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Object-Oriented Programming Language
                                                   Chapter 7 : More on Classes

                                            Atit Patumvan
                            Faculty of Management and Information Sciences
                                          Naresuan University

วันจันทร์ท่ี 26 มีนาคม 12

                            Separate Interface and Implementation files

              Single Source File                                                      Separate Source File
              SourceCode_A.m                                                          SourceCode_A.h

                              Interface Code                                                Interface Code

                       Implementation Code
                                                                                         Implementation Code

                              Program Code

                                                                                            Program Code

 Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University                            Object-Oriented Programming Language

วันจันทร์ท่ี 26 มีนาคม 12

                            Separate Interface and Implementation files


           #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

           @interface Fraction : NSObject

            #import "Fraction.h"

            @implementation Fraction

           #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
           #import "Fraction.h"

           int main (int argc, const char * argv[]){ ...
 Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University   Object-Oriented Programming Language

วันจันทร์ท่ี 26 มีนาคม 12

                         Separate Interface and Implementation Files

Program 7.1 main.m
01: #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
02: #import "Fraction.h"
04: int main (int argc, char * argv[])
05: {
06:! NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
07:! Fraction * myFraction = [[Fraction alloc] init];
09:! [myFraction setNumerator: 1];
10:! [myFraction setDenominator: 3];
12:! // display the fraction
14:! NSLog (@"The value of myFraction is:");
15:! [myFraction print];
16:! [myFraction release];
18:! [pool drain];
19:! return 0;
20: }

 Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University   Object-Oriented Programming Language

วันจันทร์ท่ี 26 มีนาคม 12

                         Separate Interface and Implementation Files

Program 7.1 Fraction.h

01: #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
03: // The Fraction class
05: @interface Fraction : NSObject
06: {
07:! int ! numerator;
08:! int ! denominator;
09: }
11: -(void) print;
12: -(void) setNumerator: (int) n;
13: -(void) setDenominator: (int) d;
14: -(int)!numerator;
15: -(int)!denominator;
16: -(double) convertToNum;
18: @end

 Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University   Object-Oriented Programming Language

วันจันทร์ท่ี 26 มีนาคม 12

                         Separate Interface and Implementation Files

Program 7.1 Fraction.m
01: #import "Fraction.h"                                                              25: -(double) convertToNum
02:                                                                                   26: {
03: @implementation Fraction                                                          27:! if(denominator != 0)
04:                                                                                   28:! ! return (double) numerator / denominator;
05: -(void) print                                                                     29:! else
06: {                                                                                 30:! ! return NAN;
07:! NSLog(@"%i/%i", numerator, denominator);                                         31: }
08: }                                                                                 32: @end
09: -(void) setNumerator: (int) n
10: {
11:! numerator = n;
12: }
13: -(void) setDenominator: (int) d
14: {
15:! denominator = d;
16: }
17: -(int)!
18: {
19:! return numerator;
20: }
21: -(int)!
22: {
23:! return denominator;
24: }

 Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University                                 Object-Oriented Programming Language

วันจันทร์ท่ี 26 มีนาคม 12

                            Compiling Program from the Command line

       gcc -framwork Foundation Fraction.m main.m -o main

      Using GNUMakefile
        01:      include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/common.make
        03:      TOOL_NAME = main
        04:      main_HEADERS = Fraction.h
        05:      main_OBJC_FILES = main.m Fraction.m
        06:      main_RESOURCE_FILES =
        08:      include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/tool.make

 Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University   Object-Oriented Programming Language

วันจันทร์ท่ี 26 มีนาคม 12

                                                    Synthesize Accessor Methods

Program 7.1b Fraction.h                                                               Program 7.1b Fraction.m
01: #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>                                                 01: #import "Fraction.h"
02:                                                                                   02:
03: // The Fraction class                                                             03: @implementation Fraction
04:                                                                                   04:
05: @interface Fraction : NSObject                                                    05: @synthesize numerator, denominator;
06: {                                                                                 06:
07:! int ! numerator;                                                                 07: -(void) print
08:! int ! denominator;                                                               08: {
09: }                                                                                 09:! NSLog(@"%i/%i", numerator, denominator);
10:                                                                                   10: }
11: @property int numerator, denominator;                                             11: -(double) convertToNum
12:                                                                                   12: {
13: -(void) print;                                                                    13:! if(denominator != 0)
14: -(void) convertToNum;                                                             14:! ! return (double) numerator / denominator;
15:                                                                                   15:! else
16: @end                                                                              16:! ! return NAN;
                                                                                      17: }
                                                                                      18: @end

 Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University                                 Object-Oriented Programming Language

วันจันทร์ท่ี 26 มีนาคม 12

                               Accessing Properties Using Dot Operator

                                                                                      Dot Operator
       [myFraction numerator]                                                         myFraction.numerator

            instance                         property                                  instance   property

         [myFraction setNumerator: 3]                                                 myFraction.numerator = 3

 Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University                     Object-Oriented Programming Language

วันจันทร์ท่ี 26 มีนาคม 12

                               Accessing Properties Using Dot Operator

Program 7.1c main.m
01: #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
02: #import "Fraction.h"
04: int main (int argc, char * argv[])
05: {
06:! NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
07:! Fraction * myFraction = [[Fraction alloc] init];
09:! //[myFraction setNumerator: 1];
10:! myFraction.numerator = 1;
11:! //[myFraction setDenominator: 3];
12:! myFraction.denominator = 3;
13:! // display the fraction
15:! NSLog (@"The value of myFraction is:");
16:! [myFraction print];
17:! [myFraction release];
19:! [pool drain];
20:! return 0;
21: }

 Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University   Object-Oriented Programming Language

วันจันทร์ท่ี 26 มีนาคม 12

                                                    Multiple Argument to Methods

      [myFraction setNumerator: 1];
      [myFraction setDenominator: 3];

      [myFraction setNumerator: 1 andDenominator: 3];

      [myFraction setTo: 1 over: 3];

 Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University   Object-Oriented Programming Language

วันจันทร์ท่ี 26 มีนาคม 12

                                                    Multiple Argument to Methods

Program 7.2 Fraction.h
01: #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
03: // The Fraction class
05: @interface Fraction : NSObject
06: {
07:! int ! numerator;
08:! int ! denominator;
09: }
11: @property int numerator, denominator;
13: -(void) print;
14: -(void) setTo: (int) n over: (int) d;
15: -(double) convertToNum;
17: @end

 Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University   Object-Oriented Programming Language

วันจันทร์ท่ี 26 มีนาคม 12

                                                    Multiple Argument to Methods

Program 7.2 Fraction.m                                                                Program 7.2 main.m
01: #import "Fraction.h"                                                              01: import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
02:                                                                                   02: #import "Fraction.h"
03: @implementation Fraction                                                          03:
04:                                                                                   04: int main (int argc, char * argv[])
05: @synthesize numerator, denominator;                                               05: {
06:                                                                                   06:! NSAutoreleasePool * pool =
07: -(void) print                                                                              [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
08: {                                                                                 07:! Fraction * aFraction =
09:! NSLog(@"%i/%i", numerator, denominator);                                                  [[Fraction alloc] init];
10: }                                                                                 08:
11: -(double) convertToNum                                                            09:! [aFraction setTo: 100 over: 200];
12: {                                                                                 10:! [aFraction print];
13:! if(denominator != 0)                                                             11:
14:! ! return (double) numerator / denominator;                                       12:! [aFraction setTo: 1 over: 3];
15:! else                                                                             13:! [aFraction print];
16:! ! return NAN;                                                                    14:
17: }                                                                                 15:! aFraction.setNumerator= 1;
18: -(void) setTo: (int) n over: (int) d                                              16:! aFraction.setDenominator= 7;
19: {                                                                                 17:! [aFraction print];
20:! numerator = n;                                                                   18:
21:! denominator = d;!                                                                19:! [aFraction release];
22: }                                                                                 20:
23: @end                                                                              21:! [pool drain];
                                                                                      22:! return 0;
                                                                                      23: }
 Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University                             Object-Oriented Programming Language

วันจันทร์ท่ี 26 มีนาคม 12

                                                               Operations on Fractions

      _ 4 6
      1 _ _
       + =
      1 4 8
      Program 7.3 Fraction.h
      16: -(void) add: (Fraction * ) f;

      Program 7.3 Fraction.h
      21: -(void) add: (Fraction * ) f
      22: {
      23:! numerator = numerator * f.denominator + denominator                        * f.numerator;
      24:! denominator = denominator * f.denominator;
      26: }

 Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University                    Object-Oriented Programming Language

วันจันทร์ท่ี 26 มีนาคม 12

                                                               Operations on Fractions

Program 7.3 main.m
01: #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
02: #import "Fraction.h"
04: int main (int argc, char * argv[])
05: {
06:! NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
07:! Fraction * aFraction = [[Fraction alloc] init];
08:! Fraction * bFraction = [[Fraction alloc] init];
10:! [aFraction setTo: 1 over: 4];
11:! [bFraction setTo: 1 over: 2];
13:! [aFraction print];
14:! NSLog(@"+");
15:! [bFraction print];
16:! NSLog(@"=");
18:! [aFraction add: bFraction];
19:! [aFraction print];
20:! [aFraction release];
21:! [bFraction release];
23: ! return 0;
24: }

 Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University      Object-Oriented Programming Language

วันจันทร์ท่ี 26 มีนาคม 12

                                                                               Local Variables

      Program 7.4 Fraction.m
      21: -(void) reduce
      22: {
      23:! int u = numerator;
      24:! int v = denominator;
      25:! int temp;
      27:! while ( v != 0 ){
      28:! ! temp = u % v;
      29:! ! u = v;
      30:! ! v = temp;
      31:! }
      32:! numerator /= u;
      33:! denominator /= u;
      34: }

 Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University              Object-Oriented Programming Language

วันจันทร์ท่ี 26 มีนาคม 12

                                                                               Local Variables

Program 7.4 main.m
01: #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
02: #import "Fraction.h"
04: int main (int argc, char * argv[])
05: {
06:! NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
07:! Fraction * aFraction = [[Fraction alloc] init];
08:! Fraction * bFraction = [[Fraction alloc] init];
10:! [aFraction setTo: 1 over: 4];
11:! [bFraction setTo: 1 over: 2];
13:! [aFraction print];
14:! NSLog(@"+");
15:! [bFraction print];
16:! NSLog(@"=");
18:! [aFraction add: bFraction];
19:! [aFraction reduce];
21:! [aFraction print];
22:! [aFraction release];
23:! [bFraction release];
24: ! return 0;
25: }
 Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University              Object-Oriented Programming Language

วันจันทร์ท่ี 26 มีนาคม 12

                                                                           The self Keyword

      [self reduce;]

      Program 7.4a Fraction.m
      21: -(void) add: (Fraction * ) f
      22: {
      23:! numerator = numerator * f.denominator + denominator                                * f.numerator;
      24:! denominator = denominator * f.denominator;
      26: [self reduce];
      26: }

 Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University                            Object-Oriented Programming Language

วันจันทร์ท่ี 26 มีนาคม 12

                                                                        The static Keyword

       -(int) showPage
         static int pageCount = 0;
         return pageCount;

       #import “Printer.h”
       static int pageCount;

       @implementation Printer

 Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University          Object-Oriented Programming Language

วันจันทร์ท่ี 26 มีนาคม 12

                          Allocating and Return Objects from Methods

       Program 7.5 Fraction.h
      16: -(Fraction) add: (Fraction * ) f;

       Program 7.5 Fraction.h
      21: -(void) add: (Fraction * ) f
      22: {
      23:! numerator = numerator * f.denominator + denominator                        * f.numerator;
      24:! denominator = denominator * f.denominator;
      26: [self reduce];
      26: }

 Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University                    Object-Oriented Programming Language

วันจันทร์ท่ี 26 มีนาคม 12

                          Allocating and Return Objects from Methods

Program 7.5 main.m
01: #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
02: #import "Fraction.h"
04: int main (int argc, char * argv[])
05: {
06:! NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
07:! Fraction * aFraction = [[Fraction alloc] init];
08:! Fraction * bFraction = [[Fraction alloc] init];
10:! [aFraction setTo: 1 over: 4];
11:! [bFraction setTo: 1 over: 2];
13:! [aFraction print];
14:! NSLog(@"+");
15:! [bFraction print];
16:! NSLog(@"=");
18:! [[aFraction add: bFraction] print];
20:! [aFraction release];
21:! [bFraction release];
22:! [pool drain];
23:! return 0;
24: }

 Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University   Object-Oriented Programming Language

วันจันทร์ท่ี 26 มีนาคม 12

                          Allocating and Return Objects from Methods

Program 7.6 main.m
01: #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
02: #import "Fraction.h"
04: int main (int argc, char * argv[])
05: {
06:! NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
07:! Fraction * aFraction = [[Fraction alloc] init];
08:! Fraction * sum = [[Fraction alloc] init], * sum2;
10:! int i, n, pow2;
12:! [sum setTo: 0 over: 1];
14:! NSLog(@"Enter you value for n:" );
15:! scanf("%i", &n);
17:! pow2 = 2;
18:! for(i = 1; i<=n; ++i){
19:! ! [aFraction setTo: 1 over: pow2];
20:! ! sum2 = [sum add: aFraction];
21:! ! [sum release];
22:! ! sum = sum2;
23:! ! pow2 *= 2;
24:! }
 Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University   Object-Oriented Programming Language

วันจันทร์ท่ี 26 มีนาคม 12

                          Allocating and Return Objects from Methods

Program 7.6 main.m
26:! NSLog(@"After %i iterations, the sum is %g", n , [sum convertToNum]);
28:! [aFraction release];
29:! [sum release];
31:! [pool drain];
32:! return 0;
33: }

  2012-03-26 11:07:12.238 main[3496] Enter you value for n:
  2012-03-26 11:07:14.261 main[3496] After 5 iterations, the sum is 0.96875

  2012-03-26 11:14:24.890 main[3672] Enter you value for n:
  2012-03-26 11:14:35.645 main[3672] After 10 iterations, the sum is 0.999023

  2012-03-26 11:14:39.991 main[2184] Enter you value for n:
  2012-03-26 11:14:41.604 main[2184] After 15 iterations, the sum is 0.999969

 Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University   Object-Oriented Programming Language

วันจันทร์ท่ี 26 มีนาคม 12

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  • 4. 4 Separate Interface and Implementation Files Program 7.1 main.m 01: #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> 02: #import "Fraction.h" 03: 04: int main (int argc, char * argv[]) 05: { 06:! NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; 07:! Fraction * myFraction = [[Fraction alloc] init]; 08: 09:! [myFraction setNumerator: 1]; 10:! [myFraction setDenominator: 3]; 11: 12:! // display the fraction 13: 14:! NSLog (@"The value of myFraction is:"); 15:! [myFraction print]; 16:! [myFraction release]; 17: 18:! [pool drain]; 19:! return 0; 20: } Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University Object-Oriented Programming Language วันจันทร์ท่ี 26 มีนาคม 12
  • 5. 5 Separate Interface and Implementation Files Program 7.1 Fraction.h 01: #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> 02: 03: // The Fraction class 04: 05: @interface Fraction : NSObject 06: { 07:! int ! numerator; 08:! int ! denominator; 09: } 10: 11: -(void) print; 12: -(void) setNumerator: (int) n; 13: -(void) setDenominator: (int) d; 14: -(int)!numerator; 15: -(int)!denominator; 16: -(double) convertToNum; 17: 18: @end Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University Object-Oriented Programming Language วันจันทร์ท่ี 26 มีนาคม 12
  • 6. 6 Separate Interface and Implementation Files Program 7.1 Fraction.m 01: #import "Fraction.h" 25: -(double) convertToNum 02: 26: { 03: @implementation Fraction 27:! if(denominator != 0) 04: 28:! ! return (double) numerator / denominator; 05: -(void) print 29:! else 06: { 30:! ! return NAN; 07:! NSLog(@"%i/%i", numerator, denominator); 31: } 08: } 32: @end 09: -(void) setNumerator: (int) n 10: { 11:! numerator = n; 12: } 13: -(void) setDenominator: (int) d 14: { 15:! denominator = d; 16: } 17: -(int)! numerator 18: { 19:! return numerator; 20: } 21: -(int)! denominator 22: { 23:! return denominator; 24: } Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University Object-Oriented Programming Language วันจันทร์ท่ี 26 มีนาคม 12
  • 7. 7 Compiling Program from the Command line gcc -framwork Foundation Fraction.m main.m -o main Using GNUMakefile 01: include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/common.make 02: 03: TOOL_NAME = main 04: main_HEADERS = Fraction.h 05: main_OBJC_FILES = main.m Fraction.m 06: main_RESOURCE_FILES = 07: 08: include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/tool.make Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University Object-Oriented Programming Language วันจันทร์ท่ี 26 มีนาคม 12
  • 8. 8 Synthesize Accessor Methods Program 7.1b Fraction.h Program 7.1b Fraction.m 01: #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> 01: #import "Fraction.h" 02: 02: 03: // The Fraction class 03: @implementation Fraction 04: 04: 05: @interface Fraction : NSObject 05: @synthesize numerator, denominator; 06: { 06: 07:! int ! numerator; 07: -(void) print 08:! int ! denominator; 08: { 09: } 09:! NSLog(@"%i/%i", numerator, denominator); 10: 10: } 11: @property int numerator, denominator; 11: -(double) convertToNum 12: 12: { 13: -(void) print; 13:! if(denominator != 0) 14: -(void) convertToNum; 14:! ! return (double) numerator / denominator; 15: 15:! else 16: @end 16:! ! return NAN; 17: } 18: @end Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University Object-Oriented Programming Language วันจันทร์ท่ี 26 มีนาคม 12
  • 9. 9 Accessing Properties Using Dot Operator Dot Operator [myFraction numerator] myFraction.numerator instance property instance property [myFraction setNumerator: 3] myFraction.numerator = 3 Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University Object-Oriented Programming Language วันจันทร์ท่ี 26 มีนาคม 12
  • 10. 10 Accessing Properties Using Dot Operator Program 7.1c main.m 01: #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> 02: #import "Fraction.h" 03: 04: int main (int argc, char * argv[]) 05: { 06:! NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; 07:! Fraction * myFraction = [[Fraction alloc] init]; 08: 09:! //[myFraction setNumerator: 1]; 10:! myFraction.numerator = 1; 11:! //[myFraction setDenominator: 3]; 12:! myFraction.denominator = 3; 13:! // display the fraction 14: 15:! NSLog (@"The value of myFraction is:"); 16:! [myFraction print]; 17:! [myFraction release]; 18: 19:! [pool drain]; 20:! return 0; 21: } Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University Object-Oriented Programming Language วันจันทร์ท่ี 26 มีนาคม 12
  • 11. 11 Multiple Argument to Methods [myFraction setNumerator: 1]; [myFraction setDenominator: 3]; [myFraction setNumerator: 1 andDenominator: 3]; [myFraction setTo: 1 over: 3]; Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University Object-Oriented Programming Language วันจันทร์ท่ี 26 มีนาคม 12
  • 12. 12 Multiple Argument to Methods Program 7.2 Fraction.h 01: #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> 02: 03: // The Fraction class 04: 05: @interface Fraction : NSObject 06: { 07:! int ! numerator; 08:! int ! denominator; 09: } 10: 11: @property int numerator, denominator; 12: 13: -(void) print; 14: -(void) setTo: (int) n over: (int) d; 15: -(double) convertToNum; 16: 17: @end Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University Object-Oriented Programming Language วันจันทร์ท่ี 26 มีนาคม 12
  • 13. 13 Multiple Argument to Methods Program 7.2 Fraction.m Program 7.2 main.m 01: #import "Fraction.h" 01: import <Foundation/Foundation.h> 02: 02: #import "Fraction.h" 03: @implementation Fraction 03: 04: 04: int main (int argc, char * argv[]) 05: @synthesize numerator, denominator; 05: { 06: 06:! NSAutoreleasePool * pool = 07: -(void) print [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; 08: { 07:! Fraction * aFraction = 09:! NSLog(@"%i/%i", numerator, denominator); [[Fraction alloc] init]; 10: } 08: 11: -(double) convertToNum 09:! [aFraction setTo: 100 over: 200]; 12: { 10:! [aFraction print]; 13:! if(denominator != 0) 11: 14:! ! return (double) numerator / denominator; 12:! [aFraction setTo: 1 over: 3]; 15:! else 13:! [aFraction print]; 16:! ! return NAN; 14: 17: } 15:! aFraction.setNumerator= 1; 18: -(void) setTo: (int) n over: (int) d 16:! aFraction.setDenominator= 7; 19: { 17:! [aFraction print]; 20:! numerator = n; 18: 21:! denominator = d;! 19:! [aFraction release]; 22: } 20: 23: @end 21:! [pool drain]; 22:! return 0; 23: } Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University Object-Oriented Programming Language วันจันทร์ท่ี 26 มีนาคม 12
  • 14. 14 Operations on Fractions _ 4 6 1 _ _ + = 1 4 8 Program 7.3 Fraction.h : 16: -(void) add: (Fraction * ) f; : Program 7.3 Fraction.h : 21: -(void) add: (Fraction * ) f 22: { 23:! numerator = numerator * f.denominator + denominator * f.numerator; 24:! denominator = denominator * f.denominator; 25: 26: } : Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University Object-Oriented Programming Language วันจันทร์ท่ี 26 มีนาคม 12
  • 15. 15 Operations on Fractions Program 7.3 main.m 01: #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> 02: #import "Fraction.h" 03: 04: int main (int argc, char * argv[]) 05: { 06:! NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; 07:! Fraction * aFraction = [[Fraction alloc] init]; 08:! Fraction * bFraction = [[Fraction alloc] init]; 09: 10:! [aFraction setTo: 1 over: 4]; 11:! [bFraction setTo: 1 over: 2]; 12: 13:! [aFraction print]; 14:! NSLog(@"+"); 15:! [bFraction print]; 16:! NSLog(@"="); 17: 18:! [aFraction add: bFraction]; 19:! [aFraction print]; 20:! [aFraction release]; 21:! [bFraction release]; 22: 23: ! return 0; 24: } Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University Object-Oriented Programming Language วันจันทร์ท่ี 26 มีนาคม 12
  • 16. 16 Local Variables Program 7.4 Fraction.m : 21: -(void) reduce 22: { 23:! int u = numerator; 24:! int v = denominator; 25:! int temp; 26:! 27:! while ( v != 0 ){ 28:! ! temp = u % v; 29:! ! u = v; 30:! ! v = temp; 31:! } 32:! numerator /= u; 33:! denominator /= u; 34: } : Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University Object-Oriented Programming Language วันจันทร์ท่ี 26 มีนาคม 12
  • 17. 17 Local Variables Program 7.4 main.m 01: #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> 02: #import "Fraction.h" 03: 04: int main (int argc, char * argv[]) 05: { 06:! NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; 07:! Fraction * aFraction = [[Fraction alloc] init]; 08:! Fraction * bFraction = [[Fraction alloc] init]; 09: 10:! [aFraction setTo: 1 over: 4]; 11:! [bFraction setTo: 1 over: 2]; 12: 13:! [aFraction print]; 14:! NSLog(@"+"); 15:! [bFraction print]; 16:! NSLog(@"="); 17: 18:! [aFraction add: bFraction]; 19:! [aFraction reduce]; 20: 21:! [aFraction print]; 22:! [aFraction release]; 23:! [bFraction release]; 24: ! return 0; 25: } Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University Object-Oriented Programming Language วันจันทร์ท่ี 26 มีนาคม 12
  • 18. 18 The self Keyword [self reduce;] Program 7.4a Fraction.m : 21: -(void) add: (Fraction * ) f 22: { 23:! numerator = numerator * f.denominator + denominator * f.numerator; 24:! denominator = denominator * f.denominator; 25: 26: [self reduce]; 26: } : Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University Object-Oriented Programming Language วันจันทร์ท่ี 26 มีนาคม 12
  • 19. 19 The static Keyword -(int) showPage { static int pageCount = 0; : ++pageCount; : return pageCount; } #import “Printer.h” static int pageCount; @implementation Printer : @end Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University Object-Oriented Programming Language วันจันทร์ท่ี 26 มีนาคม 12
  • 20. 20 Allocating and Return Objects from Methods Program 7.5 Fraction.h : 16: -(Fraction) add: (Fraction * ) f; : Program 7.5 Fraction.h : 21: -(void) add: (Fraction * ) f 22: { 23:! numerator = numerator * f.denominator + denominator * f.numerator; 24:! denominator = denominator * f.denominator; 25: 26: [self reduce]; 26: } : Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University Object-Oriented Programming Language วันจันทร์ท่ี 26 มีนาคม 12
  • 21. 21 Allocating and Return Objects from Methods Program 7.5 main.m 01: #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> 02: #import "Fraction.h" 03: 04: int main (int argc, char * argv[]) 05: { 06:! NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; 07:! Fraction * aFraction = [[Fraction alloc] init]; 08:! Fraction * bFraction = [[Fraction alloc] init]; 09: 10:! [aFraction setTo: 1 over: 4]; 11:! [bFraction setTo: 1 over: 2]; 12: 13:! [aFraction print]; 14:! NSLog(@"+"); 15:! [bFraction print]; 16:! NSLog(@"="); 17: 18:! [[aFraction add: bFraction] print]; 19: 20:! [aFraction release]; 21:! [bFraction release]; 22:! [pool drain]; 23:! return 0; 24: } Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University Object-Oriented Programming Language วันจันทร์ท่ี 26 มีนาคม 12
  • 22. 22 Allocating and Return Objects from Methods Program 7.6 main.m 01: #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> 02: #import "Fraction.h" 03: 04: int main (int argc, char * argv[]) 05: { 06:! NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; 07:! Fraction * aFraction = [[Fraction alloc] init]; 08:! Fraction * sum = [[Fraction alloc] init], * sum2; 09: 10:! int i, n, pow2; 11: 12:! [sum setTo: 0 over: 1]; 13: 14:! NSLog(@"Enter you value for n:" ); 15:! scanf("%i", &n); 16:! 17:! pow2 = 2; 18:! for(i = 1; i<=n; ++i){ 19:! ! [aFraction setTo: 1 over: pow2]; 20:! ! sum2 = [sum add: aFraction]; 21:! ! [sum release]; 22:! ! sum = sum2; 23:! ! pow2 *= 2; 24:! } 25:! Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University Object-Oriented Programming Language วันจันทร์ท่ี 26 มีนาคม 12
  • 23. 23 Allocating and Return Objects from Methods Program 7.6 main.m 26:! NSLog(@"After %i iterations, the sum is %g", n , [sum convertToNum]); 27: 28:! [aFraction release]; 29:! [sum release]; 30:! 31:! [pool drain]; 32:! return 0; 33: } 2012-03-26 11:07:12.238 main[3496] Enter you value for n: 5 2012-03-26 11:07:14.261 main[3496] After 5 iterations, the sum is 0.96875 2012-03-26 11:14:24.890 main[3672] Enter you value for n: 10 2012-03-26 11:14:35.645 main[3672] After 10 iterations, the sum is 0.999023 2012-03-26 11:14:39.991 main[2184] Enter you value for n: 15 2012-03-26 11:14:41.604 main[2184] After 15 iterations, the sum is 0.999969 Atit Patumvan, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Naresuan University Object-Oriented Programming Language วันจันทร์ท่ี 26 มีนาคม 12