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1 Create PHP script to perform any five String
functions for a given strings.
2 Develop the PHP script to perform array operation.
3 Develop the PHP script to find the day difference
between two dates.
4 Design and develop the user interface by using
generic control in PHP.
5 Design and develop the user interface by using
advanced control in PHP.
6 Develop the user interface for client side
7 Develop a PHP application for MYSQL database
8 Develop a PHP script with Session and Cookie.
9 Develop a PHP application for send an Email.
10 Create a PNG file with different shapes.
Exercise: 1
Date :
Create PHP script to perform any five String functions for a given strings.
To create a PHP web page for perform the string function operation for a given string.
Step 1 : Start the process
Step 2: Define PHP script tags
Step 3 : Use the strlen() function to display the length of a sting.
Step 4: Use the str_replace() to replace the existing string values.
Sept 5: Use the strtolower() for convert the given string into lower case.
Sept 6: Save the file with .PHP extension
Step 7: Display the output in the Browser
Step 8: Stop the process
PHP Script
echo("length:").strlen("all the best");
echo str_word_count("all the best");
echo strrev("all the best");
echo strpos("all the best","best");
echo str_replace("all","god is","all the best");
echo strtoupper("all the best");
echo strtolower("ALL THE BEST");
echo ucfirst("all the best");
echo ucwords("all the best");
tseb eht lla
god is the best
all the best
All the best
All The Best
Thus the above string function PHP script has been successfully designed and displays the
Exercise: 2
Date :
Develop the PHP script to perform array operation.
To develop a PHP web page for perform the array based operation using built-in functions.
Step 1: Start the process
Step 2: Define PHP script tags
Step 3: Use the array () function to create the array.
Step 4: Use the in_array () function to find the give element is available or not in the array.
Sept 5: Use the sort() function to sort elements in the array.
Step 6: Use th earray_sum() function to produce the summation of array values.
Sept 7: Save the file with .PHP extension
Step 8: Display the output in the Browser Step
Step 9: Stop the process
PHP Script
echo"<h1><center> Array Program </center></h1>";
$roll_no = array("191ca001","191ca002","191ca003","191ca004","191ca005");
echo "Array elements are :<br>";
echo print_r($roll_no," ");
echo "<br> Find the Elements in the Array :<br>";
echo"$find_rollno found";
echo"$find_rollno not found";
echo"<br> Array1 <br>";
echo print_r($num_array1," ");
echo"<br> Array count<br>";
echo count($num_array1);
echo"<br> Array2 <br>";
echo print_r($num_array2," ");
echo "<br>Array Difference<br>";
echo print_r(array_diff($num_array1,$num_array2)," ");
echo "<br> Sum of Array=".array_sum($num_array1);
Array Program
Array elements are :
Array ( [0] => 191ca001 [1] => 191ca002 [2] => 191ca003 [3] => 191ca004 [4] => 191ca005 )
Find the Elements in the Array :
191ca003 found
Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 2 [2] => 3 [3] => 4 [4] => 5 )
Array count
Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 2 [2] => 3 [3] => 4 [4] => 6 )
Array Difference
Array ( [4] => 5 )
Sum of Array=15
Thus the above array functions PHP script has been successfully designed and displays the
Exercise: 3
Date :
Develop the PHP script to find the day difference between two dates.
To develop a PHP web page for finding number of days between two dates using functions.
Step 1 : Start the process
Step 2: Define PHP script tags
Step 3: Declare the required variable for store the dates.
Step 4 : Define the dateDiffInDays () function and pass given dates.
Sept 5: Return the result from the function.
Sept 6: Save the file with .PHP extension
Step 7: Display the output in the Browser
Step 8: Stop the process
PHP Script
function dateDiffInDays($date1,$date2)
return abs(round($diff/86400));
printf("Difference between two dates:".$dateDiff."Days");
Difference between two dates: 128 Days
Thus the above user defined functions for find the number of days between two dates PHP
script has been successfully designed and displays the output.
Exercise: 4
Date :
Design and develop the user interface by using generic control in PHP.
To design and develop a PHP web page for prepare the student result, grade and average of a
mark statement by using of generic control.
Step 1 : Start the process
Step 2: Design the user interface in a HTML file.
Step 3: Use the FORM element and send user inputs to server.
Step 4 : Develop the PHP script for read the user entered values.
Sept 5: Use the $_REQUEST PHP variable for and store the input.
Sept 6: Save the files .HTML and .PHP extension.
Step 7: Display the output in the Browser
Step 8: Stop the process
HTML Design
<h1><center>Student Mark Statement</center></h1>
Enter The Data
<form action="191ca003 6.php" method="get">
<input type="text" name="Regno">
<input type="text" name="m1">
<input type="text" name="m2">
<input type="text" name="m3">
<input type="text" name="m4">
<input type="text" name="m5">
<input type="checkbox" name="tl">
<input type="checkbox" name="PF">
<input type="checkbox" name="G">
<center><input type="submit" value="SUBMIT"></center>
Php script
<h1><center> STUDENT RESULT </center></h1>
echo "REG NO :".$regno;
echo "<br>";
echo ("TOTAL :".$total);
{ echo"RESULT :";
echo " PASS ";
echo "<br>";
echo ("AVERAGE : ".$total/5);
echo "<br>";
if ($total<280&&$total>=250)
echo"GRADE A";
else if($total<250&&$total>=200)
echo "GRADE B";
echo " GRADE C";
Thus the above student mark entry user interface HTML design and producing the result PHP
script has been successfully designed and displays the output.
Exercise: 5
Date :
Design and develop the user interface by using advanced control in PHP.
To design and develop a web page for hotel room booking user interface by using of generic
Step 1 : Start the process
Step 2: Design the user interface in a HTML file with advanced controls.
Step 3: Use the FORM element and send user inputs to server.
Step 4 : Develop the PHP script for read the user entered values.
Sept 5: Use the $_REQUEST PHP variable for and store the input.
Sept 6: Save the files .HTML and .PHP extension.
Step 7: Display the output in the Browser
Step 8: Stop the process
HTML Design
<body bgcolor="#FFFFBB">
<img src="hotel123.jpg" width="100%" height="25%">
<table border="1" style="font-size:30">
<tr style="color:red">
<td bgcolor="green" colspan="2">
<h1><center> ROOM BOOKING </center></h1>
<form method="post" action="191ca0037.php" >
<tr bgcolor="yellow">
<input type="datetime-local" name="c1">
<input type="datetime-local" name="c2">
<tr bgcolor="yellow">
No.Of.Adults :
No.Of.Childrens :
<Select name="adults">
<Select name="children">
<td bgcolor="yellow">
No.Of.Rooms :
<input type="text" name="room">
<td bgcolor="yellow">
<td bgcolor="white">
<input type="radio" value="DELUX" name="type1">
<input type="radio" value="A/C" name="type1">
<input type="radio" value="NON A/C" name="type1">
<td bgcolor="yellow">
Mode Of Payment
<td bgcolor="white">
<input type="radio" value= "CASH" name="pay">
<input type="radio" value="CARD" name="pay">
<td bgcolor="yellow">
Maid ID:
<input type="text" name="id">
<td bgcolor="yellow">
Contact No :
<input type="text" name="no">
<tr><td colspan="2">
<center><input type="submit" value="BOOK MY ROOM"></center>
Php script
echo "<font color='RED'>";
echo"<center>BOOKING CONFIRMATION</center>";
echo "</font>";
echo "<br>";
echo "<br>";
echo "<font color='BLUE'>";
echo"From : ";
echo date_format($adate,'d-m-Y');
echo date_format($ddate,'d-m-Y');
echo "<br>";
echo "<br>";
echo (" No of Rooms :".$_REQUEST["room"]);
echo "<br>";
echo "<br>";
echo ($_REQUEST["type1"]." ROOM BOOKED FOR ".$adult." ADULT ".$child."
echo "<br>";
echo "<br>";
MODE IS ".$_REQUEST["pay"]);
echo "<br>";
echo "<br>";
echo"<font color='RED'>";
echo "</font>";
echo "OR CONTACT NO : " ;
echo"<font color='RED'>";
echo "</font>"
Thus the above hotel room booking user interface HTML design and producing the
confirmation PHP script has been successfully designed and displays the output.
Exercise: 6
Date :
Develop the user interface for client side validation.
To develop registration page with client side validation for the user entered input in PHP and
Java Script.
Step 1 : Start the process
Step 2: Design the user interface.
Step 3: Use the FORM element and call the formValidator() function.
Step 4 : Develop Java Script for validating the user inputs.
Sept 5: Define the required Java Script functions.
Sept 6: Save the files .PHP extension.
Step 7: Display the output in the Browser
Step 8: Stop the process
Java Script and PHP
<script type='text/javascript'>
function formValidator(){
var firstname=document.getElementById('firstname');
var addr=document.getElementById('addr');
var zip=document.getElementById('zip');
var username=document.getElementById('username');
var email=document.getElementById('email');
if (isAlphabet(firstname,"Please enter only letters for your name")){
if (isAlphanumeric(addr,"Numbers and Letters Only for Address")){
if (isNumeric(zip,"Please enter a vaild zip code")){
if(madeSelection(state,"Please Choose a State")){
if (emailValidator(email,"Please enter a vaild email address")){
return true;
return false;
function notEmpty(elem,helperMsg){
return false;
return true;
function isNumeric(elem,helperMsg){
var numericExpression=/^[0-9]+$/;
return true;
return false;
function isAlphabet(elem,helperMsg){
var alphaExp=/^[a-zA-Z]+$/;
return true;
return false;
function isAlphanumeric(elem,helperMsg){
var alphaExp=/^[0-9a-zA-Z]+$/;
return true;
return false;
function madeSelection(elem,helperMsg){
if(elem.value=="please Choose"){
return false;
return true;
function emailValidator(elem,helperMsg){
var emailExp=/^[w-.+]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+.[a-zA-z0-9]{2,4}$/;
return true;
return false;
<h1><center>Registration form</center></h1>
<form onsubmit='return formValidator()'action='191ca003 9.php'>
<table border="2" align="center">
<td width="100">
First Name: <input type='text' id='firstname' /><br/>
Address:<input type='text' id='addr'/><br/>
zip code:<input type='text' id='zip'/><br/>
state: <select id='state'>
<option>Please Choose</option>
Username :<input type='text' id='username'/><br/>
Email :<input typr='text' id='email'/><br/>
<input type='submit' value='Check Form' name='b1'/>
Thus the above registration page client side data validation has been successfully designed and
displays the output.
Exercise: 7
Date :
Develop a PHP application for MYSQL database connection.
To develop a student data retrieval page in PHP.
Step 1 : Start the process
Step 2: Create the MYSQL database.
Step 3: Create the student table in MYSQL database.
Step 4: Insert the values to the student table.
Sept 5: Create the connection object using mysqli().
Sept 6: Retrieve the data from the table using SELECT query.
Step 7: Display the output each in retrieved row in the Browser.
Step 8: Close the MYSQL connection.
Step 9: Stop the process
$conn=new mysqli("","student","student","191ca003db");
die('COULD NOT CONNECTED;'.mysql_error());
$a="select*from mytable3";
echo"NAME:".$row["name"]."-ROLL NO:".$row["rno"]."<br>";
echo"0 results";
Thus the above MYSQL database connection to the PHP application has been successfully
designed and displays the output.
Exercise: 8
Date :
Develop a PHP script with Session and Cookie.
To develop a College home page for display the visit count using session and cookie in PHP.
Step 1 : Start the process
Step 2: Design the college home page.
Step 3: Set the cookies value using setcookie().
Step 4: Use the $_COOKIE variable for store the value.
Step 5: Display the total number of visits.
Step 6: Stop the process
<h1><center>WELCOME TO DR.N.G.P ARTS AND SCIENCE COLLEGE</center></h1>
setcookie ("count",$cookie);
Thus the above college home page number of visit application using session and cookie value
has been successfully designed and displays the output.
Exercise: 9
Date :
Develop a PHP application for send an Email.
To develop a PHP application to send a leave email.
Step 1 : Start the process.
Step 2: Define the mail properties.
Step 3: Set the cookies value using setcookie().
Step 4: Use the $_COOKIE variable for store the value.
Step 5: Display the total number of visits.
Step 6: Stop the process.
$subject="LEAVE REQUEST";
$message=("<b>I AM REQUESTING LEAVE ON 10/05/2022"."<H1>AKASH P </h1>");
$header=("From:bca2022@gmail.comrn"."MINE-Version: 1.0rn"."Content-type:
$retval=mail ($to,$subject,$message,$header);
if($retval == true)
Thus the above leave email PHP script has been successfully designed and displays the output.
Exercise: 10
Date :
Create a PNG file with different shapes.
To Create PHP web page to display the different shapes in a PNG.
Step 1 : Start the process
Step 2: Define image size using imagecreate().
Step 3: Set the color of the images using imagecolorallocate().
Step 4: Use the different image function for forming the shapes in the PNG.
Step 5: Display the shapes with PNG in PHP.
Step 6: Stop the process
Thus the above different shapes with PNG image in PNP has been successfully designed and
displays the output.

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PHP Lab template for lecturer log book- and syllabus

  • 1. INDEX S.No Date Name of the Experiment Page. No Signature 1 Create PHP script to perform any five String functions for a given strings. 2 Develop the PHP script to perform array operation. 3 Develop the PHP script to find the day difference between two dates. 4 Design and develop the user interface by using generic control in PHP. 5 Design and develop the user interface by using advanced control in PHP. 6 Develop the user interface for client side validation. 7 Develop a PHP application for MYSQL database connection. 8 Develop a PHP script with Session and Cookie. 9 Develop a PHP application for send an Email. 10 Create a PNG file with different shapes.
  • 2. Exercise: 1 Date : Create PHP script to perform any five String functions for a given strings. Aim: To create a PHP web page for perform the string function operation for a given string. Algorithm: Step 1 : Start the process Step 2: Define PHP script tags Step 3 : Use the strlen() function to display the length of a sting. Step 4: Use the str_replace() to replace the existing string values. Sept 5: Use the strtolower() for convert the given string into lower case. Sept 6: Save the file with .PHP extension Step 7: Display the output in the Browser Step 8: Stop the process
  • 3. PHP Script .php <?php echo("length:").strlen("all the best"); echo"<br/>"; echo str_word_count("all the best"); echo"<br/>"; echo strrev("all the best"); echo"<br/>"; echo strpos("all the best","best"); echo"<br/>"; echo str_replace("all","god is","all the best"); echo"<br/>"; echo strtoupper("all the best"); echo"<br/>"; echo strtolower("ALL THE BEST"); echo"<br/>"; echo ucfirst("all the best"); echo"<br/>"; echo ucwords("all the best"); echo"<br/>"; ?>
  • 4. OUTPUT: length:12 3 tseb eht lla 8 god is the best ALL THE BEST all the best All the best All The Best Result: Thus the above string function PHP script has been successfully designed and displays the output.
  • 5. Exercise: 2 Date : Develop the PHP script to perform array operation. Aim: To develop a PHP web page for perform the array based operation using built-in functions. Algorithm: Step 1: Start the process Step 2: Define PHP script tags Step 3: Use the array () function to create the array. Step 4: Use the in_array () function to find the give element is available or not in the array. Sept 5: Use the sort() function to sort elements in the array. Step 6: Use th earray_sum() function to produce the summation of array values. Sept 7: Save the file with .PHP extension Step 8: Display the output in the Browser Step Step 9: Stop the process
  • 6. PHP Script .php <?php echo"<h1><center> Array Program </center></h1>"; $roll_no = array("191ca001","191ca002","191ca003","191ca004","191ca005"); $find_rollno="191ca003"; echo "Array elements are :<br>"; echo print_r($roll_no," "); echo "<br> Find the Elements in the Array :<br>"; if(in_array($find_rollno,$roll_no)) { echo"$find_rollno found"; } else { echo"$find_rollno not found"; } $num_array1=array(1,2,3,4,5); $num_array2=array(1,2,3,4,6); sort($num_array1); echo"<br> Array1 <br>"; echo print_r($num_array1," "); echo"<br> Array count<br>"; echo count($num_array1); echo"<br> Array2 <br>"; echo print_r($num_array2," "); echo "<br>Array Difference<br>"; echo print_r(array_diff($num_array1,$num_array2)," "); echo "<br> Sum of Array=".array_sum($num_array1); ?>
  • 7. Output: Array Program Array elements are : Array ( [0] => 191ca001 [1] => 191ca002 [2] => 191ca003 [3] => 191ca004 [4] => 191ca005 ) Find the Elements in the Array : 191ca003 found Array1 Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 2 [2] => 3 [3] => 4 [4] => 5 ) Array count 5 Array2 Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 2 [2] => 3 [3] => 4 [4] => 6 ) Array Difference Array ( [4] => 5 ) Sum of Array=15 Result: Thus the above array functions PHP script has been successfully designed and displays the output.
  • 8. Exercise: 3 Date : Develop the PHP script to find the day difference between two dates. Aim: To develop a PHP web page for finding number of days between two dates using functions. Algorithm: Step 1 : Start the process Step 2: Define PHP script tags Step 3: Declare the required variable for store the dates. Step 4 : Define the dateDiffInDays () function and pass given dates. Sept 5: Return the result from the function. Sept 6: Save the file with .PHP extension Step 7: Display the output in the Browser Step 8: Stop the process
  • 9. PHP Script .php <?php function dateDiffInDays($date1,$date2) { $diff=strtotime($date2)-strtotime($date1); return abs(round($diff/86400)); } $date1="25-09-2020"; $date2="31-01-2021"; $dateDiff=dateDiffInDays($date1,$date2); printf("Difference between two dates:".$dateDiff."Days"); ?>
  • 10. Output: Difference between two dates: 128 Days Result: Thus the above user defined functions for find the number of days between two dates PHP script has been successfully designed and displays the output.
  • 11. Exercise: 4 Date : Design and develop the user interface by using generic control in PHP. Aim: To design and develop a PHP web page for prepare the student result, grade and average of a mark statement by using of generic control. Algorithm: Step 1 : Start the process Step 2: Design the user interface in a HTML file. Step 3: Use the FORM element and send user inputs to server. Step 4 : Develop the PHP script for read the user entered values. Sept 5: Use the $_REQUEST PHP variable for and store the input. Sept 6: Save the files .HTML and .PHP extension. Step 7: Display the output in the Browser Step 8: Stop the process
  • 12. HTML Design .HMTL <html> <h1><center>Student Mark Statement</center></h1> <body> Enter The Data <form action="191ca003 6.php" method="get"> ENTER REG NO : <input type="text" name="Regno"> <br> ENTER SUBJECT 1 MARK: <input type="text" name="m1"> <br> ENTER SUBJECT 2 MARK: <input type="text" name="m2"> <br> ENTER SUBJECT 3 MARK: <input type="text" name="m3"> <br> ENTER SUBJECT 4 MARK: <input type="text" name="m4"> <br> ENTER SUBJECT 5 MARK: <input type="text" name="m5"> <br> <input type="checkbox" name="tl"> :TOTAL <input type="checkbox" name="PF"> :RESULT <input type="checkbox" name="G"> :AVERAGE <br> <center><input type="submit" value="SUBMIT"></center> </form> </body> </html> Php script .PHP <html> <body> <h1><center> STUDENT RESULT </center></h1> <?php
  • 13. $regno=$_REQUEST["Regno"]; echo "REG NO :".$regno; echo "<br>"; $a=$_REQUEST["m1"]; $b=$_REQUEST["m2"]; $c=$_REQUEST["m3"]; $d=$_REQUEST["m4"]; $e=$_REQUEST["m5"]; $total=$a+$b+$c+$d+$e; if(isset($_REQUEST["tl"])) echo ("TOTAL :".$total); echo"<br>"; if(isset($_REQUEST["PF"])) { echo"RESULT :"; if($a>=35&&$b>=35&&$c>=35&&$d>=35&&$e>=35) echo " PASS "; else echo"FAIL"; } echo "<br>"; if(isset($_REQUEST["G"])) { echo ("AVERAGE : ".$total/5); echo "<br>"; } if ($total<280&&$total>=250) echo"GRADE A"; else if($total<250&&$total>=200) echo "GRADE B"; else echo " GRADE C"; ?> </body> </html>
  • 14. Output: Result: Thus the above student mark entry user interface HTML design and producing the result PHP script has been successfully designed and displays the output.
  • 15. Exercise: 5 Date : Design and develop the user interface by using advanced control in PHP. Aim: To design and develop a web page for hotel room booking user interface by using of generic control. Algorithm: Step 1 : Start the process Step 2: Design the user interface in a HTML file with advanced controls. Step 3: Use the FORM element and send user inputs to server. Step 4 : Develop the PHP script for read the user entered values. Sept 5: Use the $_REQUEST PHP variable for and store the input. Sept 6: Save the files .HTML and .PHP extension. Step 7: Display the output in the Browser Step 8: Stop the process
  • 16. HTML Design .HMTL <html> <body bgcolor="#FFFFBB"> <img src="hotel123.jpg" width="100%" height="25%"> </img> <center> <table border="1" style="font-size:30"> <tr style="color:red"> <td bgcolor="green" colspan="2"> <h1><center> ROOM BOOKING </center></h1> </td> </tr> <form method="post" action="191ca0037.php" > <tr bgcolor="yellow"> <td> ARRIVAL : </td> <td> DEPATURE : </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <input type="datetime-local" name="c1"> </td> <td> <input type="datetime-local" name="c2"> </td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="yellow"> <td> No.Of.Adults : </td> <td> No.Of.Childrens : </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <Select name="adults"> <option>1</option> <option>2</option> <option>3</option>
  • 17. <option>4</option> <option>5</option> </select> </td> <td> <Select name="children"> <option>0</option> <option>1</option> <option>2</option> <option>3</option> <option>4</option> <option>5</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="yellow"> No.Of.Rooms : </td> <td> <input type="text" name="room"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="yellow"> ROOM TYPE : </td> <td bgcolor="white"> <input type="radio" value="DELUX" name="type1"> DELUX <br> <input type="radio" value="A/C" name="type1"> A/C <br> <input type="radio" value="NON A/C" name="type1"> NON A/C </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="yellow"> Mode Of Payment </td> <td bgcolor="white"> <input type="radio" value= "CASH" name="pay"> CASH
  • 18. <input type="radio" value="CARD" name="pay"> CARD </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="yellow"> Maid ID: </td> <td> <input type="text" name="id"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="yellow"> Contact No : </td> <td> <input type="text" name="no"> </td> </tr> <tr><td colspan="2"> <center><input type="submit" value="BOOK MY ROOM"></center> </td> </tr> </table> </center> </body> </html> Php script .PHP <?php echo "<font color='RED'>"; echo"<center>BOOKING CONFIRMATION</center>"; echo "</font>"; echo "<br>"; echo "<br>"; echo "<font color='BLUE'>"; echo"From : "; $adate=date_create($_REQUEST["c1"]); echo date_format($adate,'d-m-Y'); echo"To:"; $ddate=date_create($_REQUEST["c2"]);
  • 19. echo date_format($ddate,'d-m-Y'); echo "<br>"; echo "<br>"; echo (" No of Rooms :".$_REQUEST["room"]); echo "<br>"; echo "<br>"; $adult=$_REQUEST["adults"]; $child=$_REQUEST["children"]; echo ($_REQUEST["type1"]." ROOM BOOKED FOR ".$adult." ADULT ".$child." CHILDREN"); echo "<br>"; echo "<br>"; echo ("YOUR PAYEMENT IS COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY AND YOUR PAYMENT MODE IS ".$_REQUEST["pay"]); echo "<br>"; echo "<br>"; echo("THE CONFIRMATION SEND TO THE FOLLOWING MAIL ID : "); echo"<font color='RED'>"; echo($_REQUEST["id"]); echo "</font>"; echo "OR CONTACT NO : " ; echo"<font color='RED'>"; echo($_REQUEST["no"]); echo "</font>" ?>
  • 20. Output: Result: Thus the above hotel room booking user interface HTML design and producing the confirmation PHP script has been successfully designed and displays the output.
  • 21. Exercise: 6 Date : Develop the user interface for client side validation. Aim: To develop registration page with client side validation for the user entered input in PHP and Java Script. Algorithm: Step 1 : Start the process Step 2: Design the user interface. Step 3: Use the FORM element and call the formValidator() function. Step 4 : Develop Java Script for validating the user inputs. Sept 5: Define the required Java Script functions. Sept 6: Save the files .PHP extension. Step 7: Display the output in the Browser Step 8: Stop the process
  • 22. Java Script and PHP .PHP <script type='text/javascript'> function formValidator(){ var firstname=document.getElementById('firstname'); var addr=document.getElementById('addr'); var zip=document.getElementById('zip'); var username=document.getElementById('username'); var email=document.getElementById('email'); if (isAlphabet(firstname,"Please enter only letters for your name")){ if (isAlphanumeric(addr,"Numbers and Letters Only for Address")){ if (isNumeric(zip,"Please enter a vaild zip code")){ if(madeSelection(state,"Please Choose a State")){ if (emailValidator(email,"Please enter a vaild email address")){ return true; } } } } } return false; } function notEmpty(elem,helperMsg){ if(elem.value.length==0){ alert(helperMsg); elem.focus(); return false; } return true; } function isNumeric(elem,helperMsg){ var numericExpression=/^[0-9]+$/; if(elem.value.match(numericExpression)){ return true; }else{ alert(helperMsg); elem.focus(); return false; } } function isAlphabet(elem,helperMsg){ var alphaExp=/^[a-zA-Z]+$/; if(elem.value.match(alphaExp)){ return true; }else{
  • 23. alert(helperMsg); elem.focus(); return false; } } function isAlphanumeric(elem,helperMsg){ var alphaExp=/^[0-9a-zA-Z]+$/; if(elem.value.match(alphaExp)){ return true; }else{ alert(helperMsg); elem.focus(); return false; } } function madeSelection(elem,helperMsg){ if(elem.value=="please Choose"){ alert(helperMsg); elem.focus(); return false; }else{ return true; } } function emailValidator(elem,helperMsg){ var emailExp=/^[w-.+]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+.[a-zA-z0-9]{2,4}$/; if(elem.value.match(emailExp)){ return true; }else{ alert(helperMsg); elem.focus(); return false; } } </script> <html> <h1><center>Registration form</center></h1> <form onsubmit='return formValidator()'action='191ca003 9.php'> <table border="2" align="center"> <tr> <td width="100"> First Name: <input type='text' id='firstname' /><br/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>
  • 24. Address:<input type='text' id='addr'/><br/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> zip code:<input type='text' id='zip'/><br/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> state: <select id='state'> <option>Please Choose</option> <option>TN</option> <option>KA</option> <option>UB</option> <option>MH</option> </select><br/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Username :<input type='text' id='username'/><br/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Email :<input typr='text' id='email'/><br/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <input type='submit' value='Check Form' name='b1'/> </td> </tr> </table> </form> <?php if(isset($_REQUEST['b1'])) { echo "DATA IS VALID"; } ?> </html>
  • 25. Output: Result: Thus the above registration page client side data validation has been successfully designed and displays the output.
  • 26. Exercise: 7 Date : Develop a PHP application for MYSQL database connection. Aim: To develop a student data retrieval page in PHP. Algorithm: Step 1 : Start the process Step 2: Create the MYSQL database. Step 3: Create the student table in MYSQL database. Step 4: Insert the values to the student table. Sept 5: Create the connection object using mysqli(). Sept 6: Retrieve the data from the table using SELECT query. Step 7: Display the output each in retrieved row in the Browser. Step 8: Close the MYSQL connection. Step 9: Stop the process
  • 27. .PHP <?php $conn=new mysqli("","student","student","191ca003db"); if(!$conn){ die('COULD NOT CONNECTED;'.mysql_error()); } echo('CONNECTED SUCCESSFULLY'); ECHO"<BR>"; ECHO"<BR>"; $a="select*from mytable3"; $result=$conn->query($a); if($result->num_rows>0){ while($row=$result->fetch_assoc()){ echo"NAME:".$row["name"]."-ROLL NO:".$row["rno"]."<br>"; } }else { echo"0 results"; } mysqli_close($conn); ?>
  • 28. OUTPUT: Result: Thus the above MYSQL database connection to the PHP application has been successfully designed and displays the output.
  • 29. Exercise: 8 Date : Develop a PHP script with Session and Cookie. Aim: To develop a College home page for display the visit count using session and cookie in PHP. Algorithm: Step 1 : Start the process Step 2: Design the college home page. Step 3: Set the cookies value using setcookie(). Step 4: Use the $_COOKIE variable for store the value. Step 5: Display the total number of visits. Step 6: Stop the process .PHP <html> <head> <title>PHP CODE TO COUNT NUMBER OF VISITORS USING COOKIES </title> </head> <h1><center>WELCOME TO DR.N.G.P ARTS AND SCIENCE COLLEGE</center></h1> <ul>COURSES <li>BCA</li> <li>BBA</li> <li>B.Sc(CS)</li> <li>B.Com</li> <li>B.Sc(IT)</li> </ul> <?php if(!isset($_COOKIE['count'])){ echo"WELCOME THIS IS THE FIRST TIME YOU VIEWED THIS PAGE"; $cookie=1; setcookie("count",$cookie); } else {
  • 30. $cookie=++$_COOKIE['count']; setcookie ("count",$cookie); echo "YOU HAVE VIEWED THIS PAGE ".$_COOKIE['count']."TIMES"; } ?> </BODY> </html> OUTPUT: Result: Thus the above college home page number of visit application using session and cookie value has been successfully designed and displays the output.
  • 31. Exercise: 9 Date : Develop a PHP application for send an Email. Aim: To develop a PHP application to send a leave email. Algorithm: Step 1 : Start the process. Step 2: Define the mail properties. Step 3: Set the cookies value using setcookie(). Step 4: Use the $_COOKIE variable for store the value. Step 5: Display the total number of visits. Step 6: Stop the process.
  • 32. .PHP <html> <head> <title>SENDING HTML EMAIL USING PHP</title> </head> <body> <?php $to=""; $subject="LEAVE REQUEST"; $message=("<b>I AM REQUESTING LEAVE ON 10/05/2022"."<H1>AKASH P </h1>"); $header=("From:bca2022@gmail.comrn"."MINE-Version: 1.0rn"."Content-type: text/htmlrn"); $retval=mail ($to,$subject,$message,$header); if($retval == true) echo"MESSAGE SENT SUCCESSFULLY....."; else echo"MESSAGE COULD NOT SENT...."; ?> </BODY> </html>
  • 33. OUTPUT: Result: Thus the above leave email PHP script has been successfully designed and displays the output.
  • 34. Exercise: 10 Date : Create a PNG file with different shapes. Aim: To Create PHP web page to display the different shapes in a PNG. Algorithm: Step 1 : Start the process Step 2: Define image size using imagecreate(). Step 3: Set the color of the images using imagecolorallocate(). Step 4: Use the different image function for forming the shapes in the PNG. Step 5: Display the shapes with PNG in PHP. Step 6: Stop the process
  • 36. OUTPUT: Result: Thus the above different shapes with PNG image in PNP has been successfully designed and displays the output.