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Outline For The Outsiders
I. Intro (State Thesis)–Have you ever felt like you didn't belong? In the book The Outsiders,
Ponyboy struggles trying to fit in with the Greasers, but he doesn't fit in with the Socs either. The
theme of the novel The Outsiders is fitting in. The book and the movie The Outsiders have many
differences and similarities, but the theme remains consistent in both. II. Similarities (stick with at
least four)– In the movie and book Ponyboy gets along with his brother sodapop very well they
stick up with each other. The movie and the book are both named the outsiders. In both movie and
novel the Greasers and socs have a fight the Greasers won the fight. Also when ponyboy and johnny
got jumped by A soc ANd they killed him after they ran off more content...
Differences (stick with at least four)– Ponyboy has a good relationship with sodapop and gets along
better with darry but still has a very good relationship with his brother. In the beginning of the
book, Pony gets jumped by some Socs, but he doesn't get cut with a knife. In the movie, they cut
him. In the movie when ponyboy is talking to cherry he says how the sun on the south side and she
says"good how bout the north." In the book it's written west and east. Also in the movie johnny
never got his first beating from the soc in the book he does. In the book it gave more detail and
information in the movie it starts like in mid way of the book. IV. Conflicts/Theme– Ponyboy, one of
the greasers, realizes that appearance is the main reason the greasers get in trouble with society
and the socs don't. Regardless of who wins the conflicts between the two groups, society will still
see the greasers as bad because of the way they look. Also a conflict is when johnny killed the soc
because of self defence then when dally dies at the very end of the movie and book. V. Conclusion–
This book is a really good book not a very good movie because they have so many differences if they
would have not started in the middle of the book then it would have been really good and
entertaining but it just doesn't give me the vision in my head of the whole book . A movie to me
is where a book comes to life and, but it still was a good movie but could have been
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Auschwitz Historical Overview
A Historical Overview of the Death Camp
The Holocaust is one of the most horrifying crimes against humanity. "Hitler, in an attempt to
establish the pure Aryan race, decided that all mentally ill, gypsies, non supporters of Nazism, and
Jews were to be eliminated from the German population. He proceeded to reach his goal in a
systematic scheme." (Bauer, 58) One of his main methods of exterminating these 'undesirables'
was through the use of concentration and death camps. In January of 1941, Adolf Hitler and his top
officials decided to make their 'final solution' a reality. Their goal was to eliminate the Jews and the
'unpure' from the entire population. Auschwitz was the more content...
These camps were set up along railroad lines so that the prisoners would be conveniently close to
their destination. Unfortunately, many prisoners didn't even survive the train ride to the camps.
Herded like cattle, exhaustion, disease, and starvation ended the long treacherous journey for
many of the prisoners. On the trains, Jews were starved of food and water for days. Nearly 8% of
the people did not even survive the ride to the camps. (Nyiszli, 37)
When they arrived at the camps, most of the families who were shipped out together, ended up being
separated. Often, the transports were a sampling of what went on in the camps: cruelty by the
officers, near starvation of those being transported, as well as fetid and unsanitary conditions. For the
people who survived the trip, it was just the beginning of the living nightmare that they would face
inside the walls of Auschwitz.
Jews were forced to obey the guards' orders from the moment they arrived at the camps. "If
they didn't, they would be beaten, put into solitary confinement, or shot." (Nyiszli, 49) A
prisoner said, "I can remember when I first arrived. The S.S. would take babies right out of
their mother's arms, throw them in the air and then shoot them. This is when I realized that I had
just entered hell." (Nyiszli, 102) The prisoners had
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Outline For Abortion Essay
Introductory Sentence:
As science advances, it is becoming very common for parents from all over the world to select their
babies gender by abortion. However, this trend is unacceptable and detrimental to the natural balance
of things, society and the future of humanity.
Thesis Statement:
Abortion is very harmful to women and it violated the ethic. As a result, it should be banned in the
Topic Sentence 1:
Abortion is very harmful to women both physically and emotionally, it can easily to cause infection
or hemorrhaging, and may also cause infertility, or lifelong regret.
Support 1: Most people who did the abortion are teenagers, which around 16 to 20 years old. At that
age, their organs are not fully developed, expecially the more content...
Even though the baby cannot speak or walk yet, it is still a life, and no one has the right to take
another person's life.
Support 2: Abortion is very risky, and could cause malformation and double–sex. These results are
not only painful for baby, but the whole family. They would get made fun of their whole lives by
the public and this will be a very difficult thing for them to live with.
Topic Sentence 3:
Abortion will cause gender selection which will influence the balance between male and female. In
most Asian counties, people wish for a son instead of a daughter,and this leads to the huge gender
Support 1: In most Asian counties, people wish for a son instead of a daughter,and this leads to the
huge gender imbalance.
Support 2: The imbalance between male and female will severely impact people's lives, and the
progress of society.
Conclusion (rephrase and restate your own words; summarize all of your ideas; convey a sense of
In conclusion, every person has their right to exist, and should be allowed to develop as good as
possible. In order to reduce discrimination, balance the gender distribution and promote social
development, sex selection should be
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English 1301 Reflection
My attitude going into English 1301 was excitement at first. When I was in high school I took
English and when I would turn in my essays I would get an "A" on every essay. The second week of
English 1301 was when my instructor assigned me my first essay. This essay was to explain my
composing process. At first I had no idea that I even had a process for composing an essay. I had
never really thought about it. Then the instructor said that it had to be in APA format, 12 point
font, and Times New Roman. This was all very new to me because in high school my teacher did
not require me to do this. Throughout this essay you will see the changes of my composing
process, the impact this class has had on me, and how I feel about my improvement. My
composing process changed throughout the semester because I felt that my old process was not
good enough. Therefore, I decided to walk into my house one day and sit down and begin to do
homework. In doing this I paid close attention to every step I took from beginning to the end of
my essay. A few things that I have added into my composing process was an outline and going to
a public area where no one knows me or wants to talk to me. Throughout this course, I have
realized that if I am around other students that are working on homework, I am able to buckle
down and get my work done too. However, if I am in a public area such as the Student Center at
TSTC, I am unable to focus because people come up to me and start talking to me which takes
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Mental Health Outline
I.Introduction and Background a.New attention focus on alternative methods of treatment for
mental health disorders b.Exercise plays a beneficial role for many health concerns in general and
improves quality of life c.Many people do not seek treatment of symptoms or receive adequate
amount i.Treatment is usually first sought out at a primary care provider where the majority of
treatment is pharmacological therapy, then few go on to psychotherapy ii. Many people are not
aware of the non–medicinal mechanisms of reducing depressive symptoms d.Medication is not the
only solution for treatment, exercise could be an effective treatment for MDD e.Mental health is
finally starting to be recognized as just as important as physical health f.In the US, 1 in 10 adults
suffers from more content...
The mechanisms responsible for creating this lowering effect of depression are unknown, but there
is strong evidence for an association between enhanced physical activity and exercising and positive
benefits on mental health 4.Numerous pathways have been hypothesized, such as increased
serotonin and endorphins III.Exercise with regular medicinal treatment a.Pharmacological treatment
causes the most rapid initial response in symptom reduction no matter the severity of MDD b.Best
for mild to moderate depression treatment i.Response is more rapid c.Lower HAMD scores when
combined with an exercise program, rather than only medicine after 4 months d.Exercise reduces
concurrent depression IV.Only exercise a.Some people do not want to take medications due to
personal viewpoints, monetary issues, or because of the risk associated with antidepressants, risks
that often impair QOL b.With only exercise, HAMD scores have been proven to reduce to the same
magnitude as medication after 4 months of an exercise program c.A dosage equal to the public
health recommendation for exercise amount is the effective amount needed to produce the same
effect as medication without taking
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Climate Change, An Outline Essay
Climate Change
1) What is climate change?
2) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
3) Causes of climate change
4) Effects of climate change?
5) International Panels on Climate Change
6) What can be done at home?
1) What is climate change?
Climate Change is the significant change in the climate and distribution of weather patterns on Earth
ranging from the last decade to millennia earlier.
2) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Currently chaired by Mr. Rajendra Pachauri, this organisation was setup in 1988 by two United
Nations organizations, the World Meteorological Organisation and the United Nations Environment
Programme. IPCC reports on the scientific, technical and socio–economic information needed to
understand more content...
Without this layer of gases the Earth would be too cold to be inhabited, perhaps 20 degrees cooler
than now. But, then amount of gases in this layer must remain constant. Even a slight increase could
have drastic results. Many people believe that a one degree increase in the temperature will not
cause much harm. The truth is with every degree of increase in temperature a 100 more wildlife
species are put in danger of extinction. Numerous experiments and studies prove that an increased
level of greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide, is causing climate change and causing it fast.
2) Human Activities
A) Burning of fossil fuels–This is the most prominent and deadly source of climate change. Burning
of fossil fuels can release greenhouse gases ranging from carbon dioxide to ammonia. With massive
industrialization currently going on, the amount of fossil fuels burned is increasing. Transport and
heating are also major energy sources. Almost 7 giga tonnes of Carbon dioxide is emitted per year.
In the U.K three–fourths of energy produced comes from fossil fuels. Mineral fuels like petroleum
and coal are major sources of energy. In the last 150 years more than 45 Billion tonnes of carbon
dioxide has been emitted .The most problematic factor is that in the last decade; there has been no
slowdown in carbon emissions.
B) Poor use of land–Plants are the only natural purifiers of air and also the most abundant. But,
many trees
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Speech Outline Essay
Common Phobias (Sample Informative Prep Outline)
General Purpose: To inform.
Specific Purpose: After hearing my presentation, my listeners will be able to name and describe
several common phobias.
Central Idea: The most common phobias fall into three main categories – social, survival, and
environmental phobias.
Organizational Pattern: Topical
INTRODUCTION I.(Attention Material) Rose Marie had fears that she allowed to take control of
her life. A. Fears, even small ones, can grow into phobias. B.Normal, rational fears can become
problems. C.When these fears begin to dominate a portion of your life, they are called "phobias",
which are defined by the American Psychological Association as "a strong, persistent, more
Now let's look at a second type of phobias.)
II.The second type of phobia is the survival phobia. A.A college student rides a three day train to
school. 1.She is afraid of flying. 2.She has aerophobia. B.A businessman had to quit his job when his
office moved to the thirty–second floor of a building. 1.He could not ride in an elevator. 2.He had
claustrophobia. C.There are many more survival phobias. 1.Hypnophobia is the fear of sleep.
2.Electrophobia is the fear of electricity. 3.Thanatophobia is the fear of death.
III.The third, and broadest category of phobias, is the environmental phobia group. A.Howard
Hughes had mysophobia, a fear of germs. B.A Brooklyn politician had a fear of newspapers and
wet newsprint. 1.This hindered his career. 2.He learned to read the newspaper without actually
touching it. C.There are several other environmental phobias. 1.The fear of storms has two subtypes.
a.Keraunophobia is the fear of thunder. b.Astraphobia is the fear of lightning. 2.The fear of heights
is acrophobia. 3.The fear of water is hydrophobia.
(Transition:Now that we've discussed these three categories of phobias, and some specific examples
of each type, let's review what we've learned.)
I.(Summary of Main Points) There are three broad categories of phobias. A.Social phobias are those
phobias that make it hard to
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Essay On Slob
Have you ever gone through a hard time? Did you have people in your life help you get through
that difficult time? In Slob, by Ellen Potter, a realistic fiction novel, Owen, the protagonist, has a
few people who help him get through many challenging situations. Also, in Every Soul a Star, by
Wendy Mass, a realistic fiction book, protagonists, Ally, Bree and Jack, all help each other when
they are faced with a difficult situation. In Slob, Owen is a boy who gets bullied a lot and has a low
self–esteem. His mom, sister, and friends help him overcome his weaknesses so that he can become
a stronger person. In addition, in Every Soul a Star, Ally, Bree, and Jack all help each other out when
they are going through very difficult situations. more content...
In Slob, Owen's friend Nima showed compassion to Owen when he told Nima that his parents
died. This is shown in the text: "'What did you say?' I asked. 'I pray for your honored parents.
Also, I pray for the man who killed your parents.'" This shows that Nima is showing compassion
to Owen when he prays for his parents who died. Likewise, Bree shows compassion to Ally when
they talk about what Ally will experience when she moves out of the campground. For instance,
"'Drugs? Street Crime?'... 'Sorry, but that stuff is everywhere.' 'Not here!' 'Well, everywhere else.
But don't worry Ally. You'll be fine'" (Mass 129). This shows that Bree is showing compassion to
Ally by telling her not to worry and that she'll be fine when she moves out of the campground. In
both of these situations, characters showed compassion to each other through their words, and,
therefore were able to help each
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Outline For Bullying Essay
(Introduction) Did you know that each year, over 3.2 million students claim victim to bullying, over
77% of students in America? (Topic Sentence) Bullying is a growing issue everywhere to people of
any type, and it needs to stop. (Background Info) An example is with the story of Jamie Nabozny
and the Ashland School District. The Ashland School District was completely in the wrong when the
gay teenager, Jamie Nabozny, was continually harassed and abused without protection from the
school. He had announced his sexuality and due to it, people teased him, hit him, tripped him, and
even though he reported this to school authorities, nothing was done about it. (Attention Grabber)
After receiving medical care in a hospital, all he could think about was the threat from his tormenter,
"If you tell anybody, I'll kill you." After contemplating more content...
(Evidence) Jamie Nabozny continually got bullied day after day in middle school and high school.
It started with verbal abuse and continued into serious physical abuse. After going through this, he
had enough and decided to take a stand against it. (Elaboration of Evidence) He decided to take
action in suing the school district. After a tiring fight against the school and bullying that occurred,
Jamie Nabozny continued persevering through a stressful and revolutionary lawsuit, ending with a
won the case against the principals and school authorities who failed to protect him against his rights
as a student. (Clincher, Significance) After winning the lawsuit, it was a very important and huge
breakout that inspired others to take a stand up against bullying too. It showed everyone the need to
protect these students' rights and how important it was that school authorities get involved with
these issues. It showed need to help with protecting the students of their rights, in this case the issue
of sexual
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Bullying Outline
Purpose: To inform the audience on bullying.
Thesis: The effect bullying has on students.
Attention getter: Bullying, we have all been a victim and we have all been the bully whether we
have noticed or not.
Relevance: Everyday bullying happens all around us and nobody seems to lift a finger to stop it.
Credibility: Growing up I was always a victim of bullying, because of this I have became depressed,
my anxiety is through the roof and my self confidence is the lowest it has ever been. I started
getting bullied in the fourth grade, my classmates would make fun of my freckles, my hair color,
the way I dressed and so much more, they didn't realize that maybe I was going through a hard time
at home and they could have been more content...
This type of bullying uses instant messaging, cell phone text messages and online social networks
to humiliate and embarrass others. This can be especially devastating to the people being bullied,
since they cannot even find a safe place in the virtual world." It is very important for you to realize
that there are many different forms of bullying, there is physical bullying, verbal bullying, emotional
bullying and cyberbullying. Physical and verbal bullying are the 2 methods often used in our
classrooms and hallways, Admin bullying be demographic explains both types well, "Physical
Bullying: is the most obvious form of bullying. In this type of bullying, the instigator attempts to
physically dominate another teen. This usually includes kicking, punching and other physically
harmful activities, designed to instill fear in the one bullied, and possible coerce him or her to do
something.""Verbal Bullying: When someone verbally bullies another, he or she uses demeaning
language to tear down another's self–image. Bullies who use verbal techniques
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Substance Abuse Outline
Substance Abuse
1.)This is the continues use of substances and it often associated with the persistent desire to use the
specific substance or no effort to control the amount of substance used
2.)This was most like title due to increase of drugs even though it was known that the substance can
cause negative effects
3.)The reason for substance abuse could be because at a time the where dependent on the substance
and this caused individuals to continue to use the untitled substance
4.)+can so the long term negative side effects of the substance
–can break a person social relations
Substance Dependence
1.)This is the shown through a person strong want for the substance and without the substance it can
cause withdrawal symptoms
2.) more content...
The results showed that white students who had friends that smoked are most likely to also smoke
compared to non–white students. In conclusion they focused on the relationship between the
children and their parents. In indivualistic cultures teens will rebel against there parents which often
showed children smoking and in some collectivist culture children will not rebel
3.)No cultural bias– looked at all cultures
Bauman et al. (1990)
1.)The aim of this study was to see the relations between the parent's views towards smoking and the
likelihood of the children smoking. The assumption was that the parents influence the children's
smoking habits.
2.)In this study thy had a sample of children whose ages where around 12–114 and the looked at the
parent's views towards smoking and looked at the children's smoking habit. The results showed that
80% of the children who had parents who did not smoke or was against smoking was 7 times less
likely to smoke. In conclusion the parent's views have a role of the children's smoking habits
3.)Culturally the children are only from America and different cultures have different views towards
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Outline Essay

  • 1. Outline For The Outsiders I. Intro (State Thesis)–Have you ever felt like you didn't belong? In the book The Outsiders, Ponyboy struggles trying to fit in with the Greasers, but he doesn't fit in with the Socs either. The theme of the novel The Outsiders is fitting in. The book and the movie The Outsiders have many differences and similarities, but the theme remains consistent in both. II. Similarities (stick with at least four)– In the movie and book Ponyboy gets along with his brother sodapop very well they stick up with each other. The movie and the book are both named the outsiders. In both movie and novel the Greasers and socs have a fight the Greasers won the fight. Also when ponyboy and johnny got jumped by A soc ANd they killed him after they ran off more content... Differences (stick with at least four)– Ponyboy has a good relationship with sodapop and gets along better with darry but still has a very good relationship with his brother. In the beginning of the book, Pony gets jumped by some Socs, but he doesn't get cut with a knife. In the movie, they cut him. In the movie when ponyboy is talking to cherry he says how the sun on the south side and she says"good how bout the north." In the book it's written west and east. Also in the movie johnny never got his first beating from the soc in the book he does. In the book it gave more detail and information in the movie it starts like in mid way of the book. IV. Conflicts/Theme– Ponyboy, one of the greasers, realizes that appearance is the main reason the greasers get in trouble with society and the socs don't. Regardless of who wins the conflicts between the two groups, society will still see the greasers as bad because of the way they look. Also a conflict is when johnny killed the soc because of self defence then when dally dies at the very end of the movie and book. V. Conclusion– This book is a really good book not a very good movie because they have so many differences if they would have not started in the middle of the book then it would have been really good and entertaining but it just doesn't give me the vision in my head of the whole book . A movie to me is where a book comes to life and, but it still was a good movie but could have been Get more content on
  • 2. Auschwitz Historical Overview Auschwitz: A Historical Overview of the Death Camp The Holocaust is one of the most horrifying crimes against humanity. "Hitler, in an attempt to establish the pure Aryan race, decided that all mentally ill, gypsies, non supporters of Nazism, and Jews were to be eliminated from the German population. He proceeded to reach his goal in a systematic scheme." (Bauer, 58) One of his main methods of exterminating these 'undesirables' was through the use of concentration and death camps. In January of 1941, Adolf Hitler and his top officials decided to make their 'final solution' a reality. Their goal was to eliminate the Jews and the 'unpure' from the entire population. Auschwitz was the more content... These camps were set up along railroad lines so that the prisoners would be conveniently close to their destination. Unfortunately, many prisoners didn't even survive the train ride to the camps. Herded like cattle, exhaustion, disease, and starvation ended the long treacherous journey for many of the prisoners. On the trains, Jews were starved of food and water for days. Nearly 8% of the people did not even survive the ride to the camps. (Nyiszli, 37) When they arrived at the camps, most of the families who were shipped out together, ended up being separated. Often, the transports were a sampling of what went on in the camps: cruelty by the officers, near starvation of those being transported, as well as fetid and unsanitary conditions. For the people who survived the trip, it was just the beginning of the living nightmare that they would face inside the walls of Auschwitz. Jews were forced to obey the guards' orders from the moment they arrived at the camps. "If they didn't, they would be beaten, put into solitary confinement, or shot." (Nyiszli, 49) A prisoner said, "I can remember when I first arrived. The S.S. would take babies right out of their mother's arms, throw them in the air and then shoot them. This is when I realized that I had just entered hell." (Nyiszli, 102) The prisoners had Get more content on
  • 3. Outline For Abortion Essay Introductory Sentence: As science advances, it is becoming very common for parents from all over the world to select their babies gender by abortion. However, this trend is unacceptable and detrimental to the natural balance of things, society and the future of humanity. Thesis Statement: Abortion is very harmful to women and it violated the ethic. As a result, it should be banned in the society. Topic Sentence 1: Abortion is very harmful to women both physically and emotionally, it can easily to cause infection or hemorrhaging, and may also cause infertility, or lifelong regret. Support 1: Most people who did the abortion are teenagers, which around 16 to 20 years old. At that age, their organs are not fully developed, expecially the more content... Even though the baby cannot speak or walk yet, it is still a life, and no one has the right to take another person's life. Support 2: Abortion is very risky, and could cause malformation and double–sex. These results are not only painful for baby, but the whole family. They would get made fun of their whole lives by the public and this will be a very difficult thing for them to live with. Topic Sentence 3: Abortion will cause gender selection which will influence the balance between male and female. In most Asian counties, people wish for a son instead of a daughter,and this leads to the huge gender imbalance. Support 1: In most Asian counties, people wish for a son instead of a daughter,and this leads to the huge gender imbalance. Support 2: The imbalance between male and female will severely impact people's lives, and the progress of society. Conclusion (rephrase and restate your own words; summarize all of your ideas; convey a sense of finality) In conclusion, every person has their right to exist, and should be allowed to develop as good as possible. In order to reduce discrimination, balance the gender distribution and promote social development, sex selection should be Get more content on
  • 4. English 1301 Reflection My attitude going into English 1301 was excitement at first. When I was in high school I took English and when I would turn in my essays I would get an "A" on every essay. The second week of English 1301 was when my instructor assigned me my first essay. This essay was to explain my composing process. At first I had no idea that I even had a process for composing an essay. I had never really thought about it. Then the instructor said that it had to be in APA format, 12 point font, and Times New Roman. This was all very new to me because in high school my teacher did not require me to do this. Throughout this essay you will see the changes of my composing process, the impact this class has had on me, and how I feel about my improvement. My composing process changed throughout the semester because I felt that my old process was not good enough. Therefore, I decided to walk into my house one day and sit down and begin to do homework. In doing this I paid close attention to every step I took from beginning to the end of my essay. A few things that I have added into my composing process was an outline and going to a public area where no one knows me or wants to talk to me. Throughout this course, I have realized that if I am around other students that are working on homework, I am able to buckle down and get my work done too. However, if I am in a public area such as the Student Center at TSTC, I am unable to focus because people come up to me and start talking to me which takes Get more content on
  • 5. Mental Health Outline I.Introduction and Background a.New attention focus on alternative methods of treatment for mental health disorders b.Exercise plays a beneficial role for many health concerns in general and improves quality of life c.Many people do not seek treatment of symptoms or receive adequate amount i.Treatment is usually first sought out at a primary care provider where the majority of treatment is pharmacological therapy, then few go on to psychotherapy ii. Many people are not aware of the non–medicinal mechanisms of reducing depressive symptoms d.Medication is not the only solution for treatment, exercise could be an effective treatment for MDD e.Mental health is finally starting to be recognized as just as important as physical health f.In the US, 1 in 10 adults suffers from more content... The mechanisms responsible for creating this lowering effect of depression are unknown, but there is strong evidence for an association between enhanced physical activity and exercising and positive benefits on mental health 4.Numerous pathways have been hypothesized, such as increased serotonin and endorphins III.Exercise with regular medicinal treatment a.Pharmacological treatment causes the most rapid initial response in symptom reduction no matter the severity of MDD b.Best for mild to moderate depression treatment i.Response is more rapid c.Lower HAMD scores when combined with an exercise program, rather than only medicine after 4 months d.Exercise reduces concurrent depression IV.Only exercise a.Some people do not want to take medications due to personal viewpoints, monetary issues, or because of the risk associated with antidepressants, risks that often impair QOL b.With only exercise, HAMD scores have been proven to reduce to the same magnitude as medication after 4 months of an exercise program c.A dosage equal to the public health recommendation for exercise amount is the effective amount needed to produce the same effect as medication without taking Get more content on
  • 6. Climate Change, An Outline Essay Climate Change Topics: 1) What is climate change? 2) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 3) Causes of climate change 4) Effects of climate change? 5) International Panels on Climate Change 6) What can be done at home? 1) What is climate change? Climate Change is the significant change in the climate and distribution of weather patterns on Earth ranging from the last decade to millennia earlier. 2) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Currently chaired by Mr. Rajendra Pachauri, this organisation was setup in 1988 by two United Nations organizations, the World Meteorological Organisation and the United Nations Environment Programme. IPCC reports on the scientific, technical and socio–economic information needed to understand more content... Without this layer of gases the Earth would be too cold to be inhabited, perhaps 20 degrees cooler than now. But, then amount of gases in this layer must remain constant. Even a slight increase could have drastic results. Many people believe that a one degree increase in the temperature will not cause much harm. The truth is with every degree of increase in temperature a 100 more wildlife species are put in danger of extinction. Numerous experiments and studies prove that an increased level of greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide, is causing climate change and causing it fast. 2) Human Activities A) Burning of fossil fuels–This is the most prominent and deadly source of climate change. Burning of fossil fuels can release greenhouse gases ranging from carbon dioxide to ammonia. With massive industrialization currently going on, the amount of fossil fuels burned is increasing. Transport and heating are also major energy sources. Almost 7 giga tonnes of Carbon dioxide is emitted per year. In the U.K three–fourths of energy produced comes from fossil fuels. Mineral fuels like petroleum and coal are major sources of energy. In the last 150 years more than 45 Billion tonnes of carbon dioxide has been emitted .The most problematic factor is that in the last decade; there has been no slowdown in carbon emissions. B) Poor use of land–Plants are the only natural purifiers of air and also the most abundant. But, many trees Get more content on
  • 7. Speech Outline Essay Common Phobias (Sample Informative Prep Outline) General Purpose: To inform. Specific Purpose: After hearing my presentation, my listeners will be able to name and describe several common phobias. Central Idea: The most common phobias fall into three main categories – social, survival, and environmental phobias. Organizational Pattern: Topical INTRODUCTION I.(Attention Material) Rose Marie had fears that she allowed to take control of her life. A. Fears, even small ones, can grow into phobias. B.Normal, rational fears can become problems. C.When these fears begin to dominate a portion of your life, they are called "phobias", which are defined by the American Psychological Association as "a strong, persistent, more content... Now let's look at a second type of phobias.) II.The second type of phobia is the survival phobia. A.A college student rides a three day train to school. 1.She is afraid of flying. 2.She has aerophobia. B.A businessman had to quit his job when his office moved to the thirty–second floor of a building. 1.He could not ride in an elevator. 2.He had claustrophobia. C.There are many more survival phobias. 1.Hypnophobia is the fear of sleep. 2.Electrophobia is the fear of electricity. 3.Thanatophobia is the fear of death. III.The third, and broadest category of phobias, is the environmental phobia group. A.Howard Hughes had mysophobia, a fear of germs. B.A Brooklyn politician had a fear of newspapers and wet newsprint. 1.This hindered his career. 2.He learned to read the newspaper without actually touching it. C.There are several other environmental phobias. 1.The fear of storms has two subtypes. a.Keraunophobia is the fear of thunder. b.Astraphobia is the fear of lightning. 2.The fear of heights is acrophobia. 3.The fear of water is hydrophobia. (Transition:Now that we've discussed these three categories of phobias, and some specific examples of each type, let's review what we've learned.) CONCLUSION I.(Summary of Main Points) There are three broad categories of phobias. A.Social phobias are those phobias that make it hard to
  • 8. Get more content on
  • 9. Essay On Slob Have you ever gone through a hard time? Did you have people in your life help you get through that difficult time? In Slob, by Ellen Potter, a realistic fiction novel, Owen, the protagonist, has a few people who help him get through many challenging situations. Also, in Every Soul a Star, by Wendy Mass, a realistic fiction book, protagonists, Ally, Bree and Jack, all help each other when they are faced with a difficult situation. In Slob, Owen is a boy who gets bullied a lot and has a low self–esteem. His mom, sister, and friends help him overcome his weaknesses so that he can become a stronger person. In addition, in Every Soul a Star, Ally, Bree, and Jack all help each other out when they are going through very difficult situations. more content... In Slob, Owen's friend Nima showed compassion to Owen when he told Nima that his parents died. This is shown in the text: "'What did you say?' I asked. 'I pray for your honored parents. Also, I pray for the man who killed your parents.'" This shows that Nima is showing compassion to Owen when he prays for his parents who died. Likewise, Bree shows compassion to Ally when they talk about what Ally will experience when she moves out of the campground. For instance, "'Drugs? Street Crime?'... 'Sorry, but that stuff is everywhere.' 'Not here!' 'Well, everywhere else. But don't worry Ally. You'll be fine'" (Mass 129). This shows that Bree is showing compassion to Ally by telling her not to worry and that she'll be fine when she moves out of the campground. In both of these situations, characters showed compassion to each other through their words, and, therefore were able to help each Get more content on
  • 10. Outline For Bullying Essay (Introduction) Did you know that each year, over 3.2 million students claim victim to bullying, over 77% of students in America? (Topic Sentence) Bullying is a growing issue everywhere to people of any type, and it needs to stop. (Background Info) An example is with the story of Jamie Nabozny and the Ashland School District. The Ashland School District was completely in the wrong when the gay teenager, Jamie Nabozny, was continually harassed and abused without protection from the school. He had announced his sexuality and due to it, people teased him, hit him, tripped him, and even though he reported this to school authorities, nothing was done about it. (Attention Grabber) After receiving medical care in a hospital, all he could think about was the threat from his tormenter, "If you tell anybody, I'll kill you." After contemplating more content... (Evidence) Jamie Nabozny continually got bullied day after day in middle school and high school. It started with verbal abuse and continued into serious physical abuse. After going through this, he had enough and decided to take a stand against it. (Elaboration of Evidence) He decided to take action in suing the school district. After a tiring fight against the school and bullying that occurred, Jamie Nabozny continued persevering through a stressful and revolutionary lawsuit, ending with a won the case against the principals and school authorities who failed to protect him against his rights as a student. (Clincher, Significance) After winning the lawsuit, it was a very important and huge breakout that inspired others to take a stand up against bullying too. It showed everyone the need to protect these students' rights and how important it was that school authorities get involved with these issues. It showed need to help with protecting the students of their rights, in this case the issue of sexual Get more content on
  • 11. Bullying Outline Purpose: To inform the audience on bullying. Thesis: The effect bullying has on students. Introduction: Attention getter: Bullying, we have all been a victim and we have all been the bully whether we have noticed or not. Relevance: Everyday bullying happens all around us and nobody seems to lift a finger to stop it. Credibility: Growing up I was always a victim of bullying, because of this I have became depressed, my anxiety is through the roof and my self confidence is the lowest it has ever been. I started getting bullied in the fourth grade, my classmates would make fun of my freckles, my hair color, the way I dressed and so much more, they didn't realize that maybe I was going through a hard time at home and they could have been more content... This type of bullying uses instant messaging, cell phone text messages and online social networks to humiliate and embarrass others. This can be especially devastating to the people being bullied, since they cannot even find a safe place in the virtual world." It is very important for you to realize that there are many different forms of bullying, there is physical bullying, verbal bullying, emotional bullying and cyberbullying. Physical and verbal bullying are the 2 methods often used in our classrooms and hallways, Admin bullying be demographic explains both types well, "Physical Bullying: is the most obvious form of bullying. In this type of bullying, the instigator attempts to physically dominate another teen. This usually includes kicking, punching and other physically harmful activities, designed to instill fear in the one bullied, and possible coerce him or her to do something.""Verbal Bullying: When someone verbally bullies another, he or she uses demeaning language to tear down another's self–image. Bullies who use verbal techniques Get more content on
  • 12. Substance Abuse Outline Substance Abuse 1.)This is the continues use of substances and it often associated with the persistent desire to use the specific substance or no effort to control the amount of substance used 2.)This was most like title due to increase of drugs even though it was known that the substance can cause negative effects 3.)The reason for substance abuse could be because at a time the where dependent on the substance and this caused individuals to continue to use the untitled substance 4.)+can so the long term negative side effects of the substance –can break a person social relations Substance Dependence 1.)This is the shown through a person strong want for the substance and without the substance it can cause withdrawal symptoms 2.) more content... The results showed that white students who had friends that smoked are most likely to also smoke compared to non–white students. In conclusion they focused on the relationship between the children and their parents. In indivualistic cultures teens will rebel against there parents which often showed children smoking and in some collectivist culture children will not rebel 3.)No cultural bias– looked at all cultures Bauman et al. (1990) 1.)The aim of this study was to see the relations between the parent's views towards smoking and the likelihood of the children smoking. The assumption was that the parents influence the children's smoking habits. 2.)In this study thy had a sample of children whose ages where around 12–114 and the looked at the parent's views towards smoking and looked at the children's smoking habit. The results showed that 80% of the children who had parents who did not smoke or was against smoking was 7 times less likely to smoke. In conclusion the parent's views have a role of the children's smoking habits 3.)Culturally the children are only from America and different cultures have different views towards Get more content on