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Ojijo’s Nine Principles of Investing 
ق Principle 1: Financial Goal Setting! 
$ What Is My Financial goal? 
A financial goal is a target I want to achieve. It is the ‘what I want to do or be’. My 
financial goal is the place I want to go to; the life I want to live; the career I want to 
practice; the money I want to earn; the health I want to have; and the adventure I 
want to experience. ‘It is not enough to do my best; me must KNOW what to do, and then 
do my best.’ said W. Edwards Deming, American statistician, professor, author, 
lecturer, and consultant. Today, I will define and describe my financial goals. 
$ Financial Goals To Be Smart! 
My financial goal must be smart. 
A SMART financial goal is one that is Specific, Measurable, Action orientated, Realistic and 
Time stamped. 
Specific – my objectives need to be specific, what exactly do me hope to achieve and 
why? Being rich for example is not a smart financial goal because it is not specific 
enough. I must know by how much: 1 million dollars? 200,000 dollars? Paul Nitze 
wrote, ‘One of the most dangerous forms of human error is forgetting what one is trying to 
achieve.’ People with clear financial goals, accomplish far more in a shorter period of 
time than people without. 
Measurable – My objectives need to be measurable. I need a way of measuring my 
progress to see whether I am target. This will allow me to tweak my action plan if 
needed, to get the desired results. When writing my financial goals, I will create 
benchmarks or milestones that I can use to measure my progress and know whether 
I am on track, off-track or not moving at all: stagnating. I will set financial goals and 
posts, so that when I move closer to it, I know, and when I move away from it, I will 
also know. With this, nobody can stop me, nobody can slow me down, and nobody 
can wear me out. 
Action orientated – I need an action plan. How am I going to achieve what I want? 
What are the necessary steps? What are my daily, weekly and monthly tasks? 
Financial goals + Actions = Results. I need to make a commitment towards 
implementing my action plan. My actions will ultimately determine my level of 
success. Steve Chandler said, ‘a financial goal without an action plan is a day financial 
dream.’ I will ask myself, ‘What can I do today to get one step, however small, closer to 
achieving my financial goals?’ I will then take daily action towards my financial goals
and financial dreams. Mike Murdock was right, ‘my future is hidden in what I do daily’. 
I must make the first step to begin my journey of a thousand miles. Angelo 
D’Amico wrote, ‘I will accomplish my financial dream of tomorrow by acting today’. My 
success tomorrow will be the result of my actions today. My success is the sum of 
my past experiences. Without the foundation of my yesterday, my today would be 
pillared on nothingness; hopeless. ‘We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not 
an act, but a habit.’ said Aristotle. I will work towards and achieve my financial goals 
gradually, but I must start today. The anonymous 13th century mystic must be 
quoted now, ‘I can only start the journey from where I am; and not where I am going’. In 
the future we will say one of the two things, ‘I wish I had’ or ‘I am glad I did,’ but 
we make that choice today’. I should make the choice today. NOW! Most people 
unfortunately just expect success to happen, what they fail to realise is that success 
comes to those who make it happen. Men of action are favoured by the goddess of 
good luck. ‘Financial goals allow me to control the direction of change in my favor.’ Brian 
Tracy said. It is proven that 95% of achieving anything in life is knowing what it is 
that we want. 
Realistic – Is my action plan and objective achievable? If not, I should go back and 
tweak it such that it is. I should ask myself, can I possibly sell goods worth 1 million 
dollars in two days? Can I possibly earn 200% return on my investment in six 
months? If the goal is not realistic, it is a wish, and will frustrate me. I need to set 
realistic goals. Big, but realistic. 
Time stamped – I will put a date on achieving my targets and ensure that I remain 
accountable. Napoleon Hill wrote, ‘A financial goal is a financial dream with a deadline’. 
By when do I want to earn my first 100,000 dollars? By when do I want to earn my 
first one million dollars? I must state the year, month, and date. I must time stamp 
my financial goal.
ق Principle 2: Leveraging! 
“Leverage is the reason some people with money become rich, and others with money do not 
become rich.” 
There’s a saying: 
I need money to make more money. 
Every financial goal and result requires resources; from building a house, to investing, 
to starting a business, to attending school to get an education. After all, ‘there is no 
such thing as something for nothing’, Napoleon Hill reminds us. The Egyptians were 
right, ‘There grows no wheat where there is no grain.’ I to earn money, I must use 
money. To use fewer resources, and still achieve my financial goals, I need to work 
smart; I need to employ the concept of leverage. What resources am I going to need 
to help me achieve my desired outcome? The trick is to use fewer resources, and 
achieve more results. The trick is to work smart. The trick is to leverage. 
Leverage is the process of using less to achieve more. The root word for leverage – lever 
– comes from an old French word meaning “to make lighter,” which is an apt 
description of the power of leverage. Leverage allows people to work smarter, not 
harder. Even the Bible says in Proverbs, 23:4-5: ‘do not overwork to be rich.’ 
"Give me a lever long enough and a place to stand, and I can move the Earth." 
– Archimedes 
To lift a heavy object, I have a choice: use leverage or not. I can try to lift the object 
directly – risking injury and certain failure– or I can use a lever, such as a jack or a 
long plank of wood, to transfer some of the weight, and then lift the object that way. 
Leverage is about using other people’s resources to achieve my financial goals; other 
people’s STEM (skills, time, effort & money) to achieve my financial goals; leverage 
is about using less of my own, to achieve more. A smart financial goal is one that 
employs leverage. 
Leverage is borrowing money, which I use to make even more money. The money-making 
potential is always proportional to the total amount of money involved. 
Whether it is borrowed or not, it does not matter. As a common saying goes in 
Kenya, ‘money has no colour.’ Millions of people struggle financially because the 
power of debt leverage is used against them. Good debt makes me rich and bad debt 
makes me poor. Robert Kiyosaki said, “I retired young and rich because we were deeply 
in debt, deeply in debt with good debt, debt that made us rich and financially free.“ People 
without leverage work for those with leverage.
Leverage is the use of various financial instruments or borrowed capital, such as margin 
trading, putting down lesser amount of money, and using it to control larger 
amount of money, hence, earning the margin. It is used in futures, forwards, options, 
as well as forex trading, re-purchase agreements, future contracts, and most forms of 
commodity trading. 
Leverage is making sure both my principal, as well as the interest it earns, earn me 
interest. This is the “The rule of 72,” also called the “doubling concept”, a mind - 
boggling wealth-building concept that the world’s top investment brokers teach 
their rich clients. 
The poor and middle class have a hard time getting rich because they try to use their 
own money to get rich. If I want to get rich, I need to know how to use other 
people’s money to get rich… not my own. 
I can read about how to leveraging time, leveraging skills, or leveraging effort in Ojijo’s 69 
Ways to Make Extra Money While Keeping My Day Job!
ق Principle 3: Saving-2-Invest! 
How do I start investing money? By saving! The key to investing is savings. An 
effective savings strategy coupled with a smart investing strategy will help me to 
meet my financial goals. ‘if you cannot save money, the seeds of greatness are not in you.’ 
wrote W. Clement Stone. 
Money should not just be saved; rather, it should be saved for investing. When it is just 
saved, it is kept, and it loses value due to inflation. However, when it is invested, it 
purchases assets, and sells those assets, at more money, called profit, or interest, or 
dividend. This is why money is called currency; it should be in constant state of 
motion, not static. Today, out of every amount of money I earn, I will save 10% and 
invest it. Saving what I earn is the first step to acquiring assets. In his masterpiece, 
The Richest Man in Babylon, George Clason, the soldier, businessman and writer, 
advises income earners thus; ‘pay yourself first.’ To save is to pay myself. Savings are 
used to create more money, not to pay bills. Benjamin Franklin, one of the Founding 
Fathers of the United States and a noted polymath, author, printer, satirist, political 
theorist, politician, scientist, inventor, civic activist, statesman, soldier, and diplomat 
was right, ‘A penny saved is a penny earned.’ This is one area where the Universal Law 
of Accumulation works. 
To save, I need to apply Ojijo three saving strategies. The three rules of saving; the three 
saving strategies are: 
1) Put away 
2) Put away small 
3) Put away small regularly 
Saving in assets: the other method of saving is to directly purchase an asset, so that the 
money is saved in the asset. I can read extensively about the saving strategies in 
Making My Child Financially Intelligent - Money Lessons by Age Group (from 3-13 yrs). 
Further, in order to save-2-invest, I need a budget. Budgeting helps me to plan my finances. 
Budgeting lies at the foundation of every financial plan. Unlike what most people 
might believe, budgeting is not all about restricting what I spend money on and 
cutting out all the fun in my life.. Budgeting is understanding how much money I 
have, where it goes, and then planning how to best allocate the money. It does not 
matter if I am living paycheck to paycheck or earning six-figures a year, I need to 
know where my money is going if I want to have a handle on my finances. I will 
remember, ‘…money arrives like a tortoise, BUT departs like a hare!’ 
To create a budget, I will use The Ojijo 10% Budget Plan. The Ojijo 10% Budget Plan 
requires that I divide my revenue into TEN equal and separate areas, which all get 
10% of the revenue allocation. The equality is premised on the fact that all parts of 
my daily living are equally important.
The Ojijo 10% Budget plan is as below: 
1. Giving to help the needy, whether directly or indirectly; as tithe or charity; or 
through the church, mosque, temple or Red Cross, etc.; 
2. Rent & Utilities, including security & gardeners, mortgage, home insurance, 
lease, etc; 
3. Saving-2-Invest in various assets, which will also include retirement plan 
payments as (old age) insurance; 
4. Entertainment, including vacations, gifts, club membership fees, hobbies, etc; 
5. Education, both personal and for children, including seminars, talent 
development programs and education insurance plan, etc; 
6. Food & Drinks, excluding those taken as entertainment, e.g, alcohol, etc; 
7. Transport & Communication, including fuel, repair and insurance; 
8. Clothes & Personal Hygiene, including leg wear, sprays, jewellery and 
bathing items, etc; 
9. Household & House Maintenance, including furniture & fixtures; kitchen 
appliances; and house help expenses, as well as property insurance; 
10. Emergency & Insurance Fund. This covers my emergencies, including health 
insurance and life insurance premiums since, since disease can and will strike at 
anytime; and death, however certain, is always an emergency. 
The rule of thumb is that any excess money that remains from any of the categories will 
be added to category 3 and invested to make me financially independent. 
I can read extensively about budgeting in Making My Child Financially Intelligent - Money 
Lessons by Age Group (from 3-13 yrs).
ق Principle 4: Long Term Investing! 
Many people want to get rich, or invest in the investments the rich invest in, but most 
are not willing to invest the time. Almost anyone can easily become a millionaire if 
they simply follows a long-term plan. But again, most people are not willing to 
invest the time, they want to get rich NOW. Instead they say things like ‘investing is 
risky’ or ‘it takes money to make money’ or ‘I don’t have the time to learn to invest. I’m too 
busy working and I have bills to pay,’” Robert Kiyosaki says, 
“Their ideas about money and investing cause their money problems.” 
All they have to do is change a few words, a few ideas, and their financial world will 
change like magic. But most people are too busy working and they do not have the 
time. ‘Always invest in the long-term’, Warren Buffet advises. I need to invest long 
term. I should not be influenced by short-term fluctuations. These are inevitable in 
all economies as well as businesses experience the boom and bust cycle. I should not 
try to time the market. I need to get in and stay in. I should review my plan 
periodically, and whenever my needs or circumstances change. If I am not confident 
that my plan makes sense, I will talk to an investment advisor or someone I trust. A 
long-term view helps me to safely invest in 'riskier' investments, such as stocks, 
which the market rewards in general. This requires patience and discipline, but it 
increases returns. This approach reduces my choices to two: stocks and stock mutual 
funds. In the long run, they are the winners. The additional risk is worth it due to 
the power of compounding. 10% a year for 20 years is 570%, but 7% a year for 20 
years is only 280%. I should not procrastinate. Research shows that since 1960’s, five 
year and above investment in the stock market always brings positive return on 
investment. Warren Buffett advises thus: ‘The rich invest in time, the poor invest in 
money.’ Most investors lack control or are out of control. rich dad used, 
“There is risk driving a car. But driving the car with your hands off the steering wheel is really 
risky.” He then said, “When it comes to investing, most people are driving with their hands 
off the steering wheel.” 
If I didn’t have a plan, a little discipline, and some determination, the other investor 
controls would not mean much. 
I should begin now because an early start can make all the difference. An early start 
provides a long time horizon for compounding to show its true benefit for the 
investor. For average people, investing is not so much a helpful tool as the only way 
they can retire and maintain their present lifestyle. By investing long term, I am 
planning ahead. By planning ahead I can ensure financial stability during my 
retirement. ‘It never was my thinking that made the big money for me. It was always my 
sitting. My sitting tight!’ said Edwin Lefevre. This blunt warning is treated by many
financial advisers like the Holy Bible. Once I arrange my assets into my ideal 
allocation, I should not tinker. Warren Buffett again advises me, ‘I never attempt to 
make money on the stock market. I buy on assumption they could close the market the next 
day and not re-open it for five years.’ 
I will rebalance once a year to keep my mix on track, but otherwise, I will listen to 
Livermore and sit tight. Henry Ross Perot, the American billionaire noted, ‘Most 
people give up just when they are about to achieve success. They quit on one yard line. They 
give up the at last minute of the game one foot from a winning touch down.’ I will 
remember that even if the market tanks it always recovers for long term investors, 
and when it is low I will snatch up a lot of shares at bargain prices. As long as I am 
dollar-cost averaging I will always be buying shares at a cheaper price. 
The market can remain irrational longer than I can remain solvent. Bubbles occur. 
However, investors should never attempt to short them because, while bubbles 
eventually burst, they can grow larger and last longer than investor resources. This 
requires patience and discipline, but it increases returns. The additional risk is worth 
it due to the power of compounding. To invest long term, I should not procrastinate. 
I should begin now because an early start makes all the difference. An early start 
provides a long time horizon for compounding to show its true benefit for the 
Further, I should invest long term since the liquidation value (if I said, ' give me my 
money back'), I will often get less than my original capital contributions during the 
first two years. That is to say, investing in the stock market is a long-term 
proposition, and I may only see my contribution increase in value after the second 
year or so of investing.
ق Principle 5: Portfolio Diversification! 
“Only a fool tests the water’s depth with both feet. “ (Ghanaian Proverb) 
Portfolio diversification is the golden rule of successful investment: This simple strategy is 
overlooked by 85% of investors. Diversification is a fundamental aspect of financial 
planning. In a nutshell, it is the old adage to not put all my eggs in one basket. If I 
have all my eggs in one basket and something happens to the basket then I am in big 
trouble. But instead, let me say I keep some of my eggs in the refrigerator. Then if 
something happens to the eggs in the basket I still have the ones in the refrigerator. 
The practice of diversification says that I should have a little in each of these to 
diversify myself against risk of the stock market and whatever else might happen in 
There are two main methods of diversifying ones portfolio: 
$ THE AGE METHOD: One of the most popular formulas designed to provide a stage of 
life allocation - the age method - is to subtract your age from 100 to determine my share 
percentage, put 10% in cash and the remainder in bonds. 
$ TIME HORIZON METHOD: The next method that can be used is the resource / 
financial goal method. Here I would need to determine my time horizon. The longer the 
period (time) the greater the share allocation. Money that is needed in the short term 
should not be invested into shares 
I will diversify - by company, by industry, by company size and by geography. In stocks 
and bonds, there is safety in numbers. No matter how careful I am, I can neither 
predict nor control the future. So I must diversify. ‘In stocks and bonds, as in much else, 
there is safety in numbers.’ If I own the right number of stocks, bonds and funds and 
they are allocated across several categories, industries and geographies, I can 
substantially lower the risk of losses to our portfolio and increase returns at the 
same time. If I diversify properly; I can lower risk AND improve returns at the same 
time, making this a no-brainer. Diversification is the process of finding the investing 
sweet spot where I can optimize risk vs. return. 
Woody Allen stated the general idea when he said: “The advantage of being bi-sexual is 
that it doubles your chances for a date on Saturday night.” 
Diversification is about mixing: Another critical piece is the diversification mix. I want to 
invest in a wide variety of industries, categories and geographies to ensure that 
when one specific area goes south, it does not tank my whole portfolio. My portfolio 
should be spread across a wide variety of categories and geographies, most of which 
will not correlate at all with anything going on in telecom, some may even be
inversely correlated (meaning they do well when telecoms do poorly). To diversity, I 
need a portfolio. 
PORTFOLIO: A combination of different investment assets mixed and matched for 
the purpose of achieving an investor's financial goal(s). 
For example, if I own a telecom and suddenly the industry is getting bad press due to invasion of 
privacy lawsuits, the rest of our portfolio can cover the losses of that stock. Why? If we're 
diversified, that is probably our only telecom investments, the rest are in unrelated industries 
and will not be directly affected by these lawsuits. 
Diversification reduces risk: Diversification is important. If I spread my investments 
across various types of assets and markets, I will reduce the risk of catastrophi c 
financial losses. Diversifying investments in a portfolio helps to manage risk. The 
safest port in a sea of uncertainty is diversification. As most successful investors will tell 
me, diversification is king. A diversified portfolio not only reduces unwanted risk, but 
also contributes to a winning portfolio. And having a well-diversified portfolio does 
not necessarily mean just buying more than one stock; branching out into other 
areas of investment could be a viable alternative. 
The strategy to get rich is entirely different than the strategy to stay rich. One gets rich through 
inheritance or by taking risk. One stays rich by minimizing risk, diversifying and not 
spending too much. 
Items that are considered a part of my portfolio can range from real items such as art 
and real estate, to equities, fixed-income instruments and their cash and equivalents. 
There is not just one strategy that can be used to invest successfully. Ideally an 
investment portfolio should have both equity and debt instruments. Using this 
guideline I can allocate my money as best fits my personal situation. This strategy 
does not even rely on my ability to pick stocks. It relies on the principle of 
diversification. I should divide my money between these types of investments.
ق Principle 6: Dollar Cost Averaging! 
Dollar cost averaging is buying at intervals: Dollar cost averaging is a technique by which 
an investor divides the given investment over a period of time and invests that 
amount on a regular basis as opposed to buying in all at once. When I buy the same 
stock or mutual fund at regular intervals and with a fixed amount, I am said to be using the 
dollar cost averaging method. 
If the market price of the selected stock or mutual fund declines, the investor will buy a 
greater number of shares. On the other hand, when the market price of the selected 
stock or mutual fund increases, the investor will buy lesser number of shares. 
Dollar cost averaging reduces risk of price fluctuations: By putting in, say, $100 each month 
(rather than a large amount once a year), I sometimes buy when the prices of the 
units of the fund are higher, and sometimes when prices are lower. In the end, the 
purchase prices average out. I can hence reduce some of the risk that poor timing 
and potentially adverse price fluctuations will have on my investment decisions. 
Just about any fund company or bank will let me invest like this with an automatic 
payment plan. 
However, dollar cost averaging will not protect me in a steadily declining market. 
Further, if I discontinue with a dollar cost averaging plan, I will lose money when 
the market value is less than cost of the shares.
Month Dollars 
Price per share No. of shares purchased 
January 100 12.76 7.84 
February 100 13.25 7.55 
March 100 15.25 6.56 
April 100 18.76 5.33 
May 100 20.26 4.94 
June 100 18.85 5.31 
July 100 15.62 6.40 
August 100 17.85 5.60 
September 100 16.62 6.02 
October 100 13.26 7.54 
November 100 14.5 6.90 
December 100 16.76 5.97 
Total 1,200 193.74 75.94 
Average price per share = 193.74/12 = $ 16.15 
Average cost per share = 1,200/75.94 = $ 15.80 
Dollar cost averaging encourages automatic savings: The best thing about dollar cost 
averaging is that it gets me into the habit of saving every single month. Dollar cost 
averaging permits systematic contributions to an investment portfolio periodically, 
hence encouraging savings Dollar-averaging (continuing to invest the same amount 
of money every month) really works. 
This investing strategy will, over a period of time, result in the investor buying the 
selected stock or mutual fund at an average cost per share that will be less than the 
average price per share. 
For example, assuming that a person invests $100 per month for 12 months in a 
Mutual Fund; as can be seen from the below table, the average cost per share is 
lower than the average price per share.
ق Principle 7: Risk Tolerance! 
“risk is the other side of investing” 
Risk is a necessary element of life. There is always the chance that something will not 
work out for me and this chance is called risk. There is a risk in everything I choose 
to do in life including my financial life. The broad range of investment 
opportunities represents varied levels of risks and rewards. History unequivocally 
supports this ‘no free lunch’ principle. Stocks (high risk) have paid more than 
government bonds (medium risk), which in turn have beaten low-risk Treasury bills. 
Among many, many other things, this law suggests that to earn returns high enough 
to build true wealth, I have to put some of my money in risky assets like stocks-the 
only investment to handily beat inflation over time. As Rich Dad said, “What good is 
making a lot of money if you wind up losing it all?” 
The greater the risk I take, the greater the reward I will receive. This applies to 
investments but also to life decisions. In the financial world this is illustrated when I 
choose to invest in a stock over a safer investment. The extra risk I take is rewarded 
in terms of the stocks growth. In our personal world this is illustrated in a decision 
to attend college. Attending college is essentially a case of one assuming a risk. I am 
foregoing years of income for the chance that the increased education will pay off for 
me in more income in the long run. This is actually a pretty safe investment that 
usually works. Bill Gates was right, ‘To win big, you sometimes have to take big risks.’ 
If I want to invest with very low risk and high returns, I have to pay the price. And the 
price involves study, lots of study. I need to study the basics of business. So to be a 
rich investor, “I have to be a good business owner, or know a business owner.” 
$ Types of Risk 
Depending on the nature of the investment, the type of 'investment' risk will vary. The 
risk can be caused by market changes, interest rates fluctuation, management 
imprudence, liquidity rates, industry practices, political issues, etc. 
$ Risk Reduction Strategies 
Since there is imminent risk in entrepreneurship, every entrepreneur should take risk 
reduction measures. I can do this by applying various strategies: 
Experimenting: The first strategy is to experiment. This involves taking action through a 
series of low cost events and projects before committing a great deal of resources 
(time, energy, skills and money).
Risk Sharing: Risk sharing by partnership with individuals or corporations that have 
complementary skills will increase the chance of success while reducing the risk in 
terms of time, skills, money and energy that is required. 
Risk Should Be Proportional To Available Disposable Income: The golden rule surrounding 
all investing is: I should not spend more than I can afford to lose. This is the absolute 
truth. As a general rule in risk taking, I should not take more risk than ability, 
willingness or need dictates. I should take risk with money I can afford to lose. 
Risk Should Depend On My Investment Objectives: The two main investment objectives are 
income generation and capital appreciation. Capital appreciation will require high risk, 
high return investments like equities, while income generation require low risk, 
fixed securities, like bonds. 
Risk Should Be Based On My Financial Position: As multi-millionaire, in an effort to 
increase my profit for the year; I may have no problem putting down $100,000 in a 
speculative real estate investment. 
Risk Should Be Based On My Age: A 75-year-old widow living off of her retirement 
portfolio needs income from her investments to survive, she cannot risk losing her 
investment, and takes a passive investment strategy. A 35 year old young executive, 
on the other hand, has time on his or her side, and hence, takes an aggressive 
investment strategy. 
Diversification Mitigates Risk: Whatever my personality type, putting my eggs in 
different baskets protects me from a failure in one industry sector, or one company. 
Knowledge Mitigates Risk: The more extensive my knowledge of what has been done, the 
greater will be my power of knowing what (not) to do. ‘As a general rule, the most 
successful man in life is the man who has the best information.’ said Benjamin Disraeli. I 
should build my knowledge base to help me in achieving financial independence. 
Whether it takes a week, a month or a year to become thoroughly knowledgeable, it 
does not matter. I should start learning immediately, today. Investing is a big bet on 
an unknowable future. I should accept I need to learn, and then learn. This will 
reduce the risk of venturing into this unknowable future. Think about how much 
information I have! Too little increases risk. Warren Buffett said, ‘Risk comes from not 
knowing what you are doing.’
ق Principle 8: Knowledge-Based Investing! 
To be a great investor, I need have a great financial IQ. 
Financial literacy is one of the most important investor basics, especially if I want to be a 
safe investor, an inside investor, and a rich investor. Kiyosaki said, 
“Anyone who is not financially literate cannot see into an investment.” 
Improving my financial literacy ultimately reduces my risk and improves my 
investment returns. 
I don’t need to be an expert in order to achieve satisfactory investment returns. But I 
must recognize my limitations. It’s vital, however, that I recognize the perimeter of 
my “circle of competence” and stay well inside of it. I will focus on the future 
productivity of the asset I am considering. No one has the ability to evaluate every 
investment possibility, but I need to forecast for five years to ten years, at the least. If 
I lack the ability to estimate future earnings, I should move on to other prospects. If I 
don’t feel comfortable making a rough estimate of the asset’s future earnings, I will 
forget it and move on. 
I need to be an informed investor. Investing is the key to building wealth, but investing 
in and of itself is not enough. If I have to invest, I need to invest wisely! I do not 
need to be a financial expert to invest, but I do need to learn some basic terminology 
and concepts so that I am better equipped to make informed decisions. This is what 
this guide is all about. Investment is not speculation. Investment is informed 
speculation. My financial goal is to be informed enough to understand and analyze 
what I hear. Then I can decide what fits with my investing personality. When asked 
how he managed to become a rich investor, Warren Buffet said, ‘we read hundreds and 
hundreds of reports every year.’ 
Investors are willing to pay for knowledge. They read books, journals and magazines 
ranging from investing to personal development. They attend seminars to improve 
themselves. They are voracious. Successful investors know that their cup of 
knowledge must never be full so they always keep their minds open; ever ready to 
learn. Robert Kiyosaki reminds investors that investment is all about being an 
insider. To be an insider today, I will be informed. As Kiyosaki says, “knowledge is 
the new money”. 
I make the most money as an investor by being financially literate as well as knowing 
internal strengths and weaknesses of the investment. I find the best investment 
opportunities from understanding accounting, the tax code, business law, and corporate law. 
The more I read financial statements, annual reports, and prospectuses, the more my 
financial intelligence, or financial vision, increases. Over time I will begin to see
things that the average investor never sees. It is in these invisible realms where the 
real investors shop for the biggest investment bargains. As Warren Buffet says, “the 
income statement and balance sheet the magic carpet of investing.” Learning to read 
financial statements is a tedious process, especially when I first begin to learn. The 
good news is that it gets easier and faster as I practice. But not only does it get easier, 
but I can also review many more investment opportunities almost automatically 
without thinking, just like riding a bike, or driving a car. 
The reason most people suffer financially is because they purchase liabilities and list 
them under assets. If I want to be rich for generations, I must know the difference 
between an asset and a liability. I must know the difference between something of 
value and something that reduces value. I will always remember that my expense is 
someone else’s income, and my liabilities are someone else’s asset. When I am out of 
control of my cash flow, I make the people who are in control of their cash flow rich. 
I need to understand the financial ratios, mainly the return on equity, return on assets, 
and return on capital, which all analyse how the transforms capital into profit for 
investors. The other ratios are debt to equity ratios, or leverage ratios, which indicate 
what percentage of the company is funded by debt, and hence, how much more debt 
the company can absorb before it becomes fully leveraged. 
Warren Buffett never invests in businesses he cannot understand or that are outside his 
“Circle of Competence.” All investors can, over time, obtain and intensify their 
“Circle of Competence” in an industry where they are professionally involved or in 
some sector of business they enjoy researching. 
Buffett’s logic is compelling: “If you own a company (either fully or some of its shares) in an 
industry you do not understand, it is impossible to accurately interpret developments and 
therefore impossible to make wise decisions.” 
There is a great investing saying thus, ‘Invest in things you know.’ Peter Lynch said it best 
when he said, ‘Never invest in an idea I cannot illustrate with a crayon.’
ق Principle 9: Re-Investing & Compounding! 
Reinvesting means plaughing back what I earn as profit into purchasing more assets, 
hence, investing it. When I am investing, I should not be a hungry investor. If I make a 
profit, at least 50% should be ploughed back in investments. Compounding is the 
most important principle in saving and investing. It has been called the eighth 
wonder of the world. It is the key concept of any saving and investing plan. Albert 
Einstein called compound interest ‘the greatest mathematical discovery of all time’. This 
is true partly because, unlike the trigonometry or calculus I studied back in high 
school, compounding can be applied to everyday life, and in finance, it applies to 
amplify the growth of my working money. Whereas investing maximizes my earning 
potential, compounding maximizes the earning potential of my investments. 
Compounding makes money make more money: The wonder of compounding (‘compound 
interest’) transforms my working money into a state-of-the-art, highly powerful 
income-generating tool. Compounding is the process of generating earnings on an 
asset's reinvested earnings. To work, it requires two things: re-investment of earnings 
and time. 
The more time I give my investments, the more I am able to accelerate the income 
potential of my original investment, which takes the pressure off of me. 
Compounding is premised on the doctrine of the Time Value of Money. (TVM). Time 
Value of Money (TVM) is the idea that money available at the present time is worth 
more than the same amount in the future due to its potential earning 
capacity. This core principle of finance holds, provided money can earn interest, any 
amount of money is worth more the sooner it is received. The time value of money 
demonstrates, all things being equal, it is better to have money now rather than 
later. I need to start investment now, today. I need to start investing now, today. By 
giving my investment more time to grow, I earn myself more money. Investments 
start to grow slowly and then accelerate. The invested money accumulates interest, 
and the accumulated interest is itself accruing more interest. Everyone knows that 
money deposited in a savings account will earn interest. Because of this universal 
fact, I would prefer to receive money today rather than the same amount in the 
future. The earlier I put money to work, the longer it works for the members, and 
the more wealth is generated. It makes a lot of sense. Wealth is generated via 
production. The longer my money works in good companies, the more time it has to 
produce further profit; profit which I also get to share. 
Reinvesting earnings allows me to take advantage of compounding. I must keep hands off 
the principal and earned interest. Compounding is realized by reinvesting the earned 
income or interest. Reinvesting is the investment of both principal and income from 
principal rather than distributing it as dividends or profits. Reinvestment of resources is a 
useful strategy that all entrepreneurs regularly employ. As long as I do not need the
income (from dividend payouts), It is generally a good idea to reinvest. Reinvestment 
dovetails with the investing maxim of ‘dollar cost averaging,’ which holds that 
investors do well to consistently invest small amounts of money. The return I 
receive on an investment is interest. If I invest $20,000 and it returns a modest 10% a 
year then I will have earned $2,000 in interest. Compounding interest is the 
escalating effect of interest. As an example, if my $20,000 investment was returning 
10% per year after 10 years I would expect to receive $20,000 in interest. Actually it is 
much more than that. Compounding interest ensures the amount I earn is more. After 
Year 1 I receive $2,000 which makes my investment $22,000. For Year 2, 10% of 
$22,000 is $2,200. This is because I reinvested that $2,000; it works together with the 
original investment. This means the amount of interest I receive in year 2 is greater 
than year 1. This interest I am earning is compounding. Every year, my investment 
compounds more and more. After 5 years my investment of $20,000 has gone up to 
$32,210. That is interest of $12,210 not $10,000 as I first thought. This little bit extra 
may seem like peanuts, but I did not have to lift a finger to earn that $2,210. More 
importantly, this $2,210 also starts to earn interest. At the end of 10 years my 
investment is worth $51,875. I have returned $31,875 and not $20,000. 
Dividend Reinvestment: When I am paid a dividend, I typically can choose to receive it in 
cash or reinvest it and purchase additional stock. Dividend reinvestment is a 
systematic method of accumulating shares of a stock that pays a dividend. Many 
investors use dividend reinvestment as part of a long-term buy-and-hold investment 
program. This will happen even as I send voluntary contributions to purchase 
additional shares. Further, putting dividend reinvestment stocks in a retirement 
account can shelter the dividends from current tax liability. If I choose to reinvest 
our dividends, in effect, we're taking the dividend payment in stock instead of cash. 
Reinvesting dividend income is an important part of the overall return on our 
investment as a club. It is similar to compounding interest, with the principal of our 
investment constantly growing and theoretically paying higher dividends each 
quarter. The process takes time, but reinvesting our dividends can increase our total 
return in the long run. The cool thing is that I can put all of my profit back to work, 
and effectively have more money generating more profit. This process can keep 
iterating so long as I do not withdraw my money.
The Author, Ojijo, is a public speaker and consultant in financial literacy, collective 
investment schemes (investment clubs and saccos), and business financial projections; 
lawyer and guest lecturer in financial services law, law firm management, and ICT 
law; author of 36 books; Rotarian; Inua Kijana Fellow; PoetPianist; and 
owner,,,, www.aj,, and 
Email: Mobile:+256776100059

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Ojijo 9 principles of investing -ojijo pascal

  • 1. Ojijo’s Nine Principles of Investing (Extracted from INVEST: OJIJO’S GUIDE TO FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS AND ALTERNATIVE INVESTMNT VEHICLES) ق Principle 1: Financial Goal Setting! $ What Is My Financial goal? A financial goal is a target I want to achieve. It is the ‘what I want to do or be’. My financial goal is the place I want to go to; the life I want to live; the career I want to practice; the money I want to earn; the health I want to have; and the adventure I want to experience. ‘It is not enough to do my best; me must KNOW what to do, and then do my best.’ said W. Edwards Deming, American statistician, professor, author, lecturer, and consultant. Today, I will define and describe my financial goals. $ Financial Goals To Be Smart! My financial goal must be smart. A SMART financial goal is one that is Specific, Measurable, Action orientated, Realistic and Time stamped. Specific – my objectives need to be specific, what exactly do me hope to achieve and why? Being rich for example is not a smart financial goal because it is not specific enough. I must know by how much: 1 million dollars? 200,000 dollars? Paul Nitze wrote, ‘One of the most dangerous forms of human error is forgetting what one is trying to achieve.’ People with clear financial goals, accomplish far more in a shorter period of time than people without. Measurable – My objectives need to be measurable. I need a way of measuring my progress to see whether I am target. This will allow me to tweak my action plan if needed, to get the desired results. When writing my financial goals, I will create benchmarks or milestones that I can use to measure my progress and know whether I am on track, off-track or not moving at all: stagnating. I will set financial goals and posts, so that when I move closer to it, I know, and when I move away from it, I will also know. With this, nobody can stop me, nobody can slow me down, and nobody can wear me out. Action orientated – I need an action plan. How am I going to achieve what I want? What are the necessary steps? What are my daily, weekly and monthly tasks? Financial goals + Actions = Results. I need to make a commitment towards implementing my action plan. My actions will ultimately determine my level of success. Steve Chandler said, ‘a financial goal without an action plan is a day financial dream.’ I will ask myself, ‘What can I do today to get one step, however small, closer to achieving my financial goals?’ I will then take daily action towards my financial goals
  • 2. and financial dreams. Mike Murdock was right, ‘my future is hidden in what I do daily’. I must make the first step to begin my journey of a thousand miles. Angelo D’Amico wrote, ‘I will accomplish my financial dream of tomorrow by acting today’. My success tomorrow will be the result of my actions today. My success is the sum of my past experiences. Without the foundation of my yesterday, my today would be pillared on nothingness; hopeless. ‘We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.’ said Aristotle. I will work towards and achieve my financial goals gradually, but I must start today. The anonymous 13th century mystic must be quoted now, ‘I can only start the journey from where I am; and not where I am going’. In the future we will say one of the two things, ‘I wish I had’ or ‘I am glad I did,’ but we make that choice today’. I should make the choice today. NOW! Most people unfortunately just expect success to happen, what they fail to realise is that success comes to those who make it happen. Men of action are favoured by the goddess of good luck. ‘Financial goals allow me to control the direction of change in my favor.’ Brian Tracy said. It is proven that 95% of achieving anything in life is knowing what it is that we want. Realistic – Is my action plan and objective achievable? If not, I should go back and tweak it such that it is. I should ask myself, can I possibly sell goods worth 1 million dollars in two days? Can I possibly earn 200% return on my investment in six months? If the goal is not realistic, it is a wish, and will frustrate me. I need to set realistic goals. Big, but realistic. Time stamped – I will put a date on achieving my targets and ensure that I remain accountable. Napoleon Hill wrote, ‘A financial goal is a financial dream with a deadline’. By when do I want to earn my first 100,000 dollars? By when do I want to earn my first one million dollars? I must state the year, month, and date. I must time stamp my financial goal.
  • 3. ق Principle 2: Leveraging! “Leverage is the reason some people with money become rich, and others with money do not become rich.” -Ojijo There’s a saying: I need money to make more money. Every financial goal and result requires resources; from building a house, to investing, to starting a business, to attending school to get an education. After all, ‘there is no such thing as something for nothing’, Napoleon Hill reminds us. The Egyptians were right, ‘There grows no wheat where there is no grain.’ I to earn money, I must use money. To use fewer resources, and still achieve my financial goals, I need to work smart; I need to employ the concept of leverage. What resources am I going to need to help me achieve my desired outcome? The trick is to use fewer resources, and achieve more results. The trick is to work smart. The trick is to leverage. Leverage is the process of using less to achieve more. The root word for leverage – lever – comes from an old French word meaning “to make lighter,” which is an apt description of the power of leverage. Leverage allows people to work smarter, not harder. Even the Bible says in Proverbs, 23:4-5: ‘do not overwork to be rich.’ "Give me a lever long enough and a place to stand, and I can move the Earth." – Archimedes To lift a heavy object, I have a choice: use leverage or not. I can try to lift the object directly – risking injury and certain failure– or I can use a lever, such as a jack or a long plank of wood, to transfer some of the weight, and then lift the object that way. Leverage is about using other people’s resources to achieve my financial goals; other people’s STEM (skills, time, effort & money) to achieve my financial goals; leverage is about using less of my own, to achieve more. A smart financial goal is one that employs leverage. Leverage is borrowing money, which I use to make even more money. The money-making potential is always proportional to the total amount of money involved. Whether it is borrowed or not, it does not matter. As a common saying goes in Kenya, ‘money has no colour.’ Millions of people struggle financially because the power of debt leverage is used against them. Good debt makes me rich and bad debt makes me poor. Robert Kiyosaki said, “I retired young and rich because we were deeply in debt, deeply in debt with good debt, debt that made us rich and financially free.“ People without leverage work for those with leverage.
  • 4. Leverage is the use of various financial instruments or borrowed capital, such as margin trading, putting down lesser amount of money, and using it to control larger amount of money, hence, earning the margin. It is used in futures, forwards, options, as well as forex trading, re-purchase agreements, future contracts, and most forms of commodity trading. Leverage is making sure both my principal, as well as the interest it earns, earn me interest. This is the “The rule of 72,” also called the “doubling concept”, a mind - boggling wealth-building concept that the world’s top investment brokers teach their rich clients. The poor and middle class have a hard time getting rich because they try to use their own money to get rich. If I want to get rich, I need to know how to use other people’s money to get rich… not my own. I can read about how to leveraging time, leveraging skills, or leveraging effort in Ojijo’s 69 Ways to Make Extra Money While Keeping My Day Job!
  • 5. ق Principle 3: Saving-2-Invest! How do I start investing money? By saving! The key to investing is savings. An effective savings strategy coupled with a smart investing strategy will help me to meet my financial goals. ‘if you cannot save money, the seeds of greatness are not in you.’ wrote W. Clement Stone. Money should not just be saved; rather, it should be saved for investing. When it is just saved, it is kept, and it loses value due to inflation. However, when it is invested, it purchases assets, and sells those assets, at more money, called profit, or interest, or dividend. This is why money is called currency; it should be in constant state of motion, not static. Today, out of every amount of money I earn, I will save 10% and invest it. Saving what I earn is the first step to acquiring assets. In his masterpiece, The Richest Man in Babylon, George Clason, the soldier, businessman and writer, advises income earners thus; ‘pay yourself first.’ To save is to pay myself. Savings are used to create more money, not to pay bills. Benjamin Franklin, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States and a noted polymath, author, printer, satirist, political theorist, politician, scientist, inventor, civic activist, statesman, soldier, and diplomat was right, ‘A penny saved is a penny earned.’ This is one area where the Universal Law of Accumulation works. To save, I need to apply Ojijo three saving strategies. The three rules of saving; the three saving strategies are: 1) Put away 2) Put away small 3) Put away small regularly Saving in assets: the other method of saving is to directly purchase an asset, so that the money is saved in the asset. I can read extensively about the saving strategies in Making My Child Financially Intelligent - Money Lessons by Age Group (from 3-13 yrs). Further, in order to save-2-invest, I need a budget. Budgeting helps me to plan my finances. Budgeting lies at the foundation of every financial plan. Unlike what most people might believe, budgeting is not all about restricting what I spend money on and cutting out all the fun in my life.. Budgeting is understanding how much money I have, where it goes, and then planning how to best allocate the money. It does not matter if I am living paycheck to paycheck or earning six-figures a year, I need to know where my money is going if I want to have a handle on my finances. I will remember, ‘…money arrives like a tortoise, BUT departs like a hare!’ To create a budget, I will use The Ojijo 10% Budget Plan. The Ojijo 10% Budget Plan requires that I divide my revenue into TEN equal and separate areas, which all get 10% of the revenue allocation. The equality is premised on the fact that all parts of my daily living are equally important.
  • 6. The Ojijo 10% Budget plan is as below: 1. Giving to help the needy, whether directly or indirectly; as tithe or charity; or through the church, mosque, temple or Red Cross, etc.; 2. Rent & Utilities, including security & gardeners, mortgage, home insurance, lease, etc; 3. Saving-2-Invest in various assets, which will also include retirement plan payments as (old age) insurance; 4. Entertainment, including vacations, gifts, club membership fees, hobbies, etc; 5. Education, both personal and for children, including seminars, talent development programs and education insurance plan, etc; 6. Food & Drinks, excluding those taken as entertainment, e.g, alcohol, etc; 7. Transport & Communication, including fuel, repair and insurance; 8. Clothes & Personal Hygiene, including leg wear, sprays, jewellery and bathing items, etc; 9. Household & House Maintenance, including furniture & fixtures; kitchen appliances; and house help expenses, as well as property insurance; 10. Emergency & Insurance Fund. This covers my emergencies, including health insurance and life insurance premiums since, since disease can and will strike at anytime; and death, however certain, is always an emergency. The rule of thumb is that any excess money that remains from any of the categories will be added to category 3 and invested to make me financially independent. I can read extensively about budgeting in Making My Child Financially Intelligent - Money Lessons by Age Group (from 3-13 yrs).
  • 7. ق Principle 4: Long Term Investing! Many people want to get rich, or invest in the investments the rich invest in, but most are not willing to invest the time. Almost anyone can easily become a millionaire if they simply follows a long-term plan. But again, most people are not willing to invest the time, they want to get rich NOW. Instead they say things like ‘investing is risky’ or ‘it takes money to make money’ or ‘I don’t have the time to learn to invest. I’m too busy working and I have bills to pay,’” Robert Kiyosaki says, “Their ideas about money and investing cause their money problems.” All they have to do is change a few words, a few ideas, and their financial world will change like magic. But most people are too busy working and they do not have the time. ‘Always invest in the long-term’, Warren Buffet advises. I need to invest long term. I should not be influenced by short-term fluctuations. These are inevitable in all economies as well as businesses experience the boom and bust cycle. I should not try to time the market. I need to get in and stay in. I should review my plan periodically, and whenever my needs or circumstances change. If I am not confident that my plan makes sense, I will talk to an investment advisor or someone I trust. A long-term view helps me to safely invest in 'riskier' investments, such as stocks, which the market rewards in general. This requires patience and discipline, but it increases returns. This approach reduces my choices to two: stocks and stock mutual funds. In the long run, they are the winners. The additional risk is worth it due to the power of compounding. 10% a year for 20 years is 570%, but 7% a year for 20 years is only 280%. I should not procrastinate. Research shows that since 1960’s, five year and above investment in the stock market always brings positive return on investment. Warren Buffett advises thus: ‘The rich invest in time, the poor invest in money.’ Most investors lack control or are out of control. rich dad used, “There is risk driving a car. But driving the car with your hands off the steering wheel is really risky.” He then said, “When it comes to investing, most people are driving with their hands off the steering wheel.” If I didn’t have a plan, a little discipline, and some determination, the other investor controls would not mean much. I should begin now because an early start can make all the difference. An early start provides a long time horizon for compounding to show its true benefit for the investor. For average people, investing is not so much a helpful tool as the only way they can retire and maintain their present lifestyle. By investing long term, I am planning ahead. By planning ahead I can ensure financial stability during my retirement. ‘It never was my thinking that made the big money for me. It was always my sitting. My sitting tight!’ said Edwin Lefevre. This blunt warning is treated by many
  • 8. financial advisers like the Holy Bible. Once I arrange my assets into my ideal allocation, I should not tinker. Warren Buffett again advises me, ‘I never attempt to make money on the stock market. I buy on assumption they could close the market the next day and not re-open it for five years.’ I will rebalance once a year to keep my mix on track, but otherwise, I will listen to Livermore and sit tight. Henry Ross Perot, the American billionaire noted, ‘Most people give up just when they are about to achieve success. They quit on one yard line. They give up the at last minute of the game one foot from a winning touch down.’ I will remember that even if the market tanks it always recovers for long term investors, and when it is low I will snatch up a lot of shares at bargain prices. As long as I am dollar-cost averaging I will always be buying shares at a cheaper price. The market can remain irrational longer than I can remain solvent. Bubbles occur. However, investors should never attempt to short them because, while bubbles eventually burst, they can grow larger and last longer than investor resources. This requires patience and discipline, but it increases returns. The additional risk is worth it due to the power of compounding. To invest long term, I should not procrastinate. I should begin now because an early start makes all the difference. An early start provides a long time horizon for compounding to show its true benefit for the investor. Further, I should invest long term since the liquidation value (if I said, ' give me my money back'), I will often get less than my original capital contributions during the first two years. That is to say, investing in the stock market is a long-term proposition, and I may only see my contribution increase in value after the second year or so of investing.
  • 9. ق Principle 5: Portfolio Diversification! “Only a fool tests the water’s depth with both feet. “ (Ghanaian Proverb) Portfolio diversification is the golden rule of successful investment: This simple strategy is overlooked by 85% of investors. Diversification is a fundamental aspect of financial planning. In a nutshell, it is the old adage to not put all my eggs in one basket. If I have all my eggs in one basket and something happens to the basket then I am in big trouble. But instead, let me say I keep some of my eggs in the refrigerator. Then if something happens to the eggs in the basket I still have the ones in the refrigerator. The practice of diversification says that I should have a little in each of these to diversify myself against risk of the stock market and whatever else might happen in life. There are two main methods of diversifying ones portfolio: $ THE AGE METHOD: One of the most popular formulas designed to provide a stage of life allocation - the age method - is to subtract your age from 100 to determine my share percentage, put 10% in cash and the remainder in bonds. $ TIME HORIZON METHOD: The next method that can be used is the resource / financial goal method. Here I would need to determine my time horizon. The longer the period (time) the greater the share allocation. Money that is needed in the short term should not be invested into shares I will diversify - by company, by industry, by company size and by geography. In stocks and bonds, there is safety in numbers. No matter how careful I am, I can neither predict nor control the future. So I must diversify. ‘In stocks and bonds, as in much else, there is safety in numbers.’ If I own the right number of stocks, bonds and funds and they are allocated across several categories, industries and geographies, I can substantially lower the risk of losses to our portfolio and increase returns at the same time. If I diversify properly; I can lower risk AND improve returns at the same time, making this a no-brainer. Diversification is the process of finding the investing sweet spot where I can optimize risk vs. return. Woody Allen stated the general idea when he said: “The advantage of being bi-sexual is that it doubles your chances for a date on Saturday night.” Diversification is about mixing: Another critical piece is the diversification mix. I want to invest in a wide variety of industries, categories and geographies to ensure that when one specific area goes south, it does not tank my whole portfolio. My portfolio should be spread across a wide variety of categories and geographies, most of which will not correlate at all with anything going on in telecom, some may even be
  • 10. inversely correlated (meaning they do well when telecoms do poorly). To diversity, I need a portfolio. PORTFOLIO: A combination of different investment assets mixed and matched for the purpose of achieving an investor's financial goal(s). For example, if I own a telecom and suddenly the industry is getting bad press due to invasion of privacy lawsuits, the rest of our portfolio can cover the losses of that stock. Why? If we're diversified, that is probably our only telecom investments, the rest are in unrelated industries and will not be directly affected by these lawsuits. Diversification reduces risk: Diversification is important. If I spread my investments across various types of assets and markets, I will reduce the risk of catastrophi c financial losses. Diversifying investments in a portfolio helps to manage risk. The safest port in a sea of uncertainty is diversification. As most successful investors will tell me, diversification is king. A diversified portfolio not only reduces unwanted risk, but also contributes to a winning portfolio. And having a well-diversified portfolio does not necessarily mean just buying more than one stock; branching out into other areas of investment could be a viable alternative. The strategy to get rich is entirely different than the strategy to stay rich. One gets rich through inheritance or by taking risk. One stays rich by minimizing risk, diversifying and not spending too much. Items that are considered a part of my portfolio can range from real items such as art and real estate, to equities, fixed-income instruments and their cash and equivalents. There is not just one strategy that can be used to invest successfully. Ideally an investment portfolio should have both equity and debt instruments. Using this guideline I can allocate my money as best fits my personal situation. This strategy does not even rely on my ability to pick stocks. It relies on the principle of diversification. I should divide my money between these types of investments.
  • 11. ق Principle 6: Dollar Cost Averaging! Dollar cost averaging is buying at intervals: Dollar cost averaging is a technique by which an investor divides the given investment over a period of time and invests that amount on a regular basis as opposed to buying in all at once. When I buy the same stock or mutual fund at regular intervals and with a fixed amount, I am said to be using the dollar cost averaging method. If the market price of the selected stock or mutual fund declines, the investor will buy a greater number of shares. On the other hand, when the market price of the selected stock or mutual fund increases, the investor will buy lesser number of shares. Dollar cost averaging reduces risk of price fluctuations: By putting in, say, $100 each month (rather than a large amount once a year), I sometimes buy when the prices of the units of the fund are higher, and sometimes when prices are lower. In the end, the purchase prices average out. I can hence reduce some of the risk that poor timing and potentially adverse price fluctuations will have on my investment decisions. Just about any fund company or bank will let me invest like this with an automatic payment plan. However, dollar cost averaging will not protect me in a steadily declining market. Further, if I discontinue with a dollar cost averaging plan, I will lose money when the market value is less than cost of the shares.
  • 12. Month Dollars Invested Price per share No. of shares purchased January 100 12.76 7.84 February 100 13.25 7.55 March 100 15.25 6.56 April 100 18.76 5.33 May 100 20.26 4.94 June 100 18.85 5.31 July 100 15.62 6.40 August 100 17.85 5.60 September 100 16.62 6.02 October 100 13.26 7.54 November 100 14.5 6.90 December 100 16.76 5.97 Total 1,200 193.74 75.94 Average price per share = 193.74/12 = $ 16.15 Average cost per share = 1,200/75.94 = $ 15.80 Dollar cost averaging encourages automatic savings: The best thing about dollar cost averaging is that it gets me into the habit of saving every single month. Dollar cost averaging permits systematic contributions to an investment portfolio periodically, hence encouraging savings Dollar-averaging (continuing to invest the same amount of money every month) really works. This investing strategy will, over a period of time, result in the investor buying the selected stock or mutual fund at an average cost per share that will be less than the average price per share. For example, assuming that a person invests $100 per month for 12 months in a Mutual Fund; as can be seen from the below table, the average cost per share is lower than the average price per share.
  • 13. ق Principle 7: Risk Tolerance! “risk is the other side of investing” -Ojijo Risk is a necessary element of life. There is always the chance that something will not work out for me and this chance is called risk. There is a risk in everything I choose to do in life including my financial life. The broad range of investment opportunities represents varied levels of risks and rewards. History unequivocally supports this ‘no free lunch’ principle. Stocks (high risk) have paid more than government bonds (medium risk), which in turn have beaten low-risk Treasury bills. Among many, many other things, this law suggests that to earn returns high enough to build true wealth, I have to put some of my money in risky assets like stocks-the only investment to handily beat inflation over time. As Rich Dad said, “What good is making a lot of money if you wind up losing it all?” The greater the risk I take, the greater the reward I will receive. This applies to investments but also to life decisions. In the financial world this is illustrated when I choose to invest in a stock over a safer investment. The extra risk I take is rewarded in terms of the stocks growth. In our personal world this is illustrated in a decision to attend college. Attending college is essentially a case of one assuming a risk. I am foregoing years of income for the chance that the increased education will pay off for me in more income in the long run. This is actually a pretty safe investment that usually works. Bill Gates was right, ‘To win big, you sometimes have to take big risks.’ If I want to invest with very low risk and high returns, I have to pay the price. And the price involves study, lots of study. I need to study the basics of business. So to be a rich investor, “I have to be a good business owner, or know a business owner.” $ Types of Risk Depending on the nature of the investment, the type of 'investment' risk will vary. The risk can be caused by market changes, interest rates fluctuation, management imprudence, liquidity rates, industry practices, political issues, etc. $ Risk Reduction Strategies Since there is imminent risk in entrepreneurship, every entrepreneur should take risk reduction measures. I can do this by applying various strategies: Experimenting: The first strategy is to experiment. This involves taking action through a series of low cost events and projects before committing a great deal of resources (time, energy, skills and money).
  • 14. Risk Sharing: Risk sharing by partnership with individuals or corporations that have complementary skills will increase the chance of success while reducing the risk in terms of time, skills, money and energy that is required. Risk Should Be Proportional To Available Disposable Income: The golden rule surrounding all investing is: I should not spend more than I can afford to lose. This is the absolute truth. As a general rule in risk taking, I should not take more risk than ability, willingness or need dictates. I should take risk with money I can afford to lose. Risk Should Depend On My Investment Objectives: The two main investment objectives are income generation and capital appreciation. Capital appreciation will require high risk, high return investments like equities, while income generation require low risk, fixed securities, like bonds. Risk Should Be Based On My Financial Position: As multi-millionaire, in an effort to increase my profit for the year; I may have no problem putting down $100,000 in a speculative real estate investment. Risk Should Be Based On My Age: A 75-year-old widow living off of her retirement portfolio needs income from her investments to survive, she cannot risk losing her investment, and takes a passive investment strategy. A 35 year old young executive, on the other hand, has time on his or her side, and hence, takes an aggressive investment strategy. Diversification Mitigates Risk: Whatever my personality type, putting my eggs in different baskets protects me from a failure in one industry sector, or one company. Knowledge Mitigates Risk: The more extensive my knowledge of what has been done, the greater will be my power of knowing what (not) to do. ‘As a general rule, the most successful man in life is the man who has the best information.’ said Benjamin Disraeli. I should build my knowledge base to help me in achieving financial independence. Whether it takes a week, a month or a year to become thoroughly knowledgeable, it does not matter. I should start learning immediately, today. Investing is a big bet on an unknowable future. I should accept I need to learn, and then learn. This will reduce the risk of venturing into this unknowable future. Think about how much information I have! Too little increases risk. Warren Buffett said, ‘Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing.’
  • 15. ق Principle 8: Knowledge-Based Investing! To be a great investor, I need have a great financial IQ. Financial literacy is one of the most important investor basics, especially if I want to be a safe investor, an inside investor, and a rich investor. Kiyosaki said, “Anyone who is not financially literate cannot see into an investment.” Improving my financial literacy ultimately reduces my risk and improves my investment returns. I don’t need to be an expert in order to achieve satisfactory investment returns. But I must recognize my limitations. It’s vital, however, that I recognize the perimeter of my “circle of competence” and stay well inside of it. I will focus on the future productivity of the asset I am considering. No one has the ability to evaluate every investment possibility, but I need to forecast for five years to ten years, at the least. If I lack the ability to estimate future earnings, I should move on to other prospects. If I don’t feel comfortable making a rough estimate of the asset’s future earnings, I will forget it and move on. I need to be an informed investor. Investing is the key to building wealth, but investing in and of itself is not enough. If I have to invest, I need to invest wisely! I do not need to be a financial expert to invest, but I do need to learn some basic terminology and concepts so that I am better equipped to make informed decisions. This is what this guide is all about. Investment is not speculation. Investment is informed speculation. My financial goal is to be informed enough to understand and analyze what I hear. Then I can decide what fits with my investing personality. When asked how he managed to become a rich investor, Warren Buffet said, ‘we read hundreds and hundreds of reports every year.’ Investors are willing to pay for knowledge. They read books, journals and magazines ranging from investing to personal development. They attend seminars to improve themselves. They are voracious. Successful investors know that their cup of knowledge must never be full so they always keep their minds open; ever ready to learn. Robert Kiyosaki reminds investors that investment is all about being an insider. To be an insider today, I will be informed. As Kiyosaki says, “knowledge is the new money”. I make the most money as an investor by being financially literate as well as knowing internal strengths and weaknesses of the investment. I find the best investment opportunities from understanding accounting, the tax code, business law, and corporate law. The more I read financial statements, annual reports, and prospectuses, the more my financial intelligence, or financial vision, increases. Over time I will begin to see
  • 16. things that the average investor never sees. It is in these invisible realms where the real investors shop for the biggest investment bargains. As Warren Buffet says, “the income statement and balance sheet the magic carpet of investing.” Learning to read financial statements is a tedious process, especially when I first begin to learn. The good news is that it gets easier and faster as I practice. But not only does it get easier, but I can also review many more investment opportunities almost automatically without thinking, just like riding a bike, or driving a car. The reason most people suffer financially is because they purchase liabilities and list them under assets. If I want to be rich for generations, I must know the difference between an asset and a liability. I must know the difference between something of value and something that reduces value. I will always remember that my expense is someone else’s income, and my liabilities are someone else’s asset. When I am out of control of my cash flow, I make the people who are in control of their cash flow rich. I need to understand the financial ratios, mainly the return on equity, return on assets, and return on capital, which all analyse how the transforms capital into profit for investors. The other ratios are debt to equity ratios, or leverage ratios, which indicate what percentage of the company is funded by debt, and hence, how much more debt the company can absorb before it becomes fully leveraged. Warren Buffett never invests in businesses he cannot understand or that are outside his “Circle of Competence.” All investors can, over time, obtain and intensify their “Circle of Competence” in an industry where they are professionally involved or in some sector of business they enjoy researching. Buffett’s logic is compelling: “If you own a company (either fully or some of its shares) in an industry you do not understand, it is impossible to accurately interpret developments and therefore impossible to make wise decisions.” There is a great investing saying thus, ‘Invest in things you know.’ Peter Lynch said it best when he said, ‘Never invest in an idea I cannot illustrate with a crayon.’
  • 17. ق Principle 9: Re-Investing & Compounding! Reinvesting means plaughing back what I earn as profit into purchasing more assets, hence, investing it. When I am investing, I should not be a hungry investor. If I make a profit, at least 50% should be ploughed back in investments. Compounding is the most important principle in saving and investing. It has been called the eighth wonder of the world. It is the key concept of any saving and investing plan. Albert Einstein called compound interest ‘the greatest mathematical discovery of all time’. This is true partly because, unlike the trigonometry or calculus I studied back in high school, compounding can be applied to everyday life, and in finance, it applies to amplify the growth of my working money. Whereas investing maximizes my earning potential, compounding maximizes the earning potential of my investments. Compounding makes money make more money: The wonder of compounding (‘compound interest’) transforms my working money into a state-of-the-art, highly powerful income-generating tool. Compounding is the process of generating earnings on an asset's reinvested earnings. To work, it requires two things: re-investment of earnings and time. The more time I give my investments, the more I am able to accelerate the income potential of my original investment, which takes the pressure off of me. Compounding is premised on the doctrine of the Time Value of Money. (TVM). Time Value of Money (TVM) is the idea that money available at the present time is worth more than the same amount in the future due to its potential earning capacity. This core principle of finance holds, provided money can earn interest, any amount of money is worth more the sooner it is received. The time value of money demonstrates, all things being equal, it is better to have money now rather than later. I need to start investment now, today. I need to start investing now, today. By giving my investment more time to grow, I earn myself more money. Investments start to grow slowly and then accelerate. The invested money accumulates interest, and the accumulated interest is itself accruing more interest. Everyone knows that money deposited in a savings account will earn interest. Because of this universal fact, I would prefer to receive money today rather than the same amount in the future. The earlier I put money to work, the longer it works for the members, and the more wealth is generated. It makes a lot of sense. Wealth is generated via production. The longer my money works in good companies, the more time it has to produce further profit; profit which I also get to share. Reinvesting earnings allows me to take advantage of compounding. I must keep hands off the principal and earned interest. Compounding is realized by reinvesting the earned income or interest. Reinvesting is the investment of both principal and income from principal rather than distributing it as dividends or profits. Reinvestment of resources is a useful strategy that all entrepreneurs regularly employ. As long as I do not need the
  • 18. income (from dividend payouts), It is generally a good idea to reinvest. Reinvestment dovetails with the investing maxim of ‘dollar cost averaging,’ which holds that investors do well to consistently invest small amounts of money. The return I receive on an investment is interest. If I invest $20,000 and it returns a modest 10% a year then I will have earned $2,000 in interest. Compounding interest is the escalating effect of interest. As an example, if my $20,000 investment was returning 10% per year after 10 years I would expect to receive $20,000 in interest. Actually it is much more than that. Compounding interest ensures the amount I earn is more. After Year 1 I receive $2,000 which makes my investment $22,000. For Year 2, 10% of $22,000 is $2,200. This is because I reinvested that $2,000; it works together with the original investment. This means the amount of interest I receive in year 2 is greater than year 1. This interest I am earning is compounding. Every year, my investment compounds more and more. After 5 years my investment of $20,000 has gone up to $32,210. That is interest of $12,210 not $10,000 as I first thought. This little bit extra may seem like peanuts, but I did not have to lift a finger to earn that $2,210. More importantly, this $2,210 also starts to earn interest. At the end of 10 years my investment is worth $51,875. I have returned $31,875 and not $20,000. Dividend Reinvestment: When I am paid a dividend, I typically can choose to receive it in cash or reinvest it and purchase additional stock. Dividend reinvestment is a systematic method of accumulating shares of a stock that pays a dividend. Many investors use dividend reinvestment as part of a long-term buy-and-hold investment program. This will happen even as I send voluntary contributions to purchase additional shares. Further, putting dividend reinvestment stocks in a retirement account can shelter the dividends from current tax liability. If I choose to reinvest our dividends, in effect, we're taking the dividend payment in stock instead of cash. Reinvesting dividend income is an important part of the overall return on our investment as a club. It is similar to compounding interest, with the principal of our investment constantly growing and theoretically paying higher dividends each quarter. The process takes time, but reinvesting our dividends can increase our total return in the long run. The cool thing is that I can put all of my profit back to work, and effectively have more money generating more profit. This process can keep iterating so long as I do not withdraw my money.
  • 19. ........................... The Author, Ojijo, is a public speaker and consultant in financial literacy, collective investment schemes (investment clubs and saccos), and business financial projections; lawyer and guest lecturer in financial services law, law firm management, and ICT law; author of 36 books; Rotarian; Inua Kijana Fellow; PoetPianist; and owner,,,, www.aj,, and Email: Mobile:+256776100059