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Stories, that persuade with data:
      On the research paper,
    and the knowledge within

  Anita de Waard,
Disruptive Technologies Director, Elsevier Labs
Scientific papers are stories, that persuade with data.
The Story of Goldilocks and              Story        Part        Paper              The AXH Domain of Ataxin-1 Mediates
the Three Bears                                                                      Neurodegeneration through Its Interaction with Gfi-1/
                                                                                     Senseless Proteins
Once upon a time                         Time         Setting     Background         The mechanisms mediating SCA1 pathogenesis are still not fully
                                                                                     understood, but some general principles have emerged.
a little girl named Goldilocks           Characters               Objects of study   the Drosophila Atx-1 homolog (dAtx-1) which lacks a polyQ tract,

She went for a walk in the forest.       Location                 Experimental       studied and compared in vivo effects and interactions to those of the
Pretty soon, she came upon a house.                               setup              human protein

She knocked and, when no one             Goal         Theme       Research           Gain insight into how Atx-1's function contributes to SCA1
answered,                                                         goal               pathogenesis. How these interactions might contribute to the disease
                                                                                     process and how they might cause toxicity in only a subset of neurons in
she walked right in.                     Attempt                  Hypothesis         SCA1 may play a role in the regulation of gene expression
                                                                                     Atx-1 is not fully understood.

At the table in the kitchen, there       Name         Episode 1   Name               dAtX-1 and hAtx-1 Induce Similar Phenotypes When Overexpressed in
were three bowls of porridge.                                                        Files
Goldilocks was hungry.                   Subgoal                  Subgoal            test the function of the AXH domain
She tasted the porridge from the         Attempt                  Method             overexpressed dAtx-1 in flies using the GAL4/UAS system (Brand and
first bowl.                                                                           Perrimon, 1993) and compared its effects to those of hAtx-1.
This porridge is too hot! she            Outcome                  Results            Overexpression of dAtx-1 by Rhodopsin1(Rh1)-GAL4, which drives
exclaimed.                                                                           expression in the differentiated R1-R6 photoreceptor cells (Mollereau et
                                                                                     al., 2000 and O'Tousa et al., 1985), results in neurodegeneration in the
                                                                                     eye, as does overexpression of hAtx-1[82Q]. Although at 2 days after
                                                                                     eclosion, overexpression of either Atx-1 does not show obvious
So, she tasted the porridge from the     Activity                 Data               (data not shown),
                                                                                     morphological changes in the photoreceptor cells
second bowl.
This porridge is too cold, she said      Outcome                  Results            both genotypes show many large holes and loss of cell integrity at 28
So, she tasted the last bowl of          Activity                 Data               (Figures 1B-1D).
Ahhh, this porridge is just right, she   Outcome                  Results            Overexpression of dAtx-1 using the GMR-GAL4 driver also induces eye
said happily and                                                                     abnormalities. The external structures of the eyes that overexpress
she ate it all up.                       Outcome                  Data               dAtx-1 1F), disorganized ommatidia and loss of interommatidial bristles
                                                                                     (Figure show
Scientific papers are stories, that persuade with data.
The Story of Goldilocks and              Story        Part        Paper              The AXH Domain of Ataxin-1 Mediates
the Three Bears                                                                      Neurodegeneration through Its Interaction with Gfi-1/
                                                                                     Senseless Proteins
Once upon a time                         Time         Setting     Background         The mechanisms mediating SCA1 pathogenesis are still not fully
                                                                                     understood, but some general principles have emerged.
a little girl named Goldilocks           Characters               Objects of study   the Drosophila Atx-1 homolog (dAtx-1) which lacks a polyQ tract,

She went for a walk in the forest.       Location                 Experimental       studied and compared in vivo effects and interactions to those of the
Pretty soon, she came upon a house.                               setup              human protein

She knocked and, when no one             Goal         Theme       Research           Gain insight into how Atx-1's function contributes to SCA1
answered,                                                         goal               pathogenesis. How these interactions might contribute to the disease
                                                                                     process and how they might cause toxicity in only a subset of neurons in
she walked right in.                     Attempt                  Hypothesis         SCA1 may play a role in the regulation of gene expression
                                                                                     Atx-1 is not fully understood.

At the table in the kitchen, there       Name         Episode 1   Name               dAtX-1 and hAtx-1 Induce Similar Phenotypes When Overexpressed in
were three bowls of porridge.                                                        Files
Goldilocks was hungry.                   Subgoal                  Subgoal            test the function of the AXH domain
She tasted the porridge from the         Attempt                  Method             overexpressed dAtx-1 in flies using the GAL4/UAS system (Brand and
first bowl.                                                                           Perrimon, 1993) and compared its effects to those of hAtx-1.
This porridge is too hot! she            Outcome                  Results            Overexpression of dAtx-1 by Rhodopsin1(Rh1)-GAL4, which drives
exclaimed.                                                                           expression in the differentiated R1-R6 photoreceptor cells (Mollereau et
                                                                                     al., 2000 and O'Tousa et al., 1985), results in neurodegeneration in the
                                                                                     eye, as does overexpression of hAtx-1[82Q]. Although at 2 days after
                                                                                     eclosion, overexpression of either Atx-1 does not show obvious
So, she tasted the porridge from the     Activity                 Data               (data not shown),
                                                                                     morphological changes in the photoreceptor cells
second bowl.
This porridge is too cold, she said      Outcome                  Results            both genotypes show many large holes and loss of cell integrity at 28
So, she tasted the last bowl of          Activity                 Data               (Figures 1B-1D).
Ahhh, this porridge is just right, she   Outcome                  Results            Overexpression of dAtx-1 using the GMR-GAL4 driver also induces eye
said happily and                                                                     abnormalities. The external structures of the eyes that overexpress
she ate it all up.                       Outcome                  Data               dAtx-1 1F), disorganized ommatidia and loss of interommatidial bristles
                                                                                     (Figure show
Story grammar of fairytales:
Story grammar of fairytales:

According to Propp, main characters (or dramatis personae)
that are occuring in a fairy tale may be the following:
1. Hero: a character that seeks something;
2. Villain: opposes or actively blocks the heroʼs quest;
3. Donor: provides the hero with an object of magical
4. Dispatcher: sends the hero on his/her quest via a message;
5. False Hero: disrupts the heroʼs success by making false
6. Helper: aids the hero;
7. Princess: acts as the reward for the hero and the object of
the villainʼs plots;
8. Her Father: acts to reward the hero for his effort.
Story grammar of fairytales:
                                                                 F. Peinado, P. Gervas, and B. Diaz-Agudo, ʻA
                                                                 description logic ontology for fairy tale
                                                                 generationʼ, in Procs LREC. ELRA, (5 2004)

According to Propp, main characters (or dramatis personae)
that are occuring in a fairy tale may be the following:
1. Hero: a character that seeks something;
2. Villain: opposes or actively blocks the heroʼs quest;
3. Donor: provides the hero with an object of magical
4. Dispatcher: sends the hero on his/her quest via a message;
5. False Hero: disrupts the heroʼs success by making false
6. Helper: aids the hero;
7. Princess: acts as the reward for the hero and the object of
the villainʼs plots;
8. Her Father: acts to reward the hero for his effort.
Story grammar of fairytales:
                                                                 F. Peinado, P. Gervas, and B. Diaz-Agudo, ʻA
                                                                 description logic ontology for fairy tale
                                                                 generationʼ, in Procs LREC. ELRA, (5 2004)

According to Propp, main characters (or dramatis personae)
that are occuring in a fairy tale may be the following:
1. Hero: a character that seeks something;
2. Villain: opposes or actively blocks the heroʼs quest;
3. Donor: provides the hero with an object of magical
4. Dispatcher: sends the hero on his/her quest via a message;
5. False Hero: disrupts the heroʼs success by making false
6. Helper: aids the hero;
7. Princess: acts as the reward for the hero and the object of
the villainʼs plots;
8. Her Father: acts to reward the hero for his effort.
Story analysis of scientific text:
ORB vs. Medium-grained structure
Story analysis of scientific text:
     ORB vs. Medium-grained structure

See work at
Episode-level access through Linked Data standards:
Episode-level access through Linked Data standards:

<ce:section id=#123>
Episode-level access through Linked Data standards:

                       this says
<ce:section id=#123>               mice like cheese
Episode-level access through Linked Data standards:

                                    said @anita
                                   on April 5, 2011

                       this says
<ce:section id=#123>               mice like cheese
Episode-level access through Linked Data standards:

                                        but we all know
                                      she was deluded then

                                    said @anita
                                   on April 5, 2011

                       this says
<ce:section id=#123>               mice like cheese
Episode-level access through Linked Data standards:
the xml is fixed, but the structure is open!
                                                           but we all know
                                                         she was deluded then

                                                       said @anita
                                                      on April 5, 2011

                                          this says
  <ce:section id=#123>                                mice like cheese
Episode-level access through Linked Data standards:
the xml is fixed, but the structure is open!          allows for layers of annotation
                                                                but we all know
                                                              she was deluded then

                                                             said @anita
                                                            on April 5, 2011

                                          this says
  <ce:section id=#123>                                     mice like cheese
Satellite Format: LDR store for all our content
Satellites: Provenance
Information about an annotation:
  -Who   created it?,When? By what (version of a) tool?
  -Has it been reviewed? If so, when and by whom? Was it
  approved or rejected?
Use pav:createdOn and createdBy instead of dc:date and creator to reduce
<tag:TaggingAnnotation rdf:about="#anno-1">
   <tag:annotatesStatement rdf:resource="#stmt-1"/>
<pav:createdBy rdf:resource=

   <tag:status rdf:resource=

Satellites: Fragments
Use XPointer for XML documents, Media Fragments for image, video, audio.
XMLDocumentRegion, MediaRegion akin to Annotation Ontology Selectors
xpath1()* XPointer scheme so pointer can be dropped into any XPath engine and
get back the section being annotated.
Complex case – arbitrary string in document:
   rdf: about= "http://.../S0140-6736(95)90494-8#xpath-e(substring(id('sb-3')/p[2],15,6))">
 <dct:isPartOf rdf:resource="http://.../S0140-6736(95)90494-8"/>
 <rgn:prefixString>Testing of the </rgn:prefixString>
 <rgn:suffixString>indicated nothing</rgn:suffixString>
Scientific papers are stories,
                that persuade with data.

Both seminomas and the EC component of
nonseminomas share features with ES cells. To
exclude that the detection of miR-371-3 merely
reflects its expression pattern in ES cells, we tested
by RPA miR-302a-d, another ES cells-specific
miRNA cluster (Suh et al, 2004). In many of the
miR-371-3 expressing seminomas and
nonseminomas, miR-302a-d was undetectable (Figs
S7 and S8), suggesting that miR-371-3 expression
is a selective event during tumorigenesis.
Scientific papers are stories,
                 that persuade with data.

Both seminomas and the EC component of
 Both seminomas and the EC component of
nonseminomas share features with ES cells.
 nonseminomas share features with ES cells. To
exclude thatthat detection of miR-371-3 merely
 To exclude the
reflects its expression pattern in ES cells,reflects its
 the detection of miR-371-3 merely we tested
by RPA miR-302a-d, another ES cells-specific
 expression pattern in ES cells,
miRNA cluster RPA miR-302a-d, another ES cells-
 we tested by (Suh et al, 2004). In many of the
m i R - 3 7 miRNAx p r e s s(Suh et e m2004). a s a n d
 specific 1 - 3 e cluster i n g s al, i n o m
nonseminomas, miR-302a-d was undetectable (Figs
 In many of the miR-371-3 expressing seminomas
S7 and S8), suggesting that miR-371-3undetectable
 and nonseminomas, miR-302a-d was expression
is a selective event during tumorigenesis.
 (Figs S7 and S8),
 suggesting that
 miR-371-3 expression is a selective event during
Scientific papers are stories,
                 that persuade with data.

Both seminomas and the EC component of
 Both seminomas and the EC component of                    Fact
nonseminomas share features with ES cells.
 nonseminomas share features with ES cells. To
exclude thatthat detection of miR-371-3 merely
 To exclude the                                            Goal
reflects its expression pattern in ES cells,reflects its
 the detection of miR-371-3 merely we tested               Hypothesis
by RPA miR-302a-d, another ES cells-specific
 expression pattern in ES cells,
miRNA cluster RPA miR-302a-d, another ES cells-
 we tested by (Suh et al, 2004). In many of the
m i R - 3 7 miRNAx p r e s s(Suh et e m2004). a s a n d
 specific 1 - 3 e cluster i n g s al, i n o m              Method
nonseminomas, miR-302a-d was undetectable (Figs
 In many of the miR-371-3 expressing seminomas
S7 and S8), suggesting that miR-371-3undetectable
 and nonseminomas, miR-302a-d was expression               Result
is a selective event during tumorigenesis.
 (Figs S7 and S8),
 suggesting that                                           Reg-Implication
 miR-371-3 expression is a selective event during
Scientific papers are stories,
                 that persuade with data.
Both seminomas and the EC component of
 Both seminomas and the EC component of                              knowledge
nonseminomas share features with ES cells.
 nonseminomas share features with ES cells. To
exclude thatthat detection of miR-371-3 merely
 To exclude the                                            Goal
reflects its expression pattern in ES cells,reflects its
 the detection of miR-371-3 merely we tested               Hypothesis
by RPA miR-302a-d, another ES cells-specific
 expression pattern in ES cells,
miRNA cluster RPA miR-302a-d, another ES cells-
 we tested by (Suh et al, 2004). In many of the
m i R - 3 7 miRNAx p r e s s(Suh et e m2004). a s a n d
 specific 1 - 3 e cluster i n g s al, i n o m              Method
nonseminomas, miR-302a-d was undetectable (Figs
 In many of the miR-371-3 expressing seminomas
S7 and S8), suggesting that miR-371-3undetectable
 and nonseminomas, miR-302a-d was expression               Result
is a selective event during tumorigenesis.
 (Figs S7 and S8),
 suggesting that                                           Reg-Implication
 miR-371-3 expression is a selective event during
Scientific papers are stories,
                 that persuade with data.
Both seminomas and the EC component of
 Both seminomas and the EC component of                              knowledge
nonseminomas share features with ES cells.
 nonseminomas share features with ES cells. To
exclude thatthat detection of miR-371-3 merely
 To exclude the                                            Goal
reflects its expression pattern in ES cells,reflects its
 the detection of miR-371-3 merely we tested               Hypothesis
by RPA miR-302a-d, another ES cells-specific
 expression pattern in ES cells,
miRNA cluster RPA miR-302a-d, another ES cells-
 we tested by (Suh et al, 2004). In many of the
m i R - 3 7 miRNAx p r e s s(Suh et e m2004). a s a n d
 specific 1 - 3 e cluster i n g s al, i n o m              Method
nonseminomas, miR-302a-d was undetectable (Figs
 In many of the miR-371-3 expressing seminomas
S7 and S8), suggesting that miR-371-3undetectable
 and nonseminomas, miR-302a-d was expression               Result
is a selective event during tumorigenesis.
 (Figs S7 and S8),
 suggesting that                                           Reg-Implication
 miR-371-3 expression is a selective event during
Realms of persuasive experimental discourse:
Realms of persuasive experimental discourse:

(1) Both seminomas             (2) b. the detection of                  (3) c. miR-371-3
and the EC component           miR-371-3 merely                         expression is a
of nonseminomas share          reflects its expression                  selective event during
features with ES cells.        pattern in ES cells,                     tumorigenesis.

      (2) a. To exclude that                                            (3) b. suggesting that

            (2) c. we tested by RPA                  (3) a. In many of the miR-371-3
            miR-302a-d, another ES                   expressing seminomas and
            cells-specific miRNA cluster             nonseminomas, miR-302a-d was
            (Suh et al, 2004).                       undetectable (Figs S7 and S8),
Realms of persuasive experimental discourse:

                               Concepts, models, ‘facts’

(1) Both seminomas               (2) b. the detection of                  (3) c. miR-371-3
and the EC component             miR-371-3 merely                         expression is a
of nonseminomas share            reflects its expression                  selective event during
features with ES cells.          pattern in ES cells,                     tumorigenesis.

      (2) a. To exclude that                Transitions                   (3) b. suggesting that

            (2) c. we tested by RPA                    (3) a. In many of the miR-371-3
            miR-302a-d, another ES                     expressing seminomas and
            cells-specific miRNA cluster               nonseminomas, miR-302a-d was
            (Suh et al, 2004).                         undetectable (Figs S7 and S8),

Realms of persuasive experimental discourse:

                               Concepts, models, ‘facts’ ‘State’ present tense

(1) Both seminomas               (2) b. the detection of                  (3) c. miR-371-3
and the EC component             miR-371-3 merely                         expression is a
of nonseminomas share            reflects its expression                  selective event during
features with ES cells.          pattern in ES cells,                     tumorigenesis.

      (2) a. To exclude that                Transitions                   (3) b. suggesting that

            (2) c. we tested by RPA                    (3) a. In many of the miR-371-3
            miR-302a-d, another ES                     expressing seminomas and
            cells-specific miRNA cluster               nonseminomas, miR-302a-d was
            (Suh et al, 2004).                         undetectable (Figs S7 and S8),

                                         Experiment                ‘Narrative’ past tense
Fact creation through citations:

Voorhoeve et al, Cell, 2006:
To investigate the possibility that miR-372 and miR-373 suppress the
expression of LATS2, we...

Therefore, these results point to LATS2 as a mediator of the miR-372 and
miR-373 effects on cell proliferation and tumorigenicity,
Fact creation through citations:

Voorhoeve et al, Cell, 2006:
To investigate the possibility that miR-372 and miR-373 suppress the Hypothesis
expression of LATS2, we...

Therefore, these results point to LATS2 as a mediator of the miR-372 and
miR-373 effects on cell proliferation and tumorigenicity,
Fact creation through citations:

Voorhoeve et al, Cell, 2006:
To investigate the possibility that miR-372 and miR-373 suppress the Hypothesis
expression of LATS2, we...

Therefore, these results point to LATS2 as a mediator of the miR-372 and
miR-373 effects on cell proliferation and tumorigenicity,               Implication
Fact creation through citations:

Voorhoeve et al, Cell, 2006:
To investigate the possibility that miR-372 and miR-373 suppress the Hypothesis
expression of LATS2, we...

Therefore, these results point to LATS2 as a mediator of the miR-372 and
miR-373 effects on cell proliferation and tumorigenicity,               Implication

Raver-Shapira, JMolCell 2007
... two miRNAs, miRNA-372 and-373, function as potential novel oncogenes in
testicular germ cell tumors by inhibition of LATS2 expression, which suggests
that Lats2 is an important tumor suppressor (Voorhoeve et al., 2006).
Fact creation through citations:

Voorhoeve et al, Cell, 2006:
To investigate the possibility that miR-372 and miR-373 suppress the Hypothesis
expression of LATS2, we...

Therefore, these results point to LATS2 as a mediator of the miR-372 and
miR-373 effects on cell proliferation and tumorigenicity,               Implication

Raver-Shapira, JMolCell 2007                                     Cited Implication
... two miRNAs, miRNA-372 and-373, function as potential novel oncogenes in
testicular germ cell tumors by inhibition of LATS2 expression, which suggests
that Lats2 is an important tumor suppressor (Voorhoeve et al., 2006).
Fact creation through citations:

Voorhoeve et al, Cell, 2006:
To investigate the possibility that miR-372 and miR-373 suppress the Hypothesis
expression of LATS2, we...

Therefore, these results point to LATS2 as a mediator of the miR-372 and
miR-373 effects on cell proliferation and tumorigenicity,               Implication

Raver-Shapira, JMolCell 2007                                     Cited Implication
... two miRNAs, miRNA-372 and-373, function as potential novel oncogenes in
testicular germ cell tumors by inhibition of LATS2 expression, which suggests
that Lats2 is an important tumor suppressor (Voorhoeve et al., 2006).

Yabuta, JBioChem 2007:
miR-372 and miR-373 target the Lats2 tumor suppressor (Voorhoeve et al., 2006)
Fact creation through citations:

Voorhoeve et al, Cell, 2006:
To investigate the possibility that miR-372 and miR-373 suppress the Hypothesis
expression of LATS2, we...

Therefore, these results point to LATS2 as a mediator of the miR-372 and
miR-373 effects on cell proliferation and tumorigenicity,               Implication

Raver-Shapira, JMolCell 2007                                     Cited Implication
... two miRNAs, miRNA-372 and-373, function as potential novel oncogenes in
testicular germ cell tumors by inhibition of LATS2 expression, which suggests
that Lats2 is an important tumor suppressor (Voorhoeve et al., 2006).

Yabuta, JBioChem 2007:                                                             Fact
miR-372 and miR-373 target the Lats2 tumor suppressor (Voorhoeve et al., 2006)
“[Y]ou can transform a fact into fiction or a fiction into fact
    just by adding or subtracting references [and data]”
          – Bruno Latour, ‘Science in Action’,1987
“[Y]ou can transform a fact into fiction or a fiction into fact
    just by adding or subtracting references [and data]”
          – Bruno Latour, ‘Science in Action’,1987
The logical structure of a scientific claim
The logical structure of a scientific claim
-   A Proposition P is about entities, relations, events, actions…
The logical structure of a scientific claim
-   A Proposition P is about entities, relations, events, actions…
-   We define an Epistemic Evaluation of P to be EEs,v(P):
        -  S = Source = Holder, Basis:
            - Holder: Author (A), Referent (N), Nameless referent
            - Basis: Reasoning (R), Data (D), Unidentified (Ø)
        -  V = Value = Certainly, Emphasis:
            - Certainty: from 0 (uncertainty) to 3 (complete
            - Emphasis: Focus (F: +/-), Surprise (S, +,-)
The logical structure of a scientific claim
-   A Proposition P is about entities, relations, events, actions…
-   We define an Epistemic Evaluation of P to be EEs,v(P):
        -  S = Source = Holder, Basis:
            - Holder: Author (A), Referent (N), Nameless referent
            - Basis: Reasoning (R), Data (D), Unidentified (Ø)
        -  V = Value = Certainly, Emphasis:
            - Certainty: from 0 (uncertainty) to 3 (complete
            - Emphasis: Focus (F: +/-), Surprise (S, +,-)

-   Nested evaluations, e.g. “We question X’s suggestion that P” can
    be written as: EEA(EE’N(P)).
The logical structure of a scientific claim
-   A Proposition P is about entities, relations, events, actions…
-   We define an Epistemic Evaluation of P to be EEs,v(P):
        -  S = Source = Holder, Basis:
            - Holder: Author (A), Referent (N), Nameless referent
            - Basis: Reasoning (R), Data (D), Unidentified (Ø)
        -  V = Value = Certainly, Emphasis:
            - Certainty: from 0 (uncertainty) to 3 (complete
            - Emphasis: Focus (F: +/-), Surprise (S, +,-)

-   Nested evaluations, e.g. “We question X’s suggestion that P” can
    be written as: EEA(EE’N(P)).
-   If no explicit evaluation (“Water is wet”), of course, EE = Ø.
How is this rhetoric instantiated?
Rhetorical            Utterance {Proposition}                                   S=      V=
goal                                                                            H, B    C, E

Indicate lack of      {The role of untranslated exons in the CCR3 gene}         NN      0
knowledge             has not been studied.
Evaluate other        Recently, CCR3 has been shown to {be upregulated          N, D    3
work                  on neutrophils by interferons in vitro [..]}
Offer                 it is thought that {these transcription factors affect    NN, R   2
hypotheses            transcription of the gene through interactions with the
                      RNA transcription complex.}
Interpret results     these data suggested that {5' untranslated exon           A, D    2
                      1 may have a regulatory function.}
Assess validity of    Since {this was not the case with other lines,} {we       A, D    1
interpretations       suspect {it is integration-site specific}}

State                 While we expected {the transcript to be about 1 kb        A, D    2, S+
correspondence        in size (Figure 4A),} {two bands ~4 and 5 kb were
to expectations       apparent.}
Comparison to         It is important that {this data be viewed                 A,R/    2, F+
other work            with {what is known about other myeloid-                  NN/D
                      specific promoters,}}
One application: improve text mining:
insulin :::   maintaining    glucose       ... diabetes defect) to overcome
GB00084                      homeostasis   insulin resistance in maintaining
1                                          glucose homeostasis,
                                           hyperglycemia and glucose
                                           intolerance ...

              improve        glucose       ... in T2D is able to increase
                             homeostasis   insulin secretion and improve
                                           glucose homeostasis.

              improves       glucose       ... SIRT1, whose administration
                             homeostasis   to insulin-resistant animals
                                           improves glucose homeostasis.

              is capable     glucose       S15511 is a novel insulin
                             homeostasis   sensitizer that is capable of
                                           improving glucose homeostasis
                                           in nondiabetic rats.

              maintains      glucose       Pancreatic beta-cells possess a
                             homeostasis   well-regulated insulin secretory
                                           property that maintains
                                           systemic glucose homeostasis.

              may be         glucose       ... similar way to those of
              involved       homeostasis   insulin, PANDER may be
                                           involved in glucose homeostasis.

              participates   glucose       Fine-tuning of insulin secretion
                             homeostasis   from pancreatic beta-cells
                                           participates in blood glucose
One application: improve text mining:
insulin :::   maintaining    glucose       ... diabetes defect) to overcome    When insulin secretion cannot be increased adequately (type I diabetes
                                                                               defect) to overcome insulin resistance in maintaining glucose homeostasis,
GB00084                      homeostasis   insulin resistance in maintaining   hyperglycemia and glucose intolerance ensues. Insulin resistance and glucose
1                                          glucose homeostasis,                intolerance has been well recognized in patients with advanced
                                           hyperglycemia and glucose           chronic kidney diseases (CKD).
                                           intolerance ...

              improve        glucose       ... in T2D is able to increase      .. Incretin metabolism is abnormal in T2D, evidenced by a decreased
                                                                               incretin effect, reduction in nutrient-mediated secretion of GIP and GLP-1 in
                             homeostasis   insulin secretion and improve       T2D, and resistance to GIP. GLP-1, on the other hand, when administered
                                           glucose homeostasis.                intravenously in T2D is able to increase insulin secretion and improve glucose

              improves       glucose       ... SIRT1, whose administration     SIRT1, a NAD(+)-dependent protein deacetylase that regulates transcription
                                                                               factors involved in key cellular processes, has been implicated as a mediator
                             homeostasis   to insulin-resistant animals        of the beneficial effects of calorie restriction. In a recent issue of Nature,
                                           improves glucose homeostasis.       Milne et al. (2007) describe novel potent activators of SIRT1, whose
                                                                               administration to insulin-resistant animals improves glucose homeostasis.

              is capable     glucose       S15511 is a novel insulin           S15511 is a novel insulin sensitizer that is capable of improving glucose
                                                                               homeostasis in nondiabetic rats.... However, the mechanisms behind the insulin-
                             homeostasis   sensitizer that is capable of       sensitizing effect of S15511 are unknown. The aim of our study was
                                           improving glucose homeostasis       to explore whether S15511 improves insulin sensitivity in skeletal
                                           in nondiabetic rats.                muscles. S15511 treatment was associated with an increase in insulin-
                                                                               stimulated glucose transport in type IIb fibers, while type I fibers were

              maintains      glucose       Pancreatic beta-cells possess a     Pancreatic beta-cells possess a well-regulated insulin secretory property that
                                                                               maintains systemic glucose homeostasis. Although it has long been
                             homeostasis   well-regulated insulin secretory    thought that differentiated beta-cells are nearly static, recent studies
                                           property that maintains             have shown that beta-cell mass dynamically changes throughout the
                                           systemic glucose homeostasis.       lifetime. In this article, recent progress of regenerative medicine of the
                                                                               pancreas is reviewed.

              may be         glucose       ... similar way to those of         ... Our results showed that glucose up-regulated PANDER mRNA and
              involved       homeostasis   insulin, PANDER may be              protein levels in a time- and dose-dependent manner in MIN6 cells and
                                                                               pancreatic islets. ...Because PANDER is expressed by pancreatic beta-cells
                                           involved in glucose homeostasis.    and in response to glucose in a similar way to those of insulin, PANDER may be
                                                                               involved in glucose homeostasis.

              participates   glucose       Fine-tuning of insulin secretion    Fine-tuning of insulin secretion from pancreatic beta-cells participates in blood
                             homeostasis   from pancreatic beta-cells          glucose homeostasis. ... Our data identify miR124a and miR96 as novel
                                                                               regulators of the expression of proteins playing a critical role in insulin
                                           participates in blood glucose       exocytosis and in the release of other hormones and neurotransmitters.
One application: improve text mining:
insulin :::   maintaining    glucose       ... diabetes defect) to overcome    When insulin secretion cannot be increased adequately (type I diabetes
                                                                               defect) to overcome insulin resistance in maintaining glucose homeostasis,
GB00084                      homeostasis   insulin resistance in maintaining   hyperglycemia and glucose intolerance ensues. Insulin resistance and glucose
1                                          glucose homeostasis,                intolerance has been well recognized in patients with advanced
                                           hyperglycemia and glucose           chronic kidney diseases (CKD).
                                           intolerance ...

              improve        glucose       ... in T2D is able to increase      .. Incretin metabolism is abnormal in T2D, evidenced by a decreased
                                                                               incretin effect, reduction in nutrient-mediated secretion of GIP and GLP-1 in
                             homeostasis   insulin secretion and improve       T2D, and resistance to GIP. GLP-1, on the other hand, when administered
                                           glucose homeostasis.                intravenously in T2D is able to increase insulin secretion and improve glucose

              improves       glucose       ... SIRT1, whose administration     SIRT1, a NAD(+)-dependent protein deacetylase that regulates transcription
                                                                               factors involved in key cellular processes, has been implicated as a mediator
                             homeostasis   to insulin-resistant animals        of the beneficial effects of calorie restriction. In a recent issue of Nature,
                                           improves glucose homeostasis.       Milne et al. (2007) describe novel potent activators of SIRT1, whose
                                                                               administration to insulin-resistant animals improves glucose homeostasis.

              is capable     glucose       S15511 is a novel insulin           S15511 is a novel insulin sensitizer that is capable of improving glucose
                                                                               homeostasis in nondiabetic rats.... However, the mechanisms behind the insulin-
                             homeostasis   sensitizer that is capable of       sensitizing effect of S15511 are unknown. The aim of our study was
                                           improving glucose homeostasis       to explore whether S15511 improves insulin sensitivity in skeletal
                                           in nondiabetic rats.                muscles. S15511 treatment was associated with an increase in insulin-
                                                                               stimulated glucose transport in type IIb fibers, while type I fibers were

              maintains      glucose       Pancreatic beta-cells possess a     Pancreatic beta-cells possess a well-regulated insulin secretory property that
                                                                               maintains systemic glucose homeostasis. Although it has long been
                             homeostasis   well-regulated insulin secretory    thought that differentiated beta-cells are nearly static, recent studies
                                           property that maintains             have shown that beta-cell mass dynamically changes throughout the
                                           systemic glucose homeostasis.       lifetime. In this article, recent progress of regenerative medicine of the
                                                                               pancreas is reviewed.

              may be         glucose       ... similar way to those of         ... Our results showed that glucose up-regulated PANDER mRNA and
              involved       homeostasis   insulin, PANDER may be              protein levels in a time- and dose-dependent manner in MIN6 cells and
                                                                               pancreatic islets. ...Because PANDER is expressed by pancreatic beta-cells
                                           involved in glucose homeostasis.    and in response to glucose in a similar way to those of insulin, PANDER may be
                                                                               involved in glucose homeostasis.

              participates   glucose       Fine-tuning of insulin secretion    Fine-tuning of insulin secretion from pancreatic beta-cells participates in blood
                             homeostasis   from pancreatic beta-cells          glucose homeostasis. ... Our data identify miR124a and miR96 as novel
                                                                               regulators of the expression of proteins playing a critical role in insulin
                                           participates in blood glucose       exocytosis and in the release of other hormones and neurotransmitters.
Other application: improve citations

                                 Model of phenomenon
                                                   time = t+1


    Model of phenomenon
                      time = t

Domain Model

                                                       (C) Ed Hovy
Other application: improve citations

                                 Model of phenomenon
                                                   time = t+1


    Model of phenomenon
                      time = t

Domain Model

                                                       (C) Ed Hovy
Other application: improve citations

                                      Model of phenomenon
                                                           time = t+1

    Model of phenomenon          • ‘Lifts’ claim from previous paper
                                     and add it to current paper
                      time = t   •   We need ‘rules for legal lifting’:
                                     • Express author’s claim truly
Domain Model                         • Maintain (experimental) content
                                     • Apply appropriately

                                                               (C) Ed Hovy
Other application: improve citations

                                      Model of phenomenon
                                                           time = t+1

    Model of phenomenon          • ‘Lifts’ claim from previous paper
                                     and add it to current paper
                      time = t   •   We need ‘rules for legal lifting’:
                                     • Express author’s claim truly
Domain Model                         • Maintain (experimental) content
                                     • Apply appropriately
                                           What does this mean?
                                                               (C) Ed Hovy
Eventually: trace roots of a claim:
how many independent data points is it based on?

Eventually: trace roots of a claim:
how many independent data points is it based on?

          PHC   undergo Growth arrest

Eventually: trace roots of a claim:
how many independent data points is it based on?

                   PHC     undergo Growth arrest

Paper A:
    method                fact
     goal                 fact

Eventually: trace roots of a claim:
how many independent data points is it based on?

                   PHC       undergo Growth arrest

Paper A:
    method                  fact
     goal                   fact

  data 1

             data 2       data 3

Eventually: trace roots of a claim:
how many independent data points is it based on?

                   PHC       undergo Growth arrest

Paper A:                             Paper B:
            implication                           implication
    method                  fact         method                 fact
     goal                   fact           goal                 fact

  data 1
                                         data 4
             data 2       data 3
                                                     data 5     data 6
Eventually: trace roots of a claim:
how many independent data points is it based on?

                   PHC       undergo Growth arrest

Paper A:                             Paper B:
            implication                           implication
    method                  fact         method                 fact
     goal                   fact           goal                 fact

  data 1
                                         data 4
             data 2       data 3
                                                     data 5     data 6
Eventually: trace roots of a claim:
how many independent data points is it based on?

                   PHC       undergo Growth arrest

Paper A:                             Paper B:
            implication                           implication
    method                  fact         method                 fact
     goal                   fact           goal                 fact

  data 1
                                         data 4
             data 2       data 3
                                                     data 5     data 6
Eventually: trace roots of a claim:
how many independent data points is it based on?

                   PHC       undergo Growth arrest

Paper A:                              Paper B:
            implication                           implication
    method                  fact       rpi method
                                     de                         fact
     goal                   fact             goal               fact

  data 1
                                           data 4
             data 2       data 3
                                                     data 5     data 6
Eventually: trace roots of a claim:
how many independent data points is it based on?

                   PHC       undergo Growth arrest

Paper A:                             Paper B:
            implication                           implication
    method                  fact         method                 fact
     goal                   fact           goal                 fact

  data 1
                                         data 4
             data 2       data 3
                                                     data 5     data 6
Eventually: trace roots of a claim:
how many independent data points is it based on?

                   PHC        undergo Growth arrest

Paper A:                               Paper B:
            implication                             implication
    method               method link
                            fact           method                 fact
     goal                   fact            goal                  fact

  data 1
                                           data 4
             data 2       data 3
                                                      data 5      data 6
Scientific papers are stories,
that persuade with data.
Scientific papers are stories,
that persuade with data.
Scientific papers are stories,
that persuade with data.
Sometimes the link to data is good:
And sometimes it’s not so good:
And sometimes it’s not so good:
And sometimes it’s not so good:
And sometimes it’s not so good:
Can we make data-driven papers?   Work done with Ed Hovy, Phil Bourne,
                                  Gully Burns and Cartic Ramakrishnan
Can we make data-driven papers?                                        Work done with Ed Hovy, Phil Bourne,
                                                                       Gully Burns and Cartic Ramakrishnan

                                                  1. Research: Each item in the system has metadata
                         metadata                 (including provenance) and relations to other data items
                                    metadata      added to it.



Can we make data-driven papers?                                        Work done with Ed Hovy, Phil Bourne,
                                                                       Gully Burns and Cartic Ramakrishnan

                                                  1. Research: Each item in the system has metadata
                         metadata                 (including provenance) and relations to other data items
                                    metadata      added to it.
                                                  2. Workflow: All data items created in the lab are added
                                                  to a (lab-owned) workflow system.


Can we make data-driven papers?                                                            Work done with Ed Hovy, Phil Bourne,
                                                                                           Gully Burns and Cartic Ramakrishnan

                                                                      1. Research: Each item in the system has metadata
                                             metadata                 (including provenance) and relations to other data items
                                                        metadata      added to it.
                                                                      2. Workflow: All data items created in the lab are added
                                                                      to a (lab-owned) workflow system.
                                                                      3. Authoring: A paper is written in an authoring tool which
                                                                      can pull data with provenance from the workflow tool in the
                                                                      appropriate representation into the document.



     Rats were subjected to two grueling
     (click on fig 2 to see underlying
     data). These results suggest that the
     neurological pain pro-
Can we make data-driven papers?                                                               Work done with Ed Hovy, Phil Bourne,
                                                                                              Gully Burns and Cartic Ramakrishnan

                                                                         1. Research: Each item in the system has metadata
                                                metadata                 (including provenance) and relations to other data items
                                                           metadata      added to it.
                                                                         2. Workflow: All data items created in the lab are added
                                                                         to a (lab-owned) workflow system.
                                                                         3. Authoring: A paper is written in an authoring tool which
                                                                         can pull data with provenance from the workflow tool in the
                                                                         appropriate representation into the document.

                         metadata                                        4. Editing and review: Once the co-authors agree, the
                                                                         paper is ‘exposed’ to the editors, who in turn expose it to
                                                              metadata   reviewers. Reports are stored in the authoring/editing
                                                                         system, the paper gets updated, until it is validated.

        Rats were subjected to two grueling
        (click on fig 2 to see underlying
        data). These results suggest that the
        neurological pain pro-

Can we make data-driven papers?                                                               Work done with Ed Hovy, Phil Bourne,
                                                                                              Gully Burns and Cartic Ramakrishnan

                                                                         1. Research: Each item in the system has metadata
                                                metadata                 (including provenance) and relations to other data items
                                                           metadata      added to it.
                                                                         2. Workflow: All data items created in the lab are added
                                                                         to a (lab-owned) workflow system.
                                                                         3. Authoring: A paper is written in an authoring tool which
                                                                         can pull data with provenance from the workflow tool in the
                                                                         appropriate representation into the document.

                         metadata                                        4. Editing and review: Once the co-authors agree, the
                                                                         paper is ‘exposed’ to the editors, who in turn expose it to
                                                              metadata   reviewers. Reports are stored in the authoring/editing
                                                                         system, the paper gets updated, until it is validated.
                                                                         5. Publishing and distribution: When a paper is
                                                                         published, a collection of validated information is
                                                                         exposed to the world. It remains connected to its related
        Rats were subjected to two grueling                              data item, and its heritage can be traced.
        (click on fig 2 to see underlying
        data). These results suggest that the
        neurological pain pro-

Can we make data-driven papers?                                                               Work done with Ed Hovy, Phil Bourne,
                                                                                              Gully Burns and Cartic Ramakrishnan

                                                                         1. Research: Each item in the system has metadata
                                                metadata                 (including provenance) and relations to other data items
                                                           metadata      added to it.
                                                                         2. Workflow: All data items created in the lab are added
                                                                         to a (lab-owned) workflow system.
                                                                         3. Authoring: A paper is written in an authoring tool which
                                                                         can pull data with provenance from the workflow tool in the
                                                                         appropriate representation into the document.

                         metadata                                        4. Editing and review: Once the co-authors agree, the
                                                                         paper is ‘exposed’ to the editors, who in turn expose it to
                                                              metadata   reviewers. Reports are stored in the authoring/editing
                                                                         system, the paper gets updated, until it is validated.
                                                                         5. Publishing and distribution: When a paper is
                                                                         published, a collection of validated information is
                                                                         exposed to the world. It remains connected to its related
        Rats were subjected to two grueling                              data item, and its heritage can be traced.
        (click on fig 2 to see underlying                                 6. User applications: distributed applications run on this
        data). These results suggest that the                            ‘exposed data’ universe.
        neurological pain pro-

                                                                                        Some other publisher
One step: encouraging submission
   of structured workflows
Another step: ScienceDirect app store
Another step: ScienceDirect app store

           - Eclipse SDK platform accessing all
             ScienceDirect/Scopus content
           - Build applications on top of content
           - Offer to users in marketplace
A third step: Executable Paper Challenge
Goal: invite computer science community to help develop formats that:
-   add executable files and reproducible data to computer science papers;
-   handle storage and validation of very large files
-   help validation of data and code, and decrease the reviewer’s workload
A third step: Executable Paper Challenge
Goal: invite computer science community to help develop formats that:
-   add executable files and reproducible data to computer science papers;
-   handle storage and validation of very large files
-   help validation of data and code, and decrease the reviewer’s workload
In Summary:
In Summary:
1. Stories:

   -   ORB, Satellite: link to any part of content - bring it on!
In Summary:
1. Stories:

   -   ORB, Satellite: link to any part of content - bring it on!
2. Persuasion:

   -   Logical structure for biological propositions; trace a claim
       through successive citations
In Summary:
1. Stories:

   -   ORB, Satellite: link to any part of content - bring it on!
2. Persuasion:

   -   Logical structure for biological propositions; trace a claim
       through successive citations
3. Data:

   -   Better data linking, better structuring of methods.
In Summary:
1. Stories:

   -   ORB, Satellite: link to any part of content - bring it on!
2. Persuasion:

   -   Logical structure for biological propositions; trace a claim
       through successive citations
3. Data:

   -   Better data linking, better structuring of methods.
In conclusion: is the research paper going away?
In Summary:
1. Stories:

    -   ORB, Satellite: link to any part of content - bring it on!
2. Persuasion:

    -   Logical structure for biological propositions; trace a claim
        through successive citations
3. Data:

    -   Better data linking, better structuring of methods.
In conclusion: is the research paper going away?
I don’t think so! But it will be:
    -   Structured better: authors will need to justify claims directly
    -   Connected better: more traceable, better links to data and
        workflow components, and to other work
Thank you!

W3C group on Discourse Structure:
Pangea project:
Parsing rhetoric:
Fact creation demo:
Methods Navigator:
SciVerse APIs:
Executable Paper Challenge:

Or mail me at:
Anita de Waard,

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On the research paper, and the knowledge within

  • 1. Stories, that persuade with data: On the research paper, and the knowledge within Anita de Waard, Disruptive Technologies Director, Elsevier Labs
  • 2. Scientific papers are stories, that persuade with data. The Story of Goldilocks and Story Part Paper The AXH Domain of Ataxin-1 Mediates the Three Bears Neurodegeneration through Its Interaction with Gfi-1/ Senseless Proteins Once upon a time Time Setting Background The mechanisms mediating SCA1 pathogenesis are still not fully understood, but some general principles have emerged. a little girl named Goldilocks Characters Objects of study the Drosophila Atx-1 homolog (dAtx-1) which lacks a polyQ tract, She went for a walk in the forest. Location Experimental studied and compared in vivo effects and interactions to those of the Pretty soon, she came upon a house. setup human protein She knocked and, when no one Goal Theme Research Gain insight into how Atx-1's function contributes to SCA1 answered, goal pathogenesis. How these interactions might contribute to the disease process and how they might cause toxicity in only a subset of neurons in she walked right in. Attempt Hypothesis SCA1 may play a role in the regulation of gene expression Atx-1 is not fully understood. At the table in the kitchen, there Name Episode 1 Name dAtX-1 and hAtx-1 Induce Similar Phenotypes When Overexpressed in were three bowls of porridge. Files Goldilocks was hungry. Subgoal Subgoal test the function of the AXH domain She tasted the porridge from the Attempt Method overexpressed dAtx-1 in flies using the GAL4/UAS system (Brand and first bowl. Perrimon, 1993) and compared its effects to those of hAtx-1. This porridge is too hot! she Outcome Results Overexpression of dAtx-1 by Rhodopsin1(Rh1)-GAL4, which drives exclaimed. expression in the differentiated R1-R6 photoreceptor cells (Mollereau et al., 2000 and O'Tousa et al., 1985), results in neurodegeneration in the eye, as does overexpression of hAtx-1[82Q]. Although at 2 days after eclosion, overexpression of either Atx-1 does not show obvious So, she tasted the porridge from the Activity Data (data not shown), morphological changes in the photoreceptor cells second bowl. This porridge is too cold, she said Outcome Results both genotypes show many large holes and loss of cell integrity at 28 days So, she tasted the last bowl of Activity Data (Figures 1B-1D). porridge. Ahhh, this porridge is just right, she Outcome Results Overexpression of dAtx-1 using the GMR-GAL4 driver also induces eye said happily and abnormalities. The external structures of the eyes that overexpress she ate it all up. Outcome Data dAtx-1 1F), disorganized ommatidia and loss of interommatidial bristles (Figure show
  • 3. Scientific papers are stories, that persuade with data. The Story of Goldilocks and Story Part Paper The AXH Domain of Ataxin-1 Mediates the Three Bears Neurodegeneration through Its Interaction with Gfi-1/ Senseless Proteins Once upon a time Time Setting Background The mechanisms mediating SCA1 pathogenesis are still not fully understood, but some general principles have emerged. a little girl named Goldilocks Characters Objects of study the Drosophila Atx-1 homolog (dAtx-1) which lacks a polyQ tract, She went for a walk in the forest. Location Experimental studied and compared in vivo effects and interactions to those of the Pretty soon, she came upon a house. setup human protein She knocked and, when no one Goal Theme Research Gain insight into how Atx-1's function contributes to SCA1 answered, goal pathogenesis. How these interactions might contribute to the disease process and how they might cause toxicity in only a subset of neurons in she walked right in. Attempt Hypothesis SCA1 may play a role in the regulation of gene expression Atx-1 is not fully understood. At the table in the kitchen, there Name Episode 1 Name dAtX-1 and hAtx-1 Induce Similar Phenotypes When Overexpressed in were three bowls of porridge. Files Goldilocks was hungry. Subgoal Subgoal test the function of the AXH domain She tasted the porridge from the Attempt Method overexpressed dAtx-1 in flies using the GAL4/UAS system (Brand and first bowl. Perrimon, 1993) and compared its effects to those of hAtx-1. This porridge is too hot! she Outcome Results Overexpression of dAtx-1 by Rhodopsin1(Rh1)-GAL4, which drives exclaimed. expression in the differentiated R1-R6 photoreceptor cells (Mollereau et al., 2000 and O'Tousa et al., 1985), results in neurodegeneration in the eye, as does overexpression of hAtx-1[82Q]. Although at 2 days after eclosion, overexpression of either Atx-1 does not show obvious So, she tasted the porridge from the Activity Data (data not shown), morphological changes in the photoreceptor cells second bowl. This porridge is too cold, she said Outcome Results both genotypes show many large holes and loss of cell integrity at 28 days So, she tasted the last bowl of Activity Data (Figures 1B-1D). porridge. Ahhh, this porridge is just right, she Outcome Results Overexpression of dAtx-1 using the GMR-GAL4 driver also induces eye said happily and abnormalities. The external structures of the eyes that overexpress she ate it all up. Outcome Data dAtx-1 1F), disorganized ommatidia and loss of interommatidial bristles (Figure show
  • 4. Story grammar of fairytales:
  • 5. Story grammar of fairytales: According to Propp, main characters (or dramatis personae) that are occuring in a fairy tale may be the following: 1. Hero: a character that seeks something; 2. Villain: opposes or actively blocks the heroʼs quest; 3. Donor: provides the hero with an object of magical properties; 4. Dispatcher: sends the hero on his/her quest via a message; 5. False Hero: disrupts the heroʼs success by making false claims; 6. Helper: aids the hero; 7. Princess: acts as the reward for the hero and the object of the villainʼs plots; 8. Her Father: acts to reward the hero for his effort.
  • 6. Story grammar of fairytales: F. Peinado, P. Gervas, and B. Diaz-Agudo, ʻA description logic ontology for fairy tale generationʼ, in Procs LREC. ELRA, (5 2004) According to Propp, main characters (or dramatis personae) that are occuring in a fairy tale may be the following: 1. Hero: a character that seeks something; 2. Villain: opposes or actively blocks the heroʼs quest; 3. Donor: provides the hero with an object of magical properties; 4. Dispatcher: sends the hero on his/her quest via a message; 5. False Hero: disrupts the heroʼs success by making false claims; 6. Helper: aids the hero; 7. Princess: acts as the reward for the hero and the object of the villainʼs plots; 8. Her Father: acts to reward the hero for his effort.
  • 7. Story grammar of fairytales: F. Peinado, P. Gervas, and B. Diaz-Agudo, ʻA description logic ontology for fairy tale generationʼ, in Procs LREC. ELRA, (5 2004) According to Propp, main characters (or dramatis personae) that are occuring in a fairy tale may be the following: 1. Hero: a character that seeks something; 2. Villain: opposes or actively blocks the heroʼs quest; 3. Donor: provides the hero with an object of magical properties; 4. Dispatcher: sends the hero on his/her quest via a message; 5. False Hero: disrupts the heroʼs success by making false claims; 6. Helper: aids the hero; 7. Princess: acts as the reward for the hero and the object of the villainʼs plots; 8. Her Father: acts to reward the hero for his effort.
  • 8. Story analysis of scientific text: ORB vs. Medium-grained structure
  • 9. Story analysis of scientific text: ORB vs. Medium-grained structure See work at
  • 10. Episode-level access through Linked Data standards:
  • 11. Episode-level access through Linked Data standards: <ce:section id=#123>
  • 12. Episode-level access through Linked Data standards: this says <ce:section id=#123> mice like cheese
  • 13. Episode-level access through Linked Data standards: said @anita on April 5, 2011 this says <ce:section id=#123> mice like cheese
  • 14. Episode-level access through Linked Data standards: but we all know she was deluded then said @anita on April 5, 2011 this says <ce:section id=#123> mice like cheese
  • 15. Episode-level access through Linked Data standards: the xml is fixed, but the structure is open! but we all know she was deluded then said @anita on April 5, 2011 this says <ce:section id=#123> mice like cheese
  • 16. Episode-level access through Linked Data standards: the xml is fixed, but the structure is open! allows for layers of annotation but we all know she was deluded then said @anita on April 5, 2011 this says <ce:section id=#123> mice like cheese
  • 17. Satellite Format: LDR store for all our content
  • 18. Satellites: Provenance Information about an annotation: -Who created it?,When? By what (version of a) tool? -Has it been reviewed? If so, when and by whom? Was it approved or rejected? Use pav:createdOn and createdBy instead of dc:date and creator to reduce confusion: <tag:TaggingAnnotation rdf:about="#anno-1"> <tag:annotatesStatement rdf:resource="#stmt-1"/> <tag:score>0.8939283</tag:score> <pav:createdOn>2010-07-23T15:45:00Z</pav:createdOn> <pav:createdBy rdf:resource= ""/> <tag:status rdf:resource= " VendorChecked"/> </tag:TaggingAnnotation>
  • 19. Satellites: Fragments Use XPointer for XML documents, Media Fragments for image, video, audio. XMLDocumentRegion, MediaRegion akin to Annotation Ontology Selectors xpath1()* XPointer scheme so pointer can be dropped into any XPath engine and get back the section being annotated. Complex case – arbitrary string in document: <rgn:XMLDocumentRegion rdf: about= "http://.../S0140-6736(95)90494-8#xpath-e(substring(id('sb-3')/p[2],15,6))"> <dct:isPartOf rdf:resource="http://.../S0140-6736(95)90494-8"/> <rgn:coveringXPath>id('sb-3')/p[2]</rgn:coveringXPath> <rgn:startingOffset>15</rgn:startingOffset> <rgn:stringLength>6</rgn:stringLength> <rgn:matchedString>biopsy</rgn:matchedString> <rgn:prefixString>Testing of the </rgn:prefixString> <rgn:suffixString>indicated nothing</rgn:suffixString> </rgn:XMLDocumentRegion>
  • 20. Scientific papers are stories, that persuade with data. Both seminomas and the EC component of nonseminomas share features with ES cells. To exclude that the detection of miR-371-3 merely reflects its expression pattern in ES cells, we tested by RPA miR-302a-d, another ES cells-specific miRNA cluster (Suh et al, 2004). In many of the miR-371-3 expressing seminomas and nonseminomas, miR-302a-d was undetectable (Figs S7 and S8), suggesting that miR-371-3 expression is a selective event during tumorigenesis.
  • 21. Scientific papers are stories, that persuade with data. Both seminomas and the EC component of Both seminomas and the EC component of nonseminomas share features with ES cells. nonseminomas share features with ES cells. To exclude thatthat detection of miR-371-3 merely To exclude the reflects its expression pattern in ES cells,reflects its the detection of miR-371-3 merely we tested by RPA miR-302a-d, another ES cells-specific expression pattern in ES cells, miRNA cluster RPA miR-302a-d, another ES cells- we tested by (Suh et al, 2004). In many of the m i R - 3 7 miRNAx p r e s s(Suh et e m2004). a s a n d specific 1 - 3 e cluster i n g s al, i n o m nonseminomas, miR-302a-d was undetectable (Figs In many of the miR-371-3 expressing seminomas S7 and S8), suggesting that miR-371-3undetectable and nonseminomas, miR-302a-d was expression is a selective event during tumorigenesis. (Figs S7 and S8), suggesting that miR-371-3 expression is a selective event during tumorigenesis.
  • 22. Scientific papers are stories, that persuade with data. Both seminomas and the EC component of Both seminomas and the EC component of Fact nonseminomas share features with ES cells. nonseminomas share features with ES cells. To exclude thatthat detection of miR-371-3 merely To exclude the Goal reflects its expression pattern in ES cells,reflects its the detection of miR-371-3 merely we tested Hypothesis by RPA miR-302a-d, another ES cells-specific expression pattern in ES cells, miRNA cluster RPA miR-302a-d, another ES cells- we tested by (Suh et al, 2004). In many of the m i R - 3 7 miRNAx p r e s s(Suh et e m2004). a s a n d specific 1 - 3 e cluster i n g s al, i n o m Method nonseminomas, miR-302a-d was undetectable (Figs In many of the miR-371-3 expressing seminomas S7 and S8), suggesting that miR-371-3undetectable and nonseminomas, miR-302a-d was expression Result is a selective event during tumorigenesis. (Figs S7 and S8), suggesting that Reg-Implication miR-371-3 expression is a selective event during Implication tumorigenesis.
  • 23. Scientific papers are stories, that persuade with data. Conceptual Both seminomas and the EC component of Both seminomas and the EC component of knowledge Fact nonseminomas share features with ES cells. nonseminomas share features with ES cells. To exclude thatthat detection of miR-371-3 merely To exclude the Goal reflects its expression pattern in ES cells,reflects its the detection of miR-371-3 merely we tested Hypothesis by RPA miR-302a-d, another ES cells-specific expression pattern in ES cells, miRNA cluster RPA miR-302a-d, another ES cells- we tested by (Suh et al, 2004). In many of the m i R - 3 7 miRNAx p r e s s(Suh et e m2004). a s a n d specific 1 - 3 e cluster i n g s al, i n o m Method nonseminomas, miR-302a-d was undetectable (Figs In many of the miR-371-3 expressing seminomas S7 and S8), suggesting that miR-371-3undetectable and nonseminomas, miR-302a-d was expression Result is a selective event during tumorigenesis. (Figs S7 and S8), suggesting that Reg-Implication miR-371-3 expression is a selective event during Implication tumorigenesis.
  • 24. Scientific papers are stories, that persuade with data. Conceptual Both seminomas and the EC component of Both seminomas and the EC component of knowledge Fact nonseminomas share features with ES cells. nonseminomas share features with ES cells. To exclude thatthat detection of miR-371-3 merely To exclude the Goal reflects its expression pattern in ES cells,reflects its the detection of miR-371-3 merely we tested Hypothesis by RPA miR-302a-d, another ES cells-specific expression pattern in ES cells, miRNA cluster RPA miR-302a-d, another ES cells- we tested by (Suh et al, 2004). In many of the m i R - 3 7 miRNAx p r e s s(Suh et e m2004). a s a n d specific 1 - 3 e cluster i n g s al, i n o m Method Experimental nonseminomas, miR-302a-d was undetectable (Figs In many of the miR-371-3 expressing seminomas Evidence S7 and S8), suggesting that miR-371-3undetectable and nonseminomas, miR-302a-d was expression Result is a selective event during tumorigenesis. (Figs S7 and S8), suggesting that Reg-Implication miR-371-3 expression is a selective event during Implication tumorigenesis.
  • 25. Realms of persuasive experimental discourse:
  • 26. Realms of persuasive experimental discourse: (1) Both seminomas (2) b. the detection of (3) c. miR-371-3 and the EC component miR-371-3 merely expression is a of nonseminomas share reflects its expression selective event during features with ES cells. pattern in ES cells, tumorigenesis. (2) a. To exclude that (3) b. suggesting that (2) c. we tested by RPA (3) a. In many of the miR-371-3 miR-302a-d, another ES expressing seminomas and cells-specific miRNA cluster nonseminomas, miR-302a-d was (Suh et al, 2004). undetectable (Figs S7 and S8),
  • 27. Realms of persuasive experimental discourse: Concepts, models, ‘facts’ (1) Both seminomas (2) b. the detection of (3) c. miR-371-3 and the EC component miR-371-3 merely expression is a of nonseminomas share reflects its expression selective event during features with ES cells. pattern in ES cells, tumorigenesis. (2) a. To exclude that Transitions (3) b. suggesting that (2) c. we tested by RPA (3) a. In many of the miR-371-3 miR-302a-d, another ES expressing seminomas and cells-specific miRNA cluster nonseminomas, miR-302a-d was (Suh et al, 2004). undetectable (Figs S7 and S8), Experiment
  • 28. Realms of persuasive experimental discourse: Concepts, models, ‘facts’ ‘State’ present tense (1) Both seminomas (2) b. the detection of (3) c. miR-371-3 and the EC component miR-371-3 merely expression is a of nonseminomas share reflects its expression selective event during features with ES cells. pattern in ES cells, tumorigenesis. (2) a. To exclude that Transitions (3) b. suggesting that (2) c. we tested by RPA (3) a. In many of the miR-371-3 miR-302a-d, another ES expressing seminomas and cells-specific miRNA cluster nonseminomas, miR-302a-d was (Suh et al, 2004). undetectable (Figs S7 and S8), Experiment ‘Narrative’ past tense
  • 29. Fact creation through citations: Voorhoeve et al, Cell, 2006: To investigate the possibility that miR-372 and miR-373 suppress the expression of LATS2, we... Therefore, these results point to LATS2 as a mediator of the miR-372 and miR-373 effects on cell proliferation and tumorigenicity,
  • 30. Fact creation through citations: Voorhoeve et al, Cell, 2006: To investigate the possibility that miR-372 and miR-373 suppress the Hypothesis expression of LATS2, we... Therefore, these results point to LATS2 as a mediator of the miR-372 and miR-373 effects on cell proliferation and tumorigenicity,
  • 31. Fact creation through citations: Voorhoeve et al, Cell, 2006: To investigate the possibility that miR-372 and miR-373 suppress the Hypothesis expression of LATS2, we... Therefore, these results point to LATS2 as a mediator of the miR-372 and miR-373 effects on cell proliferation and tumorigenicity, Implication
  • 32. Fact creation through citations: Voorhoeve et al, Cell, 2006: To investigate the possibility that miR-372 and miR-373 suppress the Hypothesis expression of LATS2, we... Therefore, these results point to LATS2 as a mediator of the miR-372 and miR-373 effects on cell proliferation and tumorigenicity, Implication Raver-Shapira, JMolCell 2007 ... two miRNAs, miRNA-372 and-373, function as potential novel oncogenes in testicular germ cell tumors by inhibition of LATS2 expression, which suggests that Lats2 is an important tumor suppressor (Voorhoeve et al., 2006).
  • 33. Fact creation through citations: Voorhoeve et al, Cell, 2006: To investigate the possibility that miR-372 and miR-373 suppress the Hypothesis expression of LATS2, we... Therefore, these results point to LATS2 as a mediator of the miR-372 and miR-373 effects on cell proliferation and tumorigenicity, Implication Raver-Shapira, JMolCell 2007 Cited Implication ... two miRNAs, miRNA-372 and-373, function as potential novel oncogenes in testicular germ cell tumors by inhibition of LATS2 expression, which suggests that Lats2 is an important tumor suppressor (Voorhoeve et al., 2006).
  • 34. Fact creation through citations: Voorhoeve et al, Cell, 2006: To investigate the possibility that miR-372 and miR-373 suppress the Hypothesis expression of LATS2, we... Therefore, these results point to LATS2 as a mediator of the miR-372 and miR-373 effects on cell proliferation and tumorigenicity, Implication Raver-Shapira, JMolCell 2007 Cited Implication ... two miRNAs, miRNA-372 and-373, function as potential novel oncogenes in testicular germ cell tumors by inhibition of LATS2 expression, which suggests that Lats2 is an important tumor suppressor (Voorhoeve et al., 2006). Yabuta, JBioChem 2007: miR-372 and miR-373 target the Lats2 tumor suppressor (Voorhoeve et al., 2006)
  • 35. Fact creation through citations: Voorhoeve et al, Cell, 2006: To investigate the possibility that miR-372 and miR-373 suppress the Hypothesis expression of LATS2, we... Therefore, these results point to LATS2 as a mediator of the miR-372 and miR-373 effects on cell proliferation and tumorigenicity, Implication Raver-Shapira, JMolCell 2007 Cited Implication ... two miRNAs, miRNA-372 and-373, function as potential novel oncogenes in testicular germ cell tumors by inhibition of LATS2 expression, which suggests that Lats2 is an important tumor suppressor (Voorhoeve et al., 2006). Yabuta, JBioChem 2007: Fact miR-372 and miR-373 target the Lats2 tumor suppressor (Voorhoeve et al., 2006)
  • 36. “[Y]ou can transform a fact into fiction or a fiction into fact just by adding or subtracting references [and data]” – Bruno Latour, ‘Science in Action’,1987
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  • 38. The logical structure of a scientific claim
  • 39. The logical structure of a scientific claim - A Proposition P is about entities, relations, events, actions…
  • 40. The logical structure of a scientific claim - A Proposition P is about entities, relations, events, actions… - We define an Epistemic Evaluation of P to be EEs,v(P): - S = Source = Holder, Basis: - Holder: Author (A), Referent (N), Nameless referent (NN) - Basis: Reasoning (R), Data (D), Unidentified (Ø) - V = Value = Certainly, Emphasis: - Certainty: from 0 (uncertainty) to 3 (complete certainty) - Emphasis: Focus (F: +/-), Surprise (S, +,-)
  • 41. The logical structure of a scientific claim - A Proposition P is about entities, relations, events, actions… - We define an Epistemic Evaluation of P to be EEs,v(P): - S = Source = Holder, Basis: - Holder: Author (A), Referent (N), Nameless referent (NN) - Basis: Reasoning (R), Data (D), Unidentified (Ø) - V = Value = Certainly, Emphasis: - Certainty: from 0 (uncertainty) to 3 (complete certainty) - Emphasis: Focus (F: +/-), Surprise (S, +,-) - Nested evaluations, e.g. “We question X’s suggestion that P” can be written as: EEA(EE’N(P)).
  • 42. The logical structure of a scientific claim - A Proposition P is about entities, relations, events, actions… - We define an Epistemic Evaluation of P to be EEs,v(P): - S = Source = Holder, Basis: - Holder: Author (A), Referent (N), Nameless referent (NN) - Basis: Reasoning (R), Data (D), Unidentified (Ø) - V = Value = Certainly, Emphasis: - Certainty: from 0 (uncertainty) to 3 (complete certainty) - Emphasis: Focus (F: +/-), Surprise (S, +,-) - Nested evaluations, e.g. “We question X’s suggestion that P” can be written as: EEA(EE’N(P)). - If no explicit evaluation (“Water is wet”), of course, EE = Ø.
  • 43. How is this rhetoric instantiated? Rhetorical Utterance {Proposition} S= V= goal H, B C, E Indicate lack of {The role of untranslated exons in the CCR3 gene} NN 0 knowledge has not been studied. Evaluate other Recently, CCR3 has been shown to {be upregulated N, D 3 work on neutrophils by interferons in vitro [..]} Offer it is thought that {these transcription factors affect NN, R 2 hypotheses transcription of the gene through interactions with the RNA transcription complex.} Interpret results these data suggested that {5' untranslated exon A, D 2 1 may have a regulatory function.} Assess validity of Since {this was not the case with other lines,} {we A, D 1 interpretations suspect {it is integration-site specific}} State While we expected {the transcript to be about 1 kb A, D 2, S+ correspondence in size (Figure 4A),} {two bands ~4 and 5 kb were to expectations apparent.} Comparison to It is important that {this data be viewed A,R/ 2, F+ other work with {what is known about other myeloid- NN/D specific promoters,}}
  • 44. One application: improve text mining: insulin ::: maintaining glucose ... diabetes defect) to overcome GB00084 homeostasis insulin resistance in maintaining 1 glucose homeostasis, hyperglycemia and glucose intolerance ... improve glucose ... in T2D is able to increase homeostasis insulin secretion and improve glucose homeostasis. improves glucose ... SIRT1, whose administration homeostasis to insulin-resistant animals improves glucose homeostasis. is capable glucose S15511 is a novel insulin homeostasis sensitizer that is capable of improving glucose homeostasis in nondiabetic rats. maintains glucose Pancreatic beta-cells possess a homeostasis well-regulated insulin secretory property that maintains systemic glucose homeostasis. may be glucose ... similar way to those of involved homeostasis insulin, PANDER may be involved in glucose homeostasis. participates glucose Fine-tuning of insulin secretion homeostasis from pancreatic beta-cells participates in blood glucose homeostasis.
  • 45. One application: improve text mining: insulin ::: maintaining glucose ... diabetes defect) to overcome When insulin secretion cannot be increased adequately (type I diabetes defect) to overcome insulin resistance in maintaining glucose homeostasis, GB00084 homeostasis insulin resistance in maintaining hyperglycemia and glucose intolerance ensues. Insulin resistance and glucose 1 glucose homeostasis, intolerance has been well recognized in patients with advanced hyperglycemia and glucose chronic kidney diseases (CKD). intolerance ... improve glucose ... in T2D is able to increase .. Incretin metabolism is abnormal in T2D, evidenced by a decreased incretin effect, reduction in nutrient-mediated secretion of GIP and GLP-1 in homeostasis insulin secretion and improve T2D, and resistance to GIP. GLP-1, on the other hand, when administered glucose homeostasis. intravenously in T2D is able to increase insulin secretion and improve glucose homeostasis. improves glucose ... SIRT1, whose administration SIRT1, a NAD(+)-dependent protein deacetylase that regulates transcription factors involved in key cellular processes, has been implicated as a mediator homeostasis to insulin-resistant animals of the beneficial effects of calorie restriction. In a recent issue of Nature, improves glucose homeostasis. Milne et al. (2007) describe novel potent activators of SIRT1, whose administration to insulin-resistant animals improves glucose homeostasis. is capable glucose S15511 is a novel insulin S15511 is a novel insulin sensitizer that is capable of improving glucose homeostasis in nondiabetic rats.... However, the mechanisms behind the insulin- homeostasis sensitizer that is capable of sensitizing effect of S15511 are unknown. The aim of our study was improving glucose homeostasis to explore whether S15511 improves insulin sensitivity in skeletal in nondiabetic rats. muscles. S15511 treatment was associated with an increase in insulin- stimulated glucose transport in type IIb fibers, while type I fibers were unaffected. maintains glucose Pancreatic beta-cells possess a Pancreatic beta-cells possess a well-regulated insulin secretory property that maintains systemic glucose homeostasis. Although it has long been homeostasis well-regulated insulin secretory thought that differentiated beta-cells are nearly static, recent studies property that maintains have shown that beta-cell mass dynamically changes throughout the systemic glucose homeostasis. lifetime. In this article, recent progress of regenerative medicine of the pancreas is reviewed. may be glucose ... similar way to those of ... Our results showed that glucose up-regulated PANDER mRNA and involved homeostasis insulin, PANDER may be protein levels in a time- and dose-dependent manner in MIN6 cells and pancreatic islets. ...Because PANDER is expressed by pancreatic beta-cells involved in glucose homeostasis. and in response to glucose in a similar way to those of insulin, PANDER may be involved in glucose homeostasis. participates glucose Fine-tuning of insulin secretion Fine-tuning of insulin secretion from pancreatic beta-cells participates in blood homeostasis from pancreatic beta-cells glucose homeostasis. ... Our data identify miR124a and miR96 as novel regulators of the expression of proteins playing a critical role in insulin participates in blood glucose exocytosis and in the release of other hormones and neurotransmitters. homeostasis.
  • 46. One application: improve text mining: insulin ::: maintaining glucose ... diabetes defect) to overcome When insulin secretion cannot be increased adequately (type I diabetes defect) to overcome insulin resistance in maintaining glucose homeostasis, GB00084 homeostasis insulin resistance in maintaining hyperglycemia and glucose intolerance ensues. Insulin resistance and glucose 1 glucose homeostasis, intolerance has been well recognized in patients with advanced hyperglycemia and glucose chronic kidney diseases (CKD). intolerance ... improve glucose ... in T2D is able to increase .. Incretin metabolism is abnormal in T2D, evidenced by a decreased incretin effect, reduction in nutrient-mediated secretion of GIP and GLP-1 in homeostasis insulin secretion and improve T2D, and resistance to GIP. GLP-1, on the other hand, when administered glucose homeostasis. intravenously in T2D is able to increase insulin secretion and improve glucose homeostasis. improves glucose ... SIRT1, whose administration SIRT1, a NAD(+)-dependent protein deacetylase that regulates transcription factors involved in key cellular processes, has been implicated as a mediator homeostasis to insulin-resistant animals of the beneficial effects of calorie restriction. In a recent issue of Nature, improves glucose homeostasis. Milne et al. (2007) describe novel potent activators of SIRT1, whose administration to insulin-resistant animals improves glucose homeostasis. is capable glucose S15511 is a novel insulin S15511 is a novel insulin sensitizer that is capable of improving glucose homeostasis in nondiabetic rats.... However, the mechanisms behind the insulin- homeostasis sensitizer that is capable of sensitizing effect of S15511 are unknown. The aim of our study was improving glucose homeostasis to explore whether S15511 improves insulin sensitivity in skeletal in nondiabetic rats. muscles. S15511 treatment was associated with an increase in insulin- stimulated glucose transport in type IIb fibers, while type I fibers were unaffected. maintains glucose Pancreatic beta-cells possess a Pancreatic beta-cells possess a well-regulated insulin secretory property that maintains systemic glucose homeostasis. Although it has long been homeostasis well-regulated insulin secretory thought that differentiated beta-cells are nearly static, recent studies property that maintains have shown that beta-cell mass dynamically changes throughout the systemic glucose homeostasis. lifetime. In this article, recent progress of regenerative medicine of the pancreas is reviewed. may be glucose ... similar way to those of ... Our results showed that glucose up-regulated PANDER mRNA and involved homeostasis insulin, PANDER may be protein levels in a time- and dose-dependent manner in MIN6 cells and pancreatic islets. ...Because PANDER is expressed by pancreatic beta-cells involved in glucose homeostasis. and in response to glucose in a similar way to those of insulin, PANDER may be involved in glucose homeostasis. participates glucose Fine-tuning of insulin secretion Fine-tuning of insulin secretion from pancreatic beta-cells participates in blood homeostasis from pancreatic beta-cells glucose homeostasis. ... Our data identify miR124a and miR96 as novel regulators of the expression of proteins playing a critical role in insulin participates in blood glucose exocytosis and in the release of other hormones and neurotransmitters. homeostasis.
  • 47. Other application: improve citations ! Model of phenomenon time = t+1 ? Model of phenomenon time = t Domain Model (C) Ed Hovy
  • 48. Other application: improve citations ! Model of phenomenon time = t+1 ? Model of phenomenon time = t Domain Model (C) Ed Hovy
  • 49. Other application: improve citations ! Model of phenomenon time = t+1 ? Citation: Model of phenomenon • ‘Lifts’ claim from previous paper and add it to current paper time = t • We need ‘rules for legal lifting’: • Express author’s claim truly Domain Model • Maintain (experimental) content • Apply appropriately (C) Ed Hovy
  • 50. Other application: improve citations ! Model of phenomenon time = t+1 ? Citation: Model of phenomenon • ‘Lifts’ claim from previous paper and add it to current paper time = t • We need ‘rules for legal lifting’: • Express author’s claim truly Domain Model • Maintain (experimental) content • Apply appropriately What does this mean? (C) Ed Hovy
  • 51. Eventually: trace roots of a claim: how many independent data points is it based on? 17
  • 52. Eventually: trace roots of a claim: how many independent data points is it based on? PHC undergo Growth arrest 17
  • 53. Eventually: trace roots of a claim: how many independent data points is it based on? PHC undergo Growth arrest Paper A: implication method fact goal fact results 17
  • 54. Eventually: trace roots of a claim: how many independent data points is it based on? PHC undergo Growth arrest Paper A: implication method fact goal fact results data 1 data 2 data 3 17
  • 55. Eventually: trace roots of a claim: how many independent data points is it based on? PHC undergo Growth arrest Paper A: Paper B: implication implication method fact method fact goal fact goal fact results results data 1 data 4 data 2 data 3 data 5 data 6 17
  • 56. Eventually: trace roots of a claim: how many independent data points is it based on? PHC undergo Growth arrest Paper A: Paper B: implication implication method fact method fact goal fact goal fact results results data 1 data 4 data 2 data 3 data 5 data 6 17
  • 57. Eventually: trace roots of a claim: how many independent data points is it based on? PHC undergo Growth arrest Paper A: Paper B: implication implication method fact method fact goal fact goal fact results results data 1 data 4 data 2 data 3 data 5 data 6 17
  • 58. Eventually: trace roots of a claim: how many independent data points is it based on? PHC undergo Growth arrest Paper A: Paper B: implication implication g nnin method fact rpi method de fact un goal fact goal fact results results data 1 data 4 data 2 data 3 data 5 data 6 17
  • 59. Eventually: trace roots of a claim: how many independent data points is it based on? PHC undergo Growth arrest Paper A: Paper B: implication implication method fact method fact goal fact goal fact results results data 1 data 4 data 2 data 3 data 5 data 6 17
  • 60. Eventually: trace roots of a claim: how many independent data points is it based on? PHC undergo Growth arrest Paper A: Paper B: implication implication method method link fact method fact goal fact goal fact results results data 1 data 4 data 2 data 3 data 5 data 6 17
  • 61. Scientific papers are stories, that persuade with data.
  • 62. Scientific papers are stories, that persuade with data.
  • 63. Scientific papers are stories, that persuade with data.
  • 64. Sometimes the link to data is good:
  • 65. And sometimes it’s not so good:
  • 66. And sometimes it’s not so good:
  • 67. And sometimes it’s not so good:
  • 68. And sometimes it’s not so good:
  • 69. Can we make data-driven papers? Work done with Ed Hovy, Phil Bourne, Gully Burns and Cartic Ramakrishnan
  • 70. Can we make data-driven papers? Work done with Ed Hovy, Phil Bourne, Gully Burns and Cartic Ramakrishnan 1. Research: Each item in the system has metadata metadata (including provenance) and relations to other data items metadata added to it. metadata metadata metadata
  • 71. Can we make data-driven papers? Work done with Ed Hovy, Phil Bourne, Gully Burns and Cartic Ramakrishnan 1. Research: Each item in the system has metadata metadata (including provenance) and relations to other data items metadata added to it. 2. Workflow: All data items created in the lab are added metadata to a (lab-owned) workflow system. metadata metadata
  • 72. Can we make data-driven papers? Work done with Ed Hovy, Phil Bourne, Gully Burns and Cartic Ramakrishnan 1. Research: Each item in the system has metadata metadata (including provenance) and relations to other data items metadata added to it. 2. Workflow: All data items created in the lab are added metadata to a (lab-owned) workflow system. 3. Authoring: A paper is written in an authoring tool which can pull data with provenance from the workflow tool in the appropriate representation into the document. metadata metadata Rats were subjected to two grueling tests (click on fig 2 to see underlying data). These results suggest that the neurological pain pro-
  • 73. Can we make data-driven papers? Work done with Ed Hovy, Phil Bourne, Gully Burns and Cartic Ramakrishnan 1. Research: Each item in the system has metadata metadata (including provenance) and relations to other data items metadata added to it. 2. Workflow: All data items created in the lab are added metadata to a (lab-owned) workflow system. 3. Authoring: A paper is written in an authoring tool which can pull data with provenance from the workflow tool in the appropriate representation into the document. metadata 4. Editing and review: Once the co-authors agree, the paper is ‘exposed’ to the editors, who in turn expose it to metadata reviewers. Reports are stored in the authoring/editing system, the paper gets updated, until it is validated. Rats were subjected to two grueling tests (click on fig 2 to see underlying data). These results suggest that the neurological pain pro- Review Revise Edit
  • 74. Can we make data-driven papers? Work done with Ed Hovy, Phil Bourne, Gully Burns and Cartic Ramakrishnan 1. Research: Each item in the system has metadata metadata (including provenance) and relations to other data items metadata added to it. 2. Workflow: All data items created in the lab are added metadata to a (lab-owned) workflow system. 3. Authoring: A paper is written in an authoring tool which can pull data with provenance from the workflow tool in the appropriate representation into the document. metadata 4. Editing and review: Once the co-authors agree, the paper is ‘exposed’ to the editors, who in turn expose it to metadata reviewers. Reports are stored in the authoring/editing system, the paper gets updated, until it is validated. 5. Publishing and distribution: When a paper is published, a collection of validated information is exposed to the world. It remains connected to its related Rats were subjected to two grueling data item, and its heritage can be traced. tests (click on fig 2 to see underlying data). These results suggest that the neurological pain pro- Review Revise Edit
  • 75. Can we make data-driven papers? Work done with Ed Hovy, Phil Bourne, Gully Burns and Cartic Ramakrishnan 1. Research: Each item in the system has metadata metadata (including provenance) and relations to other data items metadata added to it. 2. Workflow: All data items created in the lab are added metadata to a (lab-owned) workflow system. 3. Authoring: A paper is written in an authoring tool which can pull data with provenance from the workflow tool in the appropriate representation into the document. metadata 4. Editing and review: Once the co-authors agree, the paper is ‘exposed’ to the editors, who in turn expose it to metadata reviewers. Reports are stored in the authoring/editing system, the paper gets updated, until it is validated. 5. Publishing and distribution: When a paper is published, a collection of validated information is exposed to the world. It remains connected to its related Rats were subjected to two grueling data item, and its heritage can be traced. tests (click on fig 2 to see underlying 6. User applications: distributed applications run on this data). These results suggest that the ‘exposed data’ universe. neurological pain pro- Some other publisher Review Revise Edit
  • 76. One step: encouraging submission of structured workflows
  • 78. Another step: ScienceDirect app store - Eclipse SDK platform accessing all ScienceDirect/Scopus content - Build applications on top of content - Offer to users in marketplace
  • 79. A third step: Executable Paper Challenge Goal: invite computer science community to help develop formats that: - add executable files and reproducible data to computer science papers; - handle storage and validation of very large files - help validation of data and code, and decrease the reviewer’s workload
  • 80. A third step: Executable Paper Challenge Goal: invite computer science community to help develop formats that: - add executable files and reproducible data to computer science papers; - handle storage and validation of very large files - help validation of data and code, and decrease the reviewer’s workload
  • 82. In Summary: 1. Stories: - ORB, Satellite: link to any part of content - bring it on!
  • 83. In Summary: 1. Stories: - ORB, Satellite: link to any part of content - bring it on! 2. Persuasion: - Logical structure for biological propositions; trace a claim through successive citations
  • 84. In Summary: 1. Stories: - ORB, Satellite: link to any part of content - bring it on! 2. Persuasion: - Logical structure for biological propositions; trace a claim through successive citations 3. Data: - Better data linking, better structuring of methods.
  • 85. In Summary: 1. Stories: - ORB, Satellite: link to any part of content - bring it on! 2. Persuasion: - Logical structure for biological propositions; trace a claim through successive citations 3. Data: - Better data linking, better structuring of methods. In conclusion: is the research paper going away?
  • 86. In Summary: 1. Stories: - ORB, Satellite: link to any part of content - bring it on! 2. Persuasion: - Logical structure for biological propositions; trace a claim through successive citations 3. Data: - Better data linking, better structuring of methods. In conclusion: is the research paper going away? I don’t think so! But it will be: - Structured better: authors will need to justify claims directly - Connected better: more traceable, better links to data and workflow components, and to other work
  • 87. Thank you! W3C group on Discourse Structure: SciVerse: Pangea project: Parsing rhetoric: Fact creation demo: LATSDemo102007/ Methods Navigator: SciVerse APIs: Executable Paper Challenge: Or mail me at: Anita de Waard,