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Online Research Quality:
                           The Next Frontier
                           A TrueSample Perspective

                           Yes, technology has already improved online research quality dramatically. But
                           data quality issues persist—and new challenges are emerging. The advent of
                           real-time sampling techniques, the proliferation of mobile devices, and the
                           soaring popularity of social media have created new, more nuanced questions
                           about data quality—and increased demand for new approaches and solutions.

                           How will your company—and our industry—respond? Here are key questions
                           every buyer of online sample should be asking today, along with the
                           TrueSample approach to delivering next-generation data quality solutions.

A TrueSample White Paper                                                                                    1
Online Research Quality: The Next Frontier

Is Online Data Quality Still a Problem?
Since the beginning of the new millennium there have been nagging suspicions that the data
generated from online panels can’t be completely trusted. The risk of fake or duplicate respondents,
habitually unengaged panelists, professional survey takers, “gamers,” “straightliners,” and
“satisficers,” those who provide unusually positive responses, have all raised concerns. While some
of these problems have been largely tamed by technology or controlled by panel management best
practices, some issues persist and others grow more imminent. For example:

            Under- or over-representation of certain groups in online panels introduces bias that can
                                                                                                                   Clearly, the market
             impact data quality.
                                                                                                                   research industry has
            Declining use of email creates new challenges for reaching viable survey respondents and              raised the bar on what is
             delivering engaging survey design.                                                                    considered acceptable

            Biases due to panel tenure or membership in multiple panels cast doubt on the ability to              quality for online
                                                                                                                   research sample.
             achieve consistent survey results over time.
                                                                                                                   Although the largest

The key question today is whether—and to what extent—these issues impact research results and                      issues have been tamed,
business decisions. This paper addresses the question in two ways. First, to provide context, it                   more nuanced questions
briefly summarizes how the industry has responded to data quality issues over the past few years.                  about data quality
Then it examines emerging issues and describes the approach the TrueSample team is taking to                       continue to emerge—and
maximize data quality in the years ahead.                                                                          must be addressed.

How Has the Industry Addressed Data Quality Concerns?
Since the advent of the online era, market research firms and sample providers have responded—
though not always in a coordinated way—to stamp out the threat of unreliable data. The first step
was to quantify how much bad data and “bad actors” were influencing research results.

In a detailed analysis of a typical online panel, the Advertising Research Foundation (ARF) found
they could identify 20% corrupt sample, meaning respondents who exhibit “bad behaviors”.1 The
TrueSample team’s own research showed that relying on data from “bad” respondents who are
found to be fake, duplicate or unengaged increased the risk of making the wrong decision by as
much as 50%. These and other findings prompted action by the market research industry, and a
number of efforts emerged:

            Research vendors developed their own manual data cleaning and data weighting
            Machine fingerprinting and identity validation technologies used within other industries were
             applied to online panels.
            TrueSample was introduced to eliminate fake, duplicate and unengaged survey
             respondents (see Figure 1).
            The Advertising Research Foundation developed the Quality Enhancement Process to help
             clients and research vendors engage in structured conversations about online data quality.
            The TrueSample Quality Council issued Online Research Quality Guidelines for all research
             buyers to follow when choosing vendors (for details see the TrueSample Quality Council’s
             Online Consumer Research Quality Guidelines).2

    Source: “The Online Panel Quality Wars,” by Brad Bortner, Forrester Research, November 20, 2009, footnote 7.

A TrueSample White Paper
Online Research Quality: The Next Frontier

Clearly, the market research industry has raised the bar on what is considered acceptable quality for
online research sample. In the process it has made sample buyers more confident in the business
decisions that derive from market research.

Unfortunately, neither time nor technology stands still. While the largest issues have been tamed,
more nuanced questions about data quality continue to emerge—and must be addressed.

      How Does TrueSample Solve or Control Data Quality Issues?
      Introduced in 2008, TrueSample is now used by more than 100 research groups and
      panel companies to ensure data quality across multiple sample sources and survey
      platforms. It uses a combination of real-time technologies to provide:

         • Elimination of fakes. TrueSample uses third-party databases to validate all
           prospective panelists and survey respondents to guarantee that they are who
           they say they are.

         • Prevention of duplicates. Sophisticated digital fingerprinting eliminates duplicate
           respondents from panels and surveys, ensuring that no individual can take the same
           survey twice.

         • Assurance of true engagement. Survey engagement technology eliminates
           speeders and straightliners in real time, and SurveyScore quantifies the panelist
           experience by providing benchmarks of perception and engagement behavior
           (for details see                .

                                                                    Not real

                                                                           Not unique
                                                                           Not engaged
                           TrueSample                                      1.65%

                     Figure 1: An average of 28.8% of panelists are rejected by TrueSample.

A TrueSample White Paper
Online Research Quality: The Next Frontier

Where Should the Research Industry Focus Now?
To continue to improve the quality of online research—and to fully exploit the new opportunities
the online era holds for market research—the industry should turn its attention to three specific

1. Real-time and social media sampling methods
  In response to declining online panel membership and email usage, and as a means to solicit
  feedback from hard-to-reach groups such as 18-24 year olds, many researchers are turning to
  websites and social networks as an active recruitment source for surveys. Soliciting potential
  survey takers while they are visiting websites (real-time sampling, also known as river sampling)
  and sampling from web-based social networking sites may provide fast access to very specific        Soliciting potential
  groups, users, and demographics, but it also introduces new questions about how to ensure data      survey takers while they
  quality. For example:                                                                               are visiting websites

           Do real-time survey respondents answer surveys differently than respondents               (real-time sampling, also
                                                                                                      known as river sampling)
            sourced from online panels?
                                                                                                      and sampling from web-
           Will survey takers sourced from real-time sample or social media sample provide           based social networking
            their names and addresses for address verification, or are alternative means of           sites may provide fast
            identity verification required?                                                           access to very specific
                                                                                                      groups, users, and
           Will real-time respondents take the 20- to 30-minute surveys market researchers           demographics, but it also
            typically design, or should surveys be redesigned in shorter formats for real-time        introduces new
            participants?                                                                             questions about how to
                                                                                                      ensure data quality.
  In answer to the first question, preliminary research by the TrueSample team shows that real-time
  survey takers exhibit the same satisficing behavior as newer panelists, meaning that they provide
  unusually positive responses, even if the real-time survey takers are also on many other panels
  and have long panel tenures. This satisficing behavior can introduce bias into research results
  unless the correct data quality measures and tenure balances are put in place.

  Equally important, researchers suspect that survey takers on the web or social media networks
  may be less tolerant of long, complicated surveys that may interrupt their online experience.
  Therefore respondent engagement for this segment needs to be measured and benchmarked to
  determine if survey design must be recalibrated.

  There are also concerns that real-time survey takers may not be willing to provide name and
  address information before taking surveys because it feels like a privacy violation—thereby
  eliminating the ability to validate the respondents’ identities.

  So what does all of this mean in terms of data quality solution requirements? The TrueSample
  team anticipates that sample buyers will demand solutions that deliver the following:

         Consistent quality assurance when blending sampling methods. To address
          some of the tenure- and panel-membership-related biases present in real-time
          samples, researchers will likely need to blend online or offline panelists with real-
          time respondents, to reach a more balanced and representative sample. This
          sample will need to be “cleansed” using a data quality solution that can be
          consistently applied across all sampling methods and ensures that all respondents
          are real, unique and engaged.

A TrueSample White Paper
Online Research Quality: The Next Frontier

     Mechanisms for measuring and improving respondent engagement. Surveys will need to
      be optimized to effectively engage specific types of survey takers. Research has already led
      to the development of TrueSample SurveyScore® and SurveyScore® Predictor, which help to
      optimize online survey design to achieve the highest engagement levels among respondents,
      but these tools must be applied to real-time and social media sampling techniques for
      measurement and benchmarking that is specific to the respondent audiences of these
      sampling methods.

     Creative use of profile data for identity validation. A great deal of identity verification data
      already exists online (see Figure 2). The industry will need to get creative about using “social
      sign-on” and other existing profile information to validate respondents’ identities, rather than
      ask for name and address information during a survey.

                  Profile Data Available on Social Networks, May 2010
                               Facebook        Twitter        Yahoo!   Google      MySpace       Linkedin   Aol
          Profile URL
          Social graph
          Additional profile

          Source: Gigya, Multiple Identities, July 7, 2010.

                         Figure 2: A variety of identity verification data exists in online profiles.

A TrueSample White Paper
Online Research Quality: The Next Frontier

2. Mobile survey modalities
    The gizmos people use to access the Internet and communicate with each other—and with
    market researchers—are evolving at a jaw-dropping rate. iPads, Android phones, Nook readers,
    Kindles, Netbooks, and whatever’s next on the horizon all point to the development of a new set
    of survey modalities that will impact the quality of market research data.

    Early adopters of these devices tend to be younger and more af pre-teens (the emerging
    generation of survey-takers), online chats and text messaging have supplanted email as the
    preferred communication vehicle. Additionally, adoption of mobile communications is
    accelerated in hard-to-reach European and Asian markets. For these reasons, market
                                                                                                      If respondents using
    researchers are starting to pay attention to mobile devices as a mechanism for collecting
    quantitative survey feedback.                                                                     mobile devices and
                                                                                                      tablets differ from those
    The key questions that need to be addressed:                                                      respondents using
                                                                                                      computers, we will need
       How do we get people to take surveys on mobile phones and other instant access                to account for those
        platforms when it’s inevitable that their attention will be fragmented by the other           demographic differences
        activities they pursue on these devices?                                                      to prevent biased results.

       How is representivity affected when they do respond to our surveys?

       How do we optimize survey design to maximize engagement on these devices?

    What capabilities should next-generation data quality solutions provide to achieve reliable
    quality in mobile surveys?

       Mode-based sample balancing. If respondents using mobile devices and tablets differ
        from those respondents using computers, we will need to account for those demographic
        differences to prevent biased results. Next-generation data quality solutions will need to
        help researchers blend and balance sample using different modalities to achieve

       Mechanisms for measuring and improving respondent engagement. Surveys will need
        to be optimized for the engagement of specific types of survey modalities. SurveyScore and
        SurveyScore Predictor, two features of TrueSample, help to optimize online survey design
        to maximize engagement levels among online respondents, but new norms and predictive
        models must be built using mobile survey data to bring these same measurement and
        benchmarking capabilities to mobile survey-taking.

A TrueSample White Paper
Online Research Quality: The Next Frontier

3. Ongoing concerns over representivity

    According to Forrester Research, online panel-based research is now the dominant mode for quantitative
    research. But questions linger about how representative online panelists really are and whether or not
    we’ve exacerbated the problem with data quality solutions that verify identities using consumer

    For example:

         Is there something inherently different about the types of people who join certain
          online panels?

         Do these differences impact their survey responses?

         Do data quality solutions increase these biases by rejecting particular types of
          respondents in greater numbers?

    The TrueSample team has identified three key issues related to the representivity of online
    panelists that can be addressed by a next-generation data quality solution. First, the length of
    time panelists have belonged to an online panel, or their “panel tenure” may impact those
    panelists’ survey responses. Specifically, the newer panelists are to a panel, the more likely they
    are to “satisfice” or provide unusually positive responses.

    Second, the number of online panels that panelists belong to or their “panel membership” can
    impact their responses and can increase their likelihood for survey-taking hyperactivity.
    TrueSample research has shown that multi-panel members show a higher score bias, meaning
    that they provide more positive responses than single-panel members and may thereby impact
    the reliability of research results.

    Third, there is clear evidence of underrepresentation of certain demographic groups within
    online panels. For example, 18-24-year-olds and Hispanics are historically hard to find in online
    panels. This underrepresentation is aggravated by traditional identity validation techniques
    because these are “high-velocity” segments; in other words both groups tend to move and
    change their address more frequently than other segments. So using name and mailing address
    to validate identity may not be a good test for panel inclusion in these groups, because it causes
    them to fail the “real” test in disproportionate numbers.

     120.0%                                                                           120.0%
                    Real           Not Real      Duplicate           Overall Real %                 Real              Not Real        Duplicate        Overall Real %

     100.0%                                                                           100.0%

        80.0%                                                                         80.0%

        60.0%                                                                         60.0%

        40.0%                                                                         40.0%

        20.0%                                                                         20.0%

        0.0%                                                                           0.0%
                18-24      25-34        35-44   45-54        55-64         65+                   0            1         2          3       4         6       5
                                                                                               (White)     (Black)    (Native    (Asian (Other) (Decline (Hispanic)
                                                                                                                     American) & Pacific        to answer)

                        Figure 3: TrueSample pass-through rates by age (left) and race (right) indicate that 18-24-
                           year-olds and Hispanics fail identity validation more frequently than other segments.

A TrueSample White Paper
Online Research Quality: The Next Frontier

The interrelationships between these three issues are complex, and quantification of the
impact on market research quality—individually or collectively—remains incomplete.
However, it is clear that next-generation data solutions will need to evolve to address
inconsistencies with sample representivity. Specifically, next-generation data quality
solutions will require the following attributes:

        New data sources for identify validation. To reduce the likelihood of falsely rejecting survey
         respondents who may be “real” but can’t be validated due to frequently changing addresses or a
         lack of offline identify information, data quality solutions must employ additional data sources for
         identify validation using attributes such as email addresses and social networking profile data.
         TrueSample has begun to use additional data sources to validate offline and online identities and to
         reduce over-rejection particularly in high-velocity demographics such as 18-24 year olds and

        Balancing on panelist tenure and behavior. Data quality solutions such as TrueSample already
         allow users to evaluate the blend of panelists by their tenure and panel membership, and can allow
         users to filter by sample source to break out validation results for respondents from each individual
         sample source; however, additional advancements are needed. The next step toward mitigating the
         potential impact of “high-velocity” segments will be to provide sophisticated panelist behavior
         modeling so that sample can be proactively balanced on tenure, memberships, and survey taking
         frequency for consistent research results.

The Questions Will Keep Coming. So Will the Answers.
The latest wave of technological innovation presents exciting new opportunities for quantitative market
research, but the industry needs better quality control mechanisms to fully exploit those opportunities.
Questions and concerns about data quality will continue to evolve. No one can claim to have all the answers,
but our goal is to ask the right questions and explore the right avenues as we continue to guide the industry in
assuring the highest possible data quality.

A TrueSample White Paper

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Online Research Quality the Next Frontier

  • 1. Online Research Quality: The Next Frontier A TrueSample Perspective Yes, technology has already improved online research quality dramatically. But data quality issues persist—and new challenges are emerging. The advent of real-time sampling techniques, the proliferation of mobile devices, and the soaring popularity of social media have created new, more nuanced questions about data quality—and increased demand for new approaches and solutions. How will your company—and our industry—respond? Here are key questions every buyer of online sample should be asking today, along with the TrueSample approach to delivering next-generation data quality solutions. A TrueSample White Paper 1
  • 2. Online Research Quality: The Next Frontier Is Online Data Quality Still a Problem? Since the beginning of the new millennium there have been nagging suspicions that the data generated from online panels can’t be completely trusted. The risk of fake or duplicate respondents, habitually unengaged panelists, professional survey takers, “gamers,” “straightliners,” and “satisficers,” those who provide unusually positive responses, have all raised concerns. While some of these problems have been largely tamed by technology or controlled by panel management best practices, some issues persist and others grow more imminent. For example:  Under- or over-representation of certain groups in online panels introduces bias that can Clearly, the market impact data quality. research industry has  Declining use of email creates new challenges for reaching viable survey respondents and raised the bar on what is delivering engaging survey design. considered acceptable  Biases due to panel tenure or membership in multiple panels cast doubt on the ability to quality for online research sample. achieve consistent survey results over time. Although the largest The key question today is whether—and to what extent—these issues impact research results and issues have been tamed, business decisions. This paper addresses the question in two ways. First, to provide context, it more nuanced questions briefly summarizes how the industry has responded to data quality issues over the past few years. about data quality Then it examines emerging issues and describes the approach the TrueSample team is taking to continue to emerge—and maximize data quality in the years ahead. must be addressed. How Has the Industry Addressed Data Quality Concerns? Since the advent of the online era, market research firms and sample providers have responded— though not always in a coordinated way—to stamp out the threat of unreliable data. The first step was to quantify how much bad data and “bad actors” were influencing research results. In a detailed analysis of a typical online panel, the Advertising Research Foundation (ARF) found they could identify 20% corrupt sample, meaning respondents who exhibit “bad behaviors”.1 The TrueSample team’s own research showed that relying on data from “bad” respondents who are found to be fake, duplicate or unengaged increased the risk of making the wrong decision by as much as 50%. These and other findings prompted action by the market research industry, and a number of efforts emerged:  Research vendors developed their own manual data cleaning and data weighting techniques.  Machine fingerprinting and identity validation technologies used within other industries were applied to online panels.  TrueSample was introduced to eliminate fake, duplicate and unengaged survey respondents (see Figure 1).  The Advertising Research Foundation developed the Quality Enhancement Process to help clients and research vendors engage in structured conversations about online data quality.  The TrueSample Quality Council issued Online Research Quality Guidelines for all research buyers to follow when choosing vendors (for details see the TrueSample Quality Council’s Online Consumer Research Quality Guidelines).2 1 Source: “The Online Panel Quality Wars,” by Brad Bortner, Forrester Research, November 20, 2009, footnote 7. 2 URL: A TrueSample White Paper
  • 3. Online Research Quality: The Next Frontier Clearly, the market research industry has raised the bar on what is considered acceptable quality for online research sample. In the process it has made sample buyers more confident in the business decisions that derive from market research. Unfortunately, neither time nor technology stands still. While the largest issues have been tamed, more nuanced questions about data quality continue to emerge—and must be addressed. How Does TrueSample Solve or Control Data Quality Issues? Introduced in 2008, TrueSample is now used by more than 100 research groups and panel companies to ensure data quality across multiple sample sources and survey platforms. It uses a combination of real-time technologies to provide: • Elimination of fakes. TrueSample uses third-party databases to validate all prospective panelists and survey respondents to guarantee that they are who they say they are. • Prevention of duplicates. Sophisticated digital fingerprinting eliminates duplicate respondents from panels and surveys, ensuring that no individual can take the same survey twice. • Assurance of true engagement. Survey engagement technology eliminates speeders and straightliners in real time, and SurveyScore quantifies the panelist experience by providing benchmarks of perception and engagement behavior (for details see . Not real 24.3% Not unique 2.8% Not engaged TrueSample 1.65% 71.25% Figure 1: An average of 28.8% of panelists are rejected by TrueSample. A TrueSample White Paper
  • 4. Online Research Quality: The Next Frontier Where Should the Research Industry Focus Now? To continue to improve the quality of online research—and to fully exploit the new opportunities the online era holds for market research—the industry should turn its attention to three specific areas: 1. Real-time and social media sampling methods In response to declining online panel membership and email usage, and as a means to solicit feedback from hard-to-reach groups such as 18-24 year olds, many researchers are turning to websites and social networks as an active recruitment source for surveys. Soliciting potential survey takers while they are visiting websites (real-time sampling, also known as river sampling) and sampling from web-based social networking sites may provide fast access to very specific Soliciting potential groups, users, and demographics, but it also introduces new questions about how to ensure data survey takers while they quality. For example: are visiting websites  Do real-time survey respondents answer surveys differently than respondents (real-time sampling, also known as river sampling) sourced from online panels? and sampling from web-  Will survey takers sourced from real-time sample or social media sample provide based social networking their names and addresses for address verification, or are alternative means of sites may provide fast identity verification required? access to very specific groups, users, and  Will real-time respondents take the 20- to 30-minute surveys market researchers demographics, but it also typically design, or should surveys be redesigned in shorter formats for real-time introduces new participants? questions about how to ensure data quality. In answer to the first question, preliminary research by the TrueSample team shows that real-time survey takers exhibit the same satisficing behavior as newer panelists, meaning that they provide unusually positive responses, even if the real-time survey takers are also on many other panels and have long panel tenures. This satisficing behavior can introduce bias into research results unless the correct data quality measures and tenure balances are put in place. Equally important, researchers suspect that survey takers on the web or social media networks may be less tolerant of long, complicated surveys that may interrupt their online experience. Therefore respondent engagement for this segment needs to be measured and benchmarked to determine if survey design must be recalibrated. There are also concerns that real-time survey takers may not be willing to provide name and address information before taking surveys because it feels like a privacy violation—thereby eliminating the ability to validate the respondents’ identities. So what does all of this mean in terms of data quality solution requirements? The TrueSample team anticipates that sample buyers will demand solutions that deliver the following:  Consistent quality assurance when blending sampling methods. To address some of the tenure- and panel-membership-related biases present in real-time samples, researchers will likely need to blend online or offline panelists with real- time respondents, to reach a more balanced and representative sample. This sample will need to be “cleansed” using a data quality solution that can be consistently applied across all sampling methods and ensures that all respondents are real, unique and engaged. A TrueSample White Paper
  • 5. Online Research Quality: The Next Frontier  Mechanisms for measuring and improving respondent engagement. Surveys will need to be optimized to effectively engage specific types of survey takers. Research has already led to the development of TrueSample SurveyScore® and SurveyScore® Predictor, which help to optimize online survey design to achieve the highest engagement levels among respondents, but these tools must be applied to real-time and social media sampling techniques for measurement and benchmarking that is specific to the respondent audiences of these sampling methods.  Creative use of profile data for identity validation. A great deal of identity verification data already exists online (see Figure 2). The industry will need to get creative about using “social sign-on” and other existing profile information to validate respondents’ identities, rather than ask for name and address information during a survey. Profile Data Available on Social Networks, May 2010 Facebook Twitter Yahoo! Google MySpace Linkedin Aol Name Email Nickname Photo Profile URL Birthday Gender Location Social graph Additional profile information Source: Gigya, Multiple Identities, July 7, 2010. Figure 2: A variety of identity verification data exists in online profiles. A TrueSample White Paper
  • 6. Online Research Quality: The Next Frontier 2. Mobile survey modalities The gizmos people use to access the Internet and communicate with each other—and with market researchers—are evolving at a jaw-dropping rate. iPads, Android phones, Nook readers, Kindles, Netbooks, and whatever’s next on the horizon all point to the development of a new set of survey modalities that will impact the quality of market research data. Early adopters of these devices tend to be younger and more af pre-teens (the emerging generation of survey-takers), online chats and text messaging have supplanted email as the preferred communication vehicle. Additionally, adoption of mobile communications is accelerated in hard-to-reach European and Asian markets. For these reasons, market If respondents using researchers are starting to pay attention to mobile devices as a mechanism for collecting quantitative survey feedback. mobile devices and tablets differ from those The key questions that need to be addressed: respondents using computers, we will need  How do we get people to take surveys on mobile phones and other instant access to account for those platforms when it’s inevitable that their attention will be fragmented by the other demographic differences activities they pursue on these devices? to prevent biased results.  How is representivity affected when they do respond to our surveys?  How do we optimize survey design to maximize engagement on these devices? What capabilities should next-generation data quality solutions provide to achieve reliable quality in mobile surveys?  Mode-based sample balancing. If respondents using mobile devices and tablets differ from those respondents using computers, we will need to account for those demographic differences to prevent biased results. Next-generation data quality solutions will need to help researchers blend and balance sample using different modalities to achieve representativeness.  Mechanisms for measuring and improving respondent engagement. Surveys will need to be optimized for the engagement of specific types of survey modalities. SurveyScore and SurveyScore Predictor, two features of TrueSample, help to optimize online survey design to maximize engagement levels among online respondents, but new norms and predictive models must be built using mobile survey data to bring these same measurement and benchmarking capabilities to mobile survey-taking. A TrueSample White Paper
  • 7. Online Research Quality: The Next Frontier 3. Ongoing concerns over representivity According to Forrester Research, online panel-based research is now the dominant mode for quantitative research. But questions linger about how representative online panelists really are and whether or not we’ve exacerbated the problem with data quality solutions that verify identities using consumer databases. For example:  Is there something inherently different about the types of people who join certain online panels?  Do these differences impact their survey responses?  Do data quality solutions increase these biases by rejecting particular types of respondents in greater numbers? The TrueSample team has identified three key issues related to the representivity of online panelists that can be addressed by a next-generation data quality solution. First, the length of time panelists have belonged to an online panel, or their “panel tenure” may impact those panelists’ survey responses. Specifically, the newer panelists are to a panel, the more likely they are to “satisfice” or provide unusually positive responses. Second, the number of online panels that panelists belong to or their “panel membership” can impact their responses and can increase their likelihood for survey-taking hyperactivity. TrueSample research has shown that multi-panel members show a higher score bias, meaning that they provide more positive responses than single-panel members and may thereby impact the reliability of research results. Third, there is clear evidence of underrepresentation of certain demographic groups within online panels. For example, 18-24-year-olds and Hispanics are historically hard to find in online panels. This underrepresentation is aggravated by traditional identity validation techniques because these are “high-velocity” segments; in other words both groups tend to move and change their address more frequently than other segments. So using name and mailing address to validate identity may not be a good test for panel inclusion in these groups, because it causes them to fail the “real” test in disproportionate numbers. 120.0% 120.0% Real Not Real Duplicate Overall Real % Real Not Real Duplicate Overall Real % 100.0% 100.0% 80.0% 80.0% 60.0% 60.0% 40.0% 40.0% 20.0% 20.0% 0.0% 0.0% 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ 0 1 2 3 4 6 5 (White) (Black) (Native (Asian (Other) (Decline (Hispanic) American) & Pacific to answer) Islander) Figure 3: TrueSample pass-through rates by age (left) and race (right) indicate that 18-24- year-olds and Hispanics fail identity validation more frequently than other segments. A TrueSample White Paper
  • 8. Online Research Quality: The Next Frontier The interrelationships between these three issues are complex, and quantification of the impact on market research quality—individually or collectively—remains incomplete. However, it is clear that next-generation data solutions will need to evolve to address inconsistencies with sample representivity. Specifically, next-generation data quality solutions will require the following attributes:  New data sources for identify validation. To reduce the likelihood of falsely rejecting survey respondents who may be “real” but can’t be validated due to frequently changing addresses or a lack of offline identify information, data quality solutions must employ additional data sources for identify validation using attributes such as email addresses and social networking profile data. TrueSample has begun to use additional data sources to validate offline and online identities and to reduce over-rejection particularly in high-velocity demographics such as 18-24 year olds and Hispanics.  Balancing on panelist tenure and behavior. Data quality solutions such as TrueSample already allow users to evaluate the blend of panelists by their tenure and panel membership, and can allow users to filter by sample source to break out validation results for respondents from each individual sample source; however, additional advancements are needed. The next step toward mitigating the potential impact of “high-velocity” segments will be to provide sophisticated panelist behavior modeling so that sample can be proactively balanced on tenure, memberships, and survey taking frequency for consistent research results. The Questions Will Keep Coming. So Will the Answers. The latest wave of technological innovation presents exciting new opportunities for quantitative market research, but the industry needs better quality control mechanisms to fully exploit those opportunities. Questions and concerns about data quality will continue to evolve. No one can claim to have all the answers, but our goal is to ask the right questions and explore the right avenues as we continue to guide the industry in assuring the highest possible data quality. A TrueSample White Paper