BlurF
00032) + 2:1 pushbyte 9
00033) + 3:1 dup
00034) + 4:1 pushbyte 5
00035) + 5:1 constructprop <q>[public]flash.filters::BlurFi
00036) + 2:1 newarray 1 params
00037) + 2:1 setproperty <q>[public]::filters
00038) + 0:1 getlocal_0
Donnerstag, 21. November 13
00039) + 1:1 getproperty <q>[public]::x12y12q5



• ~60 classes

• ~450 classes

• simplest namespacing

• packages, classes, interfaces

• case-insensitive!!!

• case-sensitive

• script blocks attached to frames

• event-driven

• dynamic scope lookups

• scope like JS

• lots of legacy

• very (over?) engineered

• small, AVM1, ...

• huge, AVM2, ...

Donnerstag, 21. November 13
ByteCode - VM or JavaScript

Donnerstag, 21. November 13
Donnerstag, 21. November 13
Donnerstag, 21. November 13
ActionScript2 => JavaScript

Donnerstag, 21. November 13
... first a bit of architecture

Donnerstag, 21. November 13
Architecture Overview


AS2/3 Shim
Donnerstag, 21. November 13

Images, Fonts,
Audio, etc.



Server side
SWF Parser

Donnerstag, 21. November 13

{ header:
{ inflate: true,
lzma: false,
version: 11,
len: 6967,
rect: { name: 'Rect', x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 550, y2: 400 },
frameRate: 24,
frameCount: 1 },
[ { name: 'FileAttributes',
reserved: 0,
useDirectBlit: 0,
useGPU: 0,
hasMetadata: 1,
actionScript3: 0,
reserved2: 0,
useNetwork: 0,
reserved3: 0 },
{ name: 'MetaData',
metaData: '<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""> <xmp:CreatorTool>Adobe Flash Professional
<xmp:CreateDate>2013-11-05T14:00:16+01:00</xmp:CreateDate> <xmp:M
<xmp:ModifyDate>2013-11-06T09:17:43+01:00</xmp:ModifyDate> </rdf:
xap/1.0/mm/" xmlns:stRef="
xmpMM:InstanceID> <xmpMM:DocumentID>xmp.did:43993C31FF2068118083F
stRef:documentID> <stRef:originalDocumentID>xmp.did:B2319BF64B206
rdf:Description> <rdf:Description rdf:about="" xmlns:dc="http://p
dc:format> </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF> ' },
{ name: 'SetBackgroundColor', color: 'ffffff' },
{ name: 'DoAction',
[ { name: 'ActionRecord',
len: 229,
actionCode: 136,
{ count: 28,
[ 'handle',
Server side
SWF Parser
!"" pong-simple
#"" assets
$   !"" img(2l-5)_1.png
!"" src
#"" as2js
$   !"" rootMovie.js
!"" js
#"" abc.js
#"" dict
$   #"" bitmap.js
$   #"" button.js
$   #"" font.js
$   #"" html.js
$   #"" morph.js
$   #"" shape.js
$   #"" sprite.js
$   !"" text.js
#"" movie-amd.js
!"" resources.js

Donnerstag, 21. November 13


{ header:
{ inflate: true,
lzma: false,
version: 11,
len: 6967,
rect: { name: 'Rect', x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 550, y2: 400 },
frameRate: 24,
frameCount: 1 },
[ { name: 'FileAttributes',
reserved: 0,
useDirectBlit: 0,
useGPU: 0,
hasMetadata: 1,
actionScript3: 0,
reserved2: 0,
useNetwork: 0,
reserved3: 0 },
{ name: 'MetaData',
metaData: '<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""> <rdf:Description rdf:about="" xmlns:xmp="http://"> <xmp:CreatorTool>Adobe Flash Professional CS5.5 - build 349</xmp:CreatorTool>
<xmp:CreateDate>2013-11-05T14:00:16+01:00</xmp:CreateDate> <xmp:MetadataDate>2013-11-06T09:17:43+01:00</xmp:MetadataDate>
<xmp:ModifyDate>2013-11-06T09:17:43+01:00</xmp:ModifyDate> </rdf:Description> <rdf:Description rdf:about="" xmlns:xmpMM="
xap/1.0/mm/" xmlns:stRef=""> <xmpMM:InstanceID>xmp.iid:43993C31FF2068118083F2A7E5573F79</
xmpMM:InstanceID> <xmpMM:DocumentID>xmp.did:43993C31FF2068118083F2A7E5573F79</xmpMM:DocumentID>
<xmpMM:OriginalDocumentID>xmp.did:B2319BF64B2068118083F2A7E5573F79</xmpMM:OriginalDocumentID> <xmpMM:DerivedFrom rdf:parseType="Resource">
<stRef:instanceID>xmp.iid:0F9F87A6F32068118083F2A7E5573F79</stRef:instanceID> <stRef:documentID>xmp.did:CA93569BEA2068118083F2A7E5573F79</
stRef:documentID> <stRef:originalDocumentID>xmp.did:B2319BF64B2068118083F2A7E5573F79</stRef:originalDocumentID> </xmpMM:DerivedFrom> </
rdf:Description> <rdf:Description rdf:about="" xmlns:dc=""> <dc:format>application/x-shockwave-flash</
dc:format> </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF> ' },
{ name: 'SetBackgroundColor', color: 'ffffff' },
{ name: 'DoAction',
[ { name: 'ActionRecord',
len: 229,
actionCode: 136,
{ count: 28,
[ 'handle',
'moveBall' ] },
actionName: 'ActionConstantPool' },

Code Generator
{ name: 'DefineShape',
id: 2,
bounds: { name: 'Rect', x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 219, y2: 109 },
{ name: 'ShapeWithStyle',
[ { name: 'FillStyle',
type: 67,
desc: 'non-smoothed clipped bitmap',
color: 0,
gradientMatrix: 0,
gradient: 0,
bitmapId: 1,
{ name: 'Matrix',
hasScale: true,
hasRotate: false,
hasTranslate: false,
sx: 1,
sy: 1 } } ],
lineStyles: [],
[ { name: 'moveTo',
move: true,
mx: 219,
my: 109,
{ name: 'FillStyle',
type: 67,
desc: 'non-smoothed clipped bitmap',
color: 0,
gradientMatrix: 0,
Donnerstag, 21. November 13

Bonsai Code
ActionScript2 => JavaScript

SWF data

Donnerstag, 21. November 13

!"" pong-simple
#"" assets
$   !"" img(2l-5)_1.png
!"" src
#"" as2js
$   !"" rootMovie.js

#"" bitmap.js
#"" button.js
#"" font.js
#"" html.js
#"" morph.js
#"" shape.js
#"" sprite.js
!"" text.js
Source => ByteCode => Source
AS2 (Flash IDE)
function run() {
handle._x = _root._xmouse;
if (ball.hitTest(handle)) {
bounceBall(ball, handle);
if (numPoints % 5 == 0) {
var t = gameTime - (new Date() - startTime) / 1000;
if (t <= 0) {

Donnerstag, 21. November 13
Source => ByteCode => Source
AS2 (Flash IDE)

Compiled ByteCode

11 bytes) action: unknown[8e] (remainder of 11 bytes:"run0003j0?0")
2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:0 ("handle")
0 bytes) action: GetVariable
function run() { 6 bytes) action: Push Lookup:1 ("_x") register:1 Lookup:2 ("_xmouse")
handle._x = _root._xmouse; GetMember
0 bytes) action:
0 bytes) action:
if (ball.hitTest(handle)) { SetMember
2 bytes) handle);
bounceBall(ball, action: Push Lookup:0 ("handle")
0 bytes) action: GetVariable
7 bytes) action: Push int:1 Lookup:3 ("ball")
if (numPoints % 5 == 0) GetVariable
0 bytes) action: {
++ballSpeed; action: Push Lookup:4 ("hitTest")
2 bytes)
0 bytes) action: CallMethod
0 bytes) action: Not
2 bytes) action: If 78
var t = gameTime - (new Date() - startTime) / 1000;
2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:0 ("handle")
if (t <= (
0) 0 bytes) action: GetVariable
gameEnd(); bytes) action: Push Lookup:3 ("ball")
0 bytes) action: GetVariable
7 bytes) action: Push int:2 Lookup:5 ("bounceBall")
0 bytes) action: CallFunction
0 bytes) action: Pop
4 bytes) action: Push Lookup:6 ("numPoints") Lookup:6 ("numPoints")
0 bytes) action: GetVariable
0 bytes) action: Increment
0 bytes) action: SetVariable
2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:6 ("numPoints")
0 bytes) action: GetVariable
5 bytes) action: Push int:5
0 bytes) action: Modulo
9 bytes) action: Push double:0.000000
0 bytes) action: Equals2
0 bytes) action: Not
2 bytes) action: If 10
4 bytes) action: Push Lookup:7 ("ballSpeed") Lookup:7 ("ballSpeed")
0 bytes) action: GetVariable
0 bytes) action: Increment
0 bytes) action: SetVariable
2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:8 ("gameTime")
0 bytes) action: GetVariable
( 13 11 bytes) action: Push double:0.000000 Lookup:9 ("Date")
Donnerstag, 21. November
Source => ByteCode => Source
AS2 (Flash IDE)

Compiled ByteCode

11 bytes) action: unknown[8e] (remainder of 11 bytes:"run0003j0?0")
2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:0 ("handle")
0 bytes) action: GetVariable
function run() { 6 bytes) action: Push Lookup:1 ("_x") register:1 Lookup:2 ("_xmouse")
handle._x = _root._xmouse; GetMember
0 bytes) action:
0 bytes) action:
if (ball.hitTest(handle)) { SetMember
2 bytes) handle);
bounceBall(ball, action: Push Lookup:0 ("handle")
0 bytes) action: GetVariable
7 bytes) action: Push int:1 Lookup:3 ("ball")
if (numPoints % 5 == 0) GetVariable
0 bytes) action: {
++ballSpeed; action: Push Lookup:4 ("hitTest")
2 bytes)
0 bytes) action: CallMethod
0 bytes) action: Not
2 bytes) action: If 78
var t = gameTime - (new Date() - startTime) / 1000;
2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:0 ("handle")
if (t <= (
0) 0 bytes) action: GetVariable
gameEnd(); bytes) action: Push Lookup:3 ("ball")
0 bytes) action: GetVariable
7 bytes) action: Push int:2 Lookup:5 ("bounceBall")
0 bytes) action: CallFunction
0 bytes) action: Pop
4 bytes) action: Push Lookup:6 ("numPoints") Lookup:6 ("numPoints")
0 bytes) action: GetVariable
0 bytes) action: Increment
0 bytes) action: SetVariable
2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:6 ("numPoints")
0 bytes) action: GetVariable
5 bytes) action: Push int:5
0 bytes) action: Modulo
9 bytes) action: Push double:0.000000
0 bytes) action: Equals2
0 bytes) action: Not
2 bytes) action: If 10
4 bytes) action: Push Lookup:7 ("ballSpeed") Lookup:7 ("ballSpeed")
0 bytes) action: GetVariable
0 bytes) action: Increment
0 bytes) action: SetVariable
2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:8 ("gameTime")
0 bytes) action: GetVariable
( 13 11 bytes) action: Push double:0.000000 Lookup:9 ("Date")
Donnerstag, 21. November

• from ByteCode
1) to ActionScript2 like JavaScript
2) to real JavaScript

• „fix“ scoping

• „fix“ case-insensitivity

• „fix“ class construction

• etc.

Donnerstag, 21. November 13
ActionScript2 ByteCode => JavaScript


Donnerstag, 21. November 13
ActionScript2 ByteCode => JavaScript


Donnerstag, 21. November 13
What we translate

Converted to JavaScript
Donnerstag, 21. November 13
•estraverse => for traversing the tree
•escodegen => generating the code

Donnerstag, 21. November 13
ActionScript API

Donnerstag, 21. November 13
BevelFilter (flash.filters.BevelFilter)
BitmapData (flash.display.BitmapData)
BitmapFilter (flash.filters.BitmapFilter)
BlurFilter (flash.filters.BlurFilter)
capabilities (System.capabilities)
ColorMatrixFilter (flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter)
ColorTransform (flash.geom.ColorTransform)
ConvolutionFilter (flash.filters.ConvolutionFilter)
DisplacementMapFilter (flash.filters.DisplacementMapFilter)
DropShadowFilter (flash.filters.DropShadowFilter)
ExternalInterface (flash.external.ExternalInterface)
FileReference (
FileReferenceList (
GlowFilter (flash.filters.GlowFilter)
GradientBevelFilter (flash.filters.GradientBevelFilter)
GradientGlowFilter (flash.filters.GradientGlowFilter)
IME (System.IME)

Donnerstag, 21. November 13

Locale (mx.lang.Locale)
Matrix (flash.geom.Matrix)
Point (flash.geom.Point)
Rectangle (flash.geom.Rectangle)
security (
StyleSheet (TextField.StyleSheet)
TextRenderer (flash.text.TextRenderer)
Transform (flash.geom.Transform)

Donnerstag, 21. November 13



Editor with Live Preview

Donnerstag, 21. November 13
Thank you

Wolfram Kriesing
uxebu / pixelplant

Donnerstag, 21. November 13

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  • 5. Bonsai - Inside Donnerstag, 21. November 13
  • 7. ... Bonsai Demos ... Donnerstag, 21. November 13
  • 8. Content creation Audio Bitmap Shapes Text darker lighter Video randomize radial saturation Color hue Gradient hsla linear rgba Organization Movie play units Timeline stop Manipulation greyscale saturate invert Filter blur dropShadow sepia Donnerstag, 21. November 13 Sprite frames length mouseup mousedown on Events keyup drag emit keydown touch Grouping keyframes matrix x opacity Animation rotation Matrix clip y mask scale
  • 9. Single Threaded, almost • • • • Renderer Donnerstag, 21. November 13 Heavy Lifting Decoupled from UI Thread WebWorker Runs in nodejs Bonsai Script
  • 10. Client Setup Bonsai Script IFrame UI Thread Renderer Donnerstag, 21. November 13
  • 12. Client Setup Bonsai Script IFrame UI Thread Renderer Bonsai Script WebWorker UI Thread Renderer Donnerstag, 21. November 13
  • 15. SWF File Anatomy Donnerstag, 21. November 13
  • 20. > swfdump -D ikea-lady.swf Metadata Script [HEADER] [HEADER] [HEADER] [HEADER] [HEADER] [HEADER] [009] File version: 6 File size: 29640 Frame rate: 30.000000 Frame count: 1 Movie width: 209.00 Movie height: 242.00 3 SETBACKGROUNDCOLOR (ff/ff/ff) [00c] 2 DOACTION ( 0 bytes) action: Stop ( 0 bytes) action: End [002] Shapes [027] [01a] [001] [000] [01a] [023] [002] Donnerstag, 21. November 13 30 DEFINESHAPE defines id 0001 | fillstyles(01) linestyles(00) | 1 ) SOLID ffffffff | | fill: 00/01 line:00 - moveTo -23.25 -23.25 | fill: 00/01 line:00 - lineTo 23.25 -23.25 | fill: 00/01 line:00 - lineTo 23.25 23.25 | fill: 00/01 line:00 - lineTo -23.25 23.25 | fill: 00/01 line:00 - lineTo -23.25 -23.25 | 4 DEFINESPRITE defines id 0002 6 PLACEOBJECT2 places id 0001 at depth 0001 | Matrix | 1.000 0.000 0.00 | 0.000 1.000 0.00 0 SHOWFRAME 1 (00:00:00,000) 0 END 26 PLACEOBJECT2 places id 0002 at depth 0001 | Matrix | CXForm r g b a | 4.495 0.000 104.50 | mul 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 | 0.000 5.204 121.00 | add 174 225 255 0 8043 DEFINEBITSJPEG3 defines id 0003 54 DEFINESHAPE defines id 0004 | fillstyles(02) linestyles(00) | 1 ) BITMAPc 65535 | 2 ) BITMAPc 3 | | fill: 00/02 line:00 - moveTo 137.50 71.00 | fill: 00/02 line:00 - lineTo -137.50 71.00 | fill: 00/02 line:00 - lineTo -137.50 -65.00
  • 22. [00c] ActionScript2 Donnerstag, 21. November 13 1284 DOACTION ( 229 bytes) action: Constantpool(28 entries) String:"handle" St String:"ball" String:"hitTest" String:"bounceBall" String:"numPoints" String:"ball String:"Date" String:"startTime" String:"gameEnd" String:"_width" String:"directio String:"Stage" String:"height" String:"width" String:"runInterval" String:"clearIn String:"interval" String:"maxBallSpeed" String:"run" String:"setInterval" String:" ( 11 bytes) action: unknown[8e] (remainder of 11 bytes:"run00 ( 2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:0 ("handle") ( 0 bytes) action: GetVariable ( 6 bytes) action: Push Lookup:1 ("_x") register:1 Lookup:2 (" ( 0 bytes) action: GetMember ( 0 bytes) action: SetMember ( 2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:0 ("handle") ( 0 bytes) action: GetVariable ( 7 bytes) action: Push int:1 Lookup:3 ("ball") ( 0 bytes) action: GetVariable ( 2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:4 ("hitTest") ( 0 bytes) action: CallMethod ( 0 bytes) action: Not ( 2 bytes) action: If 78 ( 2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:0 ("handle") ( 0 bytes) action: GetVariable ( 2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:3 ("ball") ( 0 bytes) action: GetVariable ( 7 bytes) action: Push int:2 Lookup:5 ("bounceBall") ( 0 bytes) action: CallFunction ( 0 bytes) action: Pop ( 4 bytes) action: Push Lookup:6 ("numPoints") Lookup:6 ("numP ( 0 bytes) action: GetVariable ( 0 bytes) action: Increment ( 0 bytes) action: SetVariable ( 2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:6 ("numPoints") ( 0 bytes) action: GetVariable ( 5 bytes) action: Push int:5 ( 0 bytes) action: Modulo ( 9 bytes) action: Push double:0.000000 ( 0 bytes) action: Equals2 ( 0 bytes) action: Not ( 2 bytes) action: If 10 ( 4 bytes) action: Push Lookup:7 ("ballSpeed") Lookup:7 ("ball ( 0 bytes) action: GetVariable ( 0 bytes) action: Increment ( 0 bytes) action: SetVariable ( 2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:8 ("gameTime") ( 0 bytes) action: GetVariable ( 11 bytes) action: Push double:0.000000 Lookup:9 ("Date")
  • 23. [00c] 1284 DOACTION ( 229 bytes) action: Constantpool(28 entries) String:"handle" St String:"ball" String:"hitTest" String:"bounceBall" String:"numPoints" String:"ball String:"Date" String:"startTime" String:"gameEnd" String:"_width" String:"directio String:"Stage" String:"height" String:"width" String:"runInterval" String:"clearIn String:"interval" String:"maxBallSpeed" String:"run" String:"setInterval" String:" ( 11 bytes) action: unknown[8e] (remainder of 11 bytes:"run00 ( 2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:0 ("handle") //Frame 0 ( 0 bytes) action: GetVariable // Action tag #0 ( 6 bytes) action: Push Lookup:1 ("_x") register:1 Lookup:2 (" ( 0 bytes) action: GetMember function run() ( 0 bytes) action: SetMember { ( 2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:0 ("handle") handle._x = _root._xmouse; ( 0 bytes) action: GetVariable if (ball.hitTest(handle)) ( 7 bytes) action: Push int:1 Lookup:3 ("ball") { ( 0 bytes) action: GetVariable bounceBall(ball, handle); ( 2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:4 ("hitTest") ++numPoints; ( 0 bytes) action: CallMethod if (numPoints % 5 == 0) ( 0 bytes) action: Not { ( 2 bytes) action: If 78 ++ballSpeed; ( 2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:0 ("handle") } ( 0 bytes) action: GetVariable } ( var __reg2 = gameTime - (new Date() - startTime) / 1000; 2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:3 ("ball") ( 0 bytes) action: GetVariable if (__reg2 <= 0) ( 7 bytes) action: Push int:2 Lookup:5 ("bounceBall") { ( 0 bytes) action: CallFunction gameEnd(); ( 0 bytes) action: Pop } ( 4 bytes) action: Push Lookup:6 ("numPoints") Lookup:6 ("numP } ( 0 bytes) action: GetVariable function bounceBall(ball, handle) ( 0 bytes) action: Increment { ( 0 bytes) action: SetVariable var __reg1 = handle._width / 2 + handle._x; ( 2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:6 ("numPoints") var __reg2 = ball._x; ( 0 bytes) action: GetVariable direction.y = direction.y * -1; ( 5 bytes) action: Push int:5 if (__reg2 == __reg1) ( 0 bytes) action: Modulo { ( 9 bytes) action: Push double:0.000000 direction.x = 0; ( 0 bytes) action: Equals2 return; ( 0 bytes) action: Not } ( 2 bytes) action: If 10 ( 4 bytes) action: Push Lookup:7 ("ballSpeed") Lookup:7 ("ball ( 0 bytes) action: GetVariable ( 0 bytes) action: Increment ( 0 bytes) action: SetVariable ( 2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:8 ("gameTime") ( 0 bytes) action: GetVariable ( 11 bytes) action: Push double:0.000000 Lookup:9 ("Date") Donnerstag, 21. November 13 ActionScript2
  • 24. slot 0: var <q>[public]::x6y6q5:<q>[public]flash.display::Movie slot 0: var <q>[public]::x3y3q5:<q>[public]flash.display::Movie slot 0: var <q>[public]::x15y15q5:<q>[public]flash.display::Mov slot 0: var <q>[public]::x12y12q5:<q>[public]flash.display::Mov method * <q>[packageinternal]filter_fla::frame1=()(0 params, 0 [stack:5 locals:1 scope:10-11 flags:] slot:0 //ActionScript 3.0 { // package filter_fla // class MainTimeline 00000) + 0:0 getlocal_0 package filter_fla 00001) + 1:0 pushscope { 00002) + 0:1 getlocal_0 import flash.display.*; 00003) + 1:1 getproperty <q>[public]::x1y1q5 import flash.filters.*; 00004) + 1:1 findpropstrict <q>[public]flash.filters::BlurF public dynamic class MainTimeline extends flash.display.MovieClip 00005) + 2:1 pushbyte 1 { 00006) + 3:1 dup public function MainTimeline() 00007) + 4:1 pushbyte 5 { 00008) + 5:1 constructprop <q>[public]flash.filters::BlurFi super(); 00009) + 2:1 newarray 1 params addFrameScript(0, this.frame1); return; 00010) + 2:1 setproperty <q>[public]::filters } 00011) + 0:1 getlocal_0 00012) + 1:1 getproperty <q>[public]::x3y3q5 function frame1():* 00013) + 1:1 findpropstrict <q>[public]flash.filters::BlurF { this.x1y1q5.filters = [new flash.filters.BlurFilter(1, 1, 5)]; 00014) + 2:1 pushbyte 3 this.x3y3q5.filters = [new flash.filters.BlurFilter(3, 3, 5)]; 00015) + 3:1 dup this.x6y6q5.filters = [new flash.filters.BlurFilter(6, 6, 5)]; 00016) + 4:1 pushbyte 5 this.x9y9q5.filters = [new flash.filters.BlurFilter(9, 9, 5)]; this.x12y12q5.filters = [new flash.filters.BlurFilter(12, 12,00017) + 5:1 constructprop <q>[public]flash.filters::BlurFi 5)]; this.x15y15q5.filters = [new flash.filters.BlurFilter(15, 15,00018) + 2:1 newarray 1 params 5)]; return; 00019) + 2:1 setproperty <q>[public]::filters } 00020) + 0:1 getlocal_0 00021) + 1:1 getproperty <q>[public]::x6y6q5 public var x9y9q5:flash.display.MovieClip; 00022) + 1:1 findpropstrict <q>[public]flash.filters::BlurF 00023) + 2:1 pushbyte 6 public var x1y1q5:flash.display.MovieClip; 00024) + 3:1 dup public var x6y6q5:flash.display.MovieClip; 00025) + 4:1 pushbyte 5 00026) + 5:1 constructprop <q>[public]flash.filters::BlurFi public var x3y3q5:flash.display.MovieClip; 00027) + 2:1 newarray 1 params public var x15y15q5:flash.display.MovieClip; 00028) + 2:1 setproperty <q>[public]::filters 00029) + 0:1 getlocal_0 public var x12y12q5:flash.display.MovieClip; 00030) + 1:1 getproperty <q>[public]::x9y9q5 } 00031) + 1:1 findpropstrict <q>[public]flash.filters::BlurF } 00032) + 2:1 pushbyte 9 00033) + 3:1 dup 00034) + 4:1 pushbyte 5 00035) + 5:1 constructprop <q>[public]flash.filters::BlurFi 00036) + 2:1 newarray 1 params 00037) + 2:1 setproperty <q>[public]::filters 00038) + 0:1 getlocal_0 Donnerstag, 21. November 13 00039) + 1:1 getproperty <q>[public]::x12y12q5 ActionScript3
  • 25. ActionScript2 ActionScript3 • ~60 classes • ~450 classes • simplest namespacing • packages, classes, interfaces • case-insensitive!!! • case-sensitive • script blocks attached to frames • event-driven • dynamic scope lookups • scope like JS • lots of legacy • very (over?) engineered • small, AVM1, ... • huge, AVM2, ... Donnerstag, 21. November 13
  • 26. ByteCode - VM or JavaScript Donnerstag, 21. November 13
  • 30. ... first a bit of architecture Donnerstag, 21. November 13
  • 31. Architecture Overview Server Browser AS2/3 Shim Runtime Donnerstag, 21. November 13 Images, Fonts, Audio, etc. JavaScript CDN assets, index.html, movie-min.js Lokal
  • 32. Server side SWF Parser Donnerstag, 21. November 13 { header: { inflate: true, lzma: false, version: 11, len: 6967, rect: { name: 'Rect', x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 550, y2: 400 }, frameRate: 24, frameCount: 1 }, tags: [ { name: 'FileAttributes', reserved: 0, useDirectBlit: 0, useGPU: 0, hasMetadata: 1, actionScript3: 0, reserved2: 0, useNetwork: 0, reserved3: 0 }, { name: 'MetaData', metaData: '<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""> <xmp:CreatorTool>Adobe Flash Professional <xmp:CreateDate>2013-11-05T14:00:16+01:00</xmp:CreateDate> <xmp:M <xmp:ModifyDate>2013-11-06T09:17:43+01:00</xmp:ModifyDate> </rdf: xap/1.0/mm/" xmlns:stRef=" xmpMM:InstanceID> <xmpMM:DocumentID>xmp.did:43993C31FF2068118083F <xmpMM:OriginalDocumentID>xmp.did:B2319BF64B2068118083F2A7E5573F7 <stRef:instanceID>xmp.iid:0F9F87A6F32068118083F2A7E5573F79</stRef stRef:documentID> <stRef:originalDocumentID>xmp.did:B2319BF64B206 rdf:Description> <rdf:Description rdf:about="" xmlns:dc="http://p dc:format> </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF> ' }, { name: 'SetBackgroundColor', color: 'ffffff' }, { name: 'DoAction', actionRecords: [ { name: 'ActionRecord', len: 229, actionCode: 136, options: { count: 28, constantPool: [ 'handle', '_x', '_xmouse', 'ball',
  • 33. Server side SWF Parser . !"" pong-simple #"" assets $   !"" img(2l-5)_1.png !"" src #"" as2js $   !"" rootMovie.js !"" js #"" abc.js #"" dict $   #"" bitmap.js $   #"" button.js $   #"" font.js $   #"" html.js $   #"" morph.js $   #"" shape.js $   #"" sprite.js $   !"" text.js #"" movie-amd.js !"" resources.js Donnerstag, 21. November 13 Code Generator { header: { inflate: true, lzma: false, version: 11, len: 6967, rect: { name: 'Rect', x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 550, y2: 400 }, frameRate: 24, frameCount: 1 }, tags: [ { name: 'FileAttributes', reserved: 0, useDirectBlit: 0, useGPU: 0, hasMetadata: 1, actionScript3: 0, reserved2: 0, useNetwork: 0, reserved3: 0 }, { name: 'MetaData', metaData: '<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""> <rdf:Description rdf:about="" xmlns:xmp="http://"> <xmp:CreatorTool>Adobe Flash Professional CS5.5 - build 349</xmp:CreatorTool> <xmp:CreateDate>2013-11-05T14:00:16+01:00</xmp:CreateDate> <xmp:MetadataDate>2013-11-06T09:17:43+01:00</xmp:MetadataDate> <xmp:ModifyDate>2013-11-06T09:17:43+01:00</xmp:ModifyDate> </rdf:Description> <rdf:Description rdf:about="" xmlns:xmpMM=" xap/1.0/mm/" xmlns:stRef=""> <xmpMM:InstanceID>xmp.iid:43993C31FF2068118083F2A7E5573F79</ xmpMM:InstanceID> <xmpMM:DocumentID>xmp.did:43993C31FF2068118083F2A7E5573F79</xmpMM:DocumentID> <xmpMM:OriginalDocumentID>xmp.did:B2319BF64B2068118083F2A7E5573F79</xmpMM:OriginalDocumentID> <xmpMM:DerivedFrom rdf:parseType="Resource"> <stRef:instanceID>xmp.iid:0F9F87A6F32068118083F2A7E5573F79</stRef:instanceID> <stRef:documentID>xmp.did:CA93569BEA2068118083F2A7E5573F79</ stRef:documentID> <stRef:originalDocumentID>xmp.did:B2319BF64B2068118083F2A7E5573F79</stRef:originalDocumentID> </xmpMM:DerivedFrom> </ rdf:Description> <rdf:Description rdf:about="" xmlns:dc=""> <dc:format>application/x-shockwave-flash</ dc:format> </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF> ' }, { name: 'SetBackgroundColor', color: 'ffffff' }, { name: 'DoAction', actionRecords: [ { name: 'ActionRecord', len: 229, actionCode: 136, options: { count: 28, constantPool: [ 'handle', '_x', '_xmouse', 'ball', 'hitTest', 'bounceBall', 'numPoints', 'ballSpeed', 'gameTime', 'Date', 'startTime', 'gameEnd', '_width', 'direction', 'y', 'x', '_y', 'Stage', 'height', 'width', 'runInterval', 'clearInterval', 'moveBallInterval', 'interval', 'maxBallSpeed', 'run', 'setInterval', 'moveBall' ] }, actionName: 'ActionConstantPool' }, JSON
  • 34. Code Generator SWF Parser JSON { name: 'DefineShape', id: 2, bounds: { name: 'Rect', x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 219, y2: 109 }, shape: { name: 'ShapeWithStyle', fillStyles: [ { name: 'FillStyle', type: 67, desc: 'non-smoothed clipped bitmap', color: 0, gradientMatrix: 0, gradient: 0, bitmapId: 1, bitmapMatrix: { name: 'Matrix', hasScale: true, hasRotate: false, hasTranslate: false, sx: 1, sy: 1 } } ], lineStyles: [], shapeRecords: [ { name: 'moveTo', move: true, mx: 219, my: 109, fillStyle1: { name: 'FillStyle', type: 67, desc: 'non-smoothed clipped bitmap', color: 0, gradientMatrix: 0, Donnerstag, 21. November 13 Bonsai Code
  • 35. ActionScript2 => JavaScript Assets Scripting SWF data Donnerstag, 21. November 13 . !"" pong-simple #"" assets $   !"" img(2l-5)_1.png !"" src #"" as2js $   !"" rootMovie.js #"" #"" $   $   $   $   $   $   $   $   #"" abc.js dict #"" bitmap.js #"" button.js #"" font.js #"" html.js #"" morph.js #"" shape.js #"" sprite.js !"" text.js movie-amd.js
  • 36. Source => ByteCode => Source AS2 (Flash IDE) function run() { handle._x = _root._xmouse; if (ball.hitTest(handle)) { bounceBall(ball, handle); ++numPoints; if (numPoints % 5 == 0) { ++ballSpeed; } } var t = gameTime - (new Date() - startTime) / 1000; if (t <= 0) { gameEnd(); } } Donnerstag, 21. November 13
  • 37. Source => ByteCode => Source AS2 (Flash IDE) Compiled ByteCode ( 11 bytes) action: unknown[8e] (remainder of 11 bytes:"run0003j0?0") ( 2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:0 ("handle") ( 0 bytes) action: GetVariable function run() { 6 bytes) action: Push Lookup:1 ("_x") register:1 Lookup:2 ("_xmouse") ( handle._x = _root._xmouse; GetMember ( 0 bytes) action: ( 0 bytes) action: if (ball.hitTest(handle)) { SetMember ( 2 bytes) handle); bounceBall(ball, action: Push Lookup:0 ("handle") ( 0 bytes) action: GetVariable ++numPoints; ( 7 bytes) action: Push int:1 Lookup:3 ("ball") if (numPoints % 5 == 0) GetVariable ( 0 bytes) action: { ++ballSpeed; action: Push Lookup:4 ("hitTest") ( 2 bytes) ( 0 bytes) action: CallMethod } ( 0 bytes) action: Not } ( 2 bytes) action: If 78 var t = gameTime - (new Date() - startTime) / 1000; ( 2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:0 ("handle") if (t <= ( 0) 0 bytes) action: GetVariable { ( 2 gameEnd(); bytes) action: Push Lookup:3 ("ball") ( 0 bytes) action: GetVariable } ( 7 bytes) action: Push int:2 Lookup:5 ("bounceBall") } ( 0 bytes) action: CallFunction ( 0 bytes) action: Pop ( 4 bytes) action: Push Lookup:6 ("numPoints") Lookup:6 ("numPoints") ( 0 bytes) action: GetVariable ( 0 bytes) action: Increment ( 0 bytes) action: SetVariable ( 2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:6 ("numPoints") ( 0 bytes) action: GetVariable ( 5 bytes) action: Push int:5 ( 0 bytes) action: Modulo ( 9 bytes) action: Push double:0.000000 ( 0 bytes) action: Equals2 ( 0 bytes) action: Not ( 2 bytes) action: If 10 ( 4 bytes) action: Push Lookup:7 ("ballSpeed") Lookup:7 ("ballSpeed") ( 0 bytes) action: GetVariable ( 0 bytes) action: Increment ( 0 bytes) action: SetVariable ( 2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:8 ("gameTime") ( 0 bytes) action: GetVariable ( 13 11 bytes) action: Push double:0.000000 Lookup:9 ("Date") Donnerstag, 21. November
  • 38. Source => ByteCode => Source AS2 (Flash IDE) Compiled ByteCode ( 11 bytes) action: unknown[8e] (remainder of 11 bytes:"run0003j0?0") ( 2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:0 ("handle") ( 0 bytes) action: GetVariable function run() { 6 bytes) action: Push Lookup:1 ("_x") register:1 Lookup:2 ("_xmouse") ( handle._x = _root._xmouse; GetMember ( 0 bytes) action: ( 0 bytes) action: if (ball.hitTest(handle)) { SetMember ( 2 bytes) handle); bounceBall(ball, action: Push Lookup:0 ("handle") ( 0 bytes) action: GetVariable ++numPoints; ( 7 bytes) action: Push int:1 Lookup:3 ("ball") if (numPoints % 5 == 0) GetVariable ( 0 bytes) action: { ++ballSpeed; action: Push Lookup:4 ("hitTest") ( 2 bytes) ( 0 bytes) action: CallMethod } ( 0 bytes) action: Not } ( 2 bytes) action: If 78 var t = gameTime - (new Date() - startTime) / 1000; ( 2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:0 ("handle") if (t <= ( 0) 0 bytes) action: GetVariable { ( 2 gameEnd(); bytes) action: Push Lookup:3 ("ball") ( 0 bytes) action: GetVariable } ( 7 bytes) action: Push int:2 Lookup:5 ("bounceBall") } ( 0 bytes) action: CallFunction ( 0 bytes) action: Pop ( 4 bytes) action: Push Lookup:6 ("numPoints") Lookup:6 ("numPoints") ( 0 bytes) action: GetVariable ( 0 bytes) action: Increment ( 0 bytes) action: SetVariable ( 2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:6 ("numPoints") ( 0 bytes) action: GetVariable ( 5 bytes) action: Push int:5 ( 0 bytes) action: Modulo ( 9 bytes) action: Push double:0.000000 ( 0 bytes) action: Equals2 ( 0 bytes) action: Not ( 2 bytes) action: If 10 ( 4 bytes) action: Push Lookup:7 ("ballSpeed") Lookup:7 ("ballSpeed") ( 0 bytes) action: GetVariable ( 0 bytes) action: Increment ( 0 bytes) action: SetVariable ( 2 bytes) action: Push Lookup:8 ("gameTime") ( 0 bytes) action: GetVariable ( 13 11 bytes) action: Push double:0.000000 Lookup:9 ("Date") Donnerstag, 21. November JavaScript
  • 39. • from ByteCode 1) to ActionScript2 like JavaScript 2) to real JavaScript • „fix“ scoping • „fix“ case-insensitivity • „fix“ class construction • etc. Donnerstag, 21. November 13
  • 40. ActionScript2 ByteCode => JavaScript Esprima Donnerstag, 21. November 13
  • 41. ActionScript2 ByteCode => JavaScript Esprima Donnerstag, 21. November 13
  • 42. What we translate AS2 Converted to JavaScript Donnerstag, 21. November 13
  • 43. •estraverse => for traversing the tree •escodegen => generating the code Donnerstag, 21. November 13
  • 45. Accessibility arguments Array AsBroadcaster BevelFilter (flash.filters.BevelFilter) BitmapData (flash.display.BitmapData) BitmapFilter (flash.filters.BitmapFilter) BlurFilter (flash.filters.BlurFilter) Boolean Button Camera capabilities (System.capabilities) Color ColorMatrixFilter (flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter) ColorTransform (flash.geom.ColorTransform) ContextMenu ContextMenuItem ConvolutionFilter (flash.filters.ConvolutionFilter) CustomActions Date DisplacementMapFilter (flash.filters.DisplacementMapFilter) DropShadowFilter (flash.filters.DropShadowFilter) Error ExternalInterface (flash.external.ExternalInterface) FileReference ( FileReferenceList ( Function GlowFilter (flash.filters.GlowFilter) GradientBevelFilter (flash.filters.GradientBevelFilter) GradientGlowFilter (flash.filters.GradientGlowFilter) IME (System.IME) Donnerstag, 21. November 13 Key LoadVars LocalConnection Locale (mx.lang.Locale) Math Matrix (flash.geom.Matrix) Microphone Mouse MovieClip MovieClipLoader NetConnection NetStream Number Object Point (flash.geom.Point) PrintJob Rectangle (flash.geom.Rectangle) security ( Selection SharedObject Sound Stage String StyleSheet (TextField.StyleSheet) System TextField TextFormat TextRenderer (flash.text.TextRenderer) TextSnapshot Transform (flash.geom.Transform) Video XML XMLNode XMLSocket XMLUI ActionScript2
  • 46. flash.accessibility flash.concurrent flash.crypto flash.desktop flash.display flash.display3D flash.display3D.textures flash.errors flash.external flash.filesystem flash.filters flash.geom flash.globalization flash.html flash.notifications flash.printing flash.profiler flash.sampler flash.sensors flash.system flash.text flash.text.engine flash.text.ime flash.ui flash.utils flash.xml Donnerstag, 21. November 13 flash.display ActionScriptVersion AVM1Movie Bitmap BitmapData BitmapDataChannel BitmapEncodingColorSpace BlendMode CapsStyle ColorCorrection ColorCorrectionSupport DisplayObject DisplayObjectContainer FocusDirection     FrameLabel GradientType Graphics GraphicsBitmapFill GraphicsEndFill GraphicsGradientFill GraphicsPath GraphicsPathCommand GraphicsPathWinding GraphicsShaderFill GraphicsSolidFill GraphicsStroke GraphicsTrianglePath InteractiveObject InterpolationMethod JointStyle JPEGEncoderOptions JPEGXREncoderOptions LineScaleMode Loader LoaderInfo MorphShape MovieClip NativeMenu     NativeMenuItem     NativeWindow     NativeWindowDisplayState     NativeWindowInitOptions     NativeWindowRenderMode     NativeWindowResize     NativeWindowSystemChrome     NativeWindowType     PixelSnapping PNGEncoderOptions Scene Screen     Shader ShaderData ShaderInput ShaderJob ShaderParameter ShaderParameterType ShaderPrecision Shape SimpleButton SpreadMethod Sprite Stage Stage3D StageAlign StageAspectRatio     StageDisplayState StageOrientation     StageQuality StageScaleMode SWFVersion TriangleCulling ActionScript3
  • 47. Editor with Live Preview Donnerstag, 21. November 13
  • 48. Thank you @wolframkriesing Wolfram Kriesing uxebu / pixelplant Donnerstag, 21. November 13