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Persuasive Essay On Curbside Recycling
Curbside Recycling
When you talk about the worlds polluted oceans and issues with our rain forests, many people deliberate on how can I help, I am just a single
individual. I believe that curbside recycling can help show individuals that they too can make a difference in making our planet healthier to live.
The problem I am addressing is that not all counties that surround the county I live in participate in a curbside recycling program. Many of these
counties that do not participate have an overwhelming amount of trash in their landfills. For an example, my parents live thirty minutes and four
counties over from mine. The county that they live in does not offer a curbside recycling program. Now with that said they do offer recycling at the
local landfill. The problem I found within my parent's neighborhood, is that the residents do not feel that they should have to carry the recycle to the
landfill, particularly when the trash service comes to their homes today to remove the trash. I spoke with about twelve residents and asked them if the
county offered a curbside program would they participate knowing they will still have to separate the trash from the recycled materials. The response
was about seventy–five percent positive of the residents I spoke with would participate in a curbside recycling program.
In my neighborhood, our curbside recycling program picks up every other Tuesday. Our program has changed, last year we could only recycle cans,
cartons, glass, paper
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Persuasive Essay On Recycling Crisis
It is configured that about 70,000 tons of plastic ends up in the state 's landfills each year and only an estimated 20 percent gets recycled ("New
Recycling Law to Promote Better Habits."). Recycling is an important way to help keep the earth clean and reduce pollution in the air, grounds, and
water. In the state of North Carolina recycling is only required in restaurants, but is recommended in homes and stores despite the fact it is not already
mandatory. Recycling materials is shown to reduce wasted materials and save the state money in production costs (Davis). Recycling in North Carolina
should be mandatory all over the state in homes, businesses, restaurants, and stores because it reduces pollution, wasted materials, greenhouse ... Show
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When the birds in these situations become sick, the disease is spreadable to humans and other animals in the area.
Another hazardous item found in landfills is methane. In landfills nearly two–thirds of this waste material can be traced back to household matter,
material decomposes in landfill sites causing them to release methane gas. Methane is a very potent greenhouse gas, nearly 20 times more effective at
trapping heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide ("Landfill Pollution").
The same hazardous fumes that can be found in landfills are also found all over the state of North Carolina along the road ways and in cities. Litter
consists of trash and household toxic substances that are improperly disposed of on land or in water, over time the trash collects and creates pollution
which lead to hazardous fumes as the trash and waste decompose.
Decomposition of trash in landfills and litter on the streets lead to greenhouse emissions that are let into the atmosphere. Greenhouse emissions, such
as methane nitrogen, oxygen, ammonia, sulfides, hydrogen and various other gases are also produced in small volumes, these gases can be a problem
in the atmosphere for upwards of 50 years (Skye). In an article written about the environmental effects landfills can create, Jared Skye wrote:
"Landfill gases do not remain on–site. When released in the air, gases find their way
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Persuasive Essay On Recycling
Recycling has been around for many years along with the idea behind not being wasteful, however it has only recently become popular to take part in.
Even with recent growth it has not become popular enough. The solution to overflowing landfills, unemployed Americans, toxins released in the
atmosphere, et cetera. It is right before everyone's eyes but no one seems to see the simple solution: recycling. A mandatory recycling policy would
ensure that the environment is being saved for future generations, the soil is suitable for crops, people are employed, and the cash flow that comes with
it does not hurt either. With such a simple fix to mass environmental destruction, why is this not already in action?
Money encourages everyone. Money is ... Show more content on ...
The economy will benefit from the available jobs in the recycling industry encouraged by the new policy in effect. As people say 'money talks' and
money is telling people to recycle.
The environment is suffering from abuse. There are overflowing landfills, unsanitary water, and streets towering with trash. There is not anyone to
blame for this abuse but mankind. The environment is home to animals, America's children, and loved ones. Why would anyone in their right mind
do harm to such a place? The actions of the people could harm not only the generation on earth now but all the generations to follow. The
environment is easily damaged however it is even more easily saved. Plastic bottles and aluminum cans can easily be melted and reused instead of
being thrown away. Paper, saving trees, can be reused at recycling plants as well. Acid rain, illnesses, and lowered crop production are all side effects
of air pollution. By recycling, less products need to be made in factories which cuts down on the amount of pollution caused by factories. Recycling is a
vital factor in preserving and supporting the earth. In order to have a healthy atmosphere there needs to be a common preservation practice in action.
That common preservation is simply a mandatory recycling policy. Earth's natural resources are limited. One simply can not continuously harvest the
benefits of natural resources without coming to an end
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Persuasive Speech On Recycling
The world is full of people using everyday products made from plastics or styrofoam, from simple things like cups, forks and spoons to expensive
electronics such as printers, phones, and TV's. "About 300 million tons of plastic is produced globally each year"(Raising Awareness of Plastic Waste)
and "more than 14 million tonnes of polystyrene(styrofoam) are produced every year around the world"(Now and forever: The Styrofoam dilemma).
With these high amounts being produced each year it is easy to see why our oceans are now filled with these materials which end up damaging our
earths ecosystem, marine life, and wild life. Out of the 300 million tons of plastic produced "only about 10 percent of that is recycled"(Raising
Awareness of Plastic Waste) and out of the 14 million tons of styrofoam produced only "56 million pounds of styrofoam are recycled"(EPS
(Styrofoam) Facts, Figures and Statistics) This means that the majority of plastics and styrofoam end up in landfills or our oceans changing our world
for the worst one non–recycled item at a time. After reviewing two different Ted Talks, one aboutrecycling plastic by Mike Biddle and one about
recycling styrofoam by Ashton Cofer it has become more apparent to me that recycling plastics is extremely important and Mike Biddle has the
solution. What is Ted Talks? Ted Talks is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less). TED
was established in 1984 as a conference
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Persuasive Essay On Recycling
With the rapidly increasing use of plastic, aluminum, and paper materials, it only makes sense that the problem we chose to focus on is recycling. In
the world of engineering, recycling has been a hot topic for many years, so for one to say that deriving an idea that hasn't been done before is difficult,
that would be an understatement. As any group of well–educated engineers would, we started our journey at the drawing board. The brainstorming
process was potentially the most time consuming section of our task, given we easily spent over fifteen hours spouting off ideas and concepts for
anything that we thought we could do that we could patent. We then realized it wasn't just about us getting a patented idea, it was about making a
difference. So, we then realized something that could make a difference is one of the things that we have been taught the importance of since we were
in elementary school. That was recycling.
Now that the first step of the brainstorming process was over, which was finding a general problem area, we then needed to figure out what in the
world it was that we were going to do that no one else had done before. After a couple of days of brainstorming, we quickly realized that instead of
coming up with a fresh idea, innovating what is imperfect was the perfect way to approach this. In order to find where the problems laid, we had to go
to the consumer. We began asking our friends, family, and even a few random people what they thought the biggest issue was that was hindering them
from recycling. After a few conversations, accessibility and attraction seemed to be the greatest factors.
With this in mind, we of course went back to the brainstorming process to figure out what exactly it was that we were going to to do and how we
would do it. After a few off the wall ideas, followed by some mediocre ones, we decided we were going to innovate the recycling bin itself. We figured
up a plan to make the bin something that people could interact with and that could shred whatever recyclable material that you put in it without
requiring electric power. We then went with a slow, torque based, hand crank that would be attached to some sort of shredding mechanism, one strong
enough to shred even
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Persuasive Essay On Recycling
Are recycling efforts making a difference in the world? That's the question that everyone asks when they make a decision as to whether they are
going to recycle or not. Some decide ВЁYeah this is worth it, I'll make a differenceВЁ. Others decide ВЁNo it's a waste of time and money, I'm not
going to do itВЁ. People may believe that, but is it a waste of time and money? Recycling has the potential to generate jobs, save energy, save water,
and so much more. Recycling is a $200 billion dollar industry (Recycle Across America). It properly creates valuable resources for U.S.
manufacturing and can become a highly valuable export to countries such as China and India (Recycle Across America). Not only is it good for the
money, but it conserves ... Show more content on ...
generates more waste than any other country in the world (Recycle Across America). In less than fifteen years worldwide waste is expected to double
(Recycle Across America). Americans are always throwing stuff away that can be recycled such as cans, foil, kitchen utensils when they get old, and so
much more. Every three months, Americans throw enough aluminum in the landfills to build our nation's entire commercial air fleet (Recycle Across
America). According to a recent Yale University/EPA study the U.S. recycles less than twenty
–two percent of it's discarded materials (Recycle Across
America). We are not doing our job as a society when it comes to recycling.
Recycling is the top action society can do to simultaneously improve the environment, the economy, sustainable manufacturing and to prevent waste
from going into the oceans; it is proven, when there is a strong recycling culture, there is less litter and less waste going into the ocean (Recycle
Across America).When we recycle our waste products rather than throw them all in the garage, we save room in landfills, reduce our energy used to
manufacture new products and reduce the fossil fuels extracted and greenhouse gases from being burned off into the atmosphere (Thorpe). People
not only recycle paper and plastic. They even recycle electronics. "As electronics fail or become obsolete, this stuff needs to be recycled or it winds up
being buried in a landfill," Kline said. "In addition to the
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Persuasive Essay On Recycling
When discussing solutions to try and help preserve the planet and sustain resources for many generations, the first thought of the majority of the public
is a popular slogan–Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Many households have access to recycling receptacles, either through their waste management company
or close by facilities. And yet, as of 2014, the most recent data provided by the EPA, only 34.6 percent of Americans recycle (, 2017).
Although many people are reminded to reduce, reuse, and recycle at practically every street corner and through advertisements and awareness
campaigns, many are not fully educated on the benefits of recycling nor are they fully aware of the risks and environmental impacts associated with
excessive wastefulness and overconsumption. Through recycling and a conscious effort, there are many ways an individual can help the environment.
Recycling should be an integral part of everyone's daily lives as a way to help save the planet for current and future generations and although it may
cause some adverse effects, the benefits greatly outweigh the pitfalls. To elaborate, recycling is a simple, effective way to reuse raw materials and
resources which can cut down on environmental impacts such as global warming and pollution from landfills, providing future generations a beautiful
and sustainable place to live. Recycling is the process of turning trash that would otherwise be thrown away into reusable products through the steps of
collecting and
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Persuasive Speech Recycling
The biggest challenge we face today, is the quality of our environment. Over the years, since the industrialization of America, we have been
accelerating the effects of climate change and it is looking to be disastrous. Believe it or not, the science world is telling us that if we don't act
quick, we are going to see some major changes in the next hundred years or less. With this paper, we are only going to tackle the easiest and probably
the biggest change we can make, and that is recycling.
Did you know, 300 million tons of plastic is produced each year, and that number is growing still? A quick google search shocked me on how
much of that is recycled, 10%. Plastic is our biggest physical polluter in the world, as it doesn't biodegrade. The amount of it in our oceans and on
our beaches alone is astronomical, some studies have even said there is more than there are animals in the ocean. Because of this number, we need
to act quick and begin recycling what we produce. There are not many laws or incentives for recycling, and that is the root of the problem. In order
to jumpstart this global effort, governments need to come together and find an effective way to mandate recycling. This effort has to start local and
spread, and that's why I want to propose a recycle policy for Billings and hopefully in time, all of Montana. Just as a few states have already done.
Similar movements have started around the world, my favorite technique is that of Austria. They have a law that refunds you a certain amount if you
a certain amount of money if you recycle a container. This is achieved by having a type of vending machine, that you place a bottle or like object in,
and the machine drops you some money in return. Amongst other techniques this has helped Austria lead the world in recycling, sitting at above 60%
recycle rate. Other countries have adopted this type of incentive, and many are recycling a whole lot more now.
I propose that we adopt a similar policy here in Billings, a policy that requires us to recycle. With this, we would require households to have a separate
recycle bin, similar to one that we push trash in. And to have recycling companies make their rounds and do the weekly
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Persuasive Essay On Recycling
When discussing solutions to try and help preserve the planet and sustain resources for many generations, the first thought of the majority of the public
is a popular slogan–Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Many households have access to recycling receptacles, either through their waste management company
or close by facilities. And yet, as of 2014, the most recent data provided by the EPA, only 34.6 percent of Americans recycle (, 2017).
Although many people are reminded to reduce, reuse, and recycle at practically every street corner and through advertisements and awareness
campaigns, many are not fully educated on the benefits of recycling nor are they fully aware of the risks and environmental impacts associated with
excessive wastefulness and overconsumption. Through recycling and a conscious effort, there are many ways an individual can help the environment.
Recycling should be an integral part of everyone's daily lives as a way to help save the planet for current and future generations and although it may
cause some adverse effects, the benefits greatly outweigh the pitfalls. To elaborate, recycling is a simple, effective way to reuse raw materials and
resources which can cut down on environmental impacts such as global warming and pollution from landfills, providing future generations a beautiful
and sustainable place to live. Recycling is the process of turning trash that would otherwise be thrown away into reusable products through the steps of
collecting and
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Persuasive Essay On Recycling
When was the last time you recycled? Whenever you are recycle something think about it this. You're helping earth environment every single time
you're recycling. You can also think that you are one of the reason earth is healthier and cleaner. There many items that can be recycled and many
people don't recycling. In the article " What can I recycle" they said "Americans currently discard about 2.7 million tons of aluminum every year, 50
percent of that is recycled. Recycling steel and tin cans saves 74% of the energy used to produce them." Everyone on earth should be required to
recycle. Recycling helps make earth a better place, if recycling is required for everyone it's fair, and recycling also protects earth natural resources.
Recycling helps make the Earth a better place. Recycling is important to both the natural environment and us. According to the article, Recycling
"Recycling helps reduce the pollutions caused by waste. It also reduces the need for raw materials so that the rainforests can be preserved." Recycling
saves a lot of energy that we use. According to the article Five Ways Recycling Positively Impacts the Earth, "Plastic bottle recycling could save 50 to
60 percent of the energy needed to make new ones." In the article Recycling is important it said "huge amounts of energy are used when making
products from raw materials, recycling requires much less energy and therefore it helps to preserve natural resources."
Recycling paper can also help reduce the burden on the earth's soil. In the article How much Americans throw away it said "paper recycling in
California alone, saved 203 square miles of timberland from being cut. Paper recycling could also save up to 70% of the energy needed to create paper
from new timber. Paper recycling alone saves millions of trees."
When recycling is required of everyone, it is fair. In the article Municipal Solid Waste it says that "each year, nations generate 1.3 billion tons of
waste. the average person throws away approximately 2ВЅ pounds of trash per day, and that we are all responsible for reducing our impact on our
In the article How much do Americans throw away? they said "Americans throw away enough garbage everyday to
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Persuasive Essay On Curbside Recycling
When you talk about the worlds polluted oceans and issues with our rain forests, many people think how can I help I am only one person. I believe
that curbside recycling can help show individuals that they to can make a difference in making our planet healthier to live on.
The problem I am addressing is that not all counties that surround the county I live in participate in a curbside recycling program. Many of these
counties that do not participate have a overwhelming amount of trash in their landfills. For an example, my parents live on thirty minutes from me,
about four counties over from mine. The county that they live in does not offer a curbside recycling program. Now with that side they do offer
recycling at the local landfill. The problem I found within my parent's neighborhood, is that the residents do not feel that they should have to carry the
recycle to the landfill, particularly when the trash service comes to their homes today to remove the trash. I spoke with about twelve residents and
asked them if the county offered a curbside program would they participate knowing they will still have to separate the trash from the recycled
materials. The response was about seventy–five percent positive of the residents I spoke with would participate in a curbside recycling program.
In my neighborhood, our curbside recycling program picks up every other Tuesday. Our program has changed, last year we could only recycle cans,
cartons, glass, paper and plastic #1, now with the enhancements made to the program, they now are excepting all plastics #1–#7 and lids and caps on
containers (ex: laundry bottles with lids) and a big plus is no they except milk and juice cartons. The only things they do not except are plastic bags,
Styrofoam and food contaminated boxes (ex: pizza boxes). The CVWMA's residential curbside program is " the largest in the state of Virginia,
serves over 270,000 households in nine jurisdictions. Nearly 125 tons of recyclables are collected each day of residential (curbside) recycling service."
The sequencing of my photos is to show how beautiful our land and oceans are today. In the first slide, it is an aerial and ocean views were taken on
my trip home from Florida, and the forest
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Recycling Persuasive Essay
Zack Richardson
Persuasive outline
Thesis: For us to be able to live in a clean and healthy environment we all including the companies mass producing the recyclables need to take
recycling more seriously.
Specific purpose: Persuade the audience to be more conscious about recycling, the effects it has on the health of our oceans and land, and how we can
all contribute more.
There are many good reasons the recycle many of them have to do with the heath and cleanliness of our environment
1. The more that is recycled the less that we have to fill the landfills with because we are able to re use the things that are being recycled.
2 .There are also many opportunities to get paid for recycling things like cans, bottles, and
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Persuasive Essay On Recycling
No matter what you do in this life you will always contribute in someway to producing trash. While you may not think so everything you do will
produce some type of waste. While recording my trash that I have accumulated these fast three weeks I have noticed a trend. The trend is that every
day that I drive to school I end up buying some type of food while I am at school. Most of this trash consisted of paper based products, which can be
recycled but in most of the establishments do not have a recycling option because most of the things that can be recycled are covered in food waste so
they are viewed as trash. During the weekends I work from sun up to sun down so I can produce a lot of waste in that time frame. Some examples
of this are rotors from a truck to shingles from a roof and while each rotor does not take up a lot of space there is a lot of material that will not be
broken down. The shingles while they do not weigh that much there is a lot of them and can accumulate quickly. With these shingle you have
things such as tarpaper, nails, and staples that will all be thrown away because they cannot be reused. It would be so encumber some to try and
collect all of these nails and staples it would increase the length of the job by at least a couple hours. The shingles cannot be reused for any purpose
so the only thing to do with them is to take them to the dump. While one roof that's no problem but if you think about how many people have their
roofs redone in a year the
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Persuasive Essay On Recycling
Recycling one ton of paper saves seventeen mature trees, seven thousand gallons of water, three cubic yards of landfill space, and two barrels of oil
("Environmental Impacts"). It is much easier than most people think to make such a big difference. If every person took a few minutes to go
through the trash being put in the garbage and recycle the things that can be, it could completely change the world. It is the peoples job to take care
of the planet and everything on it, and if people are not willing to do the right thing on their own, then they should be forced to. Everyone should be
required to recycle because it is good for the environment, helps the economy, and saves energy, space, and resources.
One of the biggest reasons recycling should be taken so serious is because of its positive affect on the environment. Without recycling, so many goods
that have potential to be repurposed are thrown into landfills. These landfills are piled up and affect the lives of countless wildlife. This quote by Allen
Hershkowitz shows the enormity of the helpfulness of recycling. "Because using recycled materials reduces the need to extract, process, refine, and
transport the timber, crude petroleum, ores, and so on that are necessary for virgin–based paper, plastics, glass, and metals, recycling lessens the toxic
air emissions, effluents, and solid wastes that these manufacturing processes create" (Hershkowitz). Not having to put the weight of everyone's
trash trash on the world's land and instead, repurposing it into something usable saves so many resources. Recycling not only leaves more room
for things where the trash would have gone, but it also means that the people living here will get farther with the resources they have. The more
that is taken from the earth the less there will be for those in the future, so saving and taking care of what is here is very important. The ones living
in the world today are the people who are get to decide how the people of the generations to come are going to live. People should not want their kids
living in a world of filth and pollution where no one cares about the world they are living on. An article by Omid Nodoushani discussed in depth the
terrible amounts of pollution that is
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Persuasive Essay On Recycling
Many of animals in our environment are being harmed from our wastes, like turtles in the sea being trapped on beer can plastic rings. Recycling
wastes should be a thing that everyone does to prevent many things like this from happening. There are people out there who recycle everything they
can, and there are those who can't even bother to look if they're throwing their trash in the right bin. People all over the world constantly debate whether
recycling is or is not beneficial to the environment. With the climate changing rapidly and natural disasters becoming worse, people should be more
aware of the dangers that global warming can bring. Even a little help can do good for the environment; we should help by recycling more. Those who
recycle help reduce pollution caused by waste, save energy and create jobs for those in need. Recycling helps reduce pollution caused by waste from
landfills. We should start using more recycled materials "because using recycled materials reduces the need to extract, process, refine, and transport the
timber, crude petroleum, ores, and so on that are necessary for virgin–based paper, plastics, glass, and metals, recycling lessens the toxic air emissions,
effluents, and solid wastes that these manufacturing processes create" (Hershkowitz). Given that the decrease in waste ultimately helps the decrease of
pollution, it's currently not being properly put into effect as people don't find it important or they simply don't always remember to
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Persuasive Speech On Recycling
We have all heard the saying reduce, reuse, and recycle from a very young age. But let's face it, how many of us recycle? The world we live in is
slowly filling up with the trash that we throw out every day. One day who knows, we might be living in our own trash and everywhere we look
there will be trash. Is this a world where we all want to live in? If not, we need to take steps to prevent the buildup of trash in our landfills and even
our oceans. Therefore, recycling needs to be encouraged because it reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills, prevents pollution, conserves natural
resources, and creates jobs.
Landfills are filling up with more and more trash every day and are expanding. Just by separating our trash everyday into plastics, cardboard/paper,
cans, etc., we can minimize what we put in the landfills. Even if recycling was mandatory, I think this would help a lot. I spent some time in
Germany and was able to participate in recycling more in depth. They recycle almost everything and have strict trash rules. Food that was not
consumed goes in one small bin and cans, boxes, paper, etc., were sorted into separate bins as well. If you had something that was not in the
proper bin or if your trash bag had something that could be recycled they do not take the trash that day. Some of the food that was not consumed
was buried, the cardboard/paper, etc., was sent out to be recycled and reused. All of this helps keep Germany green and clean. Maybe we should
follow in Germany's footsteps to help keep our landfills clean of items that can be recycled and used again. According to the United States
Environmental Protection Agency, in 2006, only 32% of the trash that was picked up was recycled in the United States. This leaves 68% of trash
that is still going to the landfills and not being recycled. Although this recycling average is low, The Environmental Protection Agency hoped by
2019 the recycle percentage would reach 75%. The amount of trash that one person generates is astonishing. According to the EPA from Green
Waste, in a single day 4.5 pounds is thrown out, which is about 1.5 tons of solid waste a year per person. The EPA estimates that 75% of solid waste is
recyclable, but 30% is actually being
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Persuasive Essay On Recycling
You will find people that are passionate about it and others that don't care just like any other controversial topic. Recycling can be viewed as a very
beneficial thing for the environment but, many believe it is just a waste of time. People don't seem to believe that the environment will not last
forever if humans do not take care if the earth and it can be takin care of in simple forms. From lowering CO2 levels by carpooling with a co–worker
or Friend or even using less plastic water bottles by buying a reusable water bottle. Small changes can overall have a great impact on the environment.
Global warming is something that is happening and cannot be ignored any longer. Going green should be a big concern for the world not having the...
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The disadvantages about recycling plastics is that it takes money, time, and energy to recycle plastic itself. Recycling plants also use electricity, as
much as it recycles it uses up resources and in great quantities because plants are big and are recycling a lot of material. Not everyone is informed
on what is recyclable for instance car tiers vulcanized rubber like in car tires cannot be melted down and used again to make more tiers but many
people have the misconception that there are recyclable when in reality they are not they can no longer be broken down and the recycled tiers will be
shredded and burned in coal plants vulcanized rubber will last an extremely long time in a landfill creating more pollution for the air.
Well recycling paper and plastic products will cause less of a demand for new paper and plastic, thus reducing the need to create the two products. It
goes on to more factors though such as the toxins released from the burning of fossil fuels can pollute the air. Some of the most common gases are
sulfur gas, carbon dioxide, and methane and is actually the most harmful and is released through livestock, landfills, etc. So some of the
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Persuasive Speech On Recycling
"Today, U.S. citizen's produce over 250 million tons of municipal solid waste, before recovery, which is close to one ton per person", says Jay
Withgott's 6th edition book. The world is growing in population and people are just exceeding in the amount of waste they are adding to the Earth.
Waste is defined as any unwanted material from a human activity or process. Municipal solid waste is an extensive problem in the United States, but
so is an Industrial solid waste and Hazardous waste. If people repurposed items that can be reused, we would be saving plenty of resources. Recycling is
the one of the best ways to get rid of waste. Recycling is the process of turning used materials into materials that can be reused as a material or for a
new purpose. Per the North Carolina Data Waste Management, the amount of trash North Carolinians throw away, would fill enough Dumpsters to
line the length of North Carolina's Interstate 40 more than six times in one year. That is almost 2,750 miles of dumpsters each year. We are going to
focus on how recycling saves energy, conserves waste by reusing materials, and protects natural resources if recycling materials are being used. This
relates to the protection of land and ecological resources and why one should recycle.
First and foremost, how recycling saves energy. According to Brigham Young University in Idaho, "On average, it costs $30 per ton to recycle trash,
$50 to send it to the landfill, and $65 to $75 to incinerate it". Processing raw materials to assemble usable items consumes a numerous amount of
energy. Recycling conserves energy because it takes much less energy to turn the products being recycled into usable materials. According to the
American Geoscience Institute, "the largest energy savings achieved by recycling are generally metals, which are easy to recycle and typically need
to be produced by energy intensive mining". In the final stages of waste management, comes a landfill. The steps to produce a landfill conclude:
taking a site survey, excavation, line it with compacted clay, then lay down leachate collection pipes, leachate drainage layer, input waste, one then
spreads it out, and places soil on top. As a result, one can reuse materials to
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Persuasive Essay On Recycling
With so many waste and recycling centers in our society, I don't understand why the percentage of wastes being recycled hasn't increased. According
to Mike Biddle, guest speaker of TED Talks, "We Can Recycle Plastic," states, "Mother nature wastes very little and that humans should not see
ourselves as consumers, but see ourselves as users of resources that we are waiting on to be transformed...". Recycling is the process of converting waste
into new, and improved products, we are required to recycle all bottles, cans, paper, and plastics, except for plastic bags. This project deems to prove
the immediate and long–term effects it has on our planet; however, many don't realize the benefits of recycling. Although this project has been going on
for quite some time, there needs to be an increase considering the excessive amounts of waste we humans create. While many believe that recycling has
no impact, schools and other public properties should encourage recycling. Throughout our community, United States citizens are straying far from the
practice of recycling. In today's society, we have become more dependent on throwing wastes away than protecting our environment. Our school
systems try to encourage young children to recycle by making posters and sponsoring activities around Earth Day, but in all truthfulness the general
population doesn't practice the ritual of recycling. For example, our high school cafeteria allows students to use Styrofoam trays and plastic cutlery. A
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Recycling Persuasive Essay
Dan Phillips once said, "I had always suspected that one could build an entire house from what went into the landfill, and, sure enough, it's true."
We throw away tons of trash each and everyday. Trash that is not always necessarily waste or used to it's full potential. Trash that was once apart of
our lives that we kept in our homes. Nobody really thinks about it or what happens to it after it's out of our lives. Maybe it's time we start thinking
about where all our trash winds up. I mean, have you ever really thought about it? Thought about the piles upon piles of trash polluting the air we
breath and killing our environment. My issue is how no one seems to care. To change their ways and make a difference. To save this world it might be
time to consider recycling. If everyone recycled a little bit each year, tons of the trash killing our planet would cease to exist. I'm fully prepared to go
over exactly why we need to recycle, how to start recycling, and some of the benefits that have occurred as a result of past recycling. Let's start ... Show
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(pg 42). Recycling reduces tons of the waste that fills each and every landfill. We could try incinerating the waste which would just create more air
pollution than most cars. How about everyone gives precycling a try. Precycling, when defined, is thinking before buying. Try looking at the
packaging to see if this item can be reduced, reused, or recycled after your need for it expires. Reusing starts at the point of purchase. If you care
about the environment, choose products that can be repaired and reused to ensure a longer life. The final process to consider is recycling. After
you've used a product to it's full extent, you have a choice to throw away or recycle the item. Before deciding to either reduce, reuse, and recycle or
throw it away, think about all the good that comes out of
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Persuasive Speech On Recycling
"Today U.S. citizen's produce over 250 million tons of municipal solid waste, before recovery, which is close to one ton per person", says Jay
Withgott's 6th edition book. The world is growing in population and people are just exceeding in the amount of waste they are adding to the Earth.
Waste is defined as any unwanted material from a human activity or process. Municipal solid waste is an extensive problem in the United States, but
so is Industrial solid waste and Hazardous waste. If everyone repurposed items that can be reused, we would be saving plenty of resources. Recycling is
the one of the best ways to get rid of waste. Recycling is the process of turning used materials into materials that can be reused as a material or for a
new purpose. Per the North Carolina Data Waste Management, the amount of trash North Carolinians throw away, would fill enough Dumpsters to
line the length of North Carolina's Interstate 40 more than six times in one year. That is almost 2,750 miles of dumpsters each year. We are going to
focus on how recycling saves energy, conserves waste by reusing materials, and protects natural resources if recycling materials are being used. This
relates to the protection of land and ecological resources and why one should recycle.
First and foremost, how recycling saves energy. According to Brigham Young University in Idaho, "On average, it costs $30 per ton to recycle trash,
$50 to send it to the landfill, and $65 to $75 to incinerate it". Processing raw
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Persuasive Speech On Recycling
shelfing from old windows, doors and mirrors, brings new life into old material. This will help with recycling and cutting down trees.
If we conserve and produce from already defined waste materials we can avoid toxic chemicals through manufacturing goods. Recycling helps slow
down and control global warming. "One ton of grass results in energy savings of more than 300 percent and lowers carbon dioxide emissions by 346
tons." Recycling reduces water pollutions, turning trees into paper is the most water–intensive industrial process in the United States. Paper recycling
mills nearly always use less water and they don't pollute the water nearly as much. Recycling can be fun. It's good for our environment. (Who)
Recycling isn't new. For centuries recycling was a way of life. People didn't waste anything. They found ways to reuse items over again. Pilgrims and
Indians lived off the land and conserved items from livestock and agriculture. Besides using animals for meat, early settlers used the animal hides for
survival as well. The hide was reused for clothing, pouches, shoes, boots, and blankets. Furniture was produced from animal skin. Early settlers learned
to make tools, weapons and jewelry from bones.
It is estimated we use 40 million tons of food each year. We have become a wasteful society. In addition, electronical waste of old computers and
electronic devices is known as e–waste. Over 70 million computers are sitting in landfills. E–waste is growing as new devices and better technology is
being developed in our society today. Out with old in with the new increases throughout the year as new electronical devices are being made. We need
to educate
Seils 5 society that E–waste are toxic materials that collect in landfills and contaminates the soil and water. It contaminates our food sources and limits
supply of drinking water.
On average, Americans will use an equivalent of seven trees a year. Six hundred, eighty pounds of paper will mostly be thrown away and not recycled.
It takes about 24 trees to make a single ton of printed paper. A single faucet dripping a drop per second will waste 540 gallons of water in a year. For
each ton of glass that is recycled, a ton of natural
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Persuasive Essay On Recycling
Recycling is something every person has thought about from time to time. We all know what we hear about it, and how it is supposed to help. Many
people will let the thought about recycling go in one ear and out the other, because it does time a little more time than simply throwing everything
into a trash bag. The world's population keeps growing, along with the number of humans we are adding to this planet comes with more waste that we
all produce over our lifetimes. It is easy to just throw everything in a trash bag and take it out to the dumpster, however, if we took just a little extra
time to separate our items into recycling bins we all could make a big difference. Recycling involves turning used materials that are labeled as
recyclables into reusable materials. Any recyclable product basically means that it can be turned back into a raw material form that can be used to
create a new or different product. (Schenker) This also helps reduce any sort of extra build up from waste that could be very damaging towards the
planet we live on. If recycling can save this planet for our future generations to enjoy then it is something that should be considered as a non–optional
rule. Having guidelines or rules put in place for recycling is something we should not looked down on, as this is something we could build
alongside with to help improve the way of life and how we live it. As many items are recyclable and safe to use, we are helping day by day to
insure a safer place for everyone around us, including ourselves. Along with the strong push in the green movement recently, we all should notice
that more and more products are being made from recycled material. These items can be found anywhere as they are marked with a special
recycling symbol. Manufactures are also finding new ways to help create more items that can be used and recycled. These items include paper
towels, cardboard boxes, plastic containers, crayons, ink cartridges to even paint. (Schenker) As technology has change dramatically over the years, it
has provided us with ways of studying and finding out better ways to use the material. Recycling provides more than just an alternative to landfills, as
high cost of garbage disposal in some areas
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Persuasive Essay On Recycling
Humans are drawn towards what is morally good. Whether it is accepting responsibility for a person's actions or giving generously to those in need,
everyone feels compelled to do honorable actions. Many people feel obligated to recycle because recycling makes them feel good about themselves. In
fact, some people are pushing for a mandatory recycling policy without realizing the effects it will have. Many are misinformed and do not realize
the problems that can arise when they recycle. A mandatory recycling policy should not be enforced because the disadvantages outweigh the
advantages. Two methods of recycling are in use by people today: single stream recycling and dual stream recycling. The latter involves separating
paper and cardboard from glass and plastic for pickup while the former allows them to be mixed. Single stream recycling first began "in the 1990s...
in California" (Laskow). It has become increasingly popular since then. This method is favored by people because of its convenience and lack of
difficulty. The majority of the United States has voluntary recycling programs because they are relatively easy to manage. For the most part, it has
proven to be both affordable and efficient. Current voluntary recycling programs "save the greenhouse gas equivalent of removing 39.6 million cars
from the road" (Cernasky). It is evident that little is wrong with voluntary recycling programs, so there is no reason to attempt to improve something
that is not broken.
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Persuasive Speech About Recycling
Full Sentence Preparation Outline – FINAL
Is Recycling Important?
Attention Getter: According to, "Each person in the United States produces an average of 4 pounds of household hazardous waste each year
for a total of about 530,000 tons/year."
Background: Trash continues to increase, as the world continues to last. Easy disposable products such as water bottles and soda cans has led to
increasing amount of pollution around the world.
Audience Relevance: Recycling is something most people choose to ignore. Recycling helps the world by reusing trash to make new products. As a
result, this helps reduce the amount of trash that rot in landfills and pollution.
Speaker Credibility: My family has recycle for over the past 10 years. I believe it is something important that everyone should be apart of and do. Too
many people are not recycling, which is harmful to the environment.
Thesis: Throughout my speech, I want to persuade everyone to start recycling. It is important as it helps reduces the amount of pollution.
Preview of Main Points: First, I will explain the problem with not recycling. Next, the causes of the not recycling. Last, the solution and what we can do.
Transition to 1st Main Point: To begin, I will explain our problem, not recycling.
Main Point 1: According to Richard Fuller, a system theorist, "Pollution is nothing but the resources we are not harvesting. We allow them to disperse
because we've been ignorant of their value."written on
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Persuasive Speech About Recycling
There are many ways people could start fixing the world's trash crises, we just have to start making the necessary contributions instead of being the
lazy humans that we are. The simplest and most effective way of getting rid of the access trash that we built up is to recycle it, separate your garbage
into plastics, paper, metal, and glass, and bring it to your local recycling plant. There they will take the trash and turn it back into the raw material that
is used to make more products. They reuse the waste instead of adding it to the massive landfills. However this does bring up some issues. Recycling
plants create their own greenhouse gases and use up energy, but is it far less energy than creating new. According to stanford, manufacturing recycled
aluminum takes ninety five percent less energy to create that greating it new. That means that recycling is faster, so it takes less energy, therefore it
creates less greenhouse pollution. So do your part and recycle.
Recycling, though it is the best solution for garbage accumulated on land, it doesn't work for the mountainous amount of trash that has been
unremorsefully thrown out upon our great oceans. Did you know that there is a patch of garbage floating around in the pacific ocean? According
to National Geographic news reporter, Shaena Montanari, due to the amount of plastics dumped into the ocean, over 80 million tons of trash
finds its way into the ocean each year. The plastics find their way into ocean currents or gyres that move the garbage into one large spot where it
accumulates over time. They have observed that ninety percent of sea birds consuming the toxic waste, along with the many fish and other sea
life believing that our trash is food, and possibly dying by choking or being poisoned. It's a real problem that is kept quiet for years. But how do we
take care of it? Ninety one percent of plastic isn't recycles, so obviously the most logical response to this issue is to dispose of it all into the ocean? To
fix this issue we need to first stop the inflow of trash into the oceans. This is by recycling as we already know. But the issue arises of how do we get
the garbage out of the ocean. Since the majority of it is below the actual surface of the
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Persuasive Essay On Recycling
Everyday people throw away plastic that can easily be recycled. Recycling is an easy process and can save the environment money and energy. By
recycling earth will be a cleaner and less polluted. Actions taken by recycling have benefited many other countries. Recycling should be a must in every
state. Recycling has been around for many ages. People from all over the world recycle and even animals do. "The phrase 'Reduce, Reuse, and
Recycle' is taught to children all over the world in the hope of creating a clean environment" (Kukreja). Schools and parents are teaching the young
ones this concept early so they will have a cleaner lifestyle in the future. By teaching kids this it will allow them to understand recycling at such a
young age and they will be able to carry it on. Around the world "many people have found that their collective efforts in proper waste disposal have
made their towns cleaner and happier" (Kukreja). By recycling people are bettering themselves and their attitude of the environment is changing.
This process reduces the need for landfills which cancels out the smells and toxic mess. There have been many attempts to enforce recycling and
many states have. "Many simple programs that make a community stronger can be built upon the many benefits of recycling" (Kukreja). Recycling
brings people together while making earth a cleaner place. People have found that going with friends makes it a better time while changing the
atmosphere for good. First off recycling can benefit people by giving them cash back. In states "most governments have policies in place which give
financial benefits to those who recycle" (Kukreja). Recycling can be extremely time consuming and hard so they get the benefit of that. Different
towns have different opportunities for people who recycle such as money, volunteer hours, and benefits. While recycling "old newspapers, appliances,
plastic, rubber, steel, copper and even beer cans can be sold for money" (Kukreja). These are all easy things that you have around people's homes. By
taking these and putting them in separate bins people can earn cash. Many citizens recycle to earn a little more cash without having to get a second job.
While cleaning up these around
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Persuasive Essay On Recycling
Breaking down the environment to produce resources to better the people leads to an endless cycles of no beneficials. About billions of years ago
trees and water was the only thing on earth. Now time has jumped ahead and skyscrapers tower all over, along with the mountains of landfill
poisoning our atmosphere. People have exceed their natural resource that wood now is not real. By ten years later the air we breath will not be real
either. Having mandatory recycling policy can change the world for the best. Recycling has improved its way to make it safer,reliable and greener.
Given that now "Greenhouse gas emissions from the production of various materials reveal that recycling is always greener than using virgin
resources" (Holmes 39). Before raw materials were easier to gain and not much had been used it was very accessible. Back then people also did not
worry too much of running out of resources since it was everywhere. Now that humans see that our materials are quite limited and can be put in a
better way by"...three parks encouraged their 5 million visitors during the 2–month trial period to recycle 50 tons of materials" (Hoke 22). By
advertising in the very locations that are victims of being teared down. People can then look at their surrounding and realized if nothing changes,
nature itself will be gone. The small works that is happening now is going great but it needs to expand and be a number one consideration before it is
not even a choice. Paper and plastic are not the only thing that needs to be recycled. People with their leftovers should be "separating kitchen scraps,
garden waste and other organic waste from the rest of the rubbish stream means they can be used to generate high–quality compost to increase soil
fertility for crops and gardens" (Holmes 39). While even taking down plants for our consumption people can help it grow back by recycling and
replanting. Instead of letting food and gardens rot away for flies and maggots to get we can feed it back to mother nature herself. Recyclable product
should not be stuck to decay and add more to the landfill "but 22% of the municipal solid waste dropped into landfills or incinerators in the U.S. is, in
fact, food that could be put to better use
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Persuasive Speech On Recycling
The act of recycling is actually quite ironic. Trash is thrown into recycling bins then hauled off to factories where it is separated into different
categories depending on it's physical make up. First off, the giant trash truck picking up the materials is setting off carbon dioxide. Second, once the
materials have arrived at the factory, even more carbon dioxide pollutes the air from the fumes set off by melting plastics and other materials.Recycling
was invented to make the world a better place and save the environment. Instead, it is doing the exact opposite. Recycling is overrated. It's another
excuse to use mass quantities of plastic and paper. Without the world's will power to effectively recycle, it is impossible to execute successful
recycling that actually makes a difference. Recycling was made to save the planet but unfortunately, it is damaging the environment. Multiple
buildings in Taiwan made from recycled steel have been giving off gamma radiation for almost twelve years now (10 Ways Recycling Hurts the
Environment). Gamma radiation is dangerous to the human body. It can destroy cells and eventually lead to tumors and mutations. Speaking of
radioactivity, batteries are also being recycled entirely wrong. When batteries die (specifically car batteries), it is assumed they are no longer of
any use. In actuality, the batteries still have a long life ahead of them. In some studies, it is shown that after most car batteries have "died," they still
have seventy percent State of Health, compared to a brand new battery which has 100% (Chandan). In order to make this effective, the timing of
recycling batteries should be carefully monitored. In the beginning, recycling was created solely for the purpose of saving the world. It was taking
one mans trash and giving it a new purpose. As time has passed, recycling has become an excuse to be wasteful. People think they can use as much as
they want because they have a magical blue container that they place at the end of their driveway every Thursday morning. This does nothing but
teach people that it's acceptable to be wasteful. This sets off a chain reaction, people don't realize plastics are labeled one to seven depending on their
melting temperatures.
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Persuasive Speech About Recycling
Imagine you wake up in 20 years and all you see out your window is trash lining the streets and roads. This is what is going to happen if we don't start
recycling now. If we all start recycling now we will have beautiful streets and roads not full of trash. I picked this topic because it is a worldwide
problem and I think this topic can be solved. I was very curious about this topic and I wanted to know more about recycling.These are some driving
questions I had at the beginning of this project. Why don't a lot of people recycle? What is the most recycled item? Where is recycling a very big
problem in the world? How can more people be involved with recycling? How many people and animals get affected by recycling every year? My
driving question was how can we as people create a better recycling society.
I believe that this problem can be solved because they have been starting to involve students in recycling in the lunchroom and around their school. In
General I believe that people will start to see that we need to do more recycling when all of our backyards become landfills.
Recycling doesn't affect people that much, but it does affect wildlife and animals. Like the six pack rings, soda comes in, fish get caught in it and
they die. Another thing is plastic bags get thrown into the ocean and turtles mistake it for jellyfish, eat it and die. Would you believe me if I told you
that glass, aluminum, paper and plastic are not A report from the Federal Highway Administration shows that 80 percent of the asphalt that is removed
each year during widening and resurfacing is reused. Recycling has been around for thousands of years, but we still need to recycle even though
people thought of this a long time ago. A consequence is the New York CityLandfill. The New york city landfill contains 2.9 billion cubic feet of trash.
The new york city landfill can be seen from space. The new york landfill is one of the only things that can be seen from space. Another consequence
is that farmers in Wisconsin and Minnesota are just now starting to recycle. Minnesota and Wisconsin farms produce 60 million to 80 million pounds
of plastic every year, but until now they had no way to get rid of it besides throwing
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Persuasive Essay On Recycling
Being environmentally conscious is more than just being concerned about your natural surroundings. As the planet deals with the effects of decades
of mishandling of everyday trash and refuse, ecological good sense is now more than just the right thing to do. One way to have a daily impact on
your world is to be an integral part of the recycling process.
That process starts with appreciating how your garbage is handled. Does your company simply haul all garbage to a landfill, continuing to pollute the
earth with tons of toxins each day, or do they adhere to sound recycling principles. Here is how you can become part of the worldwide garbage
solution, and remove yourself from being just another part of the problem.
Recycle – Everything
The first step in becoming part of the recycling solution is to break bad habits by establishing new ones. Priority number one is set rigid criteria for
what you recycle. The best suggestion is everything. When you begin to thing this is okay, or that doesn't item doesn't really matter, you allow yourself
the leeway of being lax.
To be totally part of the solution and practice more than just half measures, use this rule. If it doesn't biodegrade, then make every effort possible to
keep it out of your standard garbage. To become 100 percent part of the recycling solution, you need to adhere to this rule. Does this sound like a little
too much of an inconvenience? Read on to find out why it doesn't have to be.
Keep it Separated
With reports
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Persuasive Essay On Recycling
Recycling is the key to a successful environment for generations to come. When I think about recycling, several synonyms come to mind, like
reduce, reuse, reclaim or recover. We need to be promoting recycling of old items and materials at school, work, in restaurants and at home. When we
reuse objects or make them new again, the old material is not wasted, and new materials are not being produced. For decades we have been living with
toxic waste and contributing to environmental hazards all around us every day. We live in a fast revolving society from needing the newest in
technology to purchasing new items whenever we want something. People do not think about the outcomes or possibilities of recycling our disregarded
items. The old theory of "out with the old, and in with the new" has been our society's motto for decades.
Does recycling really make a difference? Recycling can help save our earth and the environment we live in. It will provide a more substantial place to
live. Recycling is our future. By recycling items of plastics, aluminum, paper, metal, iron, tin wood and glass bottles we can save on natural resources
and produce items from reusable materials.
Argumentatively, there are several main problems and issues why people don't see the benefits in recycling. Some believe that it is much easier to
throw away our unused items in the garbage. Recycling is not convenient and takes too much time in our busy lives. Many will argue they do not
understand the environmental benefits to recycling. Others will contribute to the idea that recycling efforts will not make a difference in their lives.
The uneducated person doesn't know
Seils 2 which products are recyclable and which are not. Then, some just forget to recycle daily and weekly, along with taking out their trash.
Just think of all of the benefits of recycling from reducing waste in our local landfills. Recycling helps reduce pollution and conserves natural
resources. It helps in creating new jobs at the local, state, and government levels which will increase great benefits in the job market.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), released significant findings on the economic benefits of the recycling industry with an update to
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Persuasive Speech Against Recycling
I am going to persuade you that recycling should be required because it is very dangerous to not recycle. If more people started to recycle, it would
reduce the pollution in the air or as some people call it smog. The way this works is by cleaning the air we breathe by not having to burn the extra
plastics, papers, and cardboard people did not recycle. Almost all the things we buy are all made in factories, which creates pollution. If there were less
factories, less pollution is created.
Creating pollution also creates climate change. If there was less demand for products, the less climate change would be created. If companies were to
take those plastics back and reuse them, the plastics wouldn't end up in landfills. If this process was in ... Show more content on ...
If the manufacturers of these products would take them back and reuse them, we would save trees. For example, thousands of trees are cut down in
the Amazon Rainforest everyday. When the trees are cut down, animals lose their homes. If animals lose their homes, they can be taken for free
game, road kill and food for other animals that wouldn't normally eat them, which might cause that animal to get sick or die. If animals died the food
chain would be out of control and possibly lead to the extinction of many species. If other species were to go extinct more and more species would go
extinct causing a mass extinction. Most people just throw away paper, which is a waste of trees, animals, and the environment. So if we recycled this
paper the more trees, we would save.
Since most people just throw away natural resources, our landfills are filling up rapidly. Landfills filling up rapidly means that more and more of the
environment is dying. If more of the environment dies and is used as landfills more climate change, pollution and habitat loss is made.
Overall, the main idea of this essay was to help persuade more people to recycle. So let's get out there and make the world a cleaner and healthier place
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Persuasive Essay On Recycling
Do you believe in the future of Minnesota, America, and the world in general? Do you want to help future generations and planet by reducing waste?
If you said yes to any of these questions, than you might want to start recycling more. My bill is in act to make recycling mandatory for all schools in
Minnesota. Recycling is essential to the future of this planet. Humans have become more wasteful than ever, polluting our oceans with plastic,
destroying wildlife with garbage, killing animals with litter. The amount of trash cluttering Earth is outrageous, and we have to do something
about it. In Minnesota, schools create an estimated amount of 254 million tons of waste a year. (PCA) This number could be drastically
decreased if a new system was created in Minnesota schools. Using single stream recycling, one recycling bin where you put all recyclables, is a
great start and a lot better than throwing away that plastic bottle in the trash, but eventually a better system will have to be made in lunchrooms to
really decrease Minnesota's trash reduction. Most of the trash by a big margin is in lunchrooms. Around 40% of the food we buy is thrown away
eventually. (Tribune News). It makes sense that lunchrooms need to recycle all the plastic forks and plates, but a lot of people don't know about
another way of recycling, compost. Compost is another great way to reduce trash in MN. A lot of paper things, like cartons, and food can go into
compost. Another reason we should have recycling mandatory is because plastic hurts the environment badly. A lot of fish are dying in the ocean
from consumption of plastic. A lot of different species are going extinct because of plastic being dumped into the ocean, and other trash. Plastic is
really hard to digest for animals making it fatal if an animal eats enough of it. This is happening to a lot of fish and coastal birds, where plastic
washes up frequently, or when they mistake a piece of plastic for a fish. Species have gone extinct because of plastic. It is estimated by specialists,
that 50% of all plastic used is used once and then thrown away(Plastic Oceans Foundation). Plastic is very cheap, and there is no way to eliminate
plastic usage entirely, but when used, it
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Recycling Persuasive Speech
Good Morning everyone, i'm here today to address the situations regarding recycling. There is much debate as to if it is truly beneficial to recycle,
some see it as a waste of time gathering resources and money in gas to take it to recycling centers. If local governments gave you the opportunity to
recycle by providing recycling bins would you take advantage? If you said no, there are plenty of reasons as to why you should say yes, starting
with economic benefits. By 2025 it is estimated that the U.S will save over 850 billion dollars(BIR President Ranjit Baxi). Big businesses such as
Apple are already on board with recycling, this year alone they have made 40 million in recycled devices (Environmental Responsibility Report).
Other benefits include environment. Some disclaimers believe that landfill spaces will not fill up anytime soon and that they are not harmful to the
environment, on the other hand why should we wait until it becomes a problem to fix our landfills? If we can stop the problem at its source there is
no reason not to recycle as it positively affects everyone. ... Show more content on ...
Yes, almost everyone throws something away that could be recycled, if they instead recycled it would benefit all communities across the United
States. A little bit of time your during the week to sort out recyclables can lead to endless positivity, and lets you specify make a change in our great
nation. A great way for the gov to adapt to your living is sending out a survey that asks the top three recyclable products you can find throughout your
household. The the local local governments can plan routes accordingly as to the recyclables they need to pick up, an example could be on mondays
they will come around to pick up plastic
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Recycling Persuasive Essay
While recycling aluminum cans, newspapers, and lead–acid batteries is a good start I feel we do need to do more recyling, but without the fear of
being fined, ticketed, or having our trash ouput tracked. For example if we have family over for a reunion and they dont know the proper laws or
ways to recycle and end up just throwing things in the wrong bins with nobody seeing them. Then come trash day and we roll our bins out like a
normal day, but because the radio–frequency chip on the trash bin is heavier than normal and the recycle bin is on the light end would we be fined?
City officials wont know why our trash was bigger than normal, they will just see the rise in numbers and issue a ticket. I was stationed in Okinawa,
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Persuasive Essay On Recycling
Recycling is a process of using the old or useless materials to make something good out of them. There are numerous benefits of recycling and with
the growing technology, it's been very easy and convenient to recycle.This is done to reduce the use of raw materials that would have been used.
Recycling also uses less energy and a great way of controlling air, water, and land pollution. Recycling can prevent the waste of potentially useful
materials and reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, thereby reducing: energy usage, air pollution (from incineration), and water
pollution (from landfilling). It also has several economic benefits like it can help people in making money by recollecting approved materials to a
nearby recycling place. Recycling is a key component of modern waste reduction and is the third component of the "Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle"
waste hierarchy. Recycling is one of the most common issues not only for Ohio or America but for the entire world. Recycling is important in
today's world if we want to leave this planet for our future generations. It is good for the environment since we are making new products from the
old products which are of no use to us. Recycling begins at home. One way to recycle at home is by utilizing old or useless materials instead of just
throwing it away. This is called reusing. Ohio's government took many steps to spread the awareness of recycling. Ohio's First Solid Waste Law was
passed in the 1960's, Ohio's garbage management plan consisted of more than 1,300 smelly, rat–infested open dumps throughout the state.Cuyahoga
County produces over two million pounds of waste each day and 3.5 million tons of each year and only 37% of its waste is recycled. Harmful
chemicals and greenhouse gases are released from rubbish in landfill sites. Recycling helps to reduce the pollution caused by waste.Therefore it can
be said that recycling is not only Ohio's or America's problem, in fact, it's a problem for the entire world. There are very interesting statistics about
how a very little effort in the recycling can affect the environment.Recycling a single run of the Sunday New York Times would save 75,000 trees. If
every American recycled just one–tenth of their
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Persuasive Essay On Recycling
Jeremiah Fuller
Environmental science
Recycling relates to the environment in many different ways. Recycling conserves natural resources such as timber, water and minerals. Recycling
helps our environment a lot it saves energy, prevents pollution by reducing the need to collect raw materials, and helps provide jobs in therecycling and
manufacturing industries in the United States. Recycling can save energy by eliminating the need to make materials from scratch. Regardless of which
product you're producing, it's extremely labor intensive and energy expensive to extract, transport and refine the natural resources that go into
aluminum, plastic, paper and glass. Using recycled materials rather than new resources gives us a jumpstart on the manufacturing process and allows us
to make the same products with less energy.But there's more to recycling than saving energy. "Choosing to recycle materials that would've otherwise
been sent to the dump substantially shrinks landfills, and using recyclables in manufacturing helps us conserve the natural resources on our planet".
There's no need to throw away when we can reuse what we've already removed.
And with our environment and its living and nonliving things occurring naturally we should be willing to recycle. People who are really concern and
want recycle and help our environment uses the term conservation and preservation. Conservation of environment simply implies the sustainable use as
well as management of natural resources which include wildlife, water, air, and earth deposits. There are renewable and nonrenewable natural
resources. Conservation of natural resources generally focuses on the needs & interests of human beings, for instance the biological, economic,
cultural and recreational values. Conservationists have the view that development is necessary for a better future, but only when the changes occur in
ways that are not wasteful. Recycling is something that we can all do. Children that are school age and older can help out too. The goal is to stop
tossing out items that we can use again and again. It costs far less to recycle materials than it
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Persuasive Essay About Recycling
The first earth day was established in the 1970s and that marked the day when recycling went into effect. In the year 1919 recycling became an
everyday routine. They just thought they were reusing products because things were scarce. After 1950 the American Can Company formed America
Recycles Day is a national initiative of "Keep America Beautiful". That program was the back bone for how people are recycling today. Recycling is a
complicated topic from the process, benefits, and programs in place.
When people think about recycling or even trash people believe that it goes into the trucks and go to the landfill to be dumped and then possibly burned
or somehow disposed. In the article The Atlanta, went behind the scenes to examine the... Show more content on ...
Maryland has a forty–three–point– two recycling rate stated by Maryland Department of the Environment. At least Maryland does recycle while
some other states have a recycling rate that is lower than Maryland. Maryland tries to make recycling easier for the residents. They have a chart that
shows you what can and can't be recycled. You don't have to buy your own recycling cans because you just have call your local recycling center and
they will provide two large cans if you pay your taxes. Some of the recycling programs are supported by different companies and groups. That show
that they want to be involved with saving the world.
It is great that recycling is doing so much but everything cost money. In the movie "Park Avenue: Money, Power, and the American Dream–– Why
Poverty?" they talked about some of the richest people in America. On average the cost of recycling two–hundred forty dollars per ton. Mr. Koch may
believe that we should get rid of the recycling problems because of the cost. He likes to spend his money on persuading the republicans. "The
cheapest person over all was David Koch," says the doorman and it proves he spend on things that help him. As stated in the movie the "rich people
cover half of the USA". Rich people focus is to make money and not worry about little things. The film had showed the "Bronx South and how people
were struggling to get food". These rich men that lived in New York would not care about them. They
... Get more on ...

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Persuasive Essay On Curbside Recycling

  • 1. Persuasive Essay On Curbside Recycling Curbside Recycling When you talk about the worlds polluted oceans and issues with our rain forests, many people deliberate on how can I help, I am just a single individual. I believe that curbside recycling can help show individuals that they too can make a difference in making our planet healthier to live. The problem I am addressing is that not all counties that surround the county I live in participate in a curbside recycling program. Many of these counties that do not participate have an overwhelming amount of trash in their landfills. For an example, my parents live thirty minutes and four counties over from mine. The county that they live in does not offer a curbside recycling program. Now with that said they do offer recycling at the local landfill. The problem I found within my parent's neighborhood, is that the residents do not feel that they should have to carry the recycle to the landfill, particularly when the trash service comes to their homes today to remove the trash. I spoke with about twelve residents and asked them if the county offered a curbside program would they participate knowing they will still have to separate the trash from the recycled materials. The response was about seventy–five percent positive of the residents I spoke with would participate in a curbside recycling program. In my neighborhood, our curbside recycling program picks up every other Tuesday. Our program has changed, last year we could only recycle cans, cartons, glass, paper ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Persuasive Essay On Recycling Crisis It is configured that about 70,000 tons of plastic ends up in the state 's landfills each year and only an estimated 20 percent gets recycled ("New Recycling Law to Promote Better Habits."). Recycling is an important way to help keep the earth clean and reduce pollution in the air, grounds, and water. In the state of North Carolina recycling is only required in restaurants, but is recommended in homes and stores despite the fact it is not already mandatory. Recycling materials is shown to reduce wasted materials and save the state money in production costs (Davis). Recycling in North Carolina should be mandatory all over the state in homes, businesses, restaurants, and stores because it reduces pollution, wasted materials, greenhouse ... Show more content on ... When the birds in these situations become sick, the disease is spreadable to humans and other animals in the area. Another hazardous item found in landfills is methane. In landfills nearly two–thirds of this waste material can be traced back to household matter, material decomposes in landfill sites causing them to release methane gas. Methane is a very potent greenhouse gas, nearly 20 times more effective at trapping heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide ("Landfill Pollution"). The same hazardous fumes that can be found in landfills are also found all over the state of North Carolina along the road ways and in cities. Litter consists of trash and household toxic substances that are improperly disposed of on land or in water, over time the trash collects and creates pollution which lead to hazardous fumes as the trash and waste decompose. Decomposition of trash in landfills and litter on the streets lead to greenhouse emissions that are let into the atmosphere. Greenhouse emissions, such as methane nitrogen, oxygen, ammonia, sulfides, hydrogen and various other gases are also produced in small volumes, these gases can be a problem in the atmosphere for upwards of 50 years (Skye). In an article written about the environmental effects landfills can create, Jared Skye wrote: "Landfill gases do not remain on–site. When released in the air, gases find their way ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Persuasive Essay On Recycling Recycling has been around for many years along with the idea behind not being wasteful, however it has only recently become popular to take part in. Even with recent growth it has not become popular enough. The solution to overflowing landfills, unemployed Americans, toxins released in the atmosphere, et cetera. It is right before everyone's eyes but no one seems to see the simple solution: recycling. A mandatory recycling policy would ensure that the environment is being saved for future generations, the soil is suitable for crops, people are employed, and the cash flow that comes with it does not hurt either. With such a simple fix to mass environmental destruction, why is this not already in action? Money encourages everyone. Money is ... Show more content on ... The economy will benefit from the available jobs in the recycling industry encouraged by the new policy in effect. As people say 'money talks' and money is telling people to recycle. The environment is suffering from abuse. There are overflowing landfills, unsanitary water, and streets towering with trash. There is not anyone to blame for this abuse but mankind. The environment is home to animals, America's children, and loved ones. Why would anyone in their right mind do harm to such a place? The actions of the people could harm not only the generation on earth now but all the generations to follow. The environment is easily damaged however it is even more easily saved. Plastic bottles and aluminum cans can easily be melted and reused instead of being thrown away. Paper, saving trees, can be reused at recycling plants as well. Acid rain, illnesses, and lowered crop production are all side effects of air pollution. By recycling, less products need to be made in factories which cuts down on the amount of pollution caused by factories. Recycling is a vital factor in preserving and supporting the earth. In order to have a healthy atmosphere there needs to be a common preservation practice in action. That common preservation is simply a mandatory recycling policy. Earth's natural resources are limited. One simply can not continuously harvest the benefits of natural resources without coming to an end ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Persuasive Speech On Recycling The world is full of people using everyday products made from plastics or styrofoam, from simple things like cups, forks and spoons to expensive electronics such as printers, phones, and TV's. "About 300 million tons of plastic is produced globally each year"(Raising Awareness of Plastic Waste) and "more than 14 million tonnes of polystyrene(styrofoam) are produced every year around the world"(Now and forever: The Styrofoam dilemma). With these high amounts being produced each year it is easy to see why our oceans are now filled with these materials which end up damaging our earths ecosystem, marine life, and wild life. Out of the 300 million tons of plastic produced "only about 10 percent of that is recycled"(Raising Awareness of Plastic Waste) and out of the 14 million tons of styrofoam produced only "56 million pounds of styrofoam are recycled"(EPS (Styrofoam) Facts, Figures and Statistics) This means that the majority of plastics and styrofoam end up in landfills or our oceans changing our world for the worst one non–recycled item at a time. After reviewing two different Ted Talks, one aboutrecycling plastic by Mike Biddle and one about recycling styrofoam by Ashton Cofer it has become more apparent to me that recycling plastics is extremely important and Mike Biddle has the solution. What is Ted Talks? Ted Talks is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less). TED was established in 1984 as a conference ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Persuasive Essay On Recycling With the rapidly increasing use of plastic, aluminum, and paper materials, it only makes sense that the problem we chose to focus on is recycling. In the world of engineering, recycling has been a hot topic for many years, so for one to say that deriving an idea that hasn't been done before is difficult, that would be an understatement. As any group of well–educated engineers would, we started our journey at the drawing board. The brainstorming process was potentially the most time consuming section of our task, given we easily spent over fifteen hours spouting off ideas and concepts for anything that we thought we could do that we could patent. We then realized it wasn't just about us getting a patented idea, it was about making a difference. So, we then realized something that could make a difference is one of the things that we have been taught the importance of since we were in elementary school. That was recycling. Now that the first step of the brainstorming process was over, which was finding a general problem area, we then needed to figure out what in the world it was that we were going to do that no one else had done before. After a couple of days of brainstorming, we quickly realized that instead of coming up with a fresh idea, innovating what is imperfect was the perfect way to approach this. In order to find where the problems laid, we had to go to the consumer. We began asking our friends, family, and even a few random people what they thought the biggest issue was that was hindering them from recycling. After a few conversations, accessibility and attraction seemed to be the greatest factors. With this in mind, we of course went back to the brainstorming process to figure out what exactly it was that we were going to to do and how we would do it. After a few off the wall ideas, followed by some mediocre ones, we decided we were going to innovate the recycling bin itself. We figured up a plan to make the bin something that people could interact with and that could shred whatever recyclable material that you put in it without requiring electric power. We then went with a slow, torque based, hand crank that would be attached to some sort of shredding mechanism, one strong enough to shred even ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Persuasive Essay On Recycling Are recycling efforts making a difference in the world? That's the question that everyone asks when they make a decision as to whether they are going to recycle or not. Some decide ВЁYeah this is worth it, I'll make a differenceВЁ. Others decide ВЁNo it's a waste of time and money, I'm not going to do itВЁ. People may believe that, but is it a waste of time and money? Recycling has the potential to generate jobs, save energy, save water, and so much more. Recycling is a $200 billion dollar industry (Recycle Across America). It properly creates valuable resources for U.S. manufacturing and can become a highly valuable export to countries such as China and India (Recycle Across America). Not only is it good for the money, but it conserves ... Show more content on ... generates more waste than any other country in the world (Recycle Across America). In less than fifteen years worldwide waste is expected to double (Recycle Across America). Americans are always throwing stuff away that can be recycled such as cans, foil, kitchen utensils when they get old, and so much more. Every three months, Americans throw enough aluminum in the landfills to build our nation's entire commercial air fleet (Recycle Across America). According to a recent Yale University/EPA study the U.S. recycles less than twenty –two percent of it's discarded materials (Recycle Across America). We are not doing our job as a society when it comes to recycling. Recycling is the top action society can do to simultaneously improve the environment, the economy, sustainable manufacturing and to prevent waste from going into the oceans; it is proven, when there is a strong recycling culture, there is less litter and less waste going into the ocean (Recycle Across America).When we recycle our waste products rather than throw them all in the garage, we save room in landfills, reduce our energy used to manufacture new products and reduce the fossil fuels extracted and greenhouse gases from being burned off into the atmosphere (Thorpe). People not only recycle paper and plastic. They even recycle electronics. "As electronics fail or become obsolete, this stuff needs to be recycled or it winds up being buried in a landfill," Kline said. "In addition to the ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Persuasive Essay On Recycling When discussing solutions to try and help preserve the planet and sustain resources for many generations, the first thought of the majority of the public is a popular slogan–Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Many households have access to recycling receptacles, either through their waste management company or close by facilities. And yet, as of 2014, the most recent data provided by the EPA, only 34.6 percent of Americans recycle (, 2017). Although many people are reminded to reduce, reuse, and recycle at practically every street corner and through advertisements and awareness campaigns, many are not fully educated on the benefits of recycling nor are they fully aware of the risks and environmental impacts associated with excessive wastefulness and overconsumption. Through recycling and a conscious effort, there are many ways an individual can help the environment. Recycling should be an integral part of everyone's daily lives as a way to help save the planet for current and future generations and although it may cause some adverse effects, the benefits greatly outweigh the pitfalls. To elaborate, recycling is a simple, effective way to reuse raw materials and resources which can cut down on environmental impacts such as global warming and pollution from landfills, providing future generations a beautiful and sustainable place to live. Recycling is the process of turning trash that would otherwise be thrown away into reusable products through the steps of collecting and ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Persuasive Speech Recycling Recycling The biggest challenge we face today, is the quality of our environment. Over the years, since the industrialization of America, we have been accelerating the effects of climate change and it is looking to be disastrous. Believe it or not, the science world is telling us that if we don't act quick, we are going to see some major changes in the next hundred years or less. With this paper, we are only going to tackle the easiest and probably the biggest change we can make, and that is recycling. Did you know, 300 million tons of plastic is produced each year, and that number is growing still? A quick google search shocked me on how much of that is recycled, 10%. Plastic is our biggest physical polluter in the world, as it doesn't biodegrade. The amount of it in our oceans and on our beaches alone is astronomical, some studies have even said there is more than there are animals in the ocean. Because of this number, we need to act quick and begin recycling what we produce. There are not many laws or incentives for recycling, and that is the root of the problem. In order to jumpstart this global effort, governments need to come together and find an effective way to mandate recycling. This effort has to start local and spread, and that's why I want to propose a recycle policy for Billings and hopefully in time, all of Montana. Just as a few states have already done. Similar movements have started around the world, my favorite technique is that of Austria. They have a law that refunds you a certain amount if you a certain amount of money if you recycle a container. This is achieved by having a type of vending machine, that you place a bottle or like object in, and the machine drops you some money in return. Amongst other techniques this has helped Austria lead the world in recycling, sitting at above 60% recycle rate. Other countries have adopted this type of incentive, and many are recycling a whole lot more now. I propose that we adopt a similar policy here in Billings, a policy that requires us to recycle. With this, we would require households to have a separate recycle bin, similar to one that we push trash in. And to have recycling companies make their rounds and do the weekly ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Persuasive Essay On Recycling When discussing solutions to try and help preserve the planet and sustain resources for many generations, the first thought of the majority of the public is a popular slogan–Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Many households have access to recycling receptacles, either through their waste management company or close by facilities. And yet, as of 2014, the most recent data provided by the EPA, only 34.6 percent of Americans recycle (, 2017). Although many people are reminded to reduce, reuse, and recycle at practically every street corner and through advertisements and awareness campaigns, many are not fully educated on the benefits of recycling nor are they fully aware of the risks and environmental impacts associated with excessive wastefulness and overconsumption. Through recycling and a conscious effort, there are many ways an individual can help the environment. Recycling should be an integral part of everyone's daily lives as a way to help save the planet for current and future generations and although it may cause some adverse effects, the benefits greatly outweigh the pitfalls. To elaborate, recycling is a simple, effective way to reuse raw materials and resources which can cut down on environmental impacts such as global warming and pollution from landfills, providing future generations a beautiful and sustainable place to live. Recycling is the process of turning trash that would otherwise be thrown away into reusable products through the steps of collecting and ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Persuasive Essay On Recycling When was the last time you recycled? Whenever you are recycle something think about it this. You're helping earth environment every single time you're recycling. You can also think that you are one of the reason earth is healthier and cleaner. There many items that can be recycled and many people don't recycling. In the article " What can I recycle" they said "Americans currently discard about 2.7 million tons of aluminum every year, 50 percent of that is recycled. Recycling steel and tin cans saves 74% of the energy used to produce them." Everyone on earth should be required to recycle. Recycling helps make earth a better place, if recycling is required for everyone it's fair, and recycling also protects earth natural resources. Recycling helps make the Earth a better place. Recycling is important to both the natural environment and us. According to the article, Recycling "Recycling helps reduce the pollutions caused by waste. It also reduces the need for raw materials so that the rainforests can be preserved." Recycling saves a lot of energy that we use. According to the article Five Ways Recycling Positively Impacts the Earth, "Plastic bottle recycling could save 50 to 60 percent of the energy needed to make new ones." In the article Recycling is important it said "huge amounts of energy are used when making products from raw materials, recycling requires much less energy and therefore it helps to preserve natural resources." Recycling paper can also help reduce the burden on the earth's soil. In the article How much Americans throw away it said "paper recycling in California alone, saved 203 square miles of timberland from being cut. Paper recycling could also save up to 70% of the energy needed to create paper from new timber. Paper recycling alone saves millions of trees." When recycling is required of everyone, it is fair. In the article Municipal Solid Waste it says that "each year, nations generate 1.3 billion tons of waste. the average person throws away approximately 2ВЅ pounds of trash per day, and that we are all responsible for reducing our impact on our environment." In the article How much do Americans throw away? they said "Americans throw away enough garbage everyday to ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Persuasive Essay On Curbside Recycling When you talk about the worlds polluted oceans and issues with our rain forests, many people think how can I help I am only one person. I believe that curbside recycling can help show individuals that they to can make a difference in making our planet healthier to live on. The problem I am addressing is that not all counties that surround the county I live in participate in a curbside recycling program. Many of these counties that do not participate have a overwhelming amount of trash in their landfills. For an example, my parents live on thirty minutes from me, about four counties over from mine. The county that they live in does not offer a curbside recycling program. Now with that side they do offer recycling at the local landfill. The problem I found within my parent's neighborhood, is that the residents do not feel that they should have to carry the recycle to the landfill, particularly when the trash service comes to their homes today to remove the trash. I spoke with about twelve residents and asked them if the county offered a curbside program would they participate knowing they will still have to separate the trash from the recycled materials. The response was about seventy–five percent positive of the residents I spoke with would participate in a curbside recycling program. In my neighborhood, our curbside recycling program picks up every other Tuesday. Our program has changed, last year we could only recycle cans, cartons, glass, paper and plastic #1, now with the enhancements made to the program, they now are excepting all plastics #1–#7 and lids and caps on containers (ex: laundry bottles with lids) and a big plus is no they except milk and juice cartons. The only things they do not except are plastic bags, Styrofoam and food contaminated boxes (ex: pizza boxes). The CVWMA's residential curbside program is " the largest in the state of Virginia, serves over 270,000 households in nine jurisdictions. Nearly 125 tons of recyclables are collected each day of residential (curbside) recycling service." (CVWMA) The sequencing of my photos is to show how beautiful our land and oceans are today. In the first slide, it is an aerial and ocean views were taken on my trip home from Florida, and the forest ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Recycling Persuasive Essay Zack Richardson 11–14–15 Persuasive outline Thesis: For us to be able to live in a clean and healthy environment we all including the companies mass producing the recyclables need to take recycling more seriously. Specific purpose: Persuade the audience to be more conscious about recycling, the effects it has on the health of our oceans and land, and how we can all contribute more. Introduction: There are many good reasons the recycle many of them have to do with the heath and cleanliness of our environment 1. The more that is recycled the less that we have to fill the landfills with because we are able to re use the things that are being recycled. 2 .There are also many opportunities to get paid for recycling things like cans, bottles, and ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Persuasive Essay On Recycling No matter what you do in this life you will always contribute in someway to producing trash. While you may not think so everything you do will produce some type of waste. While recording my trash that I have accumulated these fast three weeks I have noticed a trend. The trend is that every day that I drive to school I end up buying some type of food while I am at school. Most of this trash consisted of paper based products, which can be recycled but in most of the establishments do not have a recycling option because most of the things that can be recycled are covered in food waste so they are viewed as trash. During the weekends I work from sun up to sun down so I can produce a lot of waste in that time frame. Some examples of this are rotors from a truck to shingles from a roof and while each rotor does not take up a lot of space there is a lot of material that will not be broken down. The shingles while they do not weigh that much there is a lot of them and can accumulate quickly. With these shingle you have things such as tarpaper, nails, and staples that will all be thrown away because they cannot be reused. It would be so encumber some to try and collect all of these nails and staples it would increase the length of the job by at least a couple hours. The shingles cannot be reused for any purpose so the only thing to do with them is to take them to the dump. While one roof that's no problem but if you think about how many people have their roofs redone in a year the ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Persuasive Essay On Recycling Recycling one ton of paper saves seventeen mature trees, seven thousand gallons of water, three cubic yards of landfill space, and two barrels of oil ("Environmental Impacts"). It is much easier than most people think to make such a big difference. If every person took a few minutes to go through the trash being put in the garbage and recycle the things that can be, it could completely change the world. It is the peoples job to take care of the planet and everything on it, and if people are not willing to do the right thing on their own, then they should be forced to. Everyone should be required to recycle because it is good for the environment, helps the economy, and saves energy, space, and resources. One of the biggest reasons recycling should be taken so serious is because of its positive affect on the environment. Without recycling, so many goods that have potential to be repurposed are thrown into landfills. These landfills are piled up and affect the lives of countless wildlife. This quote by Allen Hershkowitz shows the enormity of the helpfulness of recycling. "Because using recycled materials reduces the need to extract, process, refine, and transport the timber, crude petroleum, ores, and so on that are necessary for virgin–based paper, plastics, glass, and metals, recycling lessens the toxic air emissions, effluents, and solid wastes that these manufacturing processes create" (Hershkowitz). Not having to put the weight of everyone's trash trash on the world's land and instead, repurposing it into something usable saves so many resources. Recycling not only leaves more room for things where the trash would have gone, but it also means that the people living here will get farther with the resources they have. The more that is taken from the earth the less there will be for those in the future, so saving and taking care of what is here is very important. The ones living in the world today are the people who are get to decide how the people of the generations to come are going to live. People should not want their kids living in a world of filth and pollution where no one cares about the world they are living on. An article by Omid Nodoushani discussed in depth the terrible amounts of pollution that is ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Persuasive Essay On Recycling Many of animals in our environment are being harmed from our wastes, like turtles in the sea being trapped on beer can plastic rings. Recycling wastes should be a thing that everyone does to prevent many things like this from happening. There are people out there who recycle everything they can, and there are those who can't even bother to look if they're throwing their trash in the right bin. People all over the world constantly debate whether recycling is or is not beneficial to the environment. With the climate changing rapidly and natural disasters becoming worse, people should be more aware of the dangers that global warming can bring. Even a little help can do good for the environment; we should help by recycling more. Those who recycle help reduce pollution caused by waste, save energy and create jobs for those in need. Recycling helps reduce pollution caused by waste from landfills. We should start using more recycled materials "because using recycled materials reduces the need to extract, process, refine, and transport the timber, crude petroleum, ores, and so on that are necessary for virgin–based paper, plastics, glass, and metals, recycling lessens the toxic air emissions, effluents, and solid wastes that these manufacturing processes create" (Hershkowitz). Given that the decrease in waste ultimately helps the decrease of pollution, it's currently not being properly put into effect as people don't find it important or they simply don't always remember to ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Persuasive Speech On Recycling We have all heard the saying reduce, reuse, and recycle from a very young age. But let's face it, how many of us recycle? The world we live in is slowly filling up with the trash that we throw out every day. One day who knows, we might be living in our own trash and everywhere we look there will be trash. Is this a world where we all want to live in? If not, we need to take steps to prevent the buildup of trash in our landfills and even our oceans. Therefore, recycling needs to be encouraged because it reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills, prevents pollution, conserves natural resources, and creates jobs. Landfills are filling up with more and more trash every day and are expanding. Just by separating our trash everyday into plastics, cardboard/paper, cans, etc., we can minimize what we put in the landfills. Even if recycling was mandatory, I think this would help a lot. I spent some time in Germany and was able to participate in recycling more in depth. They recycle almost everything and have strict trash rules. Food that was not consumed goes in one small bin and cans, boxes, paper, etc., were sorted into separate bins as well. If you had something that was not in the proper bin or if your trash bag had something that could be recycled they do not take the trash that day. Some of the food that was not consumed was buried, the cardboard/paper, etc., was sent out to be recycled and reused. All of this helps keep Germany green and clean. Maybe we should follow in Germany's footsteps to help keep our landfills clean of items that can be recycled and used again. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, in 2006, only 32% of the trash that was picked up was recycled in the United States. This leaves 68% of trash that is still going to the landfills and not being recycled. Although this recycling average is low, The Environmental Protection Agency hoped by 2019 the recycle percentage would reach 75%. The amount of trash that one person generates is astonishing. According to the EPA from Green Waste, in a single day 4.5 pounds is thrown out, which is about 1.5 tons of solid waste a year per person. The EPA estimates that 75% of solid waste is recyclable, but 30% is actually being ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Persuasive Essay On Recycling You will find people that are passionate about it and others that don't care just like any other controversial topic. Recycling can be viewed as a very beneficial thing for the environment but, many believe it is just a waste of time. People don't seem to believe that the environment will not last forever if humans do not take care if the earth and it can be takin care of in simple forms. From lowering CO2 levels by carpooling with a co–worker or Friend or even using less plastic water bottles by buying a reusable water bottle. Small changes can overall have a great impact on the environment. Global warming is something that is happening and cannot be ignored any longer. Going green should be a big concern for the world not having the... Show more content on ... The disadvantages about recycling plastics is that it takes money, time, and energy to recycle plastic itself. Recycling plants also use electricity, as much as it recycles it uses up resources and in great quantities because plants are big and are recycling a lot of material. Not everyone is informed on what is recyclable for instance car tiers vulcanized rubber like in car tires cannot be melted down and used again to make more tiers but many people have the misconception that there are recyclable when in reality they are not they can no longer be broken down and the recycled tiers will be shredded and burned in coal plants vulcanized rubber will last an extremely long time in a landfill creating more pollution for the air. Well recycling paper and plastic products will cause less of a demand for new paper and plastic, thus reducing the need to create the two products. It goes on to more factors though such as the toxins released from the burning of fossil fuels can pollute the air. Some of the most common gases are sulfur gas, carbon dioxide, and methane and is actually the most harmful and is released through livestock, landfills, etc. So some of the ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Persuasive Speech On Recycling "Today, U.S. citizen's produce over 250 million tons of municipal solid waste, before recovery, which is close to one ton per person", says Jay Withgott's 6th edition book. The world is growing in population and people are just exceeding in the amount of waste they are adding to the Earth. Waste is defined as any unwanted material from a human activity or process. Municipal solid waste is an extensive problem in the United States, but so is an Industrial solid waste and Hazardous waste. If people repurposed items that can be reused, we would be saving plenty of resources. Recycling is the one of the best ways to get rid of waste. Recycling is the process of turning used materials into materials that can be reused as a material or for a new purpose. Per the North Carolina Data Waste Management, the amount of trash North Carolinians throw away, would fill enough Dumpsters to line the length of North Carolina's Interstate 40 more than six times in one year. That is almost 2,750 miles of dumpsters each year. We are going to focus on how recycling saves energy, conserves waste by reusing materials, and protects natural resources if recycling materials are being used. This relates to the protection of land and ecological resources and why one should recycle. First and foremost, how recycling saves energy. According to Brigham Young University in Idaho, "On average, it costs $30 per ton to recycle trash, $50 to send it to the landfill, and $65 to $75 to incinerate it". Processing raw materials to assemble usable items consumes a numerous amount of energy. Recycling conserves energy because it takes much less energy to turn the products being recycled into usable materials. According to the American Geoscience Institute, "the largest energy savings achieved by recycling are generally metals, which are easy to recycle and typically need to be produced by energy intensive mining". In the final stages of waste management, comes a landfill. The steps to produce a landfill conclude: taking a site survey, excavation, line it with compacted clay, then lay down leachate collection pipes, leachate drainage layer, input waste, one then spreads it out, and places soil on top. As a result, one can reuse materials to ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Persuasive Essay On Recycling With so many waste and recycling centers in our society, I don't understand why the percentage of wastes being recycled hasn't increased. According to Mike Biddle, guest speaker of TED Talks, "We Can Recycle Plastic," states, "Mother nature wastes very little and that humans should not see ourselves as consumers, but see ourselves as users of resources that we are waiting on to be transformed...". Recycling is the process of converting waste into new, and improved products, we are required to recycle all bottles, cans, paper, and plastics, except for plastic bags. This project deems to prove the immediate and long–term effects it has on our planet; however, many don't realize the benefits of recycling. Although this project has been going on for quite some time, there needs to be an increase considering the excessive amounts of waste we humans create. While many believe that recycling has no impact, schools and other public properties should encourage recycling. Throughout our community, United States citizens are straying far from the practice of recycling. In today's society, we have become more dependent on throwing wastes away than protecting our environment. Our school systems try to encourage young children to recycle by making posters and sponsoring activities around Earth Day, but in all truthfulness the general population doesn't practice the ritual of recycling. For example, our high school cafeteria allows students to use Styrofoam trays and plastic cutlery. A ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Recycling Persuasive Essay Dan Phillips once said, "I had always suspected that one could build an entire house from what went into the landfill, and, sure enough, it's true." We throw away tons of trash each and everyday. Trash that is not always necessarily waste or used to it's full potential. Trash that was once apart of our lives that we kept in our homes. Nobody really thinks about it or what happens to it after it's out of our lives. Maybe it's time we start thinking about where all our trash winds up. I mean, have you ever really thought about it? Thought about the piles upon piles of trash polluting the air we breath and killing our environment. My issue is how no one seems to care. To change their ways and make a difference. To save this world it might be time to consider recycling. If everyone recycled a little bit each year, tons of the trash killing our planet would cease to exist. I'm fully prepared to go over exactly why we need to recycle, how to start recycling, and some of the benefits that have occurred as a result of past recycling. Let's start ... Show more content on ... (pg 42). Recycling reduces tons of the waste that fills each and every landfill. We could try incinerating the waste which would just create more air pollution than most cars. How about everyone gives precycling a try. Precycling, when defined, is thinking before buying. Try looking at the packaging to see if this item can be reduced, reused, or recycled after your need for it expires. Reusing starts at the point of purchase. If you care about the environment, choose products that can be repaired and reused to ensure a longer life. The final process to consider is recycling. After you've used a product to it's full extent, you have a choice to throw away or recycle the item. Before deciding to either reduce, reuse, and recycle or throw it away, think about all the good that comes out of ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Persuasive Speech On Recycling "Today U.S. citizen's produce over 250 million tons of municipal solid waste, before recovery, which is close to one ton per person", says Jay Withgott's 6th edition book. The world is growing in population and people are just exceeding in the amount of waste they are adding to the Earth. Waste is defined as any unwanted material from a human activity or process. Municipal solid waste is an extensive problem in the United States, but so is Industrial solid waste and Hazardous waste. If everyone repurposed items that can be reused, we would be saving plenty of resources. Recycling is the one of the best ways to get rid of waste. Recycling is the process of turning used materials into materials that can be reused as a material or for a new purpose. Per the North Carolina Data Waste Management, the amount of trash North Carolinians throw away, would fill enough Dumpsters to line the length of North Carolina's Interstate 40 more than six times in one year. That is almost 2,750 miles of dumpsters each year. We are going to focus on how recycling saves energy, conserves waste by reusing materials, and protects natural resources if recycling materials are being used. This relates to the protection of land and ecological resources and why one should recycle. First and foremost, how recycling saves energy. According to Brigham Young University in Idaho, "On average, it costs $30 per ton to recycle trash, $50 to send it to the landfill, and $65 to $75 to incinerate it". Processing raw ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Persuasive Speech On Recycling shelfing from old windows, doors and mirrors, brings new life into old material. This will help with recycling and cutting down trees. If we conserve and produce from already defined waste materials we can avoid toxic chemicals through manufacturing goods. Recycling helps slow down and control global warming. "One ton of grass results in energy savings of more than 300 percent and lowers carbon dioxide emissions by 346 tons." Recycling reduces water pollutions, turning trees into paper is the most water–intensive industrial process in the United States. Paper recycling mills nearly always use less water and they don't pollute the water nearly as much. Recycling can be fun. It's good for our environment. (Who) Recycling isn't new. For centuries recycling was a way of life. People didn't waste anything. They found ways to reuse items over again. Pilgrims and Indians lived off the land and conserved items from livestock and agriculture. Besides using animals for meat, early settlers used the animal hides for survival as well. The hide was reused for clothing, pouches, shoes, boots, and blankets. Furniture was produced from animal skin. Early settlers learned to make tools, weapons and jewelry from bones. It is estimated we use 40 million tons of food each year. We have become a wasteful society. In addition, electronical waste of old computers and electronic devices is known as e–waste. Over 70 million computers are sitting in landfills. E–waste is growing as new devices and better technology is being developed in our society today. Out with old in with the new increases throughout the year as new electronical devices are being made. We need to educate Seils 5 society that E–waste are toxic materials that collect in landfills and contaminates the soil and water. It contaminates our food sources and limits supply of drinking water. On average, Americans will use an equivalent of seven trees a year. Six hundred, eighty pounds of paper will mostly be thrown away and not recycled. It takes about 24 trees to make a single ton of printed paper. A single faucet dripping a drop per second will waste 540 gallons of water in a year. For each ton of glass that is recycled, a ton of natural ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Persuasive Essay On Recycling Recycling is something every person has thought about from time to time. We all know what we hear about it, and how it is supposed to help. Many people will let the thought about recycling go in one ear and out the other, because it does time a little more time than simply throwing everything into a trash bag. The world's population keeps growing, along with the number of humans we are adding to this planet comes with more waste that we all produce over our lifetimes. It is easy to just throw everything in a trash bag and take it out to the dumpster, however, if we took just a little extra time to separate our items into recycling bins we all could make a big difference. Recycling involves turning used materials that are labeled as recyclables into reusable materials. Any recyclable product basically means that it can be turned back into a raw material form that can be used to create a new or different product. (Schenker) This also helps reduce any sort of extra build up from waste that could be very damaging towards the planet we live on. If recycling can save this planet for our future generations to enjoy then it is something that should be considered as a non–optional rule. Having guidelines or rules put in place for recycling is something we should not looked down on, as this is something we could build alongside with to help improve the way of life and how we live it. As many items are recyclable and safe to use, we are helping day by day to insure a safer place for everyone around us, including ourselves. Along with the strong push in the green movement recently, we all should notice that more and more products are being made from recycled material. These items can be found anywhere as they are marked with a special recycling symbol. Manufactures are also finding new ways to help create more items that can be used and recycled. These items include paper towels, cardboard boxes, plastic containers, crayons, ink cartridges to even paint. (Schenker) As technology has change dramatically over the years, it has provided us with ways of studying and finding out better ways to use the material. Recycling provides more than just an alternative to landfills, as high cost of garbage disposal in some areas ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Persuasive Essay On Recycling Humans are drawn towards what is morally good. Whether it is accepting responsibility for a person's actions or giving generously to those in need, everyone feels compelled to do honorable actions. Many people feel obligated to recycle because recycling makes them feel good about themselves. In fact, some people are pushing for a mandatory recycling policy without realizing the effects it will have. Many are misinformed and do not realize the problems that can arise when they recycle. A mandatory recycling policy should not be enforced because the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. Two methods of recycling are in use by people today: single stream recycling and dual stream recycling. The latter involves separating paper and cardboard from glass and plastic for pickup while the former allows them to be mixed. Single stream recycling first began "in the 1990s... in California" (Laskow). It has become increasingly popular since then. This method is favored by people because of its convenience and lack of difficulty. The majority of the United States has voluntary recycling programs because they are relatively easy to manage. For the most part, it has proven to be both affordable and efficient. Current voluntary recycling programs "save the greenhouse gas equivalent of removing 39.6 million cars from the road" (Cernasky). It is evident that little is wrong with voluntary recycling programs, so there is no reason to attempt to improve something that is not broken. ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Persuasive Speech About Recycling Full Sentence Preparation Outline – FINAL Introduction Is Recycling Important? Attention Getter: According to, "Each person in the United States produces an average of 4 pounds of household hazardous waste each year for a total of about 530,000 tons/year." Background: Trash continues to increase, as the world continues to last. Easy disposable products such as water bottles and soda cans has led to increasing amount of pollution around the world. Audience Relevance: Recycling is something most people choose to ignore. Recycling helps the world by reusing trash to make new products. As a result, this helps reduce the amount of trash that rot in landfills and pollution. Speaker Credibility: My family has recycle for over the past 10 years. I believe it is something important that everyone should be apart of and do. Too many people are not recycling, which is harmful to the environment. Thesis: Throughout my speech, I want to persuade everyone to start recycling. It is important as it helps reduces the amount of pollution. Preview of Main Points: First, I will explain the problem with not recycling. Next, the causes of the not recycling. Last, the solution and what we can do. Transition to 1st Main Point: To begin, I will explain our problem, not recycling. Main Point 1: According to Richard Fuller, a system theorist, "Pollution is nothing but the resources we are not harvesting. We allow them to disperse because we've been ignorant of their value."written on ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Persuasive Speech About Recycling There are many ways people could start fixing the world's trash crises, we just have to start making the necessary contributions instead of being the lazy humans that we are. The simplest and most effective way of getting rid of the access trash that we built up is to recycle it, separate your garbage into plastics, paper, metal, and glass, and bring it to your local recycling plant. There they will take the trash and turn it back into the raw material that is used to make more products. They reuse the waste instead of adding it to the massive landfills. However this does bring up some issues. Recycling plants create their own greenhouse gases and use up energy, but is it far less energy than creating new. According to stanford, manufacturing recycled aluminum takes ninety five percent less energy to create that greating it new. That means that recycling is faster, so it takes less energy, therefore it creates less greenhouse pollution. So do your part and recycle. Recycling, though it is the best solution for garbage accumulated on land, it doesn't work for the mountainous amount of trash that has been unremorsefully thrown out upon our great oceans. Did you know that there is a patch of garbage floating around in the pacific ocean? According to National Geographic news reporter, Shaena Montanari, due to the amount of plastics dumped into the ocean, over 80 million tons of trash finds its way into the ocean each year. The plastics find their way into ocean currents or gyres that move the garbage into one large spot where it accumulates over time. They have observed that ninety percent of sea birds consuming the toxic waste, along with the many fish and other sea life believing that our trash is food, and possibly dying by choking or being poisoned. It's a real problem that is kept quiet for years. But how do we take care of it? Ninety one percent of plastic isn't recycles, so obviously the most logical response to this issue is to dispose of it all into the ocean? To fix this issue we need to first stop the inflow of trash into the oceans. This is by recycling as we already know. But the issue arises of how do we get the garbage out of the ocean. Since the majority of it is below the actual surface of the ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Persuasive Essay On Recycling Everyday people throw away plastic that can easily be recycled. Recycling is an easy process and can save the environment money and energy. By recycling earth will be a cleaner and less polluted. Actions taken by recycling have benefited many other countries. Recycling should be a must in every state. Recycling has been around for many ages. People from all over the world recycle and even animals do. "The phrase 'Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle' is taught to children all over the world in the hope of creating a clean environment" (Kukreja). Schools and parents are teaching the young ones this concept early so they will have a cleaner lifestyle in the future. By teaching kids this it will allow them to understand recycling at such a young age and they will be able to carry it on. Around the world "many people have found that their collective efforts in proper waste disposal have made their towns cleaner and happier" (Kukreja). By recycling people are bettering themselves and their attitude of the environment is changing. This process reduces the need for landfills which cancels out the smells and toxic mess. There have been many attempts to enforce recycling and many states have. "Many simple programs that make a community stronger can be built upon the many benefits of recycling" (Kukreja). Recycling brings people together while making earth a cleaner place. People have found that going with friends makes it a better time while changing the atmosphere for good. First off recycling can benefit people by giving them cash back. In states "most governments have policies in place which give financial benefits to those who recycle" (Kukreja). Recycling can be extremely time consuming and hard so they get the benefit of that. Different towns have different opportunities for people who recycle such as money, volunteer hours, and benefits. While recycling "old newspapers, appliances, plastic, rubber, steel, copper and even beer cans can be sold for money" (Kukreja). These are all easy things that you have around people's homes. By taking these and putting them in separate bins people can earn cash. Many citizens recycle to earn a little more cash without having to get a second job. While cleaning up these around ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Persuasive Essay On Recycling Breaking down the environment to produce resources to better the people leads to an endless cycles of no beneficials. About billions of years ago trees and water was the only thing on earth. Now time has jumped ahead and skyscrapers tower all over, along with the mountains of landfill poisoning our atmosphere. People have exceed their natural resource that wood now is not real. By ten years later the air we breath will not be real either. Having mandatory recycling policy can change the world for the best. Recycling has improved its way to make it safer,reliable and greener. Given that now "Greenhouse gas emissions from the production of various materials reveal that recycling is always greener than using virgin resources" (Holmes 39). Before raw materials were easier to gain and not much had been used it was very accessible. Back then people also did not worry too much of running out of resources since it was everywhere. Now that humans see that our materials are quite limited and can be put in a better way by"...three parks encouraged their 5 million visitors during the 2–month trial period to recycle 50 tons of materials" (Hoke 22). By advertising in the very locations that are victims of being teared down. People can then look at their surrounding and realized if nothing changes, nature itself will be gone. The small works that is happening now is going great but it needs to expand and be a number one consideration before it is not even a choice. Paper and plastic are not the only thing that needs to be recycled. People with their leftovers should be "separating kitchen scraps, garden waste and other organic waste from the rest of the rubbish stream means they can be used to generate high–quality compost to increase soil fertility for crops and gardens" (Holmes 39). While even taking down plants for our consumption people can help it grow back by recycling and replanting. Instead of letting food and gardens rot away for flies and maggots to get we can feed it back to mother nature herself. Recyclable product should not be stuck to decay and add more to the landfill "but 22% of the municipal solid waste dropped into landfills or incinerators in the U.S. is, in fact, food that could be put to better use ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Persuasive Speech On Recycling The act of recycling is actually quite ironic. Trash is thrown into recycling bins then hauled off to factories where it is separated into different categories depending on it's physical make up. First off, the giant trash truck picking up the materials is setting off carbon dioxide. Second, once the materials have arrived at the factory, even more carbon dioxide pollutes the air from the fumes set off by melting plastics and other materials.Recycling was invented to make the world a better place and save the environment. Instead, it is doing the exact opposite. Recycling is overrated. It's another excuse to use mass quantities of plastic and paper. Without the world's will power to effectively recycle, it is impossible to execute successful recycling that actually makes a difference. Recycling was made to save the planet but unfortunately, it is damaging the environment. Multiple buildings in Taiwan made from recycled steel have been giving off gamma radiation for almost twelve years now (10 Ways Recycling Hurts the Environment). Gamma radiation is dangerous to the human body. It can destroy cells and eventually lead to tumors and mutations. Speaking of radioactivity, batteries are also being recycled entirely wrong. When batteries die (specifically car batteries), it is assumed they are no longer of any use. In actuality, the batteries still have a long life ahead of them. In some studies, it is shown that after most car batteries have "died," they still have seventy percent State of Health, compared to a brand new battery which has 100% (Chandan). In order to make this effective, the timing of recycling batteries should be carefully monitored. In the beginning, recycling was created solely for the purpose of saving the world. It was taking one mans trash and giving it a new purpose. As time has passed, recycling has become an excuse to be wasteful. People think they can use as much as they want because they have a magical blue container that they place at the end of their driveway every Thursday morning. This does nothing but teach people that it's acceptable to be wasteful. This sets off a chain reaction, people don't realize plastics are labeled one to seven depending on their melting temperatures. ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Persuasive Speech About Recycling Imagine you wake up in 20 years and all you see out your window is trash lining the streets and roads. This is what is going to happen if we don't start recycling now. If we all start recycling now we will have beautiful streets and roads not full of trash. I picked this topic because it is a worldwide problem and I think this topic can be solved. I was very curious about this topic and I wanted to know more about recycling.These are some driving questions I had at the beginning of this project. Why don't a lot of people recycle? What is the most recycled item? Where is recycling a very big problem in the world? How can more people be involved with recycling? How many people and animals get affected by recycling every year? My driving question was how can we as people create a better recycling society. I believe that this problem can be solved because they have been starting to involve students in recycling in the lunchroom and around their school. In General I believe that people will start to see that we need to do more recycling when all of our backyards become landfills. Recycling doesn't affect people that much, but it does affect wildlife and animals. Like the six pack rings, soda comes in, fish get caught in it and they die. Another thing is plastic bags get thrown into the ocean and turtles mistake it for jellyfish, eat it and die. Would you believe me if I told you that glass, aluminum, paper and plastic are not A report from the Federal Highway Administration shows that 80 percent of the asphalt that is removed each year during widening and resurfacing is reused. Recycling has been around for thousands of years, but we still need to recycle even though people thought of this a long time ago. A consequence is the New York CityLandfill. The New york city landfill contains 2.9 billion cubic feet of trash. The new york city landfill can be seen from space. The new york landfill is one of the only things that can be seen from space. Another consequence is that farmers in Wisconsin and Minnesota are just now starting to recycle. Minnesota and Wisconsin farms produce 60 million to 80 million pounds of plastic every year, but until now they had no way to get rid of it besides throwing ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Persuasive Essay On Recycling Being environmentally conscious is more than just being concerned about your natural surroundings. As the planet deals with the effects of decades of mishandling of everyday trash and refuse, ecological good sense is now more than just the right thing to do. One way to have a daily impact on your world is to be an integral part of the recycling process. That process starts with appreciating how your garbage is handled. Does your company simply haul all garbage to a landfill, continuing to pollute the earth with tons of toxins each day, or do they adhere to sound recycling principles. Here is how you can become part of the worldwide garbage solution, and remove yourself from being just another part of the problem. Recycle – Everything The first step in becoming part of the recycling solution is to break bad habits by establishing new ones. Priority number one is set rigid criteria for what you recycle. The best suggestion is everything. When you begin to thing this is okay, or that doesn't item doesn't really matter, you allow yourself the leeway of being lax. To be totally part of the solution and practice more than just half measures, use this rule. If it doesn't biodegrade, then make every effort possible to keep it out of your standard garbage. To become 100 percent part of the recycling solution, you need to adhere to this rule. Does this sound like a little too much of an inconvenience? Read on to find out why it doesn't have to be. Keep it Separated With reports ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Persuasive Essay On Recycling Recycling is the key to a successful environment for generations to come. When I think about recycling, several synonyms come to mind, like reduce, reuse, reclaim or recover. We need to be promoting recycling of old items and materials at school, work, in restaurants and at home. When we reuse objects or make them new again, the old material is not wasted, and new materials are not being produced. For decades we have been living with toxic waste and contributing to environmental hazards all around us every day. We live in a fast revolving society from needing the newest in technology to purchasing new items whenever we want something. People do not think about the outcomes or possibilities of recycling our disregarded items. The old theory of "out with the old, and in with the new" has been our society's motto for decades. Does recycling really make a difference? Recycling can help save our earth and the environment we live in. It will provide a more substantial place to live. Recycling is our future. By recycling items of plastics, aluminum, paper, metal, iron, tin wood and glass bottles we can save on natural resources and produce items from reusable materials. Argumentatively, there are several main problems and issues why people don't see the benefits in recycling. Some believe that it is much easier to throw away our unused items in the garbage. Recycling is not convenient and takes too much time in our busy lives. Many will argue they do not understand the environmental benefits to recycling. Others will contribute to the idea that recycling efforts will not make a difference in their lives. The uneducated person doesn't know Seils 2 which products are recyclable and which are not. Then, some just forget to recycle daily and weekly, along with taking out their trash. Just think of all of the benefits of recycling from reducing waste in our local landfills. Recycling helps reduce pollution and conserves natural resources. It helps in creating new jobs at the local, state, and government levels which will increase great benefits in the job market. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), released significant findings on the economic benefits of the recycling industry with an update to ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Persuasive Speech Against Recycling I am going to persuade you that recycling should be required because it is very dangerous to not recycle. If more people started to recycle, it would reduce the pollution in the air or as some people call it smog. The way this works is by cleaning the air we breathe by not having to burn the extra plastics, papers, and cardboard people did not recycle. Almost all the things we buy are all made in factories, which creates pollution. If there were less factories, less pollution is created. Creating pollution also creates climate change. If there was less demand for products, the less climate change would be created. If companies were to take those plastics back and reuse them, the plastics wouldn't end up in landfills. If this process was in ... Show more content on ... If the manufacturers of these products would take them back and reuse them, we would save trees. For example, thousands of trees are cut down in the Amazon Rainforest everyday. When the trees are cut down, animals lose their homes. If animals lose their homes, they can be taken for free game, road kill and food for other animals that wouldn't normally eat them, which might cause that animal to get sick or die. If animals died the food chain would be out of control and possibly lead to the extinction of many species. If other species were to go extinct more and more species would go extinct causing a mass extinction. Most people just throw away paper, which is a waste of trees, animals, and the environment. So if we recycled this paper the more trees, we would save. Since most people just throw away natural resources, our landfills are filling up rapidly. Landfills filling up rapidly means that more and more of the environment is dying. If more of the environment dies and is used as landfills more climate change, pollution and habitat loss is made. Overall, the main idea of this essay was to help persuade more people to recycle. So let's get out there and make the world a cleaner and healthier place by ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Persuasive Essay On Recycling Do you believe in the future of Minnesota, America, and the world in general? Do you want to help future generations and planet by reducing waste? If you said yes to any of these questions, than you might want to start recycling more. My bill is in act to make recycling mandatory for all schools in Minnesota. Recycling is essential to the future of this planet. Humans have become more wasteful than ever, polluting our oceans with plastic, destroying wildlife with garbage, killing animals with litter. The amount of trash cluttering Earth is outrageous, and we have to do something about it. In Minnesota, schools create an estimated amount of 254 million tons of waste a year. (PCA) This number could be drastically decreased if a new system was created in Minnesota schools. Using single stream recycling, one recycling bin where you put all recyclables, is a great start and a lot better than throwing away that plastic bottle in the trash, but eventually a better system will have to be made in lunchrooms to really decrease Minnesota's trash reduction. Most of the trash by a big margin is in lunchrooms. Around 40% of the food we buy is thrown away eventually. (Tribune News). It makes sense that lunchrooms need to recycle all the plastic forks and plates, but a lot of people don't know about another way of recycling, compost. Compost is another great way to reduce trash in MN. A lot of paper things, like cartons, and food can go into compost. Another reason we should have recycling mandatory is because plastic hurts the environment badly. A lot of fish are dying in the ocean from consumption of plastic. A lot of different species are going extinct because of plastic being dumped into the ocean, and other trash. Plastic is really hard to digest for animals making it fatal if an animal eats enough of it. This is happening to a lot of fish and coastal birds, where plastic washes up frequently, or when they mistake a piece of plastic for a fish. Species have gone extinct because of plastic. It is estimated by specialists, that 50% of all plastic used is used once and then thrown away(Plastic Oceans Foundation). Plastic is very cheap, and there is no way to eliminate plastic usage entirely, but when used, it ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Recycling Persuasive Speech Good Morning everyone, i'm here today to address the situations regarding recycling. There is much debate as to if it is truly beneficial to recycle, some see it as a waste of time gathering resources and money in gas to take it to recycling centers. If local governments gave you the opportunity to recycle by providing recycling bins would you take advantage? If you said no, there are plenty of reasons as to why you should say yes, starting with economic benefits. By 2025 it is estimated that the U.S will save over 850 billion dollars(BIR President Ranjit Baxi). Big businesses such as Apple are already on board with recycling, this year alone they have made 40 million in recycled devices (Environmental Responsibility Report). Other benefits include environment. Some disclaimers believe that landfill spaces will not fill up anytime soon and that they are not harmful to the environment, on the other hand why should we wait until it becomes a problem to fix our landfills? If we can stop the problem at its source there is no reason not to recycle as it positively affects everyone. ... Show more content on ... Yes, almost everyone throws something away that could be recycled, if they instead recycled it would benefit all communities across the United States. A little bit of time your during the week to sort out recyclables can lead to endless positivity, and lets you specify make a change in our great nation. A great way for the gov to adapt to your living is sending out a survey that asks the top three recyclable products you can find throughout your household. The the local local governments can plan routes accordingly as to the recyclables they need to pick up, an example could be on mondays they will come around to pick up plastic ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Recycling Persuasive Essay While recycling aluminum cans, newspapers, and lead–acid batteries is a good start I feel we do need to do more recyling, but without the fear of being fined, ticketed, or having our trash ouput tracked. For example if we have family over for a reunion and they dont know the proper laws or ways to recycle and end up just throwing things in the wrong bins with nobody seeing them. Then come trash day and we roll our bins out like a normal day, but because the radio–frequency chip on the trash bin is heavier than normal and the recycle bin is on the light end would we be fined? City officials wont know why our trash was bigger than normal, they will just see the rise in numbers and issue a ticket. I was stationed in Okinawa, Japan ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Persuasive Essay On Recycling Recycling is a process of using the old or useless materials to make something good out of them. There are numerous benefits of recycling and with the growing technology, it's been very easy and convenient to recycle.This is done to reduce the use of raw materials that would have been used. Recycling also uses less energy and a great way of controlling air, water, and land pollution. Recycling can prevent the waste of potentially useful materials and reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, thereby reducing: energy usage, air pollution (from incineration), and water pollution (from landfilling). It also has several economic benefits like it can help people in making money by recollecting approved materials to a nearby recycling place. Recycling is a key component of modern waste reduction and is the third component of the "Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle" waste hierarchy. Recycling is one of the most common issues not only for Ohio or America but for the entire world. Recycling is important in today's world if we want to leave this planet for our future generations. It is good for the environment since we are making new products from the old products which are of no use to us. Recycling begins at home. One way to recycle at home is by utilizing old or useless materials instead of just throwing it away. This is called reusing. Ohio's government took many steps to spread the awareness of recycling. Ohio's First Solid Waste Law was passed in the 1960's, Ohio's garbage management plan consisted of more than 1,300 smelly, rat–infested open dumps throughout the state.Cuyahoga County produces over two million pounds of waste each day and 3.5 million tons of each year and only 37% of its waste is recycled. Harmful chemicals and greenhouse gases are released from rubbish in landfill sites. Recycling helps to reduce the pollution caused by waste.Therefore it can be said that recycling is not only Ohio's or America's problem, in fact, it's a problem for the entire world. There are very interesting statistics about how a very little effort in the recycling can affect the environment.Recycling a single run of the Sunday New York Times would save 75,000 trees. If every American recycled just one–tenth of their ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Persuasive Essay On Recycling Jeremiah Fuller Mrs.beary Environmental science 11/17/17 Recycling Recycling relates to the environment in many different ways. Recycling conserves natural resources such as timber, water and minerals. Recycling helps our environment a lot it saves energy, prevents pollution by reducing the need to collect raw materials, and helps provide jobs in therecycling and manufacturing industries in the United States. Recycling can save energy by eliminating the need to make materials from scratch. Regardless of which product you're producing, it's extremely labor intensive and energy expensive to extract, transport and refine the natural resources that go into aluminum, plastic, paper and glass. Using recycled materials rather than new resources gives us a jumpstart on the manufacturing process and allows us to make the same products with less energy.But there's more to recycling than saving energy. "Choosing to recycle materials that would've otherwise been sent to the dump substantially shrinks landfills, and using recyclables in manufacturing helps us conserve the natural resources on our planet". There's no need to throw away when we can reuse what we've already removed. And with our environment and its living and nonliving things occurring naturally we should be willing to recycle. People who are really concern and want recycle and help our environment uses the term conservation and preservation. Conservation of environment simply implies the sustainable use as well as management of natural resources which include wildlife, water, air, and earth deposits. There are renewable and nonrenewable natural resources. Conservation of natural resources generally focuses on the needs & interests of human beings, for instance the biological, economic, cultural and recreational values. Conservationists have the view that development is necessary for a better future, but only when the changes occur in ways that are not wasteful. Recycling is something that we can all do. Children that are school age and older can help out too. The goal is to stop tossing out items that we can use again and again. It costs far less to recycle materials than it ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Persuasive Essay About Recycling The first earth day was established in the 1970s and that marked the day when recycling went into effect. In the year 1919 recycling became an everyday routine. They just thought they were reusing products because things were scarce. After 1950 the American Can Company formed America Recycles Day is a national initiative of "Keep America Beautiful". That program was the back bone for how people are recycling today. Recycling is a complicated topic from the process, benefits, and programs in place. When people think about recycling or even trash people believe that it goes into the trucks and go to the landfill to be dumped and then possibly burned or somehow disposed. In the article The Atlanta, went behind the scenes to examine the... Show more content on ... Maryland has a forty–three–point– two recycling rate stated by Maryland Department of the Environment. At least Maryland does recycle while some other states have a recycling rate that is lower than Maryland. Maryland tries to make recycling easier for the residents. They have a chart that shows you what can and can't be recycled. You don't have to buy your own recycling cans because you just have call your local recycling center and they will provide two large cans if you pay your taxes. Some of the recycling programs are supported by different companies and groups. That show that they want to be involved with saving the world. It is great that recycling is doing so much but everything cost money. In the movie "Park Avenue: Money, Power, and the American Dream–– Why Poverty?" they talked about some of the richest people in America. On average the cost of recycling two–hundred forty dollars per ton. Mr. Koch may believe that we should get rid of the recycling problems because of the cost. He likes to spend his money on persuading the republicans. "The cheapest person over all was David Koch," says the doorman and it proves he spend on things that help him. As stated in the movie the "rich people cover half of the USA". Rich people focus is to make money and not worry about little things. The film had showed the "Bronx South and how people were struggling to get food". These rich men that lived in New York would not care about them. They ... Get more on ...