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2015 Pebble Developer Retreat
Creating Pebble Apps for Aplite, Basalt, and Chalk
Kevin Conley, Firmware Engineer
Why Target Multiple Platforms?
Maximize Userbase
Pebble Time
Pebble Classic
1. User installs your app on an older
2. User upgrades to a new Pebble
3. User already has the most recent
version of your app in their locker :)
Developer Portal Icons
Developer Portal Icons
• Runtime Platforms vs. SDK Versions
• Colors
• Display Shapes
• SDK Compatibility
Runtime Platforms vs.
SDK Versions
“Runtime Platform”
• Set of runtime attributes and capabilities
• Does NOT refer to a single watch hardware model
2.x ✅
Pebble Classic Pebble Steel
OS Compatibility
• 2.x is legacy
• 3.x for Aplite coming soon!
Aplite Basalt
2.x ✅
3.0 ❌ ✅
Pebble Time Pebble Time Steel
OS Compatibility
Aplite Basalt Chalk
2.x ✅
3.0 ❌ ✅
3.6 ❌ ✅
Pebble Time Round
OS Compatibility
Aplite Basalt Chalk

ARM Cortex M3
ARM Cortex M4

Color Black & White 64 Colors
SmartStrap ❌ ✅
Mic ❌ ✅
Hardware Features
Aplite, Basalt, and Chalk are runtime platforms, not SDK versions.
Aplite Basalt Chalk
2.x ✅
3.0 ❌ ✅
3.6 ❌ ✅
3.x ✅
Unified 3.x SDK later this year
OS Compatibility
runs on
2.x 3.x
Aplite Basalt
2.x Aplite ✅ ✅
3.x Basalt ❌ ✅
2.x Aplite runs
on 3.x Basalt
SDK Compatibility
runs on
2.x 3.x
Aplite Aplite Basalt Chalk
2.x Aplite ✅ ✅ ✅ ❌
Aplite ❌ ✅ ❌ ❌
Basalt ❌ ❌ ✅ ❌
Chalk ❌ ❌ ❌ ✅
3.x apps
are compiled
per platform
SDK Compatibility
• Aplite
•Black and white
• Basalt and Chalk
•64 colors
•Pebble color picker tool:
•Download color palettes for Photoshop, GIMP, ImageMagick
Open-Source Dithering Library
• Created by Mathew Reiss
• Display approximate colors beyond provided color palette
Aplite: shades of gray Basalt/Chalk: > 300 colors
#define COLOR_FALLBACK(_____, _____)
#define COLOR_FALLBACK(color_value, bw_value)
#define COLOR_FALLBACK(color_value, bw_value)
Organize Code Using Color Macros
#define PBL_IF_COLOR_ELSE(if_true, if_false)
#define PBL_IF_BW_ELSE(if_true, if_false)
Returns if_true on watches that support color and if_false otherwise
Returns if_true on watches that only support black & white and if_false otherwise
Organize Code Using Color Defines
#define PBL_COLOR
#define PBL_BW
Defined on watches that support color and undefined otherwise
Defined on watches that only support black & white and undefined otherwise
Color-Specific Resources
"resources": {

"media": [


"type": "png",

"name": "MY_IMAGE",

"file": "images/image.png"




appinfo.json: resources/
image~bw.png image~color.png
GColor text_foreground_color, text_background_color;
switch(watch_info_get_color()) {


// White on red theme
text_foreground_color = GColorWhite;
text_background_color = GColorRed;



// White on black theme

text_foreground_color = GColorWhite;
text_background_color = GColorBlack;


/* Other cases... */ 

text_layer_set_text_color(s_label_layer, text_foreground_color);

text_layer_set_background_color(s_label_layer, text_background_color);
• Customize your app’s UI using the color of the Pebble watch
Display Shapes
Display Shapes
• Round has 7% more
visible pixels than
(144 x 168)
Round (visible)
Round (total)
(180 x 180)
(0, 0)
Calculate Position/Size as a Function of Other Layers
const Layer *window_layer = window_get_root_layer(window);
const GRect text_frame = GRect(0, 72, 144, 20);
const TextLayer *text_layer = text_layer_create(text_frame);
text_layer_set_text(text_layer, "Hello world!");
text_layer_set_text_alignment(text_layer, GTextAlignmentCenter);
layer_add_child(window_layer, text_layer_get_layer(text_layer));
Calculate Position/Size as a Function of Other Layers
const Layer *window_layer = window_get_root_layer(window);
const GRect text_frame = GRect(0, 72, 144, 20);
const TextLayer *text_layer = text_layer_create(text_frame);
text_layer_set_text(text_layer, "Hello world!");
text_layer_set_text_alignment(text_layer, GTextAlignmentCenter);
layer_add_child(window_layer, text_layer_get_layer(text_layer));
Calculate Position/Size as a Function of Other Layers
const Layer *window_layer = window_get_root_layer(window);
const GRect text_frame = GRect(0, 72, 144, 20);
const TextLayer *text_layer = text_layer_create(text_frame);
text_layer_set_text(text_layer, "Hello world!");
text_layer_set_text_alignment(text_layer, GTextAlignmentCenter);
layer_add_child(window_layer, text_layer_get_layer(text_layer));
Calculate Position/Size as a Function of Other Layers
const Layer *window_layer = window_get_root_layer(window);
const GRect window_bounds = layer_get_bounds(window_layer);
const int16_t text_height = 20;
const int16_t text_frame_y =
(window_bounds.size.h - text_height) / 2;
const GRect text_frame = (GRect) {
.origin = GPoint(0, text_frame_y),
.size = GSize(window_bounds.size.w, text_height)
const TextLayer *text_layer = text_layer_create(text_frame);
text_layer_set_text(text_layer, "Hello world!");
text_layer_set_text_alignment(text_layer, GTextAlignmentCenter);
layer_add_child(window_layer, text_layer_get_layer(text_layer));
void grect_align(GRect *rect, const GRect *inside_rect,
const GAlign alignment, const bool clip);
clip = false
Align Rectangles Within Other Rectangles Using grect_align()
clip = true
typedef enum GAlign {










} GAlign; GAlignBottomRight
const GRect a = grect_inset(rect, GEdgeInsets(16)); // all sides
const GRect b = grect_inset(rect, GEdgeInsets(25, 16)); // top & bottom, right & left
const GRect c = grect_inset(rect, GEdgeInsets(25, 16, 10)); // top, right & left, bottom
const GRect d = grect_inset(rect, GEdgeInsets(25, -20, 10, 16)); // top, right, bottom, left
a b
c d
25px 25px 25px
10px 10px
16px 16px 16px 16px16px 16px 16px 20px
Inset Rectangles Using grect_inset() and GEdgeInsets()
GPoint grect_center_point(const GRect *rect);
Find the Center of Rectangles Using grect_center_point()
• Use PBL_IF_[ROUND | RECT]_ELSE() macros to choose
values or simple expressions based on the display shape
• Similar to PBL_IF_[COLOR | BW]_ELSE()
Organize Code Using Display Shape Macros/Defines
const uint16_t area = PBL_IF_ROUND_ELSE(PI * (width * width / 4),
(width * height));
• For multiple lines, choose code using PBL_[ROUND | RECT] defines
#if defined(PBL_ROUND)

const GPoint center_point = grect_center_point(&rect);

graphics_fill_circle(ctx, center_point, radius);

const uint16_t corner_radius = 0;

graphics_fill_rect(ctx, rect, corner_radius, GCornerNone);

Organize Code Using Display Shape Macros/Defines
• For > 5 lines, break code into functions with _rect/_round suffixes
• If the functions share the same arguments, you can simplify
calling them by using the PBL_IF_[ROUND | RECT]_ELSE() macro
• Otherwise, use the PBL_[ROUND | RECT] defines:
Organize Code Using Display Shape Macros/Defines
PBL_IF_RECT_ELSE(function_rect, function_round)(arg1, arg2, ...);
#if defined(PBL_RECT)



function_round(arg1, arg2);

• For > 2 display-specific functions, break into separate _rect/_round files
• Use wrapper file to choose appropriate implementation using display
shape defines/macros
• Alternatively, if the files share a common API:
• (also requires ifdef’ing out implementations)
Organize Code Using Display Shape Macros/Defines
// main.c
#if defined(PBL_RECT)

#include “file_rect.h"


#include “file_round.h"

Display-Specific Resources
"resources": {

"media": [


"type": "png",

"name": "MY_IMAGE",

"file": "images/image.png"




image~rect.png image~color~round.png
• Most-specific resource will be used
• Ambiguity will result in compiler error
Two-Pixel Margin on Round Displays
• Extend background colors to all outer
• Avoid thin rings around the edge of the
• Manufacturing variations may result in
off-center appearance
• Instead, use thick rings or significantly
inset from the edge
Platform-Specific Designs
“Caltrain” by Katharine Berry:
Rectangular Round
UI Components
Status Bar
• For SDK 2.x, the status bar appears by default and insets the window from
the top unless you use:
window_set_fullscreen(window, true);
• For SDK 3.x, the status bar is a UI component you must create, configure,
and add to the layer hierarchy yourself:
static StatusBarLayer *s_status_bar;

s_status_bar = status_bar_layer_create();


status_bar_layer_set_colors(s_status_bar, GColorBlack, GColorWhite);

const Layer *status_bar_layer = status_bar_layer_get_layer(s_status_bar);

layer_add_child(window_root_layer, status_bar_layer);
Status Bar
Rectangular Round
Status Bar
s_status_bar = status_bar_layer_create();

GRect status_bar_rect = window_bounds;

status_bar_rect.size.h = STATUS_BAR_LAYER_HEIGHT;



// top/bottom: statusbar, left/right: 0
const GEdgeInsets insets = GEdgeInsets(
GRect menu_layer_rect = grect_inset(
window_bounds, insets);
Status Bar
s_action_bar = action_bar_layer_create();

s_action_bar, window);

// top: statusbar, right: actionbar, bottom/left:0
const GEdgeInsets insets = GEdgeInsets(


GRect content_rect = grect_inset(
window_bounds, insets);
Rectangular Round

// default on Chalk
menu_layer_set_center_focused(menu_layer, true);
static int16_t get_cell_height_callback(MenuLayer *menu_layer,
MenuIndex *cell_index,

void *callback_context) {

#if defined(PBL_ROUND)
// when center_focused, MenuLayer can handle cell heights
// that change based on the selection status
if (menu_layer_is_index_selected(menu_layer, cell_index)) {


} else {




• To maximize content visible on round displays, enable text
flow and paging with an optional inset (for padding):
text_layer_enable_screen_text_flow_and_paging(s_text_layer, 8);
• Text flow on a round display without pagination looks weird…
• Inspect what watch the app is running on
• Useful e.g. if you want to align visual elements with buttons
• Next to different screen coordinates for different watches
GRect layer_frame = GRectZero;

switch(watch_info_get_model()) {


layer_frame = GRect(0, 64, 144, 44);



layer_frame = GRect(0, 58, 144, 56);


/* Other cases */

SDK Compatibility
Platform Defines
• Feature/capability defines, like PBL_COLOR, PBL_ROUND,
etc. should be used in favor of these
• Exception: CPU/memory-specific code
Platform Specific Resources
• Can also use ~aplite, ~basalt, and ~chalk suffixes
• But overall, in most cases it’s best to use ~rect, ~round, ~bw, ~color suffixes instead
"resources": {

"media": [


"type": "png",

"name": "MY_IMAGE",

"file": “images/image.png”,
"targetPlatforms": [




GPoint shim_gpoint_from_polar(GRect rect, int32_t angle) {

#if defined(PBL_SDK_2)
const GPoint center = GPoint(rect.origin.x + (rect.size.w / 2),
rect.origin.y + (rect.size.h / 2));
const int16_t radius = MIN(rect.size.w, rect.size.h) / 2;

return GPoint((sin_lookup(angle) * radius / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + center.x,

(-cos_lookup(angle) * radius / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + center.y);


return gpoint_from_polar(rect, GOvalScaleModeFitCircle, angle);


• Newer SDK 3.x functions do not exist in SDK 2.x
• You can create shims for them using PBL_SDK_2/3 defines:
PebbleKit JS API Availability
• Some PebbleKit JS APIs don’t exist on Pebble Classic mobile apps,
• Check if they are available and fail gracefully if necessary
if (Pebble.getActiveWatchInfo) {
// API is available; use it!
var info = Pebble.getActiveWatchInfo();
console.log('Pebble model: ' + info.model);
} else {
// Gracefully handle unavailable API
Check Return Values
• APIs may return NULL if:
• Unsupported by platform
• Permissions not given
• Phone disconnected
• Check the return value before using it and fail gracefully if necessary
const DictationSession *session = dictation_session_create(0, callback,
if (session) {
/* Success! */
} else {
/* DictationSession is unsupported, need to fail gracefully here! */
Marcel: Friday 1 pm
Starting with Chalk, you
need to compile with
PebbleKit iOS 3.0
Since PebbleOS 3.0, you
need to compile with
PebbleKit Android 3.0
Mobile App Compatibility
Running Multiple Emulators at Once
• pebble install --emulator=aplite && pebble install --emulator=basalt &&
pebble install —-emulator=chalk
Automating Taking Screenshots
• pebble screenshot --emulator=aplite && pebble screenshot --emulator=basalt
&& pebble screenshot —-emulator=chalk
• Runtime Platforms vs. SDK Versions
• Colors
• Display Shapes
• SDK Compatibility

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#PDR15 Creating Pebble Apps for Aplite, Basalt, and Chalk

  • 1. 2015 Pebble Developer Retreat Creating Pebble Apps for Aplite, Basalt, and Chalk Kevin Conley, Firmware Engineer
  • 2. Why Target Multiple Platforms?
  • 4. Continuity 1. User installs your app on an older platform 2. User upgrades to a new Pebble 3. User already has the most recent version of your app in their locker :)
  • 7. Agenda • Runtime Platforms vs. SDK Versions • Colors • Display Shapes • SDK Compatibility
  • 9. “Runtime Platform” • Set of runtime attributes and capabilities • Does NOT refer to a single watch hardware model
  • 10. Aplite 2.x ✅ Pebble Classic Pebble Steel OS Compatibility • 2.x is legacy • 3.x for Aplite coming soon!
  • 11. Aplite Basalt 2.x ✅ 3.0 ❌ ✅ Pebble Time Pebble Time Steel OS Compatibility
  • 12. Aplite Basalt Chalk 2.x ✅ 3.0 ❌ ✅ 3.6 ❌ ✅ Pebble Time Round OS Compatibility
  • 13. Aplite Basalt Chalk CPU 24k
 ARM Cortex M3 64k ARM Cortex M4 Resolution 144x168px
 (Rectangular) 180x180px (Circular) Color Black & White 64 Colors SmartStrap ❌ ✅ Mic ❌ ✅ Hardware Features
  • 14. Aplite, Basalt, and Chalk are runtime platforms, not SDK versions.
  • 15. Aplite Basalt Chalk 2.x ✅ 3.0 ❌ ✅ 3.6 ❌ ✅ 3.x ✅ Unified 3.x SDK later this year OS Compatibility
  • 16. runs on 2.x 3.x Aplite Basalt 2.x Aplite ✅ ✅ 3.x Basalt ❌ ✅ compiledagainst 2.x Aplite runs on 3.x Basalt SDK Compatibility
  • 17. runs on 2.x 3.x Aplite Aplite Basalt Chalk 2.x Aplite ✅ ✅ ✅ ❌ 3.x Aplite ❌ ✅ ❌ ❌ Basalt ❌ ❌ ✅ ❌ Chalk ❌ ❌ ❌ ✅ compiledagainst 3.x apps are compiled per platform SDK Compatibility
  • 19. Colors • Aplite •Black and white • Basalt and Chalk •64 colors •Pebble color picker tool: • •Download color palettes for Photoshop, GIMP, ImageMagick • and-animations/intro-to-colors/#color-palettes
  • 20. Open-Source Dithering Library • Created by Mathew Reiss • Display approximate colors beyond provided color palette • Aplite: shades of gray Basalt/Chalk: > 300 colors
  • 24. Organize Code Using Color Macros #define PBL_IF_COLOR_ELSE(if_true, if_false) #define PBL_IF_BW_ELSE(if_true, if_false) Returns if_true on watches that support color and if_false otherwise Returns if_true on watches that only support black & white and if_false otherwise
  • 25. Organize Code Using Color Defines #define PBL_COLOR #define PBL_BW Defined on watches that support color and undefined otherwise Defined on watches that only support black & white and undefined otherwise
  • 26. Color-Specific Resources "resources": {
 "media": [
 "type": "png",
 "name": "MY_IMAGE",
 "file": "images/image.png"
 appinfo.json: resources/ images/ image~bw.png image~color.png image~bw.png image~color.png
  • 27. WatchInfoColor GColor text_foreground_color, text_background_color; switch(watch_info_get_color()) {
 // White on red theme text_foreground_color = GColorWhite; text_background_color = GColorRed;
 // White on black theme
 text_foreground_color = GColorWhite; text_background_color = GColorBlack;
 /* Other cases... */ 
 } text_layer_set_text_color(s_label_layer, text_foreground_color);
 text_layer_set_background_color(s_label_layer, text_background_color); • Customize your app’s UI using the color of the Pebble watch
  • 29. Display Shapes • Round has 7% more visible pixels than rectangular Rectangular (144 x 168) Round (visible) Round (total) (180 x 180) (0, 0)
  • 30. Calculate Position/Size as a Function of Other Layers const Layer *window_layer = window_get_root_layer(window); const GRect text_frame = GRect(0, 72, 144, 20); const TextLayer *text_layer = text_layer_create(text_frame); text_layer_set_text(text_layer, "Hello world!"); text_layer_set_text_alignment(text_layer, GTextAlignmentCenter); layer_add_child(window_layer, text_layer_get_layer(text_layer));
  • 31. Calculate Position/Size as a Function of Other Layers const Layer *window_layer = window_get_root_layer(window); const GRect text_frame = GRect(0, 72, 144, 20); const TextLayer *text_layer = text_layer_create(text_frame); text_layer_set_text(text_layer, "Hello world!"); text_layer_set_text_alignment(text_layer, GTextAlignmentCenter); layer_add_child(window_layer, text_layer_get_layer(text_layer));
  • 32. Calculate Position/Size as a Function of Other Layers const Layer *window_layer = window_get_root_layer(window); const GRect text_frame = GRect(0, 72, 144, 20); const TextLayer *text_layer = text_layer_create(text_frame); text_layer_set_text(text_layer, "Hello world!"); text_layer_set_text_alignment(text_layer, GTextAlignmentCenter); layer_add_child(window_layer, text_layer_get_layer(text_layer));
  • 33. Calculate Position/Size as a Function of Other Layers const Layer *window_layer = window_get_root_layer(window); const GRect window_bounds = layer_get_bounds(window_layer); const int16_t text_height = 20; const int16_t text_frame_y = (window_bounds.size.h - text_height) / 2; const GRect text_frame = (GRect) { .origin = GPoint(0, text_frame_y), .size = GSize(window_bounds.size.w, text_height) }; const TextLayer *text_layer = text_layer_create(text_frame); text_layer_set_text(text_layer, "Hello world!"); text_layer_set_text_alignment(text_layer, GTextAlignmentCenter); layer_add_child(window_layer, text_layer_get_layer(text_layer));
  • 34. void grect_align(GRect *rect, const GRect *inside_rect, const GAlign alignment, const bool clip); GAlignCenter clip = false rect inside_rect Align Rectangles Within Other Rectangles Using grect_align() inside_rect GAlignTop clip = true rect
  • 35. typedef enum GAlign {
 } GAlign; GAlignBottomRight GAlignRight GAlignTopRight GAlignBottom GAlignCenter GAlignTop GAlignBottomLeft GAlignLeft GAlignTopLeft
  • 36. const GRect a = grect_inset(rect, GEdgeInsets(16)); // all sides const GRect b = grect_inset(rect, GEdgeInsets(25, 16)); // top & bottom, right & left const GRect c = grect_inset(rect, GEdgeInsets(25, 16, 10)); // top, right & left, bottom const GRect d = grect_inset(rect, GEdgeInsets(25, -20, 10, 16)); // top, right, bottom, left a b c d 16px 16px 25px 25px 25px 25px 10px 10px 16px 16px 16px 16px16px 16px 16px 20px Inset Rectangles Using grect_inset() and GEdgeInsets()
  • 37. rect GPoint grect_center_point(const GRect *rect); result Find the Center of Rectangles Using grect_center_point()
  • 38. • Use PBL_IF_[ROUND | RECT]_ELSE() macros to choose values or simple expressions based on the display shape • Similar to PBL_IF_[COLOR | BW]_ELSE() Organize Code Using Display Shape Macros/Defines const uint16_t area = PBL_IF_ROUND_ELSE(PI * (width * width / 4), (width * height));
  • 39. • For multiple lines, choose code using PBL_[ROUND | RECT] defines #if defined(PBL_ROUND)
 const GPoint center_point = grect_center_point(&rect);
 graphics_fill_circle(ctx, center_point, radius);
 #else const uint16_t corner_radius = 0;
 graphics_fill_rect(ctx, rect, corner_radius, GCornerNone);
 #endif Organize Code Using Display Shape Macros/Defines
  • 40. • For > 5 lines, break code into functions with _rect/_round suffixes • If the functions share the same arguments, you can simplify calling them by using the PBL_IF_[ROUND | RECT]_ELSE() macro • Otherwise, use the PBL_[ROUND | RECT] defines: Organize Code Using Display Shape Macros/Defines PBL_IF_RECT_ELSE(function_rect, function_round)(arg1, arg2, ...); #if defined(PBL_RECT)
 function_round(arg1, arg2);
  • 41. • For > 2 display-specific functions, break into separate _rect/_round files • Use wrapper file to choose appropriate implementation using display shape defines/macros • Alternatively, if the files share a common API: • (also requires ifdef’ing out implementations) Organize Code Using Display Shape Macros/Defines // main.c #if defined(PBL_RECT)
 #include “file_rect.h"
 #include “file_round.h"
 #endif src/ file_rect.c file_rect.h file_round.c file_round.h file.c file.h main.c
  • 42. Display-Specific Resources "resources": {
 "media": [
 "type": "png",
 "name": "MY_IMAGE",
 "file": "images/image.png"
 resources/ images/ image~rect.png image~color~round.png appinfo.json: image~rect.png image~color~round.png • Most-specific resource will be used • Ambiguity will result in compiler error
  • 43. Two-Pixel Margin on Round Displays • Extend background colors to all outer edges • Avoid thin rings around the edge of the display • Manufacturing variations may result in off-center appearance • Instead, use thick rings or significantly inset from the edge
  • 44. Platform-Specific Designs “Caltrain” by Katharine Berry: Rectangular Round
  • 46. Status Bar • For SDK 2.x, the status bar appears by default and insets the window from the top unless you use: window_set_fullscreen(window, true); • For SDK 3.x, the status bar is a UI component you must create, configure, and add to the layer hierarchy yourself: static StatusBarLayer *s_status_bar;
 s_status_bar = status_bar_layer_create();
 status_bar_layer_set_separator_mode(s_status_bar, StatusBarLayerSeparatorModeDotted);
 status_bar_layer_set_colors(s_status_bar, GColorBlack, GColorWhite);
 const Layer *status_bar_layer = status_bar_layer_get_layer(s_status_bar);
 layer_add_child(window_root_layer, status_bar_layer);
  • 49. s_status_bar = status_bar_layer_create();
 GRect status_bar_rect = window_bounds;
 status_bar_rect.size.h = STATUS_BAR_LAYER_HEIGHT;
 layer_set_frame( status_bar_layer_get_layer(s_status_bar),
 // top/bottom: statusbar, left/right: 0 const GEdgeInsets insets = GEdgeInsets( STATUS_BAR_LAYER_HEIGHT, 0); GRect menu_layer_rect = grect_inset( window_bounds, insets); Status Bar
  • 52. s_action_bar = action_bar_layer_create();
 action_bar_layer_add_to_window( s_action_bar, window);
 // top: statusbar, right: actionbar, bottom/left:0 const GEdgeInsets insets = GEdgeInsets(
 GRect content_rect = grect_inset( window_bounds, insets); ActionBar
  • 55. // default on Chalk menu_layer_set_center_focused(menu_layer, true); static int16_t get_cell_height_callback(MenuLayer *menu_layer, MenuIndex *cell_index,
 void *callback_context) {
 #if defined(PBL_ROUND) // when center_focused, MenuLayer can handle cell heights // that change based on the selection status if (menu_layer_is_index_selected(menu_layer, cell_index)) {
 } else {
 } #else return MENU_CELL_BASIC_CELL_HEIGHT; #endif
  • 56. TextLayer • To maximize content visible on round displays, enable text flow and paging with an optional inset (for padding): text_layer_enable_screen_text_flow_and_paging(s_text_layer, 8);
  • 57. TextLayer • Text flow on a round display without pagination looks weird…
  • 58. WatchInfo • Inspect what watch the app is running on • Useful e.g. if you want to align visual elements with buttons • Next to different screen coordinates for different watches GRect layer_frame = GRectZero;
 switch(watch_info_get_model()) {
 layer_frame = GRect(0, 64, 144, 44);
 layer_frame = GRect(0, 58, 144, 56);
 /* Other cases */
  • 60. Platform Defines • Feature/capability defines, like PBL_COLOR, PBL_ROUND, etc. should be used in favor of these • Exception: CPU/memory-specific code #define PBL_PLATFORM_APLITE #define PBL_PLATFORM_BASALT #define PBL_PLATFORM_CHALK
  • 61. Platform Specific Resources • Can also use ~aplite, ~basalt, and ~chalk suffixes • But overall, in most cases it’s best to use ~rect, ~round, ~bw, ~color suffixes instead "resources": {
 "media": [
 "type": "png",
 "name": "MY_IMAGE",
 "file": “images/image.png”, "targetPlatforms": [ "basalt" ]

  • 62. GPoint shim_gpoint_from_polar(GRect rect, int32_t angle) {
 #if defined(PBL_SDK_2) const GPoint center = GPoint(rect.origin.x + (rect.size.w / 2), rect.origin.y + (rect.size.h / 2)); const int16_t radius = MIN(rect.size.w, rect.size.h) / 2;
 return GPoint((sin_lookup(angle) * radius / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + center.x,
 (-cos_lookup(angle) * radius / TRIG_MAX_RATIO) + center.y);
 return gpoint_from_polar(rect, GOvalScaleModeFitCircle, angle);
 } Shims • Newer SDK 3.x functions do not exist in SDK 2.x • You can create shims for them using PBL_SDK_2/3 defines:
  • 63. PebbleKit JS API Availability • Some PebbleKit JS APIs don’t exist on Pebble Classic mobile apps, • Check if they are available and fail gracefully if necessary if (Pebble.getActiveWatchInfo) { // API is available; use it! var info = Pebble.getActiveWatchInfo(); console.log('Pebble model: ' + info.model); } else { // Gracefully handle unavailable API }
  • 64. Check Return Values • APIs may return NULL if: • Unsupported by platform • Permissions not given • Phone disconnected • Check the return value before using it and fail gracefully if necessary const DictationSession *session = dictation_session_create(0, callback, callback_context); if (session) { /* Success! */ dictation_session_start(session); } else { /* DictationSession is unsupported, need to fail gracefully here! */ }
  • 65. Marcel: Friday 1 pm Starting with Chalk, you need to compile with PebbleKit iOS 3.0 Since PebbleOS 3.0, you need to compile with PebbleKit Android 3.0 AndroidiOS Mobile App Compatibility
  • 66. Running Multiple Emulators at Once • pebble install --emulator=aplite && pebble install --emulator=basalt && pebble install —-emulator=chalk
  • 67. Automating Taking Screenshots • pebble screenshot --emulator=aplite && pebble screenshot --emulator=basalt && pebble screenshot —-emulator=chalk
  • 68. Recap • Runtime Platforms vs. SDK Versions • Colors • Display Shapes • SDK Compatibility