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Persuasive Essay On Cyber Bullying
In today's time kids these days are using the internet more than ever. They view the web and even more so the technology it can bring to our
handheld devices, laptops and tv as positive aspects of our daily lives. The internet and our smart phones systems are the two biggest source of
communication which plays a major role in our daily life. On the side note, these technologies are also often used negatively by other people. Many
children are the targets of bullying specially during grade school up to high school via social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or websites
like YouTube which can lead to in a life–threatening situation. Sometimes children are not able to understand that what they are doing to their friends
or classmates is a form of bullying. As a result, the image of safe or playful environment of the internet is now becoming a source of conflict, anxiety,
fear, depression and low self–esteem of our kids today.
For myself, I experienced this as well when I'm still growing up. Some days I wonder about why this is happening to myself and to others that should
have not happen to me and to them so I decided that I want to look into the reasons behind cyber–bullying. Is there any way for cyber–bullying to be
prevented or to be stopped?
In this essay, I'm going to look into cyber–bullying by defining what it is, report incidents about it and show the research, findings and statistics of how
bad it is in our country. Through my research I'm going to provide
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Argumentative Essay On Cyber Bullying
In this day and age, people are glued to their electronic devices. This fixation on iPads, cell phones, computers, etc. starts at a very young age. The
use of social media such as Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Tumblr, Reddit, and Twitter has made headlines with cyberbullying in schools.
Cyberbullying happens everyday, everywhere, to people of all ages and walks of life. Schools are working very hard to inform students and their
families on this subject matter. Due to the overuse of electronic devices and social media, cyberbullying has become a nation wide issue and parents
and educators are responsible to educate and spread the word on preventing such heinous acts. As a substitute teacher, I see how technology plays a
huge part more content...
Cyberbullying and technology go hand in hand. As one progresses, so does the other. Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Tumblr, Reddit and Twitter
are some of, if not, the top social media platforms in today's digital world. The use of social media has made it easy for cyberbullies to target their
victims. MTV's "Catfish", revolves around people making fake social media profiles. Anyone can hide behind a screen and pretend to be a someone
they are not. Sadly, this is especially true in the LGBT community. "Although social networking can help kids feel like part of the pack, it can be a
double–edged sword, particularly for many isolated young lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) teens" (Whelan, 2011). The use of the
social media ranges from pre–teens through adulthood. In Debra Wheelman's "The Bully in the Backpack" (2011), she says: "A whopping 73 percent
of 12– to 17–year–olds use Facebook and Myspace...Combine these stats with the ease with which kids can hide behind a computer screen and hurl
insults and you have the ideal breeding ground for some serious digital damage." Kids on social media need to be monitored more closely and be
advised that if they feel they are being bullied, tell someone. It is important for parents and schools to work together to educate students on
cyberbullying and the damage that it causes. The prevention of cyberbullying is such a serious topic of discussion, that
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Cyber Bullying Essay example
Social Networking has taken bullying to the extreme. Before advanced technology, children and teenagers were troubled by school bullies. Today,
they are targeted by bullies via internet. Most people undergo some form of bullying in life. Growing up, I experienced the typical name calling and
spiteful comments. I also dealt with minor cases of virtual bullies. These bullies are known as cyber bullies. I find this topic compelling because it's a
matter that has spiraled out of control. "Cyber bullying is defined as using the computer or other electronic devices to intimidate, threaten or humiliate
another individual," Admin October 13th, 2008. As the
Hartman 2 internet continues growing more popular with the youth, so do more content...
This makes the bully feel more powerful.
Hartman 3
There's not a legitimate reason for cyber bullying. Many perpetrators bully just to get a reaction. It's common for them to bully another just to boost
their ego. It makes the tormentor feel in charge. Some may think it's humorous to tease and make fun of others and that it's not harmful in any way.
The reality is being bullied can cause many problems for children and teenagers.
Many negative effects are outcomes of cyber bullies. The impact cyber bullying has on kids is detrimental. Victims can develop psychological
problems. For example, victims begin having anxiety, lower self–esteem, and frustration. They may also be diagnosed with depression. It's tough to
ignore cyber bullying. Compared to school bullies, internet bullies cause their victim more emotional pain. Children and teenagers are able to escape
school bullies when they return home. However targets of cyber bullying don't have that advantage.
There is no argument as to if cyber bullying is good or bad. However is social networking to blame? Or is lack of parent monitoring the problem? It's
true that adolescents are often given too much technology independence. I believe parents should fully acknowledge what websites their children are
visiting and what they are posting. On the contrary, I feel there is no excuse for child or teenager to feel the urge to emotionally attack
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Social Media and Cyberbullying Essay
Facebook and other social media platforms have brought communication across the world to a whole new level. The rise of social media has created a
place for children to communicate with others in both a positive and negative manner. Although it has made a positive impact on American youth, it
has also contributed and exacerbated bullying in our schools. This new form of bullying, often referred to as cyberbullying, has created an
around–the–clock atmosphere where bullying can occur even when school is not in session. Many professionals have sought to address the negative
aspects of social media and have worked to develop a solution to bring cyberbullying to an end. Besides cyberbullying, there are many other negative
outcomes more content...
While cyberbullying affects each child differently, there has been a clear correlation between victims and non–victims and their self–esteem. In one
study, bullied victims had less self–esteem than those who were not bullied online. Additionally, it was reported that victims of cyberbullying were
thirty percent more likely to think about committing suicide (Cyberbullying Research Center, 2012). With the lack of parent supervision, it was
found that those who spent more than three hours per school day on social networks were 110% more at risk to be a cyberbully victim as compared
those who do not spend as much time online (Gilkerson, 2012). What may be worse is the fact that majority of those bullied online do not tell their
parents or an adult about what occurred. Despite the fact that most adolescents state that bullying occurs more offline then online, cyberbullying is still
a real and large threat to the youth of America (Lenhart, 2007). While social media and electronic means for communication have been around the
better part of fifteen years, the past ten years have overall shown increases in cyberbullying. Although bullying in general over the past decade has
been at a consistent rate, or in some cases even declining, cyberbullying on the average has been rising over the past decade. Statistics regarding
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Essay On Cyberbullying
Cyberbullying is defined as the repeated use of technology to harass, humiliate, and threaten others. Cyberbullying has become the new way to bully
others because teenagers have access to their social media, cell phones, and internet anywhere and at any time. Even though traditional bullying has
occurred for years, researchers and school officials are still searching for solutions to solve the new form of bullying known as cyberbullying. Since
cyberbullying is anonymous a solution to the problem is harder to find and the bullies do not have to pay for their actions because they never get
caught. In many ways, cyberbullying is worse than traditional bullying because cyberbullying infiltrates every part of a victim's life and can cause more content...
In contrast, twelve percent said that they have experienced or taken part in traditional bullying; however, of those at least ninety–five percent said it
was meant to be a joke (Duverge). Cyberbullying is affecting more people each day and is becoming even more vicious the longer researchers are
trying to find a solution. One–third to one–half of teenagers have been targeted or been a victim of cyberbullying. Teenagers involved have
experienced everything from a decline in academic performance all the way to committing suicide (Holladay, pg. 5). Although traditional bullying is
slowing down because of the increase in cyberbullying, some teenagers still resort to bullying each other face–to–face. Studies show that boys are more
likely to bully in person; however, girls are more likely to bully online. Girls use labels such as slut, whore, etc. during their cyberbullying attacks
while boys mostly make fun of each other's appearances and accuse one another of being gay or too fashionable (Holladay, pg.6). A majority of
cyberbullying begins when one person's desire for confidence and/or power becomes too strong.
Not only can cyberbullying be done 24/7 and can be done anywhere but everything a teen does is now done online. The content an individual shares
online– including personal, negative, mean or hurtful content–creates a permanent record of their views, activities, and behaviors ( "What is
Cyberbullying"). Social media is
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Essay about Cyber Bullying
We've all heard the saying "stick and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me." Sure words don't hurt physically, but to those who
have been or are currently victims of cyber bullying words can be the difference between life and death. "Words hurt, and they hurt much more when
repeated in the echo chamber of the Internet." (Rep. Linda Sanchez via There are at least 4 examples in the United States where cyber–
bullying has been linked to the suicide of a teenager [1].
What is Cyber Bullying?
Cyber bullying is defined as "bullying through information and communication technologies, mediums such as mobile phone text messages, emails,
phone calls, internet chat rooms, instant messaging, and more content...
Many students may not inform their friend or parents that they are being cyber bullied for fear of increased bullying or embarrassment. No longer
can parents rely on the usual signs of bullying (I.e. black eye, bloody lip, torn clothes) but the damage done by cyber bullies is no less real, and can
be more painful (
Surveys and Statistics
According to the National Crime Prevention Council, cyber bullying is a problem that affects almost half of all American teens.
In a September 2004 survey of 1,500 students between grades 4–8 by it was reported that 42 percent of kids said they have been bullied while
online. One in four have had it happen more than once. 35% of kids have been threatened online. Nearly one in five have had it happen more than
once. 21% of kids have received mean or threatening e–mails or other messages. 58 percent of kids admit that someone has said mean or hurtful things
to them online. More than four out of ten say it happened more once. Fifty–three percent of kids admit having said something meant or hurtful to
another person online. More than one in three have done it more than once. 58% of kids have not told their parents or an adult about something mean
or hurtful that happened to them online.
The following statistics are from
The Cyberbullying Research Center reported that over 80% of teens use a cell phone regularly, making it the most popular form of
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Argumentative Essay On Cyberbullying
Cyberbullying is an alarming issue that is currently affecting children of all ages around the world. Due to the development of our technology today,
cyberbullying has become one of the most difficult issues to deal with in our society. Cyberbullying is when someone uses technology to bully a
person, in many cases by sending messages in a threatening nature, and there are many different kinds of cyberbullying in today's world, such as;
exclusion, impersonation, trickery, flaming, harassment, and cyberstalking (Bauman 23). The scariest part of cyberbullying is that it can takes place
on nearly any social media site. Examples of cyberbullying include, but not limited to; mean text messages or emails, or posted on social networking
sites, and embarrassing pictures. The "Cyberbullying Resources" article stated that, "Nearly 43% of kids have been cyber bullied online and one in
four has had it happen more than once." At the end of the day,bullying should be taken more seriously and be considered a criminal offense.
Though the real question is, why exactly are these kids cyberbullying. Most of the time, a child cyberbullies because of the power it makes them
feel. For some kids, bullying might be the first time they are feeling this sense of power, which is why it get so out of hand. Also, why someone
turns to bullying is due to how it can be anonymous on many social media sites, and unfortunately, because of this it is sometimes easy to get away
with. It is really hard for
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Should Cyberbullying Be a Crime? Essay examples
'Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me' (The Christian Recorder). This is the infamous saying that many have heard
since they were young. With vastly growing technology today, face to face bullying is being replaced with what is known as 'cyberbullying'.
Cyberbullying is defined as, "an aggressive intentional act carried out by a group or individual using electronic forms of contact repeatedly and over
against a victim who cannot easily defend him or herself" (WebMD). It can take place using cell phones, computers, tablets, social media sites, text
messaging, and/or chat rooms. Cyberbullying has become a growing awareness nationwide, prompting lawmakers to act and propose new laws making
cyberbullying more content...
"Several states across the United States have been continuously adding cyberbullying on top of harassment laws that have already been in place"
(National Conference of State Legislatures). The crackdown on cyberbullying has become a big priority for many lawmakers nationwide. New
laws will give power to school officials and prosecutors to make decisions based on the severity of the situation. A school official will have the
ability to suspend or expel the bully, while a prosecutor will have the ability to fine the bully and/or up to one year of imprisonment. In the state of
Maryland as of October 1, 2013, 'Grace's Law', was passed. This law states that, "It prohibits a person from using an "interactive computer service
to maliciously engage in a course of conduct that inflicts serious emotional distress on a minor or places a minor in a reasonable fear of death or
serious bodily injury. Violators who are guilty of a misdemeanor are punishable by imprisonment for up to one year and/or $500 maximum fine"
(General Assembly of Maryland). 'Grace's Law' was proposed after 15 year old Grace McComas committed suicide in April of 2012, after relentlessly
being cyber bullied over Twitter, Facebook, and Email. Seeing cyberbullying laws being passed by states makes it more comforting for victims of
cyberbullying because he/she knows that their bully will one day be held liable for their vile behaviors.
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Persuasive Essay On Cyberbullying
Bullying is a common thing in school millions of kids are bullied everyday at school and no one really knows.And bullying can hurt someone really
bad by physically,verbally,emotionally,or sexually and more.When a bully is bullying somebody they call them names or try to fight them and make
them feel hurt and bad but if you're being bullied just ignore the bully and act brave and that your not scared and that you don't care about them and
act like they are not there.And always try to stay with a friend or a little group so that your friends can help you and make sure the bully doesn't try to
do anything or just tell an adult and they can help you with the bully.Bullying can make you suffer from physical ailments like stomach aches and
more.Technology can make bullying worse because when you post something bad about someone everyone can see it because it's online and if that
happens to you just save the things the bully post about you because you can use it as evidence and get the bully back, but most times when a bully is
bullying someone is because that bully wants to feel empowered and manipulate people or that bully might have been bullied before so they bully
other people.
Cyberbullying can happen in many different ways like posting bad things about someone online,sending bad messages to someone,treating
someone,non stop texting the person bad things,and posting pictures or videos about that person that the person might not want to be seen by
others and it might be bad about them.cyberbullying can be really bad because the person that is being bullied can feel really bad and sad and
embarrassed because the things that the bully is posting might be bad and everyone can see it and people can spread rumors about that person
because most people are not going to help the person being bullied or know that the person is being bullied they going to think its funny. If you are
being bullied online you can save the messages and pictures and videos that the bully post because you can use it to get the bully back for what they
did and the bully can face serious consequences, like getting kicked off the sport team or suspended from school or face legal punishments. If a bully
or a person is sexting you i think it's not
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Essay about The Effects of Cyber Bullying
Cyberbullying is defined as deliberately attempting to upset someone; cyberbullying can happen via a number numerous ways. With all different
forms of social media, whether it be Twitter, Facebook, or even, Instagram, cyberbullying can occur. Bullying effects our communities. Kids that are
bullied appear likely to experience anxiety, depression, loneliness, unhappiness, and sleep deprivation. Yet, while the victim might appear passive, it
stands imperative that the parent may not. When a parent takes part in his or her child's social media, it makes it harder for his or her child to be made
fun of because their parents watch over them. A parent can stand as the ultimate counselor a child needs when getting bullied. Real
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Power–hungry people do it to torment others and social popularity. Revenge of the nerd may start out as defending themself from traditional
bullying only to find that he or she enjoys being the tough guy. Mean girls do it to help bolster, or remind people, of their own social standing.
Some think they are justifying the wrong and standing up for others. In general, cyberbullies have their own motives on why they are involved in
cyberbullying. Some of their intentions have been identified as anonymity, power, attention, retaliation, boredom, jealousy, and the pleasure of
inflicting pain. Numerous people who participate in cyber bullying do it to make themselves feel better. Bullies tend to have much insecurity, but
they hide them through insulting others. There are many ways to overcome cyberbullying. He, or she, may just want to click "delete" on every
hateful email, text, or IM. However, this may not appear as the right motive because there may come a time when this bully needs to get reported,
and he or she will need all the evidence right there in front of him or her. To prevent bullying one must save and print each and every mean thing they
send. The day will come, when he or she will need this evidence. If the person receives a "bully" message, never get more involved than needed.
Replying to that hurtful comment will only worsen the problem. When all else fails, get others involved. Let Parents or teachers know about the
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Argumentative Essay On Cyber Bullying
Bullying has always been a prevalent issue among society, especially within adolescence. However, cyberbullying in specific, is becoming more intense
and harmful as the use technology increases. Unfortunately, bullies target those who are different among society, such as individuals who are different
in race, religion, language, and sexual orientation. Bullying is no longer stemmed from school and left there, kids are bringing these unnecessary things
home with them through the use of social media. These behaviors from bullies are preventing the victims to exceed their full potential in school,
extra–circular activities, and being who they are in general. Now that most individuals use social media, they are able to see who is more
Someone like myself would say to just block them or report their account, however I've never been bullied through social media. Due to issues like
this, I personally do not have social media nor do I care to use it. Cyberbullying is not only within the youth, but it is also within colleges and
universities. Many would say that this is "high school behavior" or "he said, she said behavior", but this is reality of technology. In high school there
were signs all over the hallways reminding students that the facility was a "zero tolerance for bullying zone," however many students thought they
could by pass this through social media. I thought coming to college, this type of behavior would be left in high school and middle school, however it
is still present. Unfortunately, not only does this bullying exceed to college, but it also extends into the real world. After taking a nursing course this
year, I learned that bullying also exists within nursing, which is known as "lateral violence." As young adults, no one would ever think that college
students would need to be monitored just as much as children needed to be. "These findings highlight the possibility that lack of confidence and
misperceptions may be affecting educators' ability and likelihood to handle incidents of cyberbullying among students within higher education" (Luker
& Curchack
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Cyber Bullying : Bullying And Bullying Essay
Madyson Pierce
Mrs. Gallos
English 3
Research Paper
Cyber Bullying
Social media is fun and keeps people up with latest news in Hollywood but can also be threatening to some. Cyber Bullying is harassment of an
individual using websites or through text messaging. Cyber Bullying is one of the forms of bullying but it is not physical violence even if it can lead to
it. One hundred and sixty thousand students a day stay at home because of the risk for bullying and thirty percent of students are involved with
There are many effects that follow cyberbullying like depression, wanting to make themselves unnoticable, not wanting to go to school, and worse
things like suicidal thoughts, attempts, or even suicide itself. Everyone is affected by cyberbullying, the bully, the person being bullied, and the
witnesses around. Cyberbullying can lead into or cause physical bullying, or in person bullying. A lot of the times the people doing the bullying
have been bullied themselves and is seeking "revenge" even if it's not to the person who bullied them. In all cases, the victim and the bully both
need counseling to help them get through things. Cyberbullying can lead to depression which can lead to drug and alcohol abuse. The user, who
would also be the victim of the bullying, abuses drugs and alcohol to "get away" from the problem. People also abuse drugs and alcohol to try and
"fit in" with the crowd. By doing this, they seem "cool" and more people will want to hang out
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Persuasive Essay On Cyberbullying
Recently in this world, action figures and Polly Pockets have been replaced for Playstations and smartphones. Even though our society continues to
worry about the many toy hazards and lead based paints, the younger generation's addiction for technology is applicable to open them up to an
abundant of hidden dangers. Comparable to stepping on Legos in the night, parents can be caught off guard when it comes to children and automated
social sites. One major concern that technology brings to our society is cyberbullying. "With 99 percent of children in grades 4 through 11 in Canada
using the Internet, it is important to determine the risk of cyberbullying" (Beran et al. 1). With technology growing exponentially everyday,
cyberbullying has become a major issue with our youth. Research shows that parents, teachers, and schools are able to reduce the amount of
cyberbullying that occurs by taking action directed at this problem.
One key area parents and educators need to focus on is the pervasiveness of cyberbullying. Gable, Van Acker, and Snakenborg mention how some
schools have made an effort to try and put a stop to cyberbullying by stating, "A Prevention Curriculum is an eight–session curriculum designed for
students in Grades" (92). Although, throughout the past couple years, schools have encouraged nationwide discussions about cyberbullying, the
overwhelming reality has shown little to no improvement when it comes to children and digital aggression. Cyberbullying can be very harmful to the
youth. It can lead to depression, anxiety and sometimes even suicide. Once something is publicized on the internet, it will never vanish and can even
reappear at times renewing the pain of cyberbullying. Today, many bullies are refraining from physicalbullying, but instead are choosing to bully using
Snapchat, Facebook, instant messaging, and other online modes of communication. Although cyber bullying does not have the same obvious signs that
physical bullying has, it can be as damaging or more in the long term.
It is hard for parents to protect children if they do not understand the problem at hand with cyberbullying. Parents and guardians should be the ones their
kids run to when something is wrong. However,
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Persuasive Essay On Cyberbullying
Picture a teenager sitting on their bed, crying. Their smartphone lays beside them, displaying a picture of them wearing a colorful hat with two thumbs
up, smiling. The phone buzzes violently with nasty notifications: other people enjoy the hat far less and have no fear showing it. Many people want to
stop cyberbullying like this, the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening
nature. Cyberbullying, similar to other types of bullying, takes place online, usually through text messages or social media and hurts other people's
feelings. Bullying in any form leads to some real problems in the victims, so fixing this problem at the source serves as the only viable
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Just like any other bullying, victims can experience anxiety, fear, depression and lowself–esteem. They may also experience physical symptoms and
struggle academically. Victims can feel overwhelmed, vulnerable and powerless, exposed and humiliated, dissatisfied with themselves, angry and
vengeful, disinterested in life, alone and isolated, disinterested in school, anxious and depressed, ill or even suicidal. Everyone agrees about the
negatives of cyberbullying and how terrible they appear. So how do you solve this huge problem? First, analyze the source of cyberbullying. Free
speech, a fundamental belief in the modern world and on the internet, remains the top priority no matter what happens. Cyberbullies simply express
themselves in a more violent way. That means the problem must reside with the so–called "victims" of cyberbullying. What can a victim do against
cyberbullying? Turn off the monitor. Simple to do, a button, specifically designed for this, awaits your press. Not a monitor? Just turn off the screen
somehow. Phones have lock buttons and laptops close. Just like in the real world, walk away from whatever bothers you. Feelings should not impede on
freedom of speech. Because free speech covers cyberbullying, bullying online does not exist. Think about it: you can separate yourself from the bullies
online because you can stop the tool used for interacting with them. People online do no physical damage to the victims, i.e. punching or kicking or
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Essay about Dealing with Cyberbullying
Cyberbullying is bullying that uses technology such as the internet or mobile phones. Cyberbullying does not necessarily take place on school grounds,
but harmful effects are experienced by victims of cyber bullying in schools. There a number of technological tools that cyber bullies use such as
internet, email, social networking sites, and mobile phones. There are also a number of prevention strategies that school counselors, school personnel,
students, and parents can adopt to help prevent cyber bullying.
Bullying is an aggressive behavior that involves repeated unwanted negative actions toward an individual by one or more individuals and involves an
imbalance of power or strength. Cyber bullying is a type of bullying that more content...
Exclusion is when a person intentionally and cruelly excludes someone from an online group and the last form of cyber bullying is cyberstalking which
is repeated and intense harassment or denigration that includes threats and creates significant fear (Willard, n.d.).
Bullying is now easier then before with technology like email, social networks, cell phones and chat rooms. Cyber bullying is becoming more
common as individuals are using technology more in their daily lives (Bullying, n.d.). Traditional bullying and cyber bullying involves behaviors that
are aggressive and repetitive. Traditional bullying can involve physical harm to an individual while cyber bullying does not include any harmful
physical actions toward an individual.
The use of technology allows bullying to be viewed over and over again and can be viewed all over the world. Traditional bullying power imbalance
usually involves an older, bigger, stronger, or more popular student that picks on a weaker, younger, smaller, or less popular student while cyber
bullying power imbalance usually involves the ability to reach an audience from all over the world and humiliate, cause fear, and destroy the
reputation of another individual from a computer or a cell phone.
The bully in
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Cyber Bullying Essay
Adam Grabenhorst
Mrs. Dressler
English 2
15 January 2012
Cyber Bullying Peer to peer bulling is nothing new. It has been going on for generation after generation. However the times have now changed since
new technology has made it possible for peers to bully one another without even having to be face to face. This form of bullying is called "Cyber
Bullying". Teens turn fun, needed devices into "weapons" through the use of social networking websites, chat rooms and text messaging and there are
even more ways possible, and through this they call each other names, belittle, and threaten kids to in some serious cases, the point of suicide. I believe
it's important to be educated about Cyber Bullying because it will help prevent more content...
Most cyber bullies just don't know what it does to the victim on the other side.
Educating victims about cyber bullying is one of the most important of all. The victims need to learn that it is OK to report a cyber bullying, it
won't stop any other way, unless the bully gets bored which usually, is never the case. After a amount of time of getting bullied the victims
confidence goes down, along with self esteem, and questions come up on, why am I alone? Victims are never alone, there will always be an adult
that can help you. So far there have been around 13 million suicides cause by cyber bullying, if you thought one was too many, well try 13 million.
The Cyber Bully Research Center reports that; almost every case of the suicides in of teens and adolescents thinking there is no way out, they are
completely alone, and there is nothing to do about it. Well they can do something about it but even yet, Fewer than 1 in 5 cyber bullying incidents are
reported to law enforcement, and 58% of teens never even tell their parents anything about the situation.
It is very important to be educated about cyber bullying because of all of the good that comes from understanding all that goes on. People being
educated will save lives, help victims lives improve ten fold, it shows the bullies just what they are doing to the victims, and can prevent
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Argumentative Essay On Cyber Bullying
Avian Williams Mrs. Crenshaw ENGL 2010 18 October 2017 The idea of cyberbullying is truly frightening, and the arrival of modern technology
and the rise of social network make it even worst. With the invention of the Internet and its mass commercial use, some people might not have
foreseen the issue of "cyberbullying" and how harmful it can really be. Cyberbullying is a real phenomenon that has been present for some time.
Cyberbullying is defined as the use of the Internet and technology to purposely harm another person in a hostile way. Cyberbullying has become a hot
topic in our media lately and researchers have been looking more into this realm ever since it started to grow rapidly. There have been numerous
stories in the media more content...
It is true that cyberbullying can occur in variety of ways especially with the high increase in online activity that these teens have access to. As a matter
of fact, "the electronic venue, has evolved in which youth of all ages spend a considerable portion of their days interacting and dialoguing in
cyberspace, where the language has changed and adapted to net–speak, identities can be protected, and personalities changed, and youth are faced with
new and almost limitless liberties to interact and role–play" (Cassidy 384). I believe that because cyberbullying occurs through these different devices
makes it easier for these teens to target their victims and can conceal their identities most of the time. In our school system today, teens have access
to multiple devices. This is a big aspect of why there is such a huge problem because these teens have so many accessible form of electronic
communication devices and it creates more possibility for it to occur in school. Teens are always connected or wired, and communicate in ways that are
often unknown by adults and away from their supervision, which make it hard for school administration or parents to control or prevent the nature of
this problem. Keith and Martin states that "Safety Violence Specialist at
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Persuasive Essay On Cyber Bullying
It is said that cyberbullying is the third killer of teens in America and approximately 4,400 commit suicide each year due to it (Bullying and Suicide).
Cyberbullying has become a major issue with teens in today's society. Sameer Hinduja stated "95% of teens in the US are online, and three–fourths
(74%) access the Internet on their mobile device." This dreadful form of bullying has not only taken effect on teens inside of school, but follows them
outside as well, with the use of social media, cellphones, and computers. Although many believe that school officials shouldn't get involved in
cyberbullying because it doesn't occur on school grounds, others feel if they were more involved, it would result in fewer teen suicides, fewer
absences and could help put a stop to cyberbullying across America. Cyberbullying continues to be an ongoing problem in which every four in ten
teenagers face and teen suicide has become a frequent outcome to cyberbullying (Bullying and Suicide). If school officials were to take control
over online harassment it would result in fewer teen suicides. Over the years cyberbullying has gotten adverse and although there are laws in many
states to protect teens, all school officials should be able to take action against this issue as well. Teens are hiding behind screens and using online
websites to bully other teens because they know they won't face a serious punishment, it gives them the confirmation to keep doing what they do.
When schools make cyberbullying unacceptable and take a stand against it, fear of the end result would encourage teens to stop, to keep out of
trouble with the school and their parents, resulting in fewer suicides. In an article written by Isabeau Doucet she explains, "on an average 160,000
kids stay home from school each year due to the fear of being targeted by a bully at school," as well as at home with social interactions. Many
people may feel schools have no control over what students can say or do online because it does not pertain to them. If school officials were to make
cyberbullying intolerable during and after school hours it could help make the victims of cyberbullying feel like they are in a safe place, making them
want to come to school, knowing
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Thesis Statement For Cyber Bullying
Thesis Statement: Cyberbullying is on the rise in Indonesia and affected everyone that
possesses on social media.
For many teenagers, social media plays a big role in their lives. Social media like Twitter,
Facebook, Instagram, Path and many more can be useful tools to keep in touch with friends
which live far away. Social media is one of the most used types of websites by teenagers. This
means it is commonly used for both good and bad purposes. Although social media can be used
in a positive way such as communicate with the other friends which is improving social skills,
however, negative effects which is cyber bullying. Bullying is when someone is being hurt either
by words or actions and has a hard time stopping what is more content...
There are many
causes for Cyberbullying to occur.
The impacts of cyber bullying for the victims can be underestimated because they are
mainly psychological and not physical. Cyber bullying in its extremes has led to the death of
several teenagers. Cyber bullying leads to depression and lack of enthusiasm for life that drives
the victim to suicide in order to escape the torment. Actually, the first step of preventing and
stopping cyber bullying starts with the individual themselves. They should respect the others and
also themselves because everyone has their human rights and no one cannot destroy it. Simple
steps like using the internet appropriately and not provoking other users are very effective in
preventing cyber bullying. Using internet as the media social is fine but trying to harm people by
spreading gossip or starting rumors and stealing someone password or hacking are bad things.
Technology is decreasing the ability for others to interact and communicate, which is
highly essential in today's world. While social media is a useful tool in our increasingly
connected world, they can also adversely affect our development and the nature of our
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Persuasive Essay On Cyber Bullying

  • 1. Persuasive Essay On Cyber Bullying In today's time kids these days are using the internet more than ever. They view the web and even more so the technology it can bring to our handheld devices, laptops and tv as positive aspects of our daily lives. The internet and our smart phones systems are the two biggest source of communication which plays a major role in our daily life. On the side note, these technologies are also often used negatively by other people. Many children are the targets of bullying specially during grade school up to high school via social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or websites like YouTube which can lead to in a life–threatening situation. Sometimes children are not able to understand that what they are doing to their friends or classmates is a form of bullying. As a result, the image of safe or playful environment of the internet is now becoming a source of conflict, anxiety, fear, depression and low self–esteem of our kids today. For myself, I experienced this as well when I'm still growing up. Some days I wonder about why this is happening to myself and to others that should have not happen to me and to them so I decided that I want to look into the reasons behind cyber–bullying. Is there any way for cyber–bullying to be prevented or to be stopped? In this essay, I'm going to look into cyber–bullying by defining what it is, report incidents about it and show the research, findings and statistics of how bad it is in our country. Through my research I'm going to provide Get more content on
  • 2. Argumentative Essay On Cyber Bullying In this day and age, people are glued to their electronic devices. This fixation on iPads, cell phones, computers, etc. starts at a very young age. The use of social media such as Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Tumblr, Reddit, and Twitter has made headlines with cyberbullying in schools. Cyberbullying happens everyday, everywhere, to people of all ages and walks of life. Schools are working very hard to inform students and their families on this subject matter. Due to the overuse of electronic devices and social media, cyberbullying has become a nation wide issue and parents and educators are responsible to educate and spread the word on preventing such heinous acts. As a substitute teacher, I see how technology plays a huge part more content... Cyberbullying and technology go hand in hand. As one progresses, so does the other. Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Tumblr, Reddit and Twitter are some of, if not, the top social media platforms in today's digital world. The use of social media has made it easy for cyberbullies to target their victims. MTV's "Catfish", revolves around people making fake social media profiles. Anyone can hide behind a screen and pretend to be a someone they are not. Sadly, this is especially true in the LGBT community. "Although social networking can help kids feel like part of the pack, it can be a double–edged sword, particularly for many isolated young lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) teens" (Whelan, 2011). The use of the social media ranges from pre–teens through adulthood. In Debra Wheelman's "The Bully in the Backpack" (2011), she says: "A whopping 73 percent of 12– to 17–year–olds use Facebook and Myspace...Combine these stats with the ease with which kids can hide behind a computer screen and hurl insults and you have the ideal breeding ground for some serious digital damage." Kids on social media need to be monitored more closely and be advised that if they feel they are being bullied, tell someone. It is important for parents and schools to work together to educate students on cyberbullying and the damage that it causes. The prevention of cyberbullying is such a serious topic of discussion, that Get more content on
  • 3. Cyber Bullying Essay example Social Networking has taken bullying to the extreme. Before advanced technology, children and teenagers were troubled by school bullies. Today, they are targeted by bullies via internet. Most people undergo some form of bullying in life. Growing up, I experienced the typical name calling and spiteful comments. I also dealt with minor cases of virtual bullies. These bullies are known as cyber bullies. I find this topic compelling because it's a matter that has spiraled out of control. "Cyber bullying is defined as using the computer or other electronic devices to intimidate, threaten or humiliate another individual," Admin October 13th, 2008. As the Hartman 2 internet continues growing more popular with the youth, so do more content... This makes the bully feel more powerful. Hartman 3 There's not a legitimate reason for cyber bullying. Many perpetrators bully just to get a reaction. It's common for them to bully another just to boost their ego. It makes the tormentor feel in charge. Some may think it's humorous to tease and make fun of others and that it's not harmful in any way. The reality is being bullied can cause many problems for children and teenagers. Many negative effects are outcomes of cyber bullies. The impact cyber bullying has on kids is detrimental. Victims can develop psychological problems. For example, victims begin having anxiety, lower self–esteem, and frustration. They may also be diagnosed with depression. It's tough to ignore cyber bullying. Compared to school bullies, internet bullies cause their victim more emotional pain. Children and teenagers are able to escape school bullies when they return home. However targets of cyber bullying don't have that advantage. There is no argument as to if cyber bullying is good or bad. However is social networking to blame? Or is lack of parent monitoring the problem? It's true that adolescents are often given too much technology independence. I believe parents should fully acknowledge what websites their children are visiting and what they are posting. On the contrary, I feel there is no excuse for child or teenager to feel the urge to emotionally attack Get more content on
  • 4. Social Media and Cyberbullying Essay Facebook and other social media platforms have brought communication across the world to a whole new level. The rise of social media has created a place for children to communicate with others in both a positive and negative manner. Although it has made a positive impact on American youth, it has also contributed and exacerbated bullying in our schools. This new form of bullying, often referred to as cyberbullying, has created an around–the–clock atmosphere where bullying can occur even when school is not in session. Many professionals have sought to address the negative aspects of social media and have worked to develop a solution to bring cyberbullying to an end. Besides cyberbullying, there are many other negative outcomes more content... While cyberbullying affects each child differently, there has been a clear correlation between victims and non–victims and their self–esteem. In one study, bullied victims had less self–esteem than those who were not bullied online. Additionally, it was reported that victims of cyberbullying were thirty percent more likely to think about committing suicide (Cyberbullying Research Center, 2012). With the lack of parent supervision, it was found that those who spent more than three hours per school day on social networks were 110% more at risk to be a cyberbully victim as compared those who do not spend as much time online (Gilkerson, 2012). What may be worse is the fact that majority of those bullied online do not tell their parents or an adult about what occurred. Despite the fact that most adolescents state that bullying occurs more offline then online, cyberbullying is still a real and large threat to the youth of America (Lenhart, 2007). While social media and electronic means for communication have been around the better part of fifteen years, the past ten years have overall shown increases in cyberbullying. Although bullying in general over the past decade has been at a consistent rate, or in some cases even declining, cyberbullying on the average has been rising over the past decade. Statistics regarding Get more content on
  • 5. Essay On Cyberbullying Cyberbullying is defined as the repeated use of technology to harass, humiliate, and threaten others. Cyberbullying has become the new way to bully others because teenagers have access to their social media, cell phones, and internet anywhere and at any time. Even though traditional bullying has occurred for years, researchers and school officials are still searching for solutions to solve the new form of bullying known as cyberbullying. Since cyberbullying is anonymous a solution to the problem is harder to find and the bullies do not have to pay for their actions because they never get caught. In many ways, cyberbullying is worse than traditional bullying because cyberbullying infiltrates every part of a victim's life and can cause more content... In contrast, twelve percent said that they have experienced or taken part in traditional bullying; however, of those at least ninety–five percent said it was meant to be a joke (Duverge). Cyberbullying is affecting more people each day and is becoming even more vicious the longer researchers are trying to find a solution. One–third to one–half of teenagers have been targeted or been a victim of cyberbullying. Teenagers involved have experienced everything from a decline in academic performance all the way to committing suicide (Holladay, pg. 5). Although traditional bullying is slowing down because of the increase in cyberbullying, some teenagers still resort to bullying each other face–to–face. Studies show that boys are more likely to bully in person; however, girls are more likely to bully online. Girls use labels such as slut, whore, etc. during their cyberbullying attacks while boys mostly make fun of each other's appearances and accuse one another of being gay or too fashionable (Holladay, pg.6). A majority of cyberbullying begins when one person's desire for confidence and/or power becomes too strong. Not only can cyberbullying be done 24/7 and can be done anywhere but everything a teen does is now done online. The content an individual shares online– including personal, negative, mean or hurtful content–creates a permanent record of their views, activities, and behaviors ( "What is Cyberbullying"). Social media is Get more content on
  • 6. Essay about Cyber Bullying We've all heard the saying "stick and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me." Sure words don't hurt physically, but to those who have been or are currently victims of cyber bullying words can be the difference between life and death. "Words hurt, and they hurt much more when repeated in the echo chamber of the Internet." (Rep. Linda Sanchez via There are at least 4 examples in the United States where cyber– bullying has been linked to the suicide of a teenager [1]. What is Cyber Bullying? Cyber bullying is defined as "bullying through information and communication technologies, mediums such as mobile phone text messages, emails, phone calls, internet chat rooms, instant messaging, and more content... Many students may not inform their friend or parents that they are being cyber bullied for fear of increased bullying or embarrassment. No longer can parents rely on the usual signs of bullying (I.e. black eye, bloody lip, torn clothes) but the damage done by cyber bullies is no less real, and can be more painful ( Surveys and Statistics According to the National Crime Prevention Council, cyber bullying is a problem that affects almost half of all American teens. In a September 2004 survey of 1,500 students between grades 4–8 by it was reported that 42 percent of kids said they have been bullied while online. One in four have had it happen more than once. 35% of kids have been threatened online. Nearly one in five have had it happen more than once. 21% of kids have received mean or threatening e–mails or other messages. 58 percent of kids admit that someone has said mean or hurtful things to them online. More than four out of ten say it happened more once. Fifty–three percent of kids admit having said something meant or hurtful to another person online. More than one in three have done it more than once. 58% of kids have not told their parents or an adult about something mean or hurtful that happened to them online. The following statistics are from
  • 7. The Cyberbullying Research Center reported that over 80% of teens use a cell phone regularly, making it the most popular form of Get more content on
  • 8. Argumentative Essay On Cyberbullying Cyberbullying is an alarming issue that is currently affecting children of all ages around the world. Due to the development of our technology today, cyberbullying has become one of the most difficult issues to deal with in our society. Cyberbullying is when someone uses technology to bully a person, in many cases by sending messages in a threatening nature, and there are many different kinds of cyberbullying in today's world, such as; exclusion, impersonation, trickery, flaming, harassment, and cyberstalking (Bauman 23). The scariest part of cyberbullying is that it can takes place on nearly any social media site. Examples of cyberbullying include, but not limited to; mean text messages or emails, or posted on social networking sites, and embarrassing pictures. The "Cyberbullying Resources" article stated that, "Nearly 43% of kids have been cyber bullied online and one in four has had it happen more than once." At the end of the day,bullying should be taken more seriously and be considered a criminal offense. Though the real question is, why exactly are these kids cyberbullying. Most of the time, a child cyberbullies because of the power it makes them feel. For some kids, bullying might be the first time they are feeling this sense of power, which is why it get so out of hand. Also, why someone turns to bullying is due to how it can be anonymous on many social media sites, and unfortunately, because of this it is sometimes easy to get away with. It is really hard for Get more content on
  • 9. Should Cyberbullying Be a Crime? Essay examples 'Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me' (The Christian Recorder). This is the infamous saying that many have heard since they were young. With vastly growing technology today, face to face bullying is being replaced with what is known as 'cyberbullying'. Cyberbullying is defined as, "an aggressive intentional act carried out by a group or individual using electronic forms of contact repeatedly and over against a victim who cannot easily defend him or herself" (WebMD). It can take place using cell phones, computers, tablets, social media sites, text messaging, and/or chat rooms. Cyberbullying has become a growing awareness nationwide, prompting lawmakers to act and propose new laws making cyberbullying more content... "Several states across the United States have been continuously adding cyberbullying on top of harassment laws that have already been in place" (National Conference of State Legislatures). The crackdown on cyberbullying has become a big priority for many lawmakers nationwide. New laws will give power to school officials and prosecutors to make decisions based on the severity of the situation. A school official will have the ability to suspend or expel the bully, while a prosecutor will have the ability to fine the bully and/or up to one year of imprisonment. In the state of Maryland as of October 1, 2013, 'Grace's Law', was passed. This law states that, "It prohibits a person from using an "interactive computer service to maliciously engage in a course of conduct that inflicts serious emotional distress on a minor or places a minor in a reasonable fear of death or serious bodily injury. Violators who are guilty of a misdemeanor are punishable by imprisonment for up to one year and/or $500 maximum fine" (General Assembly of Maryland). 'Grace's Law' was proposed after 15 year old Grace McComas committed suicide in April of 2012, after relentlessly being cyber bullied over Twitter, Facebook, and Email. Seeing cyberbullying laws being passed by states makes it more comforting for victims of cyberbullying because he/she knows that their bully will one day be held liable for their vile behaviors. Get more content on
  • 10. Persuasive Essay On Cyberbullying Bullying is a common thing in school millions of kids are bullied everyday at school and no one really knows.And bullying can hurt someone really bad by physically,verbally,emotionally,or sexually and more.When a bully is bullying somebody they call them names or try to fight them and make them feel hurt and bad but if you're being bullied just ignore the bully and act brave and that your not scared and that you don't care about them and act like they are not there.And always try to stay with a friend or a little group so that your friends can help you and make sure the bully doesn't try to do anything or just tell an adult and they can help you with the bully.Bullying can make you suffer from physical ailments like stomach aches and more.Technology can make bullying worse because when you post something bad about someone everyone can see it because it's online and if that happens to you just save the things the bully post about you because you can use it as evidence and get the bully back, but most times when a bully is bullying someone is because that bully wants to feel empowered and manipulate people or that bully might have been bullied before so they bully other people. Cyberbullying can happen in many different ways like posting bad things about someone online,sending bad messages to someone,treating someone,non stop texting the person bad things,and posting pictures or videos about that person that the person might not want to be seen by others and it might be bad about them.cyberbullying can be really bad because the person that is being bullied can feel really bad and sad and embarrassed because the things that the bully is posting might be bad and everyone can see it and people can spread rumors about that person because most people are not going to help the person being bullied or know that the person is being bullied they going to think its funny. If you are being bullied online you can save the messages and pictures and videos that the bully post because you can use it to get the bully back for what they did and the bully can face serious consequences, like getting kicked off the sport team or suspended from school or face legal punishments. If a bully or a person is sexting you i think it's not Get more content on
  • 11. Essay about The Effects of Cyber Bullying Cyberbullying is defined as deliberately attempting to upset someone; cyberbullying can happen via a number numerous ways. With all different forms of social media, whether it be Twitter, Facebook, or even, Instagram, cyberbullying can occur. Bullying effects our communities. Kids that are bullied appear likely to experience anxiety, depression, loneliness, unhappiness, and sleep deprivation. Yet, while the victim might appear passive, it stands imperative that the parent may not. When a parent takes part in his or her child's social media, it makes it harder for his or her child to be made fun of because their parents watch over them. A parent can stand as the ultimate counselor a child needs when getting bullied. Real more content... Power–hungry people do it to torment others and social popularity. Revenge of the nerd may start out as defending themself from traditional bullying only to find that he or she enjoys being the tough guy. Mean girls do it to help bolster, or remind people, of their own social standing. Some think they are justifying the wrong and standing up for others. In general, cyberbullies have their own motives on why they are involved in cyberbullying. Some of their intentions have been identified as anonymity, power, attention, retaliation, boredom, jealousy, and the pleasure of inflicting pain. Numerous people who participate in cyber bullying do it to make themselves feel better. Bullies tend to have much insecurity, but they hide them through insulting others. There are many ways to overcome cyberbullying. He, or she, may just want to click "delete" on every hateful email, text, or IM. However, this may not appear as the right motive because there may come a time when this bully needs to get reported, and he or she will need all the evidence right there in front of him or her. To prevent bullying one must save and print each and every mean thing they send. The day will come, when he or she will need this evidence. If the person receives a "bully" message, never get more involved than needed. Replying to that hurtful comment will only worsen the problem. When all else fails, get others involved. Let Parents or teachers know about the situation. Get more content on
  • 12. Argumentative Essay On Cyber Bullying Bullying has always been a prevalent issue among society, especially within adolescence. However, cyberbullying in specific, is becoming more intense and harmful as the use technology increases. Unfortunately, bullies target those who are different among society, such as individuals who are different in race, religion, language, and sexual orientation. Bullying is no longer stemmed from school and left there, kids are bringing these unnecessary things home with them through the use of social media. These behaviors from bullies are preventing the victims to exceed their full potential in school, extra–circular activities, and being who they are in general. Now that most individuals use social media, they are able to see who is more content... Someone like myself would say to just block them or report their account, however I've never been bullied through social media. Due to issues like this, I personally do not have social media nor do I care to use it. Cyberbullying is not only within the youth, but it is also within colleges and universities. Many would say that this is "high school behavior" or "he said, she said behavior", but this is reality of technology. In high school there were signs all over the hallways reminding students that the facility was a "zero tolerance for bullying zone," however many students thought they could by pass this through social media. I thought coming to college, this type of behavior would be left in high school and middle school, however it is still present. Unfortunately, not only does this bullying exceed to college, but it also extends into the real world. After taking a nursing course this year, I learned that bullying also exists within nursing, which is known as "lateral violence." As young adults, no one would ever think that college students would need to be monitored just as much as children needed to be. "These findings highlight the possibility that lack of confidence and misperceptions may be affecting educators' ability and likelihood to handle incidents of cyberbullying among students within higher education" (Luker & Curchack Get more content on
  • 13. Cyber Bullying : Bullying And Bullying Essay Madyson Pierce Mrs. Gallos English 3 Research Paper Cyber Bullying Social media is fun and keeps people up with latest news in Hollywood but can also be threatening to some. Cyber Bullying is harassment of an individual using websites or through text messaging. Cyber Bullying is one of the forms of bullying but it is not physical violence even if it can lead to it. One hundred and sixty thousand students a day stay at home because of the risk for bullying and thirty percent of students are involved with cyberbullying. There are many effects that follow cyberbullying like depression, wanting to make themselves unnoticable, not wanting to go to school, and worse things like suicidal thoughts, attempts, or even suicide itself. Everyone is affected by cyberbullying, the bully, the person being bullied, and the witnesses around. Cyberbullying can lead into or cause physical bullying, or in person bullying. A lot of the times the people doing the bullying have been bullied themselves and is seeking "revenge" even if it's not to the person who bullied them. In all cases, the victim and the bully both need counseling to help them get through things. Cyberbullying can lead to depression which can lead to drug and alcohol abuse. The user, who would also be the victim of the bullying, abuses drugs and alcohol to "get away" from the problem. People also abuse drugs and alcohol to try and "fit in" with the crowd. By doing this, they seem "cool" and more people will want to hang out Get more content on
  • 14. Persuasive Essay On Cyberbullying Recently in this world, action figures and Polly Pockets have been replaced for Playstations and smartphones. Even though our society continues to worry about the many toy hazards and lead based paints, the younger generation's addiction for technology is applicable to open them up to an abundant of hidden dangers. Comparable to stepping on Legos in the night, parents can be caught off guard when it comes to children and automated social sites. One major concern that technology brings to our society is cyberbullying. "With 99 percent of children in grades 4 through 11 in Canada using the Internet, it is important to determine the risk of cyberbullying" (Beran et al. 1). With technology growing exponentially everyday, cyberbullying has become a major issue with our youth. Research shows that parents, teachers, and schools are able to reduce the amount of cyberbullying that occurs by taking action directed at this problem. One key area parents and educators need to focus on is the pervasiveness of cyberbullying. Gable, Van Acker, and Snakenborg mention how some schools have made an effort to try and put a stop to cyberbullying by stating, "A Prevention Curriculum is an eight–session curriculum designed for students in Grades" (92). Although, throughout the past couple years, schools have encouraged nationwide discussions about cyberbullying, the overwhelming reality has shown little to no improvement when it comes to children and digital aggression. Cyberbullying can be very harmful to the youth. It can lead to depression, anxiety and sometimes even suicide. Once something is publicized on the internet, it will never vanish and can even reappear at times renewing the pain of cyberbullying. Today, many bullies are refraining from physicalbullying, but instead are choosing to bully using Snapchat, Facebook, instant messaging, and other online modes of communication. Although cyber bullying does not have the same obvious signs that physical bullying has, it can be as damaging or more in the long term. It is hard for parents to protect children if they do not understand the problem at hand with cyberbullying. Parents and guardians should be the ones their kids run to when something is wrong. However, Get more content on
  • 15. Persuasive Essay On Cyberbullying Picture a teenager sitting on their bed, crying. Their smartphone lays beside them, displaying a picture of them wearing a colorful hat with two thumbs up, smiling. The phone buzzes violently with nasty notifications: other people enjoy the hat far less and have no fear showing it. Many people want to stop cyberbullying like this, the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature. Cyberbullying, similar to other types of bullying, takes place online, usually through text messages or social media and hurts other people's feelings. Bullying in any form leads to some real problems in the victims, so fixing this problem at the source serves as the only viable more content... Just like any other bullying, victims can experience anxiety, fear, depression and lowself–esteem. They may also experience physical symptoms and struggle academically. Victims can feel overwhelmed, vulnerable and powerless, exposed and humiliated, dissatisfied with themselves, angry and vengeful, disinterested in life, alone and isolated, disinterested in school, anxious and depressed, ill or even suicidal. Everyone agrees about the negatives of cyberbullying and how terrible they appear. So how do you solve this huge problem? First, analyze the source of cyberbullying. Free speech, a fundamental belief in the modern world and on the internet, remains the top priority no matter what happens. Cyberbullies simply express themselves in a more violent way. That means the problem must reside with the so–called "victims" of cyberbullying. What can a victim do against cyberbullying? Turn off the monitor. Simple to do, a button, specifically designed for this, awaits your press. Not a monitor? Just turn off the screen somehow. Phones have lock buttons and laptops close. Just like in the real world, walk away from whatever bothers you. Feelings should not impede on freedom of speech. Because free speech covers cyberbullying, bullying online does not exist. Think about it: you can separate yourself from the bullies online because you can stop the tool used for interacting with them. People online do no physical damage to the victims, i.e. punching or kicking or Get more content on
  • 16. Essay about Dealing with Cyberbullying Cyberbullying is bullying that uses technology such as the internet or mobile phones. Cyberbullying does not necessarily take place on school grounds, but harmful effects are experienced by victims of cyber bullying in schools. There a number of technological tools that cyber bullies use such as internet, email, social networking sites, and mobile phones. There are also a number of prevention strategies that school counselors, school personnel, students, and parents can adopt to help prevent cyber bullying. Bullying is an aggressive behavior that involves repeated unwanted negative actions toward an individual by one or more individuals and involves an imbalance of power or strength. Cyber bullying is a type of bullying that more content... Exclusion is when a person intentionally and cruelly excludes someone from an online group and the last form of cyber bullying is cyberstalking which is repeated and intense harassment or denigration that includes threats and creates significant fear (Willard, n.d.). Bullying is now easier then before with technology like email, social networks, cell phones and chat rooms. Cyber bullying is becoming more common as individuals are using technology more in their daily lives (Bullying, n.d.). Traditional bullying and cyber bullying involves behaviors that are aggressive and repetitive. Traditional bullying can involve physical harm to an individual while cyber bullying does not include any harmful physical actions toward an individual. The use of technology allows bullying to be viewed over and over again and can be viewed all over the world. Traditional bullying power imbalance usually involves an older, bigger, stronger, or more popular student that picks on a weaker, younger, smaller, or less popular student while cyber bullying power imbalance usually involves the ability to reach an audience from all over the world and humiliate, cause fear, and destroy the reputation of another individual from a computer or a cell phone. The bully in Get more content on
  • 17. Cyber Bullying Essay Adam Grabenhorst Mrs. Dressler English 2 15 January 2012 Cyber Bullying Peer to peer bulling is nothing new. It has been going on for generation after generation. However the times have now changed since new technology has made it possible for peers to bully one another without even having to be face to face. This form of bullying is called "Cyber Bullying". Teens turn fun, needed devices into "weapons" through the use of social networking websites, chat rooms and text messaging and there are even more ways possible, and through this they call each other names, belittle, and threaten kids to in some serious cases, the point of suicide. I believe it's important to be educated about Cyber Bullying because it will help prevent more content... Most cyber bullies just don't know what it does to the victim on the other side. Educating victims about cyber bullying is one of the most important of all. The victims need to learn that it is OK to report a cyber bullying, it won't stop any other way, unless the bully gets bored which usually, is never the case. After a amount of time of getting bullied the victims confidence goes down, along with self esteem, and questions come up on, why am I alone? Victims are never alone, there will always be an adult that can help you. So far there have been around 13 million suicides cause by cyber bullying, if you thought one was too many, well try 13 million. The Cyber Bully Research Center reports that; almost every case of the suicides in of teens and adolescents thinking there is no way out, they are completely alone, and there is nothing to do about it. Well they can do something about it but even yet, Fewer than 1 in 5 cyber bullying incidents are reported to law enforcement, and 58% of teens never even tell their parents anything about the situation. It is very important to be educated about cyber bullying because of all of the good that comes from understanding all that goes on. People being educated will save lives, help victims lives improve ten fold, it shows the bullies just what they are doing to the victims, and can prevent Get more content on
  • 18. Argumentative Essay On Cyber Bullying Avian Williams Mrs. Crenshaw ENGL 2010 18 October 2017 The idea of cyberbullying is truly frightening, and the arrival of modern technology and the rise of social network make it even worst. With the invention of the Internet and its mass commercial use, some people might not have foreseen the issue of "cyberbullying" and how harmful it can really be. Cyberbullying is a real phenomenon that has been present for some time. Cyberbullying is defined as the use of the Internet and technology to purposely harm another person in a hostile way. Cyberbullying has become a hot topic in our media lately and researchers have been looking more into this realm ever since it started to grow rapidly. There have been numerous stories in the media more content... It is true that cyberbullying can occur in variety of ways especially with the high increase in online activity that these teens have access to. As a matter of fact, "the electronic venue, has evolved in which youth of all ages spend a considerable portion of their days interacting and dialoguing in cyberspace, where the language has changed and adapted to net–speak, identities can be protected, and personalities changed, and youth are faced with new and almost limitless liberties to interact and role–play" (Cassidy 384). I believe that because cyberbullying occurs through these different devices makes it easier for these teens to target their victims and can conceal their identities most of the time. In our school system today, teens have access to multiple devices. This is a big aspect of why there is such a huge problem because these teens have so many accessible form of electronic communication devices and it creates more possibility for it to occur in school. Teens are always connected or wired, and communicate in ways that are often unknown by adults and away from their supervision, which make it hard for school administration or parents to control or prevent the nature of this problem. Keith and Martin states that "Safety Violence Specialist at Get more content on
  • 19. Persuasive Essay On Cyber Bullying It is said that cyberbullying is the third killer of teens in America and approximately 4,400 commit suicide each year due to it (Bullying and Suicide). Cyberbullying has become a major issue with teens in today's society. Sameer Hinduja stated "95% of teens in the US are online, and three–fourths (74%) access the Internet on their mobile device." This dreadful form of bullying has not only taken effect on teens inside of school, but follows them outside as well, with the use of social media, cellphones, and computers. Although many believe that school officials shouldn't get involved in cyberbullying because it doesn't occur on school grounds, others feel if they were more involved, it would result in fewer teen suicides, fewer absences and could help put a stop to cyberbullying across America. Cyberbullying continues to be an ongoing problem in which every four in ten teenagers face and teen suicide has become a frequent outcome to cyberbullying (Bullying and Suicide). If school officials were to take control over online harassment it would result in fewer teen suicides. Over the years cyberbullying has gotten adverse and although there are laws in many states to protect teens, all school officials should be able to take action against this issue as well. Teens are hiding behind screens and using online websites to bully other teens because they know they won't face a serious punishment, it gives them the confirmation to keep doing what they do. When schools make cyberbullying unacceptable and take a stand against it, fear of the end result would encourage teens to stop, to keep out of trouble with the school and their parents, resulting in fewer suicides. In an article written by Isabeau Doucet she explains, "on an average 160,000 kids stay home from school each year due to the fear of being targeted by a bully at school," as well as at home with social interactions. Many people may feel schools have no control over what students can say or do online because it does not pertain to them. If school officials were to make cyberbullying intolerable during and after school hours it could help make the victims of cyberbullying feel like they are in a safe place, making them want to come to school, knowing Get more content on
  • 20. Thesis Statement For Cyber Bullying Thesis Statement: Cyberbullying is on the rise in Indonesia and affected everyone that possesses on social media. For many teenagers, social media plays a big role in their lives. Social media like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Path and many more can be useful tools to keep in touch with friends which live far away. Social media is one of the most used types of websites by teenagers. This means it is commonly used for both good and bad purposes. Although social media can be used in a positive way such as communicate with the other friends which is improving social skills, however, negative effects which is cyber bullying. Bullying is when someone is being hurt either by words or actions and has a hard time stopping what is more content... There are many causes for Cyberbullying to occur. The impacts of cyber bullying for the victims can be underestimated because they are mainly psychological and not physical. Cyber bullying in its extremes has led to the death of several teenagers. Cyber bullying leads to depression and lack of enthusiasm for life that drives
  • 21. the victim to suicide in order to escape the torment. Actually, the first step of preventing and stopping cyber bullying starts with the individual themselves. They should respect the others and also themselves because everyone has their human rights and no one cannot destroy it. Simple steps like using the internet appropriately and not provoking other users are very effective in preventing cyber bullying. Using internet as the media social is fine but trying to harm people by spreading gossip or starting rumors and stealing someone password or hacking are bad things. Technology is decreasing the ability for others to interact and communicate, which is highly essential in today's world. While social media is a useful tool in our increasingly connected world, they can also adversely affect our development and the nature of our Get more content on