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One Tree Hill Created by Mark Schwann And some other people I forgot PowerPoint presentation by: Monet J. The super team 7/1/09
Lucas Eugene Scott (sigh) Who you see before you is a crybaby, because he can NEVER move on. It just upsets me for him not to see Peyton as his love before and after. There’s no man-face Lindsey (jawbones), No slut Brooke Davis (yea, ur actually not ALL that), or no other woman, just Peyton. He is the son of Dan Scott, the kinda dad u wouldn’t want as ur father. “Yea, thanks a lot DAD, 4 not being in my life and killing my pretend daddy (Keith)!” He knows all the major girls: Haley, Peyton, Brooke, Rachel, Karen, etc. Chad Michael Murray, hill billy, shucking corn and peas, with one overall strap, sleeveless, string of wheat in his mouth, with a straw hat on his head, missing teeth, and blowing out of a XXX bottle! Ever time this guy came around, he would give people hope, something to believe in themselves, now whose doing that? I say it’s Jamie! He lost his mojo to a pretend 4 yr, who Celina says is actually eight in real life, and the sad part is (irrelevant, but funny) that Jake the one with the cute baby, he’s like the oldest, who would thought? Probably even older than that old soggy potato coach whitey. Go figure.
Peyton Elisabeth Sawyer Un-un, Peyton Sawyer, u look so FAKE, but cute at the same time. The “loner cheerleader” as she calls herself. “You’re always rescuing me.”Who cud I bee referring to? Oh that’s right, Lucas, he he had a brain, he’d know that Peyton and Lucas are forever! It sucks, but Peyton is really cool! I guess it is true, “Nice legs!” Hilary Burton. Some relationships includes: Nathan, Lucas, “Psycho Derek (fake photo-taking half brother freak) , ”Jake(father-daughter girl), Max (30 yr old record store guy also the creator and producer), John (major label guy), and etc. In her life “People always leave.” But I always wondered, what’s up with the red light? The tortured artist.
Nathan Scott Proud son of Nathan Scott, well used to be. Now he is a father of his own, with a lovely wife name Haley, and a beautiful son, Jamie. He was the number one all star player at Tree Hill High, once upon a time, but that shouldn’t discourage his dreams for playing in the NBA. He’s also hot-headed when it comes to people always talking, just to get him mad. He restored with his mother, but let Dan go cause of wat he did, I bet if it were the other way around, he would want a second chance. Grow up little Nathan. You handsome Hunk! Hahaha James Lafferty! His relationship includes: Old 80’s Peyton, drunk Brooke, tutor girl Haley, Taylor, psycho Nanny Carrie, and others.
Haley James Scott What’s up Gangsta mom? Why is your neck proportioned like you got a lot of pride, or ur all that and a bag of chips? She is a mother,                                                                                       musician, and a high school teacher! Wow, wat a role model, no wonder she is close with both Lucas and Nathan! But no one saying that she is a saint or perfect, her marriage cracks from time to times, but she is very supportive! Bethany Joy Lenz/Gaeolotti or however u smell her last name! Her relationships includes: best friend Lucas, big daddy Nate, little man Jimmie jam, third   and annoying person Chris Keller, harassing  student Quentin, old friend skills, and etc.
Brooke Penelope Davis Ewwww, wat a dirty name. It sounds so stank, like Dan’s sweaty old, smelly, dirty gym socks or pants, or maybe even underwear. But the point is, it jus sounds so stank, don’tchu think? But she’s learning. I wonder wat she and Lucas thought off set to get married for? And it only lasted a year! Some of her clothes looks nice, others look inappropriate. “What’s  underneath the clothes Brook Davis?” Her skin, maybe, and why does Jamie need to repeat it? Just how awful, I wonder how he sleeps at night, thinking that? Let’s see if I remember some of the guy’s name she had relations with: Mouth, Chase (clean teen), Owen (the hot bartender), Mr. Chavez, Felix, Lucas, Nathan, and etc. She got to adopt a girl for a week, and is the creator of Clothes over Bros.
Jamie Scott Awl, isn’t he just adorable! He is the proud child of Nathan and Hailey Scott. He came up with a crazy game plan for the tree hill ravens, isn’t he smart? He has a cute bunny name Chester, he believes that Dan deserves a friend, and I agree with him, he drew up a card for grandpa Dan, I think he will be spoiled by all these adults later down in life. SO he has a lot of role models though, some good (his parents, skills, and Dan) and some bad (Brooke, nanny Carrie, grandma deb, etc).Remember Jamie never be afraid! You guys need to pay more attention to Jamie, he’s sweet and caring, I think he sets an example on the tree hill residents, or where ever he goes, he’ll be an influence!
Dan Scott Geeeeeh day Dan, why do you look all buff, are you trying to prove that you can be invincible against time? Tsk, tsk, tsk, we all become old some stop trying to stop time. Doesn’t he look like he took this picture for his new novel, or his first novel that wasn’t on the top 50 must read “My life before and after Basketball” a book on a man reminiscing the past, a man scared to move forward, a man in the fantasy, a murder, trying to restore broken hearts, the truth about Keith Scott, my former love Karen, my pop pilling ex wife deb, my two sons, my dealership, Dan as mayor, my great grandson who showed me we all have friends, my high school life, prison, and the many chapters of that great book. Oh did I mention he talks about tree hill too! No I didn’t, but now I am.
Dan Scott cont. This guy, Paul Johansson, the way he speaks is so funny and most of all sarcastic! Here are some classic quotes from Dan: “Don’t worry Lucas, your secrets’ safe with me,”  “Save a slow dance for me, Miss Davis,” “Nice work Jules, just like we’ve planned,” “Keith’s dead, He’s not coming back, open your eyes,” “You’re making a terrible mistake,” “So patty, what time do you get off,” “Hey remember our secret. Hey kid. You see that little boy? You mess with him, you answer to me, you hear me? All right, pass that around,” (like, who’s going to pass that around, who does he think he is?) “Wow, Deb you look awful. I just want to wish my grandson a happy birthday. Who’s this clown? Good luck Dan! Oh next time you try to help someone, watch where you are GOING!!
Keith Scott A hard working man, who always got picked on by his younger, and jealous brother that  the spirit of hatred took over and killed Keith, not Dan. But used Dan to do his bidding. Now thanks to hatred and jealous , they turned the people whom Dan cared about against him and to reject and deny his existence, leaving him depressed, angry, and maybe even hope. See kids, we learn a valuable lesson One tree hill. That it's not all fun and games, but based on real life issues and situations. Keith is cute! Boozy was Dan's nickname for him.  Too bad he got shot for his hot looks and big heart.  Oh yeah on the gag reel when Keith was a water ghost zombie, it was funny, oh and the part where Dan was in a wheel chair falling into the pool. What’s with Keith wearing these washboard jeans and short denim tops, I bet he sports Levi jeans. Keith I want you to know and all your tree hill pals that they love you (Karen and Lucas), and that you are greatly missed.
Marvin “Mouth” McFadden You know this guy is AWESOME and geeky at the same time. He had his share of limelight, and women too. I didn’t know this geeky white guy could break down, well he sure showed me, cuz he can shake that healthy booty of his, not as if I was watching anyway. It happened on dare night, he doesn’t like the new guys always stealing his shine, Felix, “psycho Derek,” and etc. He had some great girls consisting of: Gigi(weird, she asked Marvin and broke up with him as if she didn’t care, nutten but another floozy), then Erica Marsh (political girl, wat was she thinking), Shelly the clean teen girl, Rachel,( a whole other story, but similar to Brooke's), and now Millie Millicent Huxtable, she’s adorable, oh and that cougar of a boss he slept with, I guess you can say, Marvin’s- I mean Mouth got mad skills, speaking of skills, oh and mouth loves sports announcing.
Antwon “Skills” Taylor MM, mm, mm. What is this handsome black guy doing on a show to promote white people? He went with Bevin (slow, yet funny, and also smart, no wonder her and Tim hooked up), and now Deb? Of all people, wait till big daddy Nate hears of this, close ur eyes Jamie, this will be TV 14, no actually TV UCDYM (stands for ugly cougars dating younger men). I guess Deb wanted her cake and ate it too, wat, Bucko wasn’t enough for ya? At first I thought his nickname was skittles instead of skills, guess he’s name for a reason. I wonder how Dan feels about this? Enn, who cares.
Deborah Scott Dan: “Wow, Deb you look awful.” Pill popping deb, poor deb was used and abused by bid daddy Dan who will make ur life all better, NOT! How many times did Deb go to rehab? It was a shame Dan told the truth about his relationship with her, now dat was cold. I think her and Victoria she hook up. Deb sounds so stank like sleeping in rank clothes on a rank bed, with rank sheets, and she’s  old, and takes anti depressants, and acts like a cougar in the nightlife, and dates younger, hotter guys behind Dan's big, busily back, but I seriously think that her and Vickie shud get together and beat up Dan, well I think Victoria wud be a wonderful candidate for Dan anyway. And Deb, u are one nasty old white woman. And desperate at that, I mean who hides a gun in a cookie jar, what happened to the cookies? What kind of cookies used to be in there? What if Jamie got in there? Why was there a lot of booze hidden? Poor deb, and on a web cam with skillz who’s next, Fergie and Junk?
Karen Scott or Andy's last name The only perfectly sane character. Who would know that “Sharon” would marry “Randy.” In case you are wondering, those were the nicknames of Andy and Karen, that Dan of course interrupted “Randy’s” class for being Dan to announce their hidden relationship to the class. Well they are raising little Lily, Keith would be so proud, he has a daughter! Oh wat was Andy’s last name anyway?
The women of the Scott brothers Presenting the one and only………BROOOKE Davis (coughs, wheezes, hags), next The mother of one child, Haley Scott, and lastly the tortured artist, PEYTON SAWYER, ok seriously folks, wat’s up with the cut off heads here?
And now the Tree Hill Cast (excluding Jamie because it’s funny, u’ll get it trust me)
And now enjoy these lovely picture segments! THE HALEY J. SCOTT SHOW
Marvin the psycho geek Ehehehehehehehehehhehahahahhahahahhahahhaahahhahhehehehehehheehehehehehhhh I’M EVIL! MUAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA
Daniel Scott back in the day Hey sweet thang, remember me? Or if you are a dude, Hey pal get lost!
Sad Nathan Just look at those gorgeous eyes of his, cheer up buddy, parenthood isn’t always easy, that’s why u got Hales and jimmy jam right? Hey remember the song from HSM 2 We work this out, good song by the way.
Cute couple But the real question is, when did this happen? They look nice together!
Okay Marvin…stop smiling at me Boy it’s summer break, do u NOT know the meaning of summer break, I’ll give u a clue. Ever seen the movie High School Musical Two, they refined summer break, their first song in the movie was What time is it? Yeah, I’ll lend u the mp3, oh and another thing, YOU SUCK JUST LIKE LUCAS!
Ok, who are you mad at? Cuz I didn’t do anything to upset you, matter fact, I know I didn’t so you can’t stop mean mugging or put up ur dukes it's up to you. Touch, me and “I’ll shoot you and said you fell in the kitchen!”- rush hour 2 Chris Tucker as Carter
Dan why u look so greasy Up close u look old, u are so not young, look at that vibrant shirt of yours, yuck, do u think stripes are in? cuzur hanging around the wrong crowd.
Haley’s  talk show She’s the one to come to when it comes to advice, that’s why she has her own talk show. The Haley J. Scott Show, weekdays @ 4- 4:30 pm only on the CW, and reruns on the show on weekends to catch up @ 1-1:30 pm. You’ll be up to date, catch gossip, acting silly, fab prizes and more! (fictional show that will never air, just imaging ideas, don’t take it personal).
The brucas show It’s all about Brooke Davis and Lucas Scott, one day they met and couldn’t forget each other so they started dating like any typical teen, but their love grew so strong they became obsessed and now they have a show by themselves that’s all about them called The Brucas Show, to beat out the competition, the Haley J. Scott show. Brucas is the combination of Brooke and Lucas, duh! Everyday on the CW from 2- 4:30 pm.
Gosh mouth ur so annoying Yeah, thanks to him, I barely have anymore good photos, seems to me he’s just taking up more space! Mouth ur not nice, UR AN EVIL GUY! It’s not cool man, share the spotlight, give some one else a chance, you evil boy!
Hello, you have reached… Dan Scott, IS NOT AVAILABLE! Okay dimwits listen up, because I only have six months to live and nobody cares about me, so if I were you I’d grab a pencil and paper because I said so. Remember, Dan Scott is a name you can trust, oh and by the way, I KILLED KEITH! Ha-ha. Please leave ur name, phone number, home address, business address, license number, social security number, credit car accounts, prescriptions, prison cell number, work number,whitey’s number,
Dan’s voicemail  demand conts. home address, randy’s boat number, Nathan's  home number, Keith's license plate, deb’s underwear sizes, patty’s bed sheets, bucko’s whereabouts (that stupid clown, how dare he), Haley's class number, my old locker, Chester's cage combination, Lindsey's bra size, Peyton's tight pants, Victoria's secret, luca’sheart pills, lily’s hairdresser, Keith's washboard washable jeans, jule’s lingerie, deb’s prescription pills, Nathan's sex tapes, Peyton sawyer diaries (hey I don’t have a diary),
Dan’s voicemail demands conts. Keith’s old underwear, Keith’s old socks, Deb’s dirty old bras, luca’s sweat at the state championship, that baby of Brooke's, I need her uh drool,yea sweet ole baby drool, and that fat rabbit Chester, I need a carrot he bit off of, Jamie, I need ur cape, but make sure you add fresh tears, oh and Lindsey, nice hair, I’ll need a strand of that along with ur personal info, Jules, baby I haven’t heard from you since the wedding, you member, member? That’s right who could forget? Oh, Karen, I need a dirty apron you used while you worked at ur little café, and those little chocolate brownies, oh they are a delicacy. Brooke, can I have ALL and I repeat ALL of ur dirty underwear and bras? Thank u, ur so kind. Hey Haley, is there any chance I could have any of Jamie's old toy’s, preferably the ones with the McDonalds French fry smell. (sigh) Gosh, I’m gonna miss smelling his dirty old diaper smell. “Well, I guess that’s all. Don’t deny a dying man his last wish”. “Okay, well, I better get going before I start looking pervy.” Just remember to do what I ask and everything will be fine, or else I will HAUNT TREE FOR ALL ETERNITY UNTIL I GET EVERYTHING I REQUESTED, NO QUESTIONS ASKED!	  And have a great night everyone, see you all soon in ur nightmares, becuz of what u all did to me, and don’t try to pretend you didn’t know me because the truth is you all do. Goodbye! Oh and one more thing, THE TREE HILLRAVENS SUCK, and MOUTH I CAUGHT U DIGGING THE OTHER NIGHT, don’t worry ur secret safe with me . Noone will ever here of this recording. Oh Principal Turner I need ur beard shavings and the razors used to cut it with.

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One Tree Hill2

  • 1. One Tree Hill Created by Mark Schwann And some other people I forgot PowerPoint presentation by: Monet J. The super team 7/1/09
  • 2. Lucas Eugene Scott (sigh) Who you see before you is a crybaby, because he can NEVER move on. It just upsets me for him not to see Peyton as his love before and after. There’s no man-face Lindsey (jawbones), No slut Brooke Davis (yea, ur actually not ALL that), or no other woman, just Peyton. He is the son of Dan Scott, the kinda dad u wouldn’t want as ur father. “Yea, thanks a lot DAD, 4 not being in my life and killing my pretend daddy (Keith)!” He knows all the major girls: Haley, Peyton, Brooke, Rachel, Karen, etc. Chad Michael Murray, hill billy, shucking corn and peas, with one overall strap, sleeveless, string of wheat in his mouth, with a straw hat on his head, missing teeth, and blowing out of a XXX bottle! Ever time this guy came around, he would give people hope, something to believe in themselves, now whose doing that? I say it’s Jamie! He lost his mojo to a pretend 4 yr, who Celina says is actually eight in real life, and the sad part is (irrelevant, but funny) that Jake the one with the cute baby, he’s like the oldest, who would thought? Probably even older than that old soggy potato coach whitey. Go figure.
  • 3. Peyton Elisabeth Sawyer Un-un, Peyton Sawyer, u look so FAKE, but cute at the same time. The “loner cheerleader” as she calls herself. “You’re always rescuing me.”Who cud I bee referring to? Oh that’s right, Lucas, he he had a brain, he’d know that Peyton and Lucas are forever! It sucks, but Peyton is really cool! I guess it is true, “Nice legs!” Hilary Burton. Some relationships includes: Nathan, Lucas, “Psycho Derek (fake photo-taking half brother freak) , ”Jake(father-daughter girl), Max (30 yr old record store guy also the creator and producer), John (major label guy), and etc. In her life “People always leave.” But I always wondered, what’s up with the red light? The tortured artist.
  • 4. Nathan Scott Proud son of Nathan Scott, well used to be. Now he is a father of his own, with a lovely wife name Haley, and a beautiful son, Jamie. He was the number one all star player at Tree Hill High, once upon a time, but that shouldn’t discourage his dreams for playing in the NBA. He’s also hot-headed when it comes to people always talking, just to get him mad. He restored with his mother, but let Dan go cause of wat he did, I bet if it were the other way around, he would want a second chance. Grow up little Nathan. You handsome Hunk! Hahaha James Lafferty! His relationship includes: Old 80’s Peyton, drunk Brooke, tutor girl Haley, Taylor, psycho Nanny Carrie, and others.
  • 5. Haley James Scott What’s up Gangsta mom? Why is your neck proportioned like you got a lot of pride, or ur all that and a bag of chips? She is a mother, musician, and a high school teacher! Wow, wat a role model, no wonder she is close with both Lucas and Nathan! But no one saying that she is a saint or perfect, her marriage cracks from time to times, but she is very supportive! Bethany Joy Lenz/Gaeolotti or however u smell her last name! Her relationships includes: best friend Lucas, big daddy Nate, little man Jimmie jam, third and annoying person Chris Keller, harassing student Quentin, old friend skills, and etc.
  • 6. Brooke Penelope Davis Ewwww, wat a dirty name. It sounds so stank, like Dan’s sweaty old, smelly, dirty gym socks or pants, or maybe even underwear. But the point is, it jus sounds so stank, don’tchu think? But she’s learning. I wonder wat she and Lucas thought off set to get married for? And it only lasted a year! Some of her clothes looks nice, others look inappropriate. “What’s underneath the clothes Brook Davis?” Her skin, maybe, and why does Jamie need to repeat it? Just how awful, I wonder how he sleeps at night, thinking that? Let’s see if I remember some of the guy’s name she had relations with: Mouth, Chase (clean teen), Owen (the hot bartender), Mr. Chavez, Felix, Lucas, Nathan, and etc. She got to adopt a girl for a week, and is the creator of Clothes over Bros.
  • 7. Jamie Scott Awl, isn’t he just adorable! He is the proud child of Nathan and Hailey Scott. He came up with a crazy game plan for the tree hill ravens, isn’t he smart? He has a cute bunny name Chester, he believes that Dan deserves a friend, and I agree with him, he drew up a card for grandpa Dan, I think he will be spoiled by all these adults later down in life. SO he has a lot of role models though, some good (his parents, skills, and Dan) and some bad (Brooke, nanny Carrie, grandma deb, etc).Remember Jamie never be afraid! You guys need to pay more attention to Jamie, he’s sweet and caring, I think he sets an example on the tree hill residents, or where ever he goes, he’ll be an influence!
  • 8. Dan Scott Geeeeeh day Dan, why do you look all buff, are you trying to prove that you can be invincible against time? Tsk, tsk, tsk, we all become old some stop trying to stop time. Doesn’t he look like he took this picture for his new novel, or his first novel that wasn’t on the top 50 must read “My life before and after Basketball” a book on a man reminiscing the past, a man scared to move forward, a man in the fantasy, a murder, trying to restore broken hearts, the truth about Keith Scott, my former love Karen, my pop pilling ex wife deb, my two sons, my dealership, Dan as mayor, my great grandson who showed me we all have friends, my high school life, prison, and the many chapters of that great book. Oh did I mention he talks about tree hill too! No I didn’t, but now I am.
  • 9. Dan Scott cont. This guy, Paul Johansson, the way he speaks is so funny and most of all sarcastic! Here are some classic quotes from Dan: “Don’t worry Lucas, your secrets’ safe with me,” “Save a slow dance for me, Miss Davis,” “Nice work Jules, just like we’ve planned,” “Keith’s dead, He’s not coming back, open your eyes,” “You’re making a terrible mistake,” “So patty, what time do you get off,” “Hey remember our secret. Hey kid. You see that little boy? You mess with him, you answer to me, you hear me? All right, pass that around,” (like, who’s going to pass that around, who does he think he is?) “Wow, Deb you look awful. I just want to wish my grandson a happy birthday. Who’s this clown? Good luck Dan! Oh next time you try to help someone, watch where you are GOING!!
  • 10. Keith Scott A hard working man, who always got picked on by his younger, and jealous brother that the spirit of hatred took over and killed Keith, not Dan. But used Dan to do his bidding. Now thanks to hatred and jealous , they turned the people whom Dan cared about against him and to reject and deny his existence, leaving him depressed, angry, and maybe even hope. See kids, we learn a valuable lesson One tree hill. That it's not all fun and games, but based on real life issues and situations. Keith is cute! Boozy was Dan's nickname for him. Too bad he got shot for his hot looks and big heart. Oh yeah on the gag reel when Keith was a water ghost zombie, it was funny, oh and the part where Dan was in a wheel chair falling into the pool. What’s with Keith wearing these washboard jeans and short denim tops, I bet he sports Levi jeans. Keith I want you to know and all your tree hill pals that they love you (Karen and Lucas), and that you are greatly missed.
  • 11. Marvin “Mouth” McFadden You know this guy is AWESOME and geeky at the same time. He had his share of limelight, and women too. I didn’t know this geeky white guy could break down, well he sure showed me, cuz he can shake that healthy booty of his, not as if I was watching anyway. It happened on dare night, he doesn’t like the new guys always stealing his shine, Felix, “psycho Derek,” and etc. He had some great girls consisting of: Gigi(weird, she asked Marvin and broke up with him as if she didn’t care, nutten but another floozy), then Erica Marsh (political girl, wat was she thinking), Shelly the clean teen girl, Rachel,( a whole other story, but similar to Brooke's), and now Millie Millicent Huxtable, she’s adorable, oh and that cougar of a boss he slept with, I guess you can say, Marvin’s- I mean Mouth got mad skills, speaking of skills, oh and mouth loves sports announcing.
  • 12. Antwon “Skills” Taylor MM, mm, mm. What is this handsome black guy doing on a show to promote white people? He went with Bevin (slow, yet funny, and also smart, no wonder her and Tim hooked up), and now Deb? Of all people, wait till big daddy Nate hears of this, close ur eyes Jamie, this will be TV 14, no actually TV UCDYM (stands for ugly cougars dating younger men). I guess Deb wanted her cake and ate it too, wat, Bucko wasn’t enough for ya? At first I thought his nickname was skittles instead of skills, guess he’s name for a reason. I wonder how Dan feels about this? Enn, who cares.
  • 13. Deborah Scott Dan: “Wow, Deb you look awful.” Pill popping deb, poor deb was used and abused by bid daddy Dan who will make ur life all better, NOT! How many times did Deb go to rehab? It was a shame Dan told the truth about his relationship with her, now dat was cold. I think her and Victoria she hook up. Deb sounds so stank like sleeping in rank clothes on a rank bed, with rank sheets, and she’s old, and takes anti depressants, and acts like a cougar in the nightlife, and dates younger, hotter guys behind Dan's big, busily back, but I seriously think that her and Vickie shud get together and beat up Dan, well I think Victoria wud be a wonderful candidate for Dan anyway. And Deb, u are one nasty old white woman. And desperate at that, I mean who hides a gun in a cookie jar, what happened to the cookies? What kind of cookies used to be in there? What if Jamie got in there? Why was there a lot of booze hidden? Poor deb, and on a web cam with skillz who’s next, Fergie and Junk?
  • 14. Karen Scott or Andy's last name The only perfectly sane character. Who would know that “Sharon” would marry “Randy.” In case you are wondering, those were the nicknames of Andy and Karen, that Dan of course interrupted “Randy’s” class for being Dan to announce their hidden relationship to the class. Well they are raising little Lily, Keith would be so proud, he has a daughter! Oh wat was Andy’s last name anyway?
  • 15. The women of the Scott brothers Presenting the one and only………BROOOKE Davis (coughs, wheezes, hags), next The mother of one child, Haley Scott, and lastly the tortured artist, PEYTON SAWYER, ok seriously folks, wat’s up with the cut off heads here?
  • 16. And now the Tree Hill Cast (excluding Jamie because it’s funny, u’ll get it trust me)
  • 17. And now enjoy these lovely picture segments! THE HALEY J. SCOTT SHOW
  • 18. Marvin the psycho geek Ehehehehehehehehehhehahahahhahahahhahahhaahahhahhehehehehehheehehehehehhhh I’M EVIL! MUAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA
  • 19. Daniel Scott back in the day Hey sweet thang, remember me? Or if you are a dude, Hey pal get lost!
  • 20. Sad Nathan Just look at those gorgeous eyes of his, cheer up buddy, parenthood isn’t always easy, that’s why u got Hales and jimmy jam right? Hey remember the song from HSM 2 We work this out, good song by the way.
  • 21. Cute couple But the real question is, when did this happen? They look nice together!
  • 22. Okay Marvin…stop smiling at me Boy it’s summer break, do u NOT know the meaning of summer break, I’ll give u a clue. Ever seen the movie High School Musical Two, they refined summer break, their first song in the movie was What time is it? Yeah, I’ll lend u the mp3, oh and another thing, YOU SUCK JUST LIKE LUCAS!
  • 23. Ok, who are you mad at? Cuz I didn’t do anything to upset you, matter fact, I know I didn’t so you can’t stop mean mugging or put up ur dukes it's up to you. Touch, me and “I’ll shoot you and said you fell in the kitchen!”- rush hour 2 Chris Tucker as Carter
  • 24. Dan why u look so greasy Up close u look old, u are so not young, look at that vibrant shirt of yours, yuck, do u think stripes are in? cuzur hanging around the wrong crowd.
  • 25. Haley’s talk show She’s the one to come to when it comes to advice, that’s why she has her own talk show. The Haley J. Scott Show, weekdays @ 4- 4:30 pm only on the CW, and reruns on the show on weekends to catch up @ 1-1:30 pm. You’ll be up to date, catch gossip, acting silly, fab prizes and more! (fictional show that will never air, just imaging ideas, don’t take it personal).
  • 26. The brucas show It’s all about Brooke Davis and Lucas Scott, one day they met and couldn’t forget each other so they started dating like any typical teen, but their love grew so strong they became obsessed and now they have a show by themselves that’s all about them called The Brucas Show, to beat out the competition, the Haley J. Scott show. Brucas is the combination of Brooke and Lucas, duh! Everyday on the CW from 2- 4:30 pm.
  • 27. Gosh mouth ur so annoying Yeah, thanks to him, I barely have anymore good photos, seems to me he’s just taking up more space! Mouth ur not nice, UR AN EVIL GUY! It’s not cool man, share the spotlight, give some one else a chance, you evil boy!
  • 28. Hello, you have reached… Dan Scott, IS NOT AVAILABLE! Okay dimwits listen up, because I only have six months to live and nobody cares about me, so if I were you I’d grab a pencil and paper because I said so. Remember, Dan Scott is a name you can trust, oh and by the way, I KILLED KEITH! Ha-ha. Please leave ur name, phone number, home address, business address, license number, social security number, credit car accounts, prescriptions, prison cell number, work number,whitey’s number,
  • 29. Dan’s voicemail demand conts. home address, randy’s boat number, Nathan's home number, Keith's license plate, deb’s underwear sizes, patty’s bed sheets, bucko’s whereabouts (that stupid clown, how dare he), Haley's class number, my old locker, Chester's cage combination, Lindsey's bra size, Peyton's tight pants, Victoria's secret, luca’sheart pills, lily’s hairdresser, Keith's washboard washable jeans, jule’s lingerie, deb’s prescription pills, Nathan's sex tapes, Peyton sawyer diaries (hey I don’t have a diary),
  • 30. Dan’s voicemail demands conts. Keith’s old underwear, Keith’s old socks, Deb’s dirty old bras, luca’s sweat at the state championship, that baby of Brooke's, I need her uh drool,yea sweet ole baby drool, and that fat rabbit Chester, I need a carrot he bit off of, Jamie, I need ur cape, but make sure you add fresh tears, oh and Lindsey, nice hair, I’ll need a strand of that along with ur personal info, Jules, baby I haven’t heard from you since the wedding, you member, member? That’s right who could forget? Oh, Karen, I need a dirty apron you used while you worked at ur little café, and those little chocolate brownies, oh they are a delicacy. Brooke, can I have ALL and I repeat ALL of ur dirty underwear and bras? Thank u, ur so kind. Hey Haley, is there any chance I could have any of Jamie's old toy’s, preferably the ones with the McDonalds French fry smell. (sigh) Gosh, I’m gonna miss smelling his dirty old diaper smell. “Well, I guess that’s all. Don’t deny a dying man his last wish”. “Okay, well, I better get going before I start looking pervy.” Just remember to do what I ask and everything will be fine, or else I will HAUNT TREE FOR ALL ETERNITY UNTIL I GET EVERYTHING I REQUESTED, NO QUESTIONS ASKED! And have a great night everyone, see you all soon in ur nightmares, becuz of what u all did to me, and don’t try to pretend you didn’t know me because the truth is you all do. Goodbye! Oh and one more thing, THE TREE HILLRAVENS SUCK, and MOUTH I CAUGHT U DIGGING THE OTHER NIGHT, don’t worry ur secret safe with me . Noone will ever here of this recording. Oh Principal Turner I need ur beard shavings and the razors used to cut it with.