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Old Cooke; new perspectives

                      OLD COOKE;
      Can a make of refractor over 150 years old rival the quality of modern optics? Neil English looks at the
       experience of a number of accomplished astronomers to discover the legacy of the Cooke refractors,

,,[To] our English Fraunhofer. .. whose science and skill           We shall begin with the Reverend       eight-inch (203mm) Cooke (that later
     had restored to England the pre-eminent position she      William Rutter Dawes (1799-1868),           became known as the Thorrowgood),
held a century ago in the time of Dollond."                    revered among double star observers         usually with a magnifYing power of
     So wrote the mystery obituarist in 1868 concerning        for bringing us his empirical formula       258x. His drawings, wrote Richard
the legacy of Thomas Cooke, master optician and                used to work out the minimum                Anthony Proctor, "are far better
founder ofT Cooke and Sons of York. It was a fitting           aperture needed to resolve double stars     than any others ... the views by Beer
accolade for a self-made Yorkshireman who had                  of a given angular separation. What is      and Miidler are good, as are some of
re-established the prestige of Britain as great telescope      less well known is that the Reverend        Secchi's (though they appear badly
builders throughout the Victorian era and beyond. From         was also a first rate planetary observer,   drawn). Nasmyth's and Phillips', De
humble origins and with little formal training, Cooke          apparently possessing extraordinary         La Rue's two views are also admirable;
went on to build some of the frnest telescopes of his          visual acuity. And he had an interesting    and Lockyer has given a better set of
generation, including tlle giant 25-inch (635mm) Newall        purchasing history, having used             views than any of the others. But there
refractor, which briefly enjoyed the distinction of being      refractors crafted by Dollond, Merz         is an amount of detail in Mr Dawes'
the largest instrun1ent of its kind in the world.              and MaJUer, Cooke and even the              views which renders them superior to
     Having had the pleasure of looking through a few          shining light of An1erican optics,          any yet taken." Camille Flammarion
Cooke refractors ranging in size from four inches (102mm)      tile portrait painter turned telescope      concurred: "The drawings by ...
up to ten inches (254mm), the images they served up never      maker, Alvan Clark.                         Dawes brought a new precision to
failed to impress me. But were my views of the Cooke                Yet, in the autumn of his life, old    studies of Mars."
refractors 'coloured' or even 'representative' of what other   'Eagle Eyes' returned to a Cooke
observers have found? Curious to find out, I first explored    refractor. Dawes had already made           Red star delight
some of the comments of historical observers who had used      some drawings of Mars in 1862 and at        Across the Irish Sea, at a beautiful,
Cooke refractors during the course of their careers.           earlier oppositions. In 1864, he used an    windswept rural estate near Milltown,

341 Astronomy Now I July 2011
Old Cooke; new perspectives

                                                                                          six-inch telescope, and for many eight inches seems to be
                                                                                          the smallest aperture they'd be happy with. The Encke
                                                                                          division (marking) is typically regarded today as a good
                                                                                          target for a ten-inch instrument (for the record, I've
                                                                                          personally not seen it). So, was it the fme optics Raman
                                                                                          had in his five-inch Cooke, or exceptional eyes, or both?
                                                                                         I guess we'll never know for sure!
                                                                                               We return, once again, to England and to the
                                                                                          fondly remembered British actor and comedian WIll
                                                                                         Hay (1888-1949). Though playing the consun1mate
                                                                                         idiot on stage, behind the scenes Hay was a gentleman
                                                                                         of encyclopaedic knowledge, with a predilection for
                                                                                         astronomical adventure. He set up a fine six-inch Cooke
                                                                                         refractor in a private observatory established at his home
                                                                                         in Norbury, London, to study the planets. On the faithful
                                                                                         night of 3 August 1933, Hay used this instrument and an
                                                                                         eyepiece delivering a power of 175 x to detect a prominent
                                                                                         white spot on Saturn. The spot, located in the planet's
                                                                                         equatorial zone, remained prominent for a few days before
                                                                                         mysteriously fading away. Although similar phenomena
                                                                                         were recorded by earlier observers (Asaph Hall in 1877
                                                                                         and E E Barnard in 1903), Hay is credited with the official
                                                                                         discovery. Curiously, Hay's beloved six-inch Cooke, like
                                                                                         the spot he discovered, inexplicably disappeared after his
                                                                                         death and, despite diligent attempts to locate .it, we are still   11'I[i.
                                                                                         none the wiser concerning its current whereabouts!                    ~:

                                                                                         Modern perceptions
                                                                                          How did these refractors of old settle with folk who have
                                                                                          had the pleasure of using them over years and decades? First,
                                                                                          I contacted Douglas Daniels, President of the Hampstead
                                                                                          Scientific Society, England, who has had the iinmense good
                                                                                          fortune of using the observatory's six-inch £'l5 Cooke since
                                                                                          1967. Doug spoke to me about his background and how he
                                                                                          became acquainted with Cooke refractors.
                                                                                               "I have always been a keen lunar and planetary
                                                                                         observer and telescope maker since I first became seduced
                                                                                         by astronomy at the age of 13 in 1953," he says. "I joined
 County Galway, John Birmingham (1814-1884) made                  ... A portable four-   the British Astronomical Association [BAA] in 1956,
use of a 4.5 -inch (114mm) Cooke refractor to embark              inch (102mm) fl15      which was the year of a very close opposition of Mars.
on a special study of red stars, in which he wished to            Cooke refractor.
                                                                  circa 1860, fixed      At that time, I had built a six-inch Newtonian reflector
undertake a revision and extension of the best resource           onto an original       using a mirror made by the late Henry Wildey. I was q.,uite
of its day on such objects, Hans Schjellerup's Catalogue          Cooke mount.           impressed by the performance of this instrument, both on
of Red Stars. In all, he included 658 such objects. This          Image: Richard Day.
                                                                                         Mars and Jupiter, but I was soon to meet another young
work was presented to the Royal Irish Academy in 1876                                    BAA member - Terry Pearce. Terry and I became good
and its merit was acknowledged by the award of the                                       friends (and still are!). Terry had managed to borrow a
Cunningham MedaL In 1881 Birmingham discovered                                           4.5-inch Cooke from the BAA and had set it up in his
a deep red star in Cygnus, which is named after him.                                     garden at Chingford in Essex. I was amazed at the sheer
He published articles on the transit of Venus and                                        size of it. It was on the usual Cooke, two-part cast iron
sunspot morphology made with the same telescope,                                         column and the equatorial mOlUlt was massive for an
corresponding regularly with the leading astronomers of                                  instrument of that size. But I was even more amazed when
his day. A lunar crater is named in his honour too.                                      I looked through it. The detail on both Mars and Jupiter
    Moving next to the Far East, to Bankura in India,                                    was astounding - far more contrast than with my six-inch
Chandrasekhar Venkata Raman (subsequently knighted),                                     reflector. That was my first taste of a Cooke."
the recipient of the 1930 Nobel Prize in Physics for his
contributions to optical science, was fond of using a five-inch
(l27mm) Cooke refractor. I came across one curious account            "AMATEURS HAVE BECOME SOMEWHAT
Raman made whilst using this telescope to observe Saturn:              OBSESSED WITH OPTICAL QUALITY AND
     " ... not only was the Crepe ring an easy object," he
                                                                      BENCH TESTING, YET THESE ANTIQUATED
says, "But for nearly one hour while tl1e definition was
perfect, I made out Encke's marking in the A-ring and               TELESCOPES CLEARLY HAVE THE POWER TO
held it steadily for practically the whole period."                           DELIVER THE READIES"
    Now the Crepe ring is quite a difficult target for a
---          _- _-      _- .._-- _- _-- _- _- _- _-                 -     _--    -

                                                                                            I asked Doug how and when he first became
                                                                                        acquainted with the Hampstead six-inch Cooke.
                                                                                            "In 1967 I joined the Hampstead Scientific
                                                                                        Society and was able to use the six-inch Cooke at the
                                                                                        Hampstead Observatory," he says. "Again, 1967 was
                                                                                        a year with a good opposition of Mars, and the detail
                                                                                        observed with the Cooke was so good that I began
                                                                                        to attempt photography. I built a special planetary
                                                                                        camera with a flip mirror system to keep the planet
                                                                                        under close surveillance waiting for clear moments to
                                                                                        make exposures - it was a sort of single lens reflex job
                                                                                        but without the lens! [remember, this was 1967!]. My
                                                                                       photographs came to the attention of an American
                                                                                       student called Ron Wells, who was doing a PhD on
                                                                                       Martian topography at University College London. Ron
                                                                                       was working at the University of London Observatory
                                                                                       at Mill Hill - just 15 minutes from my-home. I was
                                                                                       introduced to the Director, Professor Allen, and was
                                                                                       allowed to use the 18-inch (457mm) Grubb - I had the
                                                                                       key to the big dome for six months. On the same site,
                                                                                       there were two smaller domes. One contained the Fry
                                                                                       Telescope - an eight-inch Cooke. Once again the Cooke
                                                                                       was the instrument that impressed most. On most nights
                                                                                       of average seeing, it could easily outperform the 18-inch
• Some of Doug Daniel's                                                                Grubb. Only when the seeing was excellent could the
recorded detail of the Martian                                                        Grubb show slightly more detail."
opposition of 1967. Image:                                                                 Doug was more than happy to recount the
Doug Daniels.
                                                                                      telescope's long history.
                                                                                           "The Cooke was once owned by a member
                                                                                      called George Avenell," Doug says. "We know that
                                                                                      it was in use at the observatory in 1923. It was finally
                                                                                     presented to the society in 1928. Prior to this we have
                                                                                     no information. The optical tube appears to have
                                                                                     been manufactured around 1900, but we have no hard
                                                                                     evidence for this date. When I began using it in 1967,
                                                                                     it was mounted on an old Cooke equatorial from a
                                                                                     4.5-inch instrument that was too small. It had the old
                                                                                     Cooke falling weight drive and a worm sector, not a
                                                                                     complete wheel that was always getting jammed. In
                                                                                     the end we built our own heavy-duty mount in 1976,
                                                                                     driven by a stepper motor. A couple of years ago, I was
                                                                                    in correspondence with Martin Mobberley, who was
                                                                                    researching the six-inch Cooke once owned by Will
                                                                                    Hay. I was able to confirm that the Hampstead Cooke
 '-;,.J..     O·Q        ,.,._     ~         )( 3
                                                                                    was not Hay's instrument."
 F.P. 3             e~E.t                 Sec..
                                                                                          What about the telescope's maintenance? Is it, in
 "'.."..J~               ~o "";"'s ....Q            f'I>du",.
                                                                                    any sense, fastidious in its requirements? "Not at all,"
                                                                                    says Doug. "The objective is best left well alone. It gets
                                                                                    an annual wipe over with meths and a lint free cloth and
                                                                                    every few years is checked for squaring on, which hardly
 'lS/4/Q                                                                            needs any adjustment for long time periods. That's
 t>1I."'''''"<j       .. pl,()fO<j"fh                                               another nice aspect of refractors - they are virtually
 t4.....              S<......... Q'4Si.",                                          maintenance free, unlike reflectors which are constantly
             0 ....

              ~1.1<:l                                                               going out of square and need re-coating every few years."
 ~~             "l.J.    IS·      "~I()      b...J.O.q..
 Ph"'"      t 10<.      ."      fP· -S f'.I'~l                                    A new eye on an old telescope
                      ~cN"'"        'l5-~~
 De ...    f'l!Q
                                                                                   Next I canvassed the opinion of Dr Richard McKim,
                                                                                   Director of the Mars Section of the BAA, who has
                                                                                   used Cooke refractors in his extensive studies of the
                                                                                   red planet over the last few decades. "I have used many
                                                                                   refractors on a regular basis since the 1970s," explains
                                                                                   McKim. "The problem is, I have no basis of comparison
                                                                                   with other makes. Until 1988, the Northumberland
                                                                .....................................   -     -               -       --   - ..-..--- ..- -     -   - ~
Old cooke

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Old cooke

  • 1. Old Cooke; new perspectives OLD COOKE; NEW PERSPECTIVES Can a make of refractor over 150 years old rival the quality of modern optics? Neil English looks at the experience of a number of accomplished astronomers to discover the legacy of the Cooke refractors, ,,[To] our English Fraunhofer. .. whose science and skill We shall begin with the Reverend eight-inch (203mm) Cooke (that later had restored to England the pre-eminent position she William Rutter Dawes (1799-1868), became known as the Thorrowgood), held a century ago in the time of Dollond." revered among double star observers usually with a magnifYing power of So wrote the mystery obituarist in 1868 concerning for bringing us his empirical formula 258x. His drawings, wrote Richard the legacy of Thomas Cooke, master optician and used to work out the minimum Anthony Proctor, "are far better founder ofT Cooke and Sons of York. It was a fitting aperture needed to resolve double stars than any others ... the views by Beer accolade for a self-made Yorkshireman who had of a given angular separation. What is and Miidler are good, as are some of re-established the prestige of Britain as great telescope less well known is that the Reverend Secchi's (though they appear badly builders throughout the Victorian era and beyond. From was also a first rate planetary observer, drawn). Nasmyth's and Phillips', De humble origins and with little formal training, Cooke apparently possessing extraordinary La Rue's two views are also admirable; went on to build some of the frnest telescopes of his visual acuity. And he had an interesting and Lockyer has given a better set of generation, including tlle giant 25-inch (635mm) Newall purchasing history, having used views than any of the others. But there refractor, which briefly enjoyed the distinction of being refractors crafted by Dollond, Merz is an amount of detail in Mr Dawes' the largest instrun1ent of its kind in the world. and MaJUer, Cooke and even the views which renders them superior to Having had the pleasure of looking through a few shining light of An1erican optics, any yet taken." Camille Flammarion Cooke refractors ranging in size from four inches (102mm) tile portrait painter turned telescope concurred: "The drawings by ... up to ten inches (254mm), the images they served up never maker, Alvan Clark. Dawes brought a new precision to failed to impress me. But were my views of the Cooke Yet, in the autumn of his life, old studies of Mars." refractors 'coloured' or even 'representative' of what other 'Eagle Eyes' returned to a Cooke observers have found? Curious to find out, I first explored refractor. Dawes had already made Red star delight some of the comments of historical observers who had used some drawings of Mars in 1862 and at Across the Irish Sea, at a beautiful, Cooke refractors during the course of their careers. earlier oppositions. In 1864, he used an windswept rural estate near Milltown, 341 Astronomy Now I July 2011
  • 2. Old Cooke; new perspectives six-inch telescope, and for many eight inches seems to be the smallest aperture they'd be happy with. The Encke division (marking) is typically regarded today as a good target for a ten-inch instrument (for the record, I've personally not seen it). So, was it the fme optics Raman had in his five-inch Cooke, or exceptional eyes, or both? I guess we'll never know for sure! We return, once again, to England and to the fondly remembered British actor and comedian WIll Hay (1888-1949). Though playing the consun1mate idiot on stage, behind the scenes Hay was a gentleman of encyclopaedic knowledge, with a predilection for astronomical adventure. He set up a fine six-inch Cooke refractor in a private observatory established at his home in Norbury, London, to study the planets. On the faithful night of 3 August 1933, Hay used this instrument and an eyepiece delivering a power of 175 x to detect a prominent white spot on Saturn. The spot, located in the planet's equatorial zone, remained prominent for a few days before mysteriously fading away. Although similar phenomena were recorded by earlier observers (Asaph Hall in 1877 and E E Barnard in 1903), Hay is credited with the official discovery. Curiously, Hay's beloved six-inch Cooke, like the spot he discovered, inexplicably disappeared after his death and, despite diligent attempts to locate .it, we are still 11'I[i. none the wiser concerning its current whereabouts! ~: Modern perceptions How did these refractors of old settle with folk who have had the pleasure of using them over years and decades? First, I contacted Douglas Daniels, President of the Hampstead Scientific Society, England, who has had the iinmense good fortune of using the observatory's six-inch £'l5 Cooke since 1967. Doug spoke to me about his background and how he became acquainted with Cooke refractors. "I have always been a keen lunar and planetary observer and telescope maker since I first became seduced by astronomy at the age of 13 in 1953," he says. "I joined County Galway, John Birmingham (1814-1884) made ... A portable four- the British Astronomical Association [BAA] in 1956, use of a 4.5 -inch (114mm) Cooke refractor to embark inch (102mm) fl15 which was the year of a very close opposition of Mars. on a special study of red stars, in which he wished to Cooke refractor. circa 1860, fixed At that time, I had built a six-inch Newtonian reflector undertake a revision and extension of the best resource onto an original using a mirror made by the late Henry Wildey. I was q.,uite of its day on such objects, Hans Schjellerup's Catalogue Cooke mount. impressed by the performance of this instrument, both on of Red Stars. In all, he included 658 such objects. This Image: Richard Day. Mars and Jupiter, but I was soon to meet another young work was presented to the Royal Irish Academy in 1876 BAA member - Terry Pearce. Terry and I became good and its merit was acknowledged by the award of the friends (and still are!). Terry had managed to borrow a Cunningham MedaL In 1881 Birmingham discovered 4.5-inch Cooke from the BAA and had set it up in his a deep red star in Cygnus, which is named after him. garden at Chingford in Essex. I was amazed at the sheer He published articles on the transit of Venus and size of it. It was on the usual Cooke, two-part cast iron sunspot morphology made with the same telescope, column and the equatorial mOlUlt was massive for an corresponding regularly with the leading astronomers of instrument of that size. But I was even more amazed when his day. A lunar crater is named in his honour too. I looked through it. The detail on both Mars and Jupiter Moving next to the Far East, to Bankura in India, was astounding - far more contrast than with my six-inch Chandrasekhar Venkata Raman (subsequently knighted), reflector. That was my first taste of a Cooke." the recipient of the 1930 Nobel Prize in Physics for his contributions to optical science, was fond of using a five-inch (l27mm) Cooke refractor. I came across one curious account "AMATEURS HAVE BECOME SOMEWHAT Raman made whilst using this telescope to observe Saturn: OBSESSED WITH OPTICAL QUALITY AND " ... not only was the Crepe ring an easy object," he BENCH TESTING, YET THESE ANTIQUATED says, "But for nearly one hour while tl1e definition was perfect, I made out Encke's marking in the A-ring and TELESCOPES CLEARLY HAVE THE POWER TO held it steadily for practically the whole period." DELIVER THE READIES" Now the Crepe ring is quite a difficult target for a
  • 3. --- _- _- _- .._-- _- _-- _- _- _- _- - _-- - I asked Doug how and when he first became acquainted with the Hampstead six-inch Cooke. "In 1967 I joined the Hampstead Scientific Society and was able to use the six-inch Cooke at the Hampstead Observatory," he says. "Again, 1967 was a year with a good opposition of Mars, and the detail observed with the Cooke was so good that I began to attempt photography. I built a special planetary camera with a flip mirror system to keep the planet under close surveillance waiting for clear moments to make exposures - it was a sort of single lens reflex job but without the lens! [remember, this was 1967!]. My photographs came to the attention of an American student called Ron Wells, who was doing a PhD on Martian topography at University College London. Ron was working at the University of London Observatory at Mill Hill - just 15 minutes from my-home. I was introduced to the Director, Professor Allen, and was allowed to use the 18-inch (457mm) Grubb - I had the key to the big dome for six months. On the same site, there were two smaller domes. One contained the Fry Telescope - an eight-inch Cooke. Once again the Cooke was the instrument that impressed most. On most nights of average seeing, it could easily outperform the 18-inch • Some of Doug Daniel's Grubb. Only when the seeing was excellent could the recorded detail of the Martian Grubb show slightly more detail." opposition of 1967. Image: Doug was more than happy to recount the Doug Daniels. telescope's long history. "The Cooke was once owned by a member called George Avenell," Doug says. "We know that it was in use at the observatory in 1923. It was finally presented to the society in 1928. Prior to this we have no information. The optical tube appears to have been manufactured around 1900, but we have no hard evidence for this date. When I began using it in 1967, it was mounted on an old Cooke equatorial from a 4.5-inch instrument that was too small. It had the old Cooke falling weight drive and a worm sector, not a complete wheel that was always getting jammed. In the end we built our own heavy-duty mount in 1976, driven by a stepper motor. A couple of years ago, I was in correspondence with Martin Mobberley, who was researching the six-inch Cooke once owned by Will !l./.ool.., Hay. I was able to confirm that the Hampstead Cooke '-;,.J.. O·Q ,.,._ ~ )( 3 was not Hay's instrument." F.P. 3 e~E.t Sec.. What about the telescope's maintenance? Is it, in "'.."..J~ ~o "";"'s ....Q f'I>du",. any sense, fastidious in its requirements? "Not at all," says Doug. "The objective is best left well alone. It gets an annual wipe over with meths and a lint free cloth and every few years is checked for squaring on, which hardly 'lS/4/Q needs any adjustment for long time periods. That's t>1I."'''''"<j .. pl,()fO<j"fh another nice aspect of refractors - they are virtually t4..... S<......... Q'4Si.", maintenance free, unlike reflectors which are constantly ~h." 0 .... ~1.1<:l going out of square and need re-coating every few years." ~~ "l.J. IS· "~I() b...J.O.q.. Ph"'" t 10<. ." fP· -S f'.I'~l A new eye on an old telescope ~cN"'" 'l5-~~ De ... f'l!Q Next I canvassed the opinion of Dr Richard McKim, Director of the Mars Section of the BAA, who has used Cooke refractors in his extensive studies of the red planet over the last few decades. "I have used many refractors on a regular basis since the 1970s," explains McKim. "The problem is, I have no basis of comparison with other makes. Until 1988, the Northumberland ..................................... - - - -- - ..-..--- ..- - - - ~