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Logan Hospital
Brisbane, Australia
Xiangyun "Xavier" Zhu
Understand and
apply common
scoring systems
for assessment of
Recognise and
correlate specific
MRI signs to
Form a systematic
approach to
assess for
disease on MRI
Learning Objectives
Common Scoring Systems
Common Scoring Systems
Posterior atrophy score of parietal atrophy (Koedam score) - for Alzheimer's disease (AD)
Medial temporal lobe atrophy (MTA) score - for Alzheimer's/frontotemporal dementia
Entorhinal cortical atrophy (ERICA) score - for Alzheimer's disease
Fazekas scale - for vascular dementia
Global cortical atrophy (GCA) scale - for vascular dementia/Alzheimer's disease
Case: Frank Gaillard rID: 10770
Grade 0: closed sulci, no cortical atrophy
Grade 1: mild sulci widening, mild cortical atrophy
Grade 2: moderate sulci widening, moderate cortical
Grade 3: marked sulci widening of posterior cingulate
sulcus and parieto-occipital sulcus, marked "knife
blade" cortical atrophy of parietal lobe
The Koedam score, otherwise known as the posterior
atrophy score of parietal atrophy, assesses for evidence
of Alzheimer's disease, specifically the visual variant,
posterior cortical atrophy (PCA). The parietal lobe,
posterior cingulate sulcus and parieto-occipital sulcus
are reviewed in all three planes.
Koedam Score
Koedam Score
Case: Gabrielle Matta rID: 43384
Case: Royal Melbourne Hospital Neuropsychiatry Unit
rID: 24746
Score 0: no CSF around hippocampus
Score 1: widening of choroid fissure
Score 2: also widening of temporal horn of lateral
Score 3: also moderate loss of hippocampal height
Score 4: marked increase in all above findings
< 75 years of age: score 2 or more is abnormal.
> 75 years of age: score 3 or more is abnormal.
The medial temporal lobe atrophy (MTA) score
considers three features: the width of the choroid
fissure, the width of the temporal horn, and the height
of the hippocampal formation. This score mainly
assesses for Alzheimer's disease. The sequence used is
coronal T1-weighted, through the hippocampus at the
level of the anterior pons.
MTA Score
MTA Score
Case: Bruno Di Muzio rID: 42027
Score 0: normal volume of entorhinal cortex and parahippocampal gyrus
Score 1: widening of collateral sulcus; mild atrophy of entorhinal cortex and
parahippocampal gyrus
Score 2: detachment of entorhinal cortex from cerebellar tentorium; moderate
atrophy of entorhinal cortex and parahippocampal gyrus
Score 3: wide cleft between detachment, marked atrophy of entorhinal cortex and
parahippocampal gyrus (image on right)
The entorhinal cortical atrophy
(ERICA) score is used to identify
Alzheimer's disease in its early
stages, even prior to visible
changes of the hippocampus. It is
assessed in the coronal plane, at
the level of the mammillary bodies.
Score 2 or 3 suggests
Alzheimer's disease, with a
sensitivity of 83% and
specificity of 98%
Case: Frank Gaillard rID: 40748 Case: Frank Gaillard rID: 22196
Deep white matter
Fazekas 0 - none
Fazekas 1 - punctate lesion
Fazekas 2 - beginning confluence (bridging)
Fazekas 3 - large confluent lesions
The Fazekas scale quantifies the amount of white
matter hyperintensities in the brain that can be
attributed to chronic small vessel ischemia.
Specifically, it is the white matter change in deep white
matter that is important in assessing for vascular
dementia. The best sequence is T2-weighted images.
Fazekas Scale
Fazekas Scale
Case: Bruno Di Muzio rID: 36927
White matter hyperintensities are often found in
vascular dementia, but can also be a part of normal
aging (Fazekas 1 is generally normal in elderly, while 2
and 3 are pathological).
Score 0: normal sulci size or no ventricular
Score 1: wider sulci or mild ventricular enlargement
Score 2: volume loss of gyri or moderate ventricular
Score 3: severe volume loss of gyri "knife blade" or
severe ventricular enlargement
The global cortical atrophy (GCA) scale assesses the
sulcal and ventricular dilatation in the following regions:
frontal, parieto-occipital, temporal, and third ventricle.
The score gives an indication of general cerebral atrophy.
It is important to note that some neurodegenerative
disorders have asymmetry or region specific atrophy,
such as frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD).
GCA Scale
GCA Scale
Case: Frank Gaillard rID: 10738
Disease Summary (1)
Disease Summary (1)
MTA and ERICA scores; often associated with cerebral amyloid angiopathy
Classically, elderly with progressive short term memory loss (especially antegrade)
Treatment: cholinesterase inhibitors and NMDA receptor antagonists
Clinical significance of early identification includes advance care planning and
potential use of disease modifying treatments to slow progression (monoclonal
Alzheimer's Disease
Koedam score
"visual variant" Alzheimer, where patients are typically
younger (50-65 years) and have more pronounced
visual symptoms (apraxia especially)
Treatment is same as Alzheimer disease, with
nonpharmacological visual aids playing a key role
Posterior Cortical Atrophy
Disease Summary (2)
Disease Summary (2)
2 main variants: behavioural and language. This reflects the typical presentation, and
location of anatomical abnormality on scans (frontal lobe area for behaviour and
temporal lobe area/Broca's/Wernicke's areas for language)
Typically asymmetric atrophy L>R
Treatment is mainly symptomatic control, and also nonpharmacological management
(speech pathology for instance)
Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration
Fazekas Scale, largely symmetric deep white matter lesions
(however not perfectly symmetric). Perfectly symmetric
white matter changes favour leukodystrophies and toxic
encephalopathies, while completely random white matter
changes are suggestive of diseases such as multiple
sclerosis, vasculitis or metastatic lesions
Usually has temporal lobe sparing (in contrast to CADASIL)
Typically there is stepwise clinical deterioration
Clinical significance of early identification is vascular risk
factor optimisation
Vascular Dementia
Hummingbird sign - progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP)
Mickey Mouse sign - progressive supranuclear palsy
Hot cross bun sign - multiple system atrophy, cerebellar type (MSA-C)
Bright putaminal rim sign - multiple system atrophy, parkinsonian type (MSA-P)
Mammillary body high T2 - Wernicke encephalopathy
Hockey stick sign - Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease (CJD)
Caudate head atrophy - Huntington's disease
Specific Sign Correlations
Specific Sign Correlations
Case: Frank Gaillard rID: 13007
Hummingbird Sign
Hummingbird Sign
Case: Prashant Gupta rID: 18863 Case: Craig Hacking rID: 76531
The appearance of the brainstem in progressive supranuclear palsy typically resembles a hummingbird.
This sign arises from atrophy of the midbrain (the "head") with a normal structure of the pons (the "body").
In progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), there is atrophy of the midbrain, causing reduction in the
anteroposterior midline midbrain diameter (<12 mm), with a deep interpeduncular cistern and
concavity of the lateral margin of the midbrain. This Mickey Mouse sign appears in the axial view at
the level of the superior colliculi.
Mickey Mouse Sign
Mickey Mouse Sign
Case: Roberto Schubert rID: 16914
Normal axial MRI
PSP axial MRI
Case: Bruno Di Muzio rID: 41113
Putaminal Rim
Putaminal Rim
Sign - MSA-P
Sign - MSA-P
Multiple system atrophy - parkinsonian type (MSA-P), can
manifest with T2 hyperintensity of the lateral putamen
border; the bright putaminal rim sign. It is important to
note that this sign may be normal in 3T MRI, but not in 1.5T.
Hot Cross Bun
Hot Cross Bun
Sign - MSA-C
Sign - MSA-C
Classically, multiple system atrophy - cerebellar type
(MSA-C), can manifest with degeneration and T2
hyperintensity of the transverse pontocerebellar tracts
and median pontine raphe nuclei. This causes a
characteristic cross appearance on the axial view of the
pons; the hot cross bun sign.
Case: Frank Gaillard rID: 5465 Case: Andrew Dixon rID: 14451
In Wernicke encephalopathy, there is abnormally increased signal intensity of
the mammillary bodies on T2 MRI compared to normal.
Mammillary Body High T2
Mammillary Body High T2
Case: Frank Gaillard rID: 42777 Case: Yves Leonard Voss rID: 56413
Normal MRI T2 Sequence MRI T2 Sequence of Wernicke encephalopathy
The appearance of the thalamic
nuclei in Creutzfeldt-Jakob
disease typically resembles a
hockey stick. This sign arises from
hyperintensity of the pulvinar
thalamic nuclei and the
dorsomedial thalamic nuclei.
Hyperintensity of the pulvinar
thalamic nuclei ONLY is aptly
named the pulvinar sign
Hockey Stick
Hockey Stick
Case: Bruno Di Muzio rID: 39311
Case: Brad Hayhow rID: 43970
Case: Daniel J Bell rID: 57294
Normal MRI FLAIR Sequence
MRI FLAIR Sequence of
Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease
In Huntington's disease, there is atrophy of the caudate head. This is quantified by measuring the
frontal horn width (FH), intercaudate distance (CC) and inner table width (IT), on the same axial
plane as the anterior commissure - posterior commissure line.
FH: distance between the lateral margins of the frontal horns. CC: closest distance between caudate
heads. IT: distance between inner table of the skull.
Huntington's disease case: CC/IT = 0.26.
Normal CC/IT ratio is 0.09 - 0.12
Huntington's disease case: FH/CC = 1.46.
Normal FH/CC ratio is 2.2 - 2.6
Caudate Head Atrophy
Caudate Head Atrophy
Case: Ammar Haouimi rID: 98523
Case: Frank Gaillard rID: 10768 Case: Ammar Haouimi rID: 98523
Disease Summary (3)
Disease Summary (3)
Hummingbird and Mickey Mouse sign
Classic presentation is of cognitive decline with abnormal eye movements (especially
upward gaze paralysis) and parkinsonian symptoms
Treatment is symptomatic, for example with parkinsonian symptoms, L-Dopa can be used
Progress Supranuclear Palsy
Two main types -> MSA-P and MSA-C
MSA-P: putaminal rim sign, T2 signal in globus pallidus>putamen (opposite
to normal), parkinsonian symptoms
MSA-C: hot cross bun sign, cerebellar atrophy, symptoms of cerebellar
dysfunction (eg. ataxia)
Treatment for both is symptomatic management. Again with parkinsonian
symptoms, L-Dopa can be trialed. Physical and occupational therapy is
important for cerebellar symptoms, especially ataxia
Multiple System Atrophy
Disease Summary (4)
Disease Summary (4)
T2 hyperintensity of mammillary body, and also dorsomedial thalami and midbrain
Classically presents with confusion, ataxia and visual disturbance, commonly in the
context of alcohol use/malnutrition contributing to thiamine deficiency
Treatment is with thiamine replacement
Clinical significance of early detection is prevention of Korsakoff syndrome
Wernicke Encephalopathy
Caudate head atrophy; FH/CC<2.2 and CC/IT>0.12
Classically choreiform movements, dementia, psychiatric disturbance,
rigidity, hypokinesia
No treatment options, progressive decline
Clinical significance: familial inheritance - autosomal dominant
Huntington's Disease
Hockey stick sign, DWI hyperintensity (cortical, basal ganglia)
Rapidly progressive cognitive decline
No treatment options
Clinical significance: infection control; notifiable condition
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
T1 Sagittal
Axial FLAIR & T2
1) Corpus callosum
Anterior half should be thicker than posterior half. If not,
consider frontal lobe atrophy
2) Midbrain and pons
PSP: hummingbird sign
MSA-C: disproportionate atrophy in cerebellum and
Note: MSA-P is disproportionate atrophy in putamen instead
3) Medial surfaces of frontal, parietal, occipital
AD: Koedam score (parietal lobe/precuneus, posterior
cingulate sulcus, parieto-occipital sulcus); hippocampal
FTLD: anterior-posterior sulcal size (larger anteriorly)
4) Lateral surfaces
General regional atrophy
Systematic Approach
Systematic Approach
T1 Sagittal
Axial FLAIR & T2
1) MTA score and ERICA score
Size of hippocampus and surrounding fissures
2) Symmetry in atrophy
4) Region of atrophy
FTLD: more frontal and temporal lobe involvement
AD: more hippocampus and parahippocampal gyrus involvement
3) Anterior vs posterior atrophy
5) Mammillary body size, signal, symmetry
FTLD: anterior atrophy > posterior
Wernicke encephalopathy: atrophy, high T2 signal, symmetry
Systematic Approach
Systematic Approach
T1 Sagittal
Axial FLAIR & T2
1) General gyral atrophy and sulcus size
GCA scale and Koedam score
2) Basal ganglia and surrounding structures
Huntington's disease: caudate head atrophy
MSA-P: putaminal rim sign
Wernicke encephalopathy: hyperintensity in mammillary
bodies symmetrically; also in medial thalamus
CJD: hockey stick sign
3) Posterior fossa
MSA-C: hot cross bun sign of pons
PSP: Mickey mouse sign of midbrain
4) White matter T2 hyperintensities
Vascular dementia/chronic small vessel ischaemia - Fazekas
5) Previous infarcts, assess intracranial arteries
Systematic Approach
Systematic Approach
T1 Sagittal
Axial FLAIR & T2
1) Peripheral microhaemorrhages
Suggestive of cerebral amyloid angiopathy which is
associated with AD
2) Central microhaemorrhages
Suggestive of chronic hypertensive encephalopathy
Systematic Approach
Systematic Approach
1) CJD
Hyperintensity in cerebral grey matter (cortex, basal ganglia,
2) Acute ischaemic stroke
Scoring systems
Koedam Score
MTA Score
Fazekas Scale
GCA Scale
Specific signs
Hummingbird sign
Mickey mouse sign
Hot cross bun sign
Putaminal rim sign
Mammillary body T2
Hockey stick sign
Caudate head atrophy
T1 sagittal
Axial FLAIR and T2
Take Home Points
1) Enkirch S, Traschütz A, Müller A et al. The ERICA Score: An MR Imaging–based Visual Scoring System for the
Assessment of Entorhinal Cortex Atrophy in Alzheimer Disease. Radiology. 2018;288(1):226-333.
2) Perneczky R, Jessen F, Grimmer T et al. Anti-Amyloid Antibody Therapies in Alzheimer’s Disease. Brain.
2023;146(3):842-9. doi:10.1093/brain/awad005
3) Wei-Hsing Lee, Chau-Chin Lee, Woei-Cherng Shyu, Pau-Nyen Chong, Shinn-Zong Lin. Hyperintense Putaminal Rim
Sign Is Not a Hallmark of Multiple System Atrophy at 3T. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2005;26(9):2238-42.

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Papel de la resonancia magnética en las enfermedades neurodegenerativas.pdf

  • 2. Understand and apply common scoring systems for assessment of dementia 1 Recognise and correlate specific MRI signs to neurodegenerative diseases 2 Form a systematic approach to assess for neurodegenerative disease on MRI 3 Learning Objectives
  • 3. Common Scoring Systems Common Scoring Systems Posterior atrophy score of parietal atrophy (Koedam score) - for Alzheimer's disease (AD) Medial temporal lobe atrophy (MTA) score - for Alzheimer's/frontotemporal dementia Entorhinal cortical atrophy (ERICA) score - for Alzheimer's disease Fazekas scale - for vascular dementia Global cortical atrophy (GCA) scale - for vascular dementia/Alzheimer's disease Case: Frank Gaillard rID: 10770
  • 4. Grade 0: closed sulci, no cortical atrophy Grade 1: mild sulci widening, mild cortical atrophy Grade 2: moderate sulci widening, moderate cortical atrophy Grade 3: marked sulci widening of posterior cingulate sulcus and parieto-occipital sulcus, marked "knife blade" cortical atrophy of parietal lobe The Koedam score, otherwise known as the posterior atrophy score of parietal atrophy, assesses for evidence of Alzheimer's disease, specifically the visual variant, posterior cortical atrophy (PCA). The parietal lobe, posterior cingulate sulcus and parieto-occipital sulcus are reviewed in all three planes. Koedam Score Koedam Score Case: Gabrielle Matta rID: 43384 Case: Royal Melbourne Hospital Neuropsychiatry Unit rID: 24746
  • 5. Score 0: no CSF around hippocampus Score 1: widening of choroid fissure Score 2: also widening of temporal horn of lateral ventricle Score 3: also moderate loss of hippocampal height Score 4: marked increase in all above findings < 75 years of age: score 2 or more is abnormal. > 75 years of age: score 3 or more is abnormal. The medial temporal lobe atrophy (MTA) score considers three features: the width of the choroid fissure, the width of the temporal horn, and the height of the hippocampal formation. This score mainly assesses for Alzheimer's disease. The sequence used is coronal T1-weighted, through the hippocampus at the level of the anterior pons. MTA Score MTA Score Case: Bruno Di Muzio rID: 42027
  • 6. Score 0: normal volume of entorhinal cortex and parahippocampal gyrus Score 1: widening of collateral sulcus; mild atrophy of entorhinal cortex and parahippocampal gyrus Score 2: detachment of entorhinal cortex from cerebellar tentorium; moderate atrophy of entorhinal cortex and parahippocampal gyrus Score 3: wide cleft between detachment, marked atrophy of entorhinal cortex and parahippocampal gyrus (image on right) The entorhinal cortical atrophy (ERICA) score is used to identify Alzheimer's disease in its early stages, even prior to visible changes of the hippocampus. It is assessed in the coronal plane, at the level of the mammillary bodies. Score 2 or 3 suggests Alzheimer's disease, with a sensitivity of 83% and specificity of 98% ERICA Score ERICA Score Case: Frank Gaillard rID: 40748 Case: Frank Gaillard rID: 22196 1
  • 7. Deep white matter Fazekas 0 - none Fazekas 1 - punctate lesion Fazekas 2 - beginning confluence (bridging) Fazekas 3 - large confluent lesions The Fazekas scale quantifies the amount of white matter hyperintensities in the brain that can be attributed to chronic small vessel ischemia. Specifically, it is the white matter change in deep white matter that is important in assessing for vascular dementia. The best sequence is T2-weighted images. Fazekas Scale Fazekas Scale Case: Bruno Di Muzio rID: 36927 White matter hyperintensities are often found in vascular dementia, but can also be a part of normal aging (Fazekas 1 is generally normal in elderly, while 2 and 3 are pathological).
  • 8. Score 0: normal sulci size or no ventricular enlargement Score 1: wider sulci or mild ventricular enlargement Score 2: volume loss of gyri or moderate ventricular enlargement Score 3: severe volume loss of gyri "knife blade" or severe ventricular enlargement The global cortical atrophy (GCA) scale assesses the sulcal and ventricular dilatation in the following regions: frontal, parieto-occipital, temporal, and third ventricle. The score gives an indication of general cerebral atrophy. It is important to note that some neurodegenerative disorders have asymmetry or region specific atrophy, such as frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD). GCA Scale GCA Scale Case: Frank Gaillard rID: 10738
  • 9. Disease Summary (1) Disease Summary (1) MTA and ERICA scores; often associated with cerebral amyloid angiopathy Classically, elderly with progressive short term memory loss (especially antegrade) Treatment: cholinesterase inhibitors and NMDA receptor antagonists Clinical significance of early identification includes advance care planning and potential use of disease modifying treatments to slow progression (monoclonal antibodies) Alzheimer's Disease Koedam score "visual variant" Alzheimer, where patients are typically younger (50-65 years) and have more pronounced visual symptoms (apraxia especially) Treatment is same as Alzheimer disease, with nonpharmacological visual aids playing a key role Posterior Cortical Atrophy 2
  • 10. Disease Summary (2) Disease Summary (2) 2 main variants: behavioural and language. This reflects the typical presentation, and location of anatomical abnormality on scans (frontal lobe area for behaviour and temporal lobe area/Broca's/Wernicke's areas for language) Typically asymmetric atrophy L>R Treatment is mainly symptomatic control, and also nonpharmacological management (speech pathology for instance) Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration Fazekas Scale, largely symmetric deep white matter lesions (however not perfectly symmetric). Perfectly symmetric white matter changes favour leukodystrophies and toxic encephalopathies, while completely random white matter changes are suggestive of diseases such as multiple sclerosis, vasculitis or metastatic lesions Usually has temporal lobe sparing (in contrast to CADASIL) Typically there is stepwise clinical deterioration Clinical significance of early identification is vascular risk factor optimisation Vascular Dementia
  • 11. Hummingbird sign - progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) Mickey Mouse sign - progressive supranuclear palsy Hot cross bun sign - multiple system atrophy, cerebellar type (MSA-C) Bright putaminal rim sign - multiple system atrophy, parkinsonian type (MSA-P) Mammillary body high T2 - Wernicke encephalopathy Hockey stick sign - Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease (CJD) Caudate head atrophy - Huntington's disease Specific Sign Correlations Specific Sign Correlations Case: Frank Gaillard rID: 13007
  • 12. Hummingbird Sign Hummingbird Sign Case: Prashant Gupta rID: 18863 Case: Craig Hacking rID: 76531 The appearance of the brainstem in progressive supranuclear palsy typically resembles a hummingbird. This sign arises from atrophy of the midbrain (the "head") with a normal structure of the pons (the "body").
  • 13. In progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), there is atrophy of the midbrain, causing reduction in the anteroposterior midline midbrain diameter (<12 mm), with a deep interpeduncular cistern and concavity of the lateral margin of the midbrain. This Mickey Mouse sign appears in the axial view at the level of the superior colliculi. Mickey Mouse Sign Mickey Mouse Sign Case: Roberto Schubert rID: 16914 Normal axial MRI FLAIR PSP axial MRI FLAIR Case: Bruno Di Muzio rID: 41113
  • 14. Putaminal Rim Putaminal Rim Sign - MSA-P Sign - MSA-P Multiple system atrophy - parkinsonian type (MSA-P), can manifest with T2 hyperintensity of the lateral putamen border; the bright putaminal rim sign. It is important to note that this sign may be normal in 3T MRI, but not in 1.5T. Hot Cross Bun Hot Cross Bun Sign - MSA-C Sign - MSA-C Classically, multiple system atrophy - cerebellar type (MSA-C), can manifest with degeneration and T2 hyperintensity of the transverse pontocerebellar tracts and median pontine raphe nuclei. This causes a characteristic cross appearance on the axial view of the pons; the hot cross bun sign. Case: Frank Gaillard rID: 5465 Case: Andrew Dixon rID: 14451 3
  • 15. In Wernicke encephalopathy, there is abnormally increased signal intensity of the mammillary bodies on T2 MRI compared to normal. Mammillary Body High T2 Mammillary Body High T2 Case: Frank Gaillard rID: 42777 Case: Yves Leonard Voss rID: 56413 Normal MRI T2 Sequence MRI T2 Sequence of Wernicke encephalopathy
  • 16. The appearance of the thalamic nuclei in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease typically resembles a hockey stick. This sign arises from hyperintensity of the pulvinar thalamic nuclei and the dorsomedial thalamic nuclei. Hyperintensity of the pulvinar thalamic nuclei ONLY is aptly named the pulvinar sign Hockey Stick Hockey Stick Sign Sign Case: Bruno Di Muzio rID: 39311 Case: Brad Hayhow rID: 43970 Case: Daniel J Bell rID: 57294 Normal MRI FLAIR Sequence MRI FLAIR Sequence of Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease
  • 17. In Huntington's disease, there is atrophy of the caudate head. This is quantified by measuring the frontal horn width (FH), intercaudate distance (CC) and inner table width (IT), on the same axial plane as the anterior commissure - posterior commissure line. FH: distance between the lateral margins of the frontal horns. CC: closest distance between caudate heads. IT: distance between inner table of the skull. Huntington's disease case: CC/IT = 0.26. Normal CC/IT ratio is 0.09 - 0.12 Huntington's disease case: FH/CC = 1.46. Normal FH/CC ratio is 2.2 - 2.6 Caudate Head Atrophy Caudate Head Atrophy Case: Ammar Haouimi rID: 98523 Case: Frank Gaillard rID: 10768 Case: Ammar Haouimi rID: 98523
  • 18. Disease Summary (3) Disease Summary (3) Hummingbird and Mickey Mouse sign Classic presentation is of cognitive decline with abnormal eye movements (especially upward gaze paralysis) and parkinsonian symptoms Treatment is symptomatic, for example with parkinsonian symptoms, L-Dopa can be used Progress Supranuclear Palsy Two main types -> MSA-P and MSA-C MSA-P: putaminal rim sign, T2 signal in globus pallidus>putamen (opposite to normal), parkinsonian symptoms MSA-C: hot cross bun sign, cerebellar atrophy, symptoms of cerebellar dysfunction (eg. ataxia) Treatment for both is symptomatic management. Again with parkinsonian symptoms, L-Dopa can be trialed. Physical and occupational therapy is important for cerebellar symptoms, especially ataxia Multiple System Atrophy
  • 19. Disease Summary (4) Disease Summary (4) T2 hyperintensity of mammillary body, and also dorsomedial thalami and midbrain Classically presents with confusion, ataxia and visual disturbance, commonly in the context of alcohol use/malnutrition contributing to thiamine deficiency Treatment is with thiamine replacement Clinical significance of early detection is prevention of Korsakoff syndrome Wernicke Encephalopathy Caudate head atrophy; FH/CC<2.2 and CC/IT>0.12 Classically choreiform movements, dementia, psychiatric disturbance, rigidity, hypokinesia No treatment options, progressive decline Clinical significance: familial inheritance - autosomal dominant Huntington's Disease Hockey stick sign, DWI hyperintensity (cortical, basal ganglia) Rapidly progressive cognitive decline No treatment options Clinical significance: infection control; notifiable condition Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
  • 20. T1 Sagittal Coronal Axial FLAIR & T2 T2* DWI 1) Corpus callosum Anterior half should be thicker than posterior half. If not, consider frontal lobe atrophy 2) Midbrain and pons PSP: hummingbird sign MSA-C: disproportionate atrophy in cerebellum and brainstem Note: MSA-P is disproportionate atrophy in putamen instead 3) Medial surfaces of frontal, parietal, occipital lobes AD: Koedam score (parietal lobe/precuneus, posterior cingulate sulcus, parieto-occipital sulcus); hippocampal volume FTLD: anterior-posterior sulcal size (larger anteriorly) 4) Lateral surfaces General regional atrophy Systematic Approach Systematic Approach
  • 21. T1 Sagittal Coronal Axial FLAIR & T2 T2* DWI 1) MTA score and ERICA score Size of hippocampus and surrounding fissures 2) Symmetry in atrophy FTLD: L>R AD: L=R 4) Region of atrophy FTLD: more frontal and temporal lobe involvement AD: more hippocampus and parahippocampal gyrus involvement 3) Anterior vs posterior atrophy 5) Mammillary body size, signal, symmetry FTLD: anterior atrophy > posterior Wernicke encephalopathy: atrophy, high T2 signal, symmetry Systematic Approach Systematic Approach
  • 22. T1 Sagittal Coronal Axial FLAIR & T2 T2* DWI 1) General gyral atrophy and sulcus size GCA scale and Koedam score 2) Basal ganglia and surrounding structures Huntington's disease: caudate head atrophy MSA-P: putaminal rim sign Wernicke encephalopathy: hyperintensity in mammillary bodies symmetrically; also in medial thalamus CJD: hockey stick sign 3) Posterior fossa MSA-C: hot cross bun sign of pons PSP: Mickey mouse sign of midbrain 4) White matter T2 hyperintensities Vascular dementia/chronic small vessel ischaemia - Fazekas scale 5) Previous infarcts, assess intracranial arteries Systematic Approach Systematic Approach
  • 23. T1 Sagittal Coronal Axial FLAIR & T2 T2* DWI 1) Peripheral microhaemorrhages Suggestive of cerebral amyloid angiopathy which is associated with AD 2) Central microhaemorrhages Suggestive of chronic hypertensive encephalopathy Systematic Approach Systematic Approach DWI T2* 1) CJD Hyperintensity in cerebral grey matter (cortex, basal ganglia, thalamus) 2) Acute ischaemic stroke
  • 24. Scoring systems Koedam Score MTA Score ERICA Score Fazekas Scale GCA Scale 1 Specific signs Hummingbird sign Mickey mouse sign Hot cross bun sign Putaminal rim sign Mammillary body T2 Hockey stick sign Caudate head atrophy 2 Approach T1 sagittal Coronal Axial FLAIR and T2 T2* DWI 3 Take Home Points
  • 25. References 1) Enkirch S, Traschütz A, Müller A et al. The ERICA Score: An MR Imaging–based Visual Scoring System for the Assessment of Entorhinal Cortex Atrophy in Alzheimer Disease. Radiology. 2018;288(1):226-333. doi:10.1148/radiol.2018171888 2) Perneczky R, Jessen F, Grimmer T et al. Anti-Amyloid Antibody Therapies in Alzheimer’s Disease. Brain. 2023;146(3):842-9. doi:10.1093/brain/awad005 3) Wei-Hsing Lee, Chau-Chin Lee, Woei-Cherng Shyu, Pau-Nyen Chong, Shinn-Zong Lin. Hyperintense Putaminal Rim Sign Is Not a Hallmark of Multiple System Atrophy at 3T. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2005;26(9):2238-42.