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Phobia Research Paper
Known as a mental disorder a phobia is a persistent fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that leads to compelling desire to avoid it. Phobias
tend to affect the way people live their lives, for example, their working and social environments, considering that they last for a very long time and are
capable to cause intense psychological physical stress. It is considered today the most common mental and anxiety disorder in the United States (Matig
Mavissakalian & David H. Barlow 1981 pp 2). There are many phobias such as: the fear of aging, fear of changing, fear of clowns, fear of getting fat,
fear of being in closed spaces, etc.
One who encounters phobias has to deal with a collection of uncontrollable symptoms when more content...
This specific phobia can lead to the person experience of an intense fear when not being able to break out of a populated area (Barlow &
Mavissakalian, pp 4). This causes people having to evade open and heavily crowed environments with little possibilities to exit over their massive
fear of going through a panic attack. Therefore, today there are signs in many rides at themed parks that warn people of the closed areas. This
specific category of phobias causes the person to fear traveling on bus or even waiting in a line. This phobia can also lead to being dependent of
someone because they are too afraid to go outside of their homes. Barlow & Mavissakalian (1981 pp 4–5), implicated that the clinical picture painted
is consistent and consists or fears of going out to public places and open and crowded places, fears of walking alone or using any means or public
transportation, and fears of being alone at home. Agoraphobia is the most disabling of all phobias and usually begins in early adolescence.
When a child is at a young age and experience some kind of traumatic event it is most common that this child will grown a fear anything that triggers
the memory of the specific event. Gersely (2001) stated that traumatic events have the capability to trigger specific phobias. For instance, if a person
experiences are traumatic car accident they might have difficulty later learning how to drive or might develop a fear in
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Sample Of Case Study In Phobia
Pam , Per our conversation SC is unable to find BO a place to live. As his provider you are reasonable for security him a place to live. In the
conversation you stated that Bo is at Sundance hospital garland because the police was called Friday because Bo threated your staff. Pam you also
noted that BO was getting ready to be discharge to from Sundance hospital garland. SC called Sundance hospital garland the Nurse stated he is not
getting ready to discharge and there is no orders for upcoming discharges . Pam you also noted that Bo called and want to return to the group home.
Pam you noted Bo can come back to the home. Pam noted is was her concern for her staff. SC noted have she had training to learn invention for the
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Phobias And Phobias
The 21st century is the age of achievement in every area of human life. But it is also an age that brings many risks, for example different phobias
associated with contemporary times. Phobias are more serious than just fear or disgust. It is possible to mention a lot of types of them, because they
are experiences of individual as well as all people. Though both fear and phobias have been with people for hundreds of years, people still do not
know much about how it happens that some situations or objects cause extreme fear and panic. The purpose of the essay is to consider what do some
mankind's phobias, especially focusing on phobias related to weather, result from.
A phobia could be defined as an example of anxiety disorder. People who have a phobia could feel irrational fear of a certain place, situation, or object.
"Unlike general anxiety disorders, a phobia is usually connected to something specific" (1). It is said that they are caused by childhood experiences or
even fetal experiences. more content...
It is the fear of clouds. For some people the size or odd shapes of clouds could be disturbing. It is supposed that people imagine that clouds are
likened to UFOs (2). What is more, clouds are the first view about dangerous weather. Nephophobia may have been a result of a traumatic event,
especially at a young age.
Symptoms mentioned in different sources shows that people who have any kind of phobia struggle with feeling of panic, irrational worry, rapid
heartbeat, dry mouth, crying, shortness of breath (1). Consequently, fear of violent weather or the awareness of the forecast causes anxious feelings
as soon as there is a noticeable change in the weather. Specific illustration of irrational behavior could be a desire to monitor the weather conditions.
As a result of weather related phobias is also being distracted when it is necessary to going outside. In extreme cases it could lead to the fear of leaving
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Fear : Fear And Phobia
Fear and phobia, we all face one at some point in time though the question of what causes it or at the least why we were we biologically inclined to
have phobias and fear.Winerman, L. (2016). Lest we forget we have nothing to fear but fear itself and look upon this inquiry of what fear is. Be it a
scary movie or something far more sinister, but what does it all mean? What causes you to fear? Well Based on my research I conclude that fear is
something that can be learned or inherited. Alongside my personal interest in fear as I love to scare people on Halloween in the name of fun and as a
challenge, so what will we see when we mix this interest and this hypothesis together, shall we go down the rabbit hole together?
Fire, clowns, murderous psychopaths, rabid dogs. All things that scare us, but why?. Well as a great man known as Harry Truman once said, there
is nothing to fear but fear itself but what is it? Well first off fear is a mixture of environmental stimuli and innate primal reaction derived from are*
times as cavemen. Though over time we have grown complacent with our innate fears and have even grown to love them, like pyromaniac and the
people who enjoy being scared. These fine examples are just the tips of the iceberg of this little quest. Let us begin with the basis of fear, fear as
mentioned in the last few sentence is a mixture of environmental stimuli and innate primal reactions. This combination was used for the most part as a
survival instinct, like to let us
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Phobias Essay
Everyone knows that everyone is afraid of something. Everyone recognizes that phobias are not something to be ashamed of, and that everyone has at
least one. But what exactly is a phobia? Simply put, it's an anxiety disorder.
The exact definition of a phobia is a bit different though. A phobia is ananxiety disorder in which a person will experience a strong, irrational fear of a
situation, object, or activity. Adults with fears usually realize they are being irrational, but children are the opposite. A phobia will produce afeeling of
anxiety that will range anywhere from mild, to downright severe. People with mild symptoms don't usually worry about it too much because it doesn't
interfere with their day more content...
In agoraphobia, it is very common for the individual to have panic disorders. Its also been speculated that agoraphobia may be something that tends to
run in the family. Studies show that over half of the patients with agoraphobia have had someone else in their family with it too.
When it comes to Social phobia, a lot of experts think it has a direct link to alcoholism. Individuals who have social phobia, often deal with a lot of
stress. These high stress factors are said to create an increased risk for abusing alcohol. People with social phobia often become depressed and
sometimes lose a lot of self esteem. These are both factors that alcohol plays off of, so it is highly recommended that people with social phobia don't
drink alcohol.
People with specific phobias usually get them from a frightening experience or witnessing a traumatic event. This is the reason that it is normally found
in children, because a child is much more easily frightened by littler things than an adult. Another reason why some people will develop specific
phobias is that they may have been exposed to too much information about something, or too many warning about something.
The symptoms of a phobia (any kind) are all relatively the same. When exposed to what frightens the person, the person will go into a panic attack like
state. There are many things that can occur during a
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Essay on Phobias
Everyone is afraid of something. Everyone experiences nervousness, anxiety and even in superior feelings around certain people. Some people
possess these feelings so deeply that their fear is considered irrational. Even they realize that it is irrational and that they have a phobia. Millions of
people suffer from phobias every day of their lives. The third largest psychological disorder in the United States is what psychologists have labelled a
social phobia. A social phobia is thefear of social situations and the interactions with other people that can automatically bring on feelings of
self–consciousness, judgement, evaluation, and scrutiny. They cannot overcome a social phobia without the patient first grasping more
She tries to smile, but her voice comes out weakly. She is sure she is making a fool of herself. Her self–consciousness and anxiety rise to extremes.
Many symptoms go hand in hand with this terrible phobia. The feelings that accompany a social phobia include anxiety, intense fear, negative thinking
cycles, racing heart, blushing and trembling. In public places, such as work, meetings, or shopping, people with a social phobia feel that everyone is
staring at them (even though, rationally, they know this is not true.)The socially anxious person can never relax when other people are around. It
always seems as others are evaluating them, judging them, or being critical of them, so in turn, resisting social situations is much easier for the
sufferer. Some specific symptoms are those people, for example, who cannot write in public because they fear people are watching and their hand will
shake. Others are too overly introverted, and they find it too difficult to hold down a job. Some cannot eat in public or "freeze" when they step into a
public situation. The suffered tries to avoid introductions to new people, being the focal point, or being observed while doing something, because it
triggers their uncomfortable nature. Once the patient understands the sickness, they can make measures to help maintain these horrible feelings and
overcome the sickness. When the phobias interfere with a person's life, treatment
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Phobias: Effects and Treatments of Phobias Essay
Imagine, five–year–old Carrie walks into her classroom at school and stops dead in her tracks. Today is show–and–tell day, and Jimmy brought his pet
Tarantula, Rex, in to share it the class. This is the third time Rex has visited the class this month. The first time Jimmy brought Rex in, Carrie was not
fearful of the ugly, hairy creature, so without fear to hold her back Carrie ventures to take a closer look at the strange new arachnid. As Carrie stared
down at the arachnid from the open lid of its container, the spider jumped toward her. She cried out in fear and sought comfort in her teacher's arms.
All that week Jimmy talked about how he would bring Rex for show–and–tell again, and all the while Carrie is listening and dreading more
A phobia is an irrational fear of an object or situation ("PhobiaFacts – Phobias"). Every fear is a phobia though there may not be an official name for
that particular fear. For example, the fear of spiders is called Arachnophobia, but there is no official name for having a fear of birds that fly in the
shape of a 'V'. In other words, Arachnophobia is a recognized and understood phobia on both a scientific and literal level whereas the fear of birds
flying in the shape of a 'V' does not yet have an official title. A question arises: is there a similar phobia title given in order to help the girl who is
afraid of birds that fly in the shape of a 'V'? There is an infinite range of phobias. A phobia can be very broad and encompass many things or it can
be very specific about what the victim is afraid of. An example of a specific fear is Paraskavedekatriaphobia, the fear of Friday the 13th ("Top 10
Bizarre Phobias"). Friday the 13th is a day like any other day, but for someone with Paraskavedekatriaphobia, it is terrifying. Out of all phobias, the
three most common phobias are: Arachnophobia, Social Phobia, and Aerophobia (Heering). Arachnophobia is the most common phobia because it
affects half of all women and ten percent of all men. There are symptoms, that one who is experiencing a phobia might have; panic, rapid heartbeat,
shortness of breath, and trembling. ("Phobias: MedlinePlus"). Certain phobias can cause only minor distress, while
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Research Paper On Phobia
Everyone is afraid of something. These fears are all normal; lots of other people feel the same way that you do. What do you fear more than anything
else? Everyone is afraid of something like spiders or heights, these fears are all normal. People who have a specific powerful fear suffer from a phobia.
A phobia is an intense fear of a specific object, situation, or activity. Mental health professionals have identified hundreds ofphobias. No one is certain
what causes a phobia. People can sometimes manage and even overcome them on their own. In other cases, they need to seek professional treatment to
deal with their phobias. This research includes the definition of phobia; also it will describe the common types of phobia, it causes and signs.
Definition of phobia:
"A phobia is an exaggerated and irrational fear. The term 'phobia' is often used to refer to a fear of one particular trigger. A phobia is a type of
anxiety disorder that causes an individual to experience extreme, irrational fear about a situation, living creature, place, or object. When a person has a
phobia, they will often shape their lives to avoid what they consider to be dangerous. The imagined threat is greater than any actual threat posed by more content...
A lot of people around as suffer form different types of phobia like social phobia, agoraphobia, animal's phobia, situations phobia and others types
as it was discussed in the main research. The person who has phobia will experience some signs and symptoms and there are 2 types of signs the
emotional and the physical signs. The causes of phobia differ from a person to another; some people suffer from phobia because of a family issues or
bad experiences in their life. And finally, Phobias are a serious problem but if the person knows how to deal with it and the signs to start the treatment
it won't be a problem in their
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Phobias And Its Effects On Phobias
A phobia is a phenomenon where an organism has a distinct fear of a particular event or object. Phobias can not only be a biological instinct but rather
a conditioned emotional response as well. Though, there has been some argument on what causes phobia it is generally accepted that phobias both
stem from biological input and environmental experiences. The first reference to phobias was done by Hippocrates, who wrote about one of his
patients having an extreme fear over something that others would deem to be silly. Around the 1890's phobias were described as a distinct mental
condition by Freud and his researchers. Freud the creator of psychoanalysis stated that phobias were simply conflicts within oneself. Thus, to get rid of
their phobia they would have to overcome a part of himself. However, not everyone was willing to agree with Freud, things like behaviorism for
example, created a system known as conditioning and stimulus generalization to show that fear is something created through particular behaviors with
the use of avoidance. However, despite the conflicting nonconscious/behavioral argument there is also a biological explanation to phobias. When
someone notices something that could possibly be a threat there are two types of pathways that are used to decipher the situation/object. The first being
thalamo–cortico–amygdala pathway. This is a long process where with the use of primary sensory, unimodal association and polymodal cortices is able
to truly identify
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Phobias Essay
Phobias are a very common disorder in the United States these days. The definition for phobia is "an abnormal or morbid fear or
aversion" ("Oxford" 655). To be considered a phobia, a fear must cause great distress or interfere with a person’s life in
a major way. The wordphobia is Greek, therefore, any word that proceeds it should be Greek too. To coin a new phobia name, it is proper and only
accepted to follow this rule. The rule has been broken many times in the past, especially by the medical profession. The medical profession is steeped
in Latin and many times when forming a name for phobia, they use Latin.
There are three kinds of phobias: simple phobia, more content...
A tendency towards phobias, especially panic attacks, may run in families. Genes appear to play a role in all cases of phobias. A person has three
times the risk of developing a phobia if a close relative suffers from one. (Wood 516). From the phsycodynamic perspective, people develop phobias
primarily as a defense against the anxiety they feel when sexual or aggressive impulses threaten to break into consciousness. If the anxiety can be
displaced onto a feared object and if that object can be avoided, then there is less chance that the disturbing impulse will break through.
Phobias may be acquired through observational learning, as well. For example, children who hear their parents talking about frightening experience
with the dentist, with bugs or thunder storms may develop similar fears themselves. Frightening experiences set the stage for phobias, yet not all
phobias recall the experience producing the phobia. For example, if a person was humiliated by performing in front of others, they may develop a social
Social phobia is the third largest medical problem in the world. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, (NIMH), social phobia is "a
disorder characterized by overwhelming anxiety and excessive self –consciousness in social situations." Social phobia is defined "as people
intensely afraid of any social or performance situation in
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The Treatment of Phobias Essay
Everyone in life has fears, it's a natural way our brains process certain objects or situations that may be dangerous. Common fears may be heights or
spiders; some would rationally go out of their way to avoid these, but this is quite different from having a phobia. A phobia is an irrational distress
with a particular object or concept/idea. Although fears are well known now, they do not have to disrupt the lives of those who are living them.
Throughout the essay there will be three different treatments with three different phobias in ways to cure a phobia; the first is a trauma–focused
treatment approach for travel phobia, assessment and treatment for childhood phobias, and hypnosis in facilitating clinical treatment of injections. more content...
When introduced to in vivo exposure the patients showed an increase of PTSD symptoms (Handley, Salkovskis, & Ehlers, 2008). When performing
the study 125 people received TF–CBT, and the remaining 59 received 'EMDR + in vivo exposure'. In results there was a clear sign of reduction in
mild travel anxiety with up to 7.3 sessions. Although, there were found that one treatment would be more beneficial than the other in terms of reduction
of symptoms of anxiety, depression, PTSD. Overall the signs of Travel Phobia and anxiety were reduced in both methods of treatments giving the
researchers plenty of evidence for being successful in a trauma–focused treatment plan.
The study case of children phobia is not like others present before it, this case suggests that that to decrease a phobia is should be multi–method,
multi–informant, and developmentally sensitive. Another aspect that differs from others is that it will assess the home–living of children as well as
their caregivers. Their study examined predictors of treatment outcome for 106 phobic and anxious youth (aged 6 to 17 years) and their parents. The
treatment included trials such as: diagnostic interviewing, fear survey schedules, anxiety questionnaires and behavioral observations. Taking methods
from the DSM–IV–C there are separate questionnaires for both parent and child on different phobia types (animal, injection, and environment) on a
scale from one to eight of interference. In traditional
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English Personal Essay
Everyone has a fear of something. Even those who seem like they can face the entire world on their own. However, those fears do not tend to haunt
them every single moment of their day. For those with a phobia, it feels like you can not escape it. Their phobia seems to follow them every single
day, even if it is a simple thought at the back of their mind or face–to–face with your fear.
Phobia's are more than a small fear that you can avoid. In fact, for those who have one, it can get as bad where they put themselves in danger just to
avoid that one thing that scares them. My personal phobia is known as Aichmophobia which is the phobia of sharp objects. However, my phobia
seems to focus more on medical needles (Trypanophobia) rather than knifes etc. My phobia is actually very common with around 20% of people
suffering with a fear of sharp objects and around 10% of people with a specific fear of needles. However, there are many other kinds of phobias that are
known and can be very strange for those who may not understand. Some of the most common phobias known are Acrophobia (fear of heights),
Arachnophobia (fear of spiders) and also Astraphobia (fear of thunder and lighting).
Phobias can begin to develop at an incredibly young age due to dramatic experiences that the person may have went through. A child may also be
influenced to have a phobia if another member of their family has one as they may see that they have a fear and so that causes them to become scared
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Research Paper On Phobia Disorder
Phobia Disorder
Definition: Phobia disorders are characterized by persistent, irrational fear of places, situations, or objects that are believed to provoke the person's
fears. Phobias often interfere with the person's life or work performance. There are different types of phobia disorders; the most common form of phobia
is social phobia, in which the person is afraid of being embarrassed in a social situation. Also some phobias are labeled specific, meaning people have
an out of proportion fear of specific things.
Causes: At this time it is not clearly understood why individuals have phobia disorders. It is believed that environmental factors and genetic tendencies
may contribute to the disorder.
Risk factors:
Familial tendencies
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Definition Essay: What Is A Phobia?
Phobia is the fear or irritation one has towards some things, objects or activities, which results to one totally avoiding them or trip off on sighting them.
While fear, a survival mechanism, is normal, as a reaction to potential danger, such as the reaction (often in first timers) when an airplane is taking–off
or landing. Phobia on the other hand is an acute fear towards some illogical and unreasonable things, that barely pose any threat. Such as the fear of
butterflies, fear of crowd, etc.
However, it is to be noted that irrational fear is not necessarily a phobia. For instance, someone that fell while trying to climb a tree and since then
avoid it for fear that he may fall again (but may later, after some time, attempt it again). It is
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Phobia Paper
Sarah Alexis Dennehy
Calhoun Community College
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Phobia Paper
Phobia's, under the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual the fifth edition (DSM–5), are considered an anxiety disorder(psychcentral). Though phobia used
to include posttraumatic stress disorder and obsessive–compulsive disorders they no longer involved as they are their own disorders, being relocated
into their own respective chapters (psychcentral). As of 2013 phobia is defined as an intense and persistant fear that is out of proportation to the actual
threat or danger in question (med). This fear causes extreme distress in the individual to the point of completely avoiding said object or situation
(med). Phobia's can also include places, situations, feelings, animals, and objects; as long as the fear is overwhelming and debilitating while the fear
of what may happen is an exaggerated or unrealistic, as well as being more pronounced than your common fear, it can be considered a phobia (nhs). An
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Research Paper On Phobias
Maya Yoakum
Phobias have been something that has grown increasingly present in today's world. Most of the research I have gathered has been formulated from
research gathered by other people, but also my own experience with phobias. According to Sigmund Freud "phobias are a manifestation of an
unresolved unconscious conflict." However, this theory has't been consistently shown, neither has the prediction that if treated through behavioural
therapy a phobia will re–emerge in another form. Phobias have many different aspects to them, such as how a phobia affects the brain, what are the
symptoms of a phobia, what are some of the most or least common phobias, and what is a phobia in the first place?
Irrational more content...
Common triggers include animals, heights, air travel, confined spaces, injections or blood, vomiting, and storms. In each case the fear attached to the
trigger is extreme, causing raised heart rate, rapid breathing, trembling. With Trypophobia it seems to be different, when my mom encounters a
trigger (e.g. seeing a photo with the thing, seeing something with clusters of holes in it, talking about the thing, or simply just says the words
"Clusters of holes") makes her feel sick and she becomes dizzy and nauseous. While, when I encounter a trigger (e.g. seeing a photo of the thing,
seeing a thing with clusters of holes in it, talking about it, and making me think about it) makes me extremely itchy, to the point of my sister
holding onto my arms to that I couldn't scratch myself anymore because I left welts and almost drew blood from wherever I scratched. I feel as if
the holes and whatever is in them are now inside me and I just want to tear them out of me. I also itch is specific areas, always my back, mainly
along my rib cage (both front and back) my chest above my breasts, my head and face, my stomach, and the bottom of my feet. (writing this essay is
also a trigger, but the itching is only minor and manageable, the itching fits are only if I've just seen a holey thing or a photo of a holey
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Is Fear Or Phobia? Essay
Fear or Phobia?
Fear. Fear is an emotion that we have all experienced at least once or twice throughout our lives. It's actually quite normal to be a little nervous around
a snake slithering at your feet, or maybe even getting sweaty palms before giving a speech in front of a large crowd. But when that fear starts to become
unbearable, so much so to the point that it becomes difficult to function, there is a possibility that something a little past a simple fear is being
experienced. Aphobia is what could be occurring.
What is a Phobia?
According to Depla, phobias are one of the most widely prevalent mental disorders on a lifetime basis. Only major depressive disorder and alcohol
abuse have a higher lifetime prevalence in the surveys that were conducted. They also found a very high linkage between people suffering from a
specific phobia to having other mental disorders as well, a percentage as high as 80%. Things bring forward the question, what exactly is a phobia?
A phobia is an irrational and/or disproportionate fear of an item or circumstance. More likely than not, the phobia consists of a sense of endangerment
or a fear of harm says Raphael Rose, PhD, associate director of the Anxiety Disorders Research Center and associate clinical professor at the University
of California–Los Angeles' Department of Psychology and Psychiatry and Bio behavioral Sciences. The National Institute of Mental Health reports that
an estimated 19.2 million adults are dealing
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The Fears Of Fear : Fear Of Darkness
I've always had fears in the back of my mind but as I've got older I have come realize that they were childish and silly thoughts that stopped me from
achieving big things. The first fear I had was Nycophobia or in other words the fear of darkness. I could distinctly remember when I could see
shadows on the wall which in my mind were monsters, ghosts.
The fear of darkness is a common phobia to have but to me it was more than just a fear it was an integral part of my life. Most young children can go
to bed and fall asleep without any hassle, however in my case going to bed was like being sent to death. There I would lay on my bed in a dark
room when I would see a shadow zoom past the wall causing me to scream like a little girl, it was embarrassing. Then again, this was only one of the
encounters I had with 'spirit world' but there was one encounter and this was the worst of all, it was that scary it could frighten a grown man. And it all
started at my little old grans house.
My granny's house lay on a narrow street next to the graveyard which really spooked me out, however I did have my granny to look after me, right?
No, instead of sleeping in my grans nice cosy bedroom that night I had to sleep downstairs on my own in my uncle's old room. This room was the
complete opposite of my grans it was a cold and smelly old room which was almost non liveable. Despite this, I did have a huge double bed all to
myself. I arrived and I was dreading it, it is not normal to leave a 5
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Phobias In The Seventh Book Of Epidemics
Phobias have been in existence for many years. Phobias date back to the works of Hippocrates, a prehistoric Greek physician (Korgeski, 2009). The
works of Hippocrates are still debated today. In The Seventh Book of Epidemics, one of the publications by Hippocrates, he studied an individual and
he interpreted a condition that the person portrayed. The results of the observation were that the individual was petrified of the sound of a flute, if he
wasn't intoxicated. He noticed the individual was fine during the day listening to the flute but during the night hours everything was different
(Korgeski, 2009). From this observation and the work of Hippocrates helped contribute to the creation of term phobia. The word phobia was formulated more content...
Situational type phobias are fears of being in confined spaces (i.e. elevators) or being afraid of heights. An example of being afraid of heights is
getting n roller coasters. Natural environment is being fearful of weather storms (i.e. thunder and lightning). Blood injection is a subject type under
specific phobia because some individuals fear blood and/or going through medical procedures (i.e. giving blood). Animal type means to be afraid of
animals. For instance, 30.5% of the United States society fears spiders (Fear/Phobia Statistics, 2012). Specific phobia can be treated in various ways.
One way to help treat specific phobia is through cognitive behavioral therapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a therapy used to help target behaviors
and help examine the thoughts and cognitions (Berkman, Blickman, Heine, Malekzadeh, Teunissen, Bussmann, Kwakkel, Meeteren, Groot,
TREFAMS–ACE, 2013). This treatment can help a person with specific phobia because this therapy can be used as an active intervention to help the
individual face their fears of
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Phobia Research Paper

  • 1. Phobia Research Paper Known as a mental disorder a phobia is a persistent fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that leads to compelling desire to avoid it. Phobias tend to affect the way people live their lives, for example, their working and social environments, considering that they last for a very long time and are capable to cause intense psychological physical stress. It is considered today the most common mental and anxiety disorder in the United States (Matig Mavissakalian & David H. Barlow 1981 pp 2). There are many phobias such as: the fear of aging, fear of changing, fear of clowns, fear of getting fat, fear of being in closed spaces, etc. One who encounters phobias has to deal with a collection of uncontrollable symptoms when more content... This specific phobia can lead to the person experience of an intense fear when not being able to break out of a populated area (Barlow & Mavissakalian, pp 4). This causes people having to evade open and heavily crowed environments with little possibilities to exit over their massive fear of going through a panic attack. Therefore, today there are signs in many rides at themed parks that warn people of the closed areas. This specific category of phobias causes the person to fear traveling on bus or even waiting in a line. This phobia can also lead to being dependent of someone because they are too afraid to go outside of their homes. Barlow & Mavissakalian (1981 pp 4–5), implicated that the clinical picture painted is consistent and consists or fears of going out to public places and open and crowded places, fears of walking alone or using any means or public transportation, and fears of being alone at home. Agoraphobia is the most disabling of all phobias and usually begins in early adolescence. When a child is at a young age and experience some kind of traumatic event it is most common that this child will grown a fear anything that triggers the memory of the specific event. Gersely (2001) stated that traumatic events have the capability to trigger specific phobias. For instance, if a person experiences are traumatic car accident they might have difficulty later learning how to drive or might develop a fear in Get more content on
  • 2. Sample Of Case Study In Phobia Pam , Per our conversation SC is unable to find BO a place to live. As his provider you are reasonable for security him a place to live. In the conversation you stated that Bo is at Sundance hospital garland because the police was called Friday because Bo threated your staff. Pam you also noted that BO was getting ready to be discharge to from Sundance hospital garland. SC called Sundance hospital garland the Nurse stated he is not getting ready to discharge and there is no orders for upcoming discharges . Pam you also noted that Bo called and want to return to the group home. Pam you noted Bo can come back to the home. Pam noted is was her concern for her staff. SC noted have she had training to learn invention for the behaviors. Get more content on
  • 3. Phobias And Phobias The 21st century is the age of achievement in every area of human life. But it is also an age that brings many risks, for example different phobias associated with contemporary times. Phobias are more serious than just fear or disgust. It is possible to mention a lot of types of them, because they are experiences of individual as well as all people. Though both fear and phobias have been with people for hundreds of years, people still do not know much about how it happens that some situations or objects cause extreme fear and panic. The purpose of the essay is to consider what do some mankind's phobias, especially focusing on phobias related to weather, result from. A phobia could be defined as an example of anxiety disorder. People who have a phobia could feel irrational fear of a certain place, situation, or object. "Unlike general anxiety disorders, a phobia is usually connected to something specific" (1). It is said that they are caused by childhood experiences or even fetal experiences. more content... It is the fear of clouds. For some people the size or odd shapes of clouds could be disturbing. It is supposed that people imagine that clouds are likened to UFOs (2). What is more, clouds are the first view about dangerous weather. Nephophobia may have been a result of a traumatic event, especially at a young age. Symptoms mentioned in different sources shows that people who have any kind of phobia struggle with feeling of panic, irrational worry, rapid heartbeat, dry mouth, crying, shortness of breath (1). Consequently, fear of violent weather or the awareness of the forecast causes anxious feelings as soon as there is a noticeable change in the weather. Specific illustration of irrational behavior could be a desire to monitor the weather conditions. As a result of weather related phobias is also being distracted when it is necessary to going outside. In extreme cases it could lead to the fear of leaving Get more content on
  • 4. Fear : Fear And Phobia Fear and phobia, we all face one at some point in time though the question of what causes it or at the least why we were we biologically inclined to have phobias and fear.Winerman, L. (2016). Lest we forget we have nothing to fear but fear itself and look upon this inquiry of what fear is. Be it a scary movie or something far more sinister, but what does it all mean? What causes you to fear? Well Based on my research I conclude that fear is something that can be learned or inherited. Alongside my personal interest in fear as I love to scare people on Halloween in the name of fun and as a challenge, so what will we see when we mix this interest and this hypothesis together, shall we go down the rabbit hole together? Fire, clowns, murderous psychopaths, rabid dogs. All things that scare us, but why?. Well as a great man known as Harry Truman once said, there is nothing to fear but fear itself but what is it? Well first off fear is a mixture of environmental stimuli and innate primal reaction derived from are* times as cavemen. Though over time we have grown complacent with our innate fears and have even grown to love them, like pyromaniac and the people who enjoy being scared. These fine examples are just the tips of the iceberg of this little quest. Let us begin with the basis of fear, fear as mentioned in the last few sentence is a mixture of environmental stimuli and innate primal reactions. This combination was used for the most part as a survival instinct, like to let us Get more content on
  • 5. Phobias Essay Everyone knows that everyone is afraid of something. Everyone recognizes that phobias are not something to be ashamed of, and that everyone has at least one. But what exactly is a phobia? Simply put, it's an anxiety disorder. The exact definition of a phobia is a bit different though. A phobia is ananxiety disorder in which a person will experience a strong, irrational fear of a situation, object, or activity. Adults with fears usually realize they are being irrational, but children are the opposite. A phobia will produce afeeling of anxiety that will range anywhere from mild, to downright severe. People with mild symptoms don't usually worry about it too much because it doesn't interfere with their day more content... In agoraphobia, it is very common for the individual to have panic disorders. Its also been speculated that agoraphobia may be something that tends to run in the family. Studies show that over half of the patients with agoraphobia have had someone else in their family with it too. When it comes to Social phobia, a lot of experts think it has a direct link to alcoholism. Individuals who have social phobia, often deal with a lot of stress. These high stress factors are said to create an increased risk for abusing alcohol. People with social phobia often become depressed and sometimes lose a lot of self esteem. These are both factors that alcohol plays off of, so it is highly recommended that people with social phobia don't drink alcohol. People with specific phobias usually get them from a frightening experience or witnessing a traumatic event. This is the reason that it is normally found in children, because a child is much more easily frightened by littler things than an adult. Another reason why some people will develop specific phobias is that they may have been exposed to too much information about something, or too many warning about something. The symptoms of a phobia (any kind) are all relatively the same. When exposed to what frightens the person, the person will go into a panic attack like state. There are many things that can occur during a Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on Phobias Phobias Everyone is afraid of something. Everyone experiences nervousness, anxiety and even in superior feelings around certain people. Some people possess these feelings so deeply that their fear is considered irrational. Even they realize that it is irrational and that they have a phobia. Millions of people suffer from phobias every day of their lives. The third largest psychological disorder in the United States is what psychologists have labelled a social phobia. A social phobia is thefear of social situations and the interactions with other people that can automatically bring on feelings of self–consciousness, judgement, evaluation, and scrutiny. They cannot overcome a social phobia without the patient first grasping more content... She tries to smile, but her voice comes out weakly. She is sure she is making a fool of herself. Her self–consciousness and anxiety rise to extremes. Many symptoms go hand in hand with this terrible phobia. The feelings that accompany a social phobia include anxiety, intense fear, negative thinking cycles, racing heart, blushing and trembling. In public places, such as work, meetings, or shopping, people with a social phobia feel that everyone is staring at them (even though, rationally, they know this is not true.)The socially anxious person can never relax when other people are around. It always seems as others are evaluating them, judging them, or being critical of them, so in turn, resisting social situations is much easier for the sufferer. Some specific symptoms are those people, for example, who cannot write in public because they fear people are watching and their hand will shake. Others are too overly introverted, and they find it too difficult to hold down a job. Some cannot eat in public or "freeze" when they step into a public situation. The suffered tries to avoid introductions to new people, being the focal point, or being observed while doing something, because it triggers their uncomfortable nature. Once the patient understands the sickness, they can make measures to help maintain these horrible feelings and overcome the sickness. When the phobias interfere with a person's life, treatment Get more content on
  • 7. Phobias: Effects and Treatments of Phobias Essay Imagine, five–year–old Carrie walks into her classroom at school and stops dead in her tracks. Today is show–and–tell day, and Jimmy brought his pet Tarantula, Rex, in to share it the class. This is the third time Rex has visited the class this month. The first time Jimmy brought Rex in, Carrie was not fearful of the ugly, hairy creature, so without fear to hold her back Carrie ventures to take a closer look at the strange new arachnid. As Carrie stared down at the arachnid from the open lid of its container, the spider jumped toward her. She cried out in fear and sought comfort in her teacher's arms. All that week Jimmy talked about how he would bring Rex for show–and–tell again, and all the while Carrie is listening and dreading more content... A phobia is an irrational fear of an object or situation ("PhobiaFacts – Phobias"). Every fear is a phobia though there may not be an official name for that particular fear. For example, the fear of spiders is called Arachnophobia, but there is no official name for having a fear of birds that fly in the shape of a 'V'. In other words, Arachnophobia is a recognized and understood phobia on both a scientific and literal level whereas the fear of birds flying in the shape of a 'V' does not yet have an official title. A question arises: is there a similar phobia title given in order to help the girl who is afraid of birds that fly in the shape of a 'V'? There is an infinite range of phobias. A phobia can be very broad and encompass many things or it can be very specific about what the victim is afraid of. An example of a specific fear is Paraskavedekatriaphobia, the fear of Friday the 13th ("Top 10 Bizarre Phobias"). Friday the 13th is a day like any other day, but for someone with Paraskavedekatriaphobia, it is terrifying. Out of all phobias, the three most common phobias are: Arachnophobia, Social Phobia, and Aerophobia (Heering). Arachnophobia is the most common phobia because it affects half of all women and ten percent of all men. There are symptoms, that one who is experiencing a phobia might have; panic, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, and trembling. ("Phobias: MedlinePlus"). Certain phobias can cause only minor distress, while Get more content on
  • 8. Research Paper On Phobia INTRODUCTION Everyone is afraid of something. These fears are all normal; lots of other people feel the same way that you do. What do you fear more than anything else? Everyone is afraid of something like spiders or heights, these fears are all normal. People who have a specific powerful fear suffer from a phobia. A phobia is an intense fear of a specific object, situation, or activity. Mental health professionals have identified hundreds ofphobias. No one is certain what causes a phobia. People can sometimes manage and even overcome them on their own. In other cases, they need to seek professional treatment to deal with their phobias. This research includes the definition of phobia; also it will describe the common types of phobia, it causes and signs. Definition of phobia: "A phobia is an exaggerated and irrational fear. The term 'phobia' is often used to refer to a fear of one particular trigger. A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder that causes an individual to experience extreme, irrational fear about a situation, living creature, place, or object. When a person has a phobia, they will often shape their lives to avoid what they consider to be dangerous. The imagined threat is greater than any actual threat posed by more content... A lot of people around as suffer form different types of phobia like social phobia, agoraphobia, animal's phobia, situations phobia and others types as it was discussed in the main research. The person who has phobia will experience some signs and symptoms and there are 2 types of signs the emotional and the physical signs. The causes of phobia differ from a person to another; some people suffer from phobia because of a family issues or bad experiences in their life. And finally, Phobias are a serious problem but if the person knows how to deal with it and the signs to start the treatment it won't be a problem in their Get more content on
  • 9. Phobias And Its Effects On Phobias A phobia is a phenomenon where an organism has a distinct fear of a particular event or object. Phobias can not only be a biological instinct but rather a conditioned emotional response as well. Though, there has been some argument on what causes phobia it is generally accepted that phobias both stem from biological input and environmental experiences. The first reference to phobias was done by Hippocrates, who wrote about one of his patients having an extreme fear over something that others would deem to be silly. Around the 1890's phobias were described as a distinct mental condition by Freud and his researchers. Freud the creator of psychoanalysis stated that phobias were simply conflicts within oneself. Thus, to get rid of their phobia they would have to overcome a part of himself. However, not everyone was willing to agree with Freud, things like behaviorism for example, created a system known as conditioning and stimulus generalization to show that fear is something created through particular behaviors with the use of avoidance. However, despite the conflicting nonconscious/behavioral argument there is also a biological explanation to phobias. When someone notices something that could possibly be a threat there are two types of pathways that are used to decipher the situation/object. The first being thalamo–cortico–amygdala pathway. This is a long process where with the use of primary sensory, unimodal association and polymodal cortices is able to truly identify Get more content on
  • 10. Phobias Essay Phobias Phobias are a very common disorder in the United States these days. The definition for phobia is "an abnormal or morbid fear or aversion" ("Oxford" 655). To be considered a phobia, a fear must cause great distress or interfere with a person’s life in a major way. The wordphobia is Greek, therefore, any word that proceeds it should be Greek too. To coin a new phobia name, it is proper and only accepted to follow this rule. The rule has been broken many times in the past, especially by the medical profession. The medical profession is steeped in Latin and many times when forming a name for phobia, they use Latin. There are three kinds of phobias: simple phobia, more content... A tendency towards phobias, especially panic attacks, may run in families. Genes appear to play a role in all cases of phobias. A person has three times the risk of developing a phobia if a close relative suffers from one. (Wood 516). From the phsycodynamic perspective, people develop phobias primarily as a defense against the anxiety they feel when sexual or aggressive impulses threaten to break into consciousness. If the anxiety can be displaced onto a feared object and if that object can be avoided, then there is less chance that the disturbing impulse will break through. Phobias may be acquired through observational learning, as well. For example, children who hear their parents talking about frightening experience with the dentist, with bugs or thunder storms may develop similar fears themselves. Frightening experiences set the stage for phobias, yet not all phobias recall the experience producing the phobia. For example, if a person was humiliated by performing in front of others, they may develop a social phobia. Social phobia is the third largest medical problem in the world. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, (NIMH), social phobia is "a disorder characterized by overwhelming anxiety and excessive self –consciousness in social situations." Social phobia is defined "as people intensely afraid of any social or performance situation in Get more content on
  • 11. The Treatment of Phobias Essay Everyone in life has fears, it's a natural way our brains process certain objects or situations that may be dangerous. Common fears may be heights or spiders; some would rationally go out of their way to avoid these, but this is quite different from having a phobia. A phobia is an irrational distress with a particular object or concept/idea. Although fears are well known now, they do not have to disrupt the lives of those who are living them. Throughout the essay there will be three different treatments with three different phobias in ways to cure a phobia; the first is a trauma–focused treatment approach for travel phobia, assessment and treatment for childhood phobias, and hypnosis in facilitating clinical treatment of injections. more content... When introduced to in vivo exposure the patients showed an increase of PTSD symptoms (Handley, Salkovskis, & Ehlers, 2008). When performing the study 125 people received TF–CBT, and the remaining 59 received 'EMDR + in vivo exposure'. In results there was a clear sign of reduction in mild travel anxiety with up to 7.3 sessions. Although, there were found that one treatment would be more beneficial than the other in terms of reduction of symptoms of anxiety, depression, PTSD. Overall the signs of Travel Phobia and anxiety were reduced in both methods of treatments giving the researchers plenty of evidence for being successful in a trauma–focused treatment plan. The study case of children phobia is not like others present before it, this case suggests that that to decrease a phobia is should be multi–method, multi–informant, and developmentally sensitive. Another aspect that differs from others is that it will assess the home–living of children as well as their caregivers. Their study examined predictors of treatment outcome for 106 phobic and anxious youth (aged 6 to 17 years) and their parents. The treatment included trials such as: diagnostic interviewing, fear survey schedules, anxiety questionnaires and behavioral observations. Taking methods from the DSM–IV–C there are separate questionnaires for both parent and child on different phobia types (animal, injection, and environment) on a scale from one to eight of interference. In traditional Get more content on
  • 12. English Personal Essay Everyone has a fear of something. Even those who seem like they can face the entire world on their own. However, those fears do not tend to haunt them every single moment of their day. For those with a phobia, it feels like you can not escape it. Their phobia seems to follow them every single day, even if it is a simple thought at the back of their mind or face–to–face with your fear. Phobia's are more than a small fear that you can avoid. In fact, for those who have one, it can get as bad where they put themselves in danger just to avoid that one thing that scares them. My personal phobia is known as Aichmophobia which is the phobia of sharp objects. However, my phobia seems to focus more on medical needles (Trypanophobia) rather than knifes etc. My phobia is actually very common with around 20% of people suffering with a fear of sharp objects and around 10% of people with a specific fear of needles. However, there are many other kinds of phobias that are known and can be very strange for those who may not understand. Some of the most common phobias known are Acrophobia (fear of heights), Arachnophobia (fear of spiders) and also Astraphobia (fear of thunder and lighting). Phobias can begin to develop at an incredibly young age due to dramatic experiences that the person may have went through. A child may also be influenced to have a phobia if another member of their family has one as they may see that they have a fear and so that causes them to become scared also. Get more content on
  • 13. Research Paper On Phobia Disorder Phobia Disorder Definition: Phobia disorders are characterized by persistent, irrational fear of places, situations, or objects that are believed to provoke the person's fears. Phobias often interfere with the person's life or work performance. There are different types of phobia disorders; the most common form of phobia is social phobia, in which the person is afraid of being embarrassed in a social situation. Also some phobias are labeled specific, meaning people have an out of proportion fear of specific things. Causes: At this time it is not clearly understood why individuals have phobia disorders. It is believed that environmental factors and genetic tendencies may contribute to the disorder. Risk factors: Familial tendencies Age Get more content on
  • 14. Definition Essay: What Is A Phobia? Phobia is the fear or irritation one has towards some things, objects or activities, which results to one totally avoiding them or trip off on sighting them. While fear, a survival mechanism, is normal, as a reaction to potential danger, such as the reaction (often in first timers) when an airplane is taking–off or landing. Phobia on the other hand is an acute fear towards some illogical and unreasonable things, that barely pose any threat. Such as the fear of butterflies, fear of crowd, etc. However, it is to be noted that irrational fear is not necessarily a phobia. For instance, someone that fell while trying to climb a tree and since then avoid it for fear that he may fall again (but may later, after some time, attempt it again). It is Get more content on
  • 15. Phobia Paper Sarah Alexis Dennehy Calhoun Community College Abstract [The abstract should be one paragraph of between 150 and 250 words. It is not indented. Section titles, such as the word Abstract above, are not considered headings so they don't use bold heading format. Instead, use the Section Title style. This style automatically starts your section on a new page, so you don't have to add page breaks. Note that all of the styles for this template are available on the Home tab of the ribbon, in the Styles gallery.] Keywords: [Click here to add keywords.] Phobia Paper Phobia's, under the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual the fifth edition (DSM–5), are considered an anxiety disorder(psychcentral). Though phobia used to include posttraumatic stress disorder and obsessive–compulsive disorders they no longer involved as they are their own disorders, being relocated into their own respective chapters (psychcentral). As of 2013 phobia is defined as an intense and persistant fear that is out of proportation to the actual threat or danger in question (med). This fear causes extreme distress in the individual to the point of completely avoiding said object or situation (med). Phobia's can also include places, situations, feelings, animals, and objects; as long as the fear is overwhelming and debilitating while the fear of what may happen is an exaggerated or unrealistic, as well as being more pronounced than your common fear, it can be considered a phobia (nhs). An individual Get more content on
  • 16. Research Paper On Phobias Maya Yoakum Psychology Phobias 2/1/16 Phobias have been something that has grown increasingly present in today's world. Most of the research I have gathered has been formulated from research gathered by other people, but also my own experience with phobias. According to Sigmund Freud "phobias are a manifestation of an unresolved unconscious conflict." However, this theory has't been consistently shown, neither has the prediction that if treated through behavioural therapy a phobia will re–emerge in another form. Phobias have many different aspects to them, such as how a phobia affects the brain, what are the symptoms of a phobia, what are some of the most or least common phobias, and what is a phobia in the first place? Irrational more content... Common triggers include animals, heights, air travel, confined spaces, injections or blood, vomiting, and storms. In each case the fear attached to the trigger is extreme, causing raised heart rate, rapid breathing, trembling. With Trypophobia it seems to be different, when my mom encounters a trigger (e.g. seeing a photo with the thing, seeing something with clusters of holes in it, talking about the thing, or simply just says the words "Clusters of holes") makes her feel sick and she becomes dizzy and nauseous. While, when I encounter a trigger (e.g. seeing a photo of the thing, seeing a thing with clusters of holes in it, talking about it, and making me think about it) makes me extremely itchy, to the point of my sister holding onto my arms to that I couldn't scratch myself anymore because I left welts and almost drew blood from wherever I scratched. I feel as if the holes and whatever is in them are now inside me and I just want to tear them out of me. I also itch is specific areas, always my back, mainly along my rib cage (both front and back) my chest above my breasts, my head and face, my stomach, and the bottom of my feet. (writing this essay is also a trigger, but the itching is only minor and manageable, the itching fits are only if I've just seen a holey thing or a photo of a holey Get more content on
  • 17. Is Fear Or Phobia? Essay Introduction Fear or Phobia? Fear. Fear is an emotion that we have all experienced at least once or twice throughout our lives. It's actually quite normal to be a little nervous around a snake slithering at your feet, or maybe even getting sweaty palms before giving a speech in front of a large crowd. But when that fear starts to become unbearable, so much so to the point that it becomes difficult to function, there is a possibility that something a little past a simple fear is being experienced. Aphobia is what could be occurring. What is a Phobia? According to Depla, phobias are one of the most widely prevalent mental disorders on a lifetime basis. Only major depressive disorder and alcohol abuse have a higher lifetime prevalence in the surveys that were conducted. They also found a very high linkage between people suffering from a specific phobia to having other mental disorders as well, a percentage as high as 80%. Things bring forward the question, what exactly is a phobia? A phobia is an irrational and/or disproportionate fear of an item or circumstance. More likely than not, the phobia consists of a sense of endangerment or a fear of harm says Raphael Rose, PhD, associate director of the Anxiety Disorders Research Center and associate clinical professor at the University of California–Los Angeles' Department of Psychology and Psychiatry and Bio behavioral Sciences. The National Institute of Mental Health reports that an estimated 19.2 million adults are dealing Get more content on
  • 18. The Fears Of Fear : Fear Of Darkness I've always had fears in the back of my mind but as I've got older I have come realize that they were childish and silly thoughts that stopped me from achieving big things. The first fear I had was Nycophobia or in other words the fear of darkness. I could distinctly remember when I could see shadows on the wall which in my mind were monsters, ghosts. The fear of darkness is a common phobia to have but to me it was more than just a fear it was an integral part of my life. Most young children can go to bed and fall asleep without any hassle, however in my case going to bed was like being sent to death. There I would lay on my bed in a dark room when I would see a shadow zoom past the wall causing me to scream like a little girl, it was embarrassing. Then again, this was only one of the encounters I had with 'spirit world' but there was one encounter and this was the worst of all, it was that scary it could frighten a grown man. And it all started at my little old grans house. My granny's house lay on a narrow street next to the graveyard which really spooked me out, however I did have my granny to look after me, right? No, instead of sleeping in my grans nice cosy bedroom that night I had to sleep downstairs on my own in my uncle's old room. This room was the complete opposite of my grans it was a cold and smelly old room which was almost non liveable. Despite this, I did have a huge double bed all to myself. I arrived and I was dreading it, it is not normal to leave a 5 Get more content on
  • 19. Phobias In The Seventh Book Of Epidemics Phobias have been in existence for many years. Phobias date back to the works of Hippocrates, a prehistoric Greek physician (Korgeski, 2009). The works of Hippocrates are still debated today. In The Seventh Book of Epidemics, one of the publications by Hippocrates, he studied an individual and he interpreted a condition that the person portrayed. The results of the observation were that the individual was petrified of the sound of a flute, if he wasn't intoxicated. He noticed the individual was fine during the day listening to the flute but during the night hours everything was different (Korgeski, 2009). From this observation and the work of Hippocrates helped contribute to the creation of term phobia. The word phobia was formulated more content... Situational type phobias are fears of being in confined spaces (i.e. elevators) or being afraid of heights. An example of being afraid of heights is getting n roller coasters. Natural environment is being fearful of weather storms (i.e. thunder and lightning). Blood injection is a subject type under specific phobia because some individuals fear blood and/or going through medical procedures (i.e. giving blood). Animal type means to be afraid of animals. For instance, 30.5% of the United States society fears spiders (Fear/Phobia Statistics, 2012). Specific phobia can be treated in various ways. One way to help treat specific phobia is through cognitive behavioral therapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a therapy used to help target behaviors and help examine the thoughts and cognitions (Berkman, Blickman, Heine, Malekzadeh, Teunissen, Bussmann, Kwakkel, Meeteren, Groot, TREFAMS–ACE, 2013). This treatment can help a person with specific phobia because this therapy can be used as an active intervention to help the individual face their fears of Get more content on