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Persuasive Essay On Global Warming
Global Warming for the Win!
Global warming. It's a highly controversial and well–known topic brought to the attention of many
for the past few years. Global warming is an issue that is currently destroying our entire planet. But
because humans are selfish, global warming is something we should avoid addressing. In fact, we
should consider supporting this so–called "issue", as its benefits for mankind outweigh the damages
on the entire planet. Global warming is here to help mankind in many different ways. A non–stop
beneficial lifestyle comes from the increased temperatures of the world, outrageously rising water
levels and an atmosphere filled with carbon dioxide.
As the Earth continues to warm up, this indicates the growing summer seasons and decreasing
winter season. The planet's average surface temperature has risen about 1.1 degrees Celsius since
the late 19th century (NASA, 2017). This itself aids mankind in so many different ways. First of
all, fewer winter months mean no more shopping for big, bulky winter clothing that takes up half
of your closet anyway. Not only will you save your money, you will have more room in your closet
for more relevant items like your t–shirts and shorts. This means summer will be more year–round
which indicates the increased number of days spent at the beach. If you think about it, global
warming will decrease the rate of obesity. As summer is almost all year long, more and more
people will strive to achieve the typical summer body. Soon, everyone will achieve their wanted
bodies and kick obesity out the door. Tired and sore from shoveling your driveway? With the
prolonged summers, snow shoveling will never be an issue. Just relax on your couch and smile as
you look at your heating bills. Why? As temperatures increase, people will no longer have to heat
their houses during the cold winter days. No longer needing to heat homes means a cheaper heating
bill and a decreased amount of fossil fuels burnt in the first place. These warmer temperatures may
be detrimental to other organism lives in nature but are simply benefits to make our lives run a lot
As well, you can finally plan your first official flight to Antarctica and go swimming as there will no
longer be any
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Persuasive Speech About Global Warming
General Purpose:To persuade
Specific purpose:After listening to my speech, my audience will know how they can change their
lives for a bigger challenge – to save the world.
Thesis:Knowing what a problem nowadays is global warming, how CO2 gas affects it and how can
we change it.
Title:Lifestyle to make some changes
I.Attention Material:Question "Do you know that using cars for the planet is like smoking cigarettes
for people?"
II.Background material:
a.Where do people use cars?
b.Answer to the question
III.Preview statement: I am here to talk to you about better more content...
Have you ever thought that pollution is like cancer for the mother earth?
I am here to talk to you about better way of lifestyle that changes the whole future of our planet
regarding pollution and global warming.
"CO2 gas emissions" is a mystical term which everyone should pay attention to. C02 gas is a
colorless, odorless gas that is present in the atmosphere and is formed when any fuel containing
carbon is burned. Plants and trees are using it in the process of photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide is also
used in refrigeration, fire extinguishers, and carbonated drinks. In other words this is the gas we
need to fight with! By using fossil fuels in almost everything we do, we make a huge cloud of gas
and this is warming up the world. By doing this, we cause serious damage to the nature and we may
have an irreversible effect on it and the future.
As you now understand that we need to fight with it, I am going to tell you some ways to do it.
First of all, reduce the time you are in the car and use your legs to move .Use Bikes! People are
getting lazier as time goes, but you can make the change. If you walk more, you help your planet
and you help yourself, so why not to do it?
Take care about your garden. Those are the filters of our caused high levels of gas. Mother nature
knows how to cure the world, so let's help a little bit. Did you know that every 2 seconds a football
field of forest is gone in the world? It takes minutes to destroy it,
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Persuasive Speech on Global Warming Essay
Introduction: We all know about global warming, but do we really care or try to do at least some
of the things that will help stop it or at least slow it down?
1) Over the last century our planets temp. has risen 1 degree. I know that doesn't sound like much
but it's been enough to melt a lot of the polar ice caps and glaciers. A) The hottest years ever
recorded were in the late 1990's and early 2000's. B) In 2007 there was a massive polar ice melt and
the amount of glaciers and sea ice has decreased quite a bit since the 70's. This has already caused
the sea levels to rise. C) The U.N. panel on climate change projects that by the end of
more content...
C) And of course we can't forget the three R's. Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Only buy what you
need , ruse whatever you can, like containers and paper, and recycle what you cannot reuse. It's
really as simple as that.
4) Th extra heat our homes produce also adversely affects the planet. A) By sealing and insulating
our homes better we can help stop that and save money on our energy bills. B) Also instead of
turning up the heat when your cold, put on an extra layer of clothes. Again you'll be saving
energy and money. C) If at all possible, use solar energy. After all it's free, all you have to do is
buy the equipment. And you would be helping to ensure that our ancestors still have a planet to live
on. D) Finally, by turning off unused power sources such as tv's and computers, again you will be
helping the environment as well as saving money on energy bills.
Conclusion: If we all would do as many things that we possibly can to help reduce greenhouse
gasses in our atmosphere, we would all be doing a great thing by helping to ensure that our
grand–kids and theirs will still have this beautiful planet to live on and enjoy. Thank
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Persuasive Essay On Global Warming
In the world we live in, it seems like all of society has clouded judgement on just about everything.
You'll turn on the TV and see people go against all types of logical thought, and that can lead to
even your own judgement being shrouded in a cloud of confusion. One topic that leads in this
"social confusion" is global warming. While climatologists and many other well–versed people on
the matter argue for its reality, many have their hearts set on quite an opposite alternative. Our
world is plagued by the fake news brought about by these people, and the only way we can fix this
issue is to get past the lies and to focus on the solutions themselves.
Let's begin with the facts about global warming. Frankly, it's a problem, and a growing one at that.
It's a matter of extreme importance to many activists, and many of us have seen people speak up
about it across our media. This isn't just a media issue though, as many scientific organizations have
had their eyes on this issue. According to NASA, we've recently seen a global change in
temperature, our oceans warming, our ice sheets shrinking, our glaciers retreating, and our snow
cover virtually disappearing. Not only that, but our sea level has been increasing, the Arctic is
shrinking, and our oceans are becoming acidic. On top of that, the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change itself stated that the "Scientific evidence for warming of the climate system is
unequivocal." Global warming is also responsible for the slow
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Global Warming Persuasive Papers
Jeremy Bonnett
Professor Maldonado
English 1301
12th November, 2015
The Earth is an Oven
Our world is changing. Not for the good, it's getting worse. Within the last two hundred years our
climate has been changing. Ever since the discovery of how useful nonrenewable resources are our
climate has been gradually getting warmer. Climate change is threat with many consequences from
the ecosystems that people live in all the way down to the evolution of species in the wild. There
are many clear and present dangers in the world today, but climate change is of the most importance
causing species to go explode in numbers, average temperatures to increase, uncontrollable forest
fires, and the quality of air depleting.
Climate change is affecting more content...
Take the Mediterranean region for example. Known to scientists, this is a hot spot for climate
change. The study done showed that these hotter climates allowed the region's trees and vegetation
to become drier and thus providing a great fuel source for fires to burn. Not only is the region
experiencing hotter temperatures, but it is expected to get worse. "Future projections indicate a
sustained increase in temperature, particularly in summer, at a rate that continues the historic value.
Wildfires are already common in the forests and grasslands of the western United States. As the Earth
gets warmer and droughts increase, wildfires are expected to occur more often and be more
destructive. Wildfires do occur naturally, but the extremely dry conditions resulting from droughts
allow fires to start more easily, spread faster, and burn longer. In fact, if the Earth gets just 3.6В°F
warmer, we can expect wildfires in the western United States to burn four times more land than
they do now. Fires don't just change the landscape; they also threaten people's homes and lives"
(Turco 127). This supports the claim that climate change is affecting the way our environment
interacts with natural disasters. Climate change can also affect the land that humans use for crops.
Climate change is also likely to cause stronger storms and more floods, which can damage crops.
Increasing temperatures and evolving rainfall patterns could help some kinds of weeds and
pesticides to spread to vast areas. If the global temperature rises an additional 3.6В°F, U.S. corn
production is expected to decrease by ten to thirty percent. .Climate change is not only destroying
our world, it's burning it away and making it unusable for crops and other growable
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Global Warming Persuasive Essay
Throughout the years' speculations of the world's climate change has been debated immensely. From
the start of time scientists have observed that the temperature has increased outstandingly each year
causing Climate changes, elevation of water, loss of ice water, but most importantly our health. One
of the major cause of global warming is us, we have polluted our world with too much carbon
footprint yet we don't face the facts and stand up for what we have done. If we keep up what we are
doing the faith of our world is at risk.
Greenhouse gasses are a danger to our world because they trap heat from the sun and warm the
planet's surface creating a dense thick layer causing a major problem not just with the heat but with
our health. more content...
Imagine if the world was covered with water, where would we live? Scientist over the years have
proven Global warming is accelerating the rate of sea level rise and dramatically increasing coastal
flooding risks, especially on the U.S. East Coast and Gulf of Mexico. If
Pollution continues in a couple of years our world is going to be mostly water because of the
temperature melting the glaciers and water growing because of heat. Global warming is a serious
problem to our health, environment, and economy, because Dangerous heat waves are increasing
each year causing terrible things to happen. Not only heat waves are affecting our oceans but
forests to, "Global warming is the driving force behind these impacts, bringing hotter and drier
conditions that amplify existing stresses, as well as cause their own effects." How can we live in
Lopez 3 this world if there are no trees, trees are the 1# factors that produce oxygen without oxygen
we are nothing.
I am passionate about this topic because I know how it feels having a lung disease
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Persuasive Essay On Global Warming
A very good morning to Ms Gloria and my fellow friends. The topic that I would like to discuss
today is "Global Warming". In the 21st century, we can only see that there are many technological
advancements in this world; however, we have neglected that there are many problems which are
changing the world eventually. Why do you think that there is melting of Arctic ice at the north
pole? Why do you think that you keep blaming that the weather is becoming hotter and hotter every
day? This is because of global warming. Global warming is a phenomenon of a gradual increase in
the temperature of the earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect. Global
warming happens due to the collision between the greenhouse gases and the layer of atmosphere
and this collision causes the Earth to heat up drastically. For example, the global average
temperature has increased 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit for the past 130 years. Global warming is still
happening today and it will become more serious if we do not stop it now. Why does global warming
happen? The main culprit of this phenomenon is the greenhouse gases, including the carbon dioxide,
methane, nitrous oxide, and chlorofluorocarbon. According to the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 37 percent of greenhouse gases are increased from 1990 to
2015, and 80 percent of that is caused by carbon dioxide. Global warming and greenhouse effect
actually is caused by us, humans. Scientists agree that the primary
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Greenhouse Effect Essay
I have noticed that climate change has been a big issue this year. I think it's very important to talk
about Global warming and be aware of the causes of it. We all should want to take care of this
earth, because we are the ones living here. We should make people more aware of the greenhouse
effect and how it can affect us.
Consequently, in September of this year, Florida had some devastating hurricanes that wiped out
thousands of homes, businesses, and schools. According to Monmonier's book, "Coast lines: how
mapmakers frame the world and chart environmental change," He predicted that the sea levels
were rising at an unprecedented rate, causing flooding around the world, including the coast of
Florida and California (Monmonier pg. 131). The two main causes of global sea level rise are
thermal expansion of the warming of the oceans and the lack of land–based ice due to melting. Due to
global warming, our ice caps are melting, and our ocean temperatures are steadily increasing.
(Monmonier pg. 131). So how can we help?
Second is air pollution, this is one of the biggest problems we are having today. Air pollution is
caused by everything we do today. In the Earth's atmosphere, a process called the Greenhouse effect
occurs, it acts as a shield to trap in the heat from the sun, so it prevents the heat from going back into
space. The Greenhouse effect occurs in nature as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. People
say, "Without the greenhouse effect, the planet would be
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Global Warming Persuasive Essay
Mike Huckabee once quoted; "The most important thing about global warming is this. Whether
humans are responsible for the bulk of climate change is going to be left to the scientists, but it's all
our responsibility to leave this planet in better shape for the future generations than we found it." I
have travelled back in time to warn you guys that Global warming DOES exists. In fact, global
warming is a huge issue. We need your help to take care of our planet for the sake of our future
To start, if we keep this up future generations will be in trouble. It will gradually continue to grow
warmer and storms will grow more intense, and there will be longer periods of drought in
between. The climate would be so severe that it will destabilize the entire nation, sending millions
of refugees across the border. Most animals will go extinct and the polar ice caps will melt, leaving
cities to go underwater and people being forced to move. If we keep this up, the ocean will rise up to
Also, scientists have strong evidence that heating is making drought and heat waves more frequent,
causing heavier rain storms and severe postal flooding. Studies of past climate conditions also show
that more content...
I am from the time of 2016 and we are experiencing climate change big time. The American
Association for the Advancement of science says, "The scientific evidence is clear: global climate
change caused by human activities if occurring now, and it is a threat to society." Also, one of the
U.S. government agencies named U.S. Global Change Research Program said that, "The global
warming of the past 50 years is due primarily to human– induced increases in heat– trapping gases.
Human 'fingerprints' also have identified in many other aspects of the climate system, including
changes in ocean heat content, precipitation, atmospheric moisture, and Arctic sea
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Persuasive Essay On Global Warming
Global warming is happening and needs to be stopped. Global warming is the increase in the earth's
average temperature that occurs naturally (Flynn). Global warming is a serious problem, and from
what scientist can gather from the research, the main producers of greenhouse gas emission are
humans, causing serious threats to the Earth. Research on global warming has shown that terrible
storms, droughts, and floods are increasing at an alarming rate. Furthermore, global warming is
causing harm to crops. Throughout history, species have responded to the changing of the world's
temperature. A hazardous concern, however, is the wildlife and ecosystems of balance at this rapid
rate of change happening today. Furthermore, global warming is causing harm to crops. The
government must take action. Some of the economists call global warming the greatest example of
failure the world has ever seen. Global warming must be abolished because global warming is
destroying the world.
Humans have affected the Earth and caused global warming. The Earth's temperature has fluctuated
in history caused by the growth of the automobile industry and the impact of the industrial gases on
the planet's atmosphere. For example of the recent history of global warming is the use of fossil
fuels. Fossil fuels are depletable energy sources such as oils, natural gas, and coal, which were
formed millions of years ago. Fossil fuels power automobiles and when the post–World War II
population boomed, so did
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Persuasive Essay On Global Warming
Global warming has been an on–going issue for many decades. Most people would argue that it is a
hoax; while others argue it is true. Climate change can cause a domino effect of catastrophes
throughout the world. Once it affects one group, then that affected group will affect another, and so
on and so forth; like a plague. Global warming is an authentic problem and we need to find more
efficient ways to eliminate it, or at least contain it. Global warming can be defined more precisely by
this quote: "Without the greenhouse effect, the planet would be too cold to support life. Over time,
the amount of greenhouse gases trapped in Earth's atmosphere has increased significantly, causing
worldwide temperatures to rise" ("Global Warming andClimate Change"). The greenhouse effect
traps heat throughout the globe; thus warming the world at an alarming rate. One type of greenhouse
gas is methane. "Methane, for example, is a greenhouse gas that is twenty–one times as potent as
carbon dioxide." ("Global Warming and Climate Change") Methane is more harmful to the
environment because plants cannot absorb it and turn it into oxygen, plants can only absorb
carbon dioxide. Global warming has a lot of causes and effects throughout the globe, including:
icecaps melting, deforestation, carbon emissions, factory smoke, forest fires, coral reefs dying,
and extreme weather catastrophes. All of these causes and effects listed can be prevented if only
the population of people who do not believe it is real would start caring about the environment
and what we release into the atmosphere. One of the effects of global warming is the polar ice
caps' melting. Scientists have been researching and examining the polar ice caps for a long time
and they have come to the conclusion that the thin ice sheets are slowly wasting away. They have
also found out that Greenland's glaciers are getting smaller and smaller. Places around the globe
that use to be covered in ice and snow are now showing more green terrain as the years go on and
as the winter months grow warmer. The polar ice caps are melting more and more due to higher
global temperatures. This is really bad because the ice caps "reflect and help regulate the Earth's
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Persuasive Essay On Global Warming
As a child, I always dreamed of living somewhere cold–– somewhere that would snow on Christmas
day, allow my family and I to ice skate during the colder season, snuggle deep down in a blanket
with hot chocolate and let me live my Hallmark aspirations. However, when I asked my dear friend
in Ohio what the weather was like up North several Autumns ago, I received a frightening answer––
the same temperature in Louisiana. In that moment, it hit me: there was a problem halting my
pursuit of happiness and it's infamously known as global warming. So, from that day on, I began to
consider how this major problem could easily be fixed.
Global warming is truly a world–wide controversy. This concept has baffled scientists time and time
again as some argue the grip humanity has on warmer temperatures while others mark the
"Greenhouse Effect" as a small occurrence. However, after researching, it has become obvious that
the Earth's rising temperatures have many causes to blame and plenty of significant effects.
Specifically, methane, nitrogen oxide and carbon dioxide negatively affect our planet. Although it
may seem at times impossible to curb our ever heating home away from a dangerous course, there
are ways to solve this phenomenon carefully. First, one must examine what makes our planet so hot
and secondly, why this is a big deal. Earth is steadily increasing in global climate temperatures for
many reasons. Perhaps the largest cause is humanity: burning fossil fuels,
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Global Warming Persuasive Essay
"Most of the observed warming that we have seen (verb) in the last 50 years is likely to be due to
human activity, due to greenhouse gases," claims Dr. David Karoly (noun), an expert in climate
change. Some people believe that global (adjective) warming is just a naturally occurring thing on
(preposition) Earth. However, humans are causing global warming because they (pronoun) are
putting too much carbon dioxide in the air, the temperatures are increasing more rapidly than normal,
and (conjunctions) the ice caps are melting at an alarming rate. Humans are the main cause of global
One reason that people believe (verb) the opposite is that there are thousands of scientists who
believe the opposite as well, as seen in a 2010 report from Climate Depot. While this may be true,
the majority rules. Environmental (adjective) scientists are 95% certain that humans are the leading
cause of global warming because of the emissions of greenhouse gases. Since 1850 there has been a
40% more content...
Science does show this, but these temperatures are rising way more rapidly than in (preposition) the
past. According to National Geographic, 1982–2012 was the warmest 30 year period in the past
1,400 years. The average temperature has also increased by about 1.4 ℉ in the past 100 years,
and the rate of this growth has doubled in the last 50 years. While a couple of degrees might not
sound like much, during the last ice age Earth was only 5 ℉ colder than today. Even just a few
degrees can drastically (adverb) change the world. The average temperature is expected to rise
another 2 to 11.5 ℉ in the next 100 years. Dr. Candace O. Major, a member of the National
Science Foundation says, "The same range of temperature change has happened since the industrial
revolution as the previous 11,000 years
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Persuasive Global Warming
So is man–made global warming and climate change just one big lie? The biggest fraud in science
history? The message coming from many politicians and the media makes it sound like the world
is going to end and ISIS is less dangerous. This hysteria is causing the widespread belief we will
burn up after having horrible droughts and storms. Its strange that they have to rely on false data,
bad statistics, and hiding the contradicting science to prove its real and pass legislation. But its just
too bad that there is no real solution to this crisis and that won't harm our environment and millions
of people.
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Global Warming Persuasive Essay
What would our world, the place we call home be like if we were to just keep living our lives as if
global warming was not an issue? Would our coastlines or beaches be underwater? What about the
farmland that we depend on for food? The purpose of this paper is persuade you, the reader that we
as individuals can help save the planet from the negative effects of global warming and provide a
better future for our children.
What is global warming? Global warming is the increasing of the average temperature near earth's
surface. It is caused mostly by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
(EPA, 2014) Greenhouse gasses are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and
fluorocarbons. Some greenhouse gases more content...
Under normal conditions some of the infrared waves are trapped on earth by our atmosphere. This
keeps the temperature of earth at balance so that its occupants can survive, although if we did not
have greenhouse gases the average temperature of the earth would be zero degrees Fahrenheit. Under
current conditions, however, the infrared waves and the concentration of greenhouse gases that were
leaving earth's atmosphere are now being trapped and causing the temperature of our earth to change
from its usual, to a dangerously hotter climate which is distressing to earth and our survival.
We as humans contribute to these greenhouse gases. Carbon dioxide, the most well–known of the
gases, accounts for about 80 percent of the greenhouse gasses. This is due in part by the burning of
fossil fuels such as oil, coal, and natural gas. These fuels are what we use to operate cars, generate
electricity, factories, heat our homes, and many other things. Another leading contributor to the
rising levels of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere is deforestation. "Deforestation accounts for more
greenhouse gas than all of the world's planes, trains, cars, trucks and ships combined. It's the second
highest contributor to climate change." (White,
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Persuasive Speech On Global Warming
In order for us to help the wildlife during global warming we need to decrease the amount of
pollution we put in the air. We can do this by reducing the amount of energy we use and how
many times we use our vehicles in a day. We could also stop littering and start recycling. Land
development is also a cause. All of these ways can lead to deterioration of certain species' habitats.
This is a serious problem and i want to persuade and and inform you what we can do to stop it and
how it is affecting everyday life lives all the way to to the littlest things to the biggest thing. Global
warming is growing at a faster and faster rate. Society thinks global warming is not a big deal and is
okay with it. Nobody should be okay with this. Global warming is a horrible way of how we treat
yourself, our planet, and the animals.
The first thing I want to start off with is telling you what global warming is and give you an idea
of what it can do to our planet. Global warming increases temperature all around the world. It also
put a lot more carbon dioxide in the air by us humans. Pollution of Carbon dioxide is one is the
most common one and is mostly caused by running vehicles exhaust, burning of fossil fuels such
as coal,and factory smoke.when we let carbon dioxide in the air it has nowhere to go except in
our atmosphere. therefore is causes rising temperature to build up in our atmosphere over time
slowly. global warming is causing many conflicts around the world. Conflicts like melting ice
glaciers, which causes rising sea levels. If the sea levels rises it can cause floods all around the
world. If the sea levels keep rising some island will disappear. Heat waves are getting more and
more common and will cause droughts. Cloud forest like true ecological kings of the jungle are
dying off rapidly because of roads are being built, and farm settlement. The ecosystem is shifting
in many parts of the globe, growing seasons is 2 weeks longer, animals are endangered,
hibernation and migration is getting affected because of All of these has increased rapidly over the
years. One of the dig problems on how global warming is affecting the earth is the impact on the
trees like the true ecological kings of the jungle,
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Global Warming Persuasive Speech
Cutting–edge Plumbing, Gas and Central Heating Installations Living in the U.K. or Europe can
be a blessing at times but those dark winter months can be a bit foreboding. The constant rain can
be quite oppressive, and then you have the frosts and the snow. How do you escape the cold and
cheer yourself up a little. One thing I always miss about England is having an open fire place in
the living room, nothing is more inviting. You can always add to it by having a roast for Sunday
lunch, with a nice glass of wine. You could also drop down to your Local and have nice pint with
maybe Duck in the Basket. Oh, how I wish I could see those things again. Choosing the Best
Company There are many companies out there doing this kind of work, and most more
So you jump into the car and look at the list you have made and start locally, always best to try
and help out the local people. Then you glance at the list and realise you have phone numbers for
a numbers for them. Your wife looks at you, as you scan the numbers. She quietly takes out her
smartphone. She starts dialling the numbers after number 4. She looks at you and says, "Park over
there, I have four people coming to look at the house on Monday and Tuesday and I have only just
started. I don't think we have to go much further", and gives you a
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Persuasive Global Warming
Overall, there are very justifiable stances on viewing global warming as either benefits of the
world or drawbacks. As given by the article and seen as agreeable from a reader's perspective one
can conclude that global warming would have a negative connotation and stigma for as long as it's a
problem without a solution. The effects of global warming result in the rising of sea levels, spread
of diseases, droughts and destruction of environments and living species in the environment. Global
warming is not too far gone that it cannot be stopped. There are many solutions that we as a society
can do that will improve the worlds global warming issues such as a decrease in the destruction of
the forestland because forestland can increase the amount
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Global Warming Persuasive Essay
Human activities such as deforestation, burning fossil fuels and transportation emissions have
caused warmer climate changes. These factors all are increasing the "Greenhouse Effect" which is
when the carbon gets released into the atmosphere, furthermore this causes those gases to be trapped
inside the earth's atmosphere causing multiple of the effects. Global warming is harmful to the
environment because there has been an increase in global temperature, incline in natural disasters,
and extinction of animals throughout the world. These factors are only a small percentage of what
global warming is doing. Without human intervention global warming would not be a problem that
this planet would face, it's our priority to save this planet for ourselves and for future generation. more content...
Well that would be that there is a increase in the global temperature, and although that this may
result in longer farming seasons the negatives will outweigh positives of Global Warming. The
following text states the differences in temperature that there has been over time, "According to an
ongoing temperature analysis conducted by scientists at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space
Studies (GISS), the average global temperature on Earth has increased by about 0.8В° Celsius
(1.4В° Fahrenheit) since 1880." Even though there may be a longer farming season there will also
be more droughts and heat waves due to the increase of temperature. These temperature will
continue to rise and although some states and cities have much more precipitation there are also
states and cities that don't have much precipitation. Although it may not seem like the temperature
is increasing by much it will keep increasing over the years as long as we continue on this path.
This planet has no hope of being changed if we continue to intake and use carbon sinks in our daily
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Global Warming Persuasive Essay
The Topic I decide for my persuasive essay is Global Warming & Environmental Changes. This
Topic is very important for everyone to know about it and try to do something to help on our
environment. As should be obvious the Global Warming is a moderate addition in the general
temperature of the world's air generally credited to the "Greenhouse" and is an amazing point to
discuss; accordingly, I truly need to seek after the reader, so they can see the emergency that is
happening in our world. We all can make the difference and start recycling, talk in our jobs to see if
they have an environmental team and get involved; therefore, I believe that this Thesis will help me
to develop whatever remains of my paper, in light of the fact that will demonstrate
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Persuasive Essay About Global Warming

  • 1. Persuasive Essay On Global Warming Global Warming for the Win! Global warming. It's a highly controversial and well–known topic brought to the attention of many for the past few years. Global warming is an issue that is currently destroying our entire planet. But because humans are selfish, global warming is something we should avoid addressing. In fact, we should consider supporting this so–called "issue", as its benefits for mankind outweigh the damages on the entire planet. Global warming is here to help mankind in many different ways. A non–stop beneficial lifestyle comes from the increased temperatures of the world, outrageously rising water levels and an atmosphere filled with carbon dioxide. As the Earth continues to warm up, this indicates the growing summer seasons and decreasing winter season. The planet's average surface temperature has risen about 1.1 degrees Celsius since the late 19th century (NASA, 2017). This itself aids mankind in so many different ways. First of all, fewer winter months mean no more shopping for big, bulky winter clothing that takes up half of your closet anyway. Not only will you save your money, you will have more room in your closet for more relevant items like your t–shirts and shorts. This means summer will be more year–round which indicates the increased number of days spent at the beach. If you think about it, global warming will decrease the rate of obesity. As summer is almost all year long, more and more people will strive to achieve the typical summer body. Soon, everyone will achieve their wanted bodies and kick obesity out the door. Tired and sore from shoveling your driveway? With the prolonged summers, snow shoveling will never be an issue. Just relax on your couch and smile as you look at your heating bills. Why? As temperatures increase, people will no longer have to heat their houses during the cold winter days. No longer needing to heat homes means a cheaper heating bill and a decreased amount of fossil fuels burnt in the first place. These warmer temperatures may be detrimental to other organism lives in nature but are simply benefits to make our lives run a lot smoother. As well, you can finally plan your first official flight to Antarctica and go swimming as there will no longer be any Get more content on
  • 2. Persuasive Speech About Global Warming PERSUASIVE SPEECH OUTLINE General Purpose:To persuade Specific purpose:After listening to my speech, my audience will know how they can change their lives for a bigger challenge – to save the world. Thesis:Knowing what a problem nowadays is global warming, how CO2 gas affects it and how can we change it. Title:Lifestyle to make some changes INTRODUCTION I.Attention Material:Question "Do you know that using cars for the planet is like smoking cigarettes for people?" II.Background material: a.Where do people use cars? b.Answer to the question III.Preview statement: I am here to talk to you about better more content... Have you ever thought that pollution is like cancer for the mother earth? I am here to talk to you about better way of lifestyle that changes the whole future of our planet regarding pollution and global warming. "CO2 gas emissions" is a mystical term which everyone should pay attention to. C02 gas is a colorless, odorless gas that is present in the atmosphere and is formed when any fuel containing carbon is burned. Plants and trees are using it in the process of photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide is also used in refrigeration, fire extinguishers, and carbonated drinks. In other words this is the gas we need to fight with! By using fossil fuels in almost everything we do, we make a huge cloud of gas and this is warming up the world. By doing this, we cause serious damage to the nature and we may have an irreversible effect on it and the future. As you now understand that we need to fight with it, I am going to tell you some ways to do it. First of all, reduce the time you are in the car and use your legs to move .Use Bikes! People are getting lazier as time goes, but you can make the change. If you walk more, you help your planet and you help yourself, so why not to do it? Take care about your garden. Those are the filters of our caused high levels of gas. Mother nature knows how to cure the world, so let's help a little bit. Did you know that every 2 seconds a football field of forest is gone in the world? It takes minutes to destroy it, Get more content on
  • 3. Persuasive Speech on Global Warming Essay PERSUASIVE SPEECH ON GLOBAL WARMING by: Jennifer Zelmer Introduction: We all know about global warming, but do we really care or try to do at least some of the things that will help stop it or at least slow it down? 1) Over the last century our planets temp. has risen 1 degree. I know that doesn't sound like much but it's been enough to melt a lot of the polar ice caps and glaciers. A) The hottest years ever recorded were in the late 1990's and early 2000's. B) In 2007 there was a massive polar ice melt and the amount of glaciers and sea ice has decreased quite a bit since the 70's. This has already caused the sea levels to rise. C) The U.N. panel on climate change projects that by the end of more content... C) And of course we can't forget the three R's. Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Only buy what you need , ruse whatever you can, like containers and paper, and recycle what you cannot reuse. It's really as simple as that. 4) Th extra heat our homes produce also adversely affects the planet. A) By sealing and insulating our homes better we can help stop that and save money on our energy bills. B) Also instead of turning up the heat when your cold, put on an extra layer of clothes. Again you'll be saving energy and money. C) If at all possible, use solar energy. After all it's free, all you have to do is buy the equipment. And you would be helping to ensure that our ancestors still have a planet to live on. D) Finally, by turning off unused power sources such as tv's and computers, again you will be helping the environment as well as saving money on energy bills. Conclusion: If we all would do as many things that we possibly can to help reduce greenhouse gasses in our atmosphere, we would all be doing a great thing by helping to ensure that our grand–kids and theirs will still have this beautiful planet to live on and enjoy. Thank Get more content on
  • 4. Persuasive Essay On Global Warming In the world we live in, it seems like all of society has clouded judgement on just about everything. You'll turn on the TV and see people go against all types of logical thought, and that can lead to even your own judgement being shrouded in a cloud of confusion. One topic that leads in this "social confusion" is global warming. While climatologists and many other well–versed people on the matter argue for its reality, many have their hearts set on quite an opposite alternative. Our world is plagued by the fake news brought about by these people, and the only way we can fix this issue is to get past the lies and to focus on the solutions themselves. Let's begin with the facts about global warming. Frankly, it's a problem, and a growing one at that. It's a matter of extreme importance to many activists, and many of us have seen people speak up about it across our media. This isn't just a media issue though, as many scientific organizations have had their eyes on this issue. According to NASA, we've recently seen a global change in temperature, our oceans warming, our ice sheets shrinking, our glaciers retreating, and our snow cover virtually disappearing. Not only that, but our sea level has been increasing, the Arctic is shrinking, and our oceans are becoming acidic. On top of that, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change itself stated that the "Scientific evidence for warming of the climate system is unequivocal." Global warming is also responsible for the slow Get more content on
  • 5. Global Warming Persuasive Papers Jeremy Bonnett Professor Maldonado English 1301 12th November, 2015 The Earth is an Oven Our world is changing. Not for the good, it's getting worse. Within the last two hundred years our climate has been changing. Ever since the discovery of how useful nonrenewable resources are our climate has been gradually getting warmer. Climate change is threat with many consequences from the ecosystems that people live in all the way down to the evolution of species in the wild. There are many clear and present dangers in the world today, but climate change is of the most importance causing species to go explode in numbers, average temperatures to increase, uncontrollable forest fires, and the quality of air depleting. Climate change is affecting more content... Take the Mediterranean region for example. Known to scientists, this is a hot spot for climate change. The study done showed that these hotter climates allowed the region's trees and vegetation to become drier and thus providing a great fuel source for fires to burn. Not only is the region experiencing hotter temperatures, but it is expected to get worse. "Future projections indicate a sustained increase in temperature, particularly in summer, at a rate that continues the historic value. Wildfires are already common in the forests and grasslands of the western United States. As the Earth gets warmer and droughts increase, wildfires are expected to occur more often and be more destructive. Wildfires do occur naturally, but the extremely dry conditions resulting from droughts allow fires to start more easily, spread faster, and burn longer. In fact, if the Earth gets just 3.6В°F warmer, we can expect wildfires in the western United States to burn four times more land than they do now. Fires don't just change the landscape; they also threaten people's homes and lives" (Turco 127). This supports the claim that climate change is affecting the way our environment interacts with natural disasters. Climate change can also affect the land that humans use for crops. Climate change is also likely to cause stronger storms and more floods, which can damage crops. Increasing temperatures and evolving rainfall patterns could help some kinds of weeds and pesticides to spread to vast areas. If the global temperature rises an additional 3.6В°F, U.S. corn production is expected to decrease by ten to thirty percent. .Climate change is not only destroying our world, it's burning it away and making it unusable for crops and other growable Get more content on
  • 6. Global Warming Persuasive Essay Throughout the years' speculations of the world's climate change has been debated immensely. From the start of time scientists have observed that the temperature has increased outstandingly each year causing Climate changes, elevation of water, loss of ice water, but most importantly our health. One of the major cause of global warming is us, we have polluted our world with too much carbon footprint yet we don't face the facts and stand up for what we have done. If we keep up what we are doing the faith of our world is at risk. Greenhouse gasses are a danger to our world because they trap heat from the sun and warm the planet's surface creating a dense thick layer causing a major problem not just with the heat but with our health. more content... Imagine if the world was covered with water, where would we live? Scientist over the years have proven Global warming is accelerating the rate of sea level rise and dramatically increasing coastal flooding risks, especially on the U.S. East Coast and Gulf of Mexico. If Pollution continues in a couple of years our world is going to be mostly water because of the temperature melting the glaciers and water growing because of heat. Global warming is a serious problem to our health, environment, and economy, because Dangerous heat waves are increasing each year causing terrible things to happen. Not only heat waves are affecting our oceans but forests to, "Global warming is the driving force behind these impacts, bringing hotter and drier conditions that amplify existing stresses, as well as cause their own effects." How can we live in Lopez 3 this world if there are no trees, trees are the 1# factors that produce oxygen without oxygen we are nothing. I am passionate about this topic because I know how it feels having a lung disease Get more content on
  • 7. Persuasive Essay On Global Warming A very good morning to Ms Gloria and my fellow friends. The topic that I would like to discuss today is "Global Warming". In the 21st century, we can only see that there are many technological advancements in this world; however, we have neglected that there are many problems which are changing the world eventually. Why do you think that there is melting of Arctic ice at the north pole? Why do you think that you keep blaming that the weather is becoming hotter and hotter every day? This is because of global warming. Global warming is a phenomenon of a gradual increase in the temperature of the earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect. Global warming happens due to the collision between the greenhouse gases and the layer of atmosphere and this collision causes the Earth to heat up drastically. For example, the global average temperature has increased 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit for the past 130 years. Global warming is still happening today and it will become more serious if we do not stop it now. Why does global warming happen? The main culprit of this phenomenon is the greenhouse gases, including the carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and chlorofluorocarbon. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 37 percent of greenhouse gases are increased from 1990 to 2015, and 80 percent of that is caused by carbon dioxide. Global warming and greenhouse effect actually is caused by us, humans. Scientists agree that the primary Get more content on
  • 8. Greenhouse Effect Essay I have noticed that climate change has been a big issue this year. I think it's very important to talk about Global warming and be aware of the causes of it. We all should want to take care of this earth, because we are the ones living here. We should make people more aware of the greenhouse effect and how it can affect us. Consequently, in September of this year, Florida had some devastating hurricanes that wiped out thousands of homes, businesses, and schools. According to Monmonier's book, "Coast lines: how mapmakers frame the world and chart environmental change," He predicted that the sea levels were rising at an unprecedented rate, causing flooding around the world, including the coast of Florida and California (Monmonier pg. 131). The two main causes of global sea level rise are thermal expansion of the warming of the oceans and the lack of land–based ice due to melting. Due to global warming, our ice caps are melting, and our ocean temperatures are steadily increasing. (Monmonier pg. 131). So how can we help? Second is air pollution, this is one of the biggest problems we are having today. Air pollution is caused by everything we do today. In the Earth's atmosphere, a process called the Greenhouse effect occurs, it acts as a shield to trap in the heat from the sun, so it prevents the heat from going back into space. The Greenhouse effect occurs in nature as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. People say, "Without the greenhouse effect, the planet would be Get more content on
  • 9. Global Warming Persuasive Essay Mike Huckabee once quoted; "The most important thing about global warming is this. Whether humans are responsible for the bulk of climate change is going to be left to the scientists, but it's all our responsibility to leave this planet in better shape for the future generations than we found it." I have travelled back in time to warn you guys that Global warming DOES exists. In fact, global warming is a huge issue. We need your help to take care of our planet for the sake of our future generations. To start, if we keep this up future generations will be in trouble. It will gradually continue to grow warmer and storms will grow more intense, and there will be longer periods of drought in between. The climate would be so severe that it will destabilize the entire nation, sending millions of refugees across the border. Most animals will go extinct and the polar ice caps will melt, leaving cities to go underwater and people being forced to move. If we keep this up, the ocean will rise up to 82,100ft. Also, scientists have strong evidence that heating is making drought and heat waves more frequent, causing heavier rain storms and severe postal flooding. Studies of past climate conditions also show that more content... I am from the time of 2016 and we are experiencing climate change big time. The American Association for the Advancement of science says, "The scientific evidence is clear: global climate change caused by human activities if occurring now, and it is a threat to society." Also, one of the U.S. government agencies named U.S. Global Change Research Program said that, "The global warming of the past 50 years is due primarily to human– induced increases in heat– trapping gases. Human 'fingerprints' also have identified in many other aspects of the climate system, including changes in ocean heat content, precipitation, atmospheric moisture, and Arctic sea Get more content on
  • 10. Persuasive Essay On Global Warming Global warming is happening and needs to be stopped. Global warming is the increase in the earth's average temperature that occurs naturally (Flynn). Global warming is a serious problem, and from what scientist can gather from the research, the main producers of greenhouse gas emission are humans, causing serious threats to the Earth. Research on global warming has shown that terrible storms, droughts, and floods are increasing at an alarming rate. Furthermore, global warming is causing harm to crops. Throughout history, species have responded to the changing of the world's temperature. A hazardous concern, however, is the wildlife and ecosystems of balance at this rapid rate of change happening today. Furthermore, global warming is causing harm to crops. The government must take action. Some of the economists call global warming the greatest example of failure the world has ever seen. Global warming must be abolished because global warming is destroying the world. Humans have affected the Earth and caused global warming. The Earth's temperature has fluctuated in history caused by the growth of the automobile industry and the impact of the industrial gases on the planet's atmosphere. For example of the recent history of global warming is the use of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are depletable energy sources such as oils, natural gas, and coal, which were formed millions of years ago. Fossil fuels power automobiles and when the post–World War II population boomed, so did Get more content on
  • 11. Persuasive Essay On Global Warming Global warming has been an on–going issue for many decades. Most people would argue that it is a hoax; while others argue it is true. Climate change can cause a domino effect of catastrophes throughout the world. Once it affects one group, then that affected group will affect another, and so on and so forth; like a plague. Global warming is an authentic problem and we need to find more efficient ways to eliminate it, or at least contain it. Global warming can be defined more precisely by this quote: "Without the greenhouse effect, the planet would be too cold to support life. Over time, the amount of greenhouse gases trapped in Earth's atmosphere has increased significantly, causing worldwide temperatures to rise" ("Global Warming andClimate Change"). The greenhouse effect traps heat throughout the globe; thus warming the world at an alarming rate. One type of greenhouse gas is methane. "Methane, for example, is a greenhouse gas that is twenty–one times as potent as carbon dioxide." ("Global Warming and Climate Change") Methane is more harmful to the environment because plants cannot absorb it and turn it into oxygen, plants can only absorb carbon dioxide. Global warming has a lot of causes and effects throughout the globe, including: icecaps melting, deforestation, carbon emissions, factory smoke, forest fires, coral reefs dying, and extreme weather catastrophes. All of these causes and effects listed can be prevented if only the population of people who do not believe it is real would start caring about the environment and what we release into the atmosphere. One of the effects of global warming is the polar ice caps' melting. Scientists have been researching and examining the polar ice caps for a long time and they have come to the conclusion that the thin ice sheets are slowly wasting away. They have also found out that Greenland's glaciers are getting smaller and smaller. Places around the globe that use to be covered in ice and snow are now showing more green terrain as the years go on and as the winter months grow warmer. The polar ice caps are melting more and more due to higher global temperatures. This is really bad because the ice caps "reflect and help regulate the Earth's temperatures." Get more content on
  • 12. Persuasive Essay On Global Warming As a child, I always dreamed of living somewhere cold–– somewhere that would snow on Christmas day, allow my family and I to ice skate during the colder season, snuggle deep down in a blanket with hot chocolate and let me live my Hallmark aspirations. However, when I asked my dear friend in Ohio what the weather was like up North several Autumns ago, I received a frightening answer–– the same temperature in Louisiana. In that moment, it hit me: there was a problem halting my pursuit of happiness and it's infamously known as global warming. So, from that day on, I began to consider how this major problem could easily be fixed. Global warming is truly a world–wide controversy. This concept has baffled scientists time and time again as some argue the grip humanity has on warmer temperatures while others mark the "Greenhouse Effect" as a small occurrence. However, after researching, it has become obvious that the Earth's rising temperatures have many causes to blame and plenty of significant effects. Specifically, methane, nitrogen oxide and carbon dioxide negatively affect our planet. Although it may seem at times impossible to curb our ever heating home away from a dangerous course, there are ways to solve this phenomenon carefully. First, one must examine what makes our planet so hot and secondly, why this is a big deal. Earth is steadily increasing in global climate temperatures for many reasons. Perhaps the largest cause is humanity: burning fossil fuels, Get more content on
  • 13. Global Warming Persuasive Essay "Most of the observed warming that we have seen (verb) in the last 50 years is likely to be due to human activity, due to greenhouse gases," claims Dr. David Karoly (noun), an expert in climate change. Some people believe that global (adjective) warming is just a naturally occurring thing on (preposition) Earth. However, humans are causing global warming because they (pronoun) are putting too much carbon dioxide in the air, the temperatures are increasing more rapidly than normal, and (conjunctions) the ice caps are melting at an alarming rate. Humans are the main cause of global warming. One reason that people believe (verb) the opposite is that there are thousands of scientists who believe the opposite as well, as seen in a 2010 report from Climate Depot. While this may be true, the majority rules. Environmental (adjective) scientists are 95% certain that humans are the leading cause of global warming because of the emissions of greenhouse gases. Since 1850 there has been a 40% more content... Science does show this, but these temperatures are rising way more rapidly than in (preposition) the past. According to National Geographic, 1982–2012 was the warmest 30 year period in the past 1,400 years. The average temperature has also increased by about 1.4 ℉ in the past 100 years, and the rate of this growth has doubled in the last 50 years. While a couple of degrees might not sound like much, during the last ice age Earth was only 5 ℉ colder than today. Even just a few degrees can drastically (adverb) change the world. The average temperature is expected to rise another 2 to 11.5 ℉ in the next 100 years. Dr. Candace O. Major, a member of the National Science Foundation says, "The same range of temperature change has happened since the industrial revolution as the previous 11,000 years Get more content on
  • 14. Persuasive Global Warming So is man–made global warming and climate change just one big lie? The biggest fraud in science history? The message coming from many politicians and the media makes it sound like the world is going to end and ISIS is less dangerous. This hysteria is causing the widespread belief we will burn up after having horrible droughts and storms. Its strange that they have to rely on false data, bad statistics, and hiding the contradicting science to prove its real and pass legislation. But its just too bad that there is no real solution to this crisis and that won't harm our environment and millions of people. Get more content on
  • 15. Global Warming Persuasive Essay What would our world, the place we call home be like if we were to just keep living our lives as if global warming was not an issue? Would our coastlines or beaches be underwater? What about the farmland that we depend on for food? The purpose of this paper is persuade you, the reader that we as individuals can help save the planet from the negative effects of global warming and provide a better future for our children. What is global warming? Global warming is the increasing of the average temperature near earth's surface. It is caused mostly by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. (EPA, 2014) Greenhouse gasses are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and fluorocarbons. Some greenhouse gases more content... Under normal conditions some of the infrared waves are trapped on earth by our atmosphere. This keeps the temperature of earth at balance so that its occupants can survive, although if we did not have greenhouse gases the average temperature of the earth would be zero degrees Fahrenheit. Under current conditions, however, the infrared waves and the concentration of greenhouse gases that were leaving earth's atmosphere are now being trapped and causing the temperature of our earth to change from its usual, to a dangerously hotter climate which is distressing to earth and our survival. We as humans contribute to these greenhouse gases. Carbon dioxide, the most well–known of the gases, accounts for about 80 percent of the greenhouse gasses. This is due in part by the burning of fossil fuels such as oil, coal, and natural gas. These fuels are what we use to operate cars, generate electricity, factories, heat our homes, and many other things. Another leading contributor to the rising levels of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere is deforestation. "Deforestation accounts for more greenhouse gas than all of the world's planes, trains, cars, trucks and ships combined. It's the second highest contributor to climate change." (White, Get more content on
  • 16. Persuasive Speech On Global Warming In order for us to help the wildlife during global warming we need to decrease the amount of pollution we put in the air. We can do this by reducing the amount of energy we use and how many times we use our vehicles in a day. We could also stop littering and start recycling. Land development is also a cause. All of these ways can lead to deterioration of certain species' habitats. This is a serious problem and i want to persuade and and inform you what we can do to stop it and how it is affecting everyday life lives all the way to to the littlest things to the biggest thing. Global warming is growing at a faster and faster rate. Society thinks global warming is not a big deal and is okay with it. Nobody should be okay with this. Global warming is a horrible way of how we treat yourself, our planet, and the animals. The first thing I want to start off with is telling you what global warming is and give you an idea of what it can do to our planet. Global warming increases temperature all around the world. It also put a lot more carbon dioxide in the air by us humans. Pollution of Carbon dioxide is one is the most common one and is mostly caused by running vehicles exhaust, burning of fossil fuels such as coal,and factory smoke.when we let carbon dioxide in the air it has nowhere to go except in our atmosphere. therefore is causes rising temperature to build up in our atmosphere over time slowly. global warming is causing many conflicts around the world. Conflicts like melting ice glaciers, which causes rising sea levels. If the sea levels rises it can cause floods all around the world. If the sea levels keep rising some island will disappear. Heat waves are getting more and more common and will cause droughts. Cloud forest like true ecological kings of the jungle are dying off rapidly because of roads are being built, and farm settlement. The ecosystem is shifting in many parts of the globe, growing seasons is 2 weeks longer, animals are endangered, hibernation and migration is getting affected because of All of these has increased rapidly over the years. One of the dig problems on how global warming is affecting the earth is the impact on the trees like the true ecological kings of the jungle, Get more content on
  • 17. Global Warming Persuasive Speech Cutting–edge Plumbing, Gas and Central Heating Installations Living in the U.K. or Europe can be a blessing at times but those dark winter months can be a bit foreboding. The constant rain can be quite oppressive, and then you have the frosts and the snow. How do you escape the cold and cheer yourself up a little. One thing I always miss about England is having an open fire place in the living room, nothing is more inviting. You can always add to it by having a roast for Sunday lunch, with a nice glass of wine. You could also drop down to your Local and have nice pint with maybe Duck in the Basket. Oh, how I wish I could see those things again. Choosing the Best Company There are many companies out there doing this kind of work, and most more content... So you jump into the car and look at the list you have made and start locally, always best to try and help out the local people. Then you glance at the list and realise you have phone numbers for a numbers for them. Your wife looks at you, as you scan the numbers. She quietly takes out her smartphone. She starts dialling the numbers after number 4. She looks at you and says, "Park over there, I have four people coming to look at the house on Monday and Tuesday and I have only just started. I don't think we have to go much further", and gives you a Get more content on
  • 18. Persuasive Global Warming Overall, there are very justifiable stances on viewing global warming as either benefits of the world or drawbacks. As given by the article and seen as agreeable from a reader's perspective one can conclude that global warming would have a negative connotation and stigma for as long as it's a problem without a solution. The effects of global warming result in the rising of sea levels, spread of diseases, droughts and destruction of environments and living species in the environment. Global warming is not too far gone that it cannot be stopped. There are many solutions that we as a society can do that will improve the worlds global warming issues such as a decrease in the destruction of the forestland because forestland can increase the amount Get more content on
  • 19. Global Warming Persuasive Essay Human activities such as deforestation, burning fossil fuels and transportation emissions have caused warmer climate changes. These factors all are increasing the "Greenhouse Effect" which is when the carbon gets released into the atmosphere, furthermore this causes those gases to be trapped inside the earth's atmosphere causing multiple of the effects. Global warming is harmful to the environment because there has been an increase in global temperature, incline in natural disasters, and extinction of animals throughout the world. These factors are only a small percentage of what global warming is doing. Without human intervention global warming would not be a problem that this planet would face, it's our priority to save this planet for ourselves and for future generation. more content... Well that would be that there is a increase in the global temperature, and although that this may result in longer farming seasons the negatives will outweigh positives of Global Warming. The following text states the differences in temperature that there has been over time, "According to an ongoing temperature analysis conducted by scientists at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), the average global temperature on Earth has increased by about 0.8В° Celsius (1.4В° Fahrenheit) since 1880." Even though there may be a longer farming season there will also be more droughts and heat waves due to the increase of temperature. These temperature will continue to rise and although some states and cities have much more precipitation there are also states and cities that don't have much precipitation. Although it may not seem like the temperature is increasing by much it will keep increasing over the years as long as we continue on this path. This planet has no hope of being changed if we continue to intake and use carbon sinks in our daily Get more content on
  • 20. Global Warming Persuasive Essay The Topic I decide for my persuasive essay is Global Warming & Environmental Changes. This Topic is very important for everyone to know about it and try to do something to help on our environment. As should be obvious the Global Warming is a moderate addition in the general temperature of the world's air generally credited to the "Greenhouse" and is an amazing point to discuss; accordingly, I truly need to seek after the reader, so they can see the emergency that is happening in our world. We all can make the difference and start recycling, talk in our jobs to see if they have an environmental team and get involved; therefore, I believe that this Thesis will help me to develop whatever remains of my paper, in light of the fact that will demonstrate Get more content on