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Partnership and Collaboration:
Sexual Reproductive Health
(SRH) Information Literacy
among Women in Southern
Cross River State, Nigeria
Philip, Kathryn J.
University Library
University of Uyo, Nigeria
Edisua Merrab
Theatre Arts Dept,
University of Calabar,
•Ediba is a sub-urban community
•It is an Efik-speaking Qua clan in Calabar in
Southern Cross River State in the Niger Delta region
of Nigeria.
•Their literacy level is low particularly among the
women populace with effect on child development
(Offoboche & Offoboche, 2004).
•Also, there is inequality and exploitation of women
and girls and an unfair distribution of power,
resources and responsibilities which leaves women
dispossessed, overlooked and overworked.
•This is legitimized by ancient tradition, sometimes
enshrined in customary law and is socialized into
women and attitudes.
 The low level of female involvement and
participation in creating change is a challenge
 The Transformation Agenda, 2011-2015 of the
current government seeks in part to:
 build a Nigerian society devoid of gender
discrimination and guarantee equal access
to political, social and economic wealth
creation opportunities;
 develop a culture that places premium on
issues that promote full participation of
women…in the process of national
development, through advocacy on safe
motherhood, women’s right/empowerment
and changing negative social norms on
 The Dreamboat Theatre for Development Foundation,
began as a mobile Children’s Theatre Troupe in Uyo,
Southern Nigeria, initially named Children’s Funbow
Theatre; presently known as DreamBoat .
 It is an NGO committed to advocacy of Women’s Rights
particularly in sexuality and health related issues.
 It expanded its scope in the late 1990 to include community
development work with head office in Calabar, Cross River
State and a branch in Uyo.
 Main goals of DreamBoat are to mobilize,
organize, educate and motivate women to
embrace social changes, development ideas,
values and attitudes that foster women
empowerment and well being.
 Theatre for Development (TFD) is the main
tool of DreamBoat
 Information through theatrical means portray the
society and imparts knowledge and learning even
from other people’s experience, emotions and
characters (Nwabueze , 2003; Obasi , 2012).
 TFD was used to mobilize, communicate, sustain
interest and create lasting impressions on SRH issues
as rape, pregnancy/family planning, parenting,
female genital cutting (FGC), commercial sex work
(CSW) &economic issues in the Ediba community
Partnerships &collaborations
 Partnerships, networks, collaboration and coalitions:
 CiSGHAN - Civil Society Consultative Groups on
HIV/AIDS in Nigeria ,
 CIRDDOC- Civil Resource Development and
Documentation Centre
 GPI- Girls’ Power Initiative and
 NINPREH – Nig. Network of NGO’s on Popn. and Repr.
 Facilitators
 Practicing theatre educator, a librarian (research
 Social scientists, volunteer workers/theatre
students &
 Full staff members and some Ediba women
 Funding/Sponsorship:
John D. and Catherine MacAuthur Foundation.
DREAMBOAT staff in session with some Ediba women
Library Research:
Research team
engaged the library
& internet in
information on SRH
issues & maintaining
collections in
various formats
Preliminary Research:
Revealed poverty, illiteracy & poor
infrastructure, were major prevalent adverse
issues in the area, as indicated by 185,160 and
150 respondents of 200 community members
(males and females) interviewed.
 Seminar was held by Dreamboat research team,
volunteers/undergraduate students, media and
social science experts to harmonize views,
eliminate unwarranted hypotheses on SRH issues &
design a training manual to serve as a guide for
engaging the Ediba community.
 Specialized training (two-weeks each)
 Participatory approach to community research - for
Research team prior to the main outreach at Ediba
 Camera works for technical staff - video production,
camera manipulation, shots and trends in media
Camera works
Computer literacy
Capacity building
Mobilization and media
•Art forms used: storytelling, dance, craft,
folktales /poetry.
•Media outreaches comprising posters,
newsletters, radio jingles and promos were used
to sensitize audience on what was forth coming,
•A film production done (with lead
author/librarian as one of the actors playing
role of HIV/AIDS counselor) and television
drama series. This was aired for several weeks
by the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA),
•Researchers note that low response to
information often result from provision
information obtainable may not be
encouraging at all, while ones available are in
media forms that the rural dwellers cannot
understand due to their literacy level
•Illustrative presentations however bridged such gaps
(Philip & Udoh, 2011; Mbagwu & Nwachukwu, 2008;
Ugwu & Mbajiorgu, 2011).
 A Pre- and Post-Test semi – structured questionnaire was
administered with postulations to guide the study as follows:
 To what extent has theatre for development helped to
improve the level of understanding and attitude of Ediba
community members on issues of reproductive health.
 There is no improvement in the attitude and
understanding of Ediba community members on issues of
reproductive health and rights after theatre for
development sessions.
 Each section of the questions was thoroughly explained to
the women before they responded. Both pre and post tested
format comprised sixty items addressing SRH issues.
Empowerment Sessions
on Parenting, Rape, AIDS, FGC, Family planning and Teenage pregnancy
Younger women hold separate session where they could
be free to express themselves
Interactive session:
Some of the women engaged in
moderating and instructing their fellows
‘’’Tell me and I forget, show me and I
remember, involve me and I understand’
Table 1: Remarks by Respondents
1 Civil
I now know more about HIVAIDS,
cancer and family planning; having
lesser number of children is better.
Tests self daily for cancer; no longer
uses tissue but sanitary towel for
women’s ‘monthly’ concerns.
2 Traditional
I’ve learnt about diabetes, HIV/
AIDS, child labor/abuse; I’ve ten
children but would’ve had four if
I’d these teachings. People who do
Female Genital Cutting (FGC) for
money should be given
I want to educate my
husband; he feels women
brought AIDs into the
3 Market
I have improved my
relationships with my
I now teach my women &
children in the community thro’
the lessons I get.
4 Oldest
woman in
I’ve learnt a lot about
hypertension, diabetes, and STIs;
we need more skill
5 Adolescent
I now know how to appreciate my
own body; I can ask questions
about sex without fear. My
boyfriend believes a woman’s place
isn’t kitchen
I now avoid relationships that
are exploitative & do go for
medical check-ups; my
boyfriend now assists with
domestic chores.
6 Adolescent
I’ve learnt how to care for myself
during women’s monthly concerns
& tips on how to avoid rape,
multiple sex matters, STDs and
I advice friends on issues of
multiple sexual partners. I now
practice safe sex.
OUTCOME (cont’d)
Adolescent’s response
I now know how to
appreciate my own body; I
can ask questions about sex
without fear. My boyfriend
believes a woman’s place
isn’t kitchen
 I now avoid relationships
that are exploitative & do
go for medical check-ups;
 my boyfriend now assists
with domestic chores.
OUTCOMES (cont’d)
TABLE 2: Summary of Ediba Women’s Response on
PARENTING before and after Empowerment (n=44)
Agree Disagre
Agree Disagre
1 Parent should not be
friendly with children so
that they can discipline
86.36 13.64 45.45 54.54
2 Children should not be
taught sex education
because it corrupts them
36.37 63.63 40.91 59.09
3 Children should be taught
sex education because it
will teach them about
reproductive rights and
63.64 36.36 72.73 27.27
4 It is the responsibility of
parents to provide food,
clothes, education and
welfare of their children.
100 0.00 68.18 31.82
TABLE 3: Summary of Ediba Women’s Response on AIDS
before and after Empowerment (n=44)
Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
1 Having sex with many people is
okay, it is natural
4.55 95.45 9.09 90.91
2 I need money, so that makes me
keep many affairs
31.82 68.18 9.09 90.91
3 I encourage my partner to use
condom, so having sex with many
men is okay.
31.82 68.18 22.73 77.27
4 I hate condoms because it takes
away joy of sex.
50.00 50.00 40.91 59.09
5 AIDS is just a joke 31.82 68.18 13.64 86.36
6 AIDS is real 77.27 22.73 68.18 31.82
7 Using unsterilized needles and
razors can expose one to AIDS
72.73 27.27 86.36 13.64
8 Coughing, handshaking, toilet and cup
sharing exposes one to AIDS
68.18 31.82 31.82 68.18
9 You can tell a person that has
AIDS by looking at the person.
50.00 50.00 45.45 54.55
10 Men are the main victim of AIDS 36.36 63.64 27.27 72.63
11 More people should be taught
more about AIDS
81.82 18.19 90.91 9.09
12 Husbands can endanger or expose one
to AIDS because they keep many sex
81.82 18.18 72.72 27.27
TABLE 4: Summary of Ediba Women’s Response on
F.G.C. (Circumcision) before and after Empowerment (n=44)
Agree Disagree Agree Disagre
1 I encourage female
59.09 40.91 18.18 81.82
2 Female circumcision is a
thing of pride in Efik/Qua
86.36 13.14 81.82 18.18
3 It is taboo not to circumcise
your female child
27.27 72.72 40.91 59.09
4 Female circumcision is
dangerous to health
36.36 63.64 77.28 22.72
5 Female circumcision as
practiced by our parents was
not dangerous to them & it
cannot be dangerous now.
72.73 27.27 22.73 77.27
6 Female circumcision should
be stopped
31.82 68.18 63.64 36.36
7 Circumcising our daughter
is fair
50.00 50.00 40.91 59.09
8 I need more information on
female circumcision
90.91 9.09 77.27 22.73
TABLE 5: Summary of Ediba Women’s Response on
FAMILY PLANNING Before and after Empowerment (n=44)
Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
1 I feel comfortable with current
family planning method
68.18 31.82 72.73 27.27
2 Family planning encourages
72.73 27.27 77.27 22.73
3 I feel safe with family planning
because it prevents unwanted
77.27 22.73 72.28 27.72
4 I would like to do family
planning, but I cannot discuss
with my spouse.
50.00 50.00 54.54 45.45
5 With family planning,
pregnancies that are risky to
health are reduced
63.64 36.36 81.81 18.19
6 Family planning is a good way to
control the number of children I want
81.82 18.18 86.36 13.64
7 It is good to have many children,
so I do not like family planning
36.36 63.64 36.36 63.64
8 Abortion is not dangerous so
anybody, even a chemist can do it
4.55 95.45 4.55 95.45
9 It is good to space your children,
so that you can do other things
and also gain your health
18.18 81.82 68.18 31.82
10 Traditional family planning is
better that orthodox method.
40.91 59.09 27.27 72.73
TABLE 6: Summary of Ediba Women’s Response on TEENAGE
PREGNANCY before and after Empowerment (n=44)
Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
1. It is good for women to have children
early, so teenage pregnancy is okay
50.00 50.00 27.28 72.62
2 Young mothers suffer a lot of medical
54.54 45.46 90.91 9.09
3 Young girls should wait till they are
older to indulge in sexual
72.72 27.28 77.27 22.73
4 Teenage pregnancy is common,
it is okay
45.45 54.54 36.37 63.63
5 Female children should be
encouraged to go out and bring
money into the family
45.45 54.55 45.45 54.55
6 Female children will end up in a
different family, so their
education is not important
40.91 59.09 4.55 95.45
7 Female children will grow up to
depend on men, so they do not
need to acquire any vocational
31.82 68.18 4.55 95.45
Conclusion &Recommendations
•The study afforded women the forum to air their views on
SRH issues which previously was difficult to do
•Some age long taboos erroneously adhered to were
•Many women asked for gynecological services during the
empowerment for many could not afford the cost of
consulting doctors or buying drugs.
•However the women particularly recommended that more
work should be done in the area of FGC especially among
older women who still believe that the practice is sacrosanct.
•Theatre performances, FGD and empowerment sessions used
in advocating changes in SRH issues impacted the women and
girls in Ediba community and
•enabled a significant improvement in their attitude and
•It is anticipated that the enjoyment of good health by women
would increase their productivity in all aspects of public and
private life (Ayanyemi, 2006).
Conclusion (contd.)
 We advocate an increase of theatre and movie-
based programmes as effective means of
communication rather than usual conventional
and instructional literacy forms.
 Study also established that collaborations with
cognate information professionals, librarians
inclusive, can foster mass literacy individually,
among groups and at community levels.
 Three reasons a film might feature a librarian are:
 the character's image is confirmed;
 to evoke irony (perhaps didn't expect a
librarian to behave this way!) and
 to expand on the traits and behaviors for the
public image (
Conclusion contd.
 In conclusion, women, irrespective of location, need
information on family health, food and nutrition,
family planning and child education,
 rural women also need information regarding
agriculture and animal husbandry for their
involvement in socio-economic growth.
 Library or information centers can mitigate
information needs of rural women through access to
relevant information and can enable them participate
in national economic development (Hossain and Islam,
Development partners should maintain a shift from the
urban to sub-urban and rural areas where vulnerable
women and children have long been neglected.
Thank you
from all of us!

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Philip and Oko-Offoboche- Partnership and collaboration: sexual reproductive health (srh) information literacy among women in Southern Cross River State, Nigeria

  • 1. Partnership and Collaboration: Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) Information Literacy among Women in Southern Cross River State, Nigeria Philip, Kathryn J. University Library University of Uyo, Nigeria E-mail: Edisua Merrab Oko-Offoboche, Theatre Arts Dept, University of Calabar, Nigeria
  • 2. INTRODUCTION •Ediba is a sub-urban community •It is an Efik-speaking Qua clan in Calabar in Southern Cross River State in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. •Their literacy level is low particularly among the women populace with effect on child development (Offoboche & Offoboche, 2004). •Also, there is inequality and exploitation of women and girls and an unfair distribution of power, resources and responsibilities which leaves women dispossessed, overlooked and overworked. •This is legitimized by ancient tradition, sometimes enshrined in customary law and is socialized into women and attitudes.
  • 3. INTRODUCTION (cont’d)  The low level of female involvement and participation in creating change is a challenge  The Transformation Agenda, 2011-2015 of the current government seeks in part to:  build a Nigerian society devoid of gender discrimination and guarantee equal access to political, social and economic wealth creation opportunities;  develop a culture that places premium on issues that promote full participation of women…in the process of national development, through advocacy on safe motherhood, women’s right/empowerment and changing negative social norms on reproduction;
  • 4.  The Dreamboat Theatre for Development Foundation, began as a mobile Children’s Theatre Troupe in Uyo, Southern Nigeria, initially named Children’s Funbow Theatre; presently known as DreamBoat .  It is an NGO committed to advocacy of Women’s Rights particularly in sexuality and health related issues.  It expanded its scope in the late 1990 to include community development work with head office in Calabar, Cross River State and a branch in Uyo. Here is Dream Boat!
  • 5. DreamBoat  Main goals of DreamBoat are to mobilize, organize, educate and motivate women to embrace social changes, development ideas, values and attitudes that foster women empowerment and well being.  Theatre for Development (TFD) is the main tool of DreamBoat  Information through theatrical means portray the society and imparts knowledge and learning even from other people’s experience, emotions and characters (Nwabueze , 2003; Obasi , 2012).  TFD was used to mobilize, communicate, sustain interest and create lasting impressions on SRH issues as rape, pregnancy/family planning, parenting, female genital cutting (FGC), commercial sex work (CSW) &economic issues in the Ediba community project.
  • 6. Partnerships &collaborations  Partnerships, networks, collaboration and coalitions:  CiSGHAN - Civil Society Consultative Groups on HIV/AIDS in Nigeria ,  CIRDDOC- Civil Resource Development and Documentation Centre  GPI- Girls’ Power Initiative and  NINPREH – Nig. Network of NGO’s on Popn. and Repr. Health  Facilitators  Practicing theatre educator, a librarian (research authors)  Social scientists, volunteer workers/theatre students &  Full staff members and some Ediba women  Funding/Sponsorship: John D. and Catherine MacAuthur Foundation.
  • 7. DREAMBOAT staff in session with some Ediba women
  • 8. PARTIPATORY METHODOLOGIES & PROGRAMS Library Research: Dreamboat Research team engaged the library & internet in generating information on SRH issues & maintaining collections in various formats Preliminary Research: Revealed poverty, illiteracy & poor infrastructure, were major prevalent adverse issues in the area, as indicated by 185,160 and 150 respondents of 200 community members (males and females) interviewed.
  • 9.  Seminar was held by Dreamboat research team, volunteers/undergraduate students, media and social science experts to harmonize views, eliminate unwarranted hypotheses on SRH issues & design a training manual to serve as a guide for engaging the Ediba community.  Specialized training (two-weeks each)  Participatory approach to community research - for Research team prior to the main outreach at Ediba  Camera works for technical staff - video production, camera manipulation, shots and trends in media Seminar Participatory research Camera works Computer literacy Capacity building
  • 10. Mobilization and media •Art forms used: storytelling, dance, craft, folktales /poetry. •Media outreaches comprising posters, newsletters, radio jingles and promos were used to sensitize audience on what was forth coming, •A film production done (with lead author/librarian as one of the actors playing role of HIV/AIDS counselor) and television drama series. This was aired for several weeks by the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA), Calabar. •Researchers note that low response to information often result from provision information obtainable may not be encouraging at all, while ones available are in media forms that the rural dwellers cannot understand due to their literacy level •Illustrative presentations however bridged such gaps (Philip & Udoh, 2011; Mbagwu & Nwachukwu, 2008; Ugwu & Mbajiorgu, 2011).
  • 11.  A Pre- and Post-Test semi – structured questionnaire was administered with postulations to guide the study as follows:  To what extent has theatre for development helped to improve the level of understanding and attitude of Ediba community members on issues of reproductive health.  There is no improvement in the attitude and understanding of Ediba community members on issues of reproductive health and rights after theatre for development sessions.  Each section of the questions was thoroughly explained to the women before they responded. Both pre and post tested format comprised sixty items addressing SRH issues. Empowerment Sessions on Parenting, Rape, AIDS, FGC, Family planning and Teenage pregnancy Younger women hold separate session where they could be free to express themselves
  • 12. Interactive session: Some of the women engaged in moderating and instructing their fellows ‘’’Tell me and I forget, show me and I remember, involve me and I understand’
  • 13. Table 1: Remarks by Respondents S/N RESPONDENTS REMARKS ACTION 1 Civil servant I now know more about HIVAIDS, cancer and family planning; having lesser number of children is better. Tests self daily for cancer; no longer uses tissue but sanitary towel for women’s ‘monthly’ concerns. 2 Traditional Birth Attendant (TBA) I’ve learnt about diabetes, HIV/ AIDS, child labor/abuse; I’ve ten children but would’ve had four if I’d these teachings. People who do Female Genital Cutting (FGC) for money should be given employment. I want to educate my husband; he feels women brought AIDs into the world. 3 Market woman I have improved my relationships with my husband. I now teach my women & children in the community thro’ the lessons I get. 4 Oldest woman in community I’ve learnt a lot about hypertension, diabetes, and STIs; we need more skill --- 5 Adolescent 1 I now know how to appreciate my own body; I can ask questions about sex without fear. My boyfriend believes a woman’s place isn’t kitchen I now avoid relationships that are exploitative & do go for medical check-ups; my boyfriend now assists with domestic chores. 6 Adolescent 2 I’ve learnt how to care for myself during women’s monthly concerns & tips on how to avoid rape, multiple sex matters, STDs and HIV/ AIDS. I advice friends on issues of multiple sexual partners. I now practice safe sex. OUTCOMES
  • 14. OUTCOME (cont’d) Adolescent’s response I now know how to appreciate my own body; I can ask questions about sex without fear. My boyfriend believes a woman’s place isn’t kitchen  I now avoid relationships that are exploitative & do go for medical check-ups;  my boyfriend now assists with domestic chores.
  • 15. OUTCOMES (cont’d) TABLE 2: Summary of Ediba Women’s Response on PARENTING before and after Empowerment (n=44) S/ N STATEMENT BEFORE % AFTER % Agree Disagre e Agree Disagre e 1 Parent should not be friendly with children so that they can discipline them 86.36 13.64 45.45 54.54 2 Children should not be taught sex education because it corrupts them 36.37 63.63 40.91 59.09 3 Children should be taught sex education because it will teach them about reproductive rights and health 63.64 36.36 72.73 27.27 4 It is the responsibility of parents to provide food, clothes, education and welfare of their children. 100 0.00 68.18 31.82
  • 16. TABLE 3: Summary of Ediba Women’s Response on AIDS before and after Empowerment (n=44) S/N STATEMENT BEFORE % AFTER % Agree Disagree Agree Disagree 1 Having sex with many people is okay, it is natural 4.55 95.45 9.09 90.91 2 I need money, so that makes me keep many affairs 31.82 68.18 9.09 90.91 3 I encourage my partner to use condom, so having sex with many men is okay. 31.82 68.18 22.73 77.27 4 I hate condoms because it takes away joy of sex. 50.00 50.00 40.91 59.09 5 AIDS is just a joke 31.82 68.18 13.64 86.36 6 AIDS is real 77.27 22.73 68.18 31.82 7 Using unsterilized needles and razors can expose one to AIDS 72.73 27.27 86.36 13.64 8 Coughing, handshaking, toilet and cup sharing exposes one to AIDS 68.18 31.82 31.82 68.18 9 You can tell a person that has AIDS by looking at the person. 50.00 50.00 45.45 54.55 10 Men are the main victim of AIDS 36.36 63.64 27.27 72.63 11 More people should be taught more about AIDS 81.82 18.19 90.91 9.09 12 Husbands can endanger or expose one to AIDS because they keep many sex partners. 81.82 18.18 72.72 27.27
  • 17. TABLE 4: Summary of Ediba Women’s Response on F.G.C. (Circumcision) before and after Empowerment (n=44) S/ N STATEMENT BEFORE % AFTER % Agree Disagree Agree Disagre e 1 I encourage female circumcision 59.09 40.91 18.18 81.82 2 Female circumcision is a thing of pride in Efik/Qua culture 86.36 13.14 81.82 18.18 3 It is taboo not to circumcise your female child 27.27 72.72 40.91 59.09 4 Female circumcision is dangerous to health 36.36 63.64 77.28 22.72 5 Female circumcision as practiced by our parents was not dangerous to them & it cannot be dangerous now. 72.73 27.27 22.73 77.27 6 Female circumcision should be stopped 31.82 68.18 63.64 36.36 7 Circumcising our daughter is fair 50.00 50.00 40.91 59.09 8 I need more information on female circumcision 90.91 9.09 77.27 22.73
  • 18. TABLE 5: Summary of Ediba Women’s Response on FAMILY PLANNING Before and after Empowerment (n=44) S/N STATEMENT BEFORE % AFTER % Agree Disagree Agree Disagree 1 I feel comfortable with current family planning method 68.18 31.82 72.73 27.27 2 Family planning encourages immorality 72.73 27.27 77.27 22.73 3 I feel safe with family planning because it prevents unwanted pregnancy 77.27 22.73 72.28 27.72 4 I would like to do family planning, but I cannot discuss with my spouse. 50.00 50.00 54.54 45.45 5 With family planning, pregnancies that are risky to health are reduced 63.64 36.36 81.81 18.19 6 Family planning is a good way to control the number of children I want 81.82 18.18 86.36 13.64 7 It is good to have many children, so I do not like family planning 36.36 63.64 36.36 63.64 8 Abortion is not dangerous so anybody, even a chemist can do it 4.55 95.45 4.55 95.45 9 It is good to space your children, so that you can do other things and also gain your health 18.18 81.82 68.18 31.82 10 Traditional family planning is better that orthodox method. 40.91 59.09 27.27 72.73
  • 19. TABLE 6: Summary of Ediba Women’s Response on TEENAGE PREGNANCY before and after Empowerment (n=44) S/N STATEMENT BEFORE % AFTER % Agree Disagree Agree Disagree 1. It is good for women to have children early, so teenage pregnancy is okay 50.00 50.00 27.28 72.62 2 Young mothers suffer a lot of medical complications 54.54 45.46 90.91 9.09 3 Young girls should wait till they are older to indulge in sexual relationships 72.72 27.28 77.27 22.73 4 Teenage pregnancy is common, it is okay 45.45 54.54 36.37 63.63 5 Female children should be encouraged to go out and bring money into the family 45.45 54.55 45.45 54.55 6 Female children will end up in a different family, so their education is not important 40.91 59.09 4.55 95.45 7 Female children will grow up to depend on men, so they do not need to acquire any vocational skills 31.82 68.18 4.55 95.45
  • 20. Conclusion &Recommendations •The study afforded women the forum to air their views on SRH issues which previously was difficult to do •Some age long taboos erroneously adhered to were corrected. •Many women asked for gynecological services during the empowerment for many could not afford the cost of consulting doctors or buying drugs. •However the women particularly recommended that more work should be done in the area of FGC especially among older women who still believe that the practice is sacrosanct. •Theatre performances, FGD and empowerment sessions used in advocating changes in SRH issues impacted the women and girls in Ediba community and •enabled a significant improvement in their attitude and knowledge. •It is anticipated that the enjoyment of good health by women would increase their productivity in all aspects of public and private life (Ayanyemi, 2006).
  • 21. Conclusion (contd.)  We advocate an increase of theatre and movie- based programmes as effective means of communication rather than usual conventional and instructional literacy forms.  Study also established that collaborations with cognate information professionals, librarians inclusive, can foster mass literacy individually, among groups and at community levels.  Three reasons a film might feature a librarian are:  the character's image is confirmed;  to evoke irony (perhaps didn't expect a librarian to behave this way!) and  to expand on the traits and behaviors for the public image ( 
  • 22. Conclusion contd.  In conclusion, women, irrespective of location, need information on family health, food and nutrition, family planning and child education,  rural women also need information regarding agriculture and animal husbandry for their involvement in socio-economic growth.  Library or information centers can mitigate information needs of rural women through access to relevant information and can enable them participate in national economic development (Hossain and Islam, 2012). Development partners should maintain a shift from the urban to sub-urban and rural areas where vulnerable women and children have long been neglected.