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Operation, Technology and Management Plan
Name:Mehdi Faraji
Professor’s name:Dr. Carla Henryhand
Course title:BUS599
Operations Plan
· Key aspects of operations.
Vegetus Oasis Company will have three production facilities as
a part of investment with a capacity to produce over 5,000
bottles per hour. Our manufacturing process will have a strict
quality control and inspection procedure ensuring to meet the
highest standards. Vegetus Oasis Company will employ a labor
force of over 1000 men in this three facility on both permanent
and seasonal contracts. We will remove all impurities from pure
water by using various filtering and softening techniques.
Precise quantities of sugar along with the beverage recipe will
be thoroughly mixed under high pressure to produce fizziness.
After that, an automated machinery will dispense the mixture in
calculated quantity into thoroughly sterilized bottles. Another
machine will then apply barcodes and labels to the bottles after
which they will be inspected so as to make sure they meet all
the necessary industrial standards. Finally, they are moved to
devices that will pack them into cartons ready for dispatch.
· Cost and Time Efficiencies.
Production efficiency is a business’ ability to produce the
highest number of units of a good while using the least amount
of resources such as time and raw materials. A balance between
the rate of production, use of resources and quality of the goods
produced must be met to achieve production efficiency. Vegetus
Oasis Company will solve this by being committed to delivering
the maximum units on time and within the budget. Sourcing
suppliers that provide the highest standard of quality and value
for money while developing innovative strategies through the
Research and Development department will help achieve cost
and time efficiency thus putting Vegetus Oasis Company ahead
of its competitors.
· Competitive Advantages.
Competitive advantage is the unique features of a company and
its products that are perceived by the target market as superior
to the competition and significant in the market. Business-level
strategies are concerned with a firm's position in the industry,
relative to competitors. Continuous efforts to lower costs
through building state of the art and efficient facilities will
make it costly for competitors to imitate our product standards.
We intend to create brand loyalty among our customers since
loyalty provides a difficult barrier to overcome. Designing
products that are easy to manufacture through R&D, introducing
self-managing teams, training, pay to performance, strong
leadership and building a company commitment to efficiency
will ensure quality control and survival in the market.
Functional strategies are usually concerned with appropriate
timing. In our case, advertising for a new product is expected to
begin ninety days before production of the first unit while raw
material orders are placed at least two weeks before production
starts. The company will outsource its supply and distribution
department to established firms until it stabilizes in the market.
Aside from Vegetus Oasis Company, the company is doing
market research on a secondary line of products known as
Rainbow Fruit Drinks which target the younger and more
conservative market share.
· Problems Addressed and Overcome.
The biggest issue identified is coping with the high expenses
while transitioning from a start-up to a large scale producer. By
outsourcing supply and distribution, we get the opportunity to
familiarize with the market while avoiding risks. Initial capital
to set up the company is also quite high, and this is overcome
through investors through a strong brand portfolio.
Technology Plan
· Software Needs.
The innovation arrangement ought to be such that they offer
help to the company in making its business activities all around,
efficient and planned. Vegetus Oasis Company intends to utilize
"Log Files." Log documents use your Internet Protocol (IP)
location which is a specific number that automatically
appointed to your computer by your Internet Service Provider
(ISP). Fizzle soda will utilize databases such as demographic
information that analyses your sex, date of conception, social
media habits and postal codes to name a few. We will use cloud
storage technology to save our server information since it
requires less space as opposed to hard drives which are also
relatively more costly. An outside dealer will, therefore,
provide cloud technology. The Vegetus Oasis Company will
utilize a robotized remote framework as a part of a request to
collaborate with other bottlers in the market. For accounting
needs, payroll services and on-line banking the company will
use Quickbooks accounting package.
· Hardware Needs:
The quality of hardware brought is paramount to the smooth
operation of business, and if anything goes wrong, Vegetus
Oasis Company may end up incurring a significant amount of
loss. Vegetus Oasis Company has utilized every one of the six
hardware categories, for example, Output, Input, storage
devices, information transfers, focal handling unit and joining
devices. All of these classifications are crucial and cannot be
ignored. Vegetus Oasis Company will utilize state of the art
computers which will be set up in a network with shared
internet access and a file server. For the production processes,
we will use various technologies such as Koch Membrane
Systems for filtration purposes and Meheen fully-automated,
pneumatic powered filler for bottle-filling.
· Telecommunication Needs:
Suitable communication is a necessity in every business
construct. We must, however, keep in mind security should have
the highest priority so as to safeguard the company and its
client's personal information. Phone communication is critical
since every business wants to give the perception of being
established and more importantly reachable by your customers.
Vegetus Oasis Company has an interactive website where
customers can serve themselves and have a look at the services
we offer. You can alternatively contact Vegetus Oasis Company
using our email address which we regularly archived as per the
regulations put forward by the government. Vegetus Oasis
Company has adopted a high-speed internet connection to
ensure uninterrupted connectivity using fiber cables that will
enable us to take advantage of online backup, VoIP, and other
· Personal Needs:
Vegetus Oasis Company will outsource its systems for both
hardware and software since outsourcing is more cost effective
than acquiring them. The company will rely on IBM
programming and equipment to cater for our database needs and
provide coordinated effort devices that will assist in
maintaining the business group functional and equipped with
fingertip access to the data and assets we need. The company
has also set up a software-based firewall for every computer and
a hardware firewall for our network. To reinforce the firewalls,
an anti-virus software which comes bundled with various
features to detect phishing and other online threats has been put
in place. For the purpose of safeguarding our information,
Vegetus Oasis Company ensures all data is backed up, and a
recovery plan in place in case of emergencies.
Management & Organization
· Key Management and Employees:
The key management of Vegetus Oasis Company is a president
who oversees all operations, VP Operations, VP marketing,
comptroller and VP human resources. The president is the
person with the most authority hence he interacts with other
departmental heads to help and review the company’s costs and
outputs. Under VP sales come sales representative. After VP
marketing then comes graphic designer and assistant marketing
director. Under VP human resources there comes training
director while under VP operations there comes technical
director and plant manager. Right under comptroller there is an
accountant and a purchasing manager who deal with all
accounting and procurement business of company respectively.
· Board members and advisors
Board members comprise of the president who acts as the board
secretary. A chairperson elected by the other executives heads
the board under the assistance of a vice chair. Each department
namely; marketing department, sales department, comptroller,
operations department and the human resources each have an
elected board director who oversees the activities of his/her
respective department. Advisors on the board include assistant
marketing director, purchasing director, training director,
technical director and sales representative.
· Management structure and style
Vegetus Oasis Company follows the hierarchal organizational
structure based on operations, responsibility, and authority. The
president has the highest powers and duties followed by the vice
presidents from each of the central departments. The vice
presidents have personal and direct interactions with the
president. Each unit functions independently of the other by
keeping different books of accounts, inventories, and budgets.
The marketing department handles package development,
marketing, and advertisement. The Vice President Sales brings
business deals to the company by managing all client
communication and sales. The VP operation takes care of
research and development, production, and shipping. The
comptroller takes up purchasing and accounting responsibilities
while the human resources department is concerned with skills
development and personal training.
Figure 1. Management hierarchy flowchart.
Pepsico’s technology trends and innovation strategies: A brief
walkthrough | Stellarix. (2016). Retrieved 27
August 2016, from
The complete technology book on Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic
Beverages. (2008). Delhi, India.
Framing an Argument by using Different CLAIMS
Claims for written Argument:
The thesis for an argument—any argument—needs to be
opinionated or debatable. The thesis will usually fall into 4
different categories or claims (as described below). Sometimes,
an arguable thesis may overlap and use 2 or even 3 different
claims. Remember, the more claims you incorporated into a
thesis, the longer an essay will be. A good writer will construct
a focused and narrow thesis-claim that will allow enough room
to write a thorough, persuasive essay on the topic.
1) Claims of Fact or Definition
When a writer chooses to make a claim of fact or definition, be
sure that you choose a DEBATABLE fact or definition. For
example, if a student claimed that the Brazilian Samba was a
slow graceful dance, it would only take a few moments of
research for me to find that it is actually a fast-paced, rhythmic,
and lively dance. So clearly, this claim would not be debatable;
there is no argument. However people disagree about many
supposed "facts." One debatable claim I always encounter in the
classroom is whether or not student grades really measure
achievement. Another claim is whether or not a lie-detector test
is really accurate. Are methods of torture (i.e. water-boarding)
necessary measures the government should undergo in order to
get a suspect to divulge crucial information? And what
constitutes "necessary measures" in the first place?
2) Claims About Cause & Effect
Similar to the claims about fact or definition, claims about
cause and effect need to be opinionated or debatable. It is
obvious, for example, that smoking causes lung cancer, but one
could debate whether or not secondhand smoke causes lung
cancer. A few recent examples of debatable cause-and-effect
topics could be about the new train that has been built, traveling
from Beijing to Tibet. Many feel that this train will threaten the
Tibetan culture and ancient way of life. Other more typical
controversial cause-and-effect topics range from the effect
television has on teens to the effect testing has on the quality of
3) Claims About
s or Policies
This claim is a perfect example of how 2 different claims can
overlap each other. Claims about solutions or policies usually
work hand in hand with claims about fact or definition. For
example, because the healthcare system does not adequately
assist Americans (argue that this is a fact), they should be
reformed (argue for the solution/policy). Also, any policy
relating to under-aged minors is always controversial because it
is difficult to define when an adolescent is capable of making a
deliberate decision, just as an adult would.
4) Claims About Value
Claims about value generally lead to essays that evaluate.
Anytime a writer places value on someone or something as "the
best" or "superior", or immoral and bad, that writer is making a
claim about value. While writers should always anticipate how
to respond to the opposing viewpoint, it is particularly crucial
to do so when dealing with a claim about value. For example,
people who are blind have a unique culture of blindness, and
many believe that living a visionless life is better than living a
seeing-life. But to properly address this topic and claim, one
must anticipate and respond to the opposing viewpoint, that
seeing-life has significant benefits. Another example is that of
Ultimate Fighting Championships (UFC). One could argue that
UFC is a dehumanizing sport. The anticipated opposing
viewpoint could be that UFC fighters undergo extensive training
and skill-based martial arts, thus making it a viable athletic
Writers who Construct Good Arguments Remember to...
· consciously decide the rhetorical situation or writing occasion.
This means that writers:
· look at the social or cultural context surrounding the issue,
· consider where this written argument might appear or be
· look at the audience and ask what they already know/believe,
· consider alterative viewpoints (and counters), and
· consider the audience's neutral viewpoint and wonder if they
are likely to listen to both sides before deciding what to believe.
· focus on a debatable position or claim, and support each claim
with sufficient evidence,
Ethos (think ETHICAL Appeal of the Writer)
This appeal involves convincing your audience that you are
intelligent and can be trusted. Writers cannot simply say to their
audience "I can be trusted because I'm smart and a good
person." This appeal is perhaps the most difficult to establish;
you have to prove yourself by demonstrating that you
understand what you are arguing because:
you are providing
· personal experience or
· know someone else who has personal experience,
you are using expert support
· through extensive research,
· through up-to-date research
· through recognized authorities in the field (this will also help
to prevent your appeal from seeming too personal),
you are using appropriate writing style
· by means of professional and strong words that carry
appropriate connotations; be sure that you don't sound overly
· by using mostly 3rd person. Only use 1st person when
providing a specific personal experience
you are treating your audience with respect by
· establishing some common ground in a refutation section.
· Find some mutual ground for both sides of the argument by
acknowledging that your opinion and the opinion of the
opposite side agree on at least one aspect. This is essential in
establishing your ethos (or credibility) and your ability to treat
the topic fairly.
· However, be careful not to over-do this; remember which side
you are supporting.
Logos (think LOGICAL Appeal)
You appeal to logic when you rely on your audience’s
intelligence and when you offer credible evidence to support
your argument. That evidence includes:
· FACTS- These are valuable because they are not debatable;
they represent the truth
· EXAMPLES- These include events or circumstances that your
audience can relate to their life
· PRECEDENTS- These are specific examples (historical and
personal) from the past
· AUTHORITY- The authority must be timely (not out-dated),
and it must be qualified to judge the topic
· DEDUCTIVE/INDUCTIVE- Deductive reasoning is when you
pick apart evidence to reach conclusions, and inductive
reasoning is when you add logical pieces to the evidence to
reach conclusions.
Pathos (think PASSIONATE or emotional Appeal)
This kind of appeal can be very effective if it’s not over-done,
especially if your topic is an emotional one. Because your
audience has emotions as well as intellect, your argument must
seek to engage the audience emotionally. However, using
emotional appeal alone is not as effective as when it is used in
conjunction with logical and/or ethical appeals.
The BEST way to incorporate pathos (or emotional) appeals is
by using words that carry appropriate connotations.
Denotative vs. Connotative Words
Denotation refers to the dictionary definition of a word.
Connotation on the other hand refers to words that carry
secondary meanings, undertones, and implications. For example,
if you were to ask a woman how she'd like to be described from
the following list of words, what do you think her answer would
The answer to this is most likely the word slender. While all the
words carry the same denotation (they all mean lean, and not
fat), the word slender carries more positive undertones. A
slender woman is graceful, elegant, and perhaps even sexy. Thin
on the other hand is a fairly neutral word, and it leads women to
prefer the word "slender" as it carries the more positive
connotation. Finally, the word scrawny brings an unhealthy,
overly thin, or bony person to mind, and women generally do
not want to be described in this manner. Over time, words shift
in their connotative meanings, and writers should be up-to-date
on the current connotations of a word.
The BEST way to incorporate pathos (or emotional) appeals is
by using words that carry appropriate connotations. Think back
to the sample piece for the claims about fact/definition titled "A
Case of Severe Bias"; the following is part of the first statement
of that piece:
"I am not a crack addict. I am not a welfare mother. I am not
The words crack addict, welfare mother, and illiterate carry
strong connotations. It makes the above statement (while
already logical) more powerful. Imagine if the writer used
words that carried weaker connotations:
"I am not a person who abuses substances. I am not a parent
who needs government assistance. I can read."
Notice how the emotional appeal is weakened. Even though the
logical appeal is present, the statement no longer carries the
same strength.
Instructions for Submission: Save this document onto your
computer/thumb drive, make the corrections according to the
instructions provided for each section, SAVE changes, and then
print up for submission.
Exercise 1: Indentify the subject(s) and verb(s) of each
sentence. Please do not include modifiers like adjectives and
adverbs. Use a single line to underline the subject(s), and
highlight the verb in whatever color you like.
Worth 5 points
•Most experts consider some type of debt, such as a mortgage,
financially necessary.
•However, credit –card debt never benefits an individual’s long-
term financial goals.
•Today even college students without jobs or credit cards can
usually acquire credit cards easily.
•Unfortunately, many students charge expensive purchases and
pay only the minimum balance on their cards every month.
•Graduating from college with a large credit-card debt can
severely limit a person’s opportunities.
Exercise 2: Identify and correct phrase fragments (use section
36a-36e in Unit 7 of Keys for Writers, 7th edition, for
guidance). In each of the following 5 sentences, correct any
phrase fragments by attaching or moving a dependent clause to
another part of the sentence, or by simply adding or omitting
certain punctuation to make the sentence combine correctly.
Ultimately, if the sentence is not correct, you must change it so
that it is, but not change the meaning of what is being originally
said by adding information. If the sentence is correct, simply
TYPE a big RED C at the end of the sentence (or in place of the
Worth 5 points
•Every country has its own musical styles. Based on the
traditional music of its people.
•Having its own tradition as the birthplace of jazz, blues and
rock music. The United States has long been one of the world’s
leading exporters of popular music.
•In spite of enjoying enormous popularity in their own
countries. Many performers from Europe, South America,
Africa and Asia have had a hard time attracting American fans.
•However, not all Americans are native English speakers.
Listening exclusively to English-language music.
•Perhaps there will be a time when artists can have big hits with
songs sung in a foreign language. At present, however, singing
in English is almost always required for being successful in
Exercise 3:
•Use the documents “Overview of Key Concepts and Terms,”
“Framing your Argument Using Different Claims,” and the
“Ethos, Pathos, Logos” documents posted under “Course
Documents” to examine the visual argument “Human Meat”
(also attached to assignment posting).
•Open up a Word Document wherein you will collaborate as you
compile notes on this in-class examination of a visual argument.
•PUT YOUR NAME and time of class at the top of this
computer generated assignment. Entitle it “Visual Argument
•Your response should include thoughtful observations for each
of the following categories:
•What is the MAIN ARGUMENT being made?
•What type of the 4 claims is this main argument?
•Articulate the PURPOSE of this visual argument. Be sure you
word it as follows: “The purpose of this piece is
to………………………… that the audience
•Identify if there are any REASONS provide in this argument
that support the Main Argument.
•Identify if there are any FACTS/EVIDENCE that support the
reason (or reasons) being provided. .
•Discuss the 3 Rhetorical Appeals Used—ethos, pathos, logos—
through the many strategies used in this piece by its creators to
make impact.
•What are TWO assumption(s) the argument being made is
based upon?
For Exercise 3: The picture and the documents related to
“Ethos, Pathos and Logos” are also attached here
Instructor Name: Dr. Carla Henryhand
Student Name: Mehdi Faraji
Subject: assignment 2
Vegetus Oasis Ltd: Marketing Plan and Sales Strategy
A Marketing plan is described as an exhaustive document that
will outline the advertising and marketing labors of a company
for the next year. It will tend to describe activities in business
that are set in place to achieve certain market aims within a
given deadline. It include current marketing position
description, in-depth analysis of the target market, and a clear
description of the means of marketing the business will employ
to achieve its aims. It will usually begin with the identification
of the needs of the customer usually carried out by means of a
market research and the ways in which the business fulfil the
wants while producing a satisfactory level of yield. A plan will
also contain a complete investigation of the strengths and
weaknesses of a certain firm and its products.
A sales strategy can be said to be an elaborate plan that will
tend to positions the brands of a company so as to gain
competitive advantage. Good sales strategies aid the sales to
target the specific market Successful strategies help the sales
force focus on target market customers and communicate with
them and hence establish meaningful ways of communication.
Sales representatives will always need the way in which their
product or services work and how to solve potential problems.
A good sales strategy will then pass out this message and this
will give the sales force to spend their time while targeting of
the correct consumers at the right place. The consumers who
will be drinking Vegetus Oasis Organic juice are from different
demographic groups. This is because, according to statista, the
number of people who turned into using
Nonalcoholic beverage is approximately 4.0% which is way
higher than the rate of 2% which is way lower and this means
that a lot of consumer are looking for a way of quitting the use
of alcoholic beverages and thus opening up new markets for
NAB. The education status, gender, ethnic group or income of
the consumer would not be specific since this kind of beverage
is not prohibit by for any religion or age. It would be used by
anyone who would be willing to accept and start a new and
more physically fit.
The organic juice industry is a more evolving branch and
therefore no stiff competition from globally established
companies like Coca-Cola and Pepsi would be up to offer any.
The fact that this market generated $28.4 billion US in 2012and
this amount rose to $30 billion US shows that this field is
highly profitable. This makes a lucrative deal if good
investment is done.
The fact that this market also lacks a giant global rival makes it
less adverse than others. This is because the capital out lay to
match the global rivals would be a problem and secondly the
type of adverting such firms employ cannot be rivalled by small
upcoming firms that do not have budget and profits.
Specializing in the organic juice market also stands out as most
consumers who want to keep fit will associate with your brand.
The juice being natural and organic means it is free of many
chemicals and hence can be a hit to the consumers who like
things natural. This is because they will be attracted by the fact
that the juice itself is natural. People fighting to quit alcoholism
would find organic fruit juices a good option as they fight to
kick out the drinking habit.
The company would seek to differentiate itself from other
brands and act as a firm of its own. Given that Vegetus Oasis is
a new company that would working to carve out some market
share by distinguishing its product from those of rival, the
choice of a triangular strategic positioning method would be
best suited for a firm like Vegetus Oasis. This strategy position
is made up of three specific options that are aimed at the same
goal; customer bonding and having the long term effect of
stabilizing scales though this is more of theoretical. These are;
Best product- low-cost products which are highly differentiated
relative to competing products.
Customer solution- achieved by reducing customer costs thus
making it economical for them to purchase our product
strengthens the bond.
Being a new firm in the industry, Vegetus Oasis would need to
bank on its major advantages and/or strengths which include the
following; having a newly employed workforce that is eager to
impress, a staff that boasts of at least one professional
certificate, the company itself is equipped with state of the art
technology in juice production, having sufficient capital outlay
for start of business which was collected by crowd funding and
lastly having in place a rigorous employee training and
rewarding program aimed to boosting the morale of the
This factors will help the Vegetus Oasis Juice Brand to develop
it a brand to behold.
External factor that could play a major role in the developing of
the company include the following;
· Market forecasts that show the organic juice industry as a
favorable investment sector. This is because the projected
growth rate of the market blends in very well with the company
and its objectives. This means that this brand has a chance if
establishing itself since it also lacks any strong competition
from close competitors.
· The target market has more disposable income that they would
be willing to spend on commodities like Vegetus Oasis as the
economy is forecasted to be in a god and balanced place. This
will aid in the quick growth of the company as it seeks to
quickly establish itself in the organic juice sector of the non-
alcoholic beverage industry
· A good flow of information about the advantages of organic
juice over conventional food serves as an advantage to Vegetus
Oasis Organic Juice. This would mean the information is easily
and freely available for most people to familiarize themselves
with organic juice
De Melo, M., Denizer, C., & Gelb, A. (1996). From plan to
market: patterns of transition. World Bank Policy Research
Working Paper, (1564).
De Melo, M., Denizer, C., & Gelb, A. (1996). Patterns of
transition from plan to market. The World Bank Economic
Review, 10(3), 397-424.
STATE UNIVERSITY, 16(4), 37-44.
Moncrief, W. C., & Shipp, S. (1997). Sales management:
strategy, technology, skills. Addison-Wesley.
Student Name: Mehdi Faraji
Subject: assignment 1
Vegetus Oasis Ltd; Company Description and SWOT Analysis
When starting a company, it is crucial to give a lot of thought to
the naming of the same. The importance of the naming is
because the name is the first point of interaction between the
entity and its potential clients. It is the first step in the
advertisement of the company products. Therefore, the name
should portray the unique value or quality that the business
entity offers in comparison to the competition. Keeping that in
mind, the name of the Non-Alcoholic Beverage Company will
be Vegetus Oasis Limited. Vegetus is Latin for fresh and
vibrant, vigorous or lively. This name is befitting because
Vegetus Oasis Limited will be in the organic juice business. I
decided on Vegetus since our products will not only be fresh but
also invigorating to our clients. Oasis is a term used to refer to
a fertile location in a vast stretch of arid land. Alternatively,
Oasis also means a place of refuge where one can retreat to
escape a usually annoying situation. Therefore, in the desert of
conventional foods and juices developed through chemical
farming, Vegetus Oasis Limited will be an oasis of fresh
organic juice.
The mission statement is one of the most integral parts of a
company from the moment the business idea is conceived. It is
because the mission statement provides a clear outline of the
chief objective of the organization as well as outlining the
potential target market that will be consuming the products. If
the mission statement is too long, it increases the risk of turning
into a combination of both the vision and mission statements.
The mission statement is supposed to brief and concise if that is
to be avoided. Thus, the mission statement for Vegetus Oasis is
as stated below;
“To provide quality refreshment to all those seeking to lead
healthy lifestyles while making a difference in the ecosystem
and their lives one bottle of organic juice at a time.”
The above statement encompasses all the three major
requirements that it is supposed to meet for it to be complete. It
states the main goal which is the product, the target market and
the unique attribute that distinguishes it from other entities. The
main goal is to provide quality refreshments while contributing
to creating balance in the ecosystem. The target market is made
up of anybody who is looking to lead a healthier lifestyle than
they have been previously living. The unique factor of the entity
is evident in their product as stated in the statement; organic
There are many alternative Non-Alcoholic Beverages in the
NAB section of the beverage industry. They include; sodas,
conventional juices, yoghurts, tea, coffee and iced tea. The
decision to produce organic juice from the range of all other
non-alcoholic beverages was arrived at because it agrees with
the long-term eco-friendly vision for the company. The decision
was also a smart money move since the market dynamics for the
organic juice are less hostile as compared to the other
beverages. For instance, entry into the soda production business
would require massive capital for the initial investment. The
products would also face very stiff competition from Coca-Cola,
which is the biggest producer and retailer of soda in the whole
According to Statista, the NAB industry is expected to grow at
a rate of 3.8% globally. On the other hand, the alcoholic
beverage market maintains a steady 2% growth rate. This
implies that more people are looking for alternatives to alcohol.
Within the organic produce bracket, the United States
Department of Agriculture has collected a lot of data from
retailers that project a steady, increasingly mainstream market
for the products. For instance, in 2012, the reported sales of
organic produce were reported to be $28.4 which rose to $35
billion in 2014. Therefore, the potential for growth in the NAB
is higher for organic products than it is for traditional soft
drinks. Vegetus Oasis will not have to compete for market share
with global conglomerates since new markets are coming up
each day (
A strategic position refers to the overall approach taken to
achieve a given objective. Since Vegetus Oasis is a new
company seeking to carve out some market share by
differentiating its product, I chose the triangle strategic
positioning method. This strategy position is made up of three
specific options that are aimed at the same goal; customer
bonding. These are;
· Best product- low-cost products which are highly
differentiated relative to competing products.
· Customer solution- achieved by reducing customer costs thus
making it economical for them to purchase our product
strengthens the bond.
· System lock-in- this is where the company seeks to lock out
competitors while nurturing entities that offer complementary
products. This increases the value of our product in the long
For the distribution of the organic juice, Vegetus Oasis will rely
mainly on grocery stores. Since the commercialization of
organic food products begun, it has become increasingly
popular and easier to find an organic products section in
grocery stores. Products in this section of shopping outlets
include fresh fruits, vegetables, and milk. Enthusiasts of
organic food always head to this section. Therefore, it will be
prudent to stock the organic juice in the same stores. Apart from
that, sports events provide a vibrant albeit seasonal market for
all types of beverages. The assumption is that a portion of the
sports crowds are partial to healthy living and would be open to
the idea of organic juice at these events. The company will wait
a while longer before investing in warehouses for online sales.
This is to ensure that the immediate physical market is
responding well to the products so as to act as a reflection of
the online market.
Some of the risks that Vegetus Oasis is bound to encounter as a
start-up include;
· Product risk- this is the risk that the goods being produced
have no place in the markets they are introduced. This
incompatibility is due to a misinterpretation of market data. The
company has mitigated this risk through extensive market
research and analysis before deciding on organic juice as the
· Regulatory risk- this is the risk that a change in government
policies might adversely affect the business. The company has
mitigated this risk by studying trends in regulations and
evaluating the existing bills and ascertained that in the short-
term, there is no cause for worry.
· Financial risk- this is the possibility that the company will not
be able to raise enough capital in its initial stages. Therefore, it
is crucial that before starting out, the promoters of the company
should have raised enough funds. To reduce this risk, they can
try crowd funding as well as enlist the help of friends and
Strengths (internal)
· The company has a newly acquired workforce that is eager to
· 75% of the staff has at least one professional certification.
· The company has acquired the latest technology in the
production of organic juice.
· Through crowd funding, the company has enough financial
resources to see it through the initial stages of the business
before they break even.
· Company policy has instituted a rigorous training, evaluation
and reward system for employee motivation.
· The company workforce is young and never having worked
together, teamwork cannot be guaranteed.
· Most of the staff is inexperienced since they are fresh out of
· High training cost on the application of the mentioned
technology among other tools.
· Some of the funding is debt equity. Therefore, the company is
saddled with hefty interest loan repayments.
· The employee training and evaluation interrupt the normal
business operations from time to time.
Opportunities (external)
Threats (external)
· The market studies project a fast-growing market for organic
products which augurs well for the growth of the company.
· The economy is currently in a good place. As such, the target
market should have more disposable income to spend on the
· There has been a remarkable continuous increase in awareness
about the benefits of organic produce over conventional foods.
· Vegetus Oasis is not the only company being formed to cater
for the demand of organic juice thus there is some competition
for the market.
· Worldwide unrest, especially in the oil-rich Middle East,
means that the economic stability cannot be trusted to stand.
· Recent economic and political events in the European Union
are affecting the leading currencies around the world.

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  • 1. Operation, Technology and Management Plan Name:Mehdi Faraji Professor’s name:Dr. Carla Henryhand Course title:BUS599 Date:08/28/2016 Operations Plan · Key aspects of operations. Vegetus Oasis Company will have three production facilities as a part of investment with a capacity to produce over 5,000 bottles per hour. Our manufacturing process will have a strict quality control and inspection procedure ensuring to meet the highest standards. Vegetus Oasis Company will employ a labor force of over 1000 men in this three facility on both permanent and seasonal contracts. We will remove all impurities from pure water by using various filtering and softening techniques. Precise quantities of sugar along with the beverage recipe will be thoroughly mixed under high pressure to produce fizziness. After that, an automated machinery will dispense the mixture in calculated quantity into thoroughly sterilized bottles. Another machine will then apply barcodes and labels to the bottles after which they will be inspected so as to make sure they meet all
  • 2. the necessary industrial standards. Finally, they are moved to devices that will pack them into cartons ready for dispatch. · Cost and Time Efficiencies. Production efficiency is a business’ ability to produce the highest number of units of a good while using the least amount of resources such as time and raw materials. A balance between the rate of production, use of resources and quality of the goods produced must be met to achieve production efficiency. Vegetus Oasis Company will solve this by being committed to delivering the maximum units on time and within the budget. Sourcing suppliers that provide the highest standard of quality and value for money while developing innovative strategies through the Research and Development department will help achieve cost and time efficiency thus putting Vegetus Oasis Company ahead of its competitors. · Competitive Advantages. Competitive advantage is the unique features of a company and its products that are perceived by the target market as superior to the competition and significant in the market. Business-level strategies are concerned with a firm's position in the industry, relative to competitors. Continuous efforts to lower costs through building state of the art and efficient facilities will make it costly for competitors to imitate our product standards. We intend to create brand loyalty among our customers since loyalty provides a difficult barrier to overcome. Designing products that are easy to manufacture through R&D, introducing self-managing teams, training, pay to performance, strong leadership and building a company commitment to efficiency will ensure quality control and survival in the market. Functional strategies are usually concerned with appropriate timing. In our case, advertising for a new product is expected to begin ninety days before production of the first unit while raw material orders are placed at least two weeks before production starts. The company will outsource its supply and distribution department to established firms until it stabilizes in the market. Aside from Vegetus Oasis Company, the company is doing
  • 3. market research on a secondary line of products known as Rainbow Fruit Drinks which target the younger and more conservative market share. · Problems Addressed and Overcome. The biggest issue identified is coping with the high expenses while transitioning from a start-up to a large scale producer. By outsourcing supply and distribution, we get the opportunity to familiarize with the market while avoiding risks. Initial capital to set up the company is also quite high, and this is overcome through investors through a strong brand portfolio. Technology Plan · Software Needs. The innovation arrangement ought to be such that they offer help to the company in making its business activities all around, efficient and planned. Vegetus Oasis Company intends to utilize "Log Files." Log documents use your Internet Protocol (IP) location which is a specific number that automatically appointed to your computer by your Internet Service Provider (ISP). Fizzle soda will utilize databases such as demographic information that analyses your sex, date of conception, social media habits and postal codes to name a few. We will use cloud storage technology to save our server information since it requires less space as opposed to hard drives which are also relatively more costly. An outside dealer will, therefore, provide cloud technology. The Vegetus Oasis Company will utilize a robotized remote framework as a part of a request to collaborate with other bottlers in the market. For accounting needs, payroll services and on-line banking the company will use Quickbooks accounting package. · Hardware Needs: The quality of hardware brought is paramount to the smooth operation of business, and if anything goes wrong, Vegetus Oasis Company may end up incurring a significant amount of loss. Vegetus Oasis Company has utilized every one of the six hardware categories, for example, Output, Input, storage devices, information transfers, focal handling unit and joining
  • 4. devices. All of these classifications are crucial and cannot be ignored. Vegetus Oasis Company will utilize state of the art computers which will be set up in a network with shared internet access and a file server. For the production processes, we will use various technologies such as Koch Membrane Systems for filtration purposes and Meheen fully-automated, pneumatic powered filler for bottle-filling. · Telecommunication Needs: Suitable communication is a necessity in every business construct. We must, however, keep in mind security should have the highest priority so as to safeguard the company and its client's personal information. Phone communication is critical since every business wants to give the perception of being established and more importantly reachable by your customers. Vegetus Oasis Company has an interactive website where customers can serve themselves and have a look at the services we offer. You can alternatively contact Vegetus Oasis Company using our email address which we regularly archived as per the regulations put forward by the government. Vegetus Oasis Company has adopted a high-speed internet connection to ensure uninterrupted connectivity using fiber cables that will enable us to take advantage of online backup, VoIP, and other technologies. · Personal Needs: Vegetus Oasis Company will outsource its systems for both hardware and software since outsourcing is more cost effective than acquiring them. The company will rely on IBM programming and equipment to cater for our database needs and provide coordinated effort devices that will assist in maintaining the business group functional and equipped with fingertip access to the data and assets we need. The company has also set up a software-based firewall for every computer and a hardware firewall for our network. To reinforce the firewalls, an anti-virus software which comes bundled with various features to detect phishing and other online threats has been put in place. For the purpose of safeguarding our information,
  • 5. Vegetus Oasis Company ensures all data is backed up, and a recovery plan in place in case of emergencies. Management & Organization · Key Management and Employees: The key management of Vegetus Oasis Company is a president who oversees all operations, VP Operations, VP marketing, comptroller and VP human resources. The president is the person with the most authority hence he interacts with other departmental heads to help and review the company’s costs and outputs. Under VP sales come sales representative. After VP marketing then comes graphic designer and assistant marketing director. Under VP human resources there comes training director while under VP operations there comes technical director and plant manager. Right under comptroller there is an accountant and a purchasing manager who deal with all accounting and procurement business of company respectively. · Board members and advisors Board members comprise of the president who acts as the board secretary. A chairperson elected by the other executives heads the board under the assistance of a vice chair. Each department namely; marketing department, sales department, comptroller, operations department and the human resources each have an elected board director who oversees the activities of his/her respective department. Advisors on the board include assistant marketing director, purchasing director, training director, technical director and sales representative. · Management structure and style Vegetus Oasis Company follows the hierarchal organizational structure based on operations, responsibility, and authority. The president has the highest powers and duties followed by the vice presidents from each of the central departments. The vice presidents have personal and direct interactions with the president. Each unit functions independently of the other by keeping different books of accounts, inventories, and budgets. The marketing department handles package development,
  • 6. marketing, and advertisement. The Vice President Sales brings business deals to the company by managing all client communication and sales. The VP operation takes care of research and development, production, and shipping. The comptroller takes up purchasing and accounting responsibilities while the human resources department is concerned with skills development and personal training. Figure 1. Management hierarchy flowchart. References Pepsico’s technology trends and innovation strategies: A brief walkthrough | Stellarix. (2016). Retrieved 27 August 2016, from technology-trends-and-innovation-strategies-a-brief- walkthrough/ The complete technology book on Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic Beverages. (2008). Delhi, India. Framing an Argument by using Different CLAIMS Claims for written Argument: The thesis for an argument—any argument—needs to be opinionated or debatable. The thesis will usually fall into 4 different categories or claims (as described below). Sometimes, an arguable thesis may overlap and use 2 or even 3 different claims. Remember, the more claims you incorporated into a thesis, the longer an essay will be. A good writer will construct a focused and narrow thesis-claim that will allow enough room to write a thorough, persuasive essay on the topic. 1) Claims of Fact or Definition When a writer chooses to make a claim of fact or definition, be
  • 7. sure that you choose a DEBATABLE fact or definition. For example, if a student claimed that the Brazilian Samba was a slow graceful dance, it would only take a few moments of research for me to find that it is actually a fast-paced, rhythmic, and lively dance. So clearly, this claim would not be debatable; there is no argument. However people disagree about many supposed "facts." One debatable claim I always encounter in the classroom is whether or not student grades really measure achievement. Another claim is whether or not a lie-detector test is really accurate. Are methods of torture (i.e. water-boarding) necessary measures the government should undergo in order to get a suspect to divulge crucial information? And what constitutes "necessary measures" in the first place? 2) Claims About Cause & Effect Similar to the claims about fact or definition, claims about cause and effect need to be opinionated or debatable. It is obvious, for example, that smoking causes lung cancer, but one could debate whether or not secondhand smoke causes lung cancer. A few recent examples of debatable cause-and-effect topics could be about the new train that has been built, traveling from Beijing to Tibet. Many feel that this train will threaten the Tibetan culture and ancient way of life. Other more typical controversial cause-and-effect topics range from the effect television has on teens to the effect testing has on the quality of education. 3) Claims About Solution s or Policies This claim is a perfect example of how 2 different claims can
  • 8. overlap each other. Claims about solutions or policies usually work hand in hand with claims about fact or definition. For example, because the healthcare system does not adequately assist Americans (argue that this is a fact), they should be reformed (argue for the solution/policy). Also, any policy relating to under-aged minors is always controversial because it is difficult to define when an adolescent is capable of making a deliberate decision, just as an adult would. 4) Claims About Value Claims about value generally lead to essays that evaluate. Anytime a writer places value on someone or something as "the best" or "superior", or immoral and bad, that writer is making a claim about value. While writers should always anticipate how to respond to the opposing viewpoint, it is particularly crucial to do so when dealing with a claim about value. For example, people who are blind have a unique culture of blindness, and many believe that living a visionless life is better than living a seeing-life. But to properly address this topic and claim, one must anticipate and respond to the opposing viewpoint, that seeing-life has significant benefits. Another example is that of Ultimate Fighting Championships (UFC). One could argue that UFC is a dehumanizing sport. The anticipated opposing
  • 9. viewpoint could be that UFC fighters undergo extensive training and skill-based martial arts, thus making it a viable athletic competition. Writers who Construct Good Arguments Remember to... · consciously decide the rhetorical situation or writing occasion. This means that writers: · look at the social or cultural context surrounding the issue, · consider where this written argument might appear or be published, · look at the audience and ask what they already know/believe, · consider alterative viewpoints (and counters), and · consider the audience's neutral viewpoint and wonder if they are likely to listen to both sides before deciding what to believe. · focus on a debatable position or claim, and support each claim with sufficient evidence, Ethos (think ETHICAL Appeal of the Writer)
  • 10. This appeal involves convincing your audience that you are intelligent and can be trusted. Writers cannot simply say to their audience "I can be trusted because I'm smart and a good person." This appeal is perhaps the most difficult to establish; you have to prove yourself by demonstrating that you understand what you are arguing because: you are providing · personal experience or · know someone else who has personal experience, you are using expert support · through extensive research, · through up-to-date research · through recognized authorities in the field (this will also help to prevent your appeal from seeming too personal), you are using appropriate writing style · by means of professional and strong words that carry appropriate connotations; be sure that you don't sound overly emotional, · by using mostly 3rd person. Only use 1st person when providing a specific personal experience you are treating your audience with respect by · establishing some common ground in a refutation section. · Find some mutual ground for both sides of the argument by acknowledging that your opinion and the opinion of the opposite side agree on at least one aspect. This is essential in
  • 11. establishing your ethos (or credibility) and your ability to treat the topic fairly. · However, be careful not to over-do this; remember which side you are supporting. Logos (think LOGICAL Appeal) You appeal to logic when you rely on your audience’s intelligence and when you offer credible evidence to support your argument. That evidence includes: · FACTS- These are valuable because they are not debatable; they represent the truth · EXAMPLES- These include events or circumstances that your audience can relate to their life · PRECEDENTS- These are specific examples (historical and personal) from the past · AUTHORITY- The authority must be timely (not out-dated), and it must be qualified to judge the topic · DEDUCTIVE/INDUCTIVE- Deductive reasoning is when you pick apart evidence to reach conclusions, and inductive reasoning is when you add logical pieces to the evidence to reach conclusions. Pathos (think PASSIONATE or emotional Appeal)
  • 12. This kind of appeal can be very effective if it’s not over-done, especially if your topic is an emotional one. Because your audience has emotions as well as intellect, your argument must seek to engage the audience emotionally. However, using emotional appeal alone is not as effective as when it is used in conjunction with logical and/or ethical appeals. The BEST way to incorporate pathos (or emotional) appeals is by using words that carry appropriate connotations. Denotative vs. Connotative Words Denotation refers to the dictionary definition of a word. Connotation on the other hand refers to words that carry secondary meanings, undertones, and implications. For example, if you were to ask a woman how she'd like to be described from the following list of words, what do you think her answer would be? Slender................................Thin................................Scrawny The answer to this is most likely the word slender. While all the words carry the same denotation (they all mean lean, and not fat), the word slender carries more positive undertones. A slender woman is graceful, elegant, and perhaps even sexy. Thin on the other hand is a fairly neutral word, and it leads women to prefer the word "slender" as it carries the more positive connotation. Finally, the word scrawny brings an unhealthy,
  • 13. overly thin, or bony person to mind, and women generally do not want to be described in this manner. Over time, words shift in their connotative meanings, and writers should be up-to-date on the current connotations of a word. The BEST way to incorporate pathos (or emotional) appeals is by using words that carry appropriate connotations. Think back to the sample piece for the claims about fact/definition titled "A Case of Severe Bias"; the following is part of the first statement of that piece: "I am not a crack addict. I am not a welfare mother. I am not illiterate..." The words crack addict, welfare mother, and illiterate carry strong connotations. It makes the above statement (while already logical) more powerful. Imagine if the writer used words that carried weaker connotations: "I am not a person who abuses substances. I am not a parent who needs government assistance. I can read." Notice how the emotional appeal is weakened. Even though the logical appeal is present, the statement no longer carries the same strength. Instructions for Submission: Save this document onto your computer/thumb drive, make the corrections according to the instructions provided for each section, SAVE changes, and then
  • 14. print up for submission. Exercise 1: Indentify the subject(s) and verb(s) of each sentence. Please do not include modifiers like adjectives and adverbs. Use a single line to underline the subject(s), and highlight the verb in whatever color you like. Worth 5 points •Most experts consider some type of debt, such as a mortgage, financially necessary. •However, credit –card debt never benefits an individual’s long- term financial goals. •Today even college students without jobs or credit cards can usually acquire credit cards easily. •Unfortunately, many students charge expensive purchases and pay only the minimum balance on their cards every month. •Graduating from college with a large credit-card debt can severely limit a person’s opportunities. Exercise 2: Identify and correct phrase fragments (use section 36a-36e in Unit 7 of Keys for Writers, 7th edition, for guidance). In each of the following 5 sentences, correct any phrase fragments by attaching or moving a dependent clause to another part of the sentence, or by simply adding or omitting
  • 15. certain punctuation to make the sentence combine correctly. Ultimately, if the sentence is not correct, you must change it so that it is, but not change the meaning of what is being originally said by adding information. If the sentence is correct, simply TYPE a big RED C at the end of the sentence (or in place of the sentence). Worth 5 points •Every country has its own musical styles. Based on the traditional music of its people. •Having its own tradition as the birthplace of jazz, blues and rock music. The United States has long been one of the world’s leading exporters of popular music. •In spite of enjoying enormous popularity in their own countries. Many performers from Europe, South America, Africa and Asia have had a hard time attracting American fans. •However, not all Americans are native English speakers. Listening exclusively to English-language music. •Perhaps there will be a time when artists can have big hits with songs sung in a foreign language. At present, however, singing in English is almost always required for being successful in America. Exercise 3:
  • 16. Instructions: •Use the documents “Overview of Key Concepts and Terms,” “Framing your Argument Using Different Claims,” and the “Ethos, Pathos, Logos” documents posted under “Course Documents” to examine the visual argument “Human Meat” (also attached to assignment posting). •Open up a Word Document wherein you will collaborate as you compile notes on this in-class examination of a visual argument. •PUT YOUR NAME and time of class at the top of this computer generated assignment. Entitle it “Visual Argument Assignment.” •Your response should include thoughtful observations for each of the following categories: •What is the MAIN ARGUMENT being made? •What type of the 4 claims is this main argument? •Articulate the PURPOSE of this visual argument. Be sure you word it as follows: “The purpose of this piece is to………………………… that the audience will………………………….” •Identify if there are any REASONS provide in this argument that support the Main Argument. •Identify if there are any FACTS/EVIDENCE that support the reason (or reasons) being provided. .
  • 17. •Discuss the 3 Rhetorical Appeals Used—ethos, pathos, logos— through the many strategies used in this piece by its creators to make impact. •What are TWO assumption(s) the argument being made is based upon? For Exercise 3: The picture and the documents related to “Ethos, Pathos and Logos” are also attached here Instructor Name: Dr. Carla Henryhand Student Name: Mehdi Faraji Subject: assignment 2 Date:08/10/2016 Vegetus Oasis Ltd: Marketing Plan and Sales Strategy A Marketing plan is described as an exhaustive document that will outline the advertising and marketing labors of a company for the next year. It will tend to describe activities in business that are set in place to achieve certain market aims within a given deadline. It include current marketing position description, in-depth analysis of the target market, and a clear description of the means of marketing the business will employ to achieve its aims. It will usually begin with the identification of the needs of the customer usually carried out by means of a market research and the ways in which the business fulfil the
  • 18. wants while producing a satisfactory level of yield. A plan will also contain a complete investigation of the strengths and weaknesses of a certain firm and its products. A sales strategy can be said to be an elaborate plan that will tend to positions the brands of a company so as to gain competitive advantage. Good sales strategies aid the sales to target the specific market Successful strategies help the sales force focus on target market customers and communicate with them and hence establish meaningful ways of communication. Sales representatives will always need the way in which their product or services work and how to solve potential problems. A good sales strategy will then pass out this message and this will give the sales force to spend their time while targeting of the correct consumers at the right place. The consumers who will be drinking Vegetus Oasis Organic juice are from different demographic groups. This is because, according to statista, the number of people who turned into using Nonalcoholic beverage is approximately 4.0% which is way higher than the rate of 2% which is way lower and this means that a lot of consumer are looking for a way of quitting the use of alcoholic beverages and thus opening up new markets for NAB. The education status, gender, ethnic group or income of the consumer would not be specific since this kind of beverage is not prohibit by for any religion or age. It would be used by anyone who would be willing to accept and start a new and
  • 19. more physically fit. The organic juice industry is a more evolving branch and therefore no stiff competition from globally established companies like Coca-Cola and Pepsi would be up to offer any. The fact that this market generated $28.4 billion US in 2012and this amount rose to $30 billion US shows that this field is highly profitable. This makes a lucrative deal if good investment is done. The fact that this market also lacks a giant global rival makes it less adverse than others. This is because the capital out lay to match the global rivals would be a problem and secondly the type of adverting such firms employ cannot be rivalled by small upcoming firms that do not have budget and profits. Specializing in the organic juice market also stands out as most consumers who want to keep fit will associate with your brand. The juice being natural and organic means it is free of many chemicals and hence can be a hit to the consumers who like things natural. This is because they will be attracted by the fact that the juice itself is natural. People fighting to quit alcoholism would find organic fruit juices a good option as they fight to kick out the drinking habit. The company would seek to differentiate itself from other brands and act as a firm of its own. Given that Vegetus Oasis is a new company that would working to carve out some market share by distinguishing its product from those of rival, the
  • 20. choice of a triangular strategic positioning method would be best suited for a firm like Vegetus Oasis. This strategy position is made up of three specific options that are aimed at the same goal; customer bonding and having the long term effect of stabilizing scales though this is more of theoretical. These are; Best product- low-cost products which are highly differentiated relative to competing products. Customer solution- achieved by reducing customer costs thus making it economical for them to purchase our product strengthens the bond. Being a new firm in the industry, Vegetus Oasis would need to bank on its major advantages and/or strengths which include the following; having a newly employed workforce that is eager to impress, a staff that boasts of at least one professional certificate, the company itself is equipped with state of the art technology in juice production, having sufficient capital outlay for start of business which was collected by crowd funding and lastly having in place a rigorous employee training and rewarding program aimed to boosting the morale of the employees. This factors will help the Vegetus Oasis Juice Brand to develop it a brand to behold. External factor that could play a major role in the developing of the company include the following; · Market forecasts that show the organic juice industry as a
  • 21. favorable investment sector. This is because the projected growth rate of the market blends in very well with the company and its objectives. This means that this brand has a chance if establishing itself since it also lacks any strong competition from close competitors. · The target market has more disposable income that they would be willing to spend on commodities like Vegetus Oasis as the economy is forecasted to be in a god and balanced place. This will aid in the quick growth of the company as it seeks to quickly establish itself in the organic juice sector of the non- alcoholic beverage industry · A good flow of information about the advantages of organic juice over conventional food serves as an advantage to Vegetus Oasis Organic Juice. This would mean the information is easily and freely available for most people to familiarize themselves with organic juice References De Melo, M., Denizer, C., & Gelb, A. (1996). From plan to market: patterns of transition. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, (1564). De Melo, M., Denizer, C., & Gelb, A. (1996). Patterns of transition from plan to market. The World Bank Economic Review, 10(3), 397-424. Gwinner, R. F. (1968). BASE THEORY IN FORMULATION OF SALES STRATEGY. MSU BUSINESS TOPICS-MICHIGAN
  • 22. STATE UNIVERSITY, 16(4), 37-44. Moncrief, W. C., & Shipp, S. (1997). Sales management: strategy, technology, skills. Addison-Wesley. Student Name: Mehdi Faraji Subject: assignment 1 Date:07/20/2016 Vegetus Oasis Ltd; Company Description and SWOT Analysis When starting a company, it is crucial to give a lot of thought to the naming of the same. The importance of the naming is because the name is the first point of interaction between the entity and its potential clients. It is the first step in the advertisement of the company products. Therefore, the name should portray the unique value or quality that the business entity offers in comparison to the competition. Keeping that in
  • 23. mind, the name of the Non-Alcoholic Beverage Company will be Vegetus Oasis Limited. Vegetus is Latin for fresh and vibrant, vigorous or lively. This name is befitting because Vegetus Oasis Limited will be in the organic juice business. I decided on Vegetus since our products will not only be fresh but also invigorating to our clients. Oasis is a term used to refer to a fertile location in a vast stretch of arid land. Alternatively, Oasis also means a place of refuge where one can retreat to escape a usually annoying situation. Therefore, in the desert of conventional foods and juices developed through chemical farming, Vegetus Oasis Limited will be an oasis of fresh organic juice. The mission statement is one of the most integral parts of a company from the moment the business idea is conceived. It is because the mission statement provides a clear outline of the chief objective of the organization as well as outlining the potential target market that will be consuming the products. If the mission statement is too long, it increases the risk of turning into a combination of both the vision and mission statements. The mission statement is supposed to brief and concise if that is to be avoided. Thus, the mission statement for Vegetus Oasis is as stated below; “To provide quality refreshment to all those seeking to lead healthy lifestyles while making a difference in the ecosystem and their lives one bottle of organic juice at a time.”
  • 24. The above statement encompasses all the three major requirements that it is supposed to meet for it to be complete. It states the main goal which is the product, the target market and the unique attribute that distinguishes it from other entities. The main goal is to provide quality refreshments while contributing to creating balance in the ecosystem. The target market is made up of anybody who is looking to lead a healthier lifestyle than they have been previously living. The unique factor of the entity is evident in their product as stated in the statement; organic juice. There are many alternative Non-Alcoholic Beverages in the NAB section of the beverage industry. They include; sodas, conventional juices, yoghurts, tea, coffee and iced tea. The decision to produce organic juice from the range of all other non-alcoholic beverages was arrived at because it agrees with the long-term eco-friendly vision for the company. The decision was also a smart money move since the market dynamics for the organic juice are less hostile as compared to the other beverages. For instance, entry into the soda production business would require massive capital for the initial investment. The products would also face very stiff competition from Coca-Cola, which is the biggest producer and retailer of soda in the whole world. According to Statista, the NAB industry is expected to grow at a rate of 3.8% globally. On the other hand, the alcoholic
  • 25. beverage market maintains a steady 2% growth rate. This implies that more people are looking for alternatives to alcohol. Within the organic produce bracket, the United States Department of Agriculture has collected a lot of data from retailers that project a steady, increasingly mainstream market for the products. For instance, in 2012, the reported sales of organic produce were reported to be $28.4 which rose to $35 billion in 2014. Therefore, the potential for growth in the NAB is higher for organic products than it is for traditional soft drinks. Vegetus Oasis will not have to compete for market share with global conglomerates since new markets are coming up each day ( A strategic position refers to the overall approach taken to achieve a given objective. Since Vegetus Oasis is a new company seeking to carve out some market share by differentiating its product, I chose the triangle strategic positioning method. This strategy position is made up of three specific options that are aimed at the same goal; customer bonding. These are; · Best product- low-cost products which are highly differentiated relative to competing products. · Customer solution- achieved by reducing customer costs thus making it economical for them to purchase our product strengthens the bond. · System lock-in- this is where the company seeks to lock out
  • 26. competitors while nurturing entities that offer complementary products. This increases the value of our product in the long run. For the distribution of the organic juice, Vegetus Oasis will rely mainly on grocery stores. Since the commercialization of organic food products begun, it has become increasingly popular and easier to find an organic products section in grocery stores. Products in this section of shopping outlets include fresh fruits, vegetables, and milk. Enthusiasts of organic food always head to this section. Therefore, it will be prudent to stock the organic juice in the same stores. Apart from that, sports events provide a vibrant albeit seasonal market for all types of beverages. The assumption is that a portion of the sports crowds are partial to healthy living and would be open to the idea of organic juice at these events. The company will wait a while longer before investing in warehouses for online sales. This is to ensure that the immediate physical market is responding well to the products so as to act as a reflection of the online market. Some of the risks that Vegetus Oasis is bound to encounter as a start-up include; · Product risk- this is the risk that the goods being produced have no place in the markets they are introduced. This incompatibility is due to a misinterpretation of market data. The company has mitigated this risk through extensive market
  • 27. research and analysis before deciding on organic juice as the product. · Regulatory risk- this is the risk that a change in government policies might adversely affect the business. The company has mitigated this risk by studying trends in regulations and evaluating the existing bills and ascertained that in the short- term, there is no cause for worry. · Financial risk- this is the possibility that the company will not be able to raise enough capital in its initial stages. Therefore, it is crucial that before starting out, the promoters of the company should have raised enough funds. To reduce this risk, they can try crowd funding as well as enlist the help of friends and family. Strengths (internal) Weaknesses(internal) · The company has a newly acquired workforce that is eager to impress. · 75% of the staff has at least one professional certification. · The company has acquired the latest technology in the
  • 28. production of organic juice. · Through crowd funding, the company has enough financial resources to see it through the initial stages of the business before they break even. · Company policy has instituted a rigorous training, evaluation and reward system for employee motivation. · The company workforce is young and never having worked together, teamwork cannot be guaranteed. · Most of the staff is inexperienced since they are fresh out of colleges. · High training cost on the application of the mentioned technology among other tools. · Some of the funding is debt equity. Therefore, the company is saddled with hefty interest loan repayments. · The employee training and evaluation interrupt the normal business operations from time to time. Opportunities (external) Threats (external) · The market studies project a fast-growing market for organic
  • 29. products which augurs well for the growth of the company. · The economy is currently in a good place. As such, the target market should have more disposable income to spend on the products. · There has been a remarkable continuous increase in awareness about the benefits of organic produce over conventional foods. · Vegetus Oasis is not the only company being formed to cater for the demand of organic juice thus there is some competition for the market. · Worldwide unrest, especially in the oil-rich Middle East, means that the economic stability cannot be trusted to stand. · Recent economic and political events in the European Union are affecting the leading currencies around the world.