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#OpExposeCPS Roz McAllister shill informant D0X
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Name: Rosalind A. McAllister
Username/s/: Roz McAllister
Gender: Female (arguable)
Social Media Accounts:
Facebook account E-mail:
Alt E-mail:
Home Address: 3624 E 76th St 24
City: Cleveland
Zip/Postal: 44105
State/Province: Ohio
Country: United States
Phone numbers:
Ohio Bell Tel Co Landline: 216-341-5374
Ameritech Landline: 216-341-5473
Cell Phone number: 216-577-0466 (SMS bomb please)
Age: 61
Birthdate: 03/16/1954
Family Members: Divorced (we can see why lulz)
2 Children: Kimberly A Steinke (McAllister) Age: 32, Donald McAllister
Brian L. McAllister Age:49 Robert McAllister
IP address:
ISP: AS17389 Information Handling Services
Alt IP address:
ISP: INFONET Services Corporatin or AS3300 British Telecommunications plc
Operating System:
Website: (more info here)
Education: Completed College
Occupation: administration/management
Position: Manager
Estimated Networth: $5,000-9,999
Estimated Household Income: $30,000-34,999
Automobile: 1993 Ford Escort
VIN#: 1fapp11j2pw142032
Evidence Against:
Rosalind is a snitch and obvious shill that has been holding back the movement for CPS reform by
attacking parents who come to her for help and reporting Anons to the FBI. She claims to be an
advocate for CPS victims and a fighter of the system but she is clealry a part of that same system and
has spoken out against the #OpExposeCPS protest mulitple times showing she feels threatened by
any force calling for change of that system and will defend it by reporting people to the FBI. As if they
didn't know about #OpExposeCPS already (lulz) Phase one of the operation (March 21st) was a
call/fax/email flood to the FBI themselves to demand they investigate the system as a whole. Good
luck with "informing" them Roz. She has also stated multiple times that it is not the FBI's job or
juristiction to do this, when there are multiple investigations already on record showing that they have
Resume in PDF
Rosalind McAllister
Cleveland, OH 44105
Rosalind McAllister
Cleveland, OH 44105
Experienced office support including accounts receivable, invoicing, customer support, record retention and
destruction, and data entry.
Customer Service, Accounting Clerk, Data Entry (by touch), Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Research, File
retention, office equipment operation (copier, fax, typewriter, calculator, telephones, coffeemaker )
August, 2005 – May, 2014 Sub-Contractor - Field Inspector
Self Employed
 Scheduled, routed and completed condition reports on homes during foreclosure.
 Visual only, occupant contact, and walk thru assignments completed on site.
 Reports with photos input via web-based programs or email/fax.
November, 2003 – February, 2005 Regional Coordinator – Field Inspection Department
Safeguard Properties, Inc.
 Monitored field inspectors of residential properties for our clients.
 Coached inspectors in procedures and worked with them to complete inspections on schedule.
 Created a procedure for checking the accuracy of inspectors’ work product.
March, 2000 – November, 2003 Agency Sales Specialist
Key Bank USA
 Performed customer service functions for sold portfolios, assisted buyers and former bank
customers with issues concerning accounts and credit bureau reporting. Approved
 Filled orders for documentation.
 Preformed collection duties during special projects. Approved settlement agreements on bank
owned accounts to 75% of principal balance.
 Assisted with solving problems with documentation and ownership issues on accounts and
associated collateral.
 Was instrumental in setting policies and procedures as this was a newly created position.
BEDFORD HIGH SCHOOL - Graduation June, 1972
Major: Business and English
Major: Paralegal Studies Minor: Office Management
HONDROS COLLEGE – Vocational Training
Completed all course work for Real Estate Appraisal
Screenshot 1:
Her Facebook friendslst includes a Juvenile court judge and caseworkers.
Screenshot 2:
Screenshot 3:
Screenshot 4:
Screenshot 5:
Screenshot 6:
Why We Are Stalled in the Reform of CPS
Roz McAllister, Family Advocate
It seem that the stall in reform within Children Services is all my fault. Why is beyond me since all I have done is
attempt to explain, the “been there, done that” and it just doesn't work. In fact, it backfires, time and time again!
First let's just look at this from the common sense angle, and get to the nuts and bolts in a bit. Can you name any
family that was reunited by protests and petitions? Well, I sure can't! And before you try to site Justina, I can tell you
that the spot light of the media did put pressure on, but then, when someone as big as Glenn Beck takes an interest (and
may have helped fund the parents' fight), it's a bit hard to ignore. The key was getting the right attorney to fight the
case the proper way that was the winning factor, not the media. You see, the judge is not supposed to listen to anything
on a case outside the courtroom. That being said, if the media put pressure on the decision, the judge is in violation,
and needs to be off the bench! So, let's look at a few current events and how they affect the reform movement. But
first, let's look at where we are starting.
Only 4% of US children have CPS cases. This number has been relatively stable over the last several years. I don't
think anyone would agree that there are some abused and neglected children for which CPS intervention is
needed. And some children are getting in-home services. So, let's say that 2% of the children in the US need CPS. So
that means only 2% children are mistakenly in foster or kinship care. That number makes us “insignificant” to the
federal government to start with. And the amount of money spent on foster care and related expenses are a small part
of the federal budget. Now add that the day to day operation of CPS is NOT a federal matter, but a state or local matter,
depending on the state. 13 states don't have a statewide agency, but rather are a “county administrated” setup. Here
in Ohio, there are 88 separate CPS agencies, none of the employees being state employees, but county
employees. Many have there own policy and procedure manuals. WE SIMPLY ARE TOO SMALL TO MATTER TO THE
FEDS! So, we must work smartly, accurately and in our own states to get anything accomplished.
First, this is not a federal issue. Secondly, the White House personnel don't even read these until they hit 100,000
signatures. Then, they don't do anything anyhow! Remember that Marine stuck in the Mexican prison? The White
House ignored that one and there were many, many more than 100,000 signatures. And the current president is from
what part? He's a democrat! The party of Mondale, the Clintons and Obamacare. All furthering CPS. And since you are
public on your signature, you CPS worker gets to see that you signed it. So, explain to me the good in this move.
Here I refer you back to the fact that none of this can effect a good judge. And in one case, The Sisters in AZ, the
fact that there was so much on facebook and rallies and protests, the mother was issued a gag order. You can argue
Amendment all you want to, but the 1st
Amendment states “Congress shall make no laws”. The judge is NOT
Congress. And if the other parties in the case, the caseworker, GAL, CASA, judge, attorneys, don't feel save because of it,
then it is appropriate for the judge to do something. Again, you don't have to like it, you may feel it's immoral, but it's
I planned and participated in one such rally years ago. I was invited to sit in the courtroom, a HUGE honor in
Summit County, OH. I had worked long and hard and won the respect, if not agreement, of the court. (That's why I
preach about being creditable.) And I asked a couple of questions of the parents' attorneys and took my advice and
changed up their questioning. At the end, the deputy sheriffs, as I was leaving, thanked me and my group of about 15
people for being so respectful of the grounds, the officers and the citizens.
Fast forward a few years, and I am in a courthouse in another county not far away, supporting another mother,
and acting as a free lance paralegal to an attorney. I saw one of the magistrates (a person that hears cases in Ohio
below a judge) from Summit County. I had heard that she had left the bench, but didn't know why or exactly when. As I
had never had anything bad to say about her, I addressed her in the hallway. She was very snippy with me. I chalked it
up to her being a prosecutor for CPS now, and didn't let it bother me. As we are sitting in the conference with the
magistrate for the parent, in walks Richards and tells the magistrate that I am a protester, not a paralegal and I was a
trouble maker when she was on the bench in Summit County. I got kicked out! When the parent got a new lawyer, she
was barred from speaking to me. My name is now MUDD in that county! NO MORE PROTESTS!
Again, been there, done that. I've spoken three times on the Capitol lawn (see YouTube under Rosalind
McAllister) and I was recorded on the Congressional Record (no big deal, you just ask that your meeting be recorded and
it is available for people like that Senator from OR to listen to) twice. It was nice to meet people from across the
country, but nothing came of it. I lobbied in the Senate Office Building with my then 7 year old grandson. It was a great
education for him and they said they were holding a spot for him as a page, he was so impressive at his job. (Cute, too, if
this grandma can brag!) You can see photos on my facebook if you are among my friends. Although our panels that are
the The Record had invited Congress to attend, no one ever came. Bill Windsor, with Lawless American, the film that
never was, did a gathering in DC. Very few came and, again, no advance.
Why? Because it's not a federal issue (See the 10th
Amendment) and go back to the low impact. And to be very
cynical, I don't think many in DC are people minded. People as a whole, yes, individually, no. It's more about money. It
might be different if we, within the movement, did more to get the right people elected. Most parents can't name their
own representatives, let alone others in their state.
And say what? That CPS is hurting your family? That the judge isn't doing his/her job? That the system is
corrupt? That they are selling kids? AND YOUR PROOF?????
The media takes enough raps for exaggeration of issues. They need solid proof of misconduct. Of course, it sure
doesn't help when you are trying to assist a family, and it turns out that they didn't exactly tell you everything (like the
baby was special needs and the parents were missing doctor appointments), so perhaps the media got it wrong, but
your hands are tied in advancing the case. On the very first case I assisted, we tried to go to the top investigative
reporter in Cleveland. He told me that he couldn't help because he had his own kids. And once, when we got an
investigative reporter to interview the parents, it was never aired.
So you do manage to get the media out to your rally/protest with all 5 of you there (okay, so there is 20 when
there are 1,000 cases in your county. Doesn't look good!) And you have a bullhorn (megaphone) and you are yelling
about selling kids and the state making money and the caseworkers getting bonuses for taking kids. Well, since none of
this is true, but the official budgets, union contracts, and court adoption records, you have just proven that CPS was
most likely right. You are crazy and a danger to your children.
Oh, we didn't do all that! We just passed out fliers with information. Was the information correct? Was it
local/state information? Did you quote reliable documents and sources or videos from YouTube from non-experts or
articles from non-recognized sources with no footnotes, only opinions? I don't ever want to hear another TV story that
says “Disgruntled parents” as a start. What about “concerned citizens”? Everyone wants “face time” to tell their own
personal story. They really don't care!
Recently, in Houston, TX, two babies died of abuse in 2 or 3 days while in foster care. The reporter of the LOCAL
FOX affiliate asked for stories people had about CPS. Well, someone in a TX group, but not from TX, put out a call for
stories from all over the country. What a mess! And a TX advocate claimed to have the ear of that reporter. The person
from Maine most likely ruined the chances of any more stories! I commented only to say that as a national advocate, I
hear much from TX and CPS's disregard for proper procedures and best practices. I was available if he wished. Other
posts were sprinkled with colorful language and mean-spirited name calling. Yeah, that looked real good for all of us,
didn't it? By staying clear of the fray or being above the mess, we can only hope that the TX advocate didn't lose a
valuable connection.
Well, did you bother to see who he is and what he stands for? I did! He is known to be all talk and no action. His
letter to the 50 governors proved, in and of itself, that he is uninformed. 13 of those governors have NO SAY in CPS in
their states (OH, WI, CA, SC, NV to name a few) because they are county run. Here in Ohio alone, he would have had to
send 260 letters to address the top people in charge of CPS. Not knowing that little fact ruins his credibility.
This guy is a democrat “ranking member” doesn't mean he is the chair of the committee. That would be a
Republican. He has little if any true voice in the Senate. A lack of general knowledge of the way government works got a
bunch of people all excited about nothing. And then, someone decided to send him individual stories. He didn't ask for
them that I can find, and no one will link me. So, on that information, and after I attempted to verify it, it seems that yet
again, what MAY have been an opportunity, no matter how slim, could be killed. I even saw one person bragging that
they personally had sent 9 letters. And we want DC to think we aren't crazy? How is that possible?
Again, the wrong target, so we look like mental cases who forgot to take our meds! FBI cannot just investigate
things within the state. It must be across state lines, an invitation from local government (like in missing children cases),
or VERIFIABLE disregard by local law enforcement, like here in Cuyahoga County. Here, the FBI was called in after the
county sheriff (who ended up convicted) and the prosecutor wouldn't do anything about the corruption (the REAL
corruption!) that was happening. The County Commissioner, County Auditor, the Sheriff, six Cleveland Building
Inspectors, many others for a total of 60 convictions in the county.
I tell you this only to say that I am well aware of what the FBI can and cannot do. They are well aware of what
parents and families see as a problem with CPS because they have been getting reports for years. They don't have
jurisdiction to do anything! So, once again, it's wasted time and effort. And again, because that is the case, we ALL look
like ignorant whiners. And anyway, what exactly got changed by Anonymous' actions to this date? Another failure of an
So, you see, I have thought out all my options. I have looked at all the angles, all the possibilities. Some I have
even tried, and some I have had backfire. Some were a waste of time (except for my grandson seeing how lobbying
works and site in DC).
I have been at this for 18 years next month. Yet, the “young 'uns” act like I am an idiot. I ask pointed questions
because they need to understand what they are doing. And I ask them directly so that there is no misinterpretation. For
those of you who have not had the “pleasure” of seeing my rude, mean-spirited and “bullying” questions to those
promoting misguided events, here are a few:
You do realize that Obama is pro-CPS, right? So why are you wasting your time?
The Democratic Party is the party of the original CPS legislation, and increased by Clintons. Why do you trust them
to change their work?
CPS is a state issue, so why are you going to DC? And you are going during a vacation week!
Why are you saying that CPS makes a profit when that is not the case?
Are you registered to vote? Did you campaign for/with your state representative?
Oh great! Yet another setback for reform! I may die before we get this done at this pace!
Misinformation Article Written By Her:

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