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Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets
Paleo Diet Discoveries
Discover The Secrets Of The Paleo Diet 1
Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets
The Paleo Diet Made Simple...........................................3
What's On The Menu? Allowed Foods............................6
Paleo Diet Benefits.........................................................9
Paleo Diet Rules and Guidelines...................................15
To Market, To Market: The Paleo Shopping List............19
Get Started With Your Paleo Diet Plan! ........................23
Recommended Resource..............................................25
Copyright 2013 -
By reading this document, you assume all risks
associated with using the advice given below, with a full
understanding that you, solely, are responsible for
anything that may occur as a result of putting this
information into action in any way, and regardless of
your interpretation of the advice. 2
Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets
The Paleo Diet Made Simple
Our Paleolithic ancestors hunted and
gathered food out of necessity and for
survival. In today's western culture food has
become more of an entertainment hobby.
For some people food has become a source of
comfort. For the most part, foods are
ingested with little regard to nutritious
The Paleo Diet Discoveries report will
explain various aspects of the Paleo diet. This
will include some basic history, benefits of
the diet plan and also provide you with tips
that can make your experience successful.
The Paleo Diet -- also known as the
Paleolithic diet and Caveman Diet. As a diet,
it's relatively simple -- stop eating grains,
legumes and processed foods and start
eating the foods eaten by our Paleolithic
ancestors. 3
Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets
During the Paleolithic Age which spanned
some 2.6 million years, our human ancestors
were hunters and gatherers. Then, about
10,000 year ago, humans discovered
Around the time, grains and legumes
became a large part of our diets. As a result,
humans began eating less wild animal meat,
fruit and vegetables. What makes this so
notable is that 10,000 years represents a
rather abrupt change in diet.
The scientific consensus is that our genetics
are not tuned to this newly discovered
agriculture based diet. During the early
1970's, Walter L. Voegtlin, a
Gastroenterologist publicized a paper
claiming that the human body was not
accustomed to grain foods. He was also of
the opinion that after only 10,000 years
humans have not had the time to genetically
accommodate the proper digestion of grains,
legumes and processed foods.
Later in 1989, Swedish scientist and doctor,
Staffan Lindeberg surveyed and researched a 4
Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets
Papua New Guinea tribe that practiced a
Paleolithic lifestyle. The tribe's diet consisted
exclusively of root vegetables (yam, sweet
potato, taro, tapioca), fruit (banana, papaya,
pineapple, mango, guava, water melon,
pumpkin), vegetables, fish and coconuts.
The results of Dr. Lindeberg's studies were
published in his Kitava papers. This study is
one of many that prove the benefits of
Paleolithic diets. Basically, the study showed
that the inhabitants of the island of Kitava
did not suffer from heart diseases,
hypertension, diabetes, obesity, gout, acne
and many other ailments common to much
of the human population.
The Paleo diet is designed to bring us as
close as possible to the early Paleolithic diets
and eating habits. It endeavors to remove
anti-nutrients and other harmful
compounds that so heavily permeate the
foods we eat today. 5
Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets
What's On The Menu? Allowed Foods
The following information will give you a
good idea of what you can eat once you
commit to a Paleo diet. Such knowledge will
help you better set your expectations and
prepare you for your dietary shift.
Let me first touch on the foods that are not
allowed. All processed foods are to be
avoided when following the Paleo diet plan.
This includes process meats, processed oils,
seed oils, processed grains, GMO's and other
processed or modified foods.
Other foods on the avoidance list include
white potatoes, sugars, salt, dairy foods
(milk, cheese), beans, legumes, and grains.
Walk through any supermarket and you will
quickly find that over 90% of the foods on
the shelves are over-processed and devoid of
living nutrients.
Allowed foods under this diet include lean
meats, fish, shellfish, eggs, vegetables, fruit,
roots, berries, fruits, nuts (chestnuts, 6
Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets
hazelnuts, macadamia, pecans, walnuts),
mushrooms, and the like.
It's important that the meats you eat be wild
game whenever possible. If you can't access
wild game, look for meat from grass fed
animals. Bone marrow and organ meats may
also be included in meal plans. These type
meats will ensure that you get a balanced
mix of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.
Certain types of oils are also allowed with
this diet. They include oils derived from tree
nuts and fruits; such as avocado, olive, palm,
almond, pecan, hazelnut, coconut, walnut
and macadamia.
The only beverage that is allowed with the
Paleo diet is water. It is recommended that
you drink only when thirsty and spring water
or filtered water should be preferred over
chemically treated water the contains
chlorine or fluoride.
If you adhere fully to the Paleo diet, you will
find yourself eating foods that are
nutritionally dense. In most cases, vitamin 7
Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets
and mineral supplements are generally not
One exception regarding after-market
vitamins is vitamin D. If you do not get out
much in order to take advantage of sunlight.
Eating liver meat regularly can also remedy
the lack of vitamin D. Another exception
would be Omega-3 oil for those who do not
or can not eat fish.
As you can see, the paleolithic diet
emphasizes the importance of eating whole
foods that are high in vitamins and minerals
and low in anti-nutrients. Anti-nutrients are
any natural or synthetic compound that
interferes with the absorption of nutrients. 8
Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets
Paleo Diet Benefits
The basic Paleo diet is not for the faint of
heart. Unlike most diets that focus on weight
loss, the Paleo diet represents a lifestyle
change. Luckily, the diet is flexible and can
be modified so that you can ease into it by
taking dietary baby steps.
These baby steps might include things like
initially giving up only breads and wheat
grains. After successfully abstaining for one
month, you could move on to giving up and
replacing another disallowed food.
Or maybe you would like to start by eating a
100% Paleo foods with the option of eating a
few "old-food" meals. Either way, the
ultimate goal is to eat all Paleo all the time.
As far as the benefits go -- there are many. It
has been proven time and again that the
immense benefits derived from following
this diet, far outweigh the sacrifices. One of
the primary benefits is that you will generally
experience better overall health and vigor. 9
Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets
The following seven fundamental
characteristics of hunter-gatherer diets will
help to optimize your health, minimize your
risk of chronic disease, and lose weight.
1. High Protein Intake
Approximately 15% of the calories in the
average western diet consists of protein. The
Paleolithic hunter-gatherer diet consists of
19% to 35% protein. For this reason, the
modern Paleo diet staple items consists of
lean meats, seafood and other animal
2. Low Carbohydrate Intake and Low
Glycemic Index
On the modern Paleo diet, fresh fruit and
vegetables provide 35% to 45% of the
carbohydrate calories. Nearly all fruit and
vegetables have low glycemic indices,
meaning they digest slowly and do not cause
spikes in blood sugar levels.
3. High Fiber Intake 10
Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets
Dietary fiber is an essential element for good
health. While marketers push whole grains
as the solution to fiber, it should be noted
that non-starchy vegetables contain eight
times the fiber of whole grains. As for refined
grains, vegetable have 31 times more fiber.
Fruit generally contain twice as much fiber as
whole grain and seven times as much fiber as
refined grains.
4. High Potassium and Low Sodium
Unprocessed, fresh foods naturally contain 5
to 10 times more potassium than sodium.
The bodies of our Paleolithic ancestors were
adapted to this ratio.
Potassium is required for the heart, kidneys,
and other organs to work properly. Low
potassium is associated with high blood
pressure, heart disease, and stroke – the
same problems linked to excessive dietary
sodium. Today, the average American
consumes about twice as much sodium as
potassium. 11
Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets
5. Better Regulation of Fats
The foods you eat on the Paleo diet will
provide you with these fats balanced with
Omega-3 and Omega-6 fats. You will cut
your trans fat and Omega-6 polyunsaturated
fats. In turn you will increase your intake of
healthful monounsaturated and Omega-3
6. Better Dietary Alkaline/Acid Balance
Once foods are digested, they present a net
acid or net alkaline load on the kidneys.
Meats, fish, cheese, salt, grains, legumes and
the like are net acid producers. Fruit and
vegetables are net alkaline producers.
A lifetime diet of excessive acid producing
foods can lead to bone loss, muscle loss, high
blood pressure, risk of kidney stones and
various other ailments. Adherence to the
Paleo diet can reverse this acid state.
7. Greater Intake of Vitamins, Minerals,
Antioxidants, and Plant Phytochemicals 12
Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets
Processed foods and whole grains are
substitute for free ranging meats, fresh fruit
and vegetables. The latter contain vitamin C,
vitamin A and B12 vitamins that are easily
absorbed by the body. The can not be said for
the synthetic vitamins found in whole grains
and processed foods.
The results of these benefits will manifest
themselves in many ways. They are as
• Optimal weight management
(effortless weight loss),
• clearer, acne-free skin,
• experience greater energy,
• greater stamina,
• grow stronger bones and muscle,
• reduced stress levels,
• digest foods more efficiently, 13
Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets
• develop a greater sex drive,
• increased fertility in women,
• increased virility in men,
...and many, many more health benefits.
All the above benefits and results have been
reported by thousands of people to switched
to a Paleo diet. Make the commitment and
report your own unique benefit. 14
Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets
Paleo Diet Rules and Guidelines
Like other diet plans, the Paleo diet has
guidelines. The purpose of these guidelines
(rules) are to keep you on point. Below are 15
rules and guidelines of the Paleo diet.
1. You should include moderate amounts of
animal protein, low amounts of
carbohydrates, and healthful fats in your
meal plans. Portion control and counting
calories is not necessary or recommended.
2. Saturated fats such as coconut oil may be
eaten in unlimited quantities. Duck fat, beef
tallow, and lard can also be used, but only if
they come from grass fed animals. Olive,
macadamia and avocado oil are also good to
use as fats.
3. Animal protein may be eaten in generous
portion sizes. These include organ meats,
wild game, red meat, eggs, pork, poultry, and
fish. Cooking with the bones in place makes
the meat more tender, juicy, and tasty, and
can also make great tasting stock. 15
Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets
4. Eat plenty of vegetables either raw or
cooked with some type of fat. A starch such
as a sweet potato can provide non-toxic
carbohydrates that provide clean energy.
5. Eat low to moderate amounts of fruit and
nuts. Low sugar fruits such as berries, and
nuts that contain omega 3 fatty acids are
best. Eliminate fruit and nuts completely if
you are trying to lose weight.
6. Choose meat that is grass fed from local
farms in your area. If you choose lean cuts of
meat, add fats when cooking.
7. Do not eat legumes, or grains. This means
eliminating oats, corn, rice, soy, barley,
beans, rye, peanuts, and wheat from your
8. Do not use partially hydrogenated or fully
hydrogenated vegetable oils. Including...
canola oil, peanut oil, soybean oil,
margarine, corn oil, sunflower oil, or
safflower oil. 16
Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets
9. Do not eat sugary foods such as processed
foods, prepackaged foods, fruit juices, soft
drinks, or sugar.
10. Do not eat dairy products, except for
regular butter if you cannot do without.
11. Eat only when you are hungry, and do not
worry if you find you are skipping meals.
There is no need to eat three defined meals
each day.
12. Try to reduce or eliminate as much stress
in your life as you possibly can, and sleep
when you feel the need to do so. Try going to
bed when it becomes dark, and wake up
when it is light, without using an alarm
13. Keep exercise to a normal level, with short
and intense routines just two to three times
each week. If you feel tired, do not work out.
Think of exercise sessions as short sprints
that are intense right off the bat, without the
need for in depth cardio. 17
Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets
14. Instead of commercial supplements or
multivitamins, take just a vitamin D
supplement and probiotics. Iodine may also
need to be supplemented, however this can
be done naturally through foods such as
15. Take some time to enjoy life! Get outside
and get some fresh air, play some games,
travel, explore nature, and develop a relaxed
and laid-back attitude. 18
Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets
To Market, To Market: The Paleo
Shopping List
Earlier, you got a brief overview of the type
foods you will begin eating; in this section,
you will get a more detailed list of those
health-generating foods and condiments.
At first, it may seem like the Paleo diet is a
bit restrictive and does not allow for a large
assortment of the culturally addictive foods
to which we have become so accustomed. As
a result of our culinary mindset, it's
important to keep our Paleo meals exciting
and enjoyable.
Even so, you should always keep in mind that
you are eating to quash your hunger. Your
primary reason for eating should not be to
entertain yourself or to use food for
psychological comfort.
So, how do you keep things interesting? By
experimenting with different food
combinations and rotating the types of foods
you include in your meals. How you rotate
your food selections is a personal thing and 19
Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets
you should pretty much know your limits
when it comes to getting bored with your
Now let's take a look at the variety of foods
you have to work with in your Paleo diet. The
foods listed here can be found in most food
markets around the country and they
provide you with plenty of room for
Meats: Grass fed beef, lamb, sheep, goat,
veal, pork, rabbit, boar, and horse.
Poultry: Chicken, duck, quail, goose, and
Game Meats: Elk, deer, rabbit, duck, wild
turkey, bear, reindeer, moose, pheasant, and
Fish and Shellfish: Cod, tuna, mackerel,
haddock, tilapia, herring, salmon, walleye,
trout, anchovy, bass, grouper, sole, halibut,
turbot, mussels, shrimp, crab, oysters,
lobster, scallops, and clams.
Eggs: Chicken eggs, goose eggs, quail eggs,
and duck eggs. 20
Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets
Fats: Fatty fishes such as sardines, salmon,
and mackerel; lard; duck fat; avocado oil;
olive oil; tallow; lamb fat; veal fat; coconut
milk; nut butters; butter; nut oils; coconut
flesh; and avocado.
Green Leafy Vegetables: Spinach, chicory,
Swiss chard, lettuce, kale, radicchio,
seaweeds, arugula, collard greens, beet tops,
watercress, endive, dandelion, bok choy,
mustard greens, rapini, and turnip greens.
Vegetables: Peppers, leeks, asparagus,
celery, cauliflower, tomatoes, onions,
cucumber, artichokes, avocados, broccoli,
cabbage, kohlrabi, eggplant, green onions,
okra, and Brussels sprouts.
Squash: Zucchini, yellow squash, acorn
squash, butternut squash, buttercup squash,
spaghetti squash, and pumpkin.
Root Vegetables: Radishes, parsnips,
carrots, turnips, sweet potatoes, yams,
Jerusalem artichokes, beets, rutabaga, and
Fruit: Apples, pineapple, berries
(blackberries, strawberries, blueberries, 21
Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets
cranberries), oranges, bananas, grapefruit,
figs, mango, kiwi, coconut, lychee, pears,
dates, peaches, apricots, nectarines,
watermelon, cherries, plums, papaya,
cantaloupe, lemons, limes, persimmon,
pomegranates, grapes, passion fruit,
tangerine, and honeydew melons.
Mushrooms: Crimini, button mushrooms,
shiitake, porcini, portabella, oyster
mushrooms, morel, and chanterelle.
Seeds and Nuts: Sunflower seeds, almonds,
pistachios, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, Brazil
nuts, sesame seeds, pecans, hazelnuts,
chestnuts, pine nuts, macadamia nuts, and
Herbs: Parsley, oregano, mint, rosemary,
basil, thyme, chives, bay leaves, coriander,
lavender, tarragon, sage, chives, and dill.
Spices and Natural Flavorings: Chilies,
garlic, black pepper, paprika, fennel seeds,
hot peppers, ginger, onions, mustard seeds,
cumin, cinnamon, vanilla, cayenne pepper,
star anise, and cloves. 22
Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets
Get Started With Your Paleo Diet Plan!
Hopefully, this report has given you some
good information about what to expect once
you decide to begin your Paleo diet plan.
Remember, while the diet is not a "weight
loss" diet, it will by default, help you manage
your weight naturally.
The idea is to take it one day at a time. Start
off eating only foods allowed in the diet plan.
Should you find yourself craving foods that
are not allowed, most Paleo diet plans allow
you to set a certain number of meals aside
where you can eat anything you wish.
Ultimately, your goal is to leave all those
harmful foods behind and dedicate your
efforts to eating a 100% Paleo diet. Within
one month's time, you will be amazed at the
results, as so many others have been.
The plan I started with is The Paleo Recipe
Book. In addition to very detailed recipes,
the package also provides you with an 8-
week flexible and diverse meal plan. The 23
Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets
plan makes it very easy for you to get
organized and get started.
I highly recommend that you give the Paleo
diet a serious try. Even if you only want to
lose a little weight. As a bonus, the Paleo
Diet will also provide you with longer life. It
really ticks me off that our government does
not abandon it's corporate "good old boys"
food connection and start teaching people
how they should really be eating.
This report doesn't end here! Click the link
below to get on the "Paleo Diet Discoveries"
mail list to get more valuable Paleo diet tips,
information and resources. 24
Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets
Recommended Resource
Paleo Recipe Book 25

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Paleo Diet Discoveries

  • 1. Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets Paleo Diet Discoveries Discover The Secrets Of The Paleo Diet 1
  • 2. Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets Contents The Paleo Diet Made Simple...........................................3 What's On The Menu? Allowed Foods............................6 Paleo Diet Benefits.........................................................9 Paleo Diet Rules and Guidelines...................................15 To Market, To Market: The Paleo Shopping List............19 Get Started With Your Paleo Diet Plan! ........................23 Recommended Resource..............................................25 Copyright 2013 - By reading this document, you assume all risks associated with using the advice given below, with a full understanding that you, solely, are responsible for anything that may occur as a result of putting this information into action in any way, and regardless of your interpretation of the advice. 2
  • 3. Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets The Paleo Diet Made Simple Our Paleolithic ancestors hunted and gathered food out of necessity and for survival. In today's western culture food has become more of an entertainment hobby. For some people food has become a source of comfort. For the most part, foods are ingested with little regard to nutritious content. The Paleo Diet Discoveries report will explain various aspects of the Paleo diet. This will include some basic history, benefits of the diet plan and also provide you with tips that can make your experience successful. The Paleo Diet -- also known as the Paleolithic diet and Caveman Diet. As a diet, it's relatively simple -- stop eating grains, legumes and processed foods and start eating the foods eaten by our Paleolithic ancestors. 3
  • 4. Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets During the Paleolithic Age which spanned some 2.6 million years, our human ancestors were hunters and gatherers. Then, about 10,000 year ago, humans discovered agriculture. Around the time, grains and legumes became a large part of our diets. As a result, humans began eating less wild animal meat, fruit and vegetables. What makes this so notable is that 10,000 years represents a rather abrupt change in diet. The scientific consensus is that our genetics are not tuned to this newly discovered agriculture based diet. During the early 1970's, Walter L. Voegtlin, a Gastroenterologist publicized a paper claiming that the human body was not accustomed to grain foods. He was also of the opinion that after only 10,000 years humans have not had the time to genetically accommodate the proper digestion of grains, legumes and processed foods. Later in 1989, Swedish scientist and doctor, Staffan Lindeberg surveyed and researched a 4
  • 5. Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets Papua New Guinea tribe that practiced a Paleolithic lifestyle. The tribe's diet consisted exclusively of root vegetables (yam, sweet potato, taro, tapioca), fruit (banana, papaya, pineapple, mango, guava, water melon, pumpkin), vegetables, fish and coconuts. The results of Dr. Lindeberg's studies were published in his Kitava papers. This study is one of many that prove the benefits of Paleolithic diets. Basically, the study showed that the inhabitants of the island of Kitava did not suffer from heart diseases, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, gout, acne and many other ailments common to much of the human population. The Paleo diet is designed to bring us as close as possible to the early Paleolithic diets and eating habits. It endeavors to remove anti-nutrients and other harmful compounds that so heavily permeate the foods we eat today. 5
  • 6. Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets What's On The Menu? Allowed Foods The following information will give you a good idea of what you can eat once you commit to a Paleo diet. Such knowledge will help you better set your expectations and prepare you for your dietary shift. Let me first touch on the foods that are not allowed. All processed foods are to be avoided when following the Paleo diet plan. This includes process meats, processed oils, seed oils, processed grains, GMO's and other processed or modified foods. Other foods on the avoidance list include white potatoes, sugars, salt, dairy foods (milk, cheese), beans, legumes, and grains. Walk through any supermarket and you will quickly find that over 90% of the foods on the shelves are over-processed and devoid of living nutrients. Allowed foods under this diet include lean meats, fish, shellfish, eggs, vegetables, fruit, roots, berries, fruits, nuts (chestnuts, 6
  • 7. Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets hazelnuts, macadamia, pecans, walnuts), mushrooms, and the like. It's important that the meats you eat be wild game whenever possible. If you can't access wild game, look for meat from grass fed animals. Bone marrow and organ meats may also be included in meal plans. These type meats will ensure that you get a balanced mix of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. Certain types of oils are also allowed with this diet. They include oils derived from tree nuts and fruits; such as avocado, olive, palm, almond, pecan, hazelnut, coconut, walnut and macadamia. The only beverage that is allowed with the Paleo diet is water. It is recommended that you drink only when thirsty and spring water or filtered water should be preferred over chemically treated water the contains chlorine or fluoride. If you adhere fully to the Paleo diet, you will find yourself eating foods that are nutritionally dense. In most cases, vitamin 7
  • 8. Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets and mineral supplements are generally not necessary. One exception regarding after-market vitamins is vitamin D. If you do not get out much in order to take advantage of sunlight. Eating liver meat regularly can also remedy the lack of vitamin D. Another exception would be Omega-3 oil for those who do not or can not eat fish. As you can see, the paleolithic diet emphasizes the importance of eating whole foods that are high in vitamins and minerals and low in anti-nutrients. Anti-nutrients are any natural or synthetic compound that interferes with the absorption of nutrients. 8
  • 9. Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets Paleo Diet Benefits The basic Paleo diet is not for the faint of heart. Unlike most diets that focus on weight loss, the Paleo diet represents a lifestyle change. Luckily, the diet is flexible and can be modified so that you can ease into it by taking dietary baby steps. These baby steps might include things like initially giving up only breads and wheat grains. After successfully abstaining for one month, you could move on to giving up and replacing another disallowed food. Or maybe you would like to start by eating a 100% Paleo foods with the option of eating a few "old-food" meals. Either way, the ultimate goal is to eat all Paleo all the time. As far as the benefits go -- there are many. It has been proven time and again that the immense benefits derived from following this diet, far outweigh the sacrifices. One of the primary benefits is that you will generally experience better overall health and vigor. 9
  • 10. Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets The following seven fundamental characteristics of hunter-gatherer diets will help to optimize your health, minimize your risk of chronic disease, and lose weight. 1. High Protein Intake Approximately 15% of the calories in the average western diet consists of protein. The Paleolithic hunter-gatherer diet consists of 19% to 35% protein. For this reason, the modern Paleo diet staple items consists of lean meats, seafood and other animal products. 2. Low Carbohydrate Intake and Low Glycemic Index On the modern Paleo diet, fresh fruit and vegetables provide 35% to 45% of the carbohydrate calories. Nearly all fruit and vegetables have low glycemic indices, meaning they digest slowly and do not cause spikes in blood sugar levels. 3. High Fiber Intake 10
  • 11. Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets Dietary fiber is an essential element for good health. While marketers push whole grains as the solution to fiber, it should be noted that non-starchy vegetables contain eight times the fiber of whole grains. As for refined grains, vegetable have 31 times more fiber. Fruit generally contain twice as much fiber as whole grain and seven times as much fiber as refined grains. 4. High Potassium and Low Sodium Intake Unprocessed, fresh foods naturally contain 5 to 10 times more potassium than sodium. The bodies of our Paleolithic ancestors were adapted to this ratio. Potassium is required for the heart, kidneys, and other organs to work properly. Low potassium is associated with high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke – the same problems linked to excessive dietary sodium. Today, the average American consumes about twice as much sodium as potassium. 11
  • 12. Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets 5. Better Regulation of Fats The foods you eat on the Paleo diet will provide you with these fats balanced with Omega-3 and Omega-6 fats. You will cut your trans fat and Omega-6 polyunsaturated fats. In turn you will increase your intake of healthful monounsaturated and Omega-3 fats. 6. Better Dietary Alkaline/Acid Balance Once foods are digested, they present a net acid or net alkaline load on the kidneys. Meats, fish, cheese, salt, grains, legumes and the like are net acid producers. Fruit and vegetables are net alkaline producers. A lifetime diet of excessive acid producing foods can lead to bone loss, muscle loss, high blood pressure, risk of kidney stones and various other ailments. Adherence to the Paleo diet can reverse this acid state. 7. Greater Intake of Vitamins, Minerals, Antioxidants, and Plant Phytochemicals 12
  • 13. Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets Processed foods and whole grains are substitute for free ranging meats, fresh fruit and vegetables. The latter contain vitamin C, vitamin A and B12 vitamins that are easily absorbed by the body. The can not be said for the synthetic vitamins found in whole grains and processed foods. The results of these benefits will manifest themselves in many ways. They are as follows... • Optimal weight management (effortless weight loss), • clearer, acne-free skin, • experience greater energy, • greater stamina, • grow stronger bones and muscle, • reduced stress levels, • digest foods more efficiently, 13
  • 14. Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets • develop a greater sex drive, • increased fertility in women, • increased virility in men, ...and many, many more health benefits. All the above benefits and results have been reported by thousands of people to switched to a Paleo diet. Make the commitment and report your own unique benefit. 14
  • 15. Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets Paleo Diet Rules and Guidelines Like other diet plans, the Paleo diet has guidelines. The purpose of these guidelines (rules) are to keep you on point. Below are 15 rules and guidelines of the Paleo diet. 1. You should include moderate amounts of animal protein, low amounts of carbohydrates, and healthful fats in your meal plans. Portion control and counting calories is not necessary or recommended. 2. Saturated fats such as coconut oil may be eaten in unlimited quantities. Duck fat, beef tallow, and lard can also be used, but only if they come from grass fed animals. Olive, macadamia and avocado oil are also good to use as fats. 3. Animal protein may be eaten in generous portion sizes. These include organ meats, wild game, red meat, eggs, pork, poultry, and fish. Cooking with the bones in place makes the meat more tender, juicy, and tasty, and can also make great tasting stock. 15
  • 16. Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets 4. Eat plenty of vegetables either raw or cooked with some type of fat. A starch such as a sweet potato can provide non-toxic carbohydrates that provide clean energy. 5. Eat low to moderate amounts of fruit and nuts. Low sugar fruits such as berries, and nuts that contain omega 3 fatty acids are best. Eliminate fruit and nuts completely if you are trying to lose weight. 6. Choose meat that is grass fed from local farms in your area. If you choose lean cuts of meat, add fats when cooking. 7. Do not eat legumes, or grains. This means eliminating oats, corn, rice, soy, barley, beans, rye, peanuts, and wheat from your meals. 8. Do not use partially hydrogenated or fully hydrogenated vegetable oils. Including... canola oil, peanut oil, soybean oil, margarine, corn oil, sunflower oil, or safflower oil. 16
  • 17. Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets 9. Do not eat sugary foods such as processed foods, prepackaged foods, fruit juices, soft drinks, or sugar. 10. Do not eat dairy products, except for regular butter if you cannot do without. 11. Eat only when you are hungry, and do not worry if you find you are skipping meals. There is no need to eat three defined meals each day. 12. Try to reduce or eliminate as much stress in your life as you possibly can, and sleep when you feel the need to do so. Try going to bed when it becomes dark, and wake up when it is light, without using an alarm clock. 13. Keep exercise to a normal level, with short and intense routines just two to three times each week. If you feel tired, do not work out. Think of exercise sessions as short sprints that are intense right off the bat, without the need for in depth cardio. 17
  • 18. Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets 14. Instead of commercial supplements or multivitamins, take just a vitamin D supplement and probiotics. Iodine may also need to be supplemented, however this can be done naturally through foods such as seaweed. 15. Take some time to enjoy life! Get outside and get some fresh air, play some games, travel, explore nature, and develop a relaxed and laid-back attitude. 18
  • 19. Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets To Market, To Market: The Paleo Shopping List Earlier, you got a brief overview of the type foods you will begin eating; in this section, you will get a more detailed list of those health-generating foods and condiments. At first, it may seem like the Paleo diet is a bit restrictive and does not allow for a large assortment of the culturally addictive foods to which we have become so accustomed. As a result of our culinary mindset, it's important to keep our Paleo meals exciting and enjoyable. Even so, you should always keep in mind that you are eating to quash your hunger. Your primary reason for eating should not be to entertain yourself or to use food for psychological comfort. So, how do you keep things interesting? By experimenting with different food combinations and rotating the types of foods you include in your meals. How you rotate your food selections is a personal thing and 19
  • 20. Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets you should pretty much know your limits when it comes to getting bored with your meals. Now let's take a look at the variety of foods you have to work with in your Paleo diet. The foods listed here can be found in most food markets around the country and they provide you with plenty of room for variation. Meats: Grass fed beef, lamb, sheep, goat, veal, pork, rabbit, boar, and horse. Poultry: Chicken, duck, quail, goose, and turkey. Game Meats: Elk, deer, rabbit, duck, wild turkey, bear, reindeer, moose, pheasant, and woodcock. Fish and Shellfish: Cod, tuna, mackerel, haddock, tilapia, herring, salmon, walleye, trout, anchovy, bass, grouper, sole, halibut, turbot, mussels, shrimp, crab, oysters, lobster, scallops, and clams. Eggs: Chicken eggs, goose eggs, quail eggs, and duck eggs. 20
  • 21. Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets Fats: Fatty fishes such as sardines, salmon, and mackerel; lard; duck fat; avocado oil; olive oil; tallow; lamb fat; veal fat; coconut milk; nut butters; butter; nut oils; coconut flesh; and avocado. Green Leafy Vegetables: Spinach, chicory, Swiss chard, lettuce, kale, radicchio, seaweeds, arugula, collard greens, beet tops, watercress, endive, dandelion, bok choy, mustard greens, rapini, and turnip greens. Vegetables: Peppers, leeks, asparagus, celery, cauliflower, tomatoes, onions, cucumber, artichokes, avocados, broccoli, cabbage, kohlrabi, eggplant, green onions, okra, and Brussels sprouts. Squash: Zucchini, yellow squash, acorn squash, butternut squash, buttercup squash, spaghetti squash, and pumpkin. Root Vegetables: Radishes, parsnips, carrots, turnips, sweet potatoes, yams, Jerusalem artichokes, beets, rutabaga, and cassava. Fruit: Apples, pineapple, berries (blackberries, strawberries, blueberries, 21
  • 22. Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets cranberries), oranges, bananas, grapefruit, figs, mango, kiwi, coconut, lychee, pears, dates, peaches, apricots, nectarines, watermelon, cherries, plums, papaya, cantaloupe, lemons, limes, persimmon, pomegranates, grapes, passion fruit, tangerine, and honeydew melons. Mushrooms: Crimini, button mushrooms, shiitake, porcini, portabella, oyster mushrooms, morel, and chanterelle. Seeds and Nuts: Sunflower seeds, almonds, pistachios, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, Brazil nuts, sesame seeds, pecans, hazelnuts, chestnuts, pine nuts, macadamia nuts, and cashews. Herbs: Parsley, oregano, mint, rosemary, basil, thyme, chives, bay leaves, coriander, lavender, tarragon, sage, chives, and dill. Spices and Natural Flavorings: Chilies, garlic, black pepper, paprika, fennel seeds, hot peppers, ginger, onions, mustard seeds, cumin, cinnamon, vanilla, cayenne pepper, star anise, and cloves. 22
  • 23. Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets Get Started With Your Paleo Diet Plan! Hopefully, this report has given you some good information about what to expect once you decide to begin your Paleo diet plan. Remember, while the diet is not a "weight loss" diet, it will by default, help you manage your weight naturally. The idea is to take it one day at a time. Start off eating only foods allowed in the diet plan. Should you find yourself craving foods that are not allowed, most Paleo diet plans allow you to set a certain number of meals aside where you can eat anything you wish. Ultimately, your goal is to leave all those harmful foods behind and dedicate your efforts to eating a 100% Paleo diet. Within one month's time, you will be amazed at the results, as so many others have been. The plan I started with is The Paleo Recipe Book. In addition to very detailed recipes, the package also provides you with an 8- week flexible and diverse meal plan. The 23
  • 24. Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets plan makes it very easy for you to get organized and get started. I highly recommend that you give the Paleo diet a serious try. Even if you only want to lose a little weight. As a bonus, the Paleo Diet will also provide you with longer life. It really ticks me off that our government does not abandon it's corporate "good old boys" food connection and start teaching people how they should really be eating. This report doesn't end here! Click the link below to get on the "Paleo Diet Discoveries" mail list to get more valuable Paleo diet tips, information and resources. 24
  • 25. Paleo Diet Discoveries – Paleo Diet Secrets Recommended Resource Paleo Recipe Book 25