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Online Toolkit

                                         Online Toolkit v1.0 – May 2010
                      In collaboration with Mohawk Media & Givealittle
Online Toolkit

Let us show you around the digital world.
The Internet can be an overwhelming but necessary tool for your community
group, particularly if you want to reach young audiences. This brief overview
exists to make it just a little less scary when venturing into the world of the
web. After all, through the yMedia Challenge, that’s what we do.
The yMedia Challenge was conceived to connect tertiary students to
community groups through new media initiatives. From yMedia, we’ve
learned how community groups can benefit significantly from embracing a
few simple Web tricks. We’ve tried to break down the best tips from over the
years, into this brief overview for you.
This overview doesn’t cover everything, but we hope that if you take away
one thing, it’s this: it doesn’t take a huge amount of technical know-how to
make the web work for you. It takes a bit of reading, a bit of brainstorming,
and a willingness to experiment. Most of all, it involves you clicking your
mouse and just trying out the tips we’re outlining here.
“Old nonprofit marketing is one-way - we talk at people. New nonprofit
marketing is two-way - it is a conversation.”
We’d like you to use this brief overview as a way of contributing to your own
conversation, whether it be with your public through Twitter and Facebook, or
within your own organisation, with Skype and Google Docs.
Please let us know what else you’d like to read about, or any changes you’d
                                                                                  yMedia Crew 2010:
like to see – you can reach us any time through our website, where you can        (l-r) Daniel Waugh, Jade Tang,
also always find the most recent version of this document.                        Hayden Hunter, Aurelie Rivalant,
<>                                                                Eddy Helm, Lisa Ho, Anthea Whittle,
                                                                                  Tim Holmberg, Alexandra Speedy,
                                                                                  Emily Shovron, Kyle Glass

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Online Toolkit

A WORD FROM Mohawk Media
Doing more with less
Doing more with less is a challenge we all face today, especially charities and
not-for-profit organisations. With this online toolkit you can take advantage
of the communications, publishing, networking and funding opportunities the
internet brings.
All of these services are free, accessible and constantly improving while you
focus on what is important. We use almost every tool in this list in the day to
day running of our business, to help keep us lean and productive.

Helen Baxter is Managing Directrix of Mohawk Media, international keynote
speaker, XMediaLab mentor and columnist. She produces the g33k show
weekly on Radio Wammo for Kiwi FM and has been reporting on emerging
technologies in Virtual World, on Radio New Zealand since 2006.
Helen is a Teaching Fellow for the Design Innovation degree at Victoria
University of Wellington, has taught Emerging Technologies in Screen Arts
at Unitec, and Business Studies on the Graduate Diploma in Digital Media at
Natcoll, Auckland. She has also written a series of columns on online tools for
creative entrepreneurs in the MsBehaviour Files at the Big Idea.

                                                                                  Mohawk Media logo

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Online Toolkit

A WORD FROM Givealittle
Power of the Internet
The internet is now firmly a part of our everyday lives. Even when we think we
are not up with this new ‘web stuff’ we are online checking our bank balance,
paying our bills, checking the weather forecast, emailing friends and selling our
unwanted items on auction sites.
One of the biggest, and most exciting, changes that the internet has made to our
lives is the democratization of information. Now anyone with a connection to
the internet can share their stories, find others with shared interests and have a
Everyday at Givealittle we see examples where causes transcend geographic
borders and gather an immense swell of support from what traditionally would
have seemed unusual sources. Why? Because the story is compelling and it has
been shared - from what may start as one person to one person, quickly the
story is shared by many to many.
The proliferation of clever applications and tools available on the internet also
provides everyone with an equal advantage. By using some of the tools outlined
in this toolkit you will no longer need to invest in expensive software, and your
entire team will be able to access key information from anywhere with an
internet connection.
Enjoy learning these new tools and seeing how you can apply them to bring the
best benefit to your orgnanisation. The internet is an incredibly generous place
so when you have questions jump on Twitter or Facebook and ask - you’ll be
surprised what you will receive in response.                                         Givealittle logo

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For the tools below that you don’t know about
– Search them, and have a play.

They don’t take long to learn.

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Quick Find
Find what you’re looking for...
Quick smart!

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I WANT TO...                                              THEN TRY...

Find a technology scout for my organisation               yMedia Challenge

Raise some money                                          Givealittle

Install an online payment system                          Paypal

Organise Events                                           Facebook, MySpace, Bebo or Ning

Advertise to new potential members                        Facebook, MySpace, Bebo or Ning

Put photos online                                         Flickr or Picasa; or Facebook, MySpace, Bebo or Ning

Keep track of members                                     Facebook, MySpace, Bebo or Ning

List resources online                                     Facebook, MySpace, Bebo or Ning

Find new resources online                                 Diigo, Delicious or Technorati

Have a free email account                                 Gmail

Send out an online survey                                 Google Forms. Another option is PollDaddy or
                                                          surveymonkey although they’re not as easy to use.

Collect data online                                       Google Forms

Prepare, share, collaborate, and edit documents online.   Google Documents (Word documents can be uploaded
                                                          online, edited, and ‘shared’ between members.)

Send out an email newsletter                              Gmail, using the BCC tab to protect emails’ addresses;
                                                          or Mailchimp

Keep a database                                           Mailchimp

Build a website                                           Can they accomplish this through Bebo, Facebook or
                                                          Myspace? If not, try Wordpress.

Communicate nationally/internationally for free           Skype

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Building a website/blog
& online donations:
Wordpress <>
Tumblr <>
Posterous <>
GiveaLittle <>
PayPal <>

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What is the difference between getting a Wordpress site
and a whole new separate website?

You have to pay for website hosting with a whole new website... With a Wordpress blog/site, you don’t have to pay a
thing, you have to stick to the given templates - though you can brand them by customising pre-designed themes.
A Wordpress blog is similar to a fully furnished apartment - you can move the furniture around, but there’s limited room
for experimentation. A whole new website is like an empty house - sure, you have plenty of room to move and change
things however you want to, but furniture costs and you can’t do much in an empty room.
Wordpress allows you to tag content and syndicate your content using Really Simple Syndication or RSS ‘feeds’ which
allow people to read your content at your blog or through a feed reader or news aggregator.

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Tumblr lets you effortlessly share anything:
Tumblr is a micro blogging platform that allows users to post text, images, video, links, quotes, and audio to their
Tumblelog, a short-form blog. Users are able to “follow” other users and see their posts together on their dashboard.
Users can “like” or “reblog” posts from other blogs on the site. The service emphasizes customizability and ease of use,
with very flexible customisation options and a raft of free themes as well as the ability to use your own domain name with
your blog.
Tumblr blogs can have multiple contributing authors, and posts can be contributed by email, a “bookmarklet”, or even
dialed in by mobile phone. You can find other not-for-profits using the service, and get your own blog listed, in the Tumblr
directory: <>


The dead simple place to post everything:
Posterous is a simple blogging platform started in May, 2009. It boasts integrated and automatic posting to other social
media tools such as Flickr, Twitter, and Facebook, a built-in Google Analytics package, and custom themes.
Updating to Posterous is similar to other blogging platforms. Posting can be done by logging in to the website’s rich text
editor, but it is particularly designed for mobile blogging. Mobile methods include sending an email, with attachments of
photos, MP3s, documents, and video (both links and files). Many social media pundits consider Posterous to be the lead-
ing free application for lifestreaming. The platform received wide attention when leading social media expert Steve Rubel
declared he was moving his blogging activity entirely to Posterous. Posterous also has its own URL shortening service,
which as of March 2010 can post to Twitter.
Posterous allows users to point the DNS listing for a domain name or subdomain they already own to their Posterous ac-
count, allowing them to have a site hosted by Posterous that uses their own domain name.

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Smart online donation management for your causes: provides very clever but very simple to use online engagement mechanisms: real-time donations, cause
campaigns, supporter fundraising pages, online events, 2.0 donor communications and social network integration.
Givealittle provides donation tools (widgets) to allow you to accept donations on your own website, other webistes and
blogs as well as Facebook. Donations are automatically credited to your bank account monthly (less a small transaction
fee) and Givealittle issues donation receipts on your behalf.
Givealittle Platform
For those looking for a broader solution, Givealittle also provides a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) product called the
Givealittle Platform. This product provides all the tools and smarts of but customised to reflect your
brand and requirements. Being a SaaS product Givealittle Platform owners receive the benefit of a hosted product that
can be accessed form any internet connection and share in the ongoing development of the product.

< >

Install an online payment system:
PayPal, the trusted leader in online payments, enables buyers and businesses to send and receive money
online. PayPal has over 100 million member accounts in 190 countries and regions. It’s accepted by merchants
everywhere, and integrates with bank accounts so your donors can choose to make a simple bank transfer to
your PayPal account, or pay by credit card.
PayPal has reduced fees for NFP’s, and offer tools like a donation button for you to embed on your website or
blog to easily promote your PayPal donation facility.
Is it safe to use?
PayPal helps protect your credit card information with industry-leading security and fraud prevention systems.
When you use PayPal, your financial information is never shared with the merchant.
Why use PayPal?
•	   Make purchases or send money with PayPal – it’s free
•	   Shop and pay conveniently by saving your information with PayPal
•	   PayPal is accepted by millions of businesses worldwide and is the preferred payment method on eBay

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Online Toolkit

Social Networking Sites:
Twitter <>
Facebook <>
Linked In <>
Bebo <>
MySpace <>

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What’s social networking?
Social networking websites help you to uncover the links between people in your network. This visibility helps you to
spread your message and connect with more people while keeping track of those interactions for the most value to you or
your organisation.
By each member of your offline community – your shareholders, the public, your fans – holding an online profile, you can
keep track of your members, inform them of news and events, and keep in touch. Those contacts can then also pass on
your messages to their own networks, increasing your following.

What’s the difference?
Twitter is a mix of business and personal ‘tweets’ with the main age range in early 2009 in the 25 - 54 age group.
Myspace and Bebo are popular high school students, and Facebook started out for college students though is now an
open system for any age range. Twitter connects people via short messages, while Facebook, Bebo and Myspace have
much more complex profiles including photo albums and commenting. When choosing the right social network for you,
consider your goals and the audience you are seeking to connect with.

What’s it like around the world?
Top 3 Social Networking Sites, by Country:
•	   Australia: Facebook, MySpace, Twitter
•	   Canada: Facebook, MySpace, Flickr
•	   India: Facebook, Orkut, Hi5 (Twitter is a close fourth)
•	   France: Facebook, Skyrock, MySpace, China: QQ, Xiaonei, 51
•	   Germany: Facebook, StudiVZ, MySpace
•	   Italy: Facebook, Netlog, Badoo
•	   Russia: V Kontakte, Odnoklassniki, LiveJournal
•	   Spain: Facebook, Tuenti, Fotolog
•	   United Kingdom: Facebook, Bebo, MySpace
•	   United States: Facebook, MySpace, Twitter
Written by Doug Coleman / June 7, 2009

We want to try out Facebook and all these other new tools but how safe are we on these sites?
Very safe - it’s all in how you use them. Be aware of your privacy options with your personal accounts, to ensure your
details are private. If you are competing in the yMedia Challenge, your student team can help you find your way.

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                                            Some people prefer to use Twitter          The more RTs you get the more you
                                            clients rather than the Twitter website    know that you are providing content
                                            itself, and we recommend hootsuite.        your audience wants to read and
<>                           com as a good online option that also      the new list function allows you to
                                            syncs with Facebook and Linked In          collect together your favourite Twitter
                                            alerts.                                    streams for others to follow.
Twitter is a powerful communications
                                            Twitter users can ‘follow’ other           Twitter also provides widgets to
platform for two way information flow,
                                            twitter users, send “@mentions” or         embed into your website or blog.
and it’s simple to set up an account, all
                                            “@replies” to converse openly or
you need is an email address.
                                            Direct Messages if both members are        Media Monitoring info
The simple idea behind Twitter is to        following each other.
send messages or ‘tweets’ in 140
                                            Mention of key subjects can be
characters or less. The limit is from
                                            tracked by following ‘#hashtags’ using
the maximum number of character
possible in a mobile SMS message,
                                   Many companies         The Twitter Guide Book
                                            and not for profit organisations now
and tweets can be sent from mobile                                           
                                            use hashtags to generate conversa-
phones as well as the web and a range                                                  twitter/
                                            tions around campaigns, or events
of Twitter applications that run on
                                            - always check to see if a hashtag is in
your computer.
                                            use before publicising it.
These applications provide extra tools
                                            Useful information and relevant
or add ons to the basic Twitter service
                                            links will often generate ‘re-tweets’
such as shortening web links and
                                            where followers can use the RT code
sending photos.
                                            to forward a message to their own
                                            twitter stream.

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Online Toolkit

Basic Twitter commands:
•	   @<username> – to send a public message
•	   d <username> – to send a private message
•	   RT – when followed by @<username>, this is convention for “retweeting” a message to your own followers

Twitter Page Design:
•	   Always add your logo / avatar to stand out on your Twitter web page.
•	   Add your logo to the design background and adjust the colours to fit with your branding.
•	   Write a description using relevant keywords and add a link to your website.

Twitter Etiquette:
•	   It is good to tweet regularly but not so often that you come across as spamming.
•	   Look at lists of people to follow but don’t follow everyone who follows you, follow those users who are relevant to
     your brand or who interest you.
•	   It is better to keep your Twitter feed input relevant to your subject and audience.
•	   If you can, leave some space at the end your tweets for other people to RT your message.
•	   Use #hashtags to connect your tweets to other conversations on the same subject.

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                                           Groups are limited to 5,000 members
                                           whereas pages can have an unlimited
                                           number of fans. Both pages and
<>                         groups allow you to invite people to
                                           events, and for them to RSVP their
                                           attendance, add pictures and wall
Once you have a personal Facebook          entries.
account set up, you can set up pages
and groups to promote your cause or
campaign to the 300 million members        NB: Use Facebook to target a global
of Facebook across the world.              audience in the 35 -55 age range.

Should I create a Facebook Page            To set up a page for your organisation,
or a Group?                                make sure you’re logged into your
                                           personal Facebook account, then go
Pages are a great way to be found on
Facebook, used for sending news to
fans of your organisation or brand and
inviting them to events. Groups are        create.php
more like ‘clubs’, allowing for personal
interactions where you can set up
people as administrators and choose
an open or closed membership.

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Online Toolkit

Linked In

Linked In is like Facebook, but for business networking and communications. It is worth getting every member of a cam-
paign team to join, ask questions and join Linked In groups. Linked In alerts can be set to appear in your twitter stream,
saving time cross posting.
NB: Use Linked In to position a personal brand, campaigns, network professionally, and to target high net worth individu-
als and corporate donations.


Bebo is popular with a younger demographic, especially in New Zealand but numbers have been falling recently.

NB: Use Bebo to reach a younger audience.

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Online Toolkit


My Space is popular for music, arts, comedy though membership numbers have been falling recently with the uptake in
Twitter and Facebook.
NB: Use MySpace to access a young demographic with a music / performing arts focus.


Ning is a free service that lets’ you create your own social network, with branded pages, themes, and allows you to sign
up members who can then contribute and comment on videos, photos, chat, music, groups, events, and blogs – member
profile pages, friends, messaging, email notifications, and RSS support.
NB: Use Ning if you want to set up your own social network for a campaign or cause without needing hosting or a web
development team.

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Online Toolkit

Social media helps you...
– Organise events
– Advertise to new potential members
– Put photos online
– Communicate with all members
– List resources online

Whichever tools you choose, a social media campaign needs to be planned and executed as carefully as a traditional
media campaign; with the added complication that social media tools create conversations that need to be managed.
You are entering into a two way dialogue with your audience and your messages must be consistent with your brand and

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Welcome to the Google World
Gmail <>
Google Docs <>
Google Calendar <>
Google Analytics <>
Google Reader <>
Google Alerts <>

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Google                                    Google                                     Google
Gmail                                     Docs                                       Calendars
<>                           <>                          <>

Have a free email account                 Write, share, and collaborate on           Your schedule, anywhere
                                          documents for free
Gmail is a web-based email service,                                                  Create a calendar for yourself, your
which means that you can check your       Google Docs (short for “Google             project, your organisation, or your
email from any computer, anywhere in      Documents”) can be helpful for             family and share any of them with
the world, for free.                      a number of reasons, mainly                whoever you like.
                                          around project management and
We like Gmail out of all other similar                                               Google Calendars let you keep track
                                          collaboration. However, it can also be
services because Google has made                                                     of your appointments online, you can
                                          helpful for preparing meeting agendas
it very easy to use – all your emails                                                accept meeting requests just like with
                                          online in a format that everyone can
appear in ‘conversations’, a format                                                  Microsoft Outlook.
                                          read and edit before the meeting.
which means that you can view your                                                   Colour coded appointments help you
history of messages with a person.        You can access Google Docs by first
                                                                                     to keep track of different engage-
                                          of all signing up for a Google account -
It is also easy to search for past                                                   ments, and you can view all calendars
                                          all of the documents you have access
emails, with the search toolbar in the                                               at once to easily see any conflicts.
                                          to or which you create will be stored
inbox. Gmail also helps with project                                                 Just like your Google Documents,
                                          against your account.
management, as we can see below.                                                     your caledars are stored against your
Sign up for gmail by going to www.        Word documents, Excel spreadsheets
                                                                                     Google account. and clicking on ‘Register’.     and Powerpoint presentations can
                                          be uploaded to your Google Docs
                                          online, edited, and ‘shared’ with other

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Online Toolkit

Google                                    Google                                     Google
Analytics                                 Reader                                     Alerts
<>                    <>                        <>

Google Analytics is a web analytics       Have trouble keeping up with the sites     Monitoring brands and campaigns
solution that gives you rich insights     you visit? Read them in one place with     is vital and Google Alerts is a use-
into your website traffic and marketing   Google Reader, where keeping up with       ful tool for tracking online mentions.
effectiveness. Powerful, flexible and     your favorite websites is as easy as       Specify the search terms, type of
easy-to-use features now let you see      checking your email.                       search (comprehensive, news, logs,
and analyze your traffic data in an                                                  web, video or groups), the keywords
                                          Using RSS (Really Simple Syndication)
entirely new way.                                                                    or phrases (which you specify within
                                          in Google Reader, you can subscribe
                                                                                     quote marks) that you’d like to track,
You can use Google Analytics for free     to your favorite websites to be notified
                                                                                     how often (as it happens, once a day,
to see who’s using your website, how      when they update their content.
                                                                                     or once a week) and whether you
many people are visiting over any
                                                                                     want the results emailed or added to
timeframe, how long they are looking
                                                                                     an RSS feed.
at your site, how they found it, and
much more.

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“How can you squander even one more day not taking
advantage of the greatest shifts of our generation?

How dare you settle for less when the world has made it so
easy for you to be remarkable?”

– Seth Godin, Seth’s Blog

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Clever communications
Mailchimp <>
Skype <>
Basecamp <>

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Gmail | Mailchimp
If you want to send out an email newsletter, you can use Gmail, as long as you enter all the addresses in the “Bcc” field.
This protects your network’s email addresses as the recipient can only view their own address; without viewing the other
email addresses.

If you’d like something a bit more customised, we’re a fan of Mailchimp. However, with Mailchimp, there’s a limit of 100
recipients when you sign up for a ‘free’ account, so make sure you split the database into sections of less than 100 people
if you’re on a free account. For example, with yMedia, we would have students in one list, community groups in another,
and businesses in another.
Mailchimp is a free email mailing list manager for designing, sending and tracking HTML email campaigns for up to 500
subscribers and 3,000 emails a month.
Please note that if you are manging an email list then you must be aware of your obligations for data protection under the
New Zealand Privacy Act 1993, and anti-spam guidelines from the NZ Department of Internal Affairs.

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Using the internet to make phone calls
Skype uses your internet connection to help you talk to another person, through your computer. It’s similar to talking
to someone on the phone, except you can see them through your computer as well. If you’re not interested in using the
audio/video aspect of it, you can just use the text side of it, similar to an instant messenger like MSN chat or Yahoo chat.

Skype can help you to communicate with other members in national or international offices for free. All you need beyond
an internet connection and computer is:
•	   A microphone
•	   Speakers (many come built-in with the computer)
•	   A webcam if you want video-conferencing capabilities

Using Skype is completely free, the other party must have it installed on their computer for you to talk. It’s great for keep-
ing in touch with family members also, and works best over a faster internet connection.

                                                                                                         25 - Online Toolkit v1.0
An online Project management tool with a free option for managing milestones tasks, messages and to do lists.
Basecamp is designed to let multiple people collaborate on the running and working of a project. It includes email
notification and task allocation, and is part of 37 Signals’ suite of tools.
37 Signals also offer a contact management solution called Highrise, where you can keep track of your contacts and the
communication you and your organisation have with them.
Another offering from the same organisation is Campfire, for general communication and team collaboration. You can
find out more about each of these tools on the 37 Signals Websites:

Dropbox is software that syncs your files online and across your computers.
Put your files into your Dropbox on one computer, and they’ll be instantly available on any of your other computers that
you’ve installed Dropbox on (Windows, Mac, and Linux too!) Because a copy of your files are stored on Dropbox’s secure
servers, you can also access them from any computer or mobile device using the Dropbox website.

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What is yMedia?
yMedia connects students, industry
and not-for-profit organisations to
develop and implement new media
initiatives for collective growth.

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yMedia Challenge

yMedia connects students, industry and not-for-profit organisations to
develop and implement new media initiatives for collective growth:

Now in its’ fourth year of development, yMedia has established an eight week challenge, which provides not-for-profit
organisations the opportunity to increase their knowledge and use of information communication technology, with
tertiary students implementing live new media projects, allowing them to gain tangible experience, while being supported
by an industry professional.

To further support the students and not-for-profits participating in the challenge, yMedia also runs a series of workshops
which have been carefully designed to help provide an understanding of the importance of building brands and making
genuine connections with audiences and supporters. The yMedia workshop series will be delivered through presentations
from industry leaders giving insightful demonstrations and running engaging exercises.

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yMedia Challenge 2010

                              TERTIARY STUDENTS
                      Are often uncertain of their career
                      path after study and therefore
                      need practical experience and an
                      introduction to the industry to help
                      increase their employability.


                NOT-FOR-PROFIT                       INDUSTRY
                ORGANISATIONS                      PROFESSIONALS

        NOT-FOR-PROFITS                           INDUSTRY PROFESSIONALS
Are often lacking in time, funds,            Have a wealth of knowledge and
resources and expertise to explore the       experience and can therefore provide
benefits of new media initiatives and        guidance and insight to talented
therefore need dedicated support to          students, while gaining a strong
help increase their competency online.       understanding of their capabilities for
                                             potential employment opportunities.

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yMedia Challenge

How does it work?

•	   Matches students with not-for profit organisations to form a team.
•	   Appoints a talented and insightful industry mentor to each team.
•	   Runs an eight week challenge each year 
     — in which students help improve community groups marketing or operations through ICT based projects 
     — like building websites, developing CMS, improving internal documentation systems, introducing a social
       media platform 
     — the options are as endless as your imagination.
•	   Throughout the challenge we also run fun and informative workshops and provide helpful resources to assist with both
     community group development and student growth and education.

Throughout the first three years of the initiative, we’ve had
numerous success stories. yMedia Challenge graduates
have been employed at Saatchi & Saatchi, Chrometoaster,
Sun Microsystems, gardyneHOLT, Touchpoint, Terabyte, Brave
New World, Consortium, SlamXHype, Porter Novelli, and
many other industry leaders, as a result of the relationships
formed through the challenge. And it goes without saying that
community groups have also had great results growing their
online profile, networks and capabilities.

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yMedia Challenge 2010

How do I get involved?

    twitter               facebook
     Follow us!              Like us!

  subscribe                 flickr
  Sign up to our          Check out our
   newsletter!            photostream!

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Online Toolkit

  • 1. Online Toolkit A BRIEF OVERVIEW OF USEFUL WEB TOOLS Online Toolkit v1.0 – May 2010 In collaboration with Mohawk Media & Givealittle
  • 2. Online Toolkit WELCOME FROM yMedia Let us show you around the digital world. The Internet can be an overwhelming but necessary tool for your community group, particularly if you want to reach young audiences. This brief overview exists to make it just a little less scary when venturing into the world of the web. After all, through the yMedia Challenge, that’s what we do. The yMedia Challenge was conceived to connect tertiary students to community groups through new media initiatives. From yMedia, we’ve learned how community groups can benefit significantly from embracing a few simple Web tricks. We’ve tried to break down the best tips from over the years, into this brief overview for you. This overview doesn’t cover everything, but we hope that if you take away one thing, it’s this: it doesn’t take a huge amount of technical know-how to make the web work for you. It takes a bit of reading, a bit of brainstorming, and a willingness to experiment. Most of all, it involves you clicking your mouse and just trying out the tips we’re outlining here. “Old nonprofit marketing is one-way - we talk at people. New nonprofit marketing is two-way - it is a conversation.” <> We’d like you to use this brief overview as a way of contributing to your own conversation, whether it be with your public through Twitter and Facebook, or within your own organisation, with Skype and Google Docs. Please let us know what else you’d like to read about, or any changes you’d yMedia Crew 2010: like to see – you can reach us any time through our website, where you can (l-r) Daniel Waugh, Jade Tang, also always find the most recent version of this document. Hayden Hunter, Aurelie Rivalant, <> Eddy Helm, Lisa Ho, Anthea Whittle, Tim Holmberg, Alexandra Speedy, Emily Shovron, Kyle Glass 1 - Online Toolkit v1.0
  • 3. Online Toolkit A WORD FROM Mohawk Media Doing more with less Doing more with less is a challenge we all face today, especially charities and not-for-profit organisations. With this online toolkit you can take advantage of the communications, publishing, networking and funding opportunities the internet brings. All of these services are free, accessible and constantly improving while you focus on what is important. We use almost every tool in this list in the day to day running of our business, to help keep us lean and productive. Bio Helen Baxter is Managing Directrix of Mohawk Media, international keynote speaker, XMediaLab mentor and columnist. She produces the g33k show weekly on Radio Wammo for Kiwi FM and has been reporting on emerging technologies in Virtual World, on Radio New Zealand since 2006. Helen is a Teaching Fellow for the Design Innovation degree at Victoria University of Wellington, has taught Emerging Technologies in Screen Arts at Unitec, and Business Studies on the Graduate Diploma in Digital Media at Natcoll, Auckland. She has also written a series of columns on online tools for creative entrepreneurs in the MsBehaviour Files at the Big Idea. Mohawk Media logo 2 - Online Toolkit v1.0
  • 4. Online Toolkit A WORD FROM Givealittle Power of the Internet The internet is now firmly a part of our everyday lives. Even when we think we are not up with this new ‘web stuff’ we are online checking our bank balance, paying our bills, checking the weather forecast, emailing friends and selling our unwanted items on auction sites. One of the biggest, and most exciting, changes that the internet has made to our lives is the democratization of information. Now anyone with a connection to the internet can share their stories, find others with shared interests and have a voice. Everyday at Givealittle we see examples where causes transcend geographic borders and gather an immense swell of support from what traditionally would have seemed unusual sources. Why? Because the story is compelling and it has been shared - from what may start as one person to one person, quickly the story is shared by many to many. The proliferation of clever applications and tools available on the internet also provides everyone with an equal advantage. By using some of the tools outlined in this toolkit you will no longer need to invest in expensive software, and your entire team will be able to access key information from anywhere with an internet connection. Enjoy learning these new tools and seeing how you can apply them to bring the best benefit to your orgnanisation. The internet is an incredibly generous place so when you have questions jump on Twitter or Facebook and ask - you’ll be surprised what you will receive in response. Givealittle logo 3 - Online Toolkit v1.0
  • 5. For the tools below that you don’t know about – Search them, and have a play. They don’t take long to learn. 4 - Online Toolkit v1.0
  • 6. Quick Find Find what you’re looking for... Quick smart! 5 - Online Toolkit v1.0
  • 7. I WANT TO... THEN TRY... Find a technology scout for my organisation yMedia Challenge Raise some money Givealittle Install an online payment system Paypal Organise Events Facebook, MySpace, Bebo or Ning Advertise to new potential members Facebook, MySpace, Bebo or Ning Put photos online Flickr or Picasa; or Facebook, MySpace, Bebo or Ning Keep track of members Facebook, MySpace, Bebo or Ning List resources online Facebook, MySpace, Bebo or Ning Find new resources online Diigo, Delicious or Technorati Have a free email account Gmail Send out an online survey Google Forms. Another option is PollDaddy or surveymonkey although they’re not as easy to use. Collect data online Google Forms Prepare, share, collaborate, and edit documents online. Google Documents (Word documents can be uploaded online, edited, and ‘shared’ between members.) Send out an email newsletter Gmail, using the BCC tab to protect emails’ addresses; or Mailchimp Keep a database Mailchimp Build a website Can they accomplish this through Bebo, Facebook or Myspace? If not, try Wordpress. Communicate nationally/internationally for free Skype 6 - Online Toolkit v1.0
  • 8. Building a website/blog & online donations: Wordpress <> Tumblr <> Posterous <> GiveaLittle <> PayPal <> 7 - Online Toolkit v1.0
  • 9. Online Toolkit Wordpress <> What is the difference between getting a Wordpress site and a whole new separate website? You have to pay for website hosting with a whole new website... With a Wordpress blog/site, you don’t have to pay a thing, you have to stick to the given templates - though you can brand them by customising pre-designed themes. A Wordpress blog is similar to a fully furnished apartment - you can move the furniture around, but there’s limited room for experimentation. A whole new website is like an empty house - sure, you have plenty of room to move and change things however you want to, but furniture costs and you can’t do much in an empty room. Wordpress allows you to tag content and syndicate your content using Really Simple Syndication or RSS ‘feeds’ which allow people to read your content at your blog or through a feed reader or news aggregator. <> 8 - Online Toolkit v1.0
  • 10. Online Toolkit Tumblr <> Tumblr lets you effortlessly share anything: Tumblr is a micro blogging platform that allows users to post text, images, video, links, quotes, and audio to their Tumblelog, a short-form blog. Users are able to “follow” other users and see their posts together on their dashboard. Users can “like” or “reblog” posts from other blogs on the site. The service emphasizes customizability and ease of use, with very flexible customisation options and a raft of free themes as well as the ability to use your own domain name with your blog. Tumblr blogs can have multiple contributing authors, and posts can be contributed by email, a “bookmarklet”, or even dialed in by mobile phone. You can find other not-for-profits using the service, and get your own blog listed, in the Tumblr directory: <> Posterous <> The dead simple place to post everything: Posterous is a simple blogging platform started in May, 2009. It boasts integrated and automatic posting to other social media tools such as Flickr, Twitter, and Facebook, a built-in Google Analytics package, and custom themes. Updating to Posterous is similar to other blogging platforms. Posting can be done by logging in to the website’s rich text editor, but it is particularly designed for mobile blogging. Mobile methods include sending an email, with attachments of photos, MP3s, documents, and video (both links and files). Many social media pundits consider Posterous to be the lead- ing free application for lifestreaming. The platform received wide attention when leading social media expert Steve Rubel declared he was moving his blogging activity entirely to Posterous. Posterous also has its own URL shortening service, which as of March 2010 can post to Twitter. Posterous allows users to point the DNS listing for a domain name or subdomain they already own to their Posterous ac- count, allowing them to have a site hosted by Posterous that uses their own domain name. 9 - Online Toolkit v1.0
  • 11. Online Toolkit GiveaLittle <> Smart online donation management for your causes: provides very clever but very simple to use online engagement mechanisms: real-time donations, cause campaigns, supporter fundraising pages, online events, 2.0 donor communications and social network integration. Givealittle provides donation tools (widgets) to allow you to accept donations on your own website, other webistes and blogs as well as Facebook. Donations are automatically credited to your bank account monthly (less a small transaction fee) and Givealittle issues donation receipts on your behalf. Givealittle Platform For those looking for a broader solution, Givealittle also provides a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) product called the Givealittle Platform. This product provides all the tools and smarts of but customised to reflect your brand and requirements. Being a SaaS product Givealittle Platform owners receive the benefit of a hosted product that can be accessed form any internet connection and share in the ongoing development of the product. PayPal < > Install an online payment system: PayPal, the trusted leader in online payments, enables buyers and businesses to send and receive money online. PayPal has over 100 million member accounts in 190 countries and regions. It’s accepted by merchants everywhere, and integrates with bank accounts so your donors can choose to make a simple bank transfer to your PayPal account, or pay by credit card. PayPal has reduced fees for NFP’s, and offer tools like a donation button for you to embed on your website or blog to easily promote your PayPal donation facility. Is it safe to use? PayPal helps protect your credit card information with industry-leading security and fraud prevention systems. When you use PayPal, your financial information is never shared with the merchant. Why use PayPal? • Make purchases or send money with PayPal – it’s free • Shop and pay conveniently by saving your information with PayPal • PayPal is accepted by millions of businesses worldwide and is the preferred payment method on eBay 10 - Online Toolkit v1.0
  • 12. Online Toolkit Social Networking Sites: Twitter <> Facebook <> Linked In <> Bebo <> MySpace <> 11 - Online Toolkit v1.0
  • 13. Online Toolkit What’s social networking? Social networking websites help you to uncover the links between people in your network. This visibility helps you to spread your message and connect with more people while keeping track of those interactions for the most value to you or your organisation. By each member of your offline community – your shareholders, the public, your fans – holding an online profile, you can keep track of your members, inform them of news and events, and keep in touch. Those contacts can then also pass on your messages to their own networks, increasing your following. What’s the difference? Twitter is a mix of business and personal ‘tweets’ with the main age range in early 2009 in the 25 - 54 age group. Myspace and Bebo are popular high school students, and Facebook started out for college students though is now an open system for any age range. Twitter connects people via short messages, while Facebook, Bebo and Myspace have much more complex profiles including photo albums and commenting. When choosing the right social network for you, consider your goals and the audience you are seeking to connect with. What’s it like around the world? Top 3 Social Networking Sites, by Country: • Australia: Facebook, MySpace, Twitter • Canada: Facebook, MySpace, Flickr • India: Facebook, Orkut, Hi5 (Twitter is a close fourth) • France: Facebook, Skyrock, MySpace, China: QQ, Xiaonei, 51 • Germany: Facebook, StudiVZ, MySpace • Italy: Facebook, Netlog, Badoo • Russia: V Kontakte, Odnoklassniki, LiveJournal • Spain: Facebook, Tuenti, Fotolog • United Kingdom: Facebook, Bebo, MySpace • United States: Facebook, MySpace, Twitter <> Written by Doug Coleman / June 7, 2009 We want to try out Facebook and all these other new tools but how safe are we on these sites? Very safe - it’s all in how you use them. Be aware of your privacy options with your personal accounts, to ensure your details are private. If you are competing in the yMedia Challenge, your student team can help you find your way. 12 - Online Toolkit v1.0
  • 14. Twitter Some people prefer to use Twitter The more RTs you get the more you clients rather than the Twitter website know that you are providing content itself, and we recommend hootsuite. your audience wants to read and <> com as a good online option that also the new list function allows you to syncs with Facebook and Linked In collect together your favourite Twitter alerts. streams for others to follow. Twitter is a powerful communications Twitter users can ‘follow’ other Twitter also provides widgets to platform for two way information flow, twitter users, send “@mentions” or embed into your website or blog. and it’s simple to set up an account, all “@replies” to converse openly or you need is an email address. Direct Messages if both members are Media Monitoring info The simple idea behind Twitter is to following each other. send messages or ‘tweets’ in 140 Mention of key subjects can be characters or less. The limit is from tracked by following ‘#hashtags’ using the maximum number of character possible in a mobile SMS message, Many companies The Twitter Guide Book and not for profit organisations now and tweets can be sent from mobile use hashtags to generate conversa- phones as well as the web and a range twitter/ tions around campaigns, or events of Twitter applications that run on - always check to see if a hashtag is in your computer. use before publicising it. These applications provide extra tools Useful information and relevant or add ons to the basic Twitter service links will often generate ‘re-tweets’ such as shortening web links and where followers can use the RT code sending photos. to forward a message to their own twitter stream. 13 - Online Toolkit v1.0
  • 15. Online Toolkit Basic Twitter commands: • @<username> – to send a public message • d <username> – to send a private message • RT – when followed by @<username>, this is convention for “retweeting” a message to your own followers Twitter Page Design: • Always add your logo / avatar to stand out on your Twitter web page. • Add your logo to the design background and adjust the colours to fit with your branding. • Write a description using relevant keywords and add a link to your website. Twitter Etiquette: • It is good to tweet regularly but not so often that you come across as spamming. • Look at lists of people to follow but don’t follow everyone who follows you, follow those users who are relevant to your brand or who interest you. • It is better to keep your Twitter feed input relevant to your subject and audience. • If you can, leave some space at the end your tweets for other people to RT your message. • Use #hashtags to connect your tweets to other conversations on the same subject. 14 - Online Toolkit v1.0
  • 16. Facebook Groups are limited to 5,000 members whereas pages can have an unlimited number of fans. Both pages and <> groups allow you to invite people to events, and for them to RSVP their attendance, add pictures and wall Once you have a personal Facebook entries. account set up, you can set up pages and groups to promote your cause or campaign to the 300 million members NB: Use Facebook to target a global of Facebook across the world. audience in the 35 -55 age range. Should I create a Facebook Page To set up a page for your organisation, or a Group? make sure you’re logged into your personal Facebook account, then go Pages are a great way to be found on to: Facebook, used for sending news to fans of your organisation or brand and inviting them to events. Groups are create.php more like ‘clubs’, allowing for personal interactions where you can set up people as administrators and choose an open or closed membership. 15 - Online Toolkit v1.0
  • 17. Online Toolkit Linked In <> Linked In is like Facebook, but for business networking and communications. It is worth getting every member of a cam- paign team to join, ask questions and join Linked In groups. Linked In alerts can be set to appear in your twitter stream, saving time cross posting. NB: Use Linked In to position a personal brand, campaigns, network professionally, and to target high net worth individu- als and corporate donations. Bebo <> Bebo is popular with a younger demographic, especially in New Zealand but numbers have been falling recently. NB: Use Bebo to reach a younger audience. 16 - Online Toolkit v1.0
  • 18. Online Toolkit Myspace <> My Space is popular for music, arts, comedy though membership numbers have been falling recently with the uptake in Twitter and Facebook. NB: Use MySpace to access a young demographic with a music / performing arts focus. Ning <> Ning is a free service that lets’ you create your own social network, with branded pages, themes, and allows you to sign up members who can then contribute and comment on videos, photos, chat, music, groups, events, and blogs – member profile pages, friends, messaging, email notifications, and RSS support. NB: Use Ning if you want to set up your own social network for a campaign or cause without needing hosting or a web development team. 17 - Online Toolkit v1.0
  • 19. Online Toolkit Social media helps you... – Organise events – Advertise to new potential members – Put photos online – Communicate with all members – List resources online Whichever tools you choose, a social media campaign needs to be planned and executed as carefully as a traditional media campaign; with the added complication that social media tools create conversations that need to be managed. You are entering into a two way dialogue with your audience and your messages must be consistent with your brand and campaign. 18 - Online Toolkit v1.0
  • 20. Welcome to the Google World Gmail <> Google Docs <> Google Calendar <> Google Analytics <> Google Reader <> Google Alerts <> 19 - Online Toolkit v1.0
  • 21. Online Toolkit Google Google Google Gmail Docs Calendars <> <> <> Have a free email account Write, share, and collaborate on Your schedule, anywhere documents for free Gmail is a web-based email service, Create a calendar for yourself, your which means that you can check your Google Docs (short for “Google project, your organisation, or your email from any computer, anywhere in Documents”) can be helpful for family and share any of them with the world, for free. a number of reasons, mainly whoever you like. around project management and We like Gmail out of all other similar Google Calendars let you keep track collaboration. However, it can also be services because Google has made of your appointments online, you can helpful for preparing meeting agendas it very easy to use – all your emails accept meeting requests just like with online in a format that everyone can appear in ‘conversations’, a format Microsoft Outlook. read and edit before the meeting. which means that you can view your Colour coded appointments help you history of messages with a person. You can access Google Docs by first to keep track of different engage- of all signing up for a Google account - It is also easy to search for past ments, and you can view all calendars all of the documents you have access emails, with the search toolbar in the at once to easily see any conflicts. to or which you create will be stored inbox. Gmail also helps with project Just like your Google Documents, against your account. management, as we can see below. your caledars are stored against your Sign up for gmail by going to www. Word documents, Excel spreadsheets Google account. and clicking on ‘Register’. and Powerpoint presentations can be uploaded to your Google Docs online, edited, and ‘shared’ with other collaborators. 20 - Online Toolkit v1.0
  • 22. Online Toolkit Google Google Google Analytics Reader Alerts <> <> <> Google Analytics is a web analytics Have trouble keeping up with the sites Monitoring brands and campaigns solution that gives you rich insights you visit? Read them in one place with is vital and Google Alerts is a use- into your website traffic and marketing Google Reader, where keeping up with ful tool for tracking online mentions. effectiveness. Powerful, flexible and your favorite websites is as easy as Specify the search terms, type of easy-to-use features now let you see checking your email. search (comprehensive, news, logs, and analyze your traffic data in an web, video or groups), the keywords Using RSS (Really Simple Syndication) entirely new way. or phrases (which you specify within in Google Reader, you can subscribe quote marks) that you’d like to track, You can use Google Analytics for free to your favorite websites to be notified how often (as it happens, once a day, to see who’s using your website, how when they update their content. or once a week) and whether you many people are visiting over any want the results emailed or added to timeframe, how long they are looking an RSS feed. at your site, how they found it, and much more. 21 - Online Toolkit v1.0
  • 23. “How can you squander even one more day not taking advantage of the greatest shifts of our generation? How dare you settle for less when the world has made it so easy for you to be remarkable?” – Seth Godin, Seth’s Blog 22 - Online Toolkit v1.0
  • 24. Clever communications Mailchimp <> Skype <> Basecamp <> 23 - Online Toolkit v1.0
  • 25. Gmail | Mailchimp If you want to send out an email newsletter, you can use Gmail, as long as you enter all the addresses in the “Bcc” field. This protects your network’s email addresses as the recipient can only view their own address; without viewing the other email addresses. Mailchimp <> If you’d like something a bit more customised, we’re a fan of Mailchimp. However, with Mailchimp, there’s a limit of 100 recipients when you sign up for a ‘free’ account, so make sure you split the database into sections of less than 100 people if you’re on a free account. For example, with yMedia, we would have students in one list, community groups in another, and businesses in another. Mailchimp is a free email mailing list manager for designing, sending and tracking HTML email campaigns for up to 500 subscribers and 3,000 emails a month. Please note that if you are manging an email list then you must be aware of your obligations for data protection under the New Zealand Privacy Act 1993, and anti-spam guidelines from the NZ Department of Internal Affairs. 24 - Online Toolkit v1.0
  • 26. Online Toolkit Skype <> Using the internet to make phone calls Skype uses your internet connection to help you talk to another person, through your computer. It’s similar to talking to someone on the phone, except you can see them through your computer as well. If you’re not interested in using the audio/video aspect of it, you can just use the text side of it, similar to an instant messenger like MSN chat or Yahoo chat. Skype can help you to communicate with other members in national or international offices for free. All you need beyond an internet connection and computer is: • A microphone • Speakers (many come built-in with the computer) • A webcam if you want video-conferencing capabilities Using Skype is completely free, the other party must have it installed on their computer for you to talk. It’s great for keep- ing in touch with family members also, and works best over a faster internet connection. 25 - Online Toolkit v1.0
  • 27. Basecamp <> An online Project management tool with a free option for managing milestones tasks, messages and to do lists. Basecamp is designed to let multiple people collaborate on the running and working of a project. It includes email notification and task allocation, and is part of 37 Signals’ suite of tools. 37 Signals also offer a contact management solution called Highrise, where you can keep track of your contacts and the communication you and your organisation have with them. Another offering from the same organisation is Campfire, for general communication and team collaboration. You can find out more about each of these tools on the 37 Signals Websites: <www.> Dropbox <> Dropbox is software that syncs your files online and across your computers. Put your files into your Dropbox on one computer, and they’ll be instantly available on any of your other computers that you’ve installed Dropbox on (Windows, Mac, and Linux too!) Because a copy of your files are stored on Dropbox’s secure servers, you can also access them from any computer or mobile device using the Dropbox website. 26 - Online Toolkit v1.0
  • 28. What is yMedia? yMedia connects students, industry and not-for-profit organisations to develop and implement new media initiatives for collective growth. 27 - Online Toolkit v1.0
  • 29. Online Toolkit yMedia Challenge <> yMedia connects students, industry and not-for-profit organisations to develop and implement new media initiatives for collective growth: Now in its’ fourth year of development, yMedia has established an eight week challenge, which provides not-for-profit organisations the opportunity to increase their knowledge and use of information communication technology, with tertiary students implementing live new media projects, allowing them to gain tangible experience, while being supported by an industry professional. To further support the students and not-for-profits participating in the challenge, yMedia also runs a series of workshops which have been carefully designed to help provide an understanding of the importance of building brands and making genuine connections with audiences and supporters. The yMedia workshop series will be delivered through presentations from industry leaders giving insightful demonstrations and running engaging exercises. 28 - Online Toolkit v1.0
  • 30. yMedia Challenge 2010 TERTIARY STUDENTS Are often uncertain of their career path after study and therefore need practical experience and an introduction to the industry to help increase their employability. TERTIARY STUDENTS NOT-FOR-PROFIT INDUSTRY ORGANISATIONS PROFESSIONALS NOT-FOR-PROFITS INDUSTRY PROFESSIONALS Are often lacking in time, funds, Have a wealth of knowledge and resources and expertise to explore the experience and can therefore provide benefits of new media initiatives and guidance and insight to talented therefore need dedicated support to students, while gaining a strong help increase their competency online. understanding of their capabilities for potential employment opportunities. 29 - Online Toolkit v1.0
  • 31. Online Toolkit yMedia Challenge <> How does it work? yMedia: • Matches students with not-for profit organisations to form a team. • Appoints a talented and insightful industry mentor to each team. • Runs an eight week challenge each year  — in which students help improve community groups marketing or operations through ICT based projects  — like building websites, developing CMS, improving internal documentation systems, introducing a social media platform  — the options are as endless as your imagination. • Throughout the challenge we also run fun and informative workshops and provide helpful resources to assist with both community group development and student growth and education. Throughout the first three years of the initiative, we’ve had numerous success stories. yMedia Challenge graduates have been employed at Saatchi & Saatchi, Chrometoaster, Sun Microsystems, gardyneHOLT, Touchpoint, Terabyte, Brave New World, Consortium, SlamXHype, Porter Novelli, and many other industry leaders, as a result of the relationships formed through the challenge. And it goes without saying that community groups have also had great results growing their online profile, networks and capabilities. 30 - Online Toolkit v1.0
  • 32. yMedia Challenge 2010 How do I get involved? twitter facebook Follow us! Like us! subscribe flickr Sign up to our Check out our newsletter! photostream!