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Persuasive Essay Immigration
Immigration, the action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country. Immigration is a highly important action to keep continuous for the future
of the United States. It is important to keep in the future or add to the future or other countries. Immigration is a major factor in many countries
because it boosts the economy, mixes cultures, and keeps families together, legal immigration should be allowed. Immigration has been around for
thousands of years. It has been a key factor in boosting our country's economy. Studies have shown that various countries like Japan, which have a
very little immigration rate are facing a numerous number of economic problems. Japan's population is very old and consists of a very low birth rate. more content...
The increase of immigrants in the United States has increased the supply of labor, and money spent on food, homes, goods and services. These
various expenses having money spent on them more often adds money to the economy allowing it to grow. The increase of this demand generates
more jobs to build homes, sell and make food, and to do the services. Increase of demand caused by the incoming immigrants means a boosts in the
economy of the country. Immigrants bring a wave of talent and ingenuity, most immigrants that are educated, and graduate college with a great
diploma come to the US to live happily because America is the best country in the world in their perspective, which means if they come here and get
a job as a doctor at a hospital or an architect working in a big company, they are spending money on stuff theyneed and want which makes the economy
grow and keep America great.
A study finds a significant increase in innovation–in fields that immigrants enter there is a 30% increase in patents by domestic inventors. These
benefits are driven at least in part by contacts between immigrants and native inventors. One of the perks of immigrants coming to the US is that
American inventors get new sets of ideas and methods that they would use for their own work in the future, that means immigrants are giving
Americans some of their wisdom and experience for them to use later on. Not only does immigration help improve the economy, but it also helps mix
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Persuasive Essay About Immigration
Immigrants everywhere, areas flooded with illegal aliens, taking away immigration opportunities from the legals. Immigration, no matter if it is legal
or illegal, is at a new record high. Ever since the decline from the 1960's to the 1970's, the 1980's immigration boom is still growing, and does not
seem to be quitting. The are many reasons why we need to have a more restricted and more secure immigration system. Many reasons are because of;
illegals coming back multiple times, our country is being overloaded, and drugs and crime is on the rise.
If the law told you to stay out, would you come back in? Illegal immigrants are always coming to the United States. Many of these people are often
rounded up and sent back to their country of origin however, "In the 2015 fiscal year alone, 15,715 were convicted, according to the United States
Sentencing Commission. About a quarter of people caught crossing the southwest border that year had done it at least once before, according to a
Government Accountability Office Report," ( Bedard ). About one fourth of the people crossing the border who have crossed, have done it multiple
times before. This is an obvious breach in the security of our southern border. Every nation needs to have a clear, and defined border. There is a reason
why nations have borders, it is so that every nation has security for their people, and that they don't just have people coming through unregulated.
Having a better monitored and defended border with our
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Immigration Persuasive Essay
In our society, many young Africans, Asians or even Europeans see America as an Eldorado. Regarding this topic, talking about President Trump's
political program is particularly interesting. In fact, the U.S. President Donald Trump suspended the refugee admission program by a decree entitled,
"Protecting the nation from the entry of foreign terrorists into the United States. " According to him, immigrants and refugees are terrorists. I will use
this speech to persuade you that immigrants benefit the country, bringing their own contribution to what defines the U.S.A. nowadays, commonly
referred to as the "melting pot." Today, I will argue thatimmigration helps the lives of thousands of people, it emphasizes diversity and it helps the
economy by boosting it.
The first argument I'm going to use is that many people around the world are willing to take their chances in the United States as they believe in the
American Dream. James Truslow Adams created this expression in 1931 in his book, The Epic of America. He states that the "A.D. is that dream of
a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement." America holds
the opportunities to arise socially and provide a better life by working hard. Indeed, it is the only country in the world where happiness is entrenched in
the Constitution. The main goal of immigrants is the pursuit of happiness, by seeking a better life. As I have been researching,
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Persuasive Essay About Immigration
Everyone is entitled a new start a new life, that should not be taking away from anyone. Immigration has been happening for quite some time now,
for those who aren't familiar with the word immigration, it is the action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country. Everyday people are
traveling here and there starting new lives, even right now as i'm typing this. Immigration should never stop, I feel this way because people have
new lives to build, their humans beings and lastly we are entitled to visit other countries sometimes even stay why can't they do the same. Imagine
having the start of everything just snatched away from you, all the hard work you put in just gone. Like walking in your favorite store and seeing
that purse that's been bugging in your mind for weeks and it's only 1 left, you're so close just almost there and bloop someone snatches it just before
you're there, your mind blown you're thinking "omg it was right there I freaking almost hand it" but hey oh well sucks for you because now it's gone
only thing you can do is move on. What i'm trying to say is immigrants work hard for that spot in our country, it not just given to them. They come for
new beginnings for themselves and sometimes their families, you may never know a story behind someone's actions, maybe the wanted to leave
because their going thru situations that are worst than what we face in our everyday life. "(Immigration and Customs Enforcement.From 2006 to 2013,
the program led to
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Persuasive Essay On Immigration
worldwide because there has been a sharp increase in the numbers of immigrants and asylum seekers. A record of 107,500 migrants in July 2015, have
caused European countries increased pressure on infrastructure and resources required to accommodate them. This crisis is showing no signs of
resolving with Germany expecting as many as 750,000 asylum seekers in 2015.
This, however, is not only strictly a European problem. Some of the causes of immigration from developing countries have been very different and not
just about bankruptcy and the economy. The war in Syria has made over 4 million people flee the country and 7.6 million are internally displaced,
living in refugee camps. A lot of those who fled haven't attempted the more content...
The project would be to expand the aid from the OECD countries to any county that would be willing to take in large numbers. This would for the most
part not avoid the initial migration but would involve migrants being relocated to the countries that participate from the OECD countries once they
come. Another addition to the arrangement would be providing the aid to developing countries along migration ways to send the migrants directly to
those countries that are willing to taking them
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Persuasive Speech On Immigration
Persuasive Speech
Title: Should states be required to educate the children of illegal immigrants?
Speaker: Kevon Jones, Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University student
Specific Purpose: To persuade and influence the beliefs of the audience concerning the educating of undocumented children.
A.Attention getter: Since the beginning of time, The United States has been a nation of immigrants seeking freedom and better economic
opportunities. According to Network Lobby, "History tells us that from the beginningimmigration is beneficial to the country when we have a system
that allows them to migrate freely and legally become a citizen of the more content...
Eligible individuals must be age 35 or younger, hold a high school diploma or GED, and pass a criminal background check ... Permanent residency may
be offered to those who choose to complete two years of military service or two years of higher education. Early versions of the bill failed in 2001 and
2007.... As of 2016, the DREAM Act has not been passed."
D.Our country is supposed to be one about opportunity, neglecting to provide an equal chance for these children to learn would contradict the notion
that America is the land of opportunity.
(Internal summary: In addition, it does the country no good to prevent children from receiving their education because we are the future nurses,
doctors, and teachers.)
(Transition: Now that you understand this need, let's talk about immigrants paying taxes.) III.Satisfaction
A.Many American believe illegal immigrants don 't pay taxes. They say, why should we pay for the education of some immigrant child? We need to
spend our tax dollars helping our own children.
B.According to The Washington Post, "It's a myth that people who are undocumented don't pay taxes," said Cathryn Ann Paul, as she helped
immigrants fill out tax forms at CASA de Maryland, a nonprofit group in Langley Park.... Federal law
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Immigration Persuasive Speech
Are You Struggling with Immigration? Let's Chat!
Specific Purpose: To persuade the audience to support both civil rights for immigration and the organization that protect them such as my charity
"Human Right First."
Central Idea: The interconnected issue of immigration in relation with "Human Rights First". In addition, supporting immigration and the issues the
charity organization may face as well as reasons to support it. INTRODUCTION
I.Drama is not for the dramatic, Art is not for the artistic, and Love isn't for the poets. The concept of freedom isn't for the free but instead a
fabricated illusion which we have tricked ourselves into believing. If the truth is based on perception of observer, who's to say if were ever truly, free
to begin with. Does liberation truly exist?
II.These existential questions are more than a failure to grasp the concept of self–exitance. Instead, a direct manifestation, and personification of hopes
and dreams of many immigrants today.
III.Therefore, today I ask you to be more than empathetic, I ask you to consider the question of what separates us from each other?
IV.In essence, from this perspective the charity organization "HumanRights First" focuses on this ideology of core freedoms. Human Rights First
challenges America to live up to its ideals of dignity and respect for all human rights; "When they fail, we step in to demand reform, accountability, and
justice." With this intention, this is when Human Rights First comes into picture with principle and belief protection of civil right of such as immigrant's.
A.First, we will examine of the issues presented before Human Rights First in opposition against supporting the civil rights of immigrants.
B.Finally, I will discuss ways in which to get involved with the organization.
(Transition: Let's start by examining the need for the organization also the issues it encounters)
I.In a sense, America is still a puritan nation; we blame our transgressions on a series of misfortunate events. This is the embodiment of the
personification of issues presented before the charity organization itself.
II.With this mind, leads us to illustrate the need presented before Human Rights
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Persuasive Essay On Refugees
According to UNHCR, a refugee is someone who has been forced to flee his or her country because of persecution, war, or violence. A refugee has a
well–founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group. Most likely,
they cannot return home or are afraid to do so. War and ethnic, tribal and religious violence are leading causes of refugees fleeing their countries. When
people flee their own country, and seek sanctuary in another country, they apply for asylum– the right to be recognized as a refugee and receive legal
protection and material assistance. An asylum seeker must demonstrate that his or her fear of persecution in his or her home country more
On the one hand, countries such as Sweden or Germany proclaimed themselves in favor of accepting refugees, which was in accordance with
international obligations. On the other hand, the V4 countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia) were definitely for tightening their
boundaries and for helping the refugees only in the places they actually were.
In the attempts to "manage the immigrant crisis" several strategic mistakes have been made, which have shaken the functioning of migration policy in
the European community. Particular controversy was stirred up by a plan for the relocation of 120,000 refugees suggested in September 2015. Some
months later (April/May 2016), the European Commission came up with the idea of fines for those countries which would not receive the relocated
refugees. The fine for one unaccepted foreigner was supposed to be €250,000. The attempt to impose a quota of immigrants on member countries
together with high fines contributed to further divisions inside the EU.
Freely accepting the migrants would be a much better solution. Moreover, distribution of refugees calculated according to host country population or
gross domestic product was a gross simplification and unworkable. Also, possibilities of integration of the migrants in particular countries should be
taken into consideration. Equally important is the dialogue of all the 28 EU member countries concerning common solutions for asylum policy.
Additionally, the
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Persuasive Essay About Immigration
Immigration has become an issue all around the world. Everyone have different opinions on how immigrants affect our society. Is immigration good
for the economy, the employment rate for immigrants and their pay, how the ban could have a major impact on the U.S., why do people migrate, and
DACA (deferred action for childhood arrivals). This essay will hopefully answer any question about immigration and we should handle the ban.
Is immigration good for the economy? According to John Engler, "Why immigration is good for U.S. growth," Passing immigration reform would
provide the opportunity for Washington to show Americans that policymakers can work together to solve big problems and boost the economy at the
same time." If we were to let immigrants to come to America it would help out a lot of businesses. According to John Engler, " Immigration reform
would improve economic growth. Reform would also increase U.S. employment and wages." According to John Engler," Today, there is a global
competition for talent, and we cannot afford to lose out to other nations."America needs immigrants to make their businesses to flourish.
The employment rate and wages for immigrants. According to Michael Greenstone, and Adam Looney, " Although many are concerned that immigrants
compete against Americans for jobs, the most recent economic evidence suggests that, on average, immigrant workers increase the opportunities and
incomes of Americans." In my opinion immigrants tend to work harder than
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Persuasive Essay On Immigration
Over the past decades, America has seen economic prosperity that has resulted from the increase of immigrants to the United States. But the status of
many of these immigrants as U.S. citizens remains at risk. Illegal Immigrants come to the United States in hopes for a better future, they wish to
prosper and build a better life for their families. Several of these illegal immigrants living in the United States account for a huge part of small
businesses and jobs that make up a large portion of our economy. The United States would suffer without its immigrants. Therefore, we should leave
doubts regarding the actual dilemma when it comes to protecting our borders. America is a nation born from immigrants, which makes each one of us
equal in that respect. Yet, one of the greatest problems currently troubling our nation rests on how to deal with our borders. The answer lies beyond
restricting and deporting the illegal immigrants that do more to help our country than harm it. Illegal Immigrants come to the U.S. for better
opportunities economically, they hope for bigger and brighter futures which cannot be taken away by a wall or a border, as revealed through data and
statistics as well as economic reports and history.
While the prospects of illegal immigration may outweigh the negative aspects, one may argue for this to be completely false. A supporter opposing
illegal immigration will find that without the necessary restrictions to ensure our borders, we are in danger of facing
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Persuasive Essay On Immigration
There are around 43.3 million foreign–born people living in the United States today. Since the beginning of this country, immigrants have come to the
US in search of a better life, better opportunity, or more simply put: the American Dream. Attitudes toward immigration throughout this time have been
mostly up and down until the new Trump administration. Throughout his campaign, one of Donald Trump's main promises was the idea of cracking
down on illegal and even legal immigration. Since he has taken office, Trump has attempted to ban people from certain countries from entering the
United States; to use billions of tax dollars to build a border wall; and even to destroy programs like DACA from helping immigrant students. Extreme
vetting and general discriminations on immigration in America contradict the basic ethics and ideals on which it was founded and should be repealed
in order to allow immigrants to help the US economy as much as they can.
Despite what many Americans believe, allowing people from other countries to come into the US and work can actually be beneficial for America. In
Sean Hackbarth's article "How America's Immigration System Failed and Why We Need to Fix It", he says we need immigrants because, "Ten
thousand baby boomers are turning 65 every day. Many of them are retiring and leaving the workforce". These retirements will leave job openings
behind, which will compensate for the migrants landing jobs. The immigrants that come to America for work are not
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Persuasive Essay On Immigration
Immigration in the United states is getting worse and better. Yes, we get people to work at jobs. But also people are coming here to live but they
are illegal. Illegals come here with no green card or no citizenship. People work hard to be citizens and to be free. But some people abuse that and do
not follow the rules of a different question. Most people say Immigration is good and illegals should be here because they are human like us and want to
be free. But people who work hard and took a test and studied to be a citizen are most likely going to be mad. Like some people don't like immigration.
But give it a shot but people have to go thru a test instead of coming here illegally. Also some illegal immigration bring in drugs and guns and also
gangs. It has become a problem and is growing rapidly. Let's put a stop to illegal more content...
They need to check cars and under cars. They need to make sure they are safe to come in. Also need to ramp up the walls and make them higher,
because people are going thru them and are going around them. The walls now are pieces of wood sticking straight up in the air with a big gap.
People climb in and go thru it. Making towns and building farther from the wall. We can have so many jobs and border patrol. We would make
more resources and make more protection. Less crime in the south. Less drug trafficking.It gives people many jobs, like building it will give jobs,
border checking will get jobs. People who search the cars. People who are police that will protect the other's when stuff goes down and reason to
protect and serve the nation. It will also guarantee to lower the drug smuggling. This will be greatly benefited because we can make more building
down there without knowing if someone with a gun crossed the border and is going to hurt someone or they are going to ruin stuff. The Immigration
test will see how many people will want to be an american
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Persuasive Essay On Immigration
In the late 1800s and early 1900's, there has been an increase on immigration in the US including from Germans to Europeans and Chinese. Recently in
the US, there has been a rise on immigration coming from our neighboring country, Mexico. They cross the border knowing the risks but all they have
in mind are the new opportunities and better way of life. Immigration is such a heated and controversial topic in the US but it's something that we have
to address. Even politicians and artists, such as former president Barack Obama, have been helping out legal and illegal immigrants on their behalf and
have been raising their voice. Immigrants are an essential part to the US and should have the opportunity to stay here in the United States without fear
of being deported. They come here for a better education, a better way of living, and help boost up the country's economy. The United States is the
nation power country worldwide. It holds the bet economic and military power. Furthermore, what makes immigrants come into the US is because of
its educational opportunities that they can't find in their native country. There is the government program that former president Barack Obama signed
on 2012. Deferred action for childhood arrivals or most known as DACA is an American immigration policy that allows for minors who have entered
the country illegally to have the same opportunities as US citizens. It allows for them to have jobs, have equal and raised wages and most importantly
education. "Sixty–five percent said that, after DACA, they pursued educational opportunities they previously couldn't. Forty–five percent are currently
in school" Francie Diep exclaimed in his article, How DACA Helped Immigrants Get More Education and Higher–Paying Jobs. Such record show that
DACA recipients are taking advantage of the opportunities given to succeed in the United States. Immigrants should have the same education
opportunities as US citizens. They'll have the opportunity to become someone revolutionary despite being an illegal immigrant. There is nothing more
relieving than escaping a complicated life and starting a new and improved one. All they want is a better lifestyle for them and their future family.
Lately, violence in
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Immigration Persuasive Essay
Keep the Borders Open 43.6 million immigrants reside in the United States(Unauthorized Immigrants in the U.S.). They make up 13.5% of America's
population, a statistic that cannot be overlooked(Immigration). Recently, with the addition of President Donald Trump to the government, there has
been an increasing amount of debate regarding immigration and America's policies on it. President Trump used his slogan "Build the Wall" as one of
his motivators for his presidential campaign, he wants to separate Mexico and the US through a wall. A wall should not be put up, it goes against the
opportunistic America that it has been striving to be since its creation: the pursuit of happiness. America originated from immigrants. People came over
from England to America for religious purposes, the only non–immigrants in America are Native Americans and even for most of them immigrant
blood runs through their veins. For a long time, America has been a place of refuge for those wanting to leave their country;some leave because their
countries are unsafe and some leave pursuing a better life for themselves or their families. Either way, immigration has become a staple of American
culture, it is a "melting pot" of different cultures and races. Nowadays, people are claiming that we allow too much immigration, and the illegal
immigration at a very high point, and more regulations keep being added. The Constitution says that our basic rights are "life, liberty, and the pursuit of
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Immigration Persuasive Essay
On the other hand, Immigration has been and will remain as a huge debate. It is expected to hear different opinions, see Americans react, look at
things, and judge things differently, and have different minds, especially when you live in such a country like the United States of America. The social
country is what it should be called due to its immigration and having people come here from all over the world. Yet, even today, we still observe
different ways of thinking about immigration. Should some countries be banned! And some people departed! Haas and Frezzo emphasized that
economic, social and cultural rights need to be addressed further to ensure human development now we will take a close look at migration, one of the
very important topics when we talk about rights is right to live simply because nobody decides where to be born so people migrate, but today our
society favors some groups over the others. With all my honesty and humanity, I even support illegal immigration, but as an educated, civilized, and an
open–minded person, I understand why might someone NOT support illegal immigration, and I don't blame this way of thinking. With all my respect
and based on what I know, I believe that Haiti has the biggest rate with illegal immigration to the United States of America. Most people who don't
support illegal immigration use the Caribbean as their great example, why? Because, well, one they don't pay taxes, two we know nothing about
them, and third, they could honestly be criminals escaping and that is of course expected to come from any country in the world not just poor
countries. What's the problem with not paying taxes? Two reasons. One, it is honestly not fair for someone to be busting their ass working all day
(like me and you) and getting ripped paying taxes at the end of the year, while someone else who is not even a legal resident is just having fun
putting all the money he makes in his pocket. Kind of not fair right!! This is a country of one law and everyone should be treated equally under one
government, when you're not paying your taxes whether you making more or less money. As I said I support illegal immigration, but let's be clear on
why most people don't. The issue here with not paying
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Persuasive Essay On Immigration
Immigration has become a "hot topic" in this nation ever since President Donald Trump has called to action an immigration reform that will disband
the Deferred Action of Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and the DREAM act. The immigration policy was created during the Obama
Administration to allow minors who entered the country illegal to be able to work and deferred their deportation for a renewable two year period.
Trump Administration's goal is to terminate it in order to save on this year's spending bill that has to be passed by December 22, 2017. It's also
believe that immigration shouldn't be award to live in this country illegally and should follow the legal pathway of becoming a citizen. The
Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act is essential the same thing has the DACA program were it allows illegal
immigrants who entered the country has minors get work permits, drivers licenses, and even social security numbers; however, it was a six year
pathway for illegal immigrants under 35 to obtain a green card then eventually become a United States citizen. Signed in 2010, the DREAM act failed
because it always immigrants to gain citizen if they've been in the country for five consecutive years, have a clean record, or/and purse education or
military services. Essentially the act was setup to fail because illegal immigrants were arrested and deported for being illegal immigrants in states
especially in Arizona, Texas, and New Mexico which prevented
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Persuasive Essay Immigration
Throughout this day in age, the topic of immigration is in the forefront of issues in today's society having two different point–of–views and many
opinions to go along. I agree with Kinsley's overall opinion that the United States has no obligation to be fair and take more immigrants in under their
wing than they can handle and give support financially if needed. During this essay, I will be focusing on the topic of immigration including benefits
and receiving education in the United States and will discuss my expectations I have when traveling to a foreign country. The United States has many
immigrants who are legal citizens from across the globe. On the other hand, many are illegal while still receiving benefits from the country
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When traveling, I expect to ultimately be treated with respect however, before traveling, I have the understanding that I am guest in their country and
I need to omit respect for their culture and beliefs. Further, when I travel and no matter how much I enjoy a country, I do not expect to be a legal
citizen if I so take it upon myself to stay permanently or have an anchor baby. I would apply for citizenship and go through the proper way to gain
legality in that country. Although it causes great economic cost for the Untied States to continue to take in immigrants, I believe the biggest benefit of
immigration is that it has had an overall positive affect on the United States workforce and technology. It creates a positive, competitive work
atmosphere that can been seen all around the country. While many argue that immigration has negative affect on the United States future, Rosenbaum
stated static in his article. " In the long term, allowing these immigrants improved access to higher education is likely to improve their contributions to
our society and reduce the burdens they place on it. It will only aid us to help those who are willing and eager to improve their own situations to do
so." (Rosenbaum 231). This is a perfect example to why the Untied States should continue to allow legal immigration in the Untied States. Rosenbaum's
article changes my perceptive although
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Persuasive Essay About Immigration
Immigration can be seen as an important role to maintain diversity and a steady economy in many countries, including the United States. However,
while people are trying to immigrate to locations where they would get better opportunities for themselves and their families, they are instead
being greeted by death or closed doors, caused by awful conditions when trying to cross the border or the inability to gain access to a country with
better opportunities. Immigrants are forced to cross illegally to improve their and their family's lives due to the difficulty of attaining citizenship or
visa; millions of families have been separated and they have to live not knowing what has happened to their loved ones. The trauma of an incident
like this can impact someone's life forever, and in order to ensure people's safety and wellbeing, everyone should have a real chance to gain
citizenship, disregarding their country of origin. The path to citizenship should be made easier and more inclusive so that people who are searching for
opportunities are given the chance to improve their lives.
The United States has always received copious amounts of immigrants because of the amount of opportunities that are presented to the newcomers.
Since the 1990s, there has been a significant increase of foreigners and jobs due to the immigrants who "made up approximately half of the ... job
growth" (Freeman). Push factors like economic or religious issues and pull factors like new jobs or more money make new countries more appealing
to people looking for more opportunities. This job increase mentioned by Freeman is because of the want to improve the lives of families in bad
situations since the money immigrants make here is more than the amount they would make in their home country. Specifically in Mexico, Hilda Irene
Loureiro runs a shelter to aid people who are trying to cross the border and she stated that immigrants try to cross because "they lack economic
opportunities in Mexico and they lack the education and (job) skills to get ahead" (Morales). Since people born in America are usually well educated
from opportunities like public school and community college, there is a lack of people who want to do lower class jobs. However, a
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Persuasive Essay On Immigration
As defined by Merriam–Webster, An immigrant is "a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence." Immigrants are different threads
of the intricate, diverse fabric of America and have necessary and essential political, agricultural, social and economic effects that course through the
United States like electrical currents, powering the country. As a result of this, in order for our country to prosper, immigration cannot be completely
banned, but it cannot be allowed without limitations.
Laws on immigration in the U.S. have continued to be a controversial issue, causing political dissent within families, friends and even our own White
House. Many arguments have been made that immigrants are not essential to the country, and are the main cause of violence, theft, and the drug
market. Our own president has encouraged and propagated this idea, asking for a physical wall to disallow any illegal immigration. Actor and former
politician Timothy Murphy also said, "Illegal immigration is crisis our country. It is an open door for drugs, criminals, and potential terrorists to enter
our country. It is straining our economy, adding costs to our judicial, healthcare, and education systems." There are many fallacies and insufficiencies to
these arguments.
Primarily, Murphy is assuming that all people who attempt to immigrate to America intend to commit acts of violence or sell illegal drugs. This
assumption does not account for all of the innocent families fleeing to
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Persuasive Essay Immigration

  • 1. Persuasive Essay Immigration Immigration, the action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country. Immigration is a highly important action to keep continuous for the future of the United States. It is important to keep in the future or add to the future or other countries. Immigration is a major factor in many countries because it boosts the economy, mixes cultures, and keeps families together, legal immigration should be allowed. Immigration has been around for thousands of years. It has been a key factor in boosting our country's economy. Studies have shown that various countries like Japan, which have a very little immigration rate are facing a numerous number of economic problems. Japan's population is very old and consists of a very low birth rate. more content... The increase of immigrants in the United States has increased the supply of labor, and money spent on food, homes, goods and services. These various expenses having money spent on them more often adds money to the economy allowing it to grow. The increase of this demand generates more jobs to build homes, sell and make food, and to do the services. Increase of demand caused by the incoming immigrants means a boosts in the economy of the country. Immigrants bring a wave of talent and ingenuity, most immigrants that are educated, and graduate college with a great diploma come to the US to live happily because America is the best country in the world in their perspective, which means if they come here and get a job as a doctor at a hospital or an architect working in a big company, they are spending money on stuff theyneed and want which makes the economy grow and keep America great. A study finds a significant increase in innovation–in fields that immigrants enter there is a 30% increase in patents by domestic inventors. These benefits are driven at least in part by contacts between immigrants and native inventors. One of the perks of immigrants coming to the US is that American inventors get new sets of ideas and methods that they would use for their own work in the future, that means immigrants are giving Americans some of their wisdom and experience for them to use later on. Not only does immigration help improve the economy, but it also helps mix cultures Get more content on
  • 2. Persuasive Essay About Immigration Immigrants everywhere, areas flooded with illegal aliens, taking away immigration opportunities from the legals. Immigration, no matter if it is legal or illegal, is at a new record high. Ever since the decline from the 1960's to the 1970's, the 1980's immigration boom is still growing, and does not seem to be quitting. The are many reasons why we need to have a more restricted and more secure immigration system. Many reasons are because of; illegals coming back multiple times, our country is being overloaded, and drugs and crime is on the rise. If the law told you to stay out, would you come back in? Illegal immigrants are always coming to the United States. Many of these people are often rounded up and sent back to their country of origin however, "In the 2015 fiscal year alone, 15,715 were convicted, according to the United States Sentencing Commission. About a quarter of people caught crossing the southwest border that year had done it at least once before, according to a Government Accountability Office Report," ( Bedard ). About one fourth of the people crossing the border who have crossed, have done it multiple times before. This is an obvious breach in the security of our southern border. Every nation needs to have a clear, and defined border. There is a reason why nations have borders, it is so that every nation has security for their people, and that they don't just have people coming through unregulated. Having a better monitored and defended border with our Get more content on
  • 3. Immigration Persuasive Essay In our society, many young Africans, Asians or even Europeans see America as an Eldorado. Regarding this topic, talking about President Trump's political program is particularly interesting. In fact, the U.S. President Donald Trump suspended the refugee admission program by a decree entitled, "Protecting the nation from the entry of foreign terrorists into the United States. " According to him, immigrants and refugees are terrorists. I will use this speech to persuade you that immigrants benefit the country, bringing their own contribution to what defines the U.S.A. nowadays, commonly referred to as the "melting pot." Today, I will argue thatimmigration helps the lives of thousands of people, it emphasizes diversity and it helps the economy by boosting it. The first argument I'm going to use is that many people around the world are willing to take their chances in the United States as they believe in the American Dream. James Truslow Adams created this expression in 1931 in his book, The Epic of America. He states that the "A.D. is that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement." America holds the opportunities to arise socially and provide a better life by working hard. Indeed, it is the only country in the world where happiness is entrenched in the Constitution. The main goal of immigrants is the pursuit of happiness, by seeking a better life. As I have been researching, Get more content on
  • 4. Persuasive Essay About Immigration Everyone is entitled a new start a new life, that should not be taking away from anyone. Immigration has been happening for quite some time now, for those who aren't familiar with the word immigration, it is the action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country. Everyday people are traveling here and there starting new lives, even right now as i'm typing this. Immigration should never stop, I feel this way because people have new lives to build, their humans beings and lastly we are entitled to visit other countries sometimes even stay why can't they do the same. Imagine having the start of everything just snatched away from you, all the hard work you put in just gone. Like walking in your favorite store and seeing that purse that's been bugging in your mind for weeks and it's only 1 left, you're so close just almost there and bloop someone snatches it just before you're there, your mind blown you're thinking "omg it was right there I freaking almost hand it" but hey oh well sucks for you because now it's gone only thing you can do is move on. What i'm trying to say is immigrants work hard for that spot in our country, it not just given to them. They come for new beginnings for themselves and sometimes their families, you may never know a story behind someone's actions, maybe the wanted to leave because their going thru situations that are worst than what we face in our everyday life. "(Immigration and Customs Enforcement.From 2006 to 2013, the program led to Get more content on
  • 5. Persuasive Essay On Immigration THIS HOUSE WOULD OFFER INCREASED AID TO DEVELOPING WORLD COUNTRIES THAT ENCOURAGE AND ACCEPT LARGE INFLUXES OF IMMIGRANTS GIVING MONEY TO COUNTRIES TO ACCEPT MIGRANTS– Immigration is a complex and divisive topic worldwide because there has been a sharp increase in the numbers of immigrants and asylum seekers. A record of 107,500 migrants in July 2015, have caused European countries increased pressure on infrastructure and resources required to accommodate them. This crisis is showing no signs of resolving with Germany expecting as many as 750,000 asylum seekers in 2015. This, however, is not only strictly a European problem. Some of the causes of immigration from developing countries have been very different and not just about bankruptcy and the economy. The war in Syria has made over 4 million people flee the country and 7.6 million are internally displaced, living in refugee camps. A lot of those who fled haven't attempted the more content... The project would be to expand the aid from the OECD countries to any county that would be willing to take in large numbers. This would for the most part not avoid the initial migration but would involve migrants being relocated to the countries that participate from the OECD countries once they come. Another addition to the arrangement would be providing the aid to developing countries along migration ways to send the migrants directly to those countries that are willing to taking them Get more content on
  • 6. Persuasive Speech On Immigration Persuasive Speech Title: Should states be required to educate the children of illegal immigrants? Speaker: Kevon Jones, Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University student Specific Purpose: To persuade and influence the beliefs of the audience concerning the educating of undocumented children. I.Introduction/Attention A.Attention getter: Since the beginning of time, The United States has been a nation of immigrants seeking freedom and better economic opportunities. According to Network Lobby, "History tells us that from the beginningimmigration is beneficial to the country when we have a system that allows them to migrate freely and legally become a citizen of the more content... Eligible individuals must be age 35 or younger, hold a high school diploma or GED, and pass a criminal background check ... Permanent residency may be offered to those who choose to complete two years of military service or two years of higher education. Early versions of the bill failed in 2001 and 2007.... As of 2016, the DREAM Act has not been passed." D.Our country is supposed to be one about opportunity, neglecting to provide an equal chance for these children to learn would contradict the notion that America is the land of opportunity. (Internal summary: In addition, it does the country no good to prevent children from receiving their education because we are the future nurses, doctors, and teachers.) (Transition: Now that you understand this need, let's talk about immigrants paying taxes.) III.Satisfaction A.Many American believe illegal immigrants don 't pay taxes. They say, why should we pay for the education of some immigrant child? We need to spend our tax dollars helping our own children. B.According to The Washington Post, "It's a myth that people who are undocumented don't pay taxes," said Cathryn Ann Paul, as she helped immigrants fill out tax forms at CASA de Maryland, a nonprofit group in Langley Park.... Federal law Get more content on
  • 7. Immigration Persuasive Speech Are You Struggling with Immigration? Let's Chat! Specific Purpose: To persuade the audience to support both civil rights for immigration and the organization that protect them such as my charity "Human Right First." Central Idea: The interconnected issue of immigration in relation with "Human Rights First". In addition, supporting immigration and the issues the charity organization may face as well as reasons to support it. INTRODUCTION (Attention) I.Drama is not for the dramatic, Art is not for the artistic, and Love isn't for the poets. The concept of freedom isn't for the free but instead a fabricated illusion which we have tricked ourselves into believing. If the truth is based on perception of observer, who's to say if were ever truly, free to begin with. Does liberation truly exist? II.These existential questions are more than a failure to grasp the concept of self–exitance. Instead, a direct manifestation, and personification of hopes and dreams of many immigrants today. III.Therefore, today I ask you to be more than empathetic, I ask you to consider the question of what separates us from each other? IV.In essence, from this perspective the charity organization "HumanRights First" focuses on this ideology of core freedoms. Human Rights First challenges America to live up to its ideals of dignity and respect for all human rights; "When they fail, we step in to demand reform, accountability, and justice." With this intention, this is when Human Rights First comes into picture with principle and belief protection of civil right of such as immigrant's. A.First, we will examine of the issues presented before Human Rights First in opposition against supporting the civil rights of immigrants. B.Finally, I will discuss ways in which to get involved with the organization. (Transition: Let's start by examining the need for the organization also the issues it encounters) BODY (Need) I.In a sense, America is still a puritan nation; we blame our transgressions on a series of misfortunate events. This is the embodiment of the
  • 8. personification of issues presented before the charity organization itself. II.With this mind, leads us to illustrate the need presented before Human Rights Get more content on
  • 9. Persuasive Essay On Refugees According to UNHCR, a refugee is someone who has been forced to flee his or her country because of persecution, war, or violence. A refugee has a well–founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group. Most likely, they cannot return home or are afraid to do so. War and ethnic, tribal and religious violence are leading causes of refugees fleeing their countries. When people flee their own country, and seek sanctuary in another country, they apply for asylum– the right to be recognized as a refugee and receive legal protection and material assistance. An asylum seeker must demonstrate that his or her fear of persecution in his or her home country more content... On the one hand, countries such as Sweden or Germany proclaimed themselves in favor of accepting refugees, which was in accordance with international obligations. On the other hand, the V4 countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia) were definitely for tightening their boundaries and for helping the refugees only in the places they actually were. In the attempts to "manage the immigrant crisis" several strategic mistakes have been made, which have shaken the functioning of migration policy in the European community. Particular controversy was stirred up by a plan for the relocation of 120,000 refugees suggested in September 2015. Some months later (April/May 2016), the European Commission came up with the idea of fines for those countries which would not receive the relocated refugees. The fine for one unaccepted foreigner was supposed to be €250,000. The attempt to impose a quota of immigrants on member countries together with high fines contributed to further divisions inside the EU. Freely accepting the migrants would be a much better solution. Moreover, distribution of refugees calculated according to host country population or gross domestic product was a gross simplification and unworkable. Also, possibilities of integration of the migrants in particular countries should be taken into consideration. Equally important is the dialogue of all the 28 EU member countries concerning common solutions for asylum policy. Additionally, the Get more content on
  • 10. Persuasive Essay About Immigration Immigration has become an issue all around the world. Everyone have different opinions on how immigrants affect our society. Is immigration good for the economy, the employment rate for immigrants and their pay, how the ban could have a major impact on the U.S., why do people migrate, and DACA (deferred action for childhood arrivals). This essay will hopefully answer any question about immigration and we should handle the ban. Is immigration good for the economy? According to John Engler, "Why immigration is good for U.S. growth," Passing immigration reform would provide the opportunity for Washington to show Americans that policymakers can work together to solve big problems and boost the economy at the same time." If we were to let immigrants to come to America it would help out a lot of businesses. According to John Engler, " Immigration reform would improve economic growth. Reform would also increase U.S. employment and wages." According to John Engler," Today, there is a global competition for talent, and we cannot afford to lose out to other nations."America needs immigrants to make their businesses to flourish. The employment rate and wages for immigrants. According to Michael Greenstone, and Adam Looney, " Although many are concerned that immigrants compete against Americans for jobs, the most recent economic evidence suggests that, on average, immigrant workers increase the opportunities and incomes of Americans." In my opinion immigrants tend to work harder than Get more content on
  • 11. Persuasive Essay On Immigration Over the past decades, America has seen economic prosperity that has resulted from the increase of immigrants to the United States. But the status of many of these immigrants as U.S. citizens remains at risk. Illegal Immigrants come to the United States in hopes for a better future, they wish to prosper and build a better life for their families. Several of these illegal immigrants living in the United States account for a huge part of small businesses and jobs that make up a large portion of our economy. The United States would suffer without its immigrants. Therefore, we should leave doubts regarding the actual dilemma when it comes to protecting our borders. America is a nation born from immigrants, which makes each one of us equal in that respect. Yet, one of the greatest problems currently troubling our nation rests on how to deal with our borders. The answer lies beyond restricting and deporting the illegal immigrants that do more to help our country than harm it. Illegal Immigrants come to the U.S. for better opportunities economically, they hope for bigger and brighter futures which cannot be taken away by a wall or a border, as revealed through data and statistics as well as economic reports and history. While the prospects of illegal immigration may outweigh the negative aspects, one may argue for this to be completely false. A supporter opposing illegal immigration will find that without the necessary restrictions to ensure our borders, we are in danger of facing Get more content on
  • 12. Persuasive Essay On Immigration There are around 43.3 million foreign–born people living in the United States today. Since the beginning of this country, immigrants have come to the US in search of a better life, better opportunity, or more simply put: the American Dream. Attitudes toward immigration throughout this time have been mostly up and down until the new Trump administration. Throughout his campaign, one of Donald Trump's main promises was the idea of cracking down on illegal and even legal immigration. Since he has taken office, Trump has attempted to ban people from certain countries from entering the United States; to use billions of tax dollars to build a border wall; and even to destroy programs like DACA from helping immigrant students. Extreme vetting and general discriminations on immigration in America contradict the basic ethics and ideals on which it was founded and should be repealed in order to allow immigrants to help the US economy as much as they can. Despite what many Americans believe, allowing people from other countries to come into the US and work can actually be beneficial for America. In Sean Hackbarth's article "How America's Immigration System Failed and Why We Need to Fix It", he says we need immigrants because, "Ten thousand baby boomers are turning 65 every day. Many of them are retiring and leaving the workforce". These retirements will leave job openings behind, which will compensate for the migrants landing jobs. The immigrants that come to America for work are not Get more content on
  • 13. Persuasive Essay On Immigration Immigration in the United states is getting worse and better. Yes, we get people to work at jobs. But also people are coming here to live but they are illegal. Illegals come here with no green card or no citizenship. People work hard to be citizens and to be free. But some people abuse that and do not follow the rules of a different question. Most people say Immigration is good and illegals should be here because they are human like us and want to be free. But people who work hard and took a test and studied to be a citizen are most likely going to be mad. Like some people don't like immigration. But give it a shot but people have to go thru a test instead of coming here illegally. Also some illegal immigration bring in drugs and guns and also gangs. It has become a problem and is growing rapidly. Let's put a stop to illegal more content... They need to check cars and under cars. They need to make sure they are safe to come in. Also need to ramp up the walls and make them higher, because people are going thru them and are going around them. The walls now are pieces of wood sticking straight up in the air with a big gap. People climb in and go thru it. Making towns and building farther from the wall. We can have so many jobs and border patrol. We would make more resources and make more protection. Less crime in the south. Less drug trafficking.It gives people many jobs, like building it will give jobs, border checking will get jobs. People who search the cars. People who are police that will protect the other's when stuff goes down and reason to protect and serve the nation. It will also guarantee to lower the drug smuggling. This will be greatly benefited because we can make more building down there without knowing if someone with a gun crossed the border and is going to hurt someone or they are going to ruin stuff. The Immigration test will see how many people will want to be an american Get more content on
  • 14. Persuasive Essay On Immigration In the late 1800s and early 1900's, there has been an increase on immigration in the US including from Germans to Europeans and Chinese. Recently in the US, there has been a rise on immigration coming from our neighboring country, Mexico. They cross the border knowing the risks but all they have in mind are the new opportunities and better way of life. Immigration is such a heated and controversial topic in the US but it's something that we have to address. Even politicians and artists, such as former president Barack Obama, have been helping out legal and illegal immigrants on their behalf and have been raising their voice. Immigrants are an essential part to the US and should have the opportunity to stay here in the United States without fear of being deported. They come here for a better education, a better way of living, and help boost up the country's economy. The United States is the nation power country worldwide. It holds the bet economic and military power. Furthermore, what makes immigrants come into the US is because of its educational opportunities that they can't find in their native country. There is the government program that former president Barack Obama signed on 2012. Deferred action for childhood arrivals or most known as DACA is an American immigration policy that allows for minors who have entered the country illegally to have the same opportunities as US citizens. It allows for them to have jobs, have equal and raised wages and most importantly education. "Sixty–five percent said that, after DACA, they pursued educational opportunities they previously couldn't. Forty–five percent are currently in school" Francie Diep exclaimed in his article, How DACA Helped Immigrants Get More Education and Higher–Paying Jobs. Such record show that DACA recipients are taking advantage of the opportunities given to succeed in the United States. Immigrants should have the same education opportunities as US citizens. They'll have the opportunity to become someone revolutionary despite being an illegal immigrant. There is nothing more relieving than escaping a complicated life and starting a new and improved one. All they want is a better lifestyle for them and their future family. Lately, violence in Get more content on
  • 15. Immigration Persuasive Essay Keep the Borders Open 43.6 million immigrants reside in the United States(Unauthorized Immigrants in the U.S.). They make up 13.5% of America's population, a statistic that cannot be overlooked(Immigration). Recently, with the addition of President Donald Trump to the government, there has been an increasing amount of debate regarding immigration and America's policies on it. President Trump used his slogan "Build the Wall" as one of his motivators for his presidential campaign, he wants to separate Mexico and the US through a wall. A wall should not be put up, it goes against the opportunistic America that it has been striving to be since its creation: the pursuit of happiness. America originated from immigrants. People came over from England to America for religious purposes, the only non–immigrants in America are Native Americans and even for most of them immigrant blood runs through their veins. For a long time, America has been a place of refuge for those wanting to leave their country;some leave because their countries are unsafe and some leave pursuing a better life for themselves or their families. Either way, immigration has become a staple of American culture, it is a "melting pot" of different cultures and races. Nowadays, people are claiming that we allow too much immigration, and the illegal immigration at a very high point, and more regulations keep being added. The Constitution says that our basic rights are "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness", Get more content on
  • 16. Immigration Persuasive Essay On the other hand, Immigration has been and will remain as a huge debate. It is expected to hear different opinions, see Americans react, look at things, and judge things differently, and have different minds, especially when you live in such a country like the United States of America. The social country is what it should be called due to its immigration and having people come here from all over the world. Yet, even today, we still observe different ways of thinking about immigration. Should some countries be banned! And some people departed! Haas and Frezzo emphasized that economic, social and cultural rights need to be addressed further to ensure human development now we will take a close look at migration, one of the very important topics when we talk about rights is right to live simply because nobody decides where to be born so people migrate, but today our society favors some groups over the others. With all my honesty and humanity, I even support illegal immigration, but as an educated, civilized, and an open–minded person, I understand why might someone NOT support illegal immigration, and I don't blame this way of thinking. With all my respect and based on what I know, I believe that Haiti has the biggest rate with illegal immigration to the United States of America. Most people who don't support illegal immigration use the Caribbean as their great example, why? Because, well, one they don't pay taxes, two we know nothing about them, and third, they could honestly be criminals escaping and that is of course expected to come from any country in the world not just poor countries. What's the problem with not paying taxes? Two reasons. One, it is honestly not fair for someone to be busting their ass working all day (like me and you) and getting ripped paying taxes at the end of the year, while someone else who is not even a legal resident is just having fun putting all the money he makes in his pocket. Kind of not fair right!! This is a country of one law and everyone should be treated equally under one government, when you're not paying your taxes whether you making more or less money. As I said I support illegal immigration, but let's be clear on why most people don't. The issue here with not paying Get more content on
  • 17. Persuasive Essay On Immigration Immigration has become a "hot topic" in this nation ever since President Donald Trump has called to action an immigration reform that will disband the Deferred Action of Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and the DREAM act. The immigration policy was created during the Obama Administration to allow minors who entered the country illegal to be able to work and deferred their deportation for a renewable two year period. Trump Administration's goal is to terminate it in order to save on this year's spending bill that has to be passed by December 22, 2017. It's also believe that immigration shouldn't be award to live in this country illegally and should follow the legal pathway of becoming a citizen. The Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act is essential the same thing has the DACA program were it allows illegal immigrants who entered the country has minors get work permits, drivers licenses, and even social security numbers; however, it was a six year pathway for illegal immigrants under 35 to obtain a green card then eventually become a United States citizen. Signed in 2010, the DREAM act failed because it always immigrants to gain citizen if they've been in the country for five consecutive years, have a clean record, or/and purse education or military services. Essentially the act was setup to fail because illegal immigrants were arrested and deported for being illegal immigrants in states especially in Arizona, Texas, and New Mexico which prevented Get more content on
  • 18. Persuasive Essay Immigration Throughout this day in age, the topic of immigration is in the forefront of issues in today's society having two different point–of–views and many opinions to go along. I agree with Kinsley's overall opinion that the United States has no obligation to be fair and take more immigrants in under their wing than they can handle and give support financially if needed. During this essay, I will be focusing on the topic of immigration including benefits and receiving education in the United States and will discuss my expectations I have when traveling to a foreign country. The United States has many immigrants who are legal citizens from across the globe. On the other hand, many are illegal while still receiving benefits from the country more content... When traveling, I expect to ultimately be treated with respect however, before traveling, I have the understanding that I am guest in their country and I need to omit respect for their culture and beliefs. Further, when I travel and no matter how much I enjoy a country, I do not expect to be a legal citizen if I so take it upon myself to stay permanently or have an anchor baby. I would apply for citizenship and go through the proper way to gain legality in that country. Although it causes great economic cost for the Untied States to continue to take in immigrants, I believe the biggest benefit of immigration is that it has had an overall positive affect on the United States workforce and technology. It creates a positive, competitive work atmosphere that can been seen all around the country. While many argue that immigration has negative affect on the United States future, Rosenbaum stated static in his article. " In the long term, allowing these immigrants improved access to higher education is likely to improve their contributions to our society and reduce the burdens they place on it. It will only aid us to help those who are willing and eager to improve their own situations to do so." (Rosenbaum 231). This is a perfect example to why the Untied States should continue to allow legal immigration in the Untied States. Rosenbaum's article changes my perceptive although Get more content on
  • 19. Persuasive Essay About Immigration Immigration can be seen as an important role to maintain diversity and a steady economy in many countries, including the United States. However, while people are trying to immigrate to locations where they would get better opportunities for themselves and their families, they are instead being greeted by death or closed doors, caused by awful conditions when trying to cross the border or the inability to gain access to a country with better opportunities. Immigrants are forced to cross illegally to improve their and their family's lives due to the difficulty of attaining citizenship or visa; millions of families have been separated and they have to live not knowing what has happened to their loved ones. The trauma of an incident like this can impact someone's life forever, and in order to ensure people's safety and wellbeing, everyone should have a real chance to gain citizenship, disregarding their country of origin. The path to citizenship should be made easier and more inclusive so that people who are searching for opportunities are given the chance to improve their lives. The United States has always received copious amounts of immigrants because of the amount of opportunities that are presented to the newcomers. Since the 1990s, there has been a significant increase of foreigners and jobs due to the immigrants who "made up approximately half of the ... job growth" (Freeman). Push factors like economic or religious issues and pull factors like new jobs or more money make new countries more appealing to people looking for more opportunities. This job increase mentioned by Freeman is because of the want to improve the lives of families in bad situations since the money immigrants make here is more than the amount they would make in their home country. Specifically in Mexico, Hilda Irene Loureiro runs a shelter to aid people who are trying to cross the border and she stated that immigrants try to cross because "they lack economic opportunities in Mexico and they lack the education and (job) skills to get ahead" (Morales). Since people born in America are usually well educated from opportunities like public school and community college, there is a lack of people who want to do lower class jobs. However, a Get more content on
  • 20. Persuasive Essay On Immigration As defined by Merriam–Webster, An immigrant is "a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence." Immigrants are different threads of the intricate, diverse fabric of America and have necessary and essential political, agricultural, social and economic effects that course through the United States like electrical currents, powering the country. As a result of this, in order for our country to prosper, immigration cannot be completely banned, but it cannot be allowed without limitations. Laws on immigration in the U.S. have continued to be a controversial issue, causing political dissent within families, friends and even our own White House. Many arguments have been made that immigrants are not essential to the country, and are the main cause of violence, theft, and the drug market. Our own president has encouraged and propagated this idea, asking for a physical wall to disallow any illegal immigration. Actor and former politician Timothy Murphy also said, "Illegal immigration is crisis our country. It is an open door for drugs, criminals, and potential terrorists to enter our country. It is straining our economy, adding costs to our judicial, healthcare, and education systems." There are many fallacies and insufficiencies to these arguments. Primarily, Murphy is assuming that all people who attempt to immigrate to America intend to commit acts of violence or sell illegal drugs. This assumption does not account for all of the innocent families fleeing to Get more content on