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Petrocapita Update
March 2010

We	continue	to	live	in	historic	financial	times	and	in	particular	in	
the	first	synchronized,	global,	fiat	money	inflation	effort.			Further	
to	this	we	have	zero	interest	rate	policies	in	virtually	every	major	
market	and	the	monetary	base	of	the	world’s	reserve	currency	is	
up	150	percent	in	the	last	24	months	and	growing.	

In	such	an	environment	it	can	be	a	challenge	to	distill	actionable	
investment	themes	from	the	noise	and	uncertainty	in	the	market	
place.		This	is	why	the	compass	by	which	we	steer	is	value.		

Investors	must	be	in	the	business	of	buying	cash	flow	
inexpensively	in	order	to	generate	long-term	returns.		If	I	had	to	
label	my	approach	it	would	be	value	investing	informed	by	the	
Austrian	School	of	Economics	-	value	driven	at	the	investment	
selection	level	with	Austrian	analysis	at	the	macro	level	to	provide	
insight	into	trends.		                                                    Contents
                                                                          3	 “The	U.S.	government	must	make	
It	is	of	trends	that	I	want	to	speak	more	about	because	we	are	              adjustments	in	its	spending.”
in	the	midst	of	some	unsustainable	trends	if	history	and	Austrian	        3	 “If	it	were	possible	to	take	interest	
Economics	is	a	guide.		I	have	written	this	many	times	in	one	form	           rates	into	negative	territory,	I	
or	another	but	it	bears	repeating:		                                         would	be	voting	for	that.”

There	is	no	way	to	create	capital	and	the	prosperity	that	flows	          3	 Why	the	US	Financial	Sector	is	
from	it	other	than	through	private	savings	and	private	production.			        still	not	Healthy	–	More	bailouts	to	
Sadly	this	is	a	message	to	which	our	governments,	under	the	              4	 How	Much	Is	Too	Much?
sway	of	Keynesian	ideology,	are	unwilling	to	listen.	It	is	axiomatic	     4	 Peak	Oil
that	state	spending	requires	that	capital	is	first	taken	out	of	the	
hands	of	the	profit	making	private	sector	activities	via	taxes,	          5	 Emerging	Economy	Decoupling	
borrowing	or	inflation	and	then	deployed	in	typically,	loss-making	          Revisited
public	sector	activities.	                                                6	 AIG	–	oh	dear,	oh	dear,	oh	dear
                                                                          6	 Ben	Bernanke	The	Second	
To	quote	Jens	Parssons	from	the	“Dying	of	Money:	Lessons	                    Coming	Of	Rudolf	von	
of	the	Great	German	&	American	Inflations”	-	“Everyone	loves	                Havenstein?	
an	early	inflation.	The	effects	at	the	beginning	of	inflation	are	all	
good.	There	is	steepened	money	expansion,	rising	government	              7	 Austrian	Definition	of	Money	
spending,	increased	government	budget	deficits,	booming	stock	               Supply
markets,	and	spectacular	general	prosperity,	all	in	the	midst	of	         8	 US	Inflation	is	10%	not	3%

Summary (continued)

temporarily	stable	prices.	Everyone	benefits,	and	no-one	pays.	
That	is	the	early	part	of	the	cycle.	In	the	later	inflation,	on	the	
other	hand,	the	effects	are	all	bad.	The	government	may	steadily	
increase	the	money	inflation	in	order	to	stave	off	the	latter	effects,	
but	the	latter	effects	patiently	wait.	In	the	terminal	inflation,	there	
is	faltering	prosperity,	tightness	of	money,	falling	stock	markets,	
rising	taxes,	still	larger	government	deficits,	and	still	roaring	
money	expansion,	now	accompanied	by	soaring	prices	and	an	
ineffectiveness	of	all	traditional	remedies.	Everyone	pays	and	no-
one	benefits.	That	is	the	full	cycle	of	every	inflation.”

The	Austrians	have	many	useful	insights	on	the	economic	
consequences	of	state	expansion.	Friedrich	Hayek,	the	prominent
Austrian	economist,	wrote	“The	Road	to	Serfdom”	and	“The	Fatal
Conceit”	as	a	warning	against	an	expanding	state	and	intervention	
in	the	free	operation	of	the	markets.	Despite	the	almost	universal	
belief	that	more	government	is	needed,	Hayek’s	works	should	
make	us	ponder	the	ultimate	damage	caused	by	such	actions.	It	
has	been	state	control	over	the	cost	of	money	(i.e.	interest	rates)	
and	the	moral	hazard	created	with	“too	big	to	fail”	that	led	directly	
to	the	problems	we	now	face.	More	of	the	same	will	not	solve	our	
problems.	Hayek	once	said	“I	do	not	think	it	is	an	exaggeration	
to	say	history	is	largely	a	history	of	inflation,	usually	inflations	
engineered	by	governments	for	the	gain	of	governments.“	You	
can	bring	this	quote	up	to	date	by	adding	the	financial	sector	as	
the	other	beneficiary.	Give	this	some	thought	as	you	watch	the	
governments	of	the	world	pursue	their	current	fiscal	and	monetary	

If	you	haven’t	already,	please	take	the	time	to	read	these	books	or	
if	you	find	them	overly	daunting	as	a	starting	place	then	perhaps	
consider	Frederick	Bastiat’s	short	but	seminal	work	“The	Law”.	I	
am	confident	that	all	these	books	will	cast	some	light	on	what	we	
are	currently	sowing	and	what	we	can	expect	to	reap.

On	a	final	note,	we	continue	to	believe	that	with	all	that	is	taking	
place	this	is	a	market	where	concerns	about	“return	of	capital”	
should	take	precedence	to	concerns	about	“return	on	capital”.

Petrocapita Update (continued)

“The U.S. governmenT mUST make
adjUSTmenTS in iTS Spending.”                                         Chart 1: Months of shadow
                                                                             hoMe supply
In	the	spirit	of	delicious	irony,	Kansas	City	Federal	
Reserve	Bank	President	Thomas	Hoenig	said	recently	
“The	U.S.	government	must	make	adjustments	in	                 METRO	AREA	 	             			NUMBER	OF	MONTHS
its	spending	and	tax	programs,”	(emphasis	mine).		“It	         Phoenix		        	        			15
is	that	simple.	If	pre-emptive	corrective	action	is	not	       Las	Vegas	       	        			18
taken	regarding	the	fiscal	outlook,	then	the	United	
                                                               Miami	 	         	        			24
States	risks	precipitating	its	own	next	crisis”.		This	
coming	from	the	same	Fed	that	increased	the	base	              Orlando		        	        			27
money	supply	over	150%	in	the	last	24	months.		                Stockton,	CA	    	        			27
Click	to	read	Hoenig’s	speech.
                                                               U.S.	Average:	10	months

“if iT were poSSible To Take inTereST                       Source:	John	Burns	Real	Estate	Consulting	
raTeS inTo negaTive TerriTory, i woUld be
voTing for ThaT.”

San	Francisco	Federal	Reserve	President	Janet	Yellen	       payments.		Based	on	the	average	sales	rate	over	the	
has	been	nominated	by	Obama	to	be	Vice	Chair	               past	decade	this	“shadow	inventory”	is	enough	to	last	
of	the	Fed’s	Board	of	Governors.	Yellen,	who	has	           about	10	months.
consistently	downplayed	the	dangers	of	inflation,	is	
now	able	to	vote	on	the	interest	rate-setting	Open	         When	this	inventory	is	released	prices	will	drop	even	
Markets	Committee.		In	support	of	her	view	that	the	        further	and	magnify	the	already	large	losses	on	
Fed’s	role	is	to	create	full	employment,	Yellen	recently	   mortgages	and	RMBS	being	suffered	by	the	banking	
said,	“If	it	were	possible	to	take	interest	rates	into	     sector.		
negative	territory,	I	would	be	voting	for	that.”			
                                                            Commercial	Mortgage	Backed	Securities	(“CMBS”):		
why the us finanCial seCtor is still not                    The	other	large	asset	sitting	on	bank	balance	sheets	
healthy – More bailouts to follow?                          is	commercial	real	estate	loans.			Its	clear	from	the	
                                                            CMBS	market	that	all	is	not	well	in	the	commercial	
Residential	Mortgage	Backed	Securities	(“RMBS”)	            real	estate	lending	world.		
-	A	recent	study	estimates	that	5	million	houses	
and	condominiums	on	which	mortgages	are	now	                –		 At	the	end	of	January,	a	record	10%	of	CMBS	
delinquent	will	go	through	foreclosure	or	related	              by	balance	($72.3	billion	of	the	$723	billion	of	
procedures	that	put	them	on	the	market	over	the	                outstanding	CMBS	loans	in	the	U.S.)	were	in	the	
next	few	years	–	the	majority	of	the	estimated	7.7	             hands	of	special	servicers,	up	from	9.43%	on	
million	households	currently	behind	on	their	mortgage	          Dec.	31,	2009.	

Petrocapita Update (continued)

–		 The	special-servicing	rate	is	now	six	times	higher	
                                                                        Chart 2: total us federal
    than	the	year-end	2008	level	of	1.62%.
                                                                        spending v Median inCoMe
–		 The	60-day	delinquency	rate	has	increased	to	
    6%.	                                                  250	%
                                                                                                                      $2.79	trillion
More	commercial	loans	are	certain	to	become	non-          200		
performing	over	time,	as	overleveraged	borrowers	are	                In	1970	Total	federal	spending	
                                                                                                       Total	federal	spending
unable	to	refinance	at	maturity.	In	addition,	the	pace	              was	$870	billion,	and	median	
                                                                     household	income	was	$38,851
of	maturing	CMBS	loans	will	accelerate	over	the	next	     100
few	years.		According	to	the	Congressional	Oversight	                                                                           +32%
Panel	(COP)	recent	report	on	the	state	of	the	US	           50
                                                                                          Median	household	income
commercial	real	estate	market:	
                                                                 1970			1975				1980		1985			1990			1995			2000			2005		
–		 Between	2010	and	2014,	about	$1.4	trillion	           Source:	Heritage	Foundation	based	on	US	Census	Bureau	and	
    in	commercial	real	estate	loans	will	reach	the	       OMB,	2008	inflation	adjusted	dollars
    end	of	their	terms.	Nearly	half	are	at	present	–
    underwater!	–	that	is,	the	borrower	owes	more	
    than	the	underlying	property	is	currently	worth.	
–		 Commercial	property	values	have	fallen	more	than	     to	default	or	inflate	away	its	obligations.	What	is	
    40	percent	since	the	beginning	of	2007.	              happening	to	Greece,	Ireland,	UK	and	Spain	is	a	
–		 Increased	vacancy	rates,	which	now	range	             microcosm	of	the	decisions	that	rapidly	expanding	
    from	eight	percent	for	multifamily	housing	to	18	     governments	the	world-over	may	be	faced	with	in	a	
    percent	for	office	buildings,	and	falling	rents,	     few	years.		
    which	have	declined	40	percent	for	office	space	
    and	33	percent	for	retail	space,	have	exerted	
                                                          peak oil
    a	powerful	downward	pressure	on	the	value	of	
    commercial	properties.                                Chart	3	is	drawn	from	the	WEO-2008	report	that	
                                                          shows	that	“oil	from	fields	currently	producing”	is	
how MuCh is too MuCh?                                     projected	to	enter	a	significant	decline	in	production.		
                                                          The	production	shortfall	is	made	up	primarily	by	
US	Federal	government	spending	has	grown	7	times          “oil	fields	yet	to	be	developed”,	“oil	fields	yet	to	be	
faster	than	real	(inflation-adjusted)	median              found”,	and	“natural	gas	liquefaction”.			However,	the	
household	income	over	the	last	40	years.                  low	rate	of	oil	field	discovery	since	the	early	1960’s	
                                                          begs	the	question	of	how	this	gap	will	be	filled.
Government	spending	cannot	outstrip	private	sector	
income	indefinitely	unless	the	government	plans	

Petrocapita Update (continued)

           Chart 3: iea 2030 oil foreCast                                             Chart 4: ConsuMer spending – us vs.
                                                                                             eMerging eConoMies
  120                                                                               n	Emerging	Markets’	Consumption				n	U.S.	Consumption




     	1990													2000													2010													2020													2030
                                                                                 1990													1995														2000															2005															2010
n	Natural	gas	liquids				          n	Crude	oil	-	fields	yet	to	be	found
n	Non-conventional	oil             n	Crude	oil	-	fields	yet	to	be	developed		    Source:	JP	Morgan	Chase
n	Crude	oil	-	additional	EOR	      n	Crude	oil	-	currently	producing	fields

Source:	IEA
                                                                                           Chart 5: global ppp gdp in 2008
eMerging eConoMy deCoupling revisited
                                                                                                                  Other	Dev
Emerging-market	consumers	recently	outspent	                                                                      3%
                                                                                                     India 3%
American	consumers	for	the	first	time	in	modern	
                                                                                                     5%                                         Other	EM	
history.	For	example,	January	auto-sales	compared	to	
a	year	earlier	were	up:
–		 50%	in	India
–		 33%	in	Malaysia
–		 6%	in	the	US                                                                    Brazil
The	source	of	this	domestic	strength	–	high	growth	
rates	and	high	domestic	savings	rates	that	provide	                                   6%
a	large	pool	of	productive	capital.		The	emerging	
economies	are	now	larger	in	total	purchasing	
                                                                                                                                                Dev	Europe	
power	adjusted	GDP	terms	than	the	developed	                                                                                                    21%
world.		Inevitably	this	will	mean	that	their	growth	is	                                                US	
increasingly	dependent	on	trade	amongst	themselves	                                                    21%
rather	than	with	the	developed	world.                                            Source:	Everest	Capital

Petrocapita Update (continued)

aig – oh dear, oh dear, oh dear                            ben bernanke the seCond CoMing of
                                                           rudolf von havenstein?
American	International	Group,	Inc.	(“AIG”),	the	
insurer	that	has	absorbed		approximately	$180bn	           Dylan	Grice	of	Societe	Generale	has	done	a	review	
in	taxpayer	funds,	recently	reported	its	results	for	      of	the	Weimar	Republic	inflation	in	his	latest	`Popular	
the	fourth	quarter	and	full-year	2009.			AIG	reported	     Delusions’	note.	Prussian	central	banker	Rudolf	von	
a	net	loss	attributable	to	common	shareholders	of	         Havenstein	monetized	Germany’s	debt	during	and	
$8.9	billion	for	the	fourth	quarter	of	2009,	or	$65.51	    following	the	First	World	War,	eventually	leading	to	
per	diluted	common	share,	compared	to	a	net	loss	          massive	bouts	of	hyperinflation.	
of	$61.7	billion	or	$458.99	per	diluted	share	in	the	
fourth	quarter	of	2008.	Fourth	quarter	2009	adjusted	      Apparently	economic	thought	at	the	time	held	that	
net	loss	was	$7.2	billion,	compared	to	an	adjusted	        increasing	money	supply	had	nothing	to	do	with	the	
net	loss	of	$38.5	billion	in	the	fourth	quarter	of	        rate	of	inflation.	Instead,	Germans	were	told	the	high	
2008.		However,	from	section	1A,	Risk	Factors,	of	         rates	of	inflation	were	caused	by	the	war	reparations	
the	company’s	10-K	filing	the	narrative	takes	a	turn	      Germany	had	to	pay.		More	from	the	note:	
for	the	worse	indeed:		“AIG	has	been	significantly	
and	adversely	affected	by	the	market	turmoil	in	late	      “One	might	think	that	the	big	difference	is	that	today	
2008	and	early	2009,	and,	despite	the	recovery	            we	have	a	greater	expertise.	Surely	we	understand	
in	the	markets	in	mid	and	late	2009,	is	subject	to	        what	happens	when	deficits	are	financed	with	printed	
significant	risks,	as	discussed	below.	Many	of	these	
risks	are	interrelated	and	occur	under	similar	business	
and	economic	conditions,	and	the	occurrence	of	                        Chart 6: weiMar gerMany Cpi
certain	of	them	may	in	turn	cause	the	emergence,	or	
exacerbate	the	effect,	of	others.	Such	a	combination	      100,000,000,000
could	materially	increase	the	severity	of	the	impact	       10,000,000,000
                                                                                                                              16,579,999%	inflation
on	AIG.	As a result, should certain of these risks             100,000,000
emerge, AIG may need additional support from                    10,000,000
the U.S. government. Without additional support                  1,000,000
                                                                                                       5,300%	inflation
from the U.S. government, in the future there                      100,000
                                                                                60%	inflation
could exist substantial doubt about AIG’s ability                   10,000
to continue as a going concern.”	(Emphasis	mine)                       100
                                                                        01/21		04/21		07/21		10/21		01/22		04/22		07/22		10/22		01/23		04/23		07/23		10/23	

                                                           Source:	SG	Cross	Asset	Research

Petrocapita Update (continued)

money,	and	that	it	is	only	backward	and	corrupt	           austrian definition of Money supply
states	that	don’t	know	any	better,	like	Bolivia	and	
Zimbabwe?	But	just	a	few	years	ago	didn’t	we	think	        The	True	Money	Supply	(TMS)	was	formulated	by	
that	it	was	only	backward	and	corrupt	states	that	         Murray	Rothbard	and	represents	the	amount	of	
suffered	banking	crises	too?                               money	in	the	economy	that	is	available	for	immediate	
                                                           use	in	exchange.	It	has	been	referred	to	in	the	past	
And	anyway,	how	could	Von	Havenstein	not	have	             as	the	Austrian	Money	Supply,	the	Rothbard	Money	
known	that	the	continued	and	escalating	printing	          Supply	and	the	True	Money	Supply.	The	benefits	of	
of	money	to	fund	government	deficits	would	                TMS	over	conventional	measures	calculated	by	the	
cause	inflation?	The	United	States	experience	of	          Federal	Reserve	are	that	it	counts	only	immediately	
unrestrained	money	printing	during	the	Civil	War	had	      available	money	for	exchange	and	does	not	double	
been	well	documented,	as	had	the	hyperinflation	of	        count.	In	any	event	the	True	Money	Supply	continues	
revolutionary	France	in	the	late	18th	century.	Isn’t	it	   to	grow	rapidly.
possible	that,	like	today,	he	was	overconfident	in	his	
ability	to	control	his	creation	and	in	the	economic	
theory	which	told	him	such	control	was	possible?	
Certainly,	in	an	article	in	the	New	York	Times	on	
the	eve	of	the	First	World	War,	again	from	Liaquat	                      Chart 7: true Money supply
Ahamed’s	book,	there	seems	to	have	been	evidence	
                                                           billions	of	dollars
of	the	general	optimism	that	there	would	be	no	
“unlimited	issue	of	paper	money	and	its	steady	             6,282
depreciation	…	since	monetary	science	is	better	
understood	at	the	present	time	than	in	those	days.”
The	fact	is	we	do	understand	the	economics	of	
inflation.	Despite	what	economists	everywhere	say	        3,282
about	being	in	“uncharted	territory”	with	QE,	we	know	
that	if	you	keep	monetizing	deficits	eventually	you	
get	inflation,	and	we	know	that	once	you’re	on	that	      1,282
path	it	can	be	extremely	difficult	to	get	off	it.	But	we	
knew	that	then.	The	real	problem	is	that	inflation	is	an	   282
inherently	political	variable	and	that	concern	over	debt	











sustainability	and	unfunded	welfare	obligations	leaves	
us	more	dependent	on	politicians	than	we	have	been	 Source:	Ludvig	von	Mises	Institute
in	many	decades.”	

Petrocapita Update (continued)

us inflation is 10% not 3%
                                                                     Chart 8: Cpi vs sgs alternative
Despite	the	rosy	public	assertions	to	the	contrary,	
                                                          Year-to-Year	Change	%
inflation	is	not	running	at	subdued	levels	in	the	US.		
If	you	calculate	the	US	CPI	using	the	pre-1980s	          15
methodology	you	can	see	from	the	Shadowstats	                                   CPI-U							SGS	Alternate	CPI
data	below	that	inflation	is	approaching	levels	not	      10
seen	since	the	1970s	when	the	US	last	lost	control	of	
monetary	policy.		


                                                            1980		1982		1984		1986		1988		1990		1992		1994		1996		1998		2000	2002		2004		2006		2008		2010



                                  The	information,	opinions,	estimates,	projections	and	other	materials	
                                  contained	herein	are	provided	as	of	the	date	hereof	and	are	subject	to	
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                                  projections	and	other	materials	contained	herein	have	been	obtained	from	
                                  numerous	sources	and	Petrocapita	Income	Trust	(“PETROCAPITA”)	and	
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                                  (including,	without	limitation,	any	commodities,	securities	or	other	financial	
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                                  PETROCAPITA	or	its	relevant	affiliate	directly.

#400, 2424 4th street sw   tel: +1.403.218.6506  
Calgary, alberta t2s 2t4   fax: +1.403.266.1541

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  • 2. Summary We continue to live in historic financial times and in particular in the first synchronized, global, fiat money inflation effort. Further to this we have zero interest rate policies in virtually every major market and the monetary base of the world’s reserve currency is up 150 percent in the last 24 months and growing. In such an environment it can be a challenge to distill actionable investment themes from the noise and uncertainty in the market place. This is why the compass by which we steer is value. Investors must be in the business of buying cash flow inexpensively in order to generate long-term returns. If I had to label my approach it would be value investing informed by the Austrian School of Economics - value driven at the investment selection level with Austrian analysis at the macro level to provide insight into trends. Contents 3 “The U.S. government must make It is of trends that I want to speak more about because we are adjustments in its spending.” in the midst of some unsustainable trends if history and Austrian 3 “If it were possible to take interest Economics is a guide. I have written this many times in one form rates into negative territory, I or another but it bears repeating: would be voting for that.” There is no way to create capital and the prosperity that flows 3 Why the US Financial Sector is from it other than through private savings and private production. still not Healthy – More bailouts to follow? Sadly this is a message to which our governments, under the 4 How Much Is Too Much? sway of Keynesian ideology, are unwilling to listen. It is axiomatic 4 Peak Oil that state spending requires that capital is first taken out of the hands of the profit making private sector activities via taxes, 5 Emerging Economy Decoupling borrowing or inflation and then deployed in typically, loss-making Revisited public sector activities. 6 AIG – oh dear, oh dear, oh dear 6 Ben Bernanke The Second To quote Jens Parssons from the “Dying of Money: Lessons Coming Of Rudolf von of the Great German & American Inflations” - “Everyone loves Havenstein? an early inflation. The effects at the beginning of inflation are all good. There is steepened money expansion, rising government 7 Austrian Definition of Money spending, increased government budget deficits, booming stock Supply markets, and spectacular general prosperity, all in the midst of 8 US Inflation is 10% not 3% 1
  • 3. Summary (continued) temporarily stable prices. Everyone benefits, and no-one pays. That is the early part of the cycle. In the later inflation, on the other hand, the effects are all bad. The government may steadily increase the money inflation in order to stave off the latter effects, but the latter effects patiently wait. In the terminal inflation, there is faltering prosperity, tightness of money, falling stock markets, rising taxes, still larger government deficits, and still roaring money expansion, now accompanied by soaring prices and an ineffectiveness of all traditional remedies. Everyone pays and no- one benefits. That is the full cycle of every inflation.” The Austrians have many useful insights on the economic consequences of state expansion. Friedrich Hayek, the prominent Austrian economist, wrote “The Road to Serfdom” and “The Fatal Conceit” as a warning against an expanding state and intervention in the free operation of the markets. Despite the almost universal belief that more government is needed, Hayek’s works should make us ponder the ultimate damage caused by such actions. It has been state control over the cost of money (i.e. interest rates) and the moral hazard created with “too big to fail” that led directly to the problems we now face. More of the same will not solve our problems. Hayek once said “I do not think it is an exaggeration to say history is largely a history of inflation, usually inflations engineered by governments for the gain of governments.“ You can bring this quote up to date by adding the financial sector as the other beneficiary. Give this some thought as you watch the governments of the world pursue their current fiscal and monetary policies. If you haven’t already, please take the time to read these books or if you find them overly daunting as a starting place then perhaps consider Frederick Bastiat’s short but seminal work “The Law”. I am confident that all these books will cast some light on what we are currently sowing and what we can expect to reap. On a final note, we continue to believe that with all that is taking place this is a market where concerns about “return of capital” should take precedence to concerns about “return on capital”. 2
  • 4. Petrocapita Update (continued) “The U.S. governmenT mUST make adjUSTmenTS in iTS Spending.” Chart 1: Months of shadow hoMe supply In the spirit of delicious irony, Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank President Thomas Hoenig said recently “The U.S. government must make adjustments in METRO AREA NUMBER OF MONTHS its spending and tax programs,” (emphasis mine). “It Phoenix 15 is that simple. If pre-emptive corrective action is not Las Vegas 18 taken regarding the fiscal outlook, then the United Miami 24 States risks precipitating its own next crisis”. This coming from the same Fed that increased the base Orlando 27 money supply over 150% in the last 24 months. Stockton, CA 27 Click to read Hoenig’s speech. U.S. Average: 10 months “if iT were poSSible To Take inTereST Source: John Burns Real Estate Consulting raTeS inTo negaTive TerriTory, i woUld be voTing for ThaT.” San Francisco Federal Reserve President Janet Yellen payments. Based on the average sales rate over the has been nominated by Obama to be Vice Chair past decade this “shadow inventory” is enough to last of the Fed’s Board of Governors. Yellen, who has about 10 months. consistently downplayed the dangers of inflation, is now able to vote on the interest rate-setting Open When this inventory is released prices will drop even Markets Committee. In support of her view that the further and magnify the already large losses on Fed’s role is to create full employment, Yellen recently mortgages and RMBS being suffered by the banking said, “If it were possible to take interest rates into sector. negative territory, I would be voting for that.” Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities (“CMBS”): why the us finanCial seCtor is still not The other large asset sitting on bank balance sheets healthy – More bailouts to follow? is commercial real estate loans. Its clear from the CMBS market that all is not well in the commercial Residential Mortgage Backed Securities (“RMBS”) real estate lending world. - A recent study estimates that 5 million houses and condominiums on which mortgages are now – At the end of January, a record 10% of CMBS delinquent will go through foreclosure or related by balance ($72.3 billion of the $723 billion of procedures that put them on the market over the outstanding CMBS loans in the U.S.) were in the next few years – the majority of the estimated 7.7 hands of special servicers, up from 9.43% on million households currently behind on their mortgage Dec. 31, 2009. 3
  • 5. Petrocapita Update (continued) – The special-servicing rate is now six times higher Chart 2: total us federal than the year-end 2008 level of 1.62%. spending v Median inCoMe – The 60-day delinquency rate has increased to 6%. 250 % $2.79 trillion +221% More commercial loans are certain to become non- 200 performing over time, as overleveraged borrowers are In 1970 Total federal spending Total federal spending 150 unable to refinance at maturity. In addition, the pace was $870 billion, and median household income was $38,851 of maturing CMBS loans will accelerate over the next 100 $41.355 few years. According to the Congressional Oversight +32% Panel (COP) recent report on the state of the US 50 Median household income commercial real estate market: 0 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 – Between 2010 and 2014, about $1.4 trillion Source: Heritage Foundation based on US Census Bureau and in commercial real estate loans will reach the OMB, 2008 inflation adjusted dollars end of their terms. Nearly half are at present – underwater! – that is, the borrower owes more than the underlying property is currently worth. – Commercial property values have fallen more than to default or inflate away its obligations. What is 40 percent since the beginning of 2007. happening to Greece, Ireland, UK and Spain is a – Increased vacancy rates, which now range microcosm of the decisions that rapidly expanding from eight percent for multifamily housing to 18 governments the world-over may be faced with in a percent for office buildings, and falling rents, few years. which have declined 40 percent for office space and 33 percent for retail space, have exerted peak oil a powerful downward pressure on the value of commercial properties. Chart 3 is drawn from the WEO-2008 report that shows that “oil from fields currently producing” is how MuCh is too MuCh? projected to enter a significant decline in production. The production shortfall is made up primarily by US Federal government spending has grown 7 times “oil fields yet to be developed”, “oil fields yet to be faster than real (inflation-adjusted) median found”, and “natural gas liquefaction”. However, the household income over the last 40 years. low rate of oil field discovery since the early 1960’s begs the question of how this gap will be filled. Government spending cannot outstrip private sector income indefinitely unless the government plans 4
  • 6. Petrocapita Update (continued) Chart 3: iea 2030 oil foreCast Chart 4: ConsuMer spending – us vs. eMerging eConoMies mb/d 120 n Emerging Markets’ Consumption n U.S. Consumption 100 35% 80 60 40 25% 20 0 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 n Natural gas liquids n Crude oil - fields yet to be found n Non-conventional oil n Crude oil - fields yet to be developed Source: JP Morgan Chase n Crude oil - additional EOR n Crude oil - currently producing fields Source: IEA Chart 5: global ppp gdp in 2008 eMerging eConoMy deCoupling revisited Other Dev Russia Emerging-market consumers recently outspent 3% India 3% American consumers for the first time in modern 5% Other EM history. For example, January auto-sales compared to 26% a year earlier were up: China 12% – 50% in India – 33% in Malaysia – 6% in the US Brazil 3% The source of this domestic strength – high growth Japan rates and high domestic savings rates that provide 6% a large pool of productive capital. The emerging economies are now larger in total purchasing Dev Europe power adjusted GDP terms than the developed 21% world. Inevitably this will mean that their growth is US increasingly dependent on trade amongst themselves 21% rather than with the developed world. Source: Everest Capital 5
  • 7. Petrocapita Update (continued) aig – oh dear, oh dear, oh dear ben bernanke the seCond CoMing of rudolf von havenstein? American International Group, Inc. (“AIG”), the insurer that has absorbed approximately $180bn Dylan Grice of Societe Generale has done a review in taxpayer funds, recently reported its results for of the Weimar Republic inflation in his latest `Popular the fourth quarter and full-year 2009. AIG reported Delusions’ note. Prussian central banker Rudolf von a net loss attributable to common shareholders of Havenstein monetized Germany’s debt during and $8.9 billion for the fourth quarter of 2009, or $65.51 following the First World War, eventually leading to per diluted common share, compared to a net loss massive bouts of hyperinflation. of $61.7 billion or $458.99 per diluted share in the fourth quarter of 2008. Fourth quarter 2009 adjusted Apparently economic thought at the time held that net loss was $7.2 billion, compared to an adjusted increasing money supply had nothing to do with the net loss of $38.5 billion in the fourth quarter of rate of inflation. Instead, Germans were told the high 2008. However, from section 1A, Risk Factors, of rates of inflation were caused by the war reparations the company’s 10-K filing the narrative takes a turn Germany had to pay. More from the note: for the worse indeed: “AIG has been significantly and adversely affected by the market turmoil in late “One might think that the big difference is that today 2008 and early 2009, and, despite the recovery we have a greater expertise. Surely we understand in the markets in mid and late 2009, is subject to what happens when deficits are financed with printed significant risks, as discussed below. Many of these risks are interrelated and occur under similar business and economic conditions, and the occurrence of Chart 6: weiMar gerMany Cpi certain of them may in turn cause the emergence, or exacerbate the effect, of others. Such a combination 100,000,000,000 could materially increase the severity of the impact 10,000,000,000 16,579,999% inflation 1,000,000,000 on AIG. As a result, should certain of these risks 100,000,000 emerge, AIG may need additional support from 10,000,000 the U.S. government. Without additional support 1,000,000 5,300% inflation from the U.S. government, in the future there 100,000 60% inflation could exist substantial doubt about AIG’s ability 10,000 1,000 to continue as a going concern.” (Emphasis mine) 100 10 1 01/21 04/21 07/21 10/21 01/22 04/22 07/22 10/22 01/23 04/23 07/23 10/23 Source: SG Cross Asset Research 6
  • 8. Petrocapita Update (continued) money, and that it is only backward and corrupt austrian definition of Money supply states that don’t know any better, like Bolivia and Zimbabwe? But just a few years ago didn’t we think The True Money Supply (TMS) was formulated by that it was only backward and corrupt states that Murray Rothbard and represents the amount of suffered banking crises too? money in the economy that is available for immediate use in exchange. It has been referred to in the past And anyway, how could Von Havenstein not have as the Austrian Money Supply, the Rothbard Money known that the continued and escalating printing Supply and the True Money Supply. The benefits of of money to fund government deficits would TMS over conventional measures calculated by the cause inflation? The United States experience of Federal Reserve are that it counts only immediately unrestrained money printing during the Civil War had available money for exchange and does not double been well documented, as had the hyperinflation of count. In any event the True Money Supply continues revolutionary France in the late 18th century. Isn’t it to grow rapidly. possible that, like today, he was overconfident in his ability to control his creation and in the economic theory which told him such control was possible? Certainly, in an article in the New York Times on the eve of the First World War, again from Liaquat Chart 7: true Money supply Ahamed’s book, there seems to have been evidence billions of dollars of the general optimism that there would be no “unlimited issue of paper money and its steady 6,282 depreciation … since monetary science is better 5,282 understood at the present time than in those days.” 4,282 The fact is we do understand the economics of inflation. Despite what economists everywhere say 3,282 about being in “uncharted territory” with QE, we know 2,282 that if you keep monetizing deficits eventually you get inflation, and we know that once you’re on that 1,282 path it can be extremely difficult to get off it. But we knew that then. The real problem is that inflation is an 282 inherently political variable and that concern over debt 1959 1964 1969 1974 1979 1984 1989 1994 1999 2004 2009 sustainability and unfunded welfare obligations leaves us more dependent on politicians than we have been Source: Ludvig von Mises Institute in many decades.” 7
  • 9. Petrocapita Update (continued) us inflation is 10% not 3% Chart 8: Cpi vs sgs alternative Despite the rosy public assertions to the contrary, Year-to-Year Change % inflation is not running at subdued levels in the US. If you calculate the US CPI using the pre-1980s 15 methodology you can see from the Shadowstats CPI-U SGS Alternate CPI data below that inflation is approaching levels not 10 seen since the 1970s when the US last lost control of monetary policy. 5 0 -5 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 Source: 8
  • 10. disClaiMer: The information, opinions, estimates, projections and other materials contained herein are provided as of the date hereof and are subject to change without notice. Some of the information, opinions, estimates, projections and other materials contained herein have been obtained from numerous sources and Petrocapita Income Trust (“PETROCAPITA”) and its affiliates make every effort to ensure that the contents hereof have been compiled or derived from sources believed to be reliable and to contain information and opinions which are accurate and complete. However, neither PETROCAPITA nor its affiliates have independently verified or make any representation or warranty, express or implied, in respect thereof, take no responsibility for any errors and omissions which maybe contained herein or accept any liability whatsoever for any loss arising from any use of or reliance on the information, opinions, estimates, projections and other materials contained herein whether relied upon by the recipient or user or any other third party (including, without limitation, any customer of the recipient or user). Information may be available to PETROCAPITA and/or its affiliates that is not reflected herein. The information, opinions, estimates, projections and other materials contained herein are not to be construed as an offer to sell, a solicitation for or an offer to buy, any products or services referenced herein (including, without limitation, any commodities, securities or other financial instruments), nor shall such information, opinions, estimates, projections and other materials be considered as investment advice or as a recommendation to enter into any transaction. Additional information is available by contacting PETROCAPITA or its relevant affiliate directly. #400, 2424 4th street sw tel: +1.403.218.6506 Calgary, alberta t2s 2t4 fax: +1.403.266.1541 Canada