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Persuasive Essay On Immigration And Travel
I believe that our president elect, Donald Trump's decision to ban of immigration and travel is constitutional. The issue we are facing is that Mr.
Donald Trump's request for a law to ban immigration and travel into the United States from seven countries was denied by court to be
"unconstitutional". There are many people who are involved in this issue for example, U.S. citizens,Donald Trump,the federal court,and the seven
countries that were to be banned. Which are Iraq,Iran,Syria,Yemen,Sudan,Libya, and Somalia. This issue is very important because according to
"" whenever the president finds that an entry of any aliens or any class of aliens into the U.S. would be
determined to the issue of the U.S.
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Persuasive Essay On Immigration
There are around 43.3 million foreign–born people living in the United States today. Since the beginning of this country, immigrants have come to the
US in search of a better life, better opportunity, or more simply put: the American Dream. Attitudes toward immigration throughout this time have been
mostly up and down until the new Trump administration. Throughout his campaign, one of Donald Trump's main promises was the idea of cracking
down on illegal and even legal immigration. Since he has taken office, Trump has attempted to ban people from certain countries from entering the
United States; to use billions of tax dollars to build a border wall; and even to destroy programs like DACA from helping immigrant students. Extreme
vetting and general discriminations on immigration in America contradict the basic ethics and ideals on which it was founded and should be repealed
in order to allow immigrants to help the US economy as much as they can.
Despite what many Americans believe, allowing people from other countries to come into the US and work can actually be beneficial for America. In
Sean Hackbarth's article "How America's Immigration System Failed and Why We Need to Fix It", he says we need immigrants because, "Ten
thousand baby boomers are turning 65 every day. Many of them are retiring and leaving the workforce". These retirements will leave job openings
behind, which will compensate for the migrants landing jobs. The immigrants that come to America for work are not
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Persuasive Essay About Immigration
There are over 11 million immigrants in the U.S illegally.Some people think that this effects the economy positively by additional tax revenue,
expansion of the low–cost labor pool and increased money in circulation.They also think that immigrants bring good values,have motivations, consisting
the American Dream which means they're good people, take jobs that most Americans won't take,and that opposition toimmigration stems from
racism.People that are against it say that people who break the law by crossing the border or overstaying their visas should get deported and not
rewarded with citizenship and access to social services.They argue that people in the country illegally are criminals, social and economic burdens to
law–abiding, tax–paying Americans.
Some terms of pro's would be Terrorist Threats,Higher Crime and Mass Deportations. Terrorist threats is one of the most important terms, which means
that if we refused to secure our borders we have facilitated the transit and infiltration of terrorists and narco–terrorists who are living now illegally in
the United States.If we fix our borders then we may stop bad people from coming in and also more people would be safe in the U.S.The second topic
is higher crime;"75 percent of those most wanted criminals list in Los Angeles, Phoenix and Albuquerque are illegal aliens". There's another quote that
states "Not all illegal aliens are crossing into the United States to find work. Law enforcement officials indicate that
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Persuasive Essay On Immigration
worldwide because there has been a sharp increase in the numbers of immigrants and asylum seekers. A record of 107,500 migrants in July 2015, have
caused European countries increased pressure on infrastructure and resources required to accommodate them. This crisis is showing no signs of
resolving with Germany expecting as many as 750,000 asylum seekers in 2015.
This, however, is not only strictly a European problem. Some of the causes of immigration from developing countries have been very different and not
just about bankruptcy and the economy. The war in Syria has made over 4 million people flee the country and 7.6 million are internally displaced,
living in refugee camps. A lot of those who fled haven't attempted the more content...
The project would be to expand the aid from the OECD countries to any county that would be willing to take in large numbers. This would for the most
part not avoid the initial migration but would involve migrants being relocated to the countries that participate from the OECD countries once they
come. Another addition to the arrangement would be providing the aid to developing countries along migration ways to send the migrants directly to
those countries that are willing to taking them
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Persuasive Essay About Immigration
Since the birth of America, the United States has been a place of hopes and dreams for those trapped by poverty, and political instability in their home
counties. Today, since President Trump has taken office, the fight to send back undocumented immigrants has begun. The public has been divide over
the issues of race. To which discrimination exists. Illegal immigration has been one of the major problems the United States has had for a long time.
Some residence have been supportive, while others, like our president, want them out. I for one am one of those who are completely supportive. I am
against all the discrimination put towards innocent people. I believe they should have every right to a good future just as us.
This problem is old news. Hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants have come into the United States. These immigrants come into to the states
through the Mexican border, the Pacific Ocean, and many other ways. Some of these immigrants have entered the United States through a visit visa,
but stayed illegally and began working in different places. Illegal immigration has many pros and cons. Some Americans view immigration as a view
of strength. It has provided the local economy with cost benefits, the illegal immigrants are not paid as much. These immigrants are the ones who are
building our buildings, because of them and their farming we are getting food on our tables. Without them we would not have half of what we have
today. Immigrants should be appreciated for what they provide to us in a daily bases. Some Americans might not see it, but immigrants have helped us
in many way since time itself can tell.
Children of immigrants are the ones who are not at fault but the most effected. Many undocumented immigrants who enter the U.S bring along their
families, when their parents are discovered by immigration, the children are the ones who are left behind. Imagine being separated from your parents
at a young age, without knowing what is to happen to you. Citizens do not seem to have a care in the world about what these children are facing.
According to experts there are more than 5000 immigrant children in foster care, due to having parents detained or deported back to Mexico. In a
journal by
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Persuasive Essay On Immigration
As most people know, immigration is an action by which a person permanently leaves their place of residence from one particular country to another. It
can be immensely useful if you wish to check an unlimited number of pages or papers. The United States of America is the best example of how
immigration leads to greatness. Throughout history, the United States is seen as the destination that a flow of immigrants from diverse parts of the
world seek refuge. Immigration sustains a substantial role not only in making America's growth possible but also in influencing American culture.
Immigration is a subject that is broadly spoken about and argued. A more relaxed immigration policy will allow the United States to profit by some
immigration benefits such as increase of skilled workers, economic development, and cultural diversity.
The United States need additional highly skilled workers to feed the needs of its endless–developing and advanced economy. Statistical data shows that
highly skilled workers promote the American economy and generates prospects in the form of new jobs. The United States offers an enormous
number of jobs in areas such as science, technology, manufacturing, and math. The nation is continuously increasing its labor force. Highly skilled
workers support the economy by providing their knowledge in many crucial fields which are indispensable to the growth and progress of various
fields. Some innovative jobs emerge because foreign workers continue to offer
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Persuasive Essay About Immigration
Immigrants everywhere, areas flooded with illegal aliens, taking away immigration opportunities from the legals. Immigration, no matter if it is legal
or illegal, is at a new record high. Ever since the decline from the 1960's to the 1970's, the 1980's immigration boom is still growing, and does not
seem to be quitting. The are many reasons why we need to have a more restricted and more secure immigration system. Many reasons are because of;
illegals coming back multiple times, our country is being overloaded, and drugs and crime is on the rise.
If the law told you to stay out, would you come back in? Illegal immigrants are always coming to the United States. Many of these people are often
rounded up and sent back to their country of origin however, "In the 2015 fiscal year alone, 15,715 were convicted, according to the United States
Sentencing Commission. About a quarter of people caught crossing the southwest border that year had done it at least once before, according to a
Government Accountability Office Report," ( Bedard ). About one fourth of the people crossing the border who have crossed, have done it multiple
times before. This is an obvious breach in the security of our southern border. Every nation needs to have a clear, and defined border. There is a reason
why nations have borders, it is so that every nation has security for their people, and that they don't just have people coming through unregulated.
Having a better monitored and defended border with our
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Persuasive Essay About Immigration
Immigration has become an issue all around the world. Everyone have different opinions on how immigrants affect our society. Is immigration good
for the economy, the employment rate for immigrants and their pay, how the ban could have a major impact on the U.S., why do people migrate, and
DACA (deferred action for childhood arrivals). This essay will hopefully answer any question about immigration and we should handle the ban.
Is immigration good for the economy? According to John Engler, "Why immigration is good for U.S. growth," Passing immigration reform would
provide the opportunity for Washington to show Americans that policymakers can work together to solve big problems and boost the economy at the
same time." If we were to let immigrants to come to America it would help out a lot of businesses. According to John Engler, " Immigration reform
would improve economic growth. Reform would also increase U.S. employment and wages." According to John Engler," Today, there is a global
competition for talent, and we cannot afford to lose out to other nations."America needs immigrants to make their businesses to flourish.
The employment rate and wages for immigrants. According to Michael Greenstone, and Adam Looney, " Although many are concerned that immigrants
compete against Americans for jobs, the most recent economic evidence suggests that, on average, immigrant workers increase the opportunities and
incomes of Americans." In my opinion immigrants tend to work harder than
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Persuasive Essay About Immigrants
As native–born Americans, we are given the opportunity to go to school and choose what to do with our lives, in other words, we are able to follow
our dreams. However, our nation needs to accept the fact that not all people who have dreams are just the people here in America, the DACA
(Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) is a policy for young male and female immigrants (who are also known as "dreamers") that came to the
United States illegally as children but have the ability to come out of the shadows from all the time they've been kept hidden from the eyes of
anti–immigration conservatives. Dreamers are able to enroll in public school, receive a work permit, join the military, and get a driver's license, and
state identification card. Undocumented immigrants in the DACA organization are given an extension to their stay here in the United States for two
years and then they would have to renew another suspension against the U.S. deportation system.
As a result, this gives hope to immigrants all over the world who dream of coming to the United States in hopes of the American dream. Founded
by former president Obama, his administration thought that children who were brought to the United States illegally should not be punished for
wanting to pursue a better life. The DACA community is not an organization in which young immigrants get a free pass to live in the United
States. As children, these recipients grow up to love and care for his/her country in which many have willingly joined the U.S. military out of love
and respect to serve and protect our freedom. With that, many DACA recipients go through extensive background checks, but in order to be in the
United States they also have to pay taxes, fees, file lots of paperwork, and have no criminal history whatsoever. Many of these recipients just want a
safe place to go to school and work in order to provide for their families and also for themselves. To provide, work hard, and keep a clean profile is
what's most important to these recipients.
What all DACA beneficiaries have in common, is that they're dreamers just like us Americans, immigrants come into the U.S. wanting to become better
people in society by getting an education and working whatever jobs
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Persuasive Essay About Immigration
Millions of immigrants share the same fear: that any given moment, you or someone you care about could be detained and deported. Greater
restrictions and more focus on immigration reform may cause you to worry about being snatched away from the life you've built and sent back to a
country where you may be in danger of political violence or have less economic opportunities. If you fear deportation, take measures to get support,
lower your stress and anxiety, and prepare in case the worst happens.
[[Category:Facing Fears and Worries]]
===Getting Support===
#Call or visit the immigration advocacy center in your area. Most larger cities have resource centers dedicated to assisting immigrants in the US. Such
centers can help you understand your rights, help you complete paperwork, and connect you with other needed resources in the community, such as
medical or mental health care. (–– removed HTML ––) (–– removed HTML ––)
#* is one such website that offers resources to immigrants. Reach out to them to learn more about how they can help.
#Build community with others like you. Many immigrants feel isolated in their communities, yet fearful of reaching out to others for help. Connecting
with others like yourself can help you feel empowered and provide a source of much–needed support. (–– removed HTML ––) https:/
/!po=0.520833 (–– removed HTML ––)
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Persuasive Essay About Immigration
Currently, immigration is one of the most controversial topics in the world, and is surrounded by fear–driven uncertainty and false accusations. In the
opinion of many Americans, immigrants are dangerous people who want to destroy the livelihoods of Americans for self–gain. In reality, immigrants
are just like Americans, in search of better opportunities for themselves and their families. The only difference between immigrants and Americans is
that they were not born in the same country as us, and consequently were not given the same privileges and opportunities that some Americans are not
even aware they have. As pointed out by the Ignatian Family Teach–In for Justice webinar, there have been multiple changes in policies regarding
immigration over the past few years. These changes, specifically those made within the past few months, have threatened the security of immigrants and
their families who reside in the United States. One example of this was President Trump's decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
policy, which shields young undocumented immigrants from deportation. As part of ending this program, Trump also mentioned that a deadline was
approaching in March 2018, that would mark the official end of DACA. However, this deadline has been proven to be false, as many immigrants are
already falling out of status and are effectively being removed from the country. Therefore, it is imperative that we take action now. One of the ways in
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Persuasive Essay About Immigration
With the recent rise to power; countless Americans bare questions on the topic of Immigration. Considering our past president's guidelines for
deporting illegals in our country while comparing it to our current policy, they are opposites. Obama's ideas were to concentrate all the limited
resources to seek high–risk cases. In other words, direct threats, those who posed an immediate threat to our government would be hunted. Our current
policy removes this concentration on immediate threats such as gang members. Under these new directives in Trump's eyes, there won't be any
exemptions for Immigrants. While focusing on the immediate threats sounds more viable and an appropriate use of limited resources. An interesting
issue with this dated policy is when foreign countries will take American law seriously. If we are letting countless Immigrants slip in under our noses
and only going after "top dogs" we are still losing. Not every immigrant wants to sell drugs or be a serial killer, but every immigrant understands what
will happen if they get caught. Perhaps it's the lack of opportunity from their home country. WithImmigration and Customs Enforcement agents having
free reign I feel that with a strong direction the Immigration problem will dwindle for the sole fact no one is safe. As cruel as it seems without
consequences then no order can follow, once all foreigners understand the requirements to reside in America are enforced we will not have immigrants.
Hardships in
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Immigration Persuasive Essay
On the other hand, Immigration has been and will remain as a huge debate. It is expected to hear different opinions, see Americans react, look at
things, and judge things differently, and have different minds, especially when you live in such a country like the United States of America. The social
country is what it should be called due to its immigration and having people come here from all over the world. Yet, even today, we still observe
different ways of thinking about immigration. Should some countries be banned! And some people departed! Haas and Frezzo emphasized that
economic, social and cultural rights need to be addressed further to ensure human development now we will take a close look at migration, one of the
very important topics when we talk about rights is right to live simply because nobody decides where to be born so people migrate, but today our
society favors some groups over the others. With all my honesty and humanity, I even support illegal immigration, but as an educated, civilized, and an
open–minded person, I understand why might someone NOT support illegal immigration, and I don't blame this way of thinking. With all my respect
and based on what I know, I believe that Haiti has the biggest rate with illegal immigration to the United States of America. Most people who don't
support illegal immigration use the Caribbean as their great example, why? Because, well, one they don't pay taxes, two we know nothing about
them, and third, they could honestly be criminals escaping and that is of course expected to come from any country in the world not just poor
countries. What's the problem with not paying taxes? Two reasons. One, it is honestly not fair for someone to be busting their ass working all day
(like me and you) and getting ripped paying taxes at the end of the year, while someone else who is not even a legal resident is just having fun
putting all the money he makes in his pocket. Kind of not fair right!! This is a country of one law and everyone should be treated equally under one
government, when you're not paying your taxes whether you making more or less money. As I said I support illegal immigration, but let's be clear on
why most people don't. The issue here with not paying
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Persuasive Speech About Immigration
Right now, I feel that we are adding fuel to the fire of hatred, fear, and destruction: A fire burning with so much intensity that it sheds light on the
darkest of secrets. In this case its immigration. During a time of natural disasters immigrants shouldn't be subjected to mistreatment and the threat of
deportation. Checking papers is an unnecessary matter to be concerned with when your house is submerged under water or your family is missing. The
main concern should be helping people. Citizenship status shouldn't be an issue because we are all humans and it's our duty to be there for our fellow
man. No matter what the situation maybe they have the right to be here, just like any other American.
People who cross the border legally or not are trying to improve their lives andpursue [?] this idea of the American dream. This dream that most of
us here [?] have the privilege of, but often take it for granted. I would consider these people true Americans that risk it all for just a chance to be a
part of this "great" nation. To deny them of this opportunity is almost playing God. You have now become the main reason that a family suffers,
someone doesn't get the education they deserve, or the rights that they were born with. In the United States, we are given the unalienable right to life,
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That means if you set foot on this soil you are guaranteed these rights and the issue of how you arrive doesn't
Why would anyone want to cause
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Persuasive Essay On Immigration
As defined by Merriam–Webster, An immigrant is "a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence." Immigrants are different threads
of the intricate, diverse fabric of America and have necessary and essential political, agricultural, social and economic effects that course through the
United States like electrical currents, powering the country. As a result of this, in order for our country to prosper, immigration cannot be completely
banned, but it cannot be allowed without limitations.
Laws on immigration in the U.S. have continued to be a controversial issue, causing political dissent within families, friends and even our own White
House. Many arguments have been made that immigrants are not essential to the country, and are the main cause of violence, theft, and the drug
market. Our own president has encouraged and propagated this idea, asking for a physical wall to disallow any illegal immigration. Actor and former
politician Timothy Murphy also said, "Illegal immigration is crisis our country. It is an open door for drugs, criminals, and potential terrorists to enter
our country. It is straining our economy, adding costs to our judicial, healthcare, and education systems." There are many fallacies and insufficiencies to
these arguments.
Primarily, Murphy is assuming that all people who attempt to immigrate to America intend to commit acts of violence or sell illegal drugs. This
assumption does not account for all of the innocent families fleeing to
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Persuasive Essay About Immigration
Immigration is such a huge topic going on and many people have their own belief, however I think people should live where ever they chose to
and there shouldn't be such things as boarders. Many people come from all around the world with different walks of life to the United States for a
better life. Americans today tend to believe that people are immigration have to effect in our society, however it is the opposite of that, in fact they
play a huge role in our society. Some things from the lady who is cleaning your house to a doctor who is helping you when you are sick. This
country of ours was built by the back bone of people from all different walks of life. The gentlemen is looking for a places to have breakfast and
finds Clara' to eat and goes in and try's to not take up too much spaces "because I was alone, I sat at the counter, leaving the empty tables free for
other customers that might come in." as he enter he seats in the back so that later on the day if more people come by he does not take up space. He
notice that the worker is a Hispanic "behind the counter was a short man with dark black hair, a mustache, and a youthful beard" "he had a thick
accent" and is asked want he would like to eat, and reply with an omelet. However everything is changed when two fellow men come through the
door and took Javier away "when the authorities came in. they gabbed Javier quickly and without a word, forcing his hands behind his back." The
wired thing is that no one reacted to
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Persuasive Essay About Immigration
Everyone is entitled a new start a new life, that should not be taking away from anyone. Immigration has been happening for quite some time now,
for those who aren't familiar with the word immigration, it is the action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country. Everyday people are
traveling here and there starting new lives, even right now as i'm typing this. Immigration should never stop, I feel this way because people have
new lives to build, their humans beings and lastly we are entitled to visit other countries sometimes even stay why can't they do the same. Imagine
having the start of everything just snatched away from you, all the hard work you put in just gone. Like walking in your favorite store and seeing
that purse that's been bugging in your mind for weeks and it's only 1 left, you're so close just almost there and bloop someone snatches it just before
you're there, your mind blown you're thinking "omg it was right there I freaking almost hand it" but hey oh well sucks for you because now it's gone
only thing you can do is move on. What i'm trying to say is immigrants work hard for that spot in our country, it not just given to them. They come for
new beginnings for themselves and sometimes their families, you may never know a story behind someone's actions, maybe the wanted to leave
because their going thru situations that are worst than what we face in our everyday life. "(Immigration and Customs Enforcement.From 2006 to 2013,
the program led to
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Persuasive Essay About Immigration
Immigration can be seen as an important role to maintain diversity and a steady economy in many countries, including the United States. However,
while people are trying to immigrate to locations where they would get better opportunities for themselves and their families, they are instead
being greeted by death or closed doors, caused by awful conditions when trying to cross the border or the inability to gain access to a country with
better opportunities. Immigrants are forced to cross illegally to improve their and their family's lives due to the difficulty of attaining citizenship or
visa; millions of families have been separated and they have to live not knowing what has happened to their loved ones. The trauma of an incident
like this can impact someone's life forever, and in order to ensure people's safety and wellbeing, everyone should have a real chance to gain
citizenship, disregarding their country of origin. The path to citizenship should be made easier and more inclusive so that people who are searching for
opportunities are given the chance to improve their lives.
The United States has always received copious amounts of immigrants because of the amount of opportunities that are presented to the newcomers.
Since the 1990s, there has been a significant increase of foreigners and jobs due to the immigrants who "made up approximately half of the ... job
growth" (Freeman). Push factors like economic or religious issues and pull factors like new jobs or more money make new countries more appealing
to people looking for more opportunities. This job increase mentioned by Freeman is because of the want to improve the lives of families in bad
situations since the money immigrants make here is more than the amount they would make in their home country. Specifically in Mexico, Hilda Irene
Loureiro runs a shelter to aid people who are trying to cross the border and she stated that immigrants try to cross because "they lack economic
opportunities in Mexico and they lack the education and (job) skills to get ahead" (Morales). Since people born in America are usually well educated
from opportunities like public school and community college, there is a lack of people who want to do lower class jobs. However, a
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Persuasive Essay About Immigration
Immigration has caused lots of controversies from the beginning of time to current times, but now there's a huge uproar putting the immigrant's
ability to stay in the US at stake. Regulating Immigration has been in the works for the government for some time now, ever since Ellis Island in
1892 the government has created policies to help create a safe keeping and rules for America and the oncoming immigrants, such as the DACA
program, proposed and passed by president Barack Obama in 2012 which "lets certain amount of people who came to the United States as children
and meet several guidelines may request consideration of deferred action for a period of two years," in other words it lets children brought into the
United States illegally the ability to stay in the country, the government has also passed Immigration Reform Acts throughout the years which in
summary created basic rules and guidelines for illegal immigrants and employers such as making sure that the immigrants have verification that
they are allowed to work in the US, work permit and or green card, and employers having to check if they have these identifications, these types of
regulations allow immigrants the ability to stay in the United States, get protected and allow them to work as well, with this has plenty of
downsides, many citizens see these policies as easily letting terrorists enter the US, or some don't agree with these types of policies and newly
elected Donald J Trump has plenty of thoughts on these policies that will later change in the years.. Recently the talk about immigration has increased
profusely, mainly because Donald J Trump was elected as president and his thoughts on immigration was one of the main concerning areas of trying
to protect America, but the discussion is not only about policies this time it's about the actions of illegal immigrants or just immigrants in general.
Immigrants have caused some problems for the citizens of America due to the criminal activity that they've been doing in the recent years, many
people blame them for terrorist attacks like the incident that happened in New York where "eight people were killed and more than a dozen injured"
by a man named Sayfullo Saipov who "had a green card granting
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Persuasive Essay On Immigration And Travel

  • 1. Persuasive Essay On Immigration And Travel I believe that our president elect, Donald Trump's decision to ban of immigration and travel is constitutional. The issue we are facing is that Mr. Donald Trump's request for a law to ban immigration and travel into the United States from seven countries was denied by court to be "unconstitutional". There are many people who are involved in this issue for example, U.S. citizens,Donald Trump,the federal court,and the seven countries that were to be banned. Which are Iraq,Iran,Syria,Yemen,Sudan,Libya, and Somalia. This issue is very important because according to "" whenever the president finds that an entry of any aliens or any class of aliens into the U.S. would be determined to the issue of the U.S. Get more content on
  • 2. Persuasive Essay On Immigration There are around 43.3 million foreign–born people living in the United States today. Since the beginning of this country, immigrants have come to the US in search of a better life, better opportunity, or more simply put: the American Dream. Attitudes toward immigration throughout this time have been mostly up and down until the new Trump administration. Throughout his campaign, one of Donald Trump's main promises was the idea of cracking down on illegal and even legal immigration. Since he has taken office, Trump has attempted to ban people from certain countries from entering the United States; to use billions of tax dollars to build a border wall; and even to destroy programs like DACA from helping immigrant students. Extreme vetting and general discriminations on immigration in America contradict the basic ethics and ideals on which it was founded and should be repealed in order to allow immigrants to help the US economy as much as they can. Despite what many Americans believe, allowing people from other countries to come into the US and work can actually be beneficial for America. In Sean Hackbarth's article "How America's Immigration System Failed and Why We Need to Fix It", he says we need immigrants because, "Ten thousand baby boomers are turning 65 every day. Many of them are retiring and leaving the workforce". These retirements will leave job openings behind, which will compensate for the migrants landing jobs. The immigrants that come to America for work are not Get more content on
  • 3. Persuasive Essay About Immigration There are over 11 million immigrants in the U.S illegally.Some people think that this effects the economy positively by additional tax revenue, expansion of the low–cost labor pool and increased money in circulation.They also think that immigrants bring good values,have motivations, consisting the American Dream which means they're good people, take jobs that most Americans won't take,and that opposition toimmigration stems from racism.People that are against it say that people who break the law by crossing the border or overstaying their visas should get deported and not rewarded with citizenship and access to social services.They argue that people in the country illegally are criminals, social and economic burdens to law–abiding, tax–paying Americans. Some terms of pro's would be Terrorist Threats,Higher Crime and Mass Deportations. Terrorist threats is one of the most important terms, which means that if we refused to secure our borders we have facilitated the transit and infiltration of terrorists and narco–terrorists who are living now illegally in the United States.If we fix our borders then we may stop bad people from coming in and also more people would be safe in the U.S.The second topic is higher crime;"75 percent of those most wanted criminals list in Los Angeles, Phoenix and Albuquerque are illegal aliens". There's another quote that states "Not all illegal aliens are crossing into the United States to find work. Law enforcement officials indicate that Get more content on
  • 4. Persuasive Essay On Immigration THIS HOUSE WOULD OFFER INCREASED AID TO DEVELOPING WORLD COUNTRIES THAT ENCOURAGE AND ACCEPT LARGE INFLUXES OF IMMIGRANTS GIVING MONEY TO COUNTRIES TO ACCEPT MIGRANTS– Immigration is a complex and divisive topic worldwide because there has been a sharp increase in the numbers of immigrants and asylum seekers. A record of 107,500 migrants in July 2015, have caused European countries increased pressure on infrastructure and resources required to accommodate them. This crisis is showing no signs of resolving with Germany expecting as many as 750,000 asylum seekers in 2015. This, however, is not only strictly a European problem. Some of the causes of immigration from developing countries have been very different and not just about bankruptcy and the economy. The war in Syria has made over 4 million people flee the country and 7.6 million are internally displaced, living in refugee camps. A lot of those who fled haven't attempted the more content... The project would be to expand the aid from the OECD countries to any county that would be willing to take in large numbers. This would for the most part not avoid the initial migration but would involve migrants being relocated to the countries that participate from the OECD countries once they come. Another addition to the arrangement would be providing the aid to developing countries along migration ways to send the migrants directly to those countries that are willing to taking them Get more content on
  • 5. Persuasive Essay About Immigration Since the birth of America, the United States has been a place of hopes and dreams for those trapped by poverty, and political instability in their home counties. Today, since President Trump has taken office, the fight to send back undocumented immigrants has begun. The public has been divide over the issues of race. To which discrimination exists. Illegal immigration has been one of the major problems the United States has had for a long time. Some residence have been supportive, while others, like our president, want them out. I for one am one of those who are completely supportive. I am against all the discrimination put towards innocent people. I believe they should have every right to a good future just as us. This problem is old news. Hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants have come into the United States. These immigrants come into to the states through the Mexican border, the Pacific Ocean, and many other ways. Some of these immigrants have entered the United States through a visit visa, but stayed illegally and began working in different places. Illegal immigration has many pros and cons. Some Americans view immigration as a view of strength. It has provided the local economy with cost benefits, the illegal immigrants are not paid as much. These immigrants are the ones who are building our buildings, because of them and their farming we are getting food on our tables. Without them we would not have half of what we have today. Immigrants should be appreciated for what they provide to us in a daily bases. Some Americans might not see it, but immigrants have helped us in many way since time itself can tell. Children of immigrants are the ones who are not at fault but the most effected. Many undocumented immigrants who enter the U.S bring along their families, when their parents are discovered by immigration, the children are the ones who are left behind. Imagine being separated from your parents at a young age, without knowing what is to happen to you. Citizens do not seem to have a care in the world about what these children are facing. According to experts there are more than 5000 immigrant children in foster care, due to having parents detained or deported back to Mexico. In a journal by Get more content on
  • 6. Persuasive Essay On Immigration As most people know, immigration is an action by which a person permanently leaves their place of residence from one particular country to another. It can be immensely useful if you wish to check an unlimited number of pages or papers. The United States of America is the best example of how immigration leads to greatness. Throughout history, the United States is seen as the destination that a flow of immigrants from diverse parts of the world seek refuge. Immigration sustains a substantial role not only in making America's growth possible but also in influencing American culture. Immigration is a subject that is broadly spoken about and argued. A more relaxed immigration policy will allow the United States to profit by some immigration benefits such as increase of skilled workers, economic development, and cultural diversity. The United States need additional highly skilled workers to feed the needs of its endless–developing and advanced economy. Statistical data shows that highly skilled workers promote the American economy and generates prospects in the form of new jobs. The United States offers an enormous number of jobs in areas such as science, technology, manufacturing, and math. The nation is continuously increasing its labor force. Highly skilled workers support the economy by providing their knowledge in many crucial fields which are indispensable to the growth and progress of various fields. Some innovative jobs emerge because foreign workers continue to offer Get more content on
  • 7. Persuasive Essay About Immigration Immigrants everywhere, areas flooded with illegal aliens, taking away immigration opportunities from the legals. Immigration, no matter if it is legal or illegal, is at a new record high. Ever since the decline from the 1960's to the 1970's, the 1980's immigration boom is still growing, and does not seem to be quitting. The are many reasons why we need to have a more restricted and more secure immigration system. Many reasons are because of; illegals coming back multiple times, our country is being overloaded, and drugs and crime is on the rise. If the law told you to stay out, would you come back in? Illegal immigrants are always coming to the United States. Many of these people are often rounded up and sent back to their country of origin however, "In the 2015 fiscal year alone, 15,715 were convicted, according to the United States Sentencing Commission. About a quarter of people caught crossing the southwest border that year had done it at least once before, according to a Government Accountability Office Report," ( Bedard ). About one fourth of the people crossing the border who have crossed, have done it multiple times before. This is an obvious breach in the security of our southern border. Every nation needs to have a clear, and defined border. There is a reason why nations have borders, it is so that every nation has security for their people, and that they don't just have people coming through unregulated. Having a better monitored and defended border with our Get more content on
  • 8. Persuasive Essay About Immigration Immigration has become an issue all around the world. Everyone have different opinions on how immigrants affect our society. Is immigration good for the economy, the employment rate for immigrants and their pay, how the ban could have a major impact on the U.S., why do people migrate, and DACA (deferred action for childhood arrivals). This essay will hopefully answer any question about immigration and we should handle the ban. Is immigration good for the economy? According to John Engler, "Why immigration is good for U.S. growth," Passing immigration reform would provide the opportunity for Washington to show Americans that policymakers can work together to solve big problems and boost the economy at the same time." If we were to let immigrants to come to America it would help out a lot of businesses. According to John Engler, " Immigration reform would improve economic growth. Reform would also increase U.S. employment and wages." According to John Engler," Today, there is a global competition for talent, and we cannot afford to lose out to other nations."America needs immigrants to make their businesses to flourish. The employment rate and wages for immigrants. According to Michael Greenstone, and Adam Looney, " Although many are concerned that immigrants compete against Americans for jobs, the most recent economic evidence suggests that, on average, immigrant workers increase the opportunities and incomes of Americans." In my opinion immigrants tend to work harder than Get more content on
  • 9. Persuasive Essay About Immigrants As native–born Americans, we are given the opportunity to go to school and choose what to do with our lives, in other words, we are able to follow our dreams. However, our nation needs to accept the fact that not all people who have dreams are just the people here in America, the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) is a policy for young male and female immigrants (who are also known as "dreamers") that came to the United States illegally as children but have the ability to come out of the shadows from all the time they've been kept hidden from the eyes of anti–immigration conservatives. Dreamers are able to enroll in public school, receive a work permit, join the military, and get a driver's license, and state identification card. Undocumented immigrants in the DACA organization are given an extension to their stay here in the United States for two years and then they would have to renew another suspension against the U.S. deportation system. As a result, this gives hope to immigrants all over the world who dream of coming to the United States in hopes of the American dream. Founded by former president Obama, his administration thought that children who were brought to the United States illegally should not be punished for wanting to pursue a better life. The DACA community is not an organization in which young immigrants get a free pass to live in the United States. As children, these recipients grow up to love and care for his/her country in which many have willingly joined the U.S. military out of love and respect to serve and protect our freedom. With that, many DACA recipients go through extensive background checks, but in order to be in the United States they also have to pay taxes, fees, file lots of paperwork, and have no criminal history whatsoever. Many of these recipients just want a safe place to go to school and work in order to provide for their families and also for themselves. To provide, work hard, and keep a clean profile is what's most important to these recipients. What all DACA beneficiaries have in common, is that they're dreamers just like us Americans, immigrants come into the U.S. wanting to become better people in society by getting an education and working whatever jobs Get more content on
  • 10. Persuasive Essay About Immigration Millions of immigrants share the same fear: that any given moment, you or someone you care about could be detained and deported. Greater restrictions and more focus on immigration reform may cause you to worry about being snatched away from the life you've built and sent back to a country where you may be in danger of political violence or have less economic opportunities. If you fear deportation, take measures to get support, lower your stress and anxiety, and prepare in case the worst happens. [[Category:Facing Fears and Worries]] ==Steps== ===Getting Support=== #Call or visit the immigration advocacy center in your area. Most larger cities have resource centers dedicated to assisting immigrants in the US. Such centers can help you understand your rights, help you complete paperwork, and connect you with other needed resources in the community, such as medical or mental health care. (–– removed HTML ––) (–– removed HTML ––) #* is one such website that offers resources to immigrants. Reach out to them to learn more about how they can help. #Build community with others like you. Many immigrants feel isolated in their communities, yet fearful of reaching out to others for help. Connecting with others like yourself can help you feel empowered and provide a source of much–needed support. (–– removed HTML ––) https:/ /!po=0.520833 (–– removed HTML ––) #*Form Get more content on
  • 11. Persuasive Essay About Immigration Currently, immigration is one of the most controversial topics in the world, and is surrounded by fear–driven uncertainty and false accusations. In the opinion of many Americans, immigrants are dangerous people who want to destroy the livelihoods of Americans for self–gain. In reality, immigrants are just like Americans, in search of better opportunities for themselves and their families. The only difference between immigrants and Americans is that they were not born in the same country as us, and consequently were not given the same privileges and opportunities that some Americans are not even aware they have. As pointed out by the Ignatian Family Teach–In for Justice webinar, there have been multiple changes in policies regarding immigration over the past few years. These changes, specifically those made within the past few months, have threatened the security of immigrants and their families who reside in the United States. One example of this was President Trump's decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals policy, which shields young undocumented immigrants from deportation. As part of ending this program, Trump also mentioned that a deadline was approaching in March 2018, that would mark the official end of DACA. However, this deadline has been proven to be false, as many immigrants are already falling out of status and are effectively being removed from the country. Therefore, it is imperative that we take action now. One of the ways in which Get more content on
  • 12. Persuasive Essay About Immigration With the recent rise to power; countless Americans bare questions on the topic of Immigration. Considering our past president's guidelines for deporting illegals in our country while comparing it to our current policy, they are opposites. Obama's ideas were to concentrate all the limited resources to seek high–risk cases. In other words, direct threats, those who posed an immediate threat to our government would be hunted. Our current policy removes this concentration on immediate threats such as gang members. Under these new directives in Trump's eyes, there won't be any exemptions for Immigrants. While focusing on the immediate threats sounds more viable and an appropriate use of limited resources. An interesting issue with this dated policy is when foreign countries will take American law seriously. If we are letting countless Immigrants slip in under our noses and only going after "top dogs" we are still losing. Not every immigrant wants to sell drugs or be a serial killer, but every immigrant understands what will happen if they get caught. Perhaps it's the lack of opportunity from their home country. WithImmigration and Customs Enforcement agents having free reign I feel that with a strong direction the Immigration problem will dwindle for the sole fact no one is safe. As cruel as it seems without consequences then no order can follow, once all foreigners understand the requirements to reside in America are enforced we will not have immigrants. Hardships in Get more content on
  • 13. Immigration Persuasive Essay On the other hand, Immigration has been and will remain as a huge debate. It is expected to hear different opinions, see Americans react, look at things, and judge things differently, and have different minds, especially when you live in such a country like the United States of America. The social country is what it should be called due to its immigration and having people come here from all over the world. Yet, even today, we still observe different ways of thinking about immigration. Should some countries be banned! And some people departed! Haas and Frezzo emphasized that economic, social and cultural rights need to be addressed further to ensure human development now we will take a close look at migration, one of the very important topics when we talk about rights is right to live simply because nobody decides where to be born so people migrate, but today our society favors some groups over the others. With all my honesty and humanity, I even support illegal immigration, but as an educated, civilized, and an open–minded person, I understand why might someone NOT support illegal immigration, and I don't blame this way of thinking. With all my respect and based on what I know, I believe that Haiti has the biggest rate with illegal immigration to the United States of America. Most people who don't support illegal immigration use the Caribbean as their great example, why? Because, well, one they don't pay taxes, two we know nothing about them, and third, they could honestly be criminals escaping and that is of course expected to come from any country in the world not just poor countries. What's the problem with not paying taxes? Two reasons. One, it is honestly not fair for someone to be busting their ass working all day (like me and you) and getting ripped paying taxes at the end of the year, while someone else who is not even a legal resident is just having fun putting all the money he makes in his pocket. Kind of not fair right!! This is a country of one law and everyone should be treated equally under one government, when you're not paying your taxes whether you making more or less money. As I said I support illegal immigration, but let's be clear on why most people don't. The issue here with not paying Get more content on
  • 14. Persuasive Speech About Immigration Right now, I feel that we are adding fuel to the fire of hatred, fear, and destruction: A fire burning with so much intensity that it sheds light on the darkest of secrets. In this case its immigration. During a time of natural disasters immigrants shouldn't be subjected to mistreatment and the threat of deportation. Checking papers is an unnecessary matter to be concerned with when your house is submerged under water or your family is missing. The main concern should be helping people. Citizenship status shouldn't be an issue because we are all humans and it's our duty to be there for our fellow man. No matter what the situation maybe they have the right to be here, just like any other American. People who cross the border legally or not are trying to improve their lives andpursue [?] this idea of the American dream. This dream that most of us here [?] have the privilege of, but often take it for granted. I would consider these people true Americans that risk it all for just a chance to be a part of this "great" nation. To deny them of this opportunity is almost playing God. You have now become the main reason that a family suffers, someone doesn't get the education they deserve, or the rights that they were born with. In the United States, we are given the unalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That means if you set foot on this soil you are guaranteed these rights and the issue of how you arrive doesn't matter. Why would anyone want to cause Get more content on
  • 15. Persuasive Essay On Immigration As defined by Merriam–Webster, An immigrant is "a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence." Immigrants are different threads of the intricate, diverse fabric of America and have necessary and essential political, agricultural, social and economic effects that course through the United States like electrical currents, powering the country. As a result of this, in order for our country to prosper, immigration cannot be completely banned, but it cannot be allowed without limitations. Laws on immigration in the U.S. have continued to be a controversial issue, causing political dissent within families, friends and even our own White House. Many arguments have been made that immigrants are not essential to the country, and are the main cause of violence, theft, and the drug market. Our own president has encouraged and propagated this idea, asking for a physical wall to disallow any illegal immigration. Actor and former politician Timothy Murphy also said, "Illegal immigration is crisis our country. It is an open door for drugs, criminals, and potential terrorists to enter our country. It is straining our economy, adding costs to our judicial, healthcare, and education systems." There are many fallacies and insufficiencies to these arguments. Primarily, Murphy is assuming that all people who attempt to immigrate to America intend to commit acts of violence or sell illegal drugs. This assumption does not account for all of the innocent families fleeing to Get more content on
  • 16. Persuasive Essay About Immigration Immigration is such a huge topic going on and many people have their own belief, however I think people should live where ever they chose to and there shouldn't be such things as boarders. Many people come from all around the world with different walks of life to the United States for a better life. Americans today tend to believe that people are immigration have to effect in our society, however it is the opposite of that, in fact they play a huge role in our society. Some things from the lady who is cleaning your house to a doctor who is helping you when you are sick. This country of ours was built by the back bone of people from all different walks of life. The gentlemen is looking for a places to have breakfast and finds Clara' to eat and goes in and try's to not take up too much spaces "because I was alone, I sat at the counter, leaving the empty tables free for other customers that might come in." as he enter he seats in the back so that later on the day if more people come by he does not take up space. He notice that the worker is a Hispanic "behind the counter was a short man with dark black hair, a mustache, and a youthful beard" "he had a thick accent" and is asked want he would like to eat, and reply with an omelet. However everything is changed when two fellow men come through the door and took Javier away "when the authorities came in. they gabbed Javier quickly and without a word, forcing his hands behind his back." The wired thing is that no one reacted to Get more content on
  • 17. Persuasive Essay About Immigration Everyone is entitled a new start a new life, that should not be taking away from anyone. Immigration has been happening for quite some time now, for those who aren't familiar with the word immigration, it is the action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country. Everyday people are traveling here and there starting new lives, even right now as i'm typing this. Immigration should never stop, I feel this way because people have new lives to build, their humans beings and lastly we are entitled to visit other countries sometimes even stay why can't they do the same. Imagine having the start of everything just snatched away from you, all the hard work you put in just gone. Like walking in your favorite store and seeing that purse that's been bugging in your mind for weeks and it's only 1 left, you're so close just almost there and bloop someone snatches it just before you're there, your mind blown you're thinking "omg it was right there I freaking almost hand it" but hey oh well sucks for you because now it's gone only thing you can do is move on. What i'm trying to say is immigrants work hard for that spot in our country, it not just given to them. They come for new beginnings for themselves and sometimes their families, you may never know a story behind someone's actions, maybe the wanted to leave because their going thru situations that are worst than what we face in our everyday life. "(Immigration and Customs Enforcement.From 2006 to 2013, the program led to Get more content on
  • 18. Persuasive Essay About Immigration Immigration can be seen as an important role to maintain diversity and a steady economy in many countries, including the United States. However, while people are trying to immigrate to locations where they would get better opportunities for themselves and their families, they are instead being greeted by death or closed doors, caused by awful conditions when trying to cross the border or the inability to gain access to a country with better opportunities. Immigrants are forced to cross illegally to improve their and their family's lives due to the difficulty of attaining citizenship or visa; millions of families have been separated and they have to live not knowing what has happened to their loved ones. The trauma of an incident like this can impact someone's life forever, and in order to ensure people's safety and wellbeing, everyone should have a real chance to gain citizenship, disregarding their country of origin. The path to citizenship should be made easier and more inclusive so that people who are searching for opportunities are given the chance to improve their lives. The United States has always received copious amounts of immigrants because of the amount of opportunities that are presented to the newcomers. Since the 1990s, there has been a significant increase of foreigners and jobs due to the immigrants who "made up approximately half of the ... job growth" (Freeman). Push factors like economic or religious issues and pull factors like new jobs or more money make new countries more appealing to people looking for more opportunities. This job increase mentioned by Freeman is because of the want to improve the lives of families in bad situations since the money immigrants make here is more than the amount they would make in their home country. Specifically in Mexico, Hilda Irene Loureiro runs a shelter to aid people who are trying to cross the border and she stated that immigrants try to cross because "they lack economic opportunities in Mexico and they lack the education and (job) skills to get ahead" (Morales). Since people born in America are usually well educated from opportunities like public school and community college, there is a lack of people who want to do lower class jobs. However, a Get more content on
  • 19. Persuasive Essay About Immigration Immigration has caused lots of controversies from the beginning of time to current times, but now there's a huge uproar putting the immigrant's ability to stay in the US at stake. Regulating Immigration has been in the works for the government for some time now, ever since Ellis Island in 1892 the government has created policies to help create a safe keeping and rules for America and the oncoming immigrants, such as the DACA program, proposed and passed by president Barack Obama in 2012 which "lets certain amount of people who came to the United States as children and meet several guidelines may request consideration of deferred action for a period of two years," in other words it lets children brought into the United States illegally the ability to stay in the country, the government has also passed Immigration Reform Acts throughout the years which in summary created basic rules and guidelines for illegal immigrants and employers such as making sure that the immigrants have verification that they are allowed to work in the US, work permit and or green card, and employers having to check if they have these identifications, these types of regulations allow immigrants the ability to stay in the United States, get protected and allow them to work as well, with this has plenty of downsides, many citizens see these policies as easily letting terrorists enter the US, or some don't agree with these types of policies and newly elected Donald J Trump has plenty of thoughts on these policies that will later change in the years.. Recently the talk about immigration has increased profusely, mainly because Donald J Trump was elected as president and his thoughts on immigration was one of the main concerning areas of trying to protect America, but the discussion is not only about policies this time it's about the actions of illegal immigrants or just immigrants in general. Immigrants have caused some problems for the citizens of America due to the criminal activity that they've been doing in the recent years, many people blame them for terrorist attacks like the incident that happened in New York where "eight people were killed and more than a dozen injured" by a man named Sayfullo Saipov who "had a green card granting Get more content on