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The Tenchi Muyo NPC adventures for Advanced D&D <br />Overview:<br />It is my belief that the characters in the Tenchi Muyo series would make great non-player characters in a Dungeon and Dragons campaign.<br />Chronological order of Adventures<br />Tenchi Masaki  the Player Character – Yosho’s descendent. Pick a player or roll up an NPC and hand it to a player to rollplay. This character type must be able to use a long sword. Fans of the series may fight over who gets to play Tenchi.  If impossible then as an NPC he can be played by various players at various times. <br />Tenchi Muyo Adventure #1 – The group meets Elowa. See Elowa’s story and Elowa’s Character Sheet. <br />- Adventure<br />- Adventure<br />Tenchi Muyo Adventure #2 – The Masaki Shrine: The player Tenchi meets Grandfather Masaki and gets the sword Tenchi from the old Masaki Shrine beneath Yoho’s old castle.  See The Shrine of Masaki and Yosho’s Character Sheet.<br />- Adventure<br />- Adventure<br />Tenchi Muyo Encounter #3 –  Ryoko Awakes.  Ryoko finds Tenchi and demands he return the treasure he took from her. In the process she may rescue the group from an encounter with hostiles, if the group gets in over their head. Tenchi commands Ryoko using the sword.  See Ryoko’s story and Ryoko’s Character Sheet.<br />- Adventure<br />- Adventure<br />Tenchi Muyo Encounter #4 – Here comes Ayeka.  Ayeka, in her giant flying tree, shows up from Jurai’s past to destroy Ryoko. In the process she may rescue the group from an encounter with hostiles, if the group gets in over their head again. She captures Ryoko and the group and tries to transport them back to Juria. Ryoko escapes and destroys the flying tree marooning Ayeka. See Ayeka’s story and Ayeka’s Character Sheet and Sasami’s Character Sheet. See details of Ryoh-oki and Azaka and Kamandaki magical entities below. <br />- Adventure<br />- Adventure<br />Tenchi Muyo Adventure #5 – The Barbarian’s Stronghold.  Ryoko and Ayeka are captured and kidnapped. The group must rescue Ryoko and Ayeka and prove the group can fight without the super powerful NPC’s and super magical weapons) See the AD&D Module The Barbarian’s Stronghold.<br />- Adventure<br />- Adventure<br />Tenchi Muyo Encounter #6 –Mihoshi to the Rescue.  Ryoko summons an air elemental to attack Ayeka and looses control. During the disturbance a beautiful Ranger rides screaming through camp pursued by a small army of forest bandits.  See Mihoshi’s Characture Sheet and Mihoshi’s Story.<br />- Adventure<br />- Adventure<br />Tenchi Muyo Adventure #7 – Kagato Attacks. Kagato is a very powerful descendent of Yosho who knows about the sword. He defeats Tenchi and the group, takes the sword, gains control Ryoko, and flys off to his floating castle. It seems like a suicide mission to rescue Ryoko, and it is. During the raid Mihoshi disappears, locates Wahsu who is imprisoned within the castle and who is the source of Kagatos power. Mihoshi, with some help, wishes the group back to her and back to life and frees Wahsu. The group then gets a rematch with Kagato. See Kagato’s Keep Dungeon and Kagato’s Character Sheet.  See Washu’s Story and Washu’s Character Sheet. <br />- Adventure<br />- Adventure<br />Tenchi Muyo Encounter #8 – Here Comes Jurai. Lord Seiryo and his bodyguards arrive from Jurai’s past in another of the royal flying trees seeking Ayeka. He has a written charter from the king naming him as Ayeka’s acknowledged suitor and he has the magical commands which will allow the flying tree to travel back into the past. The kings orders allow him override Ayeka’s commands to Azaka and Kamindaki in order to return Ayeka. Ayeka cannot disobey and loose her lawful alignment and her monk ability. If only there was another of royal Jurai descent to challenge his right to Ayeka’s hand . Of course he would have to fight a duel with Seiryo and acknowledge his suite.  See Seiryo’s description below.<br />- Adventure<br />- Adventure<br />Tenchi Muyo Encounter #9 – Dr. Clay Calling.  After learning that the current queen of the Jinn is seeking Washu, Dr. Clay, a high level wizard, sends Zero, a super doppelganger type monster whom Dr. Clay controls, to replace Ryoko and capture Washu. Ryoko was off obtaining a love potion to cause Ayeka to leave Tenchi alone and fall for someone else.  When she is captured and learns that Zero is going to absorb her powers and memories she drinks the love potion and thinks strongly of Tenchi visualizing him in her mind.  The resulting Zero-Ryoko that returns to the group to capture Washu confuses the group. See Dr. Clay and Zero’s descriptions below.<br />- Adventure<br />- Adventure<br />Tenchi Muyo Encounter #10 – Minagi’s Mirror.  In an alternate reality Yosho (called Yakage here) did not seal Ryoko (called Minagi here) away but kept on living through the bodies of his descendents. Returning to Jurai with Ryoko as his consort he tried to marry Ayeka and become ruler of Jurai. Ayeka spurned the evil Yosho (Yakage) and when he forced her with magic she committed suicide. Later Yakage learned of alternate realities and of an Ayeka  that still lived. He and Minagi  attack the group and steal Ayeka, but when mirror images of identical people and items from aternate realities touch it seems to strain the cosmic fabric too much. Ryoko and Minagi are damaged physically and mentally and Yagage retreats with Ayeka. See Yakage’s and Minagi’s descriptions below. <br />Additional Adventures not planned out:<br />Return to Jurai.<br />Wahsu’s Revenge.<br />_______________________________________________________________________________________<br />CAST OF CHARACTERS<br />Tenchi Masaki – Yosho’s descendent. Pick a player or roll up an NPC and hand it to a player to rollplay. This character type must be able to use a long sword.<br />Kynone – Magic User / Thief, one time partner and friend of Mihoshi, a ranger.  Sometimes goes by the alias of Elowa or maybe the other way around.  <br />Prince Yosho of Jurai – Fighter/Magic User: Set out on quest to destroy Ryoko. During the quest he used up three wishes; the first was for a sword that could defeat Ryoko, and later for Ryoko to be human, and later for Ryoko to obey him (this needs a command word). All three wishes were incorporated into his sword. A gem for each power. The pommel also has a gem which is a magic jar for Yosho’s spirit.<br />Ryoko – A one of kind female Cobalt Dragon, created by a wish, and later transformed into a human female by a wish. As a human female she still retains all of dragon power and ability.<br />Princess Ayeka of Jurai  - Monk. Yosho’s fiancé who came from Jurai’s past after Yosho’s death (about 500 years ago) to take revenge upon Ryoko.<br />Princess Sasami of Jurai – Monk  Ayeka’s sister who stowed away with her sister to journey to the future.<br />Azaka & Kamidake  –  Wood Golems , Guardians of Ayeka and Sasami<br />Ryo-Ohki – A Flying ship and a living tree that can be transformed into a small bunny-cat like animal for portability.<br />Mihoshi Kuramistu – Ditzy female ranger with powerful luck (probability) talent, both good and bad. See has a very powerful and rich benefactor who has secured her a commission in the King’s Rangers and outfitted her with very powerful magical equipment.<br />Kagato – Bad guy. One of Yosho’s descendents. Also used three wishes from Washu for 18(00) strength, unlimited advancement and regeneration of 2 HP/round. He has also gained a lot of information from Washu about the sword including the command word to control Ryoko and knowledge of what Ryoko is and can do.  Kagato was originally a girl, but Washu, in her perverse sense of humor, convinced her that only men can have 18/00 strength (see players handbook and D.M.’s guide). This made granting the wish easier on Washu, who is a bit lazy even though her wishes are unlimited. Washu, when asked to perform a very powerful wish, often tries to explain the rules to players, even using the handbooks, to show them what wishes cannot do to see if they will back down on the wish.  Becoming male eventually pushed Kagato over the psychotic edge. <br />Hakubi Washu - Former Queen of the Gods of the Jinn. A few thousand years ago another Jennie Goddess named Yume, out of jealousy, caused Wahu’s bottle to be slipped out of the astral plane and into the prime material plane. Like those Jinn who worship her she is bound to grant three wishes to whoever controls her bottle. In all the thousands of years that Washu has been missing there has never been an indication of a search party sent to look for her. Yume’s conspiracy must have included the King, guards and other high members of the court. Wahsu was released from her bottle by Mihoshi in Kagato’s Keep. While free, without her bottle and link to the astral plane, she is limited to the powers available to a normal magic user on the prime material plane. She has great experience and knowledge in dealing with magic, but does not even have a spell book. If Washu ever gets back to Jinn Heaven she is planning to take quite a revenge.<br />Prince Seiryo  of Jurai – Ayeka’s cousin.  Male, although you might have to ask. A pink haired fighter (12th level), chaotic neutral, with a sword of life stealing and a ring of vampiric regeneration. Last male of royal blood left in Jurai about 100 years after Ayeka left. He was sent to go looking for Ayeka. He loves beautiful blue haired young girls and boys. This minor character only appears in one adventure. <br />Dr. Clay - 16th level magic user from another dimension. When he was already old he found Washu’s bottle on the Prime Material plane. He used his three wishes from Washu for immortality (but not eternal youth, woops), invulnerability to weapons (physical), and  the ability absorb and cast spells like a rod of absorption. (like a rod of absorption he will explode if he goes over 50 spell levels absorbed, but he can cast 8th level spells to use up 8 spell level points each round and can choose not to absorb spells.) After Dr. Clay began to contact the Astral plane, he encountered a creature searching for Washu the ex-Jennie goddess. He made a deal to be granted three un-limited wishes from the current goddess of the Jinn (Yume) if he will bring her Washu<br />Zero – a monster or magical creation with super doppelganger powers such that it can take the form, abilities and memories of another.  It is under Dr. Clay’s control.  As a last resort he also has a spell or charm binding Zero, so that if he speaks a certain command word, Zero will die. It will capture and impersonate Ryoko  and use her form to grab Washu and bring her to Dr. Clay.<br />Yume – Jennie Goddess,  Current Queen of the Jinn.  A very powerful astral entity that is currently the queen of all Jinn Heaven (after Washu’s untimely disappearance). Worshipped by all female Djinn (Jennies) and feared by all creatures from the elemental plane of air. <br />Encounter #8 Details<br />Prince Seiryo  of Jurai – Ayeka’s cousin.  Male, although you might have to ask. A pink haired fighter (12th level), chaotic neutral, with a sword of life stealing and a ring of vampiric regeneration. Last male of royal blood left in Jurai about 100 years after Ayeka left. He was sent to go looking for Ayeka. He loves beautiful haired young girls and boys. To him Ayeka is exquisitely beautiful and he must have her as a show piece.  He will have a portrait of her commissioned as soon as they consummate the marriage to add to his collection. He has a royal commandment from Ayeka’s father the King of Jurai that Ayeka is to marry him and come home. Sorry girls, Ayeka will obey her father, and fulfill her royal duty so that the kingdom does not come to ruin and she will not loose her lawful status and her monk powers.  A glance at his decree also gives him control of Azaka & Kamidake overriding Ayeka’s commands (but not the King’s). He should have a four guards with him 10th level fighters, castrated men of his personal retinue . If the princess does not come willingly he will take her by force. If the party is going to fight him for Ayeka then Azaka & Kamidake will automatically be on the prince’s side and Ayeka can not lawfully fight against her betrothed. Remember Azaka & Kamidake can telekinetically move objects with 500 pounds of force. Grab Tenchi’s sword and lift it. If he hangs on, it keeps going up. If only there was another man of Royal descent who could challenge him for Ayeka’s hand. There is? Tenchi?  Ayeka will bring this up because it gives her a legal out and gives her Tenchi.  In order to be legal it must be duel; one on one. Officially it is to the death, though the winner may show mercy if the looser concedes victory and renounces Ayeka and whatever else the winner demands. Tenchi must understand that if he wins he will be betrothed to Ayeka.  If Tenchi does win, the group and the NPC’s  must work it out. Ryoko might destroy the flying trees to prevent their ever returning. The princess and Tenchi may both agree to a wedding date years in future. They may be engaged but, until the wedding back in Jurai, the chaperoning orders are still in place.  If Tenchi gets badly hurt during the duel, Ryoko at least is going to attack Seiryo, forget the terms of the duel. So this should turn into a free for all after all. If the party not doing well, a smart Ayeka will run into combat and scream that she is being attacked.  Azaka & Kamidakem will try to bubble the princess since the kings standing  orders to protect Ayeka from harm outweigh anything else. If Ayeka keeps dodging (makes her saving throw) that’s keeping one guard busy. If she runs to one of the prince’s men for protection then dodges the bubble, I guess that guard would have to make his saving throw too or be bubbled. In the end if possible Ayeka will ask Seiryo’s life to be spared in exchange for the magical phrases needed to unlock Ryo-ohki’s ability travel back in time. He had to have them in order to take her and Ryo-ohki back. <br />Encounter #9 Details:<br />Dr. Clay - 16th level magic user from another dimension. When he was already old he found Washu’s bottle on the Prime Material plane. He used his three wishes from Washu for immortality (but not eternal youth, woops), invulnerability to weapons (physical), and  the ability absorb and cast spells like a rod of absorption. (like a rod of absorption he will explode if he goes over 50 spell levels absorbed, but he can cast 8th level spells to use up 8 spell level points each round and can choose not to absorb spells.) Remember Washu knows all of his abilities and can give information to the party.  After this Magic User learned how to contact the Astral plane, he encountered a creature searching for Washu the ex-Jennie goddess. He made a deal to be granted an un-limited wish from the current goddess of the Jinn (Yume) if he will bring her Washu.  Washu loose from her bottle and gaining power and allies is a possible future threat to the current goddess.  Dr. Clay  angered the goddess by not revealing any information about the location of Washu.  He also has a staff of the Magi and if defeated he will do a retributive strike. He may destroy himself with the party, but he will come back. He can project part of his fortress from his home dimension to ours or others. <br />Zero – a monster or magical creation with  super doppelganger powers such that it can take the form, abilities and memories of another.  It is under Dr. Clays control.  As a last resort he also has a spell or charm binding it, so that if he speaks a certain command word, it will die. It will capture and impersonate Ryoko  and attempt to grab Washu and bring her to Dr. Clay. Washu is not to be harmed. None of the specific protections of Tenchi’s sword will work on this fake Ryoko.  The sword will still grant resistance verses fire and electricity but not complete protection against her breath weapons and the command word to control her won’t work. The sword always does 8-48 points of damage to non-descendents of Yosho.  If you want this creature to love Tenchi due to some unknown link of destiny between Ryoko and Yosho’s descendents, then go for it. It might mean life or death to the party.  As a possible scenario , Ryoko went off to get a love potion to make Ayeka fall for some else beside Tenchi. When captured, and after learning what was going to happen, she drank it, closed her eyes and thought as hard as she could of Tenchi. Zero when it absorbed Ryoko’s thoughts and memories got the magically induced love for Tenchi.  A player who knows the series might pick up on a love-struck Ryoko before it’s too late. <br />Encounter #10 Details<br />Yakage -  This is Yosho from an alternate probability. In his reality, instead of magic jarring himself in the sword and putting Ryoko to sleep, he had a son and took over his body. At the death of his parents, he went back to Jurai to marry the Ayeka of his world. Both him and Minagi are Chaotic Neutral and Minagi is his lover. The Ayeka of his world refused him.  He forced her to marry him using a powerful charm spell.  He planned to keep it renewed always, but just before their wedding she broke through and when he tried to charm her again she committed suicide.  He used the guidance system of his tree to find another Aeyka, the Aeyka of our world, and this time he has armed himself with a powerful forget spell and a love potion.  You can stretch alternate realities but they cannot touch.  Take a balloon and force your fingers into it and it stretches but if the rubber between the two fingers is disappears, boom !.  If (or rather when) Ryoko and Minage touch a huge explosion  happens (75 points of damage, 50’ radius, others in radius may save for half but not Ryoko or Minagi ), and both will be left damaged (They will be knocked unconscious  and thereafter be at ½hit points, ½ damage on all their attacks and memory erased, permanently until fixed). Washu will know what is going on and will shout not to touch (unheeded), after the battle she will explain and say that she thinks she can fix them if given a month of experimenting. If they touch again there will be another explosion and they will be dead. Wahsu will also shout that If Tenchi’s and Yakage’s swords touch there will be another huge explosion. If this happens then both swords thereafter will do half damage, then if they touch again there will be another explosion and both swords will be destroyed. You see if the same object from two alternate realities physically touch the fabric of space time is stretched too thin between them and time and space collapse to push them apart. Push to fingers into a balloon such that they touch in the middle, now if the tips of the fingers were actually the same finger then the membrane is ruptured and the balloon bursts. Fortunately universes aren’t as fragile as balloons and the damage is localized and sealed. See professor Washu. <br />The explosions were not expected by Yakage and he will take Ayeka and run if possible, knowing Minagi can fly between the worlds in dragon form. <br />Minagi – Identical to Ryoko but from an alternate reallity. Identical abilities but knows all of her abilities and how to use them. After she regains consciousness  and meets the group, she will volunteer to help them rescue princess Ayeka.  If she does try to fight Yakage, he will control her with his sword. <br />Kuze & Hakkou – Yakage’s guards similar to Azaka & Kamidake. They have the same magic missile and  telekinetic attacks but they don’t project walls of force or bubble things. They only move at 10’ per round. They have projecting force spikes and spin faster and faster so that contact with them does 2 six sided dice for each round they are allowed to increase their spin (save for half). Because of gyroscopic forces their turning ability decreases for each round they build up their spin. (0 rounds of spin; 180 degree change of direction,  1; 135°, 2; 90°, 3;  45°, 4 or more; 0° [they will have to decelerate to turn])  (Intelligent, self-guided spinning tops of doom) <br />
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Overview of campaign:

  • 1. The Tenchi Muyo NPC adventures for Advanced D&D <br />Overview:<br />It is my belief that the characters in the Tenchi Muyo series would make great non-player characters in a Dungeon and Dragons campaign.<br />Chronological order of Adventures<br />Tenchi Masaki the Player Character – Yosho’s descendent. Pick a player or roll up an NPC and hand it to a player to rollplay. This character type must be able to use a long sword. Fans of the series may fight over who gets to play Tenchi. If impossible then as an NPC he can be played by various players at various times. <br />Tenchi Muyo Adventure #1 – The group meets Elowa. See Elowa’s story and Elowa’s Character Sheet. <br />- Adventure<br />- Adventure<br />Tenchi Muyo Adventure #2 – The Masaki Shrine: The player Tenchi meets Grandfather Masaki and gets the sword Tenchi from the old Masaki Shrine beneath Yoho’s old castle. See The Shrine of Masaki and Yosho’s Character Sheet.<br />- Adventure<br />- Adventure<br />Tenchi Muyo Encounter #3 – Ryoko Awakes. Ryoko finds Tenchi and demands he return the treasure he took from her. In the process she may rescue the group from an encounter with hostiles, if the group gets in over their head. Tenchi commands Ryoko using the sword. See Ryoko’s story and Ryoko’s Character Sheet.<br />- Adventure<br />- Adventure<br />Tenchi Muyo Encounter #4 – Here comes Ayeka. Ayeka, in her giant flying tree, shows up from Jurai’s past to destroy Ryoko. In the process she may rescue the group from an encounter with hostiles, if the group gets in over their head again. She captures Ryoko and the group and tries to transport them back to Juria. Ryoko escapes and destroys the flying tree marooning Ayeka. See Ayeka’s story and Ayeka’s Character Sheet and Sasami’s Character Sheet. See details of Ryoh-oki and Azaka and Kamandaki magical entities below. <br />- Adventure<br />- Adventure<br />Tenchi Muyo Adventure #5 – The Barbarian’s Stronghold. Ryoko and Ayeka are captured and kidnapped. The group must rescue Ryoko and Ayeka and prove the group can fight without the super powerful NPC’s and super magical weapons) See the AD&D Module The Barbarian’s Stronghold.<br />- Adventure<br />- Adventure<br />Tenchi Muyo Encounter #6 –Mihoshi to the Rescue. Ryoko summons an air elemental to attack Ayeka and looses control. During the disturbance a beautiful Ranger rides screaming through camp pursued by a small army of forest bandits. See Mihoshi’s Characture Sheet and Mihoshi’s Story.<br />- Adventure<br />- Adventure<br />Tenchi Muyo Adventure #7 – Kagato Attacks. Kagato is a very powerful descendent of Yosho who knows about the sword. He defeats Tenchi and the group, takes the sword, gains control Ryoko, and flys off to his floating castle. It seems like a suicide mission to rescue Ryoko, and it is. During the raid Mihoshi disappears, locates Wahsu who is imprisoned within the castle and who is the source of Kagatos power. Mihoshi, with some help, wishes the group back to her and back to life and frees Wahsu. The group then gets a rematch with Kagato. See Kagato’s Keep Dungeon and Kagato’s Character Sheet. See Washu’s Story and Washu’s Character Sheet. <br />- Adventure<br />- Adventure<br />Tenchi Muyo Encounter #8 – Here Comes Jurai. Lord Seiryo and his bodyguards arrive from Jurai’s past in another of the royal flying trees seeking Ayeka. He has a written charter from the king naming him as Ayeka’s acknowledged suitor and he has the magical commands which will allow the flying tree to travel back into the past. The kings orders allow him override Ayeka’s commands to Azaka and Kamindaki in order to return Ayeka. Ayeka cannot disobey and loose her lawful alignment and her monk ability. If only there was another of royal Jurai descent to challenge his right to Ayeka’s hand . Of course he would have to fight a duel with Seiryo and acknowledge his suite. See Seiryo’s description below.<br />- Adventure<br />- Adventure<br />Tenchi Muyo Encounter #9 – Dr. Clay Calling. After learning that the current queen of the Jinn is seeking Washu, Dr. Clay, a high level wizard, sends Zero, a super doppelganger type monster whom Dr. Clay controls, to replace Ryoko and capture Washu. Ryoko was off obtaining a love potion to cause Ayeka to leave Tenchi alone and fall for someone else. When she is captured and learns that Zero is going to absorb her powers and memories she drinks the love potion and thinks strongly of Tenchi visualizing him in her mind. The resulting Zero-Ryoko that returns to the group to capture Washu confuses the group. See Dr. Clay and Zero’s descriptions below.<br />- Adventure<br />- Adventure<br />Tenchi Muyo Encounter #10 – Minagi’s Mirror. In an alternate reality Yosho (called Yakage here) did not seal Ryoko (called Minagi here) away but kept on living through the bodies of his descendents. Returning to Jurai with Ryoko as his consort he tried to marry Ayeka and become ruler of Jurai. Ayeka spurned the evil Yosho (Yakage) and when he forced her with magic she committed suicide. Later Yakage learned of alternate realities and of an Ayeka that still lived. He and Minagi attack the group and steal Ayeka, but when mirror images of identical people and items from aternate realities touch it seems to strain the cosmic fabric too much. Ryoko and Minagi are damaged physically and mentally and Yagage retreats with Ayeka. See Yakage’s and Minagi’s descriptions below. <br />Additional Adventures not planned out:<br />Return to Jurai.<br />Wahsu’s Revenge.<br />_______________________________________________________________________________________<br />CAST OF CHARACTERS<br />Tenchi Masaki – Yosho’s descendent. Pick a player or roll up an NPC and hand it to a player to rollplay. This character type must be able to use a long sword.<br />Kynone – Magic User / Thief, one time partner and friend of Mihoshi, a ranger. Sometimes goes by the alias of Elowa or maybe the other way around. <br />Prince Yosho of Jurai – Fighter/Magic User: Set out on quest to destroy Ryoko. During the quest he used up three wishes; the first was for a sword that could defeat Ryoko, and later for Ryoko to be human, and later for Ryoko to obey him (this needs a command word). All three wishes were incorporated into his sword. A gem for each power. The pommel also has a gem which is a magic jar for Yosho’s spirit.<br />Ryoko – A one of kind female Cobalt Dragon, created by a wish, and later transformed into a human female by a wish. As a human female she still retains all of dragon power and ability.<br />Princess Ayeka of Jurai - Monk. Yosho’s fiancé who came from Jurai’s past after Yosho’s death (about 500 years ago) to take revenge upon Ryoko.<br />Princess Sasami of Jurai – Monk Ayeka’s sister who stowed away with her sister to journey to the future.<br />Azaka & Kamidake – Wood Golems , Guardians of Ayeka and Sasami<br />Ryo-Ohki – A Flying ship and a living tree that can be transformed into a small bunny-cat like animal for portability.<br />Mihoshi Kuramistu – Ditzy female ranger with powerful luck (probability) talent, both good and bad. See has a very powerful and rich benefactor who has secured her a commission in the King’s Rangers and outfitted her with very powerful magical equipment.<br />Kagato – Bad guy. One of Yosho’s descendents. Also used three wishes from Washu for 18(00) strength, unlimited advancement and regeneration of 2 HP/round. He has also gained a lot of information from Washu about the sword including the command word to control Ryoko and knowledge of what Ryoko is and can do. Kagato was originally a girl, but Washu, in her perverse sense of humor, convinced her that only men can have 18/00 strength (see players handbook and D.M.’s guide). This made granting the wish easier on Washu, who is a bit lazy even though her wishes are unlimited. Washu, when asked to perform a very powerful wish, often tries to explain the rules to players, even using the handbooks, to show them what wishes cannot do to see if they will back down on the wish. Becoming male eventually pushed Kagato over the psychotic edge. <br />Hakubi Washu - Former Queen of the Gods of the Jinn. A few thousand years ago another Jennie Goddess named Yume, out of jealousy, caused Wahu’s bottle to be slipped out of the astral plane and into the prime material plane. Like those Jinn who worship her she is bound to grant three wishes to whoever controls her bottle. In all the thousands of years that Washu has been missing there has never been an indication of a search party sent to look for her. Yume’s conspiracy must have included the King, guards and other high members of the court. Wahsu was released from her bottle by Mihoshi in Kagato’s Keep. While free, without her bottle and link to the astral plane, she is limited to the powers available to a normal magic user on the prime material plane. She has great experience and knowledge in dealing with magic, but does not even have a spell book. If Washu ever gets back to Jinn Heaven she is planning to take quite a revenge.<br />Prince Seiryo of Jurai – Ayeka’s cousin. Male, although you might have to ask. A pink haired fighter (12th level), chaotic neutral, with a sword of life stealing and a ring of vampiric regeneration. Last male of royal blood left in Jurai about 100 years after Ayeka left. He was sent to go looking for Ayeka. He loves beautiful blue haired young girls and boys. This minor character only appears in one adventure. <br />Dr. Clay - 16th level magic user from another dimension. When he was already old he found Washu’s bottle on the Prime Material plane. He used his three wishes from Washu for immortality (but not eternal youth, woops), invulnerability to weapons (physical), and the ability absorb and cast spells like a rod of absorption. (like a rod of absorption he will explode if he goes over 50 spell levels absorbed, but he can cast 8th level spells to use up 8 spell level points each round and can choose not to absorb spells.) After Dr. Clay began to contact the Astral plane, he encountered a creature searching for Washu the ex-Jennie goddess. He made a deal to be granted three un-limited wishes from the current goddess of the Jinn (Yume) if he will bring her Washu<br />Zero – a monster or magical creation with super doppelganger powers such that it can take the form, abilities and memories of another. It is under Dr. Clay’s control. As a last resort he also has a spell or charm binding Zero, so that if he speaks a certain command word, Zero will die. It will capture and impersonate Ryoko and use her form to grab Washu and bring her to Dr. Clay.<br />Yume – Jennie Goddess, Current Queen of the Jinn. A very powerful astral entity that is currently the queen of all Jinn Heaven (after Washu’s untimely disappearance). Worshipped by all female Djinn (Jennies) and feared by all creatures from the elemental plane of air. <br />Encounter #8 Details<br />Prince Seiryo of Jurai – Ayeka’s cousin. Male, although you might have to ask. A pink haired fighter (12th level), chaotic neutral, with a sword of life stealing and a ring of vampiric regeneration. Last male of royal blood left in Jurai about 100 years after Ayeka left. He was sent to go looking for Ayeka. He loves beautiful haired young girls and boys. To him Ayeka is exquisitely beautiful and he must have her as a show piece. He will have a portrait of her commissioned as soon as they consummate the marriage to add to his collection. He has a royal commandment from Ayeka’s father the King of Jurai that Ayeka is to marry him and come home. Sorry girls, Ayeka will obey her father, and fulfill her royal duty so that the kingdom does not come to ruin and she will not loose her lawful status and her monk powers. A glance at his decree also gives him control of Azaka & Kamidake overriding Ayeka’s commands (but not the King’s). He should have a four guards with him 10th level fighters, castrated men of his personal retinue . If the princess does not come willingly he will take her by force. If the party is going to fight him for Ayeka then Azaka & Kamidake will automatically be on the prince’s side and Ayeka can not lawfully fight against her betrothed. Remember Azaka & Kamidake can telekinetically move objects with 500 pounds of force. Grab Tenchi’s sword and lift it. If he hangs on, it keeps going up. If only there was another man of Royal descent who could challenge him for Ayeka’s hand. There is? Tenchi? Ayeka will bring this up because it gives her a legal out and gives her Tenchi. In order to be legal it must be duel; one on one. Officially it is to the death, though the winner may show mercy if the looser concedes victory and renounces Ayeka and whatever else the winner demands. Tenchi must understand that if he wins he will be betrothed to Ayeka. If Tenchi does win, the group and the NPC’s must work it out. Ryoko might destroy the flying trees to prevent their ever returning. The princess and Tenchi may both agree to a wedding date years in future. They may be engaged but, until the wedding back in Jurai, the chaperoning orders are still in place. If Tenchi gets badly hurt during the duel, Ryoko at least is going to attack Seiryo, forget the terms of the duel. So this should turn into a free for all after all. If the party not doing well, a smart Ayeka will run into combat and scream that she is being attacked. Azaka & Kamidakem will try to bubble the princess since the kings standing orders to protect Ayeka from harm outweigh anything else. If Ayeka keeps dodging (makes her saving throw) that’s keeping one guard busy. If she runs to one of the prince’s men for protection then dodges the bubble, I guess that guard would have to make his saving throw too or be bubbled. In the end if possible Ayeka will ask Seiryo’s life to be spared in exchange for the magical phrases needed to unlock Ryo-ohki’s ability travel back in time. He had to have them in order to take her and Ryo-ohki back. <br />Encounter #9 Details:<br />Dr. Clay - 16th level magic user from another dimension. When he was already old he found Washu’s bottle on the Prime Material plane. He used his three wishes from Washu for immortality (but not eternal youth, woops), invulnerability to weapons (physical), and the ability absorb and cast spells like a rod of absorption. (like a rod of absorption he will explode if he goes over 50 spell levels absorbed, but he can cast 8th level spells to use up 8 spell level points each round and can choose not to absorb spells.) Remember Washu knows all of his abilities and can give information to the party. After this Magic User learned how to contact the Astral plane, he encountered a creature searching for Washu the ex-Jennie goddess. He made a deal to be granted an un-limited wish from the current goddess of the Jinn (Yume) if he will bring her Washu. Washu loose from her bottle and gaining power and allies is a possible future threat to the current goddess. Dr. Clay angered the goddess by not revealing any information about the location of Washu. He also has a staff of the Magi and if defeated he will do a retributive strike. He may destroy himself with the party, but he will come back. He can project part of his fortress from his home dimension to ours or others. <br />Zero – a monster or magical creation with super doppelganger powers such that it can take the form, abilities and memories of another. It is under Dr. Clays control. As a last resort he also has a spell or charm binding it, so that if he speaks a certain command word, it will die. It will capture and impersonate Ryoko and attempt to grab Washu and bring her to Dr. Clay. Washu is not to be harmed. None of the specific protections of Tenchi’s sword will work on this fake Ryoko. The sword will still grant resistance verses fire and electricity but not complete protection against her breath weapons and the command word to control her won’t work. The sword always does 8-48 points of damage to non-descendents of Yosho. If you want this creature to love Tenchi due to some unknown link of destiny between Ryoko and Yosho’s descendents, then go for it. It might mean life or death to the party. As a possible scenario , Ryoko went off to get a love potion to make Ayeka fall for some else beside Tenchi. When captured, and after learning what was going to happen, she drank it, closed her eyes and thought as hard as she could of Tenchi. Zero when it absorbed Ryoko’s thoughts and memories got the magically induced love for Tenchi. A player who knows the series might pick up on a love-struck Ryoko before it’s too late. <br />Encounter #10 Details<br />Yakage - This is Yosho from an alternate probability. In his reality, instead of magic jarring himself in the sword and putting Ryoko to sleep, he had a son and took over his body. At the death of his parents, he went back to Jurai to marry the Ayeka of his world. Both him and Minagi are Chaotic Neutral and Minagi is his lover. The Ayeka of his world refused him. He forced her to marry him using a powerful charm spell. He planned to keep it renewed always, but just before their wedding she broke through and when he tried to charm her again she committed suicide. He used the guidance system of his tree to find another Aeyka, the Aeyka of our world, and this time he has armed himself with a powerful forget spell and a love potion. You can stretch alternate realities but they cannot touch. Take a balloon and force your fingers into it and it stretches but if the rubber between the two fingers is disappears, boom !. If (or rather when) Ryoko and Minage touch a huge explosion happens (75 points of damage, 50’ radius, others in radius may save for half but not Ryoko or Minagi ), and both will be left damaged (They will be knocked unconscious and thereafter be at ½hit points, ½ damage on all their attacks and memory erased, permanently until fixed). Washu will know what is going on and will shout not to touch (unheeded), after the battle she will explain and say that she thinks she can fix them if given a month of experimenting. If they touch again there will be another explosion and they will be dead. Wahsu will also shout that If Tenchi’s and Yakage’s swords touch there will be another huge explosion. If this happens then both swords thereafter will do half damage, then if they touch again there will be another explosion and both swords will be destroyed. You see if the same object from two alternate realities physically touch the fabric of space time is stretched too thin between them and time and space collapse to push them apart. Push to fingers into a balloon such that they touch in the middle, now if the tips of the fingers were actually the same finger then the membrane is ruptured and the balloon bursts. Fortunately universes aren’t as fragile as balloons and the damage is localized and sealed. See professor Washu. <br />The explosions were not expected by Yakage and he will take Ayeka and run if possible, knowing Minagi can fly between the worlds in dragon form. <br />Minagi – Identical to Ryoko but from an alternate reallity. Identical abilities but knows all of her abilities and how to use them. After she regains consciousness and meets the group, she will volunteer to help them rescue princess Ayeka. If she does try to fight Yakage, he will control her with his sword. <br />Kuze & Hakkou – Yakage’s guards similar to Azaka & Kamidake. They have the same magic missile and telekinetic attacks but they don’t project walls of force or bubble things. They only move at 10’ per round. They have projecting force spikes and spin faster and faster so that contact with them does 2 six sided dice for each round they are allowed to increase their spin (save for half). Because of gyroscopic forces their turning ability decreases for each round they build up their spin. (0 rounds of spin; 180 degree change of direction, 1; 135°, 2; 90°, 3; 45°, 4 or more; 0° [they will have to decelerate to turn]) (Intelligent, self-guided spinning tops of doom) <br />