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2015/2016 Pre
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Jenjang : SMA/MA
Program Studi : IPA / IPS
Hari / Tanggal :
Jam : 11.00 – 13.00
1. Periksalah Naskah Soal yang Anda terima sebelum mengerjakan soal yang meliputi:
a. Kelengkapan jumlah halaman atau urutannya.
b. Kelengkapan dan urutan nomor soal.
c. Kesesuaian Nama Mata Uji dan Program Studi yang tertera pada kanan atas
Naskah Soal dengan Lembar Jawaban Ujian Nasional (LJUN).
d. Pastikan LJUN masih menyatu dengan naskah soal.
2. Laporkan kepada pengawas ruang ujian apabila terdapat lembar soal, nomor soal yang
tidak lengkap atau tidak urut, serta LJUN yang rusak atau robek untuk mendapat
3. Tulislah Nama dan Nomor Peserta Ujian Anda pada kolom yang disediakan di
halaman pertama butir soal.
4. Isilah pada LJUN Anda dengan:
a. Nama Peserta pada kotak yang disediakan, lalu hitamkan bulatan di bawahnya
sesuai dengan huruf di atasnya.
b. Nomor Peserta dan Tanggal Lahir pada kolom yang disediakan, lalu hitamkan
bulatan di bawahnya sesuai huruf/angka di atasnya
c. Nama Sekolah, Tanggal Ujian, dan bubuhkan Tanda Tangan Anda pada kotak
yang disediakan.
5. Tersedia waktu 120 menit untuk mengerjakan Naskah Soal tersebut.
6. Jumlah soal sebanyak 50 butir, pada setiap butir soal terdapat 4 (empat) atau 5 (lima)
pilihan jawaban.
7. Tidak diizinkan menggunakan kalkulator, HP, tabel matematika atau alat bantu hitung
8. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ruang ujian
9. Lembar soal boleh dicorat-coret, sedangkan LJUN tidak boleh dicorat-coret.
Part l
Questions : 1 to 4
In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues and questions spoken in
English. The dialogues and questions will be spoken two times. They will not
be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what
the speakers say.
After you listen to a dialogue and the question about it, read the five possible
answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you
have heard.
Now listen to a sample question.
You will hear:
Man : We are almost out of cereal.
Woman : I know. I will go to the grocery store to buy some more.
I will also get some milk, bread, and fruit.
Man : Would you get me some instant noodles?
Woman : Sure.
Narrator : What does the man want the woman to buy?
You will read in your test book :
A. Fruit
B. Milk.
C. Bread.
D. Noodles.
E. Cereal.
The best answer of the question is “Noodles”
Therefore, you should choose answer (D).
A.Following directions.
B.Going to a grocery store.
C.Walking down Maple Street.
D.Shopping at a grocery store.
E. Giving directions to the man.
2 A.At noon.
B.At midnight.
C.In the evening.
D.In the morning.
E. In the afternoon.
3 A.Expressing pride.
B.Expressing hope.
C.Showing happiness.
D.Asking for apology.
E. Expressing satisfaction.
Sample Answer
A. Buying a book.
B. Celebrating a birthday.
C. Getting a beautiful book.
D. Giving a birthday present.
E. Thanking the man for his gift.
Part II
Questions 5 to 7
In this part of the test you will hear some incomplete dialogues spoken in
English, followed by four responses, also spoken in English. The dialogues and
the responses will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book,
so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. You
have to choose the best response to each question.
Now listen to a sample question:
Man : May I taste the caramel pudding you just made ?
Woman : Of course you may. How does it taste?
Man : . . . .
Narrator : What is the most appropriate response for the man to reply?
A. It is very expensive, I think.
B. It‟s very delicious. I really enjoy the taste
C. I think I will cook it myself
D. I don‟t think I‟ll come with you
Narrator :
The best answer to the question “How does it taste?” is choice B.
Therefore, you should choose answer (B).
Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
6 Mark your answer on your answer sheet. D
7 Mark your answer on your answer sheet. C
Part III
Questions 8 to 11
In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues or monologues spoken in
English. The dialogues or monologues will be spoken twice. They will not be
printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the
speakers say. After you listen to the dialogue or monologue, look at the five
pictures provided in your test book, and decide which one would be the most
suitable with the dialogue or monologue you have heard.
Sample Answer
Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 4 Picture 5
A. Picture 1. D. Picture 4.
B. Picture 2. E. Picture 5.
C. Picture 3.
Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 4 Picture 5
A. Picture 1. D. Picture 4.
B. Picture 2. E. Picture 5.
C. Picture 3.
Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 4 Picture 5
A. Picture 1. D. Picture 4.
B. Picture 2. E. Picture 5.
C. Picture 3.
Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 4 Picture 5
A. Picture 1. D. Picture 4.
B. Picture 2. E. Picture 5.
C. Picture 3.
Part IV
Questions 12 to 15
In this part of the test, you will hear several monologues. Each monologue will
be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen
carefully to understand what the speakers are saying.
After you hear a monologue and the question about it, read the five possible
answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you
have heard.
12 A. Christmas holiday.
B. Rail services.
C. Snowstorm.
D. Snowfall.
E. Airports.
13 A. Two.
B. Three.
C. Four.
D. Five.
E. Six.
14 A. Snakes.
B. Anacondas.
C. Kinds of snakes.
D. What an anaconda looks like.
E. Another name for an anaconda.
15 A. 10 – 20
B. 10 – 30
C. 20 – 30
D. 20 – 40
E. 30 - 40
This is the end of the listening section.
This text is for questions 16 to18
From : Andini (
To : Monica (
Date : 11th
June 2014
Cc :
Subject : Sorry, delay my visit
Hello, my sweet cousin. How is life? You must still be busy guiding
some tours, right?
You know, I have received the result of my final exam. As I told you
before, I want to spend some days in Bali, your hometown, after
graduation. However, my parents don‟t permit me. They ask me prepare
for the university entrance test. They promise me that if I can pass the
test, we will visit you and have a holiday in Bali.
Please tell uncle and auntie about this. Give my best regards to them.
See you.
Who is the recipient of the e-mail above?
A. Andini.
B. Monica.
C. My parents.
D. My cousin.
E. My auntie
17 What does Monica do? She is a ….
A. student
B. teacher
C. tour guide
D. tour leader
E. traveler
18 “However, my parents don‟t permit me.” (paragraph 2)
What is the similar meaning of the word „permit‟?
A. Visit.
B. Allow.
C. Invite.
D. Forbid.
E. Commit.
This text is for questions 19 to 21
What is the advertisement about?
A. Ordering cellphone
B. Selling camera
C. Offering battery
D. Offering cellphone
E. Ordering slot micro SD
20 How much was the price before the discount?
A. Rp. 100.000
B. Rp. 250.000
C. Rp. 500.000
D. Rp. 750.000
E. Rp. 1.000.000
21 “Discount 50%”
What does the word discount mean?
A. Cheap
B. Bargain
C. Expensive
D. Cost
E. Rebate
This text is for questions 22 to 24
Pirate ringleader admits to murder
Jambi, Antara : a pirate leader admitted Wednesday that his gang had been
involved in six robberies and killed two police officers.
Itham Guntur, 27, told police investigators that the gang consisted of
six people, all formers members, “We know the major shipping lanes such
as Sunda Strait and the East Jambi coast very well,” he said.
Itham identified the murdered police officers as First Brigadier
Mulyadi from the South Sumatra Police and Second Brigadier Kennedy
from the Jakarta Police.
The pirate targeted cargo ship, fishing boats and oil tankers.
22 According to the text, which statement is correct?
A. The pirate ring gang has been accused of murders.
B. The murders happened in Jambi last Wednesday.
C. Two police officers had been involved in six robberies.
D. The members of the pirate gang were both murderers and ship crews.
E. Itham Guntur was one of the police officers who was involved in the
23 “… we know the major shipping lanes, such as Sunda Strait and the East Jambi
coast very well,” he said.(Paragraph 2). The word „he‟ refers to ….
A. the police officer
B. Itham Guntur
C. A ship crew
D. Mulyadi
E. Kennedy
24 A person who robs cargo ships, fishing boats, or oil tankers is called a ….
A. thief
B. kidnapper
C. hijacker
D. pirate
E. picked-pocket
This text is for questions 25 to 27
Good Friends Care for Each Other
I woke up late this morning, so I did not have time to have breakfast. I
also forgot to bring my lunch box because I was in such a hurry. When the
bell of the second recess rang, I felt very hungry, but I had nothing to eat.
Suddenly, Ardy came up to me and said, “Hi Nico, do you want to
play with me?” “No I‟m not in good mood today.” I answered. It would
not be fun to play on an empty stomach. I just sat on a bench. I watched
him play with other friends. “What‟s the matter with you, Nico? You look
so gloomy.” Asked Ardy. “It‟s nothing.” I replied quietly. “I think you‟re
hungry. Here, have my lunch. I‟ve already eaten at the canteen.” He said
and offered his lunch box to me. I could not believe my luck. I felt touched
to accept his offer. I thank him, “You‟re a friend indeed, Ardy.” “Don‟t‟
mention it. Good friends care for each other,” he said
Ardy was a good friend of mine. He was very helpful and generous to
(Dikutip dari : Early Start)
Where does the story probably take place?
A. At Nico‟s home.
B. At Ardy‟s home
C. At school.
D. In the cafeteria.
E. In the rest room.
26 According to the text, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Nico and Ardy are brothers.
B. Nico played with Ardy at the second break.
C. Ardy is the writer of the text above.
D. Ardy forgot to bring his lunch box.
E. Nico didn‟t play because he was hungry.
27 You look so gloomy. (paragraph 2). What is the synonym of the underlined
A. Happy.
B. Lazy.
C. Tired.
D. Sad.
E. Merry.
This text is for questions 28 to 31
Do you know how butterflies undergo metamorphosis? Butterflies
and moths undergo complete metamorphosis in which they go through
four different life stages. First, a butterfly starts its life as an egg, often
laid on a leaf. Then, the larva or caterpillar hatches from an egg and eats
leaves or flowers almost constantly. The caterpillar loses its old skin
many times as it grows. The caterpillar will increase up to several
thousand times in size before pupating. After that, it turns into a pupa or
chrysalis. This is a resting stage. Finally, a beautiful, flying adult
emerges. This adult will continue the cycle.
What is the text about?
A. How butterflies live.
B. The habitat of butterflies.
C. The life cycle of butterflies.
D. The description of butterflies.
E. Why butterflies laid their eggs on leaves.
29 What is the purpose of the text?
A. To amuse the readers with a story of a beautiful butterfly.
B. To explain how butterflies undergo metamorphosis.
C. To inform the readers about why butterflies eat leaves and flowers.
D. To persuade the readers to collect beautiful butterflies.
E. To describe a particular creature.
30 When do butterflies have their resting stage?
A. Soon after the eggs hatch.
B. After they eat leaves and flowers.
C. Before the eggs are laid on leaves.
D. When they turn into pupas.
E. After they fly.
31 After that, it turns into a pupa or chrysalis. (line 5)
What does the underlined word refers to?
A. Egg.
B. Chrysalis.
C. Caterpillar.
D. Pupa.
E. Butterfly.
This text is for questions 32 to 34
The internet is one of the important devices in a student‟s world. We
can find many Internet cafes everywhere. Actually, many houses have an
internet connection.
As parents, we should know what our children are browsing on the
internet, because many programs have negative impacts on our children.
They can open pornography sites, online games and other programs that
can make their marks go down in school. And too much browsing on the
internet can endanger their eyes.
In our observation, the internet has positive impacts, for example :
students can find their tasks on the internet and we can find updated
information or news when browsing the internet.
Based on the facts above, we have some tips to protect your children :
- Don‟t put a PC and modem set in your children‟s bedroom.
- Make a schedule for browsing the internet for your children.
- Review the history when your children have finished browsing the
- Use filter‟s program to prevent negative sites on your PC.
What is the purpose of the text above.
A. To entertain the children with internet.
B. To advertise the new device.
C. To persuade the readers to use the internet.
D. To explain how to use the internet at home.
E. To inform the readers about the impacts of the internet
33 Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?
A. Paragraph 2 tells about how to use internet.
B. Both paragraphs 2 and 3 tells about the positive impacts of internet.
C. Both paragraphs 2 and 3 tells about the negative impacts of internet.
D. Paragraph 2 tells about the negative impacts of internet.
E. Paragraph 3 tells about the negative impacts of internet.
34 “They can open pornography sites, online games, and other programs____”
(paragraph 2)
What does the underlined word refer to?
A. The writers.
B. The authors.
C. The readers.
D. The children.
E. The parents.
This text is for questions 35 to 37
Directed by Sofia Coppola, Lost in Translation is an unusual romantic
comedy. It stars Bill Murray as Bob, a bored middle-aged actor, and
Scarlet Johansson as Charlotte, a young philosophy graduate who is
unhappily married to a photographer. Set in Tokyo, the film tells the story
of the two Americans who met one night, in the bar of their hotel and they
become close friends.
What I like about this film are the characters, not about actions or
events. It looks at how people communicate and how they can change each
other. Not much happens, but that doesn‟t matter. It‟s clever, funny, and
well-acted. If you like the „feel of good movies‟, I can highly recommend
this one.
What is the genre of the film?
A. A soap opera.
B. A nonfiction film
C. A documentary film.
D. A romantic comedy film.
E. A romantic musical film.
36 What does the reviewer like about the film?
A. The characters.
B. The director.
C. The actress.
D. The setting.
E. The action.
37 Who is the director of the film?
A. Bob.
B. Charlotte.
C. Bill Murray.
D. Sofia Coppola.
E. Scarlett Johansson.
This text is for questions 38 to 41
Mobile Phones: Good or Bad?
Everywhere you go nowadays, you see people using mobile
phones. From school children to the people, you see them talking in the
supermarket, on buses, in the street, everywhere!
So what are the advantages of mobile phones?
First of all, they are very convenient because you can phone from
nearly everywhere. Another advantage is that they are really useful in
emergency situations.
For example, if you are alone in your car and it breaks down, you
can get help quickly. In addition you can also use your mobile to text your
friends or connect to the Net.
However, there are disadvantages such as the cost. Mobile phone
call cost more than normal calls. Furthermore, it can be annoying if you
are on a train or a bus, and you have to listen to someone else‟s boring
conversation. It happens because people can contact you anywhere, at any
time, unless you switch your phone off!
In conclusion, there are both advantages and disadvantages.
Personally, I feel mobile phones are good thing because they give us more
freedom and make communication easier.
What is the text about?
A. The explanation of how to use a mobile phone.
B. The story of the invention of mobile phone.
C. The description of mobile phone as communication device.
D. The advantages and disadvantages of having mobile phones.
E. The information of choosing a mean of communication.
39 Which of the following is TRUE according to the text above?
A. Not many people use mobile phones recently.
B. People cannot use mobile phones to text their friends.
C. Mobile phones make communication more difficult to do.
D. People cannot use mobile phones to connect to the internet.
E. Someone else‟s boring conversation can be disturbing to others.
40 “… because they give us more freedom and make communication easier.”
(Last paragraph).
What does the underlined word refer to?
A. The authors.
B. The readers.
C. Mobile phones,
D. School children
E. The cars.
41 So what are the advantages of mobile phones? (Paragraph 2)
What is the synonym of the underlined word above?
A. Advance.
B. Adventure.
C. Benefit.
D. Invention.
E. Fortune.
This text is for questions 42 to 45
The komodo dragon is a vulnerable species of lizard that inhabits the
islands of Komodo, Rinca, Flores, and Eli Motang in Indonesia. It is the
largest living species of lizard, growing to an average length of 2 to 3
metres and weighing approximately 70 kilograms. The largest verified
komodo was 3.13 metres (10.3 ft) long. As a result of their large size, these
lizards dominate the ecosystem in which they live.
In the wild, an adult komodo dragon usually weighs about 70
kilograms. In contrast, the captive specimen often weighs much more,
around 166 kilograms. The komodo dragon has a tail as long as its body.
Their bodies are covered in hard scales. Its saliva is frequently blood-
tinged because its teeth are almost completely covered by gingival tissue
that is naturally lacerated during feeding.
Referred to ora by natives of Komodo Island, the lizard does not have
as acute sense of hearing. The Komodo dragon is only able to hear sounds
between 400 and 2000 hertz.
(Adapted from :
What does the text mainly talk about?
A. A dragon.
B. A lizard.
C. A komodo dragon.
D. Komodo island.
E. A verified dragon.
43 According to the text, what makes the komodo dragon dominate the ecosystem
in which they live?
A. The place where they live.
B. Their blood-tinged saliva.
C. Their scary appearance.
D. The size of their bodies.
E. The food they eat.
44 Where does the blood in the komodo dragon‟s saliva come from?
A. Its teeth.
B. The body.
C. The prey.
D. Its hard scale.
E. Gingival tissue.
45 Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?
A. The komodo dragon has a short tail.
B. The komodo dragon has sensitive hearing.
C. The komodo dragon may have blood in its saliva.
D. The komodo dragon is the smallest lizard in earth today.
E. The komodo dragon that lives in the wild weighs significantly more.
This text is for questions 46 to 48
May I have your attention, please. This announcement is from the
Mathematics teacher, Miss Erni Juraina. Miss Erni will hold a remedial
test for mathematics. Those who didn’t achieve the passing grade in the
mid semester test are invited to take the remedial test which will be held
on Friday, 18 April at 2.30 p.m. Please be well-informed. Thank you.
What is the announcement about?
A. Mathematics teacher.
B. Miss Erni Juraina.
C. The passing grade.
D. Mid semester test.
E. Mathematics remedial test.
47 Whom does the announcement address to?
A. Students who didn‟t achieve the passing grade in the mid semester test.
B. Students who achieved the passing grade in the semester test.
C. Students who didn‟t pass the national examination.
D. Students who passed in the mid semester test.
E. The well informed mathematics students.
48 „Those who didn‟t achieve the passing grade in the mid semester test ____ .‟
(line 2)
The word „achieve‟ can be best replaced with ….
A. gain
B. fail
C. lose
D. miss
E. accuse
49 The correct arrangement of the sentences below is ….
(1) Add a cup sugar, stir well and allow to cool completely.
(2) Stir well and remove the tea leaves from the water.
(3) It‟s very easy to make a glass of lemon tea.
(4) First, boil a jug of water.
(5) Finally, serve the tea with snacks.
(6) Squeeze lemons and pour the juice into the tea.
(7) Then, add tea into the boiled water for 10 to 15 minutes until the tea is
(8) Pour the lemon tea into a glass and put ice cube in it.
A. 3 – 4 – 7 – 6 – 2 – 1 – 8 – 5
B. 3 – 1 – 2 – 4 – 7 – 6 – 8 – 5
C. 3 – 1 – 8 - 4 – 2 – 7 – 6 – 5
D. 3 – 4 – 1 – 8 - 6 - 2 – 7 – 5
E. 3 – 8 – 6 – 7 – 2 – 1 – 4 – 5
50 Question 50 is based on the following cloze test.
I have a “super” mother. My mother is now in her late fifties. She
comes from a family of traditional Banjarese middle class people. She has
some knowledge of traditional (1) … for fever, loss of appetite and minor
cough. She is quite tall and medium built. She looks much younger than
her age. She (2) … English fluently and Dutch quite well. She is an
excellent cook, and her grandson once said that her cooking skill could
match those of a chef in a restaurant. She is very friendly and (3) …. She
never fails to help anyone who needs her help. She likes to travel and, like
any other woman, she likes to shop.
A. (1) food (2) learns (3) helpful
B. (1) food (2) studies (3) careful
C. (1) medicine (2) speaks (3) helpful
D. (1) remedies (2) learns (3) careful
E. (1) medicine (2) speaks (3) careless

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ESC Beyond Borders _From EU to You_ InfoPack general.pdf

Pengayaan 21 jan 2016

  • 2. BahasaInggrisPage1 MATA PELAJARAN Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Jenjang : SMA/MA Program Studi : IPA / IPS WAKTU PELAKSANAAN Hari / Tanggal : Jam : 11.00 – 13.00 PETUNJUK UMUM 1. Periksalah Naskah Soal yang Anda terima sebelum mengerjakan soal yang meliputi: a. Kelengkapan jumlah halaman atau urutannya. b. Kelengkapan dan urutan nomor soal. c. Kesesuaian Nama Mata Uji dan Program Studi yang tertera pada kanan atas Naskah Soal dengan Lembar Jawaban Ujian Nasional (LJUN). d. Pastikan LJUN masih menyatu dengan naskah soal. 2. Laporkan kepada pengawas ruang ujian apabila terdapat lembar soal, nomor soal yang tidak lengkap atau tidak urut, serta LJUN yang rusak atau robek untuk mendapat gantinya. 3. Tulislah Nama dan Nomor Peserta Ujian Anda pada kolom yang disediakan di halaman pertama butir soal. 4. Isilah pada LJUN Anda dengan: a. Nama Peserta pada kotak yang disediakan, lalu hitamkan bulatan di bawahnya sesuai dengan huruf di atasnya. b. Nomor Peserta dan Tanggal Lahir pada kolom yang disediakan, lalu hitamkan bulatan di bawahnya sesuai huruf/angka di atasnya c. Nama Sekolah, Tanggal Ujian, dan bubuhkan Tanda Tangan Anda pada kotak yang disediakan. 5. Tersedia waktu 120 menit untuk mengerjakan Naskah Soal tersebut. 6. Jumlah soal sebanyak 50 butir, pada setiap butir soal terdapat 4 (empat) atau 5 (lima) pilihan jawaban. 7. Tidak diizinkan menggunakan kalkulator, HP, tabel matematika atau alat bantu hitung lainnya. 8. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ruang ujian 9. Lembar soal boleh dicorat-coret, sedangkan LJUN tidak boleh dicorat-coret. SELAMAT MENGERJAKAN
  • 3. BahasaInggrisPage2 NO BUTIR SOAL KUNCI 1. LISTENING SECTION Part l Questions : 1 to 4 Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues and questions spoken in English. The dialogues and questions will be spoken two times. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. After you listen to a dialogue and the question about it, read the five possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Now listen to a sample question. You will hear: Man : We are almost out of cereal. Woman : I know. I will go to the grocery store to buy some more. I will also get some milk, bread, and fruit. Man : Would you get me some instant noodles? Woman : Sure. Narrator : What does the man want the woman to buy? You will read in your test book : A. Fruit B. Milk. C. Bread. D. Noodles. E. Cereal. The best answer of the question is “Noodles” Therefore, you should choose answer (D). A.Following directions. B.Going to a grocery store. C.Walking down Maple Street. D.Shopping at a grocery store. E. Giving directions to the man. E 2 A.At noon. B.At midnight. C.In the evening. D.In the morning. E. In the afternoon. C 3 A.Expressing pride. B.Expressing hope. C.Showing happiness. D.Asking for apology. E. Expressing satisfaction. A Sample Answer EDCBA
  • 4. BahasaInggrisPage3 NO BUTIR SOAL KUNCI 4 5 A. Buying a book. B. Celebrating a birthday. C. Getting a beautiful book. D. Giving a birthday present. E. Thanking the man for his gift. Part II Questions 5 to 7 Directions: In this part of the test you will hear some incomplete dialogues spoken in English, followed by four responses, also spoken in English. The dialogues and the responses will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. You have to choose the best response to each question. Now listen to a sample question: Man : May I taste the caramel pudding you just made ? Woman : Of course you may. How does it taste? Man : . . . . Narrator : What is the most appropriate response for the man to reply? A. It is very expensive, I think. B. It‟s very delicious. I really enjoy the taste C. I think I will cook it myself D. I don‟t think I‟ll come with you Narrator : The best answer to the question “How does it taste?” is choice B. Therefore, you should choose answer (B). Mark your answer on your answer sheet. E B 6 Mark your answer on your answer sheet. D 7 Mark your answer on your answer sheet. C Part III Questions 8 to 11 Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues or monologues spoken in English. The dialogues or monologues will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. After you listen to the dialogue or monologue, look at the five pictures provided in your test book, and decide which one would be the most suitable with the dialogue or monologue you have heard. Sample Answer BA EDC
  • 5. BahasaInggrisPage4 NO BUTIR SOAL KUNCI 8 Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 4 Picture 5 A. Picture 1. D. Picture 4. B. Picture 2. E. Picture 5. C. Picture 3. C 9 Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 4 Picture 5 A. Picture 1. D. Picture 4. B. Picture 2. E. Picture 5. C. Picture 3. E 10 Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 4 Picture 5 A. Picture 1. D. Picture 4. B. Picture 2. E. Picture 5. C. Picture 3. B 11 Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 4 Picture 5 A. Picture 1. D. Picture 4. B. Picture 2. E. Picture 5. C. Picture 3. A
  • 6. BahasaInggrisPage5 NO BUTIR SOAL KUNCI Part IV Questions 12 to 15 Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several monologues. Each monologue will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. After you hear a monologue and the question about it, read the five possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. 12 A. Christmas holiday. B. Rail services. C. Snowstorm. D. Snowfall. E. Airports. C 13 A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five. E. Six. B 14 A. Snakes. B. Anacondas. C. Kinds of snakes. D. What an anaconda looks like. E. Another name for an anaconda. B 15 A. 10 – 20 B. 10 – 30 C. 20 – 30 D. 20 – 40 E. 30 - 40 This is the end of the listening section. D
  • 7. BahasaInggrisPage6 NO BUTIR SOAL KUNCI 16 READING SECTION This text is for questions 16 to18 From : Andini ( To : Monica ( Date : 11th June 2014 Cc : Subject : Sorry, delay my visit Hello, my sweet cousin. How is life? You must still be busy guiding some tours, right? You know, I have received the result of my final exam. As I told you before, I want to spend some days in Bali, your hometown, after graduation. However, my parents don‟t permit me. They ask me prepare for the university entrance test. They promise me that if I can pass the test, we will visit you and have a holiday in Bali. Please tell uncle and auntie about this. Give my best regards to them. See you. Love, Andini Who is the recipient of the e-mail above? A. Andini. B. Monica. C. My parents. D. My cousin. E. My auntie B 17 What does Monica do? She is a …. A. student B. teacher C. tour guide D. tour leader E. traveler C 18 “However, my parents don‟t permit me.” (paragraph 2) What is the similar meaning of the word „permit‟? A. Visit. B. Allow. C. Invite. D. Forbid. E. Commit. B
  • 8. BahasaInggrisPage7 NO BUTIR SOAL KUNCI 19 This text is for questions 19 to 21 What is the advertisement about? A. Ordering cellphone B. Selling camera C. Offering battery D. Offering cellphone E. Ordering slot micro SD D 20 How much was the price before the discount? A. Rp. 100.000 B. Rp. 250.000 C. Rp. 500.000 D. Rp. 750.000 E. Rp. 1.000.000 C 21 “Discount 50%” What does the word discount mean? A. Cheap B. Bargain C. Expensive D. Cost E. Rebate E This text is for questions 22 to 24 Pirate ringleader admits to murder Jambi, Antara : a pirate leader admitted Wednesday that his gang had been involved in six robberies and killed two police officers. Itham Guntur, 27, told police investigators that the gang consisted of six people, all formers members, “We know the major shipping lanes such as Sunda Strait and the East Jambi coast very well,” he said. Itham identified the murdered police officers as First Brigadier Mulyadi from the South Sumatra Police and Second Brigadier Kennedy from the Jakarta Police. The pirate targeted cargo ship, fishing boats and oil tankers.
  • 9. BahasaInggrisPage8 NO BUTIR SOAL KUNCI 22 According to the text, which statement is correct? A. The pirate ring gang has been accused of murders. B. The murders happened in Jambi last Wednesday. C. Two police officers had been involved in six robberies. D. The members of the pirate gang were both murderers and ship crews. E. Itham Guntur was one of the police officers who was involved in the robbery. A 23 “… we know the major shipping lanes, such as Sunda Strait and the East Jambi coast very well,” he said.(Paragraph 2). The word „he‟ refers to …. A. the police officer B. Itham Guntur C. A ship crew D. Mulyadi E. Kennedy B 24 A person who robs cargo ships, fishing boats, or oil tankers is called a …. A. thief B. kidnapper C. hijacker D. pirate E. picked-pocket D 25 This text is for questions 25 to 27 Good Friends Care for Each Other I woke up late this morning, so I did not have time to have breakfast. I also forgot to bring my lunch box because I was in such a hurry. When the bell of the second recess rang, I felt very hungry, but I had nothing to eat. Suddenly, Ardy came up to me and said, “Hi Nico, do you want to play with me?” “No I‟m not in good mood today.” I answered. It would not be fun to play on an empty stomach. I just sat on a bench. I watched him play with other friends. “What‟s the matter with you, Nico? You look so gloomy.” Asked Ardy. “It‟s nothing.” I replied quietly. “I think you‟re hungry. Here, have my lunch. I‟ve already eaten at the canteen.” He said and offered his lunch box to me. I could not believe my luck. I felt touched to accept his offer. I thank him, “You‟re a friend indeed, Ardy.” “Don‟t‟ mention it. Good friends care for each other,” he said Ardy was a good friend of mine. He was very helpful and generous to anybody. (Dikutip dari : Early Start) Where does the story probably take place? A. At Nico‟s home. B. At Ardy‟s home C. At school. D. In the cafeteria. E. In the rest room. C
  • 10. BahasaInggrisPage9 NO BUTIR SOAL KUNCI 26 According to the text, which of the following statements is TRUE? A. Nico and Ardy are brothers. B. Nico played with Ardy at the second break. C. Ardy is the writer of the text above. D. Ardy forgot to bring his lunch box. E. Nico didn‟t play because he was hungry. E 27 You look so gloomy. (paragraph 2). What is the synonym of the underlined word? A. Happy. B. Lazy. C. Tired. D. Sad. E. Merry. D 28 This text is for questions 28 to 31 Do you know how butterflies undergo metamorphosis? Butterflies and moths undergo complete metamorphosis in which they go through four different life stages. First, a butterfly starts its life as an egg, often laid on a leaf. Then, the larva or caterpillar hatches from an egg and eats leaves or flowers almost constantly. The caterpillar loses its old skin many times as it grows. The caterpillar will increase up to several thousand times in size before pupating. After that, it turns into a pupa or chrysalis. This is a resting stage. Finally, a beautiful, flying adult emerges. This adult will continue the cycle. What is the text about? A. How butterflies live. B. The habitat of butterflies. C. The life cycle of butterflies. D. The description of butterflies. E. Why butterflies laid their eggs on leaves. C 29 What is the purpose of the text? A. To amuse the readers with a story of a beautiful butterfly. B. To explain how butterflies undergo metamorphosis. C. To inform the readers about why butterflies eat leaves and flowers. D. To persuade the readers to collect beautiful butterflies. E. To describe a particular creature. B 30 When do butterflies have their resting stage? A. Soon after the eggs hatch. B. After they eat leaves and flowers. C. Before the eggs are laid on leaves. D. When they turn into pupas. E. After they fly. D
  • 11. BahasaInggrisPage10 NO BUTIR SOAL KUNCI 31 After that, it turns into a pupa or chrysalis. (line 5) What does the underlined word refers to? A. Egg. B. Chrysalis. C. Caterpillar. D. Pupa. E. Butterfly. C 32 This text is for questions 32 to 34 The internet is one of the important devices in a student‟s world. We can find many Internet cafes everywhere. Actually, many houses have an internet connection. As parents, we should know what our children are browsing on the internet, because many programs have negative impacts on our children. They can open pornography sites, online games and other programs that can make their marks go down in school. And too much browsing on the internet can endanger their eyes. In our observation, the internet has positive impacts, for example : students can find their tasks on the internet and we can find updated information or news when browsing the internet. Based on the facts above, we have some tips to protect your children : - Don‟t put a PC and modem set in your children‟s bedroom. - Make a schedule for browsing the internet for your children. - Review the history when your children have finished browsing the internet. - Use filter‟s program to prevent negative sites on your PC. What is the purpose of the text above. A. To entertain the children with internet. B. To advertise the new device. C. To persuade the readers to use the internet. D. To explain how to use the internet at home. E. To inform the readers about the impacts of the internet E 33 Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text? A. Paragraph 2 tells about how to use internet. B. Both paragraphs 2 and 3 tells about the positive impacts of internet. C. Both paragraphs 2 and 3 tells about the negative impacts of internet. D. Paragraph 2 tells about the negative impacts of internet. E. Paragraph 3 tells about the negative impacts of internet. D 34 “They can open pornography sites, online games, and other programs____” (paragraph 2) What does the underlined word refer to? A. The writers. B. The authors. C. The readers. D. The children. E. The parents. D
  • 12. BahasaInggrisPage11 NO BUTIR SOAL KUNCI 35 This text is for questions 35 to 37 Directed by Sofia Coppola, Lost in Translation is an unusual romantic comedy. It stars Bill Murray as Bob, a bored middle-aged actor, and Scarlet Johansson as Charlotte, a young philosophy graduate who is unhappily married to a photographer. Set in Tokyo, the film tells the story of the two Americans who met one night, in the bar of their hotel and they become close friends. What I like about this film are the characters, not about actions or events. It looks at how people communicate and how they can change each other. Not much happens, but that doesn‟t matter. It‟s clever, funny, and well-acted. If you like the „feel of good movies‟, I can highly recommend this one. What is the genre of the film? A. A soap opera. B. A nonfiction film C. A documentary film. D. A romantic comedy film. E. A romantic musical film. D 36 What does the reviewer like about the film? A. The characters. B. The director. C. The actress. D. The setting. E. The action. A 37 Who is the director of the film? A. Bob. B. Charlotte. C. Bill Murray. D. Sofia Coppola. E. Scarlett Johansson. D
  • 13. BahasaInggrisPage12 NO BUTIR SOAL KUNCI 38 This text is for questions 38 to 41 Mobile Phones: Good or Bad? Everywhere you go nowadays, you see people using mobile phones. From school children to the people, you see them talking in the supermarket, on buses, in the street, everywhere! So what are the advantages of mobile phones? First of all, they are very convenient because you can phone from nearly everywhere. Another advantage is that they are really useful in emergency situations. For example, if you are alone in your car and it breaks down, you can get help quickly. In addition you can also use your mobile to text your friends or connect to the Net. However, there are disadvantages such as the cost. Mobile phone call cost more than normal calls. Furthermore, it can be annoying if you are on a train or a bus, and you have to listen to someone else‟s boring conversation. It happens because people can contact you anywhere, at any time, unless you switch your phone off! In conclusion, there are both advantages and disadvantages. Personally, I feel mobile phones are good thing because they give us more freedom and make communication easier. What is the text about? A. The explanation of how to use a mobile phone. B. The story of the invention of mobile phone. C. The description of mobile phone as communication device. D. The advantages and disadvantages of having mobile phones. E. The information of choosing a mean of communication. D 39 Which of the following is TRUE according to the text above? A. Not many people use mobile phones recently. B. People cannot use mobile phones to text their friends. C. Mobile phones make communication more difficult to do. D. People cannot use mobile phones to connect to the internet. E. Someone else‟s boring conversation can be disturbing to others. E 40 “… because they give us more freedom and make communication easier.” (Last paragraph). What does the underlined word refer to? A. The authors. B. The readers. C. Mobile phones, D. School children E. The cars. C 41 So what are the advantages of mobile phones? (Paragraph 2) What is the synonym of the underlined word above? A. Advance. B. Adventure. C. Benefit. D. Invention. E. Fortune. C
  • 14. BahasaInggrisPage13 NO BUTIR SOAL KUNCI 42 This text is for questions 42 to 45 THE KOMODO DRAGON The komodo dragon is a vulnerable species of lizard that inhabits the islands of Komodo, Rinca, Flores, and Eli Motang in Indonesia. It is the largest living species of lizard, growing to an average length of 2 to 3 metres and weighing approximately 70 kilograms. The largest verified komodo was 3.13 metres (10.3 ft) long. As a result of their large size, these lizards dominate the ecosystem in which they live. In the wild, an adult komodo dragon usually weighs about 70 kilograms. In contrast, the captive specimen often weighs much more, around 166 kilograms. The komodo dragon has a tail as long as its body. Their bodies are covered in hard scales. Its saliva is frequently blood- tinged because its teeth are almost completely covered by gingival tissue that is naturally lacerated during feeding. Referred to ora by natives of Komodo Island, the lizard does not have as acute sense of hearing. The Komodo dragon is only able to hear sounds between 400 and 2000 hertz. (Adapted from : What does the text mainly talk about? A. A dragon. B. A lizard. C. A komodo dragon. D. Komodo island. E. A verified dragon. C 43 According to the text, what makes the komodo dragon dominate the ecosystem in which they live? A. The place where they live. B. Their blood-tinged saliva. C. Their scary appearance. D. The size of their bodies. E. The food they eat. D 44 Where does the blood in the komodo dragon‟s saliva come from? A. Its teeth. B. The body. C. The prey. D. Its hard scale. E. Gingival tissue. E 45 Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text? A. The komodo dragon has a short tail. B. The komodo dragon has sensitive hearing. C. The komodo dragon may have blood in its saliva. D. The komodo dragon is the smallest lizard in earth today. E. The komodo dragon that lives in the wild weighs significantly more. C
  • 15. BahasaInggrisPage14 NO BUTIR SOAL KUNCI 46 This text is for questions 46 to 48 May I have your attention, please. This announcement is from the Mathematics teacher, Miss Erni Juraina. Miss Erni will hold a remedial test for mathematics. Those who didn’t achieve the passing grade in the mid semester test are invited to take the remedial test which will be held on Friday, 18 April at 2.30 p.m. Please be well-informed. Thank you. What is the announcement about? A. Mathematics teacher. B. Miss Erni Juraina. C. The passing grade. D. Mid semester test. E. Mathematics remedial test. E 47 Whom does the announcement address to? A. Students who didn‟t achieve the passing grade in the mid semester test. B. Students who achieved the passing grade in the semester test. C. Students who didn‟t pass the national examination. D. Students who passed in the mid semester test. E. The well informed mathematics students. A 48 „Those who didn‟t achieve the passing grade in the mid semester test ____ .‟ (line 2) The word „achieve‟ can be best replaced with …. A. gain B. fail C. lose D. miss E. accuse A 49 The correct arrangement of the sentences below is …. (1) Add a cup sugar, stir well and allow to cool completely. (2) Stir well and remove the tea leaves from the water. (3) It‟s very easy to make a glass of lemon tea. (4) First, boil a jug of water. (5) Finally, serve the tea with snacks. (6) Squeeze lemons and pour the juice into the tea. (7) Then, add tea into the boiled water for 10 to 15 minutes until the tea is brewed. (8) Pour the lemon tea into a glass and put ice cube in it. A. 3 – 4 – 7 – 6 – 2 – 1 – 8 – 5 B. 3 – 1 – 2 – 4 – 7 – 6 – 8 – 5 C. 3 – 1 – 8 - 4 – 2 – 7 – 6 – 5 D. 3 – 4 – 1 – 8 - 6 - 2 – 7 – 5 E. 3 – 8 – 6 – 7 – 2 – 1 – 4 – 5 A
  • 16. BahasaInggrisPage15 NO BUTIR SOAL KUNCI 50 Question 50 is based on the following cloze test. I have a “super” mother. My mother is now in her late fifties. She comes from a family of traditional Banjarese middle class people. She has some knowledge of traditional (1) … for fever, loss of appetite and minor cough. She is quite tall and medium built. She looks much younger than her age. She (2) … English fluently and Dutch quite well. She is an excellent cook, and her grandson once said that her cooking skill could match those of a chef in a restaurant. She is very friendly and (3) …. She never fails to help anyone who needs her help. She likes to travel and, like any other woman, she likes to shop. A. (1) food (2) learns (3) helpful B. (1) food (2) studies (3) careful C. (1) medicine (2) speaks (3) helpful D. (1) remedies (2) learns (3) careful E. (1) medicine (2) speaks (3) careless C