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Part A

         Opening Sequence
           Genre: Drama
Ina Bayson- Blue
Ramina Arlauskaite- Red
Carolle Mafuta-Nkalu- Green
Everyone- White
Part B

             Ramina’s Brainstorm
 • A young girl + boyfriend
 • Go to the same school
 • Other girls likes the boy, jealousy because of the boy’s
 • The girl bullies/fights the girlfriend

 • In the end, girlfriend just lying down with blood on her

             WWW                              EBI
             Its all in short bullet points   To put more description
             Easy to understand
Part B
                      Carolle’s Brainstorms
 •   The girl trying to cut herself in front of a mirror crying
 •   *flashback*
 •   Girl and boy kissing while watching TV
 •   Her phone rings and boy takes it off her
 •   Tries to hit her
 •   *flash forward*
 •   Shows her trying to cut herself again
         WWW                                            EBI
         There’s flashbacks and flash-forwards          Not unique- make it more
         Showing what happened before                   unique
         The start and the finish is the same (making   Showing too much- only pieces
         audience know it about the girl)               of puzzle
Part B
                      Ina’s Brainstorm
 • Girlfriend+Boyfriend

 • Boy proposes to the girl after a date (in a cafe)
 • She accepts
 • Then, flash-forward:
 • of her stalking boyfriend with another girl (holding
 • Unanswered calls from the boy to the girl
         WWW                               EBI
         Explains what will happen in it   To add more details
         It have flash forward
Part B

                         Strongest Idea
 Ramina’s Idea                     Ina’s Idea
 • It have conflict                • It have suspicions
         – Most drama films have      – Drama films can have
           conflict                     suspicions between
         – It have violence             characters
                                   • Have transitions
                                      – Flash-forward to show what
                                        happened afterwards
Part B
              Final Idea Draft 1
 • Used Ramina and Ina’s Idea together:

 • Girlfriend + Boyfriend
 • Having a date, then he proposes to her
 • Other girl outside of cafe watching them angrily
 • He putting the ring in her finger
                   *Flash forward*
 • The Girlfriend saw boyfriend and the other girl
   talking and play fighting
 • She calls him, he look at his phone and put it on
Part B
                    Final Idea Draft 2
           Our new idea from making our opening sequence better.

 Girlfriend and Boyfriend Relationship
 • [Showing the day and time] Meeting up in a park (Roundwood Park), he
    (John) will say that he have a surprise for her
 • He takes out the ring and proposed to her (Lily) and she accepted his

 • [Next day, showing the day and time] John and another girl
   (Nevaeh/close friend) are in the same park, talking and playing around.
 • Lily saw John and Nevaeh and was shocked, thinking why he would do this.
Part C
                            Genre: Drama
                                  Fictional Stories
     Dealing with                                     Consists of conflict in
     emotional themes                                 some scenes between


    Real life situations                                   Themes
              Sub genre                                    Violence
              Romance                                      etc
              Docudrama (when a
              character act an event and
              exaggerates it a bit)
Part C

         Why did we chose this genre,
  • Happens in real life
         – Shows that not all situations are perfect
  • Affects young married couples (not all)
         – Showing that they are still too young
Part C

                   Conventions of Drama
                                                      Moral Lessons
    Can have violence

   can/might relate
   to it
                               Conventions           Struggling (pain)

         Emotional scenes

     Deep emotions                             Conflict between
                             Can be based in   characters
                             real life
Part D
                       Inspirational films
                        My Amnesia Girl
  • Director:                                   Genre: Drama, Romance, and
         – Cathy Garcia-Molina
  • Casts:
         –   John Lloyd Cruz
         –   Tony Gonzaga
         –   Carlos Agassi
         –   Etc.
  • Distributed by:
         – Star Cinema Magic
  • Released Date:
         – 24th November 2010
  • Language:
         – Tagalog
         – English               1gFI
Part D
                Inspirational Scene
                                            When she’s recalling her memory
                                            when her Fiancée didn’t come to their
                                            wedding day
                     She acts like she
                     don't know him
                     (lost her memory)

                      Shocked that            Long shot of her
                      she doesn't                                 Mid shot of her
                                              waiting for her     heartbroken
                      remember him            Groom

                       She told him that she didn’t
                       lost her memory at all

         She told him the                He is shocked that she
         truth                           lied to her
Part D
             Why is this film inspiring?
 • This film is inspiring for me, because…
         – Involves a relationship
         – Some scenes are very dramatic
            • When he found out that she was lying to him that she
              lost her memories.
            • She gets heartbroken when he runaway from their
              wedding day.
            • Leaving her at the altar.
         – Involves love, but she don’t want to get hurt by
           the same guy.
I Love You To Death                                        Part D
•   Joey owns a pizza parlor, and is married to Rosalee, and is a
    major womanizer. Rosalee goes to extremes when she finds
    he has been cheating.

Scene 3: Rosalee founds her husband cheating

Long shot of Rosalee enter          Mid shot of her with             Two shot of Rosalee and
the library                         books                            the librarian

                                                                                               Time- 7:51/8:55

                                        Mid shot of Rosalee point of view shot
Mid shot of her looking at books        as she see’s her husband kissing            ?v=4Vp-
to borrow from the library              another women                               Z0u4Rhs&feature=related
Part D
                   Character Representation
Good/happy wife

Mid shot of her smiling and   Two shot, Serving her              Two shot, they are having
she seems very happy          husband a drink                    conversation


 Two shot, she loves being      Two shot, kissing her husband
 next to her husband
Part D
         Character Representation
                                        Angry housewife

                                     Time- 00:00/00:53


                    Rosalee hatred towards her husband
                    because he cheated on her, she and her
                    mother planning to kill her husband by
                    over dose the food with sleeping pills,
                    and different ingredient.
Part D
             Why is this film inspiring?

 • Its inspiring because…
         – At first everything was lovely
         – There are deep emotions
            • When she found out that he’s cheating
         – Very dramatic, revenge
            • Revenge to her husband
Part D

                      Uslovia Kontrakta
 This film is a Russian film about two married couple,
     she lies to her husband she cant afford having
     babies because she has problems ( the truth is she
     lies to him because she doesn't wants to ruin her

 A girl who gets married her sister accidently falls
     down on the glass table and has problems with her
 She Wants to get money to get the oppression done
     by her fiancé does not help her so she dumps him.
     Goes to another city to get a job she finds a job
     where she gives birth a gives away her baby to
     another people who cant afford them. So she
     decided to do it and get the money from the
     people who wants the baby. Afterwards the man
     gets into relationship with the girl and gets
     divorced with his wife finding out she was lying.
Part E

 Chosen theme, brainstorm for opening
 • Theme: Tragic (a bit), Romance
  Close up
                              Misunderstanding      Flash forwards
Showing emotions of                                            Clips of after he
a character/s                                                  proposed to her

                                  Brainstorm                He took his phone out
  Boyfriend + Girlfriend                                    to see who called him
                                                      Other girl seeing them together
               Young and became                       + proposing
                                    Cheating in a
Research about our theme: Young
               couples Draft 1
•   There are almost 16 million adults aged 16-24 living in the UK of which almost
    three in ten (4.6 million) are either married or living with their partner.
•   So there is a conflict in needs and readiness when it comes to relationships for
    those in that age bracket. Some may marry prematurely because the need for
    connection wins out.
•    Students who marry while in school may be missing out on some experiences that
    would enhance their life experience and maturity.
•   In their late teens and early twenties, people are still forming their adult
    identities, and are still doing a lot of growing psychologically. It is best to wait to
    marry until after about age 27 or so to ensure that this growth curve has begun to
    slow down. This reduces the chance that people will later come to realize that they
    didn’t really know themselves yet when they got married, as well as feel that they
    have grown apart from their partner.

Part F
Part F
              Research about our theme: Young
                       couples Draft 2
    •      Adults aged 16-24 living in the UK of which almost are either married or living with their

•       Many young couples rush to marry because they believe they're ready for the long-
        term commitment, Later on they face many difficulties like;

                          Verbal Miscommunication                                        Incompatible
                          • Usually one partner will interrupt
                                                                                         •   teenagers realize they
                             the other to find fault, debate the
                                                                                             just want different
                             truth or side-track to a new topic
                             during the argument.

                          Nonverbal Communication
                          • Women are often more adept at reading
                             nonverbal communication
                          • jump to conclusions about what their
                             partner is thinking about before the
                             partner has a chance to speak.
Research about our theme: young
  Part F
                  couple Draft 2
 Some may marry prematurely because the need for connection and to feel loved by
Family problems

                   •    Favouring or disfavouring family
                   •    Divorce
                   •    Communication problems

In their late teens and early twenties, people are still forming their adult identities,
and are still doing a lot of growing psychologically

                       Sleepover with friends                         First love/ relationship
School/education       and sharing secrets                                                       Future careers
                                              Playing ball with friends
Part G
         Chosen Conventions and how it
   Convention      Use/Develop/Challenge                             Description and             Examples from film
                                                                     Purpose                     with still shot
   Conflict and    Use- this convention of conflict in a drama       This is the scene where     Precious
                   film is kind of predictable, as most drama        Precious and her mum
   Arguments       films have arguments between characters.          were fighting after
                                                                     Precious gets home
                   Develop- We will develop this convention in       with her new baby. This
                   our opening sequence by using close ups and       challenges the
                   extreme close ups with an addition of             convention as it have
                   gestures and movements of the characters.         high violence between

   Love Triangle   Use- this convention of love triangle is rarely   This scene is when she      Closer
                   scene in a drama film, but in a drama-            told her husband that
                   romance films are possibly have a love            she’s seeing another
                   triangle or a challenge for the couples.          guy. This uses the
                                                                     convention of love
                   Develop- we will develop this convention by       triangle, because it is a
                   using another girl, so that the girlfriend of     confession that she’s
                   the boy will think he’s cheating. However,        seeing another man.
                   there will be a twist and it was just a
Who are the Characters & who they
Part H
              represent Draft 1
                             Ramina: Nevaeh
                                          The Boyfriend’s close friend

                                          Black clothes to show jealousy, and dark

Neil: John
                                                                  Ina: Lily
             The Boyfriend/ Fiancée of his girlfriend
                                                                               John’s Fiancée
Clothes: Semi Smart clothes when proposing
                                                                  Clothes: Semi formal clothes while he’s proposing
              Jeans and Hoody when going out with
                                                                  to her
other girlfriend
                                                                              Jogging bottoms and Top when she
                                                                  saw them holding hands
Who are the Character and who they
            represent Draft 2
                                                               John’s Semi Formal Outfit
                   Name: Neil Guevarra                         - For their Date with Lily
                   Age: 17
                   Character Name: John
                   Character Age: 18

                                                    John’s Non- Formal Outfit
                                                    - When he is with Nevaeh
Character Clothes
•Wears semi-formal clothes when he’s
with Lily on their date
•Wears jeans and hoody when he’s
with Nevaeh in the park

                        Phone when Lily calls him              The necklace that he will
Part H                                                         be wearing throughout the
Who are the Character and who they
            represent Draft 2
                                                                  Lily’s Semi Formal Outfit
                  Name: Ina Bayson                                - For their Date with John
                  Age: 17
                  Character Name: Lily
                  Character Age: 17

                                                   Lily’s Non- Formal Outfit
                                                   - When following John to the
                                                   Park with Nevaeh
Character Clothes
•Wears semi-formal clothes when
she’s with John on their date
•Wears jogging bottoms, and top
when she saw John and Nevaeh in
the park
                                  Phone that she      The ring that
                                  will be using       John will give    Jewellery that she
Part H                                                to her            will wear ing their
Who are the Character and who they
             represent Draft 2
                        Name: Ramina Arlauskaite
                        Age: 18
                        Character Name: Nevaeh
                        Character Age: 17

Character Clothes
•Wears black clothes throughout the
scenes                                         Nevaeh’s Casual Outfit
                                               - When she is standing outside the Café
                                               - When she is with John in the Park

  Part H
Part I
         Location/Setting Draft 1

 • Cafe: where John proposes to Lily, while
   Nevaeh is outside looking at them.
Part I
         Location/Setting Draft 1

 • Round wood Park: When Lily saw John and
   Nevaeh holding hands
Part I
                        Location/Draft 2
    We are going to use the Park (Roundwood Park) for our whole Opening Sequence.

  This is the place where
  Lily would see Nevaeh                                     This is the place where
  and John                                                  John will propose to her

    We chose this place, because we want to make the audience think that why would
           he be with Nevaeh in the same place, where he proposed to Lily.
Part J

 How are we going to create enigma

 • Showing pieces of the
         – Not showing everything
         – Building suspense

 • Flashes of clips
         – There will be a flash
5 bullet points of what is going to
Part K
           happen in the whole film
 • John and Lily got engage and move in together
 • Lily becomes very over protective and thinks that John is cheating on her
 • They always argue on simple things
 • John’s old friend (Nevaeh) text’s him to meet up, and Lily read it and
   become’s suspicious
 • John picks up the phone and meet up with Nevaeh. He doesn’t know that
   Lily is following him and Lily ended the relationship and John explains that
   him and Nevaeh are just friends
 • Tries to work thing out and they’re not engage anymore
Part K

         5 bullet points of what is going to
         happen in the opening sequence
   [Shows the date and time]
   • John and Lily meet up in the park, because he is going to say something
      important to Lily.
   • He proposed to her, and she was speechless, shocked, and happy.
   • Shoe accepted his proposal, he put the ring to her finger.

   [Next day: Shows the date and time]
   • John was on the same park with his close friend Nevaeh, talking and
      playing around (like what friends do).
   • Lily saw them, shocked and gets jealous, because she doesn’t know who
      Nevaeh is.
Part L
          Storyboard Draft 1

 1.         2.          3.

4.          5.               6.
Part L

   7.               9.

10.        11.      12.

Part L

         Storyboard Draft 2
Part L
Part L
                        Shot list Draft 1
   Shot     Shot Name       Description                     Prop/Costume
   1        Two Shot        Lily and John sitting down in   Cafe, smart clothes- jeans,
                            the cafe (having a date)        polo, trainers, skirt, top,
                                                            shoes, coffee
   2        Over the        John taking out the ring to     Ring in the box
            Shoulder shot   propose to Lily
   3        Mid shot        Nevaeh of her looking at John   Black jacket, jeans, white
                            and Lily angrily                top, boots, make up black
   4        P.O.V           Nevaeh’s POV of what she is     Table, chairs, coffee,
                            seeing                          people, ring, clothes
   5        Close up        Opening of the box (ring)       Box and ring

   6        Mid shot        Lily shocked and happy          Make up

   7        Close up        Lily’s eyes crying of joy
Part L

   Shot     Shot Name       Description                       Props/Costume
   8        Extreme Close   Him putting the ring in her       Ring
            up              finger
   9        Long shot       John and Nevaeh holding           Park, clothes-
                            hands in park                     trousers, Hoody,
                                                              trainers, jeans, jacket,
                                                              hand bag
   10       Mid shot        Lily behind John and Nevaeh       Tracksuit trousers, top,
                                                              jacket, trainers, hair
                                                              tied back
   11       Close up        Lily dialling the phone to call   phone
   12       Two shot (Mid   Nevaeh and John Talking           Clothes, phone
            shot)           *Phone rings*
   13       Extreme close   Him declining the call            phone
Part L

                             Shot list Draft 2
    Shot Shot Name          Description                                     Prop/Costume
    1    Long shot          John is standing up waiting for Lily in the     John’s Semi formal
                            park (he stands up next to the bench)           clothes, park bench

    2    Long shot          Lily running towards John (camera is in front   Lily’s semi-formal
                            of her)                                         clothes
    3    Mid shot           Both John & Lily greet each other with a hug    John and Lily’s semi-
                                                                            formal clothes and
                                                                            park bench
    4    Two shot           Both of them sitting down on the bench          John and Lily’s semi-
                                                                            formal clothes

    5    Over the shoulder Both of them started to talk, and he told her John and Lily’s semi-
         shot & Reverse    that her loves her and shows her his surprise formal clothes
         shot              for her
Part L
   6     Mid shot            John taking out the ring out of his pocket     John’s Semi formal
   7     Close up            Him showing the ring                           John’s Semi formal
                                                                            clothes and ring
   8     Mid shot            John saying “Will you marry me?” to Lily       John’s Semi formal
                             while showing her the ring                     clothes and ring
   9     Close up            Shows Lily’s face expressions of surprise,     Eye make up
                             happy, and speechless – hand over mouth
   10    Extreme Close up    John putting on the ring to her finger         Ring

   11    Point of View       Point of view of Lily following John           John’s Non-formal
   12    Over the shoulder   Lily is seeing both John and Nevaeh greeting   Lily, and John’s Non-
                             each other                                     formal outfit and
                                                                            Nevaeh’s outfit (all
   13    Two shot            John & Nevaeh are both in the park sitting     John and Nevaeh’s
                             down, talking and playing                      Non-formal outfit
   14    Close up            Lily’s expression when she saw John and        No Make up
                             Nevaeh together (she doesn’t know who
                             Nevaeh is) - Jealousy
Part M
                          Script Draft 1
     1.         INT. INSIDE THE CAFE SHOP. DAY

     Two shot, of Lily and John sitting down in the cafe shop, drinking tea.


     Over the shoulder shot, John taking out the ring to propose to Lily.

     3.        EXT. THE CAFE SHOP WINDOW

     Mid-shot, Nevaeh looking at John and Lily angrily. Wearing a black jacket,
        jeans, white top, boots, and black lipstick.

     4.         EXT. THE CAFE SHOP WINDOW

     Point of view shot, Nevaeh point of view of what she is seeing.


     Close up shot, John’s hand opening the ring box
Part M


     Mid-shot, Lily shocked and happy, she put her hands over her mouth


     Close up, Lily’s face crying as John propose to her.


     Extreme Close up, John putting the ring on Lily’s finger.

     9.       EXT. ROUNDWOOD PARK.

     Long shot, John and Nevaeh holding hands, walking in the park. John’s
        wearing gray trousers, red hoody, and trainers whilst Nevaeh wearing
        jeans, black jacket, and hand bag.

     10.      EXT. ROUNDWOOD PARK.

     Mid-shot of Lily behind John and Nevaeh, wearing tracksuit, top, jacket,
        trainers, and hair tied back.
Part M

         11.        EXT. ROUNDWOOD PARK.

         Close up shot, Lily dialling her phone to call John, she
            press the button hard as she cannot believe what she’s

         12.        EXT. ROUNDWOOD PARK.

         Two shot and Mid shot, Nevaeh and John talking, laughing, the
            phone rings.

         13.        EXT. ROUNDWOOD PARK.

         Extreme Close up shot, John’s hand and the phone. He declines
            the call.

Script draft 2
Part N

             Applying theories of Todorov

   • Opening Sequence
         –   Everything started good- him proposing
         –   Then, becomes complicated- she sees John with someone else, suspicion
         –   New equilibrium- for the audience to watch and find out more

   • Whole Story
         –   He proposes to Lily, she moved in with John and started to be over protective
         –   Lily saw Nevaeh’s text to John and followed him and saw Nevaeh with him
         –   They broke up because Lily thinks that he’s cheating
         –   But went back together knowing that Nevaeh is only his close friend
Applying the Theories of Propp
• Opening Sequence and Whole Story
   – Main character is John as the story revolves around him
   – Second character is Lily, because she is the one who will react on the
     first and second scenes
   – Villain is Nevaeh, because she is the one that will make Lily feel jealous
Part P

           Applying theories of Strauss
   • We didn’t use his theory of Binary Opposition, because there are no
     characters that are evil in our Opening Sequence
   • There are no good and bad
   • All of the characters are equal (no one is stronger than the other)
Part Q
                    Target Audience

   •     Age: 15-25
   •     Gender: Both
   •     Social Class: Working class
   •     Hobbies: exploring, going out,
   •     Lifestyle: Teenagers, young adults
   •     Location: London
Part Q
                      Interviews Results Draft 1



    15-18 years old      2

    19-21 years old



Part Q

            Interview Results Draft 2
   • 6/6 people thinks that the Genre: Drama is interesting
   • 6/6 people thinks that the Genre: Drama is for expressing
   • 6/6 people thinks that the Genre: Drama is for entertainment
   • 4/6 people liked the storyline and the emotions in a drama
   • 3/6 people liked the different characters in a film
   • 1/6 people liked watching drama films, because its interesting
   • 3/6 people expects a sad story in a drama film
Part Q

            Interview Results Draft 2
   • 1/6 people expects a good ending or a twist at the end of the
   • 1/6 people expects death or romance
   • 4/6 people thinks that the purpose of the Opening Sequence
     is to give a bit of idea of the film
   • 4/6 people thinks that the Opening Sequence is to capture the
     viewers attention
   • 6/6 people would watch our Opening sequence because they
     think it’s a suspense and thrilling
   • 4/6 people says that “it depends” if our Opening Sequence is
     a good/bad example of young couples
Part Q

            Interview Results Draft 2
   • 1/6 people thinks that our Opening Sequence is a bad
     example of young couples
   • 1/6 people thinks that our Opening Sequence is a good
     example of young couples
   • 3/6 people thinks that the Age Group for our Opening
     Sequence is for Young Adults
   • 1/6 people thinks that the Age Group for our Opening
     Sequence is for 16-20 years old
   • 2/6 people thinks that the Age Group for our Opening
     Sequence is for 14 and up years old
Part R

          Film Distributor and why Draft 1

                                        • One of the six major movie
                                        • One of the oldest American
                                          movie studios
  •      Industry: Film                 • In the film industry since 1912
  •      Founded: 30th April, 1912          –   Its products are motion pictures

  •      Headquarters: California, US   • They also distribute drama films
                                            –   The Phantom of the Opera (1925)
  •      Products: Motion Pictures          –   The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1923)

  •      Founder: Carl Laemmle
Part R

                      Film Distributor and why
                                              •    Setup so that filmmakers can get a better
                                              •   originally concentrated on foreign
                                                  films, including such titles as Don’t Move,
                                              •   In 2005 Dogwoof launched the UK Digital
•     Industry: Motion pictures, Television       Screen Network DSN at the Curzon Soho
•     Headquarters: London (UK)                   cinema
•     Founded: 2004                           •   controlling costs, and actually having the
•     Founder: Any Whittaker                      chance of seeing revenues and profits.
      Anna Godas

     Why we choose Dogwoof
     • It’s a U.K based
     • Not a big well known company like
     • Do foreign film

Part S

                            BBFC Standard
     The British Board of Film Classification are the Law that Filming Companies have to
          follow to have the correct information of what a film can actually have.

                                                            Different Classifications of
                                                            different films (Age Rate)
                                                            and what sort of things
                                                            they’re supposed to have
Part S

                  Our Age Rate of the Film
   BBFC Standard                               Our Age Rate and what we will
   •     Taking drugs can be shown, but
         cannot be used to encourage
         people.                               • We will have some strong
   •     Strong threat and menace                language on the Whole Story
   •     Dangerous behaviour is                    – When the couples argue
         allowed, but will not have a lot of   • We will not have the use of drugs
   •     Frequent use of strong language
   •     Sexual context, but no strong
   •     Sexual activity can be portrayed
         without any strong details
   •     Violence can be strong, but cannot
         dwell on pain or injury, no strong
Part T
          Evidence- Title and credits (fonts)
                        Draft 1
   • As a group we decided to use font Times new roman
         – It will be helpful for our opening sequence title easy to read
           and eye catching
         – To express a range of voices and emotions .
         – Versatile and comfortable to work with, this title are like a
           favourite pair for our group opening sequence Draft 2.

                                                 This is an example of
                                                 what Font we will be
                                                 using for our Opening
Part T

         Title and Credits (fonts) Draft 2
   • As a group we decided to pick:
         –   The font ‘Harlow Solid Italic’
         –   It is eye catching
         –   Elegant
         –   Can show that it is about love

                                              This is our Title
                                              Another word for
                              Resentful       ‘Jealousy’
Inspired Films for Title and Credits
• We got inspired by the film
  ‘Water for Elephants’
   – Also a Drama film
                                               Introducing the distributors
   – There are no opening credits              at the start of the opening

• We also got inspired by the                                The text fading in and
  film ‘Black Swan’                                          out
   – A drama film

                                    Always in the middle
                                    of the screen
     The title is also in the
                                                           The credits are all in
     middle of the screen & in
                                                           capital letters
Part U

                 This sound is when Lily is standing
                 behind John and Nevaeh, looking at
                 them shocked and heartbroken

           To show that she may be
           thinking something bad
                         This can be on the scene
                         when Nevaeh is standing
                         outside the cafe looking at
                         John and Lily angrily

                     This will be used when John
                     proposes to Lily.
                     To show happiness and joy

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Opening sequence draft 3 final!

  • 1. Part A Opening Sequence Genre: Drama Ina Bayson- Blue Ramina Arlauskaite- Red Carolle Mafuta-Nkalu- Green Everyone- White
  • 2. Part B Ramina’s Brainstorm • A young girl + boyfriend • Go to the same school • Other girls likes the boy, jealousy because of the boy’s girlfriend • The girl bullies/fights the girlfriend • In the end, girlfriend just lying down with blood on her mouth. WWW EBI Its all in short bullet points To put more description Easy to understand
  • 3. Part B Carolle’s Brainstorms • The girl trying to cut herself in front of a mirror crying • *flashback* • Girl and boy kissing while watching TV • Her phone rings and boy takes it off her • Tries to hit her • *flash forward* • Shows her trying to cut herself again WWW EBI There’s flashbacks and flash-forwards Not unique- make it more Showing what happened before unique The start and the finish is the same (making Showing too much- only pieces audience know it about the girl) of puzzle
  • 4. Part B Ina’s Brainstorm • Girlfriend+Boyfriend • Boy proposes to the girl after a date (in a cafe) • She accepts • Then, flash-forward: • of her stalking boyfriend with another girl (holding hands) • Unanswered calls from the boy to the girl WWW EBI Explains what will happen in it To add more details It have flash forward
  • 5. Part B Strongest Idea Ramina’s Idea Ina’s Idea • It have conflict • It have suspicions – Most drama films have – Drama films can have conflict suspicions between – It have violence characters • Have transitions – Flash-forward to show what happened afterwards
  • 6. Part B Final Idea Draft 1 • Used Ramina and Ina’s Idea together: • Girlfriend + Boyfriend • Having a date, then he proposes to her • Other girl outside of cafe watching them angrily • He putting the ring in her finger *Flash forward* • The Girlfriend saw boyfriend and the other girl talking and play fighting • She calls him, he look at his phone and put it on silent
  • 7. Part B Final Idea Draft 2 Our new idea from making our opening sequence better. Girlfriend and Boyfriend Relationship • [Showing the day and time] Meeting up in a park (Roundwood Park), he (John) will say that he have a surprise for her • He takes out the ring and proposed to her (Lily) and she accepted his proposal. • [Next day, showing the day and time] John and another girl (Nevaeh/close friend) are in the same park, talking and playing around. • Lily saw John and Nevaeh and was shocked, thinking why he would do this.
  • 8. Part C Genre: Drama Fictional Stories Dealing with Consists of conflict in emotional themes some scenes between characters Drama Real life situations Themes Addiction Poverty Sub genre Violence Romance etc Tragedy Crime Docudrama (when a character act an event and exaggerates it a bit)
  • 9. Part C Why did we chose this genre, example • Happens in real life – Shows that not all situations are perfect • Affects young married couples (not all) – Showing that they are still too young
  • 10. Part C Conventions of Drama Moral Lessons Arguments Can have violence Love Audiences can/might relate to it Conventions Struggling (pain) Emotional scenes Deep emotions Conflict between Can be based in characters real life Misunderstanding
  • 11. Part D Inspirational films My Amnesia Girl • Director: Genre: Drama, Romance, and Comedy – Cathy Garcia-Molina • Casts: – John Lloyd Cruz – Tony Gonzaga – Carlos Agassi – Etc. • Distributed by: – Star Cinema Magic • Released Date: – 24th November 2010 • Language: – Tagalog – English 1gFI
  • 12. Part D Inspirational Scene When she’s recalling her memory when her Fiancée didn’t come to their wedding day She acts like she don't know him (lost her memory) Shocked that Long shot of her she doesn't Mid shot of her waiting for her heartbroken remember him Groom She told him that she didn’t lost her memory at all She told him the He is shocked that she truth lied to her
  • 13. Part D Why is this film inspiring? • This film is inspiring for me, because… – Involves a relationship – Some scenes are very dramatic • When he found out that she was lying to him that she lost her memories. • She gets heartbroken when he runaway from their wedding day. • Leaving her at the altar. – Involves love, but she don’t want to get hurt by the same guy.
  • 14. I Love You To Death Part D • Joey owns a pizza parlor, and is married to Rosalee, and is a major womanizer. Rosalee goes to extremes when she finds he has been cheating. Scene 3: Rosalee founds her husband cheating Long shot of Rosalee enter Mid shot of her with Two shot of Rosalee and the library books the librarian Time- 7:51/8:55 Mid shot of Rosalee point of view shot Mid shot of her looking at books as she see’s her husband kissing ?v=4Vp- to borrow from the library another women Z0u4Rhs&feature=related
  • 15. Part D Character Representation Good/happy wife Mid shot of her smiling and Two shot, Serving her Two shot, they are having she seems very happy husband a drink conversation h?v=4Vp- Z0u4Rhs&feature=related Two shot, she loves being Two shot, kissing her husband next to her husband (protection)
  • 16. Part D Character Representation Angry housewife Time- 00:00/00:53 =sAnS9H6sLyM&feature=related Rosalee hatred towards her husband because he cheated on her, she and her mother planning to kill her husband by over dose the food with sleeping pills, and different ingredient.
  • 17. Part D Why is this film inspiring? • Its inspiring because… – At first everything was lovely – There are deep emotions • When she found out that he’s cheating – Very dramatic, revenge • Revenge to her husband
  • 18. Part D Uslovia Kontrakta This film is a Russian film about two married couple, she lies to her husband she cant afford having babies because she has problems ( the truth is she lies to him because she doesn't wants to ruin her body.) A girl who gets married her sister accidently falls down on the glass table and has problems with her brainstorm. She Wants to get money to get the oppression done by her fiancé does not help her so she dumps him. Goes to another city to get a job she finds a job where she gives birth a gives away her baby to another people who cant afford them. So she decided to do it and get the money from the people who wants the baby. Afterwards the man gets into relationship with the girl and gets divorced with his wife finding out she was lying.
  • 19. Part E Chosen theme, brainstorm for opening • Theme: Tragic (a bit), Romance Close up Misunderstanding Flash forwards Showing emotions of Clips of after he a character/s proposed to her Mid-shot Brainstorm He took his phone out Boyfriend + Girlfriend to see who called him POV Other girl seeing them together Young and became + proposing engaged Cheating in a relationship
  • 20. Research about our theme: Young couples Draft 1 • There are almost 16 million adults aged 16-24 living in the UK of which almost three in ten (4.6 million) are either married or living with their partner. • So there is a conflict in needs and readiness when it comes to relationships for those in that age bracket. Some may marry prematurely because the need for connection wins out. • Students who marry while in school may be missing out on some experiences that would enhance their life experience and maturity. • In their late teens and early twenties, people are still forming their adult identities, and are still doing a lot of growing psychologically. It is best to wait to marry until after about age 27 or so to ensure that this growth curve has begun to slow down. This reduces the chance that people will later come to realize that they didn’t really know themselves yet when they got married, as well as feel that they have grown apart from their partner. Part F
  • 21. Part F Research about our theme: Young couples Draft 2 • Adults aged 16-24 living in the UK of which almost are either married or living with their partner. • Many young couples rush to marry because they believe they're ready for the long- term commitment, Later on they face many difficulties like; Verbal Miscommunication Incompatible • Usually one partner will interrupt • teenagers realize they the other to find fault, debate the just want different truth or side-track to a new topic things during the argument. Nonverbal Communication • Women are often more adept at reading nonverbal communication • jump to conclusions about what their partner is thinking about before the partner has a chance to speak.
  • 22. Research about our theme: young Part F couple Draft 2 Some may marry prematurely because the need for connection and to feel loved by someone. Family problems • Favouring or disfavouring family members • Divorce • Communication problems In their late teens and early twenties, people are still forming their adult identities, and are still doing a lot of growing psychologically Sleepover with friends First love/ relationship School/education and sharing secrets Future careers Playing ball with friends
  • 23. Part G Chosen Conventions and how it develop Convention Use/Develop/Challenge Description and Examples from film Purpose with still shot Conflict and Use- this convention of conflict in a drama This is the scene where Precious film is kind of predictable, as most drama Precious and her mum Arguments films have arguments between characters. were fighting after Precious gets home Develop- We will develop this convention in with her new baby. This our opening sequence by using close ups and challenges the extreme close ups with an addition of convention as it have gestures and movements of the characters. high violence between characters. Love Triangle Use- this convention of love triangle is rarely This scene is when she Closer scene in a drama film, but in a drama- told her husband that romance films are possibly have a love she’s seeing another triangle or a challenge for the couples. guy. This uses the convention of love Develop- we will develop this convention by triangle, because it is a using another girl, so that the girlfriend of confession that she’s the boy will think he’s cheating. However, seeing another man. there will be a twist and it was just a misunderstanding
  • 24. Who are the Characters & who they Part H represent Draft 1 Ramina: Nevaeh The Boyfriend’s close friend Clothes: Black clothes to show jealousy, and dark Neil: John Ina: Lily The Boyfriend/ Fiancée of his girlfriend John’s Fiancée Clothes: Semi Smart clothes when proposing Clothes: Semi formal clothes while he’s proposing Jeans and Hoody when going out with to her other girlfriend Jogging bottoms and Top when she saw them holding hands
  • 25. Who are the Character and who they represent Draft 2 John’s Semi Formal Outfit Name: Neil Guevarra - For their Date with Lily Age: 17 Character Name: John Character Age: 18 John’s Non- Formal Outfit - When he is with Nevaeh Character Clothes •Wears semi-formal clothes when he’s with Lily on their date •Wears jeans and hoody when he’s with Nevaeh in the park Phone when Lily calls him The necklace that he will Part H be wearing throughout the film
  • 26. Who are the Character and who they represent Draft 2 Lily’s Semi Formal Outfit Name: Ina Bayson - For their Date with John Age: 17 Character Name: Lily Character Age: 17 Lily’s Non- Formal Outfit - When following John to the Park with Nevaeh Character Clothes •Wears semi-formal clothes when she’s with John on their date •Wears jogging bottoms, and top when she saw John and Nevaeh in the park Phone that she The ring that will be using John will give Jewellery that she Part H to her will wear ing their date
  • 27. Who are the Character and who they represent Draft 2 Name: Ramina Arlauskaite Age: 18 Character Name: Nevaeh Character Age: 17 Character Clothes •Wears black clothes throughout the scenes Nevaeh’s Casual Outfit - When she is standing outside the Café - When she is with John in the Park Part H
  • 28. Part I Location/Setting Draft 1 • Cafe: where John proposes to Lily, while Nevaeh is outside looking at them.
  • 29. Part I Location/Setting Draft 1 • Round wood Park: When Lily saw John and Nevaeh holding hands
  • 30. Part I Location/Draft 2 We are going to use the Park (Roundwood Park) for our whole Opening Sequence. This is the place where Lily would see Nevaeh This is the place where and John John will propose to her We chose this place, because we want to make the audience think that why would he be with Nevaeh in the same place, where he proposed to Lily.
  • 31. Part J How are we going to create enigma • Showing pieces of the puzzle – Not showing everything – Building suspense • Flashes of clips – There will be a flash forward
  • 32. 5 bullet points of what is going to Part K happen in the whole film • John and Lily got engage and move in together • Lily becomes very over protective and thinks that John is cheating on her • They always argue on simple things • John’s old friend (Nevaeh) text’s him to meet up, and Lily read it and become’s suspicious • John picks up the phone and meet up with Nevaeh. He doesn’t know that Lily is following him and Lily ended the relationship and John explains that him and Nevaeh are just friends • Tries to work thing out and they’re not engage anymore
  • 33. Part K 5 bullet points of what is going to happen in the opening sequence [Shows the date and time] • John and Lily meet up in the park, because he is going to say something important to Lily. • He proposed to her, and she was speechless, shocked, and happy. • Shoe accepted his proposal, he put the ring to her finger. [Next day: Shows the date and time] • John was on the same park with his close friend Nevaeh, talking and playing around (like what friends do). • Lily saw them, shocked and gets jealous, because she doesn’t know who Nevaeh is.
  • 34. Part L Storyboard Draft 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
  • 35. Part L 7. 9. 8. 10. 11. 12. 13.
  • 36. Part L Storyboard Draft 2
  • 38. Part L Shot list Draft 1 Shot Shot Name Description Prop/Costume Number 1 Two Shot Lily and John sitting down in Cafe, smart clothes- jeans, the cafe (having a date) polo, trainers, skirt, top, shoes, coffee 2 Over the John taking out the ring to Ring in the box Shoulder shot propose to Lily 3 Mid shot Nevaeh of her looking at John Black jacket, jeans, white and Lily angrily top, boots, make up black lipstick 4 P.O.V Nevaeh’s POV of what she is Table, chairs, coffee, seeing people, ring, clothes 5 Close up Opening of the box (ring) Box and ring 6 Mid shot Lily shocked and happy Make up 7 Close up Lily’s eyes crying of joy
  • 39. Part L Shot Shot Name Description Props/Costume Number 8 Extreme Close Him putting the ring in her Ring up finger 9 Long shot John and Nevaeh holding Park, clothes- hands in park trousers, Hoody, trainers, jeans, jacket, hand bag 10 Mid shot Lily behind John and Nevaeh Tracksuit trousers, top, jacket, trainers, hair tied back 11 Close up Lily dialling the phone to call phone John 12 Two shot (Mid Nevaeh and John Talking Clothes, phone shot) *Phone rings* 13 Extreme close Him declining the call phone up
  • 40. Part L Shot list Draft 2 Shot Shot Name Description Prop/Costume No. 1 Long shot John is standing up waiting for Lily in the John’s Semi formal park (he stands up next to the bench) clothes, park bench 2 Long shot Lily running towards John (camera is in front Lily’s semi-formal of her) clothes 3 Mid shot Both John & Lily greet each other with a hug John and Lily’s semi- formal clothes and park bench 4 Two shot Both of them sitting down on the bench John and Lily’s semi- formal clothes 5 Over the shoulder Both of them started to talk, and he told her John and Lily’s semi- shot & Reverse that her loves her and shows her his surprise formal clothes shot for her
  • 41. Part L 6 Mid shot John taking out the ring out of his pocket John’s Semi formal clothes 7 Close up Him showing the ring John’s Semi formal clothes and ring 8 Mid shot John saying “Will you marry me?” to Lily John’s Semi formal while showing her the ring clothes and ring 9 Close up Shows Lily’s face expressions of surprise, Eye make up happy, and speechless – hand over mouth 10 Extreme Close up John putting on the ring to her finger Ring 11 Point of View Point of view of Lily following John John’s Non-formal outfit 12 Over the shoulder Lily is seeing both John and Nevaeh greeting Lily, and John’s Non- each other formal outfit and Nevaeh’s outfit (all black) 13 Two shot John & Nevaeh are both in the park sitting John and Nevaeh’s down, talking and playing Non-formal outfit 14 Close up Lily’s expression when she saw John and No Make up Nevaeh together (she doesn’t know who Nevaeh is) - Jealousy
  • 42. Part M Script Draft 1 1. INT. INSIDE THE CAFE SHOP. DAY Two shot, of Lily and John sitting down in the cafe shop, drinking tea. 2. INT. INSIDE THE CAFE SHOP. DAY Over the shoulder shot, John taking out the ring to propose to Lily. 3. EXT. THE CAFE SHOP WINDOW Mid-shot, Nevaeh looking at John and Lily angrily. Wearing a black jacket, jeans, white top, boots, and black lipstick. 4. EXT. THE CAFE SHOP WINDOW Point of view shot, Nevaeh point of view of what she is seeing. 5. INT. INSIDE THE CAFE SHOP. DAY Close up shot, John’s hand opening the ring box
  • 43. Part M 6. INT. INSIDE THE CAFE SHOP. DAY Mid-shot, Lily shocked and happy, she put her hands over her mouth speechless. 7. INT. INSIDE THE CAFE SHOP. DAY Close up, Lily’s face crying as John propose to her. 8. INT. INSIDE THE CAFE SHOP. DAY Extreme Close up, John putting the ring on Lily’s finger. 9. EXT. ROUNDWOOD PARK. Long shot, John and Nevaeh holding hands, walking in the park. John’s wearing gray trousers, red hoody, and trainers whilst Nevaeh wearing jeans, black jacket, and hand bag. 10. EXT. ROUNDWOOD PARK. Mid-shot of Lily behind John and Nevaeh, wearing tracksuit, top, jacket, trainers, and hair tied back.
  • 44. Part M 11. EXT. ROUNDWOOD PARK. Close up shot, Lily dialling her phone to call John, she press the button hard as she cannot believe what she’s seeing. 12. EXT. ROUNDWOOD PARK. Two shot and Mid shot, Nevaeh and John talking, laughing, the phone rings. 13. EXT. ROUNDWOOD PARK. Extreme Close up shot, John’s hand and the phone. He declines the call. BLACKOUT
  • 46.
  • 47.
  • 48.
  • 49. Part N Applying theories of Todorov • Opening Sequence – Everything started good- him proposing – Then, becomes complicated- she sees John with someone else, suspicion – New equilibrium- for the audience to watch and find out more • Whole Story – He proposes to Lily, she moved in with John and started to be over protective – Lily saw Nevaeh’s text to John and followed him and saw Nevaeh with him – They broke up because Lily thinks that he’s cheating – But went back together knowing that Nevaeh is only his close friend
  • 50. Applying the Theories of Propp • Opening Sequence and Whole Story – Main character is John as the story revolves around him – Second character is Lily, because she is the one who will react on the first and second scenes – Villain is Nevaeh, because she is the one that will make Lily feel jealous
  • 51. Part P Applying theories of Strauss • We didn’t use his theory of Binary Opposition, because there are no characters that are evil in our Opening Sequence • There are no good and bad • All of the characters are equal (no one is stronger than the other)
  • 52. Part Q Target Audience • Age: 15-25 • Gender: Both • Social Class: Working class • Hobbies: exploring, going out, • Lifestyle: Teenagers, young adults • Location: London
  • 53. Part Q Interviews Results Draft 1 3.5 3 2.5 15-18 years old 2 19-21 years old 1.5 1 0.5 0
  • 54. Part Q Interview Results Draft 2 • 6/6 people thinks that the Genre: Drama is interesting • 6/6 people thinks that the Genre: Drama is for expressing feelings • 6/6 people thinks that the Genre: Drama is for entertainment • 4/6 people liked the storyline and the emotions in a drama film • 3/6 people liked the different characters in a film • 1/6 people liked watching drama films, because its interesting • 3/6 people expects a sad story in a drama film
  • 55. Part Q Interview Results Draft 2 • 1/6 people expects a good ending or a twist at the end of the film • 1/6 people expects death or romance • 4/6 people thinks that the purpose of the Opening Sequence is to give a bit of idea of the film • 4/6 people thinks that the Opening Sequence is to capture the viewers attention • 6/6 people would watch our Opening sequence because they think it’s a suspense and thrilling • 4/6 people says that “it depends” if our Opening Sequence is a good/bad example of young couples
  • 56. Part Q Interview Results Draft 2 • 1/6 people thinks that our Opening Sequence is a bad example of young couples • 1/6 people thinks that our Opening Sequence is a good example of young couples • 3/6 people thinks that the Age Group for our Opening Sequence is for Young Adults • 1/6 people thinks that the Age Group for our Opening Sequence is for 16-20 years old • 2/6 people thinks that the Age Group for our Opening Sequence is for 14 and up years old
  • 57. Part R Film Distributor and why Draft 1 • One of the six major movie studios • One of the oldest American movie studios • Industry: Film • In the film industry since 1912 • Founded: 30th April, 1912 – Its products are motion pictures • Headquarters: California, US • They also distribute drama films – The Phantom of the Opera (1925) • Products: Motion Pictures – The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1923) • Founder: Carl Laemmle
  • 58. Part R Film Distributor and why • Setup so that filmmakers can get a better deal • originally concentrated on foreign films, including such titles as Don’t Move, • In 2005 Dogwoof launched the UK Digital • Industry: Motion pictures, Television Screen Network DSN at the Curzon Soho • Headquarters: London (UK) cinema • Founded: 2004 • controlling costs, and actually having the • Founder: Any Whittaker chance of seeing revenues and profits. Anna Godas Why we choose Dogwoof • It’s a U.K based • Not a big well known company like universal • Do foreign film die/
  • 59. Part S BBFC Standard The British Board of Film Classification are the Law that Filming Companies have to follow to have the correct information of what a film can actually have. Different Classifications of different films (Age Rate) and what sort of things they’re supposed to have
  • 60. Part S Our Age Rate of the Film BBFC Standard Our Age Rate and what we will have • Taking drugs can be shown, but cannot be used to encourage people. • We will have some strong • Strong threat and menace language on the Whole Story • Dangerous behaviour is – When the couples argue allowed, but will not have a lot of • We will not have the use of drugs detail • Frequent use of strong language • Sexual context, but no strong details • Sexual activity can be portrayed without any strong details • Violence can be strong, but cannot dwell on pain or injury, no strong details
  • 61. Part T Evidence- Title and credits (fonts) Draft 1 • As a group we decided to use font Times new roman – It will be helpful for our opening sequence title easy to read and eye catching – To express a range of voices and emotions . – Versatile and comfortable to work with, this title are like a favourite pair for our group opening sequence Draft 2. This is an example of what Font we will be using for our Opening Sequence.
  • 62. Part T Title and Credits (fonts) Draft 2 • As a group we decided to pick: – The font ‘Harlow Solid Italic’ – It is eye catching – Elegant – Can show that it is about love This is our Title Another word for Resentful ‘Jealousy’
  • 63. Inspired Films for Title and Credits • We got inspired by the film ‘Water for Elephants’ – Also a Drama film Introducing the distributors – There are no opening credits at the start of the opening sequence • We also got inspired by the The text fading in and film ‘Black Swan’ out – A drama film Always in the middle of the screen The title is also in the The credits are all in middle of the screen & in capital letters capitals
  • 64. Part U Music/Sound This sound is when Lily is standing behind John and Nevaeh, looking at them shocked and heartbroken To show that she may be thinking something bad This can be on the scene when Nevaeh is standing outside the cafe looking at John and Lily angrily This will be used when John proposes to Lily. To show happiness and joy