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OCTOBER 11, 2017
§ Chris Fregly, Research Engineer @
§ Formerly Netflix and Databricks
§ Advanced Spark and TensorFlow Meetup
Please Join Our 40,000+ Members Globally!
* San Francisco
* Chicago
* Washington DC
* London
Contact Me
§ Software Engineer or Data Scientist interested in optimizing
and deploying TensorFlow models to production
§ Assume you have a working knowledge of TensorFlow
§ 50% Training Optimizations (GPUs, Pipeline, XLA+JIT)
§ 50% Prediction Optimizations (XLA+AOT, TF Serving)
§ Why Heavy Focus on Predicting?
§ Training: boring batch O(num_data_scientists)
§ Inference: exciting real-time O(num_users_of_app)
§ Please 🌟 this GitHub Repo!
§ All slides, code, notebooks, and Docker images here:
§ Optimize TensorFlow Training
§ GPUs
§ Ingestion Pipeline
§ XLA JIT Compiler
§ Optimize TensorFlow Inference
§ XLA AOT Compiler
§ Graph Transform Tool (GTT)
§ TensorFlow Serving
§ Compare Optimizations in Production
§ Very Painful!
§ Especially inside Docker
§ Use nvidia-docker
§ Especially on Kubernetes!
§ Use Kubernetes 1.7+
§ for GitHub + DockerHub Links
§ FP16, INT8 are “Half Precision”
§ Supported by Pascal P100 (2016) and Volta V100 (2017)
§ Flexible FP32 GPU Cores Can Fit 2 FP16’s for 2x Throughput!
§ Half-Precision is OK for Approximate Deep Learning Use Cases
§ 84 Streaming Multiprocessors (SM’s)
§ 5,376 GPU Cores
§ 672 Tensor Cores (ie. Google TPU)
§ Mixed FP16/FP32 Precision
§ More Shared Memory
§ New L0 Instruction Cache
§ Faster L1 Data Cache
§ V100 vs. P100 Performance
§ 12x TFLOPS @ Peak Training
§ 6x Inference Throughput
§ Independent Thread Scheduling - Finally!!
§ Similar to CPU fine-grained thread synchronization semantics
§ Allows GPU to yield execution of any thread
§ Still Optimized for SIMT (Same Instruction Multiple Thread)
§ SIMT units automatically scheduled together
§ Explicit Synchronization
P100 V100
§ Asynchronous I/O Transfer
§ Overlap Compute and I/O
§ Keeps GPUs Saturated
§ Fundamental to Queue Framework in TensorFlow
§ Optimize TensorFlow Training
§ GPUs
§ Ingestion Pipeline
§ XLA JIT Compiler
§ Optimize TensorFlow Inference
§ XLA AOT Compiler
§ Graph Transform Tool (GTT)
§ TensorFlow Serving
§ Compare Optimizations in Production
§ Data Processing
§ HDFS/Hadoop
§ Spark
§ Containers
§ Docker
§ Google Container
§ Container Orchestrators
§ Kubernetes
§ Mesos
§ Not Optimized for Production Pipelines
§ feed_dict Requires Python <-> C++ Serialization
§ Single-threaded, Synchronous, SLOW!
§ Can’t Retrieve Until Current Batch is Complete
§ CPUs/GPUs Not Fully Utilized!
§ Use Queue or Dataset API
§ More than just a traditional Queue
§ Perform I/O, pre-processing, cropping, shuffling
§ Pulls from HDFS, S3, Google Storage, Kafka, ...
§ Combine many small files into large TFRecord files
§ Use CPUs to free GPUs for compute
§ Uses CUDA Streams
§ Helps saturate CPUs and GPUs
§ batch_size
§ # examples / batch (ie. 64 jpg)
§ Limited by GPU RAM
§ num_processing_threads
§ CPU threads pull and pre-process batches of data
§ Limited by CPU Cores
§ queue_capacity
§ Limited by CPU RAM (ie. 5 * batch_size)
§ Instrument training code to generate “timelines”
§ Analyze with Google Web
Tracing Framework (WTF)
§ Monitor CPU with `top`, GPU with `nvidia-smi`
from tensorflow.python.client import timeline
trace =
with open('timeline.json', 'w') as trace_file:
§ cpu:0
§ By default, all CPUs
§ Requires extra config to target a CPU
§ gpu:0..n
§ Each GPU has a unique id
§ TF usually prefers a single GPU
§ xla_cpu:0, xla_gpu:0..n
§ “JIT Compiler Device”
§ Hints TensorFlow to attempt JIT Compile
with tf.device(“/cpu:0”):
with tf.device(“/gpu:0”):
with tf.device(“/gpu:1”):
§ TensorFlow Automatically Inserts Send and Receive Ops into Graph
§ Parameter Server Synchronously Aggregates Updates to Variables
§ Nodes with Multiple GPUs will Pre-Aggregate Before Sending to PS
Worker0 Worker0
Worker0 Worker1 Worker2
gpu0 gpu1
gpu2 gpu3
gpu0 gpu1
gpu2 gpu3
gpu0 gpu1
gpu2 gpu3
§ Synchronous
§ Nodes compute gradients
§ Nodes update Parameter Server (PS)
§ Nodes sync on PS for latest gradients
§ Asynchronous
§ Some nodes delay in computing gradients
§ Nodes don’t update PS
§ Nodes get stale gradients from PS
§ May not converge due to stale reads!
§ Separate Training and Validation Clusters
§ Validate using Saved Checkpoints from Parameter Servers
§ Avoids Resource Contention
Parameter Server
§ Each Mini-Batch May Have Wildly Different Distributions
§ Normalize per batch (and layer)
§ Speeds up Training!!
§ Weights are Learned Quicker
§ Final Model is More Accurate
§ Final mean and variance will be folded into Graph later
-- Always Use Batch Normalization! --
z = tf.matmul(a_prev, W)
a = tf.nn.relu(z)
a_mean, a_var = tf.nn.moments(a, [0])
scale = tf.Variable(tf.ones([depth/channels]))
beta = tf.Variable(tf.zeros ([depth/channels]))
bn = tf.nn.batch_normalizaton(a, a_mean, a_var,
beta, scale, 0.001)
Linearize to
minimize graph
memory usage
§ Optimize TensorFlow Training
§ GPUs
§ Ingestion Pipeline
§ XLA JIT Compiler
§ Optimize TensorFlow Inference
§ XLA AOT Compiler
§ Graph Transform Tool (GTT)
§ TensorFlow Serving
§ Compare Optimizations in Production
§ Accelerated Linear Algebra (XLA)
§ Goals:
§ Reduce reliance on custom operators
§ Improve execution speed
§ Improve memory usage
§ Reduce mobile footprint
§ Improve portability
§ Helps TensorFlow Stay Both Flexible and Performant
§ Compiler Intermediate Representation (IR)
§ Independent of Source and Target Language
§ Define Graphs using HLO Operations
§ XLA Step 1 Emits Target-Independent HLO
§ XLA Step 2 Emits Target-Dependent LLVM
§ LLVM Emits Native Code Specific to Target
§ Supports x86-64, ARM64 (CPU), and NVPTX (GPU)
§ Just-In-Time Compiler
§ Built on XLA Framework
§ Goals:
§ Reduce memory movement – especially useful on GPUs
§ Reduce overhead of multiple function calls
§ Similar to Spark Operator Fusing in Spark 2.0
§ Unroll Loops, Fuse Operators, Fold Constants, …
§ Scope to session, device, or `with jit_scope():`
Before After
Google Web Tracing Framework:
from tensorflow.python.client import timeline
trace =
with open('timeline.json', 'w') as trace_file:
pip install graphviz
dot -Tpng 
-o hlo_graph_1.png
hlo_*.dot files generated by XLA
§ Optimize TensorFlow Training
§ GPUs
§ Ingestion Pipeline
§ XLA JIT Compiler
§ Optimize TensorFlow Inference
§ XLA AOT Compiler
§ Graph Transform Tool (GTT)
§ TensorFlow Serving
§ Compare Optimizations in Production
§ Standalone, Ahead-Of-Time (AOT) Compiler
§ Built on XLA framework
§ tfcompile
§ Creates executable with minimal TensorFlow Runtime needed
§ Includes only dependencies needed by subgraph computation
§ Creates functions with feeds (inputs) and fetches (outputs)
§ Packaged as cc_libary header and object files to link into your app
§ Commonly used for mobile device inference graph
§ Currently, only CPU x86-64 and ARM are supported - no GPU
§ Optimize TensorFlow Training
§ GPUs
§ Ingestion Pipeline
§ XLA JIT Compiler
§ Optimize TensorFlow Inference
§ XLA AOT Compiler
§ Graph Transform Tool (GTT)
§ TensorFlow Serving
§ Compare Optimizations in Production
§ Optimize Trained Models for Inference
§ Remove training-only Ops (checkpoint, drop out, logs)
§ Remove unreachable nodes between given feed -> fetch
§ Fuse adjacent operators to improve memory bandwidth
§ Fold final batch norm mean and variance into variables
§ Round weights/variables improves compression (ie. 70%)
§ Quantize (FP32 -> INT8) to speed up math operations
--in_graph=tensorflow_inception_graph.pb  ß Original Graph
--out_graph=optimized_inception_graph.pb  ß Transformed Graph
--inputs='Mul'  ß Feed (Input)
--outputs='softmax'  ß Fetch (Output)
--transforms=' ß List of Transforms
remove_nodes(op=Identity, op=CheckNumerics)
§ Optimizations
§ strip_unused_nodes
§ Results
§ Graph much simpler
§ File size much smaller
§ Optimizations
§ strip_unused_nodes
§ remove_nodes
§ Results
§ Pesky nodes removed
§ File size a bit smaller
§ Optimizations
§ strip_unused_nodes
§ remove_nodes
§ fold_constants
§ Results
§ Placeholders (feeds) -> Variables*
(*Why Variables and not Constants?)
§ Optimizations
§ strip_unused_nodes
§ remove_nodes
§ fold_constants
§ fold_batch_norms
§ Results
§ Graph remains the same
§ File size approximately the same
§ FP16 and INT8 Are Smaller and Computationally Simpler
§ Weights/Variables are Constants
§ Easy to Linearly Quantize
§ Optimizations
§ strip_unused_nodes
§ remove_nodes
§ fold_constants
§ fold_batch_norms
§ quantize_weights
§ Results
§ Graph is same, file size is smaller, compute is faster
§ Activations Not Known Ahead of Time
§ Depends on input, not easy to quantize
§ Requires Additional Calibration Step
§ Use a “representative” dataset
§ Per Neural Network Layer…
§ Collect histogram of activation values
§ Generate many quantized distributions with different saturation thresholds
§ Choose threshold to minimize…
KL_divergence(ref_distribution, quant_distribution)
§ Not Much Time or Data is Required (Minutes on Commodity Hardware)
§ Optimizations
§ strip_unused_nodes
§ remove_nodes
§ fold_constants
§ fold_batch_norms
§ quantize_weights
§ quantize_nodes (activations)
§ Results
§ Larger graph, needs calibration!
Requires additional
§ Optimizations
§ strip_unused_nodes
§ remove_nodes
§ fold_constants
§ fold_batch_norms
§ quantize_weights
§ quantize_nodes
§ freeze_graph
§ Results
§ Variables -> Constants
We’re Ready to Deploy!!
§ Optimize TensorFlow Training
§ GPUs
§ Ingestion Pipeline
§ XLA JIT Compiler
§ Optimize TensorFlow Inference
§ XLA AOT Compiler
§ Graph Transform Tool (GTT)
§ TensorFlow Serving
§ Compare Optimizations in Production
§ Inference
§ Only Forward Propagation through Network
§ Predict, Classify, Regress, …
§ Bundle
§ GraphDef, Variables, Metadata, …
§ Assets
§ ie. Map of ClassificationID -> String
§ {9283: “penguin”, 9284: “bridge”}
§ Version
§ Every Model Has a Version Number (Integer)
§ Version Policy
§ ie. Serve Only Latest (Highest), Serve Both Latest and Previous, …
§ Multiple “heads” (aka “responses”) from 1 model prediction
§ Response includes both class and scores
§ Inputs sent only once
§ Feed scores into ensemble models
§ Use model for feature engineering
§ Optimizes bandwidth, CPU, latency, memory, coolness
§ max_batch_size
§ Enables throughput/latency tradeoff
§ Bounded by RAM
§ batch_timeout_micros
§ Defines batch time window, latency upper-bound
§ Bounded by RAM
§ num_batch_threads
§ Defines parallelism
§ Bounded by CPU cores
§ max_enqueued_batches
§ Defines queue upper bound, throttling
§ Bounded by RAM
Reaching either threshold
will trigger a batch
§ Post-Training Model Optimizations
§ Alternative to Graph Transform Tool
§ GPU-Optimized Prediction Runtime
§ Alternative to TensorFlow Serving
§ Optimize TensorFlow Training
§ GPUs
§ Ingestion Pipeline
§ XLA JIT Compiler
§ Optimize TensorFlow Inference
§ XLA AOT Compiler
§ Graph Transform Tool (GTT)
§ TensorFlow Serving
§ Compare Optimizations in Production
§ Create Experiments with Drag n’ Drop
§ Deploy Safely into Production
§ Control Traffic Routing
§ Compare Models Offline and Online
§ Offline Training and Validation Accuracy
§ Real-Time Prediction Precision
§ Real-Time Prediction Response Time
§ Dynamically Route Traffic to MAX(Revenue)
§ Auto-Shift Traffic to MIN(Cost)
§ Real-Time Cost Per Prediction
§ Across Clouds and On-Premise
§ Pinpoint Performance Bottlenecks
§ Fine-Grained Prediction Metrics
§ 3 Logic Steps in a Prediction
1. transform_request()
2. predict()
3. transform_response()
§ Visually Compare Real-Time Predictions
§ Identify and Fix Borderline Predictions (50-50% Confidence)
§ Fix Along Class Boundaries
§ Enables Crowd Sourcing
§ Game-ify Tedious Process
§ Retrain on New Labeled Data
§ Generate Optimized Model Versions
§ Weight + Activation Quantization
§ CPU + GPU Runtime Optimizations
§ TensorFlow, TensorRT (Nvidia), etc
§ Build Model + Runtime into Immutable Docker Image
§ Same Runtime: Local, Dev, Test, Prod
§ No Dependency Surprises in Production
§ Tune Model + Runtime Together as One
§ Hyper-Parameter Tuning includes Runtime Config and Metrics
§ Optimize TensorFlow Training
§ GPUs
§ Ingestion Pipeline
§ XLA JIT Compiler
§ Optimize TensorFlow Inference
§ XLA AOT Compiler
§ Graph Transform Tool (GTT)
§ TensorFlow Serving
§ Compare Optimizations in Production
§ Please 🌟 this GitHub Repo!
§ All slides, code, notebooks, and Docker images here:
Contact Me

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  • 2. INTRODUCTIONS: ME § Chris Fregly, Research Engineer @ § Formerly Netflix and Databricks § Advanced Spark and TensorFlow Meetup Please Join Our 40,000+ Members Globally! * San Francisco * Chicago * Washington DC * London Contact Me @cfregly
  • 3. INTRODUCTIONS: YOU § Software Engineer or Data Scientist interested in optimizing and deploying TensorFlow models to production § Assume you have a working knowledge of TensorFlow
  • 4. CONTENT BREAKDOWN § 50% Training Optimizations (GPUs, Pipeline, XLA+JIT) § 50% Prediction Optimizations (XLA+AOT, TF Serving) § Why Heavy Focus on Predicting? § Training: boring batch O(num_data_scientists) § Inference: exciting real-time O(num_users_of_app)
  • 5. 100% OPEN SOURCE CODE § § Please 🌟 this GitHub Repo! § All slides, code, notebooks, and Docker images here:
  • 6. AGENDA § Optimize TensorFlow Training § GPUs § Ingestion Pipeline § XLA JIT Compiler § Optimize TensorFlow Inference § XLA AOT Compiler § Graph Transform Tool (GTT) § TensorFlow Serving § Compare Optimizations in Production
  • 7. SETTING UP TENSORFLOW WITH GPUS § Very Painful! § Especially inside Docker § Use nvidia-docker § Especially on Kubernetes! § Use Kubernetes 1.7+ § for GitHub + DockerHub Links
  • 8. GPU HALF-PRECISION SUPPORT § FP16, INT8 are “Half Precision” § Supported by Pascal P100 (2016) and Volta V100 (2017) § Flexible FP32 GPU Cores Can Fit 2 FP16’s for 2x Throughput! § Half-Precision is OK for Approximate Deep Learning Use Cases
  • 9. VOLTA V100 RECENTLY ANNOUNCED § 84 Streaming Multiprocessors (SM’s) § 5,376 GPU Cores § 672 Tensor Cores (ie. Google TPU) § Mixed FP16/FP32 Precision § More Shared Memory § New L0 Instruction Cache § Faster L1 Data Cache § V100 vs. P100 Performance § 12x TFLOPS @ Peak Training § 6x Inference Throughput
  • 10. V100 AND CUDA 9 § Independent Thread Scheduling - Finally!! § Similar to CPU fine-grained thread synchronization semantics § Allows GPU to yield execution of any thread § Still Optimized for SIMT (Same Instruction Multiple Thread) § SIMT units automatically scheduled together § Explicit Synchronization P100 V100
  • 11. CUDA STREAMS § Asynchronous I/O Transfer § Overlap Compute and I/O § Keeps GPUs Saturated § Fundamental to Queue Framework in TensorFlow
  • 12. AGENDA § Optimize TensorFlow Training § GPUs § Ingestion Pipeline § XLA JIT Compiler § Optimize TensorFlow Inference § XLA AOT Compiler § Graph Transform Tool (GTT) § TensorFlow Serving § Compare Optimizations in Production
  • 13. EXISTING DATA PIPELINES § Data Processing § HDFS/Hadoop § Spark § Containers § Docker § Google Container § Container Orchestrators § Kubernetes § Mesos <dependency> <groupId>org.tensorflow</groupId> <artifactId>tensorflow-hadoop</artifactId> </dependency>
  • 14. DON’T USE FEED_DICT § Not Optimized for Production Pipelines § feed_dict Requires Python <-> C++ Serialization § Single-threaded, Synchronous, SLOW! § Can’t Retrieve Until Current Batch is Complete § CPUs/GPUs Not Fully Utilized! § Use Queue or Dataset API
  • 15. QUEUES § More than just a traditional Queue § Perform I/O, pre-processing, cropping, shuffling § Pulls from HDFS, S3, Google Storage, Kafka, ... § Combine many small files into large TFRecord files § Use CPUs to free GPUs for compute § Uses CUDA Streams § Helps saturate CPUs and GPUs
  • 16. QUEUE CAPACITY PLANNING § batch_size § # examples / batch (ie. 64 jpg) § Limited by GPU RAM § num_processing_threads § CPU threads pull and pre-process batches of data § Limited by CPU Cores § queue_capacity § Limited by CPU RAM (ie. 5 * batch_size)
  • 17. DETECT UNDERUTILIZED CPUS, GPUS § Instrument training code to generate “timelines” § Analyze with Google Web Tracing Framework (WTF) § Monitor CPU with `top`, GPU with `nvidia-smi` from tensorflow.python.client import timeline trace = timeline.Timeline(step_stats=run_metadata.step_stats) with open('timeline.json', 'w') as trace_file: trace_file.write( trace.generate_chrome_trace_format(show_memory=True))
  • 18. SINGLE NODE, MULTI-GPU TRAINING § cpu:0 § By default, all CPUs § Requires extra config to target a CPU § gpu:0..n § Each GPU has a unique id § TF usually prefers a single GPU § xla_cpu:0, xla_gpu:0..n § “JIT Compiler Device” § Hints TensorFlow to attempt JIT Compile with tf.device(“/cpu:0”): with tf.device(“/gpu:0”): with tf.device(“/gpu:1”): GPU 0 GPU 1
  • 19. MULTI-NODE DISTRIBUTED TRAINING § TensorFlow Automatically Inserts Send and Receive Ops into Graph § Parameter Server Synchronously Aggregates Updates to Variables § Nodes with Multiple GPUs will Pre-Aggregate Before Sending to PS Worker0 Worker0 Worker1 Worker0 Worker1 Worker2 gpu0 gpu1 gpu2 gpu3 gpu0 gpu1 gpu2 gpu3 gpu0 gpu1 gpu2 gpu3 gpu0 gpu1 gpu0 gpu0
  • 20. SYNCHRONOUS VS. ASYNCHRONOUS § Synchronous § Nodes compute gradients § Nodes update Parameter Server (PS) § Nodes sync on PS for latest gradients § Asynchronous § Some nodes delay in computing gradients § Nodes don’t update PS § Nodes get stale gradients from PS § May not converge due to stale reads!
  • 21. SEPARATE TRAINING + VALIDATION § Separate Training and Validation Clusters § Validate using Saved Checkpoints from Parameter Servers § Avoids Resource Contention Training Cluster Validation Cluster Parameter Server Cluster
  • 22. ALWAYS USE BATCH NORMALIZATION § Each Mini-Batch May Have Wildly Different Distributions § Normalize per batch (and layer) § Speeds up Training!! § Weights are Learned Quicker § Final Model is More Accurate § Final mean and variance will be folded into Graph later -- Always Use Batch Normalization! -- z = tf.matmul(a_prev, W) a = tf.nn.relu(z) a_mean, a_var = tf.nn.moments(a, [0]) scale = tf.Variable(tf.ones([depth/channels])) beta = tf.Variable(tf.zeros ([depth/channels])) bn = tf.nn.batch_normalizaton(a, a_mean, a_var, beta, scale, 0.001)
  • 23. OPTIMIZE GRAPH EXECUTION ORDER § Linearize to minimize graph memory usage
  • 24. AGENDA § Optimize TensorFlow Training § GPUs § Ingestion Pipeline § XLA JIT Compiler § Optimize TensorFlow Inference § XLA AOT Compiler § Graph Transform Tool (GTT) § TensorFlow Serving § Compare Optimizations in Production
  • 25. XLA FRAMEWORK § Accelerated Linear Algebra (XLA) § Goals: § Reduce reliance on custom operators § Improve execution speed § Improve memory usage § Reduce mobile footprint § Improve portability § Helps TensorFlow Stay Both Flexible and Performant
  • 26. XLA HIGH LEVEL OPTIMIZER (HLO) § Compiler Intermediate Representation (IR) § Independent of Source and Target Language § Define Graphs using HLO Operations § XLA Step 1 Emits Target-Independent HLO § XLA Step 2 Emits Target-Dependent LLVM § LLVM Emits Native Code Specific to Target § Supports x86-64, ARM64 (CPU), and NVPTX (GPU)
  • 27. JIT COMPILER § Just-In-Time Compiler § Built on XLA Framework § Goals: § Reduce memory movement – especially useful on GPUs § Reduce overhead of multiple function calls § Similar to Spark Operator Fusing in Spark 2.0 § Unroll Loops, Fuse Operators, Fold Constants, … § Scope to session, device, or `with jit_scope():`
  • 28. VISUALIZING JIT COMPILER IN ACTION Before After Google Web Tracing Framework: from tensorflow.python.client import timeline trace = timeline.Timeline(step_stats=run_metadata.step_stats) with open('timeline.json', 'w') as trace_file: trace_file.write( trace.generate_chrome_trace_format(show_memory=True))
  • 29. VISUALIZING FUSING OPERATORS pip install graphviz dot -Tpng /tmp/ -o hlo_graph_1.png GraphViz: hlo_*.dot files generated by XLA
  • 30. AGENDA § Optimize TensorFlow Training § GPUs § Ingestion Pipeline § XLA JIT Compiler § Optimize TensorFlow Inference § XLA AOT Compiler § Graph Transform Tool (GTT) § TensorFlow Serving § Compare Optimizations in Production
  • 31. AOT COMPILER § Standalone, Ahead-Of-Time (AOT) Compiler § Built on XLA framework § tfcompile § Creates executable with minimal TensorFlow Runtime needed § Includes only dependencies needed by subgraph computation § Creates functions with feeds (inputs) and fetches (outputs) § Packaged as cc_libary header and object files to link into your app § Commonly used for mobile device inference graph § Currently, only CPU x86-64 and ARM are supported - no GPU
  • 32. AGENDA § Optimize TensorFlow Training § GPUs § Ingestion Pipeline § XLA JIT Compiler § Optimize TensorFlow Inference § XLA AOT Compiler § Graph Transform Tool (GTT) § TensorFlow Serving § Compare Optimizations in Production
  • 33. GRAPH TRANSFORM TOOL (GTT) § Optimize Trained Models for Inference § Remove training-only Ops (checkpoint, drop out, logs) § Remove unreachable nodes between given feed -> fetch § Fuse adjacent operators to improve memory bandwidth § Fold final batch norm mean and variance into variables § Round weights/variables improves compression (ie. 70%) § Quantize (FP32 -> INT8) to speed up math operations
  • 35. GRAPH TRANSFORM TOOL transform_graph --in_graph=tensorflow_inception_graph.pb ß Original Graph --out_graph=optimized_inception_graph.pb ß Transformed Graph --inputs='Mul' ß Feed (Input) --outputs='softmax' ß Fetch (Output) --transforms=' ß List of Transforms strip_unused_nodes remove_nodes(op=Identity, op=CheckNumerics) fold_constants(ignore_errors=true) fold_batch_norms fold_old_batch_norms quantize_weights quantize_nodes'
  • 36. AFTER STRIPPING UNUSED NODES § Optimizations § strip_unused_nodes § Results § Graph much simpler § File size much smaller
  • 37. AFTER REMOVING UNUSED NODES § Optimizations § strip_unused_nodes § remove_nodes § Results § Pesky nodes removed § File size a bit smaller
  • 38. AFTER FOLDING CONSTANTS § Optimizations § strip_unused_nodes § remove_nodes § fold_constants § Results § Placeholders (feeds) -> Variables* (*Why Variables and not Constants?)
  • 39. AFTER FOLDING BATCH NORMS § Optimizations § strip_unused_nodes § remove_nodes § fold_constants § fold_batch_norms § Results § Graph remains the same § File size approximately the same
  • 40. WEIGHT QUANTIZATION § FP16 and INT8 Are Smaller and Computationally Simpler § Weights/Variables are Constants § Easy to Linearly Quantize
  • 41. AFTER QUANTIZING WEIGHTS § Optimizations § strip_unused_nodes § remove_nodes § fold_constants § fold_batch_norms § quantize_weights § Results § Graph is same, file size is smaller, compute is faster
  • 43. ACTIVATION QUANTIZATION § Activations Not Known Ahead of Time § Depends on input, not easy to quantize § Requires Additional Calibration Step § Use a “representative” dataset § Per Neural Network Layer… § Collect histogram of activation values § Generate many quantized distributions with different saturation thresholds § Choose threshold to minimize… KL_divergence(ref_distribution, quant_distribution) § Not Much Time or Data is Required (Minutes on Commodity Hardware)
  • 44. AFTER ACTIVATION QUANTIZATION § Optimizations § strip_unused_nodes § remove_nodes § fold_constants § fold_batch_norms § quantize_weights § quantize_nodes (activations) § Results § Larger graph, needs calibration! Requires additional freeze_requantization_ranges
  • 45. FREEZING MODEL FOR DEPLOYMENT § Optimizations § strip_unused_nodes § remove_nodes § fold_constants § fold_batch_norms § quantize_weights § quantize_nodes § freeze_graph § Results § Variables -> Constants Finally! We’re Ready to Deploy!!
  • 46. AGENDA § Optimize TensorFlow Training § GPUs § Ingestion Pipeline § XLA JIT Compiler § Optimize TensorFlow Inference § XLA AOT Compiler § Graph Transform Tool (GTT) § TensorFlow Serving § Compare Optimizations in Production
  • 47. TENSORFLOW SERVING OVERVIEW § Inference § Only Forward Propagation through Network § Predict, Classify, Regress, … § Bundle § GraphDef, Variables, Metadata, … § Assets § ie. Map of ClassificationID -> String § {9283: “penguin”, 9284: “bridge”} § Version § Every Model Has a Version Number (Integer) § Version Policy § ie. Serve Only Latest (Highest), Serve Both Latest and Previous, …
  • 48. MULTI-HEADED INFERENCE § Multiple “heads” (aka “responses”) from 1 model prediction § Response includes both class and scores § Inputs sent only once § Feed scores into ensemble models § Use model for feature engineering § Optimizes bandwidth, CPU, latency, memory, coolness
  • 49. REQUEST BATCHING § max_batch_size § Enables throughput/latency tradeoff § Bounded by RAM § batch_timeout_micros § Defines batch time window, latency upper-bound § Bounded by RAM § num_batch_threads § Defines parallelism § Bounded by CPU cores § max_enqueued_batches § Defines queue upper bound, throttling § Bounded by RAM Reaching either threshold will trigger a batch
  • 50. TENSORRT RUNTIME(NVIDIA) § Post-Training Model Optimizations § Alternative to Graph Transform Tool § GPU-Optimized Prediction Runtime § Alternative to TensorFlow Serving
  • 51. AGENDA § Optimize TensorFlow Training § GPUs § Ingestion Pipeline § XLA JIT Compiler § Optimize TensorFlow Inference § XLA AOT Compiler § Graph Transform Tool (GTT) § TensorFlow Serving § Compare Optimizations in Production
  • 53. FAST AND EASY MODEL EXPERIMENTS § Create Experiments with Drag n’ Drop § Deploy Safely into Production § Control Traffic Routing
  • 54. 360º MODEL COMPARISON § Compare Models Offline and Online § Offline Training and Validation Accuracy § Real-Time Prediction Precision § Real-Time Prediction Response Time
  • 55. AUTOMATIC TRAFFIC SHIFTING § Dynamically Route Traffic to MAX(Revenue)
  • 56. AUTOMATIC TRAFFIC SHIFTING § Auto-Shift Traffic to MIN(Cost) § Real-Time Cost Per Prediction § Across Clouds and On-Premise
  • 57. PREDICTION PROFILING + TUNING § Pinpoint Performance Bottlenecks § Fine-Grained Prediction Metrics § 3 Logic Steps in a Prediction 1. transform_request() 2. predict() 3. transform_response()
  • 58. LIVE PREDICTION STREAMS § Visually Compare Real-Time Predictions
  • 59. CONTINUOUS MODEL TRAINING § Identify and Fix Borderline Predictions (50-50% Confidence) § Fix Along Class Boundaries § Enables Crowd Sourcing § Game-ify Tedious Process § Retrain on New Labeled Data
  • 60. AUTOMATIC MODEL OPTIMIZATIONS § Generate Optimized Model Versions § Weight + Activation Quantization § CPU + GPU Runtime Optimizations § TensorFlow, TensorRT (Nvidia), etc
  • 61. OPTIMIZE BOTH MODEL + RUNTIME § Build Model + Runtime into Immutable Docker Image § Same Runtime: Local, Dev, Test, Prod § No Dependency Surprises in Production § Tune Model + Runtime Together as One § Hyper-Parameter Tuning includes Runtime Config and Metrics
  • 62. AGENDA § Optimize TensorFlow Training § GPUs § Ingestion Pipeline § XLA JIT Compiler § Optimize TensorFlow Inference § XLA AOT Compiler § Graph Transform Tool (GTT) § TensorFlow Serving § Compare Optimizations in Production
  • 63. DANKE SHOEN! HABEN FRAGEN? § § Please 🌟 this GitHub Repo! § All slides, code, notebooks, and Docker images here: Contact Me @cfregly