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Welcome to WBS

                              Join our WBS Doctoral Programme and you will become a member of
                              a dynamic, highly esteemed, and international research community.
                              Consistently ranked amongst the best in the world, our PhD programme
                              is also one of the largest in Europe with nearly 200 doctoral researchers
                              from over 40 different countries. Our size and international dimension
                              makes WBS a vibrant and exciting place to study.
                              Studying for a PhD is challenging but also exciting and rewarding if you
                              have the right qualities and motivation. You can expect the defining
                              features of academic life to shape your experience at WBS – innovative
                              ideas, rigorous critical enquiry, international perspectives, and relevance
                              to policy and practice. As well as researching for your PhD you will have
                              the opportunity to collaborate with recognised experts, produce leading
                              research, participate in seminars and conferences, and contribute
                              to teaching activities. The skills and networks you develop will be
                              invaluable in your future career, whether in academia or in other fields.
                              Our comprehensive research training programme, recognised by the
                              UK’s Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), will equip you for
                              the challenges of research in the social sciences. Our PhD in Finance
                              offers additional training in finance-related methodologies, if this is
                              your area of interest.
                              We offer a number of scholarships and bursaries as well as a research
                              and conference travel allowance. Added to this, the high quality
                              facilities we provide in beautiful campus surroundings help to strike a
                              balance between work and leisure. IT resources and support, specialist
                              library services, and careers advice are just some of the advantages you
                              can expect. With all the amenities you need in one place, including
                              excellent sporting and entertainment facilities and easy transport links
                              to London and elsewhere, WBS is an ideal base for your research.
                              We look forward to welcoming you to our Doctoral Programme.
                              Professor Andrew Sturdy
                              Associate Dean (Doctoral Programme)

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I came to study at WBS for a PhD
                              in 1996. For me it was the obvious
                              place to choose because of its
                              reputation and position in the
                              rankings. Of course I also had a
                              supervisor whose research interests
                              coincided with my own.
                              I was impressed by the resources
                              such as the access to so many
                              books and journals, and having
                              an office to share with other PhD
                              students, but the thing that stood
                              out most for me was the sense of
                              being part of a PhD community.
                              The environment plus the number
                              and quality of the students here
                              enables us to learn from one
                              another. It was competitive but
                              in a healthy sense as, in trying to
                              outperform each other, it pushed
                              us to achieve our best.
                              We made the most of the
                              opportunity to compare our work,
                              broaden our understanding and
                              take advantage of the diverse
                              knowledge represented across
                              the different years and groups.
                              WBS also provided the basis
                              for scholarly collaboration and
                              a lifelong network of friends
                              and colleagues whose career
                              development and success we are
                              able to feed off and support.
                              I left WBS to take up a lectureship
                              at the University of Aberdeen
                              before moving to the University
                              of Nottingham where I was later
                              promoted to Senior Lecturer. I was
                              attracted to return to WBS in
                              March 2007 by the variety and
                              scale of the work that is possible
                              here as well as the strong links
                              with industry. In comparison to
                              some other institutions I also feel
                              that I am able to contribute more
                              directly to decision making and it
                              is a pleasure to work with the high
                              calibre students that WBS attracts.
                              Dr Jimmy Huang
                              Reader in Information Systems

4 | Warwick Business School
Our subject strengths

Our faculty is made up of around 180 academic          Enterprise Teaching                                    Marketing & Strategic Management
staff who belong to a subject group, research          Focusing on enterprise and entrepreneurship,           Informed by a multidisciplinary approach, our
centre, or research unit, sometimes working across     research interests include:                            research interests are concerned with marketing
more than one. As a doctoral researcher at WBS                                                                and/or strategic management, and include:
                                                       h SME finance
you will be fully integrated into the subject group
                                                       h public policy towards SMEs                           h decision making, positioning, processes,
to which you are attached, and where you will
                                                                                                                modelling risk and performance, new
have the opportunity to contribute to research         h enterprise culture
                                                                                                                organisational forms, policy and corporate
and, in many cases, teaching activities. This not      h small businesses and fast growth SMEs.                 governance
only connects you with others who share similar
                                                       Members of the group also belong to the Centre for     h consumer behaviour
or related research interests, but provides the best
                                                       Small & Medium Sized Enterprises.                      h market entry, market planning, methodological
possible foundation for your professional future.
                                                                                                                and managerial issues in market segmentation,
                                                       Industrial Relations
Subject groups                                                                                                  market structures, global retail, and service
                                                       & Organisational Behaviour
WBS is divided into subject groups, each with a                                                                 marketing
                                                       A critical social science perspective informs our
specific focus. We also have research centres and
                                                       research in the areas of:                              h adoption, change and diffusion of technologies.
special interest groups which often span disciplines
and operate on national and international              h industrial relations                                 Operations Management
levels. Subject groups have their own web pages,       h human resource management                            Research activities focus on the design, planning,
where you can find out much more about their           h organisational analysis                              control and improvement of operations in the
teaching and research, including topics where PhD                                                             manufacturing, service, private, and public sectors
                                                       h organisational behaviour.
applications are especially welcome.                                                                          including:
                                                       Members of this group are active within various
W                                                                                  h lean thinking and continuous improvement
                                                       professional and practitioner organisations
W                                                                                  h service excellence
                                                       including: the Industrial Relations Research Unit;
Accounting                                             the Innovation, Knowledge & Organisational             h supply chain management
Research is informed by two major perspectives:        Networks Research Unit; and Warwick                    h performance measurement
a critical interpretive perspective which seeks to     Organisational Theory Network.                         h health service excellence.
understand the role of accounting in management
                                                       Information Systems & Management                       Operational Research & Management Sciences
practice, and a capital market perspective which
                                                       Our information systems research focuses on the        Research focuses on the practical application
evaluates the relevance of accounting for valuation
                                                       theoretical and application-oriented issues facing     of operational research investigating how OR
and decision making purposes. Research interests
                                                       the adoption and diffusion of ICT in the private and   methods can be used to improve real world
                                                       public sectors. We seek to improve understanding       problem situations, as well as in strengthening
h financial accounting, reporting, and statement       of how ICT impacts on people and organisations.        its theoretical basis in model and methodology
  analysis                                             Research interests include:                            development in:
h management accounting                                h IS strategy, development and project                 h practice of OR
h auditing taxation                                      management
                                                                                                              h improving OR performance within organisations
h accounting education and professionalisation.        h IT governance                                          such as the health service, electricity and finance
                                                       h global software development and offshore               industries
                                                         outsourcing                                          h OR strategy.
Research activities span the broad area of money
and markets, specifically:                             h business transformation and complexity
                                                       h applications of specific technologies                Public Management & Policy
h corporate finance                                                                                           This group brings together expertise in research
                                                       h IS in small and medium enterprises.
h international finance including linear and                                                                  and teaching in the area of:
  nonlinear modelling of exchange rate                 The group shares an interest in knowledge
                                                                                                         h public sector management and policy
  movements, and work on foreign exchange              management and social theory with the Innovation,
  market microstructure                                Knowledge & Organisational Networks Research      h public services.
h financial markets and options.                       Unit.                                             The group forms the teaching unit of the Institute of
                                                                                                         Governance & Public Management (IGPM).
Members of the group are involved in the Research
Boards and Education Faculties of the ESRC, the
Warwick Finance Research Institute, and leading
professional institutes.

                                                                                                                | 5
Basically there are two ways of
                              choosing your supervisor. The first
                              is the ‘you finding the supervisor’
                              approach. You have a rough idea
                              and know what you are interested
                              in but are not exactly sure what
                              topic you are going to do. On the
                              web site you search through the
                              faculty and find the area that you
                              are interested in, and then you
                              can contact potential supervisors
                              and discuss possible projects you
                              can work on together. In that way
                              you can find out exactly what the
                              supervisor wants.
                              The second is the ‘supervisor
                              finding you’ approach. If you
                              know specifically what you are
                              going to do, then you just go
                              through the normal process; you
                              write your research proposal, fill in
                              an application form and send it in
                              to WBS. The admissions secretary
                              will pass on the information to the
                              relevant group and they will read
                              your ideas to see whether they
                              are interested in having you as a
                              Both approaches can work
                              depending on whether you know
                              exactly what you want to do or
                              not. But the first is much more
                              likely to achieve a good match.
                              Remember, you will have to work
                              closely with your supervisor for
                              a number of years and they will
                              have to work with you!

                              Xuhui Yang
                              current doctoral researcher,
                              Marketing & Strategic
                              Management group

6 | Warwick Business School
I am a qualified Chartered
                                                                                                Accountant, Consultant and
Finding a supervisor                                                                            Academic. I have operated as
                                                                                                Strategic Adviser to Governments
                                                                                                and Chief Executives and held
                                                                                                Head of Finance and Resources
                                                                                                I thought I knew it all, but the
                                                                                                faculty inspire insight and
                                                                                                facilitate foresight unlike any
                                                                                                other experience, training
                                                                                                or qualification that I have
Now that you have an idea           Achieving a good match
of the range of broad subject       Getting a good match between you and your
areas we offer, the critical        supervisor is essential. Take some time to browse           Laurence Ferry
step in your application is         our online expertise directory and explore the              current doctoral researcher,
identifying the member or           sections relating to our faculty’s and subject              Accounting group
members of WBS faculty              groups’ research interests and academic expertise.
whose research interests            This will help you decide whether the research
correspond with your                interests of our staff match your ideas. We strongly
intended research topic. You        encourage you to discuss your research ideas
will need to choose at least one    with one or more prospective supervisors before
supervisor who is a specialist      applying.
in your chosen field. A second
                                    You might also find it helpful to browse details of
supervisor may also be
                                    research projects currently being undertaken by
involved at this stage or will be
                                    our doctoral researchers on our web site.
appointed towards the end of
your first year of study with us.   W
The majority of our
established faculty supervise       Get to know their work
doctoral research and all           When you have identified a prospective supervisor
are actively involved in            for your research, we strongly advise you to
research, publishing in             read some of their publications to gain a better
leading international journals,     understanding of their research interests. This will
and working with research           enable you to decide whether you need to refine
boards, private and public          your research idea to ensure a match, or whether to
sector organisations, and           search for a different supervisor.
professional institutions.
                                    If your chosen supervisor is unable to supervise
                                    your research, you may be advised to choose
                                    another person, or to defer your entry in order to
                                    work with them at a later date.

                                                                                  | 7
The shape of our
Doctoral Programme

Structure                                                Year one: research training programme                    Other training
You will usually be attached to a specific subject       Designed and delivered by staff with a high degree       You may have the opportunity to follow some
group or research centre. Some of our doctoral           of expertise in research methodologies, and              taught postgraduate modules from our Specialist
researchers have an affiliation with more than one       complying with the Economic and Social Research          Masters Portfolio.
group if their research area is cross-disciplinary. If   Council’s requirements, our research training will
your specialism is finance, you should consider our      enable you to develop many skills as a researcher
PhD in Finance, detailed on page 11.                     in social sciences, not just those you will need to      You will also be encouraged to take up the
                                                         complete your thesis.                                    wide range of personal and professional skills
Doing a PhD is a serious undertaking. The
                                                                                                                  development opportunities offered by the
minimum registration period for our Doctoral             You will undertake four compulsory core modules
                                                                                                                  University. We work closely with other University
Programme is three years full-time. You will             which are delivered through a combination of
                                                                                                                  departments including the Careers Service to
register initially for the degree of MPhil. When you     weekly lectures, seminars, and day schools. A
                                                                                                                  deliver training specifically tailored to meet the
successfully complete the compulsory research            structured feedback process throughout the
                                                                                                                  needs of our doctoral researchers. If you become
training in the first year and present a satisfactory    year ensures that modules can be fine-tuned if
                                                                                                                  involved in teaching, an introductory training
research proposal to the Upgrading Panel, your           necessary and any specific needs or gaps in content
                                                                                                                  course is compulsory and you will be supported by
registration will be upgraded from MPhil to PhD at       can be addressed.
                                                                                                                  teaching staff in the relevant subject group.
the end of your first year.
                                                         Core modules                                             Sharing your research
The requirement for the PhD is a thesis of around
                                                         Three modules are assessed through coursework.
80,000 words which you will produce under the                                                                     There will be many opportunities available to you
                                                         In order to upgrade from MPhil to PhD you must
guidance of your supervisor. The degree of PhD is                                                                 for networking and disseminating your research.
                                                         pass the coursework requirements of two of
awarded solely on the basis of this thesis and an                                                                 In addition to events organised by our Doctoral
                                                         these: Philosophy of the Social Sciences and either
oral examination or viva voce, the main criterion for                                                             Programme team and WBS, research seminars
                                                         Qualitative or Quantitative Research Methods.
the award being that the thesis makes a significant                                                               organised by your subject group will offer you
contribution to knowledge.                               Philosophy of the Social Sciences the nature of          the chance to exchange ideas and present your
                                                         social science, issues of theory construction and        research. As a member of your subject group you
All full-time researchers are required to submit
                                                         problem formulation, and paradigms of social             will have the facility to create your own web pages.
their thesis within four years from the start of their
                                                         enquiry and explanation.
registration. Part-time PhD students must finish                                                                  You will also benefit from a conference allowance
within six years.                                        Qualitative Research Methods fieldwork access,           to attend conferences and make high level
                                                         observation, interviewing, documentary analysis,         presentations of your research to different
Supervision                                              and case studies.                                        audiences.
In designing and undertaking your research project,
                                                         Quantitative Research Methods the use of
you will be advised by one or two supervisors with
                                                         descriptive and inferential statistics, sampling,
appropriate research expertise and interests. Your
                                                         multivariate analysis, and statistical packages like
main supervisor will be nominated when you are                                                                                      I definitely benefited from the
offered a place on our Doctoral Programme; a                                                                                        research training. It provided me
second supervisor may also be appointed at this          A final core module is not assessed, but is a key part                     with an introduction to various
stage, but certainly will be by the end of your first    of your research training at WBS:                                          philosophies, because in my
year of study.                                                                                                                      particular area, organisation
                                                         Research Planning and Management Skills
                                                                                                                                    studies, there are different
It is your supervisor’s task to guide your work and      covers all skills relevant to thesis preparation,
                                                                                                                                    standpoints and ways that you
you can expect your learning relationship with           conference presentations, journal submissions,
                                                                                                                                    can look at things.
them to change over time. Early on they may help         and your future career.
to give shape to your thesis, direct you to certain                                                                                 We got an introduction to these
texts, suggest that you consider other alternatives,     Years two & three                                                          and to the methodologies which
and steer your plans in a certain way. Later, when       After year one you will be encouraged to                                   can be used to explore things from
the focus and direction of your thesis has been          attend a continuing programme of training and                              a philosophical standpoint. I did
established, your supervisions may well take the         development events according to your specific                              receive invitations to research
form of a dialogue in which you discuss particular       needs including more advanced and specialised                              methods events outside Warwick
problems or issues that concern you. As you              research methods, research planning, and careers                           from the ESRC, who are were
develop more autonomy in your work it is quite           and professional skills development workshops.                             funding me, but our seminars here
common for you to determine the pattern of your                                                                                     were so good that I tended not to
supervisions with your supervisor monitoring your                                                                                   go to these others!
progress.                                                                                                                           Dr Diane Skinner
                                                                                                                                    PhD (Warwick)

8 | Warwick Business School
Being a doctoral researcher at
WBS is a great experience. My
supervisors are top researchers
in the field and are committed
to helping me shape my ideas,
enhance my research capabilities,
and build my confidence. I also
have many opportunities for
intellectual exchange with great
minds from all over the world.
Hazel Huang
current doctoral researcher,
Marketing & Strategic
Management group

                           | 9
Three areas of the WBS Doctoral
 programme stand out: supervision,
 colleagues, and community.
 The supervision process is very
 important for a young researcher,
 because it forms the backbone of
 the way one conducts research in
 the future. I meet my supervisor
 regularly to discuss work, and our
 collaboration on research is ongoing.
 I am very content with the degree
 and ease of interaction with the staff
 in the Finance group and the fact
 that I feel free to knock on anyone’s
 door for a chat or for some help, if
 Life at WBS is dynamic and very
 enjoyable, not only within the
 doctoral and research community,
 but the University community as a
 The international community is very
 large, which brings a lot of diversity
 to the events organised.
 Gino Cenedese
 current researcher on our
 Doctoral Programme in Finance

10 | Warwick Business School
Given the specific quantitative
                                                                                                                    skills needed in finance, the
PhD in Finance                                                                                                      research training provided for
                                                                                                                    finance students is different to
                                                                                                                    that of the rest of the Doctoral
                                                                                                                    Programme. The Finance group
                                                                                                                    offers training in essential topics in
                                                                                                                    the finance area. Furthermore, as
                                                                                                                    part of the training programme,
                                                                                                                    the Finance group organises
                                                                                                                    weekly seminars and workshops.
                                                                                                                    PhD students and staff members
Course structure                                       Core modules                                                 attend the workshops series, so we
Our PhD in Finance has a minimum registration          Three modules are assessed through coursework                all have the opportunity to share
period of three years full-time. Initially you will    and final examination:                                       our work, learn presentation skills,
register for the degree of MPhil. On successful                                                                     and get the necessary feedback
                                                       Theory of Finance asset pricing, corporate finance,
completion of the research training programme                                                                       on our work. External researchers
                                                       and derivative securities.
and presentation of a satisfactory research                                                                         present their current work in the
proposal your registration will be upgraded from       Quantitative Methods in Finance financial                    seminar series, which provides us
MPhil to PhD status. You will then complete a          econometrics and quantitative techniques.                    with knowledge at the forefront
thesis of around 80,000 words, under the guidance      Frontiers of Research in Finance latest research in          of research on many topics.
of your supervisor.                                    the fields of international finance, investments and         All this training put together
The degree of PhD is awarded solely on the basis       portfolio management, asset pricing, behavioural             provides a coherent and thorough
of this thesis, the criterion for the award being      finance, corporate finance, derivatives, and                 preparation for good research.
that the thesis makes a significant contribution to    microstructure of markets.                                   Elvira Sojli
knowledge.                                             There are two further core modules:                          current doctoral researcher,
As a doctoral researcher within the Finance group                                                                   Finance group
                                                       Methodology of Social Science designed to
you will have the opportunity to participate in        enable you to understand the philosophy and
the group’s weekly internal and external research      paradigms which underlie research in finance
seminars and there is a generous conference            within the wider context of the physical and social
allowance available to assist you in attending         sciences. Assessed by coursework.
conferences and presenting your research.
                                                       Planning and Managing Research focuses on
Supervision                                            issues such as research process and design, coping
In designing and undertaking your research project,    with conferences, getting published, and writing
you will be advised by one or two supervisors with     skills for researchers. Non-assessed.
appropriate research expertise and interests. Your
main supervisor will be provisionally nominated        Elective modules
when you are offered a place; a second supervisor      You will also be required to complete two modules
is normally chosen towards the end of the first year   selected from one of the WBS finance-related
of study. For further insights into the supervision    Masters or the PhD in Economics programme at
process see page 8.                                    Warwick.
Year one: research training programme                  W
The taught courses in the first year will provide
structured and high level post-masters training        Years two & three
in theoretical and empirical research methods in       You will be encouraged to undertake additional
finance. These are compulsory for all researchers      training in year two and beyond to broaden your
registered for the degree. You must pass all the       understanding of social science research as well
assessed modules in order to upgrade to PhD.           as research in the finance area. In particular, you
The modules will be delivered mainly through           will be encouraged to take the Philosophy of
lectures and seminars with additional workshops        Social Sciences and Qualitative Research Methods
and day schools as required.                           modules from the main WBS Doctoral Programme,
                                                       attend research seminars and benefit from a range
                                                       of other courses to improve your personal and
                                                       professional skills throughout your period of study.
                                                       See page 8 for details.

                                                                                                     | 11
Research at WBS

 In the most recent Research
 Assessment Exercise (2001),
 WBS was one of only three
 UK business schools to
 achieve the highest 5* rating,
 only awarded for research
 of international excellence.
 Our research influences the
 academic, business, and policy
 communities and underpins
 all our teaching.
 This research-led ethos is
 driven by the motivation
 of our faculty and doctoral
 researchers to develop new
 ideas, as well as challenge
 existing thinking through
 their contributions to
 key debates. We do not
 set research agendas for
 individuals or groups, nor
 do we promote a particular
 methodology or approach.
 Rather, through our positive
 research culture, the range of
 disciplines and approaches,
 and strong links with             collaboration across our
 industry, trade unions, and       faculty and with other leading
 governments, we provide an        experts around the world.
 environment in which all our      With one of the largest and
 researchers can flourish.         highest ranked doctoral
 We also lead by example.          programmes in Europe, we
 Enthusiasm for individual         are proud of our leading
 research is championed by our     role in developing the next
 most senior staff, especially     generation of researchers.
 our Dean, Howard Thomas,          Join us and you will be an
 who continues to publish          integral part of the WBS
 leading research on strategic     research community; not
 management issues.                a student so much as an
                                   academic colleague in
 Our research output can be
                                   training. In addition to the
 seen in the 600 to 700 works,
                                   excellent support and facilities
 ranging from books and
                                   we provide, we are fully
 research articles to conference
                                   committed to helping you
 proceedings, that we publish
                                   fulfil your research potential.
 each year. These result from
 individual and team research,     Professor David Storey,
 including cross-subject           Associate Dean (Research)

12 | Warwick Business School
The practice of corporate governance:
an accounting perspective

Thomas Ahrens describes the context, ‘After two          to overcome distinctions between explanations that
decades of corporate governance debates and              focus either on agents or structures – rather than
report after report on how to improve the practice       ask whether the actions of people cause things
of corporate governance (eg Cadbury, Greenbury,          or if people are at the mercy of social and other
Hampel, Turnbull, Higgs, etc) we are still facing        structures, we want to explain the functioning of
an unending stream of corporate scandals. Why?           corporate governance as a joint outcome of choice,
Because Enron and Worldcom demonstrated that             action and circumstances.’
rules without principles are not effective. In the UK,
                                                         Recent research into the effectiveness of audit
scandals during the early 1990s such as Polly Peck,
                                                         committees and communication between boards
BCCI, and Barings showed that abstract principles
                                                         and shareholders has shown it is possible to
need the support of practical understandings.
                                                         conduct such interactions in ways that generate
These are complexes of know-how that do not arise
                                                         new benefits for firms. Subtle communications
from principles or rules, and cannot be imposed by
                                                         with audit committee members can diffuse cases                Professor Thomas Ahrens
regulators, but emerge over time through practice
                                                         of internal fraud or misuse of resources before they          (pictured) and Dr Rihab
because the knowledge of how to do something
                                                         lead to a showdown at the Board. Communication                Khalifa of the Accounting
well depends on experience; it requires sustained
                                                         with shareholders and investors can strengthen the            group are conducting a
work in a particular field. This research is concerned
                                                         Board’s strategic thinking and help to implement              research project on corporate
with discovering how such understandings can be
                                                         strategic initiatives throughout the company. Rihab           governance together with
recognised and understood so that they may become
                                                         points out, ‘Practice theory suggests that a key              Professor Chris Chapman of
part of the general practice of corporate governance
                                                         challenge to implementing improvements within                 Imperial College. Conceived
and its regulation.’
                                                         corporate governance lies within companies’ failure           as a pilot project at this
Attempting reform in the area of corporate               to realise the potential benefits. Organisational             stage, it will build upon
governance is not without its challenges. Individual     members’ ability to use corporate governance                  on a well-established body
incentives and economic and regulatory frameworks        requirements to enhance management strategy                   of accounting research
impose limitations and unlike audit, for example,        requires what we call ‘practical understanding of the         concerned with questions
corporate governance has no champion or                  corporate governance debate.’ We are seeking to do            of accountability, audit,
professional group of experts. Similarly, though         this by asking why practical understandings should            and governance, and will
it holds implications for everyone from directors        become part of the corporate governance debate,               determine the scale of a larger
to shareholders, ultimate responsibility remains         how it has been possible to have omitted them thus            study to come.
unclear. In addition, whilst corporate governance        far, and what the benefits of articulating those
reports articulate rules of good governance and          understandings as part of the process of regulating
generate codes of practice, corporate governance         corporate governance are?’
is perceived as mandatory regulation; companies
                                                         As well as publishing the research findings,
know they must comply but they have not fully
                                                         Rihab hopes to set up a seminar that will bring
grasped its potential benefits.
                                                         practitioners and academics together. She says,
The significance of this research lies in its            ‘Depending on the scope of the full-scale project,
implications for the vast ambitions that are tied        there may be other opportunities to disseminate the
to corporate governance. Corporate governance            findings and ensure that practical understandings
reports have focused on shareholder value through        are incorporated into the regulation of corporate
transparency and accountability; firms should use        governance.’
shareholder capital in the most efficient manner
                                                         The project is also conceptually similar to the
thereby leading to an optimal allocation of resources
                                                         projects of a number of doctoral researchers who are
in the economy. An even grander ambition, that
                                                         exploring accountability relationships in various
has been difficult to put into practice, is to make
                                                         empirical settings and industry sectors. Rihab
business responsive to a wide range of stakeholders
                                                         adds, ‘Within the Accounting group my role as the
from employees to the environment! Corporate
                                                         Doctoral Programme Committee Chair is also to
governance is set to become the cornerstone of
                                                         help integrate our PhD students – there is no doubt
ethical business.
                                                         that this degree of shared focus on accountability
The project will identify the extent to which            helps to ensure that their work is fully recognised

             research at WBS
these ambitions are practical and perhaps even           within the group’s research agenda. We are looking
counterproductive. Rihab explains, ‘By using             forward to welcoming new doctoral researchers to
practice theory – a strand of social theory that seeks   the group.’

                                                                                                        | 13
Alternative media: redefining news and organisation

                                While investigating public broadcasting André           A non-corporate alternative
                                had observed the groundswell of alternative media       Many commentators have noted that today’s media
                                networks and activism on the Internet and, as           is increasingly dominated by corporate behemoths
                                emerging phenomena, they seemed subjects ripe           like CNN and News Corporation. Alternative
                                for further investigation. In 2005, together with       media organisations have set up models of making
                                colleagues Steffen Bohm of the University of Essex      and distributing news that reject this corporate
                                and Sian Sullivan from the University of East Anglia,   control. By developing a space for user-generated
                                he was awarded £45,000 from the ESRC’s ‘non             content, alternative media has been able to reject
                                government public action programme’ to further          the restrictive editorial policies of corporate media.
                                investigate the alternative media sector.
                                                                                        This means that journalists disseminate some of
                                The focus of the project is a variety of open source    the more controversial material to audiences which
                                web-based news site which has spread rapidly            CNN or the BBC would never touch. Alternative
 Shared values and              around the globe. The content of these sites is         media organisations have also developed radical
 collaboration might seem       often created through a system of open publishing       new ways of organising the production of media
 the ideal ingredients for      by which ‘anyone’ can upload a report (written,         content. They have built online communities who
 organisational harmony         audio, or video) directly to the site through ‘an       work in a democratic, bottom-up fashion. This
 but in an ongoing research     openly accessible web interface.’ As with other         means that people are not restricted by the scripts,
 project into the alternative   sites which depend on user-generated content, the       hierarchies, and contracts that rule the world of
 media sector, funded by the    guiding philosophy is that site users are no longer     mainstream media.
 Economic and Social Research   passive receivers of information mediated by media
                                                                                       In many ways, the alternative media sector has been
 Council (ESRC), Dr André       corporations but active producers of meaning,
                                                                                       well ahead of the game. André says, ‘Alternative
 Spicer, Associate Professor    able to express their opinions and exercise their
                                                                                       media organisations invented things like blogs,
 in Industrial Relations and    freedom of speech directly, and without fear of
                                                                                       user-generated content, and online communities.
 Organisational Behaviour       recrimination.
                                                                                       They developed ways of harnessing the voice of
 (IROB), suggests that the      The team are specifically looking at web-based people online and enabled them to put their own
 reverse may be true.           alternative media throughout the world. André view across. It is only now that large corporates
                                explains, ‘The objectives of the study are twofold. like News Corporation and Google are catching
                                Firstly, it is an examination of a popular uprising of up. Social web sites like MySpace and YouTube
                                people who want to contest the status quo; how is now try to copy the models initially invented by
                                it organised? What is its structure? How does such alternative media movements such as Indymedia.
                                an organisation sustain itself? Secondly, it implies a The problem is that the main objective of these
                                critique of what management corporations do. Can so-called Web 2.0 initiatives is to commercialise
                                alternative media organisation offer alternative the Internet by targeting a huge amount of online
                                ways of organising? How does a structure shaped advertising to a lucrative group of users. Alternative
                                by shared ideologies and identities impact on the media movements are non-commercial; they see the
                                organisation? What kind of culture or economy Internet not as just another cash cow, but as a way
                                emerges in an organisation which operates on to give millions of people a voice to campaign for a
                                values based on commitment and respect? As a better, more equitable world.’
                                virtual organisation how does the lack of a physical
                                                                                       In their study the researchers’ starting point was
                                space impact on its operation?’
                                                                                       that alternative media plays an important political
                                The project has been extended but the initial role as it challenges the ideological structuring of
                                findings are already proving interesting:              mainstream media, and gives political activists
                                                                                       access to a publishing platform that they would
                                                                                       not otherwise have. However, what André found
                                                                                       was a variety of complexities and oddities that often
                                                                                       make it difficult for alternative media collectives to
                                                                                       organise effectively.

14 | Warwick Business School
An open closed shop;                                     Low personnel but high personal costs                    More about research at WBS
no entry to the uninitiated                              Alternative media is often driven by people who          This article was first published as a feature on the
André describes how the participants typically            share common passions but this too can present          WBS web site. You will find more articles on current
 take a user identity which is different to their real    challenges. ‘It’s very intense and because their        research in our online press centre.
 name. Questions of identity start to emerge from         identity is bound up in what they do, it has a high
 this. ‘This difference between the online and            impact on their lives. People are brought together by
 offline presence raises lots of issues,’ says André.     a sense of kinship and personal commitment and
‘Who is in? Who’s out? Are you an activist or not?        devote enormous and unpaid amounts of time and
Although users/members apparently share an ethos          passion to what they do. This is hard to sustain over
 of activism there is no specific definition of what      time and they often suffer from burn-out or end
 activism is.’ While alternative media collectives        up feeling disillusioned. Since it’s informal, when
 are often explicitly open for everyone to join and       things go wrong there are no external rules you can
 contribute, in reality they are sometimes rather         appeal to or formal structure to keep it together –
 closed entities ruled by identity politics involving     things start to break down.’ This is sometimes called
 specific dress codes and languages. Thus there is an    ‘activist burn-out’, which may be seen in many
 ongoing challenge for alternative media to recruit       radical political movements. That said, corporate
 newcomers to their groups and keep themselves            environments are not immune to the phenomenon
 open to new ideas and people who might not share         of burn-out as there is frequently little opportunity
 their political convictions.                             to take a step back or even leave the organisation.

Agile in theory but slow in practice                     Calm at the eye of the storm
Typical of many such organisations structured            Throughout their research the team have observed
around shared values and commitment to a                 in particular how the practice and ideology of
common purpose, the alternative media collectives        openness sometimes gives way as the community
often explicitly reject standard organisational          turns in on itself. This sometimes leads to atrophy
tools. This is positive because it means they can        and the result is reduced opportunities for protest.
develop output quickly. There is a greater degree        Contrary to expectations, the dynamism one might
of spontaneity, willingness to take risks, and           expect to find at the centre of such networks shifts;
immediacy in their ability to respond to breaking        the centre spins off clusters of people who become
news. However, André points out, ‘The irony is that      dissatisfied and want to set up new ventures. These
there is much time spent in talking about how they       are often more dynamic, more interesting, and able
will plan and organise things. The need to arrive at     to move very rapidly.
decisions by consensus can slow things down and
                                                         André concludes, ‘Alternative media organisations
ultimately counteract their potential to be flexible
                                                         do amazing things. They have produced some of
and respond quickly.’ Nevertheless, the benefit of
                                                         the most interesting and daring news coverage
grassroots consensus decision making is that each
                                                         available. In an increasingly concentrated media
member has the opportunity to participate in the
                                                         landscape they are vital in ensuring that the truth
structuring of the organisation. In corporations
                                                         gets out there. They have produced some alternative
the discourse of empowerment has existed for a
                                                         ways of organising news media based on principles
long time but what one sees, however, is that there
                                                         of cooperation and participation. But to continue to
is often an illusion of participation; employees are
                                                         make these vital contributions they must be aware
given the impression of participation, openness
                                                         of the dangers of turning in on themselves.’
and empowerment, while the real decisions are
still made at the top. In contrast, alternative media
movements try to implement radical grassroots
organisational processes that involve everyone.

             research at WBS                                                                                       | 15
An evolutionary perspective
 on knowledge management in practice

                                    What interested you about knowledge                      I decided to approach five consultancies and look
                                    management as a subject of research?                     at high, medium, and low performing project
                                    Knowledge is seen as the key to improved                 teams in each to find out if different companies do
                                    business performance. Consequently, knowledge            things differently and if so, why? I also wanted to
                                    management has become an increasingly                    know whether high performing teams employed
                                    fashionable topic. There is a commonly held              different knowledge management practices to low
                                    perception that knowledge is a good whose value can      performing teams. Essentially, I was interested in
                                    be extracted and shared with little or no marginal       understanding ‘What are the explicit and emergent
                                    cost. When you consider that companies currently         knowledge management practices? and, ‘Under
                                    spend around 3.5 percent of their total revenue          what conditions do they, or don’t they work?’
                                    on knowledge management programmes, it’s not
                                    hard to see the value they attach to it. However,       Where does your study fit in relation to existing
                                    knowledge management has become a much                  theories on knowledge management?
 Taman Powell came to study         abused term and frequently companies implement           There are a number of challenges related to the
 for a PhD at WBS with over         knowledge management initiatives with little             study of knowledge and knowledge management.
 ten years’ experience in           success or understanding of why they then failed to      Over the centuries, the term knowledge itself has
 corporate business and has         achieve the desired results. The idea that knowledge     presented a challenge for theorists seeking to define
 been awarded the Bentley           management can exert such a positive influence on        and describe it empirically. I decided to look at it
 College/HEC Outstanding            a company’s performance is very appealing and I          from two perspectives; as a tacit and explicit asset
 Student Paper Award by the         was interested in exploring this disconnect between      and as an individual and social entity. This offers
 Academy of Management.             ideals and realisation.                                  four different types of knowledge whereas typically
 Taman receives support for                                                                  knowledge is described as being of only one kind.
 his research from the ESRC.        Why did you decide to focus your research                  Tacit knowledge is hard to articulate. For example,
 Now in his final year, he offers   on management consultancies?
                                                                                               many of us are able to ride a bike but remain unable
 an insight into knowledge          Having previously worked at a senior level for
                                                                                               to explain how we do this. Explicit knowledge, on
 management in practice             Accenture, management consultancies presented
                                                                                               the other hand, can be expressed and transferred in
 in the field of management         the ‘classic’ subject for a research project of this kind.
                                                                                               formal language.
 consulting.                        Their work is viewed as being highly knowledge
                                    intensive and consequently they are seen as being From a social perspective, whether organisations
                                    at the forefront of knowledge management practices. have knowledge, or whether this is simply the
                                    Management consultancies are also frequently application of human qualities to non-human
                                    tasked with implementing knowledge management entities, has been the subject of much debate.
                                    initiatives for their clients.                             However, while an organisation cannot create
                                                                                               knowledge without individuals, as Brown and
                                    The rhetoric of knowledge management is highly
                                                                                               Duguid point out, ‘a great deal of knowledge is both
                                    compelling as it offers companies a means of
                                                                                               produced and held collectively.’ Many theorists
                                    controlling knowledge that can be standardised and
                                                                                               have contributed to this social perspective arguing
                                    managed, thereby enabling everyone to have access
                                                                                               that knowledge is distributed throughout the
                                    to the ‘best’ knowledge. Often the result is more
                                                                                               organisation’s members as well as being embedded
                                    an information management than a knowledge
                                                                                               in its routines and culture. Spender (1996) adds this
                                    management system. All too often companies
                                                                                               social perspective to the explicit/tacit knowledge
                                    express frustration at employees’ apparent non-
                                                                                               typology (Polanyi, 1958, Nonaka, 1991) to develop a
                                    compliance and when things go wrong criticisms
                                                                                               model including four distinct types of knowledge.
                                    are aimed at the implementation. My sense was that
                                    this is connected to a deeper set of issues concerning
                                    the fundamental concept of knowledge and the
                                    underlying assumptions behind such knowledge
                                    management practices.

16 | Warwick Business School
Can you outline some of your key findings?               Similarly, the identification of a significant
 Explicit    conscious          objectified            My research so far would suggest that organisations      disconnect between firm-level and project-level
                                                       transition through various approaches of knowledge       practices suggests that firm-level practices need to be
 Tacit       automatic          collective             management. Different approaches are often               realigned to take into account how work is actually
                                                       dependent on size and, whilst initial approaches may     performed. In doing so, we need to escape from the
             Individual         Social                 be quite naïve, organisations’ formal approaches to      mindset that IT is the panacea for the challenges
                                                       knowledge management can be seen to evolve over          posed by knowledge management
Figure 1 The different types of organisational         time as they practice and learn through experience.
                                                                                                                All of this points to the need for a broadening of
knowledge (adapted from Spender 1996)                  Most organisations start with a codification
                                                                                                                knowledge management tools and techniques to
                                                       approach but after a time they shift their focus to
In this model conscious knowledge (individual                                                                   cover a more complete perspective of knowledge.
                                                       the personalisation strategy. I hypothesised that
explicit) is found to be easily transferable (though                                                            The majority of formal approaches deal with the
                                                       the personalisation strategy would be succeeded
may be internalised differently by different                                                                    exploitation of explicit knowledge and, whilst there
                                                       by attempts to formalise a social network in order
communities) whilst it is not possible to articulate                                                            is an evolution of practice under way, there is still a
                                                       to foster effective knowledge management.
automatic knowledge (individual tacit). Automatic                                                               long way to go before we have an effective model of
knowledge is required for action, whilst conscious      However, when I looked at project teams, it was         how to manage knowledge in organisations.
knowledge represents the sense-making associated        apparent that an organisation’s formal approach to
with that activity; for example, the difference         knowledge management had next to no impact on
between having a recipe and understanding the           how people on the ground conducted knowledge              References
cooking methods it requires. Objectified knowledge      management. Project team members employ                   Brown J S & Duguid P (1998) Organising
(social explicit), while easily transferable, is        emergent knowledge approaches. Their first                Knowledge. California Management Review,
dependent upon the rules that legitimised it, and       instinct was to seek knowledge from trusted sources,      40(3), 90–111
on collective knowledge (social tacit) to interpret     ie friends or colleagues, rather than from strangers      Hansen M T, Nohria N & Tierney T
it. Though academic in theory, this is significant      or a database. When you are seeking something you         (1999) What’s Your Strategy for Managing
as each suggests a different approach to creation,      do not know much about, it’s hard to know what            Knowledge? Harvard Business Review, 77(2),
transfer, learning, and use.                           ‘knowledge’ exists and therefore difficult to evaluate     106–16
                                                        the quality of that knowledge. Added to that, most
 In terms of knowledge management, Nonaka (1994)                                                                  Nonaka I (1991) The Knowledge-Creating
                                                        project teams already possess a significant amount
 proposed a model of knowledge conversion based on                                                                Company. Harvard Business Review, 69(6),
                                                        of knowledge and expertise so by appealing to
‘an assumption that knowledge is created through                                                                  96–104
                                                        their ‘community of practice’ it is easily shared and
 conversion between tacit and explicit knowledge’.
                                                        communicated. These outcomes beg the question             Nonaka I (1994) A Dynamic Theory of
 Hansen et al (1999) argued that organisations
                                                        whether organisations are wasting their resources         Organisational Knowledge Creation.
 either follow a knowledge management strategy of
                                                        focussing such a high percent of them on the              Organization Science, 5(1), 14–37
 codification (when knowledge is ‘carefully codified
                                                        codification approach to knowledge management.
 and stored in databases, where it can be accessed                                                                Polanyi M (1958) Personal Knowledge. Chicago:
 and used easily by anyone in the company’) or                                                                    The University of Chicago Press.
                                                       What are the implications of this
 personalisation (when ‘knowledge is closely tied to
                                                       for knowledge management practice?                         Spender J C (1996) Organizational Knowledge,
 the person who developed it and is shared mainly
                                                        Overall I would say my research suggests that the way     Learning and Memory: Three Concepts in
 through person-to-person contacts. The chief
                                                        we are managing knowledge needs to be readjusted.         Search of a Theory. Journal of Organizational
 purpose of computers at such companies is to help
                                                        My research does not support the extant views of          Change Management, 9(1), 63-79
 people communicate knowledge, not to store it.’)
                                                        knowledge which define it as static and endorse
From these theories it is clear that organisations rely a selection of approaches based on firm-level
on different types of knowledge and therefore need characteristics. There is a call for the identification
to focus their knowledge management efforts on of an evolutionary perspective of knowledge
either the codification or personalisation strategy. management. In terms of practice, the next stage
In my research I wanted to investigate how these would be an attempt to facilitate and leverage
approaches changed over time, effectively adopting the emergent knowledge management practices
an evolutionary perspective, as well as how the that take place in all organisations. However, this
explicit knowledge management practices impacted poses greater challenges for management as the
the activities of consulting team personnel, actions required, and the outcome expected, from
effectively adopting a practice perspective.            facilitating these emergent practices is less clear

             research at WBS
                                                        than with codification and personalisation.

                                                                                                                 | 17
Small, satisfying but not all that beautiful:
 employee commitment and the small firm

                                  Small firms, employing fewer than 250 employees,        There were three key findings, the first being that
                                  account for about 60 percent of employment in           there is a genuine size effect which, other things
                                  most modern economies. The situation of workers in      being equal, tends to promote employee satisfaction
                                  these firms has attracted a less than commensurate      at work. Secondly, the effect works differently in
                                  interest among researchers.                             different sectors. Lastly, satisfaction does not mean
                                                                                          harmony or shared interests between managers and
                                  A limited but important line of debate has been
                                  characterised by three positions:
                                  h ‘Small is beautiful’ close working relationships      Size and ‘morale’
                                    and the absence of bureaucracy generate               The WERS analysis addressed an index of ‘employee
                                    harmony                                               needs’, made up of employee reports on 22 items
                                                                                          including satisfaction with pay and views of how
                                  h Autocracy small firms often pay low wages
                                                                                          fairly managers treated workers. Even after allowing
                                    and operate in competitive markets, leading to
 Professor Paul Edwards,                                                                  for a wide range of factors embracing employees’
                                    autocracy in the workplace
 Sukanya Sen Gupta, and                                                                   individual characteristics, such as age and education,
 Chin-Ju Tsai of the Industrial   h Contingency small firms are shaped by their           and those of their workplaces, including sector and a
 Relations Research Unit            market situations, and little if anything of their    set of HR practices, the index showed a more positive
 (IRRU), report on how              workplace relations depend on size alone.             picture the smaller the size of the firm.
 pragmatism may have a greater
                                  Though the third is an advance on the first two, it     The more detailed study of 89 firms supported this
 role to play than unerring
                                  leaves open the question of just what it is about the   result. Though the three sectors were deliberately
 loyalty amongst employees of
                                  market that leads to certain workplace relationships    chosen to be very different, on several key indicators
 small firms.
                                  rather than others. And in extreme form it denies       such as employee attitudes to management and
                                  that enterprise size plays any role at all.             satisfaction with job autonomy there was remarkable
                                  New research we have conducted under the ESRC/          similarity across all the firms.
                                  EPSRC Advanced Institute of Management Research      Interviews with managers and some of the
                                  (AIM) programme, has moved beyond these              employees in the Warwick sample, together with
                                  stereotypical positions. It is based on two sources. more in-depth investigation in six firms, suggested
                                  Firstly, our primary research has addressed a key reason for the result. Workers and managers
                                  employment relations in 89 firms, in 32 of which work alongside each other, and the level of effort
                                  data on employee attitudes were collected (with a expended by managers is visible to workers. As we
                                  total sample of 384 employees). These firms were will see, this does not mean that there is a sense
                                  chosen to offer as specific a view as possible of of harmony. However, it does mean that there is
                                  distinctive types of small firm. With one exception, awareness of a shared endeavour.
                                  the firms had fewer than 100 employees. They also
                                  came from three tightly defined sectors: ICT, media
                                  and TV production, and food manufacturing.
                                  The second source was the authoritative 2004
                                  Workplace Employment Relations Survey (WERS)
                                  into the size of firm and employee attitudes – a
                                  collaborative work embracing WBS colleagues
                                  David Storey and George Saridakis from the Centre
                                  for Small & Medium-sized Enterprises, and Robert
                                  Blackburn of Kingston University. The survey
                                  has data on over 600 small and medium-sized
                                  enterprises (SMEs) and 4,000 of their employees.

18 | Warwick Business School
Wage-effort bargains and the sectoral context           Satisfaction but not harmony
This generic tendency within small firms was            Some images of the small firm suggest wholly
shaped by two factors. The first is the overall         common interests as reflected, for example, in
market situation of the firm. The firms studied         the sharing of rewards and of risk. Even in the two
had established niches in their markets which           professional sectors, these images were inaccurate.
meant that rewards were felt to be reasonable. For      Any kind of profit sharing was extremely rare. Most
those adopting an ‘autocracy’ perspective, such         firms paid basic salaries, sometimes with a bonus
a position might be written off as unusual. But         at the end of the year. Such bonuses were rare,
the WERS evidence shows that small firms often          and their size and distribution was entirely in the
have considerable longevity and also that market        hands of managers. Other aspects of reward were
conditions as a whole are not worse than those          also subject to management discretion. Generally,
facing large firms.                                     fringe benefits such as sick pay were absent, but
                                                        valued employees might be allowed some paid time
Indeed a minority of small firms are under intense
                                                        off. Such choices were made by managers as they saw
pressure. Other research conducted by Paul Edwards
                                                        fit. Employees were treated not as equals but as staff
and Monder Ram shows that wages here can be
                                                        to be assessed. Performance in the two professional
extremely low. It also examines the ways in which
                                                        sectors was thus appraised in some detail, and even
illegal employment is produced and reproduced
                                                        some of the food firms had developed detailed
among small firms. Even under such conditions,
                                                        appraisal schemes.
however, straight autocracy is rare, and there
is, instead, a form of negotiated order based on Workers were plainly aware of these arrangements.
family and often kinship ties. Shared misery and They made a clear distinction between themselves
negotiation to make the best of a difficult situation and managers. They also recognised that promotion
characterise such workplaces. Even under extreme opportunities were often limited, and could see
conditions small firms are not characterised by the reasons for this, namely, the small size of the
autocracy. Under more standard conditions, there is firms and the lack of space at the top. While they
a degree of space within which a reasonable balance also valued the training that was available within
of reward and effort can be struck.                     their current jobs, they could still see the realities
                                                        of ownership and control.
The second factor relating to the firms studied is the
distinct balance of effort and reward. In the food In summary, workers in small firms are reasonably
firms, for example, low wages were balanced by satisfied because of the benefits of informality and
a largely undemanding pace of work and the fact the sectorally distinctive structure of the wage-
that workers could find space to develop personal effort bargain. But they are constrained by their
relationships. This was underpinned by the limited own skills in terms of the jobs that they can seek,
degree of mechanisation, so that the anonymity of and satisfaction is in relation to what they can
work in large and rationalised plants was absent. reasonably expect. It is not a reflection of deeper
In media companies, by contrast, there was a contentment, still less a conscious choice of jobs.
demanding work pace, and pay was not high for They also recognise a divide between them and
professional staff; the benefits lay in the interest of their managers. Pragmatic acceptance, rather than
the job and the distant prospect of media stardom. deep-seated loyalty, characterised their views of
                                                        their jobs.
                                                        For more information on this project, see the paper
                                                        by Chin-Ju Tsai, Sukanya Sen Gupta and Paul
                                                        Edwards, ‘When and Why is Small Beautiful?’ in
                                                        Human Relations, December 2007.

             research at WBS                                                                            | 19
At Warwick you’re part of a large
                               community that encompasses
                               several thousand staff and
                               students and you do get a real
                               sense of community here. I pursue
                               a number of interests outside my
                               PhD. I used to row competitively
                               at university and I now coach
                               the rowing team which I really
                               enjoy. I’m also a member of the
                               triathlon club and run exercise
                               classes for them which is great.
                               Warwick also gives you lots of
                               other opportunities to network
                               in other clubs and societies. One
                               of the things that I love about it
                               is the Arts Centre. I enjoy going
                               to the theatre and there is always
                               something interesting to go and
                               see. I love the place!
                               Nick Wake
                               current doctoral researcher,
                               Operations Management

20 | Warwick Business School
Life at WBS

Cosmopolitan & scenic environment                         Accommodation & amenities                                Library
The University of Warwick campus is a spacious            Some postgraduate halls of residence are available       The University of Warwick library offers superior
and attractive environment, with everything               for 50 weeks of the year, some are available on          facilities having recently had a £3.5 million pound
you need on a single site. It is home to a vibrant,       shorter lets. Most study bedrooms have en-suite          refurbishment to house its collection of over
international community providing you with a              bathrooms, shared kitchen and lounge facilities,         one million books. Extensive online resources
stimulating and supportive setting for your studies.      direct-line telephone points, and all have Internet      including over 25,000 electronic journals and
                                                          access. There are also some rooms and houses on          databases, official publications, newspapers,
The campus offers a vast array of entertainment
                                                          campus that are suitable for students with partners      inter-library loans and specialist collections for
and there’s still plenty of space to relax in the quiet
                                                          or families.                                             business research make it easy for you to access the
tranquillity of the Warwickshire countryside. We
                                                                                                                   information you need. Specialist subject librarians
offer a great balance between urban and rural life;       Some students opt to become resident
                                                                                                                   are available to support staff and researchers.
you are close to the city whilst living in beautiful      tutors providing them with campus based
                                                                                                                   In addition the Modern Records Centre makes
calm surroundings with lakes, meadows, and                accommodation in return for taking on pastoral
                                                                                                                   available primary sources of British political, social
woods. London is just over an hour away by train          responsibilities for the students in their residence.
                                                                                                                   and economic history with particular reference to
and you are 10 minutes from historic Coventry, and
                                                          If you prefer to live off campus, the University         labour history and industrial relations.
around 20 minutes from Birmingham International
                                                          can offer places in shared houses reserved for
Airport, Stratford-upon-Avon, and Warwick.                                                                         W
                                                          postgraduates. These properties are located in
On campus there’s every conceivable service:              nearby Coventry, Royal Leamington Spa, and
supermarket, bars, cafes, restaurants, post office,       Kenilworth.
                                                                                                                   Leisure & entertainment
hairdresser, launderette, banks, travel agency, and
                                                          Whatever you decide, Warwick Accommodation               Warwick Students’ Union is one of the biggest
health centre – just some of the facilities which
                                                          can help you find a place to live.                       in the UK and is the centre of campus social life.
make it easy for you to deal with everyday life
                                                                                                                   Spread over five floors, it features several bars,
while concentrating on your studies.                      w
                                                                                                                   restaurants and cafes as well as a welfare and
w                             Study facilities                                         advice centre, and several flexible spaces that
                                                          At WBS we offer the majority of our full-time            function as clubs, marketplaces, and gathering
Aside from the range of cafes and restaurants
                                                          doctoral researchers a dedicated desk and PC in          points.
available across the campus you will also have
use of the WBS staff lounges and kitchen facilities       a shared office with access to other office facilities   w
providing you with the opportunity to meet                such as copiers, faxes, phones etc. With access
other members of faculty and staff in relaxed             to networked computer rooms, our part-time               Culture
surroundings.                                             doctoral researchers are also able to make the most      Another main cultural attraction of the campus is
                                                          productive use of their visits to WBS. Our unique        Warwick Arts Centre. With its concert hall, cinema,
Sports                                                    online study environment, my.wbs, is specially           two theatres, and art gallery, as well as a restaurant
 Superb provision is made for sports activities at        designed to enable you to network and share              and bar, it attracts some of the biggest names in
 the University. We have an Olympic standard              resources with other students and staff and keep         the arts including Peter Brook, Buena Vista Social
 floodlit athletics track and all-weather pitches         up to date with all the WBS news. Our Information        Club, Ray Davies, Russell Brand, Cheek by Jowl,
 supporting outdoor sports including football,            Systems Support Unit are on hand to offer                Bryn Terfel, Ladysmith Black Mambazo, and Derren
 rugby, hockey, and cricket. There is also a 5km          support with IT queries and a range of specialist        Brown.
‘trim track’. Tennis players are well provided for        programmes and applications is available through
 with both outdoor and brand new indoor courts.           the WBS systems network, as well as the usual
The Sports Centre offers a 25m swimming pool,             office software.
 squash courts, extensive weight training and fitness
                                                          The University offers state-of-the-art language
 suites, regional-standard climbing centre, martial
                                                          learning for over 15 languages at a range of levels.
 arts and table tennis facilities, a sauna, and three
                                                          Computing facilities are equally excellent, with a
 multipurpose sports halls. There are also over 75
                                                          high speed connection to the Internet available
 sports clubs, from Aerobics to Zhuan Shukuan.
                                                          in all study bedrooms on campus. There are Wi-Fi
W                     hotspots provided by over 60 wireless access
W                            points in a range of public and communal areas
                                                          around the University and WBS.

                                                                                                                    | 21
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PhD 2009 brochure

  • 2. Welcome to WBS Join our WBS Doctoral Programme and you will become a member of a dynamic, highly esteemed, and international research community. Consistently ranked amongst the best in the world, our PhD programme is also one of the largest in Europe with nearly 200 doctoral researchers from over 40 different countries. Our size and international dimension makes WBS a vibrant and exciting place to study. Studying for a PhD is challenging but also exciting and rewarding if you have the right qualities and motivation. You can expect the defining features of academic life to shape your experience at WBS – innovative ideas, rigorous critical enquiry, international perspectives, and relevance to policy and practice. As well as researching for your PhD you will have the opportunity to collaborate with recognised experts, produce leading research, participate in seminars and conferences, and contribute to teaching activities. The skills and networks you develop will be invaluable in your future career, whether in academia or in other fields. Our comprehensive research training programme, recognised by the UK’s Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), will equip you for the challenges of research in the social sciences. Our PhD in Finance offers additional training in finance-related methodologies, if this is your area of interest. We offer a number of scholarships and bursaries as well as a research and conference travel allowance. Added to this, the high quality facilities we provide in beautiful campus surroundings help to strike a balance between work and leisure. IT resources and support, specialist library services, and careers advice are just some of the advantages you can expect. With all the amenities you need in one place, including excellent sporting and entertainment facilities and easy transport links to London and elsewhere, WBS is an ideal base for your research. We look forward to welcoming you to our Doctoral Programme. Professor Andrew Sturdy Associate Dean (Doctoral Programme) 2 | Warwick Business School
  • 4. I came to study at WBS for a PhD in 1996. For me it was the obvious place to choose because of its reputation and position in the rankings. Of course I also had a supervisor whose research interests coincided with my own. I was impressed by the resources such as the access to so many books and journals, and having an office to share with other PhD students, but the thing that stood out most for me was the sense of being part of a PhD community. The environment plus the number and quality of the students here enables us to learn from one another. It was competitive but in a healthy sense as, in trying to outperform each other, it pushed us to achieve our best. We made the most of the opportunity to compare our work, broaden our understanding and take advantage of the diverse knowledge represented across the different years and groups. WBS also provided the basis for scholarly collaboration and a lifelong network of friends and colleagues whose career development and success we are able to feed off and support. I left WBS to take up a lectureship at the University of Aberdeen before moving to the University of Nottingham where I was later promoted to Senior Lecturer. I was attracted to return to WBS in March 2007 by the variety and scale of the work that is possible here as well as the strong links with industry. In comparison to some other institutions I also feel that I am able to contribute more directly to decision making and it is a pleasure to work with the high calibre students that WBS attracts. Dr Jimmy Huang Reader in Information Systems 4 | Warwick Business School
  • 5. Our subject strengths Our faculty is made up of around 180 academic Enterprise Teaching Marketing & Strategic Management staff who belong to a subject group, research Focusing on enterprise and entrepreneurship, Informed by a multidisciplinary approach, our centre, or research unit, sometimes working across research interests include: research interests are concerned with marketing more than one. As a doctoral researcher at WBS and/or strategic management, and include: h SME finance you will be fully integrated into the subject group h public policy towards SMEs h decision making, positioning, processes, to which you are attached, and where you will modelling risk and performance, new have the opportunity to contribute to research h enterprise culture organisational forms, policy and corporate and, in many cases, teaching activities. This not h small businesses and fast growth SMEs. governance only connects you with others who share similar Members of the group also belong to the Centre for h consumer behaviour or related research interests, but provides the best Small & Medium Sized Enterprises. h market entry, market planning, methodological possible foundation for your professional future. and managerial issues in market segmentation, Industrial Relations Subject groups market structures, global retail, and service & Organisational Behaviour WBS is divided into subject groups, each with a marketing A critical social science perspective informs our specific focus. We also have research centres and research in the areas of: h adoption, change and diffusion of technologies. special interest groups which often span disciplines and operate on national and international h industrial relations Operations Management levels. Subject groups have their own web pages, h human resource management Research activities focus on the design, planning, where you can find out much more about their h organisational analysis control and improvement of operations in the teaching and research, including topics where PhD manufacturing, service, private, and public sectors h organisational behaviour. applications are especially welcome. including: Members of this group are active within various W h lean thinking and continuous improvement professional and practitioner organisations W h service excellence including: the Industrial Relations Research Unit; Accounting the Innovation, Knowledge & Organisational h supply chain management Research is informed by two major perspectives: Networks Research Unit; and Warwick h performance measurement a critical interpretive perspective which seeks to Organisational Theory Network. h health service excellence. understand the role of accounting in management Information Systems & Management Operational Research & Management Sciences practice, and a capital market perspective which Our information systems research focuses on the Research focuses on the practical application evaluates the relevance of accounting for valuation theoretical and application-oriented issues facing of operational research investigating how OR and decision making purposes. Research interests the adoption and diffusion of ICT in the private and methods can be used to improve real world include: public sectors. We seek to improve understanding problem situations, as well as in strengthening h financial accounting, reporting, and statement of how ICT impacts on people and organisations. its theoretical basis in model and methodology analysis Research interests include: development in: h management accounting h IS strategy, development and project h practice of OR h auditing taxation management h improving OR performance within organisations h accounting education and professionalisation. h IT governance such as the health service, electricity and finance h global software development and offshore industries Finance outsourcing h OR strategy. Research activities span the broad area of money and markets, specifically: h business transformation and complexity h applications of specific technologies Public Management & Policy h corporate finance This group brings together expertise in research h IS in small and medium enterprises. h international finance including linear and and teaching in the area of: nonlinear modelling of exchange rate The group shares an interest in knowledge h public sector management and policy movements, and work on foreign exchange management and social theory with the Innovation, market microstructure Knowledge & Organisational Networks Research h public services. h financial markets and options. Unit. The group forms the teaching unit of the Institute of Governance & Public Management (IGPM). Members of the group are involved in the Research Boards and Education Faculties of the ESRC, the Warwick Finance Research Institute, and leading professional institutes. | 5
  • 6. Basically there are two ways of choosing your supervisor. The first is the ‘you finding the supervisor’ approach. You have a rough idea and know what you are interested in but are not exactly sure what topic you are going to do. On the web site you search through the faculty and find the area that you are interested in, and then you can contact potential supervisors and discuss possible projects you can work on together. In that way you can find out exactly what the supervisor wants. The second is the ‘supervisor finding you’ approach. If you know specifically what you are going to do, then you just go through the normal process; you write your research proposal, fill in an application form and send it in to WBS. The admissions secretary will pass on the information to the relevant group and they will read your ideas to see whether they are interested in having you as a student. Both approaches can work depending on whether you know exactly what you want to do or not. But the first is much more likely to achieve a good match. Remember, you will have to work closely with your supervisor for a number of years and they will have to work with you! Xuhui Yang current doctoral researcher, Marketing & Strategic Management group 6 | Warwick Business School
  • 7. I am a qualified Chartered Accountant, Consultant and Finding a supervisor Academic. I have operated as Strategic Adviser to Governments and Chief Executives and held Head of Finance and Resources positions. I thought I knew it all, but the faculty inspire insight and facilitate foresight unlike any other experience, training or qualification that I have Now that you have an idea Achieving a good match undertaken. of the range of broad subject Getting a good match between you and your areas we offer, the critical supervisor is essential. Take some time to browse Laurence Ferry step in your application is our online expertise directory and explore the current doctoral researcher, identifying the member or sections relating to our faculty’s and subject Accounting group members of WBS faculty groups’ research interests and academic expertise. whose research interests This will help you decide whether the research correspond with your interests of our staff match your ideas. We strongly intended research topic. You encourage you to discuss your research ideas will need to choose at least one with one or more prospective supervisors before supervisor who is a specialist applying. in your chosen field. A second You might also find it helpful to browse details of supervisor may also be research projects currently being undertaken by involved at this stage or will be our doctoral researchers on our web site. appointed towards the end of your first year of study with us. W W The majority of our established faculty supervise Get to know their work doctoral research and all When you have identified a prospective supervisor are actively involved in for your research, we strongly advise you to research, publishing in read some of their publications to gain a better leading international journals, understanding of their research interests. This will and working with research enable you to decide whether you need to refine boards, private and public your research idea to ensure a match, or whether to sector organisations, and search for a different supervisor. professional institutions. If your chosen supervisor is unable to supervise your research, you may be advised to choose another person, or to defer your entry in order to work with them at a later date. | 7
  • 8. The shape of our Doctoral Programme Structure Year one: research training programme Other training You will usually be attached to a specific subject Designed and delivered by staff with a high degree You may have the opportunity to follow some group or research centre. Some of our doctoral of expertise in research methodologies, and taught postgraduate modules from our Specialist researchers have an affiliation with more than one complying with the Economic and Social Research Masters Portfolio. group if their research area is cross-disciplinary. If Council’s requirements, our research training will w your specialism is finance, you should consider our enable you to develop many skills as a researcher PhD in Finance, detailed on page 11. in social sciences, not just those you will need to You will also be encouraged to take up the complete your thesis. wide range of personal and professional skills Doing a PhD is a serious undertaking. The development opportunities offered by the minimum registration period for our Doctoral You will undertake four compulsory core modules University. We work closely with other University Programme is three years full-time. You will which are delivered through a combination of departments including the Careers Service to register initially for the degree of MPhil. When you weekly lectures, seminars, and day schools. A deliver training specifically tailored to meet the successfully complete the compulsory research structured feedback process throughout the needs of our doctoral researchers. If you become training in the first year and present a satisfactory year ensures that modules can be fine-tuned if involved in teaching, an introductory training research proposal to the Upgrading Panel, your necessary and any specific needs or gaps in content course is compulsory and you will be supported by registration will be upgraded from MPhil to PhD at can be addressed. teaching staff in the relevant subject group. the end of your first year. Core modules Sharing your research The requirement for the PhD is a thesis of around Three modules are assessed through coursework. 80,000 words which you will produce under the There will be many opportunities available to you In order to upgrade from MPhil to PhD you must guidance of your supervisor. The degree of PhD is for networking and disseminating your research. pass the coursework requirements of two of awarded solely on the basis of this thesis and an In addition to events organised by our Doctoral these: Philosophy of the Social Sciences and either oral examination or viva voce, the main criterion for Programme team and WBS, research seminars Qualitative or Quantitative Research Methods. the award being that the thesis makes a significant organised by your subject group will offer you contribution to knowledge. Philosophy of the Social Sciences the nature of the chance to exchange ideas and present your social science, issues of theory construction and research. As a member of your subject group you All full-time researchers are required to submit problem formulation, and paradigms of social will have the facility to create your own web pages. their thesis within four years from the start of their enquiry and explanation. registration. Part-time PhD students must finish You will also benefit from a conference allowance within six years. Qualitative Research Methods fieldwork access, to attend conferences and make high level observation, interviewing, documentary analysis, presentations of your research to different Supervision and case studies. audiences. In designing and undertaking your research project, Quantitative Research Methods the use of you will be advised by one or two supervisors with descriptive and inferential statistics, sampling, appropriate research expertise and interests. Your multivariate analysis, and statistical packages like main supervisor will be nominated when you are I definitely benefited from the SPSS. offered a place on our Doctoral Programme; a research training. It provided me second supervisor may also be appointed at this A final core module is not assessed, but is a key part with an introduction to various stage, but certainly will be by the end of your first of your research training at WBS: philosophies, because in my year of study. particular area, organisation Research Planning and Management Skills studies, there are different It is your supervisor’s task to guide your work and covers all skills relevant to thesis preparation, standpoints and ways that you you can expect your learning relationship with conference presentations, journal submissions, can look at things. them to change over time. Early on they may help and your future career. to give shape to your thesis, direct you to certain We got an introduction to these texts, suggest that you consider other alternatives, Years two & three and to the methodologies which and steer your plans in a certain way. Later, when After year one you will be encouraged to can be used to explore things from the focus and direction of your thesis has been attend a continuing programme of training and a philosophical standpoint. I did established, your supervisions may well take the development events according to your specific receive invitations to research form of a dialogue in which you discuss particular needs including more advanced and specialised methods events outside Warwick problems or issues that concern you. As you research methods, research planning, and careers from the ESRC, who are were develop more autonomy in your work it is quite and professional skills development workshops. funding me, but our seminars here common for you to determine the pattern of your were so good that I tended not to supervisions with your supervisor monitoring your go to these others! progress. Dr Diane Skinner PhD (Warwick) 8 | Warwick Business School
  • 9. Being a doctoral researcher at WBS is a great experience. My supervisors are top researchers in the field and are committed to helping me shape my ideas, enhance my research capabilities, and build my confidence. I also have many opportunities for intellectual exchange with great minds from all over the world. Hazel Huang current doctoral researcher, Marketing & Strategic Management group | 9
  • 10. Three areas of the WBS Doctoral programme stand out: supervision, colleagues, and community. The supervision process is very important for a young researcher, because it forms the backbone of the way one conducts research in the future. I meet my supervisor regularly to discuss work, and our collaboration on research is ongoing. I am very content with the degree and ease of interaction with the staff in the Finance group and the fact that I feel free to knock on anyone’s door for a chat or for some help, if needed. Life at WBS is dynamic and very enjoyable, not only within the doctoral and research community, but the University community as a whole. The international community is very large, which brings a lot of diversity to the events organised. Gino Cenedese current researcher on our Doctoral Programme in Finance 10 | Warwick Business School
  • 11. Given the specific quantitative skills needed in finance, the PhD in Finance research training provided for finance students is different to that of the rest of the Doctoral Programme. The Finance group offers training in essential topics in the finance area. Furthermore, as part of the training programme, the Finance group organises weekly seminars and workshops. PhD students and staff members Course structure Core modules attend the workshops series, so we Our PhD in Finance has a minimum registration Three modules are assessed through coursework all have the opportunity to share period of three years full-time. Initially you will and final examination: our work, learn presentation skills, register for the degree of MPhil. On successful and get the necessary feedback Theory of Finance asset pricing, corporate finance, completion of the research training programme on our work. External researchers and derivative securities. and presentation of a satisfactory research present their current work in the proposal your registration will be upgraded from Quantitative Methods in Finance financial seminar series, which provides us MPhil to PhD status. You will then complete a econometrics and quantitative techniques. with knowledge at the forefront thesis of around 80,000 words, under the guidance Frontiers of Research in Finance latest research in of research on many topics. of your supervisor. the fields of international finance, investments and All this training put together The degree of PhD is awarded solely on the basis portfolio management, asset pricing, behavioural provides a coherent and thorough of this thesis, the criterion for the award being finance, corporate finance, derivatives, and preparation for good research. that the thesis makes a significant contribution to microstructure of markets. Elvira Sojli knowledge. There are two further core modules: current doctoral researcher, As a doctoral researcher within the Finance group Finance group Methodology of Social Science designed to you will have the opportunity to participate in enable you to understand the philosophy and the group’s weekly internal and external research paradigms which underlie research in finance seminars and there is a generous conference within the wider context of the physical and social allowance available to assist you in attending sciences. Assessed by coursework. conferences and presenting your research. Planning and Managing Research focuses on Supervision issues such as research process and design, coping In designing and undertaking your research project, with conferences, getting published, and writing you will be advised by one or two supervisors with skills for researchers. Non-assessed. appropriate research expertise and interests. Your main supervisor will be provisionally nominated Elective modules when you are offered a place; a second supervisor You will also be required to complete two modules is normally chosen towards the end of the first year selected from one of the WBS finance-related of study. For further insights into the supervision Masters or the PhD in Economics programme at process see page 8. Warwick. W Year one: research training programme W The taught courses in the first year will provide structured and high level post-masters training Years two & three in theoretical and empirical research methods in You will be encouraged to undertake additional finance. These are compulsory for all researchers training in year two and beyond to broaden your registered for the degree. You must pass all the understanding of social science research as well assessed modules in order to upgrade to PhD. as research in the finance area. In particular, you The modules will be delivered mainly through will be encouraged to take the Philosophy of lectures and seminars with additional workshops Social Sciences and Qualitative Research Methods and day schools as required. modules from the main WBS Doctoral Programme, attend research seminars and benefit from a range of other courses to improve your personal and professional skills throughout your period of study. See page 8 for details. | 11
  • 12. Research at WBS In the most recent Research Assessment Exercise (2001), WBS was one of only three UK business schools to achieve the highest 5* rating, only awarded for research of international excellence. Our research influences the academic, business, and policy communities and underpins all our teaching. This research-led ethos is driven by the motivation of our faculty and doctoral researchers to develop new ideas, as well as challenge existing thinking through their contributions to key debates. We do not set research agendas for individuals or groups, nor do we promote a particular methodology or approach. Rather, through our positive research culture, the range of disciplines and approaches, and strong links with collaboration across our industry, trade unions, and faculty and with other leading governments, we provide an experts around the world. environment in which all our With one of the largest and researchers can flourish. highest ranked doctoral We also lead by example. programmes in Europe, we Enthusiasm for individual are proud of our leading research is championed by our role in developing the next most senior staff, especially generation of researchers. our Dean, Howard Thomas, Join us and you will be an who continues to publish integral part of the WBS leading research on strategic research community; not management issues. a student so much as an academic colleague in Our research output can be training. In addition to the seen in the 600 to 700 works, excellent support and facilities ranging from books and we provide, we are fully research articles to conference committed to helping you proceedings, that we publish fulfil your research potential. each year. These result from individual and team research, Professor David Storey, including cross-subject Associate Dean (Research) 12 | Warwick Business School
  • 13. The practice of corporate governance: an accounting perspective Thomas Ahrens describes the context, ‘After two to overcome distinctions between explanations that decades of corporate governance debates and focus either on agents or structures – rather than report after report on how to improve the practice ask whether the actions of people cause things of corporate governance (eg Cadbury, Greenbury, or if people are at the mercy of social and other Hampel, Turnbull, Higgs, etc) we are still facing structures, we want to explain the functioning of an unending stream of corporate scandals. Why? corporate governance as a joint outcome of choice, Because Enron and Worldcom demonstrated that action and circumstances.’ rules without principles are not effective. In the UK, Recent research into the effectiveness of audit scandals during the early 1990s such as Polly Peck, committees and communication between boards BCCI, and Barings showed that abstract principles and shareholders has shown it is possible to need the support of practical understandings. conduct such interactions in ways that generate These are complexes of know-how that do not arise new benefits for firms. Subtle communications from principles or rules, and cannot be imposed by with audit committee members can diffuse cases Professor Thomas Ahrens regulators, but emerge over time through practice of internal fraud or misuse of resources before they (pictured) and Dr Rihab because the knowledge of how to do something lead to a showdown at the Board. Communication Khalifa of the Accounting well depends on experience; it requires sustained with shareholders and investors can strengthen the group are conducting a work in a particular field. This research is concerned Board’s strategic thinking and help to implement research project on corporate with discovering how such understandings can be strategic initiatives throughout the company. Rihab governance together with recognised and understood so that they may become points out, ‘Practice theory suggests that a key Professor Chris Chapman of part of the general practice of corporate governance challenge to implementing improvements within Imperial College. Conceived and its regulation.’ corporate governance lies within companies’ failure as a pilot project at this Attempting reform in the area of corporate to realise the potential benefits. Organisational stage, it will build upon governance is not without its challenges. Individual members’ ability to use corporate governance on a well-established body incentives and economic and regulatory frameworks requirements to enhance management strategy of accounting research impose limitations and unlike audit, for example, requires what we call ‘practical understanding of the concerned with questions corporate governance has no champion or corporate governance debate.’ We are seeking to do of accountability, audit, professional group of experts. Similarly, though this by asking why practical understandings should and governance, and will it holds implications for everyone from directors become part of the corporate governance debate, determine the scale of a larger to shareholders, ultimate responsibility remains how it has been possible to have omitted them thus study to come. unclear. In addition, whilst corporate governance far, and what the benefits of articulating those reports articulate rules of good governance and understandings as part of the process of regulating generate codes of practice, corporate governance corporate governance are?’ is perceived as mandatory regulation; companies As well as publishing the research findings, know they must comply but they have not fully Rihab hopes to set up a seminar that will bring grasped its potential benefits. practitioners and academics together. She says, The significance of this research lies in its ‘Depending on the scope of the full-scale project, implications for the vast ambitions that are tied there may be other opportunities to disseminate the to corporate governance. Corporate governance findings and ensure that practical understandings reports have focused on shareholder value through are incorporated into the regulation of corporate transparency and accountability; firms should use governance.’ shareholder capital in the most efficient manner The project is also conceptually similar to the thereby leading to an optimal allocation of resources projects of a number of doctoral researchers who are in the economy. An even grander ambition, that exploring accountability relationships in various has been difficult to put into practice, is to make empirical settings and industry sectors. Rihab business responsive to a wide range of stakeholders adds, ‘Within the Accounting group my role as the from employees to the environment! Corporate Doctoral Programme Committee Chair is also to governance is set to become the cornerstone of help integrate our PhD students – there is no doubt ethical business. that this degree of shared focus on accountability The project will identify the extent to which helps to ensure that their work is fully recognised research at WBS these ambitions are practical and perhaps even within the group’s research agenda. We are looking counterproductive. Rihab explains, ‘By using forward to welcoming new doctoral researchers to practice theory – a strand of social theory that seeks the group.’ | 13
  • 14. Alternative media: redefining news and organisation While investigating public broadcasting André A non-corporate alternative had observed the groundswell of alternative media Many commentators have noted that today’s media networks and activism on the Internet and, as is increasingly dominated by corporate behemoths emerging phenomena, they seemed subjects ripe like CNN and News Corporation. Alternative for further investigation. In 2005, together with media organisations have set up models of making colleagues Steffen Bohm of the University of Essex and distributing news that reject this corporate and Sian Sullivan from the University of East Anglia, control. By developing a space for user-generated he was awarded £45,000 from the ESRC’s ‘non content, alternative media has been able to reject government public action programme’ to further the restrictive editorial policies of corporate media. investigate the alternative media sector. This means that journalists disseminate some of The focus of the project is a variety of open source the more controversial material to audiences which web-based news site which has spread rapidly CNN or the BBC would never touch. Alternative Shared values and around the globe. The content of these sites is media organisations have also developed radical collaboration might seem often created through a system of open publishing new ways of organising the production of media the ideal ingredients for by which ‘anyone’ can upload a report (written, content. They have built online communities who organisational harmony audio, or video) directly to the site through ‘an work in a democratic, bottom-up fashion. This but in an ongoing research openly accessible web interface.’ As with other means that people are not restricted by the scripts, project into the alternative sites which depend on user-generated content, the hierarchies, and contracts that rule the world of media sector, funded by the guiding philosophy is that site users are no longer mainstream media. Economic and Social Research passive receivers of information mediated by media In many ways, the alternative media sector has been Council (ESRC), Dr André corporations but active producers of meaning, well ahead of the game. André says, ‘Alternative Spicer, Associate Professor able to express their opinions and exercise their media organisations invented things like blogs, in Industrial Relations and freedom of speech directly, and without fear of user-generated content, and online communities. Organisational Behaviour recrimination. They developed ways of harnessing the voice of (IROB), suggests that the The team are specifically looking at web-based people online and enabled them to put their own reverse may be true. alternative media throughout the world. André view across. It is only now that large corporates explains, ‘The objectives of the study are twofold. like News Corporation and Google are catching Firstly, it is an examination of a popular uprising of up. Social web sites like MySpace and YouTube people who want to contest the status quo; how is now try to copy the models initially invented by it organised? What is its structure? How does such alternative media movements such as Indymedia. an organisation sustain itself? Secondly, it implies a The problem is that the main objective of these critique of what management corporations do. Can so-called Web 2.0 initiatives is to commercialise alternative media organisation offer alternative the Internet by targeting a huge amount of online ways of organising? How does a structure shaped advertising to a lucrative group of users. Alternative by shared ideologies and identities impact on the media movements are non-commercial; they see the organisation? What kind of culture or economy Internet not as just another cash cow, but as a way emerges in an organisation which operates on to give millions of people a voice to campaign for a values based on commitment and respect? As a better, more equitable world.’ virtual organisation how does the lack of a physical In their study the researchers’ starting point was space impact on its operation?’ that alternative media plays an important political The project has been extended but the initial role as it challenges the ideological structuring of findings are already proving interesting: mainstream media, and gives political activists access to a publishing platform that they would not otherwise have. However, what André found was a variety of complexities and oddities that often make it difficult for alternative media collectives to organise effectively. 14 | Warwick Business School
  • 15. An open closed shop; Low personnel but high personal costs More about research at WBS no entry to the uninitiated Alternative media is often driven by people who This article was first published as a feature on the André describes how the participants typically share common passions but this too can present WBS web site. You will find more articles on current take a user identity which is different to their real challenges. ‘It’s very intense and because their research in our online press centre. name. Questions of identity start to emerge from identity is bound up in what they do, it has a high W this. ‘This difference between the online and impact on their lives. People are brought together by offline presence raises lots of issues,’ says André. a sense of kinship and personal commitment and ‘Who is in? Who’s out? Are you an activist or not? devote enormous and unpaid amounts of time and Although users/members apparently share an ethos passion to what they do. This is hard to sustain over of activism there is no specific definition of what time and they often suffer from burn-out or end activism is.’ While alternative media collectives up feeling disillusioned. Since it’s informal, when are often explicitly open for everyone to join and things go wrong there are no external rules you can contribute, in reality they are sometimes rather appeal to or formal structure to keep it together – closed entities ruled by identity politics involving things start to break down.’ This is sometimes called specific dress codes and languages. Thus there is an ‘activist burn-out’, which may be seen in many ongoing challenge for alternative media to recruit radical political movements. That said, corporate newcomers to their groups and keep themselves environments are not immune to the phenomenon open to new ideas and people who might not share of burn-out as there is frequently little opportunity their political convictions. to take a step back or even leave the organisation. Agile in theory but slow in practice Calm at the eye of the storm Typical of many such organisations structured Throughout their research the team have observed around shared values and commitment to a in particular how the practice and ideology of common purpose, the alternative media collectives openness sometimes gives way as the community often explicitly reject standard organisational turns in on itself. This sometimes leads to atrophy tools. This is positive because it means they can and the result is reduced opportunities for protest. develop output quickly. There is a greater degree Contrary to expectations, the dynamism one might of spontaneity, willingness to take risks, and expect to find at the centre of such networks shifts; immediacy in their ability to respond to breaking the centre spins off clusters of people who become news. However, André points out, ‘The irony is that dissatisfied and want to set up new ventures. These there is much time spent in talking about how they are often more dynamic, more interesting, and able will plan and organise things. The need to arrive at to move very rapidly. decisions by consensus can slow things down and André concludes, ‘Alternative media organisations ultimately counteract their potential to be flexible do amazing things. They have produced some of and respond quickly.’ Nevertheless, the benefit of the most interesting and daring news coverage grassroots consensus decision making is that each available. In an increasingly concentrated media member has the opportunity to participate in the landscape they are vital in ensuring that the truth structuring of the organisation. In corporations gets out there. They have produced some alternative the discourse of empowerment has existed for a ways of organising news media based on principles long time but what one sees, however, is that there of cooperation and participation. But to continue to is often an illusion of participation; employees are make these vital contributions they must be aware given the impression of participation, openness of the dangers of turning in on themselves.’ and empowerment, while the real decisions are still made at the top. In contrast, alternative media movements try to implement radical grassroots organisational processes that involve everyone. research at WBS | 15
  • 16. An evolutionary perspective on knowledge management in practice What interested you about knowledge I decided to approach five consultancies and look management as a subject of research? at high, medium, and low performing project Knowledge is seen as the key to improved teams in each to find out if different companies do business performance. Consequently, knowledge things differently and if so, why? I also wanted to management has become an increasingly know whether high performing teams employed fashionable topic. There is a commonly held different knowledge management practices to low perception that knowledge is a good whose value can performing teams. Essentially, I was interested in be extracted and shared with little or no marginal understanding ‘What are the explicit and emergent cost. When you consider that companies currently knowledge management practices? and, ‘Under spend around 3.5 percent of their total revenue what conditions do they, or don’t they work?’ on knowledge management programmes, it’s not hard to see the value they attach to it. However, Where does your study fit in relation to existing knowledge management has become a much theories on knowledge management? Taman Powell came to study abused term and frequently companies implement There are a number of challenges related to the for a PhD at WBS with over knowledge management initiatives with little study of knowledge and knowledge management. ten years’ experience in success or understanding of why they then failed to Over the centuries, the term knowledge itself has corporate business and has achieve the desired results. The idea that knowledge presented a challenge for theorists seeking to define been awarded the Bentley management can exert such a positive influence on and describe it empirically. I decided to look at it College/HEC Outstanding a company’s performance is very appealing and I from two perspectives; as a tacit and explicit asset Student Paper Award by the was interested in exploring this disconnect between and as an individual and social entity. This offers Academy of Management. ideals and realisation. four different types of knowledge whereas typically Taman receives support for knowledge is described as being of only one kind. his research from the ESRC. Why did you decide to focus your research Tacit knowledge is hard to articulate. For example, Now in his final year, he offers on management consultancies? many of us are able to ride a bike but remain unable an insight into knowledge Having previously worked at a senior level for to explain how we do this. Explicit knowledge, on management in practice Accenture, management consultancies presented the other hand, can be expressed and transferred in in the field of management the ‘classic’ subject for a research project of this kind. formal language. consulting. Their work is viewed as being highly knowledge intensive and consequently they are seen as being From a social perspective, whether organisations at the forefront of knowledge management practices. have knowledge, or whether this is simply the Management consultancies are also frequently application of human qualities to non-human tasked with implementing knowledge management entities, has been the subject of much debate. initiatives for their clients. However, while an organisation cannot create knowledge without individuals, as Brown and The rhetoric of knowledge management is highly Duguid point out, ‘a great deal of knowledge is both compelling as it offers companies a means of produced and held collectively.’ Many theorists controlling knowledge that can be standardised and have contributed to this social perspective arguing managed, thereby enabling everyone to have access that knowledge is distributed throughout the to the ‘best’ knowledge. Often the result is more organisation’s members as well as being embedded an information management than a knowledge in its routines and culture. Spender (1996) adds this management system. All too often companies social perspective to the explicit/tacit knowledge express frustration at employees’ apparent non- typology (Polanyi, 1958, Nonaka, 1991) to develop a compliance and when things go wrong criticisms model including four distinct types of knowledge. are aimed at the implementation. My sense was that this is connected to a deeper set of issues concerning the fundamental concept of knowledge and the underlying assumptions behind such knowledge management practices. 16 | Warwick Business School
  • 17. Can you outline some of your key findings? Similarly, the identification of a significant Explicit conscious objectified My research so far would suggest that organisations disconnect between firm-level and project-level transition through various approaches of knowledge practices suggests that firm-level practices need to be Tacit automatic collective management. Different approaches are often realigned to take into account how work is actually dependent on size and, whilst initial approaches may performed. In doing so, we need to escape from the Individual Social be quite naïve, organisations’ formal approaches to mindset that IT is the panacea for the challenges knowledge management can be seen to evolve over posed by knowledge management Figure 1 The different types of organisational time as they practice and learn through experience. All of this points to the need for a broadening of knowledge (adapted from Spender 1996) Most organisations start with a codification knowledge management tools and techniques to approach but after a time they shift their focus to In this model conscious knowledge (individual cover a more complete perspective of knowledge. the personalisation strategy. I hypothesised that explicit) is found to be easily transferable (though The majority of formal approaches deal with the the personalisation strategy would be succeeded may be internalised differently by different exploitation of explicit knowledge and, whilst there by attempts to formalise a social network in order communities) whilst it is not possible to articulate is an evolution of practice under way, there is still a to foster effective knowledge management. automatic knowledge (individual tacit). Automatic long way to go before we have an effective model of knowledge is required for action, whilst conscious However, when I looked at project teams, it was how to manage knowledge in organisations. knowledge represents the sense-making associated apparent that an organisation’s formal approach to with that activity; for example, the difference knowledge management had next to no impact on between having a recipe and understanding the how people on the ground conducted knowledge References cooking methods it requires. Objectified knowledge management. Project team members employ Brown J S & Duguid P (1998) Organising (social explicit), while easily transferable, is emergent knowledge approaches. Their first Knowledge. California Management Review, dependent upon the rules that legitimised it, and instinct was to seek knowledge from trusted sources, 40(3), 90–111 on collective knowledge (social tacit) to interpret ie friends or colleagues, rather than from strangers Hansen M T, Nohria N & Tierney T it. Though academic in theory, this is significant or a database. When you are seeking something you (1999) What’s Your Strategy for Managing as each suggests a different approach to creation, do not know much about, it’s hard to know what Knowledge? Harvard Business Review, 77(2), transfer, learning, and use. ‘knowledge’ exists and therefore difficult to evaluate 106–16 the quality of that knowledge. Added to that, most In terms of knowledge management, Nonaka (1994) Nonaka I (1991) The Knowledge-Creating project teams already possess a significant amount proposed a model of knowledge conversion based on Company. Harvard Business Review, 69(6), of knowledge and expertise so by appealing to ‘an assumption that knowledge is created through 96–104 their ‘community of practice’ it is easily shared and conversion between tacit and explicit knowledge’. communicated. These outcomes beg the question Nonaka I (1994) A Dynamic Theory of Hansen et al (1999) argued that organisations whether organisations are wasting their resources Organisational Knowledge Creation. either follow a knowledge management strategy of focussing such a high percent of them on the Organization Science, 5(1), 14–37 codification (when knowledge is ‘carefully codified codification approach to knowledge management. and stored in databases, where it can be accessed Polanyi M (1958) Personal Knowledge. Chicago: and used easily by anyone in the company’) or The University of Chicago Press. What are the implications of this personalisation (when ‘knowledge is closely tied to for knowledge management practice? Spender J C (1996) Organizational Knowledge, the person who developed it and is shared mainly Overall I would say my research suggests that the way Learning and Memory: Three Concepts in through person-to-person contacts. The chief we are managing knowledge needs to be readjusted. Search of a Theory. Journal of Organizational purpose of computers at such companies is to help My research does not support the extant views of Change Management, 9(1), 63-79 people communicate knowledge, not to store it.’) knowledge which define it as static and endorse From these theories it is clear that organisations rely a selection of approaches based on firm-level on different types of knowledge and therefore need characteristics. There is a call for the identification to focus their knowledge management efforts on of an evolutionary perspective of knowledge either the codification or personalisation strategy. management. In terms of practice, the next stage In my research I wanted to investigate how these would be an attempt to facilitate and leverage approaches changed over time, effectively adopting the emergent knowledge management practices an evolutionary perspective, as well as how the that take place in all organisations. However, this explicit knowledge management practices impacted poses greater challenges for management as the the activities of consulting team personnel, actions required, and the outcome expected, from effectively adopting a practice perspective. facilitating these emergent practices is less clear research at WBS than with codification and personalisation. | 17
  • 18. Small, satisfying but not all that beautiful: employee commitment and the small firm Small firms, employing fewer than 250 employees, There were three key findings, the first being that account for about 60 percent of employment in there is a genuine size effect which, other things most modern economies. The situation of workers in being equal, tends to promote employee satisfaction these firms has attracted a less than commensurate at work. Secondly, the effect works differently in interest among researchers. different sectors. Lastly, satisfaction does not mean harmony or shared interests between managers and A limited but important line of debate has been workers. characterised by three positions: h ‘Small is beautiful’ close working relationships Size and ‘morale’ and the absence of bureaucracy generate The WERS analysis addressed an index of ‘employee harmony needs’, made up of employee reports on 22 items including satisfaction with pay and views of how h Autocracy small firms often pay low wages fairly managers treated workers. Even after allowing and operate in competitive markets, leading to Professor Paul Edwards, for a wide range of factors embracing employees’ autocracy in the workplace Sukanya Sen Gupta, and individual characteristics, such as age and education, Chin-Ju Tsai of the Industrial h Contingency small firms are shaped by their and those of their workplaces, including sector and a Relations Research Unit market situations, and little if anything of their set of HR practices, the index showed a more positive (IRRU), report on how workplace relations depend on size alone. picture the smaller the size of the firm. pragmatism may have a greater Though the third is an advance on the first two, it The more detailed study of 89 firms supported this role to play than unerring leaves open the question of just what it is about the result. Though the three sectors were deliberately loyalty amongst employees of market that leads to certain workplace relationships chosen to be very different, on several key indicators small firms. rather than others. And in extreme form it denies such as employee attitudes to management and that enterprise size plays any role at all. satisfaction with job autonomy there was remarkable New research we have conducted under the ESRC/ similarity across all the firms. EPSRC Advanced Institute of Management Research Interviews with managers and some of the (AIM) programme, has moved beyond these employees in the Warwick sample, together with stereotypical positions. It is based on two sources. more in-depth investigation in six firms, suggested Firstly, our primary research has addressed a key reason for the result. Workers and managers employment relations in 89 firms, in 32 of which work alongside each other, and the level of effort data on employee attitudes were collected (with a expended by managers is visible to workers. As we total sample of 384 employees). These firms were will see, this does not mean that there is a sense chosen to offer as specific a view as possible of of harmony. However, it does mean that there is distinctive types of small firm. With one exception, awareness of a shared endeavour. the firms had fewer than 100 employees. They also came from three tightly defined sectors: ICT, media and TV production, and food manufacturing. The second source was the authoritative 2004 Workplace Employment Relations Survey (WERS) into the size of firm and employee attitudes – a collaborative work embracing WBS colleagues David Storey and George Saridakis from the Centre for Small & Medium-sized Enterprises, and Robert Blackburn of Kingston University. The survey has data on over 600 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and 4,000 of their employees. 18 | Warwick Business School
  • 19. Wage-effort bargains and the sectoral context Satisfaction but not harmony This generic tendency within small firms was Some images of the small firm suggest wholly shaped by two factors. The first is the overall common interests as reflected, for example, in market situation of the firm. The firms studied the sharing of rewards and of risk. Even in the two had established niches in their markets which professional sectors, these images were inaccurate. meant that rewards were felt to be reasonable. For Any kind of profit sharing was extremely rare. Most those adopting an ‘autocracy’ perspective, such firms paid basic salaries, sometimes with a bonus a position might be written off as unusual. But at the end of the year. Such bonuses were rare, the WERS evidence shows that small firms often and their size and distribution was entirely in the have considerable longevity and also that market hands of managers. Other aspects of reward were conditions as a whole are not worse than those also subject to management discretion. Generally, facing large firms. fringe benefits such as sick pay were absent, but valued employees might be allowed some paid time Indeed a minority of small firms are under intense off. Such choices were made by managers as they saw pressure. Other research conducted by Paul Edwards fit. Employees were treated not as equals but as staff and Monder Ram shows that wages here can be to be assessed. Performance in the two professional extremely low. It also examines the ways in which sectors was thus appraised in some detail, and even illegal employment is produced and reproduced some of the food firms had developed detailed among small firms. Even under such conditions, appraisal schemes. however, straight autocracy is rare, and there is, instead, a form of negotiated order based on Workers were plainly aware of these arrangements. family and often kinship ties. Shared misery and They made a clear distinction between themselves negotiation to make the best of a difficult situation and managers. They also recognised that promotion characterise such workplaces. Even under extreme opportunities were often limited, and could see conditions small firms are not characterised by the reasons for this, namely, the small size of the autocracy. Under more standard conditions, there is firms and the lack of space at the top. While they a degree of space within which a reasonable balance also valued the training that was available within of reward and effort can be struck. their current jobs, they could still see the realities of ownership and control. The second factor relating to the firms studied is the distinct balance of effort and reward. In the food In summary, workers in small firms are reasonably firms, for example, low wages were balanced by satisfied because of the benefits of informality and a largely undemanding pace of work and the fact the sectorally distinctive structure of the wage- that workers could find space to develop personal effort bargain. But they are constrained by their relationships. This was underpinned by the limited own skills in terms of the jobs that they can seek, degree of mechanisation, so that the anonymity of and satisfaction is in relation to what they can work in large and rationalised plants was absent. reasonably expect. It is not a reflection of deeper In media companies, by contrast, there was a contentment, still less a conscious choice of jobs. demanding work pace, and pay was not high for They also recognise a divide between them and professional staff; the benefits lay in the interest of their managers. Pragmatic acceptance, rather than the job and the distant prospect of media stardom. deep-seated loyalty, characterised their views of their jobs. For more information on this project, see the paper by Chin-Ju Tsai, Sukanya Sen Gupta and Paul Edwards, ‘When and Why is Small Beautiful?’ in Human Relations, December 2007. research at WBS | 19
  • 20. At Warwick you’re part of a large community that encompasses several thousand staff and students and you do get a real sense of community here. I pursue a number of interests outside my PhD. I used to row competitively at university and I now coach the rowing team which I really enjoy. I’m also a member of the triathlon club and run exercise classes for them which is great. Warwick also gives you lots of other opportunities to network in other clubs and societies. One of the things that I love about it is the Arts Centre. I enjoy going to the theatre and there is always something interesting to go and see. I love the place! Nick Wake current doctoral researcher, Operations Management group 20 | Warwick Business School
  • 21. Life at WBS Cosmopolitan & scenic environment Accommodation & amenities Library The University of Warwick campus is a spacious Some postgraduate halls of residence are available The University of Warwick library offers superior and attractive environment, with everything for 50 weeks of the year, some are available on facilities having recently had a £3.5 million pound you need on a single site. It is home to a vibrant, shorter lets. Most study bedrooms have en-suite refurbishment to house its collection of over international community providing you with a bathrooms, shared kitchen and lounge facilities, one million books. Extensive online resources stimulating and supportive setting for your studies. direct-line telephone points, and all have Internet including over 25,000 electronic journals and access. There are also some rooms and houses on databases, official publications, newspapers, The campus offers a vast array of entertainment campus that are suitable for students with partners inter-library loans and specialist collections for and there’s still plenty of space to relax in the quiet or families. business research make it easy for you to access the tranquillity of the Warwickshire countryside. We information you need. Specialist subject librarians offer a great balance between urban and rural life; Some students opt to become resident are available to support staff and researchers. you are close to the city whilst living in beautiful tutors providing them with campus based In addition the Modern Records Centre makes calm surroundings with lakes, meadows, and accommodation in return for taking on pastoral available primary sources of British political, social woods. London is just over an hour away by train responsibilities for the students in their residence. and economic history with particular reference to and you are 10 minutes from historic Coventry, and If you prefer to live off campus, the University labour history and industrial relations. around 20 minutes from Birmingham International can offer places in shared houses reserved for Airport, Stratford-upon-Avon, and Warwick. W postgraduates. These properties are located in W On campus there’s every conceivable service: nearby Coventry, Royal Leamington Spa, and supermarket, bars, cafes, restaurants, post office, Kenilworth. Leisure & entertainment hairdresser, launderette, banks, travel agency, and Whatever you decide, Warwick Accommodation Warwick Students’ Union is one of the biggest health centre – just some of the facilities which can help you find a place to live. in the UK and is the centre of campus social life. make it easy for you to deal with everyday life Spread over five floors, it features several bars, while concentrating on your studies. w restaurants and cafes as well as a welfare and w Study facilities advice centre, and several flexible spaces that At WBS we offer the majority of our full-time function as clubs, marketplaces, and gathering Aside from the range of cafes and restaurants doctoral researchers a dedicated desk and PC in points. available across the campus you will also have use of the WBS staff lounges and kitchen facilities a shared office with access to other office facilities w providing you with the opportunity to meet such as copiers, faxes, phones etc. With access other members of faculty and staff in relaxed to networked computer rooms, our part-time Culture surroundings. doctoral researchers are also able to make the most Another main cultural attraction of the campus is productive use of their visits to WBS. Our unique Warwick Arts Centre. With its concert hall, cinema, Sports online study environment, my.wbs, is specially two theatres, and art gallery, as well as a restaurant Superb provision is made for sports activities at designed to enable you to network and share and bar, it attracts some of the biggest names in the University. We have an Olympic standard resources with other students and staff and keep the arts including Peter Brook, Buena Vista Social floodlit athletics track and all-weather pitches up to date with all the WBS news. Our Information Club, Ray Davies, Russell Brand, Cheek by Jowl, supporting outdoor sports including football, Systems Support Unit are on hand to offer Bryn Terfel, Ladysmith Black Mambazo, and Derren rugby, hockey, and cricket. There is also a 5km support with IT queries and a range of specialist Brown. ‘trim track’. Tennis players are well provided for programmes and applications is available through W with both outdoor and brand new indoor courts. the WBS systems network, as well as the usual The Sports Centre offers a 25m swimming pool, office software. squash courts, extensive weight training and fitness The University offers state-of-the-art language suites, regional-standard climbing centre, martial learning for over 15 languages at a range of levels. arts and table tennis facilities, a sauna, and three Computing facilities are equally excellent, with a multipurpose sports halls. There are also over 75 high speed connection to the Internet available sports clubs, from Aerobics to Zhuan Shukuan. in all study bedrooms on campus. There are Wi-Fi W hotspots provided by over 60 wireless access W points in a range of public and communal areas around the University and WBS. | 21