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Paper # 2 Relationship Analysis Paper
This paper must focus on a specific relationship. You have two
A. Choose a significant relationship in your life, such as your
relationship with your spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend, your
relationship with your parent/guardian/sibling, your relationship
with a longtime friend or your relationship with a supervisor/co-
B. If you don’t want to write about yourself, choose a couple
(romantic or friendship) you know that has been together
several years, such as your grandmother and grandfather, your
best friend and her husband, etc. Interview the members of the
couple separately. You will listen to their stories of their
relationship and analyze it.
In either case, feel free to change the names of the people you
are writing about to protect their privacy.
Writing the Paper:
Write a two page paper that analyzes the relationship you have
chosen based on information presented in class lectures and in
chapters 10, 11 and 12 of the textbook. Give specific examples
and details about the relationship that show me you understand
the material we have covered. You should also incorporate
references to the textbook and/or class lectures in your paper.
When you make a point or discuss a communication theory, use
support material such as examples and quotes or paraphrases
from the text or lectures to back up what you are saying. When
using support material, ALWAYS cite your sources. If you
incorporate writing from the text or lectures without giving the
source credit, you are committing plagiarism! Also, your
support material should be brief. Do not include long passages
from the textbook just to make your essays look longer! When
citing your textbook, using the author’s name and page number
will be sufficient. When citing lecture notes, using the
instructor’s name and lecture dates will be sufficient. For
· Paraphrase: As Devito notes in Messages, when managed
properly, conflict does not damage relationships (p. #).
· Quote: According to Devito, “ ” (p. #).
When the author you are using is quoting or paraphrasing
someone else, your citation might look like this:
Wilmot (DeVito, 2003) goes on to define “a dyadic coalition
[as] a two-person relationship formed for achieving a mutually
desired benefit or goal” (p.7).
This would tell us that you are quoting from a book written by
DeVito and that he is quoting Wilmot.
The paper should be typed and double spaced using 12-point
font. Please proofread your paper, run spell-check if you are
using a computer and ask a friend to check it over for spelling
and grammatical errors.
Recommended Structure for Relationship Analysis Paper
I. Introduction
Tell me what you are going to tell me: identify the interpersonal
relationship that will be the topic of the paper and briefly
preview what the paper will discuss.
II. Background/History of the Relationship
· What is the nature of this relationship?
· How did it begin?
· How long has this relationship existed?
· How has this relationship progressed, evolved, changed and/or
III. Details of the Relationship
· What needs does this relationship meet?
· What are the rewards/demands of this relationship?
IV. Communication within the Relationship
· If you are writing about a romantic relationship, describe the
love style of each person in the couple and how each person’s
love style impacts the relationship.
· If you are writing about a friendship, describe the type of
friendship (reciprocity, receptivity, association) that occurs in
this relationship
· If you are writing about a family relationship, discuss the
family type (traditional, independent, separate) and the family
communication pattern (equality, balanced split, unbalanced
split, monopoly) represented in the relationship.
· If you are writing about a supervisor/employee relationship,
discuss the leadership style of the supervisor (autocratic,
participatory, free reign)
V. Conflict and Power within the Relationship
· How is power used in this relationship?
· What has been the nature of the interpersonal conflict in this
· How has conflict handling style (competing, accommodating,
avoiding, compromising or collaborating) played a role in this
· What conflict management strategies do the people in the
relationship use?
VI. Effectiveness of the Relationship
· Are there any problems or areas that need to be improved in
this relationship as you see it?
· If so, what specific changes could improve this relationship?
· If not, identify what factors make this relationship successful.
VII. Conclusion
Sum up what you have told me.
Tread Lightly Through These
Accounting Minefields
by H. David Sherman and S. David Young
Reprint r0107k
This document is authorized for use only in Kris Michaelson's
ACT580-1 course at Colorado State University - Global
Campus, from May 2017 to November 2017.
HBR Case Study r0107a
Should This Team Be Saved?
Hollis Heimbouch
First Person r0107b
Transforming a Conservative Company –
One Laugh at a Time
Katherine M. Hudson
Different Voice r0107c
How to Win the Blame Game
David G. Baldwin
Managing for Value: r0107d
It’s Not Just About the Numbers
Philippe Haspeslagh, Tomo Noda,
and Fares Boulos
Lead for Loyalty r0107e
Frederick F. Reichheld
The Right Way to Be Fired r0107f
Laurence J. Stybel and Maryanne Peabody
Don’t Homogenize, Synchronize r0107g
Mohanbir Sawhney
Taking the Stress Out of r0107h
Stressful Conversations
Holly Weeks
Best Practice r0107j
Five Strategies of Successful
Part-Time Work
Vivien Corwin, Thomas B. Lawrence,
and Peter J. Frost
Tool Kit r0107k
Tread Lightly Through These
Accounting Minefields
H. David Sherman and S. David Young
July–August 2001
This document is authorized for use only in Kris Michaelson's
ACT580-1 course at Colorado State University - Global
Campus, from May 2017 to November 2017.
Copyright © 2001 by Harvard Business School Publishing
Corporation. All rights reserved. 3
Illegal? Maybe not, but many of today’s
accounting moves are clearly
aggressive. Shareholders – and their
representatives on corporate boards –
need to be aware of six danger zones.
Accounting Minefields
by H. David Sherman and S. David Young
To o l K i t
BACK IN THE 1980S, Tandem Computers’ robust earning
reports madeit a darling of Wall Street. Its CEO and cofounder
James Treybig hadpioneered a superhot technology, a way to
make “fault tolerant” com-
puters for companies like banks and telecommunications
businesses running
data-processing operations around the clock. But in 1983, it
came to light that
Tandem had counted a chicken or two before they’d hatched.
Some of the
revenue reported in its most recent financial statements had not
actually ma-
terialized, and earnings had to be restated. The Street’s
retribution was
swift: Tandem’s share price immediately dropped 30%. In time,
the company
recovered (it was ultimately acquired by Compaq), but the event
left a last-
ing impression. When a Wall Street Journal reporter asked
Treybig to recall
his most exciting day at Tandem, he couldn’t. But when asked
to pick his
worst day, he answered without pause: “The day we restated.”
The nightmare of risky accounting is on the increase. In the
current eco-
nomic climate, there is tremendous pressure – and personal
financial incen-
tive for managers – to report sales growth and meet investors’
revenue ex-
pectations. According to the SEC, misleading financial reports,
This document is authorized for use only in Kris Michaelson's
ACT580-1 course at Colorado State University - Global
Campus, from May 2017 to November 2017.
involving game playing around earn-
ings, are being issued at an alarming
rate. Needless to say, it’s a nightmare
that affects more than CEOs’ sleep. The
shareholders suffer most – and today’s
stock price volatility makes Tandem’s
30% hit look mild. Little wonder that
lawsuits related to financial reporting
are on the rise. Back in 1991, 55 security
class-action suits alleging accounting
fraud were filed in the United States. By
1998, the number had nearly tripled.
To avoid such a calamity, shareholders
and their representatives on corporate
boards should keep their eyes peeled
for common abuses in six areas: revenue
measurement and recognition, provi-
sions for uncertain future costs, asset
valuation, derivatives, related-party trans-
actions, and information used for bench-
marking performance. If disaster strikes,
it will most likely occur in one of these
accounting minefields.
Revenue Measurement
and Recognition
Determining when a sale is complete or
a service fully rendered is simple for
many businesses: revenue is most often
recorded when the product is shipped
or received or when the service is per-
formed. But for some businesses, pin-
pointing exactly when revenue has been
earned requires considerable judgment.
For example, how should revenue be
recognized if a customer takes delivery
of a product but makes payments on it
over several years? One approach is to
consider all of the revenue as earned
upon product delivery. But an alterna-
tive approach is to consider the cus-
tomer’s ability to pay its commitment in
the future. What if the customer is a dot-
com that might not survive?
Judgment is also required on the ques-
tion of what constitutes revenue. Suppose
an auction business sells an item for $100.
Of that amount, $5 goes to the auctioneer
as commission. On its financial state-
ments, should the auctioneer include
the total amount of the sale as revenue
and call the $95 payment to the item’s
original owner an expense? Or should it
count only the commission as revenue
and show no expense? Most accountants
would say the latter approach is prefer-
able. But some Internet companies, rec-
ognizing the importance investors place
on sales growth, have taken advantage
of ambiguities in revenue recognition
rules to effectively do the former.
By contrast, suppose Dell sells a com-
puter monitor it purchased from an in-
dependent manufacturer. Does it call
only its profit margin revenue, or the
full price? Obviously, revenue is recog-
nized on the full price, with the cost of
the monitor treated as an expense. But
what if Dell were to arrange for the
monitor to be shipped directly from
the manufacturer to the customer (as it
often does)? Should Dell include the
monitor’s selling price in its revenue, or
only the profit on the transaction? In
other words, should Dell’s sales figures
suffer just because of an efficient logis-
tics arrangement? Or should the deci-
sion hinge on some technical legal ques-
tion, such as who would be responsible
if the goods were damaged in shipping?
The ambiguities suggested in just
these simple examples begin to explain
how one of the biggest accounting deba-
cles in recent history could have hap-
pened. MicroStrategy, a producer of
data-mining software, announced in
March 2000 that it was restating its rev-
enues and earnings for fiscal years 1998
and 1999. A change in revenue recogni-
tion policies transformed its reported
profit of $12.6 million into a loss of more
than $34 million.
What could account for such a drastic
shift? The problem developed because
MicroStrategy usually sells its software
bundled with multiyear consulting en-
gagements; customizing the software
to a client’s unique circumstances is a
complex undertaking. But rather than
spreading the revenue from the soft-
ware sale over the life of the contract,
the company was recording it immedi-
ately. It was a tactic the SEC had begun
to see more often in software compa-
nies and had complained about. When
MicroStrategy announced the restate-
ment, it emphasized that it anticipated
no reduction in the revenue it would
ultimately realize. Even so, its stock
price plummeted by a staggering 62%
in a single day, destroying $12 billion of
market value – and it kept on falling.
All told, shares fell from $333 in March
2000 to less than $22 in May 2000, at
which time MicroStrategy faced at least
three class-action lawsuits by share-
holders and investigations by the SEC.
Evidently, no one on MicroStrategy’s
board asked the right questions – or
what came to be called the “Micro-
Tragedy” never would have occurred.
Shareholders who want to avoid the
same fate should pass along these ques-
tions to the board audit committee:
• How is revenue defined? And what
event triggers its recognition?
• Does this present a reasonable
measure of the revenue earned by
the business during the reporting
period? Is it consistent with revenue
measures used by domestic and
global competitors? And is it clearly
described in the financial statement
• If revenue is measured in an unusual
or new way, is that disclosed? Is the
approach justified in terms of its risks
and advantages?
Provisions for Uncertain
Future Costs
Companies must make provisions for
costs they know will arise, even if the
amounts can’t be known with any cer-
tainty: losses from inventory obsoles-
cence, uncollectible accounts, product
returns, restructuring costs, damages
from product recalls – the list goes on.
But precisely because there’s so much
latitude in this area, it can be a minefield
4 harvard business review
H. David Sherman is the Cowan Research
Professor of Accounting at Northeastern
University in Boston. He can be contacted
at [email protected] This is his third
HBR article. S. David Young is a professor
at INSEAD in Fontainebleau, France, and
the coauthor of EVA and Value-Based
Management: A Practical Guide to Im-
plementation (McGraw-Hill, 2001). He can
be reached at [email protected]
T O O L K I T • A c c o u n t i n g M i n e f i e l d s
This document is authorized for use only in Kris Michaelson's
ACT580-1 course at Colorado State University - Global
Campus, from May 2017 to November 2017.
of earnings management. Estimates can
either be inflated to create hidden re-
serves so that profits can be boosted
in some future period to project a mis-
leading earnings stream, or they can be
diminished to enhance reported profits.
Xerox has found itself in this mine-
field lately; despite evidence of a grow-
ing number of slow payments, the com-
pany made no greater allowance for bad
debts. Could someone on the board
have spotted this and averted the cri-
sis? Xerox’s former assistant treasurer
thought so and told the Wall Street Jour-
nal as much in a highly damaging story.
A second common form of mischief
to watch for involves overstated restruc-
turing costs. Restructuring expenses
are segregated from other expenses on
the typical income statement. The idea
is to isolate the impact of nonrecurring
items on net income, thus helping the
reader to better understand the prof-
itability of normal, recurring business
activities. But what are readers to think
when restructuring charges appear for
several years running? Digital, now part
of Compaq, reported restructuring ex-
penses for three consecutive years in
the early 1990s. It seems obvious that
classifying charges as nonrecurring is
designed to mask management error
and overstate operating (recurring)
profitability. It’s become common for
companies to employ a “big bath” strat-
egy with their restructuring charges,
making them so large as to flush out
any possible future impact on earn-
ings. And while companies are eager
to highlight these nonrecurring busi-
ness losses, they call far less attention
to their actions when they need to re-
verse restructuring charges. Heinz, for
example, overestimated the costs of its
restructuring in 1997 by some $25 mil-
lion. When it subsequently reversed
that amount, it did not disclose the fact
on the face of its income statement, al-
lowing the adjustment to enhance oper-
ating income. The SEC took a dim view
of this type of reporting. In fact, the SEC
sued WR Grace for fraud in 1999 be-
cause the company failed to highlight
just such a reversal.
And finally, managers play just as cre-
atively with what’s known as “compre-
hensive income.” This category, which
appears in the shareholders’ equity sec-
tion of the balance sheet, is designed to
cover a variety of gains or losses that
do not appear on the income statement
because their true impact on earnings is
not yet certain and irreversible. Exam-
ples include gains or losses caused by
translating financial statements of sub-
sidiaries from local currency to the par-
ent company’s currency, and unrealized
gains and losses on investments in fi-
nancial securities. Judgment calls are re-
quired on which gains and losses should
be reflected on the income statement
and which should be captured in com-
prehensive income. But there is defi-
nitely an incentive to park losses in the
comprehensive income category, be-
cause the only income incorporated into
the highly visible earnings per share
figure (the basis of a company’s price-
earnings ratio) is that shown on the in-
come statement.
For instance, in 2000, Coca-Cola
added $965 million of translation losses
to its comprehensive income, bringing
the cumulative comprehensive loss to
$2.5 billion. Indeed, as the euro’s decline
in value throughout 2000 reduced the
dollar earnings of U.S. companies with
large European sales, many of them
managed to defer the impact on earn-
ings through clever use of the compre-
hensive income line.
A prudent director would certainly
consider how such treatment affects
investors’ perceptions of the business’s
profitability. To discover if a company is
wandering into one of these minefields,
ask these pointed questions:
• Are estimates for uncertain events
(such as doubtful accounts and
restructuring reserves) included
in the financial statements?
• Do the financial statements present
a reasonable measure of current
period operating expenses and
revenues, with sufficient disclosure
in the footnotes of these estimates
and the accounting treatment?
• Should gains and losses included
in comprehensive income (foreign
currency, investment gains and
losses) and in the footnotes instead
be included in the current period’s
net income?
Asset Valuation
On the most basic level, an asset is some-
thing that has current or intrinsic value,
like cash, or that can be used to generate
future revenues – such as a building that
is used to produce or manufacture a
product, for example, or inventory that
will be sold for a profit. Assets are gen-
erally carried at cost less estimated amor-
tization or depreciation – and deprecia-
tion requires an estimate of its useful
life. But the latitude given to manage-
ment in making such estimates can raise
questions about motivation when esti-
mates are changed.
For example, Delta Airlines revised
the useful life of aircraft in its fleet twice
in ten years; in both cases, the change
created sizable increases in reported
profits. Were these adjustments moti-
vated by any real change in the air-
planes’ life spans, by a desire to match
competitors’ accounting methods, or by
some other reason?
Companies that use accounting meth-
ods to keep their research and develop-
ment expenses from reducing earnings
also frequently find themselves in this
minefield. One common approach, in
cases where an acquisition has been
made, is to accelerate the write-off of all
R&D in process at the acquired company.
Another is to conduct R&D through in-
A c c o u n t i n g M i n e f i e l d s • T O O L K I T
Evidently, no one on MicroStrategy’s board asked
the right questions – or what came to be called the
“MicroTragedy” never would have occurred.
july–august 2001 5
This document is authorized for use only in Kris Michaelson's
ACT580-1 course at Colorado State University - Global
Campus, from May 2017 to November 2017.
vestments in partners to avoid treating
the costs as current expenses. If analysts
interpret such moves as being motivated
by a desire to manage earnings, compa-
nies can seriously damage their reputa-
tions in the capital markets. Elan, an Irish
pharmaceutical company and the sub-
ject of SEC reviews, scared off some ana-
lysts and investors when it used just this
kind of treatment on its R&D costs. A
board member at Elan would have done
well to ask whether the accounting prac-
tices being used by an otherwise strong
company really provided a more com-
plete earnings picture for shareholders.
In the same spirit, you should ask the
• Do tangible and intangible asset val-
ues and write-downs of assets reflect
real values and changes in value
during the current period?
• Are these value adjustments fully
• Is the accounting treatment consis-
tent with industry and global com-
petitors? If not, are the differences
justifiable and adequately discussed
in the financial statements?
The use of derivatives to manage finan-
cial risk deserves careful and constant
scrutiny. These complex financial in-
struments were famously implicated
in the downfall of Barings Bank, in the
travails of Bankers Trust, and in the near
bankruptcy of Orange County, Califor-
nia – but the heightened awareness of
them has not made them any easier for
nonexperts to judge. Derivatives have, in
fact, been usefully employed for decades
to hedge risks related to commodity
prices, foreign exchange fluctuations,
and interest on debt. The great difficulty
for board members, managers, and share-
holders is in recognizing when their use
introduces more risk than it mitigates.
For German conglomerate Metallge-
sellschaft, that risk equation came down
on the wrong side. The company’s energy
group had contracted with customers to
sell petroleum at prices fixed in 1992 for
a maximum of ten years. Because the
6 harvard business review
T O O L K I T • A c c o u n t i n g M i n e f i e l d s
Are You Sitting in a Minefield?
Recent history has shown that businesses with the following
teristics are more likely to feature manipulation of company
Look sharp if you’re associated with a business that falls into
one of
these categories:
High-growth companies entering a low-growth phase. Managers
used to a seemingly endless stream of ever higher numbers may
tempted to mask the decline in profit and sales growth.
Companies that receive extensive coverage in the business and
popular press (such as Priceline and Here, even
problems attract widespread media coverage, placing added
to manage the reporting of business results that might prove
New businesses where there are ambiguities about how key
tions are and should be measured. Companies in new industries,
as those in the Internet sector, may engage in business
transactions that
were uncommon in the old economy, such as the advertising
barters pop-
ular among Web sites. Accounting standards, which tend to be
in the old economy, may be silent, or at least ambiguous, on
transactions, thus providing corporate managers with
considerable scope
for manipulation.
Weak control environments in which managers can manipulate
ported financial results with relative impunity. The seriousness
of this
problem varies considerably from country to country, reflecting
diversity in corporate governance, securities regulation, and
Companies that are followed by a small number of analysts.
Less cap-
ital market scrutiny of performance and corporate financial
increases the risk for accounting manipulation to go unchecked
until it
eventually explodes.
Companies with complex ownership and financial structures. By
ing key transactions less transparent, these structures give rise
to related-
party transactions and conflicts of interest.
Naturally, having any one of these characteristics does not mean
that a
company is engaging in questionable accounting practices. But
it should
prompt directors to exercise special care in scrutinizing a
financial reporting practices.
This document is authorized for use only in Kris Michaelson's
ACT580-1 course at Colorado State University - Global
Campus, from May 2017 to November 2017.
over the company, including other busi-
nesses, shareholders, directors, lenders,
vendors, and customers. Disclosure of
these transactions varies based on the
regulatory environment and each com-
pany’s policies. But investors always
have an interest in knowing about them
because they can allow a company to
arbitrarily increase or decrease earnings
or to divert profits, sometimes enriching
a subgroup of shareholders or managers.
Investors in the Belgian company
Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products, a
maker of speech recognition software,
learned about this minefield when their
shares dropped from $65 to $9 in the
spring of 2000. An internal audit discov-
ered that 30 customers, all start-ups and
most based in Singapore, were responsi-
ble for about a quarter of the company’s
revenues. It turned out L&H had helped
create those companies – and many had
received seed money from a venture
capital firm linked to L&H’s founders.
The story has since featured earnings
restatements, bankruptcy, and the delist-
ing of L&H stock from the Nasdaq.
This particular field is most heavily
mined for companies that operate in
countries where business practices and
disclosure requirements are less regu-
lated than in the United States or West-
ern Europe. Some Korean companies,
for example, have engaged in shady
practices like purchasing assets unre-
lated to their business needs for future
sale at a discount to related companies
or shareholders, writing off loans to
friendly parties in order to move cor-
porate cash to select related parties, or
selling products at discounts – or above
market prices – to related businesses to
transfer profits between parties.
Although the more egregious forms
of abuse might be identified under U.S.
reporting and auditing standards, the
potential for manipulation is very real
in subsidiaries of U.S. companies or in
companies being considered for merg-
ers or acquisitions. Even within coun-
tries, though, differences in the practices
and disclosures of competitors can cre-
ate misleading financial results. To avoid
presenting information that may lead
to erroneous conclusions and faulty val-
uations, investors and their representa-
tives on boards should ask the following
• Are all significant related-party trans-
actions and commitments disclosed?
• What policy determines which trans-
actions will be disclosed and what
level of detail will be included in the
financial statements?
• Are there conflicts of interest that
could damage or benefit specific
groups of shareholders that should
be disclosed?
Information Used for
Benchmarking Performance
The last accounting minefield has to do
with manipulating a company’s perfor-
mance numbers in relation to prior pe-
riods, investor expectations, and com-
petitors. This minefield becomes more
explosive as more businesses go global.
Imagine the difficulty a U.S. telecom-
munications business would have in
comparing performance with, consider-
ing acquisition of, or trying to under-
stand the business model of Deutsche
Telekom in Germany. According to its fi-
nancial reports, prepared under German
accounting rules, Deutsche Telekom’s
earnings stream has risen “smoothly” –
but under U.S. accounting principles, its
progress has been more erratic. Using
German principles, earnings nearly dou-
bled from 1996 to 1997; using U.S. prin-
ciples, they declined. Thus, if a U.S. com-
petitor, parent, or partner experienced
50% earnings growth, that might be con-
sidered poor compared to Deutsche
Telekom with German accounting – or
outstanding with U.S. accounting. In an
increasingly global industry, should in-
vestors be allowed to misunderstand
this, or should it be explicitly discussed in
the financial statements?
A c c o u n t i n g M i n e f i e l d s • T O O L K I T
company would lose money if oil prices
rose, it decided to hedge away the risk
by using a “stack” hedging strategy,
which employs derivatives. In doing so,
it stacked the deck in the opposite di-
rection, so that when the price of oil
suddenly declined, the losses started to
mount. The situation cost the company
some $1.5 billion, leading the Economist
to observe: “As Chernobyl was to nuclear
power, so Metallgesellschaft has be-
come to financial derivatives.”
Still, derivatives remain in wide use
for all kinds of good reasons, and in
many companies their potential impact
on income is substantial. These compa-
nies should continually scrutinize their
use to ensure that the risks are managed
responsibly, to determine whether real-
ized and unrealized gains and losses
should be included in the earnings, and
to ensure that the risks and accounting
treatments are clearly disclosed so that
shareholders can understand their po-
tential impact. How can a sharp-eyed
director defend the interests of share-
holders in this regard? Again, the pro-
cess begins with some basic questions:
• What hedging programs are in place?
• To what extent are derivatives used?
• Are proper safeguards in place to
protect against their abuse?
• What are the worst-case scenarios of
the company’s use of derivatives?
• Is the accounting treatment complete
and in the spirit of generally accepted
accounting principles (GAAP)? Is
GAAP treatment sufficient to describe
the business value and risks of the
derivative program?
Related-Party Transactions
Related-party transactions are those
made with entities that are controlled
by the company or that have control
july–august 2001 7
The NYSE, Amex, and Nasdaq have all revised their
requirements for listing companies, explicitly stating that
some board members must be “financially literate.”
This document is authorized for use only in Kris Michaelson's
ACT580-1 course at Colorado State University - Global
Campus, from May 2017 to November 2017.
gets, and against domestic and global
competitors. To serve those interests,
it’s reasonable to expect board members
to ask:
• Are there aspects of the accounting
methods used that may cause invest-
ors, security analysts, compensation
committees of the board, or others
to under- or overassess the business’s
financial performance during the
current reporting period?
• Are there differences between the
company’s financial reports and
its competitors’ that need to be
Financial Literacy
Accounting game players are adroit, to
be sure, and most investors and board
members believe it takes one to know
one. But it’s foolish – and dangerous – to
declare oneself ignorant and hence
powerless against their machinations.
We don’t argue that board members
and senior managers must become ex-
perts on all aspects of financial report-
ing. That would be an unreasonable
goal. However, to be effective, board
members – particularly those serving on
audit committees – must have enough
knowledge of financial reporting issues
to draw on experts as needed and have
the ability to raise key questions to de-
termine whether shareholder interests
8 harvard business review
are adequately protected. Indeed, it is
now a formal requirement. In 1999, the
NYSE, Amex, and Nasdaq all revised
their requirements for listing compa-
nies, explicitly stating that some board
members must be “financially literate.”
Financial literacy is defined as the
“ability to read and understand funda-
mental financial statements, including a
company’s balance sheet, income state-
ment, and cash flow statement.” It also
requires understanding the supporting
notes found at the back of corporate
annual reports. But financial literacy ex-
tends beyond comprehension of finan-
cial reports. Financially literate business
people can make well-reasoned judg-
ments about the quality of a company’s
financial reporting, the clarity of its fi-
nancial disclosures, and the appropriate
degree of aggressiveness or conservatism
of its accounting policies.
This article aims to arm more man-
agers and board members with this kind
of literacy – and also to remind them of
their obligations. The issue facing any
business is whether or not its accounting
methods present a reasonable picture
of earnings compared with prior periods
and compared with domestic and for-
eign competitors. Do yours?
Reprint r0107k
To place an order, call 1-800-988-0886.
Microsoft is one company that be-
lieves the differences should be trans-
parent, so it voluntarily provides earn-
ings information under several different
accounting methods. Should more busi-
nesses follow its lead? Naturally, the
challenge is to present a fair view of
financial results while not providing so
much information as to damage the
company’s competitive position.
Equally important are the needs to
understand the performance of a busi-
ness compared with its competitors and
to develop stock price-related reward sys-
tems that motivate executives to excel.
Performance comparisons require an
understanding of how profits and assets
are measured in domestic and foreign
competitors. If Wal-Mart, the world’s
largest retailer, wants to compare its fi-
nancial performance with Carrefour,
the second largest retailer, it will have to
convert Carrefour’s earnings, assets, and
liabilities to U.S. accounting methods –
or restate its own reports using reporting
policies consistent with Carrefour’s.
Worldwide, companies have different
reporting standards with respect to fre-
quency, detail, and audit requirements,
and it’s unlikely that even board mem-
bers with financial backgrounds can be
fully apprised of them all. But investors
must be able to benchmark perfor-
mance against prior periods and bud-
T O O L K I T • A c c o u n t i n g M i n e f i e l d s
This document is authorized for use only in Kris Michaelson's
ACT580-1 course at Colorado State University - Global
Campus, from May 2017 to November 2017.
Case: Tread Lightly through These Accounting Minefields
(critical essay)
Read the Tread Lightly through These Accounting Minefields
case study. This case addresses the different ways that
companies choose to deal with the pressure created by an ever-
changing economic climate. For example, managers are
pressured to report sales growth figures that meet investor
expectations, which can result in companies issuing misleading,
and even fraudulent, financial reports. The case identifies six
“minefields” where accounting abuse can take place: revenue
measurement and recognition, provisions and reserves for
uncertain future events or costs, asset valuation (and
overvaluation), derivatives, related-party transactions, and
information used for benchmarking performance.
The case includes questions at the end of each accounting
minefield section. Write a 5- to 6-page paper that addresses how
these questions relate to the case. Include suggestions for what
can be done to minimize the impacts of such activities on the
financial statements (the impact is always there, but we attempt
as auditors, whether internal or external, to reduce the effect to
an Immaterial level).
Include a description of your approach to the issues and your
solutions to the problems described in the case.
Your paper should meet the following requirements:
· 5 to 6 pages in length, not including title and reference pages
· Formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and
APA Requirements
· Include at least 3 credible outside reference sources
Reference for this Critical Thinking Assignment:
Sherman, H.D., & Young, S.D. (2001). Tread lightly through
these accounting minefields. Harvard Business Review, 79(7),

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Paper # 2 Relationship Analysis PaperThis paper must focus on .docx

  • 1. Paper # 2 Relationship Analysis Paper This paper must focus on a specific relationship. You have two choices: A. Choose a significant relationship in your life, such as your relationship with your spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend, your relationship with your parent/guardian/sibling, your relationship with a longtime friend or your relationship with a supervisor/co- worker. B. If you don’t want to write about yourself, choose a couple (romantic or friendship) you know that has been together several years, such as your grandmother and grandfather, your best friend and her husband, etc. Interview the members of the couple separately. You will listen to their stories of their relationship and analyze it. In either case, feel free to change the names of the people you are writing about to protect their privacy. Writing the Paper: Write a two page paper that analyzes the relationship you have chosen based on information presented in class lectures and in chapters 10, 11 and 12 of the textbook. Give specific examples and details about the relationship that show me you understand the material we have covered. You should also incorporate references to the textbook and/or class lectures in your paper. When you make a point or discuss a communication theory, use support material such as examples and quotes or paraphrases from the text or lectures to back up what you are saying. When using support material, ALWAYS cite your sources. If you incorporate writing from the text or lectures without giving the source credit, you are committing plagiarism! Also, your
  • 2. support material should be brief. Do not include long passages from the textbook just to make your essays look longer! When citing your textbook, using the author’s name and page number will be sufficient. When citing lecture notes, using the instructor’s name and lecture dates will be sufficient. For example: · Paraphrase: As Devito notes in Messages, when managed properly, conflict does not damage relationships (p. #). · Quote: According to Devito, “ ” (p. #). When the author you are using is quoting or paraphrasing someone else, your citation might look like this: Wilmot (DeVito, 2003) goes on to define “a dyadic coalition [as] a two-person relationship formed for achieving a mutually desired benefit or goal” (p.7). This would tell us that you are quoting from a book written by DeVito and that he is quoting Wilmot. The paper should be typed and double spaced using 12-point font. Please proofread your paper, run spell-check if you are using a computer and ask a friend to check it over for spelling and grammatical errors. Recommended Structure for Relationship Analysis Paper I. Introduction Tell me what you are going to tell me: identify the interpersonal relationship that will be the topic of the paper and briefly preview what the paper will discuss. II. Background/History of the Relationship · What is the nature of this relationship? · How did it begin? · How long has this relationship existed? · How has this relationship progressed, evolved, changed and/or developed?
  • 3. III. Details of the Relationship · What needs does this relationship meet? · What are the rewards/demands of this relationship? IV. Communication within the Relationship · If you are writing about a romantic relationship, describe the love style of each person in the couple and how each person’s love style impacts the relationship. · If you are writing about a friendship, describe the type of friendship (reciprocity, receptivity, association) that occurs in this relationship · If you are writing about a family relationship, discuss the family type (traditional, independent, separate) and the family communication pattern (equality, balanced split, unbalanced split, monopoly) represented in the relationship. · If you are writing about a supervisor/employee relationship, discuss the leadership style of the supervisor (autocratic, participatory, free reign) V. Conflict and Power within the Relationship · How is power used in this relationship? · What has been the nature of the interpersonal conflict in this relationship? · How has conflict handling style (competing, accommodating, avoiding, compromising or collaborating) played a role in this relationship? · What conflict management strategies do the people in the relationship use? VI. Effectiveness of the Relationship
  • 4. · Are there any problems or areas that need to be improved in this relationship as you see it? · If so, what specific changes could improve this relationship? · If not, identify what factors make this relationship successful. VII. Conclusion Sum up what you have told me. Tread Lightly Through These Accounting Minefields by H. David Sherman and S. David Young Reprint r0107k This document is authorized for use only in Kris Michaelson's ACT580-1 course at Colorado State University - Global Campus, from May 2017 to November 2017. HBR Case Study r0107a Should This Team Be Saved? Hollis Heimbouch First Person r0107b Transforming a Conservative Company – One Laugh at a Time Katherine M. Hudson Different Voice r0107c How to Win the Blame Game
  • 5. David G. Baldwin Managing for Value: r0107d It’s Not Just About the Numbers Philippe Haspeslagh, Tomo Noda, and Fares Boulos Lead for Loyalty r0107e Frederick F. Reichheld The Right Way to Be Fired r0107f Laurence J. Stybel and Maryanne Peabody Don’t Homogenize, Synchronize r0107g Mohanbir Sawhney Taking the Stress Out of r0107h Stressful Conversations Holly Weeks Best Practice r0107j Five Strategies of Successful Part-Time Work Vivien Corwin, Thomas B. Lawrence, and Peter J. Frost Tool Kit r0107k Tread Lightly Through These Accounting Minefields H. David Sherman and S. David Young July–August 2001 This document is authorized for use only in Kris Michaelson's ACT580-1 course at Colorado State University - Global Campus, from May 2017 to November 2017.
  • 6. Copyright © 2001 by Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved. 3 Illegal? Maybe not, but many of today’s accounting moves are clearly aggressive. Shareholders – and their representatives on corporate boards – need to be aware of six danger zones. TREAD LIGHTLY THROUGH THESE Accounting Minefields by H. David Sherman and S. David Young To o l K i t BACK IN THE 1980S, Tandem Computers’ robust earning reports madeit a darling of Wall Street. Its CEO and cofounder James Treybig hadpioneered a superhot technology, a way to make “fault tolerant” com- puters for companies like banks and telecommunications businesses running data-processing operations around the clock. But in 1983, it came to light that Tandem had counted a chicken or two before they’d hatched. Some of the revenue reported in its most recent financial statements had not actually ma-
  • 7. terialized, and earnings had to be restated. The Street’s retribution was swift: Tandem’s share price immediately dropped 30%. In time, the company recovered (it was ultimately acquired by Compaq), but the event left a last- ing impression. When a Wall Street Journal reporter asked Treybig to recall his most exciting day at Tandem, he couldn’t. But when asked to pick his worst day, he answered without pause: “The day we restated.” The nightmare of risky accounting is on the increase. In the current eco- nomic climate, there is tremendous pressure – and personal financial incen- tive for managers – to report sales growth and meet investors’ revenue ex- pectations. According to the SEC, misleading financial reports, especially This document is authorized for use only in Kris Michaelson's ACT580-1 course at Colorado State University - Global Campus, from May 2017 to November 2017. involving game playing around earn- ings, are being issued at an alarming rate. Needless to say, it’s a nightmare that affects more than CEOs’ sleep. The shareholders suffer most – and today’s stock price volatility makes Tandem’s 30% hit look mild. Little wonder that lawsuits related to financial reporting are on the rise. Back in 1991, 55 security
  • 8. class-action suits alleging accounting fraud were filed in the United States. By 1998, the number had nearly tripled. To avoid such a calamity, shareholders and their representatives on corporate boards should keep their eyes peeled for common abuses in six areas: revenue measurement and recognition, provi- sions for uncertain future costs, asset valuation, derivatives, related-party trans- actions, and information used for bench- marking performance. If disaster strikes, it will most likely occur in one of these accounting minefields. MINEFIELD1 Revenue Measurement and Recognition Determining when a sale is complete or a service fully rendered is simple for many businesses: revenue is most often recorded when the product is shipped or received or when the service is per- formed. But for some businesses, pin- pointing exactly when revenue has been earned requires considerable judgment. For example, how should revenue be recognized if a customer takes delivery of a product but makes payments on it over several years? One approach is to consider all of the revenue as earned upon product delivery. But an alterna- tive approach is to consider the cus- tomer’s ability to pay its commitment in
  • 9. the future. What if the customer is a dot- com that might not survive? Judgment is also required on the ques- tion of what constitutes revenue. Suppose an auction business sells an item for $100. Of that amount, $5 goes to the auctioneer as commission. On its financial state- ments, should the auctioneer include the total amount of the sale as revenue and call the $95 payment to the item’s original owner an expense? Or should it count only the commission as revenue and show no expense? Most accountants would say the latter approach is prefer- able. But some Internet companies, rec- ognizing the importance investors place on sales growth, have taken advantage of ambiguities in revenue recognition rules to effectively do the former. By contrast, suppose Dell sells a com- puter monitor it purchased from an in- dependent manufacturer. Does it call only its profit margin revenue, or the full price? Obviously, revenue is recog- nized on the full price, with the cost of the monitor treated as an expense. But what if Dell were to arrange for the monitor to be shipped directly from the manufacturer to the customer (as it often does)? Should Dell include the monitor’s selling price in its revenue, or only the profit on the transaction? In other words, should Dell’s sales figures
  • 10. suffer just because of an efficient logis- tics arrangement? Or should the deci- sion hinge on some technical legal ques- tion, such as who would be responsible if the goods were damaged in shipping? The ambiguities suggested in just these simple examples begin to explain how one of the biggest accounting deba- cles in recent history could have hap- pened. MicroStrategy, a producer of data-mining software, announced in March 2000 that it was restating its rev- enues and earnings for fiscal years 1998 and 1999. A change in revenue recogni- tion policies transformed its reported profit of $12.6 million into a loss of more than $34 million. What could account for such a drastic shift? The problem developed because MicroStrategy usually sells its software bundled with multiyear consulting en- gagements; customizing the software to a client’s unique circumstances is a complex undertaking. But rather than spreading the revenue from the soft- ware sale over the life of the contract, the company was recording it immedi- ately. It was a tactic the SEC had begun to see more often in software compa- nies and had complained about. When MicroStrategy announced the restate- ment, it emphasized that it anticipated no reduction in the revenue it would
  • 11. ultimately realize. Even so, its stock price plummeted by a staggering 62% in a single day, destroying $12 billion of market value – and it kept on falling. All told, shares fell from $333 in March 2000 to less than $22 in May 2000, at which time MicroStrategy faced at least three class-action lawsuits by share- holders and investigations by the SEC. Evidently, no one on MicroStrategy’s board asked the right questions – or what came to be called the “Micro- Tragedy” never would have occurred. Shareholders who want to avoid the same fate should pass along these ques- tions to the board audit committee: • How is revenue defined? And what event triggers its recognition? • Does this present a reasonable measure of the revenue earned by the business during the reporting period? Is it consistent with revenue measures used by domestic and global competitors? And is it clearly described in the financial statement footnotes? • If revenue is measured in an unusual or new way, is that disclosed? Is the approach justified in terms of its risks and advantages? MINEFIELD2
  • 12. Provisions for Uncertain Future Costs Companies must make provisions for costs they know will arise, even if the amounts can’t be known with any cer- tainty: losses from inventory obsoles- cence, uncollectible accounts, product returns, restructuring costs, damages from product recalls – the list goes on. But precisely because there’s so much latitude in this area, it can be a minefield 4 harvard business review H. David Sherman is the Cowan Research Professor of Accounting at Northeastern University in Boston. He can be contacted at [email protected] This is his third HBR article. S. David Young is a professor at INSEAD in Fontainebleau, France, and the coauthor of EVA and Value-Based Management: A Practical Guide to Im- plementation (McGraw-Hill, 2001). He can be reached at [email protected] T O O L K I T • A c c o u n t i n g M i n e f i e l d s This document is authorized for use only in Kris Michaelson's ACT580-1 course at Colorado State University - Global Campus, from May 2017 to November 2017. of earnings management. Estimates can either be inflated to create hidden re- serves so that profits can be boosted in some future period to project a mis-
  • 13. leading earnings stream, or they can be diminished to enhance reported profits. Xerox has found itself in this mine- field lately; despite evidence of a grow- ing number of slow payments, the com- pany made no greater allowance for bad debts. Could someone on the board have spotted this and averted the cri- sis? Xerox’s former assistant treasurer thought so and told the Wall Street Jour- nal as much in a highly damaging story. A second common form of mischief to watch for involves overstated restruc- turing costs. Restructuring expenses are segregated from other expenses on the typical income statement. The idea is to isolate the impact of nonrecurring items on net income, thus helping the reader to better understand the prof- itability of normal, recurring business activities. But what are readers to think when restructuring charges appear for several years running? Digital, now part of Compaq, reported restructuring ex- penses for three consecutive years in the early 1990s. It seems obvious that classifying charges as nonrecurring is designed to mask management error and overstate operating (recurring) profitability. It’s become common for companies to employ a “big bath” strat- egy with their restructuring charges, making them so large as to flush out
  • 14. any possible future impact on earn- ings. And while companies are eager to highlight these nonrecurring busi- ness losses, they call far less attention to their actions when they need to re- verse restructuring charges. Heinz, for example, overestimated the costs of its restructuring in 1997 by some $25 mil- lion. When it subsequently reversed that amount, it did not disclose the fact on the face of its income statement, al- lowing the adjustment to enhance oper- ating income. The SEC took a dim view of this type of reporting. In fact, the SEC sued WR Grace for fraud in 1999 be- cause the company failed to highlight just such a reversal. And finally, managers play just as cre- atively with what’s known as “compre- hensive income.” This category, which appears in the shareholders’ equity sec- tion of the balance sheet, is designed to cover a variety of gains or losses that do not appear on the income statement because their true impact on earnings is not yet certain and irreversible. Exam- ples include gains or losses caused by translating financial statements of sub- sidiaries from local currency to the par- ent company’s currency, and unrealized gains and losses on investments in fi- nancial securities. Judgment calls are re- quired on which gains and losses should be reflected on the income statement
  • 15. and which should be captured in com- prehensive income. But there is defi- nitely an incentive to park losses in the comprehensive income category, be- cause the only income incorporated into the highly visible earnings per share figure (the basis of a company’s price- earnings ratio) is that shown on the in- come statement. For instance, in 2000, Coca-Cola added $965 million of translation losses to its comprehensive income, bringing the cumulative comprehensive loss to $2.5 billion. Indeed, as the euro’s decline in value throughout 2000 reduced the dollar earnings of U.S. companies with large European sales, many of them managed to defer the impact on earn- ings through clever use of the compre- hensive income line. A prudent director would certainly consider how such treatment affects investors’ perceptions of the business’s profitability. To discover if a company is wandering into one of these minefields, ask these pointed questions: • Are estimates for uncertain events (such as doubtful accounts and restructuring reserves) included in the financial statements?
  • 16. • Do the financial statements present a reasonable measure of current period operating expenses and revenues, with sufficient disclosure in the footnotes of these estimates and the accounting treatment? • Should gains and losses included in comprehensive income (foreign currency, investment gains and losses) and in the footnotes instead be included in the current period’s net income? MINEFIELD 3 Asset Valuation On the most basic level, an asset is some- thing that has current or intrinsic value, like cash, or that can be used to generate future revenues – such as a building that is used to produce or manufacture a product, for example, or inventory that will be sold for a profit. Assets are gen- erally carried at cost less estimated amor- tization or depreciation – and deprecia- tion requires an estimate of its useful life. But the latitude given to manage- ment in making such estimates can raise questions about motivation when esti- mates are changed. For example, Delta Airlines revised the useful life of aircraft in its fleet twice in ten years; in both cases, the change created sizable increases in reported profits. Were these adjustments moti-
  • 17. vated by any real change in the air- planes’ life spans, by a desire to match competitors’ accounting methods, or by some other reason? Companies that use accounting meth- ods to keep their research and develop- ment expenses from reducing earnings also frequently find themselves in this minefield. One common approach, in cases where an acquisition has been made, is to accelerate the write-off of all R&D in process at the acquired company. Another is to conduct R&D through in- A c c o u n t i n g M i n e f i e l d s • T O O L K I T Evidently, no one on MicroStrategy’s board asked the right questions – or what came to be called the “MicroTragedy” never would have occurred. july–august 2001 5 This document is authorized for use only in Kris Michaelson's ACT580-1 course at Colorado State University - Global Campus, from May 2017 to November 2017. vestments in partners to avoid treating the costs as current expenses. If analysts interpret such moves as being motivated by a desire to manage earnings, compa- nies can seriously damage their reputa-
  • 18. tions in the capital markets. Elan, an Irish pharmaceutical company and the sub- ject of SEC reviews, scared off some ana- lysts and investors when it used just this kind of treatment on its R&D costs. A board member at Elan would have done well to ask whether the accounting prac- tices being used by an otherwise strong company really provided a more com- plete earnings picture for shareholders. In the same spirit, you should ask the following: • Do tangible and intangible asset val- ues and write-downs of assets reflect real values and changes in value during the current period? • Are these value adjustments fully disclosed? • Is the accounting treatment consis- tent with industry and global com- petitors? If not, are the differences justifiable and adequately discussed in the financial statements? MINEFIELD 4 Derivatives The use of derivatives to manage finan- cial risk deserves careful and constant scrutiny. These complex financial in- struments were famously implicated in the downfall of Barings Bank, in the travails of Bankers Trust, and in the near bankruptcy of Orange County, Califor-
  • 19. nia – but the heightened awareness of them has not made them any easier for nonexperts to judge. Derivatives have, in fact, been usefully employed for decades to hedge risks related to commodity prices, foreign exchange fluctuations, and interest on debt. The great difficulty for board members, managers, and share- holders is in recognizing when their use introduces more risk than it mitigates. For German conglomerate Metallge- sellschaft, that risk equation came down on the wrong side. The company’s energy group had contracted with customers to sell petroleum at prices fixed in 1992 for a maximum of ten years. Because the 6 harvard business review T O O L K I T • A c c o u n t i n g M i n e f i e l d s Are You Sitting in a Minefield? Recent history has shown that businesses with the following charac- teristics are more likely to feature manipulation of company accounts. Look sharp if you’re associated with a business that falls into one of these categories: High-growth companies entering a low-growth phase. Managers
  • 20. used to a seemingly endless stream of ever higher numbers may be tempted to mask the decline in profit and sales growth. Companies that receive extensive coverage in the business and popular press (such as Priceline and Here, even small problems attract widespread media coverage, placing added pressure to manage the reporting of business results that might prove disap- pointing. New businesses where there are ambiguities about how key transac- tions are and should be measured. Companies in new industries, such as those in the Internet sector, may engage in business transactions that were uncommon in the old economy, such as the advertising barters pop- ular among Web sites. Accounting standards, which tend to be anchored in the old economy, may be silent, or at least ambiguous, on important
  • 21. transactions, thus providing corporate managers with considerable scope for manipulation. Weak control environments in which managers can manipulate re- ported financial results with relative impunity. The seriousness of this problem varies considerably from country to country, reflecting wide diversity in corporate governance, securities regulation, and reporting requirements. Companies that are followed by a small number of analysts. Less cap- ital market scrutiny of performance and corporate financial statements increases the risk for accounting manipulation to go unchecked until it eventually explodes. Companies with complex ownership and financial structures. By mak- ing key transactions less transparent, these structures give rise to related-
  • 22. party transactions and conflicts of interest. Naturally, having any one of these characteristics does not mean that a company is engaging in questionable accounting practices. But it should prompt directors to exercise special care in scrutinizing a company’s financial reporting practices. This document is authorized for use only in Kris Michaelson's ACT580-1 course at Colorado State University - Global Campus, from May 2017 to November 2017. over the company, including other busi- nesses, shareholders, directors, lenders, vendors, and customers. Disclosure of these transactions varies based on the regulatory environment and each com- pany’s policies. But investors always have an interest in knowing about them because they can allow a company to arbitrarily increase or decrease earnings or to divert profits, sometimes enriching a subgroup of shareholders or managers. Investors in the Belgian company Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products, a maker of speech recognition software,
  • 23. learned about this minefield when their shares dropped from $65 to $9 in the spring of 2000. An internal audit discov- ered that 30 customers, all start-ups and most based in Singapore, were responsi- ble for about a quarter of the company’s revenues. It turned out L&H had helped create those companies – and many had received seed money from a venture capital firm linked to L&H’s founders. The story has since featured earnings restatements, bankruptcy, and the delist- ing of L&H stock from the Nasdaq. This particular field is most heavily mined for companies that operate in countries where business practices and disclosure requirements are less regu- lated than in the United States or West- ern Europe. Some Korean companies, for example, have engaged in shady practices like purchasing assets unre- lated to their business needs for future sale at a discount to related companies or shareholders, writing off loans to friendly parties in order to move cor- porate cash to select related parties, or selling products at discounts – or above market prices – to related businesses to transfer profits between parties. Although the more egregious forms of abuse might be identified under U.S. reporting and auditing standards, the potential for manipulation is very real
  • 24. in subsidiaries of U.S. companies or in companies being considered for merg- ers or acquisitions. Even within coun- tries, though, differences in the practices and disclosures of competitors can cre- ate misleading financial results. To avoid presenting information that may lead to erroneous conclusions and faulty val- uations, investors and their representa- tives on boards should ask the following questions: • Are all significant related-party trans- actions and commitments disclosed? • What policy determines which trans- actions will be disclosed and what level of detail will be included in the financial statements? • Are there conflicts of interest that could damage or benefit specific groups of shareholders that should be disclosed? MINEFIELD 6 Information Used for Benchmarking Performance The last accounting minefield has to do with manipulating a company’s perfor- mance numbers in relation to prior pe- riods, investor expectations, and com- petitors. This minefield becomes more explosive as more businesses go global. Imagine the difficulty a U.S. telecom-
  • 25. munications business would have in comparing performance with, consider- ing acquisition of, or trying to under- stand the business model of Deutsche Telekom in Germany. According to its fi- nancial reports, prepared under German accounting rules, Deutsche Telekom’s earnings stream has risen “smoothly” – but under U.S. accounting principles, its progress has been more erratic. Using German principles, earnings nearly dou- bled from 1996 to 1997; using U.S. prin- ciples, they declined. Thus, if a U.S. com- petitor, parent, or partner experienced 50% earnings growth, that might be con- sidered poor compared to Deutsche Telekom with German accounting – or outstanding with U.S. accounting. In an increasingly global industry, should in- vestors be allowed to misunderstand this, or should it be explicitly discussed in the financial statements? A c c o u n t i n g M i n e f i e l d s • T O O L K I T company would lose money if oil prices rose, it decided to hedge away the risk by using a “stack” hedging strategy, which employs derivatives. In doing so, it stacked the deck in the opposite di- rection, so that when the price of oil suddenly declined, the losses started to mount. The situation cost the company some $1.5 billion, leading the Economist to observe: “As Chernobyl was to nuclear
  • 26. power, so Metallgesellschaft has be- come to financial derivatives.” Still, derivatives remain in wide use for all kinds of good reasons, and in many companies their potential impact on income is substantial. These compa- nies should continually scrutinize their use to ensure that the risks are managed responsibly, to determine whether real- ized and unrealized gains and losses should be included in the earnings, and to ensure that the risks and accounting treatments are clearly disclosed so that shareholders can understand their po- tential impact. How can a sharp-eyed director defend the interests of share- holders in this regard? Again, the pro- cess begins with some basic questions: • What hedging programs are in place? • To what extent are derivatives used? • Are proper safeguards in place to protect against their abuse? • What are the worst-case scenarios of the company’s use of derivatives? • Is the accounting treatment complete and in the spirit of generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP)? Is GAAP treatment sufficient to describe the business value and risks of the derivative program? MINEFIELD 5
  • 27. Related-Party Transactions Related-party transactions are those made with entities that are controlled by the company or that have control july–august 2001 7 The NYSE, Amex, and Nasdaq have all revised their requirements for listing companies, explicitly stating that some board members must be “financially literate.” This document is authorized for use only in Kris Michaelson's ACT580-1 course at Colorado State University - Global Campus, from May 2017 to November 2017. gets, and against domestic and global competitors. To serve those interests, it’s reasonable to expect board members to ask: • Are there aspects of the accounting methods used that may cause invest- ors, security analysts, compensation committees of the board, or others to under- or overassess the business’s financial performance during the current reporting period? • Are there differences between the company’s financial reports and its competitors’ that need to be disclosed?
  • 28. Financial Literacy Accounting game players are adroit, to be sure, and most investors and board members believe it takes one to know one. But it’s foolish – and dangerous – to declare oneself ignorant and hence powerless against their machinations. We don’t argue that board members and senior managers must become ex- perts on all aspects of financial report- ing. That would be an unreasonable goal. However, to be effective, board members – particularly those serving on audit committees – must have enough knowledge of financial reporting issues to draw on experts as needed and have the ability to raise key questions to de- termine whether shareholder interests 8 harvard business review are adequately protected. Indeed, it is now a formal requirement. In 1999, the NYSE, Amex, and Nasdaq all revised their requirements for listing compa- nies, explicitly stating that some board members must be “financially literate.” Financial literacy is defined as the “ability to read and understand funda- mental financial statements, including a company’s balance sheet, income state- ment, and cash flow statement.” It also requires understanding the supporting
  • 29. notes found at the back of corporate annual reports. But financial literacy ex- tends beyond comprehension of finan- cial reports. Financially literate business people can make well-reasoned judg- ments about the quality of a company’s financial reporting, the clarity of its fi- nancial disclosures, and the appropriate degree of aggressiveness or conservatism of its accounting policies. This article aims to arm more man- agers and board members with this kind of literacy – and also to remind them of their obligations. The issue facing any business is whether or not its accounting methods present a reasonable picture of earnings compared with prior periods and compared with domestic and for- eign competitors. Do yours? Reprint r0107k To place an order, call 1-800-988-0886. Microsoft is one company that be- lieves the differences should be trans- parent, so it voluntarily provides earn- ings information under several different accounting methods. Should more busi- nesses follow its lead? Naturally, the challenge is to present a fair view of financial results while not providing so much information as to damage the company’s competitive position. Equally important are the needs to
  • 30. understand the performance of a busi- ness compared with its competitors and to develop stock price-related reward sys- tems that motivate executives to excel. Performance comparisons require an understanding of how profits and assets are measured in domestic and foreign competitors. If Wal-Mart, the world’s largest retailer, wants to compare its fi- nancial performance with Carrefour, the second largest retailer, it will have to convert Carrefour’s earnings, assets, and liabilities to U.S. accounting methods – or restate its own reports using reporting policies consistent with Carrefour’s. Worldwide, companies have different reporting standards with respect to fre- quency, detail, and audit requirements, and it’s unlikely that even board mem- bers with financial backgrounds can be fully apprised of them all. But investors must be able to benchmark perfor- mance against prior periods and bud- T O O L K I T • A c c o u n t i n g M i n e f i e l d s This document is authorized for use only in Kris Michaelson's ACT580-1 course at Colorado State University - Global Campus, from May 2017 to November 2017. Case: Tread Lightly through These Accounting Minefields (critical essay) Read the Tread Lightly through These Accounting Minefields case study. This case addresses the different ways that
  • 31. companies choose to deal with the pressure created by an ever- changing economic climate. For example, managers are pressured to report sales growth figures that meet investor expectations, which can result in companies issuing misleading, and even fraudulent, financial reports. The case identifies six “minefields” where accounting abuse can take place: revenue measurement and recognition, provisions and reserves for uncertain future events or costs, asset valuation (and overvaluation), derivatives, related-party transactions, and information used for benchmarking performance. The case includes questions at the end of each accounting minefield section. Write a 5- to 6-page paper that addresses how these questions relate to the case. Include suggestions for what can be done to minimize the impacts of such activities on the financial statements (the impact is always there, but we attempt as auditors, whether internal or external, to reduce the effect to an Immaterial level). Include a description of your approach to the issues and your solutions to the problems described in the case. Your paper should meet the following requirements: · 5 to 6 pages in length, not including title and reference pages · Formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements · Include at least 3 credible outside reference sources Reference for this Critical Thinking Assignment: Sherman, H.D., & Young, S.D. (2001). Tread lightly through these accounting minefields. Harvard Business Review, 79(7), 129-135.